WEB newsletter 18-01-15
WEB newsletter 18-01-15
St. Matthew’s Weekly Newsletter Welcome to worship Welcome to St. Matthew’s. We trust that you feel at home as we worship together. Epiphany 2 18 January 2015 We invite everyone to stay for a cup of tea /coffee after the Sunday services. Bible Reading 9am 1 Samuel 3:1-11 John 1: 43-51 Response after Bible Readings Leader: Hear the word of the Lord Response: Thanks be to God Welcome to St. Matthew’s Family Room. Children are very welcome at St. Matthew's and that means their noise is welcome too. This room is here if you feel the need to step out of the service or would like some more privacy but still want to see and hear what’s going on in the service. OPEN FROM 9.30AM AVAILABLE FROM FOYER. COLOURING-IN SHEETS SCHOOL KIDS ACTIVITY SHEETS 9am—Summer Worship Led Dirk van Doorene KUCA in recess for school holidays 6.45pm—Evening Worship Includes Holy Communion Led by Dirk van Doorene and Jane Cole What’s happening this week A monthly calendar of activities is listed in ‘In Focus’ our monthly newsletter. Copies are available from the table in the foyer, the church office and on our website. MONDAY 19 JANUARY NO SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES TUESDAY 20 JANUARY 9am-2pm—Op Shop REOPENS 9am-3pm—Riverlink in the Preschool 10am—Christian Meditation Catholic Church Canyon Rd B.Hills WEDNESDAY 21 JANUARY 9am-3pm—Riverlink in the Preschool 10am-12noon—Men’s Morning Tea in lower hall. Enq: Geoff Benoit. 9674 3507 7.30pm—Women’s Fellowship planning meeting at the Duncum’s THURSDAY 22 JANUARY 9am-2pm—Op Shop open FRIDAY 23 JANUARY NO SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES SATURDAY 24 JANUARY NO SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES SUNDAY 25 JANUARY 9am—Summer Worship Includes the baptism of Bella Elizabeth Ann Houchin KUCA in recess for school holidays 6.45pm—Worship Computer Classes for Seniors Hills Community Aid—Civic Lane, Rouse Hill (next to Westpac) Commencing Wednesday 4th February for six weeks to 11th March at 1—2pm & 2.30—3.30pm To help seniors learn how to use their computer or tablet (eg iPad). Lessons cover the basics of using the internet to search using Google, write and receive emails, Facebook Skype, and YouTube. We will tailor the class to cover the student’s individual needs. Classes are mostly one-on-one wherever possible so the student can ask questions and move along at his or her own pace. A joint initiative between Hills Community Aid and St Matthew’s Baulkham Hills Uniting Church. To register interest or to book please contact; HCA Mici Beer on [email protected] Mobile: 043 832 8776 or St Matthew’s Church Office [email protected] or 9686 3003 We did it: NSW will introduce cash for containers. Thank you so much for your support! It has been a long journey, littered with obstacles and uncertainties, but with your tireless support and enthusiasm we finally made it. The Baird Government has just announced they will introduce cash for containers recycling in NSW! Today is a great day for the environment. Thank you so much to everyone involved in making this happen! Church Car Wash. TODAY We will be running a carwash during the 9am service to raise money for our April Outback Mission trip. $15 Wash PEOPLE NEWS Season of Epiphany HAPPY BIRTHDAY The Feast of the Epiphany falls on the 6th of January but many churches keep the feast on the 4th of January. Epiphany celebrates the arrival of the three wise men at the manger in Bethlehem has a special mystery and joy to it. Now the Feast of the Epiphany is both the end of Christmas and the PRAYER beginning of the Church's Epiphany If you would like prayer or have a prayer request, please fill in a care card and place in the prayer box in the Season which the Church keeps foyer. Alternatively phone/email the church office or speak until the Feast of the Presentation to one of the Ministry Team. on February 2nd. On the Sundays Remember in our Prayers of this Epiphany season it is Jeanette Coleman Elden Riech Athol Agland traditional to move from the first Jean Dorrington Heather Reay Leigh Alchin great 'epiphany' or manifestation of Norma Bawden Elaine Dunning James Rust g l o r y t o t h e G e n ti l e s , t o Janet Green Alison Bills Penny Smith Irene Blackstock Bev Harkness Mavis Thompson contemplate the other 'epiphanies' Sue Campbell Bandu Herat Lynn Toovey that mark the beginning of Christ's Beryl Cater Lex Hill Ministry; the Heaven's opening at Elaine Cater Bruce Holden his baptism, the Calling of his disciples, especially the 'epiphany If you wish to have your name added or removed from the list, please contact the office. moment' granted to Nathanael, and promised to all of us, and then finally the first of his miracles, his 'signs whereby he manifested his glory'; the Miracle at Cana in It’s time again to start Galilee. thinking about articles and advertising for the FEBRUARY By Malcolm Guite EDITION of the Uniter. Please send to the church office. by Thursday 22 JANUARY at the latest. Living our Faith Series: Exploring Theology New contributors welcome! 14-15 February and 14-15 March REMEMBER to try and send photos to Centre for Ministry accompany your articles. Thank you 16 Mason Drive North Parramatta Craig Todd Helen Olley Alastair Burn Riley Anderson Jeff Cameron Emily Longhurst Belinda Buckley Sally Yabsley-Bell Found Silver Cuff Links. Please contact the church office 9686 3003. See course detail on St. Matt’s Church foyer notice board or contact Rev Bronwyn Murphy 8838 8920 [email protected] Care Cards: If you wish to communicate with the ministry team concerning a pastoral need, please fill in a care card and place it in the prayer box in the foyer of the church. These cards are available on the table next to the prayer box. To help save on postage Please remember to check the Blue Mail Basket before leaving the church to see if you have any mail or publications to collect. The blue mail Basket is located Monday to Friday outside the church office under the stairs Friday evening to Sunday on the Welcome Table in the church foyer Thank you MINISTERS - EVERYONE MINISTER OF THE WORD REV. DIRK VAN DOORENE MOBILE NO 0426 969 537(During office hours & emergencies) Email: [email protected] Day off Friday (School Term) Monday (School Holidays) SENIORS PASTOR RAHNA HOLLIS Day off Friday PASTORAL CARER FOR AGES 30s & 40s SALLY YABSLEY-BELL Part Time YOUTH, YOUNG ADULTS AND FAMILIES WITH YOUNG CHILDREN CHRIS EAGLES Day off Thursday PASTOR GIRLS YOUTH COORDINATOR KATE EAGLES Part Time CHURCH OFFICE SECRETARIES: The Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen ROBYN MORRALL AND LYNN SAMUEL CHURCH OFFICE HOURS 9AM-3PM MON-FRI OFFICE : 9686 3003 FAX: 9686 2034 LOCATION: CNR CHARLES & EDGAR STREETS BAULKHAM HILLS POSTAL ADDRESS: BAULKHAM HILLS UNITING CHURCH PO BOX 773 BAULKHAM HILLS 1755 WEB SITE: WWW.stmatthewsuniting.net.au Weekly newsletter available on website EMAIL: [email protected] ——————————————— PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR 9639 8570 MS ANNE MAYBERRY PO BOX 321 BAULKHAM HILLS 2153 EMAIL: [email protected] Thank you for worshipping with us today. We invite first time worshippers to sign our book in the foyer.
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