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the entrepreneurial school® S C A L I N G T H E H E I G H T S O F E D U C AT I O N mentoring the motivated. why mci? 10 GOOD REASONS FOR STUDYING AT MANAGEMENT CENTER INNSBRUCK Founded in 1995/96 as a strong pillar of the unique entrepreneurial Innsbruck University concept, Management Center Innsbruck now occupies a prominent position in the international university scene. In the meantime 3,000 students, 800 faculty members, 200 partner universities worldwide and numerous graduates and employers appreciate the qualities of the Entrepreneurial School ®. 1 Studying where others spend their holidays With the city’s central location between Italy, Switzerland and Germany, the spectacular mountain scenery of the Tyrol, MCI’s proximity to Innsbruck’s lively Old Town, its synergistic ties to Innsbruck University and the impressive architecture of the campus, the MCI mentors motivated people in a unique setting for study and leisure. 3 Outstanding conditions for study Demanding admission procedures form the foundation for studies of a high standard with team working in small groups, fast progress and low dropout rates. Curricula with a strong practical orientation, intensive support and the MCI’s proverbial service orientation guarantee a quality learning experience, personal wellbeing and optimum prospects on the job market. 5 Service for success A professional Language Center for the major languages of the world, excellent library facilities and study corners, modern eL e a r n in g p la t f o r ms, an e ff e c tive Care e r Ce n te r w it h job offers, internships and intercultural training programs, an effective Start-up Center, a wide-ranging sports program and a highly committed Alumni & Friends Club additionally enrich the MCI’s study programs and enhance the career prospects of MCI students and graduates. 7 V ib r a n t n e t w o r k Ongoing collaboration with universities, public authorities and various industries are the key to a combination of stability and entrepreneurial spirit. It also promotes contacts, provides access to networks and generates international acceptance to the benefit of students. Strong ties with leading representatives of the worlds of business, academia, politics, society and the arts as well as numerous friends and patrons of the MCI are a reflection and driving force of this exemplary openness to the world. 9 Po w e r f u l b r a n d In contrast to public universities, private universities and universities of applied sciences, MCI has deliberately positioned itself as an Entrepreneurial School ® offering a top-quality combination of practice-oriented study programs, continuous education at university level, competent research, targeted knowledge transfer and innovative start-ups, all under one strong, internationally protected brand. 2 A liv in g u n iv e rsity to wn With its 35,000 students, the university, conference and Olympic city of Innsbruck is one of the most popular university locations in Europe, with a rich tradition of learning, academic excellence and a vibrant student scene in terms of culture and living facilities, discourse and encounter. 4 Exce lle n ce in te ach in g With a mixed faculty comprising MCI’s own professors, visiting lecturers from a wide variety of countries as well as recognized executives and experts from the fields of business, research and consulting, the MCI offers a synergistic combination of theory and practice that creates added value for students and encourages them to put their new-found knowledge to the test. 6 L e t’s go in te r n atio n al Students and faculty from all over the world, a semester abroad and study modules at prestigious partner universities, doubledegree options, internships with global players and a variety of international activities open the door to international perspectives, intercultural competence and professional development. 8 S u cce ssfu l gradu ate s In numerous studies and employee testimonials, MCI students score highly for practical know-how, international thinking, an achievement-oriented approach, and a sense of responsibility and motivation that go well beyond their immediate duties. That makes them the people to turn to in demanding situations and explains their standing in trade and industry, as illustrated by the successful careers of so many MCI graduates. 10 Ran ke d n o . 1 Clear positioning, a credible brand and top ranking places help students in their difficult choice of university and study program. A string of outstanding results in accreditation procedures, polls and rankings are confirmation of the high quality and level of acceptance achieved by the MCI. They strengthen its reputation and build trust in an increasingly complex higher-education market. s t u d y. MCI offers a wide range of Bachelor and Master study programs in the fields of management & society, technology & life sciences. Curricula with a strong practical orientation, an international faculty and student body, the limited numbers of places, an optional semester abroad and internships with prestigious companies are among the many attractions of an MCI study program. With motivated students, study programs embedded in the business world, project-based teaching in compact groups, excellent facilities and intensive support, the highest quality standards and first-class career prospects are guaranteed. MASTER (4 SEMESTERS) BACHELOR (6 SEMESTERS) Management & Society Management & Society Business & Management FT / PT* Entrepreneurship & Tourism Management, Communication & IT FT* Marketing Management Strategic Management Management Media FT* International Business PT Management & Law FT* International Business & Law FT Nonprofit, Social & Health Care Management FT* International Health & Social Management FT Social Work FT* Management, Communication & IT FT FT* Social Work, Social Policy & Management FT* Tourism Business Studies Technology & Life Sciences Technology & Life Sciences Biotechnology FT* Bioresource & Food Engineering FT / PT* Food & Bioresource Technologies FT* / PT* Biotechnology FT* Food Technologies Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering FT* / PT* Bioresource Technologiess Energy Engineering Environmental Engineering Mechatronics FT* / PT* Electrical Engineering Industrial Engineering & Management PT* Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics – Mechanical Engineering FT / PT* FT* / PT* Environmental, Process & Energy Engineering Energy Engineering Environmental Engineering FT* / PT* Industrial Engineering & Management FT = Full-time Study Program in English, PT = Part-time Study Program in English, * = Program in German executive education. For decision-makers of all management levels, MCI offers flexible solutions for professional career development at an international level. Postgraduate Master programs (Executive Master), focused executive certificate courses (with credits for MBA, MSc and LL.M. degree programs), targeted seminars and customized corporate training programs make the MCI an attractive mentor for the motivated and forward-looking organizations. EXECUTIVE CERTIFICATE COURSES (1–2 semesters, part-time) EXECUTIVE MASTER (4 semesters, part-time) Brand Management General Management Executive MBA Controlling & Management Corporate Communications Master in Innovation & IPR MSc Master of Science in Management MSc General Management International Business & Tax Law LL.M. Human Resources Management Innovation, Product & Process Management International Management Program© Management, Psychology & Leadership Marketing Patent & License Management Sales Management Supply Chain Management Tourism Management & Leadership Tourism Marketing & Innovation MANAGEMENT-SEMINARS One or more days of focused training seminars in management, leadership, law, communication and personal development CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMS Highly effective trainings in strategy, HR, organizational development and other disciplines tailored to cover the needs of enterprises and the public sector international. Learning and working in an international environment and interacting with people from different cultures are core aspects of study at MCI. About 200 prestigious partner universities worldwide offer students the opportunity to acquire international experience and intercultural competence during their optional semester abroad. The international orientation of the curricula at the MCI, visiting students and teachers from many different countries, the MCI’s full language offering, additional internships and attractive modules abroad for part-time students, all contribute to the students’ international perspectives, professional development and personal relationships. Partner universities (Excerpt) Asian Institute of Management, Manila, RP Bangkok University, T Budapest University of Technology & Economics, H Capilano University, Vancouver, CDN Charles University Prague, CZ College of Charleston, USA Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, NL ESPEME EDHEC Business School, Nice, F Griffith University, Brisbane, AUS Haaga-Helia Univer sity, Helsinki, SF Hawaii Pacific University, Honolulu, USA Higher School of Economics, Moscow, RUS Hong Kong Polytechnic University, CN Indian Institute of Technology Madras, IND James Cook Univer sity, Townsville, AUS Katholieke Univer siteit Leuven, B Kyung Hee Univer sity, Seoul, ROK La Salle University, Rio de Janeiro, BR Maastricht University, NL Mahidol University, Bangkok, T Marmara University, Istanbul, TR Mzumbe University, Morogoro, EAT Reims Management School, F Reykjavik University, IS Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Beppu, J Roskilde Universitet, DK SGH Warsaw School of Economics, PL Southern Cross University, Brisbane, AUS Stellenbosch University, ZA Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, LV Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, CN Universidad Cató lica, Montevideo, RDU Universidad del Mayab, Merida, MEX Universidade de Coimbra, P Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, I Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza, I Universitat Autono ma de Barcelona, E Université de Montréal, CDN University of California at Berkeley, USA University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA University of Guelph, CDN University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA University of Liverpool, GB University of Oslo, N network. Leading public figures, as visiting lecturers from all over the world, are an additional benefit of studying at the Entrepreneurial School ®, one that opens up new perspectives, promotes global networking and is an advantage for career development. Starting with their undergraduate level, MCI students benefit from the attractive offerings of MCI Alumni & Friends. A lively service platform, this unique graduates’ club offers support in terms of contacts, image, career and personal development. Round-table discussions with visiting speakers of international standing are a continuous source of global stimulus and support the transfer of knowledge and experience in a spirit of friendship. Guestlectures (Excerpt) Réné Benko, Entrepreneur Peter Bettermann, Chairman of the Board Jürgen Born, Chairman of the Board Armin Burger, General Director Susan Clark, Managing Director Brigitte Ederer, Supervisory Chairperson Karlheinz Essl, Chairman of the Board Benita FerreroWaldner, EU Commissioner Franz Fischler, EU Commissioner Franzobel, Litterateur, Author & Critic Arthur Gillis, Managing Director Brad Glosserman, Executive Director Sabine Haag, Director Johannes Hahn, Federal Minister Michael Hilti, Board of Management Claus Hipp, CEO & Entrepreneur Riccardo Illy, President Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister Beatrix Karl, Federal Minister Václav Klaus, State President Niki Lauda, Entrepreneur Christoph Leitl, President Yang Liu, Artist & Entrepreneur Jörg Maas, European Coordinator Helmut Maucher, Honorary President Michael Mertin, Chairman of the Board Reinhold Mitterlehner, Federal Minister Mario Moretti Polegato, President Dominik Neidhard, America’s Cup Winner Peter Neven, CEO Hermann Nitsch, Artist & Painter Leoluca Orlando, Politician, Lawyer & Philosopher Gustav Peichl, Architect, Author & Cartoonist Ursula Plassnik, Minister for Foreign Affairs Antonia Rados, Journalist Claus Raidl, Chairman of the Board Susanne RiessPasser, General Director Anselme Sanon, Archbishop Karl Schwarzenberg, Minister for Foreign Affairs Rosely Schweizer, Chairman Advisory Board Veit Sorger, President Bassam Tibi, Author & Expert Middle East Daniel Vasella, President Reinhold Würth, Chairman of the Board All positions refer to the date of lecture / speech. Images: © Stubai Glacier: 1; MCI 3; Getty Images: 8 top of class. Quality at MCI is not fortuitous; it is the result of long years of dedicated work, as shown by recent MCI graduate polls: • 93% of graduates would “definitely” or “to a great extent” recommend the MCI. • 93.5% of graduates felt they had “definitely” or “to a great extent” selected the right study program. • 92.6% of students consider the quality of study at the MCI to be “very good” or “good”. • 94.5% of students say they have “definitely” or “to a great extent” selected the right university. MCI graduates take a big step forward in terms of professional development: • In the case of graduates who studied part-time, the percentage in middle management increased from 14% at the start of the course to 30% at graduation and 44% at the time of the survey. At the level of senior management, the percentage increased from 4% on enrollment to 7% at graduation and 19% on the day of the poll. • In the case of graduates who studied full-time, the percentage in middle management increased from 8% at the end of the course to 29% at the time of the survey. For graduates in senior management, the figure increased from 4% at graduation to 10% on the day of the poll. Source: Anonymous full surveys for 2012, 2010/11 and 2008/09, 1.900 questionnaires; response rate 44%; poll conducted three years after graduation on average. rankings, memberships & awards. Austria’s most satisfied students study at MCI (Source: Universum Student Surveys 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012). In the CHE university rankings and polls conducted for various publications (“Gewinn”, “Format”, “Industriemagazin” etc.), the MCI’s study programs are regularly up among the winners. Numerous international accreditations and awards, and membership in prestigious academic organizations are confirmation of the outstanding quality and high level of acceptance of the Entrepreneurial School ® and a source of orientation for prospective students on an increasingly complex higher education market. MCI MANAGEMENT CENTER INNSBRUCK I credit a lot of my initial success to this premier European business school! Benjamin Bond, Sales Manager, Calvin Klein, Warnaco, New York / USA With its high standards, MCI opens the door to outstanding careers. Thomas Zwerger, Global Procurement Process Manager, Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Basel / CH MCI educates tomorrow‘s globalization managers and architects of Europe. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, EU-commissioner ret., Brüssel / B MCI provided exactly what I needed for making my next big step in my career. Patrick Veenhoff, CEO, Insightz Brain Optimization Ltd., Amsterdam / NL MCI is a great place to study and to meet people from all over the world. Giuseppina Secchi, Project Manager, Eurochoccolate, Perugia / I PATRONS SPONSORS SUBSIDIARIES GET IN TOUCH MCI MANAGEMENT CENTER INNSBRUCK – THE ENTREPRENEURIAL SCHOOL ® 6020 Innsbruck / Austria, Universitaetsstrasse 15, +43 512 2070-0, [email protected],
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