Publication - Motor Coach Industries
Publication - Motor Coach Industries
ToTAL COSTTheOF OPERATION mci advantage OUR BRAND FOCUS MCI is Reliability Driven in product and support with coaches that deliver the Lowest Total Cost of Operation. reliabilityDriven Low cost of operation Save money every mile you drive. More Savings Save on fuel, service, parts and residual value. Enhanced Value Lowest 10 -year cost of operation compared to competition. REliabilityDriven Fuel Econo Class-leading fuel economy, another MCI advan MCI J4500 vs. Van Hool C2045 BOSCH AUTOMOTIVE PROVING GROUNDS ENGINEERING TEST REPORT DATA MCI J4500 AVERAGE MPG 8.70 Van Hool C2045 AVERAGE MPG 8.16 80,000 miles / $4.00 gallon Save $2,434 per year in fuel Save $24,341 over10-year ownership Real results. SERIOUS SAVINGS. REliabilityDriven omy ncement MCI J4500 vs. PREVOST H3-45 BOSCH AUTOMOTIVE PROVING GROUNDS ENGINEERING TEST REPORT DATA MCI J4500 AVERAGE MPG 9.16 PREVOST H3-45 AVERAGE MPG 8.46 80,000 miles / $4.00 gallon Save $2,929 per year in fuel Save $29,287 over10-year ownership Real results. SERIOUS SAVINGS. REliabilityDriven Save Between $ The MCI J Series coach can save you be in fuel after 10 years! Serious savings fr committed to helping you run a better REliabilityDriven $24k-$29K etween $24,000 and $29,000 rom the company that is business. REliabilityDriven coach upti The new J4500 represents a quantum leap forward in coach r NEW ON THE J4500 Robust ZF axles and suspension with tight-turning IFS (Independent Front Suspension), Bendix ADB 22X braking system, Denso alternator. manufacturing Further improvements have come as a result of MCI’s investment in QAS (Quality at the Source) transformation. REliabilityDriven ime reliability and uptime. components Improvements include Bitzer A/C compressor, brushless condenser/evaporator motors, severe-duty tag axle unload valves. Electrical Improvements include military-spec multiplex modules, waterproof Deutsch connectors, and major reduction in wiring and connection points. REliabilityDriven Maximum uptime From January 2014 through October 20 enhancements have resulted in a 45.1% claims, which means fewer repairs and REliabilityDriven 015, MCI’s uptime % reduction in warranty d maximum uptime. REliabilityDriven parts & SERV Parts and service are now at world-class rates. These impro have led to faster repairs and better uptime. Orders Shipped within 24 hours REliabilityDriven VICE ovements Coach Critical Orders Shipped within 24 hours REliabilityDriven The parts you need. When Fulfillment rate of all SKUs has improved fr 90% in October 2015. Fulfillment rate of C proved from 85% in January 2011 to 96% i REliabilityDriven n you need them. rom 80% in January 2011 to Coach Critical parts has imin October 2015. REliabilityDriven Residual val Used coach values are a major contributor in calculating tot operation. MCI leads the way with top-of-class resale values Date gathered from latest Official Bus Blue Book valu $160,000 $150,000 $156,750 $149,300 $142,500 $139,350 $130,000 $127,650 $128,800 $120,000 $110,000 $100,000 Year 10 Year 11 J4500 REliabilityDriven C2045 H3-45 lue tal cost of s. ues. Year ThatWorth is $14,250 more than J4500 $156,750 Year That is $10,550 more than J4500 Worth $139,350 the H3-45 and $11,700 Year J4500 Worthand $129,950 the H3-45 $23,350 10 $129,950 $120,000 $106,600 11 12 the H3-45 and That is $14,250 more$7,450 than the more the C2045. H3-45 andthan $7,450 more than the C2045. That is $10,550 more than the more themore C2045. H3-45 andthan $11,700 than the C2045. That is $9,950 more than That is $9,950 the more thanmore the than C2045. H3-45 and $23,350 more than the C2045. Year 12 REliabilityDriven value added From our warranty to our roadside assistance, from nationwide service outlets to training and support, MCI leads the way. Leading Warranty We offer an industry-leading 30-month / 250,000 mile warranty with fewer exclusions and Super 60 extended warranty coverage. 24/7 Roadside Assistance No matter if it is 2:00 a.m. in Tulsa or 2:00 p.m. in Tallahassee, if you need roadside assistance, we are here. World-Class Support From our technician training to our field service, we are here to help make sure you get the most out of your MCI products. Nationwide Service Outlets A nationwide network of service providers means that even if you are on the road, an MCI technician is never far away. REliabilityDriven ww w.m c ico ac h .co MCI SALES AND SERVICE CENTERS m California Illinois Texas 10850 Portal Drive Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (800) 777-4101 200 East Oakton Street Des Plaines, IL 60018 (800) 428-7626 9787 Clifford Drive Dallas, TX 75220 (800) 248-4942 New Jersey Florida Canada 14 Harmon Drive Blackwood, NJ 08012 (800) 262-1287 1155 Elboc Way Winter Garden, FL 34787 (800) 390-0287 3500 rue Saint-Patrick Montréal, QC H4E 1A2 (800) 663-3328 M C I M A N U F A C T U R I N G SETRA MFG. Canada United States Germany 1475 Clarence Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 1T5 Canada 552 West Stutsman Avenue Pembina, ND 58271 EvoBus GmbH Carl-Zeiss-StaB3 2 89231 Neu-Ulm MCI/SETRA SERVICE PARTS United States Canada (800) 323-1290 (800) 665-0155 MCI PRO SUPPORT/SETRA SUPPORT Technical Support and Emergency Roadside Assistance (800) 241-2947
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