Campaign Slogan
Campaign Slogan
A Nested Case-Control Study Among Elementary Students in a Public School on Fireworks Use During the New Year Celebration, Philippines, 2012 AR De Guzman, MD, MCHM; VC de los Reyes, MD; MN Sucaldito, MD; EA Tayag, MD, FPSMID Field Epidemiology Training Program, National Epidemiology Center, Department of Health, Philippines BACKGROUND OBJECTIVES Fireworks Injury Prevention Program 1. To determine the percentage of students who used fireworks 2. To determine the percentage of students who knew the 2011 campaign slogan Aims to decrease fireworks-related injuries and deaths Campaign Slogan: Aksyon: Paputok Injury Reduction (Call to Action: Fireworks Injury Reduction) 3. To identify which campaign slogan would be best remembered by the students Results of 2011 Surveillance: 4. To identify which images would prevent or stop students from using fireworks 1,021 cases and four deaths 79% of injuries were males 5. To identify factors associated with fireworks use among the students 23% were from the 6-10 years age group 86% were blast injuries 6. To recommend a campaign slogan for the 2012 firecracker injury prevention program METHODOLOGY CONCLUSIONS Descriptive Study 1. Majority of the students did not use fireworks. Calculated sample size Conducted a survey using a standardized questionnaire Encoded and analysed data using Epi Info 3.5.3 Health education for family and friends 4. The best remembered slogan was “Iwas Paputok” (Avoid Fireworks Use). Nested case-control 5. Image 2 (Piccolo-injured male) was chosen by majority of students as the image which would prevent or stop them from using fireworks. Case Definition A Case was a Grade 1-5 student enrolled at Cecilio Apostol Elementary School who used fireworks during the 2011 Christmas or New Year celebration. A Control was a Grade 1-5 student enrolled at Cecilio Apostol Elementary School who did not use fireworks during the 2011 Christmas or New Year celebration. 2011 Campaign Slogan 2. Reasons for fireworks use were for merriment and celebration of the holiday season. Family and friends encourage/give/ buy fireworks for children ACTIONS TAKEN Resisting Forces 1. Presented the results and recommendations to involved Department of Health agencies 2. Developed new health promotional strategies with stakeholders Variable SEX Male Female AGE RANGE MEDIAN AGE No. 383 703 Students % 54 320 46 5 years-14 years 8 years Table 2. Reasons for Fireworks Use Among Students (n= 337) Reasons No. % A form of merriment 136 40 To celebrate Christmas/New Year 90 27 30 Reasons No. % Feared getting injured 185 51 Forbidden by parents 77 21 Don’t know how to use 9 Table 4. Campaign Slogan Best Remembered by Students (N=703) No. % Avoid Fireworks Use 531 76 Against Fireworks Use 58 8 2011 Slogan 114 16 Figure 2. Proportion of Image in Slogan Which Would Prevent/Stop Fireworks Use Among Students (N=703) 1. Cases were 4X more likely to know other individuals who also used fireworks than controls Fireworks are part of Filipino Christmas and New Year celebrations 2. Cases were 2X more likely to choose Image 4 than controls Dancing Table 5. Analysis of Factors Affecting Fireworks Use Variable Odds Ratio (95% CI) p-value Other Individuals Who Used Fireworks 4.327 (3.0583-6.7178) 0.0000 Chose Poster 4 1.6495 (1.0839-2.5104) 0.0195 2 Post 2012 New Year Celebration Survey at Cecilio Apostol Elementary School, Manila, March 2013 What Did We Do Right? Decrease of 90 (9%) cases in 2012 vs. 2011 Decrease of three (75%) deaths in 2012 vs. 2011 Decrease of 37 (13%) cases among <10 years in 2012 vs. 2011 2012 Slogan changed to APIR Iwas Paputok Use of blast images in health education materials Role of parents in preventing fireworks injuries in a TV ad Introduced dancing as alternative merriment activity Decrease of 21% of students who used fireworks Survey at Cecilio Apostol, March 14, 2013 Integrity and Excellence in Field Epidemiology Other noisemakers WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? 2012 Fireworks Injury Surveillance Results: 9 Table 3. Reasons for Fireworks Non-Use Among Students (n= 366) 2. Use of fireworks by minors Use of alternative means of merriment during celebrations Analysis of Nested Case-Control Study 521 (74%) students knew an individual who used fireworks Fig 1. Other Individuals Known by Students Who Used Fireworks (n=521)* Creation of policies banning: Only 48 (7%) students knew the 2011 campaign slogan Slogan Attitudes and Practices of Students on Fireworks Use Also practised by others Yearly fireworks-related injury surveillance 1. Sale of fireworks to minors Prevention of Fireworks-Related Injuries Campaign Slogan Table 1. Student Demographics (N=703) Driving Forces No policy banning use of fireworks by children RESULTS Profile of Students Yearly survey on campaign slogan Lack of knowledge on dangers of fireworks use Survey at Cecilio Apostol Elementary School, October 8, 2012 Blast Injury Interventions to Prevent/Stop Fireworks Use Risk Factors for Fireworks Use 3. Reasons for non-use of fireworks were fear of being injured and following parental advice. Analytic Study DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS