German - Timberlane Regional School District


German - Timberlane Regional School District
German 1 Curriculum
Department of World Languages
Timberlane Regional High School
Year of Publication: 2011
Title of Unit
WL German Level 1
Curriculum Area
Developed By
District WLD
Theme 1: Hallo! Lektionen A und B
Content Standards
Grade Level
Time Frame
9, 10, 11
3 weeks
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood..
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
Cultural Integrations
Basic Geography of Germany and its placement in Central Europe
The German Speaking Countries: Deutschland, die Schweiz, Österreich,
Why is it important to study a
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do you know when to
formally or informally
greet/take leave of the person
to whom you are speaking?
How do you form a question
using common interrogative
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How do inflection, intonation,
cultural gestures and body
language influence what is
How does word order affect
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How do you communicate your
likes & dislikes & those of
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Verbs: sein, haben, wohnen, heiβen, werden, kommen, kennen, sagen, fragen, wissen
Personal Pronouns: ich, du, er, sie(she and they forms), wir, es
The familiar ’you’ forms: du and ihr
Formal ‘you’: Sie - When to use ‘du’ or ‘Sie’
Possessive Adjectives: mein, dein
Present Tense Verb Forms: How to conjugate verbs in German
The Alphabet: A-Z as well as β,ä,ü,ö
Common Imperatives: TPR Commands
Understanding Cognates and Cognate Patterns
Common Interrogative Words
der Tag
die Freundin
das Handy
die Ecke
die Minute (-n)
die Frau
da drüben
der Freund
die Nummer
der Klassenkamerad/-in
der Mann
der Junge
die Telefonnummer
das Mädchen
die Freunde
Common Expressions
Wie heiβt du? Wie geht’s?
Wie geht es Ihnen?
Woher kommen Sie?
Wer ist das?
Wie heiβt sie? Grüβ dich!
Guten Tag!
Guten Morgen!
Gute Nacht!
Herr Ecker
Frau Ecker
Woher kommst du?
Er kommt aus Deutschland.
Kennst du Michael?
Ganz gut.
Was ist das?
Was heiβt das? Wie interessant!
Nur zehn Minuten von hier.
Nicht schlecht.
Herr und Frau Hoffmann
Wohnst du weit
Woher kommst du?
Wie heiβt er?
Grüβ Gott!
Guten Abend!
Auf Wiedersehen!
Wo wohnst du?
Es geht mir gut.
Wie viel?
Gleich um die Ecke.
die Hoffmanns
von hier?
die Straβe
der Appetit
die Mutter
der Staat
der Garten
der Film
die Familie
der Sohn
das Knie
der Tank
der Winter
die Sonne
der Motor
die Party
das Wasser
der Vater
das Land
die Nase
der Stuhl
der Computer
der Onkel
die Nacht
der Sommer
die Gitarre
der Name
die Pause
das Auto
die Schule
das Haus
das Bier
die Hand
das Glas
das Papier
das Handy
die Idee
das Boot
der Fisch
der Markt
der Cousin
der Bus
das Stadion
die Toilette
das T-Shirt
das Telefon
die Schokolade der September
das Problem
die Musik
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and
materials in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Students will be able to…
Greet and say farewell to someone
Ask and tell someone’s name
Introduce someone else
Ask and tell someone’s age
Give telephone numbers
Ask and tell how things are going
Inquire where someone is from
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 1
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
9, 10, 11
3 weeks
Theme 2: zu Hause, Lektionen A und B
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood..
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
Cultural Integrations
The German Family and its Make-Up
Using the Telephone in Germany: Format and Cultural/Social Mores
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do you know when to
formally or informally
greet/take leave of the person
to whom you are speaking?
How do you form a question
using common interrogative
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How do inflection, intonation,
cultural gestures and body
language influence what is
How does word order affect
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How do you communicate your
likes & dislikes & those of
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
*It is understood that verbs previously learned are assumed mastered and therefore are not listed here.
gehen, wählen, geben, warten, warten…auf, kommen …mit, kommen …rüber, machen, hören
Conjunction: denn
Peculiarities about the word ‘denn’
Formation of Questions
German Time Expressions, the German Calendar as well as 24 –Hour Time
Separable Prefix Verbs
The Definite Article (Nominative Singular): der, die, das; concept of masculine, feminie and neuter nouns
The Definite Article as an assumed reference
German Possessives: No Apostraphes!
German Numbers: 21-99, 100, 1000
*It is assumed that vocabulary already taught has been mastered and is therefore not listed here)
die Schwester
der Onkel
der Groβvater (Opa)
der Vater
der Bruder
die Familie
die Telefonzelle ein Euro
die Telefonkarte das Handy
Auskunft/Information die Vorwahlnummer
die Eltern
die Groβeltern
der Kalendar
die Mutter
der Cousin
die Groβmutter (Oma)
die Cousine
das Telefon
die Karte
die Telefonnummer
ein Ferngespräch
der Sohn
die Tochter
die Uhr
der Tag
die Zeit
die Musik
eine Stadt
die Auswahl
die CD
der Neffe
die Nichte
der Urgroβvater die Urgroβmutter
der Halbbruder die Stiefschwester
der Stiefbruder
der Stiefvater
die Halbschwester
die Gruppe
die Stiefmutter
Common Expressions
Wer ist Daniels Schwester? Wie heiβt dein Bruder?
Er wohnt in der Hauptstraβe
Ist sie zu Hause?
Wie alt ist sie den?
Du kommst zu spät.
Wie spät ist es?
Ein Ferngespräch, bitte.
Was ist die Vorwahnummer, bitte?
Welcher Tag ist es?
Wie viel Uhr ist es?
Es ist eins.
Es ist halb drei.
Es ist acht Uhr.
Er kommt abends rüber.
Er kommt gegen zwölf rüber. Sie kommt um zehn rüber.
Na gut.
Um wie viel Uhr kommt sie rüber?
Bis später!
Hier Weber!
Was machst du den heute?
Ich höre Musik. Sie gehen zum Kaufhaus.
Sie gehen in die Stadt.
Ich bin um halb fünf da. Wohin geht ihr den?
Sie kommt auch mit.
Es ist schon so spät.
Die Auswahl ist sehr groβ.
Die CD ist von der Gruppe Rammstein.
Er ist am Telefon.
Er wohnt im Norden.
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and
materials in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Students will be able to…
Talk about and point out family members
Answer a telephone call
Talk about time and days of the week
Ask for and give information
Say what you’re doing
Title of Unit
WL German Level 1
Curriculum Area
Developed By
District WLD
Theme 3:
W as m achst du? Lek tionen A und B
Grade Level
Time Frame
9, 10, 11
3 weeks
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood..
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
Cultural Integrations
The German Television System
German Youth Organizations and Activities
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do you know when to
formally or informally
greet/take leave of the person
to whom you are speaking?
How do you form a question
using common interrogative
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How do inflection, intonation,
cultural gestures and body
language influence what is
How does word order affect
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How do you communicate your
likes & dislikes & those of
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Verbs: machen, spielen, gehen, schwimmen, lesen, tanzen, hören, sehen, schauen, möchten, holen, dauern, haben, fernsehen, fernschauen, beginnen,
bleiben, müssen, sagen, gefallen +dative
Use of ‘gern’ with the verb machen and other verbs
The modal auxiliary ‘müssen’
Use of the verb ‘möchten’
Present Tense of ‘haben’
How to use Separable Prefix Verbs
German Syntax/Word Order
zu Hause vs. nach Hause
Definite Articles used as references to i.d.’d nouns
Mädchen as a singular and plural noun
Plural constructions of nouns
German Possessives
German expression of time “for”
die Disko
die Stunden
die Freizeit
der Computer das Fahrrad
die Gemeinschaft
die Jugend
die Jugendorganization Fotografie
der Rekorder
das Programm ARD
die Sportschau der Krimi
das Konzert
die Karte
der Bahnhof
der Schlaubereger
der Sommer
die Woche
Common Experessions
ein Video
das Buch
ein Buch
das Taschengeld
das Geld
das Mofa
das Moped
die Organization
das Hobby
die Kirche
die Nachrichten
die Hausaufgabe
das Kaufhaus
der Moment
der Spaβ
das Viertel
Na und?
Es gibt…
Gibt es?
Gehst du ins Konzert?
Was gibt es im Fernsehen?
Das macht Spaβ!
Ich mache meine Hausaufgaben.
Er wohnt bei mir.
Er bleibt bei uns.
Das ist nett von dir.
Gefällt dir das?
Das gefällt mir. Moment mal!
Du Schlauberger!
Langsamer, bitte!
Beide kommen rüber.
Wohin gehst du?
Er ist Martins Bruder. Es gibt einen Krimi im Fernsehen.
Viel Spaβ!
Er bleibt zwei Wochen bei uns.
Sie ist nicht zu Hause.
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and
materials in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Students will be able to…
Ask and tell what someone is doing
Talk about what interests you
Express likes and dislikes
Inquire about types of specific events
Report information
Title of Unit
WL German Level 1
Curriculum Area
Developed By
District WLD
Theme 4: Schule Lek tionen A und B
Grade Level
Time Frame
9, 10, 11
3 weeks
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood..
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
Cultural Integrations
The German school system and school day regimes/routines
Compare and Contrast the German and the American school systems
German Geographical Facts on area and population
Interpreting a German Report Card
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do you know when to
formally or informally
greet/take leave of the person
to whom you are speaking?
How do you form a question
using common interrogative
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How do inflection, intonation,
cultural gestures and body
language influence what is
How does word order affect
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How do you communicate your
likes & dislikes & those of
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Verbs: kaufen, brauchen, lernen, studieren, meinen, schreiben, besuchen, klingeln, stimmen, finden, treffen, passen, liegen, bekommen, herkommen,
verlernen, vertsehen, vergessen
Word order with Questions
The Definite Article (Accusative Singular)
Question Words: Wer? Wen? Was?
Present Tense of ‘sein’ (all forms)
The colors
der Rechner
die Klasse
die Arbeit
die Biologie
der Bleistift
das Bundesland
die Chemie
das Englisch
die Erdkunde
erstdas Fach
die Fächer
das Französisch
das Frühstück genug
die Geschichte
das Heft
die Hefte
der Herbst
die Informatik
die Aufgabe
die Kreide
der Kuli
die Landkarte lang
das Latein
der Lehrer
die Lehrerin
die Lehrerinnen leicht
das Lieblingsfach
das Lineal
die Mathematik (Mathe)
die Naturwissenschaften
die Note
die Physik
der Gummi
der Kaugummi der Radiergummi
das Recht
die Religion
die Tasche
die Schultasche
der Sport
der Stuhl
die Stühle
der Stundenplan
die Tafel
der Tisch
die Groβe Pausedie Entfernung
orange gold
Common Expressions
Ich habe Englisch dreimal in der Woche.
Mein Lieblingsfach ist Mathe.
Was für Fächer hast du?
Was für eine Note bekommt er?
Wann kommst du aus der Schule?
Es klingelt schon.
Du hast Recht. Tanja geht gliech nach Hause.
Kennst du den Schüler?
Es ist immer noch dunkel.
Sie kommt manchmal zu Vanessa rüber.
Ich finde es langweilig.
Sie spielt bei Vanessa Klavier.
Wo liegt diese Stadt? Wie viele Mädchen und Jungen sind in deiner Klasse?
Wann gehst du in die Schule? Es past 22 mal in die USA.
Warum denn?
Er ist immer noch in der Schule.
Er trifft Freunde nach der Schule.
Ich habe das verlernt.
Ich verstehe nicht.
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and
materials in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Students will be able to…
Talk about school
Inquire about details
Identify Objects
Describe Daily Routines
Sequence Events
Agree and Disagree
Title of Unit
WL German Level 1
Curriculum Area
Developed By
District WLD
Theme 5: Die Stadt Lek tionen A und B
Grade Level
Time Frame
9, 10, 11
3 weeks
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood..
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
Cultural Integrations
Using German Transportation Timetables
Interpreting Celsius vs. Fahrenheit Temperature Readings
Understanding Germany’s Climate
Germany’s geographic position in Europe
Berlin, Germany’s Capital City
Using German Mass Transit
German School Vacation Times
German Department Store Protocols
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do you know when to
formally or informally
greet/take leave of the person
to whom you are speaking?
How do you form a question
using common interrogative
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How do inflection, intonation,
cultural gestures and body
language influence what is
How does word order affect
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How do you communicate your
likes & dislikes & those of
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Verbs: besuchen, bezahlen, zahlen, fahren, verkaufen, sprechen, stehen, schneien, regnen, scheinen
Indefinite Article (Nominative and Accusative Singular)
Dative Case forms with Weather and Geographic Expressions
Plural Forms of Nouns
Months and Seasons of the Year
The Gender of countries in German
Wie viel? or Wie viele?
Syntax with German Dependent/Subordinate Clauses
der April
der Fahrplan
das Fahrrad
die Fahrräder
der Frühling
der Helm
die Helme
die Kasse
der Kopf
die Linie
der Monat
die Monate
das Nachbarland
die Nachbarländer
der Preis
die Preise
das Rad
das Radtour
der Reifen
die Reise
die Reisen
die Ruhe
die Sache
die Sachen
die Schweiz
die Tschechische Republik
der Verkäufer
das Wetter
die Sonne
der Winter
die U-Bahn
die Mauer
die Ausländer
Das Brandenburger Tor
die Hauptstadt
die Wiedervereinigung
die Wende
die Ferien
das Geld
die Jahreszeiten
die Kassen
die Linien
die Niederlande
die Radtouren
der Rhein
die S-Bahn
Der Kalte Krieg
Unter den Linden
Common Expressions
ein paar
Wir fahren in den Ferien.
Alle zwölf Minuten.
Ruhe, bitte!
Er macht ein Radtour.
Da steht es.
Er spricht gut Deutsch. Sauwetter!
auf Deutsch
Wie bitte?
im Frühling
Wohin fahren beide?
Welche beiden Sachen kauft er?
Nicht schlecht.
noch etwas
Ich bleibe zwei Wochen da.
Hast du heute Arbeit?
Es liegt in der Schweiz. Es ist in der Tasche.
Ich finde deinen Freund toll.
Ich lese den Fahrplan. Es liegt im Norden.
Wir haben doch Zeit.
Es regnet.
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and
materials in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Students will be able to…
Talk about the weather
Discuss a purchase
Identify countries and languages spoken there
Ask where someone is from
Give information
Title of Unit
WL German Level 1
Curriculum Area
Developed By
District WLD
Theme 6: W ie schm eck t’s? Lek tionen A und B
Grade Level
Time Frame
9, 10, 11
3 weeks
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood..
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
Eating out
Cultural Integrations
in Germany
Kinds of German eating establishments
Social customs/mores when eating out in Germany
Common foods and drink
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do you know when to
formally or informally
greet/take leave of the person
to whom you are speaking?
How do you form a question
using common interrogative
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How do inflection, intonation,
cultural gestures and body
language influence what is
How does word order affect
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How do you communicate your
likes & dislikes & those of
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Verbs: schmecken, essen, trinken, möchten, hätten + gern, können, mögen, müssen, wollen, dürfen, sollen, kosten, werden, bringen, schicken, sitzen,
sprechen über, reservieren, nehmen, wünschen
Modal Auxiliaries (all forms)
schmecken + Dative Case Pronouns
Future Tense
Polite Requests
das Abendessen
der Brief
die Cola
das Eis
das Erdbeereis
der Imbiss
der Kaffee
die Kartoffeln
das Mittagessen
die Pizza
der Salat
der Schokoshake
die Türkei
die Speisekarte
ein Imbiss
das Menü
das Mineralwasser
das Trinkgeld
der Apfelsaft
der Appetit
die Bratwurst
das Brot
das Brötchen
die Butter
der Durst
die E-Mail
das Eiscafe
die Schokolade der Eistee
der Shake
der Fisch
die Fische
der Hunger
der Hamburger das Gemüse
der Kakao
die Kalte Platte die Kartoffel
der Käse
das Käsebrot
der Kellner
die Milch
das Nusseis
die Pizzeria
die Platte
die Pommes frites
der Sauerbraten die Scheibe
die Schlagsahne
das Spaghettieis
die Spätzle
die Tasse
das Wienerschnitzel
die Wurst
das Zironeneis
der Stammtisch die Reservierung
ein Schnellimbiss
ein Semmel
der Senf
der Nachtisch die Suppe
die Kellnerin
das Leitungswasser
die Rechnung
Common Expressions
zum Frühstück
Was isst du gern?
Ist hier noch frei?
Was möchten Sie?
mit Kohlensäure
Zahlen, bitte!
mit Pommes
nichts besonderes
mit Senf
Ich kann leider nicht. Schmeckt dir eine Pizza?
Es schmeckt.
Er soll das machen.
Bitte, sehr.
Was wünschen Sie?
Was nehmen Sie?
Ein Leitungswasser, bitte.
ohne Kohlensäure
Ich möchte zahlen, bitte.
Das macht 9 Euro, bitte.
Students will know…
a. he meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
b. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
c. how to read and comprehend course texts and
materials in the TL
d. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the
e. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Students will be able to…
Choose from a menu and order at a café
Offer something to eat and drink
Express likes and dislikes
Give advice
Talk about what to do today
Title of Unit
WL German Level 1
Curriculum Area
Developed By
District WLD
Ongoing Theme: Literature 1st Semester
Grade Level
Time Frame
9, 10, 11
Time Frame: ongoing Semester I
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood..
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
Cultural Integrations
Geography, location, capital city of country in reading selection
4 (minimally) cultural customs (i.e., holidays, celebrations, names, family
structures, religious practices, food)
Awareness of cultural differences and stereotypes
Assorted German Readers and Readings
Arme Anne
Hilde und Günter
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do you know when to
formally or informally
greet/take leave of the person
to whom you are speaking?
How do you form a question
using common interrogative
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How do inflection, intonation,
cultural gestures and body
language influence what is
How does word order affect
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How do you communicate your
likes & dislikes & those of
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Word order and language in context
Supports previously acquired grammatical concepts
Vocabulary and Common Expressions
Supports previously acquired vocabulary while building a working Reading vocabulary
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and
materials in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Students will be able to…
1. Read and comprehend literature, demonstrate knowledge of
culture studied in literature and make comparisons between
Title of Unit
WL German Level 1
Curriculum Area
Developed By
District WLD
Theme 7: W ie gefällt dir das? Lek tionen A und B
Grade Level
Time Frame
9, 10, 11
3 weeks
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood..
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
Cultural Integrations
Bargain/Sales Shopping in Germany
The Euro
German Clothing Styles/Dress
Sizing German Clothing and Footwear
The German Department Store
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do you know when to
formally or informally
greet/take leave of the person
to whom you are speaking?
How do you form a question
using common interrogative
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How do inflection, intonation,
cultural gestures and body
language influence what is
How does word order affect
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How do you communicate your
likes & dislikes & those of
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Verbs: anhaben, tragen, anziehen, ausziehen, passen, nehmen, glauben, stehen, gefallen, wissen, losgehen, bedienen
Dative Verbs and Dative Personal Pronouns
Separable prefix Verbs
wissen (all forms)
Verbs with Stem Vowel Change
Writing a letter in German
Informal commands
kennen vs. wissen
der Anzug
die Anzüge
die Bluse
die Boutique
der Laden
das Geschäft
die Campingreise
drinnen eng
die Farbe
die Gröβe
die Gröβen
der Handschuh
das Hemd
die Hose
die Jeans
der Jugendliche
die Jugendlichen
das Kleid
das Kleidungsstück
die Krawatte
das Paar
die Paare
der Pullover
die Qualität
die Quittung
der See
die See der Schuh
die Schuhe
der Schwarzwald
das Shirt
die Socken
die Sommerferien
das Sonderangebot
der Strumpf
die Strümpfe
das Sweatshirt das T-Shirt
die Verk:auferin
die Wahl
die Wolljacke
der Rock
die Hosen (pl.)
der Schluβverkauf
die Auswahl
das Kaufhaus
der Fahrstuhl
die Rolltreppe Erdgeschoβ
Obst und Gemüse
der Mantel
der Pulli
die Kreditkarte Selbstbedienung
der Verkäufer
Schreibwaren die Kasse
die Abteilung
Obergeschoβ Mehrwertsteuer
der Euro
die Euro
der Manager
Common Expressions
Das passt mir nicht.
Das steht dir gut.
Sehr schick!
Gefällt dir das?
Passen die Jeans?
Sie hat einen Rock an. Wie ist die Hose?
Zu eng.
Sieh’ mal!
Er fährt mit dem Fahrrad.
Was für ein T-Shirt kaufst du?
Was hat sie an?
Vielleicht eine andere Farbe?
Wie viele Euro kostet das?
Er geht an die Kasse. Man bezahlt an der Kasse.
Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual!
Ich nehme diese Jacke.
Wir machen eine Reise.
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and
materials in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Students will be able to…
Make suggestions
Ask about prices
Describe and choose clothing items
Write a letter and a card
Talk about a department store
Title of Unit
WL German Level 1
Curriculum Area
Developed By
District WLD
Thema 8: Geburtstag Lektionen A und B
Grade Level
Time Frame
9, 10, 11
3 weeks
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood..
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
Cultural Integrations
The German Birthday
Invitations and Visiting in Germany
Religion and Diversity in Germany
German Courtship, Engagement and Marriage
German Honorary Days
About Austria
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do you know when to
formally or informally
greet/take leave of the person
to whom you are speaking?
How do you form a question
using common interrogative
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How do inflection, intonation,
cultural gestures and body
language influence what is
How does word order affect
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How do you communicate your
likes & dislikes & those of
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Verbs: einladen, funktionieren, lächeln, lachen, hoffen, wünschen, staunen, zeigen, mitkommen, stimmen, schicken, bekommen, backen, flieβen,
aufmachen, begrüβen,
Possessive Adjectives in the Nominative and Accusative Cases
Personal Pronouns in the Nominative and Accusative Cases
The Home (rooms and furnishings)
Accusative Prepositions: bis, durch, für, gegen, ohne, um
Contractions: durchs, fürs, ums
German Dates: am 18. September answering the question: When is your birthday?
Gift vs. Geschenk
die Party vs. die Partei
Students will know…
a. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
b. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
c. how to read and comprehend course texts and
materials in the TL
d. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the
e. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Students will be able to…
Talk about birthday presents
Congratulate someone
Identify rooms and furniture
Describe daily activities
Title of Unit
WL German Level 1
Curriculum Area
Developed By
District WLD
Theme 9: Vergnügen und Arbeit Lek tionen A und B
Grade Level
Time Frame
9, 10, 11
3 weeks
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood..
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
Cultural Integrations
Work and Entertainment in Germany
German Cinema and Film
German Poetry and Prose
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do you know when to
formally or informally
greet/take leave of the person
to whom you are speaking?
How do you form a question
using common interrogative
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How do inflection, intonation,
cultural gestures and body
language influence what is
How does word order affect
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How do you communicate your
likes & dislikes & those of
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Verbs: laufen, sammeln, fotografieren, einkaufen gehen, schlagen, mitbringen, vorhaben, anrufen, anfangen, vorschlagen, aufräumen, spülen,
abräumen, reparieren, decken, mähen, staubsaugen, einkaufen, vorstellen, bedeuten, beibringen, mitmachen, sich interessieren für, singen, Ski laufen
Separable Prefix Verbs
Reflexive Verbs: Dative and Accusative Case
The Familiar and Formal Command Forms
Die Frauenkirche, Dresden
der Band vs. die Band vs. das Band
die Band
die Briefmarke
die Briefmarken das Cello
der Fan
die Mannschaft
das Gedicht
die Gedichte
das Geschirr
das Handy
das Hobby
der Film
das Internet
das Kind
die Kinder
das Kino
die Klarinette
die Komödie
das Konzert
die Kosmetik
das Training
der Liebesfilm
das Lied
die Lieder
das Mitglied
die Mitglieder
die Münze
die Münzen
der Name
die Namen
das Poster
der Rasen
der Sänger
die Sängerin
das Schach
das Schlagzeug der Star
der Text
das Vergnügen das Vorbild
die Welt
das Wochenende
die Zeitung
das Zimmer
die Litfaβsäule das Jugendschutzgesetz
die Reihe
der Platz
der Zoo
der Tiergarten das Volksfest
der Jahrmarkt
der Zirkus
das Schlagzeug
der Türke
die Türken
Common Expressions
Der Film läuft jetzt im Kino.
Ich gehe jetzt zum Training.
Wir treffen uns vor dem Kino.
Das habe ich mir so vorgestellt.
Schreib’ bald!
Am Wochenende
Schönes Wochenende!
Wir besuchen ein Konzert.
Ich mache das gern.
Wann beginnt der Film?
Wir gehen ins Kino.
Bitte hier nicht parken!
So lange dauert es nicht.
Los, gehen wir!
Dresden, Florenz der Elbe
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and
materials in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Students will be able to…
Talk about a film
Express likes and dislikes
Describe weekend activities and hobbies
Make plans
Title of Unit
WL German Level 1
Curriculum Area
Developed By
District WLD
Theme 10: Sport Lek tionen A und B
Grade Level
Time Frame
9, 10, 11
3 weeks
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood..
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
Cultural Integrations
The German National Sport: Soccer
Sports in Germany
Germans and Physical Fitness
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do you know when to
formally or informally
greet/take leave of the person
to whom you are speaking?
How do you form a question
using common interrogative
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How do inflection, intonation,
cultural gestures and body
language influence what is
How does word order affect
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How do you communicate your
likes & dislikes & those of
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Verbs: aufpassen, ausprobieren, basteln, foulen, gewinnen, jubeln, köpfen, passieren, schenken, schieβen, schreien, schwenken, treiben, verlassen,
versuchen, wander, wehtun, weiterspielen, sich wünschen, fliegen, surfen, angeln, jagen, turnen, bergsteigen, sitzen, schlafen, gewinnen, riechen
Dative Case: Indirect Object
Dative Case: Definite Article
The Indefinite Article in the Nominative, Accusative and Dative Cases
Dative Prepositions: aus, auβer, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu, gegenüber
Contractions: beim, vom, zum, zur
Verbs followed by the Dative Case
Dative Personal Pronouns in the Nominative, Accusative and Dative Cases
das Abitur
der Ball
die Bundesliga
das Eishockey
der Finger
das Haar
die Hand
das Kinn
die Leute
der Mund
die Lippen
die Nummer
die Schulter
die Sportart
die Stirn
der Arm
das Auge
die Augen
das Bein
das Beispiel
die Beispiele
der Deutsche
die Deutschen direct
der Elfmeter
das Ende
die Fahne
der Fuβ
der Fuβballplatz das Golf
die Haare
die Halbzeit
der Hals
die Hände
die Beine
der Imbiβstand
der Körperteil die Körperteile letztdie Lieblingsmannschaft
die Mannschaft
die Lippe
die Luft
die Nase
der Nationalsport
das Ohr
die Ohren
die Schultern
der Ski
der Skier
das Spiel
die Spiele
der Spieler
das Stadion
die Stadien
die Statistik
die Zunge
der Zahn
die Zähne
das Tor
der Volleyball
die Wangen
das Tempo
der Tennisschläger
der Torwart
der Zuschauer der Fuβball
Deutscher Fuβballmeister
Deutscher Fuβball-Bund
die Wange
Common Expressions
Das tut mir weh!
Ich wünsche mir neue Skier.
Welche Sportart treibst du?
Wem schickst du eine E-Mail?
Er wohnt beim Bahnhof.
Was möchtest du?
Ich sitze auf dem Sofa.
Sprich’ doch mit ihm!
Au, mein Kopf! Das tut mir Leid!
Ich laufe gern Schlittschuh.
Sonst noch etwas?
Ich kaufe dem Freund eine Karte.
Ich habe Kopfweh.
Seit einem Jahr
Er kommt um zwei aus der Schule.
Ich habe Halsweh.
Kannst du mir helfen?
Schenkst du ihr neue Schuhe?
Students will know…
a. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
b. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
c. how to read and comprehend course texts and
materials in the TL
d. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the
e. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Students will be able to…
Talk about various sports and hobbies
Express likes and dislikes
Describe a sports event
Inquire about personal preferences
Identify parts of the body
Title of Unit
WL German Level 1
Curriculum Area
Developed By
District WLD
Theme 11: Reisen Lek tionen A und B
Grade Level
Time Frame
9, 10, 11
3 weeks
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood..
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
Cultural Integrations
The German Train Station and Rail System
The German Public Transportation System
Using a German Information Center
2-Way Prepositions: an, auf, hinter, neben, in, über, unter, vor und zwischen
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do you know when to
formally or informally
greet/take leave of the person
to whom you are speaking?
How do you form a question
using common interrogative
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How do inflection, intonation,
cultural gestures and body
language influence what is
How does word order affect
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How do you communicate your
likes & dislikes & those of
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Verbs: reisen, fahren, fliegen, abbiegen, abfahren, ankommen, aussteigen, einsteigen, erzählen,
fragen, mitnehmen, packen, einchecken, nachsehen, planen, schaffen, umsteigen, vorbeigehen,
Present Perfect Tense (Regular Verbs)
Present Perfect Tense (Irregular Verbs)
Schloβ Droyβig
Students will know…
a. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
b. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
c. how to read and comprehend course texts and
materials in the TL
d. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the
e. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Talk about traveling
Ask for and give directions
Identify important places in a city
Describe a trip
Ask for information
Title of Unit
WL German Level 1
Curriculum Area
Developed By
District WLD
Theme 12: Spaβ Lektionen A und B
Grade Level
Time Frame
9, 10, 11
3 weeks
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood..
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
Cultural Integrations
German Social Life
German Youth and Music in Germany
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study
a language?
How can learning a new
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do you know when to
formally or informally
greet/take leave of the
person to whom you are
How do you form a
question using common
interrogative words?
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How do inflection,
intonation, cultural
gestures and body
language influence what is
How does word order
affect meaning?
What are some tools from
your own language that
you can use to lean a new
How do you communicate
your likes & dislikes &
those of others?
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
anbieten, aufhören, stören, koordinieren, üben, sich ansehen, dran sein
Review of all concepts from the first level of instruction included in this theme’s activities.
der Anfänger
die Aufführung
die Blockflöte
das Foto
die Geige
die Übung
das Musikinstrument
das Saxaphon der Schritt
die Stadthalle das Studio
die Tanzstunde die Trompete
die Schweiz
die Bewegung
das Keyboard
der Rhythmus
der Spiegel
der Takt
die Tür
das Büro
die Flöte
der Spaβ
der Tanz
die Türe
Common Expressions
Das stört.
Ruhe, bitte!
Sie hören auf.
Fangen wir hier an!
Das macht SpaβWir haben den ersten Teil geübt.
Was für ein Musikinstrument spielst du?
Ich spiele ein paar Jahre Geige.
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
1. Use all the given German language skills from the past 2
semesters to talk about and write about given fun activities
Germans engage in.
2. This is a plateau Theme.
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
WL German Level 1
Grade Level
Time Frame
9, 10, 11
Time Frame: ongoing Semester 2
Developed By
District WLD
Ongoing Theme: Literature 2nd Semester
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood..
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
Cultural Integrations
Geography, location, capital city of country in reading selection
4 (minimally) cultural customs (i.e., holidays, celebrations, names,
family structures, religious practices, food)
Awareness of cultural differences and stereotypes
Assorted German Readers and Readings
Petra reist nach Kalifornien
Hilde und Günter
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study
a language?
How can learning a new
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do you know when to
formally or informally
greet/take leave of the
person to whom you are
How do you form a
question using common
interrogative words?
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How do inflection,
intonation, cultural
gestures and body
language influence what is
How does word order
affect meaning?
What are some tools from
your own language that
you can use to lean a new
How do you communicate
your likes & dislikes &
those of others?
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Word order and language in context
Supports previously acquired grammatical concepts
Vocabulary and Common Expressions
Supports previously acquired vocabulary while building a working Reading vocabulary
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials
in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
1. Read and comprehend literature, demonstrate knowledge of
culture studied in literature and make comparisons between
Timberlane Regional High School
Department of World Languages
German 2 Curriculum
Year of publication: 2011
Das Brandenburger Tor, Berlin
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 2
Grade Level
Time Frame
10, 11, 12
3 weeks
District WLD
Thema 1: W ohin geht’s? Lektionen A und B
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
3.1: Reinforce and further students’ knowledge of other disciplines through WL.
3.2: Students acquire information & recognize distinctive viewpoints that are available through WL & its cultures.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied & their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language is not an isolated academic subject; it pertains to
daily life and enhances the understanding of other school subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Learning does not end when you leave school.
A culture is formed by the unique circumstances which have occurred
throughout its people’s experiences.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a
culture and the products & perspectives of a culture.
In today’s increasingly globalized community, there are numerous
opportunities for learning & enjoying a language independently.
Cultural Integrations
Geography, location, capital city of country in reading selection;
4 (minimally) cultural customs (i.e. holidays, celebrations, names, family
structures, religious practices, food);
Awareness of cultural differences and stereotypes
Modes of Transportation
The German Airport
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study
a language?
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
Why is it important to
recognize differences
between language use in
school & beyond school
(vocabulary, dialect,
How can learning a new
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
Why is it necessary to
understand various
How do we use prior
knowledge from other
disciplines to further
understand a new language
and its related cultures?
How do you know when to
formally or informally
address the person you are
speaking to?
How do you forma a
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How does inflection or
intonation influence what is
How does word order
affect meaning?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
What are some tools from
your own language that
you can use to lean a new
How does the culture
studied compare to your
Key Concepts & Terms
Word order and language in context
Supports previously acquired grammatical concepts
Supports previously acquired vocabulary while building a working reading vocabulary
Improves spelling
Theme 1:
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
a) NEW: abfliegen, abholen, sich beeilen, gehen, kennen lernen, landen, rollen, tragen, übernachte
b) REVIEW from Level 1: brauchen, mitbringen, haben, schicken, wander, müssen, einkaufen, planen, wohnen, liegen,
können, schaffen, dauern, umsteigen, machen, fahren, sein, fragen, werden, meinen, stehen, sagen, kommen, sollen,
lesen, warten, ankommen, arbeiten, geben, kaufen, mitnehmen, bekommen, trinken, spielen, hören, wissen,
schreiben, möchten,
einsteigen, anrufen, vorschlagen, rüberkommen, verlassen, aussteigen
Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs
gern and lieber
Reflexive Verbs
Separable Prefix Verbs (Review)
Present Perfect Tense
Die R eise seines Lebens
der Abflug
der Brieffreund
die Fluggäste
der Gang
die Haltestelle
die Pilotin
der Rücksack
die Taschen
die Wege
die Leute
die Koffer
die Damen
die Haltestelle
die Aktentasche
die Bäckerei
die Bordkarte
die Einkaufstasche
das Fenster
der Flugast
der Flughafen
der Flugschein der Flugsteig
das Glück
das Gymnasium
die Handtasche
das Paket
der Pilot
der Reisepass der Pass
die S-Bahn
die Tasche
das Taxi
die USA
der Weg
der Zeitungsstand
das Flugzeug die Flugzeuge
der Angestellte der Koffer
die Zeitung
anderdie Dame
die Wohnung
die Auswahl
die Sicherheitskontrolle
Common Expressions
Bitte sehr.
Wohin gehst du denn?
Wir haben Glück.
Ich lerne sie gut kennen.
Fliegen wir pünktlich ab?
Möchten Sie am Fenster oder am Gang sitzen? Man bekommt das am Schalter.
Fliegst du gern?
Was soll ich vor dem Flug kaufen?
An Bord
Wohnst du lieber in einem Haus oder in einer Wohnung?
Es dauert zu lange.
Man muss sich beeilen.
Gibt es noch Plätze?
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Discuss travel plans
Describe airport facilities
Identify pieces of luggage
Make comparisons
Sequence events
Describe means of transportation
Ein Einfamilienhaus in Deutschland (Sie haben Gäste aus Amerika!)
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 2
Grade Level
Time Frame
3 weeks
District WLD
Theme 2: I m Som m er Lektionen A und B
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood and applied.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding
of other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a
How can learning a
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and
its related cultures?
Cultural Integrations
How do you form and
respond to a question
about your health?
How does word order,
specifically with intrinsic
verbs, affect meaning?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in
the present, preterit or
imperfect tenses?
Camping in Germany
The German Youth Hostel System
Germen Hotel Customs and Courtesies
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
a) New: abbrechen, campen, sich duschen, sich freuen auf, genieβen, hineingehen, sich kümmern, sich kämmen, sich
langweilen, packen, sich putzen, sich rasieren, reservieren, sich setzten, stecken, tun, sich vorbereiten auf, warten auf,
sich waschen, zubereiten, zurückfahren, zusammenrollen
b) Review: sprechen, schwimmen, treiben, sehen, sich ansehen, bleiben, zeigen, sich treffen, sich setzen, vorschlagen,
informieren, liegen, bezahlen, anbieten, sich wünschen, passen
Present Perfect Tense (Review)
Separable Prefix Verbs (Review)
Reflexive Verbs
Word Order of Dative and Accusative Cases
Reflexive Pronouns in the Accusative and Dative Cases
a) New:
der Aufenthalt
der Camper
der Campingplatz
eigender Eingang
der Erwachsene die Erwachsenen
das Essen
die Herbergsmutter
der Herbergsvater
das Hotel
die Information die Jugendherberge
das Kapitel
die Klassenreise
der Kocher
die Lebensmittel
die Luftmatraze die Mahlzeit
die Mitgliedskarte
die Ostsee
das Rheinschiff
der Schlafsack der Monat
der Sommer
der Strand
die übernachtung
die Umgebung
der Wagen
das Zelt
die Bettwäsche
b) Review:
die Ruhe
der Verkehr
der See
die Insel
die Karte
das Geld
das Geldautomat
die Kreditkarte
der Fluβ
die Flüsse
der Berg
die Berge
die Stadt
die Städte
das Rad
die Räder
die Jugendlichen
die Zahnbürste die Zahnpasta
das Spiel
das Brett
die Badewanne
der Ausflug
die Woche
die Wochen
das Essen
die Zähne
der Tisch
der Fuβball
die Groβeltern die Reise
die Hände
der Sonnabend der Morgen
die Uhr
die Party
die Schulferien
die Ferien
das Wochenende
Common Expressions
Es liegt direkt am Strand.
an der Ostsee
seit zwei Monaten
Man geht den Strand entlang. Wir gehen in die Ferien. am See
ein paar Kilometer noch
Es gibt keine Badewanne in der Jugendherberge.
Wo bleibt er denn?
Wir warten schon lange auf dich.
Warum seht ihr mich so komisch an?
Das stimmt.
Warum denn?
Ich putze mir die Zähne.
Beeilt euch!
Rügen ist sehr beliebt.
Reflexive Command Forms
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Ask for information
Talk about youth hostel and camping facilities
Write a report
Express likes and dislikes
Talk about travel experiences
Die wiederaufgebaute Frauenkirche in Dresden (2006)
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 2
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
10, 11, 12
3 weeks
Theme 3: Ferien Lektionen A und B
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the
understanding of other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a
Cultural Integrations
Popular German Travel Destinations
Der Chiemsee
Der Bodensee
Essential Questions
How can learning a
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and
its related cultures?
How do you form and
respond to a question
about your past
experiences and those of
How does word order,
specifically with indirect
and direct object pronouns,
affect meaning?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in
the present, preterit, or
imperfect tense?
When are ser and estar
used and how does it
change the meaning?
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
a) NEW: besichtigen, erzählen von, hinfahren, nennen, segeln, senden, stehen, verbringen, ziehen
b) REVIEW: segeln, besichtigen, sein, liegen, beginnen, fahren, kommen, zeigenmöchten, planen, machen, haben,
c) gefallen, wissen, gehen, sehen, schlagen, reisen, hinfahren, laufen, meinen, vorschlagen, können, anrufen, sagen,
schneien, wandern, lernen, besuchen, tanzen, hören, mähen, schicken, kaufen, fotografieren, bezahlen, regnen,
schmecken, wohnen, aussteigen, ankommen, folgen, sollen, finden, wollen, müssen, vorhaben, werden, scheinen, fliegen
Simple Past Tense/Imperfekt = Narrative Past of Regular Verbs
Simple Past tense/Imperfekt = Narrative Past if Irregular Verbs
Review of Accusative and Dative Prepositional Phrases
die Alpen
die Altstadt
die Autobahn
der Bauernhof
die Betriebe
die Blumeninsel
die Ferien
die Ferienreise
das Gewitter
der Grad
das Meer
der Nachbar
die Pension
der Regenschauer
der Schnee
das Segelboot
die Sehenswürdigkeiten sogar
die Wettervorhersage woanders
der Betrieb
die Blume
die Broschüre
das Fax
der Gruβ
die Grüβe
das Land
die Länder
die Nachbarn
das Rathaus
das Reisebüro das Schloss
die Sehenswürdigkeit
die Tagestemperatur
höchstder Wind
Common Expressions
ab und zu
etwas anderes
Kannst du mir etwas anderes vorschlagen?
Ich gehe an den Strand. Machst du da Ferien?
Ich wohnte ein Jahr in Deutschland.
Wir sind in die
Wir bleiben auf einem Bauernhof.
Es gibt Gewitter.
erst einmal
Wir fahren ans Meer.
Wohin fährst du gern?
Berge gefahren.
1. Students will know…
2. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
3. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
4. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
5. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
6. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
1. be able to SLRW with the Simple Past Tense/Imperfekt =
Narrative Past of Regular Verbs w/ 80% accuracy or better
2. be able to SLRW Simple Past tense/Imperfekt = Narrative Past if
Irregular Verbs w/ 80% accuracy or better
3. be able to SLRW Accusative and Dative Prepositional Phrases w/
80% accuracy or better
4. be able to SLRW about Popular German Travel Destinations
Schloβ Leopoldskron (mit der Festung im Hintergrund) ,
Salzburg, Österreich
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 2
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
10, 11, 12
3 weeks
Theme 4: Bei uns Lektionen A und B
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the
understanding of other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a
Cultural Integrations
Life on German Farms and German Agriculture
Types of German Homes and Customs
Essential Questions
How can learning a
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and
its related cultures?
How do you form and
respond to a question
about your past
experiences and those of
How does word order,
specifically with indirect
and direct object pronouns,
affect meaning?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in
the present, preterit, or
imperfect tense?
When are ser and estar
used and how does it
change the meaning?
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
a) NEW: ausmisten, bügeln, fressen, füttern, galoppieren, herauskommen, hinausreiten, klingen, sich kümmern um,
lassen, reiten, sauber machen, säubern, stecken, stricken, zurückkommen, sich verständigen, unterkommen,
herumkommen, sich ändern, grenzen, gespannt sein
b) REVIEW: schlafen, waren, hatten, wollten, sollten, saβen, mussten, reparierten, arbeiteten, vorbereiten, anriefen,
übten, waschen, helfen, sprechen, zubereiten, tun, essen, dürfen, studieren, unterkommen, hoffen, renovieren,
anfangen, schreiben, antworten, herumlaufen, begrüβen, verbringen, übernachten, dürfen
Simple Past Tense/Imperfekt = Narrative Past/Conversational Past of Modal Auxiliaries
Infinitives Used as Nouns
Review of Separable and Inseparable Prefix Verbs
Review of Present Perfect Tense and Simple Past Tense/Imperfekt
die Bank
der Besitzer
der Gast
die Groβstadt
der Hahn
der Käfig
die Kühe
die Pferde
der Schultag
der Stall
die Wiese
die Zeitschrift
die Vorteile
der Hauptbahnhof
die Kirche
die ehemalige DDR
die Gäste
die Gelegenheit
das Haustier
die Haustiere
das Huhn
die Hühner
der Hund
die Katze
die Koppel
der Irische Setter die Kuh
das Leben
der Papagei
das Pferd
der Roman
das Schaf
der Lärm
das Schwein
die Schweine
die Sportstunde
das Tier
der Vogel
die Wäsche
die Wohnungstür die Ziege
die Nachteile
die Mauer
der Dichter
der Anhang
der Kantor
die Schlacht
die Deutsche Demokratische Republik
die Ente
die Gans
der Fall der Mauer
der Vorteil der Nachteil
die Datei
der Grenzübergang
das Fürstentum
das Verkehrsbüro
die Einfahrt
die offizielle Währung
das Erlebnis
der Fürst
das Einfamilienhaus
das Mietshaus
das Mehrfamilien haus
das Reihenhaus
Common Expressions
Was war los?
Das Land grenzt an Österreich.
Was macht er?
Ihre Eltern sind geschieden.
Sie sollte ihre Arbeit machen.
Mach’ bitte die Tür zu!
Während der DDR Zeit… Er macht das selbst.
Auf diese Weise verständigen sie sich.
Er muss länger arbeiten.
Sie kommt gleich. Das klingt wirklich komisch.
Er muss alles sauber machen.
Morgen geht’s los. Viel Vergnügen!
Das Leben ist viel ruhiger.
Auf dem Weg nach Hause…
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Talk about obligations
Identify animals
Express likes and dislikes
Describe daily activities
Talk about a farm
Ein Villa an der Elbe, Dresden
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 2
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
10, 11, 12
3 weeks
Theme 5: Guten Appetit! Lektionen A und B
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the
understanding of other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a
Cultural Integrations
The German Restaurant and Menu
German Food Stores/Shops
How and Where Germans Eat
The Abitur
How can learning a
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and
its related cultures?
How do you form and
respond to a question
about your past
experiences and those of
How does word order,
specifically with indirect
and direct object pronouns,
affect meaning?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in
the present, preterit, or
imperfect tense?
When are ser and estar
used and how does it
change the meaning?
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Verbs: sich ändern, aussehen, sich bedanken, sich bedienen, sich beklagen über,
bestehen, bestellen, bieten, bitten, feiern, gehören, legen, malen, schneiden, sich sehen, täuschen, sich unterhalten, verlieren, sich vorstellen,
Genitive Case: Definite and Indefinite Articles and Possessive Adjectives
Prepositions in the Genitive Case
Interrogative Pronoun: wessen
Names and the Genitive Case
Additional der words:
dieser, jeder, welcher
der Anfang
der Apfelkuchen
der Bäcker
die Beilage
die Bohnen
die Bratkartoffeln
der Cent
der Dank
die Erbsen
der Champignon
das Ereignis
die Erdnussbutter
das Festessen
das Fischfilet
das Fleisch
der Fleischer
die Forelle
die Freizeit
die Gabel
die Gemüsesuppe
das Getränk
die Getränke
die Gulaschsuppe
der Gurkensalat
der Hochzeitstag
die Karotten
die Hühnersuppe
die Kellnerin
der Kellner
die Kerze
der Knödel
das Kompott
die Limo
das Messer
das Mineralwasser
die Möhren
der Nachtisch
das Obst
der Pfeffer
das Salz
die Prüfung
der Pudding
die Rechnung das Restaurant
der Rinderbraten
der Salat
die Salzkartoffeln
der Schlüssel
der Schweinebraten
die Serviette
der Spargel
die Speise
die Speisen
die Speisekarte
die Spezialität der Spinat
die Suppe
der Löffel
die Szene
der Tee
der Teller
das Thema
die Themen
die Tomaten
die Unterhaltung
der Verkehr
die Wand
das Würstchen
die Sorte
die Sorten
der Zucker
die Bäckerei
die Fleischerei die Metzgerei
der Metzger
der Unterschied
die Unterschiede
der Saft
das Trinkgeld das Gartenlokal
der Einfluss
die Gaststätte
das Gasthaus der Ausblick
die Konditorei Abitur
der Ratskeller
Common Expressions
Was gibt’s zu essen?
Was isst du zum Mittagessen?
Es klingelt.
beim Metzger Ich hatte viel Spaβ!
trotz des Wetters
Wessen Fahrrad ist das?
Was für …
Es gibt einen Unterschied zwischen den deutschen und amerikanischen Mahlzeiten.
Wie hält man die Gabel?
Es kommt darauf an.
ein belegtes Brot
Es hat geklingelt.
Hast du dich vorgestellt?
Wem gehört das?
Wie wär’s mit einem Nachtisch?
zum Frühstück Er hat es geschafft!
das Abitur
ganz in der Nähe
Es kostet zusammen …
während der Woche …
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Describe an eating establishment
Identify foods
Order meals in a restaurant
Express likes and dislikes
Discuss a menu
Auf dem Marktplatz in Halle
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 2
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
10, 11, 12
3 weeks
Theme 3: Einkaufen Lektionen A und B
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the
understanding of other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a
Cultural Integrations
The German Grocery Shopping List
The Metric System and Shopping in German Grocery Stores
Where Germans shop daily
The Euro Card or EC-Karte
How can learning a
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and
its related cultures?
How do you form and
respond to a question
about your past
experiences and those of
How does word order,
specifically with indirect
and direct object pronouns,
affect meaning?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in
the present, preterit, or
imperfect tense?
When are ser and estar
used and how does it
change the meaning?
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery:
Verbs: einkaufen gehen, ankommen, aufstehen, sich aussuchen, backen, bedienen, bemerken, drucken, erwarten, fertig sein, folgen, herausnehmen,
kleben, kochen, raufgehen, registrieren, rufen, runterkommen, sich überlegen, übersetzen, vertsehen, weg sein, wiegen, drucken
Demonstrative Pronouns: this (one), that (one), these and those in the Nominative, Accusative and Dative Cases
Question Words: wer, was, wen, wem
die Abteilung
der Aufsatz
der Briefkasten
die Einkaufsliste
die Erdbeere
das Geschichtsbuch
das Kilo
der Küchenschrank
die Kasse
der Pfirsich
das Regal
die Schreibwaren
die Sportabteilung
die Torte
die Waren
die Wörter
die Rolltreppe
der Kunde
der Apfel
die Orange
die Banane
die Birne
die Brombeere die Dame
die Deutschklasse
der Einkaufswagen
das Gerät
das Etikett
das Erdgeschoss
der Fahrstuhl
der Fall
der Geschmack gewöhnlich
der Keks
die Kirsche
die Kreditkarte der Schrank
der Tisch
der Küchentisch der Ladentisch
das Lebensmittelgeschäft
das Mehl
das Multimedia die Obstsorte
die Packung
die Pflaume
das Pfund
der Rat
die Reihe
die Rolltreppe sauer
die Spielwaren
der Stock
die Stockwerke der Supermarkt
die Theke
die Apotheke
die Tomate
die Waage
die Vokabeln
die Ware
die Weile
die Weintraube das Wort
das Wörterbuch zuletzt
die Zwiebel
die Apfelsine
die Drogerie
das Rezept
die Stände
die Kundin
Common Expressions
Das kommt auf deinen Geschmack an.
Er nimmt das heraus.
auf jeden Fall
Sie kommt runter.
fürs Wochenende
Unterdessen macht er das Essen.
an der Kasse
Mit wem spielst du?
Für wen arbeitest du? ganz preiswert im dritten Stock Sie sind ähnlich.
Sie bereitet alles vor. auf dem Markt Das ist genug.
die meisten Deutschen Er kauft diese roten.
Viele Grüβe an deinen Vater!
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials
in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Make a shopping list
Talk about going shopping
Request and pay for items
Describe a store
Identify fruits and vegetables
Der Marktplatz in Weimar
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 2
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
9 or 10
Ongoing Semester 1
Ongoing Theme: Literature 1st Semester
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the
understanding of other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a
Cultural Integrations
1. Geography, location, capital city of country in reading selection
2. 4 (minimally) cultural customs (i.e., holidays, celebrations,
names, family structures, religious practices, food)
3. Awareness of cultural differences and stereotypes
How can learning a
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and
its related cultures?
Key Concepts & Terms
Text Readings from Deutsch Aktuell II
Fast stirbt er
Other given readings fiction and non-fiction
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Word order and language in context
Supports previously acquired grammatical concepts
Vocabulary and Common Expressions
How do you form and
respond to a question
about your past
experiences and those of
How does word order,
specifically with indirect
and direct object pronouns,
affect meaning?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in
the present, preterit, or
imperfect tense?
When are ser and estar
used and how does it
change the meaning?
Supports previously acquired vocabulary while building a working Reading vocabulary
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
6. Read and comprehend literature, demonstrate knowledge of
culture studied in literature and make comparisons between
Schiffahrt auf der Elbe
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 2
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
10, 11, 12
3 weeks
Thema 7: Hobbys und I nteressen Lektionen A und B
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the
understanding of other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a
Cultural Integrations
How can learning a
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and
its related cultures?
Everyday German Youth Hobbies and Interests
Das Rockmobil
Die Eifel
Wettkampf im Wasser
How do you form and
respond to a question
about your past
experiences and those of
How does word order,
specifically with indirect
and direct object pronouns,
affect meaning?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in
the present, preterit, or
imperfect tense?
When are ser and estar
used and how does it
change the meaning?
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Verbs: sich anschnallen, ausfallen, auskommen, benutzen, berühren, durchfallen, erfahren, experimentieren, sich festmachen, halten, sich hangeln,
heben, joggen, klettern, sich orientieren, paddeln, straff machen, surfen, trainieren, umgehen mit, verpassen, stimmen, trommeln, angeben, drehen,
Adjectives after der- words (all cases)
Adjectives Used a Vocabulary
die Angst
das Ausdauertraining
der Baum
die Anweisung
der Artikel
die Ausrüstung
die Batterie
das Blitzgerät
die Chat-Gruppe
der Bach
der Experte
das Feuer
das Fotogeschäft
der Fotograf
die Fotozeitschrift
das Freie
das Gewicht
die Jugend
die Jugendzeitschrift
das Kajak
der Kanute
die Karte
der Klub
der Knoten
der Kompass
die Kondition
die Kraft
die Kundin
der Meter
der Muskel
die Möglichkeit mutig
die Nachbarschaft
der Ort
der naturfreund die Natur
das Picknick
die Politik
der Punkt
die Quizsendung
die Schwimmweste
das Seil
das Signal
die Sportsendung
die Strecke
das Streichholz
die Strömung
das Survivaltraining
das Talent
die Teilnehmerin
der Tipp
das Tor der Trainer
der Turnklub
das Ufer
der Wettkampf das Ziel der Griff
der Verstärker
das Schulfest das Gesicht
Common Expressions
Sie kommen mit einander gut aus.
Sei mutig!
Das macht nichts.
Keine Angst!
Ich mache Fotos.
Er surft im Internet.
mit allem Drum und Dran
Kein Problem. ab und zu
Er verliert keine Zeit.
Im Freien
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Discuss hobbies and interests
Talk about daily activities
Sequence daily events
Describe outdoor activities
Talk about a sports competition
Schach im Freien
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 2
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
10, 11, 12
3 weeks
Thema 8: Feste und Feiertage Lektionen A und B
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the
understanding of other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a
Cultural Integrations
German Festivals and Holidays
How can learning a
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and
its related cultures?
A Typical German Volksfest
How do you form and
respond to a question
about your past
experiences and those of
How does word order,
specifically with indirect
and direct object pronouns,
affect meaning?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in
the present, preterit, or
imperfect tense?
When are ser and estar
used and how does it
change the meaning?
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Verbs: sich anziehen, auflegen, aufwachen, denken, erledigen, gratulieren, herumsitzen, runtergehen, schieben, sparen, spritzen, stattfinden, stehen,
stellen, trocken, wachsen, zerstören, erinnern an, suchen, erobern, beshcreiben, anzünden, retten, brennen, schweben
Adjectives after ein- words (all cases)
Adjectives Not Preceded by Articles (all cases)
Adjectives after nichts, etwas und viel
Adjectives Following Quantity Words
die Achterbahn die Brezel
die Einheit
die Entscheidung
der Chip
die Fahrt
die Fanta
der Feiertag
das Fest
die Fischsemmel
die Flasche
der Frühstückstisch
der Führerschein
die Garage
der Humor
der Keller
der Ketschup
das Klassenzimmer
der Lebkuchen
die Lust
der Magen
der Muttertag
die Rolle
das Neujahr
der Regenschirm
das Sauerkraut der Senf
das Spezi
die Treppe
die Überaschung
der Valentinstag das Volksfest
die Wildwasserbahn
der Hohepünkt
der Umzug
das Osterei
der Festwagen die Süβigkeiten, der Korb, der Krieg
die Bedienung
die Stange
der Sieger
der Einwanderer
das Riesenrad die Vergnügungsfahrt
die Kerze
die Hochzeit
der Schäferlauf der Meterlauf
die bayerische Trachten
der Ausländer das Karussel
der Kreis
die Erde
die Schieβbude der Ballon
das Andenken die Kapelle
die Backwaren überall die Sorte
das Lebkuchenherz
die schön geschmückten Pferde
die Brauerei
Tag der Einheit
Common Experessions
Es geht zu Ende.
Ich bin müde vom Laufen.
jedes Jahr
Das schmeckt mir nicht. Am Imbiβstand
Wir bezahlen getrennt.
Das ist bei uns besonders beliebt.
Herzliche Grüβe!
Ein glückliches Neues Jahr!
Hast du Lust? Das spielt keine Rolle.
gut angezogen
der Graf
der Krug
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Express preferences in what you eat and drink
Talk about a special event
Identify holidays
Describe a festival
Tell what you did in the past
Fuβball Weltmeisterschaft 2006 in Berlin
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
German Level 2
District WLD
10, 11, 12
3 weeks
Thema 9: Kom m unikation Lektionen A und B
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the
understanding of other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a
Cultural Integrations
German Snail Mail and E-Mail
KaDeWE (Kaufhaus des Westens) Germany’s largest and most diverse
department store
The German Magazine Stand
Major German Magazines,
Newspapers and News
The Handy
German Radio
MDR: Central German Radio
Broadcast Center in Leipzig
How can learning a
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and
its related cultures?
How do you form and
respond to a question
about your past
experiences and those of
How does word order,
specifically with indirect
and direct object pronouns,
affect meaning?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in
the present, preterit, or
imperfect tense?
1. When are ser and estar
used and how does it
change the meaning?
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery
Verbs: angeben, aufnehmen, anklicken, sich auskennen, austauschen, chatten, einwerfen, speichern, erhalten, leeren, managen, regulieren, zusehen
Prepositions with Dative or Accusative
Dative Contractions
Accusative Contractions
der Absender
die Adresse
das Angebot
die Ansichtskarte
das Archiv
die Aufnahme das Ausland
der Auslandsender
der Bewerber
der Briefumschlag
der Chatraum die Daten
die Deutsche Welle
der Drucker
der Empfänger erstaunt
der Job
der Hörer
die Fremdsprache
die Hausnummer
das Interview
die Kommunikation
die Luftpost
die maus
das Mikrofon
das Netz
das Notebook persönlich
die Postleitzahl das Praktikum der Professor die Rückseite
der Rundfunk der Rundfunksender
das Semester die SMS
das Studium
die Taste
das Tonband
das Tonstudio
der Tontechniker
die Uni
der Weltkrieg
Common Expressions
Gehst du zur Post?
Ich werfe den Brief in den Briefkasten ein.
Wie lange wird es dauern?
Was steht darauf? Wann leert man den Briefkasten?
Schickst du den Brief mit der Luftpost?
Worüber sprichst du?
Ich chatte im Internet. Gib keine persönlichen Daten ins Netz!
Nicht mit fremden Leuten.
Sie sendet eine SMS.
Wir tauschen die E-Mail Adressen aus.
Er muss einen Aufsatz schreiben.
Der Chatraum ist ganz interessant.
Das Internet ist ein Wunder der Technologie.
Danke für die E-Mail. Wir sprechen über das Thema. Ich klicke eine Web-Seite an.
Ich treffe Leute in Chaträumen.
Man nutzt die Maus.
Ich kenne mich mit der technologie sehr gut aus.
da- and wo- Compounds
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials
in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Students will be able to…
Read and address an envelope
Identify mail-related terms
Describe daily papers or weekly magazines
Discuss computer-related topics
der deutsche Chatraum
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 2
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
10, 11, 12
3 weeks
Thema 10: Gesundheit Lektionen A und B
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the
understanding of other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a
Cultural Integrations
The German Health Care System
Applying for German jobs and training for those jobs
Essential Questions
How can learning a
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and
its related cultures?
How do you form and
respond to a question
about your past
experiences and those of
How does word order,
specifically with indirect
and direct object pronouns,
affect meaning?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in
the present, preterit, or
imperfect tense?
When are ser and estar
used and how does it
change the meaning?
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery:
Verbs: aufschreiben, aufsetzten, ausmachen, auftauchen, sich bewerben, sich erkälten, fehlen, hereinsehen, herumlaufen, hingehen, loswerden, melden,
nützen, rehabilitieren, scheinen, überstehen, untersuchen, sich verletzten, verschreiben, sich vorstellen, vorüber sein, wohl sagen
Past Perfect Tense
da/dahin and dort/dorthin
der Apotheker der Arzt der Augenarzt die Azubi
der Beruf
der Bauch
die Bauchschmerzen
die Brille
deutlich der Doktor
der Elektriker
der Erfolg
das Fieber
die Firma
der Friseur
der Flugbegleiter
der Fortschritt die Friseuse/-sin
gesund gar nicht
die Halsschmerzen
die Informatik der Ingenieur
die Kopfschmerzen
die Korrespondenz
das Krankenhaus
der Krankenpfleger
die Krankenschwester der Maler
der Mechaniker die Medizin
der Musiker
normal nützen der Optiker
die Ordnung
der Patient
der Polizist
der Rechtsanwalt
die Rezeption
die Rückenschmerzen schlimmer
der Sekretär/-in sicher
die Tablette
die Technologie
der Termin
der Unfall
der Zahnarzt
die Zahnspange
Common Expressions
Was ist heute passiert? Wann bist du das letzte Mal krank gewesen?
Ich habe mich bei einer Firma beworben. Heutzutage gibt es fast gar keine Post mehr.
Das kann mir viel nützen. Wann wirst di die Zahnspange los?
Das nennt man Fortschritt der Technologie.
Bist du jetzt Azubi? Viel Erfolg!
Er soll zum Arzt gehen. Alles scheint in Ordung zu sein.
Er trägt eine Brille.
Fühlst du dich nicht wohl?
Mir ist schwindlig.
Hast du Fieber?
Was fehlt dir den?
Ich bin ganz gesund. Ich habe Kpofschmerzen.
Du brauchst eine Brille. Es ist nicht deutlich.
Es wird viel ausmachen
Ich habe mich erkältet.
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials
in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Students will be able to…
Explain a health-related problem
Describe how you feel
State a complaint
Identify occupations
Name some medical items
Die deutsche Band K raftw erk
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 2
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
10, 11, 12
3 weeks
Thema 11: Fahren Lektionen A und B
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the
understanding of other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a
Cultural Integrations
The parts of the German car
Traveling by bike in Germany
German driver’s education
Traffic and traveling by road in Germany
Parking in Germany
German birthdays
The German Youth Center (Jugendzentrum)
Essential Questions
How can learning a
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and
its related cultures?
How do you form and
respond to a question
about your past
experiences and those of
How does word order,
specifically with indirect
and direct object pronouns,
affect meaning?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in
the present, preterit, or
imperfect tense?
When are ser and estar
used and how does it
change the meaning?
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery:
Verbs: abstellen, anhalten, durchkommen, herumfahren, parken, überqueren, sich überzeugen, zusammenbauen
Verbs with Prepositions
Verbs with Dative
Coordinating Conjunctions
Subordinating Conjunctions
das Dach
das Einkaufszentrum
das Ersatzteil der Fahrer
das Fahrzeug geöffnet
die Innenstadt das Jugendzentrum
die Jungs
der Leiter
das Lenkrad
das Mofa
der Motorradfreak
das Nummernschild
die Polizei
die Regel
die Reparatur der Roller
der Rücksitz
das Schaufenster
der Schulhof
der Sicherheitsgurt
sinnlos der Stau
das Steuerrad die Tour
die Unabhängigkeit
der Vodersitz
die Werkbank die Werkstatt
das Werkzeug
die Windschutzscheibe die Zweiradwerkstatt
Common Experessions
Ich mache den Führerschein. Es gibt einen Stau.
Die Fahrer halten an.
Mann kann nicht durchkommen.
Die Polizei ist da.
Sie wollen da parken.
Sie warten ewig.
Sie sehen sich die Schaufenster an.
Sie überqueren die Straβe.
Warum bringst du dein Auto zur Reparatur?
Der Reifen ist platt.
Er hat eine Panne.
Sie stellen ihre Fahräder ab.
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials
in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Students will be able to…
Identify car parts
Talk about a car
Describe a traffic situation or an accident
Talk about buying a present for someone
Discuss what to do when a bike or another vehicle doesn’t work
German Youth Hostel
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 2
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
10, 11, 12
3 weeks
Thema 12: Jugend Lektionen A und B
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the
understanding of other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a
Essential Questions
How can learning a language be
used for personal enjoyment &
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied culture?
How do we use prior knowledge to
further understand a language and
its related cultures?
How do you form and respond to a
question about your past
experiences and those of others?
How does word order, specifically
with indirect and direct object
pronouns, affect meaning?
How do you organize your message
to effectively communicate it to
your audience?
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate your
message, whether in the present,
preterit, or imperfect tense?
When are ser and estar used and
how does it change the meaning?
Cultural Integrations
German youth opinions on life and their future
German minority youth
Favorite German youth literature
Johannes Gutenberg
Worries and Concerns of today’s German youth
Famous German Castles
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery:
Verbs: angehen, ausgehen, bestimmen, diskutieren, entdecken, entspannen, erhalten, färben, herausfinden, sich konzentrieren, lieben, nachdenken,
schützen, träumen, unterstreichen, verdienen, vorlesen, jobben
das Alter
der Anlass
das Arbeitsamt die Arbeitslosigkeit
die Ausbildung die Autofirma
die Ausbildung der Ausbildungsplatz
die Bank
das Benehmen
das Benzin
bequem die Berufsschulebleifrei
der Comic
das Ding
die Betsellerliste die Dose
die Einladung
einzeln elegant die Endstation die Energie
die Erfahrung
das Familientreffen
der Freiraum
das Gefühl
die Generation das Gesetz
die Gewohnheit das Ideal
der Kiosk
der Klassiker
das Kompliment das Konto
die Kunst
die Lehre
der Liebesroman
die Meinung
möglich der Müll die Neugierde ökologisch
der Ostteil
die Prüfung
das Recycling das Reich
die Routine
der Satz
der Schwimmer die Situation
der Sitzplatz
die Sorge
tragisch traurig
die Umwelt
der Umweltschutz
der Unterschied die Zeichnung die Zukunft
der Zustand
Common Expressions
Ich bestimme das.
Er liest oft vor. Diese Bücher entspannen.
Dieses Buch gefällt mir. Es ist im guten Zustand. Es war spannend.
Die Jugend sorgt sich heute.
Es ist für sie zur Gewohnheit geworden.
Ich eröffne ein Konto. Welche Sorgen hast du?
Es gibt ein paar Unterschiede. Was für eine Meinung hast du?
In meinem Alter brauche ich mehr Freiraum.
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials
in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of
the TL
Students will be able to…
1. Talk about young people in Germany
2. Discuss everyday life for teens in Germany
3. Compare and Contrast their future plans with future plans of their
peers in Germany
German 3 Curriculum
TRHS, WLD Dept, 2011
Title of Unit
WL German Level 3
Curriculum Area
Developed By
District WLD
Theme 1: I m Herzen Europas, Lek tionen A und B
Grade Level
Time Frame
3 weeks
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
The Battle for Germania
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & applied.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
Why is it important to continue
to study a language?
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and its
related cultures?
How do you form and respond
to questions about health and
How are idiomatic expressions
used to convey meaning?
How do you differentiate the
meaning of verbs with or
without the reflexive pronoun?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in
the present, preterit or
imperfect tense?
1. How do you form, use &
respond to formal &
informal commands?
Cultural Integrations
Geographie: Deutschlands Lage, Die Gröβe, Die Bevölkerung, Die
Landschaft, Das K lim a, Die Landschaft, Bodenschätze,
I ndustriegebiete, Die Verkehrsw ege, Stadt und Land,
die W elt (Geographie), Deutschland in Europa
Gastarbeiter in Deutschland, Der Chiem see in Bayern
Der Bahnhof und Die Deutsche Bahn
Die Varusschlacht
K arl der Groβe
Erich K ästner >>Em il und die Detektive<<
W ilhelm Busch >>M ax und M oritz<<
Das W ort “Deutsch”
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical/Language Concepts for Mastery:
Verbs: baden, dienen, ertrinken, frühstücken, geboren, herrschen, krönen, leben, losfahren, maulen, pflanzen, sich sorgen, übergeben, unterrichten,
verbinden, vereinigen, vergessen
Expressions for Times of Day (advanced)
Separable Prefix Verbs
Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions
die Abreise
die Abfahrt
das Abteil
der Äquator
der Atlantik
die Bahn
der Bahnsteig
der Bauer
der Dampfer
eindrucksvoll der Zug
die Ernte
das Feld
der Flur
die Geschäftsleute
die geschister
das Groβraumabteil
die Heimatstadt
der Herr
der Herrscher
das Herz
hin und zurück
der Ozean
der Indische Ozean
der Kaiser
das Kaiserreich
die Kohle
der Kontinent der Landweg
die Liebe
die Lokomotive
der Luftweg
die Macht
der Märchenkönig
der Mensch
der Wagen
der Pazifik
die Quelle
der Nordpol
der Nordosten
der Schaffner
der Seeweg
Students will know…
the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the appropriate level
how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the TL
how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Talk about countries and continents
Inquire about personal backgrounds
Discuss vacation experiences
Describe a train station and train facilities
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 3
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
3 weeks
Theme 2: Gestern und heute
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & applied.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
Why is it important to continue
to study a language?
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and its
related cultures?
How do you form and respond
to questions about health and
How are idiomatic expressions
used to convey meaning (i.e.
How do you differentiate the
meaning of verbs with or
without the reflexive pronoun?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in the
present, preterit or imperfect
How do you form, use &
respond to formal & informal
Cultural Integrations
Sehenswürdigkeiten in einer deutschen Stadt
Eine Reise nach Papenburg
An der Nordsee
An der Kreuzung
Das Motorrad
Menschen und Mächte
Die Wikinger
Essen in Deutschland: gestern und heute
Ritter, Bauern und das Heilige Rom
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical and Language Concepts for Mastery
Verbs used as nouns
Presnt Perfect and Narrative Past of Regular and Irregular Verbs
Time Expressions with the Dative Case
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the appropriate
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Identify city sights
Describe a trip
Inquire about details
Talk about downtown traffic
Describe a vehicle
Gather information
Retell facts about major German cultural and historical events and
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 3
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
3 weeks
Theme 3: Familie und Nachbarn
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Friedrich Barbarossa
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & applied.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
Cultural Integrations
Friedrich Barbarossa und die Kultur der Stauferzeit
Die letzte deutsche Kaiserin
Der Stammbaum
Nachbarn und die Nachbarschaft in Deutschland
Die Schweiz und Zürich
Das Fahrrad und Mountainbiking in Deutschland
Michael Ende Lenchens Geheimnis
Why is it important to continue
to study a language?
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and its
related cultures?
How do you form and respond
to questions about health and
How are idiomatic expressions
used to convey meaning (i.e.
How do you differentiate the
meaning of verbs with or
without the reflexive pronoun?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in the
present, preterit or imperfect
How do you form, use &
respond to formal & informal
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical and Language Concepts for Mastery
Relative Pronouns
Use of als, wenn and wann
Present Subjunctive II: Polite Requests and Wishes
Compound Nouns
Students will know…
the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the appropriate level
how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the TL
how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Talk about additional family members
Express various moods
Describe neighbors
Identify and talk about bicycle parts and get repairs made
Retell facts about major German cultural and historical events and
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 3
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
3 weeks
Theme 4: Spaβ muss sein
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & applied.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
Why is it important to continue
to study a language?
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and its
related cultures?
How do you form and respond
to questions about health and
How are idiomatic expressions
used to convey meaning (i.e.
How do you differentiate the
meaning of verbs with or
without the reflexive pronoun?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in the
present, preterit or imperfect
How do you form, use &
respond to formal & informal
Cultural Integrations
Lebeslust und Totentanz
Entwicklung der Städte
Das wirtschaftliche leben im Mittelalter
Adel und Bürgertum
Die Hausmacht
Österreich und die Entsteheung der Schweiz
Das Brettspiel
Das Armaturenbrett
Die fahrschule
Die Mitfahrzentrale
Heinrich Spoerl Der Stift
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical and Language Concepts for Mastery
Verb-Preposition Combinations
Relative pronouns after prepositions
If/Then Clauses, Present Tense
Students will know…
the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the appropriate level
how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the TL
how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Talk about various games
Describe a musical event
Identify parts of a car
Inquire about details
Discuss street performances by artists
Retell facts about major German cultural and historical events and
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 3
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
3 weeks
Theme 5: Österreich
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & applied.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
Why is it important to continue
to study a language?
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and its
related cultures?
How do you form and respond
to questions about health and
How are idiomatic expressions
used to convey meaning (i.e.
How do you differentiate the
meaning of verbs with or
without the reflexive pronoun?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in the
present, preterit or imperfect
How do you form, use &
respond to formal & informal
Cultural Integrations
Die Reformation und Martin Luther
Erfindungen und Entdeckungen
In einem Buchgeschäft
Wie höflich sind die Leute?
Wien, Budapest und Prag
Menschen und Mächte
Walther von der Vogelweide
Alles Wälzer
Gedichte von Christian Morgenstern
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical and LMnguage Concepts for Mastery
Comparative and Superlative
If/Then Clauses, Past Tense
Students will know…
the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the appropriate
how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the TL
how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Retell facts about major German cultural and historical events and
Ask for advice and information
Express politeness
Express preferences
Describe travel experiences
Talk about a hiking trip
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 3
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
3 weeks
Theme 6: Spuren der Geschichte
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & applied.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
Why is it important to continue
to study a language?
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and its
related cultures?
How do you form and respond
to questions about health and
How are idiomatic expressions
used to convey meaning (i.e.
How do you differentiate the
meaning of verbs with or
without the reflexive pronoun?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in the
present, preterit or imperfect
How do you form, use &
respond to formal & informal
Cultural Integrations
Der Fenstersturz von Prag
Der Dreiβigjährige Krieg
Der Fürstenstaat
Was ist aus ihnen geworden?
Unsere Klasse
Hamburg und Bremen
Eine Stelle suchen
Segeln wie vor 100 Jahren
Die Hanse
Aus alt macht neu
Der Erlkönig – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical and Language Concepts for Mastery
Modals: Present and Perfect
Modals: Narrative Past
Modals: Present Subjunctive
Modals: Past Subjunctive
Wann and ob
Students will know…
the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the appropriate
how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the TL
how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Retell facts about major German cultural and historical events and
Introduce yourself and talk about others
Describe talents and abilities
Apply for a job
Talk about various professions
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 3
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
3 weeks
Theme 7: Generationen
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & applied.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
Why is it important to continue
to study a language?
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and its
related cultures?
How do you form and respond
to questions about health and
How are idiomatic expressions
used to convey meaning (i.e.
How do you differentiate the
meaning of verbs with or
without the reflexive pronoun?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in the
present, preterit or imperfect
How do you form, use &
respond to formal & informal
Cultural Integrations
Die Aufklärung
Der Bürgerliche Lebenstil
Österreich und Preuβen
Friedrich II.
Deutsche in Amerika
Von Jung und Alt
Probleme zwischen den Generationen
Die Straβenbahn
Gutenberg und der Buchdruck
An der Pommesbude
Angelika Mechtel Flucht ins fremde Paradies
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical and Language Concepts for Mastery
Passive Voice, Present Tense
Modals with the passive, Present Tense
Infinitive Clauses with zu and um…zu
Students will know…
the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the appropriate level
how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the TL
how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Retell facts about major German cultural and historical events and
Describe family dynamics
Describe current situations
Become familiar with commuting in a city
Request appropriate tickets for various means of transportation
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 3
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
3 weeks
Theme 8: Gesundes Leben
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & applied.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
Why is it important to continue
to study a language?
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and its
related cultures?
How do you form and respond
to questions about health and
How are idiomatic expressions
used to convey meaning (i.e.
How do you differentiate the
meaning of verbs with or
without the reflexive pronoun?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in the
present, preterit or imperfect
How do you form, use &
respond to formal & informal
Cultural Integrations
Die Goethezeit
Die deutsche Klassik und Romantik
Napoleon und die Freiheitskriege
Gesundheit und ernährung
Stress vermeiden vor dem Abitur
Der Harz
Schutz für den Sport
Parcelsus und die modern Medizin
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical and Language Concepts for Mastery
Passive Voice, Narrative Past
Passive Voice with Modals, Narrative Past
Relative Pronouns was and wo
The Genitive Case
Students will know…
the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the appropriate level
how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the TL
how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Retell facts about major German cultural and historical events and
S/L/R/W with 90% accuracy on an intermediate level in German
Use the Passive Voice w/ 90% accuracy or better
Use the genitive Case with 90% accuracy or better
Use the Narrative Past with 90% accuracy or better
Use Relative pronouns wo and was with 90% accuracy or better
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 3
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
3 weeks
Theme 9: Die Nachbarn in Europa
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & applied.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
Why is it important to continue
to study a language?
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and its
related cultures?
How do you form and respond
to questions about health and
How are idiomatic expressions
used to convey meaning (i.e.
How do you differentiate the
meaning of verbs with or
without the reflexive pronoun?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in the
present, preterit or imperfect
How do you form, use &
respond to formal & informal
Cultural Integrations
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit
Das wartburgfest
Biedermeier und Junges Deutschland
Soziale Problem des Industrialisierung
Die Revolution des guten Willens
Landschaften und Klima
Junge Leute in der EU
Johannes Kepler und die Bewegung der Planeten
Die einheitliche Währung mit vielen Gesichtern
Ein bericht der Föderation der Natur- und Nationalparks Europas
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical and Language Concepts for Mastery
Uses of werden
Word Order of Adverbials
Passive Voice with the Subject es
-ung Nouns formed from Verbs
Students will know…
Students will be able to…
the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the appropriate
how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the TL
how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 3
District WLD
Retell facts about major German cultural and historical events and
S/L/R/W with 90% accuracy on an intermediate level in German
Use warden with 90% accuracy or better
Use accurate word order with adverbials
Use Passive Voice with the subject es w/ 90% accuracy or better
Use –ung formed nouns w/ 90% accuracy or better
Grade Level
Time Frame
3 weeks
Theme 10: Beziehungen
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & applied.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
Why is it important to continue
to study a language?
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and its
related cultures?
How do you form and respond
to questions about health and
How are idiomatic expressions
used to convey meaning (i.e.
How do you differentiate the
meaning of verbs with or
without the reflexive pronoun?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in the
present, preterit or imperfect
How do you form, use &
respond to formal & informal
Cultural Integrations
Politisch engagiert
Soziale Aktionen
UNESCO in Deutschland
Das Internet
Wolf Biermann Das Märchen vom kleinen Herrn Moritz, der eine Glatze
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical and Language Concepts for Mastery
Past Perfect
Past Perfect with Modals
Past Participles and Adjectives
Subordinate Clauses with Question Words
Students will know…
the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the appropriate level
how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the TL
how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Retell facts about major German cultural and historical events and
S/L/R/W with 90% accuracy on an intermediate level in German
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 3
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
3 weeks
Theme 11: Die verspätete Nation
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & applied.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
Why is it important to continue
to study a language?
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and its
related cultures?
How do you form and respond
to questions about health and
How are idiomatic expressions
used to convey meaning (i.e.
How do you differentiate the
meaning of verbs with or
without the reflexive pronoun?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in the
present, preterit or imperfect
How do you form, use &
respond to formal & informal
Cultural Integrations
Die Arbeiterklasse und der Sozialismus
Realismus und Realpolitik
Bismarcks Deutsches Reich
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical and Language Concepts for Mastery
Review of Unit 1-10 Material
Special Problems in German Language
Students will know…
the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the appropriate level
how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the TL
how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Retell facts about major German cultural and historical events and
S/L/R/W with 90% accuracy on an intermediate level in German
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 3
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
3 weeks
Theme 12: Woher und Wohin?
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & applied.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
Why is it important to continue
to study a language?
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and its
related cultures?
How do you form and respond
to questions about health and
How are idiomatic expressions
used to convey meaning (i.e.
How do you differentiate the
meaning of verbs with or
without the reflexive pronoun?
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, whether in the
present, preterit or imperfect
How do you form, use &
respond to formal & informal
Cultural Integrations
Use of assorted German readers for review of Unit 1-10 material
Key Concepts & Terms
Grammatical and Language Concepts for Mastery
Review of Unit 1-10 Material continued
Spoecial Problems in German Language
Students will know…
the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the appropriate level
how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the TL
how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to…
Retell facts about major German cultural and historical events and
German 4 Curriculum
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 4 Accelerated
Grade Level
11 or 12
Time Frame
4 weeks
District WLD
Literature & Culture – Theme 1: Weltpolitik / Leute von heute
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
3.1: Reinforce and further students’ knowledge of other disciplines through WL.
3.2: Students acquire information & recognize distinctive viewpoints that are available through WL & its cultures.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied & their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language is not an isolated academic subject; it pertains to daily
life and enhances the understanding of other school subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Learning does not end when you leave school.
A culture is formed by the unique circumstances which have occurred
throughout its people’s experiences.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture
and the products & perspectives of a culture.
In today’s increasingly globalized community, there are numerous
opportunities for learning & enjoying a language independently.
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
Why is it important to recognize
differences between language
use in school & beyond school
(vocabulary, dialect,
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
How do you know when to
formally or informally address
the person you are speaking
How do you forma a question?
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How does inflection or
intonation influence what is
How does word order affect
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
Cultural Integration
Discuss progress and change in Germany from 1885-1917
Appreciate and Discuss the Expressionist Movement in Germany
Understand, interpret and discuss the German concept of the term
Talk about famous, influential Germans in literature, science, society and
Read and discuss important pieces of German literature
Specific Content to include:
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
Why is it necessary to
understand various cultures?
How do we use prior
knowledge from other
disciplines to further
understand a new language
and its related cultures?
Carl Benz und das Auto
Wilhelm II. Und Das Zweite Reich
Deutsche Imperialismus
Der Erste Weltkrieg
Bewegung: Expressionismus
Albert Einstein
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How is culture formed by the
unique circumstances which
have occurred?
How does the culture studied
compare to your own?
What is the relationship
between practices &
perspectives of different
How does globalization expand
the scope of a culture?
The cultural/historical context of love in TL countries as portrayed in pre-21st
century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and audio
media and realia.
Key Concepts & Terms
Broad Overview:
Review and integrate all grammar previously studied (i.e. verb tenses)
Build vocabulary, translating skills via reading
Build vocabulary, listening & interpreting skills via audio materials
Build cultural knowledge through context via authentic visual materials
Utilize listening, speaking, reading, writing skills as topic is covered via: pre-21st century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and
audio media, and realia.
Unit Grammatical and Language Concepts for Mastery:
Verbs (all tenses and forms): sich entwickeln, entstehen, benehmen, glauben, werden, darstellen, feststellen, denken, sich ändern, erreichen, verkünden,
stehen, fallen, beschaffen, hervorbringen, suchen, zusammenbringen, angreifen, eingreifen, finden, bestimmen, geschehen, verbinden, verändern,
Imperfect and Perfect Tenses
Adjective Endings after “der” and “ein” words
Prepositional Phrases Usage
Unit Vocabulary
der Aufbruch
die Erfindung
die Fabrik
die Kunst
die Technik
die Wirtschaft
das Geschäft
dei Darstellung
der Künstler
die Geschichte
das Schimpfwort
die Wahrheit
das Erlebnis
die Bewegung
die Industrie
die Leistung
die Theorie
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
die Revolution
die Entwicklung
der Bürger
das Verständnis
Students will be able to speak, listen to and understand, write and read
the following with 90% accuracy or better:
1. identify, discuss, analyze, compare, contrast, relate, draw
conclusions, predict outcomes based on the geographical,
historical, and cultural connections and implications of the media
studied to include:
a) Products and perspectives of cultural practices and
2. main message and characters from written texts or other
audiovisual materials
a) b) the plot summary
3. apply previous vocabulary & grammatical structures to this
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 4 Accelerated
Grade Level
11 or 12
Time Frame
4 weeks
District WLD
Literature & Culture – Theme 2: Weimar und Potsdam/ Wohnwelten
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
3.1: Reinforce and further students’ knowledge of other disciplines through WL.
3.2: Students acquire information & recognize distinctive viewpoints that are available through WL & its cultures.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied & their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language is not an isolated academic subject; it pertains to daily
life and enhances the understanding of other school subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Learning does not end when you leave school.
A culture is formed by the unique circumstances which have occurred
throughout its people’s experiences.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture
and the products & perspectives of a culture.
In today’s increasingly globalized community, there are numerous
opportunities for learning & enjoying a language independently.
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
Why is it important to recognize
differences between language
use in school & beyond school
(vocabulary, dialect,
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
How do you know when to
formally or informally address
the person you are speaking
How do you forma a question?
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How does inflection or
intonation influence what is
How does word order affect
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
Cultural Integrations
The cultural/historical context of the Weimar Period in Germany as portrayed
in 20th century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and
audio media and realia.
Ausrufung der deutschen Republik
Nationalversammlung, Weimarer Verfassung
Friedensvertrag von Versailles
Vertrag von Lacarno
Hindenburg Reichspräsident
Beginn der groβen Wirtschaftskrise
Adolf Hitler Reichskanzler
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
Why is it necessary to
understand various cultures?
How do we use prior
knowledge from other
disciplines to further
understand a new language
and its related cultures?
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How is culture formed by the
unique circumstances which
have occurred?
How does the culture studied
compare to your own?
What is the relationship
between practices &
perspectives of different
How does globalization expand
the scope of a culture?
Key Concepts & Terms
Broad Overview:
Review and integrate all grammar previously studied (i.e. verb tenses)
Build vocabulary, translating skills via reading
Build vocabulary, listening & interpreting skills via audio materials
Build cultural knowledge through context via authentic visual materials
Utilize listening, speaking, reading, writing skills as topic is covered via: 20th century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and audio
media, and realia.
Unit Grammatical and Language Structures for Mastery:
Genitive Case Prepositions
Genitive Case Structure and Use
von vs. aus
German Possessives Comprehensive Review
Unit Vocabulary:
die Ausrufung der Vertrag die Wirtschaft die Krise die Verfassung die Selbstbestimmung die Inflation
die Partei unabhängig
wählen der Wahl die Gesellschaft die Mehrheit die Minderheit die Grundrechte die Gleichberechtigung die Auswirkung
die Abstimmung entwürdigend die Geldentwertung die Verständigung die Versöhnung der Nachfolger das Hörspiel überflüssig die
Denkrichtung die Bankzusammenbrüche tagen verbünden die Notverordnung die Folge der Grundsatz die Grenzen
die Beschränkungen die Reparationen die Maβnahmen einleiten auslösen abhängig regieren
erstreben die Koalition fortschrittlich
unzufrieden entstehen das Vermögen das Ereignis der Widerstand entartet einschränken
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to speak, listen to and understand, write and read
the following with 90% accuracy or better:
1. identify, discuss, analyze, compare, contrast, relate, draw
conclusions, predict outcomes based on
a. the geographical, historical, and cultural connections and
implications of the media studied
i. Products and perspectives of cultural practices
and language
b. main message and characters from written texts or other
audiovisual materials
i. the plot summary
2. apply previous vocabulary & grammatical structures to this
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
Grade Level
WL German Level 4 Accelerated
11 or 12
Time Frame
4 weeks
District WLD
Literature & Culture – Theme 3: Der Nationalsozialismus/ Wie geht`s denn so?
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
3.1: Reinforce and further students’ knowledge of other disciplines through WL.
3.2: Students acquire information & recognize distinctive viewpoints that are available through WL & its cultures.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied & their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language is not an isolated academic subject; it pertains to daily
life and enhances the understanding of other school subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Learning does not end when you leave school.
A culture is formed by the unique circumstances which have occurred
throughout its people’s experiences.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture
and the products & perspectives of a culture.
In today’s increasingly globalized community, there are numerous
opportunities for learning & enjoying a language independently.
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
Why is it important to recognize
differences between language
use in school & beyond school
(vocabulary, dialect,
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
How do you know when to
formally or informally address
the person you are speaking
How do you forma a question?
How do you form an affirmative
or negative response to a
How does inflection or
intonation influence what is
How does word order affect
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
Cultural Integrations
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
Why is it necessary to
understand various cultures?
How do we use prior
knowledge from other
disciplines to further
understand a new language
and its related cultures?
Adolf Hitler und die NSDAP
Alltagsleben unter der NSDAP Diktatur
der Anschluβ
Kristallnacht und Judenverfolgungen
Widerstand gegen die NSDAP
Bedinungsloser Krieg
Kollektivschuld und Kollektivscham
The cultural/historical context of the Natioanl Socialist period in Germany as
portrayed in 19 and 20th century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays,
myths, visual and audio media and realia.
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How is culture formed by the
unique circumstances which
have occurred?
How does the culture studied
compare to your own?
What is the relationship
between practices &
perspectives of different
How does globalization expand
the scope of a culture?
Key Concepts & Terms
Broad Overview
Review and integrate all grammar previously studied (i.e. verb tenses)
Build vocabulary, translating skills via reading
Build vocabulary, listening & interpreting skills via audio materials
Build cultural knowledge through context via authentic visual materials
Utilize listening, speaking, reading, writing skills as topic is covered via: 19 and 20th century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and
audio media, and realia.
Unit Grammatical and Language Concepts for Mastery:
Subjunctive Structure and Use
Indirect Discourse
Review of 2-way Prepositions
Unit Vocabulary
beseiteigen die Gegner
der Anschluβ der Weltkrieg Attentat
Waffenstillstand unehlich sitzenbleiben
Ansicjtskarten der Todfeind zersetzend die Gefolgsleute die Lichtmenschen
die Ausnahmemenschen züchten die vernichtung die Gasvergiftung lebensunfähig die Rede SA SS
NSDAP die Arier bewerben stammen
die Schulbildung das Ziel der Händler verteilen beeindruckt
die Bewegung der Aufstieg der Grundbesitz die Gemeinschaft bilden vertreiben die Wiederaufrüstung
die Glaubwürdigkeit
die Bestimmungen die Aufm:arsche GESTAPO die Volksabstimmung KZ die Autobahn
der Volkswagen
die Abgeordnete leisten säubern beweisen
ausnutzen die Schwächen die Abtretung
verkünden der Blitzkrieg die Verbündeten die Judenverfolgungen auferlegen die Unterdrückung zwingen
die Gesetze der Widerstand der Volksgerichtshof die Umsiedlung bedingungslos die Untaten
die Kollektivschuld der Kollektivschamm freisprechen die Bedingung
nüchtern das Verbrechen entstehen
die Ursachen sich befreien
die Endlösung der Putsch die Laufbahn der Anfang bemerkenswert
die Auffassung
die Aufmerksamkeit
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to speak, listen to and understand, write and read
the following with 90% accuracy or better:
1. identify, discuss, analyze, compare, contrast, relate, draw
conclusions, predict outcomes based on
a. the geographical, historical, and cultural connections and
implications of the media studied
i. Products and perspectives of cultural practices
and language
b. main message and characters from written texts or other
audiovisual materials
i. the plot summary
2. apply previous vocabulary & grammatical structures to this
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 4 Accelerated
Grade Level
11 or 12
Time Frame
4 weeks
District WLD
Literature & Culture – Theme 4: Das Wirtschaftswunder/Freizeit und Unterhaltung
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
3.1: Reinforce and further students’ knowledge of other disciplines through WL.
3.2: Students acquire information & recognize distinctive viewpoints that are available through WL & its cultures.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied & their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language is not an isolated academic subject; it pertains to daily
life and enhances the understanding of other school subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Learning does not end when you leave school.
A culture is formed by the unique circumstances which have occurred
throughout its people’s experiences.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture
and the products & perspectives of a culture.
In today’s increasingly globalized community, there are numerous
opportunities for learning & enjoying a language independently.
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
Why is it important to recognize
differences between language
use in school & beyond school
(vocabulary, dialect,
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
How do you know when to
formally or informally address
the person you are speaking
How do you forma a question?
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How does inflection or
intonation influence what is
How does word order affect
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
Cultural Integrations
The cultural/historical context of nature in Germany as portrayed in 20th and
21st century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and
audio media and realia.
Specific Content
Potsdamer Konferenz und die Besatzung Deutschlands
Währungsreform der Westzonen
Blockade Berlin
Gründung der BRD und DDR
Aufstand und Streiks in der DDR
NATO und Warschauer Pakt
Gründung der EWG
Die Berliner Mauer und ihre Folgen
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
Why is it necessary to
understand various cultures?
How do we use prior
knowledge from other
disciplines to further
understand a new language
and its related cultures?
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How is culture formed by the
unique circumstances which
have occurred?
How does the culture studied
compare to your own?
What is the relationship
between practices &
perspectives of different
How does globalization expand
the scope of a culture?
Key Concepts & Terms
Broad Overview:
Review and integrate all grammar previously studied (i.e. verb tenses)
Build vocabulary, translating skills via reading
Build vocabulary, listening & interpreting skills via audio materials
Build cultural knowledge through context via authentic visual materials
Utilize listening, speaking, reading, writing skills as topic is covered via: pre-21st century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and
audio media, and realia.
Unit Grammatical and Langauge Competencies for Mastery:
Review of Modal Auxiliaries in the Imperfekt
Relative Pronoun Usage
Review of German Plural Endings
Unit Vocabulary
die Besatzung die Teilung die Zone das Wirtschaftswunder die Kriegsschäden auflösen entsprechen verschollen umgekommen
entschädigen der Wahl die Wahlen der Konferenz die Zustimmung das Grundgesetz das Durchhalten die Vereinbarung bekräftigen
die Bestechung die Genehmigung die Mauer der Aufstand der Streik die Nüchternheit der Vorsitzender die Vorbehalte verabscheuen
das Bollwerk die Fachleute der fehlschlag die Vertriebenen die Arbeitsnormen die Hauptunterschiede die Lage gemeinsam
die Allierten vorläufig entscheiden verhindern die Einrichtung die Verwaltung der Wert die Ware berechnen gründen ablehnen
die SPD die SED die CDU die DDR die BRD NATO der Warschauer Pakt der Währungsreform
die Luftbrücke der Sozialismus
die Auβenpolitik erfolgreich der Anlass wirtschaftlich
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to speak, listen to and understand, write and read
the following with 90% accuracy or better:
1. identify, discuss, analyze, compare, contrast, relate, draw
conclusions, predict outcomes based on
a. the geographical, historical, and cultural connections and
implications of the media studied
i. Products and perspectives of cultural practices
and language
b. main message and characters from written texts or other
audiovisual materials
i. the plot summary
2. apply previous vocabulary & grammatical structures to this
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 4 Accelerated
Grade Level
Time Frame
11 or 12
4 weeks
District WLD
Literature & Culture – Theme 5: Die Berliner Mauer und ihr Fall/ Alles will gelernt sein
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain inform ation, ex press feelings & em otions, & ex change opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret w ritten & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present inform ation, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
2.1: Students dem onstrate an understanding of the relationship betw een the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2: Students dem onstrate an understanding of the relationship betw een the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
3.1: R einforce and further students’ k now ledge of other disciplines through W L.
3.2: Students acquire inform ation & recognize distinctive view points that are available through W L & its cultures.
4.1: Students dem onstrate understanding of nature of language through com parisons of language studied and their ow n.
4.2: Students dem onstrate understanding of the concept of culture through com parisons of the cultures studied & their ow n.
5.1: Students use the language both w ithin and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becom ing life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoym ent and enrichm ent.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language is not an isolated academic subject; it pertains to daily
life and enhances the understanding of other school subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Learning does not end when you leave school.
A culture is formed by the unique circumstances which have occurred
throughout its people’s experiences.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture
and the products & perspectives of a culture.
In today’s increasingly globalized community, there are numerous
opportunities for learning & enjoying a language independently.
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
Why is it important to recognize
differences between language
use in school & beyond school
(vocabulary, dialect,
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
How do you know when to
formally or informally address
the person you are speaking
How do you forma a question?
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How does inflection or
intonation influence what is
How does word order affect
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
Cultural Integrations
The cultural/historical context of life and death in TL countries as portrayed in
pre-21st century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and
audio media and realia.
Specific Content:
Willy Brandt und die Koalition der SPD und FDP
Verträge mit Polen und der Sowjetunion
Grundvertrag zwischen BRD und DDR
BRD und DDR Mitglieder der UNO
Erich Honecker
Helmut Kohl und die Koalitionsregierung der CDU/CSU und FDP
9. November 1989 und die Wende
Die Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands
Gerhard Schröders Koalitionsregierung
Angela Merkel
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
Why is it necessary to
understand various cultures?
How do we use prior
knowledge from other
disciplines to further
understand a new language
and its related cultures?
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How is culture formed by the
unique circumstances which
have occurred?
How does the culture studied
compare to your own?
What is the relationship
between practices &
perspectives of different
How does globalization expand
the scope of a culture?
K ey Concepts & Term s
Basic Overview :
Review and integrate all grammar previously studied (i.e. verb tenses)
Build vocabulary, translating skills via reading
Build vocabulary, listening & interpreting skills via audio materials
Build cultural knowledge through context via authentic visual materials
Utilize listening, speaking, reading, writing skills as topic is covered via: pre-21st century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and
audio media, and realia.
Unit Gram m atical and Language Concepts for M astery:
Application of mixing Imperfekt, Perfekt and Pluperfekt forms
Complex German Syntax Structures
Unit Vocabulary:
unwiderruflich die Übergriffe abschneiden die Angehörigen die Beschlüsse
unbestritten der Arbeitsausfall der Fertigbau verfallen
die Ordinarien ablösen aufrütteln die Entführung Verfolgungseifer die Verdächtigung
die Mitbestimmung
die Verflechtung
Wettrüstens Aufnahmeverfahren die Wiedervereinigung die Wende voraussehen die Wiedergutmachungsanträge entflechten abfangen
die Hartfälle der Bundeskanzler die Steuerzahler sich anfreunden das Verhältnis die Entspannung der Zweck verfolgen
die Ostpolitik CDU CSU FDP SPD SED BRD DDR die Politik einleiten gesellschaftlich erfüllen enttäuscht
das Nachdenken die Führung STASI die Grünen das Berufsverbot zurücktreten der Wechsel zustande der Widerspruch
begünstigen die Haltung
die Gastarbeiter
die Einwanderer die Asylbewerber die Ausländerfeindlichkeit
die Schritten vollziehen
die Verhandlungen die Eigentumsfragen durchführen die Treuhandanstalt die Akten die Wähler die Europäische Union
die Einführung
die Gremien die Ansicht die Vorteile
die Nachteile die Umweltbewegung die Arbeitslosigkeit Ossi
notwendig die Zukunft
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
4. ow to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to speak, listen to and understand, write and read
the following with 90% accuracy or better:
1. identify, discuss, analyze, compare, contrast, relate, draw
conclusions, predict outcomes based on
a. the geographical, historical, and cultural connections and
implications of the media studied
i. Products and perspectives of cultural practices
and language
b. main message and characters from written texts or other
audiovisual materials
i. the plot summary
2. apply previous vocabulary & grammatical structures to this
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL German Level 4 Accelerated
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
11 or 12
4 weeks
Literature & Culture, Theme 6: Berufsbilder
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
3.1: Reinforce and further students’ knowledge of other disciplines through WL.
3.2: Students acquire information & recognize distinctive viewpoints that are available through WL & its cultures.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied & their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
World Language is not an isolated academic subject; it pertains to daily
life and enhances the understanding of other school subjects.
Communication is essential.
A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
Learning does not end when you leave school.
A culture is formed by the unique circumstances which have occurred
throughout its people’s experiences.
Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture
and the products & perspectives of a culture.
In today’s increasingly globalized community, there are numerous
opportunities for learning & enjoying a language independently.
Cultural Integrations
The cultural/historical context of Germans of the present-day as portrayed in
20th and 21st century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual
and audio media and realia.
Lebensbedingungen im Vergleich
Deutsche in der Welt
Deutsch und deutschsprachig
Essential Questions
Why is it important to study a
Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
Why is it important to recognize
differences between language
use in school & beyond school
(vocabulary, dialect,
How can learning a new
language be used for personal
enjoyment & enrichment?
How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment of a
new language?
What are some distinctive
viewpoints of the studied
Why is it necessary to
understand various cultures?
How do we use prior
knowledge from other
disciplines to further
understand a new language
and its related cultures?
How do you know when to
formally or informally address
the person you are speaking
How do you forma a question?
How do you form an
affirmative or negative
response to a question?
How does inflection or
intonation influence what is
How does word order affect
How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
What are some tools from your
own language that you can use
to lean a new language?
How is culture formed by the
unique circumstances which
have occurred?
How does the culture studied
compare to your own?
What is the relationship
between practices &
perspectives of different
How does globalization expand
the scope of a culture?
Key Concepts & Terms
Broad Overview
Review and integrate all grammar previously studied (i.e. verb tenses)
Build vocabulary, translating skills via reading
Build vocabulary, listening & interpreting skills via audio materials
Build cultural knowledge through context via authentic visual materials
Utilize listening, speaking, reading, writing skills as topic is covered via: 20th and 21st century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and
audio media, and realia.
die Einkaufszentren die Niederlassungen die Volkstrachten der Boden
die Stämmen verspotten worktkarg Dünkel
die Umgangsformen gebühren ungezwungen der Beamter die Gründlichkeit die Arbeitsteilung der Werkstück die Selbstachtung
die Wohnungseinrichtung die Hecke das Heimatgefühl der Freiheitsdrang die Abenteuerlust rechthaberisch die Abschaffung
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the appropriate
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the TL
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to speak, listen to and understand, write and read
the following with 90% accuracy or better:
1. identify, discuss, analyze, compare, contrast, relate, draw
conclusions, predict outcomes based on
a. the geographical, historical, and cultural connections and
implications of the media studied
i. Products and perspectives of cultural practices
and language
b. main message and characters from written texts or other
audiovisual materials
i. the plot summary
2. apply previous vocabulary & grammatical structures to this
Understanding By Design Unit Template
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL Spanish Level 4 Accelerated
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
11 or 12
1st semester, 6-7 weeks
Literature & Culture – Theme 7: Für immer und ewig
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
3.1: Reinforce and further students’ knowledge of other disciplines through WL.
3.2: Students acquire information & recognize distinctive viewpoints that are available through WL & its cultures.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied & their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
1. A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
2. Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
3. Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
4. World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
5. Communication is essential.
6. A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
7. There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
8. Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
9. There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
10. In today’s increasingly globalized community, there are numerous
opportunities for learning & enjoying a language & its culture.
Cultural Integrations
Essential Questions
1. How does literature convey
historical and cultural
2. How do other media forms
support literature?
3. Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
4. How can learning a
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
5. How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a language?
1. How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
2. How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, using all
tenses & moods?
3. What are the geographical,
historical and cultural
connections between
reading selections studied?
4. What comparisons &
contrasts can you derive
from the literature studied?
The cultural/historical context of love in TL countries as portrayed in pre-21st
century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and audio
media and realia.
6. Why is it necessary to
understand various
7. How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and
its related cultures?
5. What is the main message
&/or plot of media studied?
6. How has love been shaped
historically and portrayed
in literature?
Key Concepts & Terms
Review and integrate all grammar previously studied (i.e. verb tenses)
Build vocabulary, translating skills via reading
Build vocabulary, listening & interpreting skills via audio materials
Build cultural knowledge through context via authentic visual materials
Utilize listening, speaking, reading, writing skills as topic is covered via: pre-21st century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and
audio media, and realia.
Students will know…
1. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
2. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
3. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
4. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
5. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to speak, listen to and understand, write and read
the following with 90% accuracy or better:
1. identify, discuss, analyze, compare, contrast, relate, draw conclusions,
predict outcomes based on
a. the geographical, historical, and cultural connections and
implications of the media studied
b. Products and perspectives of cultural practices and language
c. main message and characters from written texts or other
audiovisual materials
d. the plot summary
2. apply previous vocabulary & grammatical structures to this material
Understanding By Design Unit Template
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL Spanish Level 4 Accelerated
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
11 or 12
1st semester, 6-7 weeks
Literature & Culture – Theme 8: Kaufen, kaufen, kaufen
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
3.1: Reinforce and further students’ knowledge of other disciplines through WL.
3.2: Students acquire information & recognize distinctive viewpoints that are available through WL & its cultures.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied & their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
11. A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
12. Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
13. Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
14. World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
15. Communication is essential.
16. A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
17. There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
18. Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
19. There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
20. In today’s increasingly globalized community, there are numerous
opportunities for learning & enjoying a language & its culture.
Cultural Integrations
Essential Questions
8. How does literature convey
historical and cultural
9. How do other media forms
support literature?
10. Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
11. How can learning a
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
12. How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a language?
7. How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
8. How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, using all
tenses & moods?
9. What are the geographical,
historical and cultural
connections between
reading selections studied?
10. What comparisons &
contrasts can you derive
from the literature studied?
The cultural/historical context of love in TL countries as portrayed in pre-21st
century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and audio
media and realia.
13. Why is it necessary to
understand various
14. How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and
its related cultures?
11. What is the main message
&/or plot of media studied?
12. How has love been shaped
historically and portrayed
in literature?
Key Concepts & Terms
Review and integrate all grammar previously studied (i.e. verb tenses)
Build vocabulary, translating skills via reading
Build vocabulary, listening & interpreting skills via audio materials
Build cultural knowledge through context via authentic visual materials
Utilize listening, speaking, reading, writing skills as topic is covered via: pre-21st century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and
audio media, and realia.
Students will know…
6. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
7. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
8. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
9. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
10. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to speak, listen to and understand, write and read
the following with 90% accuracy or better:
1. identify, discuss, analyze, compare, contrast, relate, draw conclusions,
predict outcomes based on
a. the geographical, historical, and cultural connections and
implications of the media studied
b. Products and perspectives of cultural practices and language
c. main message and characters from written texts or other
audiovisual materials
d. the plot summary
2. apply previous vocabulary & grammatical structures to this material
Understanding By Design Unit Template
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL Spanish Level 4 Accelerated
District WLD
Grade Level
Time Frame
11 or 12
1st semester, 6-7 weeks
Literature & Culture – Theme 9: Endlich Urlaub
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
3.1: Reinforce and further students’ knowledge of other disciplines through WL.
3.2: Students acquire information & recognize distinctive viewpoints that are available through WL & its cultures.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied & their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
21. A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
22. Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
23. Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
24. World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
25. Communication is essential.
26. A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
27. There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
28. Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
29. There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
30. In today’s increasingly globalized community, there are numerous
opportunities for learning & enjoying a language & its culture.
Cultural Integrations
Essential Questions
15. How does literature convey
historical and cultural
16. How do other media forms
support literature?
17. Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
18. How can learning a
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
19. How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a language?
13. How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
14. How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, using all
tenses & moods?
15. What are the geographical,
historical and cultural
connections between
reading selections studied?
16. What comparisons &
contrasts can you derive
from the literature studied?
The cultural/historical context of love in TL countries as portrayed in pre-21st
century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and audio
media and realia.
20. Why is it necessary to
understand various
21. How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and
its related cultures?
17. What is the main message
&/or plot of media studied?
18. How has love been shaped
historically and portrayed
in literature?
Key Concepts & Terms
Review and integrate all grammar previously studied (i.e. verb tenses)
Build vocabulary, translating skills via reading
Build vocabulary, listening & interpreting skills via audio materials
Build cultural knowledge through context via authentic visual materials
Utilize listening, speaking, reading, writing skills as topic is covered via: pre-21st century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and
audio media, and realia.
Students will know…
11. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
12. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
13. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
14. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
15. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to speak, listen to and understand, write and read
the following with 90% accuracy or better:
1. identify, discuss, analyze, compare, contrast, relate, draw conclusions,
predict outcomes based on
a. the geographical, historical, and cultural connections and
implications of the media studied
b. Products and perspectives of cultural practices and language
c. main message and characters from written texts or other
audiovisual materials
d. the plot summary
2. apply previous vocabulary & grammatical structures to this material
Understanding By Design Unit Template
Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By
WL Spanish Level 4 Accelerated
Grade Level
11 or 12
Time Frame
1st semester, 6-7 weeks
District WLD
Literature & Culture – Theme 10: Natürlich Natur!
Content Standards
1.1: Students engage in conversation, provide & obtain information, express feelings & emotions, & exchange opinions.
1.2: Students understand & interpret written & spoken language on a variety of topics.
1.3: Students present information, concepts, & ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.
3.1: Reinforce and further students’ knowledge of other disciplines through WL.
3.2: Students acquire information & recognize distinctive viewpoints that are available through WL & its cultures.
4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of nature of language through comparisons of language studied and their own.
4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied & their own.
5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Overarching Understanding
31. A conversation is an exchange of information and/or opinions about
feelings and emotions between 2 or more people.
32. Written & spoken language is meant to be understood & interpreted.
33. Presentations of information, concepts, & ideas are meant to be
communicated to an audience of listeners or readers.
34. World Language pertains to daily life and enhances the understanding of
other subjects.
35. Communication is essential.
36. A new language can be used for personal enjoyment & enrichment.
37. There is a world of language beyond the classroom setting.
38. Every culture has its own unique aspects and components.
39. There is a relationship between the practices & perspectives of a culture.
40. In today’s increasingly globalized community, there are numerous
opportunities for learning & enjoying a language & its culture.
Cultural Integrations
Essential Questions
22. How does literature convey
historical and cultural
23. How do other media forms
support literature?
24. Why is it important to apply
language outside of the
25. How can learning a
language be used for
personal enjoyment &
26. How is technology useful in
furthering your enjoyment
of a language?
19. How do you organize your
message to effectively
communicate it to your
20. How do verbs change to
appropriately communicate
your message, using all
tenses & moods?
21. What are the geographical,
historical and cultural
connections between
reading selections studied?
22. What comparisons &
contrasts can you derive
from the literature studied?
The cultural/historical context of love in TL countries as portrayed in pre-21st
century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and audio
media and realia.
27. Why is it necessary to
understand various
28. How do we use prior
knowledge to further
understand a language and
its related cultures?
23. What is the main message
&/or plot of media studied?
24. How has love been shaped
historically and portrayed
in literature?
Key Concepts & Terms
Review and integrate all grammar previously studied (i.e. verb tenses)
Build vocabulary, translating skills via reading
Build vocabulary, listening & interpreting skills via audio materials
Build cultural knowledge through context via authentic visual materials
Utilize listening, speaking, reading, writing skills as topic is covered via: pre-21st century literature, short stories, film, poetry, plays, myths, visual and
audio media, and realia.
Students will know…
16. the meaning of the spoken target language (TL) at the
appropriate level
17. how to speak in the TL at the appropriate level
18. how to read and comprehend course texts and materials in the
19. how to write at the appropriate level of accuracy in the TL
20. about the diverse cultures as they relate to the study of the TL
Students will be able to speak, listen to and understand, write and read
the following with 90% accuracy or better:
1. identify, discuss, analyze, compare, contrast, relate, draw conclusions,
predict outcomes based on
a. the geographical, historical, and cultural connections and
implications of the media studied
b. Products and perspectives of cultural practices and language
c. main message and characters from written texts or other
audiovisual materials
d. the plot summary
2. apply previous vocabulary & grammatical structures to this material