Sports Day - Tenison Woods Catholic School
Sports Day - Tenison Woods Catholic School
Tenison Woods Catholic School ‘In all things love’ 68 Brooker Terrace, Richmond SA 5033 Telephone: 8352 2706 Fax: 823 40169 [email protected]. Calendar Dates OCTOBER Wednesday 29th Café Session Strategic Planning 6.308.30pm Friday 31st 5/6/7 Unit Mass 9am Term 4 Week 2 23rd October, 2014 Dear Parents, Friends and Caregivers, NOVEMBER Saturday 1st All Saints Day Sunday 2nd All Souls Day Wednesday 5th Assembly R/1 9am Board meeting 6pm Monday 10th-Thursday 13th Woods Week Monday 10th Liturgy 2.30pm Oval Thursday 13th Sharing of Fr Julian Tenison Woods Birthday Cake Friday 14th Sports Day 2-6pm Family BBQ 6-8pm Wednesday 19th Assembly 2/3/4 2.30pm 1st Transition Rec 2015 9-11am Launch of Vinnies Christmas Hamper Appeal Attachments Building deep relationships with kids Welcome to term 4! The students were delighted to view the freshly re-surfaced and newly painted court on Tuesday last week. Well done to our SRC leadership group who led this particular project and who made it come alive! On the Pupil Free Day our staff was immersed in a strategic planning day using the school improvement framework from Catholic Education. Throughout the day the staff was able to assess the school against 9 domains that are featured within this improvement tool. Next Wednesday we are hosting a community café style session of strategic planning focusing on many of these domains. This session is important for all members of the Tenison Woods community and as such I ask that you endeavour to make this a priority if you can. Your opinions and suggestions will be tabled at this meeting and are essential in the construction of a meaningful strategic plan. The session is scheduled for: Wednesday 29 October 6:30pm-8:30pm Can you please RSVP to: [email protected] if you can attend this evening for catering purposes? Additional to this strategic planning evening, I will be sending you an electronic link for a survey tool that I also hope that you could apportion some time to answer. This survey tool asks for your opinions, as well as the students and staff across a variety of areas pertaining to school life. The survey will be open for two weeks once launched; following the two weeks we will be provided with a set of recommendations. We will distil and synthesise the information collated from the staff strategic planning day, the community strategic evening and these recommendations and then prepare a 3 year strategic plan. Each annual plan will contain three broad goals and contain a series of objectives for the school to achieve in that specific year. This is probably the most important time in any school/business in order to identify strategic areas and target developmental strategies in order to continue to grow and develop the organisation. Page 2 Term 4 Week 2 23rd October, 2014 Sports Day- as you know sports day is scheduled for week 5 Friday 14 November: 2pm-6pm. It is the culmination of our ‘Woods Week’ celebrations. It is a twilight sports day and thus, the students will not be required to attend school until 1:15pm on this day. More information will be distributed prior to this day for your benefit. We will be running a BBQ on the day commencing the cooking at approximately 4:30pm. The reason for this is that we are asking for families to stay from 6pm, until approximately 8pm for a family BBQ/picnic. In the previous edition I asked for volunteers so that we could put together a roster of parents to assist in cooking for approximately hour blocks. I have had three volunteers thus far; however we do need several more. If you are able to support on the BBQ could you please let us know at [email protected] as soon possible. We will be sending a separate flyer pertaining to the BBQ for sports day very soon; it will detail the food that will be available and we are asking families to pre-order so that we can adequately cater. Your support for this community event would be greatly appreciated and is a terrific opportunity to share some time with families after hours. Please note that there will be no OHSC service or staff to supervise children on this day until the school opens at 1:15pm. School Fees – recently the school Board met to discuss and discern our school fees for 2015. I will be releasing a separate letter to all families ASAP detailing the new fee structure that has been approved by the Finance Committee and School Board. This letter will detail and itemise the fee structures that we have in place, but most importantly it affirms that as a Catholic School we continue to provide financial support to all families who require it. If you do have any concerns pertaining to the school fees, please make a time to discuss this with myself or Paula Freer. These conversations remain strictly confidential. This week I have attached an article from Parenting Expert Michael Grose about Building a strong relationship with your child/ren. He provides some informative tips that we as parents could all profit from. I must admit to feeling as though I could certainly apportion a greater level of quality time with my own children when reading this little article! Regards and best wishes, Mark Battistella Principal ‘In all things love’ Page 3 Term 4 Week 2 23rd October, 2014 Religious Identity and Mission News Liturgies and Masses this Term 10th November – Monday - Woods Week Liturgy – whole school 2.30pm on the school oval. 19th Nov - Wednesday 2.30 pm - Launch of the Vinnies Christmas Hamper Appeal 21st Nov – Friday – 9am 5/6 and 6/7 class Mass – please note the original date of 31st Nov has been cancelled 28th Nov – Friday - 2/3/4 Class Mass 9am Sunday 30th November – Parish 60th Birthday celebration/Blessing of the cribs and Family Mass – (time to be finalised by parish – likely to be 9.30am) 3rd December 9am – R/1 Christmas Liturgy in the R/1 classrooms 4th Dec – Year 7 Graduation Dinner for year 7 students 8th Dec – 7pm Graduation Liturgy and celebration in the Church – light supper in the hall afterwards. 11th Dec - 9am - Thanksgiving Mass and farewell to all students/staff who are leaving our school community. May the warmth of God’s love be with you always, Marcia Burgess - APRIM ‘In all things love’ Page 4 23rd October, 2014 Term 4 Week 2 WOODS WEEK (week 5) A week of activities in honour of Julian Tension Woods; educator, environmentalist, artist, scientist and priest. You are more than welcome to attend all of the Woods Week activities… Many thanks to Yianni and Brian for their very creative planning of the Woods Week events. Day Focus Activity Monday Prayer/Liturgy 10th Nov Julian had a deep faith in God, he was guided by Jesus. 2.30pm Liturgy on the Ovaleveryone is invited to come together as a community and celebrate the life of Father Julian Tenison Woods. Tuesday Social Justice 11th Nov Father Woods was actively involved in local and global issues of Justice, especially around the South East of South Australia. Wednesday Art 12th Nov Julian was talented artist and spent much of his spare time drawing/painting pictures of natural features and architecture: his sketched boldly declare a message of ecological conversion. Thursday Science/enquiry/curiosity 13th Father Woods was an accomplished scientist who published many books and articles relating to his scientific discoveries. Nov Friday Sports Day 14th Nov Julian Tenison Woods’ favourite mode of transport was riding a horse; he was often photographed in his riding boots and cape. Horse riding is one of the most physically demanding activities, using 90% of the body’s muscles. Any Time Throughout the day. Each learning team will choose a local or global charity and students will participate in awareness building and fund raising for that charity. Class teachers will send out more information relating to this. 2 - 3pm Students broken into multilevel groups of 13, each group will be involved in a Tenison Woods themed art activity. 2 - 3pm The year 7 students will come into each class and engage the students in some fun and exciting science experiments. Sports Day starts at 1.30pm ‘In all things love’ Page 5 Term 4 Week 2 23rd October, 2014 PE NEWS Term Four is here! What an exciting time for sports in our school. We have Kanga cricket and Basketball at Wayville Stadium starting up this week, we also have Futsal (indoor soccer) starting as well. We would like to wish all the students involved in these fantastic sports all the best as they compete for our school with pride, and most importantly, HAVE FUN! We also have our Twilight Sports Carnival this term. It will be held on the 14th of November (Friday of Week 5). This evening is always one of the highlights of the year with lots of laughs, encouragement and successes celebrated for all. For this day, the students (and staff!) will arrive at school at 1.30pm for a 2.00pm start. We will aim to conclude the structured part of the day by around the 5.30pm mark with a BBQ dinner/picnic to follow. More information about the BBQ and picnic will be released shortly. The students are all very excited about this fantastic day and have been working very hard in preparing for this day. Part of this preparation is choosing some of our Year 7 students who will lead each of teams. This year the students have elected the following leaders: Bickford Mustangs: Anuja Deshpande (Captain) and Alex Filipatos (Vice Captain) Redin Redbacks: Jordan Carter (Captain) and Holly Blaser (Vice Captain) Brooker Burras: Lucas Tsaconas (Captain) and Jack Tsaconas (Vice Captain) Richmond Lions: Zachary Sobarzo (Captain) and Michael Malavazos (Vice Captain) Congratulations to all successful Captains and Vice Captains. A final reminder, as we get into the warmer months; please remember to SLIP on some clothing, SLOP on some sunscreen, SLAP on a hat, SEEK some shade and SLIDE on some sunglasses! Stay active, Stew Nancarrow ‘In all things love’ Page 6 Term 4 Week 2 23rd October, 2014 CHOIR NEWS On Thursday, 25th September, 9 students represented Tenison Woods Catholic School at the Catholic Schools Music Festival. Our choristers worked tirelessly all year to learn the music and dance moves to the many songs performed on the night. After all that practicing I’m sure that the families of our choristers and most of the teachers could just about sing the whole Beatles Medley themselves - but nothing could quite compare to the magic of the Festival. More than 200 young people from Catholic schools across the state joined together in harmony and song as part of a combined “super-choir”, supported by a string orchestra, a rock band, and a choir of secondary school boys. The students who performed were: Allison Kennedy Ayda Mildwaters Chloe Sharman Izabella Engman Katie Itsines Monique Rincon Olivia Perre Panda Madit Siena Brooks Special mention must go to Allison Kennedy who performed the National Anthem in a choir made up of just fifteen students, each representing a different school. Thank you to all the students involved and their families for helping to support music in our school. Daniel Roberts Music Teacher ‘In all things love’ Page 7 Term 4 Week 2 23rd October, 2014 R/1 NEWS CHOICE THEORY This term our R-1 students have been learning about how to keep themselves ‘balanced’. When their scales tip they start to feel uneasy and out of control. We have been sharing new strategies to help us stay balanced in the classroom and the yard. JP FITNESS This term, students in the R-2 classes have been involved in JP Fitness. This is a sports program run by the year 7 students. The year 7 students plan and present new skills, and the R-2 students move to new stations every week, so that they can experience each new activity. This is a program we trialled in term 1, and it was extremely successful, so we are looking forward to continuing to work with our year 7 buddies. SCIENCE This term the R-1 classes will be learning about mini-beasts. We will be using an inquiry based approach to investigate this topic further. The students have come up with some interesting questions to explore, such as “How many different types of mini-beast are there?” and “Why do some mini-beasts have stripes or spots?” ‘In all things love’ Page 8 Term 4 Week 2 23rd October, 2014 ICECREAMS / ICEBLOCKS TERM 4 Iceblocks are available for sale each day during term 4 for 50c and $1.00. Many thanks to the mums who volunteer their time to come in and sell them. ‘In all things love’ Page 9 Term 4 Week 2 23rd October, 2014 Rate our website! The Federation of Catholic School Parent Communities was established by parents for parents and exists to serve the vibrant and engaged parent communities in our SA Catholic schools. We want you to rate our website and tell us what you think! Is our website easy to navigate? Is the information on our website useful? Has it helped you to support your child’s learning at school and home? Is there anything missing that you would like us to include on our website? If you haven’t yet checked out our website now is the perfect opportunity! Go to We look forward to hearing from you! [email protected] The latest edition of Federation e-News, the quarterly newsletter of the Federation of Catholic School Parents Communities, is now available at the following link: e-news ‘In all things love’ Page 10 Term 4 Week 2 23rd October, 2014 ‘In all things love’ Page 11 Term 4 Week 2 * 23rd October, 2014 “The services and events contained in this bulletin are in no way connected with the school and are included in this newsletter for your information only. Parents and caregivers need to make their own enquiries and assessments about the suitability of these events and services for their needs and those of their children.” FREE TENNIS LESSON with Peak Performance Tennis! Spring has truly sprung and with summer just around the corner, this is your chance to dust off the tennis racquet or pick it up for the first time! Term 4 tennis lessons are now underway and you can get involved to get ready for the big tennis season. Get started now - simply book your place at the FREE ‘Come and Try Tennis Lesson’ to be held at Peake Gardens Riverside Tennis Club on Sunday 26th October. BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL and places are limited, so contact Marcus Wagstaff (Head Coach – Peak Performance Tennis) on 0407 833 850 or e: [email protected] ====================================================================== Tennis is the best first sport for your child to learn all year round, teaching throwing, catching, striking, movement & team building ANZ Tennis Hot Shots Tennis Australia’s official kids’ starter program for children aged 5-12 years Designed to develop your child’s skills by using a learn through play philosophy, smaller courts, racquets and low compression balls and a progressive pathway using levels to monitor your child’s advancement towards competitive tennis. Western Youth Centre Tennis Club Hounslow Ave. Cowandilla Sunday mornings, Cost only $70.00 per term To organise a Trial Lesson or register for Term 4 please contact John Gericke, Club Professional Coach 0419 829 624 or email: [email protected] ====================================================================== St Dominic’s Priory College 139 Molesworth Street North Adelaide. Annual Fete & Auction 26th October 2014 10am-3pm Something for everyone!! Food, food and more food!! Amusements for all ages!! Bargains galore!! Monster Auction – items include Accommodation, Pamper Packages, Restaurant vouchers, Movie & Theatre tickets, and much, much more!! Come see for yourself and enjoy! ‘In all things love’ Page 12 Term 4 Week 2 23rd October, 2014 SA DENTAL SERVICE Marleston Community Dental Clinic School Dental Clinic 229b Marion Road Marleston SA 5033 PH: 08 75016700 The School Dental Service is the major provider of dental services for babies, children and young people under 18 years in South Australia. Around 130, 000 children attend every year. The Commonwealth Child Dental Benefits Schedule for 2 – 18 year olds started in 2014. ALL children are very welcome to continue to access dental care at the School Dental Service. Dental care is FREE for most children and the School Dental Service will bulk–bill Medicare. Children who do not qualify for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule can also attend – a small fee will apply for each course of general dental care provided. School Dental Clinics are located across Adelaide and regional SA. To locate your local School Dental Clinic, and for more information about the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, visit ‘In all things love’ H el