December-January 2016
December-January 2016
MESSENGER MENSAJERO S T . L U K E ’ S E P I S C O P A L CTHE HURC H ~ S A N LU C AEL S IG L E S I A E P I SC O P A L The Messenger ~ El Mensajero Volume 46 Issue 10 DECEMBER-JANUARY 2015-6 DICIEMBRE-ENERO 2015-6 From the Curate’s Corner “Ven Señor no tardes en llegar…” (Come Lord, do not delay your coming). With those words we welcomed this year’s Advent season at the 1:00PM Service. At the 10:00AM service we joined voices asking God to be with us as we sang O Com e, O Come Emm anuel. This is the time of preparation, of waiting, making room, of hoping in pregnant expectation for the Messiah’s arrival. In 2006, years ago, Ricci and I found ourselves in an incredible time of joyful expectation during Advent. Our second child was due to be born anytime between Advent and Christmas of that year. I remember all the pacing and preparation we did, as we got ready for the new baby. We made sure the crib was ready, the hospital bags were packed and the car seat was in place. We kept the countdown as the baby’s due day approached. Everything was a blur. Yet we kept talking about names (we did learn the baby’s gender until the day of birth), we daydreamed about what having two kids will mean for us. We assured Catie (whom was 4 at the time) that we will not love her less, on the contrary our love will increase. We were perplexed at how a little baby could increase our capacity for love. Gabriel (named after the angel) was born on Christmas day. What are your hopes and dreams for this season? As we ask together Ven Señor, O come Emmanuel – how are we making room for the Messiah to become present? Perhaps it is time to give up our addiction to the buzz we get from overconsumption, from fear, for the false sense of certainty and justice. Advent and Christmas season will go very fast, believe me. I pray that we can set our hearts to be open, to make space for reflection, for wondering. May we take the time to be grounded not in a false sense of opti- mism, but grounded in the holy mystery of the one who arrived, is arriving continually and will arrive at the end of time. Lord, do not delay your arrival. In the meantime, be an agent of the arrival. Fr. Eliacin Rosario-Cruz CHRISTMAS SERVICE SCHEDULE Fourth Sunday in Advent, December 20 10:00 am Christmas Pageant with Holy Eucharist 1:00 pm Christmas Pageant with Santa Misa CHRISTMAS EVE, Thursday, December 24: 4:00 pm Holy Eucharist Family Friendly Nursery for children ages 3 and under. 8:00 pm Santa Misa en Español 10:30 pm Christmas Music and Carols 11:00 pm Choral Eucharist Incense will be used. CHRISTMAS DAY, Friday, December 25: 10:00 am Holy Eucharist (English articles continue, page 6) Desde el Escritorio del Cura "Ven Señor, no tardes en Llegar ..." Con esas palabras dimos la bienvenida a la temporada de Adviento de este año en la misa de la 1:00PM. En la misa de las 10:00AM cantamos la canción “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.” La temporada de Adviento es tiempo de preparación, de espera. Es tiempo para hacer espacio a la llegada del Mesías. En 2006 Ricci y yo tuvimos una temporada de Adviento llena de expectativas, ansiedad y alegría. Nuestro segundo hijo estaba por nacer en cualquier momento 2 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO entre las temporadas de Adviento y Navidad. Recuerdo como hoy, el vaivén de los días, el ritmo inquieto y las preparaciones para el nuevo bebé. Mi esposa y yo nos aseguramos de que la cuna estuviera lista, de que el equipaje para el hospital estuviera en el carro y que el asiento protector estuviera en su lugar. Contábamos los días muy detalladamente. Los días pasaban muy de prisa. Sin embargo tomábamos tiempo para soñar, para hablar sobre el nombre que le pondríamos al bebé y lo que significaría para nosotros el tener dos hijos. Le aseguramos a nuestra hija que tenía 4 años en aquel entonces que no la amaríamos menos sino que el amor entre nosotros crecería. Nos quedamos perplejos al pensar en cómo un pequeño bebé podía aumentar nuestra capacidad de amar. Gabriel (le dimos el nombre del ángel) nació el día de Navidad. ¿Cuáles son sus esperanzas y sueños para esta temporada? ¿Así como le pedimos al Señor que no tarde en llegar –¿Que estamos haciendo para abrir espacio para la llegada del Mesías a nuestras vidas? Tal vez es el momento de renunciar a nuestra adicción al consumo excesivo, al miedo, a la falsa sensación de seguridad y la justicia. Adviento y la época de Navidad van a pasar muy rápido, créanme. Pido a Dios que podemos tener nuestros corazones abiertos para la reflexión durante estos días. Que podamos tomar tiempo para arraigarnos, no en una falsa sensación de optimismo, sino en el santo misterio del que llegó, está llegando continuamente y se llegará al final de los tiempos. Ven Señor, no tardes en llegar. Mientras tanto, se agente de la llegada del Mesías. Padre Eliacin Rosario-Cruz SERVICIOS EN NAVIDAD PROGRAMA DE NAVIDAD 1:00PM Diciembre 20, Cuarto Domingo de Adviento NOCHE BUENA 24 de Diciembre: Misa de Noche Buena a las 8:00 pm. MISA DEL DIA DE NAVIDAD 25 de Diciembre, 10:00AM (en inglés) Meta 1: Relaciones más estrechas entre Hispanos y Anglos FIESTA DE NUESTRA SEÑORA DE GUADALUPE 12 de diciembre, a las 5:30PM se celebrara la Eucaristía por Nuestra Señor de Guadalupe en el templo de San Lucas ~ St. Luke’s. A las 6:15PM se hará una procesión de la Virgencita desde el Templo al Salón Parroquial para el obsequio de la Danza por la cofradía Cristo de Chalma. Sigue después una cena. Se solicita traer comida para compartir, ayuda para enderezar el lugar (4:00PM) y limpieza (8:30PM). Por favor, participe en esta fiesta. Doña Lola está recogiendo ofrendas para flores. HORARIO DEL PROGRAMA DE NAVIDAD: 19 de diciembre Practica para el programa en Ingles: 10:00am Fiesta: 12:00pm Practica para el programa en Español: 1:00pm FIESTA DE LA EPIFANÍA DÍA DE LOS TRES SANTOS REYES Este año vamos a tener una Misa Eucarística bilingüe en la fiesta de la Epifanía/El Día de los Tres Santos Reyes, el Miércoles, 6 de enero a 7:00PM. Vengan a celebrar esta fiesta. EL BAUTISMO DE NUESTRO SEÑOR JESÚCRISTO Domingo, 10 de enero a las 11:00AM vamos a celebrar todos juntos el Bautismo de Jesús con una Sagrada Eucaristía bilingüe. Tendremos bautismos y las graduaciones de la clase primera comunión. Después de la misa continuaremos la celebración con un con- THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO vivio de almuerzo. Por favor, añada su nombre y la selección de alimentos a la hoja de inscripción en el atrio a partir del 20 de diciembre. Meta 2: Expandir Programas Sociales CONFIAR EN EL ESPÍRITU SANTO Como reconté a ustedes el domingo, 29 de noviembre, alguien nos llamó durante mis vacaciones para pedir permiso para hospedar algunos tráileres pequeños en nuestro estacionamiento. Dorothy Rodriguez me contó la situación y dije que sí por dos razones: Yo creí que esta llamada telefónica fue una respuesta a nuestras oraciones para discernir como debemos servir a nuestra comunidad. He estado orando que el Espíritu Santo nos guíe a un ministerio bueno y nuevo. Es lo que debemos hacer. Confío yo que todos ustedes, la congregación de San Lucas – St. Luke´s, quisiera que yo acepte esta oferta de ayudar a nuestras hermanas y hermanos sin casa. Muchas veces decimos que no podemos ayudar a todos, y es la verdad. Quiero que sepan que no estamos solos. No procesamos las solicitudes para adquirir un cajón. Otra agencia lo hace. No hospedamos nada más que los cajones. Esta mañana tuve que mandar a un camión de campamento grande salir de nuestro estacionamiento. Las personas en el camión dijeron que tenían permiso, pero no lo tenían de mí. También tenemos un baño portátil para el uso de esa gente en las noches que el edificio está cerrado. ¿Por qué no prestamos el edificio a esta gente? No calificamos para este uso, y será muy costoso abarcar remodelación para esto. Requiere muchos voluntarios. Si quieren mirar lo que se necesita, preséntese de voluntario para unas horas cuando nos toca hacer WHO (14-21 de febrero) para ver lo que se requiere. ¿A dónde va todo esto? No sé. Espero que el Espíritu nos siga guiando. Confío en el respaldo de otras iglesias y caridades para ayudarnos. No ayuden 3 directamente a esta gente en los cajones. Tienen un trabajador social y un plan. Ayudemos a los trabajadores sociales y las agencias. P. Jaime Case CESTAS DE NAVIDAD El Ministerio a la Comunidad necesita donaciones especiales para llenar las cestas de Navidad para los necesitados. Por favor lleve esta lista con usted la próxima vez que vaya de compras y compre alguno de estos artículos para las cestas. A partir de 11/29 traiga sus donaciones al Salón Parroquial y ponga los artículos en cestas designadas. ¿Quieren que compremos por usted? Haga un cheque a "St. Lucas" con una anotación de " Cestas de Navidad "en la línea del memo. Usted está invitado a ayudar a llenar las cestas el domingo 13 de diciembre, después del servicio 10 a.m. en el Salón Parroquial. ¡Gracias! jamón enlatado (q ue no necesite re frigeración ) botella pequeña de aceite jalea pollo / atún enlatado paquete de arroz puré de patata instantáneo jarabe frutas enlatada vegetales enlatados mezcla para panqueques pasta y salsa mantequilla de maní caja de bolsitas de té café instantáneo Chocolates galletas dulces en caja, etc. sopa enlatada líquido para lavar platos mezcla de para torta y merengue DONACIONES PARA GIVING TREE: SHARE HOUSE Este año, Share House (lugar que ayudad personas desamparadas y con extrema necesidad) están proporcionando vivienda para muchas personas. Cada persona ha proporcionado el nombre de algo que necesitan y algo que quieren. Las etiquetas con la descripción de la persona y el nombre de lo que necesitan y quiere se han añadido al árbol navideño en el Salón Parroquial. Escoja una etiqueta de regalo y déjele saber al P. Jaime o al P. Eliacín, la etiqueta que usted ha seleccionado para así asegurarnos de que no habrán repetidos. Traiga los regalos a la iglesia no más tarde del 13 de 4 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO diciembre. Por favor no envuelva los regalos en papel festivo. ESL - MIRANDO HACIA ADELANTE El tercer término de la clase de ESL terminó la semana antes de Acción de Gracias. Las clases comenzaran nuevamente el martes 12 de enero de 2016. Esperamos aumentar el número de clase a tres clases por semana. Tenemos un sólido de voluntarios para enseñar las clases. Entre los voluntarios estan Stefanie Aschmann, Jeanne Stephens, Lee Wilson, Natasha Rezhenkov, Catherine Hennessey y Kit Law. Linnaea Schmidt ha sido la maestra principal. Becky y Gary fielmente han provisto de cuidado a los niños que lo necesitan mientras sus padres están en las clases. Además de los estudiantes que son original de México, también hemos tenido un estudiante de Moldavia y uno de Corea del Sur. Hemos tenido discusiones muy interesantes y practicas muy animadas alrededor de los temas de comida. En una discusión una de las estudiantes nos contó cómo el romero ha sido clave para ayudarla a mejorar su memoria. Cuando una maestra trajo romero fresco desde el jardín esperando que se podría utilizar en seco, pero luego supo que es algo parecido a una tintura hecha con vino moscato que se utiliza en México, no un té como ella pensaba. Son los intercambios interculturales como estos que se suman a la diversión y a la riqueza para las maestras y estudiantes por igual. Ven y únete a la experiencia del ESL. Si usted está interesado, por favor póngase en contacto con el padre Jaime. Jeanne Stephens SE NECESITAN VOLUNTARIOS PARA AYUDAR EN EL REFUGIO DE HOMBRES DESAMPARADOS: 14 -21 FEB, 2016 Desde el año 2005 de San Luke’s ~ San Lucas ha provisto voluntarios para ayudar en refugio de hombres sin hogar. En el 2016 ayudaremos en la semana del 14 al 21 de febrero en la iglesia St Paul Lutheran en Franklin en el centro de Vancouver. Hay tres turnos de 4- 5 horas cada una de las 7 noches . Los voluntarios reciben instrucciones claras sobre lo que debe hacer en cada turno. No se necesita experiencia . En enero en las misas de las 8AM, 10AM y la 1PM alguien estará disponible en el Atrio de la iglesia y el Salón Parroquial para responder preguntas y para llenar el calendario de voluntarios . Esperamos contar con voluntarios de los tres servicios . Si tiene preguntas o esta interesado, por favor llame a Jeanne Stephens. Jeanne Stephens 206-245-0426. Meta 3: Crecer En Fe FORMACIÓN PARA ACÓLITOS Diciembre 5, 10AM—11:30AM Si estás interesado en la formación o reentrenamiento para ser un acólito, por favor, añada su nombre e información de contacto a la hoja de inscripción en el Atrio. La edad mínima es de 10 años de edad. Los adultos también son bienvenidos. PRÓXIMO BAUTISMO Domingo, 10 de Enero de 2016 Si usted está interesado en el bautismo para usted o un miembro de la familia, por favor llame la oficina de la iglesia o hable con el Padre Jaime en o antes del 13 de Diciembre. FLORES DE PASCUA / FLORES DE NOCHEBUENA Las flores de pascua se usan para decorar el santuario para la Navidad Hasta el domingo. Hay unos sobres disponibles en el atrio hasta el 13 de diciembre para aquellos que quieran contribuir para comprar flores de pascuas de Navidad. Por favor escriba su nombre y el nombre de para quien ofrece las flores de Pascua. Incluya su cheque o dinero en efectivo (usted decide la cantidad de su donación). Ponga los sobres en las cestas de las ofrendas. Este año volveremos a comprar flores de pascua a lo Friends of Hospice. Los ingresos van a beneficiar Hospicio SW . Estaremos disfrutando de las flores de pascua de Navidad hasta el 3 de enero y reanudaremos los arreglos florales del 10 de enero y hasta el primer domingo de Cuaresma (14 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO de febrero). Luego no tendremos flores hasta el Domingo de Resurrección. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta por favor comuníquese con Sandra Kimura 360-693-8518 o Carol Hiltz 360-597-3094 . ¿POR QUÉ TENEMOS FLORES EN EL ALTAR? Cada domingo, cuando entro en el Santuario mis ojos se centran en la espléndida cruz detrás del altar y luego mis ojos deleitan en las flores hermosas que adornan la mesa junto con las seis velas que representan la luz de Cristo. Siempre me sorprendo por mis emociones y me pongo a reflexionar sobre el significado de cada uno de estos elementos. En este breve artículo me limitaré a reflexionar sobre el altar de flores. La única vez que no tenemos flores es durante la Cuaresma. Las flores nos recuerdan que como el Padre que cuida de los lirios y flores silvestres del campo también cuida de nosotros. Estoy segura de que todos ustedes han enviado flores a alguien que aman. Así es que le damos las flores a nuestro Señor a quien amamos con todo nuestro corazón. Presentar flores en el altar en San Lucas ~ San Lucas es muy fácil. Mire en su boletín semanal para obtener detalles sobre qué hacer para presentar las flores en el altar. En algunas iglesias el presentar flores cuesta $50 a la semana y en una catedral que puede costar hasta $200 por semana. Pero en St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas solo cuesta $35. Anne Ammerman, Altar Guild Member MENSAJE DE LA GUARDIANA MAYOR El año está llegando a su fin y hay muchos ministerios en San Lucas - San Lucas que no han sido resaltados todavía. Uno de ellos es el ministerio de los ujieres. Los ujieres sirven en los tres servicios. Su trabajo principal es velar por la seguridad y comodidad de los feligreses. Antes de que las misas comiencen, los ujieres se aseguran de que las puertas estén abiertas, la calefacción y las luces estén encendidas y que el sistema de sonido esté funcionando. Además 5 verifican que los boletines, las canastas para los alimentos y para la ofrenda estén en su lugar. Los ujieres saludan a los feligreses al entrar en la iglesia, y le dan la bienvenida a quienes nos visitan. Responden preguntas y proporcionan ayuda necesaria. También aseguran que alguien toque la campana para iniciar de la misa. Una vez que se inicia la misa velan por la seguridad de la parroquia. Durante el servicio que pasan cestas para la ofrenda y la llevan al altar con el pan y el vino. Después de que la misa termina que recogen los boletines, cuentan las ofrendas y la colocas en la oficina. Es un trabajo importante. La próxima vez que vea a un ujier dele las gracias por su servicio. Stefanie Aschmann NUEVOS CUENTOS PARA 2016! Tenemos nuevos cuentos de Godly Play empezando en 2016! Por favor invita a sus hijos y nietos a que nos acompañen a escuchar los nuevos cuentos! Herlinda Marquez GRUPO DE JOVENES No hay reunión el 5 de diciembre: Los jóvenes están invitados a asistir al Jazz Vespers (estaré tocando la bateria esa noche). Viernes 11 de diciembre --- fiesta e intercambio de regalos. En la iglesia, 6 -8 PM. Sábado 9 de enero, ---- Reunión de Jóvenes en la iglesia, 6-8 PM. 23 a 24 enero, HYC (HYC = conferencia para los jóvenes de escuela secundaria, grados 9-12) En el Camp Berachah en Auburn, $50, desde las 9:00AM Sábado - hasta 12:30 PM el Domingo. Esta será la conferencia en que se formara el Consejo de la Juventud Diocesana para comenzar la planificación de las próximas conferencias, inmediatamente después de la clausura, 1 a 6 PM. Don Lawry, líder juvenil 6 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Administración y Finanzas 2015 REUNIÓN ANUAL Domingo, 31 de enero 2016 11:15 AM en el Salón Parroquial. $280,030 en compromisos de 99 personas, que es la base del presupuesto para 2016. Nos anima ver que 16 de las promesas son de personas nuevas. Les agradecemos a todos, recién llegados y antes miembros, por tomar este paso importante en la mayordomía. Gracias a todos ustedes que han devuelto sus tarjetas de promesa. Hasta el 29 de noviembre recibimos Para comparar con el año pasado, cuando terminamos la campaña teníamos 114 compromisos para un total de $314,036. Como usted puede ver, hay todavía una cantidad para llegar a esta cuota. Si no ha devuelto su tarjeta de compromiso, por favor, hagan esto tan pronto que puedan para determinar el presupuesto para 2016. Ninguna cantidad es demasiado pequeño. Nuestros esfuerzos combinados seguramente harán grandes cosas para nuestra Iglesia y nuestra comunidad. Sharon Mayhew DIRECTORY UPDATES CHANGES Are you a new member and would like a parish directory or somehow didn’t receive one? Changes to your directory information? Please contact Kris in the church office at 360-696-0181 or by email, [email protected]. GUTIERREZ, James (Jim) 3508 NE 109th Ave Apt. P-01 Vancouver, WA 98682 Convivio para almuerzo, por favor busque la hoja de inscripción para las donaciones de alimentos a partir 10 de enero. Se proporcionará cuidado de niños. Venga a celebrar nuestra travesía en el 2015 y a prepararnos para una nueva aventura en el 2016. EPORTE DEL COMITÉ DE LA CAMPAÑA PARA PROMESA ADDS LITTLE, Justin and Kari Imogene 1614 Franklin St. Vancouver, WA Justin: 626-807-0334 [email protected] Kari: 626-422-1686 [email protected] LUNETTA, Roberta (Robbie) 555 W 8th St Vancouver, WA 98660 360-843-9026 [email protected] HEINRICHS, Dan & WOLCOTT-HEINRICH, Jennifer 8614 NE 31st Circle Vancouver, WA 98662 JONES, Danny & Peggy 5414 NE 81st Ave Terrace #304 Vancouver, WA 98662 SILVA, Lucia & BAUTISTA, Martin 11601 NE 32nd St Vancouver, WA 98682 By the middle of February you will receive a new Directory, without pictures. Your help reviewing your information is important. In the spring we will prepare for a new Photo Directory. If you are new to St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas and would like to be included in our directory, please complete a Family Information form found in the Narthex. Thank You. Reminder - If your Ministry group would like to submit an article for the February issue of The Messenger, please submit your written article on or before January 17 to the church office or email it to [email protected] Thank you! THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO 7 8 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Goal 1: Develop relationships between the Anglo & Hispanic THE FEAST OF OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE On December 12 at 5:30PM a Eucharist will be celebrated for Our Lady of Guadalupe in the Church of St. Luke’s- San Lucas. At 6:15PM a procession will leave the church via the main doors and carry the Virgin to the Parish Hall to the offering of Dance by the guild Cristo de Chalma, followed by a meal. You are invited to contribute a dish to the pot luck meal, help with set up (4:00PM) and clean up (8:30PM). Please take part in the festival. Ms. Lola is collecting an offering for flowers. PAGEANT SCHEDULE December 19, 2015 English practice: 10:00am Combined Party: 12:00pm Hispanic practice: 1:00pm FEAST OF EPIPHANY: THREE KINGS’ DAY This year we will have a bilingual Holy Eucharist on the Feast of Epiphany, Wednesday, January 6 at 7PM. Come and j oin us as we celebration this feast and experience other cultural traditions surrounding this day. THE BAPTISM OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST Sunday, January 10 we will celebration the Baptism of Jesus together at 11AM with a bilingual service of Holy Eucharist, baptism and graduations of the First Communion class. The regular 10AM and 1PM service will be cancelled. Following the 11AM service we will continue the celebration with a pot luck luncheon. Please add your name and food selection to the signup sheet in the Narthex, starting December 20. Goal 2: Expand Outreach TRUST IN THE HOLY SPIRIT As I said on Sunday, November 29, we have been asked to host some tiny little pods for the homeless in our parking lot. I actually received the call from Dorothy Rodriguez who explained the needs to me, and I said yes. I said yes for two important reasons: I believed that this telephone call was an answer to our prayers for discernment in how to serve our community. I was praying that the Holy Spirit would lead us to a good, new ministry. It’s the right thing to do. I trust that you all, as the congregation of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas, would want to accept this offer to help our homeless brothers and sisters. We often say we can’t help everyone, and that is true. I want you to know, we are not alone: We do not match up people with the pods. That is another agency’s job. We are not hosting anything but the pods: Early today, I asked a great big motorhome to move out of the lot. The persons in it claimed they had permission, but they did not have permission from me. We have been given a free port-a-potty out by the pods. That’s a free gift by Schulzy. That way between 9 pm at night and 9 am the next morning, there is a bathroom available. Why can’t we use the building to house homeless? It’s not up to fire code, and we would have to upgrade extensively and expensively, and have an army of volunteers, to be able to host. If you’d like to know more about what that looks like, volunteer for our WHO week (February 14-21) to see what all goes into that kind of hospitality. Where is this going? I don’t know. I hope to be led in the Spirit to more discernment. I trust that we can rely on all the other churches and charities to help out. So do not try to directly help the folks in the pods. They have a case manager and a plan, we should support the agency and the case manager. Rev. Jaime Case, Rector THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO WALK & KNOCK The annual Walk and Knock food drive is scheduled for Saturday in December 5. The Clark County -Wide Inter-Service Club reports that they are drastically short of volunteer walkers and drivers. If you have friends, family, co-workers or anyone else who might be interested in volunteering, please pass the word that we need their help. Anyone can go to the website — to register. Remember to get your food bags filled, labeled with “WALK & KNOCK” and set out on the front porch to be picked up. CHRISTMAS BASKETS WISH LIST The Outreach Committee needs special donations to make up Christmas Baskets for those in need. If you are able, please consider the items on the list below next time you shop and pick up what you can to donate. Starting 11/29 please bring your donations to the Parish Hall and deposit items into designated baskets. Want us to shop for you? Just write a check to “St. Luke’s” with a notation of “Christmas Baskets” on the memo line. You are invited to join us on Sunday, December 13 after the 10AM service in the Parish Hall to help fill the baskets! Thank you! canned ham (no re frigeration needed) canned chicken/tuna small bottle of oil package of rice instant potato canned fruit canned vegetables pasta and sauce Canned Soup peanut butter Jam/Jelly Krusteaz pancake mix syrup box of tea bags instant coffee Special Treats: cake mix & frosting cookies chocolates Dishwashing liquid GIVING TREE: SHARE HOUSE This year, the Share House has many people for whom they are providing housing. Each person has provided a need and a want item. Gift tags have been added to the Giving Tree in the Parish Hall. Select a gift tag and then check in with the Outreach Committee member, at the table by the tree on Sun- 9 days, to let them know who you have selected. See Kris, during the week, in the office . Gifts must be returned to church unwrapped no later than December 13. GIFTS FOR LIFE Visit this website what-you-can-do/gifts-for-life/all-gifts for great Holiday Gift ideas that will benefit those in need. Program of Episcopal Relief & Development. All gifts received by 12/31 will be matched up to $750,000 toward our 75th anniversary fund. ESL – LOOKING AHEAD The third term of SL2 ESL class ended the week before Thanksgiving and classes will resume Tuesday, January 12, 2016. We hope to increase to three classes per week. We are blessed with a solid group of ESL volunteers: Linnaea Schmid, who has been the stalwart main teacher, Stefanie Aschmann, Jeanne Stephens, Lee Wilson, Natasha Rezhenkov, Catherine Hennessey and Kit Law. Becky and Gary Swisher faithfully provide needed child care. In addition to students from Mexico, we have also had a student from Moldova and one from South Korea. There have been interesting discussions and lively class exercises most recently around food. In one discussion one student said how rosemary has been key to helping her heal and improve her memory. When a teacher brought in fresh rosemary from the garden expecting that it could be used dry, she learned it is more of a tincture made with moscato wine, not a tea, that is used in Mexico. It is cross cultural exchanges like these that add to the fun and richness for both teachers and students alike. Come join the ESL experience. If you are interested, please contact Fr. Jaime. Jeanne Stephens WHO - FEBRUARY 14-21, 2016 Since 2005 St Luke's ~ San Lucas has provided volunteer coverage for the men's overflow shelter for one week during each winter. This winter, we will cover the shelter (at St Paul's Lutheran Church on Franklin in downtown Vancouver) for the 7 nights, February 14-21 during Lent. There are three shifts 10 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO of 4-5 hours for each of the 7 nights. Volunteers receive clear instructions on what to do on each shift. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED. In January at the 8am, 10am and 1pm services someone will be available in the Narthex and the Parish Hall to answer questions and to fill up the schedule of volunteers. We hope to have volunteers from all three services. Won't you consider taking a shift? If you want to say 'yes' or you have questions now, please call Jeanne Stephens 206-245-0426. Goal 3: Spiritual Growth ADVENT MEDITATIONS & PRAYERS We have free copies of Henri J.M. Nouwen’s “Unto us a Child is Born”, which contains Daily Advent Meditations & Prayers, available in the Narthex. Supplies are limited so get one soon! Also, there is a family Advent booklet, “Wake Up to Joy”. Please take just one of either booklet per household. ADULT FORUM Make time this Advent and Christmas and do your soul some good by attending In the Spirit of the Circle. The gathering is most Sundays between the 8 and 10AM services. Join us in a quiet setting that is low key but warm, with listening and sharing. Advent is here and the stories we will share in December will be helpful to slow down and remember the things in your heart, not just under your tree: 12/6 is “White Buffalo Calf Woman”, 12/13 is “The Circle” and 12/20 is “The Old Woman and the Fish”. There will be a break, no sessions, on 12/27, 1/3 or 1/10. We invite a new awakening with our Epiphany lessons that will be on January 17th & 24th, titled “Baptism” and “The Circle of Christ”, respectively. We will not gather on 1/31. Thanks to all participants who have taken the time to attend and/or lead these wonderful, short lessons. Please contact me if you have questions or are interested in leading future lessons. Lynne Hulse 360-936-1507 GREEN TEAM MEETING Wednesday, December 2 at 10AM in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit. Time to come together again to review our list and update with more information. ACOLYTE TRAINING Saturday, December 5 at 10AM in the Sanctuary. If you’re interested in training or re-training to be an acolyte please come. Minimum age is 10 years old. Ad ults are also w elcom e . WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY GROUP We start each session with refreshments and friendly conversation then begin our study and discussion based on the book, The Desert Mothers: Spiritual Practices from the Women of the Wilderness by Mary C. Earle (Episcopal priest). In December, we gather on Saturday, December 12 from 10AM 12PM and will focus on the Chapter 4, “Go to Your Cell”. In January, we gather on Saturday, January 9 from 10AM -12PM and will focus our discussions on Chapter 5, “Learning the Art of Discernment”. Please read the assigned chapter prior to our session together. Questions? Contact Mary Boettcher, Janet Butler or Kris Lawless. BAPTISM OFFERED Sunday, January 10, 2016 If you are interested in baptism for either yourself or a family member, please contact the church office or Father Jaime by December 13. CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS Through Sunday, December 13, flower envelopes will be in the Narthex for your contribution towards the Christmas poinsettias. These poinsettias will be used to decorate the sanctuary for Christmas. Please PRINT your name and the name(s) for whom the poinsettias are in memory, on the envelope then include your check or cash for any amount. Completed envelopes can be put into the Offertory plate or given to an usher. We will again purchase THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO poinsettias from Friends of Hospice. Proceeds go to benefit Hospice SW. We will enjoy the poinsettias from Christmas through January 3 and resume flower arrangements on January 10 until the first Sunday in Lent (Feb. 14) when there are no flowers until Easter Sunday. If you have any questions please contact Sandra Kimura 360-693-8518 or Carol Hiltz 360-5973094. WHY DO WE HAVE ALTAR FLOWERS? Each Sunday when I walk into the Sanctuary my eyes are focused on the splendid Cross behind the Altar and then my eyes drop down to the beautiful flowers that adorn the retable along with six glowing candles representing the Light of Christ. I am always amazed at my emotions and I begin to reflect on the meaning of each of these items. In this short article I will just reflect on the Altar Flowers. The only time we do not have flowers is during Lent. The flowers remind us that as the Father cares for the lilies and wild flowers of the field so he cares for us. I am sure all of you have sent flowers to someone you love. So it is, we give flowers to Our Lord whom we love with our whole heart. Sponsoring Altar Flowers at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas is so easy. See your weekly bulletin for details or find the form in the Narthex. At some churches it costs $50 a week and at a Cathedral it can cost up to $200 a week. But at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas it costs $35. Anne Ammerman, Altar Guild Member LIFE GOES ON Life Goes On meets monthly to support those as they go through the grieving process. Fr. Dennis Cole facilitates this group. All are welcome. The group meets off-site at the Glenwood Place Senior Living (5500 NE 82nd Ave). Next meeting is on December 17 at 2PM. In January we will meet on Thursday, January 28 at 2PM. NOTES FROM THE MUSIC ROOM Happy New Year! The liturgical year starts more than a month before the calendar year with Lessons 11 & Carols on the first Sunday of Advent, November 29th, with special music in the morning service. The seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany that begin the initial festival half of the liturgical year are rich with music and tradition. Mary-Sue Tobin will be our special guest for Jazz Vespers on Saturday, December 5. Mary-Sue is best known as a hot tenor sax player, but is a versatile musician who can handle many different instruments. Expect some tunes for the Christmas season with Fr. Eliacin leading vespers here for the first time. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors. The music starts now at 6 PM on Saturdays, with the ecumenical service of psalms, prayers, music and readings following immediately. On Saturday, January 16 at 7PM our resident soprano, Beth Lawson will present “Life and Love,” a fund -raising concert featuring Robert Schumann’s lovely cycle of songs entitled Frauenliebe und Leben, the “Loves and Life of a Woman.” The program will begin in the church and then move to the Parish Hall for a matching set of love songs of a more jazzy nature by the likes of Rogers & Hammerstein, Jerome Kern, Billy Strayhorn and Hoagy Carmichal. Plan to attend for some great music and fellowship, with the proceeds going to the operating budget of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. Tim Nickel, Director of Music 2016 LITURGICAL CALENDARS These calendars are on sale now; full of information about the church year, feast days, seasonal colors, assigned lectionary readings and more. At a cost of $5 each we can cover our costs. This year the front has a color picture of our new church entrance. Find these calendars on Sundays; in the Narthex, in the Parish Hall during Coffee Hour, or in the church office week days. 12 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO SUNDAY SCHOOL We have new Godly Play stories starting in 2016! Please have your children and grandchildren join us for the new stories in the new year!!! Herlinda Marquez room, and clean up the sanctuary. It’s an important job. The next time you see an usher thank them for their service. Contact: Russ Roseberry: [email protected], (360) 903-8506 Stefanie Aschmann YOUTH GROUP December 5, NO meeting: Youth are encouraged to attend the Jazz Vespers (Don Lawry will be playing drums) at 6PM. December 11, Friday, 6-8 PM: Youth party and gift exchange at the church. January 9, Saturday, 6-8 PM: Youth night at the church. January 23-24, Winter HYC (HYC= youth conference for high school youth, gr. 9-12) at Camp Berachah in Auburn, $50, from 9 AM Sat - 1230 PM Sun. For those that prefer onsite housing, rather than host homes, this is the conference for you! There will be the opportunity for additional recreation activities as well. This is also the conference where the Diocesan youth council will be formed and start planning for upcoming conferences, immediately after the closing, from 1-6 PM. SENIOR WARDEN’S MESSAGE The year is coming to a close and there are many ministries at St. Luke’s – San Lucas that I have not yet highlighted. One is the critical ministry of the usher. Ushers serve at all three services. Their primary job is to keep parishioners safe. Before the service they ensure the doors are unlocked, heating and lights are on, the sound system is working, and bulletins, food basket and offering plates are in place. They greet parishioners as they enter the church, making sure visitors feel welcome, answering questions and providing assistance as needed. They also ensure someone rings the bell to start the service. Once the service starts they check the parish hall doors for security. During the service they pass the collection plates and bring them and the food offerings to the altar, and they monitor the flow of people to the communion rail. After the service they collect programs, count the money offerings and place them in the office safe, take the food offerings to the pie Goal 4: Pastoral Care PRAYER PARTNERS MEETING There will be a Prayer Partners coffee and meeting on Saturday, December 5 at 9 AM in the Parish Hall. All members are urged to attend, and anyone who is interested. For more information, contact Joan McLean (360-256-1513). PASTORAL CARE MEETINGS In December we will be meeting on Tuesday, December 15 at 6:30PM. In January we will return to our regular schedule of the fourth Tuesday, January 26. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry please contact Fr. Dennis Cole, 360-694-4849. Community Life COFFEE HOUR Thanks in advance, to our December and January Hosts who will be providing treats during Coffee Hour. Judy Morrison, Coffee Hour Coordinator Coffee Hour Hosts for December & January December 6 December 13 December 20 December 27 Wildfang/Stephens Nan & Dave Williams Romagosa Lund/Tellock January 3 January 10 January 17 January 24 January 31 February 7 Barnes McClellan Mathieu/Hiromura Coles/Saathoff Annual Meeting Hulse/Sandbergs THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO THE LUNCH BUNCH Our next luncheon will be on Tuesday, December 8 at 12 noon. Our sponsor this month is Nan Williams. The topic will be “Christmas International”; Christmas traditions from England, Holland, South Africa, The Philippines and Puerto Rico. Currently, no one has stepped forward to sponsor a program for the January 12th or the February 9th Lunch Bunch. If you are interested please contact the office A.S.A.P. Otherwise, we will not get together any month without a program. Please sign-up if you’re coming and/or if you can help with a dish for the luncheon. Also, the monthly program sponsorship sheet is on the same clip board. Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex. As always your friends and neighbors are welcome! FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE December 11 at 6:00PM at the home of Jim and Cathy Schlatter. We are starting half an hour early so we can include our annual white elephant gift exchange. Come prepared with a fun/crazy gift per person. January 22 at 6:30PM at the home of Beth Ivey (1507 NW Gregory Drive Vancouver 98665, 360-831 -2503) Co-Host is Diane Smith. Back to our regular time of 6:30PM. The host provides the main course only and guests bring a dish to share. Guests are responsible for providing their own beverage. Look for the sign-up sheet and maps in the parish hall. We are looking for a host for February 26 Friday Night Live. If you are interested in hosting this month or want more information please contact us. Please address any questions to us, [email protected] or at (971-373-8894). Brad and Ginger Harris 13 Retirees @ Restaurants (R@R for short) breakfast for good food and lively conversation. Administrative & Financial 2015 DIOCESAN CONVENTION REPORT The Jesus Movement was the title of the 2015 Diocese Convention held in Lynnwood on the 13th & 14th of November. Clergy and Delegates from this parish were Father Eliacin Rosario-Cruz, Roy and Mary Ellen Sandberg, Michael Grigsby-Lane and me, Lynne Hulse. The major focus was on youth ministries and how we can inspire our youth and retain them to become active adult Episcopalians. The number of youths staying with the church has dropped dramatically in the last 40 years and needs to be addressed. We were also inspired by videos of our new presiding bishop, Michael Curry, and his hopeful focus on evangelism and spreading the Good News. Voting included the 2016 budget for the diocese. The highlight was the Eucharist on Saturday morning. Eucharist for 600 people fills a big table let me tell you. Talk about loaves and fishes!!! Amazing energy in one room praying for the world including the people of Paris. The next convention will be the 20th and 21st of October, 2016 at the Sea-Tac Convention Center. Lynne Hulse, 2015 Delegate to Convention VISUAL ARTISTS’ CARD SALE! Original artwork Christmas Cards and Note Cards are now on sale each Sunday. We have a variety to choose from. Check these out after the service. Proceeds to support the church. “R @ R” GROUP We will not be meeting in December. Our next breakfast together will be Wednesday, January 20 at 8:30 AM at Dulin’s Café located at 1929 Main St, Vancouver, WA 98660. Rev. Chuck Barnes invites all the retirees or others available to come to the VESTRY SUMMARY -- November 2015 VESTRY NOMINATIONS: We need to elect four Vestrypersons in January. Please contact any of our clergy or a Vestry member for information. INDOOR ART: Pam Gunn, whose artwork en- 14 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO hances the upstairs Education Wing hallway, will create a mural for the basement of the east wing. GREEN INITIATIVE: We will schedule an energy audit to further increase our building’s efficiency. EMERGENCY SHELTER: Part of our facility may become a short-term (7 days or less) American Red Cross emergency shelter for families who have lost their homes due to fire, flood, etc. MUTUAL MINISTRY REVIEW: The Vestry will receive results of the survey and focus groups in December. THURSDAY CREW: This vital group needs new members. Come at 7:30 a.m. on a Thursday (except Thanksgiving) and help maintain our building and grounds. CHRISTMAS PAGEANT: Choose your language-enjoy this event at the 10:00 a.m. (English) or 1:00 p.m. (Spanish) service on December 20. OUTREACH: Please help the needy in our community by donating to the Share House Giving Tree or to our annual Christmas baskets. JOINT SERVICES: Bilingual worship services, followed by a meal, are becoming popular. They will be scheduled about once per quarter next year. Tom Amies, Vestry Clerk TREASURER’S REPORT BUDGET SUMMARY “Dollars and Sense” Percentages should to be at 83% of budgeted revenue and expense. Summary as of October 31, 2015 Total Budget for the Year Revenues Expenses Net Income $504,819 $504,819 0 Year to Date Actual Amounts $400,763 $397,514 - $3,249 Percent of Total Budget 79% 79% Revenues: Actual revenues as of October are below year-to-date expected income. Expenses: Overall expenses are under YTD budget projections. Additional Comments: Both revenues and expenses are at 79 percent which results in a positive balance for the month of October. It is anticipated the church will begin seeing a deficit in November and December. This has been anticipated by the Vestry, and there are plans to cover this potential deficit with reserve and cash accounts. Please continue your support of our current fundraising events. This is the time to be sure you are on target for meeting year-end pledge commitments. Thank you for your continued contributions. Doug Goodlett, Treasurer PLEDGE CAMPAIGN UPDATE Thank you to all who have turned in your pledge cards as requested. Through November 29, we have received 99 pledges for a total of $280,030, which is the backbone for next year’s budget. It is exciting to see that 16 of the pledges received so far are from first-time pledgers. Whether new to our church or new to pledging, thank you for taking this important step in stewardship. To compare with last year, when the pledge drive was concluded we had 114 total pledge units totaling $314,036. As you can see, we still have a way to go this year. If you haven’t turned in your pledge card, please do so as soon as you can so we can determine the 2016 budget. No amount is too small. Our combined efforts can and will do great things for our church and community. Sharon Mayhew, Pledge Committee Chair DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN PAY YOUR PLEDGE WITH STOCK TRANSFERS? Stock gift transfers are a great way to pay your pledge and avoid capital gains taxes. Stocks that are transferred directly to a qualified non-profit, such as St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas Episcopal Church are not subject to capital gains, making the full value of the stock at the time of transfer available for St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. The actual value of the stock to the church depends on when the stock is sold. But the credited gift value to the donor is marked to the day of transfer, with a median between the high and low. Since St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas does not have a broker- THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO age account, the stock transfers can be made to the Diocesan Stewardship Office's brokerage account with instructions directing the gift to St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas. If you want to consider this method of giving, feel free to contact me. Doug Goodlett, Treasurer FUNDRAISER: MUSICAL EVENT EXTRAORDINAIRE Mark your calendar for Saturday, Jan. 16 7~ 9PM “Life and Love” Concert featuring Beth Lawson performing her favorite songs of life and love accompanied by Tim Nickel and Company. Refreshments will be served. Tickets go on sale in late December. WANT TO SERVE YOUR CHURCH AS A VESTRY MEMBER? Serving on the Vestry The vestry is conducting the annual search for new vestry members. Once elected, 3 serve a term of three (3) years. Additionally, one position this year is a two year term to complete Brandon Hudson’s term. Eligibility to serve as a member of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas Vestry An adult (age 16 or older) member of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas parish, (confirmed or received in the Episcopal church) and a Communicant in Good Standing (“faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and have been faithful in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God”), who is a contributor of record for the calendar year preceding their nomination. Vestry members are expected to maintain the status as a Communicant in Good Standing, and continue to contribute financially to the parish during their term of service, and able and willing to attend monthly and special vestry meetings, an annual retreat, and to work on vestry sub-committees and special projects. Steps in becoming a candidate for vestry: 1. Decide that you want to run for and be on the vestry for 3 years. 15 2. Review the eligibility requirements. 3. Obtain a nomination form from the office or church entry, complete the form and return it to the parish office; give it to a vestry member, warden, submit by snail mail or email to [email protected]. 4. Attend the 2015 Annual meeting in order to remain on the ballot. 5. Nominees will be required to submit a photograph, in either digital form or photo paper to the parish office. There is no guarantee that you will be elected to the vestry, but if you are, you will be doing a great service to the church. ST. LUKE’S VESTRY WOMEN As our Historian Lesla Scott pointed out, in 1950 the Diocese wisely changed the wording in the Canons from “vestrymen” to “baptized persons”, allowing women to legally serve on the Vestry. In 1954, St. Luke’s finally elected its first woman to the Vestry, Lorraine Thompson, to the cheers and applause of everyone at the Annual Meeting. Serving a one year term, Lorraine was later elected again, and selected as a Senior Warden in 1984 and 1985. Since 1980, there have been 426 “Vestry positions” (one year of Vestry service), with women serving 31% of those. During that same period, women have served as Sr. Warden 28% of the time, and Jr. Warden 18% of the time. You probably know many of these outstanding leaders of our parish. This is not to negate the fine service men have provided to our parish throughout the years, as we have greatly benefitted from their service on many occasions of crisis and growth. Of interest, there were two women who were elected to the Vestry in 1900. At that time the community, the parish, and the Diocese were suffering from economic difficulties, and a major social transformation occurring in the nation. Mrs. A. B. Johnson and Miss Louisa Trotter were elected during the Annual Meeting on April 16th. Miss Trotter was also elected within the Vestry as its Secretary and its Treasurer. Mrs. Johnson resigned a week later, along with an- 16 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO other Vestry person. Miss Trotter resigned as Secretary and Treasurer, but stayed on for the remainder of her one-year term. What does all of this mean for today? It means everyone’s participation in the church is important. Pat Lawless, Archivist WANTED: 2015 PHOTOS Have you taken pictures during any events or services here at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas this year? We would like to have your pictures please. Not only are these part of our history but can also be used to help advertise our church. Please copy them off onto a CD, if in digital format, or let us borrow them to scan and bring them to the office. Also, please label each picture using a pencil on the back, with the name of the event and any people included. If digital, include name(s) in file name. Thank you! Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator 2015 ANNUAL MEETING Sunday, January 31, 2016 11:15 AM in the Parish Hall. Pot Luck Lunch, please look for a sign up sheet for food donations starting January 10. Child care will be provided. Join us as we review and celebrate our journey together through 2015 and prepare for a new adventure in 2016! A SPECIAL THANK YOU NOTE FROM Homeless Outreach Promoting Education (HOPE) Anne Galvas HOPE coordinator 2015 MINISTRY ANNUAL REPORTS ATTENTION MINISTRY LEADERS: With our 2015 Annual Meeting fast approaching, please begin to gather your ministry data for your annual ministry report. As in the past, we want to keep these a brief and fact-filled as possible. Please provide 3-5 Accomplishments in direct phrases with numerical facts, when applicable. The due date for these Annual Ministry Reports is Sunday, January 10, 2016. Your timeliness will be most helpful to my task of producing the annual report. Thank you, Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator INCLEMENT WEATHER NOTIFICATION SYSTEM Visit our Website: OR Call our phone number: 360-696-0181 Listen to the Welcome Greeting, When prompted press “2” for Schedule of Worship Services. We will provide a message if the building is closed and/or if any church services or activities have been cancelled. Please check before you leave home. If you don’t feel comfortable driving in the current weather conditions please stay home. Safety First! THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO 17 Report on Goal 3 Provide Opportunities for Members to Grow in Faith in a Safe Social Environment SL2 strives to provide opportunities for parishioners who seek a deeper spiritual path to grow in faith in an environment that is welcoming, respectful, non-judgmental and confidential. This goal has been discussed extensively. In particular the phrase “safe social environment” has been confusing to some. Many efforts have been made in many areas, some effective, some dismal failures, others still of uncertain outcomes. Many efforts here overlap with Goal 1: Develop closer re lationships betw een the Anglo and Hispanic congregations. Below is a list of attempts and their results. Learning Opportunities: Th e traditio nal id e a of sp iritual f o rm atio n is Ch ristian Ed ucatio n. Women’s Spirituality Group: This has been the solid program of all the programs that SL2 has tried to do. It is a continuation of a program that precedes the establishment of this goal. It continues to provide quality ministry for the English speaking women of SL2. Kris Lawless, Janet Butler and Mary Boettcher lead this group. Sunday School: More children are coming all the time to our classes at 9:45 am and 1:15 pm. The teacher volunteers have worked hard for four years to provide for our kids. Our Director Emerita, Ebie Mountford, is helping our newly hired Sunday School Coordinator to continue the good work of providing for our kids. Herlinda Marquez is our recently hired coordinator. The Youth Ministry (HYC and JYC): Ably led by Donna Greene and Don Lawry, with a number of volunteers this group has hosted Diocesan HYC at SL2 and begun to reach out to youth from the Latino congregation. Confirmation Class: For three years we have offered confirmation classes. The adult profession of faith that is the core of the rite has been the occasion to prepare more leaders for more participation in the life of SL2. Contemplative Prayer: This has been a noted failure. Attendance peaked at 3 before it was cancelled. It did draw two people from outside the Parish to attend, but support from members was nonexistent. Education for Ministry: Another notable failure, without member participation. “First” Communion: This class prepares children who can read and write for fuller participation in the sacrament of Holy Communion. The start was made in 2012 to provide this class to the Latino congregants who were more familiar with it. In 2015 the class was expanded to be bilingual, for school-aged kids from all groups. This fall we have a mixed group of 13 kids in the class. It is well supported by all members. Adult Forum: Thanks to new volunteers, the Adult Forum, which had ceased to meet between 8 and 10 am services has restarted with a delightful curriculum based on First Nations’ storytelling by the Episcopal Church. Lynne Hulse organizes story selection and is primary facilitator. Attendance has been up to 8 people. Safeguarding God’s Children/Safeguarding God’s People: Classes for the protection by being informed and by vigilance are still regularly provided. Our Safeguarding God’s Children facilitator is Lee Wilson, 18 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO and she would be glad to schedule a class. Volunteer Opportunities: Do n’t f o rget, giving tim e and tale nt to G o d’s re ign is a spiritual issue ! Volunteer Teachers: The number of people involved in Sunday School, Confirmation Class, Adult Forum and “First” Communion has also grown since 2014. It’s a joy to see how much energy is coming into those classes from these motivated teachers. Volunteers in ESL Classes: We have been learning how to teach our group of students English as a Second Language since March in 2015. Lately we have been getting 8 students. Our lead teacher has been Linaea Schmid. Classes are meeting on Tuesday and Thursday from 10:15 to 11:45 am. A nursery is provided. Volunteers for Outreach (Food, clothing and toiletries): It is a proven avenue of growth in the spirit to directly serve others in need. The number of volunteers who have direct contact with clients went from zero in 2011 to over 20 in 2015. As volunteers serve the needy, our ability to discern and responsiveness to the needs of others who come to us for services increases: Love becomes more adept, more compassionate, more profound. Kreta Saathoff chairs the Outreach Committee. Acolytes: Even lacking an Acolyte Master we have been able to add to the ranks of acolytes at 10:00 am and 1:00 pm services. Failing to find an Acolyte Master is a failure. LEMs & Lectors: Thanks to the generosity of the members of the church, we have never lacked for LEMs or Lectors, and still add from time to time people who are interesting in being involved. Our volunteer coordinator is Lew Hampton. Greeters: This ministry is an expression of the core value of HOSPITALITY of SL2. We need more spirit filled persons to welcome and get to know visitors and new members. Jamie Mathieu has been the core person for this ministry. Office Angels: SL2 has a special cadre of volunteers who prefer to work in the office, supporting our able Parish Administrator, Kris Lawless. Some are regulars, like Jennifer Cole, Jim Christen, Lynne Hulse, Pat Lawless, and Joan Wilson. Others come in to fold newsletters, and stuff envelopes. The Altar Guild: Serving behind the scene for every service, every Eucharist, are the members of the Altar Guild. The Directors are Sandra Kimura and Carol Hiltz, who have been serving for some time. Ushers: For years the Ushers have been led by Russ Roseberry. Under his tenure, the Ushers have learned to use the new lift, the new AED, and new procedures to secure the building during the Sunday school hours. The Thursday Crew: The Thursday Crew makes improvements and repairs the facilities of SL2, providing much needed skills and work hours to care for us all. Bob Hiltz leads the crew. The Green Project: Newly started, this project has already counted on installing high efficiency lighting throughout the facilities. More effort, more funds, and more volunteers are needed to make SL2 “green.” Social Opportunities: Our so cial f ab ric ne e ds care and m ainte nance to he lp us stay h e alth y! The Lunch Bunch: Every second Tuesday, a speaker/presenter comes and joins us for lunch. It’s a potluck where everyone is welcome, and the topics vary greatly. Friday Night Live: Active for many more years than this goal has been around, this group continues to provide social opportunities in member’s homes for SL2. Brad and Ginger Coffee Hour: Each Sunday after the 10 am service we have coffee hour, sponsored by families in the parish in rotation. Advocacy: The Peace and Justice Fair: Just completing its 14th year, the Peace and Justice fair in early September at Esther Short Park gives us a place to network and display our commitment to strive for peace and justice. THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO DECEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday REGULER SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:45 Sunday School & Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 12:00 Primera Comuníon 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa 1:30 Escuela Dominical 6 1 Office Closed 8 Office Closed 11:30 Christmas Baskets Assemble 11:30 Giving Tree Gifts Due 12 Primera Comuníon 20 21 The Fourth Sunday of Advent Office Closed 15 8:00 Thursday Crew 4:00 Staff Meeting 10:00 Helping Hands 10 Outreach Outreach 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 4:00 Staff Meeting 16 17 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 6:30 Pastoral Care Comm 22 23 24 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 9 Adult Forum 4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir 10 Christmas Pageant in English 1 Christmas Pageant in Spanish 27 28 The First Sunday after Christmas Day Office Closed 29 Outreach 30 12 Outreach 6:00 Friday Night Live (Schlatters) 18 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir Outreach 8 WALK & KNOCK 5:30 Our Lady of Guadalupe (Part I) 6:15 Our Lady of Guadalupe (Part 2) 6:00 Youth Group Outreach Outreach 5 6 JAZZ VESPERS 11 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands Saturday 9 Prayer Partners 10 Acolyte Training Outreach Outreach REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 12 Primera Comuníon 4 6:00 Handbells 6:30 Outreach 7:00 Choir REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9 Adult Forum REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE Friday Outreach 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 9 6:30 Vestry 14 NO Adult Forum 3 Outreach Outreach 12:00 Lunch Bunch 9 Adult Forum 12 Primera Comuníon The Third Sunday of Advent 2 Thursday 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 13 Wednesday Outreach 7 The Second Sunday of Advent Tuesday 19 Outreach 19 Outreach 10 English Pageant Practice 12 Pageant Practice Party 1 Spanish Pageant Practice 2:00 Life Goes On (off site) 25 Christmas Eve Christmas Day Outreach Office Closed 4:00 Choral Family Eucharist 8:00 Santa Misa 10:30 Christmas Music &Carols 11:00 Choral Eucharist 26 10:00 Holy Eucharist Buildings Closed After Service 31 Outreach 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service Outreach 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 4:00 Staff Meeting Church Office Hours: 9 AM-12 PM and 1 PM-5 PM Tuesday - Friday If you have any questions about the calendar, please call the church office, 360-696-0181. 20 THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO JANUARY 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:45 Sunday School & Nursery Care 10:00 Choral Eucharist 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa 1:30 Escuela Dominical 3 1 REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE Saturday 2 NEW YEARS DAY Buildings Closed 4 Second Sunday after Christmas Friday 5 6 EPIPHANY Outreach Office Closed 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 12 Primera Comuníon 7 Outreach 8 Outreach 9 Outreach 10 Women’s Spirituality Group 8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands 7:00 Bilingual Holy Eucharist 7:00 Choir 10 1st Sunday after the Epiphany / The Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ 11 Office Closed 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany 12:00 The Lunch Bunch 6:30 Vestry 18 Office Closed 19 REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9 Adult Forum 31 4th Sunday after the Epiphany REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 11:15 ANNUAL MEETING & LUNCH 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 4:00 Staff Meeting 15 Outreach 16 Outreach 8:00 Thursday Crew 10 ESL Class 10:00 Helping Hands 7:00 “Love & Life” Concert & Reception Fund Raiser 6:30 Outreach Committee 7:00 Choir 20 Outreach 10 ESL Class 21 Outreach 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 4:00 Staff Meeting MESSENGER DEADLINE 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany 14 Outreach 6:00 Handbells REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9 Adult Forum 24 13 Outreach 10 ESL Class 11:00 Bilingual Holy Eucharist, Baptisms & Graduation of 1st Communion Class 11:30 Pot Luck Lunch Annual Ministry Reports Due 17 12 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir 25 Office Closed 26 27 Outreach Outreach 10 ESL Class 6:30 Pastoral Care Committee 12:15 Holy Eucharist & Healing Service 4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Choir 22 Outreach 23 Outreach HYC 8:00 Thursday Crew 10 ESL Class 10:00 Helping Hands 6:30 Friday Night Live (Beth Ivey) 28 29 Outreach 8:00 Thursday Crew 10 ESL Class 10:00 Helping Hands 2:00 Life Goes On 30 Outreach The Messenger ~ El Mensajero THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO Prepared by: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal 426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard Vancouver, WA 98663 Non-Profit U.S. Postage 21 Paid Vancouver, WA Permit No. 804 Request delivery by dates: December 5 - December 8 Return Service Requested St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector The Rev. Eliacín Rosario-Cruz, Curate The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate Clergy The Rev. Jerry Lonergan, Associate Clergy Doug Goodlett, Treasurer Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer Tim Nickel, Music Director Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator (360) 696-0181 FAX (360) 696-0182 Email: [email protected] Facebook: Warden: Stefanie Aschmann Junior Warden: Lew Hampton VESTRY MEMBERS: Hipolito Casarez, Kathryn Gallaher, Brandon Hudson, Sharon Mayhew, Michael Morrison, Ricardo Romagosa, Kreta Saathoff, Joseph Ziemba Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies Chancellor: F. James Mayhew St. Luke’s – San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853. Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need through service, and to grow in faith together.