Acetylation of Ferrocene - URI Department of Chemistry
Acetylation of Ferrocene - URI Department of Chemistry
-- r 186 Part 1 Experiments Cleanup: Place all solutions containing bromine in the container for halogenated waste. Place the solutions from the reference cuvet in the container for flammable (organic) waste. Optional Experiments Devise and carry out a procedure to isolate and purify the organic product(s) from one of these bromination reactions. You will need to begin the synthesis with at least 1 g of the aromatic compound for a macroscale synthesis or 200 mg of the aromatic compound for a microscale synthesis. Synthesis of a Bromination Product Bromination of Phenol If you had brominated phenol in this experiment, what sort of rate would you expect? Test your prediction by running the experiment with a phenol solution. Reference 1. Casanova, J. J. Chern.Educ. 1964,41, 341-342. Questions ~ 1. How does the measurement of the absorbance of Brz give a measurement of the relative rates of bromination in this experiment? 2. Account for the relative rates that you experimentally determined by considering the structures of the aromatic compounds. ( Experiment 18 3. What should the products of bromination be in each reaction? 4. Predict the relative reactivities of the following three compounds when subjected to bromination conditions: methoxybenzene (anisole), benzene, nitrobenzene. ) ACYLATION AND ALKYLATION OF AROMATIC COMPOUNDS Investigate a variety of Friedel-Crafts reactions and purify the products by column chromatography or recrystallization. The Friedel-Crafts acylation and alkylation of aromatic compounds are specific examples of electrophilic aromatic substitution, which was discussed in Experiment 17. Friedel-Crafts reactions, named after the French and American chemists who discovered their synthetic importance over 100 years ago, lead to carbon-carbon bond formation. Acyl and alkyl groups can be substituted on aromatic rings by using acid catalysts, such as HzS04' H3P04, and HF, or Lewis acids, such as AICl3 and BF3' Experiment 18 Acylation and 187 Alkylation Friedel-Crafts chemistry is big business. For example, about 9 billion pounds of ethylbenzene are produced in the United States each year by the reaction of benzene and ethene in the presence of either a protic or a Lewis acid catalyst. Most of it is dehydrogenated to form styrene, from which polystyrene (Experiment 29.1) is made: acid O ~ I Benzene _catalyst + H2C-CH2) Ethene C~CH3 () ~ - H2 ~ I CH=CH2 () ~ Ethylbenzene I Styrene In a Friedel-Crafts alkylation the alkyl electrophile can be prepared by many methods; the traditional one in undergraduate laboratories has been treatment of an alkyl halide with a Lewis acid, commonly aluminum trichloride or iron(ID) chloride. We will first review electrophilic alkylation, with a focus on the processes occurring in Experiments 18.2 and 18.3, followed by a discussion of the acylation of ferrocene to produce acetylferrocene (Experiment 18.1). In both 18.2 and 18.3, the electrophile is the tert-butyl cation. This cation is especially easy to produce because it is tertiary and thus more stable than either a secondary or a primary cation. Using benzene as the substrate, a simple rendition of the substitution (alkylation) mechanism is: o -H+ + 6~' (CHJ,c+ , Delocalized cationic intermediate tert-Butylbenzene (1,1-dimethylethyl) benzene The delocalized cationic intermediate corresponds to three localized resonance forms: OC~~ + Delocalized intermediate Resonance oCHJ'] forms The process of delocalization, or distribution, of the positive charge over a large portion of the ring system stabilizes the cationic intermediate. When a proton is lost, the highly stable aromatic ring is regenerated. Any additional groups on the benzene ring that stabilize the positive charge increase the rate of substitution. Moreover, the ability of such substituents to stabilize or destabilize positive charge can be used to predict the ability of a group to direct the substitution to either an ortho, meta, or para position. In Experiment 18.3, an alkoxy group (OR) provides an electronegative atom that has a nonbonding pair of electrons and is attached 188 Part 1 Experiments directly to the ring. This atom donates electrons to the ring, a process that stabilizes a positive charge. Q E Para substitution product Thus, the "extra" resonance provided by the alkoxy group facilitates additional charge distribution, stabilizing the positive charge of the intermediate. Moreover, the direct interaction of the alkoxy group with positive charge causes electrophilic attack to occur in the para (as above) or ortho position. Another type of Friedel-Crafts reaction is the acylation of aromatic compounds. In this electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction, an acyl derivative, such as an acyl chloride or acyl anhydride, reacts with the aromatic compound in the presence of acids, such as AICl3 or H3P04. The product of the acylation reaction is an aromatic ketone: o o II CCH ~ O () ~ I CH]CCI)::::7 AICI] ~ 3 I Experiment 18.1 uses the novel aromatic compound ferrocene, an organometallic compound that is composed of two planar fivemembered rings that "sandwich" an iron ion: The ferrocene sandwich compound can be named Fe('I1s-CsHsh, where the Greek letter '11(eta) means that each ligand bonds to the metal atom through all five carbon atoms of the ring. Ferrocene was originally made in 1951 by treating sodium cyclopentadienide with iron(II) chloride: FeCl2 + 2 Ferrous chloride ~ Na+ ~(CSHS)2Fe Sodium cyclopentadienide + 2NaCl Ferrocene Experiment 189 18 Acylation and Alkylation Ferrocene can be thought of as a compound formed by the bonding Of an Fe2+ cation to two cyclopentadienide ligands, each bearing a negative charge. Each cyclopentadienide anion is aromatic because it has six 7T-electrons: c.- 0-- O--etc. Q u_ 6 7T-electrons Because the rings in ferrocene are aromatic, they readily undergo electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions, such as the acylation reaction in Experiment 18.1. 18.1 . Acylationof Ferrocene Acetylate a colored organometallic compound chromatography. and purify itby column ~ W + Fe CH-3 /O CH3-C @ @r ' '-.l..-/ C ~O H3PO. C -CH 3 ' Fe ~ @ '0 Ferrocene Acetic anhydride mp 173°C MW 186.0 bp 139.5°C yellow-orange color density 1.08 g . mL-1 + CH,COOH Acetylferrocene mp 85-86°C MW102.1 MW 228.1 orange-red color This Friedel-Crafts acylation of ferrocene produces acetylferrocene by using acetic anhydride in the presence of a catalytic amount of phosphoric acid. A frequently used catalyst for such acylations is aluminum trichloride, but in this particular acylation that catalyst complicates the process by producing a disubstituted product: l,l'-diacetylferrocene. The milder catalyst, phosphoric acid, works better. It generates the acylium ion electrophile by protonation followed by loss of acetic acid: 0 - II 3 [ HC/' C H3PO. ] 20 Acetic anhydride ~ cJ'H cJ'H I II C C '" HC/+"cf 3 0 'cH I ~ 3 HC/ 3 C~ """0 Acetic acid + O~ C~ CH3 Acylium ion electrophile 190 Part 1 Experiments 3500 3000 2500 Wavenumber 2000 1500 1000 500 (em-') FIGURE 18.1 IR spectrum of acetylferrocene(in CHCl3). The electrophile then attacks the ring, a reaction resulting in substitution of the acetyl group for a ring proton: Acetylferrocene can be characterized by examining its IR (Figure 18.1) and IH NMR (Figure 18.2) spectra. Note the intense carbonyl stretching vibration in the IR spectrum at about 1660 em-I. The IH NMR spectrum of ferrocene shows 10 equivalent aromatic protons as a singlet at about 8 4.15. The IH NMR spectrum of acetylferrocene (Figure 18.2) shows the acetyl methyl group as a 3H singlet at 8 2.42. The unsubstituted ring yields a 5H singlet at 8 4.22, and the substituted ring reveals a pair of 2H signals as apparent triplets, one at 84.5 and the other near 84.8. ( m icroscale ) Procedure* Techniques Thin-Layer Chromatography: Technique 10 Column Chromatography: Technique 12 IR Spectrometry: Spectrometric Method 1 NMR Spectrometry: Spectrometric Method 2 "This procedure was developed by David Alberg, Department of Chemistry, Carleton College,Northfield, MN. ---0 Experiment 4.7 5.0 4.5 191 18 Acylation and Alkylation 4.0 4.6 3.5 4.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 .5 0.0 ~ FIGURE18.2 IH NMR spectrum (300 MHz) of acetylferrocene (in COCl3). SAFETY INFORMA nON Ferrocene is relatively nontoxic, but avoid contact with the skin. The product, acetylferrocene, is highly toxic. Wear gloves and avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Acetic anhydride is corrosive and a lachrymator (causes tears). Wear gloves and avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Dispense it in a hood. Concentrated (85%) phosphoric acid is irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. Wear gloves. If you spill any phosphoric acid on your skin, wash it off immediately with copious amounts of water. Aqueous sodium hydroxide solutions are corrosive and cause burns. Solutions as dilute as 9% (2.5 M) can cause severe eye injury. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Hexane and diethyl ether are extremely volatile and flammable. Alumina (Al203) is a lung irritant. Avoid breathing the dust. Preparation of Acetylferrocene Fit a dry 5-mL round-bottomed flask with the support-rod nector and a drying tube containing anhydrous flexible con- calcium chloride [see Technique 3, Figure 3.6b (omit the air condenser)]. Keep the drying tube on the flask except while you are adding reagents. Place 200 mg (1.07 mmol) of ferrocene and 2.0 mL (21 mmol) of acetic anhydride in the r 192 Part 1 Experiments flask. Swirl the flask to mix these reagents. Slowly add 0.4 mL of 85% phosphoric acid (about 10 drops with a Pasteur pipet; the exact amount is not critical). Put the drying tube on the flask and swirl Acetylferrocene will appear as an orange-red spot (Rf = 0.3), and any remaining ferrocene appears as a yellowish spot at Rf = 0.9. the reaction mixture to thoroughly mix the reagents. Heat the flask on a steam bath or in a beaker of boiling water for 10 min with occasional swirling. Remove the flask from the heat source and check the progress of the reaction by thin-layer chromatography on silica gel plates [see Technique 10]. Also spot the plate with a 2% solution of ferrocene in ether. Use 25: 75 (v / v) anhydrous diethyl ether / hexane as the TLC elution solvent. A UV lamp allows you to visualize traces of ferrocene. A trace amount of ferrocene is likely; but if you can see a substantial yellow spot of ferrocene without the aid of the UV lamp, heat your reaction mixture for an additional 2-5 min. If the amount of ferrocene is minimal, cool the reaction flask for a total of 10 min. Pour the reaction mixture over about 10 g of ice in a 50-mL beaker. Use an additional 1 or 2 mL of water to complete the transfer of your mixture to the ice. Partially neutralize the mixture by adding 5 mL of 6 M sodium hydroxide in at least three portions. Determine the pH with pHydrion paper or other pH paper. Continue adding 6 M NaOH dropwise until the pH is 7-8. Swirl the beaker after each addition to mix the contents. Cool the mixture to room temperature and collect the product by vacuum filtration on a Hirsch funnel. Use a few milliliters of water to complete the transfer of the tarry solid. With the vacuum on, pull air over the crude product on the Hirsch funnel for 15 min to dry the product while you prepare for the column chromatography. Purification by Column Chromatography Assemble all the equipment and reagents that you will need for the entire chromatography procedure before you begin to prepare the column. Large-volume Pasteur pipets, available from Fisher Scientific, catalog no. 13678-8, have a capacity of 4 mL. Read this procedure completely and review Technique 12 before you undertake this part of the experiment. Obtain about 25 mL of hexane in a 50-mL Erlenmeyer fitted with a cork. Transfer your air-dried crude' product flask to a 13 x 100 mm test tube and add about 1 mL of hexane. Much of the material will not dissolve in the hexane. Spot a thin-layer plate with this hexane mixture, then set the test tube and the thin-layer plate aside while you prepare the column. Obtain a large-volume Pasteur pipet to use as the chromatography column and pack a small plug of glass wool down into the stem, using a wood applicator stick or a thin stirring rod. Clamp this pipet in a vertical position and place a 25-mL Erlenmeyer flask underneath it to collect the hexane that you will be adding to the column. Weigh approximately 3 g retiultthealuminais Ivered with solventat alltimesduring the 2tographic procedure. nayseeafaint yellow n thehexanesolution ting infraction 1; the i duetoferrocene that did not react. Experiment 18 Acylation and Alkylation 193 of Activity III alumina in a tared 50-mL beaker; add enough hexane to make a thin slurry. Transfer the alumina slurry to the column, using a regular Pasteur pipet. Continue adding slurry until the column is twothirds full of alumina. Fill and drain the column four or five times with hexane to pack it well (do not let the hexane level fall below the top of the alumina). The eluted hexane can be reused for this purpose. After the alumina is packed, add a 2-3 mm layer of sand above the alumina by letting it settle through the hexane. Allow the hexane level to almost reach the top of the alumina, and place a flask labeled fraction 1 under the column. Transfer your crude product mixture to the top of column, using a Pasteur pipet and as many small portions of hexane (do not use the eluted hexane) as necessary to transfer all of your material. When all of the crude product is on the column and the hexane level is just above the top of the alumina, elute the column with 15 mL of hexane. Next elute with 10 mL of 50:50 (v/v) hexane/anhydrous diethyl ether solution. You will see the orange-red acetylferrocene move rapidly down the column. Collect the eluent in fraction 1 until you see the orange-red solution in the column tip, then quickly change the collection flask to a clean, tared 50-mL Erlenmeyer flask labeled "Fraction 2." Continue adding 50: 50 hexane / ether until the orange-red product has eluted from the column. (This elution requires about 10-15 mL of 50:50 hexane / ether.) Spot fraction 1, fraction 2, and pure ferrocene on the same thin-layer plate that you have already spotted with your crude acetylferrocene. Develop the thin-layer plate as you did previously. Record the results in your notebook. Recover your purified acetylferrocene by evaporating the solvent from fraction 2 on a steam bath or with a stream of nitrogen or air in a hood. Alternatively, if a rotary evaporator is available, transfer fraction 2 to a tared 25- or 50-mL round-bottomed flask and remove the solvent under reduced pressure. Weigh your purified product, calculate the percent yield, and determine the melting point of your acetylferrocene. Prepare a sample for NMR or IR analysis as directed by your instructor. Assign all the major peaks, but do not try to analyze the complex splitting patterns. Cleanup: The aqueous filtrate from the crude product may be washed down the sink or placed in the container for aqueous inorganic waste. Pour any remaining TLC solvent and fraction 1 into the container for flammable (organic) waste. Place the thin-layer plates and the alumina from the column in the container for inorganic solid waste. 194 Part 1 Experiments Questions 1. Any diacetylferrocene produced in this reaction remains near the top of the column under the chromatographic conditions used in this experiment. Explain the order of elution of ferrocene and acetylferrocene, and why the diacetylferrocene is retained by the column. 3. Explain how the NMR spectrum of ferrocene supports the assigned sandwich structure rather than a structure in which the iron atom is bound to only one carbon atom of each ring. 2. In the NMR spectrum of most aromatic compounds, the aromatic protons exhibit a chemical shift of {) = 7-8 ppm. However, in ferrocene, the chemical shift of the aromatic protons is {) = 4.15 ppm. Explain what factors cause the upfield shift. 5. There is only one isomer known for diacetylferrocene when each cyclopentadienide ring is monosubstituted. Explain why other isomers are not found. 4. Why is the acetylation of acetylferrocene faster on the unsubstituted cyclopentadienide ring? @J Synthesis of 4,4' -Di- tert-Butylbiphenyl Investigate halide. a classic Friedel-Crafts CH3 CH3 + I H C-C-CI 3 Biphenyl mp 69°( MW 154.2 I reaction using AICl3 and an alkyl AICI] > CH]NO, CH3 2-(hloro-2 -methyl propane (tert-butyl chloride) bp 51 O( MW 92.6 . ~ HC-t~t-CH 31~1 CH3 CH3 3 CH3 4,4' -Di-tert-butylbiphenyl mp 128-129°( MW 266.4 density 0.85 g . mL-1 In this experiment an electrophile is produced by treating tert-butyl chloride with aluminum trichloride. Because aluminum trichloride has only six electrons in its valence shell, it is electron deficient and has Lewis acid properties. Therefore, aluminum trichloride will coordinate with tertbutyl chloride, leading to abstraction of chloride anion from the alkyl halide to give the tert-butyl cation The electrophilic tert-butyl cation then attacks biphenyl, and a combination of electronic and steric effects causes para substitution in both rings:
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