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Besom2014 2014March:Besom March:Besom2010 2010july july 5/3/14 5/3/14 14:02 14:02 Page Page1 1 Besom Finally,then, then,totothe thewealth wealthand andincome incomethat that Thisisisespecially especiallyuncomfortable uncomfortablefor forususininthe theFinally, wasStStGregory Gregorythe theGreat, Great,a a6th 6thcentury centuryThis ItItwas Whatofis clear is thatsoso Allah has, asusone ofacquiring His Names the What has of truth? Once Roman upon a time, its pursuit was many areacquiring todayin which UKwhere where large proportion ofour ournational national Pope(who (whobecome hailedfrom from wealthy, Roman many ofofus are today which UK a alarge proportion Pope hailed a awealthy, Qur’an thatwe of Plotter Deceiver; scholars recognised, debate, almost asbeen being stemor from current,many unjustMoslem practices, suchasas wealthhas hasbeen builtupon uponwhat what wethe have family),who whoalmost wrote:without ‘Whenwe wefurnish furnish theuniversally, stem from current, unjust practices, such wealth built have family), wrote: ‘When the thespeculators speculators theCity, City, whose wealth unjustly takenfrom from others - insome some shapeare destitute with anynecessity necessity werender render them believe thatshape they allowed if not required, by whose the doctrine ofisis the mainwith priority of humankind in the fewunjustly brief moments thatothers ininthe wealth taken - in ororthe destitute any we them notsosomuch much createdasasdiverted diverted removed form - found overhistory, history, ancient andmodern. modern. I dowhenever whatisis theirs, noton bestow them what not oror - over ancient and I do what theirs, not bestow them what isisform taqiyya, to deceive, it iscreated appropriate to do so inremoved a nonmake up our life earth.onon We looked within and in our from the pooracross across theglobe globe (somany many also not mean thiscontext context therather rather sterile ours;we wepay thedebt debtaofneed ofjustice justice rather from the poor also not mean ininthis the sterile ours; the rather Moslem country, if that will advance thethe cause of (so Islam. How very soul apay yearning, indeed, forthan athan clear and unambiguous being found to be corrupt, as the recent arguments about the repatriation of the Elgin perform the works of mercy’. St Ambrose being found to be corrupt, as the recent arguments about the repatriation of the Elgin perform the works of mercy’. St Ambrose answer to that existential question of why we are here. The then can absolute truth be assessed in such a context? banking crisisput putinto intosuch suchsharp sharp relief,and and marbles and theirequivalents, equivalents, indeedbanking hadsaid saidmuch much thesame same thing200 200 years relief, and their indeed had thing years Claims nor tonorabsolute truth crisis need to be able to withstand possibility that the there is absolute truth andmarbles that every sensible forinstance, instance,the theLIBOR LIBORand andnow nowthe the historicalissues issuessurrounding surroundingthe thelikes likesofofour ouras,as,for earlier:‘You ‘Youare arenot notmaking makinga agift giftofofyour yourhistorical earlier: person would criss-cross the world if necessary, from Mecca to all investigation, scientific, historical, archaeological, Forex scandals scandals are are confirming); confirming); the the ownershipofofGibraltar. Gibraltar. I Iam amreferring referringfor forForex possessions toto the the poor poor person. person.You You are areownership possessions anthropological philosophical. All of to man’s reason schemes needs Compostela, from Jerusalem the current Castle Gate of Wittenburg dividendsthat thataccrue accrue ourpension pension instance the systematic systematic plunderingand handingover overtoto himwhat whatisishis’. his’.to The to our schemes toto the plundering ofofdividends handing him The current instance to be able to be brought to bear on such claims and, where a Cathedral, from Cern to the Galapagos, from Aristotle to theinterest interestwe wereceive receiveononour oursavings savings resourcesduring duringour ourEmpire Empireyears yearsbybythe theororthe PopeFrancis, Francis,who whostands standsininmuch muchthe thesame sameresources Pope claim proposes a divine, a transcendent origin, all the evidence Rawls, from the Vedas to the Yanas to find it, was self-evident. from investments in companies that we likes of the East India Company with its line, quoted St John Chrysostom the other line, quoted St John Chrysostom the other likes of the East India Company with its from investments in companies that we needs toofbe assessed backdrop respectful scepticism Itday, was the primary aim of fathers education – to lead themonopoly, student outthe of know,aoror shouldof know, are providing providing a a trade monopoly, theproceeds proceeds ofthe theslave slaveagainst another thechurch church fathersfrom from the know, should know, are trade day, another ofofthe the –Heritage’s respectful, becauseforeign many millions of with people over the wages ages, ignorance and settoto him onone’s the path of with discovery, that wonderful foreign work-force withinadequate inadequate wages trade(for (forwhich whichEnglish English Heritage’s‘Slavery ‘Slavery 4thcentury: century: ‘Not share one’s goods withtrade work-force 4th ‘Not share goods and dangerous workplaces; thesupermarket supermarket and theBritish British Country House’provides provides thepoor pooristhat istotorob robthem themand andadventure deprivetowards themand including many who are much kinder, brighter, gentler or journey, unparalleled wisdom and truth: dangerous workplaces; the the Country House’ a aand the totodeprive them boards who arelived swiftly destroying rural fascinating,new newperspective), perspective), theimposition imposition oflife. life. Itisis notour ourgoods goods thatwe wepossess, possess, boards are swiftly rural the ofout not that more courageous than you orwho I, have livesdestroying that we would of It the primordial darkness towards the fascinating, light. communities across Britain their uponother othercountries’ countries’ economies buttheirs’. theirs’. (allemphasis emphasis mine)view began to across inin have their bybybe ususupon ofofcommunities but mine) long toeconomies emulate because of their belief in theBritain truths they And then (all what? Another more widely determination to make every last penny structures rendering them wholly dependent determination to make every last penny ofof structures rendering them wholly dependent accepted: that there is no such thing as absolute truth. Truth accepted. It is an issue that I have with the New Atheists, who profit out of their suppliers; the companies upon the price others will pay for their Isuggested suggested in the last newsletter (Issue 47) profit out of their suppliers; the companies upon the price others will pay for their I is in the last newsletter (Issue 47) relative; it depends in large measure on one’s culture, on almost invariably have simply not put in the work to justify the that makeprofits profitsfrom fromthe thesale saleofofarms armstoto commoditycrops cropsofofcocoa, cocoa,their their wheatororthat that adiscussion discussionononthe thelimits limitsofofprivate privatecommodity that dismissive wheat and often rudemake language that they use to denigrate the adifferent moral standards that have grown up inside that foreigncountries. countries.The Thelist listisisananendless endlessone, one, theirsugar, sugar,ororeven evenour ourvictor’s victor’sshare shareofofthe theforeign propertyisisperhaps perhapslong longoverdue. overdue.That Thatvery verytheir property in support of their –tomany of a culture, on the Ivery language that wefrom speak.£285bn Who am Ireparations to say the course, andown goestruth rightclaims downto paying (intranscendent today’smoney) money) word‘private’ ‘private’ reminded us,comes comes ofofcourse, and goes right down paying a ofofreparations (in today’s word I reminded us, from a a£285bn which are, and should be, equally open to debate and challenge that I am right and you are wrong? Relativism, especially builderinincash. cash.ItItwas wasE.F.Schumacher E.F.Schumacherwho who thatwe wedemanded demandedininthe theTreaty TreatyofofVersailles. Versailles.builder Latinroot rootmeaning meaningtotorob, rob,the thesame sameroot rootasasthat Latin new discoveries come and for go, tothe moral relativism, nowwe become athat truth in itself, set in and some of which appear, wrote:as ‘Are we directlyresponsible responsible forthe theword word ‘deprive’.has Should weagree agreethat wrote: ‘Are we directly the ‘deprive’. Should be ever less likely to circumstances be true. stone. Thetoonly absolute truth that now remains isweshould circumstances thepoor pooracross acrossthe theglobe? globe? Ifwe we nomore, more,we should least, surely, thereought ought tobebeapermissible alimit limitbeyond beyond whichthose thoseIf ofofthe dodono atatleast, surely, there which second strand to consider is the increasingly damaging that there isneed nohave absolute truth. And right yet, who state for with wouldcontend contend that weare areknowingly knowingly part advocating forour ourThe own, long-overdue whoare areininneed have better higher rightthose I Iwould that we part bebeadvocating own, long-overdue who a abetter ororhigher variety oppressive and unjust unjust version someform form national Truthand and toour ourwealth wealththan than wethere do?What What limit would spread of Truth ethical individualism: theofof view that the and only basis certainty that is nolimit moral basisversion for criticizing the ofof ofof a a variety oppressive ofofsome a anational tototal we do? would structures whichmake make so’. or reason – Reconciliation Commission, possibly you find find form acceptable given ofyour your which ususso’. Reconciliation Commission, possibly a astructures you acceptable given for morality lies in the individual’s conscience truths that the foundations another’s culture, must standing one that will take several years to circumstances? Or are we all likely to standing one that will take several years to circumstances? Or are we all likely to then deal with the practice of FGM, or of sati, or of throwing Spinoza’s view that nothing is inherently good or evil, Hume’s, Only oncehas has anation’s nation’sThere economic system workits itsof way throughthat thethere jungle pastOnly answer,asasRockefeller Rockefeller think) didwhen when once economic system work way through the jungle ofofobjective past answer, (I(Ithink) is no standard of amorality. is a strong homosexuals off buildings, or ofdid forced marriage, or Russian received divine endorsement the Jubilee injustices that can rightly be laid at our door, asked for a definition of what constituted a received divine endorsement the Jubilee injustices that can rightly be laid at our door, asked for a definition of what constituted a imperialism or a thousand practices that they would declare view today that if I feel that something is right, it is right, and ruleshanded downtotoMoses theBook Bookofof andtotomake makerecommendations. recommendations.Many Manyother otherrules richman, man,‘he ‘heisissomeone someonewith with adollar dollarmore moreand down rich you have no moral basis forhanded disagreeing withMoses me, in asinthe morality is were unconscionable. Surelya there is a paradox, a doublethink, Leviticusininthe theBible. Bible. There Thereare aresome some countrieshave havehad hadthem them- -albeit albeitusually usuallyLeviticus thanI Ihave’? have’?Could Couldthere, there,for forinstance, instance,ever evercountries than a subjective choice to be made by each of us. Of course, this is here? Is it not far better to start from the philosophical premise timelessprinciples principlesthat thatcan canbebefound foundhere, here, thesehave havebeen beenestablished establishedatata atime timewhen whentimeless absolutelimit? limit?And Andhow howshould shouldititbebethese bebeananabsolute fed by relativism as well asamongst by the views ofisthose who believe that there truth, cultures have failedout to chief amongst which isthis: this: almost like theyare arecoming coming outofof periods internal enforced all,other other thanthat amoral moral chief which almost like they periods ofofinternal enforced ififis atatabsolute all, than bybyamost that our very existence is purely aaccidental that there isevery thus find it, but that it remains to be found and,conflict that by or comparison restarting a game game ofand of Monopoly, Monopoly, every conflict ordictatorial dictatorialregimes regimes andthere there arerestarting consensus? - -and are consensus? no external arbiter ofgeneration truth claims greater than the conscience to all else, it is as bright and as blinding as many the noonday onblocks. generation was have opportunity many moreonsun onthe the blocks. Ukraine looks was totohave anan opportunity toto more Ukraine looks of eachasperson. Andstart this isafresh called I guess itconcerned does at fresh snow? These arguments have raged at least since Plato startafresh farasaswealth wealth wasconcerned ripe foranother another suchapproach approach asthis thisarticle article Orcould could relative limit easierfor forallallof ofususripe sosofreedom. far was for such Or a arelative limit bebeeasier once every years. Noone one wassacred live goes press. The concept has already beenonce toagree agreeon? on? Giventhat thatThaetetus, theneeds needsin thefifth leasthas reflect something very good: an acceptance of was the Protagoras in century BC, for every 5050 years. No totolive goes totopress. The concept already been tocriticized Given the ofofthe the underthe the shadowofoftheir theirparents’ economic extended toto include include reparations reparations for foreach pastperson richestperson person onthis this earth arenonoof greater under shadow economic extended past richest earth are greater uniqueness of conceived. Yet, ifparents’ a person does declaring thaton man is the measure all things. failuresbond (ora abetween previoushis generation’s corrupt injustices suchasas Canada andAustralia Australia the needs thepoorest, howabout aboutthis this failures (or previous generation’s corrupt - -such bybyCanada and than needs ofofthe how not recognise the essential conscience and Itthan isthe now thought topoorest, be old-fashioned atinjustices best, dangerous at practices). No one was to live in the sliptowards their indigenous peoples. Such modest proposal: that no one should have practices). No one was to live in the sliptowards their indigenous peoples. Such modest proposal: that no one should have worst, to hold to this view. Those who stand upon the belief the truth, he will subordinate all choice, including the rational stream of their parents’ economic successes transitional justice measures, as they are more than, say, ten times what they stream of their parents’ economic successes transitional justice measures, as they are more than, say, ten times what they that they have stumbled upon truth itself, especially in the choices of others, to his feelings, and will swiftly disappear (orononthe theproceeds proceedsofoftheir theircorruption). corruption).And And called,have haveoften oftenbeen beenvery successfulinin(or (reasonably) need need until until everyone everyone has has asascalled, (reasonably) intovery a successful mire of confusion - and conflict with others following realm of morality, are increasingly shunned. ‘The danger everyonewas wastotododowhatever whateverwas wasnecessary necessary rebuilding a a sense sense ofof national national pride pride and andeveryone muchasasthey they(reasonably) (reasonably)need? need?Would Wouldthat thatrebuilding much their own, similarly mistaken paths. This is the swiftest tono [students] have been taught to fear from we absolutism notand errorindeed themeantime meantime ensure thatthere therepath wasno identity is ameliorating notreflect reflectour ourcommon common humanity ininthe totoensure that was identity – – and indeed inin ameliorating not humanity – –orordodowe social and personal breakdown that I can imagine. These are the but intolerance […] The point is not to correct the mistakes oneininneed: need:ififI fell I fellupon uponhard hardtimes times- for - forany any relationshipswith withother othernations nationsororethnic ethnicone onlycare careabout aboutthose thosepeople peopleononthe theplanet planetrelationships only concerns expressed John Paul II inwho Veritatis Splendor by and be right;(well, rather itnearly is nothalf to think you areeven right all’have reason those whohad hadprospered prosperedand my groups, evenififat they have usuallybeen beenmuch muchby whoreally are destitute destitute (well, nearly half thegroups, reason - -those ininmy they usually who are the Benedict XVI when he warned of a ‘dictatorship ofout relativism’. (Allan generation had duty,arising arising outofofananoftoftless good good atat leading leading worthwhile world’sBloom). populationtotobebeclear) clear)ififorortotothe theless generation had a aduty, toto worthwhile world’s population The outcome is love alove moral nihilism that must lead tome So where do we start to reappraise whatofhas gone, as I believe, stated fortheir theirneighbour, neighbour, helpme reparations. recognise thatinevitable thiswould wouldbe bea astated extent thatour ourown own well-being standard ofreparations. for totohelp I Irecognise that this extent that well-being ororstandard generously notfor forananunlimited unlimited period,but but further extension such thinking -ififwe weSi living notaffected? affected? anarchy and -chaos. monumentum requiris, circumspice! so seriously wrong? There are two strandsfurther to investigate. The generously - -not period, extension ofofsuch thinking living isisnot assistme metoissue toget getbecause backononImy myfeet. feet. The The were include thewide wide sweepofIofcare nation’s totoassist back were totoinclude the sweep a anation’s Perhaps so much about this searched for first is this: absolute truth has had a very bad press, and rightly process which the Jubilee redistribution history overcenturies centuries- but -so butmany more than What those oldcenturies: saintsare areright rightand and whathistory process bybywhich over ititisisnono more than What ififthose old saints ififwhat years and down so many pathsthe andJubilee found,redistribution to my utter so, over many those who wielded power, whether was to take place was one of pre-agreed logical and as a nation (if we can still just call we have beyond what we (reasonably) need was to take place was one of logical and as a nation (if we can still just call we have beyond what we (reasonably) need can be is atheist or religious, have caused suffering beyond compare. surprise and initial reluctance, what I am as clear as Ipre-agreed restoration. It was not for some central (and ourselves that) we might yet be able to sleep does not belong to us at all anyway on any restoration. It was not for some central ourselves that) we might yet be able to sleep does not belong to us at all anyway on any led They asserted the right to do so, from the Spanish Inquisition to absolute Truth. It changed my perspective on life and has(and probably corruptible corruptible and and inin any any event event morepeacefully peacefullyininour ourbeds bedsthan thanwe weshould shouldprobably conceivablemoral moralbasis basiswhilst whilstothers othersstarve? starve?more conceivable the death camps, the gulag to the killing fields, on the basis of a me along a path as unexpected as it is fulfilling - at a time when distant)power powerlike likethe theState Statetototake takethe the feelable abletotododoatatpresent. present. havebeen beenreflecting reflectingononthis thisquestion questionfor fora afeel distant) I Ihave aimless and discouraged. truth wasI encourage not to be questioned. Its most recent expression, I see so many others around excessme assets the form form ofof taxation. taxation. while–that –and and thereader readertotocheck check excess assets inin the while I encourage the thistoto isapply the 50th of redistribution The Besom, itinin seems a good there arehow many others less obvious, istothat ofwhat ISIS. But Compulsory redistribution theform form And whatifif wethe wereAs each apply thisnewsletter atthis this stage how rich theyare arecompared comparedto Compulsory the ofofa a And we were each this atbut stage rich they time to stop something so centralised and to encourage local answer to any such hideous claims of truth is surely not to throw wealth or inheritance tax can never bethe the thinking to our individual wealth to that everyone else by going onto everyone else by going onto thinking to our individual wealth - to that wealth or inheritance tax can never be and regionaltoBesom newsletters to flourish instead. Armies ofisis up our hands and declare there is no for such thing can ascan right and bebe courseofoflove love and,anyway, anyway, government which readily traceable to past pastcourse This confirms, forwhich and, government readily traceable This confirms, timeand skillscontinue to misapplication go out from their wrong, good and evil, buton toonchallenge the injustices, basis of such a truthlong everresponsible responsible forthe the misapplication injustices, perhaps long past, such themoney-givers instance, that someone the lowest lowest ever for ofof perhaps past, such asasand the instance, that someone the billions andhas hasrarely rarelyhad had any real popular Enclosures and the the local Clearances? Thebillions Jobseekers Allowance the UK, £56.80 churches every week across the country toany assist those in claim; to show it to be lie.UK, This can sometimes be achieved and real popular and Clearances? The Jobseekers Allowance ininathe £56.80 a aEnclosures mandate recent years. Rather, families Germans are never short of word totomandate week, thecusp cuspofofthe thetop topquartile quartile ininrecent allallfamilies are never a a word week, isisononthe ofofGermans need inofthe communities around them.years. I amRather, sure they would by a velvet revolution that confirms that the emperor has no short knew that there was a starting point to which describe a sense or feeling that we Brits find global incomes. knew that there was a starting point to which describe a sense or feeling that we Brits find global incomes. clothes, or by a thorough investigation of the undergirding truth want to join me in thanking the Besom core groups who arrange they were to return every 50 years and thus it hard to articulate and it is usually a solid, they were to return every 50 years and thus it hard to articulate and it is usually a solid, all these activities up and down the country and the regional claims. they were just to get on with the restoration compound word Weltschmerz, Zeitgeist, However, even if those old saints are wrong, they were just to get on with the restoration compound word Weltschmerz, Zeitgeist, However, even if those old saints are wrong, There has been very extensive scholarship, for instance, on the advisers who look after them in their turn. Those giving money withoutfurther furtherado adobecause was Geltungsbeduerfnis, They have a very veryprocess ourwealth, wealth,both bothnational nationaland and personal,isisGeltungsbeduerfnis, without ititwas our throughhave The aBesom inprocess Battersea to projects in thebecause UK and in historicity and accuracy of thepersonal, Bible over the past generation. They right.ItItisisnonoless lessright rightnow nowthan thanititwas wasover over helpfulword wordfor forthis thismoral moralchallenge challenge- albeit - albeitright. surelynot notours ourstotokeep keepififitithas hasbeen beenacquired acquiredhelpful surely 80that countries further afield continue to change anyfornumber It has become clearDoes that those who use ittime for their ownapply purposes, theover 3,500 years ago.SoSonow now just get thatthey they shame manyfeel feel unjust means. thepassage passage 3,500 years ago. ititisisjust for usustotoget that apply itittotothe shame that many bybyunjust means. Does the ofoftime of lives in a sustainable and effective way. or use it to justify violence, have no basis for doing so. It is forthe the(often (oftennewly-discovered) newly-discovered)acts actsofoftheir theirononwith affect this? this? Obviously Obviously ifif I I steal steal your yourfor affect end with my favourite quotation of all – one by that no coincidence that the life and model ofparents Jesus and Christ were SoinIinthe parents andgrandparents grandparents thelast lastWorld World property today,you you have rightto torecover recover property today, have a aright itsits fine old Quaker andJohn theologian, Elton Trueblood. ‘A [small omitted from all the traditional Christian creeds. He proposes a I Isee JohnWesley Wesleyput putititthus: thus:‘If‘Ifa aman man had hands War.Again, Again, though, seenono logical reason valuefrom from me tomorrow. What stole had hands War. though, logical reason value me tomorrow. What ififI Istole of loving souls, setfeet, freethat from the foundation of2525 loving neighbour, a primary focus on those tocommunity] and eyesand and feet, that couldself-seeking givetotothose those against extension toour ourcircumstances circumstances yourproperty property yearsone’s ago?Or Orififmy myfather father and eyes hehecould give against itsitsextension your years ago? thatare arearound around him; shouldwould lockthem them andownhistory. history. The word word stole your father’s propertyand andIsubordinates Ilive liveoff offthe theand for personal prestige and from all be in need and a selflessness that our interests to struggle him; ififunreality, heheshould lock The isisthat stole your father’s property chest, instead giving themtravel his Vergangenheitsgewaeltigung, literally theupupprecious. proceeds today?Christ mycountry country looted inina achest, ofofgiving them totohis Vergangenheitsgewaeltigung, literally the proceeds today? OrOrifif my looted unutterably Ainstead wise person would those of others. describes Himself as the Truth personified something brethren that were blind and lame, should we ‘struggle to deal with the past’. Should this yours or established structures of systemic brethren that were blind and lame, should we ‘struggle to deal with the past’. Should this yours or established structures of systemic and at the core of the Jewish Bible is a requirement for ‘truth any distance to join it’. not justly reckon him an inhuman wretch?’. struggle not be your and my first and most injustice and forced them upon your country not justly reckon him an inhuman wretch?’. struggle not be your and my first and most injustice and forced them upon your country in our inmost being’. In another instance, one that continues to urgent priority- -especially especially when alliedtoto andwe welive liveoff offthe theproceeds proceeds today whilst you urgent priority when allied and today whilst you James Odgers challenge me, there has been very little similar examination of thosestark starkwords wordsofofthe theold olddivines? divines?Even Evenifif liveiningreater greaterpoverty povertythan thanyou youwould wouldhave havethose live the Qur’an to date, whose origins are shrouded in mystery - as Founder wecannot cannotaffect affectnational nationalpolicies, policies,surely surelywe we done?How Howfar farback backshould shouldwe wegogofor forjustice justicewe done? Besom are thedone isnads, the historical links inthat thewe chain that make connect the The JamesOdgers Odgers should reparation personallevel levelififJames andfor forus ustotorecognise recognise should make reparation onona apersonal totobebedone and that we June 2015 hadiths, the deeds and sayings of Mohammed, to Prophet. Founder weare arethe lookatatourselves ourselves themirror mirrorFounder haveananobligation obligation makereparation reparation totolook ininthe have totomake ororwe TheBesom Besom everymorning? morning? restitution- -orora acontribution contribution- -totoanother’s another’severy The restitution February2014 2014 currentplight? plight? February current CONTACTINGTHE THEBESOM BESOM CONTACTING youwould wouldlike liketotodiscuss discussgiving givingthings things , skillsorortime time IfIfyou , skills pleaselog logon www.besom.comand andclick clickon on‘Local ‘Local please Besoms’totofind findthe thenearest nearestBesom Besomtotoyou. you. Besoms’ youwould wouldlike liketotodiscuss discussgiving givingmoney moneyplease pleasecall: call:020 0207223 72230119 0119 If Ifyou TheBesom Besomisisa aChristian Christiancharity. charity. The Thisnewsletter newsletterhas hasbeen beenprinted printedwith withfunds fundsgiven given This especiallyfor forthat thatpurpose purpose especially Registeredcharity charityno. no.1104026 1104026 Registered Editor:Olly OllyPeel Peel Editor: bigthank thankyou youto toall allwho whohave havegiven givenmoney, money,time, time,skills skillsor orthings things AAbig acrossthe thewhole wholeBesom Besomnetwork. network. across Recent Projects Recent Recent Projects Since last Newsletterinin inNovember October 2014, Sincethe the Newsletter November Since the Newsletter those giving money The Besom 2013, those givingthrough moneythrough through 2013, those giving money have following Thefunded Besomthe have fundedprojects: the The Besom have funded the followingprojects: projects: following Industrial cooker and fridge for orphanage, ResourcesBrazil foran anEnglish EnglishLiteracy Literacy Resources for Water pump for community centre, India programme,New NewDelhi, Delhi,India. India. programme, Goals and events kit for London Youth Games Disabledaccess accesswalkway walkwayfor foraa Disabled School sports pitch, Zimbabwe hospiceininBacau, Bacau,Romania. Romania. hospice Toys and storage facilities for after-school club, South West London fourwheel wheel drive jeep carryout out AAfour drive jeep totocarry New storeroom for supplies at hospice, workwith withdisadvantaged disadvantaged work Romania communities,Iraq. Iraq. communities, Two water springs for rural villages, Uganda Sportsequipment equipmentfor foraatownship township Sports Cement and desks for school building, cricketclub, club,Franschhoek, Franschhoek,South South cricket Philippines Africa. Africa. Resource pack for engaging students on the issue of sexual exploitation, West Laptops, projectors andtextbooks textbooks Laptops, projectors and Sussex foraaschool, school,Kabul, Kabul,Afghanistan. Afghanistan. for New kitchen for youth centre, South West London sterilizer dishwasher sterilizerfor foraa AAdishwasher Resources to assist services to West sex rehabilitativehome, home,South South West rehabilitative workers, Stockton-On-Tees Wales. Wales. Sewing equipment for women’s social centre, newDRC wellfor foraacentre centrefor for AAnew well Prison library refurbishment, Uganda vulnerablewomen, women,Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya. vulnerable Kenya. Washing machine for orphanage, Brazil Water tankand and pipes for old people’s Furniture andelectrical electrical equipment Furniture equipment home, Zimbabwe foraawomen’s women’shome, home,East EastLondon. London. for Toilet and shower block for orphanage, South Africa Building materialsfor foraagirls’ girls’ Building materials Roof, paint, and furnishings boardinghouse, house,Kailahun, Kailahun,for Sierra boarding Sierra orphanage, Sri Lanka Leone. Leone. Foetal dopplers for prenatal care in two hospitals, Liberiaofofaakitchen Refurbishment kitchenininaa Refurbishment Refurbishment for women’s recovery cottagefor forthe theex-homeless, ex-homeless, cottage house, Birmingham Brighton. Brighton. IT facilities and projection equipment for rehabilitation centre, North Agriculturalresources resources andEast London Agricultural and 52 goats for for widow farmers andfarmers, afarmers, equipment forsmall-income small-income equipment motorbike for visiting reconciliation Tunis,Tunisia. Tunisia. Tunis, charity, Ghana Crockery and cutlery for ex-offender Resources for workshop training Resources for aaworkshop training rehabilitation centre, North London schemefor forunemployed unemployedmen, men,Cape Cape scheme Posho grinding mill for students at Town,South SouthAfrica. Africa. Town, vocational training centre, Uganda Materials and seedlings for used Repairing minibusengine engine usedtoto Repairing aaminibus establishment for six tree nurseries, pickup updisabled disabledchildren, children,Beit Beit pick Tanzania Sahour,Israel. Israel. Sahour, 50 cataract surgeries, India Sports equipment school, South Furnishings foraafor rehabilitation Furnishings for rehabilitation Africa homefor foryoung youngpeople, people,Cape CapeTown, Town, home Set up of land registry offices, SouthAfrica. Africa. South Madagascar Building materials community Refurbishment women’s refuge Refurbishment ofoffor women’s refuge centre, Philippines house,South SouthWales. Wales. house, Furniture for street children drop-in centre, Mexico Paintand andwater waterstorage storagetank tankfor foraa Paint Building materials for women’s shelter, school,Bulawayo, Bulawayo,Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe. school, Zambia Flush toilets improve sanitation, Materials rebuild houses damaged Materials tototorebuild houses damaged Thailand bytyphoon, typhoon,Philippines. Philippines. by Knitting machines and repairs for women’s Senegal Fundingcentre, sixnew new micro-finance Funding six micro-finance associations,Mali. Mali. associations, TheBesom Besomhelps helpspeople peoplemake makeaadifference. difference. The providesaabridge bridgebetween betweenthose thosewho whowant wantto togive givemoney, money,time, time, ItItprovides skillsor orthings, things,and andthose thosewho whoare arein inneed. need.ItItensures ensuresthat thatwhat whatisis skills givenisisused usedeffectively. effectively.The Theservice serviceititprovides providesisisfree. free. given IssueNo. No.50 50 Issue Bound Bound Together Together ‘Live inseeds, Fragments No harvests… Longer’ Sowing seeds, reaping harvests… Sowing reaping (E. M. Forster, Howards End) ama apartner partneratata alaw lawfirm firmininthe theCity. City.My Mywife wifeand andI Ibecame became I Iam London – home toThe umbrellas, MI5 and the Queen; economic hub, a involved with TheBesom Besom 1990 when wean discovered thatitit involved with inin1990 when we discovered that cityenables loaded with history and rich in cosmopolitan culture. And its mayor enablesthose thosewith withmoney, money,time, time,skills skillsororthings thingstotogive giveinina away way thateffects effects practical, sustainable change inthe thelives livesGun people that practical, sustainable change ofofpeople inin is Boris. Yet, lurking beneath the surface lies a in darker side. and knife need. We came on board The Besom vision in 1991 and set up need. We came on board The Besom vision in 1991 and set up aa crime are a major problem; many youths are brought up in warring rival standing orderwhich whichisisrelatively relatively modest thescheme scheme things. standing order modest ininthe ofofthings. gangs, where they areback given a the sense identity and thattoto is Yetwhen whenwe welook look backatat thelist listofofof projects webelonging havehelped helped Yet projects we have fundititreally reallyisisa acase caseofofwitnessing witnessing how smallin gifts money are fund how small gifts ofofhome money are so often lacking their life. A likeacorns acornsplanted plantedininthe theground, ground, giving projects the chanceto like giving projects chance 16 year old said, ‘I feltthe protected. IftoI growand andestablish establishfirm firmroots rootsininthe thecommunities communitiesthey theyseek seektoto grow asked the gang for something I would change. change. get it. Not like my mum.’ His tale is, incredibletotorealise realisethat thatsadly, overthe thetale years wehave havebeen been ItItisisincredible over the 2323of years we so many. giving,we wehave havesupported supportedover over180 180projects projectsacross acrossmore morethan than2525 giving, countriesininAfrica, Africa,Asia, Asia,Latin LatinAmerica Americaand andthe theMiddle MiddleEast, East,asas countries ThisThe is anBesom area that Only Connect, wellasasmany manyininthe theUK. UK.Through Through The Besom wehave havegiven giventotoaaa well we colourful medley medley ofof charities, charities, including schools, hospitals, colourful including schools, crime prevention charity hospitals, that givers healthcare centres, healthcare centres, through The Besom have supported orphanages,foster fosterhomes, homes, orphanages, in the past, has sought centres to influence. community centres community asas well as groups helping well as groups helping Rooted in community, their vision vulnerable children, children, war war is for a vulnerable connected society where victimsand andrefugees. refugees. victims everyone chooses a crime-free life. Furthermore, substantial Furthermore, They seek to achievea asubstantial impact by number of projects have number of projects have providing young people at risk and exbeen linked linked toto incomeincomebeen offendersgenerating with membership of one of generating schemes and schemes and workshops, which workshops, which their unique clubs in central and west provide communities with with London. provide The clubcommunities assists members One of Only Connect’s members speaks theknowledge knowledgeand andskills skills the themselves, unlocking about his work, achieved through one of Only to support beable abletotosupport support and totobe and Connect’s clubsSouth sustain themselves, their potential throughthemselves, training and sustain Gentlecare, South AfricaFounder Gentlcare with a patient. Gentlecare, AfricaFounder ofof Gentlcare with a patient. insteadthe being reliant instead ofofstory being creative opportunities. Here, Only Connect shares ofreliant one of outside aid. aid. The The Besom Besom focuses focuses onon capital capital costs, costs, such such asas onon outside their old-timematerials, members: furniture, building materials, furniture, computers/laptops, computers/laptops, water water supply supply building items, teaching teaching equipment, equipment, vehicles, vehicles, washing washing equipment equipment and and items, bedding, allowing the person who has given to see exactly where bedding, allowing the person who has given to see exactly where William’s mother died when he was little and when he was 14 he ran away theirmoney moneyhas hasgone goneand andhow how ithas hasmade madea adifference. difference. their to join the circus. Really, he did; or itthe fair, at least, with the travellers, riding round the Midlands. By the late 1980s, he was a roadie on the SinceThe TheBesom Besomisisa aservice servicewhich whichcaters caterstotoitsitsgivers’ givers’ interests, Since interests, we have been able to specify exactly where we have wanted our we have been able to specify exactly where we have wanted our illegal party circuit, staging raves in fields and warehouses. moneytotogogoto. to.Looking Lookingback backover overthe theyears, years,we wecan cantrace tracehow howour our money money-giving journey journey has has shifted shifted and and changed changed toto reflect reflect our our money-giving He interests has a nomadic Four children by four different mothers: a year or interests and spirit. experiences. For example, example, we have have particular and experiences. For we a a particular interest Ghana, which we havevisited visited andwhere where welike now have ininthen Ghana, we now twointerest at home, he which was off.we Hehave never left forand good; he was a have sailor a close connection to a small charity. a close connection to a small charity. in the old days, with a family in each port who had to get used to the and Wehave havehad hadthe theopportunity opportunitytotofund fundwonderful wonderfulrandom projectsarrivals theresuch such We projects there the provision provision ofof absences, the love asas the o op ph ht th ha al lmmi ic c and generosity equipment for for the the equipment coming and going. national eye eye care care national programmeininGhana Ghana programme which provides which provides He is hard-working, students with students with practical—a painter thorough training training toto thorough and decorator you treat those those who who are are treat vv i i s s uu a a l l l l yy can rely on—and disadvantaged disadvantaged oror a proper mate: blind,and andtotoeducate educate blind, community-minded, them inin how how toto them prevent blindness and prevent blindness and great with young A sight to warm the heart, as ex-offender and policeman chat eyehealth healthproblems. problems. eye people; and he Later on, we Later on, we flourishes in the bounded universe of the ship, or, in his case, prison. He developed a a deep deep JoyJoyFoundation, developed Foundation, Ghananew school mini-bus funded through The Besom Ghananew school mini-bus funded through The Besom attachment to Latin attachment to Latin knows the system, its hardness and its opportunities, and respects its America during longholiday holiday there, and expressed ourinterest interest America during long and our inin power. William spenta atwenty years inthere, and out ofexpressed prison. Burglary, violence supportingprojects projectsononthat thatcontinent. continent.It’s It’samazing amazingtotolook lookatatthe the supporting - his record of isofas long aswe one of hissupported muscular sayslaptops that hefor did breadth projects wehave have supportedarms. sinceHe then: laptops for breadth projects since then: medical ships Peru,safe safewater watertechnology technologyfor forrural ruralvillages villages what he hadships to to survive: medical ininPeru, there,equipment equipmentfor forcarpentry carpentryand andcooking cookingworkshops workshopsfor fora aschool school there, Chile, two two computers computers for for vulnerable vulnerable women women supported supported inin inin Chile, “It used to be that people would go into prison as a rite passage.and When education Colombia anda a education ininof Colombia they came out, it was easier to get jobs invehicle security debt acollecting if vehicle and for a street street for children’s project inBrazil. Brazil. children’s you had a prison record. It was a badge of honour. project Most ofinthe people that I did time with in the seventies and Again, eighties would come out and Again,after aftervisiting visiting South South work hard to not go back in again. Africa, we asked that Africa, we asked that a a proportion ofof our our funding funding proportion should be made available for should be made available for “Let me tell you a bit about what hard time projects was like for there. me in the seventies projects there. Good Good and eighties, and what I know it’s like now. Back then,include you were up at examples include the examples the provision of educational provision of educational 6.30, washed and dressed and then you went to your jobs all day. Jobs equipment (ranging from equipment from were things like cleaning, but most people didn’t have(ranging mops so it was woodwork toto science science kits) kits) woodwork THE BESOM TALKING ISSUES ISSUES -TALKING ‘To confuse our own constructions with eternal laws or ‘Tobegin begin liveininthe the present, wemust mustfirst first atone forour ourpast’ past’ ‘To totolive present, we atone for divine decrees is one of 1860-1904, the most fatal delusions of men’ AntonChekhov Chekhov 1860-1904, The CherryOrchard Orchard Anton The Cherry (Sir Isaiah Berlin 1909-1997) Daughters Charity, Bogotachildren Ciudad Bolivar Bogota Daughters of of Charity, Bogotachildren of of Ciudad Bolivar in in Bogota forschools schoolssuch suchasasthe theStStMark’s Mark’sCollege CollegeTrust Trustand andSparrow Sparrow for an on-your-handsforLearn Learn Earn,anan Schools.Another Anothergreat greatexample exampleisissupport supportfor Schools. totoEarn, and-kneestraining job. inspiringorganisation organisationthat thatprovides providesa avariety varietyofofvocational vocational training inspiring workshopsfor forunemployed unemployedpeople peopleininthe thetownships townships around Cape workshops around Cape We would sew Town.Through ThroughThe TheBesom Besomwe wehave havealso alsobeen beenable abletotoestablish establish Town. aa mailbags, directpersonal personalrelationship relationshipwith withLTE’s LTE’sfounder founderRoche RocheVan Vanshirts Wyke– direct Wyke most prisons were whichisissomething somethingwe wevalue valuevery verymuch. much. which self-sufficient, we would grow most memorable memorable projects projects are are ofof the the ‘weird ‘weird and and Some ofof the the most Some our own food. wonderful’variety, variety,like likethe thetransportation transportationofoftwo twoall yak Turkey wonderful’ yak totoTurkey toto establisha ayak yakherd herdfor for You could learn establish nomadtribe tribeliving livinginin a anomad skills: I got my Pakistan. Others Others have have Pakistan. Performers at one of OC’s Big Wednesdays soak up the applause painters and been much much closer closer toto been decorators inside. When home. skills There home. There isis you went back to your cells, you just had to staggering need in doing each other’s heads in. Every time I need sit staggering there with four otherinbods, developing countries, countries, developing engaged inwe crime, I knew what I was facing and it always made me think but we are also but are also twice.” conscious of the conscious of the struggles inin UK UK struggles communitiesand andhave have communities Only Connect working with William almost a decade ago. been happystarted support been happy totosupport He’s an older statesman here. He’s first to sign up to any training and different projects projects all all different over the country. The over the country. The development opportunities and he now has a stable job with us as our Besom channels Besom channels Learn to Earn, Cape Townwomen learning tailoring skills Learn toto Earn, Cape Townwomen learning tailoring skills facilities coordinator, using his talents keep the place clean, to patch us money towards money towards up,rehabilitation paint us and keep us shipshape. He defines our positive community – rehabilitation houses houses for the theexperience homeless, sanctuaries for vulnerable women, youth homeless, for vulnerable women, youth hefor uses his ofsanctuaries going straight to keep the younger lads in order community centres, vocational training workshops, specialised community centres, and is first to calm down vocational any tensionstraining over the workshops, dinner table. specialised health-carehomes homesand andfacilities facilitiesfor forthe thedisabled, disabled,and andmany manymore more health-care projects. projects. William’s story is one InAugust August 2001, partofofa asabbatical sabbaticalfrom fromwork, work,we wewent wenttotoCape Cape asaspart of In so many 2001, that Only Townfor fora afew fewdays daystotovisit visitsome some Town Connect has helped existingand andpotential potentialprojects projectsfor for existing to shape. Theirs The Besom. Besom. We We visited visited five five The projects, two two ofof which which had had projects, is a difficult, often previously been been funded funded through through previously thankless task, working The Besom Besom and and three three ofof which which The with people whose werepotential potentialbeneficiaries. beneficiaries.The The were highlight of our trip was visiting highlight of our trip was visiting aa lives have been broken care home for children in Hout care home for children in Hout over and over again. Bayand andtotosee seethe thebeds bedsthat thatThe The Bay But then, that is what Besom had had funded. funded. These These beds beds Besom had been been delivered delivered the the week week had makes their work so Spitalfields Crypt Trust, East Londonlearning woodwork Spitalfields Crypt Trust, East Londonlearning woodwork before our trip and their arrival Members at a popup supper club before our trip and their arrival special skills - when lives are skills had caused caused much much excitement excitement had transformed and their impact achieves real change, they can safely say, amongst the home’s home’s volunteers amongst the volunteers and the thehighs children themselves. Embarrassingly (and despite despite our our and children Embarrassingly despite the and themselves. lows, that it was all worth it. (and protestsand andattempted attemptedexplanations) explanations)most mostpeople peopleseemed seemedtotothink think protests treatedwith witheven even thatwe wehad hadpaid paidfor forthe thebeds bedsand andthus thuswe wewere weretreated that Recently, money given through The Besom has gone towardshave ahave new café otherwise been morekindness kindness andgood goodhumour humour thanwould would more and than otherwise been the case! initiative at Only Connect. The food-based social enterprise and restaurant the case! hosts pop-up supper clubs for a paying audience that is organised, run, Anotherhighlight highlightwas wasa avisit visittotoa acommunity communitychurch, church,and andagain againwe we Another and catered by those whom Onlywere Connect helped. Throughout were ablehave see first-hand first-hand the able toto see the the project, they are fruitsofofBesom Besom funding.We Wemet met fruits funding. aa groupofofsupported peopleininthe the Khayelitsha group people Khayelitsha and mentored townshipwho whoproudly proudlyshowed showedusus township chefs and hadbeen beenpaid paid thenew newby vanprofessional whichhad the van which are encouraged to create forthrough throughThe TheBesom. Besom.We Wesaw sawitit for operation, ferrying people inin operation, ferrying foods that hold people cultural aroundand andalso alsotaking taking delivery around a adelivery significance for each person. bread local community ofof bread toto a a local community The final Wednesday each Another visit visit was wasoftoto centre. Another centre. aa shelter in central Cape Town. The shelter in centralis Cape Town. The month ‘Big Wednesday’, centreoffers offersa athey practical response practical response James House, Hout Bay, South Africachildren from centre James House, Hout Bay, South Africachildren from where showcase the theneed needtotododosomething somethingabout about totothe local community thethe local community music, film, and other arts streetchildren. children.We We theplight plightofofstreet the The chefs, ex-offenders, cooking for eating one of OC’sfacilities dinners sawonce the cooking and thecentre centre and alsoworking goods have and been saw the cooking and eating facilities ininthey the also goods (bracelets etc.) made thelocal localpeople. people. bybycommunity, the on.(bracelets The ideaetc.) is tomade foster develop the new skills of the members, and toall increase confidence, as well as widening their Experiencing all these thesetheir places for ourselves ourselves gave greater Experiencing places for gave usus a a greater realdifference difference thatgiving giving can make. Wemet metmany many insightinto intofor thefurther opportunities jobs, particularly incan themake. arts We and hospitality insight the real that wonderful peopleand andthe thetrip trip made lasting impression us. wonderful made a alasting impression onon sectors. Giverspeople through The Besom have funded the starting-up costs ofus. the Giving through through The The Besom Besom has has had had quite quite anan impact impact onon us, us, Giving pop-up dinners, crockery, cutlery, linen, atables and uniforms. especially forevery every project wereceive receive adetailed detailed reportofof especially asasincluding for project we report ourmoney moneyhas hasgone, gone,accounting accountingfor forevery everypenny pennywe we exactlywhere whereour exactly give.These Thesereports reportsare areoften oftenvery verymoving movingand andthought-provoking thought-provoking give. theyprovide providebackground backgroundinformation informationabout aboutthe thehardships hardshipsand and asasthey strugglesofofsosomany manycommunities communitiesaround aroundthe theworld, world,and andthe thework work struggles Angus Boobbyer charities andgroups groupswho whoare arededicated dedicatedtotowalking walkingthe thelong longroad road ofofcharities and alongside them. alongside Besom Internthem. WithJim special thanks andTessa Tessa to Niall Blake-Knox and the team at Only Connect Jim and I have been involved in a number of Besom group time-giving projects Salvation and the Silkworm: Feedback over the pastMadagascar six years, where I have had the privilege of meeting so many While one silk thread is strong, many woven together are stronger (Malagasy Proverb)lovely people.I have enjoyed being part of a Though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold is not time-givers quickly broken.and team ofcord fellow (Ecclesiastes 4:12) establishing close friendships The invention of silk farming by the Malagasy amongst us. people. the best for many years, puttin freely. In conversations recipients helping as team mem2008/2009. one has the means to get them done. Onbetween one job we helped aand ladythose suffering hidden deep within farms this stunnin oneher cangarden, begin to comprehend what it is like to be in their shoes. This chicken from a disabilitybers, to clear which was very overgrown. helps to dispel prejudices and misconceptions we may often hold. I have primary sch Coming Together: Regional enjoyed getting to know our recipients whom weBesom have helped, some of Conferences Bulawayo. Over the past year,still localinBesoms across the UK have been meeting together difference to people in their city, made by professional support workers. Similarly whom I am touchfrom with. Sam Hatfiel to encourage and support one another towards their goal: helping members of their at Bedford, we had some testimonies from professionals explaining how Besom this local churches to get out into their communities amongst those in need. A number had helped their clients and the long-lasting and life-changing difference 2012/2013 a of those who attended the regional conferences have shared their experiences: timely assistance had made. The Besom is, of course, all about helping people I am also delighted that this response is from within theandchurch Ezra to give to give well, but it’s so good to hear the next bit of the story too and and Ma how these gifts of time, money, skills and things genuinely make a difference.’ ‘The Besoms in the South West have met for a Regional Conference each community. If our faith is to be real, it has to be practical. year for the last 4 years’, reports Nesta of the Taunton Besom. ‘They consist of The Besom in Taunton, The Besom in Bristol, The Besom in Purbeck, and Ian of The Besom in York informs us that, ‘around thirty delegates from The mythical Empress Leizu is considered Feedback Madagascar (FBM) has been working Sheffield, Ryedale andthe YorkZimbabwean gathered in a meeting The Besom in St Austell and we were pleased to meet again in Taunton last Wirral, Manchester, It by many to represent the beginning of in Madagascar since 1991. They seek to work with isChurch midday and sun isroom beating do belonging to St Chad’s Sheffield for the Northern regional conference. October. Each regional gathering has been valued by all as a means of getting Chinese civilization. In the heat of the day, the people at grass-roots level to alleviate poverty Ezra’s Mazda pick-up may truck of thick mud. The r children or grandchildren wellout be aware of a series to know each other and building a close relationship together while sharing Those with pre-school I likesoThe Besom because is very the story goes, Leizu would it wander through income-generating activities, improving challenges, testimonies, and concerns. Among the reports from each Besom, we of children’s books titled ‘That’s not my… [dog, cat, dinosaur etc]’, where the AFTER BEFORE about her search ofwho shade. have Her local stewardship of natural resources, advancing impassable after a month of heavy rainfall. Alrea practical; it garden puts inpeople a were delighted to hear news of Purbeck’s proposed warehouse, which is nearing child is encouraged page by page to identify the toy through touch, sight, and is hard for of some husband,Life the Yellow Emperor China,people, and the the provision of education and promoting primary Sheffield’s coordinator Steve have introduced day’s as well This large facility is the result of much prayer and the generous smell. As such, The Besom chicken feed gotthestuck, trucksincarrying need had in aplanted particular area intrees touch many mulberry therewith health care. In 1997, a women’s community We spent six completion. hours pruning, weeding, digging borders, laying a path and assistance that the state can offer is provision of one of their regular time-givers. Taunton reported a growth in agenda, titled ‘That’s Not My Besom’. The meeting encouraged the delegates to the would Empress would seek the leafiest group approached FBM to ask for assistance in them out. Whilst the rains have brought chaos to th thoseand who like to help out. power-spraying deckingand andmembers paths.ofThe recipient was amazed time-givers more churches coming on boardby as what well ashad a big share, both individually and in groups, their experiences and begin to recognise to sit beneath. One day, discoveredis a response to re-establishing a home industry in silk weaving. The growing silk industry is bringing hope to many otherwise limited. ThesheBesom in farm meetinglands the objectives Besom. Matopos Each local Hills. T in financial support, enabling them toshould fund Starter the newly destitute families life to the of the ofremote that her favourite tree provided hardly Silk weaving, while traditional to the area,been was allachievedincrease and was overwhelmed that people givePacks theirfortime so their strengths and weaknesses our hurting world, a desire to do Besom is managed differently, but they all strive to meet the Besom challenge housed (all contents being bought as new). Bristol has a very faithful core-team any shade at all, the leaves being full of holes. Walking a little further, she chose another but destroyed during the Marxist regime between the best for many years, putting an end to the dro freely. In conversations between recipients and those helping as team memgive effectively toup thosethe in need’. and hopes to expand that. St Austell reported seeing growth in areas of giving of ‘equipping members of the local church to Ezra tree; yet, on returning to it the following day, she found those leaves had been eaten too. OnThere are many 1973 and 1992 and it was this precious tradition heads chicken something practical. Besom teamwithin were asked complete a landscape, questionnaire are relie their to collections and growing relationships withbe their hidden deep thistostunning begin comprehend what it is like to in local theirreferral shoes.agencies. This In group sessions, each bers, the third day, Leizu took a cup of her favourite tea with her. It was harder still to find a tree that the alliance sought to rebuild. Now, theone can in who will offer and then Steve invited all to participate in a period of open answers. It became experience he gained at Stream with enough leaves to cast a little shade. On finally reaching one, she sat downadvice, and raisedbut not so many women work in groups at the silk workshop and to dispel prejudices and misconceptions we may often hold. I have helps ing even clearer from this how much each group varied in meeting their objectives: ‘For me’, says Gilly of The Besom in Witney, ‘the most memorable thing about her cup towards her lips, whereupon something fell fromwho above into tea. up It looked likesleeves and lend are trained in all stages of the silk farming industry. willherroll their Dick region – mostly women – who getting know our recipients whom we these havetouch helped, of - it was evident that measuring ‘success’ by comparison was not the way ahead, the to conference is always James’ talks and how peoplesome so deeply Ebe a hard white nut but, as she watched, the outside, warmed by the tea, softened and yielded Profit from sales of silk is re-invested enjoyed into the hence ‘That’s Not My Besom’. ‘We may not always grow in the way we expect’, genuinely breaking hearts for the poor and isolated in our local communities.* It a hand. The Besom in Taunton a strange yellow thread. Leizu put her finger in the cup and wound the thread around it. Tana has 7 children, none of whom can attend groups to enable the training of more women. The I am still in touch with. whom Trai also doesn’t matter how many times I hear a talk of that same theme - it speaks adds Becky, an intern with the York Besom, ‘but we are always growing’. As she pulled, the thread got longer and longer, eventually stretching across the garden. school. Homeless and landless, she lives in programmes include informal training in primary I have being part of a someone else’s house. Her enjoyed father recently gave to me once again and I hear something new every time. I remember from the Looking back at the tree, Leizu saw that it was full of the hard white nuts – caterpillars her some land so she could participate in FBM’s health care, family planning, nutrition, vegetable 2007 conference held in York that there was a film shown about how Besom had made a *If you would like a recording of James’ talk, please email: [email protected]’ team of fellow time-givers and that, as the weeks went by, grew and began to spin the thread they produced. Leizu asked farming project gardening, and household financial management. I am also delighted that this response is from within the church the FACE toand Face:Hove Funding the Future An anchor to the soul - Emmaus in Brighton her husband to plant some more mulberry trees so that she could domesticate the worms The opportunity for informal exchange at the training sessions and during production is establishing close friendships community. If our faith is to be real, it has to be practical. that made these cocoons. By watching and learning from the silkworms, Leizu invented also valuable, as relationships are built within the community. equi the silk reel, which joins fine filaments into a thread strong enough for weaving, and a It was thisamongst industry thatus. first connected FBM and The Besom in 2004, when those who “Since joining FACE to Face in September of last year, the training, support and space available have enabled me to develop my passion for food into a part-time sma loom for weaving fine garments, whose popularity spread throughout China and the world. gave purchased four spinning bowls and two milling machines that enabled the women business. I never imagined that I would be where I am today and so soon after taking those first steps.” The story of Leizu ensured that the rearing of silkworms and silk weaving became important, to expand their rate of production. Since then, givers through The Besom and FBM Stud was founded in 1997 and Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) wrote that ‘man without a purpose is like a ship with- The Emmaus at Brighton and Hove even sacred, occupations for the women of China and these traditions have spread across have completed eight projects together, ranging from latrines for rural villages to the FACE to Face runs a business training course and a sense of fear and powerlessness that threatens as p a rudder – waif, nothing,ofaa land no registry man.’office, The charity Emmaus works with the offers a home to 47 men and womenscheme, for asaimed long as they the globe, providing livelihoods for many. Nowhere is out this precious skill, passed downa establishing micro-finance at enabling Christian to overwhelm. Building the skills and courage to the generations, more prized than in the remote villages of Madagascar where, despite and the following the recent not National who are eligible to for benefits or in40 low-paid face this painful process, therefore, is a crucial tices Britain abroad, providing only food and shelter, but a commu- require it. These companions women are encouraged commit Life is hardhomeless for some in people, and the absence of electricity or running water, mothers and daughters are able to produce silk Land Tenure Reform Programme, work to turn their skills and talents into a livelihood part of what goes on at FACE to Face. It’s a very on which liveoffer andthat thrive, meaningful work. The Brighton and Hove hours of work each week in that thecanvarious social assistance nity that in the statetocan is products of extraordinary beauty. issues alongside private property rights support them andenterprises any family members rewarding part, too, for as stories are shared and Madagascar is one of the world’s poorest countries, with an externalisdebt almost through individual or collective land dependent them. FACE to Face has allow Emmaus of 24 3such communities in Britain. Founded by the French MP and which help to maintain Emmaus. Oneupon of these enterprises is been things that were buried are brought into the light, Besom isone a ofresponse to limited. The billion US dollars. 77% of the population are living on less than $1.25 a day and a US certificates. Alongside its partner operating since 1999 and, over those sixteen years, the beginnings of belief that real change might be monk, Abbé Pierre Emmaus began(‘Our a means to alleviate the widespread the Café Revive, both a goodhaslocal eaterie and atakevaluable learn our hurting world, a desire to1949, do Congress report places in the organisation, NY Tanintsika seen almost 1,000 women the course. Many possible spread amongst the group, bringing with infantThere mortality rate at Land’), working to Abbé Pierre was approached by a these have gone vocation on to take out loan and start it excitement and hope.Ezra heads up the chicken farming side of Ebe homelessness and despair in FBM Parisis currently after the war. opportunity for companions tooflearn a new in acatersomethingcountry’s practical. are many over 5%. According to Natascha improve food security and nutrition their own business; every one of those loans has “FACE to Face saved my life - literally. I was in homeless mannotnamed Georges aid. Instead, Abbé Pierre asked for ing and hospitality. There is also a substantial garden to be Fun at the beach on a FACE to Face weekend away who will offer advice,acting but so many experience he gained at Stream Farm). He has a ne Paddison, Deputy amongst 800 asking highly for vulnerable been successfully repaid and many of the resulting so much debt that I had nothing left over each Representative for UNICEF, ‘the households within twenty rainforestand cared businesses for and continue a newtogreenhouse which sells plants. The comthis day. week after paying the region interest on–themostly outstanding who will roll up their sleeves and lend Georges’ aid to build a new way of life for the poorDick women – who produce chickens in country’s health and education edge communities. As part of this “It’s a place where you can receive encouragement in how to start a business (...) where amount. FACE to Face took up the matter with the destitute. heBesom not an invisible refuge for the vulnerable but is firmmunity a hand. systems are crumbling’, with programme, The inyouis Taunton 200 they are Georges committed tolater claimed, ‘Whatever else can learn new skills and hear about other women’s experiences. It’s somewhere you bank and they froze the interest till I had repaid The Emmaus flyer few educated beyond primary supporting beneficiaries’ access to might have given me – money, home, somewhere to ly situated within its locality. The new renovations to and theyour garcan bring your children, because the course is about the whole of you life, not what I owed. I got my life back.” hom rural land and land tenure and, as such, school. Madagascar’s just the business side of it.” All of these things are assisted by the communitywork – I’d have still tried to kill myself again. What I den, open to visitors, should help to further this solidarity with the local town. Like areas have suffered in particular they have recently partnered with supp Several courses take place each year, either as part of a residential weekend away (with driven nature of the course, coupling the many The Wheat Shop, displaying some of the fantastic over the past half century. the NGO with and the aim was‘Fiantso’ missing, what he offered, was something to most other Emmaus’s, Brighton and Hove has a long tradition in the upcycling of childcare provided onsite) or during weekly sessions in an easily-accessible community personal milestones with an atmosphere of products that were born at FACE to Face chic Between 1970 and 1995, a of establishing two land registry space,crockery, such as a school or church. Follow-up sessions take place at the FACE to Faceis ongoing mutual support: “We support one another, live for’. Georges became the first ‘companion’ in what furniture, toys and clothes. However, their Emporium also a treasure mixture of poor governance, a offices in the Ikongo district to help Soarimanana and her husband were cheated out of their coffee Eben warehouse in Battersea. Those attending can then meet some of those already running whereas on many business courses you finish and go your own separate ways. The women weak regulatory environment, vulnerable smallholders gain landofplantation remains the model life at anfieldsinvitation to trove of vintage postcards, unique jewellery and old records. and Emmaus, had to sell their rice for fear of them being businesses, try out the commercial kitchen, office and work spaces available and get a here nurture one another and come alongside each other.” nece stolen too. For a them, FBM’swithassistance with land tenure rights is a at Brighton and Hove was founded in 1997 and The Emmaus Thomas Carlyle wrote without a purpose is like ship and the(1795-1881) inaccessibility of rural that tenure‘man certification. sense of all that goes on there before they make the decision to go forward with taking Since September, there have been two courses – one residential and one local – out of Zafirambe and her children outside their family house, completely made a community of people on the road to live as part of matter of life and death communities that per-a no Likeman.’ the silkworm, whose Chinese inte out of banana leaves, with no door or flooring out a rudder – waif, meant a nothing, The charity Emmaus works with the offers a home to 47 out men and long as they a loan and women setting theirfor first as business which have come two new groups that meet regularly at the warehouse to chat, pray, capita income fell by 40%, while name is a homonym for ‘twine’, Feedback Madagascar is shown to becommunity founded upon an transformation, whilst working within that a key part of the Creative re-use of donated goods also forms goals. The courses themselves are always support one another, and repay their loans. The businesses themselves range from mobile glea homeless Britain providing not proverb: only food and shelter, but a commurequire it. These companions are encouraged to commit 40 the population doubled. Despite vast recovery since theinopening up and of the abroad, governmental old Malagasy by standing with the vulnerable at the grass-roots, their conviction a lot of fun – fullmerchandise of chat and laughter child-care to hummus, hairdressing and beauty products to party-planning. A third course to make it self-supporting. on sale. The greenhouse shop includes many beauregime in 1991, the population remains incredibly poor. to 85% of and those thrive, living below is that, ‘while one silk thread strong,Brighton many woven together Withwork the each week in the various social enterprises nity in which live alongside meaningful The and Hoveare stronger’. hours of Beso and the beginnings of new friendships, will have just kicked off by the time this prints, held at a church in Brixton – an easy Abbe Pierre, tiful objects made by companions from apparently useless and the poverty line live in these rural areas, surviving on subsistence farming.1912-2007 Half of the help of those who stand with her people, Madagascar may yet prove a land of complete as Emmaus. well as challenges, teaching, access point for mums from a number of nearby schools. Emmaus is oneareofyoung 24 such in Britain. Founded by the French MP and which help to maintain One of thesestories enterprises is Face population are under fifteen and among the most vulnerable womencommunities and girls, transformation. in a of encouragement broken from those donated who have items. This newfound creative expression “I left school at 15 years old, unable to read or write. A few years on, plagued by debt and who have little opportunity to work andmonk, so are forced prostitution and begging to Abbéinto Pierre in 1949, Emmaus began as a means to alleviate the widespread the Café Revive, bothgone a before, goodand local eaterie and a valuable chic much discussion as new withto no money management, I signed up to a FACE to Face course. Everything started to Homelessness is common safe and rehabilitative environment seems almost work as a obtain enough money to feed themselves and their families. The recent political turmoil Ollyin Peelthe UK. A casual walker down a city street does not homelessness and despair in Paris after the war. Abbé Pierre was approached by a opportunity for companions to learn new in caterattendees grapple withathe stepsvocation ahead. shift. I was challenged to cut back in several areas of life. My debts became manageable Bula has only served to perpetuate the vicious cycle of povertyneed that is enslaving sofar manyto of find the Besom Intern begging or sleeping rough. We live in a society to look somebody metaphor for the transformation found at Emmaus. Lives conThe teaching focuses mainly on and I paid off a credit card I’d tried to pay off for five years. One day my business started homeless man named Georges asking for aid. Instead, Abbé Pierre asked for ing and hospitality. There is also a substantial garden to be confidence-buildingsidered and the basic to transform: which has not changed since theway days Blake, wandered by so many are allowed to develop intopeople thatbegan calling and e-mailing me. I have had to make a waiting list Georges’so aidmuch to build a new of of lifeWilliam for the poor andwhocared for and a new greenhouse sellsworthless plants. principles forwhich managing finances, The comand even turn customers away due to high demand! If numbers continue to flourish, I’m ‘thro’ every chartered street’, and ‘mark in every ‘Whatever face I meetelse marks weakness, ofthatcharacter which circumstance can sometimes destitute. Georges later claimed, he ofmunity refuge for the vulnerable but is firmis not an invisible producing skills andfullness frameworks help going to have deny. to employ someone to help me with all the work.” Lunchtime for the kids at the weekend away to turn the goal of having a small business Givers through The Besom have supported several aspects of FACE to Face over the last The Emmaus flyer people living inhome, hostels or housing; howof woe’. About 000given Therenovations ethos at Emmaus, then, is holistic and realistic. might43, have me – money, somewhere toassessing ly situated within its locality. The new to the gardo are work in me and through me,sheltered but also in what con‘We have 2 small groups, totalling 40 people,marks studying into an accessible and achievable process. few years, including buying all the computer equipment being used by the women to sumes myto thoughts and how this how Iopen live. SLJ Simplicity Love and Justice. One Sunday morning a number ever, this does– not include people who unable to overflows find work I’d have still tried kill are myself again. Whataccommodation. I inden, to visitors, For should helpthetoyears, further this solidarity the town. Likeand make their marketing materials and build their websites. many over the stand-out feature of thewith course has local been the assistance completely changed my understanding of the word “simplicimonth, we have been talking and groaning and wrestling A creative silk scarf in The Emporium, Emmaus encouragement theydisplay have received asathey tackle their personal and household finances. Homelessness can bemissing, caused and by several differing factors, including to unemployment, was what he offered, was most other Emmaus’s, Brighton and Hove has long tradition in the upcycling of Joanna Blake ty”’. (Group in South Westsomething London) with the scriptures and thoughts in the book. Together we Unmanaged debt and spending, combined with uncertain income, so often bring with them Besom Intern have learned so much about each other and people have An anchor to the soul - Emmaus in Brighton and Hove Simplicity, Love & Justice debt and mentallive illness. in Blake’s day,the ‘thefirst youthful harlot’inand ‘the furniture, hapless solfor’. As Georges became ‘companion’ what crockery, toys and clothes. However, their Emporium is also a treasure ‘I think it is tackling very important themes and, although I been far more honest and vulnerable than before. Some givingunique money through remains the model ofvictim lifedreaded attoEmmaus, invitation trove ofliving vintage postcards, jewellery andThe old Besom records.have paid for the refurbishment of a returning from war can also fall homelessness. For those thea Those rather it in casean it just made metofeel living bad foron of us have just started to meet together to sharedier’ what our Western lifestyle, it has helped meroad lookto at aspects of my life halfway house in the Emmaus grounds. This small cottage will provide a home for finances really look like. I never dreamt I could do this!’ ofapart people on the of a community street, each day live can as be part a struggle to from and shelter, it thatsurvive; need clearing up. It’s sofinding easy to food slip into habits of doing (Group in Essex) To commemorate Besom’s 2012, we produced apart compilation companions outside of25th thebirthday main inEmmaus house still transformation, whilst working within that community a keybut of within theof thethe community re-use of donated goods also forms things justfor because we do, this course has helped me the reas- twoCreative is not uncommon people to and freeze to death during sess what’s important and what isn’t, I can see things clearer and merchandise ‘I’ve loved the Simplicity, Love & Justice course. My articles on Emmaus theon back page of thegreenhouse newsletter, James Odgers. This book will to makewinter, it self-supporting. sale. The shopbycompanions includes many beaucare that provides. Thesewritten two will be encouraged to renornow is itasrare fortoalive homeless person toinface physical I strive a simpler life’. (Group Hampshire) homegroup has just finished the course and it has chalbe updated shortly, to include all recent articles up to the current issue. Abbemore Pierre, 1912-2007 tiful objects made by companions apparently uselesswith and the idea of either lenged and stretched us to be so much purposeful into society outside of the from Emmaus community, violence. InMany addition, the homeless are subjected to an integrate ‘I know of no other publication where the right questions are consistently asked and small groups and congregations have been using our rather than living on autopilot.’ (Group in West London) broken donated This newfound creative expression a out ofitems. the community, or remaining in a state ofinsemi-independence. moving almost dailybooklet ostracism from the depth rest of society, leading to slowly to discuss in more issues of poverty and comanswers offered concerning the salient issues facing humanity and society today. munity. Following acity thirdstreet reprint in March year,isolation copies are Some ‘SLJ has helped me to re-evaluate Homelessness how I spend my time, is common in the UK. A casualand walker down a distress. does notthis safe and articles rehabilitative seems to work a companions mayasnever able movealmost away from theasEmmaus community. Odgers’ serve a environment call tobe arms, an to education and an enlightenment. Talking isolation emotional Loneliness and available. Please email: [email protected] both in slowing down and in creating space for God to need to look far to find somebody begging or sleeping rough. We live in a society metaphor for the transformation found at Emmaus. Lives con- Talking Issues can lead to depression, anger, a sense of worthlessness and which has not changed so much since the days of William Blake, who wandered resentment or simply a profound pessimism. ‘thro’ every chartered street’, and ‘mark in every face I meet marks of weakness, Painting from Blake’s marks of woe’. About 43, 000 people are living in hostels or sheltered housing; howpoem, ‘London’ ever, this number does not include people who are unable to find accommodation. What matters far more onthose thiswho journey is the sense and purpose that Issues is a ‘must read’ for have a conscience aboutof theself-esteem life we are living.’ worthless byPlease so many are allowed to develop into that Copiesregained. are available. email: [email protected] has sidered been Carlyle continued, ‘having a purpose in life …, throw such fullness of character which circumstance can sometimes deny. strength of mind and muscle into your work as God has given you’. The ethos Amanda Bell at Emmaus, then, is holistic and realistic. Other Resources Are Available [email protected]