Rev Kev`s Ramblings - First United Methodist Church of La Porte
Rev Kev`s Ramblings - First United Methodist Church of La Porte
In Memory of A Note of Thanks Alexine Strum Ingraham By Craig & Jeanette Bland By La Porte Bayshore Garden Club By James & Gail Martin Phillip Wright September 2014 March-May 2015 By Sam & Sue Burnett It is with deep appreciation that we extend our thanks to the members of First United Methodist Church La Porte for the love and condolences extended to family and friends at the memorial service celebrating the life of Ernestine Mc Carty Shows. We are especially indebted to Dr. Kevin T. Gilmore for the comforting message and to the Bereavement committee for providing the reception following the service. By Janet Graves The Bob Mc Carty Family By Douglas & Lou Ann Martin By John & Cathy Still As for Me and My House, We will Serve the Lord! By Charliece Wheeless ‘Be Church’ is an ongoing ministry of the First United Methodist Church La Porte, to live out Christ’s call to be his Church through service and mission in our community. On May 16th, 2015 FUMCLP will be hosting its annual ‘Be Church’ event. People of all ages and abilities will gather to work on various mission projects, touching lives in our community and beyond. Don’t miss this exciting day, when we worship God, serve Him, and work hand-in-hand to demonstrate Christ’s love to others. For more information on projects and how you can help with ‘Be Church’, contact Charlene Thies. Project sign-up sheets are available in the Gathering Area. Be sure and join us for our Celebration Covered Dish Luncheon on Sunday, May 17th @ 12:15pm in Angel Hall. ‘Be Church’ Schedule of Events Saturday, May 16th 8:30 AM - Breakfast served 9:00 AM - Mission Work Begins Rev Kev’s Ramblings packing dry beans and rice for the food bank. The children will travel with a team of adults to visit the food bank, deliver the gifts to the residents of the care center and enjoy an ice cream social. I am no longer my own, but thine. Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt. Put me to doing, put me to suffering. Let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee, exalted for thee or brought low for thee. Let me be full, let me be empty. Let me have all things, let me have nothing. I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal. And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it. And the covenant which I have made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven. Amen. John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer 12:00 PM - Lunch Sandwich fixings will be available all morning for those who need to make a lunch to take with them as well for those who will eat at church. Items Needed to Fulfill Various BE Church Missions... Gently used clothing 1:00 PM - Wrap Up Work Used clean towels The Mobile Blood Bus will be on-site from 10am-12pm on Sunday & 8:30am-12pm on Sunday. Heath Kit contents Mission Options… UMCOR Cleaning Bucket assembly UMCOR Health Kit assembly Twi-Light Cemetery clean up & planting Bay Colony Playground repairs Ray of Light Food Pantry Preparation & Distribution Cross Roads - Clothing Collection Animal Shelter - Towel collection Children 4yrs. - 6th grade are making flannel blankets to take to the residents of the care center, sacking and Hand towel (15X25 inches to 11X17 inches-No kitchen, cleaning or microfiber towels ) Washcloths Combs Metal nail files or clippers Bath size soap (3oz & larger) Toothbrush (adult size) Adhesive bandages (3/4-1 inch) Cash donations to purchase contents for cleaning buckets. With cash donations we are able to purchase in bulk which is more economical, will aide in delivery and ensure the correct sizes for a complete bucket. Home Repair Ministries Howdy! I am no longer my own but Thine. John Wesley's prayer begins by forcing us to answer a couple of difficult questions. Are we going to trust God or not? Will we seek to discern and do God's will or will we continue to insist that we know what's best for ourselves? These questions are easy to ask, just as Wesley's words are easy to repeat. But neither is easy to live day-in and dayout. I am no longer my own but Thine. The ability to live these words day-in and day-out begins and ends with trust. It is about trusting God with our lives; it is knowing that God wants the very best for us even when we don't know how things will work out. It is the trust Abraham had when he followed God without knowing where God would lead him. It's the trust Joseph had even though he had no clue why things happen like they did. It is this trust that a person has who is fully surrendered to God. I am no longer my own but Thine. These words that begin Wesley's prayer are all about surrender. For many of us, when we think of surrendering we think of a white flag, of giving up and not getting what we want. But, Webster defines it as: to give the control or use of something to someone else, or to allow something to influence or control you. Surrendering our life to God doesn't mean we give up; it doesn't give us permission to stop working or to stop thinking. But it does allow us to give up negative feelings, anger, jealousy or bitterness. It does mean we are free to release to control of our lives to our loving creator. I am no longer my own but Thine. Every day, you have to decide who's going to be in control of your life. Will it be you or God? In His grip, REV KEV Birds of a Feather The ‘Birds’ had a great trip to the Houston Museum of Contemporary Crafts early this Spring. It was both enjoyable and very informative. The ladies where given a tour of Labyrinth: A Path of Prayer at St. Paul’s Methodist Church in Houston. This was a very moving experience to walk this path during the Lenten season. To wrap up this trip, lunch at Hungry’s in Rice Village and dessert at Celebrity Cupcakes was a must. The ‘Birds’ invite all widows to join them for fun and fellowship and/or lunch on Sundays after the 11am service. For more information, contact Robbie Ladd at [email protected] or 281-471-3605. Double your fun; join your fellow Christians at Parson’s House to share God’s message, sing, and visit with the residents who have such great stories and experiences to share. This ministry gathers together on the second Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. in the gathering area at Parson’s House, 8727 Fairmont Pkwy., La Porte. If you are interested in learning more about this rewarding ministry, please contact Noreen Shannon at 281-476-5536 or 713-724-9009. The Walk to Emmaus is an experience of Christian spiritual renewal and formation that begins with a three day short course in Christianity. It is an opportunity to meet Jesus Christ in a new way as God’s grace and love is revealed through other believers. Several in our church have attended the Walk to Emmaus, so you can talk to any one of them including Kevin and/or contact Patsy Crum, Emmaus Coordinator. Members of the Emmaus Community are encouraged to wear their Emmaus crosses on Communion Sunday, so those who want to know more about Emmaus can spot them and inquire about the amazing experience known as a Walk to Emmaus. The Wesley's Visit to First UMC! Over the past few weeks the children have learned about John and Charles Wesley. They learned about how the Methodist church started, and ways we can practice our faith. The children were encouraged to think about ways they can show worship, devotion, compassion, and justice in their daily lives. Registration for Vacation Bible School will remain open until May 31st. All children ages 3 (by September 1, 2014) through those who have completed 5th Grade are welcome to join us. Registration is $15. You can register on line at or in the Welcome Center. VBS Bake Sale to raise funds for our Mission, UMCOR is Sunday, May 3rd. If you would like to bake a goodie please contact Priscilla Novak, [email protected] for more information. Decorations Days: April 22nd, 29th, May 5th, 12th, 13th, 6:007:30 pm Decoration days are a time to create fun decorations that we will use the week of VBS. All are invited to help, no art skills required! We will have door prizes each night! Volunteer Meeting May 6th, 6:00 pm. All volunteers are invited to this informational meeting. This meeting will provide an overview of the week of VBS and a review of Safe Sanctuary Policy. We ask that all volunteers attend this meeting. Bringing All to Jesus fo r Life Beyond Limits NON-PROFIT Organization US Postage PD La Porte, TX 77571 Permit #9 9601 W Fairmont Pkwy La Porte, Texas 77571 281-478-4673 Email news & photos to [email protected] May June 5/3 - VBS Bake Sale 6/11 - 6/14 Big House (Jr. High Mission) 5/5 - VBS Decoration Day Session 1 6/14 - VBS Kick Off 5/6 - VBS Volunteer Meeting 6/15 - 6/19 VBS 5/12 - VBS Decoration Day Session 2 July 5/13 - VBS Decoration Day Session 3 7/19– 7/25 - UM Army (Sr. High Mission) 5/16 - Be Church & Blood Drive 7/30 - 8/2 - Women’s Emmaus Walk 5/17 - Be Church Celebration Luncheon 7/30 - 8/2 - Women’s Emmaus Walk