732392 DÖKME DEMİRDEN EV İŞLERİNDE KULLANILAN EŞYA 2013 İTHALAT HARİTASI 2013 yılı verilerine göre 455.359,00 $ olan pazarın özellikle 2013 yılında yaptığı büyüme dikkat çekici olmakla birlikte en büyük alıcısı ABD ve ardından Almanyadır. İngiltere ve Almanya’nın son 3 yılda pazardaki payını artırdığı gözlenmektedir. Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’nde ise 2013 yıl içerisinde ani bir büyüme gözlenmiştir. Importers World United States of America Germany United Kingdom Japan Imported value Imported value Imported value in 2011 in 2012 in 2013 303.887,00 322.133,00 455.359,00 108.832,00 115.543,00 120.824,00 14.195,00 10.552,00 60.856,00 18.827,00 23.786,00 49.033,00 16.388,00 23.304,00 28.186,00 United Arab Emirates France Canada Belgium Australia Korea, Republic of Netherlands Saudi Arabia China Mexico Russian Federation Spain Egypt South Africa Sweden Switzerland Qatar 1.191,00 8.369,00 12.390,00 7.000,00 13.174,00 6.361,00 4.398,00 4.695,00 6.885,00 1.401,00 5.843,00 4.004,00 3.719,00 3.237,00 1.286,00 6.934,00 541,00 1.412,00 11.186,00 13.396,00 8.542,00 12.889,00 6.986,00 5.169,00 5.611,00 7.208,00 1.354,00 5.973,00 3.584,00 3.766,00 4.611,00 1.747,00 2.896,00 802,00 20.436,00 17.774,00 17.423,00 14.282,00 11.553,00 11.544,00 9.840,00 7.584,00 6.639,00 5.073,00 3.668,00 3.575,00 3.318,00 3.220,00 3.090,00 2.999,00 2.995,00 2013 İHRACAT HARİTASI 2013 yılı verilerine göre; 389.928,00$ pazarın en büyük ihracatçısı Fransa olmakla birlikte Çin, Almanya ve Hindistan da diğer önemli ihracatçılardır. Türkiye pazarın büyüklük açısından 11. Sırasında yer almakta olup pazarın önemli aktörleri arasında bulunmamaktadır. Exporters World France China Germany India United Kingdom United States of America Denmark Netherlands Japan Indonesia Turkey Belgium Spain Taipei, Chinese South Africa Exported value Exported value Exported value in 2011 in 2012 in 2013 244.094,00 253.732,00 389.928,00 100.461,00 107.222,00 145.019,00 60.610,00 71.741,00 90.434,00 8.334,00 7.628,00 49.286,00 372,00 802,00 22.679,00 17.763,00 6.149,00 20.798,00 10.415,00 12.223,00 12.981,00 7.267,00 7.994,00 10.745,00 1.279,00 2.126,00 4.703,00 7.995,00 5.027,00 4.207,00 5.033,00 6.417,00 3.856,00 2.426,00 3.870,00 3.594,00 2.084,00 3.561,00 2.805,00 2.059,00 2.322,00 2.721,00 2.561,00 2.152,00 2.181,00 563,00 770,00 1.075,00 2013 YILI TÜRKİYE İHRACAT HARİTASI Son üç yıllık verilere göre en fazla ihracat yaptığımız 10 ülkeye ait grafikler. 2013 YILI VERİLERİNE GÖRE TÜRKİYE İHRACATI Türkiye İhracatına bakıldığında; 3.594,00$ bir ihracat rakamı yakalanırken, en büyük ithalatçımız Mısır konumundadır. Cezayir, Hollanda, Gürcistan, ABD, Tunus ve Rusya diğer ihracat pazarlarımızdır. Son 3 yılda Gürcistan pazarındaki ani küçülme dikkat çekmektedir. Hollanda büyüyen pazarlar arasındadır. Tunus ve Rusya hedef Pazar olabilecek durumdadır. Importers World Egypt Algeria Netherlands Georgia United States of America Tunisia Russian Federation Belgium Azerbaijan Greece Israel Italy Sweden Brazil United Arab Emirates Australia Mexico Kyrgyzstan Kazakhstan Exported value Exported value Exported value in 2011 in 2012 in 2013 2.426,00 3.870,00 3.594,00 47,00 135,00 664,00 16,00 913,00 360,00 4,00 57,00 225,00 1.241,00 991,00 223,00 0,00 71,00 164,00 24,00 192,00 158,00 5,00 16,00 137,00 0,00 203,00 122,00 846,00 588,00 114,00 2,00 43,00 107,00 3,00 10,00 99,00 0,00 1,00 83,00 0,00 0,00 82,00 0,00 30,00 75,00 4,00 31,00 71,00 0,00 1,00 71,00 0,00 68,00 65,00 83,00 83,00 62,00 27,00 47,00 51,00 2013 YILINDA ABD’YE EN ÇOK İHRACAT YAPAN ÜLKELER LİSTESİ 2013 yılı verilerine göre 120.824,00$ bir Pazar olan ABD de 60.062,00$ ile Fransa ve 55.651,00$ ile Çin ihracatçısının hakimiyeti altındadır. Ardından gelen ihracatçıların rakamsal büyüklükleri önemlilik arz etmemekle birlikte Çin ve Fransız ürün kalitesinin tespiti yapılarak Çin ve Fransız pazarlarına girişin önü açılarak Türk ürünlerinin bilinirliği artırılmalı ve şuan ki Türk ihracatçısının konumunun değiştirilmesi sağlanmalıdır. Exporters World France China Imported value Imported value Imported value in 2011 in 2012 in 2013 108.832,00 115.543,00 120.824,00 48.433,00 49.116,00 60.062,00 52.014,00 60.917,00 55.651,00 Japan Taipei, Chinese Korea, Republic of Argentina India Canada Italy Belize Turkey Germany Switzerland Mexico Brazil Jordan Spain United Kingdom 6.403,00 701,00 133,00 390,00 127,00 104,00 89,00 72,00 0,00 4,00 0,00 115,00 2,00 4,00 8,00 75,00 3.766,00 411,00 192,00 271,00 244,00 145,00 95,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 91,00 0,00 0,00 39,00 121,00 3.028,00 539,00 325,00 311,00 262,00 192,00 88,00 79,00 68,00 37,00 36,00 35,00 27,00 25,00 24,00 18,00 2013 YILINDA ALMANYA’YA EN ÇOK İHRACAT YAPAN ÜLKELER LİSTESİ 2013 yılı verilerine göre 60.856,00$ bir Pazar olan Almanya’ da 53.362,00$ ile Fransa ihracatçısının hakimiyeti altındadır. Ardından Çin gelirken diğer ihracatçılarının payı oldukça küçüktür. Almanya Türk ürünlerinin satışı açısından oldukça iyi bir Pazar olmasına rağmen 732392 için pazardaki payımız oldukça küçüktür. Almanya hedef Pazar olarak belirlenebilir. Exporters World France China Denmark Switzerland Turkey Taipei, Chinese Netherlands Japan Sweden Austria Poland United States of America United Kingdom Belgium Imported value Imported value Imported value in 2011 in 2012 in 2013 14.195,00 10.552,00 60.856,00 6.147,00 3.310,00 53.362,00 6.666,00 6.001,00 6.194,00 97,00 60,00 274,00 26,00 11,00 230,00 10,00 20,00 146,00 370,00 473,00 133,00 23,00 69,00 124,00 183,00 123,00 109,00 21,00 27,00 69,00 33,00 16,00 64,00 42,00 5,00 49,00 10,00 44,00 26,00 40,00 31,00 24,00 59,00 5,00 14,00 Hungary South Africa Italy 0,00 0,00 413,00 0,00 0,00 275,00 9,00 9,00 8,00 2013 YILINDA İNGİLTERE’YE İHRACAT YAPAN ÜLKELER LİSTESİ 2013 yılı verilerine 49.033,00$ bir pazar olan İngiltere’de Çin ve Fransız ihracatçısının hakimiyetindedir. İtalya, Portekiz ve Hindistan da diğer ihracatçılardır. Exporters World China France Italy Portugal India Germany Poland Hong Kong, China Thailand Taipei, Chinese Pakistan United States of America Ireland Denmark Japan Netherlands Saudi Arabia Indonesia Finland Imported value Imported value Imported value in 2011 in 2012 in 2013 18.827,00 23.786,00 49.033,00 7.597,00 9.691,00 23.250,00 9.462,00 10.084,00 11.686,00 5,00 1,00 8.785,00 0,00 2.330,00 2.374,00 101,00 859,00 1.311,00 312,00 261,00 858,00 107,00 74,00 236,00 18,00 131,00 136,00 374,00 26,00 104,00 67,00 36,00 68,00 0,00 0,00 43,00 32,00 34,00 43,00 42,00 61,00 28,00 144,00 47,00 27,00 0,00 0,00 18,00 266,00 7,00 17,00 0,00 2,00 14,00 0,00 65,00 11,00 0,00 3,00 7,00 2013 YILI VERİLERİNE GÖRE JAPONYA’YA İHRACAT YAPAN ÜLKELER LİSTESİ 2013 yılı verilerine göre 30.081,00$ bir Pazar olan Japonya’da 24.810,00$ ile Fransa en büyük ihracatçı konumundadır. Türk ürünleri önemli ihracatçılar listesinde bulunmamaktadır. Exporters World France Imported value Imported value Imported value in 2012 in 2013 in 2014 23.304,00 28.186,00 30.081,00 20.035,00 25.305,00 24.810,00 China Indonesia Thailand United States of America Germany Italy Serbia Taipei, Chinese Finland Pakistan Spain Ireland 1.874,00 630,00 421,00 35,00 144,00 13,00 0,00 10,00 10,00 32,00 0,00 0,00 1.757,00 330,00 246,00 60,00 319,00 22,00 0,00 63,00 20,00 12,00 13,00 0,00 3.829,00 635,00 279,00 234,00 82,00 71,00 61,00 42,00 15,00 15,00 5,00 4,00 2013 YILI MISIR’A İHRACAT YAPAN ÜLKELER LİSTESİ Türkiye’nin 2013 yılı verilerine göre en çok ihracat yaptığı Mısır’da toplam ihracat 3.318,00$ iken Çin Mısır pazarının en büyük ihracatçısıdır. Bu pazarda fiyat avantajı üstüne hareket edilebilirse Çinle rekabet edilebilir. Exporters World China Turkey Korea, Republic of Spain Thailand Hong Kong, China Italy Imported value Imported value Imported value in 2011 in 2012 in 2013 3.719,00 3.766,00 3.318,00 2.721,00 2.914,00 2.254,00 321,00 320,00 404,00 95,00 0,00 184,00 7,00 0,00 139,00 37,00 105,00 64,00 0,00 86,00 63,00 195,00 108,00 63,00 2013 YILI CEZAYİR’E İHRACAT YAPAN ÜLKELER LİSTESİ 2013 yılı verilerine 99,00$ olan pazarın da diğer pazarlardaki gibi Çin ve Fransa en büyük ihracatçılarıdır. Exporters Imported value in 2011 Imported value in 2012 Imported value in 2013 World China France 75,00 40,00 13,00 140,00 81,00 57,00 99,00 58,00 40,00 2013 YILI HOLLANDA’YA İHRACAT YAPAN ÜLKELER LİSTESİ 2013 yılı verilerine 9.840,00$ olan pazarın da diğer pazarlardaki gibi Çin ve Fransa en büyük ihracatçılarıdır. Exporters World France China Germany Belgium Spain United Kingdom Finland United States of America Imported value Imported value Imported value in 2011 in 2012 in 2013 4.398,00 5.169,00 9.840,00 945,00 2.185,00 5.482,00 1.605,00 1.807,00 3.236,00 388,00 380,00 495,00 210,00 124,00 391,00 1.012,00 287,00 102,00 21,00 4,00 75,00 84,00 114,00 28,00 0,00 0,00 15,00 2013-2014 Vergi Uygulamaları İhracatın ürün fiyatı dışında en önemli belirleyenlerinden biri de ithalatçı ülkede uygulanan ithalat vergisi oranlarıdır732392 kodlu ürün için uygulanan ithalat vergilerine ilişkin tablo aşağıdadır. Partner Applied tariff (converted) Afghanistan Afghanistan Albania Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Angola Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 Austria Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belgium Belize Benin Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burundi Burundi Cabo Verde Cabo Verde Cambodia Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cayman Islands Central African Republic Central African Republic Chad Chad Chile Chile China 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 China Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Colombia Comoros Comoros Congo Congo Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Cook Islands Cook Islands Costa Rica Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Croatia Croatia Cuba Cyprus Cyprus Czech Republic Czech Republic Democratic People's Republic of Korea Denmark Denmark Djibouti Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Ecuador Egypt Egypt El Salvador El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Eritrea Estonia Estonia Ethiopia Ethiopia Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Faroe Islands 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 Fiji Finland Finland France France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern territories Gabon Gambia Gambia Georgia Georgia Georgia Germany Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greece Greenland Grenada Guam Guatemala Guatemala Guinea Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Haiti Heard and McDonald Islands Honduras Honduras Hong Kong, China Hungary Hungary Iceland Iceland India India Indonesia Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iran (Islamic Republic of) 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 Iraq Iraq Ireland Ireland Israel Israel Italy Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kiribati Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Kosovo Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Lesotho Liberia Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Lithuania Lithuania Luxembourg Luxembourg Macao, China Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of Madagascar Madagascar Malawi Malawi 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 Malaysia Maldives Maldives Mali Mali Malta Malta Marshall Islands Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritania Mauritius Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Micronesia (Federated States of) Midway Islands Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Mongolia Mongolia Montenegro Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Morocco Mozambique Mozambique Myanmar Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nauru Nepal Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Nicaragua Niger Niger Nigeria Nigeria 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 Niue Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway Norway Oman Pacific Islands Pakistan Pakistan Palau Palestine, State of Palestine, State of Panama Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Paraguay Peru Peru Philippines Philippines Pitcairn Poland Poland Portugal Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Romania Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Rwanda Saint Helena Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 Senegal Serbia Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovakia Slovenia Slovenia Solomon Islands Solomon Islands Somalia Somalia South Africa South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands South Sudan South Sudan Spain Spain Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sudan Sudan Suriname Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Swaziland Sweden Sweden Switzerland Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Taipei, Chinese Tajikistan Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Thailand Thailand Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Togo Togo Tokelau 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 Tonga Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Tunisia Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Tuvalu Uganda Uganda Ukraine Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United Kingdom United States Minor Outlying Islands United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vanuatu Venezuela Viet Nam Viet Nam Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, U.S. Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Yemen Zambia Zambia Zimbabwe 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0.032 0 0.032 0 0.032 2014 YILI KOMPASS VERTABANINA KAYITLI İTHALATÇILAR Kompass veri tabanına kayıtlı 732392 kodlu ürün için ithalatçı bilgisi girilmiş firma bilgisi aşağıdadır. Özellikle Almanya, İngiltere ve Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri hedef pazarlar olarak seçilebilir. Company name "COUROUPIS - BINIARIS "COURBI" S.A. "MADOUVALOS BROS "DIRO" S.A. "OIKIAKOS EXOPLISMOS "PAROUSIASI" S.A. "VITSAXAKIS, MAN., "EVE" S.A. Number of product Number of or service employees categories traded Country http://www.courbi.com 21-50 Greece Perama http://www.diro.gr 14 101-250 Greece Thermi http://www.parousiasi.gr 12 51-100 Greece Koropi http://www.saltandpepper.com.gr 108 21-50 Croatia Zagreb http://www.sumoopskrba.hr 5 01.Eki Greece Thessaloniki http://www.baxevanidis.gr 14 01.Eki Lebanon Beirut 121 Kas.20 Belgium Genk 21 21-50 Lebanon Beirut http://www.anf-sarl.com AB LINE, s.r.o. 97 Kas.20 Slovakia Poprad http://www.abline.sk ABACO doo Abel Santiago, S.A. (Armazéns Abel Santiago) Abu Ashara for Trade & Import 16 Kas.20 Croatia Zagreb 8 Kas.20 Portugal AVEIRO http://www.abelsantiago.pt Hurghada,Red Sea http://www.abuashara.com Afico Sal (Off-Shore) 21 21-50 Lebanon Beirut AG COMEXIM S.R.L. 20 01.Eki Romania Bucuresti AGRINVEST S.A. Ahmed Abdulrehman & Sons LLC Ahmed Rabee General Trading Est Al Bayader International LLC Al Bayraq Al Akhdar Stores Al Hossam Aluminium & Kitchens Al Mohtisham Enterprises Al Ruwad Kitchen Trading Co Ltd Al Safeer Group of Companies Al Samim General Trading Co LLC 36 3 ME LTD A'Chik Sarl A. Lenaers Horeca en Diepvriescentrum NV A.N.F. - Ahmad Nagi Fares Sarl 51-100 Greece 33 Website Korinthos ŠUMOOPSKRBA doo 17 City 15 251-500 Egypt Al Samim Group Al Shallal Air Condition & Refrigeration Appliances & Kitchen Equipment Trading 8 01.Eki Greece United Arab 21-50 Emirates United Arab 21-50 Emirates United Arab 101-250 Emirates United Arab Kas.20 Emirates United Arab 01.Eki Emirates United Arab 01.Eki Emirates United Arab Kas.20 Emirates United Arab 1001-5000 Emirates United Arab 21-50 Emirates United Arab 21-50 Emirates 5 United Arab 01.Eki Emirates Al-Yasser Trading ALB FORMING spol. s r.o. ALBERTO NAVARRO BUENROSTRO 5 ALCO HELLAS S.A. ALEXANDER COMMERCE doo 16 15 25 25 2 14 32 156 16 20 Unknown Lebanon Czech 21-50 Republic Piraeus http://www.agrinvestdeco.gr Dubai http://www.raisem.co.ae Dubai Sharjah http://www.bayader.com Dubai R.A.K. Dubai Sharjah Sharjah http://www.safeergroup.ae Dubai http://www.samim.com Jebel Ali http://www.samim.com Sharjah Tripoli (Tripoli) Telnice http://www.alb.cz 21 Kas.20 Mexico Guadalajara 20 51-100 Greece Aspropyrgos http://www.alco.gr 64 21-50 Croatia Zagreb http://www.alexandercommerce.hr Ali Amine Karout & Co. Alma Market SA 11 322 Kas.20 Greece Beirut Kraków http://www.almamarket.pl Oinofyta http://www.tzirakian.com ALME S.A. Alpha International Household Industries LLC 13 United Arab 21-50 Emirates Sharjah http://www.alfanoustick.com Alshatea Import; Export & Customs Clearance 29 21-50 Egypt Damietta,Damietta http://www.alshatea.com Altom Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. 25 101-250 Poland Gniezno http://www.altom.pl Alumarket Sal 14 Kas.20 Lebanon ALUMIL S.A. Amalgamated Hardware Merchants Ltd Amarco Trade & Distribution AMBER ENTERPRISES INC. AMBIANCE cini ve bullur salonu AMC ALFA METALCRAFT, doo AMC Allied Metalcraft Company Pte Ltd 21 54 501-1000 Greece New 51-100 Zealand 9 01.Eki Egypt Down Town,Cairo 24 01.Eki Canada New Westminster http://www.amberbiz.8m.com 4 Unknown Azerbaijan Baku http://www.italdizain.az 1 Unknown Croatia Zagreb http://www.hr.amc.info 1 Kas.20 Singapore Singapore http://www.amc.info AMC Middle East Sarl AMC Österreich Handels GesmbH 2 01.Eki Lebanon Furn El-Chebbak (Baabda) http://www.amc.info AMC-ITALIA, SpA (Alfa Metalcraft Corporation) Amefa Stahlwaren GmbH AMERICAN MOTORS CHR. PILALIS S.A. Américo Alves Comércio Internacional, S.A. 7 01.Eki Lebanon 5001 and more Poland Hadath (Baabda) Kilkis http://www.alumil.com Auckland http://www.ahm.co.nz 2 251-500 Austria Wien http://www.amc.at 4 101-250 Italy ROZZANO (MI) http://www.it.amc.info Solingen http://www.amefa.de Kryoneri http://www.ampilalis.gr 2 15 21-50 Germany Kas.20 Greece 5 21-50 Portugal CALDAS DA RAINHA http://www.americoalves.pt Amway GesmbH 4 21-50 Austria Wien http://www.amway.at Amway Nederland Ltd. 9 21-50 Netherlands Venlo http://www.amway.nl 19 Kharkiv http://www.ananta.com.ua Chisinau http://www.andrimargrup.md Poznan http://www.pthaneks.pl ANANTA Ltd Andrimar Grup SRL Aneks Sp. z o.o. Przedsiebiorstwo Techniczno-Handlowe 8 21-50 Ukraine Republic of 01.Eki Moldova 7 Kas.20 Poland Ang Lee Seng (Pte)Ltd 3 Angope, S.L. Angrogoscom SA Antoine A Khoury & Sons Sal (Off-shore) ANTZEL, ISAAK, LTD APICELLA LUIGI & FIGLI, Srl (Div. Wts) Aramco Imports, Inc. Arc Egypt 413 31 7 12 841 6 11 21-50 Singapore Kas.20 Spain Republic of Kas.20 Moldova Singapore Cerdanyola del Vallés http://www.angope.es Chisinau 01.Eki Lebanon Haret Sakhre (Kesrouane) 01.Eki Greece Thessaloniki http://www.antzel.com.gr 01.Eki Italy United States of 01.Eki America SALERNO (SA) http://www.wtsolutions.eu Commerce http://www.aramcoimports.com Kas.20 Egypt Cleopatra,Alexandria Argal Services Hotel & Restaurant Supply Ltd 9 51-100 Israel Tel Aviv Yafo Ärieksperdi AS ARKIETE Uzdaroji akcine bendrove 14 21-50 Estonia Tallinn http://www.kodulux.ee 6 51-100 Lithuania Vilnius http://www.arkiete.lt ARTEMIS TRADE doo Asadashin Bangkok Co., Ltd. 13 Unknown Croatia Rijeka 11 Bangkok ASCO spol. s r.o. ASSIMAKOPOULOS, N., S.A. Atico International (Thailand) Ltd. 10 Unknown Thailand Czech 01.Eki Republic Letohrad http://www.asco-czech.cz http://www.assimakopoulos.gr 21 21-50 Greece Elliniko 44 Kas.20 Thailand Bangkok Atlantic Partner A/S Atra Tratkiewicz Grzegorz 17 Kas.20 Denmark Rødovre http://www.atlantic-partner.dk 01.Eki Poland Warszawa http://www.atra-meyer.pl ATX-International 37 01.Eki Germany Deckenpfronn http://www.atx-international.de Kas.20 Austria Wien http://www.atzler.at Mumbai http://www.avonappliances.net Atzler OHG, Karl Avon Appliances Pvt. Ltd. Awada Brothers Bared Przedsiebiorstwo Handlu Zagranicznego Bassyco Trade & Distribution BATALAS S.A. 8 3 48 251-500 India 8 01.Eki Lebanon Beirut 50 21-50 Poland Bialystok http://www.bared.com.pl 6 21-50 Egypt Nasr City,Cairo http://www.bassyco.net Korinos http://www.pierdoor.gr 8 51-100 Greece BECPRO 56 Unknown Algeria Belbohemia Foreign Ltd. 73 101-250 Belarus Minsk 164 51-100 Belarus Minsk 10 Kas.20 Bulgaria Sofia http://www.bps.bg 2 21-50 Austria Wien http://www.belousek.at BENRUBI, H., & SON S.A. BERGAMASCHI E VIMERCATI, SpA 34 51-100 Greece Maroussi http://www.benrubi.gr Berghoff Worldwide NV 129 Belinventartorg JSC Belopitov & sons AD (BPS) Belousek & Co. GesmbH & Co.KG, Leopoldine 12 Ksar Sbahi http://www.belbohemia.com 21-50 Italy TURATE (CO) 21-50 Belgium Heusden-Zolder http://www.berghoffworldwide.com BERNATE TICINO (MI) http://www.bernedes.com BERNDES ITALIA, Srl BERSON C. SARAFIDIS BROS S.A. 3 01.Eki Italy 8 101-250 Greece BESKAS LTD 7 01.Eki Greece Argyroupoli http://www.beskas.gr BIEMME GROUP, Srl Bisko - Dom i Ogród Sp.z o.o. Bitar Trading Company Sarl Black & Decker (Middle East & Africa) BLETSAS, G., & SONS S.A. 5 Kas.20 Italy MISINTO (MB) http://www.campana-ateka.com Kas.20 Poland Chelm http://www.bisko.pl Beirut http://www.bitartradingco.com 20 01.Eki Lebanon United Arab 21-50 Emirates Dubai http://www.blackdecker.com 14 Kas.20 Greece Igoumenitsa 01.Eki Lebanon Ghobeiri (Baabda) Blue Sky 24 6 3 Thermi Bobet Matériel BOEHLER WELDING GROUP GREECE S.A. 30 51-100 France CHAMPAGNE 3 01.Eki Greece Acharnes Bos Oy 11 01.Eki Finland KANGASALA http://www.bobet-materiel.com http://www.bos.fi Bosch AG, Robert 5 1001-5000 Austria Wien http://www.bosch.at BOSMATTOM doo 17 Unknown Croatia Split http://www.bosmattom.hr Bouri General Trading 3 Boutique du Monde Sal 17 BROMAR doo BSH Hausgeräte GesmbH 22 Bucatarul Vesel SRL 1 6 C'ELLA Co., Ltd. 71 C4, Srl 15 Camry International Ltd Cantarella Bros Proprietary Limited Cantarella Bros Proprietary Limited Cantarella Bros Proprietary Limited CARDINI RAFFAELLO E GAETANO, SpA 23 CARLO CAGNONI, SpA 26 Caza Verde Sarl 21-50 Egypt Port Said,Port Said 21-50 Lebanon Beirut Unknown Croatia 101-250 Austria Republic of Kas.20 Moldova 21-50 Japan http://www.boutiquedumonde.com Split Wien http://www.neff.at Chisinau Taito-Ku http://www.cellanet.com CASALGRASSO (CN) http://www.c4italia.com 12 21-50 Italy United Arab Kas.20 Emirates 10 Kas.20 Australia CLIFTON HILL http://www.vittoriacoffee.com 10 01.Eki Australia WELSHPOOL http://www.cantarella.com.au 10 Kas.20 Australia BROMPTON http://www.vittoriacoffee.com 21-50 Italy EMPOLI (FI) http://www.cardini-spa.it 21-50 Italy ANCONA (AN) http://www.cagnoni.it Jebel Ali 4 01.Eki Lebanon Beirut CELLMARK HELLAS S.A. 15 Athens http://www.alcan-network.com Certified International Corp. 6 Kas.20 Greece United States of 21-50 America Pleasantville http://www.certifiedinternational.com Chafic Boulos et Fils Sal CHATZIANAGNOSTOU, T., BROS S.A. 6 21-50 Lebanon 5 Chetna Trading LLC CHINALIGHT, Footwear & Headgear Imp. & Exp. Corp. CHRISTOFORIDIS, G., S.A. 8 21-50 Greece United Arab 251-500 Emirates 9 21-50 China Beijing 11 21-50 Greece Ionia CITY PLAZA,Sarl 23 Unknown Algeria 7 51-100 Israel Classica Asher Import & Distribution Ltd CLI - Comércio Internacional, Lda COMCOURT PTY spol. s r.o. COMERCIALIZADORA Y DISTRIBUIDORA FERALY, S.A. DE C.V. Commercial & Marketing Co. Sarl Compu World Sarl Contact Interiors Contrade Food Services Equipment Center CPI - DOM S.A. Cromorex - Comércio de Cutelarias, Lda CSEMPEDISZKONT Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. 15 01.Eki Portugal 12 Unknown Slovakia Jal El-Dib (Metn) Athens http://www.taxiarchis.com Dubai http://www.christoforidis.gr Sidi Bel Abbès Ben Shemen Moshav http://www.classica-asher.com BRAGA http://www.cli.pt Komárno http://www.comcourtpty.sk 24 Kas.20 Mexico México 13 Kas.20 Lebanon Beit Chaar (Metn) 28 Kas.20 Lebanon Dekouaneh (Metn) http://www.diamond-lb.com 5 Kas.20 Egypt Mohandessin,Giza http://www.contact-interiors.com 17 21-50 Egypt Down Town,Cairo 27 01.Eki Greece Oinofyta 5 01.Eki Portugal CALDAS DAS TAIPAS 4 01.Eki Hungary Pécs http://www.csempediszkontpecs.hu D'ANJO, Srl 143 01.Eki Italy MILANO (MI) Dajar Sp. z o.o. Dajar Sp. z o.o. Hurtownia Pruszcz Gdanski 22 Kas.20 Poland Koszalin http://www.dajar.pl 50 Kas.20 Poland Pruszcz Gdanski http://www.dajar.pl Dalbani Corporation 37 21-50 Lebanon Ghobeiri (Baabda) http://www.dalbanigroup.com Dalco Center 33 01.Eki Lebanon Beirut http://www.dalconcenter.com 6 Unknown Bulgaria Sofia http://www.danitrade.com Dar El-Salaam Importing 12 51-100 Egypt Dar El-Salam for Trading David Freitas Antunes, Lda. 3 01.Eki Egypt Heliopolis,Cairo 10 Kas.20 Portugal CALDELAS GMR De Keukenelfjes CV 3 01.Eki Belgium Heist-op-den-Berg http://www.keukenelfjes.be Deta Sp. z o.o. 8 01.Eki Poland Warszawa http://www.deta.com.pl DETAIL LTD Devidas Tulsidas & Company Dexpol Sp.j. A. Mazurkiewicz P. Smolenski 9 Kas.20 Greece Gerakas http://www.detail.gr 6 Kas.20 India Mumbai 16 Kas.20 Poland Glogów Malopolski http://dexpol.com DIAMANTIS, K., S.A. 8 Kas.20 Greece Karditsa http://www.kaminades-inox.gr Dicran Minas Minassian 5 01.Eki Lebanon Beirut 18 Kas.20 Greece Kalochori http://www.superlux.gr 6 51-100 Greece Republic of 01.Eki Moldova Republic of Unknown Moldova Republic of 01.Eki Moldova Republic of 01.Eki Moldova Republic of 251-500 Moldova Republic of 01.Eki Moldova Aigaleo http://www.gedsa.gr Balti http://www.dina.md Hincesti http://www.dina.md Cahul http://www.dina.md Ungheni http://www.dina.md Chisinau http://www.dina.md Orhei http://www.dina.md Brabrand http://www.ditas.dk Istanbul http://www.hansgrohe-tr.com Bialystok http://www.domino-szklo.pl 14 01.Eki Poland Czech 51-100 Republic Jenec http://www.domoservice.cz Dani Trade EOOD DIMITRIOU S.A. DIMITRIOU, G. E., S.A. Dina-Cociug SRL SC 598 Dina-Cociug SRL SC 598 Dina-Cociug SRL SC 597 Dina-Cociug SRL SC 597 Dina-Cociug SRL SC 599 Dina-Cociug SRL SC 598 Ditas A.m.b.a. Dizayn Ev Gereçleri San. ve Tic. Domino Sp.j. J. Zawadzki, A. Polonowski DOMO SERVICE, spol. s r.o. DOUKAS S.A. 7 4 57 51-100 Denmark Unknown Turkey Mansoura,Dakahleya 12 51-100 Greece Peristeri http://www.doukas.com.gr DOUKAS, STERGIOS, S.A. 7 Kas.20 Greece Drama http://www.doukas-hellas.gr Dragonwind International Ltd 3 Hong Kong, 51-100 China Kowloon Bay, Kowloon DUAL Slovakia s.r.o. 30 Unknown Slovakia Bratislava Dubois Frères SA 58 Kas.20 Belgium Sombreffe Dunkans Ltd 13 01.Eki Latvia Cesis http://www.dualslovakia.sk Dupont NV Durães Decoração de nteriores, Lda. 3 Kas.20 Belgium Kortrijk http://www.dupont.be 9 01.Eki Portugal ESPOSENDE http://www.moveisduraes.com Eastern Import ME s.a.l. 6 21-50 Lebanon Beirut http://www.easternimport.com Athens http://www.egem.gr EGEM S.A. 10 Kas.20 Greece Egyptian American Group for Engineering Industries Egyptian American Trade & Contracting Eisen Orgler GmbH & Co.KG Ekspres Gida Sanayi Ve Dis Ticaret Ltd Sti El-Far Trading El-Nour for Import & Engineering Supplying Elaksa Trading & Importing ELECTRONIKI ATHINON S.A. ELEKTRODEN TECHNIKS S.A. 5 01.Eki Egypt Heliopolis,Cairo 6 01.Eki Egypt Nasr City,Cairo 3 21-50 Austria Schwaz http://www.orgler.at 5 01.Eki Turkey Istanbul (Europe) www.horekabar.com http://www.fartradingco.com 21 101-250 Egypt Nasr City,Cairo 6 Kas.20 Egypt Pyramids,Giza 11 51-100 Egypt Down Town,Alexandria 16 501-1000 Greece Peristeri http://www.electroniki.gr 01.Eki Greece United Arab Kas.20 Emirates Piraeus http://www.elektroden.gr Dubai http://www.elementme.com 4 01.Eki Israel Tel Aviv Yafo Elmasriah for Import 4 01.Eki Egypt El-Azhar,Cairo ELO Far East Ltd 2 Hong Kong, 01.Eki China Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon http://www.hktdc.com/em/elofareast ELVAN S.A. Emad El-Din Institution General Supplies & Ready-Made Garments Manufacturing Engin Metal Ticaret Ve Sanayi Ltd Sti 7 21-50 Greece Paiania http://www.elvan.gr 10 01.Eki Egypt Nasr City,Cairo 11 Kas.20 Turkey Istanbul (Anatolia) www.enginmetal.com EQUIP HOTEL LTD 17 01.Eki Greece Alimos http://www.equiphotel.gr EQUIPRO,Sarl 97 01.Eki Algeria Béjaia http://www.equipro-dz.com Erard NV 12 Kas.20 Belgium Lokeren http://www.erard.be 6 01.Eki Greece Halandri http://www.ergonsa.gr 15 51-100 Greece Kilkis http://www.erlikon.gr 12 Kas.20 Israel Tel Aviv Yafo http://www.eshnav.org AUBERVILLIERS http://www.perrand.com Beirut http://www.ardiab.com.lb http://www.goraieb.com Element Middle East LLC Elka Import & Marketing (Household Accessories) Ltd ERGON S.A. ERLIKON S.A. Eshnav Marketing For Unions (1995) Ltd 7 22 Etablissements Perrand 7 01.Eki France Ets. Abdulrahim Diab Sal Ets. Edmond R Goraieb Sal 28 101-250 Lebanon 28 Kas.20 Lebanon Ain Saadeh (Metn) EURONOVA d.o.o. 4 Kas.20 Slovenia Ljubljana - Crnuce EUROSTEEL S.A. EUROTECHNIK MEDIA S.R.L. 5 01.Eki Greece Oraiokastro 41 51-100 Romania Every Day Sarl EVRIPOS WIRE IND. ECONOMOPOULOS S.A. 10 01.Eki Lebanon Chiyah (Baabda) 8 Kas.20 Greece Halkida http://www.evriposwire.gr EXALCO S.A. 14 251-500 Greece Larissa http://www.exalco.gr EXPERT OFFICE S.R.L. EXPO S.A. 7 21-50 Romania Bucuresti Radauti 24 Kas.20 Greece Kifissia Express for Marketing 8 01.Eki Egypt Nasr City,Cairo Extrade Sarl 5 01.Eki Lebanon Haret Sakhre (Kesrouane) Ezz El-Arab TradingHossam Ibrahim Abd El- 5 21-50 Egypt Pyramids,Giza http://www.expo.gr http://www.ezzelarab.com Razek & Co. Fackelmann Polska Sp. z o.o. 89 51-100 Poland Baniocha http://www.fackelmann.pl FACKELMANN, d.o.o. 6 Unknown Slovenia KAMNIK http://www.fackelmann.si Fahrenheit Trading SA 2 01.Eki Belgium Bruxelles Kas.20 Italy United Arab 01.Eki Emirates MONTESPERTOLI (FI) http://www.faravetrerie.it Magoula http://www.ferro-steel.com Praha 2 http://www.fg-supply.com FARA, Srl Farajullah Faqihi Trading Co LLC FERROSTEEL S.A. 46 12 FG Supply Europe s.r.o. 113 01.Eki Greece Czech 01.Eki Republic Fine Home Sal Finemark Homewares Proprietary Limited 14 Unknown Lebanon 2 Kas.20 Australia 1 21-50 Austria Fissler GesmbH Florentyna Sp.j. Mariusz Matecki, Jaroslaw Matecki; Zaklad Pracy Chronionej Flower Systems Ltd Food Equipment (NZ) Ltd FORNARI 1905, Srl 9 21 40 135 9 Zouk Mosbeh (Kesrouane) MULGRAVE Wien http://www.fissler.de Pleszew http://www.florentyna.com.pl Auckland http://www.flowersystems.co.nz Rotorua http://www.foodequipment.co.nz 01.Eki Italy ROMA (RM) http://www.fornari1905.com Irakleio 101-250 Poland New Kas.20 Zealand New 01.Eki Zealand FOUR SEASONS S.A. 16 01.Eki Greece FOURNARAKIS S.A. 19 51-100 Greece Frandis S.E.R. 13 21-50 France Franke Polska Sp. z o.o. Freeway General Trading LLC 28 FRESCURA, SpA 10 20 Dubai 51-100 Poland United Arab 01.Eki Emirates 21-50 Italy Aspropyrgos http://www.fournarakis.gr OSTWALD http://www.frandis.com Raszyn http://www.franke.pl Dubai http://www.mahyaco.com RUBANO (PD) http://www.frescura.it Czestochowa http://www.fuldom.com.pl Abu Dhabi http://www.future-kitchen.com Beirut Fuldom Sp. z o.o. Future Kitchen Equipment LLC 280 6 21-50 Poland United Arab Kas.20 Emirates G. F. Mega Store 9 01.Eki Lebanon Galicja Sp. z o.o. Klusek B. Kidawa R. Kidawa U. 7 251-500 Poland Gasper V.D. IE GASTRO GLASS TATRY spol. s r.o. 25 Unknown Belarus Minsk 18 Unknown Slovakia Liptovský Mikuláš http://www.ggt.sk GastroRex, s.r.o. 23 Unknown Slovakia Bratislava http://www.gastrorex.sk Gastun Stores Gefco Trading Co 15 01.Eki Egypt United Arab 21-50 Emirates Gemitco Sarl 16 21-50 Lebanon 4 Kas.20 Germany Gerhard Weinz GmbH Gerok Marketing ic Ve Dis Ticaret Ltd Sti 7 7 Geru Industries OOD 12 Gianis Impex SRL SC 32 GIAVAZZI, Srl 6 21-50 Turkey Kas.20 Bulgaria Republic of 51-100 Moldova 01.Eki Italy Brzeznica El-Sharq,Port Said Sin El-Fil (Metn) http://www.galicja.debica.pl Sharjah Hildrizhausen http://www.gw-import.de Istanbul (Europe) www.gerok.com.tr Sofia http://www.geru.bg Chisinau PESCHIERA BORROMEO (MI) http://www.giavazzi.it GIBI BERNUCCI, Srl Giziry Trading & Distribution Global Tronics 8 Kas.20 Italy CERRO MAGGIORE (MI) 6 Kas.20 Egypt Mohandessin,Giza 21 21-50 Germany Hamburg http://www.whi.de http://www.goldenhill.it GOLDEN HILL, Srl 4 21-50 Italy MARTINA FRANCA (TA) Golden House Import & Export 4 01.Eki Egypt Smouha,Alexandria Gomaa El-Sherif Importer & Exporter 2 01.Eki Egypt Alex./Cairo Road,Alexandria GOUNELAS S.A. 191 21-50 Greece Larissa http://www.gounelas.gr GRAMAT dd 119 Zagreb http://www.gramat.hr Dubai http://www.grandstores.com Zagreb Grand Stores LLC 46 Unknown Croatia United Arab 251-500 Emirates GRIC doo GROS MARKET ITALIA, Srl Group Seb Japan Co., Ltd. GRUPO VASCONIA, S.A.B. 69 21-50 Croatia Gulf Mart Gulf Pioneers Trading LLC Gvanim Gifts & Housewares Ltd Gwarant Przedsiebiorstwo Produkcyjno-HandlowoUslugowe NasiennoOgrodnicze Habashy El-Kobra Customs Clearance Habtoor International Co Hadaya Al Beit Sal Hager Group Company Haila & Co. for The Middle East Halawany Import & Export Establishment Hamed Hotels Preparation Hanagokoro Co., Ltd. Hanipol Firma Handlowa Harkness and Young Limited Hashem Trading & Agencies Hassan Khatib & Sons Sarl 77 501-1000 Italy 7 101-250 Japan 21 1001-5000 Mexico DALMINE (BG) Shinagawa-Ku http://www.t-fal.co.jp México http://www.ekco.com.mx Choueifate (Aley) http://www.gulfmart.info 5 Kas.20 Lebanon United Arab 01.Eki Emirates Abu Dhabi http://www.tahboub.org 5 01.Eki Israel Rishon Lezion 89 01.Eki Poland Nowogard 10 18 01.Eki Egypt United Arab 21-50 Emirates 12 Kas.20 Lebanon 3 Unknown Lebanon 3 Kas.20 Lebanon 139 Mina ElBassal,Alexandria Dubai http://www.habtoor.ae Mkalles (Metn) Bar Elias (Zahleh) Antélias (Metn) 14 21-50 Egypt Damietta,Damietta 5 Kas.20 Egypt Mohandessin,Giza 5 21-50 Japan Nagoya http://www.hanagokoro.co.jp 21-50 Poland New 21-50 Zealand Sosnowiec http://www.hanipol.com Auckland http://www.harknessyoung.co.nz 01.Eki Egypt Nasr City,Cairo 01.Eki Lebanon Beirut Hong Kong, 21-50 China Kowloon Bay, Kowloon 254 23 6 19 Hausco Enterprises Co Ltd 6 Hausmann GmbH, A. 3 Heap Seng Heim & Haus Fussbodenfachmarkt & Verlegeservice GmbH Helios Sp.j. Zaklad Pracy Chronionej 6 21-50 Singapore Singapore 2 21-50 Austria Amstetten http://www.heimhaus.at 19 21-50 Poland Rzeszów http://www.helios-szklo.pl 101-250 Austria Bruck an der Mur http://www.hausmann.at Hemar Berdowski i Konsik Sp.j. Hemick Ltd HIDRA doo Hiper Real - Comércio Internacional de Electrodomésticos Lda 32 Kas.20 Poland Gorzów Wielkopolski http://www.hemar.pl 1 01.Eki Israel Neve Yamin 16 Unknown Croatia Split 42 21-50 Portugal VISEU 9 21-50 Austria Hallwang bei Salzburg HOGAR doo Hogast Einkaufsgenossenschaft für das Hotel- und Gastgewerbe reg.GenmbH 17 Unknown Croatia Split 8 Anif http://www.hogast.at Holdfast NZ Ltd 72 51-100 Austria New 21-50 Zealand Hamilton http://www.holdfast.co.nz 116 21-50 Poland Bydgoszcz http://www.holkap.pl 6 Kas.20 Austria Fürstenfeld http://www.palmers.at Pardubice - Cerná za Bory http://www.holoubekprotect.cz Hitsch, Wolfram Holkap Sp. z o.o. Höllerl Heimtex Handelsbetriebs GesmbH Palmers Verkaufsstelle HOLOUBEK PROTECT a.s. http://www.hitsch.co.at 814 Czech 51-100 Republic Home Market Sarl 17 21-50 Lebanon Mtayleb (Metn) Horequip Sarl Hotel Equipment & Development Co. Housewares International Limited 23 01.Eki Lebanon Beirut http://www.horequip.net 12 01.Eki Lebanon Sin El-Fil (Metn) http://www.hotedco.com 4 101-250 Australia PORT MELBOURNE http://www.housewares.com.au HUBER, T. & D., S.A. Husqvarna Bulgaria EOOD I. Hakim-Dowek & Sons Sal 17 01.Eki Greece Athens http://www.huberhoses.com Sofia http://www.bg.husqvarna.com 8 Unknown Bulgaria 52 51-100 Lebanon Hazmieh (Baabda) I.S.P.C. SA 47 51-100 Belgium Liers http://www.ispc-int.com IGAP, SpA 25 21-50 Italy VIADANA (MN) http://www.igap.com Iittala AS Iko J. Grabos, L. Grabos, A. Stefanik Sp.j. Firma Handlowa 10 01.Eki Estonia Tallinn http://www.iittala.com 63 Kas.20 Poland Krosno http://www.ikokrosno.eu ILMAK S.A. 21 01.Eki Greece Kozani http://www.ilmak.gr Imerco A/S 9 501-1000 Denmark Herlev http://www.imerco.dk Imo Markt GesmbH Imperious Housewares Co Imporcelos - Importação de Louças e Brinquedos, Lda IMPORT PRO DOMO doo IMPORTEX, d.o.o. Radece, Brunška gora 13/a 4 Wolfsberg, Ktn http://www.obi.at IMT Group Sp. z o.o. Inati Group for Trading & Industry Sal INOXRIV Hungária Kereskedelmi Kft. Int'l Group for Hotels Supplies 2 5 18 251-500 Austria United Arab 01.Eki Emirates Kas.20 Portugal Unknown Croatia Dubai AREIAS BCL Split 3 01.Eki Slovenia Radece 5 01.Eki Poland Poznan 14 Kas.20 Lebanon Tripoli (Tripoli) 9 01.Eki Hungary Budapest Kas.20 Egypt Nasr City,Cairo 14 http://www.imporcelos.com http://www.imt-group.com INTERHELLAS spolecnost s.r.o. 32 Czech Kas.20 Republic Frýdlant nad Ostravicí http://www.interhellas.cz Interior Co., Ltd. 4 21-50 Japan Edogawa-Ku http://www.za-kka.com Interkuchnie Sp. z o.o. 5 01.Eki Poland Warszawa http://www.interkuchnie.com.pl IOANNIDIS, TH., S.A. ipekom Grup Dis Ticaret Ltd Sti 4 01.Eki Greece Sindos Industrial Area 7 01.Eki Turkey Istanbul (Europe) 01.Eki Italy CORTACCIA SULLA STRADA DEL VINO (BZ) http://www.ipoh.it Gent http://www.ispc-int.com IPOH, Srl 4 ISPC Gent NV ISSAGOGIKI KRYSTALLON S.A. 29 101-250 Belgium 11 01.Eki Greece ITAL-INVEST doo J.PORKERT, exportimport, s.r.o. Jacob Import Export Agencies Ltd 36 48 Unknown Croatia Czech 01.Eki Republic 7 Kas.20 Israel Japan Home Centre (H.K.) Ltd 11 Jardo F.H.U. 20 JARg, s.r.o. Jetta Sp.j. Zbigniew Podlasinski Jiangmen Household Electrical Appliances Ind. Co. Zagreb http://www.ital-invest.hr Praha 8 http://www.porkert.biz Rishon Lezion Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong http://www.japanhome.com.hk Warszawa http://www.jardo.pl 22 01.Eki Poland Czech Kas.20 Republic Ceské Budejovice http://www.jarg.cz 12 01.Eki Poland Warszawa 9 Hong Kong, 1001-5000 China Athens Unknown China Jiangmen, Guangdong John Monk Trading Company Limited JORGE ENRIQUE GOMEZ GARCIA 6 New 01.Eki Zealand Auckland 30 Kas.20 Mexico Mazatlán José Tomás da Cunha & Filhos, Lda (Susiarte) 5 51-100 Portugal PRAIA DA VITÓRIA Jupiters 5 Ltd 10 01.Eki Latvia Cesis http://www.johnmonktrading.co.nz http://www.expert.com.pt Juvesmarkkinointi Oy 7 01.Eki Finland VANTAA http://www.juves.fi Juvest Baltica OU 4 Kas.20 Estonia Tartu http://www.majatarbed.ee Garkalnes rural district, Rigas district http://www.jysk.com Jysk Linnen'n furniture Ltd 19 Kachouh Trading Co. Sarl 17 Kai Cutlery (H.K.) Limited 6 101-250 Latvia 01.Eki Lebanon Kfarchima (Baabda) Hong Kong, Kas.20 China Quarry Bay, Hong Kong KAMOBI,EURL 34 Kas.20 Algeria Beni Merad KAPPATOS, TH., S.A. 16 01.Eki Greece Avlona http://www.roller.gr Karims 5 Kas.20 India Chennai http://www.karimsonline.com Karl Weiss Ltd 4 01.Eki Israel Yakum http://www.victorinox.com Karyt Overseas Pvt Ltd 9 01.Eki India Delhi http://www.karyt.com Kasai Co., Ltd. 4 Ebina http://www.v-kasai.jp/ Katco Ltd 8 Kawataki Corporation Kayalar Cagdas Endustriyel Mutfak Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd Sti 3 KAZAKIDES, ST., S.A. Unknown Japan 01.Eki Lebanon 101-250 Japan Beirut Kyoto http://www.kawataki.co.jp/ 9 21-50 Turkey Istanbul (Europe) www.kayalarmutfak.com.tr 11 21-50 Greece Thermi http://www.kazakidis.gr KAZANAS, K. PANAGIOTIS S.A. 6 Keck & Lang GmbH 8 Kerr Cowan Limited Khoory General Enterprises Khoury Home Appliances Sal Kika Möbel Handels GesmbH KIOURTZOGLOU BROS S.A. 83 Kirchberger GmbH, KG KITCHEN EQUIPMENT DE SAN LUIS, S.A. DE C.V. Kitcherama Trading Co Ltd KiTos LLP 14 30 01.Eki Greece 51-100 Germany New 01.Eki Zealand United Arab 21-50 Emirates 251-500 Lebanon Athens http://www.kazahellas.gr Böhmenkirch http://www.kela.de Wellington http://www.kerrcowan.co.nz Abu Dhabi Bauchrieh (Metn) http://www.khouryhome.com St.Pölten http://www.kika.at 3 1001-5000 Austria 9 21-50 Greece Moschato http://www.kiourtzoglou.gr 4 21-50 Austria Linz http://www.kirchberger-tischler.at San Luis Potosí http://www.hki.com Sharjah http://www.kitcheramauae.net 9 109 7 251-500 Mexico United Arab 51-100 Emirates 01.Eki Kazakhstan Almaty KIZIRIDIS, G. P., S.A. 20 Kas.20 Greece Piraeus http://www.kiziridis.gr KLAPAKIS, M., S.A. 12 Kas.20 Greece Kamatero http://www.klapakis.gr Klaus GesmbH, W. Klir Chemicals Manufacturing & Marketing Ltd 8 01.Eki Austria Feldkirchen in Kärnten 8 251-500 Israel Kol-Bo Argaman Ltd 3 Kas.20 Israel 38 101-250 Poland 4 01.Eki Greece Acharnes 12 21-50 Hungary Pécs http://www.fonteotthon.hu 8 21-50 Greece Moschato http://www.kostopoulos.com 8 01.Eki Greece Acharnes http://www.koutousis.gr Krasny Metallist JSC KRITHARIS, VR. & SP., S.A. Kumsar Elektrikli Ev Aletleri Zuccaciye Hediyelik Esya Ve Tekstil ithalat ihracat Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd Sti 59 101-250 Belarus Mogilev http://www.kramet.ru 20 Kas.20 Greece Elefsina http://www.kritharis.gr 6 Unknown Turkey Istanbul (Europe) www.kumsarhediyelik.com KUNZI, SpA L & A (HK) Company Limited L'ALBERGHIERA MEDAGLIANI, Sas (di Eugenio & Simone Medagliani & C.) La Bourguignonne Distribution LA MAISON DES MEUBLES PRINCESSE INC. 17 21-50 Italy Hong Kong, Unknown China BRESSO (MI) http://www.kunzi.it Central, Hong Kong http://www.lacn.com Lacocina s.r.o. Landring Weiz Lagerhaus Genossenschaft & Co.KG 29 3 251-500 Austria LAPAD TRADE doo 11 Unknown Croatia Konex Sp. z o.o. KONSTANTINOU, D., S.A. KONZUMGRES Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft. KOSTOPOULOS, P., SONS S.A. KOUTOUSIS S.A. 2 Beer Sheva http://www.klir.co.il Tel Aviv Yafo Lódz http://www.konex.com.pl 9 01.Eki Italy MILANO (MI) http://www.medagliani.com 1 Kas.20 France MARCIGNY http://www.emilehenry.com 01.Eki Canada Czech 01.Eki Republic Montreal 22 Všetaty http://www.lacocina.cz Weiz http://www.landring.at Dubrovnik Lau Choy Seng Le Prince LE-Wien, spol. s r.o. Lebanese General Co. for Commercial Investment Leifheit AG Zweigniederlassung Österreich LEIFHEIT CZ a.s. Lemco Group International Sarl Lemetra Genadri & Co. Leroy Merlin Sp. z o.o. Strefa Wnetrza Lisbeth Dahl A/S LIVSTAR DISTRIBUTORS Sp. z o.o. LONGO & C., Srl Loyal State International Limited LTC Baltija Ltd Lusomax - Sociedade de Importação e Exportação, Lda M.B. Market Ltd Sp. z o.o. M.C. Abdul Rahim & Sons (Pvt) Ltd 7 10 Kas.20 Singapore Singapore http://www.lauchoyseng.com Zamalek,Cairo http://www.leprince.com.eg Rícany u Prahy http://www.kelomat.cz 7 Kas.20 Egypt Czech Unknown Republic 6 21-50 Lebanon Beirut http://www.sglico.com 1 Wiener Neudorf http://www.leifheit.com 47 21-50 Austria Czech 01.Eki Republic Jenec http://www.leifheit.cz 2 Unknown Lebanon 14 01.Eki Lebanon 220 4 101-250 Poland Kas.20 Denmark Haret Sakhre (Kesrouane) Beirut Warszawa http://strefawnetrza.pl Albertslund http://www.lisbethdahl.dk Raszyn www.livstar.biz.pl 5 Unknown Poland 23 Kas.20 Italy PALERMO (PA) http://www.longogioielli.com Hong Kong, 51-100 China Sheung Wan, Hong Kong http://www.iltalian-lifestore.com.hk 2 4 21-50 Latvia Riga, Rigas district http://www.ltcbaltija.lv 7 01.Eki Portugal SÃO DOMINGOS DE RANA http://www.lusomax.pt 49 21-50 Poland Baniocha http://www.mbmarket.com.pl 16 21-50 Sri Lanka Colombo 11 http://www.abdulrahims.com M.K.M. - DOMISSI S.A. 32 Kozani Madal Bal a.s. 17 Kas.20 Greece Czech 51-100 Republic Zlín http://www.madalbal.cz MAGNETIC S.A. 2 21-50 Greece Thermi http://www.juropro.gr Magppie Retail Ltd 4 Kas.20 India Delhi http://www.magppieindia.com 4 Hong Kong, Kas.20 China San Po Kong, Kowloon Man Fung Housewares Wholesale Limited MANIKO IMPEX Sp. z o.o. Manrique Oppermann MANTVILE Individuali imone 3 Unknown Poland 629 Kas.20 France 7 MAPES COMMERCIALE, Snc 3 MARCAS EUROPEAS DE PRESTIGIO, S.A. DE C.V. MARE doo MARESPOL Sp. z o.o. MarexTrade s.r.o. MARKET QUEST S.A. Markopol Sp. z o.o. Przedsiebiorstwo Wielobranzowe MAROSKER Kereskedelmi Szolgáltató Kft. MARVA S.A. 21-50 Lithuania Janki HOERDT http://www.oppermann.fr Kaunas Kas.20 Italy CASNATE CON BERNATE (CO) http://www.mapessnc.it 29 01.Eki Mexico México http://www.mepsa.com.mx 43 Unknown Croatia Split 3 Unknown Poland Czech 21-50 Republic Gdynia http://www.marespol.com Praha 4 http://www.marextrade.cz Maroussi http://www.marketquest.gr Lublin http://www.markopol.com.pl 20 6 01.Eki Greece 390 51-100 Poland 3 21-50 Hungary Makó 14 21-50 Greece Anoixi http://www.marva-sa.gr Master Trade & Import 2 01.Eki Egypt El-Azhar,Cairo Master Trade & Supplies 5 01.Eki Egypt Mohandessin,Giza 19 101-250 Portugal PORTO 16 Kas.20 France Monaco Materiais de Construção Cunha Gomes, S.A. MDD - Monégasque de Distribution MEDRI, Srl http://www.cunhagomes.pt 6 21-50 Italy Megatrade Sarl 10 Unknown Lebanon Mensh Trading 8 01.Eki Egypt Nasr City,Cairo MESSEHAUS S.A. METALLOVIOTECHNIKI S.A. 19 01.Eki Greece Kaissariani http://www.eclipseusa.gr 12 Kas.20 Greece Piraeus http://www.metalloviotechniki.gr MEXASIA, S.A. DE C.V. 39 01.Eki Mexico Zapopan Meyer Japan Co., Ltd. 4 MGM SRL MI-VA doo 283 21-50 Japan Republic of 101-250 Moldova CESENA (FC) Beirut Meguro-Ku http://www.meyer.com Chisinau http://www.mgm.md Zagreb http://www.mi-va.hr Zabkowice Slaskie http://www.mikfirma.com.pl 6 Unknown Croatia 40 251-500 Poland 5 Kas.20 Austria Neusiedl am See Mleegy Group 4 Pyramids,Giza MML New Zealand Mohamed Houssami & Sons 5 01.Eki Egypt New 01.Eki Zealand 13 01.Eki Lebanon Tripoli (Tripoli) Mohamed Nasef Sons 5 Kas.20 Egypt El-Azhar,Cairo MORINI, Srl Mosquehat for Import & Export 8 21-50 Italy AREZZO (AR) Mik Sp.z o.o. Miko Möbel Handels GesmbH Nahmanelli SRL 3 63 Nakayamafuku Co., Ltd. Natronic International Inc 8 New Design Office,EURL Nihon Ryutsu Sangyo Co., Ltd. Ningbo Yuyao MECLA Foreign Trade Corp. 33 NIRS doo Norrøna Storkjøkken AS Nortel Sul - Comércio de Equipamentos Hoteleiros, Lda 8 01.Eki Egypt Republic of Kas.20 Moldova 251-500 Japan United Arab 01.Eki Emirates 21-50 Algeria Auckland http://www.mml.co.nz http://www.morinionline.it El-Azhar,Cairo Cahul Osaka http://www.nakayamafuku.co.jp Jebel Ali http://www.natronic.com Bir El Djir http://www.ndo-dz.com Osaka http://www.nichiryu.co.jp 6 101-250 Japan 24 21-50 China Yuyao, Zhejiang 67 21-50 Croatia Split http://www.nirs.hr 187 21-50 Norway Stavanger http://www.norrona-vm.no 15 21-50 Portugal PORTO http://www.nortelsul.pt Oberrohrdorf http://www.noser-inox.com http://www.noventa.gr Noser-Inox AG 39 Kas.20 Switzerland NOVENTA S.A. 18 21-50 Greece Athens O'Cocoon Sarl Obchodný dom PRIOR POPRAD, a.s. 11 01.Eki Lebanon Beirut 149 101-250 Slovakia Poprad Offner GesmbH, J.M. 4 51-100 Austria Wolfsberg, Ktn Okey 5 Unknown Lebanon Bourj Brajneh (Baabda) OPAL doo 50 Optima Middle East 31 Orest Trading Co LLC 7 51-100 Croatia United Arab Kas.20 Emirates United Arab Kas.20 Emirates http://www.offnerplatzl.at Split http://www.opal.hr Jebel Ali http://www.optimahome.com Dubai Organizações Ciage Importadores e Exportadores, Lda Oriental Lungi Company OVVIO ITALIA, SpA Oztiryakiler Azerbaycan - Pesekar Metbex Avadanliqlari Pagapouco Estabelecimentos Comerciais, S.A. 13 01.Eki Portugal 145 Unknown Sri Lanka 6 101-250 Italy GRIJÓ VNG Colombo 11 http://www.orientallungi.com TORRI DI QUARTESOLO (VI) http://www.ovvio.com Baku http://www.ozti.az 29 Unknown Azerbaijan 75 101-250 Portugal PALOGLOU, K. & B., S.A. PANOUTSOPOULOS, P., S.A. 3 21-50 Greece Nea Ionia 7 Piraeus pans s.r.o. (panvicky.cz) PAPAGRIGORIOU BROS S.A. 26 01.Eki Greece Czech 01.Eki Republic Brno http://www.panvicky.cz 16 Kas.20 Greece Rodos http://www.domisi.gr PAPAIOANNOU S.A 11 Kas.20 Greece Serres PASISI DOMIKA S.A. 21 01.Eki Greece Nafpaktos PATSALAS BROS S.A. 14 01.Eki Greece United Arab Kas.20 Emirates Efkarpia 51-100 Denmark United Arab 01.Eki Emirates København Ø Paul Weil LLC Paustian A/S Pearl Middle East Trading Est PENTIDIS BROS S.A. 3 58 21 6 21-50 Greece Perfekt Sp. z o.o. 37 PERLACASA s.r.o. PHOBOS Corporation, spol. s r. o. 16 21-50 Poland Czech Unknown Republic 109 Unknown Slovakia LISBOA http://www.vasmetal.net http://www.patsalas.gr Dubai http://www.paustian.dk Sharjah Magoula http://www.pentidis-sa.gr Warszawa http://www.perfekt.info.pl Brno http://www.i-domacipotreby.cz Šala http://www.phobos.sk PICK-N-PAY, S.A. DE C.V. 16 01.Eki Mexico Reynosa Picnico International 11 01.Eki Lebanon Beirut PLASTONA S.A. 76 21-50 Greece Athens http://www.plastona.com 6 01.Eki Greece Larissa http://www.plastwood.gr 23 51-100 Belarus Polotsk 5 01.Eki Estonia Tallinn http://www.polti.ee 12 251-500 Mexico Saltillo http://www.gis.com.mx Prestige Housewares PRESTIGE TRADE DUBROVNIK doo 18 New 21-50 Zealand Auckland http://www.prestigehousewares.co.nz Dubrovnik http://www.prestige-trade.hr Priya International 12 21-50 Croatia United Arab 01.Eki Emirates Dubai http://www.priyaint.com 9 01.Eki Poland Warszawa http://www.proglass.pl PRODANIC doo 35 Unknown Croatia Garešnica http://www.prodanic.hr PROFILCO S.A. 9 Oinofyta http://www.profilco.gr PROhome s.r.o. 12 Brno http://www.prohome.cz PROMONA-MARK doo 11 PLASTWOOD S.A. Polotsk Universal Depot PUE Polti Balti Liinide AS PORCELANIZADOS ENASA, S.A. DE C.V. PRO GLASS Sp. z o.o. Proout Dooy Int'l Ltd Pureter Products Limited PYRAMIS 33 8 8 27 51-100 Greece Czech 01.Eki Republic Unknown Croatia Taipei, Kas.20 Chinese Hong Kong, Kas.20 China 251-500 Greece Zagreb Taipei Hsien Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon http://www.hkpureter.com Thessaloniki http://www.pyramisgroup.com METALLOURGIA S.A. Q Industries & Trade Pte Ltd 4 01.Eki Singapore Singapore http://www.qindustries.com Qaswaa For Trade & Supplies 11 Kas.20 Egypt Darb El-Ahmar,Cairo http://www.qaswaa.com Quality Care Products Sal 64 01.Eki Lebanon Beirut http://www.qualitycareproducts.com SANTIAGO, XIII http://www.quezada.cl QUEZADA Y CIA. LTDA. Radha Krishan & Sons Pvt. Ltd. 4 101-250 Chile 77 21-50 India RADIOTON doo Ramiro Meneses & Filhos, Lda (Centro Comercial Lajense) Ravi Sp. z o.o. Firma Dystrybucyjna 32 7 51-100 Poland REBUS doo 10 Unknown Croatia Split 6 101-250 Austria Linz 19 51-100 Mexico 1 01.Eki Chile Rechberger GmbH REGALOS SIGLO XXI, S.A. DE C.V. REGALOS WILCKENS S. A. C. E. I. 10 Unknown Croatia New Delhi 01.Eki Portugal 501-1000 Denmark Našice http://www.radioton.hr LAJES VPV Brzeznica http://www.ravi.pl http://www.rechberger.at México VALPARAISO, V Reitan Distribution A/S Rem Market Urunleri Uretim Ve Pazarlama Ticaret Ltd Sti Remis-Malinowski i Wspólnicy Sp.j. Hurtownia Artykulów Gospodarstwa Domowego Rena Ware (Thailand) Ltd. 100 Horsens http://www.reitandistribution.dk RENIC-CONTACTO doo 10 Kas.20 Croatia Zagreb http://www.renic-contacto.hr REPPAS, TH., BROS S.A. Rivitex - Sociedade Comercial Importadora, Lda 6 Kas.20 Greece Athens http://www.reppas.gr 10 Kas.20 Portugal SENHORA DA HORA http://www.rivitex.pt Roberta EOOD 3 Plovdiv http://www.roberta.business.bg Robinson Home Products, Inc. 5 01.Eki Bulgaria United States of 51-100 America Buffalo http://www.robinsonknife.com ROKIZAS, ST., S.A. 11 21-50 Greece Argos http://www.rokizas.gr ROMATEX S.A. 36 51-100 Romania 7 21-50 Turkey Istanbul (Anatolia) www.remmarket.com 93 21-50 Poland Bialystok http://www.remis.com.pl 21-50 Thailand Bangkok 1 ROS, SpA 5 Rösler + Wagner GmbH 2 ROSLER d.o.o. ROSSANO LEOPOLDO, Snc (di Carlo R. & C.) Royal for Import & Export 6 01.Eki Slovenia Ptuj 7 01.Eki Italy SCAFATI (SA) 3 Nasr City,Cairo ROYCE BOHEMIA a.s. Roymart Luís R. Rodríguez, S.L. Rudh Rund um den Haushalt Haushaltsgeräte GesmbH 16 01.Eki Egypt Czech Kas.20 Republic Praha 4 http://www.royce-bohemia.cz 79 Kas.20 Spain Malgrat de Mar http://www.roymart.es 4 101-250 Austria Wals bei Salzburg http://www.rudh.com 1 01.Eki Israel Ramat Gan http://www.shekel4u.co.il S.K.L. Ltd 21-50 Italy Otopeni 51-100 Austria ZANICA (BG) http://www.ros.bergamo.it Eberschwang http://www.roesler-wagner.at S.T.C. spol. s r.o. 35 Kas.20 Slovakia Bratislava http://www.stc.sk S.T.I.C. S3 Strategic Sourcing Solutions, S.L. 61 Kas.20 France TOURCOING http://www.stic-france.com 01.Eki Spain Barcelona http://www.s3sourcing.com 5 21-50 Italy CAPANNORI (LU) http://www.sabbel.it 7 21-50 Egypt Down Town,Cairo 7 251-500 Hungary SAMARAS S.A. 12 01.Eki Greece Volos http://www.samarasae.gr SAMOTHRAKITIS, P., S.A. 15 Langadas http://www.samothrakitis.gr Samuel Groves 32 Oldbury http://www.samuelgroves.co.uk Sanna-Olymp 11 Moscow http://www.sanna-olimp.ru SAPRO, s.r.o. 69 01.Eki Greece United 21-50 Kingdom Russian 21-50 Federation Czech Kas.20 Republic Trinec http://www.sapro.cz SABBEL, SpA Salah Said Abd ElMaguid Helal Salgó Center COOP Kereskedelmi és Élelmiszeripari Zártkörûen Mûködõ Rt. Saveta (Israel) Ltd SBA Import & Export GmbH Scapol Sp. z o.o. Scavolini Italian Designer Kitchens Scheherazade Gulf General Trading Schönegger Boden Wand Decke GmbH Seaking France sarl SEB GROUPE HELLADOS S.A. 2768 4 Salgótarján 21-50 Israel Rehovot 21-50 Austria Wien http://www.sba-gmbh.com Kas.20 Poland United Arab Kas.20 Emirates United Arab Kas.20 Emirates Czestochowa http://www.scapol.pl Dubai http://www.scavolini.com 5 Kas.20 Austria Traun http://www.landandsky.at 5 01.Eki France TRIGNAC http://www.seaking.net 2 21-50 Greece Kifissia http://www.groupeseb.com 21-50 Italy VIADANA (MN) http://www.seletti.com 173 58 9 19 Dubai SELETTI, SpA 19 Sell Fast Sarl 1 Sherav (HK) Ltd 6 Sia Huat Pte Ltd 8 SIDMETAL S.A. 8 SILK, d.o.o. 7 Silverline Ev Gerecleri Satis Ve Pazarlama A S 5 51-100 Turkey Istanbul (Europe) 7 Kas.20 Egypt Maadi,Cairo 4 Unknown Bulgaria Simex Simpex international Bulgaria OOD SINDELEN S.A. Hong Kong, 21-50 China Ghobeiri (Baabda) Sheung Wan, Hong Kong http://www.sherav.com.hk 51-100 Singapore Singapore http://www.siahuat.com Kas.20 Greece Ionia http://www.sidmetal.gr 21-50 Slovenia www.silverline.com.tr Sofia SANTIAGO, XIII http://www.sindelen.cl 22 01.Eki Greece Thermi http://www.skiron.gr SKLERO S.A. 5 Kas.20 Greece Sindos Industrial Area http://www.sklero.gr 261 51-100 Lebanon Beirut http://www.sleepcomfort.com 3 Kas.20 Portugal GEMUNDE http://www.abeldacosta.pt Béjaia http://www.simafe.com LAGOA http://www.solambiente.com Veselí nad Moravou http://www.grilovacijehla.cz Soly Europe s.r.o. 43 251-500 Chile Trzin SKIRON S.A. Sleep Comfort Liban Sal Sociedade Comercial de Louças e Vidros, Abel da Costa S.A. Société Industrielle de Matériel Frigorifique & Equipement,Sarl Solambiente - Sistemas Térmicos, Lda 9 Kas.20 Lebanon 101-250 Algeria 10 Kas.20 Portugal 2 Czech Unknown Republic Space Export & Import 3 SPARTAK doo sphere Kitchen Equipment trading FZCO 63 Spillane's Trading Co Ltd Springfield Marketing (NZ) Limited 7 6 242 01.Eki Egypt 51-100 Croatia United Arab 01.Eki Emirates New 01.Eki Zealand New 01.Eki Zealand Velika Gorica http://www.spartak.hr Dubai Auckland Auckland Sté Assaad Gabriel & Fils STEFANIDIS IRON TRADE S.A. 37 Stuklen sviat EOOD SUD IMPORT, Srl (di Parlati) 20 Unknown Bulgaria 7 01.Eki Italy NAPOLI (NA) 01.Eki Spain Sevilla 16 01.Eki Greece Mandra http://www.syrmatourgiki.gr Taba Steel 5 01.Eki Egypt Nasr City,Cairo http://www.tabasteel.com Table Top Collection Ltd 5 Kas.20 Israel Neve Yamin Tafnit E.D.B. Trading & Investments (1992) Ltd 5 21-50 Israel Rosh Haayin http://www.tafnit.co.il Mohammadia http://www.talaoubridtrading.com Sudimp SYRMATOURGIKI S.A. TALAOUBRID Trading,Sarl Tameen for Stationery & Accessories Import Tamussino Eisenkonstruktionen GmbH, Thomas 7 101 30 11 5 21-50 Lebanon Mansoura,Dakahleya Kas.20 Greece Unknown Algeria Beit Chabab (Metn) http://www.assaadgabriel.com Peristeri http://www.solinometal.gr Sofia http://www.stuklensviat.com 01.Eki Egypt Smouha,Alexandria 21-50 Austria Mödling http://www.tamussino.at TECH F MMC 12 01.Eki Azerbaijan Baku TECHNISSIS LTD 10 01.Eki Greece Athens http://www.technissis.gr TECHNOMETAL S.A. 7 Kas.20 Greece Piraeus http://www.technometal.gr TECHNOPLAN S.A. 6 01.Eki Greece Metamorfossi 19 01.Eki Greece Siteia 2 101-250 Austria Wien http://www.telebiz.at 21-50 Italy CAZZAGO SAN MARTINO (BS) http://www.tescoma.com 21-50 Ukraine Odesa http://www.tescoma.com Konstancin-Jeziorna http://www.texas.com.pl/cgi-bin/texas Auckland http://www.houseofknives.co.nz Auckland http://www.thestudio.co.nz Chisinau http://www.horecagrup.md TECHNOXYL S.A. TeleBiz Telemarketing & Vertriebsmanagement GmbH TESCOMA, SpA 2 TESKOMA-UKRAINE Ltd 84 Texas Sp. j. D. Dabrowski, J. Wojczuk 8 The House of Knives The Studio of Tableware Tiluana SRL SC TODO HOGAR IMPORTACIONES, S.A. DE C.V. Tokyo Direct Import Center Co., Ltd. Tomaco Pvt Ltd Tomigan SRL 33 9 235 11 9 36 107 01.Eki Poland New Kas.20 Zealand New 01.Eki Zealand Republic of 21-50 Moldova 21-50 Mexico Kas.20 Japan United Arab Kas.20 Emirates Republic of Kas.20 Moldova México Taito-Ku http://www.kwtdi.com Sharjah http://www.tomacollc.ae Chisinau http://www.optovic.narod.ru Top Mark Sp. z o. o. 8 21-50 Poland Lódz http://www.topmark.pl Top-Vitro Sp. z o.o. 57 51-100 Poland Marki http://www.topvitro.com.pl Toprest Toukai Kousyo Co., Ltd. 15 01.Eki Estonia Tallinn http://www.toprest.ee 1 Minato-Ku http://www.tokai-kosho.co.jp/index.html Praha 2 http://www.tradeconcept.cz Naccache (Metn) http://www.tramco-lb.com ESPARGO http://www.transafrica.pt Trinec http://www.gastro-trend.cz Trade Concept s.r.o. 56 21-50 Japan Czech 01.Eki Republic Tramco Company Sarl Transáfrica - Importação e Comércio de Vidros, Cristais e Electrodomésticos, Lda TREND gastronomie s.r.o. 19 21-50 Lebanon 5 Kas.20 Portugal Czech Unknown Republic TRIGONIS BROS S.A. TSAKONAS, D., - K. MONOS S.A. 12 21-50 Greece Aspropyrgos http://www.trigonis.gr 12 21-50 Greece Koropi http://www.tsakonas-monos.gr TSAMPAS BROS S.A. Tukuma rajona pateretaju biedriba Ltd Tupperware Czech Republic, spol.s r.o. 23 Kas.20 Greece Orchomenos http://www.tsampco.gr Tukums U.T.C., spol. s r.o. 24 Universal Trading Co 59 01.Eki Latvia Czech Kas.20 Republic Czech 51-100 Republic United Arab 51-100 Emirates Val d'Or Vassilias International EOOD Vaycan Paslanmaz Celik Mamulleri Ticaret Ve Sanayi Ltd Sti VECTOR Production Private Company VELKOOBCHOD FAVE s.r.o. VELKOOBCHOD ORION, spol. s r.o. 8 3 26 3 01.Eki Lebanon 8 Unknown Bulgaria 4 8 11 21 01.Eki Turkey 01.Eki Ukraine Czech Unknown Republic Czech 51-100 Republic Czech 01.Eki Republic Praha 6 http://www.tupperware.cz Rícany - Jažlovice http://www.utc.cz Abu Dhabi http://www.universal-uae.ae Ghadir (Kesrouane) Sofia http://www.vassilias.biz Bursa www.vaycan.com Kharkiv Praha 9 http://www.fave.cz Litomyšl http://orion.ordis-eshop.com Praha 9 http://www.velloria.cz Velloria Group s.r.o. 11 VERSIIA Ltd VESUVIO Sp.z o.o. Agencja Handlowa 9 Kas.20 Ukraine Vinnytsia 16 01.Eki Poland Dabrowa Górnicza http://www.vesuvio.pl Vetrag AG 23 21-50 Switzerland Stäfa http://www.vetrag.ch 21-50 Greece Aliveri http://www.vidomet.gr KyievoSviatoshynskyi Dist., Kyiv Reg. http://www.viland.kiev.ua Baku http://www.italdizain.az Agioi Theodoroi http://www.viofre.com Chisinau http://www.ghm.md Chisinau http://www.ghm.md Chisinau http://www.ghm.md Chisinau http://www.ghm.md Chisinau http://www.ghm.md VIDOMET S.A. 7 VILAND Ltd Villeroy & Boch tableware store - 1 33 Kas.20 Ukraine 9 Unknown Azerbaijan VIOFRE S.A. 10 Kas.20 Greece Republic of 101-250 Moldova Republic of 251-500 Moldova Republic of 101-250 Moldova Republic of 101-250 Moldova Republic of 1001-5000 Moldova Vistarcom SRL ICS 164 Vistarcom SRL ICS 164 Vistarcom SRL ICS 167 Vistarcom SRL ICS 166 Vistarcom SRL ICS VITROPOLIS Uzdaroji akcine bendrove 192 VLACHOS S.A. 4 Kas.20 Lithuania Vilnius 8 01.Eki Greece Athens http://www.vlachos.gr Vögele (Austria) AG, Charles Vogue Sal VOKE-III Virtuves baldai Uzdaroji akcine bendrove Voltimex Sp.j. Firma Handlowa VT TRADE Trading House, Ltd Waha Trading & Supplies-Mohamed Ibrahim Weyland GesmbH Fachgeschäft f. Geschenke Glas Porzellan Küche Kalsdorf bei Graz http://www.voegele-mode.com 11 6 Kas.20 Lebanon Beirut http://www.seletpoivre.com 114 101-250 Lithuania Vilnius http://www.voke3.com Warszawa http://www.voltimex.com Kas.20 Ukraine Kyiv http://www.vladimirtarasyuk.com Kas.20 Egypt Mohandessin,Giza 5 11 7 5 1001-5000 Austria Unknown Poland 1001-5000 Austria Schärding http://www.weyland.at Jerusalem http://www.trading-jerusalem.com Kas.20 Poland United Arab 21-50 Emirates United States of 101-250 America Lubin http://www.widar.com.pl Woodinville http://www.winsomewood.com Wholesale - Jerusalem Trading Ltd Widar Przedsiebiorstwo Handlowe 20 Winds Trading LLC 21 Winsome Trading, Inc. WMF Österreich GesmbH 13 9 101-250 Austria Innsbruck http://www.wmf.at Wodar Sp z o.o. Xi'an Arts & Crafts Imp. & Exp. Corp. 141 Kas.20 Poland Wroclaw http://www.wodar.pl 5 51-100 China Xi'an, Shaanxi 3 101-250 Japan 8 Kas.20 Israel Tel Aviv Yafo 13 01.Eki Israel Tel Aviv Yafo 3 51-100 Japan Setagaya-Ku http://www.superdelivery.com/j/r/dpl/102074/ Singapore http://www.yeoteckseng.com.sg 251-500 Poland Owinska http://www.york.pl Yahiko-mura http://www.yoshikawa-group.co.jp/ Nakano-Ku http://www.mum.co.jp/yuwa Y Yacht Co., Ltd. Y. Solomon Havaya Shebakli Ltd Y.H.D. Import & Distribution To Inst. & Workers Comm. Ltd 2 Yagihashi Co., Ltd. Yeo Teck Seng (S) Pte Ltd 15 YORK Sp. z o.o. 12 Kas.20 Israel 21-50 Singapore Dubai Nagoya http://www.y-yacht.co.jp/index.html Yoshikawa Corporation 4 101-250 Japan Yuwa Co., Ltd. 1 501-1000 Japan Zepter Eesti OÜ ZEPTER INTERNATIONAL doo Zepter International Poland Sp. z o.o. ZEPTER INTERNATIONAL s.r.o. ZEPTER INTERNATIONAL UKRAINE Affiliate ZEPTER SLOVAKIA spol. s r.o. 4 01.Eki Estonia Tallinn http://www.zepter.com 27 Unknown Croatia Zagreb http://www.zepter.hr Warszawa http://www.zepter.pl Praha 1 http://www.zepter.cz Zepter-Corpo ZEPTER-SLOVENICA d.o.o. 21 20 251-500 Poland Czech 101-250 Republic 33 Kas.20 Ukraine Kyiv http://www.zepter.ua 41 Kas.20 Slovakia Bratislava http://www.zepter.sk 9 01.Eki France Monaco http://www.zepter.com 6 21-50 Slovenia Slovenj Gradec
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