HIWP Bulletin Summer 5774 - Hebrew Institute of White Plains


HIWP Bulletin Summer 5774 - Hebrew Institute of White Plains
Summer 5774/2014 Testimonial Dinner Was Huge Success
Two hundred congregants, family members and
friends were treated to a gala event as they attended the
64th annual testimonial dinner of the Hebrew Institute that
was held June 8 at Bet Am Shalom Synagogue in White
Jean Hurvitz, Vicky Rubenovitch-Fish and her husband, Larry Fish, and
Youth Rabbi Alon Meltzer.
Rabbi Meltzer was ill and
could not attend; his wife,
Linsay Meltzer, accepted
the award in his behalf.
Rabbi Chaim Marder praised Jean Hurvitz for being
“a tireless leader…with the most positive energy of anyone in
the community.” Jean, a former president of Sisterhood, had
chaired the calendar program for many years.
The rabbi noted
that Vicky and Larry had
“contributed so much to
the fabric of the kehillah in
so many ways.” Vicky has
served on the synagogue’s
board and management
committee and head of
the Women’s Tefillah, and
is now on the Calendar committee. Larry served on the synagogue board and on the building and finance committee.
Rabbi Marder said that Rabbi Alon and Linsay
“changed the face of our programming and have been such
a presence in every facet of shul life.”
Looking ahead to next year, which marks the
synagogue’s 100 anniversary, Rabbi Marder said during that
second jubilee year the kehilla should be “reminding and
rededicating ourselves to who we are, and what we
aspire to as a community.” He recalled that four years
ago, we developed the tag line of “Thoughtful Jewish
Living” that still remains.
Like last year, the pre-recorded remarks of
recipients were presented on a screen. All four mentioned their deep affection for the synagogue and its
people, Jean from the point of view of being a member
of a family with almost nine decades of roots here;
Vicky and Larry as 16-year members who were
greeted with welcoming arms; and Alon
who learned so much
here just before he
leaves for Canberra,
Australia, where he
will become rabbi of a
large synagogue.
Todd Stern presented each recipient with beautiful
pieces of art that were created and donated by Daniel
Cohen. Rabbi Marder attributed much of the success of
the dinner to “tireless efforts” of President Stern
Liron Gitig and Rebecca Wolf again chaired the
dinner. Aaron Steinberg headed another successful
Journal Committee.
Liron thanked those who contributed business
ads for the Journal. Rebecca praised other helpers
including Malka Helft, who created the invitations and
center pieces; Paul Orentlicher who designed “the
beautiful and imaginative cover for the journal,” David
Kahn who helped with the website, and staff members
Teri Kopp, Crystal Powell, Daniel Rowley, Herber
Barrera, and Abner Aldana.
In this issue…
From the Rabbi’s Desk
Meet the New Staff
Shul Shmooze
Family News
We Mourn the Loss
6 –7
Gifts and Contributions
HIWP Events
Page 2
Hebrew Institute of White Plains
Hebrew Institute of White Plains
20 Greenridge Avenue
White Plains, NY 10605
Tel: 914.948.3095 Fax: 914.949.4676
Rabbi: Chaim Marder: [email protected]
Chazzan: Yitzy Spinner: [email protected]
Rabbi Emeritus: Murray Grauer
Cantor Emeritus: Eli Berlinger
President: Todd Stern [email protected]
Administrator: Teri Kopp: [email protected]
Executive Officers—Management Committee
Synagogue President ~ Todd Stern
Vice President ~ David Kahn
Secretary ~ Marilyn Kneller-Rimsky
Treasurer ~ Alan Schulman
Senior Gabbai ~ Doug Hirshon
Gabbai ~ Gadi Romm
House Officer ~ Michael Weintraub
Programming Officer ~ Kara Olson
Women’s Focus Officer ~ Rena Fredman
Fundraising Officer — vacant
HIWP Committees 2014-15
* Adult Education – Ari Weiss, Adina Shoulson,
Idana Goldberg, Uri Heilman, Eric Levine
* Bikur Cholim – Leonard Weinstein
* Book Club - Audrey Reich
* Bulletin – Diana Gitig, Milt Hoffman
* Boy Scouts – Evan Gilder
* Calendar – Vicky Rubenovitch-Fish, Kay Cohen
* Chavurot – Jonathon Ament
* Chazzan Liaison Committee – Michael Kellman,
David Kroun
* Chesed – Amy Ament
* CPR/Blood Drive – Marc Guthartz
* Donation Cards – Audrey Schulman
* Exploratory Services – Brandon Dunn
* Facility Planning Committee – Steven Apple
* Finance/Investments – Alan Shulman, Dean Ungar,
Jay Weinberger, Ari Walisever
* Fund Raising Team - Steven Schwartz, Rick Spitz
Marina Feldman, Steve Apple,
Josh Chadajo, Keith Reich, David Kahn
* High Holiday Seating – Teddy Ganzarski,
Rich Ehrenhaus
* House – Michael Weintraub, Mick Gilbert
* Intergenerational – Jonathan Ament, Norma Hurwitz
* Israel Action – John Lightstone
* Journal – Aaron Steinberg
* Kiddush – Keith Reich
* Welcoming/Membership – Jerusha Coltof,
Debbie Fein
* Mishloach Manot – Malka Helft, Rena Rosen
* New Baby Meals – Erica Fish
* Nominating Committee – TBD
* Summer Onegs – David Siegel
* Programming – Kara Olson,
* Rabbi Liaison Committee – Todd Stern
* Religious Services – Gadi Romm
* Security –Elize Beneke
* Shabbat Across HIWP – Malka Helft, Rena Rosen
* Shiva Meals – Debbie Guthartz, Suzie Marder
* Testimonial Dinner – Rebecca Wolf, Liron Gitig
* Thrift Shop – Deborah Weinberger
* Website – Jon Madof, Dan Hazony, David Kahn,
Colin Goldberg
* Women’s Tefillah –Rebecca Amaru,
Adina Steinberg
* Women’s Rosh Chodesh – Lara Siegel
* Yahrzeit Cards – Jerusha Coltof
* Youth Committee – TBD
by Rabbi Chaim Marder
Being “Aveilei Tziyon”
“May the All-present One comfort you among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.” So we say, by tradition, when taking our leave of those seated before
us in their most intense mourning state during shiva. It is such an odd reference, really. I am sure that most of the caring consolers actually have no idea
what this line means. I’ve spoken at shiva homes about the power of the reference to G-d as “Hamakom- the All present One”. But I rarely focus on this
simple question: whom are we talking about when we refer to these “aveilei
Tziyon v’Yerushalayim- mourners of Zion and Jerusalem”?
The shiva house is not the only place we speak of “aveilei Tziyon”. We will
refer them in just a few days from now on the most somber and mournful day
of the year, the 9th of Av. During the prayer of Nachem, we beseech G-d to
“console the mourners of Zion, and the mourners of Jerusalem.” It would
seem that here we refer to ourselves – at least during this period, when we
have taken on the practices of the mourner, with the further hardship of the 5
inuyim, the self-inflicted discomforts of the day - we are all mourners of Zion
and Jerusalem. But that might not be the original reference of the term; and
unearthing it helps shed light on just what it is that we might indeed be saying
about ourselves today as well.
Yaakov Gartner, in his informative work The Formation of Custom in the World
of Halakhah, explores aveilei tziyon at length. What emerges from his work is
a picture of an unusual group that inhabited Jerusalem towards the end of the
first millennium. By the 9th C., under Muslim rule, a culture had formed in Jerusalem that was engaging in ongoing mourning for the Temple and the plight
of Jewry. They were both Rabbinate Jews and Karaites, who had made their
way from Iraq and Persia as well. These people engaged in numerous forms
of mourning and self-denial year round, ascetics who bewailed the destruction
and exile, who spent a good part of the day and night in prayer and supplication for redemption. Their practices intensified during the 3 week period from
17 tamuz through the 10th of Av. They were indeed referred to as – Aveilei
Apparently this sub-community was the subject of ridicule and attack from the
“normative” Jewish community, yet many Jews the world over sought to support this destitute group in Jerusalem. And, it appears that some of their practices, at least for these days (our “three weeks”) made their way to Italy and
from there to the Rhineland and eventually to Eastern Europe (not to the
Sephardic communities, which explains why Sephardic observances of the
time-period leading up to Tisha B’Av are much more in sync with the expectations of the Babylonian Talmud than was the Ashkenazic practice which was
more expansive). So that, even though the Jews and Karaites of Jerusalem
met a tragic fate in the first crusade in 1099, the legacy of these aveilei Tziyon
lived on in other Jews of Europe who indeed were ready to think of themselves as “aveilei Tziyon” as well.
As Tisha B’Av nears, we all become “Mourners of Zion”, Jews who feel the
pain of our people. Aveilei tziyon – whether in the rather extreme form of the
pre-crusade Jerusalemites, or their European Jewry sympathizers – they were
Hebrew Institute of White Plains Bulletin
individuals for whom the churban/exile and the painful reality of the Jews
was felt so intensely that they could find no comfort. It is at this time of year
that we all join their ranks.
In our generation, we know what it is that we mourn. Beginning with the
churban and exile, and leading forward through the shoah and the Six million
souls who perished, we are keenly aware of all that we have lost.
And then there is the pain of the present day: with IDF forces yet battling
Hamas in Gaza (as of this writing), a massive system of terror tunnels needing to be destroyed, and as rockets rain down on Israel (we are blessed to
have Heavenly protection in the form of the Iron Dome defense system in
place); with anti-semitic and anti-Israel animosity endangering Jewish communities across the globe; with the reality of a yet unredeemed world – we
have what to lament and bewail this Tisha B’Av.
By Tisha B’Av afternoon, we call out “Nachem” as we ask G-d for comfort.
But before we ask for that, we are, fully, the mourners, aveilei tziyon, feeling
the losses and the pain of our people deep down inside of us. Only after we
have become one with Jewish destiny in its dark places, do we imagine, envision, we reach for the day when it will be bright once more. “Nachem,
Comfort L-rd our G-d, the mourners the Zion and the mourners of Jerusalem.”
We seek not merely a diversion or a dulling of the pain, but the vanquishing
of the sources of the pain themselves. We believe that we have merited to
see the beginnings of this in our generation; so may G-d, the All-present,
bring us to its fulfillment.
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Board of Directors
Steve Apple
Alex Aronoff
Joanna Blum
Daniel Cohen
Kay Cohen
Rena Fredman
Mick Gilbert
Doug Hirshon
Beth Hurvitz
David Kahn
Marilyn Kneller-Rimsky
David Kroun
Dan Lehman
Liz Marcus
Kara Olson
Audrey Reich
Gadi Romm
Ken Sadinoff
Alan Schulman
Yael Slonim
Rick Spitz
Joey Stalbow
Aaron Steinberg
Todd Stern
Dean Ungar
Deborah Weinberger
Michael Weintraub
HIWP Bulletin Staff : Milton Hoffman, Leah Weitzman, Meira Orentlicher and Teri Kopp
Managing Editor: Diana Gitig
Contributing Writers: Rabbi Chaim Marder, Vicky Rubenovitch Fish and Milton Hoffman
Photographer: Deborah Weinberger
We welcome photos, articles and information for inclusion in the bulletin.
Submissions can be sent via email to [email protected] or mailed to the HIWP office ATTN: Teri.
All articles are subject to editing.
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Hebrew Institute of White Plains
Meet the New Staff Members
Youth Directors
Sam Pearlson and Ayala Raice
My name is Sam Pearlson and I am
a second-year student at Yeshivat
Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School.
I am originally from Miami Beach,
where I studied at Hillel Day
School. I attended the University of
South Florida, where I majored in
Creative Writing and Religious
Studies and served on the boards
of the Hillel, Chabad, and AEPI fraternity on campus. After graduation,
I studied at HUC-JIR in Jerusalem
and New York, where I taught in a
variety of formal and informal Jewish education settings, and received
my Master of Arts degree in Jewish
My wife, Ayala Raice currently
teaches 6th grade at SAR Academy
in Riverdale. Raised in Monsey,
NY, Ayala was one of the members
of the first graduating class of SAR
High School. Ayala studied at Nishmat before continuing her studies at
Stern College, where she received
her BA in English Literature and Art
History. Ayala continued at NYU's
Institute of Fine Arts, where she just
received her MA in History of Art
and Architecture.
In our spare time, we are as passionate about travelling as we are
about teaching, and look forward to
a great adventure at the Hebrew
Institute of White Plains!
Congregational Intern
Yehudit Goldberg
Hi! My name is Yehudit Goldberg
and I am really looking forward to
being the Congregational Intern this
year! I’m an “out-of-towner,” born
and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. I
spent most of my summers in
Camp Stone where I went as a
camper then worked for years. This
summer my husband (Yoni
Brander) and I will be the Roshei
Moshava in Camp Moshava Wildrose! I am also the year-round
Rosh Chinuch for Bnei Akiva of
North America. After going to Nishmat for my year in Israel, I went to
Stern College, where I cycled
through majors and finally chose to
major in Political Science with minors in Psychology and Jewish
Studies. I played on the volleyball
team and traveled to Nicaragua and
London on service-learning missions. I also spent time as Vice
President of the Torah Activities
Council, as a Kollel member at the
Ramaz High School and as a campus fellow in the JOFA undergraduate fellowship.
Last year I began studying in the
GPATS program. As part of the program, I interned in Shaare Tefilla
Synagogue in Dallas. I am so excited to learn with and from the people of the Hebrew Institute of White
Plains. Thank you for so much for
welcoming me to your community!
Rabbinic Intern
Raif Melhado and his wife Jessica
Shalom to the HIWP community! My
name is Raif Melhado and I am a 4th
year student at Yeshivat Chovevei
Torah. I’ve heard such great things
about the kehilah from Rabbi
Marder, and it was a delightful privilege to be invited to join the team
this year. My wife Jessica and I are
looking forward to getting to know
you all.
A little about us: I am from Urbana,
Illinois, home of my alma mater, the
University of
Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. I have studied in Israel
at Yeshivat HaKibbutz HaDati at Ein
Tzurim and the Pardes Institute in
Jerusalem, and before moving to
New York, I worked for the Hillels at
University of Chicago and the University of Illinois. For the past year I
have been earning a master’s in
modern Jewish history at YU, and in
what little spare time that leaves me,
I develop a website about Sephardic
customs called ketershemtob.com
Jessica is a South African native
who moved to Illinois via Newfoundland when she was a girl. She has a
passion for Jewish communal service, and just graduated from the
dual degree program in public administration and Jewish studies at
NYU’s Wagner and Skirball schools.
We plan to visit HIWP together, and
we’re excited to hear all about you!
Hebrew Institute of White Plains Bulletin
Page 5
Shul Shmooze
Alan Schulman Rewarded for His Leadership
Congregant Alan Schulman has received a Distinguished Service Award from the Westchester Jewish Council
for his volunteer work for our synagogue and the Jewish community as a whole.
The Julian Y. Bernstein award was bestowed on May
12 in front of a standing-room only audience at the Jewish
Community Center of Harrison. Alan was one of 17 people
who received such an
award; the others represented various other organizations.
Pre se nti n g
t he
award to him was our own
past president, Keith
Reich, who said Alan has
been active at The Hebrew
Institute for 13 years, the
last seven as treasurer.
Mr. Schulman, a graduate of Queens College with a
master’s degree in accounting, practiced as a CPA for 40
years. “Alan is now supposedly semi-retired, but you wouldn’t
know it from the amount of hours he devotes to the Hebrew
Institute and his other communal
activities,” Mr. Reich declared.
Alan previously served as treasurer and vice president of a large
congregation in Schenectady and
was recently appointed chair of
the HIWP’s Finance and Investment Committee. He also serves
on the Bikur Cholim committee,
visiting patients at White Plains Hospital.
Alan and Audrey, his wife of 54 years, have three children. She is also very active at the HI.
Previously, congregants who received Bernstein
awards for volunteering at the HIWP were Herbert Ratet, John
Lightstone, Jonathan Goodblatt, David Rosen, Marilyn Berkowitz, and Barbara and Martin Marks. Others, who were congregants of HIWP but received their awards over the years for
work with other organizations, were Sanford Stogel, Jewish
War Veterans; Norma Hurwitz, Westchester Jewish Conference; Carol Corbin, Westchester Jewish Community Services;
Barbara Fix, Stand With Us; Stanton Selbst, Jewish Council of
Yonkers; and Civia Mclean, Westchester Fairfield Hebrew
Shul Members
Compete in Sleepy Hollow
Hurray for Ken Sadinoff and Dudi Fish on
completing the Sleepy Hollow Sprint Triathlon Sunday, June 29th! They each swam a
1/2 mile in the Hudson River, rode their
bikes 10 miles through Sleepy Hollow, then
ran 3 miles along the River.
Congratulations on their awesome time!
Now Dudi is ready for the big one July 30
and 31! He will be biking for 2 days, covering 175 miles through 3 states to raise
money for Bike-4-Chai, in honor of our
sweet Leora Walisever. Don’t miss the opportunity to support his efforts by simply
making a donation:
Note of Thanks
On behalf of the Kopp and Carriero
Families, I wish to express our sincere
appreciation and gratitude to the HIWP
community for their kindness and generosity on the recent loss of my mother, Ruth
Carriero. While I have heard it said many
times that HIWP is an amazing community,
the response was so genuine and overwhelming. I was humbled by the outpouring of love and messages of comfort sent
by way of emails, cards, notes, visits, donations and contributions towards the repast
desserts. We have been truly blessed to be
included as members of the HIWP family.
With much love and appreciation,
Teri Kopp and the Carriero Family
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Hebrew Institute of White Plains
Family News
By Leah Weitzman and Milton Hoffman Briana and Mark Schwartz on the birth of a
(March 1, 2014 ~ July 25, 2014) granddaughter, Emma Ivy Brujis, born March 17
to Nicky and Leon Brujis of Manhattan. Her other
grandparents are Denise and Marcos Brujis of
Potomac, MD, and her great-grandmother is
Marina Solovey and Leo Goldstein on the birth Tida Brujis of Lima, Peru.
of their son
Briana and Mark Schwartz on the birth of their
Ornah and Uriel Heilman on the birth of their granddaughter, Talia Belle Chinitz, on Dec. 30,
son, Itai Heilman, on March 31. Itai’s siblings 2013 to Ella and Noah Chinitz of Manhattan.
are Matan and Maya. His grandparents are An- Talia has two brothers, Ari and Gabe. Her other
nette and Paul Rosenberg of Israel and Ellin and grandparents are Shari and Marvin Chinitz of
Samuel of NY, and Great-Grandmother Bernice New Rochelle. She also has two greatin FL
grandmothers, Hilda Chinitz of Rockaway, NY,
Batya and George Puro on the birth of their and Edith Kutner of Boynton Beach, FL
daughter, Esther Tovah, on April 30. Esther’s Lois and Danny Laitman on the birth of a greatsiblings are Deborah, David and Jacob. Her grandson Benyamin Gershon Spiewak. Bengrandparents are Marlene and Paul Ginsberg of yamin is the son of Naomi and Jonathan (Yoni)
Brooklyn, and Lyla and Edward Puro of St. Spiewak of Riverdale
Louis, MO
Toni Shields on the birth of a granddaughter to
Jamie Vichinsky and Rabbi Seth Braunstein on Jacqueline and David Turk
the birth of a son, Matan Asher Braunstein of
May 18. Matan has a sister, Lital, and grandpar- Marilyn Kneller and Neil Rimsky on the birth of
ents Renee and Howard Vichinsky and Beth their grandson, Joseph Noah Gilboa on May 17.
His parents are Shira and David Gilboa of Manand David Braunstein
hattan. Paternal grandparents are Elaine and
Malka and Steve Helft on the birth of a son, Yosi Gilboa of Tenafly, NJ
Gabriel Solomon Helft, on July 12. Gabriel's siblings are Sophia and Liah. His grandparents are Yetta Kaplan on the birth of a greatRifki and Dr. Arthur Helft of Englewood, NJ and granddaughter, Advah Lily Fleisher, on May 6.
Fern and Chaim Meiersdorf of Jerusalem, and She is the daughter of Naomi and Isaac Fleisher
his great-grandmother is Bernice Meiersdorf of and the granddaughter of Audrey and Sargent
MAZAL TOV and Notables Gila and Rabbi Jeff Beer on the birth of a daughter, Dahlia Miriam Beer, on July 16. Her siblings
are Aliza, Elie, Avi and Meira. His grandparents
are Barbara and Bernard Beer of Cedarhurst
and Sandy Insler of Oceanside
Francine and Rabbi Emeritus Murray Grauer on
the birth of a geat-granddaughter, Avigail Schreck
who is the daughter of Rebecca and Chaim
Francine and Rabbi Emeritus Murray Grauer on
Lauren Shapiro and Ari Walisever on the birth of the birth of a great-grandson, Avram Leib, the
a daughter, Mia Ava Hudson Walisever, on July son of Dina and Zachary Grauer
19. Mia has two sisters, Leora and Noa
Francine and Rabbi Emeritus Murray Grauer on
Joyce and Ted Besdine on the birth of a great- the birth of a great-grandson, Solomon, the son
granddaughter, Talia, in Israel. The proud par- of Rachel and Ezra Absfeld, and also a mazal tov
ents are Reut and Daniel Aviad and the other to grandparents Amy and David Grauer and great
-aunt and uncle Jane and Josh Grauer
grandparents are Rivka and Malkiel Aviad
Hebrew Institute of White Plains Bulletin
Page 7
Family News
Idana Goldberg and Michael Kellman on the bat
mitzvah of their daughter, Noam Kellman
Lisa and Mick Gilbert on the bar mitzvah of their
son, Josiah Gilbert
Liz and Abie Gabor on the bar mitzvah of their
son, Jesse Gabor
Liz and Yuval Marcus on the bar mitzvah of
their son, Caleb Marcus
Lara and David Siegel on the bar mitzvah of
their son, Yair Siegel
Irene and Ethan Silverman on the bar mitzvah
of their son, Raphael Silverman
Juli and Justin Brasch on the bat mitzvah of
their daughter, Ariel Brasch
Kay and Arnold Cohen on the bar mitzvah of
their grandson, Manny Cohen, whose parents
are Aliza and Elliot Cohen of New Rochelle.
Marilyn and Ezra Berkowitz on the engagement
of their granddaughter, Brina Tretin, to Teddy
Stalbow. Brina is the daughter of Judy and
Jeffery Tretin and her other grandmother is
Laura Tretin.
Suzie and Rabbi Chaim Marder on the marriage
of daughter, Shira Marder, to Jason Saibel.
Jason is the son of Mindy and Kenny Saibel
Alan Schulman on receiving the Julian Y.
Bernstein Distinguished Community Service
Award for volunteerism that was presented by
The Westchester Jewish Council
David Kahn on completing the Westchester
Jewish Council Leadership Development program
Lena (Bausk) and Yishai Sheckartze who are
making aliyah
Maya and Yoav Cohen on their marriage
Leah Weitzman on the engagement of her
grandson, Ilan Weitzman, to Rebecca Zimilover
of Merrick. NY. Ilan is the son of Elaine and
Mark Weitzman of New Rochelle. Rebecca is
the daughter of Lisa and Ira Zimilover
Bea and Ken Werden of Boca Raton, FL on the
engagement of their son, Richard Werden, to
Alisa Szatrowski, the daughter of Mira
Herrmann and Ted Szatrowski of Highland
Park, NJ. The wedding is scheduled for Aug. 31
in CA
Valerie and Steven Greenstein on the engagement of their daugther Samantha to Oren
Rasekh. His parents are Shelly and Igal Rasekh
from Scarsdale
Sarit BenDavid on her engagement to Jared
Tami and Joey Stalbow on the engagement of
their son Daniel to Lauren Blachorsky
Tami and Joey Stalbow on the engagement of
Teddy Stalbow, to Brina Tretin
We extend heartfelt
Condolences to:
Michael Werner on the passing of his mother,
Rita Werner
Avi Friedman on the passing of his father,
Morton Friedman
Carrie Saunders on the passing of her mother,
long time member, Ruth Saunders
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Hebrew Institute of White Plains
We Mourn the Loss
Gifts and Contributions
Ruth Saunders, a Hebrew Institute congregant for six
decades, died July 6, 2014 at her home in the Mayfair Acres
section of Greenburgh. She was 99.
During her funeral at the Hebrew Institute, Rabbi
Chaim Marder called her “a delicate woman with a gentle
beauty and elegance. For a very small woman, she walked with
great stature.” He noted that she helped send a family member
from Russia to Israel and then brought other family members to
She was a strong willed woman who enjoyed the arts:
opera, fine music theater and Yiddish theater, the rabbi noted,
and was a steady Shabbat congregant.
She and her late husband, Dr. Frederick Saunders,
were strong supporters of Israel. On April 17, 1994, she and
Fred received the Ben Gurian Award for Israel Bonds at a
breakfast held at the Hebrew Institute.
She also was a member of Hadassah and served as a
secretary in a local chapter. She also retained her Sisterhood
membership in her former synagogue, Mount Sinai Temple in
Jersey City.
Ruth was born Jan. 14, 1915 to Masha and Phillip Yasmer and was raised in Jersey City where she attended Talmud
Torah of Mount Sinai. She later attended the New York School
of Interior Design and worked as a secretary in a law firm.
She met Fred in Brooklyn when they each were 15
years old. She had gone there to help care for her Aunt Dora,
who lived next door Fred’s family. Following a courtship and
after he received his medical degree and returned to Brooklyn,
they were married on Jan. 5, 1940 in Jersey City. At the beginning of World War II, he enlisted in the Army Medical Corps and
served in the Pacific, including Saipan Island.
They later settled in Westchester after the war when he
established a practice in Elmsford.
Fred Saunders died on July 9, 2008.
A Message from the Rabbi:
Please be aware that I administer two
special funds here at the shul.
HIWP fund for the Needy
Purpose: This fund assists individuals
who come to the synagogue seeking assistance, generally from outside the area.
They are individuals who otherwise fall
through the cracks, perhaps because
they do not have employment or family
support. Often times they are people
whose origin was Israel or Russia, although not exclusively. We also assist
small tzedakot, primarily Israeli institutions, whether orphanages or schools for
the needy.
Contribution Source: synagogue charity
boxes; direct contributions. We greatly
need assistance in keeping this account
replenished, especially as personal hardships have increased in the present climate.
HIWP Chessed Fund
Purpose: Recently established to
assist congregants who might be in need of
support due to temporary hardship of one
sort or another. Any assistance will be
offered with complete confidentiality.
Contribution source: direct contributions from members. At present, the fund
has only a small amount of money in it.
If you have any questions about these
funds, please contact Rabbi Marder.
Ruth is survived by her daughter, Carrie Saunders of
Greenburgh and son David Saunders of North Palm Beach, FL;
and by Ilene Arons of Flordia, a daughter-in-law; and by a sister, Vivian Dien of White Plains. Another sister, Marion Gewant
of Jersey City, died earlier.
Chazzan Yitzy Spinner conducted services at the burial
at King Solomon Cemetery in Clifton, NJ.
Hebrew Institute of White Plains Bulletin
Page 9
Gifts and Contributions
(March 1, 2014 ~ July 25, 2014)
Religious Articles Fund:
Teri Kopp in memory of her mother,
Ruth Carriero
Audrey and Alan Schulman
Arnold Cohen on a special birthday
Eleanor Ehrenkranz
Arnold Cohen on a special birthday
Norma and Jerry Hurwitz
Capital Fund:
Dr. Abraham Grant in honor of his
special birthday
Barbara and Martin Marks
Rabbi Chaim Marder and Chazzan
Yitzy Spinner in honor of their work
with Raphael for his bar mitzvah
Ethan and Irene Silverman
Teri Kopp in memory of her mother,
Ruth Carriero
Shira Goldman
David Kroun
Women’s Tefillah Fund:
In honor of Michelle Brody
Andrea Viders
Michael Werner in memory of his
mother, Rita Werner
Vicky Rubenovitch and Larry Fish
Seren and Craig Cepler
Doris and Leo Dreyfuss
Judy Thaler and Family in memory of
her mother, Ann Goldstein
Vicky Rubenovitch and Larry Fish
Adult Ed Fund:
Suzie and Rabbi Chaim Marder on the
engagement of their daughter
Kay and Arnold Cohen
Ruby Langer in memory of her
husband, Stanley Langer
Kay and Arnold Cohen
Bernard Scheiman for his kindness
Crystal Powell
Rabbi Chaim and Suzie Marder in
honor of the marriage of Shira and
Peggy and Ed Krupnik
Marilyn and Ezra Berkowitz in
honor of the engagement of their
granddaughter Brina Tretin to Teddy
Kay and Arnold Cohen
Bikur Cholim Fund
Suzie and Rabbi Chaim Marder on
the engagement of their daughter
Wendy Leibowitz
Shira Marder on her engagement to
Jason Saibel
Wendy Leibowitz
Yetta Kaplan in honor the birth of a
great-granddaughter, Advah Lily
Marilyn and Ezra Berkowitz
Barbara and Martin Marks
Marilyn Kneller and Neil Rimsky on the
birth of a grandson, Joseph Noah Gilboa
Meira and Paul Orentlicher
Milton Hoffman
Judy and Judah Roher
Ruth Levine
Doris and Leo Dreyfuss
Leah Weitzman
Kay and Arnold Cohen
Anita Rosenstock
Debbie and Stephen Schwartz
Betty and Joseph Fisch
Lois and Danny Laitman
David Kroun
Ellen and Dean Ungar
Barbara and Martin Marks
In honor of Jonathan Waitman “for
his help when I was in need”
Andrea Viders
Jamie and Rabbi Seth Braunstein in
honor of the birth of a son, Matan Asher
Meira and Paul Orentlicher
Milton Hoffman
Doris and Leo Dreyfuss
Leah Weitzman
Michael Werner in memory of his
mother, Rita Werner
Andrea and Phil Sherman
Malka & Steven Helft in honor of the
birth of their son, Gabriel Solomon
Milton Hoffman
Happiness Fund:
Gila and Rabbi Jeff Beer in honor of the
birth of their daughter, Dahlia Miriam
Barbara and Martin Marks
Audrey and Keith Reich
Selvia and Leonard Weinstein
Milton Hoffman
Fund for the Needy/
Alan Schulman on receiving the WJC
Leah Weitzman
Lois and Danny Laitman in honor of
the birth of a great-grandson,
Benyamin Gershon
Kay and Arnold Cohen
Anita Rosenstock
Barbara and Martin Marks
Leah Weitzman in honor of the
engagement of her grandson, Ilan
Kay and Arnold Cohen
Toni Shields in honor of the birth of
a granddaughter
Debbie and Richard Tolchin
Barbara and Martin Marks
Beth and George Puro in their honor
Miriam Goldberg and Gary Melzger
Joyce and Ted Besdine in honor of the
birth of a great-granddaughter, Talia
Wendy Leibowitz
Marilyn and Ezra Berkowitz
Leah Weitzman
Lauren Shapiro and Ari Walisever on the
birth of a daughter, Mia Ava Hudson
Selvia and Leonard Weinstein
Barbara and Martin Marks
Judy and Judah Roher
Continued on page 10
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Hebrew Institute of White Plains
Gifts and Contributions
Bar/Bat Mitzvah:
Lisa and Mick Gilbert in honor of the
bar mitzvah of their son, Josiah
Erica and Dudi Fish
Kay and Arnold Cohen
Marilyn Kneller and Neil Rimsky
Judy and Gil Grant
Meira and Paul Orentlicher
Liz and Abie Gabor in honor of the
bar mitzvah of their son Jesse Gabor
Wendy and Brendon Dunn
Lorri, Mitchell, Roger and Marissa Nadel
Meira and Paul Orentlicher
Lara and David Siegel in honor of the
bar mitzvah of their son, Yair Seigel
Meira and Paul Orentlicher
Wendy and Brandon Dunn
David Kroun
Yair Siegel in honor of your bar
Rena Fredman and David Lichtenstein
Suzie and Rabbi Chaim Marder in honor
of the engagement of their daughter,
Shira to Jason
Anita Rosenstock
Judy and Judah Roher
Paula and Evan Gilder
Andrea and Rabbi Phillip Sherman
Doris and Leo Dreyfuss
David Kroun
Selvia and Leonard Weinstein
Suzy Toporovsky
Ruth Levine
Meira and Paul Orentlicher
Ida Gische, Refuah Shelemah
Doris and Leo Dreyfuss
Selvia and Leonard Weinstein
Leah Weitzman in honor of the engagement of her grandson, Ilan Weitzman to
Rebecca Zimilover
Marilyn and Ezra Berkowitz
Doris and Leo Dreyfuss
Rabbi Alon, Refuah Shelemah
Marilyn and Ezra Berkowitz
Gerson Smith
Melanie and Steve Klee in honor of the
engagement of their son
Ellen and Dean Ungar
Liz and Yuval Marcus in honor of
Caleb’s bar mitzvah
Meira and Paul Orentlicher
Steve Apple in honor of the marriage of
his son, Yossi to Miriam
Audrey and Keith Reich
Idana Goldberg and Michael Kellman
in honor of Noam’s bat mitzvah
Meira and Paul Orentlicher
Suzie and Rabbi Marder in honor of the
marriage of Shira and Jason
Selvia and Leonard Weinstein
Esther and Dan Steinhauer
Lois and Danny Laitman
Kay and Arnold Cohen in honor of
the bar mitzvah of their grandson,
Yetta Kaplan
Doris and Leo Dreyfuss
Leah Weitzman
Marilyn and Ezra Berkowitz
David Kroun
Selvia and Leonard Weinstein
Marilyn Kneller and Neil Rimsky
Debbie and Stephen Schwartz
Ezra and Marilyn Berkowitz
Barbara and Martin Marks
Tami and Joey Stalbow in honor of
the engagement of Daniel to Lauren
Selvia and Leonard Weinstein
Wendy Leibowitz
Barbara and Martin Marks
Valerie and Steven Greenstein in
honor of the engagement of their
daughter Samantha to Oren
Audrey and Keith Reich
Selvia and Leonard Weinstein
Shira and Jason Saibel in honor of their
Selvia and Leonard Weinstein
Arnold Cohen on his special birthday
Sondra and Jerry Luxenberg
Wendy Leibowitz
Tami and Seymour Feurstein
Lorri, Mitchell, Roger and Marissa Nadel
Leah Weitzman
Willa and Hillel Swiller
Dr. Abraham Grant in honor of his
special birthday
Vicky Rubenovitch and Larry Fish
Get Well Fund:
John Lightstone, Refuah Shelemah
Barbara and Martin Marks
Leah Weitzman
Willa and Hillel Swiller
David Kroun
Marilyn and Ezra Berkowitz
Ruth Saunders, Refuah Shelemah
Doris and Leo Dreyfuss
Bernie Miller, Refuah Shelemah
Selvia and Leonard Weinstein
Doris and Leo Dreyfuss
Leora Walisever, Refuah Shelemah
Judy and Steven Stulberger
Joyce Besdine, Refuah Shelemah
Selvia and Leonard Weinstein
Lisa and Terence Schwartz
Thrift Shop Fund:
In honor of Deborah Weinberger
Nicola and Jordan Rosenstock
In Your Honor / Thank
Vicky Rubenovitch and Larry Fish for
their dinner honors
Peggy and Edward Krupnik
Bernard Kleinman
Vicky Rubenovitch and Larry Fish,
Jean Hurvitz and Rabbi Alon Meltzer
for the testimonial honors
Yetta Kaplan
Lisa and Mick Gilbert
Gila and Rabbi Jeff Beer
Alan Schulman on receiving the WJC
Lorri, Mitchell, Roger and Marissa Nadel
Yetta Kaplan
Barbara and Martin Marks
Meira and Paul Orentlicher
Debbie and Stephen Schwartz
Ricki and Jonathan Goodblatt, in your
Richard Swerdlow
Gabbai Doug Hirshon, in your honor
Audrey and Keith Reich
Gabbai Gadi Romm, in your honor
Audrey and Keith Reich
Hebrew Institute of White Plains Bulletin
Page 11
Gifts and Contributions
Remembrance Fund:
Suzie Marder in memory of her father,
Stanley Langer
Betty and Joseph Fisch
Peggy and Ed Krupnick
Alissa and Andy Pressner
Bernice Ettner
Vivian Hedaya
Gail and Daniel Kabakoff
David Kroun
Malik and Shimon Shalit
Esther and Daniel Steinhauer
Suzy Toporovsky
Reena and David Glick
Teri Kopp in memory of her mother,
Ruth Carriero
Helen Epstein
Yetta Kaplan
Kay and Arnold Cohen
Leah Weitzman
Marilyn and Ezra Berkowitz
Bernie Scheiman
Anita Rosenstock
Selvia and Leonard Weinstein
Lorri, Roger, Marissa and Mitchell Nadel
Barbara and Martin Marks
Raquel and Jerry Rosen
Audrey and Keith Reich
Jerusha Coltof and Doug Hirshon
Ira Berkowitz
Heda Silverstein
Gail and Daniel Kabakoff
Shirley Cooper
Michael Werner in memory of his
mother, Rita Werner
Audrey and Keith Reich
Lisa and Terence Schwartz
David Kroun
Milton Hoffman
Yetta Kaplan
Avi Friedman in memory of his father,
Morton Friedman
Audrey and Keith Reich
Ruth Bausk in memory of her mother,
Mollie Sandbank
Yael and Joel Seidemann
Lauren and Dan Hazony in memory of
Ahova Hazony
Brenda and Ira Nagel
Mary Joan Bologna in memory of her
brother, John Galassi
Michael Werner in memory of his
mother, Rita Werner
Roxanne and Eric Levine
David Kroun
Debbie and Stephen Schwartz
Marilyn and Ezra Berkowitz
Betty and Joseph Fisch
Jane and Kenneth Friedland
Ellen and Dean Ungar
Dahna and Stephen Stadtmauer Adina and Aaron Steinberg
Willa and Hillel Swiller
Ellen and Dean Ungar
Cara and Chuck Wagner
Rebecca and Rabbi Marc Wolf
Avi Friedman in honor of his father,
Morton Friedman
Marilyn Kneller and Neil Rimsky
Audrey and Keith Reich
Carrie Saunders in memory of her
mother, Ruth Saunders
Leah Weitzman
Barbara and Martin Marks
Milton Hoffman
Marilyn and Ezra Berkowitz
Arlene and Irwin Fields
Helen Epstein
Vicky Rubenovitch and Larry Fish
Debbie and Stephen Schwartz
Shiva Meals
The following families have participated
in sending shiva meals
Joyce and Ted Besdine
Marilyn and Ezra Berkowitz
Shoshana Peyser and Bob Brody
Kay and Arnold Cohen
Doris and Leo Dreyfuss
Eleanor Ehrenkrantz
Marina and Marik Feldman
Vicky Rubenovitch and Larry Fish
Betty and Joe Fish
Lisa and Mick Gilbert
Diana and Liron Gitig
Miriam and Tomas Gold
Ilana Rosenberg and Michah Gottlieb
Ricki and Jonathan Goodblatt
Jonathan Gross
Debbie and Marc Guthartz
Milton Hoffman
Hurvitz Family
Norma and Jerry Hurwitz
Alex and David Kahn
David Kroun
Wendy Leibowitz
Meira and Paul Orentlicher
Crystal Powell
Marilyn Kneller and Neil Rimsky
Raquel and Jerry Rosen
Marsha Croland and Barry Schwartz
Liz and Stephen Schwartz
Yael and Joel Seidemann
Stan Selbst
Back Door Thrift Shop
Hours of Operation
Tues, Wed & Thurs
10am –2pm
We accept gently used
clothing, shoes, costume
jewelry and bric-a-brac
Mon, Fri, Sat & Sun –
Phone: 914-358-5575
All proceeds go to HIWP;
tax receipts available
Page 12
Hebrew Institute of White Plains
Non Profit Org.
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Calendar of Events at HIWP
August 5 Tisha B’Av
October 3 Erev Yom Kippur
August 25 High Holiday Seat Request Deadline. Please submit your requests for changes
or additional seats.
October 4 Yom Kippur
August 26—27 Rosh Chodesh Elul
August 27 1st Shofar
October 6 Sukkot Shuk
October 6 Management Committee
October 8 Erev Sukkot
September 2 Management Committee
October 9-10 Sukkot I & II
September 6 Bar Mitzvah of Josh Lehman
October Sukkot Dinner (Date to be announced )
September 9 Isha L’Isha Book Group
October 16 Shmini At’zeret
September 15 Board of Directors
October 17 Simchat Torah
September 20 Slichot Night
October 20 Board of Directors Meeting
September 21 High Holiday Chair Set up.
Please Volunteer to help!
October 24-25 International Shabbos Project
October 26 New Members Event
September 24 Erev Rosh HaShana
September 25—26 Rosh HaShana I & II
See HIWP.org for updated calendar information.
All events are subject to change