just take a look at some of last year`s


just take a look at some of last year`s
The Gaylor
G l rd Pa
Palms R
l ndo, F
ber 19, 20133
NROE ed by Jon
n and Ellen Leimkuehler 1.5 L 2004
4 Marilyn
n, Red Dre
ess, Napaa Valley
4 Vintage of o Marilyn Merlot is a a blend of 990% Merlott and 10% t Sauvignon. We like the
e structure and charactter that Cabeernet gives e. Our typicaal use of 25%
% new oak barrels eachh year gives aromas of vanilla bean
ns and a more comple
ex mouth feeel from thee new oak The fruit flavors are sofft and ripe V
Vineyards forr this wine ccontinue to our longtim
me growerss ranging in
n location ffrom Yountvville to St. n the heart o
of the Napa Valley. 12
2 Perignon b
by David Lynch ed by Jon
n and Ellen Leimkuehler 750 ml 20
003 Dom Perignon
n Brut – D
David Limited EEdition et & Chand
don Brut Ch
hampagne Cuvee
Dom Perignon
splays rich aromas
of ho
oney, brioche and hints oof vanilla.
round and su
umptuous, th
here was brig
ght citrus, peeach and a
the finish that
d elegance, freshness,
fiinesse and
ity. With airr, it became more texturral, with a giinger note
tinctive min
neral streak. WS94
3 is one of the
t most unu
usual Dom Perignons
I have ever
oing back to
o 1952. Read
ders will rem
member that 2003 was
vintage acrross northerrn Europe, especially
dduring the
month of Au
ugust, when
n temperatures remainedd very hot
over a mon
nth. The harrvest was th
he earliest oon record,
11, that is. I suppose itss not that su
urprising Chhef de Cavess Richard G
Geoffroy choose to
2003 Dom Perignon,
ven his penchant for riskk-taking, an approach thhat has yieldded so
emorable wines that streetch the percception of w
what big brannd Champaggne is and caan be.
3 Dom Perig
gnon is a big
g, broad sho
ouldered winne. It does nnot have the seductiveneess of
0, nor the po
ower of the 2002. It is instead veryy much its oown wine. In 2003 Geooffroy
o use more Pinot Noir than
is typiccally the casse, and that comes throuugh in the w
nd volume. The
T 2003 is a big, poweerful Champpagne that w
will require qquite a bit off time
ome of its baby
fat. Thee trademark textural
fineesse is there,, though. I exxpect the 20003 to
hly divisive Champagne because of its extreme personality,, but then aggain, many oof the
egendary wiines were made
from viintages conssidered freakkish at the tiime. The 20003 is
cally, rich, po
owerful, vin
nous Dom Peerignon loadeed with fruitt, structure aand personality. It
r the timid, but
b rather it is
i a wine forr those who can be patieent. No one hhas a crystall ball,
onally I willl not be su
urprised if in
n 20 years' time the 20003 is conssidered an iconic
gne. Anticipated maturitty: 2016-203
38. WA 94
AOPA 2012 ed by Chaarles Dankmeyer
750ml 200
05 Oriel, Les Paves, Chateaauneuf dee Pape d concentratted, with a core
of black
kberry, currrant and fig fruit stretchhed
orice and tarr notes. Sweet smoke and
a black teea chime inn on the soliid,
inish. Made by Louis Barruol
of St.-Cosme.
Grenache annd Mourvèdrre.
m 2009 throu
ugh 2023. WS
W 90
750ml 2007 Silverado, Estate, Cabernet Sauvignon
The 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon is a gorgeous example of elegance allied
to power. The final blend of 85% Cabernet Sauvignon and the rest
Merlot, Petit Verdot, and Cabernet Franc offers up notes of crushed
rock, spring flowers, red and black currants, and plum as well as hints
of white chocolate and subtle barrique smells. Medium to full-bodied,
with a nicely layered mouth feel that builds incrementally, the wine has
superb purity as well as accessability. It can be drunk now or cellared
for 15 or more years. WA 92
750ml 2009 Stags Leap Cellars, Artemis
This wine is from United States, California region, Napa County subregion and Napa Valley appellation. Our Napa Valley collection of
wines is crafted with the same approach to winemaking as our
limited-production estate wines, resulting in wines of supple power
and elegance. In fact, fruit from our estate vineyards provides the
stylistic inspiration for this wine. ARTEMIS, named after the Greek
goddess of the hunt, provides a strong link to the origin, style, and
character of our renowned estate wines.. The heart of the Artemis
blend is composed of fruit from our estate vineyards. Cabernet
Sauvignon from Arcadia Vineyard gives the wine tannin and
structural support. Fay contributes a generous perfume, while the
wine's complexity and concentration benefit from a small but
significant addition of S.L.V. fruit. Then, to complement our estate fruit's distinctive qualities of
flavor and structure, we turn to independent Napa Valley growers whose vineyards meet our
rigorous farming standards. Cabernet Sauvignon Wines.
Earthy, with a mulchy edge to the tobacco leaf, dried herb and berry flavors. Retains dryness
through the finish. Drink now through 2018. WS 83
Lot 104
Devon’s Choice
Donated by Devon Bernard
750 ml 2009 Ladoix, Clos des Changots
Bright ruby red; leather and cherry nose; cherry and dry Indian spice palate that
finishes fairly short, but overall this is delicious. CT 91
(1) 750 ml 20
010 Matth
hiasson, N
Napa Valley, Whitte Light, crisp and eleggant, with kaaffir lime, le
emon zest aand ruby graapefruit flavvors singing alongside a
etails of flow
wers, apple blossom a nd crushed rock. Finish
hes with braccing acidity. Sauvignon B
Blanc, Ribollaa Gialla, Sém
millon and Frriulano. WS 90 (1) 7oz Il Boc
hetto, Arrrabbiata, Italian SSea Salt
Nothing brings out tthe flavor off foods like salt, and noothing adds flavor back in like thesee salt blends frrom Italian company, Il Boschetto. They start with pure ssea salt from
m waters offf the coast of C
Castigliione della Pescaisa in Tuscan
ny, then blennd in herbs and spicces designe
ed to com
mplement your y
favoritte dishes. Arrabbiata Sea Salt gets an inffusion of ho
ot peppers, making it f adding a little spicce to vegetaables, meatt, fish and perfect for game. (1) 7oz Il Boc
hetto, Esotico, Itaalian Sea Salt Esotico contains c
parrsley, pepper, rose and onion, and brings out the flavo
or of roasted meats and vvegetables.
(1) Marble Sp
pice Grind
der Lot 105
AH Donate
ed by Claudia & Erric Zacharrias (1) 750 ml 20
010 Alain Graillot, Crozes‐H
Hermitagee This delivers a briarr‐framed co
ore of plum sauce and anise, backked by sweeet tobacco and light to
oasty vanillaa bean on the finish, aand there's good chalkky olid. Drink noow through 2018. WS 90
0 mineralitty running underneath itt all. Very so
(1) 750 mll 2010 Luca, Laborrde Doub
ble Select, Uco Vallley, Syra
ah A de
ense, ripe Syyrah, with a meaty coree of maceraated black p
plum, linzer torte and ffig paste nottes that disp
play nuancess of game, sp
pice and tar.. Light tannin
ns lift the long, lingerin
ng finish. Driink now throough 2014. W
WS 91 15
(1) 750 ml 20
010 Owen
n Roe, Ex Umbris, Columbiaa Valley, Syrah A velvetyy red, offerin
ng ripe cherrry, licorice and green ol ive flavors that com
me together on the firm‐textured fin
nish and lingger nicely, balancingg fruit and savory s
notes. Best from
m 2013 through 2016. WS 90 (1) 750 ml 20
005 Martinelli, Terrra Felice,, Russian
n River Vaalley, Syraah This vine
eyard site lie
es on a very rich soil pattern along the northerrn banks of Mark West creek.. Once while
e drilling a w
well hundredds of feet beelow the was discoverred. This surface, an ancient layer of petrified Redwood trees w
area of Sonoma County is known
n as the 'San
nta Rosa Plaiin', and is on
ne of the migratory trails that the coastall Indians use
ed when theey journeyed inland when the
e seasons ch
hanged. This smaall vineyard was planted
d to the spe
ecifications of John Weetlaufer and our winem
maker, Helen Tu
urley. The vin
nes are on aa vertically trrained trelliss system witth the fruit h
hanging betw
ween 24 and 28 2 inches ab
bove the gro
ound. The vineyard v
connsists of 2,0000 vines per acre which are spaced meter m
by 2 meters apart. Each vine yields aboout 3 pound
ds of fruit ccompared to
o the earlier sttandard plan
ntings, 10x12
2 feet apart, which mayy yield a heaavy crop of 2
20 to 30 pou
unds. After piccking, the grrape clusterss are de‐ste
emmed and the whole berries und
dergo a longg cool fermentaation, with indigenous yyeast, to gen
nerate skin contact and
d extract fru
uit characterr. The juice is ggravity fed in
nto small oak barrels wiith a touch oof residual ssugar remain
ning to complete the ferm
mentation pro
ocess in barrrel until dryy. It is then aallowed to rrest and maature in 75%
% new French oak on its gro
oss lees for 1
10 months w
without interrruption. The Terrra Felice Syrrah is laden with rich flavors and aaromas of p
plum, violetss, raw meat, and tobacco. (1) 750 ml 2011 Mollydookker, The B
Boxer, MccLaren Vaale, Shiraz This wine is deffinitely puncching abovee its weight,, and no wo
onder ‐ the Fruit Weight is 73%, so it is almo
ost at Party wine level! The power of the fruit is so enjo
oyable. It haas a massive
e array of flaavours, and
d awesome iintensity bu
ut the thingg that reallyy finishes the wine off i s the cream
my layers and
d smooth m
mouth feel.. It’s so voluptuous. Pete
er and Andreew Sweet, m
multi layered
d fruit, choco
olate, fresh
h plum – a complete flavvour spectruum. Excited tto hold it in my mouth.
Firm in texture, with
h a layer of chewy tannins surroundding a lean core of blacckberry and spice flavors. TThis has lenggth, but need
ds cellaring tto soften. Beest after 20114. WS 88 16
750 ml 20
004 Bodeggas Jimen
nez, Land
di, ondero M
Mentrida overripe fru
uit forward wine that iss soft and ssmooth. Blacck fruits rant with so
ome tar, black licorice and Oak. An interestting and e wine. Darkk as night almost blackissh read like blood. Rich nose of ght funk, minerals m
d dark fruitts. High aciidty with firm fine The palate sshows, nuts,, blueberriess, blackberriies, mineralss, and is ense overall. It's easy to t sip, with an undercuurrent of sp
pice and Modest finish
h. Syrah and Garnacha. C
CT 92 6A & 106
UGE 90+ ed by Frank and Sh
heri Vero 750 ml 20
011 Zorzal ‐ Malbe
1 Terroir Un
nico Malbec comes from
m a 15‐year‐old espalierr vineyard 1,350 meters and is fe
ermented with w
natural yeasts and
d aged in tanks rather than wood. w
It haas a wondderful bouquet with ry, tomato vine and grranitic notes. It has whhat you migght call a nose disrob
bed of oak, b
but it is veryy pure and vvibrant. Thee palate is d vibrant em
mbroidered with brisk, fine tannin s. It is suffu
used with re black che
erry and bilb
berry fruit and a a taut, citric, dry finish. You never guesss this is frrom Argentina, and itt is just do
ownright, lanced, fea
getically de
elicious. Ba
aturing lighttly chewy tannins an
nd juicy accidity ng well‐knit flavors of pure black ch
herry, graphiite, cherry p
pit and pink p
peppercorn,, with espresso. Drink now thrrough 2018. WA 93 750ml 201
10 Guild ‐ Lot 6 – Red a cooperative of four Po
ortland, Oreggon, vintnerss producing wines of nal value fo
or the masse
es. Guild Re
ed Wine is aa Rhone‐styyle blend om selected lots sourced
d from across the Pacifiic Northwesst region. e makers are
e: ochau, Groch
hau Cellars Fritzsche, Vin
ncent Wine Company batch, Helio
oterra Winess X" 17
(1) 75
50 ml 201
11 Châteaau Fontaiine, Leelaand Penn
ninsula, Pinot N
Noir This fragraant red wine has a garne
et hue and aaromas of leaather, cherrry, and clovee. Our vineyards are planted with several different clones of PPinot Noir, aand the resu
ulting ed 10 month
hs in French
h Oak to prooduce a winee with spice notes and fflavor wine is age
of black ch
herry and cu
urrant. Pair w
with braised meats, including rack o
of lamb or hearty salmon. (1)
750 ml 2008 Fre
escobaldi,, Tenura Di Castiglioni, Tosscana Te
enuta di Casstiglioni: from
m the most ancient pro
operty of thee family, a con
ntemporary expression
n of Tuscanny. The co
ool soils an
nd warm, ven
ntilated clim
mate favour aa perfect maaturation and
d make this a rich and sm
mooth wine w
with intense notes of fruuit.
750 m
ml 2009 G
Glen Carlo
ou, Grand
d Classique, A classic c
Bordeaux blend of Caberne
et Sauvignonn, Merlot, C
Cabernet Fraanc, Malbec and Pettit Verdot. Intriguing aromas o
of clove, san
ndalwood an
nd fresh blacckcurrant arre followed by a velvetyy smooth pallate brimming with ripe
e berry fruitt and well ssupported b
by supple tan
nnins and ge
entle oak. (1)
750 ml 2
2009 Cam
meron Hughes, Lott 247, Napa Valleyy, Caberne
et Sauvign
non Lot 247 iis an opulen
nt wine with
h velvety, silken tanninss. Concentraated blackbeerry and cherry intertwiine with ch
herry infused fruit. Blaack licorice, espresso aand ed oak shim
mmer in th
he backgrou
und of thiss elegant m
mountain frruit integrate
Cabernett. With fine
e‐grained tannins and framing f
aciddity, this wine shows o
world graace and plen
nty of fruit on the palate
e. CT 88 (1)
750 ml 2
2010 Milccanpos, V
Vinas Viejjas, Riberrto del Du
uero, nillo Tempran
Bodegas La Milagrossa was found
ded by a sm
mall group off growers in 1962. The b
bodega owns any small vine
eyards that were plantted in the eearly 1940’ss. These vin
neyards surround
d the bodegaa on the sho
ort, rolling h
hills that givve the illusio
on of continu
uing to the horizzon. Each vineyard v
is surrounded by rocks, pine trees, thyme, and
d have varying o
orientations.. The varyingg orientation
ns produce ggrapes that vary in acidity and structure
e. The grape
es from each
h of the vine
eyards are vinified separately, which gives tremendous flexibilitty when blen
nding the diffferent couppages to achieve the maximum balance iin the final w
wine. Milcam
mpos meanss ‘a thousan d fields’ beccause lookin
ng from the bode
ega across the horizon along the ro
olling hills, eeach hill loo
oks like a different 18
vineyard, particularlyy in the earlly morning w
when the fog in the vallley separatees each hill. Dark ruby with purple hu
ue color and
d mineral, black b
fruit, cracked pep
pper, and eespresso aro
omas. Medium to full bodyy, well strucctured, balanced acidityy with spicy black fruit and cola flaavors; and bitte
er cherry and
d ripe tannin
ns on the finish. WA 94
(1) 75
50 ml 201
10 2009 D
Domaine Mireilless & Vincen
nt, Cotess du Rhon
ne This red win
e from France comes froom grapes ggrown on thee left bank o
of the Rhone R
Riverr in an area known botth for its tru
uffles and w
wines. The o
oldest vines v
have grown as lo
ong as 60 years, thou
ugh the aveerage age of the vineyards is v
35 years. Pram Acharya, co‐ownerr of Esperan
nce in Charleevoix, said s
they re
ecommend the Domainne Mireille et Vincent Cotes du R
Rhone Rouge R
foor reasons. 2009 multiple Vineyard
d details include the olde
est vines plaanted on terrraced hillsid
des with red
d clay and sto
ones. Many of the vineyarrds are on o
old truffles, aadding a com
mplex and rrich compon
nent to the w
wine, accordingg to informaation from th
he producer. The wine
e shows darrk ruby colo
or with arom
mas of red aand black b
berries, cedaar and briar with white pe
epper and co
ocoa notes. This elegan
nt wine is m
made with grenache, syrah, cinsaultt and carignan grapes. (1) 75
50 ml 200
09 Allegrini, Palazzzo Della TTorre, Veeronese Flavors o
of blackberryy, candied b
black currantt and kirsch mix with hints of pomegranate, viiolet and balsamic in this open‐knit, creamy red. Medium‐bbodied, with
h a lightly juicy finish. D
Drink now thro
ough 2017. W
WS 89 (1)
750 ml 20
008 Chate
eau Lasco
ombe Noaaillan, Meedoc Oak, eartth and cassiss notes with an oaky lico
orice and blaackberry finish. WS 90 (1)
750 ml 20
011 Pont D
De Gassaac, Selectiion Guibeert, Pays d’Heraullt The Pontt de Gassac from Doum
mas‐Gassac is i a fresh annd fruity bleend of Cabernet Sauvign
non, Merlot and Syrah. Th
he fruit is sourced from Gassac vineyyards situated near the village off Villeveyracc. The wine is well balanced and earrthy, yet showing a fruit purity an
nd richness tthat drinks w
well above itss price. Black fru
uit, dried he
erb, baked earth. e
Its middle‐weightt, balanced, chewy and fresh witth rustic app
peal. It come
es over as a genuine winne and a good drinking one at that lively bu
ut with som
me depth. Th
heres an alm
most licoricee aftertaste which is pretty yum. A great vinttage at workk here, liftingg your odds.. WS90 (1)
750 ml 20
010 Chate
eau Baby,, Bordeau
ux Another fan
ntastic value
e from the first 2010 Boordeaux’s to
o arrive. Ligght, easy drinking and a pleasu
ure to drink.. 19
Lot 107
ed by Tom
m and Maary Kirk (1) 75
50 ml 200
06 Cheval des And
des The 2006
6 Cheval de
es Andes waas bottled in
n early 20088 but has n
not yet been rele
eased. The 2
2006 vintage
e is superb tthroughout Mendoza an
nd this wine, as in many oth
her bodegas I visited in A
April 2008, s hows off thee extra dimensio
on of comple
exity made possible in aan exceptionnal year. Thee wine is compo
osed entirelyy of Malbec and Cabern
net Sauvignoon. It is a bitt more saturated
d than the 2
2005 with a splendid pe
erfume of pain grille, m
mineral, espresso, black cherry, and blaack raspberrry that leapps from thee glass. More op
pulent and layered l
than the 2005,, it also connceals a bitt more structure
e. The finish seems to go
o on and on. WA 96 (1) 750 ml 2008 2
Cassa Laposttolle, Clo
os Apaltaa, Colchu
uaga Valleyy Clos Ap
palta, depen
nding on you
ur point of vview, is argu
uably Chile'ss best wine. And this vin
ntage is outsstanding! Eaarth, minty spice, ripe b
berry, minerality and sm
moky aromass cover the bases. It's superbly s
struuctured, witth a fine texxture and depth. Tastes llush and com
mplex, with blackberry, crème de caassis, fine heerbs and tobacco. WE 95 Lot 108
PLER Donate
ed by Frank and Sh
heri Vero 7
010 Alta M
Moncayo,, Veraton
(1) 750 ml 20
Inky purrple. A heady bouquett evokes rip
pe red berrries, anise, mocha and
d pungent fresh flowers. Supple and sweet on
n entry, thenn more strucctured in thee middle, offering o
ep, mineral‐‐accented dried strawb erry and ch
herry liqueur flavors. TTakes a spicyy turn on the long, sapp
py finish, whhich echoes tthe pure red
d berry quaalities. This outsstanding win
nery, whose top end win
nes are madee under the auspices of the well‐kno
own Australian winemake
er, Chris Ringgland, also p
produces thiss reasonablyy priced 200
09 Veraton frrom 100% Gre
enache. Age
ed 17 months in a combiination of Frrench and Am
merican oakk, and bottled unfiltered, it reveals good minerality from th
he vineyard’ s slate and cclay soils. So
oft, round an
nd 20
ed with an e
expansive, fle
eshy mouthffeel as well aas plenty of red and blacck fruits, this terroir‐driven red exhibits some oak, but it iss well‐integrrated and reeasonably su
ubtle. WA92
2 (1) 75
50 ml 200
09 Altavin
ns, Temp
pus, Terraa Alta
Red wine
e that boastss intense co
olour with to
ones of purp le, aromas o
of raspberriees and blackk plums or fruit in liqueu
ur. Notes of vainilla and cocoa and sspicy notes o
of cloves. Pleasing P
eatiness on the palate, with a goood level of acidity wicch counteraacts the warm of the alccohol and plleasant tani ns. Long, lin
ngering finish. Decant b
before servin
ng. WA 88 (1
1) 750 m
ml 2008 FFont De LLa Figueraa, Prioratt Op
paque ruby. Exotically perfumed bouquet evvokes red and dark beerries, incense, graph
hite and smo
oky herbs, w
with a sexy floral nuancee gaining streength with air. Juicyy, penetrating and mineeral‐driven, with very ggood depth to its d bitter che
erry flavors. Leaves sap
ppy floral p
pastille and spice raspberry and
ehind on the
e very long, clinging finissh. Plenty rrich but this wine caake notes be
hows very go
ood vivacity and clarity. IWC 92 (1)
750 ml 20
008 Pesqu
uera, Ribe
era Del D
Duero Black cherry, licorice, mineral and herb notes minglee in this firm red. Chewy taannins and tart acidity lend an austere characcter now, b
but this shows fo
ocus. Best fro
om 2014 through 2020. WS 88 (1)
750 ml 20
005 R. Lop
pez de He
eredia, Viina Cubilllo, Rioja Classified
d by The Reggulating Cou
uncil as EXCEELLENT as w
well as the previous year. This harveest was not o
only good in
n quality butt in quantity both in our own vineyaards and in the whole D..O. Rioja. Ou
ut of the 170
0 ha. that we
e own, in 200
05 we had 1154 in produ
uction. The vvolumen of the harvest in 2005 was slighly smaller than 20
004, due to tthe polinizattion. The veegetative cyccle dvance from
m a was perffect with no problems during all yeaar. The harveest started 110 days in ad
normal yyear starting on Septemb
ber 24th witth the Whitee grapes and
d on Septem
mber 27th wiith the red ggrapes in Viña Tondoniaa. We finish
hed harvesti ng Viña Cub
billo in Octo
ober 22nd. W
We suffered a big storm
m on October the 12th that delayedd the finalizing but didn’t damage the quality. The T grapes entered th
he winery with w
a goodd concentrattion of colo
or, balance of 21
content and acidity and good colourr intensity. A
All of this maade great w
wines with high of ageing. C
CT 88 750 ml 20
005 6 Som
mbreros, Rioja aturing mid--weight red
d is from 80
8 to 100 year old,
lly farmed vines.
It offeers an intrigu
uing, compleex nose of
r cherry berry
y fruit, cedaary spice, driied herbs, vaanillin and
It's nicely baalanced and quite polish
hed in feel, w
with some
and dusty taannin. It cou
uld use morre age. The length is
od to excellen
nt. A solid Rioja
tilting to a modernn style but
wing consideerable oak. Best
B 2014 to 2018. 9 OOD ART
TIST ed by Claudia and Eric Zach
harias 1.5 L 2006
6 Lan‐Criaanza‐Rioja d balanced, this red brims with che
erry, spice a nd licorice, with m tannins and a
vibrantt acidity. Th
he texture iis generouss yet Not heavy, but vivaciou
us. Drink now
w through 20014. WS 90
ATE ed by Eile
een Levis 750 ml NV
V Ferrari Brut Tren
nto – Etch
hed AOPA
A PAC d focused, w
with fine textture and a subtle blend of Honey crrisp apple, apricot and le
emon zest. D
Drink now th
hrough 20166.WS 88 Box Godivva Chocolates Box See’s Famous Old Time
e Candiess 22
Lot 111
ed by Gle
en Crumpton, Alffred and Lynn Krittter, Tom
m and Lesley DiBello
o Lot 111
1A (5) Glen’s Spe
ecial Choice Selecttion Cigars – Chatteau Fuentes F
La Gloriaa Cubana Petite Ciigars (1) Box of 10 B
If you weren't sm oking a La Gloria Cubaana cigars during the 90''s cigar boom
m, you migh
ht as well have been smo
oking ham. Originally O
bllended by EErnesto Pereez Carrillo in his father's Cuban tra dition, today they're am
mong the wo
orld's leadingg premium hhandmade ccigars. Each cigar is bleended with ricch Dominicaan & Nicaragguan tobaccos in your choice of lussh Ecuadorrian Sumattra or Bro
oadleaf Maaduro wrappe
ers, for a smoke that'ss both rich in heritagee and flavor.
(1) 5
500 ml Warre’s Otima 20 ye
ear Tawn
ny Porto
Fresh, with plenty off vibrant acidity behind the cocoa, vanilla and a
dried apricot flavo
ors. Spicy an
nd creamy notes linger on the long, broad ffinish. Roastted sesame seed no
otes pervade the langguid flavorss of dried apricot, ccherry paste
e and butterr cream. Inte
ense toffee accents show on the t
supple finish, with
h hints of Bourbon vanilla. A bit of a throw
wback, but d
distinctively rich and complex. Drrink now. WSS 91 Lot 111
1B (5) Glen’s Spe
ecial Choice Selecttion Cigars – Chatteau Fuente
es La Gloriaa Cubana Petite Ciigars (1) Box of 10 B
If you we
eren't smok ing a La Glo
oria Cubana cigars during the 90's cigar boom, youu might as w
well have beeen smoking ham. Originallyy blended bby Ernesto PPerez Carrillo in his fatther's Cuban trradition, todday they're among thee world's leaading premium
m handmadee cigars. Eacch cigar is b
blended with
h rich Dominicaan & Nicaraaguan tobacccos in your choice off lush Ecuadorian Sumatraa or Broadleeaf Maduro wrappers, for a smoke th
hat's both ricch in heritagge and flavorr. (1)
750 ml 19
95 Quintta do Novval, Silval,, Vintagee Porto neyard sele
ection from
m Quinta do Noval sttyled for eearly‐term Single‐vin
drinkability. 1995 waas an excelle
ent year quaality‐wise annd is remem
mbered for wines with arromas of verry ripe red frruit, particullarly black generouss, opulent w
cherry. W
WS 88 Lot 111
1C (5) Glen’s Spe
ecial Choice Selecttion Cigars – Chatteau Fuente
es (1) Box of 10 B
La Gloriaa Cubana Petite Ciigars If you w
weren't smokking a La Glo
oria Cubana cigars during the 90's cigaar boom, youu might as w
well have been smoking ham. Originally blended by Ernesto Perez Carrilllo in his fatther's Cuban tradition, t
tooday they'ree among thee world's leaading premium
m handmad e cigars. Eacch cigar is b
blended with
h rich Dominiccan & Nicarraguan tobaaccos in you
ur choice off lush Ecuadorrian Sumatraa or Broadleeaf Maduro
o wrappers, for a smoke tthat's both r ich in heritage and flavo
or. (1) 750 ml Gr
raham’s, 2
20 Year TTawny, Po
orto Graham's is known ffor its rich, elegant hou
use style. Thhis 20 Year ntense, nuttyy bouquet, tthe classic G
Graham's ricchness and has an in
a concen
ntrated, linge
ering finish. Offers caram
mel notes onn the nose, with goo
od cut to the
e ripe cherryy and fruitcaake flavors. TToffee and caramel accent the ffresh finish, with notes of milk choccolate. WA 90 Lot 111
1D (5) Glen’s Spe
ecial Choice Selecttion Cigars – Chatteau Fuentes
(1) Box of 10 B
La Gloriaa Cubana Petite Ciigars If you w
weren't smokking a La Glo
oria Cubana cigars durin
ng the 90's ciggar boom, yyou might aas well havve been smo
oking ham. Originally O
bleended by EErnesto Pereez Carrillo in his father'ss Cuban traddition, todayy they're am
mong the wo
orld's leading premium hhandmade ccigars. Each cigar is bleended os in your choice with ricch Dominica n & Nicaragguan tobacco
of lush
h Ecuadoriian Sumatra or Bro
oadleaf Maaduro wrappe
ers, for a sm
moke that'ss both rich in heritagee and flavor.
(1) 750 ml 20
000 Delafo
orce, Vintage Portto Made in a sweet, open‐knit, o
precocious p
style, s
Delafoorce’s 2000 reveals a d
dense ruby/purrple color as well as sw
weet, accessible black cherry/blackberry fruit with hints of smoke, earth, and tru
uffles. Veryy floral, wit h hints of crushed beerries. m sweet, with w
fine tannnins and a long, refreeshing Medium to full‐bodied, medium
finish. Pretty. Best affter 2008. W
WS 87 Lot 111
1 E (5) Glen’s Spe
ecial Choice Selecttion Cigars ‐ Chateeau Fuentes
La Gloriaa Cubana Petite Ciigars (1) Box of 10 B
If you weren't sm oking a La Gloria Cubaana cigars during the 90''s cigar boom
m, you migh
ht as well have been smo
oking ham. Originally O
bllended by EErnesto Pereez Carrillo in his father's Cuban tra dition, today they're am
mong the wo
orld's leadingg premium hhandmade ccigars. Each cigar is bleended with ricch Dominicaan & Nicaragguan tobaccos in your choice of lussh Ecuadorrian Sumattra or Bro
oadleaf Maaduro wrappe
ers, for a smoke that'ss both rich in heritagee and flavor.
(1) 750 ml 20
007 Warre
e's, Vintaage Porto
o Offers lo
ovely perfum
med aromass and beautiful raspbeerry and blaackberry character, turning to t tar, black truffle an
nd wet eartth. Full‐bodied and medium sweet, with
h a balance of very che
ewy tannins and sugaryy fruit at the finish
h. This goes o
on and on. W
WS 95 25
Lot 112
ed by Anita Liberm
pear and son, Ari LLampear (1) 3 L 2010 R
Rodney Sttrong, So
onoma Vaalley, Chaardonnayy Chardonnay likes cool c
es, and the
e Sonoma Coast is Sonoma County’s co
oolest. Bordering the co
ounty’s wesstern and southern
n extremes, the effects of the chilly Pacific Ocean are strongestt here. In th
he southern
n end, alongg San Pablo Bay, the summer heating of tthe low hills and coastall terraces drraws cool ocean air through a natural win
nd gap near Petaluma, ffunneling cool air and fog through t
Pettaluma and
d across ouur estate elds and eenhances vineyard in Lakevville. This lowers yie
ding to a classic Sonom
ma Coast concentrration and acidity, style. Toasty vaanilla and sp
pice complexxities, crisp apple and ppineapple flavors, w
with a core o
of bright acid
dity and a long toasty finnish. 3 Lot 113
ONE Donate
ed by Tom
m & Maryy Ellen Fisse 7
009 Opus One – Naapa Valleey (1) 750 ml 20
The 2009 vintage v
saw cool tempeeratures durring bloom and maturaation, with two sh
hort heat spe
ells in Septem
mber. The h
harvest begaan on September 21st and prrovided an exhilaratingg finish on O
October 20tth after a reecord rainfall for O
October. Aromas of b
black olive and mineralss underlie m
more traditional notes off dark chocolate, ccola and esp
presso. Show
wing flavors of ripe blueeberry, cassis and licorice, thiss age‐worthy wine simuultaneously o
offers a smo
ooth finish aand a slight grip of tannin at the close. This bold
d, rich and assertive a
red is firm an
nd concentraated, displaying a mix of dried currrant, blackberry, wild berrry and spicce flavors, ending e
with loamy eartth and meltted black liccorice bernet Francc, Petit Verddot, Merlot aand Malbec. Best from 2014 notes. Caabernet Sauvignon, Cab
through 2025. WS 92
2 26
ed by Anita Liberm
pear and Alan Lam
mpear 50 ml 198
86 Châteaau Clerc M
Milon ‐ P
Pauillac 6 is among the greatesst Clerc‐Milo
on in my m
memory, and
d es to repressent one of o the bette
er values oof the 19866 Dark ruby/p
purple with a super bo
ouquet of sw
weet, toastyy , plums, black currants,, licorice, an
nd cedar, onn the palate,, is very conccentrated, riich and pow
werful, yet attypically softt hy for a 1986. While this wine shou
uld age well for anotherr ades, it can be drunk m
much earlier than many of the 19866 . It is a sleep
per of the vin
ntage. by/purple with some pin
nk at the rim
m, this wine has a superr of sweet, toasty new oak, o
plums, black currants, licorice,, ar. The win
ne is conce
entrated on
n the palate, rich and
d l, yet atypicaally soft and
d fleshy for aa 1986. Whiile this winee age well for another tw
wo decades,, it has mattured fasterr ny of the 198
86 Pauillacs.. WA 90
750 ml 19
989 Châte
eau Clercc Milon ‐ P
9 Clerc‐Milon
n is a wonde
erfully hedon
nistic wine. It is deep ru
uby, with an intense, roaasted, ouquet of plums and cu
urrants. Thiss full‐bodied wine is paccked with fruit, is chewyy and as well as very v
soft an
nd alcoholic. In spite off the precoccious impresssion, the taannin e high, similar in fact to
o the 1986. FFor the first time in my experience,, I actually p
prefer c‐Milon to M
Mouton‐Rothschild! by, with an intense, roasted, smokky bouquet of plums and currants, this full‐bo
odied acked with ffruit, is chew
wy and opule
ent as well aas soft and alcoholic. WA
D UP WITTH FUDGEE ed by Tinaa Moran and Anitaa Libermaan‐Lampeear & Alan Lampeaar fany Wovven Earth
henware P
Platter r entertaining. A Platter in earthenw
ware. unds of K
Kilwins (H
de Mackin
naw Islan
nd) Fudgee 27
6 ELLOS ed by Ron
n Mangen
nello 750 ml 20
004 Castello Banfi – Brunello di Mon
ntalcino lous aromass of blackberrry, black cherry and rasspberry. Full‐‐bodied, nderfully inte
egrated tann
nins, fresh m
mushrooms aand milk cho
ocolate. n the end. W
We will see if this is bette
er than the 22001 with agge. Best afterr S 93 750 ml 20
007 Ciaccii Piccolom
mni d”Araagona – B
Brunello di alcino dense and rich, r
this red
d is also sle
eekly proporrtioned and harmonious. rry, raspberry, licorice, earth and tobacco t
flavvors meld w
with the soliid e. Offers fine
e length and
d complexitty that increeases with aaeration. Besst 14 through 2
2025. WS 94 7 DERSON V
VERTICALL ed by Anita Liberm
pear and Alan Lam
mpear 750 ml 1996 1
S. Anderso
on – Ricchard Ch
hambers Vineyard‐‐Stags Leaap Vineyaard focused, with pretty exxtra flavor faacets. The coore of black cherry, currrant, plum, ccedar e builds to a complex fin
nish. WS 90
750 ml 1997 S. Anderson
– Richaard Cham
mbers Vin
neyard‐Sttags Leap Vine
eyard , with earth
hy currant, anise, mine
eral and sagge flavors. R
Rich and weell focused, with xture and fin
nesse. WS 91 750 ml 1998 S. Anderson
– Richaard Cham
mbers Vin
neyard‐Sttags Leap Vine
eyard 28
arthy style, with a toucch of funk woven w
throuugh the leath
hery currantt, anise, min
neral, spice attrib
butes. Enouggh ripe plum fruit is focused to hold your attentiion. WS 88
750 ml 1999 S. Anderson
– Richaard Cham
mbers Vin
neyard‐Sttags Leap Vine
eyard ficent wine, dark, rich and a concenttrated, with earthy currrant and du
usty berry flaavors e tight, plu
ush and complex, pickking up a vanilla‐moccha edge ffrom oak. Long, rated aftertaaste, echoingg anise and ccoffee. WS 994 8 HALF BOT
MPLER ed by Anita Liberm
pear and Alan Lam
mpear 375 ml NV
V Krug – G
Grande C
pagne the only Ho
ouse to offer five Prestige Cuvees e all differrent, while all being of equal, ted quality and distinction. Eaach Cuvee a particular interpretation of excellence, e
an inimitab
ble experien
nce the mo
oment it is overwhelming the sen
nses with exceptional e
. ande Cuvée is the arche
etype of Krug’s philosopphy of craftssmanship an
nd savoir faiire: A around 120
0 wines from
m ten or mo
ore differentt vintages, some of which may reacch 15 age. Blendin
ng so many vvintages give
es Krug Grannde Cuvée itts unique fullness of flavvours mas, its incredible generosity and its absolutte elegance ‐ somethin
ng impossib
ble to with the win
nes of just aa single yearr. Its exceptiional finessee is the resu
ult of a stay of at other six yeaars in the cellars. Over tw
wenty yearss are needed
d to craft each bottle off Krug Cuvée: the first prestige cuvee re‐cre
eated each yyear, beyond
d the very notion of vinttage. Brut Grand C
Cuvee offerss up attractiive suggestioons of pearss, quince, sp
pice, briochee and . As is often the case he
ere, the Grand Cuvee reeveals notab
ble elegance and finessee. The serve winess in the blend
d gives this w
wine an unuusual level off complexityy. Readers sh
hould a fair amoun
nt of bottle
e variation, something I myself haave encounttered with ssome cy over the years. Some
e bottles can be fantasstic, others less so. Alth
hough the G
Grand a good intro
oduction to the Krug ho
ouse style I ffind it increaasingly difficult to get exxcited is wine. WA 90 375 ml 19
999 Domaaine Louiss Latour –– Corton‐‐Charlem
magne e ravages off the phylloxxera aphid aat the end oof the 19th it was the Latour famiily that took the now‐ celebrated to tear up tthe dead Aligoté and Pinot Noir vinnes and to 29
them with Chardonnay
. The vineyaard is situatted in the p
prime area o
of the hillsid
de of where its so
outheasterlyy aspect enssures maxim
mum exposu
ure to the sun. The fruit is d as late ass possible to
o guarantee
e maximum ripeness. B
Barrel fermeented with 1
100% ic fermentattion. lent wine haas an intensse golden hu
ue with a disstinguished amber yello
ow core. A m
of tropical and exoticc fruits. Its rich onal wine, characterize
ed by its abundance a
ity is enhancced by its sp
picy vanilla and a powerfful, toasty richness. It offfers a restraained e now, but w
will develop into anotherr classic from
m Corton‐Chaarlemagne. 9 Corton‐Ch
harlemagne offers mineral and st one aromass. Medium‐bodied, fat,, and t elegant, it is a well‐balanced, austtere wine. M
Minerals, white fruits, an
nd toasty oak can rned in this w
wine's charaacter as well as throughoout its impreessively longg finish. WA 9
90 375 ml 19
996 Chate
eau Tourss St. Bonn
net – Med
doc mature hue
e. There is a a complex nose n
which opens and
d s during the evening, firrst offering some blackccurrant and
d ruit and sw
weet cough candy, follo
owed by m
more meaty,, green note
es with a little garden mint. Th e palate iss , with dry frruit, pleasan
ntly textured
d, and firmlyy composed,, raditional sttyle. There are a fleeting moments oof flesh and
d , becomingg more persistent as the wine has moree e to the air. On the who
ole this is an admirable sspinster of aa y with a traace of aceticc volatility, but with a soft centre.. a little lean e
extract, and a short, dryy, slightly tannnic finish. able cru bou
urgeois estaate has drop
pped the "LLa" from itss o doubt beccause of com
mplaints from the similaarly‐named,, nowned firsst‐growth Paauillac. One of the mostt reliable wiines in its cllass over thee last ades, the 19
996 is a darkk purple‐colo
ored wine w
with powerfu
ul, ripe, eartthy, blackcu
urrant Dense, with
h fine sweetn
ness on the attack, a higgh tannin levvel, medium
m body, and good should keep for 10‐15 years, providing classy,, slightly ausstere, but delicious drin
nking. 375 ml 20
000 Chate
eau Daugaay‐St. Em
millon reasonably‐priced St.‐EEmilion with
h plenty of ccharacter. TThe excellen
nt, by/purple‐colored 200
00 exhibits aromas off melted liccorice, blacck , cherries, an
nd a hint of Provencal herbs. The ta nnin is sweeet, the aciditty the wine plush as well aas nicely textured. WA 888 375 ml 19
986 Chate
eau Raym
nes rd to believve this wine
e will eclipsse the greaat 1983, bu
ut the ces in the tw
wo wines arre negligible
e. I do not believe the 1986 30
uite the imp
pact on the palate that the huge, m
massive 19883 does, butt there is a great otrytis, and a profound,, penetratingg fragrance oof sauteed p
pineapple, vaanillin, toastt, and peaches. In
n the mouth,, the wine is more stream
mlined than the 1983, b
but lusciouslyy rich bodied, with very good
d acidity and
d a creamy,, intense fin
nish. It will b
be interesting to e the 1983 an
nd 1986 as they evolve. My guess is that the 1986 will age ffaster. WA 9
92 375 ml 20
002 Hop K
Kiln – Russsian Riveer Valley – e Havest ZZinfandel 9 H MAGNU
UM ed by Eile
een Levis 1.5 L 2009
9 Groth, O
Oakville, Napa Valley, Cabeernet Sau
had a few isssues out of the ordinaryy in 2009 th at required a ous amountt of time and
d energy in the vineyard s. The stead
dy warm dayys y to cooler w
weather and a rain incide
ent like we hhave not seeen since the 989. Even tho
ough many o
of the red grrapes were hharvested prrior to this nt some Cabernet was sttill on the vin
ne after the showers. Fo
ortunately t is quite ressistant to anyy collateral d
damage cau sed by the m
moisture and
d es came thro
ough in greaat shape. This, of course,, was a result of intensee the vineyards to eliminatte any fruit tthat might hhave been co
d ains. This thinning, in co
onjunction w
with both cluuster and beerry sorting in r, resulted in
n big, rich, u
unctuous red
ds with outsttanding colo
or and depth
h. A great yeear of ernet Sauviggnon fruit is grown on o
our Estate coontrolled vin
neyards, in tthe Oakville AVA, eart of the Napa Valley. TThe Oakville District is reenowned for its Caberneet Sauvignon
n and s wines that are full, lush
h and very e
elegant. ation was caarried out over a ten‐daay period in small, temp
perature‐controlled staiinless nks at an average a
mperature of 85F. Afte r pressing and settlingg, the winee was red to small French oak barrels for aging. The ssweet vanilla character derived from 22 in the barre
els blends well with the black cherrry and blackkberry flavorrs and arom
mas of . 9 Cabernet SSauvignon iss big and lussh with hugge gobs of frruit in the aroma and fllavor. ure of the w
wine is soft and supple, ttypical of Caabernet Sauvvignons grow
wn in our arrea of ville AVA. 31
A cool‐climate expre
ession of Cab
bernet, pungent, gamy and herbal,, with a loam
my earth edge to the dried
d berry and currant. Gaains on the finish. Shouuld be cellarred, if brieflyy, and decanted. Best from
m 2014 throu
ugh 2024. W
WS 88 Lot 120
ed by Anita Liberm
pear and Alan Lam
mpear (1) 750 ml 20
011 Brys EEstate, Olld Missio
on Peninsula, Cabernet C
Franc The 2011
1 Brys Estatte Cabernet Franc show
wcases the tterroir of our beautifull estate vineyard. It iss rich and co
omplex with cherry and dark berry flavors. Thiss wine offe
ers a lusciou
us mouth fee
el with hintss of dark choocolate and berry. Enjoyy with red meats, espe
ecially lamb, or any seasonal game, oor simply byy itself. (1) 750 ml 20
011 Brys EEstate, Olld Missio
on Peninsula, Reislling This well balance
ed Riesling sshows beau tiful pear, p
peach and apricot aromatics. mid‐palate sshows an arrray of stone fruits and iss soft and viiscous with slight The m
citruss tones on the finish. This 100% Estate Grow
wn German
n Style winee will appe
eal to the sop
phisticated R
Riesling drin ker. (1)
750 ml 20
011 Brys EEstate, Olld Missio
on Peninsula, Pinot Blan
nc Aromas o
of pear and delicious golden apple, with a cleann and fresh m
mid palate and key lime on the
e finish, make this a grreat wine w
with food as well as a ng summer w
wine on its own. Brys EEstate is onee of only a h
handful of refreshin
Pinot Blaanc producerrs in Michigaan. 32
(1) 750 ml 20
011 Brys EEstate, Olld Missio
on Peninsula, Gewurztra
aminer German style, this se
emi‐sweet w
wine has a hint of spicin ess and flavvors of lycheee, rose pettals, orange blossoms. A perfect wine with spicier food
ds and Asiaan cuisine. (1)) 750 m
ml 2011 Brrys Estatee, Old Miission Pen
ninsula, Me
erlot Thiss wine offerss berry and plum notes on the nosee with a lusccious and creeamy mouth feel. Nicce fruit and sspice finish oout this wine. Aged in traditional Frrench oakk barrels forr 14 months. Pair this Merlot with any red m
meat, fall sttews, venison and pork, or simplyy by itself. (1) 750 ml 20
011 Brys EEstate, Olld Missio
on Peninsula, Pinot Noir
r Pinot No
oir is the ultimate food
d pairing wine, with itss soft, very tender tannins, making this a very sleekk, smooth, easy drinkingg red wine th
hat also goes well with whitte meats like fish, veal,, pork and cchicken. Th
he 2011 Pinot Noir has black cherry, whitte pepper, and spice on the nose wh
hile the palate is viscous and
d luscious w
with a long m
memorable ffinish of fruiit, spice and well integrated FFrench oak. Lot 121
1 Brut &
& Rosé Champagne
e Combo
ed by Anita Liberm
pear and Alan Lam
mpear (1) 750 ml NV
V Moutarrd – Grande Cuveee‐Brut‐Ch
hampagne (1) 750 7 ml NV N Moutaard – Rossé de Cu
uvaison –– Brut‐
pagne (1) 750 7 ml NV Veuve Doussott – Grand
de Cuveee‐Brut‐
pagne (1) 750 ml NV
V Veuve Doussot – Tendreesse – Bru
ut Rosé‐
page 33
NUMS ed by Anita Liberm
pear and Alan ear 1.5 L 2004
4 Bodega Penafiel,, Miros d
de Ribera, Ré
éserva, TTempernillo d wine with intense viole
et shades. P
Presents a laayer strong, bright and cclean. The no
ose is , combining ripe fruit off the grape n
notes with thhe toasted aand roasted in the barreel. On te the wine is large, fleshy and structured,, while exp
pressing great kindnesss and nce. ressive red offers berryy, spice, tob
bacco and ccedar notes on a lithe fframe, with
h firm ows good density, d
yett remains vvibrant and focused, in
n the and bright acidity. Sho
al style. Drin
nk now throu
ugh 2016. W
WS 92 3A & 123
3B O BLANC ed by Tom
m and Lessley DiBello 750 ml 20
011 Matanzas Cree
ek, Sonom
ma, Sauvvignon Blanc vignon Blancc is crafted tto express tthe grape's nnatural arom
matics. We aadd to the palatte by aging a small pe
ercentage inn fine grain French oakk. A of the fruitt in this vintage came from our viineyards in Knights Valley, on the borrder of Sonoma and Napa countiees. An inten
nsely perfum
med uquet of lim
me, bright pink p
grapefrruit and lem
mon thyme ccombined w
with green melon
n, pear and papaya. A m
medium bodiied, and fressh food‐frien
ndly WC 90 34
750 ml 20
011 Domaaine de Bernier, Valley de LLoire, Chaardonnayy y little numb
ber is from the northerrn region of the Loire V
Valley in and is made by a very go
ood Muscadet producerr. This helps explain hough the wine is 10
00% Chardo
onnay, it iss fresh and
d thirst ng, versus ovverly oaky and round. M
Made by the Couillaud b
brothers eau de la Raagotière in Muscadet, their 20 ye ar old Charrdonnay e planted to soil almost identical to
o that of theeir Muscadeet vines. mix of clay aand chalk, w
which gives the wine deppth and com
mplexity. naturally according to the t Europeaan Terra Vitiis, the winee is so fresh, unoaked, clean ght, and 100
0% estate bottled. b
ok for tropi cal fruit aro
omas of pin
neapples, yeellow apricots & tangerines leading to clean c
citrusyy fruit in thee fruity mou
uth and a hiint of one on the finish. Serve with cold sh
hellfish, Chileean sea basss, poached ssalmon or m
mango dishes; or with Lemon W
Wensleydale cheese, Maanchego sheeep's milk, leemon spread
d and ; or even witth sushi and sashimi. WSS 90 750 ml 20
011 Teruzzi & Puth
hod, Terree di Tufi, Toscana passion thatt ant and fascinating whitte wine, Terrre di Tufi reeflects the p
Puthod putts into wine
e‐growing an
nd wine‐prooducing. Because of itss and feature
es it has alw
ways been kn
nown as thee “White Sup
per Tuscan”, be considerred the whitte version off the famouss and much appreciated
d es of Tuscan
ny, made frrom grapes of native aand internattional grapee . Obtained from f
a care
eful selection
n of Vernacccia di San G
Gimignano, Chardonnayy and d and velvetty, the feath
on grapes, th
his is an inte
ense white w
wine, at onc e full‐bodied
her in ple and peach notes me
eet bitter grrapefruit acccents in this lively, almo
ost viscous w
white, balanced, lin
ngering on the finish. WS 88 750 ml 20
011 Roux Bourgogne, Les M
Murelles, Chardonnay e is mostly grown on sites at the foot f
of the slopes but tthe nature o
of the soil vvaries g to each geographical situation. In the Côte‐‐d'Or, the so
oils are whittish or light grey nd marly lim
me stones, deep and no
ot especially stony. Han
ndpicked harrvest. Tradittional ation on lee
es in stainlesss steel tankks during 6 months. Ligght golden ccolor, limpid
d and ne, often witth greenish highlights. In the Côte‐dd'Or it is haazelnut with a hint of ho
oney, racken, spicces and sugared chestnuts. 35
(1) 7
750 ml 20
011 Pont D
De Gassaac, Selectiion Guibeert, Pays d’Heraullt, Blanc There's good g
ure to the powerful p
tropical fruit a nd mineral flavors. Slate and
d salt‐and‐p
pepper notes chime in as well, witth a glazed apricot finish. Ch
hardonnay, SSauvignon Blanc and Claairette. (1) 7
750 ml 20
009 Came
eron Hugh
hes, Lot 2220, Carn
neros, Chardo
onnay Rich gold
den center with pears, apple and fresh bananna on the n
nose. This w
wine shows cllassic buttery qualities with subtle
e sorbet nootes on the finish. On the palate, this t
wine is rich and fu
ull with a bold b
mid‐paalate of Meyyer lemon and nuances of baking sp
pice. (1) 750 ml 20
011 Botan
ni, Moscaatel Seco, Sierras d
de Malagga This is probbably the on
nly totally d
dry 100% Muscat de Alexand ria made in Malaga, wh
here this graape is used for sw
weet wine production. To give yo
ou an idea how m
much I love tthis wine, fo
or the wedding of my goddaugghter, held n
near Pittsbu
urgh last sum
mmer, I purchaseed five casses of thee 2010 forr her reception. Moreover, II bought an additional tthree cases of the newly releeased 2011 (reviewed here) for consum ption in my home over the summer and early fall. Thhis is a winee made by th
he family bo
odega of Jorge and his siste
er Victoria O
Ordonez. Pro
oducing 5,0000 cases from
m the decom
mposed slatee and oils of Malagga, their harrvest remarkably beginss in July to ccapture the fresh, increedibly quartz so
perfumed fruit of thiis varietal. Itt is then ferm
mented tota lly in stainless steel, making it one o
of the ons of dry w
white wine inn the world.. This is a killler examplee that most perrfumed, nakked expressio
people ju
ust love. Lett me see if I can properlly describe i t. The exotic aromatics could fill a small room, with notes off flowers, ho
oneyed whitte citrus, m elons and h
hints of morre exotic tro
opical fruit such as mango
o and tange
erine. Jorge Ordonez aand his sisteer Victoria, as well as their consultin
ng winemake
er, Gerhart K
Kracher (son
n of the latee, great Aloiss Kracher) are trying to bring back the reputation of Malaga w
with wines ssuch as this. The historyy of the winees of Malagaa can be traced
d to 600 B.C
C. and the Greek era, an
nd more rec ently, this area’s wines were celebrated by Queen
n Isabella an
nd King Ferdinand in the
e 1500s, but then they laargely fell ou
ut of favor u
until a number of innovativve producers such as th
he Ordonez family, in aalliance with
h the Kracheers of began to ressurrect the ssweet winess as well as this incredib
bly perfumeed, dry whitee, the Austria, b
only one to exist from
m this region
n. Drink it ovver the next year. WA 911 36
(1) 750 ml 20
011 Andrian, Alta A
Adige, Pin
not Biancco Light straaw yellow co
olor, the nosse shows pow
wer and richhness, ripe aapple and rip
pe pear fruitt with distinctivve talc, minerality and hints of pear drop. Th e palate haas great balance, purityy and length. Food Pairing:: starters, de
elicate pastaa dishes, maiin dishes maade of mushrooms, eggss, fish or shellfish. (1) 750 ml 20
011 Chate
eau Fontaaine, Leelland Peniinsula, Woodlland White Made with the obscu
ure varietal Auxerrois, this wine sta rts with crissp apple on tthe palate, h seafood, sshellfish or midway, Honeydew melon, and finishes of white peac h. Pairs with
sushi. (1) 75
50 ml 201
11 Brunn
n, Gruner Veltlinerr, Austriaa A classic Gruner Velttliner with lo
ots of applee and citrus, crisp and w
with a tradittional peppery h
hint. 100% EEstate made with mostlyy Kamptal vin
nes. (1) 750 ml 20
010 Sartarrelli, Verd
dicchio dei Castellli di Jesi, Classico This lightt white offerrs a mix of crreamed melo
on, lemon zeest and lightt chalk notes. W
WS 84 (1) 750 ml 20
011 Muse
es Estate, 9 Musess,Thivaiko
os Assyrtiko
o is the varie
etal that has brought glo
ory to the islland of Santtorini, where it is renowned for its high acidity, crisp mineral flavors, and
d long aging capability. In hotter, morre fertile so
oils – such aas that of TThiva, where th
his wine is cultified – the grape pro
oduces plum
mped, more ccitrus notes. Trrebbiano Blaanc, meanwh
hile, is the se
econd most planted graape in the world, and in th
he 9 Muses White, it provides p
a ggood deal o
of the crisp, cle
ean finish. Th
he Sauvigno
on Blanc, me
eanwhile givves off tradittional grassy no
otes, and fitss right into the acidic foo
ot‐print of thhis wine. An explo
osive combin
nation of Asssyrtiko, Treb
bbiano, and Sauvignon Blanc give this wine a b
bright blonde color c
with greenish g
hues. It has an intenselyy floral‐fruit bouquet, and a roun
nded, balanced
d body with a medium‐lo
ong finish. IIt would be an ideal acccompanimen
nt to fresh ggrilled fish, shellfish, green vegetables, and fresh su
ummer fruit.. 4 Lot 124
ALY Donate
ed by Kel and Sue Bergman
nn 7
007 Còlpe
etrone, M
Montefalco Sagrantino (1) 750 ml 20
one is one of o the most important wineries of the area off alco DOCG. The Sagranttino grape vaariety nativee to this area of Italy's old
dest and mo
ost rich in taannins and polyphenolss. s reason th
herefore req
quires a very careful pprocess thaat es the pow
wer and uniqueness, an
nd it ensurres the righ
ht and elegancce. In the vin
neyard are aadopted farm
ming system
ms ghly qualitative yields off 60 quintalss per hectaree, well below
w 0 tonnes permitted p
by b the specification. Montefalco ino is produ
uced in thre
ee versions:: Montefalcoo Sagrantino eet and sele
ecting "Gold"", which is tthe result off studies carrried out in rrecent yearss by the s staff of this variety witth great pote
ential. character, w
with full, russtic tannins framing thee bitter cherrry and blacck currant frruit that with dark nottes of tar, medicinal herb
bs and humuus. WS 88 750 ml 2006 L’A
Astore, Saalento eyards, the property exxtends for 20 2 hectares in Contradaa Goshawk, Contrada e, Contrada A
Argentieri, ffalling in the
e countrysid e of Cutrofiano, a coun
ntry in the f Salento, 20
0 km equidistant from tthe Ionian SSea and the Adriatic Sea, ground posed to the
e sun, the w
winds and the
e sea to iodine. With th
he help of olld wine in eyards we have recovered, often abandonedd and inten
nded grubb
bing, little Apulian nattive varietiess such as Malvasia M
Bia nca Antica, the Minuto
olo Fiano, o Zagarese, Aglianico Hellenic H
ness of our membership
p Grecìa Sallento. We dopted a vin
neyard of saplings of Ne
egroamaro, planted in 11947 in the countrysidee of San n Lama, the
e absolute protagonists
s of our lan dscape but erased from
m the assetts to be ed by an absurd instittutional agrricultural poolicy. Since 2010, our vineyards p
produce grapes. In o
organic vineyyards is enco
ouraged bioddiversity and
d the vines ggrow in a soiil rich in ong the row
ws make the grass grow ssoft to allow
w this balancce: the herbaal essences aare also o many form
ms of insects that contrrol each oth er leaving leess space to
o the prevalence of arasites. Thaanks to bene
eficial bacte
eria can feedd on the plant the best and naturall way of substances in the soil, aalso develop
ping a greateer resistancee to disease and better ccapacity on over time
e. We evaluaate the weatther reportss, we observe the level o
of aggressiveeness of ease and a p
plan is agree
ed integrated defense. TThe treatmeents contribute some parasites y made with
h sulfur and copper in their t
compoositions easier. The metthods of cultivation ological strategies lead to observe, listen and w
work with n
nature and its rhythms. If each is different e
each wine m
must be diffe
erent, as nat ure intended. CT 88 750 ml 20
010 La Maassa, Tosccana a is right in the heart of C
Chianti Classsico. Becaus e of of the d
densely plan
nted and nge of orientations and soil types, La Massa hhas great co
omplexity, b
beautiful y, super‐ripe tannins. 0 La Massaa Toscana begins b
with a simply w
wonderful aaroma of su
ucculent ries, vanilla, spice and some reallly fragrant ffloral notess. Tasting th
he wine 38
reveals to
ons of rich, jjuicy fruit (m
mostly dark b
berries), alonng with licorrice, some n
nice spice, a bit of smoke and dusty tan
nnins. The LLa Massa reaally opens u p beautifully after abou
ut an hour in the glass, so you'll want to plan ahe
ead just a biit. It ends drry, with a m
medium‐longg finish of sliightly sour fruitt. CT 88 (1) 75
50 ml 200
09 Tenutaa Olim Baauda, Nizzza, Barbaaera D’Assti
Grapess from the Nizza vineyyard are seleected by hannd between the first and
d second weeek of Octobeer; that same evening th
hey are squeeezed and pooured into sttainless steeel vats and leeft to underggo alcoholicc fermentatiion at contrrolled tempe rature. Afteer the first fermentation is comple
eted, juice iss poured intoo French oakk barriques aand left therre for refinem
ment for 15 months. In July, after b
bottling, it iss left to refine in bottle ffor at least 1
1 year. Deep purrple wine. Th
he nose is rich and comp
plex perfum ed with red berry fruits that are pecculiar to this grape varietyy. The palate
e is firm and
d full but baalanced, and
d the finish is persistentt and enticing. (1) 750 ml 20
011 Tenutta Parco D
Dei Monaaci, Monaacello Primitiivo Monacello is the im
mpertinent spirit of an unbaptized u
child that ttroubles thee sleep of the young aand the old. Monacello is a red winne made fro
om Primitivo
o (a.k.a. Zinfandel) grrapes. It is a well‐stru
uctured wine that impresses with
h intense aaromas of rip
pe fruit. The taste is warrm, soft and enveloping.. (1) 750 ml 20
007 Viticcio, Chianti Classico, Riservva The estatte’s 2007 Ch
hianti Classicco Riserva co
omes togethher beautifully in the glass, wiith layers of o perfumed
d fruit that flow efforttlessly from
m a rich, generouss frame. The
ere is wonde
erful depth and persistennce in suggeestions of red fruit,, earthiness,, tobacco an
nd licorice that t
come too life on thee palate. This is on
ne of the m
more firm 20
007s I have ccome acrosss and it neeeds to be opened well w in advaance. Sweet floral notess add brighttness and lifft to the finish.WSS 93 39
Lot 125
ed by Tom
m and Maary Kirk (2) 375 ml 20
009 Chate
eau Guiraaud ‐ Satu
urnes This vintaage is simplyy extraordin
nary. With a beautiful yieeld, we havee produced a powerfull wine, very aromatic, th
hat present a perfect alccohol‐sugar acid balance and an im
mpressive p
purity of bottrytis. The 35
5% sauvignoon Guiraud speaks again and makkes this wine
e a brilliant freshness and a aerial suugars. In thee mouth, we find both
h the pink grapefruit, le
emon confit, notes of appricot, an op
pulence supported by aa very roasted b
botrytis. An impeccable picking allo
ows a wide ddefinition off the growth
h and an obvious represen
ntation of th
he terroir off Guiraud; a tight, straigght and purre wine. Tassted as partt of a vertical held at the
e chateau. The T
2009 Guiraud G
hass a complexx, precociou
us bouquet with honeysucckle and jasmine notes,, hints of dried honey aand white peeach. It is tightly wound
d but very preccise. The palate is pure and tense in
n the mouthh – great preecision heree once again with superbly integrated o
oak and a lo
ovely, seducttive, very visscous botrytis‐laden finissh. In many ways the 2009
9 represents the wine that every vinttage since 1983 would love to be. W
WA 96 (2) 3
375 ml 20
009 Chate
eau Caillo
ou ‐ Saturrnes The
e property was purchased by Jooseph Ballan
n in 1909; today it is his graanddaughterr Marie‐José
ée Brousse and her h
husband Micchel Pierre who maanage the property. Château Cailloou classified
d as Les secconds Crus yyears 185
55, with its vvineyard of 1
13 hectares, which has tthe same design today. The plan
nts have an allocation of o 90% Sém
millon and 110% Sauvign
non, which iis planted in
n the
ne rich soill, which is typical fo
or Barsac. The vineyaard has 66
600 vines // ha.
The berrries are harrvested by hand h
in batcches, througgh selectivee picking, an
nd each battch is fermente
ed and aged separately. When aggeing is complete, is exp
pected to eacch batch, annd how thesee would be mixed to achieve
as good quality as possible. 60%
% of the wine fermentedd in stainlesss steel tankks and 40% in the
barrel. The ageingg is done in oak barrel b
of w
which 60%
% is renew
wed each year.
Château Caillou prod
duces 22 000
0 to 26 000 b
bottles a yeaar. The 2009
9 Caillou is aa little oaky on the nose
e at the moment, a little subdued d
due to neceessary sulphur aadditions. However, the
e palate is w
well balancedd, with a go
ood attack o
on the entryy with orange zest, z
apricot and white peach, good weight annd tension w
with apricott lingering fo
or 30 seconds after. WA 91
1 40
S 7:00 P.M.
CH ed by Tom
m and Maary Kirk 750 ml 20
003 Dom Perignon
n Brut ‐ David Lyn
nch Limite
ed Edition
n oet & Chan
ndon Brut Champagne Cuvee D
Dom n 2003, whiich will be released early next yyear, d rich arom
mas of hon
ney, brioche
e and hintss of Though round and sum
mptuous, there was brright peach and a focus on
n the finish that retaiined e, freshness, finesse an
nd complexxity (94 poiints, d). With air, it became m
more texturaal, with a ginnger d a distinctive
e mineral streak. WS 94 2 ITALIANO
O ROSSO ed by Anita Liberm
pear and Friend 750 ml 19
998 Poggio Crocino
o ‐ Capan
nnacce ‐ TToscana u have lookked on that her ruby re
ed‐violet com
mpact nse, beautiful to see, and smell the smells very even vino
ous, of che
erries, blackkberries, beerries, berry, vanillaa and sea strrip of spices,, feel that atttacks melted in your y
mouth, straight an
nd tense, thhen to an enlargement of the
e plot half way there aand a nfused. Ho
owever, absolute conssistency, siincere for a development is not veryy deep butt well ed, for a final long, but taannic spread
d and smootth. 41
fect, ready for a wine th
hat you can ggive still ressting in the b
bottle for wh
hen the fruit and e they will have h
swept away the dross d
roverizzzate remaiins scattered around ‐ even hen I drink itt ‐ the plant. small and precise shaades, so thaat rammenttarne the aromatic chaaracteristicss, the dable freshness, the ab
nk as bsolute pleaasantness, thhe non‐trivial order you might thin
owing future
e harvests and aging, th
hat will havee the luxury to score new
w horizons in the Maremma. 750 ml 2000 Fatttoria la Monaces
ca ‐ Cam
merte ‐ e rple brown w
with a bit of bricking. No
ose of leatheer, savory, b
black fruit. tomato, oak,, strong tannins. Lackingg fruit in thee mid palatee after an so. Rich, almost chewy m
mouth feel. LLong finish. C
R ed by Frank Bostocck 750 ml 20
009 Dos C
Cabezas ‐‐ El Camp
po the San Fraancisco Chro
onicle rated the 2009 El Campo as o
one of theirr Top 100 W
Wines: os Cabezas EEl Campo Pronghorn Vin
neyard Sonooita Red : A sslight expan
nsion of our West ism, found in the high desert grasssland of Arizona. Sonoita sits at 4,800 feet ou
utside dd Bostock blends togeether everytthing planteed in his 15
5‐acre and for thiss owner Tod
rn site: Tempranillo, Mo
ourvedre, Pe
etit Verdot, Grenache and more. Seerious complexity , with corian
nder seed, fe
ennel and lillac accentin g sweet cheerry and a sttoic backbon
ne. A anger for ou
ur neighbor tto the east.”” 750 ml 20
011 Dos C
Cabezas ‐‐ Pink 1 Dos Cabezzas Pink Cocchise Countyy received a 2012 Jefferrson Cup No
ominee Awaard as he top wine
es in the 20
012 Jefferson Cup Winee Tasting Co
ompetition.**** Dos Cab
bezas has designaated small blocks of Garnacha G
annd Monastrrell grapes at its Cimaarron d to be farme
ed only to m
make this dryy rosé wine.
750 ml 20
010 Dos C
Cabezas ‐‐ Toscano
o 42
0 Dos Cabezzas Toscano is a Medium Dry Red blend of Saangiovese & Cabernet FFranc. e was a 201
12 Jefferson Cup Wine C
Competitionn winner, joining 29 oth
her wines, o
out of es in the com
mpetition, in receiving th
he top awardd.*** 750 ml 20
012 Dos C
Cabezas ‐‐ Meskeoli 1 Dos Cabezas Meskeo
oli wine is a a white grappe blend (V
Viognier, Roussanne, Piccpoul esling, Malvasia, Muscatt and Albario
on) from graapes grown aat the Dos C
Cabezas Cimaarron d. This lovely wine hass a citrus th
hemed vibraancy with frresh melon, pear and aapple . 750 ml 20
010 Dos C
Cabezas ‐‐ El Nortee 0 Dos Cabe
ezas El Norrte is a ble
end of Grannche, Syrah, Mourvedrra and Counoise The wine haas a bright and forest‐yy red fruit nnoise, and itt blooms on
n the palate with icy red fruit and micro‐fine tannins.
750 ml 20
010 Dos C
Cabezas ‐‐ Aguileon
n 0 Dos Cabezas Aguiléon is a blend
d of Tempraanillo, Graciiano and M
Mourvedra grrapes t the Dos Cabezas Cimarrron Vineyarrds. There w
were only 200 cases prod
duced. This wine ed in the glaass with con
ncentrated w
woodsy and red fruit spiice on the no
ose. Intensee and gly fresh in the mouth, and it trigge
ers memoriees of dark reed/black fruit pies and fforest ions. This wine was barrreled for 24 months in FFrench and A
American Oaak barrels. efferson Cup W
Wine Competittion. Founderr and competittion director, D
Doug Frost MSS/MW, invites wines proven their e
excellence to b
be part of the jjudging. Now in its 13th yeaar, the 2012 Jeefferson Cup, n
named mas Jefferson, America’s firrst wine make
er, had entriess from 23 staates. All the w
wines were grouped n like flights an
nd tasted blind. From the 729
9 wines, 329 w
were chosen to receive the "M
Medal of Meritt," that hat were conssidered representative of their regions annd varieties, co
omparable to a Silver Medaal. The o selected 10
06 wines they believed to be great winees, awarding tthem the "Meedal of Excellence," t to a Gold Medal. Finally, 78
8 wines were chosen as Jeffeerson Cup nom
minees, by the ssix tasting pan
nels, to ered for the highest h
honor, the Jefferson
n Cup. For 20012, 29 wines were awarded
d the Jefferso
on Cup 4 ON PINOT
T ENVY ed by Sco
ott and Co
ori Schneiider 750 ml 20
011 Ken W
Wright Ce
ellars, Sheea Vineyard, Pinot No
oir to elegance
e, this aromatic, invitingg wine suggeests ripe fru
uit with cocoaa powder. Raspberriess pack a jjuicy wallop, d against hints of clean e
earth and rip
pe tannins. W
WE 91 43
750 ml 20
011 Ken W
Wright Ce
ellars, Can
nary Hill V
d, Pinot Noir Hill shines in this new vin
ntage, with mixed and j uicy fruit flaavors of cran
nberry, raspberry rry. It has go
ood grip and a well‐balanced herbal note, finish
hing with hin
nts of green tea.” lection WS 9
750 ml 20
011 Shea W
Wine Celllars, Shea Vineyard, Pinott Noir neyard is on
ne of Orego
on's most famous Pinott Noir s. The fru
uit for the
e Estate iss sourced from out Shea Vin
neyard. The nose offers black cherryy and earthiness o
of forest floo
or, accented with violet floral The palate is i rich with
h additional hints of ccocoa, ne grain tannins and a lo
ong, elegantt finish. CT 89 750 ml 20
009 Big Taable Farm
m, Resonaance Vineeyard, Pin
not Noir
ense of candied red fru
uits, cola, vaanilla and frresh rose. Ju
uicy and lith
he on the p
palate sappy raspberry and che
erry‐cola flavvors given sppine by tanggy acidity. IW
WC 92 five mini‐vinifications, including some s
with Carver and Marcy M
have crafted a 2010 2
Pinot esonance Vineyard V
hat seems to aptly e the virtue
es of this biodynamica
lly farmed he Coastal Range R
foothiills west of Carlton on osback's styllistically verry different renditions h I report in
n this issue under Sineaann. Fresh rose hip, an
nd hibiscus in the nose
e follow as outh perfum
me on a brright, juicy, energetic with a savory underton
ne of clean, marrowy ss and with orange rind
d, fresh gingger, rose hipp, and cherryy pit all lend
ding intriguee and tion to the fiinish. This beauty should prove fasccinating as w
well as versaatile over at least 6‐8 years. W
U ed by Anita Liberm
pear and Alan Lam
mpear iend 750 ml 20
006 Domaaine Pegaau ‐ Chateeauneuf d
du Pape 44
d very packe
ed, deliverin
ng fig, macerated currannt, bittersweet cocoa, rroasted chestnut notes. The lo
ong finish flo
ows nicely, w
with lots of bburied garriggue and inceense hints caarried acidity. Drink now throu
ugh 2027. W
WS 93 750 ml 20
007 Domaaine Pegaau ‐ Chateeauneuf d
du Pape ks it all toge
ether, with tthe ripe plum
m sauce, braaised fig and
d currant paaste notes o
of the matched with invigoratting hoisin sauce, s
brickk dust and ggrilled beef notes. The long planted in teerroir. ps with fruit, but stays framed by aa wild edge that keeps tthis firmly p
m 2011 throu
ugh 2031. W
WS 95 750 ml 20
008 Domaaine Pegaau ‐ Chateauneuf du Pape ightly chewyy style, with roasted me
esquite and ddark licoricee notes leading the way for a l core of blaack Mission fig, blackbe
erry preservee, Turkish co
offee and bittersweet ccocoa here's a flash
h of truffle o
on the finish.. Drink now tthrough 20222. WS 92 750 ml 20
009 Domaaine Pegaau ‐ Chateeauneuf d
du Pape d dense, with
h stunning e
espresso, warm ganachee and roasted
d plum arom
mas giving w
way to f black curraant, braised fig and licorice root. Thhe long, grip
p‐filled finish is framed by a oasted mesq
quite edge and a lingerin
ng note of bbrick dust. A
A wild wine, with loads ggoing needs cellariing to round
d into form. B
Best from 20015 through
h 2030. WS 9
95 6 BEAR AN
ed by Tho
omas Costin 1.5 L 2007
7 Knights Bridge, TTo Kalon ard, Oakvville, Cabe
ernet Sau
rple color, w
with sweet arromas of ripe blackberryy, black currrant, and hucckleberry, ass well e clove, hazelnut and toaasty oak notes. The tastee is fleshy, p
powerful and
d full bodied
d with tannin structture and a d
dense and layyered finish.. 45
Lot 207
A TRIO Donate
ed by Jefff and Shane Collinss (3) 75
50 ml 200
06 St. Helena Win
nery ‐ Sym
mpa ‐ Estaate Reservve – Cabe
ernet Sauvvignon Our black and ruby hued Sympaa is a weighty, muscula r, and comp
plex caberneet on. It has a ggorgeous, eaarthy nose aand a thick, dense palatte that open
ns sauvigno
slowly to
o reveal a m
mélange of cu
urrants, blue
eberry, bakeer's cocoa, aand cherry. A successio
on of seducttive underto
ones of clean
n earth and dried herbs adds furtheer depth, harmonizing beautifully over a finissh that meldds gripping tannins witth earthy to
ones of oak. Lot 208
R OAK VERTICAL 2004‐2009
9 Donate
ed by Rich
hard and Marbee Gingras (1) 750 7 ml 20
004 Silve
er Oak, Alexander
r Valley, Caberneet Sauvignon The 2004
4 Alexander Valley Cabe
ernet Sauviggnon has a vvibrant rubyy color and a nose of cassis, violets, ccola and cho
ocolate. It haas a fruit‐swe
eet attack, aa juicy mid‐p
palate and aa long, fruit‐lladen finish. It w
will improve
e to 2023 givven proper ccellaring. Fresh and vibrant, w
with a nice ssmoky moch
ha oak overlaay joining th
he dried currrant, sage, plum and berrry flavors. Has wonderfu
ul balance, harmony annd finesse, eending with a long, com
mplex 46
nd just the right amou
unt of tann
nins. Drink now througgh 2014. 89
9 Points ‐ Wine or. ander Valleyy cuvee is 10
00% Caberne
et Sauvignonn aged in new oak. Someewhat superrficial t by the stan
ndards of th
his winery, the t well‐made 2004 Cabernet Sauvvignon Alexaander cks that extrra layer of d
depth, texture, and fruitt. Herbaceou
us, with sweeet red and black fruit, spice b
box, and telll‐tale oakine
ess, this is a wine to driink during itts first decade of oints ‐ Wine
e Advocate. 750 ml 20
005 Silverr Oak, Ale
exander V
Valley, Caabernet SSauvignon
n 5 Alexanderr Valley Cabe
ernet Sauviggnon has a dark ruby ccolor and a complex no
ose of lack plum, liicorice, viole
ets and clovve. It has a rrich attack, a mouth co
oating mid‐p
palate extremely long finish witth well integgrated tann ins. This inteense and baalanced winee will to 2032 give
en proper ce
ellaring. nnic and full‐bodied, with w chewy cedar, c
driedd currant, saage and herrbal notes. G
Gains ity despite the chewy taannins and m
may reward short‐term cellaring. Drrink now thrrough Points ‐ Win
ne Spectatorr. 750 ml 20
006 Silverr Oak, Ale
exander V
Valley, Caabernet SSauvignon
n 6 Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvign
non combinees full body and richnesss with modeerate It has a garn
net color and
d a nose of cassis liqueurr, nutmeg an
nd dark choccolate. On th
he t has a rich, m
mouth‐coatiing attack, great expresssion of fruit, a full‐body and beautifully ed tannins th
hat lead to a long, spicy finish. Givenn proper celllaring, this w
wine will givee pleasure thrrough 2026. und creamy mocha, ced
dary oak and dill flavors, with dried ccurrant, sagee and ush notes. Fu
ull‐bodied and balanced
d, this smootthes out on tthe finish, w
where it gains a orice and mineral edge. Decant. Drin
nk now throuugh 2027. 877 Points ‐ W
Wine Spectato
or. 750 ml 20
007 Silverr Oak, Ale
exander V
Valley, Caabernet SSauvignon
n 7 Silver Oakk Alexander Valley Cabe
ernet on is a profo
ound, fruit‐driven wine ffrom California vintage. v
Witth a dark ruby r
d a purple edge, it offfers an inviting ripe black plum, blacckberry, baaking and soy sauce. On th
he palate, this t is rich and full, with flavors ent of a berry cobbler.. Its long, frruity ment d fine‐grained tannins aare a testam
site ripenesss at moderatte alcohol. W
With 47
proper ce
ellaring, thiss wine should
d be deliciou
usly drinkab le through 22031. Atypicallyy coarse in ttexture, thiss spicy red sshows dill annd dried currrant notes. Medium‐ to
o full‐
bodied, tturning simp
pler on the ffinish, where
e the flavorss dissipate. Drink now tthrough 201
17. 86 Points ‐ W
Wine Spectator. (1) 750 ml 20
008 Silverr Oak, Ale
exander V
Valley, Caabernet SSauvignon
n Our 2008
8 Alexander Valley Cabe
ernet Sauvign
non is a darkk, rich full‐bo
odied wine with great tannic structure
e and mouth
h‐feel. It has a garnet color and a noose of ripe boysenberriees, cherry liqueur, dark chocolate, sand
dalwood and
d a hint of ro
oasting meatt. On the paalate, it is mo
outh‐coatingg and incredibly rich in um
mami. It hass a very longg, savory finnish with th
he slight grip
p of fine‐graained tannins. Given prope
er cellaring, tthis wine sho
ould give dr inking pleasure through
h 2030. 7
009 Silverr Oak, Ale
exander V
Valley, Caabernet SSauvignon
n (1) 750 ml 20
Our 2009
9 Silver Oakk Alexander Valley Cabe
ernet Sauviggnon is a co
omplex winee with berryy and floral aro
omatics and
d a lovely structure. It has h a dark, ruby color and a vibrant nose of black cherry, w
wisteria and sweet bakin
ng spices. On
n the palate , the wine iss elegant and expressivee and echoes the berry, flo
oral and spicce notes from
m the nose. It has a classsic structurre of fine graained uld give drinking tannins and a long, layered finish. Given proper ce llaring, this wine shou
32. pleasure through 203
Lot 209
ed by Exp
poTrac Re
n Services and Ron
n Mangan
nello P
Charms –
– Hope, Sttrength, LLove Gift Set (1) Pandora C
A symbol of commitm
ment to a go
ood cause frrom Pandoraa Charms. EExpress yourr commitm
ment in the ffight againstt breast canccer and your support off loved oness deeply afffected by itt and supporrt the AOPA
A PAC as well. Charms: p
pink ribbon, inner stre
ength and ro
ose hearts. (1) 750 ml NV Ferrari Brrut Trentto ‐ Etcheed AOPA PAC Firm and focused, f
witth fine texture and a ssubtle blend
d of Honey crisp apple, biscuit, apricot aand lemon zzest. Drink now through 2016.WS 88
8 Lot 210
0 48
ed by Anita Liberm
pear & Alan Lampeear eek vacation
n at the Club
b Regina locaated in the M
Marina Area o Vallarta, Jaalisco, Mexicco. Seven niights in a onne bedroom n the Bay of Banderos/Pacific Ocean
n. used by Septtember 30, 20
014. Does NO
OT include rooom tax, maid are. Might be
e holiday wee
ek restrictionss. Arrangemeents made by pear) 1 CABERNET
NANTH ed by Micchael and
d Ann Oro
os 750 ml 20
004 Claren
ndon Hills ‐ Syrah ‐ Hickinggotham rple. Expanssive bouque
et of dark fruit f
liqueurr, with picecake and coffee accents. A maajor mouthfuul, the rk berry flavvors threate
ening to blo
ow your heaad off, eper tar and
d espresso tones addin
ng a sensattion of Firm tanninss help to maintain m
foccus, but thiis is a scorched‐eaarth wine, with the concentration and avor intensitty to obliterrate almost any dish thhat we k of. WS 95 R
RPWA 95 STIWC 95 750 ml 20
009 Penfo
olds ‐ St H
Henri ‐ Shiraz raz, 3% Cab
bernet Sauvvignon. St. Henri is a multi‐
blend drawin
ng Shiraz from the Barrossa Valley,, Eden McLaren Vaale, Clare Valley, V
the foothills oof the Hills, and Langhorne Creek. Cab
bernet Sauvvignon, rovides firmness and sttructure, is sourced froom the Valley, Coo
onawarra an
nd Borderto
own. The w
wine is in old, 1460
0 liter vats th
hat allow the
e wine to deevelop, g minimal, if any oakk character. Matured ffor 14 n large, old oak vats. with nubby tannins around a gorge
eous core oof currant an
nd pomegranate, the flaavors easily into th
he long, exp
pressive finissh, hinting aat green tea and guava aas the finish
h rolls nely. Shows intensity without densitty, coming ttogether seaamlessly. Drrink now thrrough om Australiaa. WS 94 49
Lot 212
GS Donate
ed by Tom
m and Maary Kirk (1)
750 ml 20
007 Fisherr Vineyarrds, Coach
h Insignaa, Napa Valley, Ca
abernet SSauvignon
n Saturated
d ruby. Com
mplex, expresssive scents of red‐ and blackcurran
nt, mocha an
nd rose, plu
us a suave hint h of smokky minerals. With air thhis offers mo
ore spice an
nd floral chaaracter, whiich carries onto o
the palate and complements gently sweeet dark berry and cherrry compote flavors. Silkyy tannins lennd structuree and give th
he wine a shapely quality. Finishes with lingering cherry aand smoky m
mineral notees and note
eworthy perrsistence. Qu
uite expresssive now buut I've no do
oubt that th
his will rewaard at least aa decade of p
patience. ST 91 0 ml 20100 Vineyarrd 29, Cru
u, Napa (1) 750
Valley, C
Cabernet Sauvigno
on Bursts from
m the glass with dark red cherrries, plums and tobacco. The 2010 is totally gorrgeous from
m start to ffinish. There is mo
ore than purre vibrancy aand freshness to supporrt the generous, opulent o
fruiit in this strriking, beauttifully delineeated Cabernet Sauvignon. W
WA 93 (1)
750 ml 20
010 Josep
ph Phelps,, Estate, Napa Vallley, Cabernet C
non The 2010
0 Cabernet SSauvignon Esstate is full o
of freshly cuut flowers, violets, menthol crushed ro
ocks and dark d
red ch
herries. Theere is a levvel of freshness and pure vibrancy in
n the 2010 that t
previouus vintages don’t have, mo
ost likely the
e result of the long, cool growing seaason. The baalance of fruit, aacidity and ttannin is firsst‐class. Nothing is out oof place. In short, the 2010
0 Estate is go
orgeous. WA
A 92 (1) 750 ml 20
010 Beringger, Reseerve, Knigght's Valley, Cabern
net Sauvvignon A fabullous wine for the apppellation, Beringer’s 2010 Cabbernet
on Reserve Knights
Vallley boasts ggorgeous inttegration of fruit,
acidity and tannin. This
T is an esppecially silkky, textured wine for Knnights
Valley. Blue
and blaack fruit, grrilled herbs, tobacco, saage and roseemary
are all lay
yered into th
his relatively
y succulent, round Caberrnet Sauvignnon. Sweet ffloral notes aalong
with a hin
nt of tar and
d violets add complexity on the finishh. WA 94
750 ml 20
010 Round
d Pond Esstate, Rutherfor
rd, Napa V
Valley, Caabernet Sauvignon
n The 201
10 Cabernett Sauvignon
n Estate is full of fresshly cut flowers, violets, men
nthol crushe
ed rocks and
d dark red ccherries. There is a level of fre
eshness and
d pure vibran
ncy in the 20010 that previous vintages do
on’t have, most likely the result of the long, cool grow
wing season
n. The balancce of fruit, aacidity and ttannin is first‐classs. Nothing iss out of place. In short,, the 2010 EEstate is gorgeouss. WA 92 (1
1) 750 m
ml 2010 LLa Jota Viineyard, Howell Mountain,
, Napa Vaalley, Cabernet Saauvignon
n Th
he 2010 Caabernet Sauuvignon sho
ows consid
derable rich
hness, brreadth and power. p
Darkk red berriees, grilled heerbs, licoricee and ne
ew leather fflesh out in this generou
us, large‐scaaled wine. SSweet flo
oral, and mentholated notes are layered into
o the delineeated, tense finish. This is a ddecidedly so
oft, gentle w
wine for Ho
owell Mountain. WA
A 92 Lot 213
n Mangan
nello Donate
750 ml 20
011 Orin SSwift, The
e Prisoneer, Zinfandel The Priso
oner is an in
nnovative red blend thatt takes its sttylistic cue ffrom the driinkable “mixed blacks” b
first made by Ittalian immiggrants who originally ssettled the N
Napa Valley. In
n the late 90
0’s there we
ere a handful of Napa prroducers beginning to m
make this style
e of wine aggain. The ble
end soon be
egan to incoorporate nott only Zinfan
ndel, but also C
Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah, Petite SSirah, Charboono, and Greenache. Packed with w
fruit character, th
his deep, ripe version offers plenty of new oak, revealingg a rich textu
ure and zestty flavors of smoky licorrice, blackbeerry cobbler and cracked p
pepper. Drin
nk now throu
ugh 2019. W
WS 92 51
1.5 L 2011
1 Orin Sw
wift, The P
Prisoner, Zinfandeel e has a den
nse red and black hue that t
is fram
med in vibran
nt crimson. Aromas off Bing espresso, roaasted fig and
d vanillin oak accents arre persistentt. The entryy is powerfu
ul and s supported with lively acidity while flavors off ripe raspberry, pomeggranate and
d wild uit linger harmoniously. Soft, integgrated tanni n chains allo
ow the winee to be hable now and provides for a pleasaant finish. 1.5 L 2011
1 Oren Sw
wift, Saldo
o, Zinfandel 1 Saldo hass an intense ruby colo
or and boldd aromas of dark berrry fruit, y pie, cardamom and baaking spice. The entry iss rich and fu
ull, and leads into a id palate witth concentraation and de
ensity, backeed by lively aacidity. The texture nd velvety, with w polishe
ed tannins. The T finish iss long with p
persistent n
notes of e, roasted co
offee bean aand vanilla spice. 4 FOR MAD
DAME ed by Alfrred and LLynn Kritte
er 750 ml NV
V Schramsberg ‐ B
Blanc de N
Noir Noirs (whitte from blacck) is the counterpart too Blanc cs (white fro
om white). Made primaarily from tthe red inot Noir, this t
is a co
omplex, med
dium‐bodiedd, brut g wine. Schramsberg pioneered p
he Blanc dee Noirs the United States, releasing the first such Am
merican e key to producing this complex Blaanc de Noirss is our vast and varied focus in 1967. The
se cool‐climaate vineyard
ds. Pinot Noiir from Carnneros and An
nderson Vallley combinee with m low‐yieldin
ng Sonoma and Marin ccoastal vineyyards to devvelop a sparkling wine w
with a of fruitful aroma a
and flavor. f
Selecct Chardonnnay lots givee zest and backbone to
o the a white wine
e from a red grape requires great care – hand
d‐picked fruit, early mo
orning optimal fruit maturity and a delicate
e pressing. A
A balance of bright flavvors, crisp accidity imal tannins is achieve
ed. Barrel and a malolac tic fermentation of paarticular lotss add and body. SSome two ye
ears of yeasst contact in the bottle harmonizes all the elem
ments in a mature
e, toasty styyle. The youtthful fruit chharacter of tthe wine will caramelizee and with addition
nal age in the bottle. With propeer storage, this sparkliing wine will be s for many ye
ears, even a couple of de
ecades to coome. 52
berg Blanc d
de Noirs is paarticularly w
well‐suited too serve with
h a variety off foods, inclu
uding d nutty che
eeses, macaadamia nut‐‐crusted ha libut, and pork tenderloin with fresh y and lemon
n thyme. 750 ml 20
008 Gloriaa Ferrer ‐ Brut Rosse g wine aficio
onados arou
und the worrld admire w
osé for its b
beautiful colo
or, fruit character and ggreat y in pairing with food. The aromas and flavorrs of e are stronggly influenced by a pre
eponderancce of oir in the bllend, while a small am
mount of Chaardonnay co
ontributes sstructure an
nd an d finish. cate pale salmon Rosé ggreets you w
with vibrant aromas of rripe strawbeerries and M
Meyer trus intermingled with h
hints of yeast on the nosse. On the paalate, enjoy a slightly creeamy with tangy raaspberries, ccherries and
d bright acid ity which leads to a crissp and refreshing 750 ml NV
V Gloria FFerrer ‐ Blanc de N
Noir nc de Noirs is
i predominaantly made from
hand-haarvested Pinnot Noir grappes, the hallm
are a vibran
nt red fruit character. Th
he creamy paalate and ro
osy hue are aa result of a small of Vin Gris,, which was blended into the basee cuvée. Oveer forty diffeerent cloness and ns of Pinot Noir N and Ch
hardonnay are a planted on our 3400‐acre estatee in the Son
noma s district. This allows us to consisten
ntly producee cuvées witth complexity and clearr fruit on. rawberry an
nd black cherry aromas w
with subtle vanilla highllights. Cream
my cherry, leemon flavors combine with a lush palate, small, livelyy bubbles and a persistent finish.
750 ml NV
V Phillipp
pe Prie ‐ B
Brut Rosee é Champagne is an ab
bsolute deligght! Firm annd crisp, osé reveals aa nose remiiniscent of fflowering Prié Brut Ro
the mouth,, cassis and cherry minggle with citrrus notes nspiring min
nerality. Truly an inspirin
ng wine, it aadapts to ossible occassion and dissh, while re
emaining a vveritable to savor on its own.
ed from 80%
% Pinot Noirr (for robustt structure),, and 20% C
Chardonnay (for delicacyy and e), the grape
es come from
m 30 year‐o
old vines in cclay and lim
mestone soilss, located in
n 56.8 southern Ch
hampagne. In the heart of the Cote des Bar, in tthe south off the Champ
pagne Maison Philip
ppe Prié produces some of the finesst Champagn
ne of the reggion. age Champaagnes consisst of a base year in the blend, whicch representts the majorrity of e. To that base, reserve
e wines from
m previous vvintages are added to deevelop the h
house 53
the case off Philippe Prrié, it is bassed on Pinot Noir and the base yeear comprisees 70 of the total blend. The aadditional 30
0 percent coomes from rreserves, generally from
m 3 to nt vintages. CT 89 750 ml 20
012 Chate
eau Miravval ‐ Cotees de Provvence ‐ R
Rose t and Angelina Jolie have released their first w
wine, a 20112 rosé from
m their Provvence Château Miraaval. The wiine itself is vvery, very, vvery pretty. The kind of like ffluorescent, Hello Kitty p
pink—some rosés get m
more but this is a very beau
utiful aesthetic. It’s defi nitely thick and —and we’re drinking it a little bit warmer w
thaan it should be, interesting, because yo
ou can pick o
out the defeects of the w
wine sily when it’ss warmer. e nose, it has maceraated wild strawberries,, confection
nary and strawbe
erry or raspb
berry PEZ, like the canddy. In taste, the e, etc.—maake it slightl y acidic on the it’s made of—grenach
Not in a bad w
way, but it’ss definitely real and aciddic, and firm.. It’s tty on the olfactories—
—rose petals and confec tionary sugaar—
le rougher o
on the palate
e. But it’s a vvery serious wine. 750 ml 20
012 Domaaine de Granajolo ‐ Corse P
Porto Veccchio ‐ Ro
osé oucher claim
med the 25 h
ha (63 acres)) of his Dom
maine ajolo from the Corsican
n maquis, th
he famous local d, in 1978. The vineyard he planted is located inn the of Sainte‐Lu
o Vecchio vicinity, annd is d accordingg to the rules set by the Internat ional agricultural Fédération Nature et Decouverte. D
As a o fertilizers, no weed killlers, and no
o insecticide s are e vines, planted on hills, grow in aan extremelyy dry ed by sea winds and are from traditional mate purifie
from the AOC Vin de Corse Porto Vec chio: ellu, Niellucciu, for the
e reds and Vermentinuu for t is because
e of their paassion for naature that A
André nika Bouche
er opted to cultivate their vines i n an environmentt. ure and wine
emaking metthods are riggorously conntrolled all yyear long by the Ecocert
and its affiliates, whose
e mission it is to deliverr the organicc certificatio
on. The domain is by Gwenaele, their dau
ughter, who graduated w
with an oeno
ology degreee from Bordeaux. e took overr after her faather passed
d. Her influeence brings a feminine touch and ssome ty which truly become the wines pro
oduced. e is a full bodied b
rose also very fresh, f
markeed by red fruit with hints of spicee and 54
(1) 750 ml 20
012 Red M
n Rose of Cabernett Franc The estaate‐grown Cabernet C
Fraanc grapes for this rose were haarvested at full ripeness,, and the juicce was allow
wed minimal skin contacct, resulting iin a wine thaat is pale, cle
ear salmon colored witth flashes of o copper aand rose go
old. Aromass of crushed minerals, lavender, and a
violet blossoms aare punctuaated by subtle fragrance
es of sweet raspberry preserves. p
Upon U
entry, zesty aciditty awakens the palate an
nd transition
ns seamlessly to a softly‐textured m
middle where the mineerals return, jo
oined by flaavors of juicy strawberrry and raspbberry. The fiinish is deliccate and refre
eshing, with anise and laavender nottes lending ccomplexity tto the fruit. The House Independent Producers iss a project directed by C
Christophe H
Hedges, bringging to the taable some of o the more
e compellingg Columbia Valley AVA vineyard siites. 100% Cabernet Francc Estate Red
d Mountain A
AVA (1) 750 ml 20
011 Hogw
wash The 2011 Hogwash Rosé is a blend of fru
uit from tw
wo Grenachee vineyards in Mendocino and Paso Robles. The fruit was w handpiicked at night and th
hen Most of thiss lot was maade painstakiingly cold fe
ermented in stainless ste
eel barrels. M
using a cclassic saigné
ée method, but our drivve to producce a classic PProvence‐styyle Rosé led us to harve
est one‐third of the fru
uit early andd ferment on the ripeniing skins, yie
elding a morre complete
e and traditio
onal wine thhat's lower in alcohol aand bursting with a livelyy natural acid
dity. Salmon in i color with a nose off lemon currd, orange ppeel, red ap
pple and eaarly summer rose buds, tthe 2011 Ho
ogwash is voluptuous annd filling on tthe pallet w
with hints of lime, papayaa and fresh ccut flowers, carrying thoough the finish. There's an austerityy that pairs p
perfectly witth the lighte
er tropical aand citrus fruit flavors aand aromas w
which envelo
ope this wine, yielding a beautiful R osé; a perfect complimeent to anythiing from oyssters to ribs.
(1) 750 ml 20
011 Clos C
Cibonne ‐‐ Provencce ‐ Tibou
uren Clos Cibonne Tibourenn Cuvee dees Vignettess is orange brick color with aromas of dried fruits, herbs an
nd spice. Orrange peel, anise,, spicy herbss and dried ffruit aromass on the palaate. A very uniqu
ue rose, m
made from an obscurre grape and a particular w
wine makingg technique.
ndré Roux w
was a The heart of the estatte is their TTibouren. An
great fan o
of this nativee varietal an
nd believed it to be the ideal grape forr the region. As part of his revitalizaation he replaced all of tthe estate’s Mourvèdree with Tibouren
n. Clos Cibo
onne soon became syynonymous with Tibo
ouren and received sp
pecial 55
on from the
e A.O.C. to liist the grape
e on its labeels. The estaate’s vineyarrds are located a 0 meters from the coast and are surrounded s
by hillsidess in the base of a bowll that e sea. This to
opography ccreates air ccirculation thhat allows fo
or perfect m
maturation o
of the After harvest the wines are fermentted in stainlless steel an
nd then aged
d under fleu
urette veil of yeasst) in 100‐yyear‐old, 5,0
000L foudrees. Clos Cib
bonne craftss a wine th
hat is ely its own through combining a rare
e grape withh a unique agging processs. 750 ml 20
010 Clos C
Cibonne ‐‐ Specialee ‐ Vignetttes pink color. Potent, mineral‐accente
ed aromas oof dried red fruits, floraal oils, herbss and e, with smokke and anise
e overtones. Offers an aarray of red fruit al flavors, with bitter orrange peel aand mineral qualities ad
dding ocus. Wild, singular pink wine, with
h strong finisshing powerr and lavender, mineral m
and cherry pit qualities. q
Not your fath
her's t maybe his ggreat‐grandffather's. IWC
C 93 750 ml 20
011 Clos C
Cibonne ‐‐ Specialee ‐ Vignetttes s rosé and aa complex dry wine. Fro
om old‐vine Tibouren grrown y soils, the wine was aged a
in huge
e 100‐year‐oold oak fou
udres local yeast ccalled "fleurrette." This ttechnique aalso exists in
n the d Jerez, Spaiin. The wine
e, pale copp
per in colorr, exudes warm, ices on the nose comp
plemented by b flowers t inged with light on the palatte. One of th
he few roséss that are ageworthy and
d lovely all yyear round. SServe sted lobster,, shellfish ste
ew, sheep's‐‐milk cheesees, and pisto
ou. 750 ml 20
011 Amezztoi ‐ Txakkolina ‐ R
e minutes down d
the coast from San Sebast ian, Amezto
oi’s s overlook the t Atlantic Ocean. The
e Ameztoi faamily has beeen txakolina in
n Getaria for f seven generations,
, utilizing tthe us Hondarribi Zuri and
d Hondarribii Beltza gra pes to crafft a sp wine botttled with re
esidual carb
bon to give iit its signatu
ure spritz. By adjusting a
the blend to increase thhe amount of ibi Beltza, th
he red txakolina grape, A
Ameztoi has made this rrosé txakolin
na that retains all hness of traaditional wh
hite txakolin
na but with a slight tasste of straw
wberries and
d red fruit. Great ffor sipping w
while sharingg a warm sum
mmer evening with frien
nds. t and crisp wine w
is botttled with residual carboon to give itt its signature natural sspritz. red fruits co
ombine with a lime infussed edge maakes this a w
wildly intriguiing rosé.
AMPAGNEE ed by Kel & Sue Be
ergmann and Liberman‐Lampearr & Alan LLampear
1.5 L NV B
Barnaut, Grande R
Reserve ‐ Brut ‐ Ch
hampagnee Barnaut was one of the first pionee
ers in Champpagne to his own brand outside of the con
ntrolling cennters of where he and Reims. In 1874 he sset up shop in Bouzy, w
e married Appoline G
vines and where he
urt (there's aa name!), he
eiress to add
ditional vineeyards in ge. were dug as deep as 15
5 meters un
nderground, and the first cuvíë maade of two‐tthirds ir and one‐third Chardo
onnay was launched. Andd it's still maade today, u
under the Grrande label, with itts reserve w
wine coming from a solerra system beegun by Edm
mund himsellf and ned through five generattions of Barn
naut descenddants. Secondíë iss the curren
nt descendant and arguuably one off the more important ones. rning a deggree in enology, he too
ok over thee family firm
m in 1985 and went o
on to ntly increase
e the house's vineyards, modernize its cellar, exxpand produ
uction, and m
move lture footing to the qu
uasi‐organic lutte raisonnníë structu
ure (plowingg between rrows, nly organic composts, and minimalizing funggicide appliccations). To
oday Champ
pagne farms 12.11
1 hectares (3
30 acres) in tthe grand crru vineyardss of Bouzy and 5.39 hecctares s) in the Marrne Valley. zy vineyardss are compo
osed of 12%
% Chardonnaay and 88% Pinot Noir, and are divvided parcels (what we offer co
omes from tthese parcels). All fruit is selected on a sorting ttable. uvíë's of win
ne undergo malolactic ffermentatioon in stainlesss steel, and
d fifty perceent of ar's crop is saved as re
eserve wine
e. The whitee non‐vintagge wines sp
pend at least 24 on the lees b
before beingg disgorged,, and rest foor another th
hree monthss before going to The vintage wine spendss around thrree years onn the lees. sister village
e of Ambonn
nay, Bouzy laays claim to having the ffinest vineyaard sites for Pinot he appellatio
on of Champ
pagne. Its 83
33 acres of vvines grow u
up the rollin
ng foothills o
of the ne de Reimss and face due south, ensuring the best possib
bility for ripening everyy year nay's vineyarrds, followin
ng the moun
ntain, begin tthe turn to tthe southeast, thus on p
paper have the po
otential for more m
nce). The reesult is Cham
mpagne's ricchest and fu
wines the Lattin counterp
part to the Cííëte des Blanncs Nordic austerity, if yyou will. ut Grand Cru Grande Re
eserve Brut Champagnee. The blend
d is approxim
mately two‐tthirds oir and one
e‐third Chardonnay, and representts 65% of tthe annual production.. The gne has long streamerss of fine bu
ubbles with aromas of vanilla, creaam, and lem
mons. a slight steeliness to thiss champagne
e and finishees with whitte flowers. g generous notes of apricots, hon
ney, roastedd nuts and ssmoke, show
wing outstan
nding nce and a lon
ng, refined ffinish. This iss a fairly full‐‐bodied stylee of Champaagne that alrready ce tertiary ccomplexity. W
WA 90 57
(1) 1.5 L NV P
Pierre Mo
oncuit, Brrut, Blancc de Blancc, Champ
pagne This Chaampagne exhibits muskky orchard fruits f
and oorange pith on the nosse, with hin
nts of almond aand honey adding depth
h. A powerfu
ul, dense styyle but theree’s surprising energy to
o its ripe apple and peaar flavors. A
A lively citru
us quality adds cut and lift to the ssmoky, nuttyy finish. Thiis will be very flexible with w rich seaafood or birrd dishes. The T reserve wine for th
his Champaggne comes from a soleraa that was b
begun in 18774. 90 Pointss ‐ Tanzer's Internationaal Wine Cellaar. There's a a richness to this fresh
h Champagn
ne, with toa st, apple paastry and crrystallized h
honey flavors. This T is enlive
ened by we
d acidity andd hints of leemon zest aand brine, w
with a minerallyy finish. WS 90 Points (1) 1.5 L NV L
Lallier, Grrand Cru, Grande R
Reserve, Brut, Cham
mpagne This is rich, with a viscosity buoying its honey, h
toasst, peach an
nd nascent coffee flavo
ors. The vibrant structu
ure keeps itt all balanceed and drive
es the lingering finish. W
WS 92 1
Veuve Cliq
quot Pon
nsardin, B
Brut, Cham
mpagne (1) 1.5 L NV V
Veuve Cliccquot's signaature non‐vi ntage Brut is loved all over the world for its crisp, ffull flavors, cconsistent quality and ccelebratory yyellow label. This classical dry Champaggne is a blennd of two‐thirds black grapes (Pinott Noir and Pinott Meunier) for f body, baalanced with one‐third Chardonnaay for elegance. It has a fine persistent ssparkle and ggolden Cham
mpagne colo
or. This is a perfect exaample of h armony bettween deliccacy and po
ower. Dominated by Pinot N
Noir, this wi ne has a firm structure, rounded w
with a of Chardonn
nay gives itt the touch of Pinot Meunier. Nearlyy a third o
needed for pperfect balance. elegance aand finesse n
The nose
e exhibits a lovely bouquet of fresh
h bread dou gh, chalk an
nd vanilla. R
Ripe apple flaavors laced witth vanilla and pecan. And a creamy ffinish with aan enhancingg note of au
utolysis. 92 P
Points ‐ The Win
ne News An elegant Champaggne, with a refined, ligh
htly creamy mousse. Sub
btle toast an
nd mineral n
notes undersco
ore flavors of Gala apple, kumq
quat, grounnd ginger aand white pepper, wiith a mouthwaatering finish
h. WS 91 (1)
1.5 1 L NV Lallier, Grand G
u, Grandee Reservve, Brut, Champaggne, Bottle Lam
mp 58
1.5 L NV P
Pierre Mo
oncuit, Brrut, Blancc de Blancc, Champ
pagne, Bottle Lam
mp Lot 216
6 2005 B
UX Donate
ed by Anita Liberm
pear and Friend 7
005 Chate
eau Chate
eau Godeeau ‐ St. EEmilion (3) 750 ml 20
eau Godeauu has good neighbors in St. Emilio
on. In fact, Chateau Goodeau is lo
ocated on the slopes o
of St. Emilio
on only a stoones throw ffrom Tertre Rotebouef. They are also a
just aroound the beend from Chateau Trop
plong Mond
dot. In fact, a portion off their St. Em
milion vineyaard is also n
not too far ffrom Chateau Pavie. Thee grapes are from the faamily’s tradditionally plaanted, St. Em
milion Grand
d Cru vineyyards. Their vineyards have been in the same family for 8 8 generations. The vin
neyard cepage of Chaateau Godeau aa blend of 70
0% Merlot, 2
25% Caberne
et Sauvignonn and 5% Caabernet Fran
nc. Chateau Godeau as aa quality win
ne producer in St. Emilioon is a recent phenomen
na. The chan
nge in making at Chateau Godeaau stared in 2007, when
n the chateaau was purch
hased the wine and wine m
ook him onlyy a few shortt years to geet everythingg going in th
he right direcction. by Steve Filipov. It to
Right Bank eestate was so
old to Chateau Godeau oncce again changed hands in late 20122 when the R
nd Alberic Florisoone. A
Agnes and Alberic Floris oone were previously p
partial owneers of Agnes an
Chateau Calon Segur in St. Estephe, which was also soold in 2012, in the largeest transactio
on to take placce in Bordeaux that yearr. The 5.65 hectare Chaateau Godeaau vineyard with its clayy and limesto
one terroir h
has vines plaanted to a denssity of 6,000 vines per he
ectare. The average agee of the viness is about 35
5 years. The wine is whole berry ferme
ented in tem
mperature co
ontrolled, st ainless steel tanks. The fruit sees a one‐
month m
maceration period. Extraction is done
e by pigeagee. They do not do any pu
umping overr. The wine is aged in 50% n
new French oak. Chateau Godeau is a St. Emilion property to watch as it ooffers good style, character and thee best part is, the wine sells for a fair price. Plus it dr inks well yyoung too! Since Step
phane Derenoncourt signed
d on as theiir consultant starting w
with the 20009 vintage, tthings have been steadily improving in
n the vineyaards and with the winee. Earlier vin
ntages are n
not as intereesting and shou
uld be avoid
ded. But outt of almost 300 wines ttasted from
m 2009, Chatteau Godeau
u was 59
one of th
he best Bord
deaux wine vvalues from the entire Bordeaux ap
ppellation. TThe production is on average close to 2
2,400 cases per vintage. The properrty also prod
duces a second wine, Go
odeau Ducarpe.. CT 90 (6) 750 ml 20
005 Chate
eau Guillo
ou ‐ Mon
ntagne Stt. Emilion
n Brright red fru
uit, dry but n
not too dee p of a red. LLittle bit of fruit forwarrd, Im su
ure I am drinking thiss way too young. Im really imprressed with
h this Bo
ordeaux. It might also be b that its m
made in a m
more moderrn style, thee fruit co
oming out and quickly, not overly ffruit forward, but I exp
pected it to drink he
eavier, like the color which w
is so dark you ccan barely ssee through
h it. I de
ecanted and
d then let sitt for 45 minuutes before tasting. Absolutely deliccious, an
nd a well put together w
wine that miight see incrreased comp
plexity if ageed for an
n additional 5 years. CT 8
84 (3) 750 ml 20
005 Vieuxx Chateau
u Perey ‐ St. Emilio
on Medium ruby, brick‐red rim. Staarts by hinting at prunees. Newish w
wood. Savory. D
Dried fruits. Medium boody to begin, but adds ssignificant w
weight along the
e way and by the tim e the bottle is finished, the winee has ocolate. Thee tannins seeemed become ffull‐bodied. A
A suggestionn of dark cho
a little bitter b
at th
he start, buut with airing, the wine develop
ped a sweetnesss. Very good
d. CT 91 Lot 217
H Donate
ed by Rickk Fleetwo
ood and Joe McTernan (1) Box of Art
turo Fuen
nte, Hemingway R
Reserva EEspecial, D
RS Carlos Fu
uente, Jr.'s Grandfather
r rolled Perffecto cigars that were popular duing the 20's, 30's and 40
0's by hand. Over time, tthis becamee a lost art ass cigar makeers grew older, retired o
or passed aw
way. So when
n Fuente cam
me to Domin
nican Repub
blic in 1980, they decided to bring baack the lost art of rollingg Perfecto cigars, becau
use at that time, no one was making that shaped
d cigar. The Hem
mingway's Pe
erfecto shap
pe is, without question , one of thee most challenging cigaars to make. Th
he "Hemingw
way Blend" of Dominicaan fillers annd binder alo
ong with a sselect Cameeroon 60
wrapper,, produce thick t
cloudss of white smoke witth a rich aaroma. The constructio
on is impeccab
ble and the b
burn is perfe
ect. (1) 750 ml Ba
alvenie 15
5 Year, Single Barrrel, Singlee Malt Sccotch An individual numbered n
115 year old
d from seleected singlee ex‐
bourrbon casks ffrom the Bal venie distilleery, this is a single malt both fruitty and honeyyed with an excellent fin
nish. Nose
e: Delicate sweetness oone expectss from Balveenie. Honeyy and dried
d mixed pee
el. Palaate: Husky sw
weetness. Baarley lies on a bed of juicy ripe fruit.. Finissh: Climaxess with barleey and bourrbon spicineess peaking most specctacularly. Lot 218
ed by Jim and Dian
ne Weberr 7
010 Mishaa Pinot, SSangiacom
mo (12) 750 ml 20
s, Sonomaa Coast
This is th
he 3rd vintagge of Misha Pinot that I have producced with myy son (Mishaa) to fund his 529 Plan College Fund an
nd to teach him not onlyy a skill (winnemaking), b
but to honorr labor and tthose who worrk with their hands for a living. This fabu
ulous Pinot Noir of 115 Clone is sourced from the famed Sangiacomo
o family vineeyard Fedrick block b
located in the Son
noma Coastt on Lakevillle Highway near Infineo
on Racewayy. The grapes were w
handpiicked at the
e peak of ripeness andd processed slowly and carefully at the winery. TThe fermenttation occurrred in a smaall 2 ton ferm
mentor overr 14 days and punched d
down 3 times p
per day with a hand pun
nch down too
ol. After a geentle pressin
ng it was ageed for 18 mo
onths in one new n
French oak barrel and one ne
ew Russian Oak barrel, a tribute to Misha's family heritage.. Only 64 caases were produced. p
This T
wine drrinks beautifully now aand will agee well through 2025 possibly beyond. p dark ruby, garnet colorr of this Pino
ot Noir is eviidence the w
wine is of top
p quality. The deep
The ripe cherry perffume aromas jump out of the glass and is backked by light sandalwood
d and vanilla. O
On the palate
e the wine h
has a very su
upple presennce with veryy ripe Bing aand Rainer cherry and cran
nberry flavors backed with w exotic cinnamon c
a nd clove sp
pices. The fin
nish is long with concentrrated berry n
notes and a ssappy vanillaa profile andd toasted oaak on the bacck. 61
This is wiine is excelle
ent on its ow
wn or as an aaperitif, but pairs well w
with organic h
herb roasted cchicken and served tosse
ed with dried currants aand hucklebeerries, brioch
he and arugula. Lot 219
9 A & 219
ed by Rich
hard and Marbee Gingrass (1) 7750 ml 20003 Gundlach Bundscchu‐ Nap
pa ‐ CS The 20003 growingg season p
presented m
many challengees as well as, ultimaately, very high quality ffruit. Springgtime frostss, rain and
d hail reduced crop size for many varieties. W
Warm temperattures intersp
persed with early summ
mer showers increased m
mildew poten
ntials, testin
ng the vigilance of vineyard
d managers. As harvest time approachhed, spikes in daytim
me temperatures further ttested the eendurance o
of vine and man alike. Me
ercifully, the
ere were no rain events during the hharvest periiod, allowingg ample matturity time. De
espite Moth
her Nature’’s curve baalls, the reesulting fruit was rich, showing good concentrration of varietal character. The de
eep garnet color and intense arom
mas of the 2003 Cabernett Sauvignon foreshadow
w the conce
entrated blaack currant,, cassis and Christmas spice flavors to
o follow. Briight acidity and firm tan
nnins framee the lush teexture, leading to a longg ripe finish dense with coccoa and molasses flavorss. Delicious uupon releasee; optimal cellaring time 2 to
o 15 years. (1) 750 ml 20
004 Gundlach Bund
dschu‐ Napa ‐ CS
An historically early start to the growing season s
resu lted in the 146th harveest on Rhineefarm being the
e earliest on
n record. Un
nseasonably toasty tem peratures in
n February w
were followeed by rather baalmy conditions through
hout the sprring and sum
mmer, allowiing the slow
w developmeent of complex flavors. Shortly after the start off harvest onn August 155th, a significant heat spell resulted in crop reduction of so
ome blocks tthat were veery near opttimum matu
urity, particu
ularly Merlot. TThe final fru
uit of the seaason was brrought in onn Septemberr 30th, making 2004 thee first vintage in Rhinefarm
m history thaat saw no grrape harvestting in the m
month of October. In geeneral the vintaage can be characterize
ed by low yie
elds and higgh intensity of varietal flavors. Com
mplex aromas o
of dark blackk fruit, dried
d currant and aged leathher lead to aa smooth, ro
ound entry. Juicy cassis and mission figg flavors are
e framed in an elegant, refined stru
ucture. The long, rich fin
nish is nd dark berryy flavors. De
elicious upon release; optimal cellaring time 2 to 15 dense wiith cocoa an
years. 62
(1) 750 ml 2005 Gundlach Bundschu‐ Napa ‐ CS The 2005 season provided wine grapes of exceptional quality to those who were vigilant about tending their vines. A cool and unseasonably wet spring and early summer led to excessive vine growth, so we made numerous passes through the vineyard to remove leaves in order to keep the plants in balance with respect to fruit and foliage. Mild daytime temperatures through harvest created the optimum environment for flavor and aroma compounds to develop, and warm nighttime temperatures promoted tannin maturity, making for a vintage of very promising wine quality. Complex aromas of blackberry, cassis and a trace of grilled meat lead to a lush, smooth entry. Broad, rich tannins frame lush flavors of black currant and draw the velvety mouth feel into a long finish of dark cocoa and sweet espresso. Delicious upon release; optimal cellaring time two to 15 years (1) 750 ml 2006 Gundlach Bundschu‐ Napa ‐ CS The 2006 growing season got off to a late, wet start on Rhinefarm, with bud break beginning at the end of March and generous rainfall late into the spring. High soil moisture going into the growth period allowed the vines to develop large canopies that required vigilant taming to maintain ideal fruit‐to‐canopy ratios. A record‐breaking heat wave in July helped put an end to vegetative growth and spurred the vines onto the business of ripening fruit. The harvest period was nearly perfect, and so in the end the fruit attained excellent phenolic maturity as well as nicely developed varietal characters. Dark purple color, aromas of violet, anise and lifted red and black currant. The lush, smooth entry leads to dark berry, cassis, shaved chocolate and espresso bean flavors. Big, smooth tannins give weight and roundness to the mouth feel. The long finish is smooth with balancing notes of red fruit. Delicious upon release; optimal cellaring time 4 to 15 years. (1) 750 ml 2007 Gundlach Bundschu‐ Napa ‐ CS Generous on varietal concentration; stingy on yields. This sums up the outcome of the 2007 growing season and vintage. There was relatively early initiation of bud break which was followed by nearly perfect, mild climatic conditions throughout most of the season. This mild weather was especially welcomed since winter rainfall was nearly half of normal and so any big heat spikes in the spring or summer would put a lot of strain on water needs. The most pronounced characteristic of the season is small berry size. While leading to short yields, this has led to wines of astounding concentration and expression. Intense aromas of black currant and blueberry, laced with vanilla. The lush entry fills the mouth with rich flavors of dark berry, cassis and ultra dark chocolate. Big, smooth tannins give weight and roundness to the mouth feel. Concentrated berry and anise flavors linger through the exceptionally long finish. Delicious upon release; optimal cellaring time 4 to 15 years. 63
750 ml 20
008 Gundlach Bund
dschu‐ Napa ‐ CS
there was more springgtime frost than usual,, but we weere lucky en
nough to no
ot be affected—unlike some of our neighbors. W
We found ourselves eenduring erratic tures in Mayy, with heatt spikes follo
owed by coool weather aand very litttle rain. Junee and ught heat in
n combinatio
on with smo
oke strewn across Nortthern California. Luckilyy, our were not affe
ected by the
e smoke to o
our north. W
While the haarvest was b
busy at first, mid‐
ber brought ccooler weather which sllowed ripen ing, allowingg us to catch
h our breath
h, and t the season
n calmly. The
e strong 2008 vintage reesulted in sm
mall‐berried, evenly ripe fruit, centrated wines full of distinctive ch
haracter. s aromas off blueberry and cassis with wisps of violets and lavenderr. Dense, vibrant f polished black fruit, in
ncluding blacck currant, bblack plum and blackberrries, dusted
d with oa and a to
ouch of grap
phite. Concentrated andd lush on the palate, with opulent fruit, texture, beaautifully inte
egrated oakk notes and round, smooth tannin
ns. Bright accidity he rich berrry flavors th
hrough the exceptiona lly long finiish. Deliciou
us upon release; cellaring time 4 to 15 years. 750 ml 20
009 Gundlach Bund
dschu‐ Napa ‐ CS
s aromas of o blackberryy and cassis with wispps of violetss. Dense, vibrant flavo
ors of black fruit, including bllack currant and blackbeerries, loadeed with deep dark choccolate ouch of grap
phite. Conce
entrated and
d lush on t he palate, w
with opulen
nt fruit, exceellent and beautifu
ully integratted oak nottes. Bright natural acid
dity and strructured tannins exceptionallly long finish
h. Delicious upon releasse; optimal ccellaring timee 5 to 15 yeaars. 0 TALIAN ed by Anita Liberm
pear and Friend 750 ml 20
005 Roberrt Cipressso ‐ La Qu
uadraturaa Del Cerchio can sometim
mes presentt a perfect balance of f factors thaat blended result in a a single cleaar expressio
on. The synnergy and aantagonism he many elements in a tterroir can produce new
w and uniquee results. La ura del Cerrchio is inspired by th
hese ideas and the n
notion that ting a wine involves "sq
quaring the ccircle" or coming up witth a unique to specific cconditions. TThe label for this wine carries the geographic ates of its te
erritory of o
origin, which
h includes thhe Mediterrranean, the d different geographies, soils, and exxposures, al l of which leend structurral diversity. With e, a search for f balance amid variattion creates a kaleidosccope of arom
mas, a varieety of es, and a fussion of colou
urs that tran
nsform it intto somethingg greater than the sum of its nts. 64
This wine
e is made byy Roberto Cipresso (parrtner and coonsultant of Achaval Ferrrer in Argen
ntina) in Tuscany using a very interesting concept of mixinng different terroirs: Sicily with Sh
hyraz, Sangiove
ese from Mo
ontalcino an
nd Sangiovesse from Ma remma. It's not that op
pen on the nose, but still aable to show
w nice arom
mas of choco
olate, coffeee and blackb
berries. On tthe palate, tthis is full bodie
ed, with goo
od acidity, ro
ound, elegan
nt with shortt‐medium afftertaste. It rreally shiness with food....It paired very well with po
ork rib and rrosemary rissotto. WS 911
(6) 750 ml 2
2005 Rob
bert Cipreesso ‐ Pigrreco Pigreco
o (Italian forr the Greek lletter π) celeebrates simp
plicity, tranq
quility, reasssuring creativvity, and the
e strong iden
ntity this coombination p
produces. It is a wine th
hat is light ye
et, complex and full of fine, powerrful, often ovverlooked elements. It has a clear and a distinct character and a aroma and a deep
p connection
n to the miineral compo
onents and history of its terroir. TTogether these charactteristics creaate a refined
d blend that reflects itss precise annd elementaal formulation. Pigreco is at once a a method and a certainty. It is basic, esseential, and yet, capable of astoun
nding. Deep, se
eductive and
d luscious arromas of rasspberry, cheerry, cassis, five spice aand tobacco
o. The palate, w
while quite o
obviously you
ung, tight an
nd concentraated is also approachab
ble and enjoyyable to drink. CT 89 Lot 221
ed by Anita Liberm
pear and Alan Lam
mpear 7
001 Sebasstiani – Alexanderr Valley, C
Cabernet (1) 750 ml 20
n Dark, plu
ush and concentrated, with pretty w
vanilla and mocha‐scen
nted oak, ro
oasted coffee an
nd pretty cu
urrant and wild w berry fllavors. The oak gives itt an added fflavor dimensio
on and the te
exture is smooth and po
olished, withh ripe, chewyy tannins. W
WS 92 (1) 750 7 ml 2001 2
Steltzner ‐ Stags S
Leaap District, Cabernet Sauvvignon Displays substtance, richness and texxture, built aaround a pllush core off ripe blaack cherry, p
plum and cu
urrant. It's tiightly focuseed, with layeers of complexity an
nd a long pe
ersistent fin
nish, where the flavors linger, giving it a sense of ele
egance. WS 91 65
750 ml 20
001 O’Shaaughnessyy – Howeell Mounttain, Cabernet C
on A very ricch wine with
h ripe fruit. It's oaked, but not overlyy so. The no
ose shows a charred character,, some of th
he cab high tones withh a dark and
d woodsy een at all. Full‐bodied, sttill quite lushh, but I seem
m to recall streak that is not gre
this having a little m
more zing in its youth. Nice finish, n othing harsh
h. I guess I'll drink my remainders slowly over the next n
few yeaars just to ssee what developss. CT 91 2 Lot 222
ed by Sco
ott and Co
ori Schneiider (1)
50 ml 2009 Clos de
e los Sietee – Mend
doza Rich yet cu
ut, with com
mplex layers of
o cassis, blaackberry andd fig paste leeading to nottes of
tobacco an
nd wild herb
b that lingerr on the minnerally finishh. Malbec, M
Merlot, Cabbernet
Sauvignon, Syrah and Petit Verdott. WS 89 (1)
750 ml 20
010 Cuvelier Los Andes ‐ Mendoza This ripe red feature
es a solid miix of fresh raaspberry annd blackberryy fruit that'ss balanced
d with light spice, juicy acidity and m
moderate tannnins. WS 888 (1)
750 ml 2011 Achaaval Ferreer ‐ Mend
doza Very pu
ure, with a b
beam of rasp
pberry couliss, blackberryy and cherryy pulp notes that pump p
out layers of sspice, flint and wildflo
owers. Juicyy yet structurred, with a m
mineral edge
e to the longg, savory finiish. Drink no
ow through 2
2015. WS 92 (1) 7
750 ml 20
011 BenM
Marco ‐ M
Mendoza A rich, in
nviting red, w
with overton
nes of roaste
ed coffee beean, licorice and smoke to the juicy blaackberry, cassis and plum skin fru
uit characteer, leading to a Mochaa Java aftertaste. WS 89 (1)
750 ml 2
2010 Gasccon ‐ Resserva – M
Mendoza A racy red
d, with crushed raspberryy and red cuurrant fruit fframed by m
medium tannins, followed b
by a spice‐ and floral‐tinged finish. W
WS 89 66
750 ml 20
011 Durigutti – Me
endoza The 2011
1 Malbec haas a stalky bouquet thaat is simple but well‐deefined, with
h crisp, rustic red
d berry fruit. The palate is medium‐bodied withh chewy tann
nins. Mulberrry and sloes shaare the floo
or, while th
he finish is structured and showss just a touch of unnecesssary heat. W
WA 88 (1)
750 ml 20
010 Martino ‐ Vinaa Violeta ‐ Mendoza Its color is de
eep purplish
h red. The nose excel red fruits such as plums, blacckberries, hiints of vanillla, coffee annd chocolatee. The palatee is intense,, with goo
od volume andprolonged
d persistencce. The exceellent balancce of oak and the characteristics of this varie
ety, make thiis wine is po
owerful, com
mplex and m
meaty. CT 8
88 (1)
750 ml 20
010 La Possta ‐ Angel Pauluccci Vineyaard ‐ Mendoza
More serrious is the 2010 Malbe
ec Angel Pau
ulucci Vineyaard, sourced
d from 38‐yeear‐
old viness and aged fo
or 14 month
hs in 25% ne
ew French oaak. Notions of cedar, Assian spices, in
ncense, floraal notes, and
d black cherry lead to a smooth‐texxtured, elegaant, spicy offe
ering that de
elivers outstanding value
e. WA 90 (1)
750 ml 20
010 Susan
na Balbo SSignaturee – Mend
doza Beau
utiful deep violet v
color with explodding aromas of blackberrry, black ch
herry, and violets fram
med by hin
nts of oak and mint. The wondeerful aromass are mirro
ored on the
e palate, and
d they are jjoined by riipe plum fru
uit and a hiint of toastty vanilla, biittersweet cchocolate, annd a hint off mint on the finish. This is a ripe and rich style of wine, rreigning in thhe fruit and focusing it iinto a long ffinish. A wine that t
truly struggles betw
ween its fun
n and seriouus side. Pairrs well with a wide range of foods fro
om beef and
d pork to game birds or even meat‐‐based pastaas. This is w
what Malbec is all about. moky Very purre, soil‐infleccted aromass and flavorrs of blackbberry liqueurr, mocha, trruffle and sm
mineralitty, complicated by hintss of milk cho
ocolate and crushed herbs. Juicy an
nd spicy but a bit youthfullly imploded,, with enticing sweetness leavened by brisk acidity. Most impressive ttoday on the long, energe
etic, firmly tannic t
h, which leaaves behind
d notes of b
blackberry, black cherry, espresso and
d dark chocolate. IWC 91
1 (1)
750 ml 20
010 Zuccaardi Q ‐ M
The 2010
0 Q Malbec ((100%) was aaged in Fren
nch oak for 112 months. Inviting scents off cedar, Asian spices, lavvender, and b
black cherryy lead to a pllush, dense, layered, pleasure‐bent Malbec th
hat will provvide enjoymeent over thee next 6‐8 years. It is an outstan
nding value. WA 90 67
750 ml 20
009 Siestaa ‐ En El TTahuantin
nsuyo ‐ M
Mendoza Catena you
ung Argentiine winemaaker, son oof renowned
d winemakker Catena Zapaata, developed from hiss childhood in Argentina and tireleess lives, living in New York,, Berkeley, C
Cambridge, M
Milan, and LLondon, a lovve place where
e he was bo
orn, Mendoza, and touured the sm
mall vineyard
ds, e learned to
o discover a passion forr making greeat wines. H
His style, ho
ow be otherwise
e, is diversityy, the constaant search foor the best ggrapes, where re; selectingg then, different for diffferent varie ties vineyarrds where th
he nd climate indicate thaat they wou
uld achieve its best , ch
hoosing smaall rs to collabo
orate with th
hem and wo
ork togetherr to get the best grapess and make wine own identityy as well as SSiesta concentrates, blennds the myssterious Alm
ma Negra, and the kable Tahuantinsuyu. Alll this, and something s
eelse, this no
ovel project contains Ern
nesto Vineyards, where w
once again, wine
e identity a nd his love for the lan
nd Mendozaa, are d in great win
nes. red color very clean and
d bright. Fulll, concentraated and witth good typiicity. Pepperr, red ck fruit, eucalyptus (a slight s
note) that makess it very coo
ol. Elegant, very good body with some candied fruit, has a balancced structuree, good acid
dity., Is comp
plex. The tan
nnins, ppear at the
e right time, gently marrk him as a ffine Cabernet, maybe ssomething m
meaty et. Now – 20
025. 750 ml 20
011 Felino
o ‐ Vina C
Cobos ‐ M
d game note
es mark thiss dark yet raacy red, which features a core of sp
picy ry, kirsch and raspberry notes on the broad finissh. WS 89 3A and 223B LL ABOUT
T BLANC ed by Ricck Fleetwood 750 ml 20
011 Domaaine Daulny ‐ Le Cllos de enay ‐ Sa
ancerre me of this domain is a litttle unfair. In
n reality, it m
masks a team etween Etien
nne ‐‐ the oldest brothe
er in this Sanncerre familly, nds the imm
maculate hilllside vineyaards ‐‐ andd his younger Bertrand, who w oversees the cellar,, just as he''s been doin
ng first met them in 1983. CT 88 68
(1) 750 ml 20
011 Pedre
es Thilibas ‐ Vermeentino di Gallura ‐‐ Sardegn
na A fresh Vermentino
o, uncommo
on for Sard
dinia in its lush texturre and cleansingg acidity. Inttensely floraal with sprin
ng meadow herbs. The palate opens to crisp tropical pineapple
e and citrus zzest. This is a step up an
nd over everydayy Italian whittes, in its givving aromass and flavorss. A lingeringg finish ps and suggests a fine pairring with sw
wordfish steak or halibuut, fish soup
the he
eart of the Gallura, in north‐
crustaceaans. This wine comes from eastern SSardinia a ve
ery highly sought after re
egion for groowing grapees. Soils are rough
h and sandyy with sub‐sttrata of gran
nite. The maiin philosoph
hy of the fam
mily is that w
wine is made in the vineyard and so ccareful manaagement of the vineyarrds in key heere. Thilibus is a single vin
neyard site. C
CT 89 (1) 750 ml 20
011 Granb
bazan ‐ Ettiqueta A
Amber ‐ A
Albarino The 2011 Granbazan Etiqueta Ambar hass a glorious , floral bou
uquet with racy lemon, b
bruised apple
e and granitiic scents thaat are pure cclass. The paalate is fresh and zesty witth a crisp seaam of acidity; bright app
ple‐y fruit annd a touch o
of spice tow
wards the poised finish. Iff I were to
o quibble, the t
palate ddoes not quite match the aromaticcs, but it remains an exxcellent Albarino. Deepp, aromatic and steely with lingering complex flaavors of spice
e and citrus.. Drink now‐‐2018. WA 992 7
012 Bethe
el Heightss ‐ Pinot G
Gris (1) 750 ml 20
THE 2012
provided us with a welccome contrast to 2010 aand 2011, wh
hen we were
e firmly in tthe grip of tthe unusuallly cool climaatic condition
ns of an extended La Niñña. Although 2012 began
n slowly, witth a late bud b
break and a cool Springg, by late Jun
ne the momentum shiftted. Bloom was well und
derway in thhe final week of June, and we were ead of 2011 . But the reaal story of the vintage w
was tracking tten days ahe
the weath
her for the rrest of the sseason: endless sunny d
days with waarm temperaatures and perfect ripe
ening condittions. Manyy sites saw dry weatheer for 100‐1
110 straight days. Harve
est began almost three weeks earlieer than in 20011, with fru
uit at optimum ripenesss. Aromas of lychee, key lime, and a
bananaa, giving waay to underrlying aromaas of flint aand honeyde
ew melon. The T palate is round and generous,, showcasing the plush nature of tthe vintage while still m
maintaining aa bright core of acidity foor balance. C
CT 89 (1)
750 ml 20
011 Left Foot Charlie ‐ Tale Featherss Vineyarrd ‐ Pinot Gris
G Pin
not Gris is the mysteriious, grey ssister in thee Pinot Family. She’s not as flam
mboyant ass Blanc and not as poppular as herr cheerleading sis Noir.. Gris han
ngs out with
h tomes of tthe great pooets in the co
orner of busstling coffeee bars 69
ng if she getts noticed but b not shying away froom conversaation either. Gris has a high deep earthyy tones from
m the barrels and an ovverall darkerr fruit perso
onality than most nes. This givves a beautifful unravelin
ng quality to the flavors.. This is the ttype of winee that s to be consu
umed slowlyy and steadilyy, with greatt introspectiion. CT88 750 ml 20
012 Anne Amie ‐ Cuvee A ‐ Yanhill‐C
Carlton – Muller Thurgau medium‐pale
e intensity, bright gold color. Cllean nose with aromas of honeysuckkle, pear, ap
pricot, peacch, ripe tro
opical d spice. Me
edium‐dry on o the palate with meedium body and Medium flavvors of pineaapple, mand
darin orangee, honey, yeellow nd Bing cherry. 50 ml 201
11 Pgeffin
ngen ‐ Drry Reislingg ‐ Pfalz
en is a familly winery with a wine making m
trad ition which dates re then 250 years. Nesttled in the m
midst of beauutifully conto
oured s, they havve one goall in mind: Deliver D
the highest po
ossible every year. TThe unique fossilized lim
mestone soil in their vineeyards onderfully balanced b
dryy Rieslings. Tasting T
Notee: This Riesling is he palate, but also succculent and lively with tyypical earthyy Pfalz d excellent acidity. Paair this foo
od‐flexible ddry Riesling with nal seafood aand white meat preparations. e is crisp, fre
esh, and aro
omatic, the perfect Gerrman dry Rieesling, ts of white p
peach and red deliciouss apple and a zippy backkbone y. This is a q
quintessentiaal dry Rieslin
ng and wou ld pair greatt with dishes. 750 ml 20
012 Paddyy Borthw
wicke ‐ Waairarapa ‐‐ Sauvign
non Blancc a New Zealaand wine prroducer with
hout a sav bblanc, not a New Zealan
nder Luckily Padd
dy Borthwickk has produced one, annd it is like aa whole trop
pical oliday in a glass. g
There are plenty of passionffruit, gooseb
berry and ciitrus nd flavours in this wine that will havve you thinkking of blue skies and saandy The palate is light and slightly creamy with brrisk limy aciidity, and a very y finish. vested fruit was processsed quickly into tank too retain the vibrant aro
omas h acidity. Setttled and ino
oculated in ttank with a varierty of yyeasts for a long ol fermentation. The win
ne was lees stirred and blended aftter 5 months on ered and bo
ottled. Goose
eberry, guavva and lyceee aromas arre supported
d by flavors of trropical fruit.. This is a wine w
with grreat balancee, structure and . 70
(1) 750 ml 20
010 Chate
eau de Ch
hamilly ‐ LLes Basseets ‐ Mon
ntagny Les Bassets is a named Montagny PPremier Cru vineyard in the south o
of the Cote Chalonnaise sub‐‐region of B
Burgundy. Itt is one off about 50 sites classified ass Premier Cru
u under the Montagny aappellation. (1) 75
50 ml 201
11 Domaine Ehrhaart ‐ Herrrenweg ‐ Gewurztraminer
weg, a combin
nation of graavel mixed w
with sand, haas excellent drainage and a warrm micro‐climate allowiing maximum ripeness ways maintaining finesse
e and the baalance of sooil and fruit. while alw
The Gew
wurztraminer Herrenwegg is rich witth floral aroomas, spice notes, an
nd ripe exotic fruit flavorrs. CT 88 (1) 750 ml 20
011 Sonom
er ‐ Russiaan River Valley ‐ Chardo
onnay Fruit aromas of white w
peacch, and ne
ectarine arre followed
d by honeysucckle, honey,, and light floral f
with hints h
of toasst, buttersco
otch, grapefruit, and cantaloupe. Thiss wine is ricchly texturedd with a mo
coating aapplely acidity and a rou
und and creaamy mid‐palaate creatingg that signature
e Sonoma‐Cu
utrer balancce from startt to finish. F lavors of Go
olden Deliciouss apple are aaccented witth toasted nu
uts and barrrel spice. This wine
e packs a lott of luxury fo
or the price, a round, suppple chardonnay with flavvors of apple
e and cream
m. There's also a cool feeel ‐ the earrthen cool of a cave wall ‐ that ballances the wine's w
richnness. For grrilled lobster. W
WS 91 (1)
750 ml 20
011 Tenutta Olim B
Bauda ‐ Gaavi de Gaavi The win
ne has a strraw colour. A fine bouq
quet of goood intensity and persiste
ency with floral f
urs. To the
e palate itt is fresh soft, harmon
nious and we
d with a well balaced miinerality. CTT 85 71
Lot 224
4A & 224
4B Moderrate rougge 90+ Donate
ed by Ricck Fleetwood (1) 750 ml 20
011 Easton ‐ Amad
dor Countty ‐ Zinfandel This is tthe fifteenth
h release of oour popularlly‐priced Am
mador Countty Zinfand
del. It is made from grap es that grow
w on our beaautiful, rollin
ng mountaain sites thatt have the cllassic, vermiilion‐colored
d, Amador decomp
posed granitte soil. The 22011 has fulll black cherrry and blackb
berry fruit aro
omas with a beautiful baalance and aa big, sumptuous, and ju
uicy mouth feel. It also p
presents com
mplex spicy aromas, witth a nice creaamy texture derived from the 10 moonths time itt receives in
n, only, Frencch oak barrrels. This wiine has becoome our pop
pular, but serious cru Beaujollais‐styled/R
Rioja crianza‐‐styled Zinfaandel that haas found its way on to m
many great re
estaurant lissts across No
orth Americaa where it is often listted “by the gglass ”. It is cconsistently rated one of the top Zin
nfandels in itts class and o
one of the be
est value Zinffandels available. Althou
ugh drinkab le now, it gaains complexxity with botttle age. This wine’s releaase has beco
ome highly aanticipated bby many of o
our customeers each year. We thinkk this 2011 b
bottling follows in the traadition of ouur previous b
bottlings. Ou
ur Zinfandel’’s in 2011 havve great fruitt, balance, and charm. C
CT 89 (1)
750 ml 20
010 Paole
etti ‐ Picco
olo Cru' ‐ Napa Vaalley Piccolo C
Cru' is a dark, purple colo
ored wine in
n appearancee with a bou
uquet combinin
ng the ripe, b
blueberry an
nd meaty character of thhe Merlot an
nd Malbec, with the spice, herbaal and earthyy componen
nts brought fforth by the Cabernet Sauvigno
on and Caberrnet Franc w
with a hint off mint chocoolate on the finish. A blend of Cabernet 36
6%, Malbec 3
38%, Cab Fraanc 2% , Meerlot10%, Petite Verdot 14%. CT 8
87 (1) 750 ml 20
011 Belle Gros ‐ Meiomi ‐ P
Pinot Noirr Meio
omi is a high
h style Pinot Noir that is shaped, mo
ore than anyything else, by the fruiit sources thhat lay the foundation of the blen
nd. A pure
e bred enjoyyment wine, built to acccommodate any pairing from food
d to friends. Unifying Ca lifornia’s mo
ost noteworrthy coastal aareas open
ns the door for a dyna mic and op
pulent wine that is read
dy to enjoy whenever you are. This beautiful Pinot P
Noir pproduced byy Caymus caarries aromas of ed fruits andd fresh berrries. The rich
h cherry flavvor is tobacco, dark re
complemented by notes of cedar, rasp
pberry and sstrawberry. EEnjoy with turrkey, salmon
n or beef dish
hes. CT 88 72
(1) 750 ml 20
010 Domaaine Duraand ‐ Syraah Tasty, bu
ut on the sim
mpler side o
of good, Norrthern‐Rhonne syrah. Blu
ue fruits mixed with some rasspberry and a velvety m
mouth feel. TThe only issu
ue I had w that it tasted like
e a barrel sample s
thatt had not ffinished with it was malolactic fermentattion. May w
want to give this some ti me before p
popping the corkk. Some may not have liked the wine w
due too that notee, but it brought me back to ttasting in d'A
Ampuis. CT8
85 (1) 750 ml 2
2007 Sanggenis I Vaaque' ‐ Daara ‐ Prio
orat The de
elightful dau
ughters Nuriaa and Mariaa Sangenis w
were a real hit at our reecent Spanish
h Gold Tasting; a new name, to us aat least, in PPriorat, with some wond
derful expressive wines all representing excepptional value, not least this, the Dara Reservva which is m
made up of equal measures of Merrlot, Garnach
ha and Carin
nena, all botttled unfiltered after twe
elve months in 50/50 Frrench and Am
merican oakk. The Merlott adds a plummy fruity come‐hitheer note to th
he more traaditionally earthy Carinen
na descripto
ors. Incredible depth andd finely polisshed tanninss here. CT 89
9 7
011 Chate
eau La Capelle Cab
banac ‐ Caahors (1) 750 ml 20
This veryy appealing Malbec from
m Château Lacapelle Caabanac is veery nice on the palatte—smooth with round tannins and
d not too stroong acidity. The fruit is dark and
d rich—you ccan smell the blackberryy and definittely see its iintense red reflection
ns. There is a somewhat herbal notte to the winne which ad
dded to the deep fruiit brings abo
out a pleasan
nt sweet and
d spice finishh. (1) 750 ml 20
010 Chate
eau Tourss St Bonnet ‐ Medoc A be
eautiful slee
eper of the vintage, this is possibly the best winee I’ve ever taasted from
m this over‐‐achieving estate near SSt.‐Christolyy‐de‐Medoc. A blend off 45% Merrlot, 45% Caabernet Sauvvignon and tthe rest Petiit Verdot, th
his wine normally sellss for about $15 a bottlle, making iit an absolu
utely staggerring value in
n the worrldwide marrketplace. Th
he 2010 exhhibits classicc cedar woo
od, tobacco leaf, crem
me de cassiss, licorice an
nd some balssam wood n
notes in a strong, mediu
um to full‐‐bodied, laye
ered style with w good opulence, pu
urity and oveerall harmony. A real beauty, it should be dru
unk over thee next 4‐5 yeears. WA 90 (1) 750 ml 20
011 Tami' ‐ Nero D
D'Avola ‐ SSicilia Arianna Occhipinti is the wine
ner of Azieenda Agricola Occhipinti, which pro
oduces some of the fine
est example s of Frappatto and Nerro d'Avola coming c
out of Vittoriaa, Sicily. Wiith the 20009 vintage she s started a new projject with tw
wo friends ssourcing fru
uit from neighboring viineyards with a goal "...to "
make natural win
ne 73
accessible to all. Eve
eryday wine
e of simple taste, and w
well made."" Enter TAM
MI', also the very same name of the n
natural wine shop and sspecialty stoore in Siracusa she ownss with thosee two friends. TThe wines arre unoaked, balanced an
nd pure of frruit, fermentted with nattive yeasts. Tami is the sister lab
bel of up‐and
d‐coming naatural winem
maker Ariann
na Occhipintti from Vitto
oria in southeasstern Sicily. IIn a few sho
ort years, Arianna has m
managed to o
outperform the compettition, many off whom havve been at this for con
nsiderably loonger. The 2011 Tami Nero d’Avo
ola is aromaticc, with deliccate notes of violets, fried sage and wild strawberriess. The palaate is extraordinarily elegaant with love
ely notes of boysenberrry, espresso,, anise and black licorice. An outstand
ding effort! This nego
ociant line m
makes for a le
ess expensivve way of geetting acquaiinted with th
he great win
nes of Arianna O
Occhipinti... The Nero d’Avola has d
darker berryy fruit with m
more mineraality but the wine remains light in the m
mouth, and most intense. FWR 91 (1) 750 ml 20
000 Loren
nzo Sassettti ‐ La Qu
uerciolinaa ‐ Monteecucco The ‘LA QUERCIOLINA’ farm is situated in an excellen
nt position in the Maremm
ma’s hinterlland. In 19999, when Lo
orenzo and Luciano Sassetti bought the farm, it was in a staate of aband
donment. In 2000 they b
began work to
o reclaim the
e land and rreplant the vineyards, u
using the original varieties of vines. TThe brother’ss project folllowed the p
philosophy o
of the family who has already be en produciing wine in the adjaacent Montalccino area forr no less thaan four generations. The Mo
ontecucco Saangiovese iss 100% Sangiovese. It iis persistentt and refined in the nose
e with plen ty of little red fruits. TThis wine iss well balance
ed and full‐bo
odied. Greatt with Steak. (1) 750 ml 20
010 Chate
eau Beaum
mont ‐ Haaut Medo
oc The gre
eatly improvved Beaumont, under the same ownership as Château
u Beychevvelle in Sain
nt‐Julien, haas produced a full‐bodiied, rich win
ne, which is weightyy and packed with serio
ous fruits and tannins. It shows an attractivee, black‐cu
n side, butt it remains a wine for aging.D
Dark berriess, cherriess, blackberries. This dee
ep ruby‐hue
ed wine has juicy fairly simple fruit profile b
balanced byy ripe tannin
ns. A medium
m weight Haaut Medoc that has thee hallmarks of 2010's firm structu
ure but little depth. Enjooy it fairly yo
oung. CT 88 1) 750 m
ml 2010 d
d'Arenberg ‐ The FFootbolt ‐ Shiraz (1
A savory style, offering floral and mineral m
oveertones to tthe blackberry and teaa leaf flaavors, finishiing with refined tannins. Drink now through 20116. WS 87 74
(1) 750 ml 20
009 Zuccaardi Q ‐ M
Mendoza ‐‐ CS Deep rub
by red with p
purple hues.. Intense aro
oma notes oof red and bllack fruits with some spiicy aromas. Notes of oaak ageing succh as chocolate, tobaccco and leather. It highligghts black ch
herries, blacckberry, blacck pepper aand some eu
ucalyptus. TThe flavor is vvoluptuous iin the mouth
h, firm tanniins and a com
mplex long ffinish.
Lot 225
ed by Cha
arles Dan
1) 750 m
ml 1986 D
n ‐ Cabern
net Sauvignon Maature, with complex he
erb, sage, ciggar box and
d a dried cherry and cu
urrant ed
dge. Firmly taannic, this offers more liife and vitaliity than mosst in this tastting Th
his remains a a big, ripe, intense i
and concentratted wine, with rich, com
mplex layyers of earth
hy currant, m
mineral, pluum, anise an
nd cedar flavvors. Tannin
ns are softening, but it still has a long life aheead. WS 94
(1) 750 ml 19
990 Duckh
horn ‐ Cabernet Saauvignon
n Deep, rich r
and eno
ormously co
omplex, loaded with riipe currant, black cherrry, blackberry, anise, cedar and spice, with a long, linngering finissh that keeeps pumping out the flavors. Young, firm and a
intensee, with a rrich, complex, concenttrated core of currant, cherry, anisse and toasty, buttery oak flavors.. A wine of great harmo
ony, finesse,, elegance and grace. W
Well‐articulateed fruit flavo
ors e long, rich finish. Deliccious now, with its silkky tannins, b
but stay foccused on the
should aage well. WSS 95 (1)
750 ml 19
988 Chate
eau Cos d'Estourneel – St. Esstephe
The 1988
8 has an intrriguing bouq
quet of exotiic spices andd black fruitss. Savagely tannic in
n its youth, the wine haas softened and develooped more ccharm and appeal. SStill deep ruby/purple in
n color, with
h little signss of age, thiss medium‐
bodied, sslightly auste
ere wine posssesses good
d cassis fruitt, excellent p
purity, and an elegan
nt, classic styyle. WA 87 (1)) 750 m
ml 2000 V
Viader ‐ Caabernet SSauvigno
on The
e VIADER ble
end capturess an ideal baalance between Caberneet Sauvignon
n and Cab
bernet Francc. The Caberrnet Franc ccontributes tto the earlyy approachab
bility, elegant structu
ure and viole
et‐like aromaatics while tthe Cabernett Sauvignon adds 75
complexiity and charracter as well as providing the backkbone structture for longg aging poteential. VIADER is made from
m the finest selection off our hillsidee estate on Howell Mou
untain. VIAD
DER is aged up tto 24 month
hs in French oak barrels. With the
e exception o
of a small nu
umber of heat spikes in June, the grrowing seaso
on was ideal. Hot days and
d cool nightss reigned on
n our hillside, which in turn, allow
wed our berrries to ripen
n at a steady raate, with excceptionally b
balanced acidity and im
mmense com
mplexity. Yiellds were small to normal. O
Our vineyard
ds have been
n organicallyy farmed andd hand labored since 19
988. d fruit with black curren
nts, layers off chocolate, hints of lico
orice, anise, earth Intense cconcentrated
and leath
her, with a llong, comple
ex, and linge
ering aftertaaste. Powerfful nose and
d rich everlaasting core of re
ed and blackk fruits with well‐incorpo
orated tann ins— though
h not overpo
owering—leead to an elegan
nt and grace
eful gem. Lots of attractive, up
p‐front fruit pleasure, w
with a core of black cherrry and blackkberry shadeed by cedar, mocha, m
ee and leather. Finishe
es with a sense of eleegance and ripe, integrated tannins. W
WS 92 (1) 750 ml 20
000 Casta Diva – Reserva – Real Moscatel ‐ A
Alicante Moscatel frrom the hot plains of Ali cante doesn
n’t get much
h better than
n this. Yes, it’s a bit oxidized
d and overlooaded with caramel, but otherwise it’s stellar. Love
ely brown su
ugar, cinnam
mon and van
nilla aromas lead the waay for the sun‐dre
enched fruit to do its thi ng. The resu
ult is an overr‐the‐top sw
weetie that excitess. Lot 22
nita Liberrman‐Lam
mpear & A
Alan Lam
mpear d Vintage
es, Assorted Produ
ucers, All From (12) 750 ml Assorted
an, Assorrted Grap
pe Types
d Wines from
m the Board
d of Directorss Summer Retreat on M
Mackinac Island in July, 20
013. (1) Box Asssorted Go
oodies fro
om the G
Great Statte of Michigan 76
ed by Jim
m and Diane Kaiserr C Cloudy Ba
ay – Marlborough,, NZ, Sauvvignon Blanc fted notes o
of elderflowe
er, green lim
me zest, andd stone fruit. The palatee is ripe, finee and t, offering ze
esty ripe citrrus flavors co
oupled with an edge of minerality aand sweet heerbs. Gary Farre
ell – Carn
neros, Chaardonnayy of mango, lemon, tart apple and ripe r
honeyddew melon. In the mou
uth, lush, creeamy f popcorn and toasty oaak emerge o
over a core of tropical ffruit, with to
ouches of Frrench butterscotch and bright llemon and ccitrus. Granbazan – Etiqueta Amber, Albarino omatic and ssteely with lingering com
mplex flavorrs of spice an
nd citrus’ Mas Des B
Bressadess – Rousssanne, Viognier part blend of Roussann
ne and Viogn
nier, the 20111 Vin de Payys reveals ab
bundant nottes of oneysuckle, caramelized
d tropical fru
uits, candle w
wax and a hint of butterr in a fuller, more style. E ustin – Pa
aso Roble
es, Caberrnet Sauvvignon an attractive
e mix of red and black cherry elemeents with blaackcurrant, ccinnamon, co
ocoa, d purple flow
wers. Mediu
um bodied w
with mild tannnins and a ssatiny texture. Belle Gross – Melom
mi, Pinot Noir the Californ
nia's most so
ought after ccoastal grow
wing regions meld togeth
her in this deeeply , stylish and balanced P
Pinot Noir; at its most fuundamental core, it is aan approach
hable, ndly wine w
with a style an
nd place all its own. Numanthia – Term
mes wine you might order aat a bar in th
he town of TToro, this is deliciously rrustic, its tannins tringency, itts black fruitt flavors burssting with sw
weet ripeness. A selection from 30‐‐year‐
s in Toro and
d Valdefinjass. Ogier – Le
e Temps EEst Venu,, Cotes du
u Rhone, Plan de Dieu y and invitin
ng, with darkk blackberry and raspberrry notes, go
ood bramblyy structure fo
or lift ely, licorice‐ffilled finish. 78