May 2015 Newsletter - Temple Beth Shalom


May 2015 Newsletter - Temple Beth Shalom
Temple Beth Shalom
Annual Meeting
of the
May 6
Festival Morning
Service with Yizkor
Men’s Club
Golf Tournament
May 24
May 29
May 8
May 15
Highlights this Month:
Rabbi’s Column
Page 2
Temple Administrator
Treasurer’s Column6
Annual Meeting of the 7
Religious School8
BSTY News9
Noteworthy Nachas10
Mahjongg Tournament
May 2015 / Iyar / Sivan 5775
Early Childhood Program
Men’s Club13
Rosh Chodesh15
Sisterhood Judaica Shop
Social Action Committee
Volume 137
Rabbi’s Column
The Power of Community
As I was walking through the water-soaked building
just a short time ago I was reminded of the words of
Yogi Berra who was known for his nonsensical sayings.
He said, “It’s like déjà vu all over again.” Indeed it is.
Once again we are faced with the task of restoring one
of our buildings. Ten years ago it was the sanctuary.
Today it is our school and administrative building. Of
course it will not be easy. But, as is always the case,
when you have strong foundations, challenges do not
seem nearly as daunting.
When I speak of foundations,
I am referring to many parts.
First, our staff. Penney, Cyndi,
Georgianna have all been
so flexible during the initial
stages of moving locations
and workspaces. The same
goes for Adrienne and Adina,
but in their case, they have also been confronted with
the important task of adjusting and reshaping their
respective programs. And Jill … she has been the glue
to hold everything together. Her calm organization of
the many moving parts coupled with her anticipation
of potential issues, has been of extraordinary value.
Yes, our staff has greatly contributed to our strong
Our leadership: I am so greatly appreciative to our
entire board for the speed in which it has responded
to our recent inconvenience. Stacy Shaener, our
president, and Michael Rubenstein, our treasurer
have both defied the principles of nature. They have
miraculously proven that you can be in two places at
one time. Both have been part of countless meetings
and conference calls all seemingly at the same time.
Of course, how fortunate we are to have people
like Chuck Anthony and Beth Plavner solidifying
our temple foundations. Their expertise in design,
numerous professional connections, and wisdom
regarding sequencing have enabled our process to get
moving in an efficient manner.
BEITENU / May 2015
Rabbi Ari Goldstein 410-757-0552
[email protected]
But the greatest element to the strength of our
synagogue foundation is you, our membership. And
we will soon need your help as well. We will need
your help in restoring our school to a place where
our children can be educated in our heritage and
our traditions. We will need your help to recreate the
space so that the greatness of our program can shine again.
You probably know the story from the Talmud (Taanit
23a) of Rabbi Honi who watched a man plant a Carob
tree. Honi asked the man, “How long will it take for
the tree to bear fruit?” “Seventy years,” the man said.
Honi asked, “Are you certain to live seventy more
years?” The man replied, “I found Carob trees planted
which are already bearing fruit. Just as others planted
trees for me to enjoy, so too do I plant for the next
And so it is with us. We have enjoyed the fruits of
the labor of many individuals who helped place a
synagogue in our midst. Now it is our turn to provide
for the next generation.
Save the Date
Tot Shabbat & Congregational Dinner
May 8
6:00pm Tot Shabbat
6:30pm Congregational Dinner
7:30pm Shabbat Family Service with
Grade 1 and Grade 2 Participating
Adult Members $10
Non-Members $12.50
Child Member $7.50
Child Non-Member $10
Children under 3 are Free
RSVP on the temple website
Temple Administrator As you know, on April 3, a flood did severe damage
to the school building. As I write this, it is a week after
the flood (newsletter articles have to be submitted
more than three weeks before you receive your
copy), so I’m not able to give
you completely up-to-date
information. Instead, I’d like to
use this month’s column to thank
everyone for their support during
the past month.
So many people came so quickly
to provide help, that it would be
impossible to thank everyone.
As the administrator, responsible for day-to-day
operations, I personally want to thank Morris London.
He spent many hours setting-up our temporary office
(in the Judaica Shop and outside the coat closet), and
was able to hook-up our computers and provide us
with phone lines. Without his help, the office could
not have been back up and running so smoothly.
Speaking of which, the office staff also deserve
credit for their flexibility, and for helping us relocate
computers and other equipment to our new space.
Jill Sussman 410-757-0552
[email protected]
to use their building for the remainder of the school
year. As a temple member, I want to thank all of the
volunteers that have helped over the past month.
Many of those volunteers have full-time jobs, and still
spent countless hours helping wherever they were
needed. This includes (but is definitely not limited to):
Stacy Shaener, Greg Weinman, Michael Rubenstein,
Chuck Anthony, Beth Plavner, Alan Switzman, Rachael
Feldman, Neil Schecter, Doug Fox and other members
of the Board of Trustees who have spent so much time
figuring out the next steps for our preschool and the
school building.
For individuals and groups whose meetings or events
were scheduled in the school building, I thank you for
your cooperation as we either moved your meeting
to the sanctuary building, rescheduled the event for a
different night, or in some cases moved the meetings
off-site. We have such a great community of people,
as evidenced by the outpouring of support we’ve all
seen. It is nice to know that in times like this, we can all
work together for the good of the congregation.
As a parent, I want to thank the Severn Lower School
for graciously allowing our religious school students
Below are some pictures taken immediately after the
flood and pictures of our temporary office space (as
of mid-April). Please check the temple’s website and
facebook page for additional updates.
Cyndi’s Temporary Desk
Penney’s Temporary Desk
“Temporary” Office for Rabbi, Jill & Georgianna
Copier in the Coat Closet
The Main Hallway (view from entrance)
The Main Hallway (reverse view)
Room 3
Room 2
Morris London Helping Out
Room 2
POD Storage Units
Treasurer’s Column
As my two-year term as Treasurer of Temple Beth
Shalom draws to a close, I have begun reflecting on all
that has transpired during those two years. I came to
this position with big plans, and some of those plans
have been realized, while others have fallen short of
my hopes. Throughout, I have
been grateful to all the support
that I have received from fellow
board members, congregants,
and staff. I leave this office
knowing that the temple’s finances
are in good hands, and that even
better days lie ahead.
In addition to presenting the fiscal 2015-16 budget
at the annual meeting in May, I will also report on all
that has been accomplished in the past two years and
all that remains to be done. For this column, I want to
focus on one particular goal that I set for myself, and
that is improving the rate of payment of Temple dues,
tuition, and other fees. I knew coming in that this is
not a unique challenge for our community, but that
in fact most congregations of all faiths struggle with
this issue in unique ways. We are first and foremost a
community of faith, and we believe at our core that we
have a moral obligation to welcome all families to that
community regardless of their financial circumstances.
We are also a community of friends and neighbors,
and discussing finances is always uncomfortable
among friends. I know, because that discomfort kept
me from joining a synagogue for many years.
I recently responded to a questionnaire from another
Maryland synagogue that was examining its dues
structure, and one of the questions was whether we
had ever enlisted a collections agency or taken legal
action against a member for failure to pay dues. This
struck me as a particularly absurd question, because
we would never dream of doing that to one of our
BEITENU / May 2015
Michael Rubenstein
[email protected]
cherished members. At the same time, we must, like
all other secular and religious entities, pay our bills.
As a community of faith, we place our faith in our
members to honor their commitments so that we can
fulfill ours.
The recent flood in the school building has strained
our resources, and we need our members more than
ever. At this time, I’m not talking about donations,
although that discussion may come later. Rather,
I’m talking about resolving outstanding balances.
Although we anticipate that our insurance coverage
will pay for most of the necessary repairs, it will not
cover the full cost. More importantly, the flood has had
short-term effects on our cash flow as we have taken
preliminary steps to address the damage. As a result,
our operating account balance has dropped below
comfortable levels, which will make it difficult to secure
any temporary financing from the bank to carry out the
necessary work. What makes this frustrating is that we
don’t need to be in this position. A recent analysis of
our accounts showed that we have almost $100,000 in
outstanding dues pledges and $20,000 in outstanding
religious school payments, not to mention unpaid New
Member Assessments (that go specifically to maintain
our buildings) and Bar/Bat Mitzvah fees. Some of these
balances have already been resolved, and others will
be paid as part of ongoing payment plans, but others
have not kept up over the course of the fiscal year.
This may not be my last request of you as Treasurer,
but it surely is the most important. If your April
statement that arrived a couple of weeks ago showed
any outstanding account balances, please make
every effort to resolve those balances as quickly as
you can so that we can continue to meet our financial
obligations and carry out the necessary repairs. When
we all come together as a community and do our fair
share, great things are possible.
Annual Meeting of the Congregation
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 6:30pm
Agenda Items
State of the temple
Election of Officers and Trustees (Slate Below)
Presentation of FY2015-2016 Budget
By-Law Changes
The Slate of Officers and Trustees for 2015-2016 to be presented
by the Nominating Committee at the Annual Meeting is as follows:
Board Members
Vice President, Administration: Michael Rubenstein
(1 year term)
Treasurer: Jeff Berger (2 year term)
Bill Harris (2 year term)
Steffani Mykins (2 year term)
Jason Taksey (2 year term)
Mervelyn Wyllie-Brause (2 year term)
The following officers will remain on the
board of trustees to fulfill their term
President: Stacy Shaener
Vice President, Membership: Marni Zwick
Vice President, Fundraising: Julie Parks
Financial Secretary: Joe Feldman
Recording Secretary: Joe Stern
Jodi Meisenberg
Beth Plavner
Eric Schwartz
Alan Switzman
Immediate Past President: Leon Shapiro
Liaison to Union for Reform Judaism: Mary West
Thank you to the following individuals for their service on the board:
Greg Weinman
Michael Roth
David Helfman
Sarah White
Religious School
Adina Newman, Religious School Director
[email protected]
It’s hard to believe, but we’ve reached the month of
May, which means we are almost at the end of our
Religious School year. It’s true what
they say-time flies when you’re
having fun! Despite the school
building being rendered unavailable
due to flooding last month, the
Severn School graciously opened
their arms (and doors) to us and
allowed us to complete our school
year within their beautiful building. In the Torah,
we learn about the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim
(welcoming of guests), when guests unexpectedly visit
Abraham and Sarah at their tent; Abraham and Sarah
go out of their way to make sure their visitors feel
comfortable and welcomed within their home. The
Severn School has exemplified this mitzvah, and we
are incredibly grateful for their kindness and generosity
during our own unexpected visit.
Thank you, Severn School (Chesapeake Campus)
But such mensch-like behavior is what I’ve come to
expect within our community. For example, last month,
the 4th grade shared their learning of what it means to
be a mensch with their families when they acted out
various mitzvah-infused skits during their Mishpacha
(Family) program. As part of 5th grade’s routine,
students submit “mitzvah balls” that represent a good
deed that they performed at home. In every classroom
BEITENU / May 2015
throughout the school year, students not only learn
about various mitzvot, but also model such behavior
on a regular basis; one of the best aspects of my job
is catching these students in the act of performing
mitzvot during my classroom walkthroughs.
Moreover, as a newcomer this year, I can vouch for
the incredible warmth I have received to date from
our Religious School families. I want to thank each
and every one of you for your fulfillment of hachnasat
orchim during my rookie year at Temple Beth Shalom.
It was indeed a wonderful experience, and I look
forward to more memories as well as more mitzvot
next year!
Congratulations to the 2015 Confirmation Students:
Max Abraham, son of Arnold and Tamyla Abraham
Joel Cohen, son of Robert and Lisa Cohen
Edie Falk, daughter of Andrew and Jerri Falk
Lena Goldstein, daughter of Andrew and Gail Goldstein
Jared Grindle, son of Mark and Rita Grindle
Gwynyth Hillier, daughter of John and Danielle Hillier
Ellie Leikin, daughter of Larry and Sherry Leikin
Nina Palko-Distefano, daughter of Christina Palko and Scott Distefano
Jessica Reiner, daughter of Gary and Cindy Reiner
Eric Resnick, son of Steven Resnick and Bruce Preston
Carlin Rosenbaum, daughter of Richard Rosenbaum and Vilma Sanchez
2015-2016 NFTY-MAR Regional Events
September 18-20
Fall Kallah
November 20-22
Temple B’Nai Shalom, Fairfax, VA
Winter Kallah
December 27-30
Capital Camps, Waynesboro, PA
March 11-13
Ohef Shalom Temple, Norfolk, VA
Spring Kallah
May 6-8
Capital Camps, Waynesboro, PA
January 29-31
Capital Camps, Waynesboro, PA
Temple Beth Or, Raleigh, NC
Mariel Evers & Drew Davidoff
[email protected]
I hope you all had an amazing Passover with your
friends and families!
email Eric Pollock at [email protected] for more information.
This past March we had a bowling event for the youth
group only – it was a lot of fun to bond with everyone
who attended.
We encourage you to come, as it may be the last time
you see your fellow seniors before summer. More
details will be sent out soon to all current 8th-12th
graders and their parents.
Save the Date – BSTY End of the Year Event on May 16. Look out for flyers coming soon or 9
BEITENU / May 2015
Have a lovely month of May everyone!
Marion Kay
[email protected]
Noteworthy Nachas Thanks to everybody who sent me information for
this month. Next month there will be graduations and
other great happenings, so don’t hesitate to send me
your information by May 8.
Enjoying a break from our cold winter was Judy
Schwarz, who thoroughly enjoyed a cruise through the
Rachel Jacobs, daughter of Stuart and Nadine Jacobs,
was pictured in the March issue of the Severna Park
Voice. She received an award from ASPIRE for her
work as an outstanding volunteer with the Severna
Park Kiwanis Club.
Proud grandparents Joel and Shari Barries
shared news about the accomplishments of their
granddaughter, Amanda Mazzola, daughter of Tamara
Mazzola. Amanda received acceptance letters at four
dental schools and will be attending the University of
Maryland Dental School with plans to become an orthodontist.
Cindy and Dave Fox are proud of their grandson,
Dylan Fox, who recently graduated from Leadership
University of Howard County and was elected
President of The National Honor Society at Reservoir
High School.
Sarah Baressi, daughter of Sandy and Joseph Baressi
and first grader at Benfield Elementary, was honored
by having her beautiful clay necklace on display at the
Severna Park Library.
Brian Kay, son of Marion and Stephen Kay, will be
getting married to Rachel Gordon of Arlington,
Virgiania on May 30th in Washington, D.C. The
bride and groom will honeymoon in Italy.
Congratulations to David Wendkos and Rayna Glick on
their engagement!
Congratulations to Joe Stern and Dawn McCracken on
their recent marriage!
Mahjongg Tournament
Sunday, June 7
Temple Beth Shalom
Open to everyone!
Flyer to register can be found on the temple website or
contact Deanna Stelzer for more information at
Coffee at 9:30am
Tournament begins at 10am
$50.00 Includes deli lunch and desserts
Please RSVP by May 30
BEITENU / May 2015
240-486-1211 or [email protected].
After living in rented apartments through college, grad
school and the first few years of our marriage, our
first purchased home was a townhouse in Northern
Virginia. About a month after moving in we noticed
water dripping through the ceiling in the living room.
Our natural instinct was to pick-up the phone and call
the landlord. Almost immediately I was struck by the
realization that I was the landlord, and the repair and
maintenance of our new home was, in fact, our responsibility.
Each one of us is a landlord of Temple Beth Shalom,
and the health and maintenance or our Jewish home,
TBS, is in fact, our responsibility.
Yes, TBS has professional staff (a very small staff), but
really, TBS is people, a community. Sometimes it has
to look like a commercial entity so that it can pay its
bills, obtain a loan, build a building etc., but really it’s
so much more a cooperative activity. If you choose
to become a member of TBS then this is your home.
This is your building. This is your sanctuary. This is your
religious school. This is your community. Many of us
have already served on the Board, and others of us will
be encouraged to do so in the future, because here at
Hineni Committee Meeting
Wednesday, May 13 from 6:45-7:45pm
Temple Social Hall
Come put in your two zuzim!
BEITENU / May 2015
Greg Weinman
[email protected]
TBS, congregants are not customers, congregants are TBS.
To express your interest in volunteering at TBS, please
visit, click on community, click on
survey-monkey-interest-survey. You can volunteer to
serve on a committee, to be a member of Sisterhood,
Men’s Club or Rosh Chodesh, or to just help out in
the office. We have a long list of opportunities to go
hand-in-hand with a deep community pool of talent
and interest.
Many of us joined TBS, at least in part, as an
opportunity to teach our children Jewish values. Today
we are asking each of you to help us demonstrate them.
Please take just a moment to complete the survey
on the temple website or in the weekly email, and
be the change you want to see at Temple Beth Shalom.
Membership Directories are
available for pick-up!
Come to the temporary office,
located outside of the Judaica Shop.
Sylvia Meisenberg Early Childhood Program
Adrienne Roth, Acting ECP Director
[email protected]
Dear Parents,
This is one of my favorite anonymous quotes: “You
can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can
adjust your sails to reach your
destination.” Maybe this will resonate
with the water loving families we
have in our community.
We are certainly experiencing a time
of change in our preschool. When
the next school year starts, there
will be a new ECP director (planned)
and with hard work and patience a newly recreated
school building (definitely NOT planned). That’s a lot
of change for one year.
My return this year was wonderful and I am so thrilled
to have watched another group of students grow and
blossom. However, it’s time for me to get back to the
family journey I started last year. I will still be very
active at the temple through the religious school and
I hope to see many of you often and look forward to
watching your wonderful children as they continue to
grow in our community.
Adrienne Roth
Summer Camp – Cancelled for Summer 2015.
But registration for 2015-2016 school year
is going on now. See temple website.
Tot Shabbat – May 8
BEITENU / May 2015
Ted Herman 301-262-0028 or 301-275-4518
[email protected]
Men’s Club A Day of Golf and Fun!
Friday, May 29
Bay Hills Country Club
12-12:30pm: Registration & Lunch
12:45pm: Shot-gun tee-off
For the Golfer: $85 per person, includes lunch, green
fees, cart, drinks (beer, soda, and water) snacks and
Dinner will feature a complete buffet including hot
dogs, hamburgers, barbecue chicken, salad, fruit, and
potato salad.
For the non-golfer: $20.00 per person, includes
dinner, beverages, snacks. Our non-golfer ticket
is perfect for those who cannot make the golf
tournament, but can attend dinner, or for family
members to join after golf.
Mahjongg games available in the club for those
players who play. Any fee to play mahjongg will be up
to the individual groups.
All proceeds of this fundraiser benefit the
strengthening of the Men’s Club that, in turn, benefit
the temple.
Visit the temple website to view the flyer and
registration form.
For questions contact Bruce Goldman at
[email protected] or 443-994-6544.
Interested in sponsoring a hole?
Your sponsorship of a hole or tee box will be
recognized by a sign prominently displayed in the tee
box. Contact Bruce Goldman at [email protected]
All checks for this event should be mailed to the
temple office:
Men’s Club Golf Tournament
Temple Beth Shalom
1461 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd.
Arnold, MD 21012
We look forward to seeing everyone come out and
participate at this great event. It is sure to be a great
time even if you do not play golf or mahjongg.
Mahjongg Tournament - Sunday, June 7
It’s that time again!
On Sunday, June 7, we are sponsoring our Mahjongg
Tournament which promises to be a fun fundraiser for
the temple.
Sisterhood is asking for a few good women/men
to please volunteer to make baked goods, loan
card tables, and/or to please serve on one of our
Hospitality Teams for breakfast or lunch on that day.
Breakfast Hospitality Team
Time: 8:30-10am
Duties: Set-up and clean-up for coffee and continental
Mervelyn Wyllie-Brause, [email protected]
Jodi Handin Goldman, [email protected]
Delivering baked goods to the temple kitchen by
11am on the day of the tournament.
Loaning your card table:
Please tape your name to the underside of your table
and please deliver your table to the temple office by
Friday, June 5.
Hoping we can count on you to provide baked goods,
loan a card table, and/or to serve on our Breakfast or
Lunchtime Hospitality Teams for this fun fundraiser for
Temple Beth Shalom!
Please contact me ASAP to let me know which team
you choose to work on, what kind of baked goods you
would like to provide and/or that you will kindly loan
the temple your card table.
Todah rabah!
Lunchtime Hospitality Team
I look forward to hearing from you,
Time: 12-2pm
Laurie Elinoff
[email protected]
Duties: Set-up and clean-up for a catered deli lunch.
Volunteering to provide baked goods includes
providing pre-cut baked goods - approximately 40-60 pieces.
Sisterhood Mahjongg & Book Club Events:
Sisterhood Book Club
Date: Tuesday, May 26, at 7pm
Location: Contact Laurie Elinoff for details:
[email protected], (cell) 410-570-2591
(home) 443-906-2127
Book: All The Light We Cannot See, by Anthony Doerr
This beautiful, stunningly ambitious instant New York
Times bestseller tells a tale about a blind French girl
and a German boy whose paths collide in occupied
France as both try to survive the devastation of WW ll.
BEITENU / May 2015
Dates: May 4, 11 and 18 at 6pm
Location: Temple Lobby
Lessons available by appointment at 4:15pm
Contact Laurie Elinoff if interested:
[email protected]
Rosh Chodesh
Spring is finally here and summer is around the corner.
Our Rosh Chodesh gatherings for May and June
reflect our beautiful weather and seasonal spirit.
On May 14, we will spend the evening thinking about
keeping healthy in the Spring and around the world.
I for one cannot wait for gardens to bloom with fresh
vegetables and herbs and for my CSA to begin. I look
forward to hearing from Professor Amy Allen-Chabot
(from Anne Arundel Community College) and her talk
about nutrition for a healthy life. Amy will talk about
aging as a fact of life and the opportunities we have to
influence the process through diet and activity. As our
bodies change, our nutritional needs can change as
well. Find out how to maximize your health as you age
through diet and supplements if warranted. Weight
management, Vitamin D, Vitamin B-12, probiotics, and
recent research on longevity will be discussed. The
discussion will be applicable to women of all ages and
stages. Please RSVP by May 10.
On June 16, we will have Tapas + Tales. We will gather
over Tapas (we all prepare), enjoy a nosh, a beverage
for this social evening when we’ll also share our “mustread” books for the summer. If you have a porch or
patio that would be a good setting for this gathering,
Sisterhood Judaica Shop
Lesley Ellen Harris
[email protected]
please let me know as we’re still looking for a hostess!
Please RSVP by June 12.
We’re also in the planning stage for our 2015-2016
Rosh Chodesh meetings. Have an idea? Know a local
speaker? Want to share your home? So many ways to
help out with Rosh Chodesh - and I appreciate all your help!
Thank you to Linda Gottlieb for the Passover cooking
program in March.
Shelley Pollero
[email protected]
Lovely gifts for Mother’s Day, Confirmation &
Other gifts such as jewelry, plaques, books,
bookmarks, key rings, CDs, and purses.
Bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah gifts featuring beautiful
tallitot, clips, kippot, yads, gifts, photo frames,
greeting cards, and more!
For children we have books for all ages, activity books,
games, and toys.
Religious and decorative items for Shabbat and all the
For the home we have a wide selection of mezzuzot,
tzedakah boxes, Jewish-themed decorative items,
cookbooks, and holiday items.
Mahjongg themed items and gifts.
We accept VISA, MasterCard, and Discover with a
minimum $15.00 purchase, while cash and checks are
accepted for all purchases. Make checks payable to
TBS Judaica Shop. Gift Certificates are also available.
For assistance, please call in advance for an
appointment. Contact Faye Weiss at 410-987-2379 or
the Temple Beth Shalom office 410-757-0552.
Social Action Committee
Our children learn from our actions. What could be
better than families doing mitzvot together? That’s
what Mitzvah Day is all about: teaching our children
through our actions, to do good deeds, to help others,
to help repair the world, one small step at a time.
To all who participated in Mitzvah Day 2015, please
accept our heartfelt thank you.
While this newsletter article is being submitted two
weeks before April 19, we know that our temple
community never fails to answer our calls for
help, both in generosity and in volunteerism. So,
promising a full recap of the day’s activities in the
June newsletter, we’d like to take this opportunity to
thank Sarah Weissmann for again putting together the
Sign-Up Genius for us to use and all of the wonderful
volunteers, who worked for months to create and
coordinate the Mitzvah Day activities: Stephanie Orr,
Greg Weinman, Mervelyn Wyllie-Brause, Ellen Lunay,
Sarah Weissmann, Fran Kushner, Pam Goldberg, Ed
Brill, Beth Robbins, Steffani Mykins, Lori Brawerman,
Cheryl Hack, and Laura Murray.
May Activities:
For those of you who still have energy to perform even
more mitzvot, we offer you volunteer opportunities
galore, supporting My Brother’s Pantry during the
month of May! This is also a good opportunity for
school age volunteers to fulfill their service hours.
They will need to provide their own transportation and
any school “volunteer hours” forms that need to be
signed at the time of service. Younger volunteers are
also welcome, if they have an adult helper with them.
Below are the tentative dates for which volunteers and
transportation are needed; finalized dates and times
will follow.
Please respond to: Ed Brill ([email protected]) to
let us know where and on which days you are able to
BEITENU / May 2015
Cookie Pollock, [email protected]
Debbie McKerrow, [email protected]
April 20 - May 30: Pick up food weekly from donation
bins, located at the Broadneck Library and Graul’s
Cape St. Claire store and deliver to MBP – Need 2
Tuesday, May 5: Pick-up food from the County
Food Bank and stock shelves at the Pantry – Need 4
Volunteers, plus Trailer/Pick-ups/SUVs.
Tuesday/Wednesday, May 5-6: The Great Give will
begin for a 24-hour period on May 5 at 6pm, ending
at 6pm on May 6. Go to and enter
“My Brother’s Pantry” in the “Looking for a specific
organization?” box, then click the green “Go” button.
This will allow individuals to donate directly to our
Week of May 12: Pick-up from Graul’s and stock
shelves at the Pantry – Need 4 Volunteers, plus Trailer/
Thursday/Friday, May 14-15: Fill bags with groceries
for Distribution – Need 12 Volunteers.
Sunday, May 17: Distribution Day!
Pick up at Pantry and distribute food to College
Parkway Apartments – Need 8-12 Volunteers for
apartments, plus Transport – Volunteers should be at
MBP at 1:15pm.
Bag Distribution at the Pantry – Need 12 Volunteers
for Pantry - Volunteers should arrive at MBP at 1:30pm
Week of May 24: Closing Inventory Food Pantry –
Need 4 Volunteers.
Thank you in advance and remember, we are always
looking for more wonderful people at the Social Action
We meet the second Monday of every month at
7:30pm at the temple. Come join us!
Donations: March 11 - April 6
General Fund
In loving memory of:
Hyman Gerson by Amy Cohen-Callow
Burnette Shor by Ed & Diane Brill
Herman Plavner by Victor & Beth Plavner
Reuben Postal by Samuel & Taube Heddings
Robert Schulman by Theodora Schulman
David Millison by Rachelle Millison
Stanley Sobel by Henry & Patricia Sobel
Sara Lebowitz by Donna & Ed Lebowitz
Ernest Falk by Richard & Carole Falk
William Lurie by Richard & Brenda Lurie
Claiton Lauber by Gina & Phillip Roter
Rose Birnbach Tanenbaum by Shelley Pollero
Ben F. Stepman by Robert & Pamela Goldberg
John Trembly by Roger & Karen Rubin
Jean Berlin by Andrew & Melanie Berlin
Vivian Borelli by Herb & Sallie Abeles
Marcia Stutsky by Mitchell & Sheri Stoller
Pauline Gitelson by Deanna Stelzer
Julia Simon by Deanna Stelzer
Jerold Hoffberger by David Hoffberger
Kurt Halberstadt by Fred Halberstadt
Sol Rome by Ellis Caplan
In honor of:
The many members of TBS who remembered me
at Purim time by Anna Greenberg
Herb Abeles’ 80th birthday by Linda & Paul Gottlieb
Our granddaughter, Madeline Portugal Falk’s
bat mitzvah by Richard & Carole Falk
Herb Abeles’ 80th birthday by Richard & Cheryl Hack
Cheryl Hack’s special birthday by Dave & Cindy Fox
In appreciation for:
Purim boxes by Stephen & Lesley Kreimer
BEITENU / May 2015
General Fund cont’d
In honor of and appreciation for:
The wonderful and delightful Cantors Concert
by the following:
Stephen & Lesley Kreimer
Herbert & Alice Lieberman
Cheryl Krushat
Richard & Sandra Johnson
Renee Tatro
Victor & Beth Plavner
Mary West
Mitchell & Leslie Schwartz
Sibyl Wisch
Mildred Rosenthal
Jenny Hird
Joy Beer
Cindy & Dave Fox
Samuel & Taube Heddings
Carol & David Stern
Sheri & Joel Barries
Frances & Louis Kushner
Melinda & Aaron Weinstein
Janice & Steve Gordon
June & Jeffrey Beard
Neil Schechter & Marjorie Corwin
Michael & Cheryl Rubenstein
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
In appreciation for the Cantors Concert
by Louis & Laurie Berman
In honor of Benjamin Berlin’s bar mitzvah
by Andrew & Melanie Berlin
Youth Group Fund
In recognition of Benjamin Netanyahu’s re-election
by Lloyd Greenfield
In Memoriam
Martin Bruce Reiss, father of Penney Croydon,
passed away on April 2, 2015
Oneg Shabbat Sponsors
May 1: Jeff & Lisa Peri, Arthur & Amalia Phillips, Penney Croydon
May 8: Family Service
Julia Feldman, grandmother of Joe Feldman,
passed away on April 8, 2015
May 15: Sisterhood
May 22: Larry Polster & Janet Baer,
Ruth D. Pollock, mother of Bob Pollock,
passed away on April 9, 2015
Shelley Pollero, Ed & Marcia Price
May 29: Louise Reiner, Jay Resnick &
Judith Sarubin, Steven Resnick &
Bruce Preston
B’nai Mitzvah
The following people will be called to
the Torah as b’nai mitzvah in May:
May 2
Eli Platnick, son of Steven and Catherine Platnick
May 9
Alexis Galarza, daughter of
John and Madelaine Galarza
May 16
Ava Lusby, daughter of Tom and Marla Lusby
May 23
Ari Wasch, son of Ken Wasch and Lesley Harris
May 30
Aidan Rand, son of Colin and Gail Rand
Did you know you can order yahrzeit plaques and
simcha leaves on the temple’s website?
Go to for more information.
BEITENU / May 2015
Dr. Paula K. McCormick
Special Education Advocacy Services
Former Special Education Hearing Officer
Fax: 410-729-2191
[email protected]
Dr. McCormick provides advocacy services for children with various disabilities and needs, and aids the family
in navigating through school system policies and procedures to obtain appropriate services and placements.
Services provided to families include:
Representing families at all school meetings.
Developing comprehensive IEPs.
Conducting school observations.
Representing families at Mediation.
Representing families at Manifestation
Determination Meetings.
• Developing 504 plans.
• Collaborating with professional personnel to
meet the unique needs of each student.
• Providing referrals to community resources.
• Assisting with interpretation of test results
and record review.
• Providing information about school
placement options.
December 2014
BEITENU / May 2015
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Teaching Schedule
BEITENU / May 2015
December 2014
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BEITENU / May 2015
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[email protected], 443-534-3079
Dental Implant Surgery to
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Temple Beth Shalom Contact List
1461 Baltimore-Annapolis
Beth Shalom
Arnold, MD 21012
1461 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd.
Maryland 21012
Fax: 410-757-2475
Phone: 410-757-0552
Fax: 410-757-2475
[email protected]
[email protected]
Stacy Shaener
President: Stacy Shaener
Vice President, Membership:
Marni Zwick
Vice President, Administration: Greg Weinman
Michael Rubenstein
David Helfman
Michael Roth
Jodi Meisenberg
Mary West
Director of Educ: Adina Newman
[email protected]
Acting ECP Director:
Adrienne Roth
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rabbi: Ari J. Goldstein, [email protected]
Bookkeeper: Georgianna Gross [email protected]
Temple Administrator: Jill Sussman, [email protected]
Office Staff: Penney Croydon [email protected]
Religious School Director: Adina Newman, [email protected] Cyndi Duke
[email protected]
ECP Committee: Rachael Feldman
& Committee
School Comm:
Sarah White
& Grounds
Comm: Morris London, 410-974-0182
ECP Committee: Rachael Feldman, 410-757-4708
Club: Ted
Comm: Sarah White, 410-349-2783
Sisterhood: Mervlyn Wyllie-Brause, 410-573-9978
Rosh Chodesh: Lesley Harris
[email protected]
Jodi Handin Goldman, 410-757-9322
Ritual: Mary West
410- 923-6832
Men’s Club: Ted Herman, 301-262-0028
Mary West
410- 923-6832
Simon, 410-224-8203
Cookie Pollock
410- 266-6468
Rosh Chodesh: Lesley Harris,
[email protected]
Debbie McKerrow 410- 269-0214
Vice President, Fundraising:
Julie/ [email protected]
Membership: Marni Zwick
Joe Feldman
Treasurer: Michael
/ [email protected]
Joe Stern
/ [email protected]
Past President:
Leon Shapiro
Joe Feldman
410-757-4708 STAFF
/ [email protected]
Rabbi: Ari J.Secretary:
GoldsteinJoe Stern
[email protected]
Past President:
Leon [email protected]
Temple Administrator:
Jill Sussman
Eric Schwartz
Alan Switzman
Sarah White
Eric Schwartz
Mervelyn Wyllie-Brause
Alan Switzman
URJ East District Council representative
Beth Plavner
Sarah White
Michael Roth
Buildings & Grounds Comm: Morris London
Acting ECP Director: Adrienne Roth, [email protected]
Ritual: Mary West, 410- 923-6832
Student Cantor: Laura Breznick, [email protected] Usher/Bema: Mary West, 410- 923-6832
Bookkeeper: Georgianna Gross, [email protected]
Social Action Committee: Cookie Pollock, 410- 266-6468
for more
Office Staff: Penney Croydon, [email protected]
410- 269-0214
Cyndi Duke, [email protected]
Newsletter Designer: Sarah Jane Silverman
May 2015 Iyar/Sivan 5775
3 - 14 Iyar
4 - 15 Iyar
- 9am Makhela Rehearsal
- 9:30am Rabbi Text
Study “The Book of
- 10am Men’s Club
5 - 16 Iyar
6 - 17 Iyar
7 - 18 Iyar
- 6am Men’s Club
Fishing Trip
- 6pm Beginner Hebrew
- 6:15pm Nashira
1 - 12 Iyar
2 - 13 Iyar
- 8pm Shabbat
Service with Nashira
- 10am Shabbat Service,
Eli Platnick bar mitzvah
8 - 19 Iyar
9 - 20 Iyar
- 6pm Tot Shabbat
- 10am Shabbat Service,
Alexis Galarza bat
- 6:30pm
Congregational Dinner
- 6pm Beginner Arabic
- 6pm Mahjongg
- 7:30pm Family
Shabbat Service, Grades
1 and 2, and Makhela
- 6:30pm
Congregational Meeting
- 6:30pm Religious
- 7pm Advanced Arabic
10 - 21 Iyar
11 - 22 Iyar
- 9am Makhela Rehearsal
- 9:30am Rabbi Text
Study “The Book of
12 - 23 Iyar
13 - 24 Iyar
14 - 25 Iyar
15 - 26 Iyar
16 - 27 Iyar
- Last Day Mid Week
Religious School Classes
- Rosh Chodesh
- 8pm Shabbat Service
with Confirmation
- 10am Shabbat Service,
Ava Lusby bat mitzvah
21 - 3 Sivan
22 - 4 Sivan
23 - 5 Sivan
- 8pm Shabbat Service
- 10am Shabbat Service,
Ari Wasch bar mitzvah
29 - 11 Sivan
30 - 12 Sivan
- 12pm Men’s Club Golf
- 8pm Shabbat Service,
Aidan Rand bar mitzvah
- 6pm Beginner Arabic
- 6pm Mahjongg
- 6pm Beginner Hebrew
- 6:15pm Nashira
- 6:30pm Religious
- 7pm Advanced Arabic
- 7pm Hineni Committee
17 - 28 Iyar
18 - 29 Iyar
19 - 1 Sivan
20 - 2 Sivan
- Last Day of Religious
- 9:30am Rabbi Text
Study “The Book of
- 7:30pm Board of
Trustees Meeting
- 5:45pm Religious
School Meeting
27 - 9 Sivan
- 6pm Mahjongg
- 6:15pm Nashira
24 - 6 Sivan
25 - 7 Sivan
26 - 8 Sivan
- 10am Festival Morning
Service with Yizkor
- Office Closed
- 7pm Sisterhood Book
28 - Sivan
- 8pm Shabbat
Service with Nashira
31 - 13 Sivan
BEITENU / May 2015
Temple Beth Shalom
1461 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd.
Arnold, MD 21012
Dated Religious Material
Address Services Requested