PDF: May Newsletter - Temple Beth Shalom
PDF: May Newsletter - Temple Beth Shalom
בּיתנוּ Temple Beth Shalom BEITENU Welcome to "Our House" Volume 148 ST U A C HOLO RANCE EMB IT Y M E R MUN M O C T E VEN 4 MAY DENIM AND DESSERT FUNDRAISER MAY 14 HIGHLIGHTS THIS MONTH Rabbi’s Column Page 2 Temple Administrator 3 Religious School 4 Early Childhood Program 6 Congregational Meeting 7 Social Action Committee 8 Noteworthy Nachas 9 Senior Youth Group (TBS BAYTY) 10 Aleph Bet 12 Men's Club 13 Rosh Chodesh14 Hineni14 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL COLOR FUN RUN MAY 15 Holocaust Remembrance 15 Sisterhood 16 Sisterhood Judaica Shop 17 Sisterhood Book Club 17 Donations20 May 2016 Nisan/Iyyar 5776 Rabbi’s Column For most of us who seek community in the contemporary Reform Jewish world, Shabbat has arguably become the most glaring collision point between our articulated values and our lived values. We lament that we are overburdened and claim to hunger for restorative time. We maintain that we prioritize meaning, perspective and relationships over the pursuit of wealth, accomplishment, and activity. Yet, our actions so often tell a different story–one of choosing to allow our days to blur together in endless frenetic busyness. We say we can be defined by the very values that Shabbat elevates… and yet, we do little or nothing to elevate Shabbat. Rabbi Ari Goldstein [email protected] In our Reform community, there is no absolute “right or wrong” to Shabbat observance. We do not define ourselves by what we are “supposed” to do in order to be Jewish. However, is it not reasonable to think that a Reform Jew should consider what his/her Shabbat observance might look like, and then strive to meet those goals? Maybe those goals will find you at a more regular Shabbat dinner. Maybe those goals will reprioritize weekend activities. Maybe those goals will find you at the synagogue for services more often. We just don’t have the time, we tell ourselves–but in reality, we know that we just don’t make the time. We have decided that continuing our normal routine unabated is more important. The legendary 20th century Jewish thinker, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, taught that if we truly want to live lives of meaning, as we say we do, Shabbat is the obvious way in–and if we want to enter, we must bid farewell once per week to the usual frenzy that clutters our lives “and learn to understand that the world has already been created and will survive without the help of humans.” There is a deep humility embedded in Rabbi Heschel’s teaching, a realization that meaning can only be found when we admit that our daily obsessions are actually not all that important to the legacy we strive to leave. Are we ready to admit that whatever we simply “can’t stop ourselves from doing on Shabbat” is truly not so essential…certainly not more essential than the values by which we hope to be remembered? 2 BEITENU / May 2016 Annual Congregational Meeting Wednesday, May 18 6:30pm See page 7 for details. Jill Sussman Temple Administrator As we come to the end of the Religious School and Preschool year, our schools have already started planning the 2016-2017 school year. I have also been working with the heads of the temple committees to start planning the calendar for temple events and fundraisers, so please make sure that a representative from your club has contacted me to discuss upcoming dates and events. While we're on the subject of next year, let me remind you that the Board of Trustees has approved a few important changes starting in the Fall. First, we are changing our service times. Beginning in September 2016 the service times will be as follows: First weekend of the month: services start at 6pm. Second weekend of the month: services start at 7pm--this is also the Family Service. All other weekends: services start at 7:30pm. [email protected] The second change regards the temple newsletter. Beginning in September, the newsletter will be published bi-monthly--in September, November, January, March, and May, along with a summer edition. We will continue the weekly email and special e-mail blasts for events, and we will continue to promote all temple events and happenings on Facebook. The home page of the temple website is also updated weekly! For those who don’t already know, the website address is www.annapolistemple.org., not to be confused with templeannapolis.com. Yes, we have had a few people go to this site, which is fine if you want a career in cosmetology, but it won’t get you the listing of temple events. Please bookmark our page, so you have access to the up-to-date calendar--including any changes that happen after the newsletter is published. We are looking forward to an exciting new year! One event already scheduled on the calendar is a fantastic Klezmer weekend. Please mark your calendars now for the weekend of September 16th. It is going to be a highlight event weekend and an event not to be missed. I hope to see everyone at this or other temple events coming soon. Denim & DesSert Fundraiser A Casual Evening of Live Music, Raffles, Friends, and Fun! Saturday, May 14 7:30pm $36 members $50 non-members RSVP to the temple office at [email protected] or on the temple website! BEITENU / May 2016 3 Religious School Believe it or not, May means we’ve reached the end of the Religious School year! However, we certainly have a busy month ahead of us! Between Mishpacha (family) programming for the third grade, a Shabbat family service with fourth grade participating, a Holocaust remembrance program for our older students to attend, and a Fun Run to raise money for our temple on Sunday, May 15th, we have a lot of exciting things on our plate! Another important event and milestone this month is Confirmation for our tenth grade students. After spending several years in our Religious School and learning about what it means to be a Jew, we will now celebrate their accomplishments and commitment to their faith and community. Much like a graduation ceremony, students will don white robes and share speeches on their Jewish identities and journeys. Junior Congregation in Room 4 with Hal Katzman, for grades 4-7 on Saturday, May 7, at 9am. Save the dates: May 1 - 3rd Grade Mishpacha (Family Ed) Program May 15 - Religious School Color Fun Run Adina Newman, Religious School Director [email protected] Some will discuss what Reform Judaism means to them, while others will focus on their place within the Jewish community. Please consider attending the Confirmation ceremony that will be held on Friday evening, May 20th, at 8pm, to honor our students. Finally, as this is the last month of Religious School, this article also marks my farewell. I have spent a wonderful two years here as Religious School Director at Temple Beth Shalom, and I’m sorely going to miss the people I’ve met along the way. Thank you to the exceptional staff, leadership, teachers, parents, and students who have made this journey an incredible one. As I embark on my next steps as mommy of two, I will look back fondly on my time here at Temple Beth Shalom and bring my experiences with me wherever my career may take me next. Wishing everyone a wonderful summer. Thank you! 2016 Confirmation Class: Noah Foxson Ian Guckes Ali Jacobs Jason Kahn Alec Lusby Sarah Noble Danielle Pendergast Ben Switzman Anna Wolf May 18 - Last Day Mid-Week Classes May 22 - Last Day Sunday Religious School 4 BEITENU / May 2016 Please join us on Friday, May 20th, at 8pm for our Confirmation Shabbat Service. Religious School COLOR FUN RUN Temple Beth Shalom will be holding a fundraising campaign, which will culminate with students participating in a TBS Color Fun Run during part of Religious School on May 15, 2016. These funds will allow us to continue to update our programs, resources, and facilities. All funds raised will be used where they are needed most. This is an important fundraiser for our temple and we need your help to make this campaign a success! Your child has been given their own personal fundraising webpage. To find the address (URL) of your child’s personal fundraising webpage, go to the website: www.tbs.myfunrun.com, click on donate, then enter your child’s first name or participant number. To raise money, share your child’s personal fundraising webpage address with family and friends around the world by email, Facebook, Twitter, or any other method you prefer. Please help and encourage your child to surpass his/ her goal of $100. Every dollar counts! There will be prizes for the top 3 fundraisers. Many of you can help your children reach their goal with just a few emails! The school, teachers, and parent volunteers are all working hard to make this campaign a success and improve our synagogue. Please take just a few minutes to do your part by encouraging and facilitating your child’s fundraising efforts. The Fun Run promotes a healthy message and teaches our children the importance of health, fitness, and giving. The Fun Run Committee You can also share your child’s webpage easily by clicking on one of the “Share” icons at the top right of your child’s personal fundraising webpage. People with whom to share your child’s personal fundraising page: family members, friends, colleagues, educators, neighbors, etc... Everyone can donate to the Fun Run! Just go to www.tbs.myfunrun.com and search by the child's first name! BEITENU / May 2016 5 Sylvia Meisenberg Missy Levin, ECP Director [email protected] Early Childhood Program Happy May!!! This month we will be celebrating Mother’s Day with a Pre-K Tea and Moms & Muffins, then off to Maryland Hall to see the play “Are You My Mother?” Our Terrific 2’s are working on the letters V, W, X, Y, and Z. Everyone is doing a great job drinking from cups, using the big potty, and sharing all of their toys! Summer Camp Registration 2016 is available on the temple website! We will watch our caterpillars turn into butterflies and hopefully see our praying mantis egg case hatch! Pre-K will be playing sports and games for National Physical Fitness Month. Our “Music Together” program will be wrapping up and there will be a family music party to celebrate! Graphing, sorting, counting, and adding all rolled into one this month. The 3’s are growing…and the theme this month is Growing Things! Plants, flowers, fruits, veggies, and butterflies help this class learn about the world around them. Let’s count 10 through 20! We will also compare and sort items, which will improve math and reasoning skills. Fun with bubbles! ECP Scales and Tales Program 6 BEITENU / May 2016 Annual Membership Meeting of the Congregation Wednesday, May 18, 2016 6:30pm Agenda Items: State of the Temple Election of Officers and Trustees (Slate Below) Presentation of FY2016-2017 Budget Temple Beth Shalom Slate of Officers and Trustees for 2016-2017 The Slate of Officers and Trustees for 2016-2017 to be presented by the Nominating Committee at the Annual Meeting is as follows: Officers President: Michael Rubenstein Vice President Administration: William Harris Vice President Fundraising: Open Vice President Membership: Adrienne Roth Financial Secretary: Joe Stern Recording Secretary: Mervelyn Wyllie-Brause Trustees Jessica Farrar (1 year term) David Handelsman (1 year term) Jodi Meisenberg (2 year term) Beth Plavner (2 year term) Marni Zwick (2 year term) The following people will remain on the board of trustees to fulfill their term: Treasurer - Jeff Berger Trustees Steffani Mykins Eric Schwartz Jason Taksey Immediate Past President - Stacy Shaener Liaison to Union for Reform Judaism - Mary West Thanks to the nominating committe: Heidi Handelsman, Jeff Peri, Leon Shapiro, Ken Wasch, and Sarah White. Social Action Committee The past two months have certainly been a whirlwind of doing mitzvot! To those who managed to keep up, please accept our sincere thanks for all that you have done for our Temple Beth Shalom family and for our Anne Arundel County neighbors. We had a very strong showing of volunteers for our My Brother’s Pantry activities in March. Your willingness to volunteer is impressive. TBS really leads by example at the Pantry and for this we thank you so much! We also stepped in to make dinner for Winter Relief guests in Site 1 on Easter Sunday because there was an emergency need. While we didn’t serve an Easter meal (they had baked ziti and lasagna), the guests were very happy with their dinner and our company. Our most recent event, Temple Beth Shalom’s first Mitzvah Week, was very successful. Of course, as this article is being written, only three activities have actually taken place. Therefore, we can say with absolute certainty that Arundel Lodge, Success in Style, and the people who get food from the Food Box on the B&A Trail were very happy with our volunteerism. Our post-Mitzvah Day survey will Cookie Pollock, [email protected] Debbie McKerrow, [email protected] tell us how you feel. Your feedback is important to us, especially if you have new ideas that we might pursue. So, if you haven’t already done so, please complete our online survey. Your responses will determine if we continue with Mitzvah Week or return to just Mitzvah Day. If you don’t like online surveys and would rather talk with a real person, please call Debbie or Cookie. We will be happy to follow up with you. Thank you again to Noah Simon for creating this year’s survey! We appreciate your continued dedication to all of this year’s social action initiatives. Your energetic response encourages us to strive to do even more. If you haven’t joined us yet, please consider doing so. Not only is it important to do good for others, but by doing so, you are also improving your own life. This is an experience that you will carry with you for years to come. Success in Style Boutique Our manicurists, Dee Stelzer and Kathy Watson, busy working. Spa Morning at Arundel Lodge Anna Greenberg giving hand massage. Marion Kay Noteworthy Nachas [email protected] Marlee Alexandra Fox will receive her Bachelor's Degree in Film this month from Columbia College of Columbia University. She is the daughter of Milissa Murray and Doug Fox and sister of Jacob Fox. Marlee works for Cinetics, Inc. in New York City. Alanna Sokoloff, daughter of Michele DiMeo and Alan Sokoloff, is the recipient of The Scholar of ScholarsShane A. Morris Memorial Award for her outstanding work focusing on business. Alanna was also awarded an academic scholarship from Northeastern University where she will be attending college this Fall. MoriElle Sokoloff, sister of Alanna and daughter of Michele and Alan, will become a bat mitzvah later this month. Noah Simon, son of Jill and Joe Simon and brother of Eli Simon, was honored recently by the Light House shelter of Annapolis. Noah, a recent bar mitzvah, requested that guests to his event make a contribution to the Light House in lieu of gifts to him. As a result, the Light House received over five thousand dollars in contributions and they honored Noah's generosity with a brick etched with his name on the front path to the building. Congratulations and continued good luck to the young people mentioned above! Please continue to send me your information for future Noteworthy Nachas columns. Noah Simon being honored by the Light House Shelter. The Anne Arundel Community Foundation has established the Anna E. Greenberg Leadership Fund to be used for leadership development for non-profits in the greater Annapolis area, through the generosity of her many friends. Anyone wishing to contribute to this major endeavor may do so by calling the Anne Arundel Community Foundation office at 410- 280-1102 or email [email protected]. BEITENU / May 2016 9 Senior Youth Group (TBS BAYTY) BAYTY Spring Carnival raises over $600 for the Senior Youth Group! I want to thank everyone that helped with the carnival this year. Despite a change in name and date, this year the Senior Youth Group raised over $600 at its annual temple carnival. Money was also raised for two charities at this event: the Trevor Project and Ellie’s Bus. Both of these organizations address teenage suicide and how to prevent it and give help to teenagers in need. Thank you to everyone who helped out with this event, and if I do not mention someone by name I do apologize. First, I want to thank the young men and women of the youth group and not just the officers. Because of holidays and spring breaks for the various school systems in our area, we had a short amount of time to organize the carnival this year. Posters were made on the Wednesday before the event during Religious School hours and the group worked well together getting the remainder of the games and supplies up from the basement and creating posters for all the games, ticket sales and café. On Saturday before the carnival it took just over 2 hours to set things up because of the number of volunteers we had and how well they worked. Special shout out to Ben Switzman and Abby Cohen. They were the last two to leave on Saturday and thanks to Ben’s height were able to hang the directional signs from the ceiling in the hallway. Sunday’s clean up also did not take long. You young men and women did a great job of working well together. If anyone did not get me to [email protected] sign a form for service hours please let me know. Thank you to Jerri Falk, Stacy Shaener, Hanna Yerushalmi, Lucy Johnson, and Mary Wolf for doing some of the shopping, picking up supplies and making donations to the Carnival. Our prize table was set up and manned by Greg Weinman, Erin Weinman, and Dina Esterowitz. As always, the Men’s Club led by Ted Herman with help from Michael Rubenstein, Jason Zagalsky, Joe Becker, and Michael Kahn kept people from going hungry. Thank you for always being willing to run the café for the carnival. A special thank you to Naval Bagels in Arnold for donating the bagels for the carnival. Leftover food was donated to the Arnold Volunteer Fire Station. I also want to thank Robin Zagalsky for helping with ticket sales and Cheryl Rubenstein for running the jelly bean guess. I need to thank my husband Mark and my daughter Maura for scooping fish. Our fish game is one of our main attractions. This year we had more fish than winners, and I am happy to report that all fish found a home and none were returned to the deep blue sea. Finally, thank you to the community that came out and played the games. I hope everyone had a good time, and hopefully next year we will once again have a Purim carnival with costumes and hamantashen. By Rita Grindle TBS Parent 2016 Spring Carnival TBS BAYTY - Senior Youth Group [email protected] Jungle Jam 2016! BEITENU / May 2016 11 Aleph Bet Jewish Day School News from the Alpert Family Aleph Bet Jewish Day School Aleph Bet has been an extremely busy place this past month. One of the highlights was the student production of The Jungle Book. Fourth and Fifth graders took the leads in the show, but all students had a part in the play. The audience was impressed by the young talent and pure fun that the students shared during the performance. We also took an all school field trip to the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michaels. The students learned what it means to “follow the water” during every season on the Chesapeake. They tonged for oysters and had the opportunity to board a skipjack. The day culminated with a scavenger hunt on the many acres of the museum. The month ended with Passover and our school Seder where it was truly a student-led event. Students prepared the food, set the tables and had parts during the Seder. Aleph Bet students are afforded many opportunities to learn but none are quite as fun as our after school clubs. We offer Jiu Jitsu with an instructor from Team Randori, a martial arts academy, located in Annapolis. We also offer cooking club; if it is possible to be at school on Wednesday afternoons, I invite you to come and smell the delicious foods the club prepares. Students can participate in Sign Language. We are fortunate to have a parent that has taught sign language for many years. Lego Club is an extremely popular club as is our new Engineering Club. Students were tasked with many Sarah White, Head of School [email protected] challenges to build and create, sometimes using limited resources to do so. School is so much more than what you learn in the classroom; it is the overall experience that makes Aleph Bet such an exciting school. As the school year nears the end, I have almost finished my first year as Head of School. It has been a year of learning, a year of growth and one filled with much joy and plenty of challenges. I went into the position knowing that hard work was imperative but I came out with so much more. I have been embraced by the Aleph Bet community and the Jewish community as a whole. It helps remind me that so many of you are champions for our school and want to help perpetuate the education for our children. We are still taking applications for next year’s kindergarten class as well as for any transfer students. Please contact the school for more information. Jungle Book Play 2016 12 BEITENU / May 2016 Men's Club “Triage on the Fly” This month’s article from our Men’s Club President may come across as somewhat confusing…. for primarily one critical reason: Your Men’s Club President is somewhat confused. The more I wake up each day and think I have the world around me figured out, the less I actually understand. I read the papers, I follow the news, and I become more and more confused. {Verklempt}…… that is the current state I am in. Verklempt is about 20 miles outside of the state of Perplexia. Ted Herman [email protected] anything that we did wrong in the past. Oh, no! We are focusing our energies on the future to help make Temple Beth Shalom the greatest, if not the best synagogue, which will in turn, make America great again. Actual sign by Golden Ring Mall as an example of “Triage on the Fly.” At this point, I will delete any names from my article to not only protect the innocent, but, to be able to generalize several people under the same points. To be more clear: How many times have we heard a political candidate who looks well-dressed and reasonably intelligent, make the most outrageous, irrational statements? Then, within 24 hours, they try to do damage control, and refuse to say what they just said, is what you think they originally said, but, in all actuality, they really didn’t mean what you heard them say, because they merely meant to say something else, that they are now saying. “Do you know what I mean???” Because, if you do understand what I just wrote, please call me immediately. I need your help. This condition will now be referred to as “Triage on the Fly.” Triage is defined as: The process of determining the priority of patients' treatments based on the severity of their condition. Thus, the candidate, or celebrity, or CEO, or whoever, is now looking to build their own dam to hold back the flood of negative public response. At this point in my article, you may ask: “So, Ted, what’s your point??? What’s this have to do with our Men’s Club………….???” My reply to that is this: I am extremely proud of our Men’s Club and also proud of the fact that we have not made outlandish statements or been involved in any financial fraud…………or at least anything that would hold up in court. Thusly, and in conclusion, we the people of the Men’s Club are not backtracking or wasting time on Upcoming Meetings/Events: May 1: 10am, Special Inter-Congregational Men's Club Meeting with Temple Rodef Shalom (Falls Church, VA) at Temple Beth Shalom May 4: Annual Fishing Trip Contact Jason Zagalsky for any questions at [email protected]. May 19: Men's Club Poker RSVP: Joe Becker at [email protected] or Alan Switzman at [email protected]. June 10: Annual Golf Tournament (See temple website for more information.) 0 June 1 Club Men's BEITENU / May 2016 13 Lesley Ellen Harris Rosh Chodesh [email protected] Rosh Chodesh on May 10th: Jewish Film by the Annapolis Film Festival Program Director Please join us for our May 10th Rosh Chodesh gathering to be held in Severna Park at 7pm. Juliet Burch, Programming Director for the Annapolis Film Festival, will be the speaker at our May 10th Rosh Chodesh. With her degree in Jewish film studies, Juliet will lead an enlightening discussion about Jewish film. Rosh Chodesh is open to all women in the Jewish community. Please RSVP to Lesley (lesleyellenharris@ me.com), and I will send you directions and location before May 10th. Rosh Chodesh will begin at 7pm. April 7th Rosh Chodesh Hineni - "Here I Am" Jill Simon [email protected] The Temple Beth Shalom Caring Committee For the third year in a row, the Hineni Committee sponsored a very special Shabbat Service and oneg. The Hineni Healing Shabbat Service on April 8 was truly lovely! Several of our committee members directly participated by reading heartfelt and introspective passages appropriately sprinkled throughout the service. The evening was further punctuated by beautiful harmonies from Nashira which lifted all our voices and made the service even more special. Even though Rabbi Goldstein humorously mocked our "healthful" oneg, it was really delicious and quite a hit. We kept the sugar in check with creative ingredients in the baked goods, fresh fruit, yummy yogurt parfaits, and no aspartame sodas! The whole evening was really a tribute to our temple family, our holy community, our Kehilla Kdosha! We really have a very special tradition going 14 BEITENU / May 2016 on here with our annual Hineni Healing service! Thank you to Rabbi Goldstein for helping us create such a meaningful and hamish service! Our next committee meeting, and the last one of this year, will be held on Wednesday, May 11, from 7 to 8pm. New faces and new ideas still welcome! If you are unable to attend meetings, but would like to be on our eAlert on-call list for the unexpected times when our temple family needs our support, please contact Jill Simon at [email protected] and say Hineni ,“Here I Am!” Community Wide Holocaust Remembrance Join us for an evening of commemoration and inspiration . Wednesday, May 4, at 7pm Temple Beth Shalom, Arnold Free and Open to the Public Program includes music by Cellist Ismar Sergio Gomez, a keynote address by Holocaust Survivor Ben Gerson, Memorial candle lighting, prayers, reflection, and more. Cellist Ismar Sergio Gomez Sponsoring Synagogues: Congregation Kol Shalom Kneseth Israel Congregation Temple Beth Shalom Sponsoring Organizations: Alpert Family Aleph Bet Jewish Day School Friends of the Jewish Chapel Hadassah Jewish Women International National Council of Jewish Women BEITENU / May 2016 15 Mervelyn Wyllie-Brause Sisterhood Working together to strengthen our temple and each other and to perpetuate Judaism. Our Visit to the U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Thank you to Sarit Brosh and the Sisterhood for planning yet another very informative and educational trip. The personal information that Sarit Brosh and Paul Schatzberg shared with us on the way to D.C. made the trip very meaningful. A big thank you to all who made this trip possible, especially our driver Steve and Towne Transport. Below please find thank you letters received: [email protected] Thank you for leading an excellent trip to the Holocaust Museum. It was a somber, but important, visit and you both were very helpful as you personalized this difficult period of history. The two Sisterhood trips Ralph and I have taken (Philadelphia Flower Show and Holocaust Museum) were well planned and very thoughtfully accomplished. We look forward to more of these trips. Again, thank you for your excellent leadership. Best regards (with hugs), Elizabeth and Ralph Your husband's reading of the special Holocaust Kaddish was very meaningful and moving. With best wishes for a Happy Pesach and all the best, David and I thank you so much for a truly memorable day. I personally learned many new things about where some of the anti-semitism came from soooo many years ago. I am so impressed with all the updating of high tech to make the history at the Museum even more understandable and sad. Having been to Cambodia, I am appreciative that the Museum is recognizing other peoples who have experienced genocide on them. Yours, You were incredible hosts and so appreciated! Michlean Lowy Amir, Reference Coordinator at the Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum When will there be Shalom? Dear Sarit, It was very moving to meet your group and I was glad that I could add a little to their experience of visiting the Museum. Warmly, Cindy & Dave Thank you so much for a most informative trip to the Holocaust Museum. I appreciate your efforts to make it run so smoothly. Warmest regards, Noreen Thank you, Sarit, for planning a wonderful trip today. I learned a lot and enjoyed spending time with the Sisterhood. It was a very meaningful day. Thank you again. See you soon, Amy 16 BEITENU / May 2016 Holocaust Trip 2016 Group Photo Picture includes 99-year-old Holocaust survivor Fanny Aizenberg, who met the group. Sisterhood Judaica Shop Lovely gifts for Mother’s Day, Confirmation, Graduation! Newly arrived selections of tallitot, mezzuzot, jewelry! Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah: beautiful tallitot and clips, kippot, yads, gifts, jewelry, tzedakah boxes, photo frames and greeting cards! Shelley Pollero [email protected] We accept VISA, MasterCard, and Discover with a minimum $15.00 purchase, while cash and checks are accepted for all purchases. Make checks payable to TBS Judaica Shop. Gift Certificates are also available. For assistance, please call in advance for an appointment. Contact Faye Weiss at 410-987-2379 or the Temple Beth Shalom office 410-757-0552. Religious and Decorative Items: for Shabbat and all the holidays For The Home: a wide selection of mezzuzot, tzedakah boxes, Jewish-themed decorative items, cookbooks, holiday items Mah Jongg themed items and gifts Gifts: Jewelry, plaques, books, bookmarks, key rings, CDs, purses For Children: books for all ages, activity books, games, toys Sisterhood Mah Jongg & Book Club Events: Sisterhood Book Club Date: TBD Contact Laurie Elinoff for details: [email protected], 443-906-2127 Book: Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman Mah Jongg Mondays Dates: May 2, 9, 16, 23 Place: Temple library Times: 4:15pm lessons by appointment, 6pm games For lessons, contact Laurie Elinoff at 443-906-2127 or [email protected] Holocaust Museum Trip, Sarit Brosh with Michlean Amir BEITENU / May 2016 17 Sunday, June 5th - Volunteers wanted Chaverim, It’s that time again!!! On Sunday, June 5th, we are sponsoring our Mah Jongg Tournament, which promises to be a fun fundraiser for temple. Sisterhood is asking for a few good volunteers to please make baked goods, loan card tables, and/or to please serve on one of our Hospitality Teams for breakfast or lunch on that day. Duties for each team include: Breakfast Hospitality Team: Time: 8:30-10am Duties: Set up and clean up for coffee and a continental breakfast. Lunchtime Hospitality Team Time: 12--2pm Duties: Set up and clean up for a catered deli lunch. Volunteering to provide baked goods includes: 1. Providing precut baked goods to approximately 4060 pieces. 2. Delivering baked goods to the temple kitchen by 11am on the day of the tournament. New this year!! Non-tournament Mah Jongg fun! For $36 please join in with other Mah Jongg ladies for lunch on June 5 at 12:30pm. After lunch, stay for a few rounds of non-competitive Mah Jongg games. Any questions, please call Deanna Stelzer at 301-2626377 or 240-486-1211 or email [email protected]. 18 BEITENU / May 2016 Loaning your card table: Please tape your name to the underside of your table. And please deliver your table to the temple office by Friday, June 3rd Hoping we can count on you to provide baked goods, loan a card table, and/or to serve on our breakfast or lunchtime hospitality teams for this fun fundraiser for Temple Beth Shalom! Please contact me ASAP to let me know which team you choose to work on or what kind of baked goods you would like to provide and/or that you will kindly loan temple your card table. I look forward to hearing from you. Todah rabah, Laurie Elinoff 443-906-2127 [email protected] Join us for the Final Family Service of the school year on May 13 6pm Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Congregational Dinner 7:30pm Family Shabbat Service with a final performance of the year by Makhela, 4th Grade is also participating. Sign up for dinner online at annapolistemple.org or call the temple office at 410-757-0552. Advance registration required. B’nai Mitzvah The following individuals will be called to the Torah as b’nai mitzvah in May: May 7 Parker Ian Schless, son of Hayley and Julien Meyer and Adam and Kathyanne Schless May 14 Jacob Rosenbloom, son of Howard and Christine Rosenbloom May 28 (off-site) MoriElle Sokoloff, daughter of Michele DiMeo and Alan Sokoloff Oneg Shabbat Sponsors May 6 Sheila & Howard Friedman Madelaine & John Galarza David & Erica Garren In honor of the upcoming marriage of their son, Zachary, to Erika Wilson. Jodi and Bruce Goldman are hosting the Oneg Shabbat on May 13. May 13 Bruce & Jodi Goldman May 20 Volunteers needed May 27 Sisterhood Shabbat Bakers needed for May 20th confirmation oneg. Please email [email protected] to let us know what you will be bringing. BEITENU / May 2016 19 Donations: March 13 - April 10 General Fund In loving memory of: Dr. Philip London by Cindy & Dave Fox Louis Brown by Judy, Eric & Henry Stoer Philip London by Jan & David Hoffberger Michael Schwarz by Judy Schwarz Stanley Sobel by Henry & Patricia Sobel Philip London by Bob & Cookie Pollock Ruth Pollock by Bob & Cookie Pollock Sara Lebowitz by Edwin & Donna Lebowitz Gerald Mull by Sam & Taube Heddings Ellie Leikin by Sam & Taube Heddings Dorothy Jacobs by Sam & Taube Heddings Jerold Hoffberger by Jan & David Hoffberger Julia Simon by Deanna Stelzer Pauline Gitelson by Deanna Stelzer Alvin Goldman by Bruce, Jodi, Zach & Samantha Goldman Claiton Lauber by Gina & Phil Roter & Family Elayne Stein Wolf by Mary Wolf & John Holland Rose Birnbach Tanenbaum by Shelley Kellerman Pollero Ben F. Stepman by Pamela Goldberg Richard Greenspan by Bob & Cookie Pollock Philip London by Herb & Sallie Abeles Lili Altschuler by Jon Altschuler Patricia Dashney by Bernadette Solomon Richard Greenspan by Lynn Cohen John Trembly by Karen & Roger Rubin Kurt Halberstadt by Fred Halberstadt Alice Berney Hoffberger by Laurie Elinoff Dr. Philip London by Laurie Elinoff Annual Appeal Sisterhood Temple Beth Shalom David & Carol Stern Linda Harrison Robert & Beverly Handwerger Kathy Busch-Bernhardt Andria & Howard Topel In Memoriam Richard Greenspan, father of Marc Greenspan and father-in-law of Kathy Floam Greenspan, passed away on March 24, 2016, 14 Adar II 5776 Milton Baer, father of Janet Baer and father-in-law of Larry Polster, passed away on April 9, 2016, 1 Nisan 5776 In honor of: Faye Weiss for the wonderful work she does for the Temple Beth Shalom Judaica Shop by Sam & Taube Heddings Other donations: By Richard & Brenda Lurie Mitzvah Week by Kathy Busch-Bernhardt Rabbi's Discretionary Fund For all the support and always making us feel so welcome! by Missy & Brenna Levin 20 BEITENU / May 2016 R Service to All Airports 22 BEITENU / May 2016 A FRESH APPROACH TO CREATIVE SPECIALIZING IN A VARIETY OF ADVERTISING & MARKETING SERVICES Email Marketing Website Design Logo & Brand Identity Brochure & Print Design Social Media Management Commercial Photography Online Advertising Will donate 10% of the commission to the temple. SARAH JANE DUNAWAY-SILVERMAN PRINCIPAL/DESIGNER 443/598-2978 [email protected] @DPLUSSDESIGN DPLUSSDESIGN.COM BEITENU / May 2016 23 24 BEITENU / May 2016 Real Estate Settlement Services CAPITOL TITLE ATTORNEY OWNED & OPERATED BY LAW OFFICES OF GOLDSTEIN & LEVY, P.A., GENERAL COUNSEL Annapolis (410) 266-970 Rockville Dunkirk Crofton (410) 721-3340 Severna Park (410) 544-0393 other offices located in Ocean City Ellicott City Suitland Washington, DC Visit us Online www.capitoltitle.com 1461 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd. Arnold, MD 21012 OFFICERS President: Vice President, Administration: Vice President, Fundraising: Vice President, Membership: Treasurer: Settle On Our Experience® Temple Beth Shalom Contact List Phone: 410-757-0552 Fax: 410-757-2475 Stacy Shaener Greg Weinman Julie Parks Marni Zwick Michael Rubenstein 410-315-7760 / [email protected] Financial Secretary: Joe Feldman Recording Secretary: Immediate Past President: Joe Stern Leon Shapiro 410-757-4708 / [email protected] PROFESSIONAL STAFF Rabbi: Ari J. Goldstein [email protected] Temple Administrator: Jill Sussman [email protected] Director of Educ: Adina Newman [email protected] Acting ECP Director: Adrienne Roth [email protected] Student Cantor: Laura Breznick [email protected] Bookkeeper: Georgianna Gross [email protected] Office Staff: Penney Croydon [email protected] Cyndi Duke [email protected] TRUSTEES David Helfman Jodi Meisenberg Beth Plavner Michael Roth Mary West [email protected] www.annapolistemple.org Eric Schwartz Alan Switzman Sarah White Mervelyn Wyllie-Brause URJ East District Council representative COORDINATORS and COMMITTEE CHAIRS Buildings & Grounds Comm: Morris London 410-974-0182 ECP Committee: Rachael Feldman 410-757-4708 Religious School Comm: Sarah White 410-349-2783 Sisterhood: Mervlyn Wyllie-Brause 410-573-9978 Jodi Goldman 410-757-9322 Men’s Club: Ted Herman 301-262-0028 Hineni: Jill Simon 410-224-8203 Rosh Chodesh: Lesley Harris [email protected] Ritual: Mary West 410- 923-6832 Usher/Bema: Mary West 410- 923-6832 Social Action Committee: Cookie Pollock 410- 266-6468 Debbie McKerrow 410- 269-0214 Visit www.annapolistemple.org for more information Temple Beth Shalom Contact List 1461 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd. Arnold, Maryland 21012 Phone: 410-757-0552 Fax: 410-757-2475 Officers: President: Stacy Shaener Vice President, Administration: Michael Rubenstein Vice President, Fundraising: Julie Parks Vice President, Membership: Marni Zwick Treasurer: Jeff Berger 410-299-0335 / [email protected] Financial Secretary: Joe Feldman 410-533-5066 / [email protected] Recording Secretary: Joe Stern Immediate Past President: Leon Shapiro Professional Staff: Rabbi: Ari J. Goldstein: [email protected] Temple Administrator: Jill Sussman, [email protected] Religious School Director: Adina Newman, [email protected] ECP Director: Missy Levin, [email protected] Student Cantor: Sara Kheel, [email protected] Bookkeeper: Georgianna Gross, [email protected] Office Staff: Penney Croydon, [email protected] Office Staff: Cyndi Duke, [email protected] [email protected] annapolistemple.org Trustees: Bill Harris Alan Switzman Jodi Meisenberg Jason Taksey Steffani Mykins Mervelyn Wyllie Brause Beth Plavner Mary West, URJ Liaison Eric Schwartz Coordinators & Committee Chairs: Building & Grounds Comm: TBD ECP Committee: Rachael Feldman, 410-757-4708 Religious School Comm: Adrienne Roth, 410-980-5249 Sisterhood: Mervelyn Wyllie Brause, 410-573-9978 Men’s Club: Ted Herman, 301-262-0028 Hineni: Jill Simon, 410-224-8203 Rosh Chodesh: Lesley Harris, [email protected] Ritual: Mary West, 410-923-6832 Usher/Bema: Mary West, 410-923-6832 Social Action Committee: Cookie Pollock, 410-266-6468 Debbie McKerrow, 410-269-0214 Sunday May 2016 Nisan/Iyyar 5776 Monday Tuesday 1 - 23 Nisan 2 - 24 Nisan 3 - 25 Nisan - 9am Makhela - 9:30am Rabbi Text Study - 9:30am Religious School, 3rd Grade Mishpacha Program Wednesday 4 - 26 Nisan Thursday 5 - 27 Nisan - 6am Men's Club Fishing Trip - 6:30pm Religious School - 6pm Mah Jongg -10am Special Intercongregational Men's Club Meeting - 7pm Holocaust Rememberance Program Friday Saturday 6 - 28 Nisan 7 - 29 Nisan - 8pm Shabbat Service with Nashira participating and Yom Ha'Atzmaut Special Service - 9am Junior Congregation with Hal Katzman - NFYT MAR- Spring Kallah Weekend - 10am Shabbat Service, Parker Schless bar mitzvah 8 - 30 Nisan 9 - 1 Iyyar 10 - 2 Iyyar 11 - 3 Iyyar 12 - 4 Iyyar 13 - 5 Iyyar 14 - 6 Iyyar - 9am Makhela - 9am ECP Moms & Muffins - ECP Pre-K Mother's Day Tea - 6pm Chanting/ Hebrew Class - 7:30pm Board of Trustees Meeting - 6pm Tot Shabbat Service - 9:30am Rabbi Text Study - 7pm Rosh Chodesh - 6:30pm Religious School - 10am Shabbat Service, Jacob Rosenbloom bar mitzvah - 9:30am Religious School - 6pm Mah Jongg - 6:30pm Congregational Dinner - 7pm Hineni Committee Meeting - 7:30pm Shabbat Family Service with 4th Grade and Makhela Participating. Zachary Goldman and Erika Wilson marriage blessing. - 7pm Advanced Arabic Class 15 - 7 Iyyar 16 - 8 Iyyar - 9:30am Religious School - 9:30am Rabbi Text Study - Color Fun Run during Religious School - 6pm Mah Jongg 22 - 14 Iyyar 23 - 15 Iyyar - 9:30am Last Day of Religious School 17 - 9 Iyyar 19 - 11 Iyyar 20 - 12 Iyyar - 6:30pm Last Day of Wednesday Classes for Religious School - 6:30pm Men's Club Poker Night - 6:30pm Confirmation dinner - 6:30pm Congregational Meeting - 7:30pm Social Action Committee Meeting 24 - 16 Iyyar 21 - 13 Iyyar - 8pm Shabbat Service with Confirmation 25 - 17 Iyyar 26 - 18 Iyyar 27 - 19 Iyyar 28 - 20 Iyyar - 9:30am Rabbi Text Study - 11:30am ECP Early Dismissal - 6pm Mah Jongg - 6:30pm Mindfulness and Mindsharing - 8pm Sisterhood Shabbat Service, Sisterhood sponsored oneg - 10am Shabbat Service MoriElle Sokoloff bat mitzvah (off-site) - 6:15pm Nashira Rehearsal 29 - 21 Iyyar 18 - 10 Iyyar 7:30pm Denim and Dessert Fundraiser 30 - 22 Iyyar 31 - 23 Iyyar - No ECP - Office Closed BEITENU / May 2016 27 Temple Beth Shalom 1461 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd. Arnold, MD 21012 Dated Religious Material Address Services Requested
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