TBS February 2016 Newsletter


TBS February 2016 Newsletter
Welcome to "Our House"
Volume 145
“World of Biblical Israel,” Part III
"Bob Dylan, the Prophet & Poet," Part II
Rabbi’s Column
y Mo
Page 2
Temple Administrator
Religious School
Early Childhood Program
Junior Youth Group
Senior Youth Group
Social Action Committee
Aleph Bet 10
Rosh Chodesh
Noteworthy Nachas
11 Men’s Club12
Hineni “Here I Am”
Sisterhood Book Club
Sisterhood 14
Sisterhood Judaica Shop
February 2016 / Shevat/Adar Aleph 5776
Rabbi’s Column
This is the season of
presidents. In fact, when
you find yourself reading this
article it is possible that you
might also be tuning in to the
results of the Iowa caucus or
the New Hampshire primary.
But, this is also the season
of presidents for another
reason. For it was in 1971
that the Federal Government established the third
Monday of the month of February as “Presidents'
Day”. Once a celebration of the birthdays of George
Washington and Abraham Lincoln, Presidents Day
has been a day marking the contributions of all the
presidents of the United States.
So, putting all politics aside, I wanted to share a
few contributions of our presidents that have been
particularly appreciated by the Jewish community. (A
special thanks to Wikipedia for assistance.)
Rabbi Ari Goldstein
[email protected]
William Taft was the first to attend a Pesach seder
while in office.
Woodrow Wilson was the first to nominate a Jew to
the Supreme Court. (Louis Brandeis)
Harry Truman announced to the press, just eleven
minutes after Israel declared its independence,
that the “United States recognized the provisional
government as the de facto authority of the new state
of Israel.”
John F. Kennedy named two Jews to his cabinet
(Abraham Ribicoff and Arthur Goldberg).
And since Kennedy, the contributions by presidents
towards the Jews have been numerous.
And so, when Presidents' Day arrives … perhaps we
can all reflect on the courageous and even heroic
acts of some of the leaders of our country.
George Washington went to a Shabbat service at the
Touro Synagogue in Rhode Island.
Thomas Jefferson was the first to appoint a Jew,
Reuben Getting, to a Federal post (U.S. Marshall of
James Madison was the first to appoint a Jew to a
diplomatic post (Mordechai Noah in Tunis).
Martin Van Buren was the first to intervene on behalf
of harassed Jews internationally (protecting the Jews
of Damascus).
Franklin Pierce amended the laws of the District
of Columbia to enable the city’s first synagogue
(Washington Hebrew Congregation).
Abraham Lincoln…where do we start…he enabled
rabbis to serve as chaplains in the military and he
revoked Ulysses S. Grant’s “General Order Number
11,” which expelled all Jews from Tennessee,
Kentucky, and Mississippi.
Theodore Roosevelt was the first to appoint a Jew to
the presidential cabinet (Oscar Straus as Secretary of
BEITENU / February 2016
The Rabbi leads Torah repair
Adult Education Program
with Rabbi Goldstein
February 21 at 10am
“Bob Dylan, the Prophet & Poet", Part II
Jill Sussman
Temple Administrator
Last January I wrote an article
introducing our office staff.
For those who are new to
the congregation, Penney
Croydon, who has now been
with us for a year, is our fulltime administrative assistant.
She is the voice you usually
hear answering the phones
on weekdays. She assists
the Rabbi and me on a daily basis, and answers
questions from members who stop by the office.
Cyndi Duke, our part-time admininstrative assistant,
works Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. She assists
our Student Cantor, helps prepare the weekly
program for Shabbat services, and sends out a wide
variety of temple correspondence, such as yahrzeit
letters. This year, we have a new face around the
synagogue. His name is Ivan Amigon. Ivan is our
new full-time maintenance person. We are thrilled to
have this new addition to our staff.
It takes more than just the staff to run this
synagogue. We rely on volunteers to support all our
committees, and I want to thank everyone who has
volunteered their time this past year.
If you do not have time to volunteer, I hope to see you
around the temple either during services, at Religious
School, or at one of our wide variety of events.
Speaking of events, February is another busy month
full of them! The first week of February starts out
with the Sylvia Meisenberg Early Childhood Program
Open House on February 3. If you know anyone
interested in a preschool, please make sure to let
them know about this date.
On Friday, February 5, we have Tot Shabbat,
Congregational Dinner, and a music-filled family
service with grades K & 1 participating. This will be a
fun family service not to be missed!
On February 7, Paul Schatzberg presents part III of
“The World of Biblical Israel," another one of his great
programs. Even if you missed parts I and II, you can
join in for part III.
On February 11, temple member Janet Baer teaches
the art of baking rugelach with the women of
[email protected]
Rosh Chodesh. I am especially looking forward to
attending this event.
On February 17, Hineni presents a new monthly
program called Mindfulness and Mindsharing with
Amalia Philips. See the Hineni article (page 13) for
more information.
On February 21, the Rabbi presents part II of “Bob
Dylan the Prophet & Poet."
On February 25, the Sisterhood Book Club meets at
the temple to discuss the book The Boston Girl.
We are very excited that our senior youth group will
be hosting the Northern Sleepover NFTY event on the
26th, and on the 27th, children in grades 8-12 are
welcome to attend.
The month finishes with three events! On the 27th:
back by popular demand is our Progressive Dinner
Fundraiser! On the 28th: the Men's Club annual
Comedy Cavalcade in the morning, and a free family
movie, The Incredibles, in the late afternoon.
Wow! I am exhausted just writing this list of great
programming, and I hope you will find time to attend
one or more of these great events. Please continue
to check the temple calendar on the temple website
for all our events, service times, and more.
It is so great to be part of such an active synagogue,
but with all these programs it does take a toll on the
building and facilities. Last month I wrote on the
importance of contibuting to the Annual Appeal; I
thought I would finish up this article clarifying the
New Member Assessment.
I'm often asked what this assessment is, and why
it's so important for our member families to make
this contribution. Well, to answer the question, our
current working budget requires careful planning,
fiscal responsibility, membership growth, and
your support. Our New Member Assessment is a
separate commitment that is obligatory for all new
and returning members (after more than a five year
absence). The New Member Assessment obligation
is payable over a period of up to five years, so in
addition to your dues pledge amount, your account
continued on page 4
BEITENU / February 2016
Temple Administrator (cont.)
reflects this $2,000 fee until it is paid. These fees
are fairly typical for most congregations, and each
family does have to pay it. The fee is designed to
defray our existing mortgage payments and to cover
ongoing maintenance of the buildings. These funds
are critical to us maintaining our facility and help us
meet our financial obligations.
The New Member Assessment is also a vital source
of funding to support maintenance of the buildings
where all of our events occur. So when you receive
your statement this month and you see that you still
owe your New Member Assessment payment, please
remember how important this money is for all of the
things that go on at our temple. Thanks to those who
have already paid, it is greatly appreciated.
Progressive Dinner
Saturday, February 27
Save the date for the Progressive
Dinner, just around the corner! This is a
wonderfully casual way to meet new and
reconnect with old friends in our Temple
Beth Shalom community.
$60/person and a bottle of wine per
family. To RSVP: See temple website
contact Heidi Handelsman at
[email protected].
Welcome New & Returning
Ruth Milsten
Rabbi Jonathan and Jane Panitz
BEITENU / February 2016
Adult Education Program
with Paul Schatzberg
February 7 at 10am
“World of Biblical Israel", Part III
Religious School Many parents have attended at
least one if not several mishpacha
programs over the year. Mishpacha
is the Hebrew word for family, and
these family programs occur in each
grade once per year. Programs may
relate to a holiday (e.g., Hanukkah
or Passover) or centralize around a
theme occurring in the classroom
(e.g., what it means to be a mensch).
However, the goal of mishpacha programs is not
to showcase the learning of students, although
that is an added bonus. Rather, the intention of
these programs is to educate both students and
parents simultaneously and encourage discussion
both during the program and at home, a tall order
when considering the different ages, backgrounds,
and learning styles of all participants. Everyone in
Adina Newman, Religious School Director
[email protected]
the room plays the role of student and teacher; I
certainly learn something new or consider a different
perspective when I help facilitate these programs.
Lifelong learning is essential to Jewish education,
and the mishpacha programs serve as conduit
toward this goal.
But mishpacha programs are only the beginning.
The learning that occurs in Religious School should
not only make it home once a year. Please ask your
children about what they are learning. Encourage
them to sing you a new song or prayer or discuss
their knowledge of Jewish history, the Torah, or Israel.
Make connections to their learning because when
you show interest, they are much more likely to retain
the information and deepen their Jewish education.
And so are you!
Junior Congregation
Grades 4-7
Saturday, February 6
February 5
6pm Tot Shabbat
6:30pm Congregational Dinner
7:30pm Family Service (K & 1 Participating)
Please sign up using the link on the
temple website or email
[email protected]
6th Grade Mishpacha Program
Please make sure to let us know if you
have any dietary restrictions.
Please RSVP by Thursday, February 4.
BEITENU / February 2016
Sylvia Meisenberg
Early Childhood Program
Missy Levin, ECP Director
[email protected]
Last month we welcomed
two new students to our TBS
Preschool family, Zach Offsie
and Brayden Rothchild. We
also celebrated Tu B’Shevat,
the beginning of a “new year”
for trees. This is the season
in which the earliest-blooming
trees in the Land of Israel
emerge from their winter
sleep and begin to bear fruit. We marked the day of
Tu B’Shevat by eating yummy fruit and making trees
in Art class with Ms. Helen.
with playdough, trains, and puzzles.
Our terrific 2’s class has been using their nice words,
sharing, and helping each other! This month they are
learning the letters M, N, O, and P. We love to play
Open House for our 2016-2017 school year is
February 3rd from 10-11:30am. We have preschool
for children ages 2 through Pre-K.
BEITENU / February 2016
How many 3’s does it take to make “sparkly
playdough?” All of them!!! This month we have 6
mad scientists running around making ice science
projects, looking for what floats and sinks. This
class has really improved their cutting skills, name
recognition, and working together as a team!
Snowball Fight!!! Pre-K will throw paper snowballs
and identify capital and lowercase letters. During
small group rotation, they are measuring and
comparing “shorter than and taller than,” coloring by
number and looking at symmetry in snowflakes.
Junior Youth Group
Free Family Movie
Pizza, Popcorn, and
Sunday, February 28
Movie: The Incredibles
Youth Group Tu B’Shevat, Science Program. Thanks to
Robin Zagalsky for running another successful program!
Senior Youth Group
This past January our 6th, 7th, and 8th graders had
an amazing time at MAJYK and we can’t wait to see
the 8th graders at TheVent this March. The temple's
youth group, BAYTY, is working on exciting new
projects. The most prominent project is decorating
a lounge for all young temple members. The lounge
contains a television, a beautiful memorial for Ellie
Leikin and the most comfortable couches you will
ever sit on. We are currently working on adding other
exciting things for the lounge.
open to members only
children must be accompanied
by a parent
RSVP: [email protected]
(Gluten free pizza available upon request.)
In addition to the lounge, BAYTY is holding
the Northern Sleepover. This is an event that
incorporates members from surrounding temples
in the Northern region of NFTY MAR. This is an
event you can’t miss that will be open to 8-12
graders on February 26-27. You can come meet
new friends, learn cheers for a regional NFTY event,
and experience meaningful programs about current
events and popular Jewish culture.
These events are just the start of what BAYTY’s
board is planning for the year to come. We hope that
you will come check it out! If you have any questions
please feel free to email us at [email protected].
by: Emily Shaener
[email protected]
BEITENU / February 2016
Social Action Committee
Thank you for making our Winter Relief a “welcome
home” experience! Last month, we promised you a
description of what that means, and what better way
than through the words of our guests themselves.
Many thanks to Jodi Meisenberg for being there for
more time than any of us, and for taking the time
to count individual entries and hours on all of the
sheets! While we know that this isn’t exact
science and the count doesn’t necessarily include
everybody and everything (many cooks just delivered
and didn’t add in their time; many repeat volunteers
only signed in the first time; etc.), it does give us a
rough estimate of how this effort has grown in four
years. During our Winter Relief week of December
21-28, 2015 alone, there were 258 individual login
entries, totaling in excess of 1,022 volunteer hours!!!
Cookie Pollock, [email protected]
Debbie McKerrow, [email protected]
and playing bingo with Ms. Pamela. I loved all the
meals you guys made. You definitely did a wonderful
job. Thank you for the clothes you gave us and the
movie cards. That was really nice, beautiful. I hope
to see you all again this year.
I feel very welcome here. There are kind people
who do the extra things that mean a lot. It was very
sweet that volunteers brought peoples laundry to
their homes. I appreciate everyone’s assistance.
I enjoyed the service and the singing. It was a
different experience. So many people came in to
help and the hospitality made me feel like I was at
Here’s a synopsis of what it meant to our guests:
My stay here was very comfortable and the food was
delicious. I ate too much and I learned a great deal.
This group has been more gracious than any other
I had a very special time at temple, but the Rabbi
should pick another football team.
Thank you for your hospitality. Everything was
wonderful. It was nice and peaceful-it was what I
needed. I got some sleep. Miss Jodi kept everything
very calm.
To the great people of Temple Beth Shalom, thank
you for your great hospitality and friendly volunteers.
And thank you for the gifts and great food, I packed
on 20 lbs. You guys are super nice. God bless you.
I want to thank the Rabbi very much. I appreciate
everything he has done for us. Miss Cookie is very
special and helpful.
Thank you for letting us stay here, this was a nice
Christmas. I definitely loved playing on the computer
continued on page 9
BEITENU / February 2016
Social Action Committee (cont.)
I enjoyed the service and listening to the Rabbi. He
explained everything very well. Thank you for all of
the volunteers and good food. It was a big help.
Thank you for letting us stay here on Christmas.
You all treated us nice. There were so many nice and
friendly people. Dinner was so good. We had a good
time all this week. You all gave us nice gifts and we
played bingo. We hate to leave you and go to another
church. Thank you for doing everything for us.
I’m writing this letter to show my appreciation for all
you have done for me. Thank you for the love you
shared. Thank you for the time you all spent with
me. Thank you for all the wonderful food and drinks
and snacks you provided. The time I spent here I
made new friends. Those friends are all the staff
and some of the kids I had fun with: Ellie, Kayla,
Sophia and I forgot the other names, but when I
leave I’ll miss you all. I hope to see you all again
We gave of ourselves and made our guests feel
peaceful and happy and at home; just as we would
want others to do for us or our children. Mazal tov
to one and all! Thank you all for your tireless help
and support of Winter Relief. Mark your calendars
now for #5: December 19 – 26, 2016. Now, don’t
sit back! There is so much more to do. We are
scheduled to man My Brother’s Pantry during
the month of March. Keep a lookout for signup
opportunities for that in the temple’s weekly emails.
We are planning our new and enhanced Mitzvah
Week activities for April 11 through April 17. If you
would like to join in on the planning phase or have
any neat ideas you’d like to share, please contact
either of us or come to our next SAC meeting on
Monday, February 1, at 7:30 p.m., at the temple. We
are always happy to see new faces!
Shalom and Stay Warm,
Cookie Pollock and Debbie McKerrow
Winter Relief 2015
BEITENU / February 2016
Aleph Bet Jewish Day School
Sarah White, Head of School
[email protected]
News from the Alpert Family Aleph Bet Jewish Day School
It is hard to believe that we are more than half way
through the school year. January is always a good
time for reflection, so I sat down to think about how
this first year as Head of School is going. Most
teachers will tell you that the classes in college
certainly taught them knowledge about teaching,
but it was not until they entered the classroom
that first year that they truly understood what their
career choice truly entailed. I believe it is the same
for a leadership role in a school. My diploma from
graduate school looks lovely hanging on my wall, but
there was no class on how to handle an outbreak of
lice, the electricity going out, or the teacher calling at
6:30 in the morning telling me she is throwing up and
will not be in school that day. All of these things are
bound to happen and have, and it is how you handle
these situations that determine how successful you
will be at this job.
I found that my favorite time of day is lunch time, not
because I am eating lunch at that time but because
I have lunch duty every day. It is when I get to visit
with the students, talk about their soccer game or
gymnastic meet and hear great jokes. What did
the football coach say to the vending machine? I
want my quarter back. With all joking aside, it is
my interactions with the students and teachers that
remind me why I wanted to be an administrator.
Whether it is making decisions about a curriculum
change or hanging out at lunch, I get to have a direct
impact in the life of a child and that is why I love my
Our annual Gala dinner and auction will be held
on March 5th. Call the school or email for ticket
information. Everyone is welcome! We look forward
to seeing many community members for an evening
of fine food and fun.
For information about programs or enrollment, or to
schedule a visit, please call 410-263-9044.
TBS Annual Pancake Breakfast
Ted Herman, a.k.a. "Pancake Man"
BEITENU / February 2016
Rosh Chodesh
Lesley Ellen Harris
[email protected]
Our Rugelach Rosh Chodesh is on February 11th.
How do you spell rugelach, the Jewish pastry of
Ashkenazic origin? Some spellings found in Wikipedia
include: rugelakh, rugulach, rugalach, ruggalach,
rogelach (all plural); and rugalah, rugulah, rugala
(singular). However you spell this yummy pastry, I
hope that you will join us at our next Rosh Chodesh
gathering at 7 pm on February 11th when Janet
Baer will walk us through the making and baking of
Rosh Chodesh is open to all women in the Jewish
community. Please RSVP to Lesley (lesleyellenharris@
me.com) and I will send you directions and locations
before February 11th.
Noteworthy Nachas
Ronni Binstock, daughter of Rebecca and Alan
Binstock, participated in the International Maccabi
Games held in Chile this past December. Ronni,
a member of the U.S. Team, helped her team win
a gold medal. She also won a gold medal in AllAround Competition and won separate gold medals
in individual competition in the vault, uneven bars
and floor exercises. The rest of her time in Chile
was spent participating in tzedakah and cultural
programs with teams from twenty one countries.
Congratulations to Ronni and her family on her
wonderful accomplishments at the Maccabi Games.
Faith and Sam Meisenberg, daughter and son of
Jodi and Barry Meisenberg, recently completed a
Birthright trip to Israel. It was a wonderful ten day
experience traveling around the country with other
Jewish youth from the U.S. and other countries.
Birthright aims to make a positive connection to
Israel for Jewish youth ages 18-26. It is a free
program. You can find out more about the program by
"googling" birthright Israel on your computer.
Thank you to Sarit Brosh for her presentation:
"Israeli-Arab Conflict, Reality vs Media & Universities"
Marion Kay
[email protected]
Please keep your TBS Family informed about your
good news by sending me your information each
month. Can’t do it without your input. Remember
[email protected].
Faith and Sam Meisenberg on
Birthright trip to Israel
BEITENU / February 2016
Ted Herman
Men's Club
Happy New Year from the TBS Men’s Club!
As I was recently walking down a “dark alley” (is
there ever a well-lit alley?...Really?!), I was suddenly
jolted by two shady looking characters who were
lurking in the shadows. One of them approached me
with the burning question, “How can I join the Men’s
Club when my daily schedule doesn’t allow for it?”...
to which I retorted, “Everybody is busy nowadays,
but, just having your money and support whenever
you can possibly attend our functions allows us to
accomplish the many activities and services that
we wish to provide for our temple.” “You will be
considered an “insider” who actually understands
what our function is as a component of our great
temple. Much better than an “outsider” who has
no idea what our overall mission is. At this point,
the other guy slithered forward and stated, “I am a
devout Catholic, but, based on what I just heard, I am
converting to Judaism just so I can join your Men’s
Well, this month, I will be examining the concept of
various common phrases used in our daily language.
I have always been enamored with “Diner Talk,” as I
have been fascinated with this colorful language that
means absolutely nothing to me.
Save the date!
Men’s Club Comedy Cavalcade
February 28, 10am
Temple Beth Shalom
For more information,
contact Ted Herman
at [email protected]
BEITENU / February 2016
[email protected]
I hope you find these phrases useful the next time
you are in one of these special places, which if you
practice enough; it may lead to a career change.
“Adam and Eve on a raft”=Poached eggs on toast
“Burn the British”= English Muffin toasted
“Two cows, make ‘em cry”=Two burgers with onions
“Keep off the grass”=Hold the lettuce
“Nervous pudding”=Jello-0
“Let me get an Eve with a lid on, and put a hat on
it”=Apple pie a' la mode
“Bubble dancer”=Dishwasher
However, it is high time and low time to switch over to
what is totally relevant:
Working a job in a Jewish deli where you will hear
phrases like:
“You’ve got to be kidding me!?!”= You told me I would
be off by 7:00, not working a double-shift!
“Oy, my feet are killing me!”=”Oy, my feet are killing
“That will be one Knish, 2 Phish, a Splish of Gefilte
Fish”= (not really sure, but, it sounds delicious).
“The Tongue is talking trash, the Brisket is a Tiskit,
and the Chocolate Sauce is Running Over!”=Eat, eat,
you eat like a bird! Don’t say we didn’t feed you!...
such Chutzpah!
“Bring on the Egg Rolls, Goo Goo Gai Pan, Won Ton,
and Chow Mein”=(Ah, so Sorry, these were actual
sounds coming from the local Chinese restaurant on
Christmas Eve.
“I’ll have 2 orders of Mazel Ball Soup, Hot Corned
Beef and Pastrami, Potato Latkes, and a Banana
Split!”=Time to carry a Portable Defibrillator with
Jill Simon
Hineni "Here I Am"
[email protected]
The Temple Beth Shalom Caring Committee
The primary focus of our Hineni committee is to
support our temple members in times of joy or
challenge, but we also care about supporting the
general health and well-being of our members. The
Jewish Mindfulness session held during the Yom
Kippur afternoon session has spurred on a new
interest among our community. In response to this
emerging interest, Hineni member Amalia Phillips
will begin leading a monthly gathering of women in
using Mindfulness (the art of being present) and
Mindsharing (the art of exploring group thinking).
Come join the circle of women on Wednesday,
February 17 from 6:30pm-8:00pm. If you are
interested in this topic, but are unable to attend this
first session, please let Amalia know of your schedule
and availability. If there is interest in a men’s
mindfulness study, this can be arranged as well!
Amalia shares with us her thoughts on this topic:
Exploration of the years between middle and old
age through Mindsharing & Mindfulness, framed by
Jewish thinking on growing older.
Facilitator: Amalia Phillips, Jewish Educator &
Conflict Resolution trainer.
As a woman, the time between middle age and old
age is something that I struggle with. I am confused
because if I am to believe what I see on TV, I should
either buy a Harley or try bungee jumping, retire and
sail happily with my dear Arthur into the sunset, or
visit a very long list of doctors to make sure that I
am not suffering from some real or some imagined
host of diseases as I am more forgetful and absent
minded than I used to be.
Do I keep working? When would the time come for
me, and what does that really mean? If I retire or
have retired, am I still relevant? Since I feel my
mortality, and taking care of my aging body can be a
full-time occupation, how do I keep up my spirits?
It seems to me that it is not as simple as trying to
evade aging or giving in to despair. If you are like me
and would like to explore the above topics, join me to
schmooze or what I call mindshare - using the power
and wisdom of the group. (Mindsharing: The Art of
Crowdsourcing Everything was termed by the author
Lior Zoref to mean “the efficacy, proved in studies, of
getting information from the crowd specifically on the
net.” )
We will also explore and experience a powerful tool
called Mindfulness which refers to being present
with your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations.
Though it has its roots in Buddhist meditation, a
secular practice of mindfulness has entered the
American mainstream in recent years, in part through
the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn and his MindfulnessBased Stress Reduction (MBSR) program at the
University of Massachusetts Medical School in 1979.
I prefer the Jewish term Hineni which means: HERE I
AM. Judaism prioritizes Hineni as being present with
oneself, one another, loving your neighbors as you
love yourselves, acting justly, lovingly, mercifully, and
walking humbly with God.
If this sounds intriguing, join me once a month to
create our own Jewish circle of wisdom to greet the
long, complex post–midlife period with curiosity,
compassion and courage.
Amalia Philips
Sisterhood Mahjongg & Book Club
Sisterhood Book Club
Date: Thursday, February 25, at 7pm
Contact Laurie Elinoff for details:
[email protected], (cell) 410-570-2591
(home) 443-906-2127
Book: The Boston Girl, by Anita Diamant
Mahjongg Mondays
Dates: 2/1, 2/8, 2/22, 2/29
Place: Temple library
Times: 4:15pm lessons by appointment
6pm games
For lessons, contact Laurie Elinoff at
443-906-2127 or [email protected]
BEITENU / February 2016
Mervelyn Wyllie-Brause
[email protected]
Working together to strengthen our temple and
perpetuate Judaism.
Thank you to all our sisterhood volunteers who
assisted and helped in creating yet another rewarding
Winter Relief.
Please mark your calendars for these upcoming
March 6th: Our 2nd annual day trip to the 2016
Philadelphia Flower show. The theme: “Explore
America,” celebrating 100 years of the National Park
Service. Cost: $76 if registered by February 5, 2016.
Hurry, seats are going fast.
March 13th, 10am: Joint Meeting with Men’s Club,
Guest Speaker: Jerry Waddell, PsyD – Topic: Palliative
April 10th: Trip to the United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum in Washington DC. Cost: TBD.
– After touring the permanent exhibition, we will
visit the museum’s other exhibitions, the Hall of
Rememberance and the Wexner Learning Center.
May 4th: TBS Sisterhood will be co-sponsoring the
Holocaust Rememberance Day.
May 27th: Sisterhood Shabbat and Sisterhoodsponsored Oneg.
Please join and support the Sisterhood. We need
Upcoming Sisterhood Events!
Philadelphia Flower Show
Sunday, March 6
Sisterhood Judaica Shop
Book Sale – 20% off – in February!
Stop in to see our wide selection of books! All
children’s books, cookbooks, biographies, Holocaust
books, and a variety of titles for young adults and
adults! Regular Hours when Religious School is in
session: Sundays 9:30 - 11:30am & Wednesdays 6:30
– 8pm. For your Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah needs,
we have a nice selection of beautiful tallitot and clips,
yarmulkas, yads, gifts, and cards!
We also have religious items for Shabbat and all the
holidays, a wide selection of mezuzot, tzedakah
BEITENU / February 2016
Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C.
Sunday, April 10
Shelley Pollero
[email protected]
boxes, Jewish-themed gifts, jewelry, decorative items,
CDs, books, cookbooks, activities and games. We
also have new items for Mahjongg lovers! There
are gift items for everyone on your gift list! Gift
certificates to the Judaica Shop are available!
We accept VISA, MasterCard, and Discover with a
minimum $15.00 purchase, while cash and checks
are accepted for all purchases at the Judaica Shop.
For assistance at other times, call Faye Weiss at
410-987-2379, or the temple office at 410-7570552.
Donations: December 12 - January 11
General Fund:
In loving memory of:
Elliott Shapiro by Laurie & Lou Berman
Richard David Kreger by Etta Kreger
Meyer Reuben Kreger by Etta Kreger
Sarah Bernstein by Jared & Karen Calish
Anna Kushner by Louis & Frances Kushner
Brian Wagner by Missy Levin
Norman Harold Katz by Mark & Vivian Katz
Albert Cohen by June Cohen
Dorothy Wisch by Sibyl Wisch
Abraham Nezin by Eve L. Plotkin
Frieda Kellerman by Shelley Kellerman Pollero
Joan Lurie by Richard & Brenda Lurie
Fred Switzman by Lesley Ellen Harris (Wasch)
Rita Abraham by Arnold Abraham & Family
Julius Abeles by Herb & Sallie Abeles
Louis Schack by Ronald Schack
Michael McCutchan by Mary McCutchan
Samuel Schechter by Neil Schechter & Margie
Ruth Leikin by Larry & Sherry Leikin
Henry Altschuler by Jon & Randi Altschuler
Abraham Krugman by Cindy & Dave Fox
Janice McKerrow by Steve & Debbie McKerrow
Salomon Weizmann by Jane & Howard Weizmann
J. Philip Tice by Jane & Howard Weizmann
Elizabeth Boutelle Roth by Michael Roth
Jeffrey Weissman by Michael Roth
Stanley Miles Zussman by the Zussman Family
Paul Mintz by John & Kathy Mintz
Loretta Viola Fioretti by Cookie & Bob Pollock
Ida Leah Davis by Cookie & Bob Pollock
Mary Strohl by Cheryl & Richard Hack
Leonard Strohl by Cheryl & Richard Hack
Milton Belkin by Sheilah Belkin, Nanci Beier & Family
Eleanor Ruth Leikin by the Belkin, Beier & Cremen Families
Dr. Alex Roter, father of Phil Roter by Leslie & Mitch Schwartz
Pearl Meyer by Michael & Adrienne Roth
Rabbi Goldstein by Eric Schwartz
Engagement of Zachary Goldman to Erika Wilson by Joseph & Beth Devlin
Engagement of Samantha Goldman to Daniel Lax by Joseph & Beth Devlin
"Rabbi Goldstein, Jill Sussman, Cyndi Duke and Marvelous Merv for their kind support and encouragement shown to me through a recent difficult time" by Penney Croydon
In honor of:
Birth of Caleb Philip Weissmann by Rachael Lemberg
Caleb's birth by Sarah & Jake Weissmann
Miriam Luby Wolfe Scholarship Fund
In memory of Miriam Luby by Sue Baumblatt
Other donations:
"In appreciation of sending Hanukkah care packages to college students" by Cindy & Dave Fox
Winter Relief by Marjorie Corwin
Winter Relief by Millie Rosenthal
Winter Relief by Jessica & Jon Opert
Thank you to Jill Sussman for hospitality during High Holy Days by Charles Lerner
Participating in Torah scroll repair by Jerri & Andrew Falk
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
In memory of Ellie Leikin by Larry & Sherry Leikin
In honor of being able to help the Rabbi with the
Torah scroll by Lesley Ellen Harris (Wasch)
In honor of Nava Goldstein's upcoming Bat Mitzvah by Lou & Laurie Berman & Family
In honor of the engagement of Samantha Goldman to Daniel Lax by Lou & Laurie Berman & Family
In memory of Dr. Alex Roter, father of Phil Roter by Lou & Laurie Berman & Family
Nashira by Lou & Laurie Berman & Family
In honor of Noah Simon's Bar Mitzvah by Lou & Laurie Berman & Family
Tzedakah Fund
By Beth Robbins
By Jeanine Werner
PTO Fund
By Jessica & Jon Opert
continued on page 16
BEITENU / February 2016
Annual Appeal
Rachelle Millison
Ronald & Felicia Schack
Steve & Janice Gordon
Mark & Sandra Miller
Jeremy & Julie Parks
Victor & Beth Plavner
Jonathan & Randi Altschuler
Marion Kay
Joseph & Rachael Feldman
Andrew & Jerri Falk
Greg & Susan Walker
Scott & Jodi Katzen
Richard & Belinda Scherr
Jessica & Jon Opert
Barry & Jodi Meisenberg
Lesley Ellen Harris (Wasch)
Samuel & Taube Heddings
Leon & Pamela Shapiro
Mark Greenspan & Kathy Floam Greenspan
Aurora Shapleigh
Betty Morganstern
Rian & Lisa Dickstein
William & Robin Beusse
Chami and Jerry Waddell
Sibyl Wisch
Steve & Debbie McKerrow
Larry Wilner
Jeffrey & Jennifer Meigel
William & Susan Harris
Ellis & Tina Caplan
Penney Croydon
B’nai Mitzvah
The following individuals will be called to the
Torah as b’nai mitzvah in February:
February 6
Lindsey Wendkos,
daughter of David Wendkos and Kim Greco
February 13
Jake Gelfand,
son of Jeffrey Gelfand and Christina Morganti
February 20
Rebecca Cremmins,
daughter of Randi Cremmins
February Oneg
Shabbat Sponsors
Feb. 5:
In Memoriam
Dr. Alex Roter, father of Phil Roter,
passed away on January 1, 2016,
20 Tevet 5776
Jason Schwartz, brother of Amy Shaw,
passed away on January 1, 2016,
20 Tevet 5776
BEITENU / February 2016
Grades K & 1
Feb. 12: Erin & Josh Binner
Paula & Ross Eichberg
Ross & Karen Elliott
Feb. 19: Joel & Meredith Esposito
Richard & Carole Falk
Andrew & Jerri Falk
Feb. 26: Jessica & Eric Farrar
Sloan & Susan Farrell
Geoffrey & Susan Feidelberg
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BEITENU / February 2016
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Temple Beth Shalom Contact List
1461 Baltimore-Annapolis
Blvd. ShalomPhone:
410-757-0552 List Temple
Arnold, MD 21012
1461 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd.
Maryland 21012
Fax: 410-757-2475
Phone: 410-757-0552
Fax: 410-757-2475
Stacy Shaener
President: Stacy Shaener
Vice President, Membership:
Marni Zwick
Vice President, Administration: Michael Rubenstein
Michael Rubenstein
Vice President, Fundraising: Julie Parks
410-315-7760 / [email protected]
Membership: Marni Zwick Joe Feldman
Treasurer: Jeff410-757-4708
/ [email protected]
Joe Stern
/ [email protected]
Past President:
Leon Shapiro
Joe Feldman
410-533-5066 STAFF
/ [email protected]
Joe Stern
Rabbi: Ari J. Goldstein
[email protected]
Past President:
Shapiro [email protected]
Temple Administrator:
Jill Leon
[email protected]
[email protected]
David Helfman
Eric Schwartz
Alan Switzman
Alan SwitzmanSarah White
Mervelyn Wyllie-Brause
Jodi Meisenberg
Jason Taksey
Mary West
URJ East District Council representative
Steffani Mykins
Mervelyn Wyllie-Brause
Beth Plavner
Mary West, URJ Liaison
Eric Schwartz
& Grounds Comm: Morris London
ECP Committee: Rachael Feldman
& Committee
School Comm:
Sarah White Chairs: 410-349-2783
& Grounds
Comm: TBD
Jodi Goldman
ECP Committee:
Rachael Feldman, 410-757-4708
Club: Ted
Comm: Adrienne Roth, 410-980-5249
Director of Educ: Adina Newman
[email protected]
Sisterhood: Mervelyn Wyllie-Brause, 410-573-9978
Chodesh: Lesley Harris
[email protected]
Acting ECP Director:
Adrienne Roth
[email protected] Rosh
Men’s Club: Ted Herman, 301-262-0028
410- 923-6832
[email protected]
[email protected]
J. Goldstein:
Hineni: Jill Simon, 410-224-8203
Gross [email protected]
Jill Sussman,
[email protected]
Lesley Harris,Cookie
[email protected]
Office Staff: Penney Croydon [email protected]
Religious School Director: Adina Newman, [email protected] Ritual: Mary West, 410-923-6832
Debbie McKerrow 410- 269-0214
Cyndi Duke
[email protected]
ECP Director: Missy Levin, [email protected]
Usher/Bema: Mary West, 410-923-6832
Student Cantor: Sara Kheel, [email protected] Social Action Committee: Cookie Pollock, 410-266-6468
Bookkeeper: Georgianna Gross, [email protected]
Debbie McKerrow, 410-269-0214
Visit www.annapolistemple.org for more information
Office Staff: Penney Croydon, [email protected]
Cyndi Duke, [email protected]
February 2016 Shevat/Adar Aleph 5776
1 - 22 Shevat
2 - 23 Shevat
3 - 24 Shevat
4 - 25 Shevat
5 - 26 Shevat
6 - 27 Shevat
- 6pm Tot Shabbat
- 9am Junior
Congregation with
Hal Katzman
- 9:30am No Rabbi
Text Study
- 10am ECP Open
- 6pm Mahjongg
- 6pm Chanting/
Hebrew Class
- 6:15pm Nashira
- 6:30pm Religious
- 7:30pm Social
Action Committee
7 - 28 Shevat
8 - 29 Shevat
- 9am Makhela
- 9:30am Religious
- 6:30pm
- 7:30pm Shabbat
Family Service
with K & grade 1
- 7pm Advanced
Arabic Class
9 - 30 Shevat
- 10am Shabbat
Service, Lindsey
Wendkos bat mitzvah
- 1pm Nashira
Rehearsal with
Student Cantor Sara
10 - 1 Adar I
11 - 2 Adar I
12 - 3 Adar I
13 - 4 Adar I
- 9:30am No Rabbi
Text Study
- 5:30pm Religious
School Cmt Mtg
- 6:30pm Sisterhood
Board Meeting
- 8pm Shabbat
- 6pm Mahjongg
- 6pm Chanting/
Hebrew Class
-7pm Rosh Chodesh
- 10am Shabbat
Service, Jake Gelfand
bar mitzvah
- 10am "World of
Biblical Israel with
Paul Schatzberg"
Part III
- 1pm Nashira
Rehearsal with
Student Cantor Sara
- 6:30pm Religious
- 7pm Advanced
Arabic Class
- 7pm Hineni
Committee Meeting
14 - 5 Adar I
15 - 6 Adar I
16 - 7 Adar I
17 - 8 Adar I
- No Religious School
- ECP No School
- 7:30pm Board of
Trustees Meeting
- 6pm Chanting/
Hebrew Class
- 9:30am No Rabbi
Text Study
18 - 9 Adar I
- 6:30pm Religious
19 - 10 Adar I
20 - 11 Adar I
- 8pm Shabbat
Service with Nashira
- 10am Shabbat
Service, Rebecca
Cremmins bat
- 1pm Nashira
Rehearsal with
Student Cantor Sara
- 6:30pm Mindfulness
and Mindsharing
- 7pm Advanced
Arabic Class
21 - 12 Adar I
22 - 13 Adar I
- 9am Makhela
- 9:30am Religious
24 - 15 Adar I
25 - 16 Adar I
26 - 17 Adar I
27 - 18 Adar I
- 9:30am Rabbi Text
Study Resumes
- 6pm Chanting/
Hebrew Class
-7pm Sisterhood
Book Club
- BAYTY Sleepover
- 6pm Mahjongg
- 6:30pm Religious
- 8pm Shabbat
Service with Makhela
- 10am "Bob Dylan
the Prophet & Poet",
Part II with Rabbi
- 6:15pm Nashira
28 - 19 Adar I
29 - 20 Adar I
- 9am Makhela
- 9:30am Rabbi Text
- 9:30am Religious
- 6pm Mahjongg
-10am Men’s Club
Comedy Cavalcade
- 6:15pm Nashira
23 - 14 Adar I
- BAYTY Sleepover
- 6:30pm Progressive
- 7pm Advanced
Arabic Class
If you cannot make it to services, Ustream is back
up and running on the temple website. Click the
link on the home page annapolistemple.org to
watch temple services.
-4pm Movie: The
BEITENU / February 2016
Temple Beth Shalom
1461 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd.
Arnold, MD 21012
Dated Religious Material
Address Services Requested