christine anderson - San Francisco Quilters Guild


christine anderson - San Francisco Quilters Guild
<1827SCOTT STREET. SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 94123-2013 (415)·931-9018
Ouiltefs' Guiki RESOURCE F!LE:
Christine M. Anderson is well known for her use of brioht colors, well-matched to her interests in ethnic arts. "Sewn
Embellishments" was her slide lecture presented in the Textile series for the De You no Art Museum. She spent two years
overseas 25 years aoo as an Arts/Crafts Teacher Trainer in the Fiji Islands as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer. For a 1993
Berkeley conference, she orcarnzed "The Artistic Challenoe" attracting 66 submissions nationwide; her "Mexican Food
Plate" embroidery was accepted as one of 20 juried pieces for that 1993 National Art Exhibition of professional artwork by
Returned Peace Corps Volunteers. In Nov. 1997, she conducted "Peacock Proud Postcard" fabric souvenir postcard art
session at the 15th- No. ~Cal.-Peace "Corps Assn. Anniversary Conference in Marin.
Christine has specialized In deSigning etchings, embroideries and embelilshments. Her iacture presentations inciude
creative orl91nal examples that often adapt traditional techniques to contemporary or unexpected themes. Cathedral
Window patchwork fabric framework taught to offer an alternative way to focus on stitched imagery. Proqram titles include
"Cutwork Crustaceans" (incl. a lobster-shaped "scissors case"); "Puzzle Patchwork" of crazy quilt embroidery stitches; ·Silica Sachet"
introduction to needleart archival conservation techniques; "Thread Textures" notebook class of manipulating fibers; "Teabag
Treesires" featuring rubber stamp fabric printing, etc.
Christine received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Graphic Design from California State University, Northridge in 1971. Her
needlearts education includes two decades of workshops & classes from local & international teachers & continuous multimedia experimentation. Married for 22 years to Jon, Anderson has served as a wearable arts & needlework Judqe for the
Marin Needlework and Quilt Show.
Christine is a past president & active member of the San Francisco chapter of the Embroiderers' Guild of America, Inc. and
served as Parliamentarian, Education and Exhibits Chrm. for the Greater Pacific Region of EGA. She designed &
assembled their first Regional felt banner with pelfons. For Needle Arts magazine, her colored pencil drawings accompany
the biographical feature article she wrote: "Susan Oliver: Leqacles of Love" published Sept. 1991. Christine is one of the
first two recipients nationwide for the EGA Beseerch Fellowship Grants, from which her ~Relative Remembrances" articles
appear in the March and June 1995 issues of Needle Arts. These cover embroidery methods to illustrate family trees. The
March 1997 issue showed text & photos summarizing the "Sea to Shining Sea" National EGA Seminar for which Christine
served as National Publicity chrm. Recentlv. she achieved donations of more than $960 in prize sponsorships for a
regional exhibit attracting 70 nsedleworks. She is the featured quarterly meeting program teacher in Oct 2002 of origami
construction techniques combining bookbinding & stitched covers, not unexpected from her publication in 1986 of
"Tortilla Traveller, n handbound book of etchings. One of the illustrations is her smocked tacos blouse.
She was also affiliated with the Council of American Embroiderers, for whom she designed the Golden Gate bridge motif in
embroidery stitches which they used for their 198.'3San Francisco Seminar publicity, notebook, name tag.<;& made into a
Cloisonne pin. They published her articles and photos, l.a, "Travail of Travel" May 1983 on how to plan a needleworkoriented trip overseas, and "Southeast Travel Inspirations" August 198.'3in The Rying Needle. In 2002, the Editors of
Threads magazine published Quick to Make Stvlish Gifts to Craft in a Day which features Christine's cat print sewing
needlecase on the back cover, inside title page & 3 pages of the how-to book.
Christine's embroideries have been commissioned as props for the 1982 film based on Ray Bradbury's short story
"Embroidery"; as ceremonial gift presentations, i.e. pieced patchwork family tree of 54 lineage traceable blocks for the client's
grandparents' 60th Anniversary; and for private collections, Some served to illustrate her feature articles published over two
years in Vintaae Fashions magazine, ls. "Hello Rouleau" about bias tubing fabric decorations, "Generations of Gathers" about
ruching. "Whimsy-Bred Spiderwebs" which explained the spiderweb embroidery stitch that can be accomplished with ribbon or fibers.
Her "Cheese Nachos" mini wall~hanging won First Place in Embroidery at the 1985 California State Fair. In 1987 she
captured another First Place for the Golden Bear competition with her "California Brown and Wild Rice Bear," a threedimensional stuffed arumarwnose "fur" consists of many hundreds of perle cotton bullion stitches. representing a major state crop!
Christine was one of nine California artists chosen to exhibit in "The California Collection" at DesignFocus of the San
Francisco Gift Show.
2002 awards include Judoes' Choice Ribbon amona 62 comoetitors for "sNOw Place Like Home" Christmas in Oz fabric
postcards & .quilted wall hanging (First Place in Surface Stitchery, original designs) in the Tropical Reflections GPR EGA
seminar in Concord which also achieved prtzes lncludinq the "Robt Louis Stevenson Award" for best juvenile deslon, the
"Seaweed Wreath and Uta (breadfruit) Heart Award" for -best holiday season entry. Christine's "Tapa Turtle Too" crazy quilt
patchwork pants won the "Oyster's Pearl of Wisdom Award" sterling Turtlock jewelry prize in June 2002, along with the
South Sea Imports fabric prize associated with the "Blue Laooon Award," Her "EQQplant Humrnlnobird & Pepper
Penoums" sewinoorqanlzer won Second Place Needlework Counted Thread, oriCiinal desions in-the 2002 Marin
Needlework and Quilt Show.
From the SFQG, she won an Honorable Mention tOr her embroidered applique &
pieced "Frog Fairy Tales" in the most recent competition. Christine's "Noah's Ark Seminole Sampler Quilt" won 1983
SFQG People's Choice Award for wall hangings at the Ft. Mason show, In 1986 she was one of the 5 Bay area teachers
honored as a showcased teacher in the gUild show at the SF Hall of Flowers.
stitches·!)~~g.'A._s~;S-;iWi~~i~ a, ~/~ck,M(or!ttech~j'.qu~ yellow brick road surrounding
a Hot Air Balloon Er oz cht;trm;Brazilian
"Cast-on Buttonhole" stitch (inspiration fromGlinda's dainty dress, Fillings
from Dancing Tacp Ladies' ~OftiU~dresses); <cB8rageblossoms"
il!cR ib
stitches; stu m
Flowers" ~lipcase fqrbookeng;~Co;n
Clusters" adapts theslJ,i~!tqdurJnir:ror:.tes;l;l~iqu~Wjt~
mrnt~4 .p.~!1nyon. a co~e.r;.foran AddressDir:ec;tqry,w.heFhe~
Y~lf're: c~l~~cti!lge-tn. ?J" sta~d~~d a4~,rFsses,. . .
"Follow The. Yellow Brie" RHODES stitch offers Scarecrow Rounded Rhodesfo.rthe
perforated Piiper :~?y~r':CYf
a self-a4~~~ye~~ep~~ o~ a tiny addressbook appropriate to the cr~ss-.sti:ch_ed title: ',:~fI '.
only had a Brain;" rID Map Heqrt-sfia.ped Rhode.s stitched covenng a roundedbuttonform
~t.~ the r~er:se ..
flat ~eta1.,~i,4.e;~8he.r~~Jo~n~~_~1~-s~~rp~~ing:~roc~~
LiQp .~t~~~/(pr~ppedR.~~dii{~(.'"
space for needlethreader; "Threadwith Courage;" and_W!tch's Hat Hpqk-Cre*cery~:shW?ed~hode~Jor stiletto: ; ,
"Pop Glinda's bubble", ~he p~.rpq~ of,the program, first is. tq create referencesamples
of t~~, versatilesurface
stitch in all its possible shapes; accomplished with perleeoton on different countable surfaces; perforated
paper and eVenweave fabric offered in the kit. Second. with illustrated.instructions
..and-charts for the Oz.,··.
like phrases, creatjve~opti0'1s for:finishing:t_~!~.~nd.9~her ne~dl~ortss on youro,~n mate\i~Js ar~-_offered.
Shown is the 1,I5¢.?fa 'covered bYf!;or(fonn, where.the shank is removed/not used~.irtj~s. p'a<;:~Jll)e_ '.
sandpaper kno~~scrocus'
cloth is glued. This is. h~rdware sto~e,prod,uct ~e<trto r~n:t<?V~.rUst~from
neglectedse)V!ng,rye~dle~;or>en ..the~r po'n~~. f.r~1<~ngi~~e.,
~lj~rna~~.~<~~iThi.!."g i~~~s.;~ijr:istire ,offer~ .
include' stuffing;the dom~9.button fqnnwith ball bearirtgs,or $h(:5lto use asa tip)! paperwelg1;lt... <.;
For Fun & Done: e.g., more finlshlng/presentatlon
treats offered among ornamental. paper or
fabric boxesoval padded fabric containers, circular. covered b.u.ttOJ:l:
formsand even Cathedral Window quilt
methods,focu~ ~!Jproc,~ss.
"Recycle Rescues» most stitchers admitto using all sorts oftools to finish.the lastinches of thread
in a needle in use, Some save the thread scraps, 'oris, to fill. pincushions. Anderson assures creative disposal
of needlework things amidst sharing phllosephies.on gettin'girid of excessive works-in-progress, First see my
carved wooden spools from silk buttonhole-twist & other old-thread. spools. It also seems that nearly every "..
household has zippers from years past that have been saved for a future project never begun. Learn "mixed
media" art·techniques that p!ay.~th ~esigns' that.benefitfrenwreeycled
zippers, working or. brok~n.·
Consider making'your own Sewing Self Portrait; C:,hristine used -shap..,"freckles." zipper "mouth;" thimble
"nose," scissor "cheeks." Inherited neckties can be 'made into sewing needlecases (my how-to featured in 2002
book published by Taunton Press Quitk to Make: Stylish Gifts to Craft: in a Day): Another selection-for hands-on offered
with this can be recycled kitchenware as framework for new stitcheries (tart-tin ornaments).
Who has loved «themes" as much as this artist? "Fever Favors .••-created as-the qujlted cover for a
thermometer as \V~lla~ informing a~ environmental concern of mercury pollution' in old/broken.
thermometers, Ga~r:i~l'fahrenl-J,e\t, who irrtroducedthe mercurythermometer,
':Yasborn.May 14; 1981,
CCStat"ring'Rq/~~:;'lectUre.·offers references to techniques based
stars (displayedmodelsare finishing
inspirations: Edinburgh"'Stars Let;t~rcase with B{ackWork technique, Wordsworth quote, 'cross-stitched hand-marbelized
14-ct three-dimensional ~tuffed' star with bead embellished four-sided s~tfh. assembly, Star-shaped eyelet.dosure
book ~Qy;er.E:r star bead applied for wand of Glinda, the" good witch of oz in Brazilian embroidery; Patriotic star .• ,
embossed Ladybug).'
.' ,..
"stamps E.r Linen. Letters» Even armchair travelers will have a corrvenierrtZ 1(2".x 3 ~3f4"".
unlined fabric case fo~their postage stamps when they complete thelesson'~ to be l~'~;"ed in this ppigram,
(easy enough to be completedwithtn 24 hours instead of lingering as a legacy in the unfinished project pile), There' optional
openwork 8-pointed star: design created in Hardanger technique to give a glimpse of the stampsinside
without them falling, out. Choose to learn a two-colored picot edging technique if evenweavefabrics selected ..
Also explore the new forms of eye}ets. Craft ;lrtists.arebecomingfamjliar: with-'eyelets.assmall as lf8" -round but
also manufactured in many colors and with man)' shapes like the-stars that embellish accessories il1:mymodels. Since
some call it'snail. mail, you may be. surprised to knpw that snail-shaped eyelets are, available, An introduction
to grommet style products adaptable to our embroidered presentations is demonstrated so that attendees can see
alternative closures for this or any case. ,: .
. ,.
Generally, my program fee is $150 plus travel expenses.@ standard 36¢ per mile or current.IRS figure
& incidental trip costs (e.g. bridge tolls, parking costs) plusmeals & lodging if applicable. M.ost of my programs
have illustrated handout reference notes, .priced separately around the cost of a greeti,ng, card ($2). Some
p wp rk
guilds choose to absorb this cost in lieu of cajoling advance sign-ups.
,H~I!7TINE r<I. i9N~E~70Nl,:,'".
'Needleartist: - Etch'ingsfEmbroideries/Emb~llishr:;;entsfwriter/L~ctiirer '
I adapt to the specinc needs of group to betaught, I've just been 'named for one Of the 13 nationwide
Educators' Award of Excellence for 2003 by the' Embroiderers' Guild' of America. Available for short notice
presentations while 'other programs- are more effective with advance' ctistori:t'ordkrs, e.g: cCT eaba 9 '
Treasures: intro to rubber stamp fabric printing on projec:tr~stAlt:ing i~'2n sq~ar~;Ctea~aij;\vith '
handout of pr~sp~ctive:uses {sewingkit, purse jewelry bag, compass hOId~r,.etc.,$12 kit,incl~U.te':e.ageg~.eIf-stick
notepad.crocus clO,th~1{2'yd nbbon:for closure, in-classuse of fabric inks, markers, dabbers, stamp'd-e'anerana with
option of $18 additional to take home' pre-ordered 3» x 7't: rubber stamp from '8' available desighs like celtiC;Seashsel\,
Floral,oranges,Cat,Sewing,Hearts;Checkeredborder, please provide 6 weeks, to order stariips, frOm tJf~huf9ctl,lrer
and ~m;sha ;50% deposit.T1linkto schedule ,fear 9{26"
. ,,' ' :~~:, '~:
birthday of JohnrifApp'leseed'as arfapple'de~ign is ~mongithemo~~
'" ~:t"fi" "",;1"
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Consider "Peacock Proud" Postcards" to commem"
. i.. ,'7~;! .
with faux P9s;tag~':Ermessage 'a mixed rriedhl'fa15ric'poStcard'
y,";' ,
spedalvaiatloh, friend, odCa~lort,' d~te. We'W"ls6\t:art'.'
( "
discussion what ,stitcl1irlgt601 or hook ~()uI4j,ou. w~ntift~ft;,{)~::~~-q"..,..
Christine served as'a Peace Corps Volunteer in the South'pacifi~«ali'iA·'."..~:<a:"""
"Final Farewells»' tn~;designing program youJ\,'~~~l~t:Pp ~nt6~~~g~~~~g1fl~~.~~~;:!~:.
q make-veteran stitchers com-n.,ortable'With book a'1.:~~~oa$_'t.~~p.~"es.~
,". ~;~~dl~.'·.'
talents. :he memo~ b~ok project, "As many farew.t?~!f.f1s·".·
. '''.''
":'/~1 ~.
be stars In heaven~ls SUItable as an autograph b'O,Ok!for~ .
,'{, .' :,:,jH~l~,~,;2:j:,-~
any prospectiveoccasion (graduatlon comestb min~~o.ri,~~t?f,~~p:~'. " ,,:,
interior remembrance' pages for memorials. ~~ttt4.,~a€~igiv~,~Jrt.~~
personalizing visuals ( h0toc0'. fabrictransfer ,''4C4'·i1i1t'';:·~~!,f+i ;:r-r,'-i:l!
from my ".Relafive-Reflections")
" . .!'
,/.J: -, '.'.'
or with designs based on.familytrees, the-h"
published in 1995isstiesofNeedie AI'ts'm{""
Flashlight cover project:" .
C'Ladybug Lanterns" 'places lit
appropriate quarter/dime-to hide um .
the ladybug wings In Stump work
for a coin paytelephoneemerge
"Puzzle Patchwork» is' ..."
of crazy quilt',stitch-es.Convert',
works.Hke leftoverquilt bIos:'
other stitcheriesirrto'clothes
or fabric covered 'picture ,~~
, :.
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I demonstrate