human resources for industrialization and modernization associated
human resources for industrialization and modernization associated
HO CHI MINH NATIONAL ACADEMY OF POLITICS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ------------------------------ HA THI HANG HUMAN RESOURCES FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH KNOWLEDGE - BASED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THUA THIEN HUE NOWADAYS THE DOCTORAL THESIS IN ECONOMICS HA NOI – 2013 HO CHI MINH NATIONAL ACADEMY OF POLITICS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ------------------------------ HA THI HANG HUMAN RESOURCES FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH KNOWLEDGE - BASED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THUA THIEN HUE NOWADAYS Major Code : Political Economy : 62 31 01 01 THE DOCTORAL THESIS IN ECONOMICS Scientific instructors: 1. Associate Prof.Dr.Tran Quang Lam 2. Dr. Vu Thi Thoa HA NOI – 2013 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY I here by declare that the research paper titled “Human Resources For Industrialization And Modernization Associated With Knowledgebased Economic Development In Thua Thien Hue Nowadays” my own work and to the best of my knowledge. Data and materials used in the thesis are real with obvious origins; findings in this thesis are studied results of the writer. AUTHOR OF THE THESIS Ha Thi Hang LIST OF ABRREVIATIONS CNH CNH, HĐH CMKT CNTT CNXH CNKT CĐ ĐH FDI GD - ĐT GS KTTT KTTTh KT - XH KH - CN KCN LLLĐ LLSX LĐ NCS NNL NNLCLC NNLKH - CN PGS SC SX - KD THCS THPT THCN Ths TCCN TC TCH UBND Industrialization Industrialization, Modernization Technical expertise Information technology Socialism Technical worker Junior College University Foreign Direct Investment Education- Training Professor Market economy Knowledge-based economy Socio-economy Science-technology Industrial Zone Labor force Production labor force Labor Postgraduate Human resource High-quality Human resource Scientific-technological Human resource Associate Professor Elementary Production-Business Sencondary School High School Vocational school Master Vocational Intermediate Intermediate Globalization People’s Committee TABLE OF CONTENT Page INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: AN OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH INTO HUMAN RESOURCE FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH KNOWLEGDE- BASED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1.1 The research works into human resources for industrialization and 1 7 7 modernization. 1.2 The research works into high- quality human resources in the 19 knowledge-based economy 2.1 CHAPTER 2: RATIONALE AND REALITY OF HUMAN RESOURCES FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH KNOWLEGDE- BASED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 28 Human resources for industrialization and modernization associated 28 with the development of the knowledge-based economy 2.1.1 Human resources and characteristics of human resources for industrialization 2.1.2 and modernization associated with 28 the development of the knowledge-based economy Industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy and requirements of 35 human resources 2.2 Regularity in industrialization 2.2.1 human and resource structural modernization shift associated towards with the development of the knowledge-based economy Factors affecting structural shift of human resources towards industrialization and modernization associated with 48 49 the development of the knowledge-based economy 2.2.2 Trends and regularity in the human resource structural shift towards industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy 51 2.3 Experience of some countries and some provinces in the country in 59 human resource development 2.3.1 Experience in the development of human resources in some East 59 2.3.2 Asian countries Experience in the development of human resources in some 68 provinces in Vietnam 2.3.3 Lessons for Thua Thien Hue province in the development of human 73 resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy 3.1 CHAPTER 3: THE CURRENT SITUATION OF HUMAN RESOURCE FOR INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGEBASED ECONOMY IN THUA THIEN HUE PROVINCE 76 Natural conditions, Socio-economic characteristics of Thua Thien 76 Hue affecting the formation and development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy 3.1.1 Natural conditions of Thua Thien Hue Province affecting the formation and development of human resources for industrialization 76 and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy 3.1.2 Socio- economic conditions of Thua Thien Hue affecting the 78 formation and development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the 3.1.3 knowledge-based economy Evaluation of natural conditions, socio- economic situations 80 influencing the formation and development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua 3.2 Thien Hue Development and movement of human resources structure for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in Thua Thien Hue Province 83 3.2.1 Actual situation of the scale and quality of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with 83 the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua 3.2.2 Thien Hue Actual situation of structural shift of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with 90 the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 3.2.3 Actual situation of training system of human resources for 112 industrialization and modernization associated with knowledge3.3 based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue Overall Assessment of human resources for industrialization and 118 modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 3.3.1 Advantages, benefits in the development and structural shift of 119 human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 3.3.2 Restrictions, causes of limitations and issues raised in the development and structural shift of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with 122 the development of the knowledge-based economy CHAPTER 4: 133 VIEWPOINTS AND SOLUTIONS TO HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMY IN THUA THIEN HUE PROVINCE 4.1 Viewpoints and forecasts on the development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 133 4.1.1 Forecasting the demand of human resources for industrialization 133 and modernization associated with the development of knowledgebased economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue in 2020. 4.1.2 The basic viewpoints in human resource development for industrialization and modernization associated with the 135 development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 4.2 Solutions to the human resource development for industrialization 143 and modernization in association with development of knowledgebased economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 4.2.1 Group of solutions to development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with development of 143 knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 4.2.2 Group of solutions to direct training and retraining of human 150 resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue 4.2.3 Group of solutions to exploit and effectively use human resources 166 for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue CONCLUSION LIST OF REFERENCES APPENDIX 175 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Number sign Table 2.1 Name of table and figure Informatics’ Labor force in the total labor force of Page 56 developed countries Table 2.2 Labor force in the field of software in developed countries 56 Table 2.3 Work development in economic sectors in advanced 57 countries Table 3.1 The structure of the working age population by educational 88 level Table 3.2 The intelligentsia of Thua Thien Hue Province to 2010 89 Table 3.3 Scientific- Technical Staff of Hue University in 2001 - 2011 90 Table 3.4 Labor force working in the IT field in 2009 92 Table 3.5 Agencies' ratings on labor’s ability of creativeness at work 94 Table 3.6 Population aged from 15 and over with Technical Expertise 102 divided by grade of training Table 3.7 Labor force aged from 15 and over divided by training field 104 in 2011 Table 3.8 Labor with employment aged from 15 and over by 105 Technical Expertise level and Field of Training in 2011 Table 3.9 The number of employed labors divided by career 111 Table 3.10 Vocationally trained Labor force in Thua Thien Hue 115 Province in 2001 - 2010 Figure 3.1 Human resources structure by levels of Technical Expertise 99 in 1999 - 2011 Figure 3.2 Labor structure by economic lines in 1999 - 2010 107 Figure 3.3 Labor structure with employment divided by sector in 1999 109 - 2011 1 INTRODUCTION 1. The urgency of the theme Theory and practice have confirmed the critical role of human resources, especially High-Quality Human Resources for the socio-economic development in general and industrialization and modernization in particular. In fact, nations and locals paying interest in training and rationally effective use of human resources have reaped success. The rapid recovery of Germany after World War II, or the miraculous development of the countries and territories with the advanced industry in Asia like Japan, Korea, and Singapore ... is clear evidence. Human resources plays a decisive role, but different levels of development pose different requirements for human resources. In the context of the scientific and technological revolution, the trend of globalization and the rapid spread of the knowledge-based economy, Vietnam can not make industrialization, modernization in the "traditional" way but "taking a short-cut and wait in front" instead, ie industrialization, modernization are associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy. The Resolution of the Tenth Party Congress confirmed "Seize the favorable advantages created by the international context and the potential, advantages of the country to shorten the process of industrialization and modernization in the country as socialist-oriented, socialism associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy". To accomplish this goal, in the strategy of socio-economic development to the year 2020, the Party identified three breakthroughs and one of them is rapid development of human resources, especially high-quality human resources. Thua Thien Hue is a Province in the Central Region with relatively harsh natural conditions and limited resources for the socio-economic development. Recognizing the importance of human resource development, High-Quality Human Resources for the socio-economic growth and development, Thua Thien Hue Province has so far formed the Project 02/TU/2008 for training doctors and masters abroad; Project 03/TU/2008 for training of key staff in communes, wards and town 2 by titles; Planning for Education- Training development by 2015 and orientations to 2020; Project for development of vocational training in the period of 2011-2015 and prospect to 2020… The education level of the population in working age has a positive change: the literacy rate of employment in 2005 was 83% by 2010 increased to 93.5%; the rate of educated workers from secondary school and high school is increasing with high density, in 2001 accounted for 33.6% and in 2010, 49.5%. Along with the increasing education level of workers, the knowledge trend to form High-Quality Human Resources is increasingly is very clear: in 2010 the number of people with postgraduate degrees was 2,024 people, 41,744 people with university degrees, 13,505 people with college degrees, 34,198 people at intermediate level, technical workers, 202,860 at primary level, 148 professors and associate professors, 106 meritorious People’s teachers, 15 meritorious People’s physicians, 16 meritorious artisDr. In addition, the capacity, the ability to create, manipulate the knowledge, skills, training in scientific research, teaching, leadership, management, labor, manufacturing, health care, community were raised: in 2006 there were 98 scientific researchers awarded the Ancient Capital prize in science-technology; in the period 2003 – 2008, 13,100 scientific researchs, innovation and creativity of workers and employees were applied… However, the human resources of the Province is not commensurate with the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy. Major manifestations are: 1) Workers from 15 or older not having the technical expertise account for relatively high proportion (87.4% in 2009), the number of employees with technical expertise was only 12.6%; 2) The level of training takes time to change; 3) The qualifications training structure between vocational levels was inadequate: elementary vocational training and equivalent accounted for more than 84%; while Vocational Intermediate and equivalent accounted for only 14%, while vocational college training was too low, only 1.79%; 4) The staff of the commune, ward or township has limited capacity, 3 professional expertise: more than 50% of the commune, ward or township does not meet the standard ... The question is, to absorb and apply the achievements of human knowledge, to create new knowledge and implement the Conclusion 48/KL - TW dated 25/5/2009 of the Political Bureau on building and development of Thua Thien Hue Province by 2020, it requires the Province to focus on human resource development, highquality human resources. This is a big challenge for Thua Thien Hue Province where the majority of the population living on agriculture with backward production level of mainly simple and unskilled labor. Therefore, development of human resources to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy should be studied deeply both in theory and practice to get the consistency in awareness, as well as the way to do it. Deriving from the above reasons, the postgraduate student chooses the topic "Human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien Hue at the present time" for the doctoral thesis. 2. Objectives and research tasks of the dissertation 2.1. Research objectives On the basis of the systematizing theoretical and practical issues in human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy, the thesis analyses, assesses the situation of human resources for industry of modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien-Hue. It has proposed a number of measures to develop human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien Hue in the near future. 2.2. Research tasks With the above objectives, the thesis has the following main tasks: 4 Firstly, systematize and analyze the theoretical and practice basis of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy. Secondly, the empirical study of a number of countries and a number of Provinces in the country in the development of human resources, the thesis draws out lessons useful and valuable reference for learning, model selection and development of human resources to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien-Hue. Thirdly, analysis of the current status of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien-Hue. On that basis, the thesis provides viewpoints and proposes some solutions in order to develop human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien-Hue from now to the year 2020. 3. The object and scope of the study 3.1. Studying Object of the thesis The dissertation studies the human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in view of scientific political economy, which mainly studies the state of development and the movement of human force structure in the Province of Thua Thien-Hue, from which proposes solutions to build human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in Thua Thien-Hue from now to 2020. 3.2. The scope of research topic Space: Studying human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien-Hue. 5 Time: Studying human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien Hue with the data limited in the period from 1999 to 2012 and the solutions made for the period up to 2020. 4. Research Methodology - The thesis is based on the theoretical basis of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology, viewpoints, guidelines and policies of the Communist Party, the State's policy on human resource development and the relating economic theories. Factual basis of the thesis is to analyze the experience of some countries and localities of our country and evaluate the development status and shift the structure of human resources in Thua Thien-Hue. - On the theoretical basis of dialectical materialism and historical materialism of Marxism-Leninism, the thesis uses specific methods: analysis - synthesis method, information collecting and processing method; at the same time, inherits the research results related to the thesis. - In particular, questionnaire survey is used to collect opinions of employees on issues related to human resources. Due to limitations in time and expense, the thesis only surveyed 500 labors including workers in enterprises (100 samples), labors doing management work (100 samples); labors in the fields of Finance, Banking and Insurance (100 samples); labors doing Education- Training tasks (100 samples) and labors in Construction, IT and Telecommunication (100 samples). In addition, the thesis uses expert method to interview 80 people working in leadership, human resource management in many agencies and businesses located in the Province and has direct discussion with a number of scientists to clarify the theoretical and practical issues related to the thesis. 5. New scientific contribution of the thesis - Introducing the concept of human resources, human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy on the basis of absorbing the thoughts of C. Marx on 6 labor, the previous studies and clarifying the characteristics of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy. - Clarifying the characteristics of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy. Since then the thesis confirms different levels of development pose different requirements for human resources. In the model of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy, human resources must meet certain requirements in terms of quantity, quality and structure. - Clarifying the impact factors, trends and regularity in human resource structure shifting towards industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy. - On the basis of the empirical study of human resource development in a number of East Asian countries and Provinces in the country, the thesis draws some useful lessons for developing human resources for industrialization modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in Thua Thien-Hue. - Clarifying the development status and shift of human resource structure towards industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in Thua Thien Hue with its own specific characteristics of a Province located in the key economic zone of the Central region. - Based on the characteristics of natural, human and human resource situation, the thesis states six (06) viewpoints and proposes three (03) major solutions to develop human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien Hue to 2020. 6. Structure of the thesis In addition to the introduction, conclusion and a list of references, the thesis is structured into four (04) chapters, eight (08) sections. 7 Chapter 1 OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH ON HUMAN RESOURCES FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION, MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT In the recent years, Human resources, High-Quality Human Resources is the issue in which many scientists in and outside the country have had interest and done a lot of valuable scientific research widely publicized in forms of reference books, dissertations, scientific articles ... To ensure the inheritance and affirm the contributions of the thesis, the dissertation divides the scientific works into two groups of issues: the studies of human resources for industrialization and modernization and research about High-Quality Human Resources in the knowledge-based economy. On such basis, the thesis has chosen and generalized the relating works to the thesis as follows: 1.1. THE STUDIES INTO HUMAN RESOURCES FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION 1.1.1. Reference Books and Monographs - Nolwen Henaff, Jean - Yves Martin scientific editor (2001), Labor, Employment and Human Resources in Vietnam in 15 years of innovation, World Publisher, Hanoi. This is a collection of articles written by scientists in the nation and abroad about: educational policy, employment, economic restructuring, business development, human resources development ... by such researchers as: Dr. Nolwen Henaff, Dr. Jean - Yves Martin, Professor Geoffrey B.Hainsworth, Dr. Fiona Howell, Dr. Nguyen Huu Dung, Dr. Tran Duc Khanh, Associate Prof. Vo Dai Luoc , Dr. Tran Tien Cuong ... Of which, notably is the article by Professor Geoffrey B.Hainsworth "Development of human resources to meet the challenges of the strong globalization process and an economy based on the new understandings". The author has a unique approach when asking questions like: How to expand the career options and life prospects for rural population - those who 8 are holding the greatest undiscovered resources of the country? How can they receive special attention of policy makers and donors? Thereby, the author analyzes three issues to find answers: 1) The scope of education and vocational training. The author asserts, Vietnam’s culture always has the tradition of highly appreciating knowledge, before the renovation though it was very difficult, Vietnam achieved a very special level of literacy and gender equality, however, when switching to market economy, there was a high drop-out rate at the secondary level. Thereby, the author argues that: tuition fees, the chronic shortage of new teachers into the profession at every level of education, low wages compared to other professions ... limit the scope of Education - Vocational Training; 2) The increasing use of labor force and expanding career choice. The author said that although the relative proportion of GDP in agriculture is lower than in industries and services, the structural changes in the labor use are virtually unchanged in terms of employment. So, according to the author it is necessary to have training programs and other educational reforms including increasing the number of classrooms, the number of teachers and upgrading equipment for teaching, wages. .. 3) In terms of sectors, technology options and business ownership. The author argues that for a country in the early stage of industrialization like Vietnam, it is vital to develop manufacturing, processing and attached services; also, should not choose high- technology but the suitable one like software technology, basic research… - StiTechnical expertise tava M / P (1997), Human resource planning: Approach needs assessments and Priorities in manpower planning, Manak Publishing House, New Delhi. Approach in terms of economic development, the author considers HR is the whole human capital with which human is considered a special capital for the production process, a form of property can increase the economic wealth; human capital includes the skills, knowledge and experience accumulated through the working process; the costs of Education - Training , Medical ... are viewed as the cost of production inputs in order to improve the 9 ability, production capacity of human resources. From this approach, the author has pointed out the practical benefits of human resources if we know and respect: 1) Human capital is a special capital possible to produce sources of income in the future, so investment in human resources will bring higher rate of return, the more this capital is widely used, the greater the value is, the more wealth is created, bringing prosperity to the society; 2) Human capital doesn’t have the regularity like other sources: depreciation of capital invested in the property and other type of materials; human capital after investment will maintain and develop without creating pressure on the volume of capital required in a short time; being the capital with skills, knowledge, experience and creative ability. Thus, if there is investment in human capital, the perTechnical expertise ive effect will be great that no other capital can match. With this approach the author offers suggestions for the thesis analyzing the requirements of human resources, especially High-Quality Human Resources for the industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy. - Le Thi Ai Lam (2003), Development of human resources through education - Training - Experience of East Asian Countries, Socio-Science Publishing House, Hanoi. The book is meticulous scientific research work applying approach by the world economy major and international economic relations, is divided into three sections: the first section, the author provides theoretical treatise about HRD through Education - Training by presenting HRD concepts, human development, relationships between human resources development and industrialization. At the same time the author gives a theoretical framework with such main points as: human resources for economic growth, human resources for improvement of labor productivity, increase income, reduce poverty and inequality; the trend of knowledge-based economy development and globalization create public demand for High-Quality Human Resources ... to interpret the role of improving the quality of human resources through Education – Training; the second part, with 4 chapters, the author focuses on analysis of practical development through Education- 10 Training in East Asia. Chapter 2: The role of human resources development through Education - Training in East Asia. The author analyzes the role of human resources development through Education - Training with practical evidence from the economies, the industries and companies which has proven the author’s viewpoint is proper and highly convincing. Chapter 3: Industrialization Strategy and mutual conformity with the development of human resources through Education – Training in East Asia. In this chapter, the author presents four external favorable conditions and internal advantages for the East Asian countries to build industrialization strategies. In particular, the author outlines four stages of industrialization and different requirements of human resources. These sketches will be interesting clues for the postgraduate to adopt and develop during this thesis completion. Chapter 4: Adjust HRD through Education - Training in East Asia. Based on the sketch of 4 stages of industrialization, the author states each stage has different requirements for human resources development and education should be appropriately adjusted. Therefore, the author studies the adjustment process in East Asia in the following aspects: expanding opportunities as well as considering the factors leading to receive education in the process of industrialization; development of Education – Vocational Training system; building high- quality university educational system. Chapter 5: Problems and solutions to the current HRD through Education – Training in East Asia. The author analyzes some of the problems in the HRD system through Education - Training in East Asia. Notably, the author presents solutions to human resources development for the knowledge-based economy in the East Asian: increase social awareness of lifelong learning; emphasize retraining and advanced training; reform regular educational system to encourage and develop the system of irregular education; the third part is the totalization of lessons learned from practices analyzed in chapter 3, 4, 5. There are 5 lessons drawn and analyzed in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 providing some notes about the context of human resources development through Education - Training in Vietnam today, comparing the similarities and differences in the development of 11 human resources through Education - Training in East Asia and Vietnam, from which outlining six suggestions for the development of human resources through Education - Training in Vietnam until 2010. In this research, the valuable experience of the East Asian countries in High-Quality Human Resources development is inherited and selected. - Dr. Nguyen Thanh (2005), Development of human resources for industrialization and modernization of the country, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi. Approaching philosophical perspective, the author derives from the standpoint of Marxism – Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology and relies on the Party's viewpoint on human development, the role of education in order to confirm of Education - Training as "a top national policy" to develop quality human resources. The book is structured into three parts: the first part, the author outlines the concept of Marxism – Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology and relies on the Party's viewpoint on human development, human resources development, from which the author suggests that the role of human resources is critical to the process of industrialization and modernization in our country; the second part, the author makes an overall assessment on the status of human resources in our country in such aspects as: quantity, structure, intellectual resources, technical expertise... on this basis, the author offers orientation for the development of quality human resources to meet the demands of industrialization and modernization including: HRD associated with accelerating socio- economic development; human resources development associated with democratization process, the social and cultural life, effectively exploiting the value of traditional and modern culture; improve the quality and efficiency of Scientific- Technological staff; formulation of human strategy on that basis, develop quality human resources for industrialization and modernization; the third part, clarifying the role of education as a determinant of human development, quality HRD strategy for industrialization and modernization in our country. 12 - Dr. Doan Van Khai (2005), Human Resources in the process of industrialization and modernization in Vietnam, Political Theory Publisher, Hanoi. With several studies in human resource issues in both theory and practice, the author has new points of view about people in industrialization compared with previous old-style notions. In Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of this study, the author focuses on clarifying the theoretical issues. In Chapter 1, the author analyzes some common problems of industrialization and modernization, but the most notable is the generalization of industrialization models in the world. In Chapter 2, the author introduces the concept of human resources with broad connotation including 6 basic aspects and derived from the position and characteristics of human resources in comparison relations, relations with the impact on other resources and emphasizes the role of human resources in the knowledge-based economy being multiplied by promoting intellectual power and becoming the resource of all. Based on theoretical analysis, in Chapters 3 and 4, the author comprehensively evaluates the status and characteristics of the human resources in our country from 2001 to 2005 in the number, structure, quality and draws 6 comments, from which the author said that the human resources of our country did not meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization. To meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization labors are required to have creative energy, adaptability and excellent working skills, thus the author proposes 3 major groups of solutions to effectively exploit and use human resources to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization: the solution group for rational and efficient exploitation of human resources; solutions group for human resources development to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization; solution group for building favorable social environment for the exploitation and efficient use of human resources. - Dr. Vu Ba The (2005), Promoting human resources for industrialization and modernization - International experience and practices in Vietnam, Labor - Society Publishing House, Hanoi. The book is approached by the specialized world 13 economy and international economic relations, focuses on analysis and clarification of the rationale related to HR, HRD experience of some advanced countries such as Japan, America, the Asia - Pacific region in terms of policies, strategies, objectives ...; assess the current status of human resources in our country in terms of size, speed, quality of human resources and draws achievements, limitations, cause of the limitations of HRD; proposes 4 solutions to Vietnam's human resources development in the future: solution group to develop secondary education; solution group for development of Colleges, University and Postgraduate; group improving efficiency of using existing human resources; advanced solutions group to improve health of Human resources. - Dr. Mac Van Tien (2005), Social Security and HRD, Labor - Society Publisher. The book is a collection of 100 articles in 10 years referring to a number of content and different aspects of social security and human resources development. The book is divided into 3 parts: the first part is a collection of articles on social security; the second part is a collection of articles on social insurance; the third part is a collection of articles on HRD. In the third part, there are several articles for the researcher to refer to, inherit and develop in this research process, such as a number of issues in the development of human resources in our country; development of human resources and human resource development policy of some countries; HRD and HRD policy in the period of industrialization and modernization; the actual quality of human resources in Vietnam ... Of which, the most remarkable article is: Role of HR in the Knowledge-based economy. According to the author, humanity is standing on the threshold of a new development of human society moving into the Knowledge-based economy, but for Vietnam initially conducting modernization, it is necessary to take a short-cut and wait in front otherwise we will be far left behind compared with other countries in the world. This can only be done when we have proper investment strategies in HRD. 1.1.2. Scientific topics, Doctoral theses - Vu Duy Du (Project manager) (2005), Evaluation of human resources in Thua Thien Hue and research solutions for use and promotion, Topics in Science- 14 technology. In this research work, notably from the assessment criteria of Human resources and data collecting methods (surveys of households and businesses ...), the author assesses the situation of human resources development in Thua Thien Hue province in 1999 - 2004 on the following aspects: current status of human resources; the actual use of human resources (employment situation of the labor force in the three sectors; the situation of 4 Labor groups); labor conditions, labor market institutions, the status of Education - Training system; staff situation in the political system at all levels; the labor force working in enterprises. On such basis, the author provides estimates of the labor demand - supply in the period 2005 2015 and proposes some solutions to human resources development policy in Thua Thien Hue province in 2015. - Phan Thanh Tam (2000), Main measures to improve the quality of human resources for the needs of industrialization and modernization of the country, Ph. D. Thesis in Economics. The author presents the concept of human resources, HR quality; analyzes a number of factors affecting the quality of human resources. According to the author, Education - Training is not the only factor directly influencing, improving the quality of human resources in terms of mentality power of human resources, but also having impacts on health, ability to acquire technology, attracting investment, creating jobs; researching experience of the U.S., Japan and other Asian countries to improve the quality of human resources and draw lessons for Vietnam. On the basis of analyzing the general problems of HR, the author uses depth analysis of the actual quality of HR in Vietnam from 1989 to 1999; the factors affecting the quality of human resources in terms of mentality power of the resources include training capacity to provide human resources of the education-training system, investing state budget for Education - Training, Education-Training planning mechanisms - Phone, Policy for using labor with Technical expertise; particularly the author gives bases for building solutions to improve the quality of human resources and proposes four solutions to develop education and use, retraining staff to improve the quality of human resources. 15 - Bui Sy Loi (2002), Human resources development in the period of industrialization and modernization in Thanh Hoa province in 2010, Ph. D. Thesis in Economics. The author focuses on clarifying the general issues of human resources: the construction of the concept of manpower, human, human resources and human resources development; outlines the basic characteristics of human resources; analyzes 3 factor groups affecting HRD: group of natural factors, group of socio-economic factors, group of elements related to political mechanism; analyzes dialectical relationship between human resources development and transformation of economic structure, of labor structure and for industrialization and modernization; presents the experience of developing countries (Thailand, Malaysia), the countries in the transition (India) and countries with advanced industries (Japan) from which draws 7 lessons that can be applied to Vietnam in general and to Thanh Hoa in particular. The thesis deeply assesses the state of human resources development in Thanh Hoa province in 1996-2000. On this basis, the author generally assesses the situation of the development of human resources and achievements, the shortcomings and their causes, offers 4 viewpoints and proposes 5 solution groups for HRD during the period of industrialization and modernization in Thanh Hoa to 2010. - Nguyen Dinh Luan (2003), Some solutions to HRD in the Mekong Delta towards industrialization and modernization by 2010, Ph. D. Thesis in Economics. The author presents the theoretical and practical issues of human resources development from concept, position to the components of HR, HRD experience of the countries. Particularly, with throughout approach, the author focuses on the factors affecting the development of human resources towards industrialization and modernization as a basis to analyze the situation of human resources and proposes solutions to the human resources development in the Mekong Delta in Chapter 3. Based on the theoretical framework, the author analyzes the current status of human resources in the Mekong Delta in the direction of industrialization and modernization in such aspects as: Actual condition of Education-Training in human 16 resources development; the Science - Technology situation in HRD; Socio-Cultural condition in HRD. Thereon, the author draws comments, reviews and suggests 3 major solution groups for HRD in the Mekong Delta towards industrialization and modernization by 2020. - Dao Quang Vinh (2006), Development of human resources for the agriculture and rural industrialization and modernization, Doctoral thesis in Economics. The author presents some theoretical and practical issues in the development of human resources for agriculture and rural industrialization and modernization such as concepts of human resources and human resources development; content and criteria for HRD for agriculture and rural industrialization and modernization; some experience in human resources development for agriculture and rural industrialization and modernization. In particular the author analyzes the dialectical relationship between human resources development with industrialization and modernization in agriculture and rural areas and outlines the rules of movement of human resources in the industrialization and modernization in agriculture and rural areas. At the same time, the author analyzes the current status of human resources, human resources development and factors influencing the development of human resources for the agriculture and rural industrialization and modernization in Vietnam in 1990, an overview of the achievements, constraints and suggests five issues need to be addressed in priority to human resources development and agriculture and rural industrialization and modernization. On the basis of the situation and the dominant ideology in which the people are the most important resource, the author offers 5 viewpoints and proposes 7 solution groups to develop human resources for the agriculture and rural industrialization and modernization in Vietnam in the coming years - Duong Hoang Anh (2008), Development of human resources for industrialization and modernization in Da Nang, Doctoral thesis in Philosophy. Approaching in philosophical perspective, the author has inherited the knowledge of previous scientists to complete and supplement the research on the issues: the 17 concept of human resources and two basic elements constituting HR: the quality and quantity of human resources; introduces the concept of HRD; experience analysis of the human resources development in some countries and especially the author has drawn 3 similarities and 3 differences in the HRD between Vietnam and other countries in the region from which to draw four lessons on the development of human resources for Vietnam in general and Da Nang in particular; clarifies four basic characteristics of industrialization and modernization process in Danang and according to the author such characteristics define HRD strategies of Da Nang; a situational analysis of HRD and offering 5 pressing issues in the development of human resources that need to be resolved in Danang, offering 3 points of orientations and 4 proposed solutions to the human resources development for industrialization and modernization in Da Nang in the near future, namely: socioeconomic development, improve the Education – Training quality, Sciencetechnology Development and forming civilized urban lifestyle. - Pham Van Moi (2010), Solution to Science-Technology Human Resource Development in Hai Phong for the industrialization and modernization, Ph.D. Thesis in Economics. The thesis has researched and resolved theoretical and practical issues: the concept of human, scientific-technological manpower, scientific-technological workforce development and defined when studying the manpower, Scientific-technological Human resource and scientific-technological workforce development, it is necessary to consider all three elements of quantity, quality and structure; analyzed and confirmed HRD in Science-Technology has an important role in the industrialization and modernization; analyzed 5 factors affecting Scientific-technological HRD; experience analysis of countries and domestic locals in Scientific-technological HRD. Based on analyzed theoretical framework, the author delves into analysis of potentials, actual status of Scientifictechnological HR in Hai Phong in 2001 - 2010 in such content as quantity, quality and structure of Scientific-technological HR, especially analyzes Scientifictechnological HR by groups; evaluated achievements, constraints and causes of 18 such limitations in Scientific-technological HRD; analyzed domestic and international context having impact on Scientific-technological HRD; offered 3 oriental viewpoints and 6 solutions to Scientific-technological HRD in Hai Phong in the future. 1.1.3. The articles published in professional journals - Pham Cong Nhat (2008), "Improving the quality of human resources to meet the requirements of innovation and economic integration'', Communist Review No. 7. On the basis of analyzing the situation of human resources in Vietnam, the author points out: compared with the requirements of economic development in the context of deeper international integration, the quality of our human resources is still insufficient and limited due to low per capita income, weak planning and human resources development, obsolete content and teaching methods ... Thereby, the author offers the following solutions: clearly aware of the importance of building, developing and improving the quality of human resources; continue promoting innovation process, first of all innovation in the field of economy towards industrialization and modernization and active in deeper integration into the world economy; build and deploy human resources development strategy in Vietnam to 2020 and vision to 2030 ... - MA. Le Thi Kim Phuong (2009), Promoting the role of the young intelligentsia in Thua Thien Hue at present, Journal of Political Theory 6. The author argues the role of intellectuals in the development of society, especially in this age - the age of explosion of Science-Technology and the development of knowledge-based economy. Particularly, the author analyzes the actual situation of the intelligentsia in general, young intellectuals of Thua Thien Hue in particular on the quantity, quality and structure. In addition, the author has pointed out the need to overcome weaknesses and provides solutions to further promotion of the role of young intellectuals in Thua Thien Hue in the near future. With its rich and reliable data sources, objective assessments of the author has been inherited by the postgraduate during this research. 19 - Associate Prof. Ngo Doan Vinh (2011), Discussion on the use of analysis criteria and quality assessment of Vietnam’s manpower, Journal of Economics and Forecasting No 7. The author argues that the quality of human resources is the most important factor for development. Particularly, the author suggests points need studying by pointing out the quantitative criteria to analyze, evaluate the quality of human resources including: group of directly reflecting criteria (physical, mentality , intelligence capabilities, the ability to conduct, communication skills, presentation ability); group of targets indirectly reflecting the quality of human resources (labor productivity, investment efficiency, electrical power and land, years of schooling, the quality of the educational system, the number of educated people) - Associate Prof. Ha Nhat Thang (2011), Talents training - a critical issue of educational strategy in the period of industrialization and modernization, Journal of Education No 269. On a basis of comparing requirements for HRD among civilizations, the author points out, in the Knowledge-based economy human is required a much higher level. According to the author, for our country talent training is one of the foci of the educational strategy in the period of industrialization and modernization and that human resource strategy must be implemented by a strict process from the stage of detection, recruitment, training and use. 1.2. THE STUDY OF HIGH QUALITY HUMAN RESOURCES IN KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMY 1.2.1. Reference Books and Monographs - Prof.Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Phu (chief editor) (2010), The current situation of human resources and talents of the country: Problems - Solution, National University Publishing House, Hanoi. The book collects articles by many authors, such as Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Phu, DSc. Trinh Thi Kim Ngoc, Associate.Prof. Nguyen Phuong Ngoc, Associate Prof. Trinh Quang Tu, Associate Prof. Ha The Truyen ... Most of the articles focus on the analysis of human resources, HighQuality Human Resources such as skilled human resources development, 20 characteristics of High-Quality Human Resources; Training talents in universities; High-Quality Human Resources situation ... In particular, Dr. Cao Xuan Trung with The basic features of High-Quality Human Resources, initially outlined five characteristics of High-Quality Human Resources: 1) Socio-political motivations, stable career, 2) Occupational capacity to meet the development of ScienceTechnology; 3) Skills of living, collaboration with colleagues in work; 4) Self-study skills, self-improvement in professional and personality; 5) Good health, style responding to requirements of professional activities. Dr. Dang Quoc Thanh with High quality Manpower and solutions to High-Quality Human Resources socialization and training for the country at present, has introduced the concept of High-Quality Human Resources and analyzed the 5 aspects: High-Quality Human Resource is a basic and the important part of human resources; are people with intellectual operation capacity, adaptability and creativity in their work; are labors with discipline, industrial working style and responsible; are Labor s active in international integration; are those with physical strength, good health. These are useful suggestions for the postgraduate to inherit during this research. At the same time, the author considers there are many solutions to improve the quality of HighQuality Human Resources team, of which solution to socialization of training is very important. Dr. Nguyen Van Phan with Construction and development of HighQuality Human Resources in universities and colleges in our country at present has assessed the status of teaching staff in Universities and Junior College - a division of High-Quality Human Resources in our country today. The author asserts, in the universities and colleges the building, development of teaching staff is a crucial stage, so the author proposes 4 solutions considers such solutions must be implemented uniformly and mutually interacted to create quality teaching staff to meet the requirements of high quality human resources education for the country in the new period. - Prof. Hoang Van Chuong (Chief Editor), (2006), Talents in Knowledgebased economy and globalization, Publishing House of Culture - Information, 21 Hanoi. This book is a collection of devoted essays by the leading scientists in Education - Training and typical art culture such as Prof. Hoang Tuy, Prof. Nguyen Duy Quy, Prof. Truong Luu, Prof. Nguyen Canh Toan, Prof. Do Nguyen Phuong, Prof. Dang Huu ... In this book, there are notable presentations: 1) Talents in Knowledge-based economy and globalization by Prof. Hoang Tuy. The Professor has outlined the formation of human resources through historical periods; cited solutions to talent development in an era of globalization and knowledge-based economy such as working environment to retain talent, the author considers talent is a special resource that is very fastidious if not being used, so if not being used in a place whether it is hometown, it tends to find somewhere else with more favorable conditions for development; it is necessary to grab talents in globalization, according to the author, knowledge-based economy is based on talents, while globalization leads to liberalization - the movement of capital and the most valuable one is talents, so the inevitable trend is talents will move to wealthier nations, this trend makes rich nations richer, the poor countries even poorer; it is necessary to gather and use talents, the author wanted to assert that if a nation wants to be wealthy, the important role of leaders is appreciating and boldly using resources including talents, even more talented than themselves; it is necessary to reform education to bring knowledge to people and enhance creative potentials; 2) Training Human resources, fostering talents for the request of Knowledge-based economy development by Prof. Dang Huu. The author raised 4 conditions for Knowledgebased economy development including: High-Quality Human Resources with national Science-technology capability strong enough; advanced information infrastructure, clean and strong apparatus. The author compared the difference between industrial economy and Knowledge-based economy, thus affirmed in the Knowledge-based economy knowledge capital becomes the most important resource of production and creativity, innovation becomes the direct driving force of the development. On that basis, Prof. Dang Huu considered to develop Knowledge-based economy, shorten the process of industrialization and 22 modernization in our country, the most important premise is the basic reform of the current education by: The State must have policies to appreciate talents; promote educational socialization, educational reform ... 1.2.2. Scientific topics, Doctoral theses - Dr. Hoang Thi Thanh (Project manager) (2002), Some orientations prepared to meet the requirements of human resources development of Knowledge-based economy steps in Vietnam the first decades of the twenty-first century, the scientific theme, Hanoi. Chapter 1, the author presents the theoretical and practical issues: 1) Asserting Knowledge-based economy the inevitable trend of development of human society and the opportunities for Vietnam to accelerate industrialization and modernization; 2) Offering the 5 groups of indicators of Knowledge-based economy development: index on innovative capability of enterprises; index on the basis of knowledge; index on the infrastructure of information technology (IT) and telecommunications; index on economic structure; index on the role of government; 3) Pointing out original the premise and difficulties for Vietnam to develop Knowledge-based economy; 4) Figuring the key resources including ScientificTechnological infrastructure capital, human capital, social capital and the role of human resources in developing Knowledge-based economy; 5) Giving experiences of some developing countries in human resource development such as Korea, Singapore. Chapter 2, the authors used depth analysis of the human resource situation in our country and HR of Hanoi for requests of gradually developing Knowledge-based economy and confirmed the highly increasing HM scale is a large internal strength but also creates great pressure on training and employment, human resources quality has generally been improved but hasn’t met the requirements of socio - economic development in general and Knowledge-based economy development particular. Chapter 3, the authors offered five orientations to prepare human resources for the development of Knowledge-based economy in our country: a basic innovation in standpoint, structure and investment policies for human resources development; improving quality and efficiency of Education- Training, 23 considering it the principal method to develop human resources and expand the scope of Education- Training based on training quality assurance, increasing emphasis on the training scale to ensure that HR is reasonably structured; strongly developing IT to enhance the ability to receive information and provide opportunities for lifelong learning for HR; priorities for HRD in high-tech industries. At the same time the authors proposed five basic measures to prepare human resources for the development of Knowledge-based economy in our country. - Le Thi Ngan (2004), Improving the quality of human resources in Vietnam in approaching Knowledge-based economy, Ph.D. Thesis in Economics. The author has addressed the theoretical and practices issues to improve the quality of human resources when approaching Knowledge-based economy: giving a viewpoint on human resources, quality of human resources, improving the quality of human resources in approaching Knowledge-based economy; coming up with criteria for assessing the quality of human resources; analysis of the factors affecting the quality of human resources; interpretation of the role of High-Quality Human Resources in Knowledge-based economy as knowledge - products of HR is the direct factor in the process of production and improving quality of human resources is the main driving force approaching and developing Knowledge-based economy; confirming the need to improve the quality of HR in approaching Knowledge-based economy; analysis of experience to improve the quality of human resources in China and South Korea. The thesis also analyzes the actual quality of human resources and improvement of the human resources quality in approaching Knowledge-based economy from 1990 to 2003 on the changes of the quality of human resources, the factors having direct impact on improving the quality of human resources in Vietnam. On this basis, the authors assert: human resources in our country abundant in quantity, and have achieved a certain level of quality. However, to meet the requirements for Knowledge-based economy development there remain a number of shortcomings the authors state 7 viewpoints, propose three solution groups to improve the quality of human resources in approaching Vietnam’s Knowledge-based economy. 24 - Le Thi Hong Diep (2010), Development of High-Quality Human Resources to form the Knowledge-based economy in Vietnam, PhD Thesis in Economics. The author presents the common problems of High-Quality Human Resources to form Knowledge-based economy: the concept of High-Quality Human Resources; assertion of the pioneering role of High-Quality Human Resources; High-Quality Human Resources demarcation criteria; the experience in improving human resources of the United States, Singapore, and lessons drawn for Vietnam. At the same time, the author outlines the Party's viewpoints on High-Quality Human Resources development over stages; situation analysis of High-Quality Human Resources development; and evaluation of the situation of High-Quality Human Resources development in Vietnam as well as the achievements and limitations and their causes. The author has also given 4 points and proposed 3 solution groups to High-Quality Human Resources development to form the Knowledge-based economy . 1.2.3. The articles published in the professional journals - Dr. Nguyen Huu Dung (2002), Development of High-Quality Human Resources in the industrialization and modernization of the country and international economic integration, Journal of Political Theory 8. From the approach of the United Nations and the economists, the author introduces the concepts of HR, HRD, High-Quality Human Resources. Especially, the author prompts a new research direction for the postgraduate when stating there is a close relationship between human resources quality and HighQuality Human Resources, which is the relationship between the general and the particular. High-Quality Human Resource is a quintessential component of the human resources quality, so it is impossible to separate High-Quality Human Resources from the quality of human resources . - Prof. Dang Huu (2005), Human Resource Training for industrialization and modernization based on Knowledge-based economy in our country today, the Communist Review No. 4. The professor confirms that most of the most fundamentality element to develop Knowledge-based economy is High-Quality Human Resources based on advanced education and interprets Knowledge-based economy has fundamentality 25 differences from industrial economy on the three following aspects: intellectual capital (the most important factor of production over the labor and resources), creativeness (the most important motivation), rapid pace of innovation. According to the author, in order to shorten the process of industrialization and modernization, it is required to consider Education - Training the top priority national policy and the education must complete these 3 tasks: enhancing the intellectual standards, training High-Quality Human Resources and focusing on improving talents. - Prof. Pham Thanh Nghi (2007), Development of human resources for the Knowledge-based economy, Human Research Journal 2. The author said that Vietnam has abundant but low quality labor resources, the question is, to shorten the route of industrialization and modernization and prepare for the development of the Knowledgebased economy it is necessary to invest in human development. The author poses a number of central issues to the development of human resources for the Knowledge-based economy: the types of labor play the most important role in the Knowledge-based economy, lifelong learning issues and strategic learning. Of which, the author cites particularly the ideas of Wolff and Baumol dividing Labor into 2 main categories: informative and noninformative labors. In addition, the author points out, Labor in social science and humanity often thought having no close relationship with the development of the Knowledge-based economy. The delineation is useful suggestion for the thesis research. - Dr. Bui Viet Phu (2010), Training of highly qualified human resources to participate in the Knowledge-based economy, Journal of Education 233. The author argues that, in the context of Knowledge-based economy development, training highly qualified human resources is the key issues in the development strategy of each country to actively participate in the Knowledge-based economy. Accordingly, the author proposes some ideas to build a team trained overseas with high quality such as having a unified state management of this sector, diversification of fostering talents way, improving and strengthening the system of legal documents in the direction of creating an open corridor for agents involved in foreign training, implementing remuneration and rational use of talents. *** 26 Conclusions and issues for further research of the thesis On the basis of the main content and results of the research works relating to human resources and High-Quality Human Resources issues, the thesis initially draws some conclusions: Firstly, during the last time, human resources, High-Quality Human Resources is one of the topics not only attracting several scientists to study, but also becomes the subject for graduate students and postgraduates selected in researching for their theses. Secondly, synthesis of researches on human resources, High-Quality Human Resources issues as presented above, it is obvious that the works on human resources for the industrialization and modernization associated with the Knowledge-based economy development are limited. Particularly, in Thua Thien Hue province, there are only a few research works on human resources by such authors as Vu Duy Du, Le Thi Kim Phuong in 1999 - 2004, and there has been no research about human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the Knowledge-based economy development in Thua Thien Hue province, especially in the long term. Therefore, on the basis of inheriting and acquiring research results of scientists going ahead, the addition to the incomplete issues left open to further improve the theoretical and practical issues on human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledgebased economy is determined the direction for further research development. Thirdly, the studies have mentioned problems related to human resources, High-Quality Human Resources. However, the thesis considers that there are some issues need further studying: - It is necessary to clarify the different concepts of human resources, human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with Knowledge-based economy development and the different characteristics of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with Knowledge-based economy development with other traditional models of industrialization. 27 -. Characteristics of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy should be drawn and considered to see that such characteristics have impact on the human resources required for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy. - Such issues as the human resources required for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, the influential factors, trends and regularity in HR structural shift towards industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy remain the relatively new problems that need more thorough study. - Researching and evaluating the situation of human resources for industrialization and modernization in association with the development of a local knowledge-based economy in a long time, on such basis searching for solutions to develop human resources to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization in association with knowledge-based economy development are essential and have not been studied. Those are suggestions for the thesis "Human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue at current time" to be selected for implementation. 28 Chapter 2 THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BASIS OF HUMAN RESOURCES FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION, MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH KNOWLEDGE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2.1. HUMAN RESOURCES FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMY 2.1.1. Human resources and the characteristics of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy Standpoint of HR, HR for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy The term “Human resources” or “manpower resources” was initially used int the decades of 60th in the 20th century in Western and some Asian countries. It can be said, this was a period marking the jump in awareness of the role and position of humans in socio- economic development, from human labor was seen as a tool became the 1st determining factor, especially in the conditions of knowledge-based economy development. In Vietnam since 90s of the twentieth century to the present, this resource has been considered particularly important, so the term HR has been widely used by scientists, policy makers for in-depth study and wide use. Therefore, there are several different notions of the concept of human resources, but in the final, HR is approached in two basic perspectives: - In the perspective of studying human resources as potential, the general human resources, there are some noteworthy concepts as follow: 1) Associate Prof. Hoang Chi Bao said that HR is a combination of strength and willpower showing the creativity, quality, performance and new development perspectives of human [4, 14]. 2) In the scientific study of State level (KX - 07) "Vietnamese Humans - the objectives and motivations of the socio - economic development", Associate Prof. 29 Pham Minh Hac and his colleagues believed that HR is the number and quality of the population, including physical and mentality health and quality of intellectual capacity [54, 328]. 3) Recently, Dr. Nguyen Duc Binh emphasized that human resources are resources in in every human being. It is overall organic unity between Labor potential and the working capacity of human forming their labor capacity [51, 26]. Although the objects and purposes of human resources studies are different, HR is understood in the following aspects: human resource is a factor in addition to other types of material factors (financial capital, natural resources, technology, public institution, ...) for the social process of production; human resources are specific people with labor capacity, capable of working; HR is a combination of strength, willpower, knowledge, skills and dignity of every human being, the human resources are manpower resources including potential resource and existing resources; human resources exist as an entity capable of creative labor; human resources is the human working ability affecting the development of each individual and society. - In the perspective of studying human resources as the overall human resources in units and throughout the country, with the typical conceptions: According to the concept of the International Labor Organization (ILO), human resource of a country is all people at working age [100, 61]. This concept is understood in two ways: 1) Connotation, HR is labor power supply for the production of society, providing human resources for development, so human resources include all population can grow normally; 2) Narrow sense, HR is the working ability of the society, including the population groups at working ages likely to participate in working - production, ie all individuals can participate in the working process, the overall physical elements, their mentalityity are used in the working process. The concept of human resources in this sense is commonly used in the theories of social labor and surveys on Labor - employment. 30 According to UNDP, the concept of HR is the overall capacity (the ability and intellect) of people mobilized into the production process, energy source - the human inner capacity is also the power of the society [92, 13]. According to the opinion of the Ministry of Labor - Invalids - Social Affairs, HR is the labor potential for a defined period of a nation, in some extent can be determined on scope of a local, an industry or a region [9, 13]. According to the concept of economic development in the theory of human capital, human resources are primarily considered as an element of the production process, a means for socio-economic development, in addition, considering the needs of people from demand for resources development [170, 138]. That means, investment in people is the same as investment in other material resources, so must take into account the effect of such investmen. This view is now being commonly used in many countries. Thus, the study of human resources as the overall human resources has a number of concepts and different manifestations, but in the final human resources of a national reflect the most important characteristics, namely: 1) HR is manpower resources, 2) The basic elements determining the manufacturing process, and 3) The human resources are a part of of population providing labor power for the society so the surplus and shortage of labor force has impact on the speed of economic growth; 4) HR is an integration between social competence and dynamism of human; 5) HR is the potential, strength of the human; 6) HR reflects possibility of working of a society; 7) HR is the integration of physical and mentality capacity of labor force. From such approaches, we can see most of the concepts of human resources are recognized and approached in the perspective of Development Economics or Socio-economic Management, and in the perspective of political economy, the thesis considers: human resources of a country are all those who will participate in the labor force working in all sectors of the national economy with all the physical , mentality abilities and related to the development of each individual and that country. In other words, human resources are the total sum of physical ability and 31 mentality capacity existing in the entire labor force and those who will be able to supplement labor participating in working process of a country, in which the physical, mentality abilities, ethics, working experience, working styles ... are applied to the operation of Socio-economic activities to create material wealth and the spirit of service to society. With this approach of the thesis, the concept of human resources fully reflects the aspects: 1) The quantity criteria of human resources, including those who are and will be engaged in the economic sectors of a nation; 2) The quality criteria of human resources, such as physical, mentality, mind power, 3) The determinants of human resources that are all physical abilities and mentality capacity of Labor. From the common concept of human resources, can understand broadly that human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy: A synthesis of physical and mentality capacity existing in all people who will join the social labor force and capable of fulfilling the objectives and tasks of the process, in which the growth of the capacity to endure the pressure of work and creative energy as well as the structure of the labor force must be consistent with the growth rate of technical infrastructure and the structural shift of the economy in boom conditions of Science- technology and international economic integration. Approach to HR for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy as above has pointed out: firstly, in accordance with the approach of HR of Political Economy Major, secondly, fully reflects the basic content of HR; thirdly, in consistent with the demands of the industrialization and modernization process associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy and international economic integration. Specific characteristics of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy Industrialization is an inevitable development stage of the countries and depending on the circumstances and conditions that each country chooses the 32 appropriate model of industrialization. In the context of globalization and the development of Knowledge-based economy, being a latecomer to shorten the process of industrialization Vietnam determines to implement industrialization and modernization associated with the development Knowledge-based economy. Unlike the traditional model of industrialization, the pattern of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy that our country is implementing will make the methods, scope and structure of HR completely changed in the quality of human resources leading to new characteristics: Firstly, in the model of industrialization and modernization associated with the development Knowledge-based economy, complex labor rate is much higher than unskilled labor. Industrialization and modernization process associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy is the combination of industrialization and modernization with Knowledge-based economy development process that essentially it is the process of using knowledge in all economic sectors and the demand for intellectual labor will be growing up. Complicated Labor is an elite part of HR with highly technical expertise, skillful that can better meet the demands of modern manufacturing. In our country, this complex labor tend to increase in order to meet requirements to accelerate the industrialization and modernization process associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. Currently in our country, complex Labor tends to increase rapidly: the intelligentsia in Vietnam includes 2.5 million people (accounting for 2.15% of the population), of which according to the statistics from the Ministry of Education and Training there are over 14 thousand scientific doctors and in statistics from the Council of Titles, State professors to 11-2011, there were 1459 professors and 8048 associate professors; leadership and management at all levels included 544 thousand people, including 97% College degree or higher [76, 60]. We can confirm, the impact of the scientific –technological revolution and the requirements of use of the knowledge of the economy makes the model of human resources for industrialization and 33 modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy have peculiarities with the previous industrialization models. Secondly, in the model of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, not only the key economic sectors, the new high-tech industries require skilled labor with highly technical expertise but also in all industries, all sectors Labor are required not only to have certain knowledge, but also must have high knowledge and skills, which means they must have technical expertise and professional level. In our country, industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy is not the immediate transfer of the traditional economic sectors to high-tech industries as many countries have done, in fact, it must depend on knowledge and application of Science - Technology to improve the traditional economic sectors towards increasing knowledge content in products. Thus, traditional economic sectors such as industry, agriculture, services also require skilled laborers with technical expertise and knowledge. This is because the new scientific and technological progress applied in the fields, industries is very complex, modern, laborers must have knowledge to capture operation process and apply it. For example, Flora Co., Ltd. in Hanoi Vietnam deployed the model of growing flowers with high technology in 10,000 m2 including greenhouse systems, greenhouse, modern machinery and brought in revenue of about 10 billion dongs/year, created 100 jobs to regular labor, gradually built brand in the luxury flower market. Or industrial flowers farm in Dalat, Hasfarm applying automatic planting , fertilizing process completely controlled by computers from the phase of temperature, humidity assurance to fertilizer regulations, nutrient supply, in 2004 its revenue was $ 8.5 million. Thirdly, the specific characteristics of human resources in the model of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy require labor to have ability to create new things. As a latecomer, to avoid the risk of falling behind, leapfrog Vietnam implements industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy 34 actually by applying new knowledge in all economic sectors in order to increase the added value of the products, reduce material and labor costs, improve productivity and product quality, fast shift economic structure towards modernization. A key factor to ensure the success of this strategy is to promote innovative capacity of human resources and so on, HR in industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy are creative human resources rather than a part of the machinery system on the production line of enterprises. Currently, with the impact of scientific-technological revolution, technology has been innovated with rapid speed, thereby shortened the a life cycle of technology and technology is often outdated very fast so businesses, countries with rapid pace of innovation, they have an competition advantage. Therefore, to achieve industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy, our country needs more mechanisms and policies in order to promote the creative abilities of human resources. Fourthly, in the pattern of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, the role and status of intellectual division of labor in the HR structure is highly appreciated. In the traditional model of industrialization, the lack of capital is so common that people with big sum of money are owners of businesses. While in the model of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, capital source no longer plays a decisive role, because in the conditions of economic globalization, especially in the world currency markets constantly completing leading to highly redundant world capital. Therefore, the position of capital owners is reduced while the position of the knowledge owners is gradually increasing, more and more intellectual people are participating in the ownership, operating businesses and who owns more intellectual property, he will be the winner in the economic competition. Fifthly, in the model of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, there is the structural shift towards 35 knowledge. In the process of shifting economic structure is always faster, because the formation of a new economic sector require skilled Labor with equivalent technical expertise. Therefore, to maintain and develop key economic sectors, the HR structure must be moved in the direction of knowledge, which forms HighQuality Human Resources. 2.1.2. Industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy and human resource requirements Characteristics of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy Industrialization is indispensable step in the development of a country. However, depending on the circumstances and different periods of history that every nation has different step and implementation model of industrialization. Being a backward agricultural country to socialism ignoring capitalist stage of development, our Party has defined industrialization and modernization the central task, throughout the period of transition to socialism, but under conditions of revolutionary scientific-technological explosion and the development of Knowledge-based economy, Vietnam can not perform Industrialization sequentially as many countries, but undergoes industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. Industrialization and Modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy has the following characteristics: Firstly, industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy in our country substantially the shortened industrialization based on knowledge. Today, the trend of economic globalization and the development of knowledge-based economy is making drastic changes in the content and steps of the industrialization and modernization process in developing countries like Vietnam. In the present context, being a latecomer, to avoid the risk of falling behind, our country must implement industrialization and modernization 36 associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. The Ninth National Congress of Communist Party of Vietnam has identified: The path of industrialization and modernization of our country needs and may shorten the time, both has the sequential steps and leaps. Promoting the advantages of the country, taking advantage of every possibility to reach the advanced level of technology, especially information technology and biotechnology, making use of more and more, at higher levels and more common the new achievements in Science-Technology, step by step developing Knowledge-based economy [42, 91]. Thus, the essence of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy our country's ongoing is shortened industrialization based on knowledge. Shortening here is to combine both processes of moving from agricultural economy to industrial economy and from the industrial economy to Knowledge-based economy. Unlike the foregoing countries, these are two independent , successive processes that means after completing basic industrialization, then switching to Knowledge-based economy, but with the advantage of being a latecomer, in our country these two processes are integrated into each other, support each other, take place in parallel and must be done simultaneously. Secondly, industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy in our country is the development of traditional industries as well as development of key industries in the way of shortcut towards modern technology. Industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy requires rapid growth, selective knowledge-based economic sectors and high technology for short-cut to the modern technology and avoid the risk of being lagged behind other countries in the region and the world, namely: IT, Biotechnology, new materials technology, new energy technology ... However, starting as an agricultural country, our country has implemented industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy without immediately transferring the traditional 37 industries to high-tech ones as many countries but based on the knowledge and application of Science - Technology for the development of traditional industries having absolute advantage in labor and resources towards increasing the knowledge content of products. Therefore, besides the development of high-tech industries, the traditional industries should focus on investment and development, namely: - For agriculture. Agriculture is a traditional economic sector, starting as a backward agricultural country, Our Party and State have asserted in a long time it is still an important economic sector in the economy of our country. So, in terms of development of knowledge-based economy, for agriculture to become an important production, it is necessary to apply scientific-technological progress like IT, biotechnology to agriculture, such as alternating forms of outdated traditional technical production methods; alternating traditional means and production methods with modern methods and facilities; constructing high-tech agricultural production zones based on biotechnology (genetic engineering) .... - For industry. Industry is also a traditional sector that needs both sequential steps and jump. Currently, in all industries, knowledge and technological innovation are necessary to improve productivity, quality and value of products, take advantage of the available facilities and labor force, resolve jobs, raise incomes for laborers - For the service sector. In the trend of world economic integration and development of Knowledge-based economy, service sector is required to rapidly develop and modernize. IT has a tremendous impact on the development and modernization of services. In the last 5 years, by using e-commerce, the Internet, transactions are more convenient and quick, transaction costs much reduce. Ecommerce development has reduced the cost of developing economy trillions of dollars and also developed tourism and promoted export activities, contributed to economic growth. Thirdly, industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy is taking place in our country in the context of globalization and international economic integration. Globalization and economic 38 integration in the world is an objective trend, creating opportunities for developing countries, especially promoting the development of Labor force, economic growth and economic restructuring ... Particularly, globalization and international economic integration allow latecomer to receive achievements in Science - Technology, HRD experiences of countries that have completed industrialization and modernization and is entering the development of Knowledge-based economy. For Vietnam, globalization and international economic integration have a positive impact on improving the quality of human resources in two aspects: firstly, globalization promotes the rapid of scientific-technological development, allows Vietnam to acquire scientific-technological achievements of advanced countries in the world, thus urges laborers to improve access and use of scientific-technological achievements to operate production-business; secondly, when laborers are working in enterprises, especially FDI ones, they will gain advanced working methods, know how to use modern technology ... then have conditions to learn, improve technical expertise and skills, practice the industrial manner. Thus, in the context of globalization, international economic integration deeply and widely taking place, Vietnam can make use of the many opportunities to perform industrialization and modernization associated with development of Knowledge-based economy, of which opportunities to improve the quality of human resources are extremely important. Requirements of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy Both theory and practice assert that at any stage of development of the social production human resources take the decisive roles. However, at different levels of development, different requirements for human resources are posed. Unlike the model of industrialization that the foregoing countries have done, human resources in the model of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in our country are not random human 39 resources, but meet the specific requirements of the quantity, quality and human resources structure. Firstly, HR for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy must ensure sufficient quantity. The quantity of HR is the overall number of labor force being and will be ready to participate in the process of socio - economic development. The number of human resources will increase or decrease under the influence of the laws such as: the law of population, the law of the match between the availability, use of labor and labor power demand in each production period ... Currently in development of Knowledge-based economy conditions, the rules are still effective, but the HR quantity is moving in 2 trends: trained labor with technical expertise is growing; untrained labor with low technical expertise not promptly catching up with the requirements of society increasingly reduces. This trend leads to both redundancy and shortage of labors: redundant Labor without technical expertise, untrained labor, but short of technical expertise, trained labor, especially in high-tech industries such as IT, biotechnology, Finance - banking .. . The lack of qualified human resources forces some businesses to import highly skilled labor from abroad (this inadequacy is now common throughout the country and in many places of our country). So, in order to have enough human resources to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy, in the coming time, our country needs to rapidly increase labor with technical expertise at all levels and types of intellectual labor. Particularly, specially emphasize on scientific-technological staff training, IT and biotechnological labor force. Because this is the core labor force to absorb the achievements of the scientific-technological revolution, create new knowledge and apply it in manufacturing activities. At the same time, rapidly increasing the intellectual labor force (knowledge worker), according to many experts this labor force accounts for about 70%. It includes Labor who are trained, knowledgeable, skilled and working well in key economic sectors. 40 Secondly, human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy must have high quality In the present age, which country has human resources, especially HighQuality Human Resources will gain advantages. Since then, countries are increasingly paying more attention to "upgrading" their human resources. For Western countries to recruit talents and assess the quality of human resources in knowledge-based economy, they have come up with a system the following criteria: "degree in mathematics, with practice in the field of studying certain development, basic knowledge of computer, grasping modern management methods, with foreign language skills, basic knowledge of social sciences, especially law, economics, history and culture ... "[126, 190]. While in China, the following criteria are suggested: "capability of logical thinking, ability to obey orders, ability to cooperate with others, creativity, capacity to inherit other people's creativity, personal history, social status and family, ethnic and cultural knowledge and scientific knowledge of modern techniques and qualities of thought "[126, 191]. Vietnam implements industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy in the conditions of the scientifictechnological revolution and strongly growing globalization trend requiring totally different quality of human resources from the traditional model of industrialization. Shortened industrialization model based on the knowledge that our country is implementing poses high demands for human resources in all three aspects: physical, mentality and psychosocial quality ... but especially emphasize on intellectual capacity, creativity and ability to adapt to changes in technology. * About the physical strength of human resources. Industrialization and Modernization is the process of applying and disseminating modern machinery and equipment, so beside diligence, intelligence, creativity and flexibility, the physical strength, health, mentality and psychology of Labor is very important. Labor with good physical conditions has to meet the following requirements: 1) Strength and stamina, durability to meet the demands of continuous and long lasting production 41 process; 2) Sound and lucid mind. Current equipment, machinery are very modern, also, there are many more types of machinery and equipment of high value which requires very high precision and just a small mistake will cause huge losses that’s why laborers must have good health to operate such equipment; 3) Ensure the demographic parameters (height, weight). Because mechanical systems and equipment are usually manufactured according to the most common standard to be able to exchange in the world and region markets. Therefore, if labor do not meet the demographic factors, the capacity of the equipment will not be fully promoted, there may easily occur accidents and the cost may be much higher if we have to order for manufacture of equipment in accordance with the physical conditions of Vietnamese. The above indicators of human resources as approaching the standards, physical strength of labor will be improved. In the recent years, physical strength of labor force of our country has been improved, but compared to many countries, the strength of HR in Vietnam is limited both in terms of demographic data and power endurance, toughness. Physical limitations make it difficult for laborers in the use and operation of machinery and modern equipment, especially large size machines; working in unfavorable environments; high working intensity, difficult working conditions ... Therefore, improving the race, enhance physical strength of the labor force must be regarded as very serious issue in the country. * About the mentality of HR. The process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy requires HR to have high willpower. This requirement poses for human resources in all sectors and fields, not only in the high-tech industry, but also in industry, agriculture and services. Mentality in term of forms is expressed through education, Technical expertise level of labor, but in term of essence, is expressed through the ability to apply knowledge to practical activities in order to achieve high efficiency. - Educational level of human resources: Education is reflected in the number of average education- training, the level of school completed ... Normally the higher 42 education of the labor force is, the better mentality they have. In the recent years, the educational policy is considered a top national one, the Party and State have made policies to improve literacy levels. So, compared with many countries in the region and around the world, educational level of Vietnamese people is ranked above the average: 94% of the population aged 15 years and older is literate (2009), the average number of schooling years is 7 or 8, basically having completed primary education universalization and is in the closing stages of secondary education generalization [69]. Of which, the education level of the labor force is relatively high: in 2008 about 96% was literate labor force, of which, 32.08% graduated from junior high school and 23.58% from high school [69]. However, the illiteracy rate of labor still accounts for 4% and 40.36% of labor only has primary schooling; labor in rural areas has low levels of education, especially in mountainous areas, the ethnic minorities and islands. The weakness in education actually becomes a barrier to labor in receiving the knowledge of humanity and international economic integration. - The technical expertise level of human resources: technical expertise level is the most important criterion when judging the quality of human resources. Technical expertise level is reflected in: the rate of trained labor in general and vocationally trained in particular, indicators of competitiveness of labor ... Through the survey, the technical expertise level of Labor in Vietnam has been significantly improved: in 2009, the rate of trained labor was about 38% and vocationally trained about 28%, in 2010 this proportion was corresponding 40% and 30% [69]. Survey results in 1500 businesses (2009) showed that labor with College degree or more was 6.22%, professional colleges and vocational colleges was 6.54%, vocational training and intermediate was 5.78%; Technical worker degree or vocational training: 56.08%) [69]. However, the technical expertise level of human resources in our country does not meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy, expressed through: the rate of trained labor is low (only 1/3 of the countries and the 43 new industry such as South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore); shortage of high-quality human resources, especially managers and experts, skilled workers, imbalance training structure ... The low level of technical expertise has a huge impact on labor productivity, competitiveness of the economy, exactly expressed through: the competitiveness of our country was down 5 levels, ranking 75/133 countries (2009), lower labor productivity than other countries in the region and in the world (about 30 million / labor / 2008) [69]. The severe shortage of skilled human resources is a big challenge for our country in the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy and integration of the world economy. Therefore, in the future, our country needs to address a number of pressing issues: firstly, raising the awareness of HR. This is possible only when we improve the educational level of the majority of the population. This is the prerequisite condition for laborers to acquire, grasp the basic scientific knowledge in order to apply to daily activities and is a basis for improvement at the higher levels; secondly, the majority of human resources, especially labor force engaged in economic activities must be trained in technical expertise from high schools, colleges, universities, graduate and professional training. Of which, attention should be paid to the training types of Labor: intellectual Labor with management ability, high technical expertise level (scientists, leading experts and engineers in the high-tech industry, leading-edge technologies and some other important sectors) based on the HR working in Education – Training; training skilled workers. [103;41]. The demand is due to the impact of the scientific-technological revolution, the scientific and technical advances applied to the production required intellectual labor qualified technical expertise. In fact, in the U.S.A firms 60% is intellectual workers, the annual growth rate of labor with high technical expertise accounted for 2% and in 1999 in the OECD countries the average population aged 25 - 65 was 60% with high school education, 13% with university degree [103, 41]. 44 - Virtue and psychosocial quality of human resources. Industrialization and modernization associated with the wide use of scientific-technological achievements and in the context of contemporary globalization the economic competitiveness of products and labor has been enhanced with global scale. Therefore, in addition to improving physical and intellectual strength, human resources are required to have the virtues and typical psychosocial qualities as follows: + Establishing and promoting the creativity of human resources. We know that the replacement of civilizations stems from the continuous creation of human beings and it is the creation of man, especially in the field of Science Technology that has brought about dramatic changes and put mankind into a new era - the era of Knowledge-based economy. So, in the Knowledge-based economy creative qualities of human resources become "the soul", the most important driving force to promote the development of productive forces, and creativity becomes a special craft. When analyzing mechanical systems Karl Marx specified "invention becomes a special job and for this job the application of science to direct production itself becomes one of the decisive and stimulus factors"[85, 367]. Vietnam is undergoing the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy, the shaping and promoting innovative qualities of human resources becomes more important than ever because: Firstly, in the context of globalization and the development of the Knowledge-based economy, the competitiveness of enterprises in the market depends heavily on the new product lines. According to Prof. Dang Huu, if in the industrial economy, competitiveness and the creation of new value is mainly based on supplementing and completing the availables, in the Knowledge-based economy to improve competitiveness we must base on the creation of new ones. Because of the strong impact of the scientific –technological revolution, what is already known (that already exists) will lose value, the unknown (new one) is what brings the highest value. The existence and development of enterprises, the 45 countries is mainly based on the creation of the new, the unknown, not supplementing and completing the old available ones. Thus, the determinant of competitiveness of enterprises and countries is the creation of new products rather than improving the existing ones. This shift creates opportunities and challenges for the labor. Qualified people with creative abilities would have more chance in finding suitable jobs and higher incomes. Conversely, those without qualified technical expertise , no creativity and the ability to exercise regularly will find it harder to find jobs and raise incomes. Secondly, in the conditions under which natural resources are dwindling, habitat has increasingly obvious change, it is the creative ability of humans that creates the products with high alternative value and being likely to control the nature. Take Japan as an example – a country very poor in natural resources and suffering frequent natural disasters, but its own human resources have knowledge and creative ability, which helps Japan quickly become one of the most powerful countries in economic development. Thus, creativity today becomes the criterion determining the existence of humanity, creating the nation's strength and qualities necessary for each individual. According to Prof. Dang Huu, people without the ability to create will have no place in the Knowledge-based economy. However, the creativity ability of HR depends on several factors: the current level of development, Socio-economic environment, infrastructure conditions, financial strength, the passion in work, sense of personal responsibility to the community and society ... Therefore, to develop the creativity ability of human resources, countries, policy makers and laborers themselves must pay attention to facilitating conditions to improve such factors above. + Establishing and promoting adaptability, flexibility of human resources. If the creative ability of human resources helps countries reach the pinnacle of development, the ability to adapt to these changes helps countries catch up with the trend of international integration and globalization today. This ability of labor is embodied in the acceptance of the scientific-technological revolution’s impact; 46 skills to quickly capture market information, skills in negotiation, agreement, acceptability and availability to move, jobs change on the labor market, the ability to cope with risk, market failure ... When having such skills, HR will know how to adjust and adapt quickly to those changes, head towards owning all human knowledge. We can say, the adaptability of human resources becomes critical factor deciding the existence and development of individuals in the society, the organization and each country. In this age, people who accept changes, have the skill of adaptability and flexibility in receiving and absorbing new knowledge will become the true master of this economy. Human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy in our country must be a typical force representing that ability of adaptation. However, to establish and promote adaptability of human resources, the human resources must be trained and equipped with the basic knowledge at schools, regularly organizing short and long term training sessions in enterprises, lines for the labor to improve the ability to predict changes, capture, manage, ready to deal with changes and have adaptation measures in accordance with the changes in the economy. + Forming self-consciousness and desire to learn. Self-discipline and desire to learn of human resources is necessary requirement in the era of Knowledgebased economy. In the Knowledge-based economy, intellectual capital becomes an important source for the production process, not the number of labor and natural resources. The position of High-Quality Human Resources is increasingly valued by the society and becomes "expensive" in the labor market. The society is non-stop developing, so requirements in work will be increasing and diverse, too. If the labor does not equip with appropriate knowledge with the era will inevitably be eliminated. Therefore, to have a place in the society, the labor is required to always uplift self- learning, learn anywhere, anytime to accumulate and enrich their knowledge capital. If being satisfied with the knowledge, labor 47 will not only eliminate himself out of the general evolution but also impede the development of nation, people. Vietnam has the tradition of eager to learn, which is advantageous if we build and promote these qualities. + Training the industrial working style. Industrial style is express firstly in the compliance with and respect of time. In developed countries, the compliance with office hours, punctuality is one of the basic principles, always the first factor to evaluate, recruit labor. While in Vietnam, laborers are unaware of the importance of the industrial style building, still have the habit of using "elastic time", sluggish, dilatory in work. This has created a disturbing consequence - the "inertia" in creativity and personal development. Besides, the industrial style is manifested through the scientific, logical working practice, basically, working by process, work-sites of professional laborers are often neat, orderly, tidy and clean. In a modern, dynamic working environment, industrial style is one of the top criteria to determine the success of an organization, business or individual advancement. Training such for labor is not only beneficial for the enterprises, but also have important implications for the laborers. For labor to be trained the industrial manner, professionalism and high sense of discipline, in addition to the propaganda organs of the Party guidelines and State law, it is vital to develop a code of behavioural conduct stating the necessary information about job requirements, working hours, wages and forms of handling, sanction ... Thus fostering the industrial style for labor is really effective. + Enhancing professional ethics. Professional ethics is a system of moral norms with social values consistent with the characteristics of each type of occupation, partly reflecting the personality of labor. In the society, there are how many careers that there are much of professional ethics. However, there are standards of professional ethics for all lines requiring laborers to follow, they are: love of profession, passion, enthusiasm, responsibility, honesty, saving , diligent, hard-working, ... Furthermore, professional ethics is also expressed in laborers themselves the desire of devoting talents, wisdom and effort to the socio - 48 economic development of the country. Therefore, labor should always improve their virtues, because it is the motivation for personal development, career development capacity of labor, contributing to increasing labor productivity and work efficiency. It can be said, each level, each period of development of the society, the economy requires suitable virtues, personal qualities of Labor in accordance with the requirements of that time. To implement the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy and for Vietnam's labor to compete with those in other countries, Vietnam’s laborers are required: on the one hand, to promote the positive qualities (hardworking, diligence, and desire to learn ...) and remove the weaknesses of dilatory behavior, poor sense of discipline, freedom, and casual available in Vietnam’s laborers; on the other hand, it is necessary to educate sense of responsibility for work, cultivate professional ethics, training creativity, adaptability ... for laborers. 2.2. THE REGULARITY OF STRUCTURAL SHIFT OF HUMAN RESOURCES TOWARDS INDUSTRIALIZATIONA AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMY We know that any industrialization process must perform two basic contents: development of Labor force, building infrastructure – technology for the economy and shifting the economic structure. Under HR perspective, the process of industrialization and modernization is the Labor structural shift, making the human resources structure suitable with the economic structure (hereinafter referred to as human resource structural shift in the thesis). However, in the industrialization and modernization process associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, the labor structural shift must always follow the regularity: the acceleration speed of labor structural shift must always be compatible with the speed of economic structural shift towards knowledge-based and focus on key economic sectors and take advantage of the potential maximum advantage of available human resources of the country. For a developing country, bypassing the 49 capitalist development phase to the construction of the the knowledge-based economy oriented socialism as our country, low proportion of High-Quality Human Resources, this human resource structural shift requires to be prepared inadvanced to facilitate the economic structural shifts when acquiring techniques and technology from the advanced countries through FDI. 2.2.1. Factors affecting structural shift of human resources towards industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge economy The trend of structural shift of human resources in the industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy is affected by many factors, especially the typical elements of the internationalization of production, which is the explosive development of scientific-technological revolution, the shift of international economic structure, the development of knowledge-based economy and globalization process. Firstly, the impact of the scientific -technological revolution and economic globalization has brought about new industries requiring human resource structural shift. Entering the twenty-first century, the scientific -technological revolution continues to make rapid progress, making outstanding development of labor force, further international division of labor, the world economy is driven by advances in technology, engineering, particularly steer ing the human society to move from the industrial economy to the knowledge-based economy. The impact of the scientific technological revolution has reduced many traditional industries and resulted in several new production processes. Since then, the economic structure and the density of economic sectors have also changed: the density of agriculture decreased, the proportion of industry and services increased. The appearance of new industries changes the human resource structure in the direction: the proportion of agricultural labor decreased, the proportion of labor in industry and services, especially in the manufacturing and service sector mainly based on knowledge and high technology, on the processing and creating information has increased rapidly. Vietnam is in the 50 process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, the economic restructuring and development of a number of key industries, forming major economic zones, developing industrial parks, EPZs is necessary so it is required to have structural shift of labor, thereby implementing the shift in the structure of human resources. Secondly, restructuring the economy towards industrialization and modernization affects the structural shift of human resources in two ways: 1) the first direction is, the economic restructuring of the industry. The developing economies including Vietnam entering the industrialization late and having economic characteristics of the two regions: the traditional sector - agriculture and services at a low level; modern sector - Industry and technical – technology based services. The impact of the scientific-technological revolution causes economic restructuring in sectors, the traditional industries losing competitive advantages will gradually fade and give way to new industries, so the HR structure should be shifted also. The eleventh National Congress determined that to take the country to an modern industrialized country by 2020, we need to build a modern economic structure industry - agriculture - services: the proportion of industries and services accounts for 85% of GDP, the value of high-tech products reaches 45% of GDP, the ratio of agricultural labor decreases 30-35% of the total social labor. To accommodate this change, organizations need to first retrain the labor force in the old trades in both technical expertise and skill levels to suit the demands of the new industries. Besides, it is vital to forecast the needs of labor force in the new industries for making training plans so that labor force can join immediately on production – business activities. 2) The second thing is, economic restructuring by the regions leading to the restructuring of the labor force in regions and setting out new requirements for training of human resources, especially skilled labor training in place to limit qualified labor migration status among regions. Therefore, training of human resources should focus on improving the quality of training of technical 51 expertise labor. At the same time planning the training facilities in the region to meet the needs of qualified labor in place. . Thirdly, knowledge-based economy is one of the factors strongly impact the movement and displacement of the current HR structure. In the Knowledge-Based Economy, the movement and HRD are also subject to the laws of economics, which is the law of value, the law of supply - demand, competition rules. The impact of these rules on the labor market will create incentives for laborers constantly learning to improve levels in all areas, improving the quality of labor to earn higher income jobs. Besides, because of the Knowledge-Based Economy due to being based on techniques and high-tech, wages tend to increase leading to the demand labor to increase higher technical expertise, reduce labor force with low technical expertise and unskilled labor in some sectors. This is the objective factor leading to a division of labor will shift to the industries requiring technical expertise level with higher income, especially in the areas with foreign investment, high-tech zones, processing zones ... 2.2.2. Trends and regularity in the structural shift of human resource towards industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy Structural shift of human resources towards industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge economy Firstly, the structural shift of qualified human resources by economic structure. The process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy requires a major shift in the structure of qualified human resources to meet the requirements of economic sectors with high knowledge content. The structure of human resources by qualifications is one of the criteria determining the quality of human resources, it reflects: quality components of the human resources, development level of qualified human resource, capacity and the reasonableness of the scope of human resource training. In our country, the qualification level of human resources structure is inappropriate, cannot meet the 52 requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, expressed through: the rate of HighQuality Human Resources still small compared to the actual needs . By 2004, skilled labor only accounted for 22.5%, while untrained labor made up a high percentage: 77.5%. This situation led to a huge surplus of unskilled labor, while there was a severe shortage of highly qualified labor, especially labor for industrial zones, export processing zones; the structure of trained human resources with technical expertise is imbalance: in 2004 that structure was: (1 college, university/0.91, vocational school/2.75 technical workers). Compared with the previous years, the level of human resources structure in our country with technical expertise shifted better to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization. However, compared with many countries in the world and the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy in our country this shift is very slow (countries with developed economies have the structure: 1 college, university/4, professional school/10 technical Workers) [116, 126-127]. Thus, the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy in our country requires building a suitable structure of human resource among types of technical expertise levels. Therefore, the State should adjust the training policies to reduce the human resources with primary level of technical expertise and increase the proportion of highly qualified human resources (scientists, managers, technicians, technical worker ... ), by 2020 our country will be able to build up a more suitable human resources structure with technical expertise. Secondly, the shift of human resources structure by economic sectors. According to the development trend of Knowledge-based economy, labor in the agricultural sector will be reduced to about 5%, and the industrial labor, normal services labor increasingly shift to the service sector requiring knowledge, skills and higher technical expertise. Two American economists - P.Windrum and M.Tomlinson have listed some sectors requiring technical expertise labor as 53 follows: accounting, architecture, surveying, exploration, construction services, computer and IT-related services, design, environment, media management, insurance, real estate, telecommunications, labor recruitment and supply technical staff , law services; market research .. . [116, 335]. For Vietnam, in the process of industrilizaion and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, to build an optimal economic structure we must meet one of these requirements: the proportion of labor in agricultural sector declines and the proportion of labor in industry and services increases. Accordingly, the structure of human resources must also move in line with the shift of economic structure: the proportion of labor in industry and services increases, the proportion of labor in agriculture declines. In particular, pay special attention to the structure of qualified labor in industry - construction, especially in industries with competitive and export advantages; heavy industry, high-tech industries, key industries, construction-service industries, especially key service sectors. Thirdly, structural shift of human resources by economic zones. The process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy in our country will lead to a structural shift in the economic zones, especially in key economic areas, dynamic economic ones. In the recent years, in our country the distribution of human resources between the regions there have been positive changes: the proportion of labor in the urban areas and key economic areas increased, while the proportion of human resources in rural areas and the economic zones slowed down the development. The reason for this trend is due to: commonly in these areas there are several industrial zones, industrial parks, factories, the place to approach the poor and due to the process of urbanization in the part of agricultural labor lost land for cultivation so they had to look for work elsewhere. The problem is, in the coming time to ensure appropriate human resources structure and balance between regions, the State should have policies and appropriate measures: annual survey conducted to understand the underlying population and human resources of each region; excess and deficiency identification 54 in specific areas of human resources, investment resources for economic development in rural, underdeveloped areas ... to ensure human resource balance among regions. Fourthly, the shift of human resources by the economic components. Industrialisation and modernization associated with the development of the Knowledge-based economy, in the environment of knowledge-based economy, HR structural shift by economic components aims at maximizing the full potential of those components is very important. In the coming years due to the impact of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy and the process of restructuring state-owned enterprises, which will take place in the trend of moving upward the proportion of labor the non-state components. In particular, notably increase human resources working in private enterprises, enterprises with foreign investment, while the human resources employed in the state components, the collective economic sector does not increase much, even decreases compared with the past and other economic sectors. That inevitably leads to proportion of human resource in state and collective economic sectors in the human resource structure of each region, local as well as in national human resources structure going down. To ensure the socialist orientation and the leading role, the core of economic components in the national economy , the state must radically reform the salary and training system along with practical incentives for laborers to avoid brain drainage from this component to another components with higher wages. Apart from structural shifts of human resources by the level of technical expertise, economic sectors, regions and economic components, in the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the Knowledge-based economy has shifted the human resources by gender, by career ... Because, at present, Vietnam has made certain achievements in the implementation of gender equality and the emergence of a number of new careers. 55 Regularity in the structural shift of human resource towards industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy As discussed above, in the process of industrialization and modernization in association with development of Knowledge-based economy, the economic structural shift, the structure of human resources must also be shifted and such structural shift has the following regularity: Firstly, the proportion of unskilled labor declines and of complex labor increases and absolute dominates the total social labor, especially intellectual labor. In fact, before World War II in the developed countries the majority were farmers, but farmers today remains only 1/10 compared with the previous, and workers in general are rapidly rising, especially workers with knowledge (just people using mental strength, creativity to generate material wealth, the new value like programmers and software technologies designers ...). Currently, in the developed countries, blue-collar workers in industrial zone are only no more than 20%, workers with knowledge accounts for more than 40% of the labor force [173, 29]. Or just take an example in a manufacturing plant in the U.S. in 1950, blue-collar workers accounted for 35%, but by 1960 down to 30%, 20% in 1980 and currently less than 15% of the total number of workers [65 , 51]. According to research by Nuala Beck & Associatec Inc. (Canada), there are 20 countries in the world with the rate of acknowledgeable workers accounting for the highest in the world labor force including: the Netherlands (46.1%) and Switzerland (40.9 %), Sweden (39.8%), Singapore (39.8%), Canada (39.2%), Belgium (39.2%), German (38.1%), Denmark (37.6%), Niuzilan (37.2%), Russia (36.7%), English (36.4%), Australia (35.5%), Czech Republic (34.4%), Iceland (34.2%), Finland (34.0%), American (33.6%), Israel (32.7%), Norway (32.4%), Austria (30.9%) and Hungary (30.8%). In developed countries, labor in information, labor in the fields of computer software increased rapidly, in particular: the Australian labor force in information increased from 17% in 1950 to 30.20% in 1980 and in Germany increased from 18.3% to 33.2% or in Canada increased from 72,024 people in 1950 to over 123,312 people in 1980. 56 Table 2.1: Informative labor force in the total labor force in developed countries Unit:% Nation 1950 1960 1970 1980 England 27.80 33.10 36.60 - America 31.80 42.00 46.40 46.60 Australia 17.00 22.50 27.50 30.20 Germany 18.30 24.60 30.70 33.20 Source: [79;65 ] Table 2.2: Labor force in the field of software in developed countries Unit: person Year America Canada Japan France Finland 1992 838,334 72,024 488,469 151,347 16,200 1993 894,256 79,921 455,662 147,881 17,000 1994 955,094 99,056 424,867 153,329 16,500 1995 1,083,977 123,312 407,369 158,544 17,400 Source [103;44] In our country, the general movement trend of human resources in the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy is descending the scale of unskilled labor and increasing the skilled labor in the industries, sectors, especially in the high tech industries. In the recent years, the percentage of highly qualified labor force has rapidly increased from 7.6% in 1986 to nearly 30% in 2007 [124]. The rate of trained Labor from 15 years and over working in the economy has been up from 10.3% (2000) to 12.5% (in 2005) and 14.6% (2010) [123; 115]. In the coming years, the policy of the State is to strive each year training over 1 million laborers including 200,000 trained high-quality labor and in 2015 around 55%. 57 Secondly, the proportion of agricultural labor decreases while the proportion of industrial and services labor increases. In fact, in the early stages of industrialization when the economy was backward, the agricultural labor accounted for the majority, but as industrialization has been expanded, agricultural labor decreased, labor in industry and services has constantly been increasing and making up high proportion is the inevitable trend. T.Oshima in the book "Asian monsoon economic growth" said the structural transition from agriculture to industry, including agricultural labor force accounted for the majority (about three quarters of total labor force) has started to decline. The completion of the transition is when that reduced level is equal to the growth level of the industrial labor force about 1/4 to 1/3 and then we can say that the economy may have ended the transition of economic structure with dominant agricultural to industrial economies. This process going faster or slower depends on the circumstances and conditions of each country, for example: In the UK to reduce the proportion of labor in agriculture from 70% to 37% it took 100 years (from 1700 - 1800), and China in 1952, accounting for 83.5% of agricultural labor, after years of reform in 1993 was still 60%, Malaysia took 19 years to be reduced to 20.8%, Indonesia 17%; Thailand 13%, Philippines 7.6% [108, 112], the group of countries with advanced industrial growth in the service sector have faster development than other groups. Data on the growth of employments in the sector in Table 2.3. will show us a clear trend Table 2.3: Employment growth in the economic sectors in advanced countries Year Agriculture Creation Services Advanced industry 1870 1950 49 25 27 36 24 39 1995 6 30 64 30 28 42 62 15 23 Source [79;71] Average income 1995 Low income 1995 58 In our country, along with the restructuring of the economy, in the recent years the structure of human resources has had a significant shift in a positive direction. According to the General Statistics Office, Labor structure of agriculture - forestry fishery sector declined from 55.4% in 2006 to 48.2% in 2010, industry and construction rose from 19.3% to 22, 4%, the service sector increased from 25.3% to 29.4% [52]. According to the roadmap to 2015 the proportion of agricultural labor will decrease 40-41% and 30-35% (2020) [44, 198-104.]. However, depend on the characteristics of each industry different requirements will be posed, namely: 1) For agriculture - forestry – production sector: increasing the proportion of highskilled labor, reducing the proportion of pure labor, increasing the labor raising livestock, reducing the proportion of labor doing the cultivation, reducing labor producing food crops to cash crops, fruit trees and crops of high economic value for processing industry and export; 2) For the industry: increasing the proportion of labor in the production of products with high competitiveness, and increasing the proportion of labor in high-tech industries, manufacturing materials, alternative materials and 3) For the services sector: increasing labor in the fields of tourism, transportation, telecommunications, finance, insurance, banking, auditing ... Thirdly, increasing the proportion of labor employed in the manufacturing sector of goods products meeting the quality requirements for domestic consumption and export; apply new scientific-technological advances, modern industry to switch from low yield and value to industry with high labor-productivity and value, increasing the proportion of labor in the sectors requiring labor to be educated, highly qualified. Fourthly, increasing labor in key economic areas, dynamic economic areas, industrial zones and industrial parks, export processing zones, opened economic zones, keeping moving labor from rural, poor advantage areas to the urban areas with advantages, potential land and resources to create jobs for laborers, agricultural labor transfer to non-agricultural labor in the suburban areas, increasing labor exported overseas 59 2.3. SOME EXPERIENCE OOF HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OF SOME NATIONS AND PROVINCES IN THE COUNTRY The East Asian countries, typically Singapore and South Korea have had a number of solutions to human resources development. Thanks to such solutions, these countries have successfully implemented the process of industrialization and modernization and are now gradually developing the Knowledge-based economy. Vietnam conducted the industrialization later than other countries in the region, so the experience of HRD of East Asian countries will be useful reference values for Vietnam. At the same time, empirical analysis of Da Nang and Hai Phong - the cities with many similarities to natural conditions, socio - economic of Thua Thien Hue, and have achieved certain success in HRD, which may be lessons can be applied to the province. With this meaning, the thesis has chosen the experience of the nations and locals as vivid proof for the argument. 2.3.1. Experience in the development of human resources in some East Asian countries South Korea and Singapore are the countries without natural resources with a lot of economic - political – social difficulties, but no one can believe that, after decades, Singapore and South Korea have overcome the crisis and achieved outstanding achievements: Singapore's growth rate in 2010 was 14.7% and inflation was always maintained at less than 4%, South Korea is known worldwide as "Legend of Han River". The evidence, in 1971 Korea became one of the four newly industrialized countries (NICs), in 1996 it was an official member of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the national economic growth reached the highest in international world (from 1980), GDP/person in 2010 was $ 20,759. So, what makes the success of Singapore and South Korea? There are many secrets to the success of these countries, but the most important secret is soon building of HRD strategies accordingly. 60 Experience of developing and adjusting human resources development strategies in phases HRD Strategy of Singapore and South Korea are designed in stages, stuck to the economic development goals and, depend on the stage the governments have various educational reforming strategies to meet the increasing demands for human resources. For Singapore, since 1960, Singapore has experienced three stages of industrialization, so the strategy for eduction- training development has been adjusted to suit each stage, namely: - Phase of export-oriented industrialization from 1960 to 1970. Being the phase attracting redundant labor from agriculture to industry. At this time, the Singapore HR just at the level of basic skills, so education policy at this stage aimed at some types of reform: adding technical training and vocational training into teaching programs at the secondary level, setting up a vocational schools, technical schools, transferring scientific engineers, architects training at colleges and high schools to universities, allowing active learning time and level of training and expanding the training associated with foreign operations; sending people to study abroad and inviting foreign experts to Singapore for direct training of human resources. It can be said, the first step in the reform of the education system has created a part of skilled human resources for the economy (alone 9 vocational institutes have provided approximately 4,000 skilled workers). - Phase of restructuring the economy from 1970 to 1980. This is the stage Singapore's economy faced many difficulties and challenges: the economy dependent heavily on foreign labor resources declined, the rise of the neighboring countries in the Southeast Asia region with the advantage of cheap labor ... Obviously, in such conditions, Singapore was forced to implement economic restructuring and development of the industries using more gray matter. Accordingly, education policy has been adapted more specifically: Education Commission established technical and professional training; merged some universities, improved the quality of education at school level, the Talent Development Fund was formed, expanded the vocational school system, especially industrial vocational schools ... aimed at improving the skills and qualifications of the 61 labor force. As a result, manual labor ratio declined from 40.4% in 1980 to 35.3% in 1988, intellectuals were up 38.2% in 1980 to 40.9% in 1988 [167, 350]. - Phase of high-tech development to form the Knowledge-based economy since 1990. This is the Singapore strongly thriving economic sectors with high knowledge content. So, it didn’t require the human resources only for professional skills, but also to be creative, flexible and able to adapt to changes in technology. Singapore has conducted educational reform in a comprehensive manner with many major policies: bringing technology into teaching at all educational levels of the education system, changing the content, curriculum, reforming general education and vocational training and expanding the model of parallel apprenticeship ... Thanks to adjusting educational policies in time that Singapore has been building workforce with diversity, world-class, especially manpower in IT. Like Singapore, South Korea built by HRD strategies in line with economic development strategies over time. - Phase from the postwar period to the mid-1970s. This is the phase Korea entering implementation of Industrialization. In the early years of industrialization, Korea focused on industries such as textiles and electronics. Characteristics of the industries are to use more labor without requiring many skills. Accordingly, at this stage, the Korean government extended the opportunity to receive primary education for all citizens and towards universal completion of primary education across the country, developed junior high schools, encouraged vocational training. Therefore, since the 60s years South Korea was ranked one of the countries with highest cultural indicators in the world with 80% of literate population, nearly 90% of the population of primary school age completed the primary educational program, in 1970 the ratio was 100% [169, 91]. - Phase from mid-1970s to 1980s. Korean implemented economic restructuring, industrial restructuring from the branches of the lower value-added sectors to which with high added value. Accordingly, the Korea implemented policies expanding secondary education, strengthening vocational training, expanding university targets. As a result, in 1980 the percentage of students of junior high school aged population was 96.8%, in 62 1989 the percentage of high school students including high school and vocational training was 90.1% [167, 192 - 193]. - Phase from 1990s to the present. Korea has become an industrialized country and entered the stage of industrialization towards Knowledge-based economy development. So Korea has strongly reformed the entire national education system with the ambition that Korean education would become one of the leading educations in the world, namely: the Ministry of Education was established and developed human resources; announced first and second national strategy of HRD; implemented the program "Korean gray matter 21"; developed the project "New University for modernization of the local” ... With the "breakthrough" reform, Korea has gotten abundant human resources with better skills, behavior and discipline of industrial style. Thus, during the development process, Korea has always known closely the requirements of the labor market and the economic development objectives to adjust the training systems of human resources in order to achieve maximum efficiency. According to Averageton, J.Ziderman, A, Van Adam "Korea's experience is a valuable illustration of the mix of policies for economic development and human resources development and the awareness of the need to promote Human resource capital contributions to economic development "[177, 154]. Experience in building strategies of high quality human resources development, especially in the field of R & D towards the development of the knowledge-based economy The key to the success of Singapore is not in how much investment to build schools, to buy facilities but most importantly, Singapore has developed a human resources development strategy towards the development of Knowledge- based economy. First of all, Singapore focused on implementing these important reforms of the concept, model, and educational training programs: 1) Change the concept of education with the slogan "Schools thinking, nation learning" and 2) Develop and implement the "Teach less, learn more". With this model, education of Singapore had to focus on improving the quality of teaching and learning by creating more "space" to explore the active learning through knowledge tests, practical experience, 63 and 3) Synchronizing training programs, from 04 single language programs into 01 bilingual program applied nationwide, in addition to their mother tongue, English is a compulsory foreign language. The introduction of English into the curriculum helped Singapore dominate human knowledge, connect with other countries around the world and create national unity to promote unity among the peoples. Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew once said "Mastering the English language is the key to gaining knowledge, high technology of the West"; 4) Promoting "the export and import of education". the Government did not just focus on the construction of universities, colleges and private training facilities in the country, but also opened training branches overseas, such as established more Singapore Management University based on the American model of education, allowing Singapore University to open a school under the high-tech heart of America - Silicon Valley. Singapore is expected to establish additional schools in the cities like Boston, Shenzhen, Shanghai. Along with the promotion of "export" of education, Singapore also advocated "import" education. Currently, there are many foreign universities cooperating with Singapore to open training branches: John Hopkins University (USA), INSTEAD (France), Wharton (USA), Chicago (USA), Shanghai Jiao Tong (China) , MIT (USA), School of Engineering Munchen (Germany), School of Engineering Eindhoven (Netherlands), ... Besides, Singapore is very interested in scientific – technology research. By the 90s of the XX century, Singapore was truly interested in promoting investment in scientific-technological research and training human resources in the field of R & D. However, so far Singapore has become one of the world's most powerful nations exporting high-tech exports and a scientific – technological staff that many countries have dreamed of: in 1992 20 patents were awarded, but in 2004, 1,250 registered patents and 600 patents were awarded, in 2004 earned SGD 15 billion from the sale of research products and patents, development and production of 70% offshore drilling frame-works and 25% hard disk in the world media technology [102, 106-107]; 21,000 staff and engineers worked in the field of R & D. The reason for the success achieved is Singapore has 64 built strategies for the development of scientific-technology, of which focused on increasing investment budget for S - T, established scientific-technological organizations and trained manpower in the field of R & D. Regarding investment budget for S - T, I can say that in the first period (1965 - 1990) Investment for S-T Development has been referred to and at a very low cost. However, in 1991, Singapore was bold and took a huge budget for the development of Science Technology, in the period 1991-2005, the investment was 12 billion SGD, in 2005 private funding for R & D accounted for 2.36% Singapore's GDP [102, 106]. Regarding the establishment of S – T organizations, in 1991, National Singapore’s General Department of Science - Technology (NSTB) and in 2001 NSTB was restructured and renamed the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A* STAR). This body consisted of many scientific –technollogical organizations - such as the Council for bio medical research, Council for scientific research and fabrication, Postgraduate Institute of A * STAR was established aiming to support the operation of scientific-technological activities, especially R & D activities of the Government. Training human resources for S - T, to supply more human resources to meet the development requirements of the high-tech industry, annually A*STAR supports approximately 500 student scholarships for undergraduate and graduate in the fields of Science - Technology overseas, especially in the U.S. - the cradle for high-tech industries development. With a bold investment strategy, even venturing into the field of R & D has enhanced the position and competitiveness of the Singapore economy. With the current development momentum, in 2015 R & D sector will create about 86,000 new jobs and bring SGD 30 billion value added to Singapore. South Korea is a country early built development strategy for high-quality human resources in the domains of Science - technology. With the advent of industries requiring high levels of knowledge, the demand for High-Quality Human Resources is growing, especially in the areas of Science-Technology. Consequently, South Korea has a number of policies and measures to develop 65 High-Quality Human Resources in the field of Science - Technology such as increasing funding for the R & D in universities and research institutes, development of Science-Technology strategy, especially IT, has selected excellent students to work in the field of S - T; highly appreciated the importance of skills education and building systems detecting, training and fostering talents, extending targets in science-technology education, requiring universities to have regular S-T progress updated in curriculum content ... With these comprehensive and efficient solutions, during the period of industrialization, Korea not only had no intense pressure on the High-Quality Human Resources but also timely responded the question of shifting and developing economy each period. Currently, South Korea is proud to be one of the countries with High-Quality Human Resources in the world: labor ratio having university degree increased from 10.5% in 1985 to 19.4% in 1995 and in 2001 was 24.6%. [167, 223]. Experience in attracting, highly appreciating talents After nearly 50 years of development, Singapore is proud to have built a team of highly qualified human resources that many countries internationally have dreamed of. The reason for that is Singapore’s policies of recruiting, attracting, highly appreciating talents are the most logical and professional in the world. First of all, Singapore applied policies for recruitment of talents clearly and transparently. Talent recruitment viewpoint of Singapore is clear: reliable, real talent, honesty and integrity, not in appearance or personal relationships, even flatteries. Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew once said: I have never fallen for taffy, my responsibility is to recruit the best talents. Singapore launched the slogan "for the actual talents to conduct the work." So, at that time, Singapore assembled a team of about 300 intellectuals with main character: talented, educated, devoted to the cause of national construction assuming important positions in the government, party agencies, the military system. In the recent years, before the development trend of globalization and the Knowledge-based economy, in order to meet the increasing 66 demand for human resources, Singapore is even more noticeable in the selection of talents. Secondly, have a very open policy for labor migration, especially highly qualified labor..As a nation built up by immigrants, Singapore is always open to immigrants, especially those who have talent. Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew said, "Without the outstanding talents coming from foreign countries holding responsibility in parts and branches of the Government, Singapore has not accomplished important achievements today" [32, 165]. Today, the new leaders of Singapore are serious about attracting more specialists and using foreign talents. Because they are not only economic capital but also the dynamic particulars for Singapore to achieve the new higher standards and bring "the richness, diversity, more color, wealth and taste of life in Singapore "[167, 378]. To attract foreign talents effectively, Singapore has implemented a number of solutions: a committee was set up to attract talents to Singapore, Singapore established contact network; appointed them to high positions in the government , paid for skilled foreign labor (a labor is normally only paid $ 2,000 / month, but if a skilled qualified foreign labor will be paid according to the level of talent and facilitated to live with families in Singapore); developed education to attract foreign students to study and work ... With open labor policies to attract immigrants, Singapore has owned an impressive list of eminent scientists of the world and 4.5 million of labor, then immigrated labor accounted for 25%. Thirdly, policy of talent remuneration, which is specially created trust, honor and proper payment for the positions they assume. The view of the head of the government is that attracting talent is not enough, also need to know how to highly appreciate them. First of all, the government must create the trust to retain talents. In Singapore, the real talent is considered the meat, skin covering the national cadres and they are created all conditions for work, dedication and honor. The proof is that, Singapore country’s head so far are very good ones like: Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and the list of ministers are well-known graduates in the world with their rightful places in the state’s apparatus. Besides, the government have adopted 67 measures of high payment for talents. Currently, the salaries of Singapore ministers are higher than salaries of ministers in the wealthiest nation in the world: in the UK about 196000-286000 USD / year, while in Singapore about 1.26 million / year [30]. In particular, there are important policy of young talent such as presidential scholarship for outstanding individuals; given responsibility for young people if they have talent ... Therefore, Singapore has attracted many young talents working in the state’s apparatus. South Korea is one of the East Asian countries achieving rapid growth through the early building of attraction strategy, meritocracy, namely: building the logical process of search, selection and evaluation of human resources. With the motto "Find qualified staff from all sources," Korean has widely announced in universities in the local, overseas Korean communities overseas ... On that basis, carry out the "Selection by the principle of open competition." Finally, implement "Quantitative assessment" by the Government establishing the Council of 100 professors for periodic assessment of the results of operations of the industry, major projects, the quality of private schools and teams staff, building plans to get talents to the country. Since 1968 South Korea has deployed multiple solutions to get talents to the country, such as the agencies putting in touch with ethnic Koreans overseas, establishing the "Association of Scientists, engineers" in the U.S., Japan and Western Europe, sending missions abroad of preferential policies for overseas Koreans to encourage universities, research institutes hire foreign experts to enforce Scientific-Technological activities; applying Adequate treatment mode: for overseas Korean scientists and foreign experts, Korea applied by way of equal or even 15-40 times higher payment than in countries where they are working from, making it conditions to their appropriate locations, to ensure the best housing and working means, for the intelligentsia in the country, assured enough payment for the jobs, implemented several measures, notably is the construction and development of scientific parks, industrial complexes such as: Daedeok, Busan, Pohang ... This is really an ideal working environment for scientists to have creativity and dedication. 68 2.3.2. Experience in the development of human resources in some provinces in Vietnam Hai Phong and Da Nang are known as the cities achieving rather high economic growth rate and becoming the economic, cultural, education - training, Scientific-Technological large center of the Central Region - Highlands and the North Coast. So, what made Da Nang, Hai Phong be able to quickly develop into the dynamic cities today? Explaining this problem, there are many ideas that these locals have early built suitable strategies for HRD Experience in focus on training human resources, especially the development of the "cradle" of training high-quality human resources With the point quality of human resources is the "key" to open the door to industrialization and modernization towards the Knowledge-based economy, Danang has paid special attention to the training of high quality human resources with the important breakthroughs. The first breakthrough, annually selecting fairly good and good students in high schools to send them for training at higher education institutions in the country and abroad by the local budget. To implement this plan, Da Nang People's Committee has issued the decisions: Decision No. 151 of 2004, Decision 32 in 2006 and Decision 47 in 2008 with provisions to support undergraduate training at the educational institutions in the country and abroad. For students studying in the educational institutions in the country, paying tuition in accordance with the training facilities and supporting travel costs, living costs from 12.48 million to 23.14 million dongs. For students studying at foreign institutions fees will be paid as notified by the training facilities and $ 12,000 support stipends (if studying in the U.S., Canada, Japan, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Norway) and $ 10,524 (if studying in Australia, New Zealand $ 9,300, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong $ 6000, China, Taiwan $ 3,600) [161]. After 5 years since the Decision 151 in 2004 to 2009, Danang has supported 224 students in the high school training in domestic and foreign universities and 28 students are involved in graduate scheme. The second breakthrough is training doctors, masters abroad. Till 69 July-2009 the city has sent for abroad training 65 people, including 49 MSc, 16 PhD training in subjects such as IT, finance, tourism, biotechnology, medicine, journalism ... with a total budget of 27,268 billion dongs [150, 4]. The third breakthrough is training ward staff. Its motto is not selecting, arranging and appointing unqualified ward officials; civil service held examinations in wards, not assigning tasks to retired members involved in the machine of wards and enhance the professional training, the state of knowledge management, information technology, foreign language for incumbent workers ... At the same time implementing the Scheme 89 for staff resources for titles Secretary of Party Committee and Chairman of wards. So, after 1 year, the staff of wards increased to 379 trained people, including 1 MA, 180 university levels, 61 college degrees and Intermediate, 1 University of political theory, 105 qualified senior Political managers, 153 intermediate qualified political theory [134]. In addition to training, Da Nang was attached to the development of the "cradle" of HIGH-QUALITY HUMAN RESOURCES. In 2003, Da Nang invested in the construction of Le Quy Don High School under the direction of high quality with a total initial investment cost of 96.6 billion dongs. The city owns a team of teachers with good qualifications and experience (teachers with postgraduate qualifications accounted for 60.8% of the total number of teachers). Since its establishment of Le Quy Don High School, it has had a great contribution in the training and supply of quality human resources at high school level, as a basis for further planning, training Of High-Quality Human Resources. In 5 years (2004-2009) the students have earned many achievements: Bronze International Physics Olympiad, the Olympic Silver Medal International Informatics (2004), Bronze International Mathematical Olympiad (2005), Olympic silver medalist Physical Asian Gold Medal International Physics Olympiad (2007), Olympic silver medalist Physical Asian Gold Medal International Physics Olympiad (2008), 214 the national good student, 3315 good student at city level and the ratio of high school graduates is 100% in many years, in 2008, 98.7% of students were admitted to the University, the annual average with 70 10 students at the university valedictorian in [148, 42-43]. Along with high school system, the system of universities and colleges are focused on, because they are the largest places for training and providing High Quality Human Resources in Da Nang. Currently, there are 13 universities and 18 colleges and every year, the schools have trained and provided Danang and other provinces in the Central Region - Highland tens thousands of highly skilled labor. In addition, Da Nang focuses on developing the training facility investment by increasing the base budget for vocational training in 2007 was 375 billion, 500 billion in 2008 [148, 49, 50 ]. Therefore, the training system is developed in Da Nang: in 2000 it had only 21 training base, it now has 55 facilities, including 3 professional colleges, 7 colleges with vocational training, 9 vocational intermediates, 3 intermediate schools with vocational training, 33 vocational training centers [165]. With such system on of training, Da Nang annually attracts a large number of students enrolled in vocational training, and has increased the rate of trained labor of the city from 23.53% in 2000 to 47.11% in 2005 and 48.77% in 2007 [148, 48-49]. Just like Da Nang, Hai Phong has taken the measures: 1) Focus on the construction of the training facilities. Previously, Haiphong had only 1 University, it now has four universities, 3 research institutes, 11 colleges, 26 vocational schools, 56 high schools. In addition, the network of vocational training has been expanded, the city now has more than 50 colleges, intermediate and vocational training center equipped with relatively modern facilities to meet training requirements for HighQuality Human Resources for the city and the North Coast; 2) Increase the training scale of High-Quality Human Resources at the training facilities: the size of the training increased from 33,126 university students (in 2004 - 2005) to 40,680 students (in 2006-2007), the scale of vocational training schools increased from 9,946 students (in 2004-2005) to 15,146 students (in 2006-2007), the vocational training facilities have approximately 10,000 people participating in vocational training annually, the average is 1.75 thousands of vocationally trained labor, 3) Attach importance to the training of highly qualified personnel at home and abroad. 71 From 2007 to 2009, Hai Phong has sent 21 officers to train qualified MSc and 6 PhD levels abroad, 4) Often associated with educational institutions, overseas projects, universities and research institutes in the country to train, retrain to improve professional qualifications for staff in the province. With the above measures Hai Phong has built relatively high quality human resources. In 2006, the rate of trained labor was 37.42% (nationwide 22.5%), the rate of vocationally trained labor was 24.9% (13.3% nationwide), the rate of labor with intermediate or higher vocational degree was 12.52% [55, 47]. In particular, ScientificTechnological human resource significantly increased in 2001 44,159 people (4.65% labor force) in 2008 was 65, 571 (up 4.72% labor force), including 11,500 qith College degree ( accounting for 23.1%), the University degree was 37,500 people (75%), postgraduate 2,000 (1.9%). Experience in developing policies to attract and appreciate highquality human resources Da Nang is considered the local with logical and most effective policies to attract High-Quality Human Resources in the central region: in 2004, Da Nang opened the representative office in Tokyo (Japan). This office serves to connect the support and contributions of overseas Vietnamese, Vietnam students and attract "foreign" talents; in 2009 established High-Quality Human Resources Development Center. So, from December 1998 to June 2011, Da Nang has attracted 899 highly qualified people (10 doctors, 151 MA, 738 bachelors - with excellent engineers). In 2010, there were 91 people, including 2 Dr, 16 MA, 64 graduates and attracted a number of Japanese experts good at language and IT to work for the City long term [135]. To do this, Danang firstly implemented attractive material remuneration policies. According to Decision No. 34 in 2007 of Da Nang City People's Committee who volunteers to work in Danang will be benefited with material such as allowance of 50% of salary; apartment layout and free rent for 7 years, an initial grant (Prof 100 million, Associate Prof 70 million, Dr 50 million, pharmacists, doctors and specialist level II 30 million dongs, MA and inpatient physicians 15 72 million, graduating with honors upwards 10 million ...). In addition to the remuneration policy matter, Da Nang has built favorable environment to the financial contribution. Practice has proved, when coming to Da Nang many people had the opportunity to develop their talents: survey results of the Institute of Studies - Socio-economic Development of Danang shows 100% of the agencies are satisfied when using Labor of policies to attract and train talented people of the city, of which 16.7% are very satisfied, 87% of people in the area to attract and train talented people of the city are satisfied with the arrangement, use and the existing working conditions. For Haiphong, since 1996 has issued many policies to attract and use talents in accordance with the characteristics of a port city. Firstly, the city had material support for school staff in some sectors such as health, education, fitness - sports, namely: Dr with 10 million dongs, MA 5 million. In addition to funding support from the city, research institutes, universities also had additional support, such as Hai Phong Medical University supports 20 million for people studying for doctoral degrees, 10 million for the master trainees; Maritime University supports 50 million for people studying for doctoral degrees, 20 million for the master trainees [89, 114]. In addition to material incentives for officials of the city, Hai Phong also had special incentives for high-level professionals and scientists in domestic and overseas, Vietnamese intellectuals. Along with incentives, material support, the city has many mechanisms for use of scientific –technological human resources, such as ordering scientific-technological tasks of city and national level for the ScientificTechnological leading staff performance, financial support for scientifictechnological staff to organize seminars, conferences domestically and internationally to encourage scientific - technology activities in the enterprise environment; facilitating favorable conditions for the scientific-technological staff for their creativity, dedication, and enabling establishment of HRD and Hai Phong talents Science Association to gather, unite scientists, businesses, labor using organizations and people with skills. With the above incentives, Hai Phong has 73 attracted a large number of scientists working for the foreign projects in Hai Phong; invited a lot of Professors and Doctor from the Institute of Vietnam’s Science and Society, the universities and research institutes in domestic and abroad to teach, collaborative research, attracting thousands of scientific and technical personnels in the medical field, working with approximately 5,000 top domestic scientists directly involved in projects and tasks, deployed about 1,000 scientific technology researches. In addition, Scientific – technological staff of the city has participated in a more positive way in advice, judgment and performed many important tasks of economic development, Science - Technology, Education - Training, environmental protection ... Only in 2001 – 2005, there were 52 state-level subjects, 445 subjects city- and ministry levels, 1,273 at grassroots levels, including 944 subjects in the group of universities and colleges. 2.3.3. The lessons for Thua Thien Hue province in the development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge economy Based on the experience of several countries in the world and a number of locals in human resources development in the country, we can draw the lessons for Hue in developing human resources to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, as follows: Firstly, being aware of the crucial role of human resources in the process of industrialization and modernization and the efforts to develop High-Quality Human Resources towards the development of the Knowledge-based economy. Research HRD experience of Singapore, South Korea, Da Nang and Hai Phong, we easily see that the countries and localities mentioned above all had unfavorable starting points. However, in most states and localities, people are very well aware of the decisive role of the human factor to the process of industrialization and modernization, especially in the context of Knowledge-based economy development. Therefore, the states and localities have implemented several measures to improve the quality of human 74 resources. The success of Singapore, South Korea and the boom of Da Nang, Hai Phong in the past has proven that. They are useful lessons for Thua Thien Hue province because the province has similarities with the nations and locals mentioned above. So, to implement industrialization and modernization in terms of developing Knowledge-based economy, it is necessary to exploit human potential, improve the quality of human resources, firstly change the cognition, especially in planning and implementation of provincial policies. Secondly, human resources development strategy must be linked to socioeconomic development of the country, local through certain stages. Each stage of industrialization has different requirements for human resources, so it must base on development stages, each stage of industrialization to build the human resources development strategies accordingly. In the context of scientific –technological revolutions ongoing and rushing, many countries around the world and in the region are entering a Knowledge-based economy, the most important issue today is for Thua Thien Hue Province to build High-Quality Human Resources to meet the requirements of the new phase – industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. Thirdly, consider Education - Training the decisive factor for improving the quality of human resources. To improve the quality of human resources is to improve education, skills, creative abilities of the Labor ... These problems can only be done through education - Training, therefore, Development of Education- Training is the national and local priority. As a big education –training center in the Central region, Thua Thien Hue province has favorable conditions than other provinces and cities. Based on the experience of national and local, the thesis considers to improve the quality of human resources to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, Thua Thien Hue province can learn and focus on handling issues such as strategies for development of Education - Training in stages, to increase investment in education Training and comply with socialized education - Training; with innovation content, 75 training programs, focused on development of postgraduate education, University; expand and develop systems of Vocational education - Training ... directly serves the human needs locally to suit each stage of industrialization and modernization of the economy. Fourthly, logical policies to attract talents are the lessons that the Thua Thien Hue province should consult. In the process of globalization and international economic integration, movement of grey matters, High-Quality Human Resources from one place to another is inevitable. As a rule, talents will move to the countries, the locals with ideal material treatments and work environment and being appreciated. In Thua Thien Hue province, up to this point there has been no policy to attract talents from other provinces to work, but even still policy to retain talents is not satisfactory. Lessons in attracting foreign talents by simplifying immigration procedures, high payment, welcome them into the state system, encouraging students to work ... of Singapore's lesson laying red carpet to welcome talents, creating favorable working environment and sending students, students, staff for abroad training ... of Da Nang will be useful lessons for Thua Thien Hue province in building strategic HRD in the coming time. 76 Chapter 3 CURRENT SITUATION OF HUMAN RESOURCES FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH KNOWLEDGE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THUA THIEN HUE 3.1. THE NATURAL CONDITIONS, SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THUA THIEN HUE AFFECTING THE FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY 3.1.1. The natural conditions of Thua Thien Hue affecting the formation and development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge economy - Topography Thua Thien Hue is a province in the North Central region, and is one of five provinces in the key central economies. Thua Thien Hue is strategically located, lying on roads across the North - South: 1A highway, rail axis across Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh Highway and the East-West corridor connecting Thailand - Laos - Vietnam along Highway 9 through Lao Bao international border gate, Chan May deep-water port - one of the main gateway to the East Sea and the port of Phu Bai international airport. - Regarding pography, climate Thua Thien Hue is a narrow strip of land with complex and fragmented terrains: the west is mostly mountainous, hilly (70% natural land area) and midland plains of 129.620ha (accounting 25.6% of natural land area), followed by river basins, Bo, Truoi river, narrow coastal plains and the lagoon with an area of 22,000 ha. The Province is located in an area of tropical monsoon climate. The climate is divided into two distinct seasons: the hot season from March to August, the average temperature of the hot season is from 27 - 290 C even up to 40 0 C temperature, cool season from October to February of the following year, the average temperature of the cold season in the plains from 20 - 220 C, mountains 17 - 190 C to 100 C in some places. 77 - Regarding natural resources Natural resources of Thua Thien Hue province is rich and varied: For mineral resources, at present, Thua Thien Hue province has discovered 120 mines, and 25 minerals, which provide a variety of high economic value such as titanium mineral, limestone, black granite, kaolin, iron, lead, zinc, gold, tin ... With rich, diverse mineral resources, the province is allowed the development of agriculture - forestry, building materials industries, chemical industry and create competitive advantage if the province knows and have the rational investment, exploitation and use. Land resources, outside the area of the water and mountains, Thua Thien Hue has 468,275 hectares of land (about 92% of the province's natural area). According to the classification, there are now 23 types of land, divided into 10 groups, of which alluvial soils, especially alluvial sedimentation soils annually, Glay alluvial soil, stained red alluvial accounted for only 8.11% of the province's natural land but having an important role in agricultural production. Regarding water resources, the dense system of streams, rivers, slot, with a total surface of approximately 9,975 billion m3 and the underground water sources not only meet the needs of production and living, avoid harassed prolonged drought but also bring high economic efficiency that is a source of hot water, Forest resources, according to statistics, the area of land suitable for development is about 350,000 hectares of forest, including forest cover area covering about 270,000 ha, estimated reserves of 30 million m3 of timber, forest vegetation is diverse. Marine resources and lagoons, with a coastline of 120km, Thua Thien Hue Province has many advantages for the development of marine economy. Besides coastline, Thua Thien Hue province has an large lagoon area of about 68km. This lagoon is the largest area in the Southeast Asia, is very favorable to aquaculture and capture fisheries species with high economic value. Moreover, Thua Thien Hue with charming scenery with rivers, mountains, seas, plains creates wonderful natural landscapes such as the Perfume River, 78 Ngu Binh Mountain, Thuan An, Lang Co bays, Bach Ma National Forest, Hai Van Pass ... system along with tombs, temples, magnificent palaces, unique and royal court music recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage. With these potential advantages, allowing the province to promote the development of tourism and other types of services, aimed at contributing to the socio - economic development. 3.1.2. Socio- Economic conditions of Thua Thien Hue affecting the formation and development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy - Regarding economic growth rate In periods of economic growth of Thua Thien Hue province is rather high and stable. Average economic growth rate of the period 2006 - 2010 was 12.1%, which increased 12.4% in services, industry - Construction 15.7% and forestry - fishery increased by 2.1% [160, 9]; in 2011 it reached 11.1%, which increased 12.7% in services, industry - construction rose by 11.6% and agriculture - forestry and fisheries sector grew 3.3% [144]. - Eeconomic restructuring In the period from 2001 - 2010, the economic structure of Thua Thien Hue has been shifting towards services - industry - agriculture. In particular, the density of agriculture - forestry - fishery decreased from 23.4% (2001) to 15.1% (2010); share of the industrial - construction sector increased from 32.2% ( 2001) to 39.7% (2010) and the proportion of the service sector increased from 44.4% (2001) to 45.2% (2010). Overally, the economic structure of the province has moved positively towards industrialization and modernization, in line with economic development orientation of the province. - Population and labor According to the census of population and housing in 1999, the population of Thua Thien Hue province was 1,044,875 people. By 2011 the total population of 79 Thua Thien Hue province was 1,103,136 people [23, 50]. If the time between 2 Census implemented on population and housing: after 10 years between 1999 and 2009 its population increased by 42,545 people (1,047,336 people in 1999, 1,087,420 people in 2009). Thus, from 1999 to 2009, an average annual increase of 4,270 people and the population growth rate of 0.4% per year [20, 21]. Thus, in terms of scale, the population of Thua Thien Hue province has increased over time, but at slow growth rate. This proves that, within 10 years, Hue has achieved positive results in family planning. Thua Thien Hue province has abundant labor force. According to the Bureau of Statistics, the population of the province in the working ages in 2001 was 589,218 (accounting for 55.8% of the provincial population), rising to 683,028 in 2010 (accounting for 62.6% of the provincial population). In particular, the labor employed in the sector of the national economy in 2001 was 453 269 people (42.9% of the provincial population) and in 2010 was 557,189 people (51% of the provincial population). In general, the population growth rate of working age in the period 2001 - 2005 was 1.0% and the period 2006-2010 was 2.2%. - On the institutes for research and implementation of high-tech Currently, in Thua Thien Hue province has formed a base of research and technology development, particularly in the IT and biotech sectors such as IT centers under PPC, ICT Center of Hue University, Institute of Natural Resources Environment and Biotechnology, College of Medicine - Pharmacology, Hue Central Hospital ... In addition, the province has also approved "scheme of high-tech zone establishment" with an area of 1,500 ha in HoTruoi , Phu Loc district. With the research facilities and high technology deployed being basis for deployment of the project "Construction of Thua Thien Hue to be the center of Science-Technology of the country and the Southeast Asia". We can say, Thua Thien Hue has full convergence of these factors to become a major center of Science and Technology, Hue University is multidisciplinary and multi-sector education- training center with research institutes and scientific-technological research organizations (30 80 organizations) with a workforce of high quality and quite crowded and advantageous natural and social conditions, positions. - About the training facility of High-Quality Human Resources Thua Thien Hue is known not only as a tourist center, but also a center of education - Training of the country and the central region. Currently, the province has 08 universities and 01 institution, including the Academy of Music Hue, Phu Xuan private university, 7 universities and 3 faculties of the University of Hue (Pedagogical University, University of Science, University of Medicine, University of Agriculture and Forestry, University of the Arts, University of Economics, University of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Physical Education, Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Tourism). In addition, Thua Thien Hue province has a system of colleges, vocational schools able to meet training requirements, providing human resources, especially High-Quality Human Resources to serve the industrialization and modernization process associated with the development of Knowledge- based economy in the province and the central Region - Central Highlands. 3.1.3. Evaluation of the natural and socio-economic conditions affecting the formation and development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien Hue The thesis has chosen, analyzed natural conditions, socio-economic having impacts on the formation and development of human resources for industrialization, modernization associated with the development of the knowledge economy in Thua Thien Hue Province like: geographic location, climate, economic growth, economic restructuring, human resource training facilities ... On that basis, the thesis asserts Hue has the following advantages and disadvantages: The basic advantages: Firstly, Hue was the capital of Vietnam for centuries and served as the cradle nurturing talents. Therefore, this is both the place for training, practicing, and the 81 ideal environment for forged quality training for many generations, especially the young generation, the nursery for young talents with development opportunities. Secondly, Hue people have persistent virtues, patience, hard work and desire to learn, to overcome difficulties to go ahead ... These virtues of Hue people become advantages for the strategic development of the Province with appropriate human resource. Thirdly, the Province doesn’t only have a favorable geographical position, the advantage to expand economic exchanges, but also has the opportunities to cooperate for science-technology development, Education - Training together with countries around the world and locally in the country. Fourthly, the economic structure of the Province moving positively in the direction of industrialization and modernization creates good pressure for the Province to accelerate the training of human resources, especially high quality ones. Fifthly, Thua Thien Hue is one of the training centers for high-quality human resources of the Central Highlands region and the country. Currently, the province has a system of institutes, colleges, universities, professional schools and research institutes deploying S-T with qualified teaching staff, researchers to meet the training demand and provide high quality human resources for the industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. Sixthly, Thua Thien Hue Province has abundant human resources, especially in the period of "golden population structure" (the number of labor under 34 years old accounts for nearly 50%) with the characteristics of diligence, intelligence, willingness to learn… If the province has plans for training, retraining, promoting this potential, it will gain a number of advantages to develop socio-economic conditions, especially in the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. The main difficulties Firstly, Thua Thien Hue is a Province with relatively harsh natural conditions and limited resources for socio-economic development. This fact has strongly 82 influenced the economic growth and the accumulative ability from the inside of the economy. Therefore, the budget for development is still limited, especially for development of S-T, Education- Training; the implementation of policies appealing, remunerating talents has had strong impact on the enhancing the quality of human resources. Secondly, Thua Thien Hue is one of the Provinces with abundant human resources, but the quality is low compared to the national average rate. Trained labor in the agricultural and rural sector only accounts for 13%. Every 1000 laborers in the rural area has 6-8% are technically trained on agro-foresty-aquaculture; 79% are purely agricultural labor without technical expertise; about 80% of the people at working age in non-agricultural households are untrained leading to the severe shortage of High-Quality Human Resources. Thirdly, not large mineral resources and weak infrastructure reduces the attractiveness for investment from foreign and domestic enterprises into Thua Thien Hue Province, thus limits the economic development speed and the ability to create jobs for workers. Fourthly, although in the recent years, Thua Thien Hue province has remained the stable and rather high economic development. However, compared with other provinces, this level is slow resulting in low income plus limited incentives for high-quality human resources, which is one of the difficulties urging Hue labor to move to other locals. This movement is logical and becomes a large barrier for Thua Thien Hue province in the construction of development strategies of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy Such natural , socio - economic conditions impact in the two-dimensional on HRD in Thua Thien Hue province. Therefore, in the coming time Thua Thien Hue is required to more effectively exploit the advantages, and have solutions to overcome these difficulties to meet the requirements of human resources modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. 83 3.2. DEVELOPMENT STATUS AND THE STRUCTURAL SHIFT OF HUMAN RESOURCES FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION, MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE KNOWLEDGE –BASED ECONOMY 3.2.1. Actual status of scale and quality of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien Hue The size and quality of potential additional population into human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge economy In addition to the active labor force in the economy, Thua Thien Hue province has a population of potential annual supplement to the huge human resources in all aspects at the scale and quality of the population, therefore, may meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization in association with development of Knowledge-based economy. - On population entering the working age annually. According to data from the census of population and housing in 2009, the total population aged 15 years and older of Thua Thien Hue province was 788,138 people (72.4% of the total provincial population) and 17.8% compared with the population census, in 1999 and the 2011 is 863,115 people. As can be seen, the number of steps in the working age population is high, the province has many advantages for young human resources, but this also creates more pressure on the province to create jobs for laborers. Therefore, the province must have a training strategy, effective use of parts of this population, and focuses on economic development to create new jobs, it will create a breakthrough for the province in the period of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. - Population not joining economic activities. According to the census of population and housing in 2009, population aged 15 and older not joining economic activities of the province was 228,540 people (29.3% of the population 84 aged 15 years and older). In particular, the urban area was 106,145 people (46.0%), rural area 122,395 people (53.6%), male 90,629 people (39.6%), females 137,911 people (accounting for 60.4%), with 38,444 housewives (16.8%), groups of pupils and students 97,336 people (42.6%), the inability 11,296 people (representing 4.9%), group of not working and no needs to work 18,265 people (7.9%). The working age population in the total number not joining economic activities is 151,460 people (66.3% of the population aged 15 and older). By 2011, according to survey data of the Agency of Employment Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, population not joining economic activities in the province was 306,587 people (35.5% of the population aged 15 years and older ), in which the male was 126,480 people (14.7%) and females 180,107 people (20.9%); urban area is 132,024 people (15.3%) and 174,563 people in rural areas (20.3%), 41,993 people are housewives (13.7%), school attending 162,434 people (53%); ill people 12,330 (4%), others 88,939 people (29%) [24; 17]. Looking at the above figures we can see, the population does not participate in the province's economic activity increased, but it is worth noting that part of the population are attending schools making up a high percentage. This phenomenon reflects two aspects: firstly, Hue people are very willing to learn; secondly, Hue is one of the centers of Education - Training of the country so it attracts a large number of students from provinces and cities to study. Therefore, it is a great advantage because in the total population not engaged in economic activities, half the number are going to school, this department will add to the High-Quality Human Resources for province in the future if the province has attractive policies, incentives and appropriate use of human resources. The size and quality of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge economy Firstly, the scale of human resources involved in economic activities. Thua Thien Hue is one of the provinces with the labor force participating in economic 85 activities accounting for a high percentage compared to the national average. According to data from the census of population and housing in 1999, the province's labor force was 442,874 people (61.6% of the population at working age). After 10 years, in the census of population and housing in 2009, the province's labor force was 549,587 people (69.7% of the population aged 15 years and older and 50.5% of the total provincial population). In particular, of which: males 285,720 people (52%), female 263,867 people (48%), if by sector: 188,355 urban areas (34.2%), 361,232 rural people (65.8%) [20, 54]. By 2011, the province's labor force was 556,528 people (64.5% of the population at working age). Among them: male 305,106 people (54.8%), females 251,422 people (45.2%), urban area 222,216 people (39.9%) and 334,312 rural people (60.1%). The reason that the population participating economic activities increase in the recent years is because Labor is not working and has no needs to work has tended to decrease, it added to the province's labor force. At the same time, due to the increasinglabor demand , of which those who have retired but are still healthy have the need of continue to work, particularly in education, health, culture, banking, finance, research institutions, government management. Secondly, the quality of human resources engaged in economic activities * On the strength of human resources. The correct assessment of the physical labor in Thua Thien Hue is very difficult, because so far there has been no research about physical changes and health status of the population in the province so the thesis only based on survey data. Height, weight are the first two characteristics reflecting the physical conditions of the human resources and they are closely related to labor creative ability. In the recent years, Vietnam's fitness has been markedly improved, but still at low average of the world. According to the Committee for Population - Families and Children, the height of Vietnam young men now only 163.7 cm (13.1 cm lower than standard) and the average height of women is 153cm (less than 10cm compared with the standard 7cm) [6]. For Thua Thien Hue province, in the recent 86 years due to rather good economic growth, income per capita is higher, labor has invested more conditions to improve diet, exercise regime. So the fitness of Labor has been raised, but still lower than the national average. 500 Labor survey in the province shows that the average height of men is 163.5 cm, in which the lowest height is 157cm, height 170cm highest, average weight of male labor is 61, 3kg, of which the lowest weigh is 55kg and 67kg is the highest, the average height is 153.3 cm in female labor, and the lowest height is 138cm, maximum height is 168cm, weight average of women is 50.5 kg, of which the lowest weigh is 38kg and 63kg is the highest weight (see the survey of Labor ). Health status is one of the criteria for evaluating the fitness of human resources, of which disease and diet can affect the health of the labor. Disease, according to Census in 2009 on Population and Housing, the population of noneconomic activities, the inability of Labor group, sickness, disease accounted for 4.9% but by 2011, that percentage dropped and only accounted for 4%, while the 500 Labor survey in Thua Thien Hue shows, of the 500 respondents, 425 people (85%) answered no disease, 75 people ( 15%) answered with illness, but mainly blood pressure, diabetes, joint, they still participate in normal labor (see labor survey results). Regarding diet, in the recent years the income of the labor has been raised and with the participation of the health sector, the percentage of malnourished children under 5 fell from 23% in 2005 to 16% in 2011. Due to good health the majority of Labor in their work can ensure flexibility, endurance (91.2%), wakefulness, alertness, comfortable mood at work (92.4% ). In addition, the physical capacity of human resources is also seen in terms of average life expectancy of people. According to the census of population and housing in 1999, the average life expectancy of people is 67.3 years (65.4 years old for men and women is 69.8 years old), but in the population and housing census in 2009, it was 70.5 years (67.7 years old for men and women 73.4 years old), the ratio of the country was 70.2 years old and 75.6 years) [20, 44 ]. So, after 10 years the average life expectancy of people had positive changes, quite clearly (3.2 years). 87 This proves that income, living conditions both physically and mentally are being improved. In addition, it reflects the development of health policy, health care focused on the elderly and seriously implemented. However, the average life expectancy of people in Thua Thien Hue province is still lower than the national average (72.8). From the survey results it can be confirmed, the strength and stature of laborers in Thua Thien Hue province still cannot meet the requirements of the industrial manufacturing type, labor intensity with the high accuracy. * The mentality of HR. When referring to mental power of the labor force is to mention education, technical qualifications, qualities and qualities of social psychology. - Education levels of human resources. Education level of human resources is shown in the following specific criteria: + The literacy rate. Within 10 years, the proportion of the literate population aged 10 years and older increased: 87.6% in 1999 to 2009 it was 92.7%. Compared with the country, the growth rate of the literate population aged 10 years and older is rather higher throughout the country (the country in 1999 was 91.1%, 94.0% in 2009). This success is due to in the recent years the province has undertaken solutions for Education – Training development, most importantly, the earliest completion of primary education in the country. + In terms of literate human resources. Literate HR Structure by gender has had a positive change: in 2009 the literacy rate of men aged 10 years and older was 98.1% and 94.6% for females. If compare the literacy rate between men and women in Thua Thien Hue province, it showed that after 10 years (1999-2009) the female literate rate grew faster than male’s: females increased 3.8 percentage (from 90, 8% to 94.6%), males increased by 1.4 percentage points (from 96.7% to 98.1%). Compared to the nation, the female literacy rate in the province of Thua Thien Hue is higher (in 1999 of the country was 88.2%, 94.6% in 2009). The rapid growth rate of female literacy in the structure of human resources (the difference of the female 88 literacy rate in 2009 was 3.8 percentage points lower than 1999's 5.9%) has narrowed the gap of education between men and women. There results, in addition to the efforts of women themselves, there are the efforts of local authorities in raising awareness of the opportunity to study, work and gender equality. The structure of literate human resources in the areas in Thua Thien Hue has been increasingly shortened. Currently the gap in literacy rates between areas is not high (4.4%) because the province has achieved significant achievements in generalization of primary education and literacy (see Appendix 1) + In terms of educational attainment by level of human resources. In the past 10 years, the educational structure of human resources by level of education in the province of Thua Thien Hue has had positive changes: the number and percentage of illiterate population in working age decreased from 77,056 people (representing 17%) in 2001 to 36,217 (6.5%) in 2010, the number and proportion of working age population in secondary and high school graduates have increased from 152,298 people (33.6%) in 2001 to 275,809 people (49.5%) in 2010, of which, the high school graduation rate increases nearly 2 times from 15.6% (2001) to 29.5% (2010). Table 3.1: Population structure at the working age divided by the level of education 2001 2005 2010 Criteria person % person % person % Total 453,269 100 512,743 100 557,189 100 Illiterate 77,056 17 61,529 12 36,217 6.5 Not elementary completion Elementary completion 86,121 19 92,294 18 89,150 16 137,794 30.4 153,823 30 156,013 28 81,588 18 99,985 19.5 111,438 20 70,710 15.6 105,112 20.5 164,371 29.5 Graduate from junior high school Graduate from high school Source: [160] 89 - Technical expertise level of human resources. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Department - Invalids - Social Affairs, the number of non-qualified human resources in the province decreased from 668,763 people (93.1%) in 1999 to 543,501 people (63.1%) in 2011 and the number of highly qualified human resources increased from 49,742 (6.9%) in 1999 to 317, 602 people (36.9%) in 2011. In the total qualified human resources, should mention the intelligentsia. According to the survey results of the Studies Center on Population- Labor Employment intelligentsia of the province in 2006 was 20,741 people, including 6,072 with qualified college degree, University degree 13.260, MA 1,160 people, Doctor 249 people. By 2010, according to a survey by the Department of Planning Investment intelligentsia of the province was 39,382 people, of which 35,976 people with university qualifications, 3,252 with postgraduate degrees (MA 2,842, Doctor 410). Table 3.2: The intelligentsia of Thua Thien Hue Province in 2010 Unit: person Classification Total Officials, civil University Master Doctor Associate Prof 35,976 2,842 410 148 24,766 624 22 2 11,210 2,218 388 146 Prof 6 servants, businessman managed by the province Officials, civil servants, businessman managed by 6 the central government Source: [160] The officials, employees, business managers of the Province are 2,167 people working in the state administration (up 8.75%), of which the University and postgraduate degree accounted for 89.27%, College and Intermediate 10.73%; political theory 38.10% (political bachelors and senior 14.42%); passed the state 90 management training 69.97% [104]; 22,593 work in the business units (up 91.25%), in which the postgraduate degree 3.02%; University and colleges 85.11%, 10.41% intermediate, the remaining forms 1.46%, 18.72% state management, informatics 54.19% of which postgraduate degree, University 4.46%, 30.54% of foreign languages, of which University degree 4.15% [104]. In the number of officers and employees of the Central Government in the locality, the number of highly qualified labor mainly concentrated in the Hue Central Hospital and University of Hue: Hue Central Hospital has about 2,000 officers, employees, of which 419 have university degree or higher, 3 people's physicians, 36 excellent physicians, 18 Prof, Associate Prof, Doctors and 224 doctors, pharmacists, specialist I, II and MA [160, 22]; Hue University currently has 3,321 officers and employees (compared to 2001 increased 1,758 persons), including 148 Prof, Associate Prof, Doctors, 362 Doctor of science and doctor, MA 835,538 senior lecturers and official lecturer; 65 people’s teachers and meritorious educators. Table 3.3: Scientific-Technological staff of Hue University in the period 2001 - 2011 Officials, personnels and contracted labor 2001 2005 2010 2011 1,563 2,349 3,207 3,321 Officer, official 1,520 1,695 2,385 2,502 Teaching staff 1,060 1,374 1,831 1,865 Qualification Doctor of Science, Doctor 149 259 352 362 Master 280 607 783 835 Title Prof, Associate Prof Senior lecturer, major lecturer 27 287 61 441 118 531 148 538 Awarded title People’s teacher Meritorious teacher 0 21 0 27 07 58 07 58 Total Source: [3] 91 Regarding staff highly qualified working in the field of advanced Science Technology. The development of the Knowledge-based economy depended on economic sectors with high knowledge content, such as IT, biotechnology, new materials technology. Therefore it requires for High-Quality Human Resources, but now HR in IT, biotech and major provincial is very thin, mostly does professional work in rooms of the State agency, the businesses, universities and highly qualified staff working in R & D institutions of the province accounted for the low rate. In 2006 IT professionals in the field: 497; medical units: 7 people; Party agencies, socio-political organizations: 24; agencies and departments: 53, UNND districts, cities and the central agencies in the locality: 34 [151, 106-107, 109-111]. In 2009 Labor of working in the IT field was 439 people, including hardware sector (up 47.6%), IT services (26.8%), software (21.6%) and mostly concentrated in a small number of units, such as IT Center of Thua Thien Hue (165 people, including 1 PhD, 6 MA, 16 engineers, 62 University of Technology, 51 other university majors), the IT department at the University of Hue Pedagogy, in 2000, 18 officers (1TS, MA 8, 9 University) in 2009 with 29 personnel (1 Dr., 20 MA, 8 University); IT department in Hue University of Sciences today has 7 Doctors, 32 officers, 22 MSc and 3 University degrees. By 2010, the number of officers sent for training in IT was 660 people. Highly qualified Biotech staff in the province largely concentrated in the Institute of Natural Resources - Environment and Biotechnology (58 people with University degree or more qualifications, including 3 Prof., 21 MSc, 1 lecturer, 33 research officers); Department of Biology at the University of Science and Hue (29 people, including 4 Associate Prof, 15 PhD, 10 MSc and 4 University degree), Department of Biology at the University of Hue Pedagogy (21 people, including 4 Associate prof, 8 Dr, 6 MA, 7 University degree) 92 Table 3.4: Labor working in the field of IT in 2009 Unit: person Field Quantity Total 439 Labor in the field of hardware 209 Labor in the field of software 95 Labor in the field of digital content 17 Labor in the field IT services 118 Source: [107] Thirdly, the formation of physical factors and psychosocial quality of human resources * About the creativity of human resources. In terms of development of Knowledge-based economy, innovative element is the most essential element for Labor. According to the Provincial Federation of Labor, in 2003 – 2008, 13,243 initiatives and creativity of the workers and officials were applied to production and life. Of these, 119 initiatives and creativity were of the workers and employees of the Central Government offices in the province; 13,124 initiatives and creativity of the workers and employees of the local bodies management; 11,615 people have earned the title emulation soldiers at grassroots, 1858 people won the title of provincial emulation soldiers, 34 awarded the title of national emulation soldiers and 2,661 people received awards, medals of all kinds of provincial ministries, the government (see Appendix 2). Intelligentsia, scientific-technological staff of the province and the central agencies in the locality participated actively and effectively in development of Scientific-Technological activities, multiple threads can be applied in production, life and have been awarded Ancient prizes. In 2006 the 1st Ancient prize was awarded for 13 works, ensembles and 98 scientists, including five in the prize A, accounting for 38% (1 award in the field of agricultural sciences, the social sciences 93 1 Assembly, 1 the natural sciences and medical sciences 2 Awards); 3 prizes B, 24% (2 award social sciences, natural sciences 1 award and 1 in medical science); 5 prizes C, representing 38% (1 award of Agricultural Sciences, 2 technical science, 1 natural sciences and 1 medical sciences). In 2011 2nd Ancient prize was awarded for 12 projects and ensembles with 1 prize A, 9 prizes B and 2 prizes C, including 4 Awards in the field of medical science, 3 in technical science, 1 natural science, 2 humanistic social sciences; 2 agricultural sciences. Remarkably, the prize A is for ensembles study of cardiovascular risk prediction for the entire population and diagnostic techniques deployed - in cardiovascular treatment in Thua Thien Hue by Dr. Hue Huynh Van Minh (Medical University Hospital Hue) and colleagues involved in the implementation. This project is rated excellent, with great scientific significance in practical applications locally and in the time to come. Particularly, Hue University, in the period 2001 - 2005 there were state-level 400 subjects, and ministry levels and grassroot levels had good results, many topics have been transferred to the production and application in life [41, 286], in the period 2005 2010 two state-level projects were developed, eight collaborative research tasks under the Protocol and five pilot production projects of state, 158 fundamental projects, 18 projects at the critical point, 420 subjects of ministry level, 6 missions of education and environmental protection at ministry level, 40 provincial-level projects, 98 projects of international cooperation in science - technology and more than 1,000 subjects at grassroot level [41, 286, 287]. Overall, compared with previous time, creativity of the labor has been raised, but still could not meet the increasing demands of work and the development of the society. A survey of Labor 's 500 managers, staff working in Education - Training; workers in the financial – banking sector, insurance, technical staff of the construction sector, IT, there are 51.8 % of respondents said that their creativity is not high, in which 43.2% of respondents said that they had taken the initiative to get the job, not the solution to improve work efficiency (13.2% of respondents), there is no concept of innovation, work thinking (58.6% of respondents), not know how to 94 exploit the media, modern machinery and apply it on the job (39.2% of respondents), not offer new ideas (38.2% of respondents). In the last 5 years, 13.6% of respondents said they did not have any initiative in work, 72% of respondents answered yes from 1-6 initiatives, some people have 6 - 10 accounting for a low percentage. Besides, the initiatives in innovation of methods and ways of working and implementing research projects and scientific papers accounted for the highest percentage (58.2% and 28.6%), and breakthrough initiatives as building models, designing new products, improving manufacturing processes making up lower proportions (11.8%), 20.2%, 16.6%). Therefore, agencies, enterprises using labor are not really happy about the creative possibilities of Labor: the frequency to take initiatives in jobs with 55% of respondents is unsatisfied; offer solutions to improve work efficiency (50% of respondents), have new changes in perception, thought to work (52.5% of respondents); frequently offer new ideas (63.8 % of respondents). Table 3.5: Assessment of creativeness at work of labor Frequently have initiatives in work Option Quantity % Unsatisfied 44 55.0 Satisfied 31 38.8 Much satisfied 4 5.0 Difficult to 1 1.2 Total 80 100.0 Unsatisfied 40 50.0 Satisfied 35 43.8 Much satisfied 3 3.8 Difficult to 2 2.5 80 100.0 answer Frequently have solutions to improve work efficiency answer Total 95 Frequently have new changes in Unsatisfied 42 52.5 viewpoints and thoughts in Satisfied 32 40.0 Much satisfied 4 5.0 Difficult to 2 2.5 Total 80 100.0 Know to exploit modern media, Unsatisfied 25 31.2 machines and apply them to Satisfied 48 60.0 Much satisfied 6 7.5 Difficult to 1 1.2 Total 80 100.0 Unsatisfied 51 63.8 Satisfied 23 28.8 Much satisfied 3 3.8 Difficult to 3 3.8 80 100.0 work answer work answer Frequently give new ideas answer Total Source: Survey in 2011conducted by the postgraduate Source: Survey of Fellows 2011cua * About the dynamism, flexibility and skills of human resources. As discussed above, in the modern society, people have to know to train labor mobility, flexibility and job skills in order to adapt to the development of Science-Technology and any changes, which also is one of the manifestations of professionalism. In the recent years, the quality of labor in general in Vietnam, Thua Thien Hue Labor in particular has had good upward trend, especially among young Labor, trained, skilled labor high technical expertise. Survey data of 500 Labor shows that 59.4% of respondents said that the dynamism, flexibility and their skills is rather high. Of which criteria to 96 accept the changes, the transfer of work (51.8% of respondents); dynamism, new job (59.4% of respondents); skills quickly grasp the market (26.2% of respondents); willingness to move, change jobs (48.8% of respondents); ability to cope with shocks and risks at work (48.6 % of respondents) (see the survey of Labor ). The self-assessment of dynamism, flexibility and skills of laborers work in accordance with the agency's evaluation using labor. Most agencies using labor feel satisfied with the flexibility and dynamism of the labor skills, including the criteria to accept change, to accept the transfer of work (56.3% of respondents is); accept new work (62.5% of respondents); skills to quickly capture market information (47.6% of respondents); willingness to move, change jobs (48.7% of respondents); ability to cope with shocks, the risk of work (41.2% of respondents) (see survey results using Labor agencies). However, in general some of the skilled labor is still weak, especially skills to capture and access market information, interview skills, teamwork, flexibility, initiative and instead of moving changing the height, quite passive in response to shocks and risks at work. * In terms of self-inquisitive of human resources. In the modern society, especially in the Knowledge-based economy, human knowledge becomes the most important source of production process, determines the success of the nation, local, business and brings advancement opportunities, higher incomes for laborers. Therefore, the labor is required to constantly learn, self-enriched his knowledge to be able to exist. Being inherited with the tradition of willing to learn, laborers here are always conscious of self-study, self-study to improve the level of education, level of technical expertise. Currently, many laborers have higher technical expertise level, positions in the society, but continue to take classes and foster expertise such as in politics, foreign languages, information, colleges, universities and postgraduate in the nation and abroad. Officers and employees of the province in 2006 - 2010 were 8,805 persons sent for training and retraining in the country, of which 315 were trained senior politicians, intermediate 920 people, Senior specialists 30 people, 498 major professional people, 820 staff, premission 60 people, 198 people of postgraduate, College and University degrees 664, intermediate 830 people, professional skills training 2500 people, leadership skills 610 people, IT 1200, 160 ethnic languages 97 [158]. Besides training in the country, 322 public officials of the province were sent for training overseas, of which about 12 are professional people, HR manager 2 people, foreign languages 20 and 288 people in the actual survey [158]. We can say, not every labor has the inquisitiveness for learning, this is an advantage for the province to implement policy in training, human resources development in the future. * In the sense of discipline, industrial behavior of human resources. Although Thua Thien Hue province is not the province with several industrial zones and the excitement level seems far less than Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and other provinces and cities, but in the recent years the discipline, industrial behavior of laborers had been raised. Through self-evaluation results of 500 Labor working in the industrial parks, officials working in the fields of education, engineering, management and employees in the financial – banking sector, insurance, there are 58.6 % suggested that they have a sense of discipline, high industrial style. Of which 60.8% opinions about the observance of the rules and discipline is good and very good, with responsibility for assigned work (50.8% of respondents); spirit to learn to improve their knowledge and professional experience (58.4% of respondents); know, respect and comply with time regulations (57.6% of respondents); professional level (60.4% opinion) (see the survey of Labor ). The results of the self-assessment of labor relatively good coincident with the results of the Labor user evaluation: 65% opinions of labor users are satisfaction of the observance of rules, discipline, responsibility at work (67.4% of respondents); spirit of learning in order to improve their knowledge and professional experience (56.2% of respondents); professional level at work (53.8% of respondents ); know, respect and comply with time regulations (61.2% of respondents) (see survey results using Labor agencies). However, the discipline, the industrial style of Vietnam’s laborers in general, Labor in Thua Thien Hue province in particular is still limited and cannot meet therequirements of the modern society development. A part of labor works very arbitrarily, relies on others, does not work closely together at work, lacks of uniformity, especially in unskilled labor. This affects job performance, labor productivity and causes a lot of obstacles to the use of labor in agencies. Therefore, to meet the increasing requirements of the job, the labor users need to 98 perform more measures to build a sense of discipline, industrial behavior for laborers and laborers themselves also need to exercise self- conscious discipline, the industrial working style to be able to survive in the modern working environment. * Cultivating professional ethics. There are no statistics or studies on the ethics of labor in Thua Thien Hue province, but the results of the investigation of officers using labor in 80 officers show that the majority of users are satisfied with cultivating professional ethics of Labor: 77.5% of respondents are very satisfied, satisfied the diligence, hard work of laborers; effort, trying to overcome difficulties in the job 76.3% of respondents; thermal properties, dynamic at work 76.3%; passion for careers in public 62.4%; loyalty and attachment to the agencies 81.2% of respondents (see survey results using Labor agencies). This is also an advantage to build Thua Thien Hue province with high quality human resources, if the province has timely preferential policies to encourage. In addition, according to the thesis, to evaluate the high or low quality of human resources, it is necessary to consider the labor factor productivity and work efficiency. Recent studies show that there are many factors affecting labor productivity growth, such as the quality of human resources; Science - technology, organization and structure of production, labor management practices ... of which the quality of human resources has the strongest impact on the labor productivity. The survey results showed that 55% of labor users’ opinions are pleased about the progress of the work done or the time to complete the assigned work, quality of work (61.2% of respondents); completion norms, workload (65% of respondents); effective joint work of agencies and enterprises (56.2% of respondents) (see survey results using Labor agencies). Average labor productivity in all economic sectors of the province increased from 6.8 million / person (2001) to 35.3 million dongs / person (2010). In particular, productivity in agriculture - forestry - fishery increased from 4.5 million dongs/ person (2001) to 14.7 million dongs / person; industry and construction rose from 10.9 million dongs / person ( 2001) to 54.3 million dongs / person (2010), the service sector increased from 13.1 million dongs / person (in 2001) to 42.4 million dongs / person (in 2010) (see Appendix 3) [151]. Actually, 99 production –business activities in Thua Thien Hue province has demonstrated, through increasing qualified human resources and promoting the creativity of labor has contributed to improve the work efficiency and labor productivity in the economic sectors. However, the current Labor productivity in all economic sectors of the province is still low compared to many provinces, cities and countries in the region. The problem is to increase labor productivity and create high-value added, one of the important solutions for the province is to investment in High-Quality Human Resources development. 3.2.2. Status of structural transformation of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue The structural shift of human resources by technical expertise levels for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue The period 1999-20011 witnessed an increase in the number of highly qualified human resources, which was accompanied by the shift of human resources structure by qualifications in a positive direction: qualified HR increased from 6.9 % in 1999 to 36.9% in 2011 100 93.1 90 87.4 80 70 63.1 60 50 without Technical expertise 36.9 40 Có CMKT 30 20 10 6.9 12.6 0 1999 2009 2011 Figure 3.1: Structure of qualified human resources in the period 1999-2011 Source: [11], [20], [24] 100 - Structural shift of qualified human resources by regions. When studying the structure of highly qualified human resources in the province of Thua Thien Hue, the thesis found that there is still a certain gap between the regions, but this gap has gradually been reduced and shifted in a positive direction: HR without technical expertise in 2009 in the urban areas was 78.7% and rural areas was 92.8%, qualified human resources (elementary or more) of urban areas was 21.3% and rural areas was 7.2%, but by 2011 the gap had been reduced with such rates: 59.1%, 66%, and 40.9%, 34%. This is the result of the fact, in the recent years, the province has successfully implemented the Scheme 1965 on vocational training for rural labor (at the end of December 2011, the training units in the province trained for 6381 Rural Labor). However, the technical expertise level of human resources in rural areas today is still a major barrier to the province during the industrialization and modernization process associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. - Structural shift of qualified human resources by gender. Like many provinces and cities, the ratio of qualified female labor in Thua Thien is usually lower than of male labor, but more alarming is the slackened disparity recently. Labor without technical expertise in 2009 was 85.3% male, 89.5% female, 55.8% and 70.5% in 2011. Labor with technical expertise in 2009 was 14.7% male, 10.5% female, 44.2% and 29.5% in 2011. These figures reflect the fact that although many provinces have implemented gender equality policies, but the inequality of learning opportunities between men and women is still high. Besides, being the capital city of the feudal dynasties before, a part of the women here has the psychology of being content with their lot, being a housewife or trading, this increases the rate of unqualified labor in rural areas. - Structural shift of qualified human resources by training grades. As analyzed above, the number of qualified labor in the province increased from 49,742 people (in 1999) to 317,602 people (in 2011). Particularly, human resources trained under 101 3 months, primary level rapidly rose from 12,787 people (1999) to 224,032 people (2011), that is nearly 18 times; qualified human resources with intermediate, college and junior college levels increased markedly: Intermediate from 14,142 people (1999) to 34,701 people (2011), College from 5,430 to 13,902 people; qualified human resources in with university and postgraduate levels increased from 16,499 people (2.3%) (1999) to over 37,996 people ( 4.9%) (2009) and 44,967 (5.3%) (2011). Compared with 1999, the present number of qualified human resources with University and postgraduate levels in the province has nearly 3 times higher than the national average and some other regions: in 2009 the country was 4.4%, the midland and northern mountainous region 2.8%, Central Highlands 2.8%, the Mekong River Delta 2.1% and just behind the Red river delta 6.8%, Southeast River Delta 6.6%) [20, 53]. Thus, the structure of highly qualified human resources by levels of training has shifted in a positive direction. However, shortcoming in training of the human resources of the province now is: Short-term training and primary makes up a too high percentage compared to the other training levels, there is a large difference in the levels of training between urban and rural areas. In 2011, in the population aged 15 and over having technical expertise, there are up to 70.5% were trained under 3 months, primary level. In 2009, the rate of qualified labor with University and postgraduate levels in the urban areas was 5.5 times higher than in rural areas (9.9% and 1.8%) and almost 5 times in 2011 (9.8% and 2.0%). In 2011 the rate of qualified labor with intermediate and college levels in the urban areas was 5.9% and 2.2% twice higher and 1.3 times higher than in the rural areas. In addition, the structure of technical expertise training levels, age groups 25-29 and 30-34 with university degree or higher accounted for the highest percentage: 12.2% and 9.3% in 2009, in 2011 10.8% and 12.6%; the age group 18-19, 20-24, 18-39 and 35-39 with technical expertise level of primary or higher accounted for a low percentage. 102 Table 3.6: Population aged 15 years and older with technical expertise divided by training levels Unit: person Level of training 1999 2009 2011 Total 718,505 778,914 861,103 Untrained 668,763 681,281 543,501 12,787 16,352 224,032 Intermediate 14,142 31,936 34,701 Junior College 5,430 10,869 13,902 University 15,694 35,885 42,882 805 2,111 2,085 Technical workers without degree/certificate under 3 months- Elementary Long-term Postgraduate certificate, Source: [11],[21],[24] It can be said, the trend of increasing technical expertise labor at all levels of training is totally appropriate, but does not perfectly suit to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy. The urgent issue for Thua Thien Hue to implement industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy, the province must rapidly increase Labor in the levels of colleges, universities, postgraduate and improve technical expertise for the young labor force because young labor in the province without technical expertise accounts for a high percentage. - Structural shift of qualified human resources by the fields of training. Human resource structure with technical expertise by fields of education is gradually being adjusted. In 1999, in the total of 41,369 with technical qualification, up to 11,422 people (27.6%) were trained in Education – Training science, 6013 people (14.5%) trained in business management; 4,294 people (10.3%) in medical training, 4,594 103 people (11.1%) in transportation, while other fields of training as a prerequisite for the development of Knowledge-based economy such as science natural sciences, computer, life sciences accounted for only 3.7% and 8.1% technology. In particular, for each grade level of technical expertise has different training domains: 1) For technical worker rank, the training field accounted for the highest percentage compared to others is technology: 1,784 people (16.4%) and Transport: 4,241 people (39%), the fields with less trained human resources are humanity, environment, hospitality, tourism, media and law. 2) For the vocational level, mostly training labor in the fields: Education and Training: 3,266 people (27.5%), business and management: 2,618 people (22.1%), health care: 2,053 people (17.3%), Technology: 1,062 people (8.9%) and similar to technical workers rank, the fields of law, humanities, media trained less labor; 3) For the rank of college, universities, postgraduat the training areas are mainly: Education-Training: 7,637 people (42.6%), business and management: 2,551 people (33%), humanities: colleges, University 1,352 people (7.5%), postgraduate 167 people (22.6%), Medical: College and University 1,138 people (6.3%), postgraduate 132 people (17.8%), natural sciences, computing and life sciences (biology, biotechnology) colleges, universities accounted for 5.9% and 36.1% on postgraduate. The above data show in rank of colleges, university labor was largely trained in the field of Education - Training and business management (accounting for 75% of qualified labor with college, university degrees), the IT, Biotech fields are started paid attention to, while the postgraduate level mainly focused on the fields of humanities and social behavior sciences, health, education - training (46.8%) and the majority are working in research institutions, universities, while the manufacturing, engineering, transportation, construction have low rates of postgraduate degrees (see Appendix 4). In 2006, the team of highly qualified intellectuals with degrees in colleges, universities, postgraduate of the province is largely concentrate in six fields of training: Education-Training (51.47%), business and management (11.67%), social sciences and humanities (7.02%), health and social relief work 104 (6.19%), agriculture - forestry - fishery (5.94%), natural sciences (5.23%), the remaining sectors account for low rates (see Appendix 5). Due to the differences in statistics between the Bureau of Statistics and Employment Agency (Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs) and between the 2 censuses on the population and housing in 1999, 2009, the comparison of the reduction and growth rates in the fields of training of qualified labor is very difficult. However, it is important to still reflect correctly the overall situation that indicators are increasing and consistent with general trends. In Table 3.7, in the province's total labor force in 2011 of 556,528 people, 377,424 people (67.8%) were trained in the field of health, environment and services; 128,404 people (23.1%), trained in technical and technology; 35,069 people (6.3%) trained in socio - economic, whereas some other fields of training the number is too low. Table 3.7: Labor force from 15 years old and over divided by the fields of training in 2011 Field of training Total Socio-economic Natural sciences Technique-technology Agro-forestry-aquaculture and veterinary Health, environment and other services Quantity (person) 556.528 35.069 9.907 128.404 5.724 Rate (%) 100 6,3 1,8 23,1 1,0 377.424 67,8 Source: [24] In the total 548,071 Labor with employment aged 15 and over, there are 33, 878 people working in the field of socio - economic (6.2%), natural sciences with 9,444 people (1.7%); techniques and technology 127, 640 people (23.3%), agriculture - forestry - fishery, veterinary with 5,564 people (1.0%), health, environment and other services 371,545 people (67, 8%). However, it is noteworthy that in the total number of working labor the number of labor without technical expertise accounted for 45.4% and focused mainly in the field of health, 105 environment and other services with 248,453 people (99, 9%). In the total of 299,282 trained labor are distributed and used in the following areas: labor as technical workers without degrees, trained less than 3 months primary level mostly concentrated in technical - technology field (51.3%); health, environment and other services (46.6%); labor with long-term certificate, professional intermediate, vocational intermediate mostly concentrated in the field of health, environment and other services (40.8%); technique - technology (25.3%); socio - economic (21.7%); the number of the qualified labor with college degrees mainly in the field of socio economic was (61.4%); health, environment, and other services (15.5%); technique - technology (13.7%); qualified labor with university and postgraduate degrees mainly concentrated in the Socio-economic field (50.2% and 40.7%), natural sciences (13.7% and 14.9%); health, environment, and other services (16.1% and 27.6%). Table 3.8: Labor with employment aged 15 and over by Technical expertise level and Fields of training in 2011 Unit: person Technical expertise Total Socio- Natural Technique AgroMedical, Economic science and forestry, environment Technology aquaculture and other and services veterinary Total 548071 33878 9444 127640 5564 371545 Untrained 248789 139 4 184 9 248453 Technical workers 220613 without degree/certificate under 3 monthsElementary Long-term 29049 certificate, Intermediate Junior College 11312 1597 158 113129 2869 102860 6302 3086 7348 449 11864 6949 962 1554 94 1753 University 36056 18085 4949 5231 1988 5803 Postgraduate 1896 772 282 165 154 523 Source: [24] 106 We can say, the distribution and use of qualified labor by the fields of training of the province is irrational expressed through: most qualified labor , particularly labor with university and postgraduate qualifications focused mainly in socio economic fields leading to labor surplus in this field, whereas in the field of agriculture - forestry - fishery, natural sciences suffered a severe labor shortage. The problem is, to implement the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, Thua Thien Hue has to adjust the training structure, particularly in the high-tech industry, and implement rational distribution and use of human resources with technical expertise. The structural shift of human resources by economic sectors for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge economy in Thua Thien Hue In the process of industrialization and modernization, the economic structure has been shifted in such direction as: the density of agriculture decreased while the proportion of industry- construction and services increased. Accordingly, the structure of human resources essentially needed adjusting to suit the economic restructuring and to ensure balance between the branches in the direction: the number of labor in industry and services increased; in agriculture is down now. The comparison between two censuses on population and housing in 1999 and 2009 showed that labor structure shifted significantly: the density of labor in agriculture - forestry - fishery decreased from 49.1% (1999) to 36.6% (2010), the proportion of labor in industry - construction and services sector increased from 22.1%, 28.8% (1999) to 27.3%, 36.1% (2010). Depend on the specific industry to distribute and use labor differently: - In industrial – construction sector: Labor mainly focused on processing industry: in 1999 were 69,957 people (715%), in 2010 was 91,277 people (59.9%). Of which some industries have fair labor growth such as production of food and beverages rose 2.7%, production of textile products increased by 7.5%, production of clothing increased by 6.4%, production of wood products and forestry products rose 3.5%; production of non-metallic mineral products increased by 2.1%, paper 107 manufacture 1.2%, production of metal products rose by 1.7%, production of beds, wardrobes, tables and chairs 1.8% [ 20, 69]. Along with the processing industries, labor in construction increased rapidly from 24,296 (24.8%) in 1999 to 54,717 people (35.9%) in 2010. While other sectors such as manufacture and distribution of electricity, water, gas and mining, the labor force does not change much. - In the service sector: The number of labor employed in the service sector has rapidly increased from 126,993 people (in 1999) to 201,250 people (2010). In the recent years, the distribution and use of labor force in the service sector has largely concentrated in the commercial sector: in 1999 (43.3%) and in 2010 (up 40.3%) of the total number of labor of the industry; hotels and restaurants made up 11% and 16.5%; transport, storage was 11.8% and 12.7%; Education - Training was 11% and 10.2%; labor in other service sectors are now accounting for a modest proportion compared with the strength and potential of the province like in ScienceTechnology, from 16 people (0.0%) to 1,520 people (0.8%) of total labor of the industry; Finance from 736 people (0.6%) to 2,937 people (1.5%). In the coming years, along with economic restructuring, the trend of the province is to shift labor to some service industries with high added value such as tourism, transport, Science Technology, Financial - Banking, Education - Training, health and counseling services. 100% 90% 80% 28.8 29.5 32.6 36.1 Dịch vụ 70% 60% 22.1 25.7 50% 25.2 27.3 40% 30% 20% 49.1 44.8 42.2 36.6 1999 2001 2005 2010 Công nghiệp - Xây dựng Nông - Lâm Thủy sản 10% 0% Figure 3.2: Structure of labor by economic sectors in the period 1999-2010 Source: [11], [12], [15], [22] 108 The shift in the structure of human resources by economic components for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue Distribution and use of labor in the sectors have a positive shift in the direction: further streamlining and reforming the state-owned economic sectors, encouraging foreign investment in accordance with the situation of economic development and international integration. In the recent years, state-owned economic sectors in Thua Thien Hue province being sorted and privatized, so the number of enterprises decreased while the number of labor remained stable and tended to increase after privatization: 49,889 people in 1999 (accounting for 11.3% of the total employed labor), in 2011, the number of people was 65,874 (12%). Non-state economic sector has been attracting a large number of local labor, accounting for 86.7% (in 2011), particularly the economic sectors with foreign investment. Economic component with foreign investment has been operated since 1995, so far has contributed 32.5% of the total state revenues budget in 2009 accounting for nearly 10% of the provincial GDP. As the sector with high growth rate, the labor in this economic sector has increased faster than in other economic sectors: in 1999, there was only 844 people (0.1% of the total employed labor), but by 2011 this number increased to 6,904 (1.3%). The increase of labor in the nonstate economic sector in the recent years is due to the several policies the province is implementing to attract FDI attracting more businesses to invest in the province, encouraging private enterprises to develop production-business. ... The level of technical expertise in the economic sectors is shown: the majority of labor not undergoing intensive training concentrates in the non-state economic sector (95.1% in 1999, 96.7% in 2011), the qualified labor working in economic sectors is also highly variable. In 1999, in the total number of qualified labor, stateowned economic sectors had 31,641 people (76%) accounting for 31%, of which intermediate, University level was 36.7% and the non-state economy sector had 9,545 (23%), of which labor without degree, trained under 3 months, primary and 109 intermediate levels accounted for 77.8%, University only accounted for 14%; foreign economic sector had 270 (1.0%), of which labor without degree trained less than 3 months, primary and intermediate levels accounted 27.4% and 54.4% of University degrees. By 2011, the state-owned economic sector had 58,918 (19.7%), of which University degree was 45.6%, intermediate was 23.6% and the non-state economic sector was 234,018 (accounting for 78.4%), of which labor without degrees trained less than 3 months, primary level accounted for 89%; foreign economic sector had 5,636 people (1.9%), mainly labor without degree trained under 3 months, 81% was with primary and intermediate degrees; 16.2% was univeristy degree (see Appendix 7). 100% 0.1 1.2 1.3 80% 60% 88.3 86.1 86.7 40% nước Vốn Foreign capital ngoài Ngoài nhà Non-state owned nước Nhà nước State-owned 20% 0% 11.3 12.7 12 1999 2009 2011 Figure 3.3: Structure of labor employed in economic sectorsin the period 1999-2011 Source: [11], [20], [24] The above analysis shows that, after more than 10 years, the technical expertise level of labor force in Thua Thien Hue has been raised, but the untrained labor working in the economic sectors remains high and the proportion of labor with technical expertise unevenly distributed among economic sectors: mostly low technical expertise labor concentrated in the non-state economic sector; highly qualified labor mainly focused partly in the state-owned economic sector and in economic sectors with foreign investment. This leads to the lack of highly qualified 110 labor and experts in the non-state economic sector, especially in the industrial zones. Currently, in 4,885 Laborers working in industrial zones in the province of Thua Thien Hue, 3,437 have technical worker level, primary and short-term; intermediate level has 560; 201 with college, university degrees, and the postgraduate includes 467. Therefore, many businesses are now hiring labor from other areas due to the local cannot meet the labor recruitment needs. Structural shift in human resources by occupations for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue In the period 1999 - 2011 there was a shift of labor among professional groups. In 1999 labor mainly concentrated in unskilled/simple occupations (accounting for 52.7% of total labor with employment aged 15 and over); group of craftsmen and other workers (21.3%); personal services and security group, sales (13.3%); the leadership group, high and average technical expertise workers, employees having jobs in agriculture - forestry - fishery reached a low rate. By 2011 occupational groups in agriculture - forestry - fishery increased rapidly (31.5%), group of craftsmen and other workers (26.7%), the group of leadership, high and average technical expertise workers had slow growth, professional group of simple jobs fell nearly 4 times compared with in 1999 (15.3%). Particularly with human resources having technical expertise, if in 1999 in the total employed trained labor, labor with technical expertise trained under 3 months, primary level accounted for 26.1%, intermediate 28, 5%, Junior college 11.4%, University 31.6% and Postgraduate 1.8%. Of which, labor with technical expertise, primary level trained less than 3 months, Intermediate and vocational colleges mainly focus on average group of technical expertise (17.9%, 74.4%, 79.1%), craftsmen (13,2%), fitter and machine operators (37.5%); qualified University and Postgraduate labor with technical expertise concentrated in higher occupational groups (79.7% and 91.2%). However, by 2011 the total employed labor trained, qualified labor, worker trained under 3 months accounted for 74.0% primary, 111 Intermediate 9.7%, Junior College 3.8%; University 12%, postgraduate 0.6%. Of which, labor with technical expertise, primary level trained less than 3 months mainly focused on the professional group of artisans, agriculture - forestry - fishery, simple job (52.0%, 20.2% and 11, 8%); qualified labor with intermediate degree was equally distributed in the group of fitters and machine operators (15.1%), craftsmen (14.3%), average technical expertise (16, 8%), employees (14.2%), sales service and security (13.7%); Labor with junior college degree mainly concentrated in high and average technical expertise occupational groups; Labor with University degrees mainly focused in leadership occupational group (18.5%) and higher technical expertise (45.1%); skilled labor with postgraduate degree mainly focused on higher technical expertise occupational groups (70.7%), leadership/management (15.4%) (see Appendix 6). Thus, the distribution and use of technical expertise labor in the province by occupational groups were gradually adjusted more reasonably: the proportion of non-skilled labor employed decreased from 90.6% (1999) to 45.4% (2011). Howver, there was a shift in the distribution and use of labor, the number of employed labor in the two occupational groups in agriculture forestry - fishery and simple jobs still accounts for 48.8% ie nearly 50 % of total labor employed in the economy of the province is low technical expertise labor. Table 3.9: The number of labor with work by occupations 1999 2009 2011 Person % Person % Person % 442874 100,0 256116 100,0 545934 100,0 2912 0.7 6002 2.3 14717 2.7 11301 2.6 29556 11.5 31062 5.7 14819 3.3 22241 8.7 16787 3.1 Officer 6024 1.4 5878 2.3 10867 2.0 Individuals, Security 58692 13.3 94243 36.8 52225 9.6 Total Leaders High technical expertise Average technical expertise 112 and Sales Services Careers in Agriculture, Forestry and 7920 1.8 183196 71.5 171807 31.5 94367 21.3 97945 38.2 145846 26.7 10697 2.4 26652 10.4 19145 3.5 233491 52.7 60404 23.6 83478 15.3 Aquaculture Craftsmen and other workers Fitter, machine operators Simple job Source: [11],[20],[24] 3.2.3. Status of training system of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue Educational system in the province of Thua Thien Hue Education-Training in general and high school education in particular have an enormous role in the formation and development of the human personality, are the basis for labor to have the opportunity to continue training at the higher technical expertise level in the future. Recognizing that, in the recent years, Thua Thien Hue province has always paid attention to the development of general educational system. Educational Network from primary to secondary schools has been extended throughout most of the localities with the kinds of public, private, international and distributed in accordance with the geographical associated with residential areas. Regarding the number of schools and classrooms: in the period 2000 - 2011, the number of schools increased rapidly: in the academic year 2000 - 2001, the province had 330 schools then in the academic year 2010-2011 there were 393 schools (63 more), including 229 elementary schools, 124 junior high schools, 40 high schools. The number of schools has increased and so has the number of classrooms, currently the province has 5388 classrooms (1257 more), of which 3,219 classrooms of 113 elementary schools, 1424 in junior high schools and 745 in high school. The increase in the number of schools and classrooms has initially solved the pressing lack of facilities, step by step better met the learning needs of students (see Appendix 8). Regarding the number of students, teachers: the number of pupils of junior high school in 2010 - 2011 school year was down compared with the year 2000 - 2001: from 255,830 to 224,170 students. However, it’s worth noting that the number of high school students increased from 28,815 (school year 2000-2001) to 45,578 students (school year 2010-2011). It can be said, the number of high school students created an opportunity to increase trained laborers with higher level of technical expertise and favorable conditions for the implementation of the provincial development policies for High-Quality Human Resources. Along with the increasing number of high school students, both the quantity and quality of secondary school teachers, especially high school teachers has also been improved. In the academic year 2000 - 2001, the number of secondary school teachers across the province was 8,386 people, in the school year 2010-2011 this number increased to 12,114 people, of which the number of teachers in junior and high schools was the highest (see Appendix 9 ). Of the 12,114 teachers, the number of qualified teachers with Postgraduate degree was 197, University was 8,985 (4,124 in primary schools, 2,802 people secondary schools, 2,059 people in high schools), the number of teacher with Junior College degree was 2868 (989 in primary schools, 1855 in secondary schools, 24 in high schools), Intermediate degree was 166 people (65 in primary schools, 101 in secondary schools). According to the latest figures, the province currently has 19,725 teaching staff, including 15,870 teachers, of which the number of qualified teachers and over the standard is 99.4%, the number of teachers has not reached the standard is 92 people (0.58%) mainly located in preschool, primary, secondary schools ... [7] Regarding the quality of high school education: Thua Thien Hue province is one of provinces has a number of achievements in educational popularization (in 1996 completed primary educational generalization, in 2004 completed 114 universalization of secondary education for the right ages, universalization of secondary school education and currently perform high school educational popularization). The percentage of primary students achieving the distinction level is 42.19%, and fairly good 30.9% and the number of students passing high school graduation exams in 2012 was 99.78% [146], the number of good students attending competitions for awards is high: in the national and regional contest won 125 prizes, [146]; 25 prizes for the portable computing mathematics competition (02 first prizes, 04 second prizes, 07 third prizes and 12 consolation prizes); national level exchanges of Primary English won 04 prizes (01 second prize, three third prizes), National Test of English via the Internet reached 35 awards (the primary 19 and secondary 16 Awards); excellent student provincial competition level won 698 elementary prizes: the 144 prizes, junior high schools won 250 prizes, high school won 260 and the regular education: 44 prizes; 01 secondary school student was awarded the 6th grade First doctoral candidate nationally, 02 students were appointed to attend the international team [146]. Vocational training system in Thua Thien Hue Province By 2010, beside vocational training institutions of enterprises in the province, there are 16 vocational training institutions, including 2 Vocational Junior colleges, 6 Intermediate vocational schools and 8 vocational training centers of the districts. Along with the development of vocational training facilities, teaching staff has increased in number and increasingly been standardized. According to statistics of the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, in 2001 the province had only 210 teachers then in 2010 the number went up to 753 teachers (278.8% higher), including 71 PhD, MSc , 489 university, college degrees and 614 meeting the standards (81.51%). With the investment in vocational training institutions and improving the quality of teaching satff, in the period 2001 - 2010 the province’s vocationally trained 140,402 people, of which primary and equivalent was 116 496 people (84 , 03%); intermediate vocational was 21,391 people (14.18%), vocational 115 junior colleges was 2,515 people (1.79%). The scale of training rapidly increasing has increased the rate of trained labor from 15% in 2001 to 40% in 2010 and 42.5% in 2011. There was not just increase of the training scale, the training quality of facilities has also been raised: the proportion of graduates in vocational schools is rather high (90%); students are equipped with the basic knowledge and professional skills, so many students after graduation have meet the increasing demands of the labor market; vocational training has been associated with job creation. According to statistics of the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, about 70% of graduate students are now employed or self-employed with stability (this rate of some training base of enterprises is over 90%). Table 3.10: Labor through voational training in Thua Thien Hue in the period 2001 - 2010 Unit: person Year Trained labor Primary Intermediate Junior College 2001 8,754 8,034 720 2002 11,158 9,773 1,385 2003 12,449 10,957 1,492 2004 13,907 11,704 2,203 2005 14,752 12,202 2,550 2006 15,700 12,850 2,850 2007 15,986 13,406 2,580 2008 17,297 13,902 2,825 570 2009 15,595 12,034 2,616 945 2010 14,804 11,634 2,170 1,000 Tổng 140,402 116,496 21,391 2,515 Source: [156] 116 Training System of vocational schools, colleges, universities and postgraduate in Thua Thien Hue province. * Training system of Colleges, Vocational schools: In the Thua Thien Hue province there are three vocational schools and three colleges namely: High School of Culture and Arts, High School of Transportation, High School of Sports with the training scale in 2009 was 1,324 students, 1,446 students in 2010; Hue Medical College, with 88 teachers, including 1 PhD, 32 MSc and 55 university degrees, training scale in 2009 was 2,471 students and 2,579 students in 2010; Hue College of Industry with 178 teachers (1 PhD, 72 MSc, 104 University degrees), the size of the training in 2009 was 6,549 students and 6,758 students in 2010; Hue College of Education, there were 27 majors with 130 teachers, including 3 PhD, 66 MSc and 61 university degrees, training scale in 2009 was 6,500 students, 6,700 students in 2010 * System of University and postgraduate training - University of Hue: Hue University is a university training center that is multidisciplinary, multi-sector, the most high-quality and large-scale training in the Central region and Central Highlands. Hue University has seven member universities and training centers, Science-Technology research and development as: Distance Learning Center, Institute of Natural Resources, Environment and Biotechnology, National Defense Education Center, Learning Resource Center, IT Center, International Training Center, Student Service Center and Publisher. With 95 Univeristy training majors, 05 college training majors, 65 postgraduate training majors, 24 dotoral training majors , 62 training majors for specialist level I, II ... It can be said that with invested training facilities along with a team of highly qualified teaching staff, Hue University is the place training and providing HighQuality Human Resources for the Central Region - Central Highlands and the country. Training Scale of Hue University has accelerated: if in 2001 Hue University had 20,000 regular full-time students, part-time study, and more than 20,000 students in the remote training system, then in 2012 had 50,000 full-time students, part-time learning, 18,000 students of distance learning [41, 277]; in the 117 period from 2001 to 2011, Hue University trained 96 doctors, 4,375 MSc and currently has 2,952 postgraduate students and 152 postgraduates still learning [41; 281]. Besides, Hue University is joint training with foreign countries, including a number of training programs universities typically implemented effectively, such as linked training programs at the university level in the financial - banking sector with the University of Rennes (France), IT linked training with AUT University (New Zealand); bachelor's joint training in Chinese language and tourism with Guangxi Teachers' University (China), bachelor linked training in Physics with the University of Virginia ... In the coming years Hue University will be invested to become the National University before 2015 with the institutions of multidisciplinary training center with high quality to meet the training requirements for High-Quality Human Resources industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. - Phu Xuan University. Phu Xuan University was established on 11/7/2003 by Decision No. 140/2003/QD - TTg of the Prime Minister. Currently, it has 10 university training majors, 6 college training majors, 6 regular intermediate training majors, in addition to continuous training systems in IT and 2nd regular English university training major. Although with only 110 teachers (4 Dr, 45 MSc and 61 people with university degree), the university has receive the support and assistance of Hue University and affiliated with the Academy of Pedagogical Guangxi (China) so far since its establishment, Phu Xuan University has become a training center for High-Quality Human Resources of Thua Thien Hue province and the country. - Hue Academy of Music. Founded in 2008, this is one of the three undergraduate music training institutions in Vietnam. Currently the Institute has 4 faculties: Musical Performance, Composition - Theory, Pedagogy of music, Court music and the training majors: Composition, Musical commander, Musical performance, Hue royal court music ... With 108 teaching staff, including 1 PhD, 18 MSc and 89 who have university qualifications, it has not only contributed to the 118 training of High-Quality Human Resources for the Central Region - Central Highlands but also contributed to recovery, conservation and promotion of the value of Hue royal court music and Central Highlands Gongs - two forms of art recognized by UNESCO as intangible and unwritten heritage of humanity. With a network of schools, high schools, colleges, universities, institutes and research institutes throughout, annually, they train, provide ten thousands of highly qualified labor for the Province and the Central Region. However, like the general state of the country, training of human resources system in Thua Thien Hue province is still weak and inadequate in terms of quantity, quality and structure of training majors, therefore, it hasn’t met the increasing demands on human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. So, in the comint time to have human resources, especially High-Quality Human Resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, the training system of human resources must be invested towards perfection: develop training facilities, improve the quality of teaching staff, adjust the training structure in accordance with the strategy of economic development of the province. 3.3. GENERAL REVIEW OF THE SITUATION OF HUMAN RESOURCE FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMY IN THUA THIEN HUE To properly assess the development situation and human resources structural transformations for industrialization and modernization associated with Knowledgebased economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue is a very difficult task for the researcher. However, based on the analysis results above, the thesis can only make general comments to point out the limitations of its causes and propose solutions mainly to develop human resources for the industrialization and modernization associated with Knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue in the near future. 119 3.3.1. The advantages, benefits of development and structural transformations of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue * Regarding the quantity of human resources for the industrialization and modernization associated with Knowledge-based economy Firstly, as discussed above, the population size increased but the population growth rate is lower than the national average. Thus, with moderate population growth, annually there is working age population to be added to the human resources, and capable of providing sufficient human resources for the economy without creating large pressure on the resolution of employment for laborers. Secondly, although the population not engaged in economic activoties accounts for 35.5% of the population aged 15 and older in the province, but the number of people attending schooling is at a high percentage. This is advantageous, as compared with other provinces and cities the population studying in Thua Thien Hue is much higher, Hai Phong (37.5%), Khanh Hoa (35.4), Can Tho (25, 22%) and compared with the national average, this rate is nearly 8% higher. With the schooling population taking a high proportion, accounting for nearly half the population not engaged in economic activities, in the years to come, this part of the population will be added to the labor force with education and highly qualified technical expertise to meet the requirements of human resources for the industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy. Thirdly, Thua Thien Hue is one of the provinces having rather high rate of population engaged in economic activities (labor force) (nearly 2/3 of the population of working age and higher than the average level of the country). With an abundant labor force entering the period of "golden population structure", Thua Thien Hue has a lot of advantages to implement industrialization and modernization 120 associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy if the province has good training and employment strategies for this labor force. * Regarding the quality of human resources for the industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy Firstly, the trend of educated labor is increasing, especially labor graduated from secondary schools and high schools. In addition, the disparity in the literacy rate of labor between regions is not as high as some other provinces and cities in the country because the province has achieved certain outcomes in primary education and illiteracy eradication. In addition, the disparity in the literacy rate labor between men and women is not great, especially higher literacy rate of female labor in Thua Thien Hue province would create favorable conditions for provincial implementation of training policies for High-Quality Human Resources in the future. Secondly, the rapid growth rate of skilled human resources has created favorable conditions for laborers to acquire new knowledge, Modern scientificTechnological achievements and apply them to manufacturing-business activities to improve labor productivity and create incentives for the province to accelerate economic development and successful implementation of the industrialization and modernization process associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. Thirdly, Thua Thien Hue province has numerous intellectuals, enthusiastic, dedicated, creative and qualified staff just behind Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. Especially, compared with many other locals, the province owns a scientificTechnological staff with high technical expertise level of the Central authorities located in the province. This is advantageous for the province to build strategies to develop high-tech industries to implement industrialisation and modernization process associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. Fourthly, the qualities, skills and psychosocial quality of human resources such as creativity, dynamism, flexibility, skills, sense of discipline, the industrial 121 style, professional ethics of laborers tend to be better, especially in young labor and labor groups through training. The completion of qualities and psychosocial quality of human resources not only contributes to improving labor productivity, economic efficiency, increasing accumulation of the economy, paving the implementation process of industrialization modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, but also creates favorable conditions for the province's human resources integration into the labor market of the region and the world. * In terms of human resources structure for the industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy In the recent years, the structure of Thua Thien Hue labor force has shifted towards positive trend, especially with the structure of human resources by technical expertise levels and the structure of human resources by industries. First of all, the structure of highly qualified human resources has shifted towards: labor without technical expertise has been reduced (from 93.1% in 1999 to 63.1% in 2011), labor with technical expertise has increased (from 6.9% in 1999 to 36.9% in 2011). Of which, notably is that qualified human resources by training level and technical expertise level of qualified human resources in the region have moved pretty fast. In addition, HR structure by economic sectors has been moving more in line with the economic structure, particularly: the proportion of labor in agriculture forestry - fishery has decreased from 49.1% to 36.6%, the proportion of labor in the industrial - construction sector has increased from 22.1% to 28.8%, the proportion of labor in the service sector has increased from 27.3% to 36.1%. We can confirm that the province has abundant human resources, quality of human resources are gradually being lifted, HR structure has been moving in a positive direction and is currently in phase of "golden population structure", Thua Thien Hue has the ability to provide adequate human resources for the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy. The problem is how to train and use such human resources. 122 3.3.2. These restrictions, causes of limitations and the issues raised in the development and structural transformations of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge economy The limitations in the development and structural transformations of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue Firstly, the quality of human resources in Thua Thien Hue province has not met the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. In the workshop "Hue with centrally dependent role, opportunities and challenges" held at Hue on 25/01/2010, Dr. Nguyen Ba An – Deputy head of Institute for Development Strategies (Ministry of Planning and Investment), warned the road for the whole province to be the city of Thua Thien Hue province has been facing many difficulties and challenges. One of them is not high quality human resources, lack of industry experts and local staff ‘s capacity can not meet requirements, specifically: - Physical strenght and stature of laborers in Thua Thien Hue province in the recent years has been improved both in height, weight, malnutrition rates and life expectancy. But in general, and physical stature of laborers in the province is still lower than in some other provinces and the country in general. Such strength of labor has not met the requirements of the organization of production in modern industrial style. - Qualified human resources with technical expertise of Thua Thien Hue province have rapidly been increased, but still not met the demands of industrialisation and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy. Because the number of human resources without technical expertise is higher than the proportion of the country and a number of other areas. In the census of population and housing in 2009, in the population aged 15 years and older up to 87.4% of the province doesn’t have technical expertise, while the 123 country is 86.7%, Delta Hong Kong is 80.6%, the Southeast Region is 84.2% , Midlands and northern mountains is 86.7%, only lower than the 90.2% in the Central Highlands and the Mekong Delta is 93.4% [20, 53]. This is a huge setback for the labor in finding employment in the province and for the implementation of HRD policies for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. - Staff of Science- Technology as a key force in the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy is still severely lacking, especially good experts, ScientificTechnological labor force working in the field of R & D. At the same time the distribution and use of Scientific- Technological staff is irrational, mostly concentrated in the universities of the University of Hue, while the province has no mechanism to coordinate with this team. - In the process of industrialisation and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, workers have become the backbone force but has not met the terms of both quantity and quality (see Appendix 13). Currently in Thua Thien Hue province a number of sectors lack skilled workers, particularly in such sectors as: mineral mining and processing industry, textile industry, food processing industry, industrial building materials manufacture ... (In these sectors most labor is unskilled labor, technical workers of type 1 and type 2, technical workers of type 4 accounts for low percentage). According to the Labor Union of Thua Thien Hue Province, more than 50% of the labor is primary school and secondary school graduates and the in more than 40,000 workers directly operating machines the technical workers with levels only account for about 39%; highly skilled workers account for 5.5%. In addition, the majority of the labor came from rural provinces without of industrial labor culture, lack of discipline and professional liability ... This is alarming for the province in the period of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy. 124 - The capacity of grassroots officials hasn’t met the requirements. Upon request, staff in communes, wards or townships should at least have intermediate qualifications. However, more than 50% of the commune, ward or township of Thua Thien Hue hasn’t met such standard [121]. Therefore, the capacity to implement the tasks does not meet professional requirements: lack of professionalism, lack of independent thinking, lack of assertiveness in handling work, no thinking ability of forecasting in program building .... - Force of educated, skilled artisans in the traditional villages accounts for a low percentage. Results of the survey in 2006 showed that the Department of Trade and Industry: Labor with college and university degrees is 9 people (0.09%), Intermediate is 11 (0.10%), 909 are high school graduates (8.96%), secondary school graduates are 3,844 people (37.88%), primary are 5,377 people (52.98%; skilled workers with gold hands are 513 people (200 in embroidery, 93 people in cone hat producing, 66 people is bronze casting, 14 people in sculpture, 8 in ceramics); in 2006 artisans included 2 people (1 bronze casting craftsman, 1 embroidery artisan) at the age of 65; in 2007 there were 11 people, in 2008 were 6, in 2010 were 4 people. Limited education, skill level and technical expertise restrictions will interfere with the application of scientific-technological advances as well as research, innovative new models in the villages leading to monotonous designs, which makes it difficult to search for market resulting in some villages, traditional industries in Thua Thien Hue province are facing the risk of gradual disappearance. - The qualities, skills and psychological qualities of human resources are limited: the creative possibilities of labor are not highly reflected in the initiatives at work, the application of research results into production is low, the ability to adapt to changes in the job is not high; sense of discipline, the industrial style, the cooperation and coordination in collective work of labor is low. Secondly, human resources structure is imbalanced and moving slowly comapred with the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated 125 with the development of Knowledge-based economy. Human resource structure of Thua Thien Hue has imbalances and slow movement, especially human resources structure with technical expertise. In the recent years, although qualified human resources with technical expertise have increased, the increase is at slow pace so the human resources without technical expertise still account for a high percentage (63.1%). Besides, the structure is not reasonable in term of training levels, labor with primary qualifications makes up high proportion (70.5% of the population aged 15 years or over). Even in the structure of vocational training itself there is imbalance: in 2001 - 2010 the province vocationally trained for 140,402 people of primary vocational and equivalent still accounted for more than 84%; vocational intermediate or equivalent only made up 14%, while vocational college degree was too low, only 1.79%. According to calculations by the Labor Managers, in the 10 coming years, Thua Thien Hue province needs to increase vocational training of college degrees up to 9.5 times and reduce 39% primary training to catch up the trend of skilled HRD nationwide. In addition, there is an imbalance among the training fields. Currently, training in Thua Thien Hue province remains largely focuses on the education-training sector, business and management, social science and humanities, health and community work, the natural sciences; while training in other sectors such as IT, biotechnology, new materials - the main industries in the Knowledge-based economy has not been paid enough attention. Thirdly, irrational distribution and use of human resources affect the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. We can say, while training of High-Quality Human Resources is difficult, the distribution and use of such human resources appropriately and effectively is much more difficult. In the recent years, the distribution and use of human resources in the province has been adjusted towards increasingly more reasonable, but still unbalanced and has not really exploited the potential of human resources: 1) The number of employed labor in the 2 groups of agriculture - forestry - fishery, craft and simple professions makes up a proportion 126 of 73.5%, which means more than two thirds of the labor employed in low valueadded occupations and technical expertise is not high. Most qualified labor, especially skilled labor with University, postgraduate degrees gather in the field of socio - economic, technical - technology areas, health, environment and other services despite Labor with technical expertise makes up a high proportion, but are mostly trained less than 3 months in primary, intermediate degrees; 2) The non-state sector although accounts for 78.4%, the province's labor, the majority of labor is with low technical expertise, labor with college, university degrees only accounts for 2.8% of the total qualified labor in the province. Meanwhile, the labor in the state’s economic sector accounts for 19.7%, but the qualified labor from colleges, universities, postgraduates accounts for 12.3% and the economic sector with foreign capital investment (sector considered having modern technology) is only 0.4%; 3) The majority of scientific-technological staff concentrate in urban areas, especially scientific-technological staff with academic titles highly concentrate in the central agencies based in the province, and in rural areas, mountainous areas there is a severe shortage; 4) The rotation, mobilization of qualified labor also have many issues of concern. Currently, the transfer of labor occurs almost in incumbent officials, while most laborers spend their lifetime working in one place and doing a certain job, so their dynamism, flexibility and creative possibilities of laborers is limited; 5) The status of using human resources of improper majors of training with work is very common, even some agencies have used both graduates of the University to work as technical workers. Such status of using labor with technical expertise in our country in general and in particular the province of Thua Thien Hue is not just a waste of the state's budget, money and effort of leaners, but also greatly influences the promoting effectiveness of qualified human resources quantity which is not many of the province, causing both excess and insufficiency of High-Quality Human Resources between economic areas. 127 The cause of the limitations in the development and structural transformations of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue Firstly, Thua Thien Hue is one of the provinces with low levels of development: outdated technology, no industrial development, agriculture still accounts for a high proportion, the growth has been uneven among regions, capacity of Labor and the ability to accumulate is low, which has a great influence on the investment for development of human resources. Expenditure ratio for Education-Training in 2001 was 162 424 million accounting for 12.6%, in 2005 was 285,657 million (17.1%) in 2011 reached 20%. The currently limited funding has made the use, importance and treatment of highly qualified human resources becomes very difficult. This is the first cause leading to alarming "brain drain" increasingly occurs in Thua Thien Hue province. Secondly, planning, training and retraining of human resources are not properly respected, comprehensive and scientific. In fact, in the last years to have planning base for HRD, Thua Thien Hue province in collaboration with research institutions and human resources management have implemented a number of topics, an overall assessment scheme of human resource status of the province, namely: 2004 DPI assigned the Center of Population Research - Labor - Employment of Institute of Labor Science and Social Affairs to implement the project "Assessment of human resources in Thua Thien Hue and research for proposals and solutions used to promote "; 2007 PPC built the project "Development of High-Quality Human Resources in Thua Thien Hue by 2020" and in 2010 PPC assigned Department of Planning and Investment the construction of "Draft Master Plan for HRD in Thua Thien Hue province in the period 2011 - 2020". However, it is noteworthy that the themes, draft proposals have made predictions about the demand - supply of human resources in the province, of the industries, but building plans for training ,retraining and implementation of training and retraining of human resources based on the forecast have not been adequatly and synchronously paid attention to, the training of human resources was not as effective as 128 desired. So the province has not prepared for the arrangement of human resources and additional alternative, frustrating a number of industries, making them feel the uncertainty, especially in human resources in the high-tech industry. Thirdly, the Education – Training system is still weak in terms of management, teaching staff, content, methods and training programs, facilities, equipment .... - The weakness in the management of education started from the loose, lacks the strict supervision of the management structure of training levels, majors. In fact, the training of human resources of schools, vocational training institutions is currently not stick to the increasing needs of the sectors, fields or the balance of the surplus or deficit of human resources to provide training plans but mainly depended on the needs of the learners. In addition, the recruitment, training of training facilities in the area is not associated with use of human resources, some courses (primary, short-term) and majors (Education-training, economics, Medicine ...) are too many while other majors such as biotechnology, construction, mechanics, welding, electronic with high recruitment needs, easy job opportunities can only attract a small number of learners. So there is a paradox in the fact that up to 80 - 90% students of the vocational schools after graduation have jobs with stable income, but such training has still failed to attract learners and there is severe shortage of skilled labor in enterprises. - Quality of teaching staff in general, especially teachers of private universities, colleges, high schools, vocational training institutions is weak and inadequate. Currently, many schools, especially private schools depend on the teaching staff of the University of Hue. The number of teachers with postgraduate qualifications in new specialized training like biotechnology, IT, banking and finance ... is few leadinf to teachers having to "rush" and no time for scientific research, additional new knowledge .... resulting in huge impact on the quality of training. - Content, training curriculum is heavy on theory, practice is disregarded; imposed teaching style do not promote thinking skills and creativity of learners. Especially, program content, teaching methods in training colleges, universities, graduate have slowly been renovated, so it hasn’t met the requirements for the preparation of human 129 resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. - Facilities, equipment of training institutions are also one of the causes limiting human resources quality. Although being known as a center of Education – Training in the central region and the country, in general the facilities and equipment for training, especially the laboratory system, practice and applied facilities for deployment of scientific research results are so modest compared with the 2 Education-Training centers of Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. In the recent years, the Investment budget for education – training has increased, but with the majority of funds is only used to pay the amount and scholarships for students of about 80-90%, while spending for infrastructure investment, teaching equipment is not commensurate with the training expansion. In fact, Colleges, Universities have been training in the credit system, which requires learners to mainly study by themselves. To do so, the schools must have the facilities, equipment, particularly laboratory systems, practices, libraries, which are not guaranteed. Fourthly, poor working conditions without adequate policies in appreciating, attracting High-Quality Human Resources. In our country in general and the province of Thua Thien Hue in particular, policies such as salaries, wages, bonuses and other benefits for highly qualified labor have not created incentives for them to develop, dedicate their abilities. Low wages, while other income such as bonuses, overtime, benefits is too little money, in addition to working in conditions lacking facilities both in the office, equipment, laboratories, research materials. According to statistics, Hue University is one of the few training centers owning a team of University staff with academic titles not only of the central region but also of the country, with over 148 Professors , Associate Professors and over 362 Doctors, but now a number of associate professors do not have their own separate office - this is the minimum requirement for teaching staff with the title of associate professor or higher. Besides, the province does not have many policies and regulations of the importance of appreciation, attraction of highly qualified labor with technical expertise. In fact, in the recent years the province has issued a number of important 130 policies to attract High Quality Human Resources like scheme 02/DA – TU 05/9/2008 of training masters, Doctors overseas; Project No. 03/DA - 01/10/2008 TU of training key staff of local authorities in wards and townships by titles; policies to attract highly qualified experts to join consulting, training and getting involved in software production ...; program providing scholarships and long- term tuition assistance for fairly good and good students good at electronics and telecommunications, IT ... Along with the issuance of the policies, the province has issued Decision No. 1812/2008/QD - UBND of support staff, public servants being sent for training by subject, level of training, namely: in addition to payment of travel fares, tuition fees, course materials, the person also receives a special grant: master degree gets 15 million dongs, Doctor degree gets 25 million dongs, physicians and st level specialist, pharmacists get 10 million dongs, 2nd level pharmacists, physicians and specialists get 20 million dongs. However, the above-mentioned policies are not breakthrough so it is still difficult to attract and retain talents. Only within the past three years, dozens of qualified staff with academic titles of Professor, Associate Professor, PhD, MA in the central agencies in the local such as Hue University, Hue Central Hospital have left Hue for elsewhere with favorable working environment, being highly appreciated and better remuneration policies like Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong, Can Tho ... (See appendix 14). In addition, there was the distinction between the "central - local people". In the recent years, the central agencies located in the province have added High-Quality Human Resources staff in the province's labor force and made a great contribution to the socio - economic development for the province, but in fact there has long been a distinction between the people managed by the province and those who are managed by the Central Government, for instance: master degree gets 15 million dongs, Doctor degree gets 25 million dongs, studying abroad under the Scheme 02 is only applied to officials of the province .... This also affects the dedication and their commitment to the province. 131 The issues posed for the building of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue From pointing out the limitations, the cause of the limitations of human resources development in Thua Thien Hue province, the thesis considers that in order to really build capable human resources to meet the increasing demands of the process of industrialization modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, the province should better resolve the following issues: Firstly, survey, objectively evaluate the status of the province's human resources, and clarify the human resources are abundant and lacking in what levels, industries and lines to have timely adjustment to avoid waste and also to use the human resources effeciently. Along with the review and evaluation of human resources, the province should depend on the economic development strategies, the human resources needs of the businesses to have a logical forecast of human resources, on the basis build training programs for human resources to meet the specific requirements for each phase. Secondly, although the province's human resources are in a large number but the strength is low: Labor without technical expertise accounts for high rate while there is a serious shortage of qualified labor and high-skilled workers, especially in the typical technology sector of the Knowledge-based economy; the quality of human resources in the province does not currently meet the requirements of the process of industrialization and modernization in terms of physical strength, mentalpower and labor skills. Therefore, an urgent problem posed in the HRD strategy to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy is fundamentally comprehensive change in the status of Education - Training both in structure, training fields, teachers, curriculum content, teaching methods, facilities on par with the new development stage. 132 Thirdly, to this time, Thua Thien Hue province has had no policy to attract talents from other localities like Da Nang to work, even talents retention policies are also not adequate. So, to have a breakthrough in human resources, should firstly start from an important breakthrough in the policy of attracting, appreciating talents because investment in talents will bring the highest efficiency. Besides honoring intellectual, value creation and put talents into right places based on their dedication, the material remuneration is essential to encourage and motivate talents. If the currently difficult economic conditions of the province, we can not issue preferential policies such as the other localities, then in the coming time there should be smaller policies to encourage, retain talents like building condominiums as installment sale, for rent at low prices .... 133 Chapter 4 OPINIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THUA THIEN HUE 4.1. The views and forecasts of the human resources development for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien Hue 4.1.1. Forecast the demand for human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in Thua Thien Hue to 2020. Forecast of human resource development needs of Thua Thien Hue to 2020 has been studied, formed by the relating provincial departments in such basis and practice as: trained labor demand of the fields; survey, assess the state of human resources development from 2001 - 2010; require to implement the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge economy in the Province; impact of the international context, in the country on the process of socio-economic development of Thua Thien Hue. Accordingly, to have the human resources meeting the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge economy, the Province' must reach the goal: - Striving to bring trained labor rate to 74% in 2015 and 85% in 2020, of which, through vocational training of 60% and 70%; total expected trained labor in the period 2011 – 2015 is about 192 thousand employees and the period from 2016 to 2020 about 144 thousand employees; in 2015 the trained labor rate in agricultureforestry and aquaculture is 57%, industry is 78.6%, construction is 77%, services is 79%, and by 2020 the rate of labor trained in agriculture-forestry and aquaculture is 77%, industry is 85.3%, construction is 85.5% and services is 86%, 134 - In the period 2011 - 2015 training around 6500-7000 Doctors, Masters, 8001000 specialist level I, II for the Central Region - Central Highlands and the country. In particular, Thua Thien Hue newly trains around 1500-1600 Doctors, Masters, 150-200 specialists level 1, level 2. To stage 2015 - 2020 training around 8000 - 9000 Doctors, Masters, 1200 - 1500 specialist level 1, level 2 for the Central Region - Central Highlands and the country. In particular, Thua Thien Hue newly trains 1600 - 1800 Doctors, Masters, 250-300 specialist level 1, level 2 [160, 34]. - Based on the common goals and economic development strategies of the province that is going to accelerate the development of services on the basis of improving the quality of tourism services, finance - banking, telecommunications, IT, healthcare, education; restructuring and improving efficiency especially in main production lines: engineering, fabrication and electronic assembly, high-tech industry, auxiliary industrial development associated zones, industrial parks, industrial development with advantages in resources, scale and major contributions to the state budget, such as cement, building materials, drinking processing and food industries, construction sites, small and medium-sized industrial clusters associated with the process of urbanization, creation of non-agricultural employment, restructuring of labor in rural areas, by 2010 about 50 % labor in agriculture and in 2020 to about 13-15%. Therefore, in the future the human resources development for each sector has been identified as follows: - For the services sector: by 2015 it requires 273 thousand labor (accounting for 43.0% of the labor in the national economy) and 325 thousand by 2020 (45% of total labor in the national economy ); in 2011 – 2015 it is necessary to train and retrain about 90 thousand labor, of which industries accounting for a large proportion are the commerce, hospitality, restaurant, financial credit; in 2016-2020 it requires training and training approximately 63 thousand labor, of which industries accounting for a large proportion are the commerce, hospitality, restaurant, financial credit, education and health. - For the industry – construction sector: the period 2015 - 2020: for the industry in 2015 it requires about 142 thousand labor (22.3% of the labor in the national economy) 135 and 172 thousand labor in 2020 (24% of total labor in the national economy); for the construction industry, in 2015 there should be approximately 87 thousand labor (accounting for 13.7% of the total labor in the national economy) and about 116 thousand Labour in 2020 (accounting for 16.1% of the total labor in the national economy); in the period from 2011 to 2020, need training and re-training of about 101 thousand labor in industry and around 72 thousand labor in the construction industry, of which the processing industry and construction account for a large proportion. - For agriculture - forestry - aquaculture: in 2015 need decreasing from 133 thousand laborers (21% of total labor in the national economy) to 108 thousand in 2020 (accounting for 15.1% of the total labor in the national economy); in the period 2011 2020 needs to train about 60 thousand people mostly of primary, intermediate and vocational training for 75 thousand labor (the average annual training about 7-8 thousand labor for rural areas) [160, 44]. 4.1.2. The basic points of human resource development for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue Comprehensive development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue The process of industrialization and modernization associated with the Knowledge-based economy ties itself to the objective demands placed on the quantity, quality and human resources structure. Unlike the previous economies, Knowledge-based economy requires a sufficient number of human resources to meet the increasing requirement for development of the production, but not any human resources, it must be trained human resources, especially High-Quality Human Resources. Thua Thien Hue province has abundant labor force, but still has not met the requirements of the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. So, in the future to promote industrialization and 136 modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy: on the one hand, increase human resources in general, on the other hand, focus on the number of highly qualified human resources with higher technical expertise, especially Labour in Science- Technology, Labour force being leader - managers, professionals, scientists, because this team has the role of the leader, pioneer in economic development, and pillars in building and development of the Knowledge based economy. Along with the increasing number of human resources, improving the quality of human resources is most urgently required and must be done this time. In the recent years, the province's human resources quality has significantly been improved in terms of necessary physical strength, mental power and qualities, but it is not compatible with the advent and development of the key economic sectors. So, in the next time the province should improve the quality of human resources, of which development of Education-Training, investment in health is a top priority. In addition, industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy requires a structure of human resources in accordance with the economic structure. In fact, the province's human resources structure is imbalance, especially human resources structure with technical expertise: humna resource with primary qualification accounts for a much higher proportion compared to other training levels. Therefore, from now until 2020, Thua Thien Hue has to adjust the structure of human resources towards reducing the proportion of primary skilled labor, increasing the proportion of skilled labor with degree in colleges, universities, postgraduate to meet the requirements of the industrialization and modernization process in association with the Knowledgebased economic development. Positive and active in integration into the regional and the world economy to attract foreign direct investments and teams of world experts We know that international economic integration is tied to the national economy system of international division of labor, which makes the country's 137 economic structure shift in the economic structure of the countries in the region and the world, particularly where businesses, regions and provinces of Vietnam having relations with trade and investment. Through economic and cultural exchanges with other countries, especially the developed countries, our country is not only attracting capital, technology to develop key economic sectors, high levels of Science – Technology to produce crystalline products with greater intellectual content, and also to attract a team of experienced and qualified experts in the fields to accelerate the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge -based economy. Therefore, positive and active integration into the regional and the world economy is consistent point in the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, not only for the country, but also for the provincial levels, including Thua Thien Hue province. We can say, if we can overcome the challenges, proactive international integration will create new opportunities for Thua Thien Hue province in attracting FDI and a team of world experts to accelerate economic growth and perform the process of modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy in the province based on specific characteristics and access to the world's advanced standards Development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the knowledge-based economy in many ways, such as in education – training, appreciating and attracting human resources is the most important thing. Industrialization and Modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy is placing an urgent requirement for improving the quality of human resources. Experience has shown, there are many ways to improve the quality of human resources, but depending on the conditions and circumstances of each country or locality to have appropriate choices. In particular, the development of Education - Training plays the leading role, because Education-Training directly 138 decides the improvement of level of education, technical expertise level of human resources. As one of the provinces with difficult economic conditions, to accelerate the pace of economic development and performing the goals of becoming the central city before 2015, one of the chosen breakthrough direction is the development of highquality human resources, which considers Education - Training the top national policy. However, Provincial Education- Training has not kept pace of social development and the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy: Labour without technical expertise remains high percentage, lack of experts and capacity of local officials has not to met the requirements ... Therefore, in the future, Thua Thien Hue province must be consistent with the point that Education - Training is the first national policy and it is the most basic way to soon build High-Quality Human Resources. To accomplish this task, first of all provincial education should focus on developing and renewing the system of general education and professional education system. In particular, education plays a fundamental role equipped with the basic knowledge in order to create conditions for laborers trained with higher levels of technical expertise, and professional education is a key component of training for HR with technical expertise. Therefore, it is necessary to develop teaching staff, infrastructure construction, investment in equipment and teaching aids, completing management system to facilitate the school to increase the size and improve the quality of training. In particular, prioritize basis to develop high-quality education and create the conditions for other educational institutions to participate in training conditions to meet the needs of highly qualified human resources for the economy and the learning needs of the people. Also, to have High-Quality Human Resources in the present context, highly appreciating and attracting human resources is also a consistent view. Practice has proved, the success of the East Asian countries, especially Singapore, besides paying attention to Development of Education - Training, Singapore also focused on importance of and attract talents, especially foreign talents. For Thua 139 Thien Hue province, in the recent years due to difficult economic conditions, the province does not have many innovative significant policies to attract and remunerate High-Quality Human Resources. While High-Quality Human Resources of the province is weak and inadequate and it will be so long to wait for being trained, the province needs additional practical policies to retain talents. First of all to implement the material incentives such as higher payment, increased benefits, training funding ... In addition, there should be policies to timely encourage and reward, because for talents sources of material benefit, economic benefits are not all, mental numerous benefits are also necessary, it is the need to self-assert of personality through innovative working activities. For attracting human resources from other locals outside the province, in the difficult economic conditions, the province isn’t allowed to implement such policies as in a number of other locals, immediately may invite experts to give lectures, collaborate and consult on socio economic issues of the province to encourage outstanding students to stay in Hue to work, such as rental assistance, installment home purchase ... With the advantage of being a national center of economic - politic - culture, healthy and safe living environment, if the province has good policy to attract talents, then Hue will become the destination of many scientists, professionals, highly qualified labor. Focus on both physical and intellectual training, considervcreative, dynamic intellectual training the spearhead thereby form the new socialist man The quality of human resources is shown in all three dimensions: physical, mental power and psychological conditions, which means human resources perceive the society correctly with ideals. Therefore, to improve the quality of human resources for the inudstrialisation and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy it is vital to recognize the intimate relationship between physical with mental power, willpower and create conditions for the development of intellect and mental power of the labor force. With this awareness, the HRD strategy should have training plans linked to physical as well 140 as intellectual training for the supply of knowledge to solve social relationship with the families, society and personal, then form the faith and ideals in Labour properly. As a province in the Central Coast area, Thua Thien Hue’s natural conditions are relatively harsh, income per capita is low, health care services are limited by the characteristics of anthropology ... which has greatly influenced the physical strength of labor. In fact, compared to many provinces and cities in the country, laborers in Thua Thien Hue have more modest weight and height. So, in the HRD strategy, the province should pay attention to this aspect to have policies and measures to develop harmonious balance both physically and intellectually for laborers. Because, all the labor, either manual labor or intellectual labor are required mental strength, good health to maintain and develop brainpower, to convey knowledge on production-business activities, to turn knowledge into physical strength. Along with the country, Hue is ongoing process of industrialisation and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy and this process can not be successful if we just rely on physical strength, financial source or art of skills but most importantly is to develop the intellectual resources, which takes training, practice creative intelligence, dynamism the key factor. So creative intellectual HRD shall be considered a prime target. Thua Thien Hue province has many favorable conditions for the development of innovative human resources compared with many other locals, because in the local there are several fairly complete, modern national Education - Training, Science - Technology institutions with teaching staff, scientists ranking the third in the country ... However, the creative human resources of the province are still severely short, especially in high-tech industries such as IT, biotechnology. Therefore, development of creative human resources must be considered consistent viewpoint in human resources development strategy of the province. To perform this point, the province should have the right policy to detect, train, foster talents within farmers, workers and intellectuals. If we do not know how to train, develop and use talents, we will not be able to develop creative human resources, this will hinder the pace of 141 industrialization and modernization of the province so this should thoroughly be grasphed among levels, branches. Socializing the development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy In this era of scientific –technological revolution, wisdom becomes the main driver of growth and economic development, human resources development is therefore crucial to the success or failure of a country or locality. In difficult conditions, the ability to accumulate in the economy is low, Thua Thien Hue province is facing many difficulties in capital for investment in HRD. This is one of the reasons for the difficulties in assuring quality of Education - Training, public health care and the ability to attract High-Quality Human Resources from other localities as well as the implementation of remuneration to retain talents. Therefore, to develop human resources, Thua Thien Hue province could not sustain the way of subsidizing investment but needs to mobilize all social resources to meet the needs of human resources training. This means that it is necessary to conduct socialization of human resources training, the use of economic sectors in developing human resources is very important. Besides encouraging economic sectors to get involved in joint training, financial support and training, support practice, apprenticeship, support scholarships for students, leaners ... the province and the authorities need to encourage labor including workers and farmers to promote innovation, improve production techniques and production – business management, creating new technologies, new production models. In addition, the province should develop policies to encourage production-business enterprises, institutions to be capable of sending labour training, studying abroad, then come back to work in the local setting mechanism between state agencies, research institutions, training establishments to support each other in training, supply, use of High-Quality Human Resources most effectively. 142 Thus, in difficult conditions, to develop human resources the province should thoroughly grasph the viewpoints of socialization of human resources development, especially educational socialization with the participation of the sectors in order to tackle the standstill of capital, the infrastructure to achieve the essential objectives of education. The result of this social work over the past decade confirms once again, in addition to relieve the burden of budget support, through socialization with the participation of the economic sectors that educational institutions have been innovated to better serve the needs of people and contributed to a learning society in which everyone is given choice of a type, a method of training. Development of intelligent human resources should focus on sectors that the province has economic potential, advantageous and crucial for the process of industrialization and modernization of the province Development of human resources, especially High-Quality Human Resources should be derived from the conditions, circumstances of Thua Thien Hue. Currently, the province's human resources are mainly concentrated in industries with low value-added sectors such as agriculture - forestry – fishery, processing industry ... while other industries such as tourism, finance - banking, IT, biotechnology, new materials technology, the human resources are severely short. So the province's viewpoint in labor restructuring towards industrialization and modernization is the focus on priorities of HRD for the industries, production lines the Province has the advantages and potentials, namely: the services sector prioritizes development of human resources for the tourism industry, finance, banking, Education- Traning, health, culture; the industrial sector takes priorities in HRD for processing industry, construction new materials, textiles; in the field hightech takes priorities in HRD for IT, biotechnology, new materials technology and automation technology; in agriculture prioritizes HRD for aquaculture, marine economy, farming and livestock of high quality. Accordingly, HRD Plan in Thua Thien Hue in the period 2011 - 2020 has been identified: the human resource in the services sector would increase from 201.2 thousand in 2010 (accounting for 36.1% 143 of the total workforce in the national economy) to 273 thousand in 2015 (accounting for 43.0% of the total workforce in the national economy) and 325 thousand people in 2020 (accounting for 45% of the total workforce in the national economy); in the field of industry human resource would increase from 97.6 thousand in 2010 (accounting for 17.5% of the total labor in the national economy) to about 142 thousand in 2015 (accounting for 22.3% of the total labor in the national economy) and 172 thousand by 2020 (accounting for 24% of the total labor in the national economy); in the field of construction, the human resourcces would increase from 54.7 thousand in 2010 (representing 9.8% of the total labor in the national economy) to about 87 thousand people in 2015 (accounting for 13.7% of the total labor in the national economy) and about 116 thousand people in 2020 (accounting for 16.1% of the total labor in the national economy). 4.2. SOLUTIONS FOR HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION AND MODERNIZATION ASSOCIATED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMY IN THUA THIEN HUE 4.2.1. Group of solutions to development premise for human resources for industrialization and modernization in association with development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue Extremely proactive in international integration to develop high quality human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge economy As analyzed in the current situations, Thua Thien Hue province has the advantage of abundant human resources, HR quality however is still limited: low labor force through training, imbalanced training structure; weak working skills.... This is a major barrier to the province during the industrialization and modernization process associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. In terms of scientific-technological revolution, the development of the Knowledge-based economy and globalization process going strongly with profound impact on the development of each country, locality, one of the important solutions 144 is to have High-Quality Human Resources being proactive in international integration. In fact, during the last time the proactive international integration has brought to the provincial capital, Education-Training development experience ... contributing to the improvement of human resources quality. So, in the coming time, Thua Thien Hue province should continue to implement the following measures: - Promote the dissemination of information to people, staff, laborers about international integration policies of the province to enlist all resources for socio economic development, especially the capital, experience in development of Education and Training, experience of High-Quality Human Resources development in countries worldwide. - Amend and supplement the laws and policies in the field of Education Training, Science - Technology to create a clear, favorable mechanism attracting countries, organizations and individuals to invest in the fields. - Promote cooperation, joint ventures, links with universities, research institutes and regional stature in the world to enlist the capital, technology, innovative teaching methods, just step by step joining in High-Quality Human Resources training including pupils, students, teachers, officials of the province. In particular, continue the joint training program implemented effectively in the past, such as MA training in sustainable development of rural environment, rural development; advanced Physics bachelor training, and training talented engineers, travel abroad management training .... - Continue calling scholarships from organizations to staff, faculty, students, students such as JICA, SIDA, Sam Sum companies, Japan's Chubu scholarship funds, East Meest West (U.S.) ... and a number of individuals from Japan, U.S., France .... - Organize seminars, international conferences with the participation of scientists, international faculty, Vietnam and Thua Thien Hue province. Through workshops and conferences for researchers, faculty, staff exchange of expertise, 145 create conditions for the province to sign in several new cooperation documents in training of High-Quality Human Resources. - Increase admissions of foreign students and volunteers to learn, teach and research in schools of Hue University and research institutes in the province according to the agreed and associated training programs .. Promote economic development, facilitate accumulation for more investment in human resources development In the process of construction and development, particularly in the 10 years of implementation of the socio-economic development strategy, Thua Thien Hue province has achieved tremendous and very important success, helped the province getting out of the poor and weakly developing condition: the economic growth in 2000 reached 11.2%, in 2005 11.3% and in 2010 12.5%; the total export value in 2006 was U.S. $ 61,233 then up to $ 257,514 in 2010; provincial economic structure has shifted towards services, industry - construction, agriculture - forestry - aquaculture, of which service sector accounts for 45.2%, industry - construction 39.7% and agriculture - forestry fishery 15.1%. However, currently, Thua Thien Hue is one of the provinces with low levels of development: the service sector, especially tourism identified as a key sector of the province has not yet created any breakthrough in development; industry has not developed, agriculture still accounts for a high proportion compared with economic sector; the growth across regions has been uneven, labor productivity and the ability to accumulate is low. Therefore, it affects investment in human resources development, particularly the implementation of key policies to attract talents. To ensure sufficient human resources to meet the requirements of socio - economic development and industrialisation and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy, the demands for trained human capital and investment capital to build the training facilities are great. By 2020 the size of the enrollment of training facilities is expected 81,100 people, so the province should fund around 5,538 billion, of which: fund for vocational training is 1.822 billion, fund for education in order to build colleges, universities and postgraduate is 3,651 billion, fund for training of civil 146 servants in the province under the scheme 02/TU, 03/TU, Project 165 is 65 billion, investment capital to build training facility is 8,328 billion [160]. To get this funding, apart from the central budget, the local is required to have a certain budget. So, in the coming time, the province must accelerate economic growth, because economic development is the most important factor for the decision to increase the accumulation of the economy, to create conditions for increasing investment and development of effective use of human resources, in particular: - Promote and improve the shifting of economic structure towards services industry - agriculture based on the advantages, potentials of the province. - Development services: focus on the development of the service sector that the province has the strength, especially financial - banking, postal, telecommunications, IT, Education - Training, health, insurance, transport; speed up the production of goods and exports services, especially commodities with high added value, such as timber, fisheries, mining ....; carry out the planning of tourism development, promoting Hue tourism image, capital investment to expand new resorts, its services network of travel and develop unique tourism product. - Develop Industry and construction: focus on the development of key breakthrough industries of the province like cement, titanium ...; focus investment on promotion into the high-tech industries such as new materials industry, especially the IT software industry, focus on developing supporting industries such as fish processing for export, sewing, footwear and handicrafts; development of industrial zones, inclusive economic zones and small industry clusters; develop profession and handicraft villages associated with tourism development and export. - Agricultural Development: accelerate mechanization and modernization in the agricultural production process, apply advanced scientific-technological achievements, especially biotechnology for crop and livestock diversification to improve productivity and economic efficiency; accelerate the pace of economic restructuring in agriculture by strengthening industrial development, rural services to gradually reduce the proportion of agriculture in the economy; develop industries such as agro-processing 147 and enhance linkages between farmers, scientists and businesses especially scientifictechnological staff of Hue University. In fact, the human resources development in Thua Thien Hue province in the recent years has faced many difficulties, partly due to the economic growth of the province is low. Therefore, to develop human resources to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization in association with development of Knowledgebased economy, the province must accelerate the pace of development higher than the previous period, strive to annual average economic growth in the period 2011 - 2020 reach 12-13%, exports reach $ 1 billion in 2020 on revenues accounting for 14% of GDP in 2020 to be able to take appropriate investment for development of human resource. This also explains why, Nguyen Ngoc Thien - Secretary of the Provincial Committeeof the Party has very different views of the preferential talents "In my viewpoint, only when Thua Thien Hue economy develops from the current average level to fairly good, with better working environment, higher income, talents will naturally come and stay, "[77]. Complete and implement well the planning of human resources development for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge economy As analyzed in the limitations, one of the causes affecting human resources development of the province is in a long time, the planning development of human resources has not been properly considered, therefore, the Province hasn’t built HRD strategy for each stage. As a result, the implementation of training plans, training of human resources becomes very difficult and inconsistent. Based on the awareness of the importance of human resources for the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, in the recent years the province has developed a number of proposals and draft for HRD like "Development of high quality human resources in Thua Thien Hue by 2020 "(2007),"Approval of HRD planning in Thua Thien Hue in the period 20112020"(2011). We can say, HRD planning in the province has been built on the basis 148 of studying the status of HRD in the province over the past 10 years, on the basis assess the achievements, constraints and cause of limitations, and make predictions about the human resources supply - demand of the industries, the particular fields by 2020 is feasible and logical. However, it is noteworthy that based on such predictions, building training plans, training courses and implementation of training and retraining of human resources has not been adequately focused and sync, training of human resources is not as effective as desired. Therefore, being inactive in HR for arranging, alternating and supplementing leading to several industries’s uncertainty, especially human resources in the high-tech industry. So, in the coming time, it is necessary to improve human resources development planning in the directions: - In the development planning of human resources in the province by 2020, the most shortcoming of the province is flawed assessment of the provincial human resources being redundant and lacking in which sectors for supplement and restructuring of the human resources. Therefore, when planning development of human resources, it is necessary to take into account this problem. - There should be plans for breakthrough in high-quality human resources development, with a focus on construction, training and proper use of team leaders, competent and ethical managers with qualities good, improve the quality and efficiency of Scientific-technological staff; training technical workers with technical expertise in the direction of developing the vocational school system extensively, have policies to encourage local businesses, companies of all economic sectors to open schools and vocational training institutions for the youth... - Based on the forecast of demand for human resources for each year, each stage, right from the planning it is necessary to build training plans specific to each sector, area such as: the number of human resources, industries need to be trained ... and deliver to training facilities. - On the basis of making the human resources demand forecast for each year, each stage and building human resources training and retraining plans, planning 149 needs to build the conditions for training and fostering human resources, such as the construction of many HR training centers, equipment for the training, the number of teachers recruited. - Most of the data used for the planning are secondary data, obtained from the grassroot levels so this easily leads to predictions with huge difference compared to the current situation of human resources. So in HRD planning there must be solutions to predict wrong numbers and factors affecting the implementation of the plan. Besides, along with completing development planning of human resources, deployment and implementation of human resources development planning is extremely important. So, in order to plan effectively, such measures should be taken: 1) Enhance public information, dissemination to agencies using labor, laborers, workers, people about the lines and all policies of the province of HRD; 2) Develop information systems, data banks of human needs as the basis for implementing training policies, using and managing human resources. With this data bank, units using labor and the labor can reduce the time, money, energy to connect to the workforce demand-supply, which will improve the efficiency of using human resources and Labour productivity, and 3) Form a HRD steering committee composed of representatives of provincial leaders, the relevant industries, economic zones, industrial zones, training facilities, and large-scale enterprises; 4) Reorder HR training institutions such as vocational schools, colleges, universities and research institutes reasonably in both schools, class, education level, profession, teachers ... to ensure workforce training associated with socioeconomic development needs of the province; 5) Improve the quality of human resources training, focuse especially on moral education, lifestyle, practice skills, creative abilities, adaptation, industrial style to meet the increasing demands of the labor market. In addition, create a favorable social environment to encourage laborers to learn to improve their technical expertise; 6) Strengthen international cooperation for human resources development as attracting faculty, scienitifctechnological staff come to work, send staff to attend training facilities abroad, encourage studying abroad in many forms ... 150 4.2.2. Group of Solutions to direct training and retraining of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue Education -training development is the decisive factor for improving the quality of human resources to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge economy As an economically underdeveloped province, in years the province has paid attention to development of Education - Training, in addition to the role of culture – tourism centre, Thua Thien Hue has long been known as the Education – Training Center in the central region and the country. Thus, the province has a high educational level compared with other central region provinces, with a number of highly qualified intelligentsia, officials in Science-Technology, lecturers at the University. However, to have High-Quality Human Resources to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization in association with development of Knowledge-based economy, by 2020 education of Thua Thien Hue needs to perform 3 basic tasks, namely: improving intellectual level so that every citizen is equipped with the basic knowledge and able to apply that knowledge to jobs; must train High-Quality Human Resources meeting the requirements of shortened industrialization and modernization based on knowledge; detecting, caring and fostering talents. It can be said, by 2015 and 2020 if the province does not have a large number of highly qualified labor force, leading experts, leaders and good managemers, good businessmen, it is hard to make strong development in the Knowledge-based economy. Therefore, in the next time the province needs to immediately implement reforms and comprehensive development of education in the direction: Firstly, innovate teaching methods; content, training programs and improving the quality of teachers at all levels. Industrialisation and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy requires laborers have relatively high intelligence quality - this is considered the most important quality in this age. The quality of labor is a combination of the innovative capacity, know how to apply 151 knowledge, new achievements in science – technology to create new products, being adaptable, dynamic, knowledge and technology mastery, with the ability to capture and process information in time of information explosion today. At the same time laborers need to have working skills represented by the skill, proficiency in work ... These things can only get only when the education has active teaching methods, content and training programs tailored to the demands of the society and a team of highly qualified teachers. However, education in Thua Thien Hue province for many years has maintained the traditional lecturing method: teachers read students take notes, teachers only focus on fully delivering theoretical information needed to convey in accordance with main program content and teaching theory, rarely attach theory to practice; the content, training programs are slow reformed, and quality of teaching staff in colleges, universities, especially in the educational institutions is weak and short. As a result, learners become passive, just listen, take notes, memorize, this has affected the ability of independent thinking and the application of knowledge and skills of learners in the practical activities so when working in actual situations, the laborers cannot meet the job requirements, and need to be retrained by agencies and businesses. Therefore, in the future, for Education- Training to become a top national policy, it is vital to firstly innovate teaching methods, content, training programs and improve the quality of teachers, namely: - Regarding to teaching methods: 1) Propaganda for managers and teachers to be fully aware of the importance and the need to focus on the intellectual, time for the renewal of teaching methods; 2 ) Organize conferences, seminars, make reference to domestic and foreign training institutions for teachers to access modern teaching methods, in order to facilitate them to have teaching experience and then know to select appropriate teaching methods with specialized training they undertake; 3) There should be mechanisms to support and encourage teachers to compile program, practical lectures, case studies to include in their teaching; 4) Take an appropriate funding for investment in teaching facilities, laboratories, workshops, libraries ... for self-learning, self-study of students; 5) Reduce hours of classroom theoretical teaching, increase 152 dialogues, seminars and self-study time of students in libraries, laboratories, workshops, production facilities ; 6) Advice and help learners change perceptions and get used to the positive teaching methods. - Regarding to content, training programs: 1) At each level of training must be consistent curriculum constructed in accordance with the development trend of the times. However, depending on the training base to choose suitable training software based on content and existing programs analysis. It also must be regularly updated and supplemented when there is a change in technology, professional skills, but to ensure flexibility in the construction process of content and the program for each course; 2) The content, training programs need to have openness and interoperability so that after school training at low levels as primary/intermediate training, students can continue studying to higher levels, which can both reduce costs, time and efforts to learn as well as save funds invested by the state. - Teaching staff: To achieve the goals that by 2020, vocational schools, vocational intermediate will have 15-20% qualified teachers with Master degree, 100% teachers have pedagogical techniques; vocational colleges, professional colleges reach 25-30% qualified teachers with Master degree, 3-5% qualified teachers with Dotoral degree, 100% qualified lecturers with university degree or more and pedagogical techniques; 100% university lecturers have master degree or higher and have pedagogical education techniques, in which 25-30% are qualified teachers with dotoral degree [160, 45-46], Thua Thien Hue province should implement the following solutions: 1) Based on the number of students in training facilities to enhance the teaching staff, respectively; 2) Regular classes for updating new knowledge and improving qualifications of teacher in training institutions. In addition, there should be classes to standardize the level and quality of teachers, especially in the vocational training institutions, 3) Currently, a number of good students often do not want to enlist in pedagogical colleges, univerisites becuase after graduation, it is difficult for them to find jobs and the income is often low. To have a team of good quality teachers, now the province should have a training plan to encourage good students in high schools, with good moral to enlist in 153 pedagogical institutions. To achieve this goal, the province must have good remuneration when they are still sitting in schools and even when they are at work after graduation, in addition to the basic salary there should be other incentives; 4) Encourage teachers, especially teachers in universities to find scholarships for studying abroad. At the same time each year the province should have an equitable share of funds to send teachers to short-term trainings, to be as trainees at the training base and research institutes in the region and around the world, especially the high-tech industries; 5) Links with overseas institutions to invite foreign professors and highly qualified overseas Vietnamese wishing to contribute wisdom and effort to teach in the Province and talk with teachers, 6) Pay more interest in improving living standards, housing conditions and working conditions for teachers to ensure they have a stable life in order for their dedication in contribution for the cause of education. Secondly, adjust the training level structure of human resources to adapt to the economic restructuring and to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization in association with development of Knowledge-based economy. The current training level structure is irrational. Of the total trained labor force in the province, the rank of primary and short-term trained labor accounts for a too high percentage compared to other levels of training, especially training structure between vocational levels: vocational primary and equivalents accounted for 84%, while vocational intermediate and equivalent accounted for only 14%, others account for very little percentage (1.79%). Besides, there is imbalance in training majors: economics, education, health care, sewing, knitting, embroidery have too high number of students, while other sectors as natural sciences, IT, biotech, welding, electricity ... are in shortage of learners. To avoid wasting training funds, effective use of trained human resources, implementing labor restructuring and accelerating the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy, the province needs HR training structural adjustment in the following directions: 154 - The management bodies of Education – Training of HR like EducationTraining Department, Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs should stick to the transition of economic structure, the objectives of Provincial socio economic development and development trend of the times to determine the level of training, training fields for training facilities reasonably. Accordingly, by 2020 the province's goal is to quickly restructure the economy towards services - industries agriculture and forecast the needs of trained labor is 612 850 people (85% of the provincial labor force) in which agriculture - forestry - aquaculture is 83 250 people (77%), industry - construction is 251 100 people (87.1%), service is 278,500 people (85.8%) [160; 34]. - On the basis of identified targets, in the coming time, the province will assign specified enrollment plans to each traning lelvel and regularly check and monitor the implementation to ensure rapid training of skilled workers, highly skilled workers and scientific-technological labor force. By the calculations of the Labor Management, within 10 years, if Thua Thien Hue Province does not strengthen vocational training at college levels to over 17% and reduce primary training to 45%, it will not catch up with the growing trend of qualified and skilled human resources compared with the country and be unable to perform industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy. - The Provincce continues to have policies encouraging students to enroll in the majors that the province is in need, new industries, narrow and unattractive to learners such as free tuition fee and will be assigned work after completing course; implementing policies picking good and fairly good students for training in and outside the country or the province in coordination with businesses implement longterm scholarship programs for students in sectors the enterprises are short. This is also good practice to be replicated. In fact, in the recent years, to prepare human resources for the projects of construction circuit board and electronic circuits manufacturing facilities, People’s Committee of Thua Thien Hue province and the 155 company Silicon Design Solutions (USA) have had tuition assistance program and long-term fellowships for graduate students in electronics and telecommunications and information technology in the province who are studying at the Polytechnic University of Hanoi, Da Nang Polytechnic University and University of Posts and Telecommunications in Hue College of Sciences with GPA of 7.5 or higher, good morals, namely: if the student has a GPA above 8.0, he will receive 1 semester tuition of 1.5 million/month and 5 months of 1,250,000 VND Scholarship; GPA of 7.5 to less than 8.0 will receive a semester tuition of 1.5 million; students learning far from home will be funded an amount of 2.5 million/month in 5 months with conditions after finishing course will work for Silicon Design Solutions promoting investments in Hue [166]. - Propaganda, vocational counseling to students choosing courses, majors that the society needs, are easy to find jobs with steady income. Currently, in Thua Thien Hue there is a paradox that the graduate students from colleges, universities cannot find a job, while the students of the vocational schools after graduation up to 80-90% have a job with steady income, especially skilled workers, high-level skilled workers. Besides, in our country in general and in particular in the province of Thua Thien Hue there has been an issue for years the number of students in such majors of economic sectors, social science and humanities tends to rapidly increase while majors in natural sciences face many difficulties in the enrollment leading to human resources shortage in Science-Technology. Principal of Hue Vocational school - Tran Nam Luc said that a lot of businesses ask for human resources, especially in welding, electricity majors but the school does not have enough labor to provide". So, to adjust the level of education, field of study, the schools should have regular professional orientation for students, do not wait until school enrollment season to start implementation of vocational counseling. At the same time, the province should make publicly levels of training, training programs that are in need and easy to find jobs with stable incomes; educational levels, training 156 programs are and will be redundant in the coming years for students to have appropriate options. - Promotion of the close links between business and educational institutions, particularly vocational schools. Accordingly, the enterprises in the province will sign a contract with specific training facilities in need of how much labor at any level of training? What lines? ... for schools to have training plans according to the needs of the businesses and ensure the output for the training facilities. In addition, the institution should develop sustainable, comprehensive cooperation relationships with businesses to ensure 100% of the students, especially students who in apprenticeship, internship in the position of workers in businesses in the learning process. - Reviewing, updating and adding new lines to the system of training structure of human resources. In fact in our country there is a very inadequate situation as system of training career structure that the Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs, Ministry of Education - Training are building has very few changes, so training facilities in the local province must still apply specialized training as prescribed. Under the impact of the scientific-technological revolution, the development of the Knowledge-based economy, the economic structure will have change, many new industries appear then obviously the old career structure systems will become obsolete. Thus, the development of the production inevitably requires the State to review, update and add new lines to the system of human resources training structure, from which the institutions have legal basis for implementation of reasonable enrollment plans meeting the urgent needs of the society. Thirdly, diversification of training forms and types to quickly increase the number of human resources. In the recent years, though Thua Thien Hue province has made efforts to diversify the forms and types of training, but still have not met the learning needs of the people and human resources for social needs. Until now, the population aged 15 years and older through training of the province only accounts for 36.9% and untrained accounts for 63.1%. With such situation of highly 157 qualified human resources with technical expertise, Thua Thien Hue finds it difficult to implement social - economic targets and accelerate the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy. So the pressing issue now set out for the province is rapidly expanding scale to increase qualified human resources through diversification of forms and types of training. In terms of formal training methods having not met the learning needs of learner due to limited norms and relatively high entrance requirements, training facilities need to expand the training forms for learners to have more choice of the form of training in accordance with economic conditions, timing and ability, particularly: - Development of in-service training form. The general trend in the world is to open many forms of learning for a learning society, meeting the demand of lifelong learning needs of the people. For developed countries, due to the popular social demands of changing and professional work, thus the form of in-service training has practical significance, not only to meet the needs of supplementing and enhancing knowledge, but also creating an opportunity for those who want to change jobs, profession. However, what worries people is the quality of training of this form, so it is necessary to have: tighter controls of provisions of the learns. Subjects in this training type are people having jobs, practical experience rather than newly graduated students from high school or those without actual occupation; should specify in-service enrollment criteria are lower than academic training, require school to have strong screening test of both the input and outputs to ensure quality and labor recruitment agencies should have strict recruitment form ... which will improve the quality of this type of training. - Expand the form of distance training. Distance training is a form of training having an important role for the development of human resources that many countries around the world have successfully applied. For Thua Thien Hue Province, in present conditions should still encourage the development of this form of training, however, it is required solutions to control the quality of training, such 158 as organizing entrance exam seriously; in the course, in addition to sending the document by post should increase the teachers’ amount of time in class than at present; strengthening inspection and controlling testing activities at locations associated training. - Application form online training. In many countries around the world, online training methods have long been applied with diverse training programs. In Thua Thien Hue this is a new form of training and only some of the training facilities have used in the recent years and mainly in foreign language training. The province is ranked 5th in the Index of ICT readiness nationwide, Thua Thien Hue is qualified for developing online training form. But to ensure the quality of training, the online training facilities must: investment in modern equipment; retraining teachers to master new teaching methods, learners must also be equipped with basic understanding of IT; organizing network examinations to ensure confidentiality; also need to be inspected, test and regular monitoring of the authorities to ensure the quality of both input and output; requiring agencies for stricter recruitments ... - Encourage businesses to open training facilities for training worker or contract the training order of business. This type of training is very effective because it is linked with the use and training of human resources, making both training institutions and facilities using labor resources with the relationship is inextricably linked with each other. Along with the diversification of forms of training, the province should expand this kind of training. The expansion of scale of a type of training requires not only improving people's literacy, but more importantly, meeting the requirements of providing High-Quality Human Resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledge-based economy. So, in addition to the development of public education, the province should develop the kind of nonpublic training from school to colleges, universities as private, people founded schools. In fact, in many countries around the world, the government only focus on investments in a small number of public schools and most are private schools. 159 Notably, public and private schools in countries around the world do not differ in terms of facilities, quality of training, the number of students, so a large number of students have enrolled in private schools. In Thua Thien Hue province, in the recent years, this kind of non-public education began to be developed, but at present there is only one people founded university that is People Founded University of Phu Xuan, which still has not met the human resources training needs and learning needs of the people. Therefore, the province should have a policy on financial support, the ground, the training of teachers in order to encourage private investment in this type of education. Because if there is this form of training it will reduce development pressure on public schools to meet the needs and legitimate expectation of the people. Fourthly, strengthen and diversify investment sources for Education- Training. In the recent years, though the province's economy is still difficult, with the view considering Education - Training the first national policy, investment in education is investing in development, so in addition to funds from the central budget, Thua Thien Hue has tried to use a part of the local budget to invest in Education Training. However, pursuant to the HRD planning of Thua Thien Hue province, expected by 2020 the capital for HRD is 13,866 billion, of which for human resources training is 5,538 billion, investment for training institutions for labor force is 8,328 billion (see Appendix 12). To get this funding, beside the central and local budgets, the province needs to diversify investment sources, namely: - The province needs to mobilize contributions from various sources in the spirit of encouraging investments in Education - Training by open policies in order to create a legal environment to attract capital from foreign investors, domestic economic sectors and individuals for Education - Training as: opening training facilities of 100% foreign equity, private, people founded schools. - For educational institutions, individuals and organizations involved in the development of Education – Training, the Province should prioritize the allocation of land upon request, free of land use, credit support from the Development Bank, tax exemption for the first time establishment ... 160 - There should be policies defining contribution of businesses using labor for training institutions such as the contribution of enterprises to Education - Training is not included in taxable income, the cost of training courses in businesses or in collaboration with schools and research institutes in order to serve the needs of businesses must be included in the cost of production and business. - The province should have timely commendation for individuals and organizations donating land, cash support, construction works for the cause of Education - Training. - Increase the autonomy of public institutions to gradually reduce the subsidy from the budget, creating mechanisms for institutions, especially the provincial training base management accounting on the basis of revenue- for expenditure on such financial links with educational institutions and international prestige in other countries to open the specialized training, allowing institutions to mobilize resources for the construction of material facilities to meet the increasing learning needs of students and the province's human resources. - Can reduce a number of long-term investments that are not really urgent to switch to Education - Training, because if more investments in construction but lack of qualified labor with technical expertise, the investment effect is not high. Fifthly, promote cooperation in Education - Training with organizations, countries in the region and around the world. Promoting cooperation in Education Training with organizations, countries in the region and around the world is an opportunity for educational institutions of the province to make use of capital of the nation and organizations; learning the advanced management experience, modern teaching methods; accessing to new technology to rapidly modernize education in order to improve the quality of human resources training such as the proposed direction of Hue University "More positive, active in integration, strengthening exchanges and cooperation with universities, research institutes and organizations in the region and the world, exploring, attracting and rationally using investment funds, equipment, technology, scientific materials; training staff, improving the 161 quality of training ... "[41, 293]. Over the last years, the institutions have collaboration with other organizations, countries in the region and around the world, especially Hue University. In 2001 - 2011, Hue University and the affiliated schools have established partnerships with over 60 universities and research institutes and scientific organizations in 30 countries in most continents; successfully deployed 55 programs and projects of international cooperation with a number of universities and prestigious research institutes in the world; more joint training programs of High-Quality Human Resources being implemented as MSc training in Sustainable Development of rural systems and environment, rural development; advanced Physics Bachelor, talented engineers; Bachelor in Travel business management ... So, in the next time the province will develop areas of international cooperation activities in Education - Training and focus on such content as: - Cooperation for innovation of content, programs, training methods consistent with the advanced countries in the region and the world; open training courses with invited foreign experts or associated with the institution abroad to facilitate faculty and students to have many opportunities to access knowledge, new technologies improving the teaching staff and training skills for students. - Create conditions for the country, foreign institutional investors or cooperate with the training institutions of the province in building institutions from universities to high schools, vocational training and open new majors. - The province should spend an adequate budget for training abroad for the breakthrough goal, the development of spearhead scientific-technological majors; continue to exploit and take advantage of funding scholarships sources of organizations and countries to send staff, students, good students for training abroad to facilitate their access to advanced education in the region and the world. Improve health, quality of the population, living environment of workers Along with raising the level of technical expertise for laborers, to improve their health, population quality, living environment to enhance strength and stature of labor is an important premise to improve quality of human resources. As 162 discussed above, in the recent years, Thua Thien Hue province has made great efforts in health care, breed improvement, environmental protection to improve health, strength, stature of people. But, in general, the physical stature is lower and in the average category of the world, the percentage of malnourished children is also quite high. The cause of the situation on the one hand, is due to genetic factors, on the other hand due to the health care of children in previous years has not done well, undeveloped economy, low income, poluted living and working environment, the level of knowledge about nutrition and health of the people, level of medical development and health care services is not high. Therefore, to have High-Quality Human Resources to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization in association with development of Knowledge-based economy, besides Educationtraining solutions, the province should pay proper attention to the work of health care, improve quality of the population, the living environment for the people in the direction of: Firstly, develop community health network, improve the quality of health services. With the advantage of being one of three specialized medical centers in the country, Thua Thien Hue province has many favorable conditions to care for people’s health. In the coming years to help improve the quality of human resources in general and health and fitness of human resources in particular , Health sector of Thua Thien Hue province should: - Organize widespread health care network from provincial to commune and village levels coupling with increasing medical staff with professional qualifications and equipment to improve the quality of medical services especially in the remote areas, to avoid overcrowding at the provincial level. - Enlist the help of the Ministry of Health, international organizations and other resources to complete institutions of intensive Medical Centers; investment in improving infrastructure and advanced equipment, construct Hue Central Hospital towards senior medical center with regional and international level. In addition, it is necessary to upgrade facilities, purchase medical equipment for the commune, ward 163 or township; continue projects of rotating doctors, maintaining 100% medical stations of ward with doctors and system planning with non-public hospitals as Hoang Viet Thang, Nguyen Van Thai, medical clinic Hoan My... - Develop a closed, comprehensive health system, including clinics, nursing, rehabilitation units, producing and supplying drugs, medical devices. At the same time, the Department of Health and other agencies using labor need to organize health check annually for the People and the Labour. Secondly, improve nutrition, quality of meals to ensure food safety. Adequate nutrition is not only reasonable means to promote the healthy growth and height growth of the current young generation, but also to maintain, preserve genetic racial advantages for the next generation. According to statistics, the biggest influence on height growth is nutrition diet, accounting for 31%, so the province should: promote communication, propaganda to raise awareness of people's attention to nutrition and to improve daily meals; through the Youth Union, teams add nutrition education, sports activities to the schooling curriculum; conduct surveys on nutrition and research appropriate daily nutrition menu for elementary school students to supplement their diets; set up a center predicting body height growth and guiding nutrition for people, especially mothers: diet should be fully integrated of food groups and limit fast and greasy foods and most importantly sources of calcium should be provided adequately, take up the habit of drinking milk, using barley drinks daily; propaganda and campaign people to gradually change habits from using chemical fertilizers in the cultivation to organic fertilizers, stimulating drugs, drugs for weight gain in livestock husbandry... damaging to the health of individuals and communities; implement the national target program on health, hygiene regulations on food safety and enhance inspection, testing, control poultry, livestock slaughtering, production activities, trading in food imports and resolutely handle violations of the law on food hygiene and safety. Thirdly, the development of physical and sport activities to raise stature. Physical training and sport is one of the important factors to improve the physical 164 strength and human stature. So far, people in the central region in general and Hue in particular are still considered low, small, this affects the ability to operate machinery, skills and work efficiency of labor. Therefore, to improve the physical strength and stature of human resources, Thua Thien Hue province should focus on development of physical training movement, sports in schools, in institutions, and businesses across the provinces. - Department of Education - Training needs to build the standard models of school sports including active content such as some additional exercises for effective development assistance of height of the body in internal training courses, opening classes of amateur sports in school or at nearby locations preferred by students preferred; encouraging other forms of exercise like walking, running, hiking, aerobics, exercises to stretch the body; organizing sports competitions in schools properly; research the methods and exercises for students of all levels to develop height and fitness. - Maintain fitness, sports activities in agencies, businesses and residents. In the coming time, sports line needs to coordinate with multiple agencies, unions such as the provincial Labor Federation, the Communist Youth Union of Ho Chi Minh, the provincial Public Security, Department of Education - Education, Hue University, Vietnam Farmers' Association ... to organize regular fitness, sports activities such as badminton, tennis, basketball, soccer ... in agencies, districts, cities to arouse passion, physical exercise habits among people. Fourthly, improve the quality of the population. Despite having achieved the important achievements in the work of population, the population quality is still limited: reducing birth rate, but the starting point is too high so this reduced rate is still high; human development indicators remain low; gender rate at birth tends to increase; the population tend to old, the number of elderly is increasing ... Therefore, to improve the quality of the province's population, drastic measures should be taken such as propaganda, raising awareness of the people about family planning; closely monitoring and strictly handling the situation of violating gender 165 balance at birth; further enhancing the interest of all levels of Party’s executive committees, governments; coordinating the implementation of multiple levels, sectors, as well as the understanding and support of the society for the improvement of population quality. Fifthly, improve the living environment. In the industrial production, the living environment (natural environment and social environment) of human is becoming important and indirectly affects on the health and physical strength of laborers. So, to get the healthy living environment in which people and nature are in harmony with each other, it is necessary to have propaganda, raising awareness of environmental hygiene; strictly handling any polluting the environment, strengthening inspection and control of the implementation of environmental protection and enhancing staff working in environmental field; bringing educational content and integrating environmental protection into the curriculum taught in schools or extracurricular lessons; building healthy lifestyles for the youth; preventing social evils such as drug abuse, prostitution ... Raising awareness, behavior and discipline of employees In the transition to the Knowledge-based economy and the modern industrial production, the biggest drawback of the labor force in our country in general and in Thua Thien Hue province in particular is now psychology, conscious, habit of smallholders and backward habits incompatible with industrial production environment. Therefore, the need to train conscious, discipline of labor, the industrial style for labor, because it is not only beneficial for businesses but also the significance for the laborers, namely: - Businesses, labor users need to perform a number of measures to build their spirit, industrial style and starting from the stage of labor recruitment. In addition to the necessary information such as job requirements, salary ..., businesses and labor recruitment agencies need to provide clear information about rules, regulations and penalties in violations of the Labor law, labor contracts for labor. 166 - Labor user agencies, businesses also need regular communication, education, encouragement, adequate regulations and compensation policies ... to help labor raise awareness of discipline, industrial behavior, long-term commitment to the businesses, agencies. - Encourage laborers to regularly try to improve academic knowledge and strictly abide by the guidelines, policies and laws of the State, particularly labor laws and workplace regulations, sanitation , labor safety. - The labor unions, in the future will further strengthen coordination, education and propaganda to improve their knowledge of labor law of labor and labor users; strongly implement competitive movement to gradually encourage awareness for laborers of training industrial manner. 4.2.3. Group of solutions to exploitation and effective use of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the province of Thua Thien Hue Exploitation and effective use of trained human resources Being a province with abundant human resources, Thua Thien Hue has advantages for socio- economic development and accelerating the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of Knowledgebased economy. The key issue is how to exploit and use the existing human resources, especially trained human resources. In the coming time, to exploit and effectively use human trained resources, it is necessary to implement the following solutions: Firstly, create the conditions for trained human resources, especially highly qualified human resources to have more opportunities to work. AS analyzed, human resources with technical expertise in Thua Thien Hue province only reached 36.1%, but have not been exploited and promoted effectively, there is a number of highly qualified labor with technical expertise not participating in economic activities. Therefore, to exploit and develop the full potential and improve the working efficiency of the provincial labor force with technical expertise, the province should focus on the following issues: 167 Develop a labor market completely. Currently, laborers have access to a lot of different information channels for labor - jobs, but the information in the labor market in general and in the central province of Thua Thien Hue is in its infancy, there is no complete information system ... These are the factors that hinder the labor and labor users in the implementation of the transaction Labour – Employment in the Labour market. This has caused many difficulties for businesses in the industrial parks, Chan May - Lang Co economic zone in access to qualified labor supply with technical expertise, so they have to recruit labor from elsewhere. Therefore, establishment of information center of labor market in the central region is very necessary. The center will be responsible for: organizing investigation, collecting, processing, generalizing common information and thematic information about the regional market of human resources; assessing, analyzing and forecasting moving trend of HR market, building a bank of data about Labour, Employment and Vocational Training for businesses and laborers ... Accurate, complete information provided by the labor market information center help labor and labor users adjust demand- supply of human resources in a balanced way, avoid redundancy - lack of human resources artificially and waste of grey matter. In addition, for qualified human resources with high technical expertise such as leading experts, scientists ..., the province should have a mechanism to facilitate their possible links, science communication both inside and outside the nation widespread. At the same time, the province should also create favorable conditions for professionals, scientists have time to improve level, but still ensure work in agencies using labor and the labor regimes. Secondly, encourage qualified human resources with technical expertise to work in rural areas. Like many other locals, in the rural areas of Thua Thien Hue there is a serious shortage of highly qualified human resources, especially human resources with college and university degrees and postgraduate. Therefore, the province should implement a number of policies such as special offers for students after graduating voluntarily work in rural areas; training incentives in place, training in the form of appointment, creating favorable conditions for labor to easily move work from rural to 168 urban areas. In particular paying attention to facilitating the people have had time to work in rural areas to easily integrate into urban environments and encourage labor migration from urban to rural areas. Create a motivation and environment to promote the creativity of human resources According to Prof. Dang Huu, to develop Knowledge-based economy there must be 4 basic conditions, of which High-Quality Human Resource with the ability to acquire new knowledge and to create knowledge is the most important condition. In our country as well as in the province of Thua Thien Hue human resources with technical expertise are not many, but have not been used effectively. The reason for this phenomenon, not because we are not unaware of its importance, but is that we have not created the environment and motivation for the labor force’s creativity, dedication. Therefore, in order to promote creativity of human resources, especially intellectual labor in the future, Thua Thien Hue province should focus on the following issues: Firstly, improve the regulatory environment for the freedom of creativity of intellectual labor. - Need to implement well the propaganda to raise awareness of the law on the protection of intellectual property rights to all subjects in society. We can say, if we execute well the propaganda, we would limit piracy of intellectual property and facilitate intellectual labor feel assured to create in accordance with the market mechanisms under the management of the State. - Innovation management for intellectual labor. In our country as well as in Thua Thien Hue province, for a long time management of intellectual labor, especially scientists, experts is often identified with the collective management of administrative staff, restrictive in terms of time, funding, ideas leading to nullifying their innovative capacity. Thus, in the coming time, the province should have time to form flexible mechanisms for this labor such as the autonomy of their time, accepting ideas of adventure, funding research ... but there must be commitment to innovative products. Moreover, it is necessary to have mechanisms and policies to encourage the formation 169 of strong scientific communities, the good experts teams, the scientific school of arts with scientists or the talented artists like supporting legal procedures, funding, location .... Secondly, create a favorable social environment to promote creativity of intellectual labor. Favorable social environment is also a factor stimulating the creativity of intellectual labor. Because the characteristics of intellectual labor are the direct products of their labor in form of ideas, scientific knowledge, spiritual values ... Therefore, it requires a favorable social environment in accordance with the characteristics of this kind of labor. According to Lenin, "that environment must ensure very wide scope for individual initiative, for personal tendencies, for thought and imagination ..." [80, 124]. So, to create a good social environment for intellectual labor we should note the following issues: - Implementation of democratic institutions in innovative research, especially in the field of humanities social sciences. As we know the new ideas, new creations at first is not easy to be recognized, even judged falsely. Therefore, to promote highly independent creative thinking of intellectual labor, it is necessary to acknowledge the diversity of individualcreative thinking such as encouraging debate, accepting different interpretations of learning arts, respecting and reserving the opinion of everyone, not taking the majority to impose on individuals or minorities. - Ensure the freedom of giving ideas, inventions, innovations, trade exchange and application of scientific –technological products, culture, art as a commodity in the market. - Improve the performance of social- career institutions such as : Association of Science - Technology, Union of Literature, Union of Musicians. The birth and development of this institutions is very necessary, because this is the place for them to meet, learn and exchange their new ideas. For the unions to become effective playground, we need: 1) Develop regulations to ensure the implementation of the advisory function, judgment and expertise on social issues in range of national policies, projects and programs for the development of social - economic, cultural situations of provinces; 2) Establish the scientific - technical, literary, artistic institutions widely to 170 locals, support budget to create a useful playground as well as material conditions for the realization of their creative ideas. - In the context of Knowledge-based economy, attention should be paid to scientific-technological market development based social needs, assess the value of social labor and true dedication of intellectual labor. - Raise the people’s awareness, social learning development, form the tradition of scientific thinking. These are factors to build a conducive social environment to promote the creative power of intellectual labor. Thirdly, offer the best facilities for creative activities. Thua Thien Hue is one of the provinces owning a team of highly qualified staff in the country. Currently Hue University has 148 Professors, Associate Professors, 362 Scientific doctors and doctors; 835 Masters, 538 senior lecturers and principal lecturers; 65 people’s teachers and and meritorious teachers; Hue Central Hospital has 7 professors, associate professors, 27 Doctors, 174 masters, 145 specialist physicians level I, II. However, compared to many provinces and cities, the level of investment in infrastructure for the creative activities of this team is not adequate. This is one of the underlying causes limitng the performance of this team, as well as "brain drain" in the past time. So, in order to facilitate the best material conditions for creative activities of intellectual labor, the province should: - Need to expand mechanisms to mobilize resources from all social sectors and organizations, the mass, the economic sectors, businesses, philanthropists, Vietnamese overseas, the capital aid, foreign loans, especially by businesses in investment in research equipment and deploying application. - Building spearhead Science-Technology Research Institutes, laboratories, practices with modern machinery and equipment. - If the provincial fund is limited, the immediate need is to focus investment in facilities and equipment for a number of key basements such as the University of Hue, Hue Central Hospital, the Institutes reaching the same level as large cities and foreign facilities to attract scientists to give lectures, exchange of experience. 171 Strong Implementation of key policies to appreciate and attracthuman resources While other provinces such as Binh Duong, Can Tho, Da Nang ... are undergoing policy to attract talents from other places and appreciate, incentives to retain good people, Thua Thien Hue province has’t had a policy to attract talents from many other locals and even the current policy to retain good people is not adequate. Consequently, in the recent years, officials have dozens of titles, higher education, especially in the central agencies in localities such as Hue University, Hue Central Hospital have transferred to work in Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong ... The question is, to have High-Quality Human Resources, the province should implement policies to appreciate and attract key talents more strongly, namely: - Develop policies and promulgate clear regulations on attracting talents from other locals voluntarily move to work in Thua Thien Hue. - Develop strategies to attract national, international good experts and enlist the support of experts, intellectuals, and business people having origin in Hue working in and out the country to contribute to their homeland. - If the economic conditions are too difficult for the province to enact favorable policies such as the other locals, the province needs to have smaller policies to attract talents such as receiving a subsidy equivalent to their academic titles; installment purchase of condominiums, supports or rent reduction for each specific subject. - Given the current status of human resources, especially High-Quality Human Resources, the province publicly list preferential sectors to receive property talents. The recruitment of talents should focus on the industries that the province is lacking of labor such as IT, electronics and telecommunications, urban management and finance - banking, tourism, foreign language ... Particularly for those with Doctoral degree, the province should not distinguish training majors. 172 - Develop a plan seeking students learning well in the economic, technical universities nationwide being children of Thua Thien Hue, after graduating from universities, they will be granted with provincial budget to be trained Master, Doctoral degrees abroad. Also, selecting good students in the high schools of the province, especially in Quoc Hoc high school for studying abroad by prior agreement between the industry and the province with the commitment after completing studying, they will return to their homeland to serve . - The province will support a budget of about 30-50% scholarships for students with scholarships to study abroad with a commitment after graduation they would return to their homeland to serve. According to Vinh Cai Tuan - Director of the Department of Internal Affairs of Thua Thien Hue province, this is the most effective training direction, it attracts the best talents for the construction of their homeland in the coming years. - Continue to implement programs offering long term scholarships and tuition assistance for fairly good and good students at electronics, IT and telecommunications in the Hanoi Polytechnic University, Polytechnic University of Ho Chi Minh City, University of Telecommunications, Polytechnic University of Danang and Hue University of Sciences. - Select staff and employees under the age of 40, qualified international language, with political qualities for training in economics, engineering overseas. The number by 2020 is from about 200-300 people, of which 20% is doctors to replace about 50% of the workforce, public servants to be retired. - Need to develop appropriate mechanisms and policies for detecting, selecting talented people, highly qualified with technical expertise, good moral character to form resources for leadership, management. In fact, many talented scientists haven’t ever received financial opportunities for their advancement, promoted or appointed to deserve positions for what they have devoted leading to dissatisfaction, frustration and loss of motivation for creativity. Therefore, one of the solutions to retain talents is to facilitate for their best contribution and appreciation of their 173 contribution is very important. Not being well facilitated or properly recognized is two greatest obstacles rather than physical problems. At the same time, building standards of titles for appropriate staffing, ensure of using the right people for the right work and form the basis for the training and retraining of staff. - In addition to the salary prescribed by the state, the province should have specified regulations on material incentives for labor based on original intellectual appreciation of their dedication, and to ensure that their family life is stable. In Thua Thien Hue province today, the material incentives for staff with high qualifications are limited. This is one of the reasons why in the recent years, many highly qualified staff, especially at the University of Hue have left to other localities. Low salary, plus very little responsibility of the local, so they move to the locals offering higher incomes, better remuneration. The thesis considers that it is not because the province's economic conditions too difficult to spend a preferential budgets for worthy of highly qualifiedstaff , but the problem is the viewpoints and assessment criteria. So, there should be preferential policies on appropriate material for a team of highly qualified staff, especially scientists, and industrial experts to get their full attention, devotion of time, energy and dedication to work. - Elimination of the distinction between central staff and local one. As stated above, Thua Thien Hue province has issued a number of regulations on incentives for provincial officials for example officials with Master degree will be awarded 10 million dongs, with Doctoral degree will be awarded 30 million dongs... for staff of the Central agencies working in the locality are not enjoying thare not entitled to this remuneration. So, the question is why the province does not have a fair policy for the two subjects? Because even though being officials of central management, they have been dedicated to Hue. - Satisfactory policies to encourage political, spiritual for intellectual labor, especially highly qualified staff. It can be said, for those who have a high level, material benefit, economic benefit is not all. For them, their passion, spiritual benefits, the needs to assert dignity through work, recognition, honor, motivation 174 and timely reward ... are the most important things. Current bonuses, including Bonus for initiatives and inventions of the province are not only little but also have to be through many cumbersome stages of approval procedures, which loses the meaning and encouragement of rewards. So it should be improved to be simpler: When labor just submit his initiatives, creations to only one board to review and select based on application level of such initiatives, creation. In addition to the provisions of the annual bonus levels and sectors for many subjects, the province needs to develop regulations for these special rewards works and products having scientific value and broad applicability in practice in order to stimulate research, intellectual creativity of Labor, for example, the bonus will account for about 20 or 25% of the initiatives value. Besides, the way to evaluate and approve reward needs to be improved to ensure democracy, openness, objectivity and avoid egalitarian. 175 CONCLUSION Through theoretical and practical study of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledgebased economy in the Province of Thua Thien-Hue, the thesis has found and added such theoretical and practical issues as follows: 1. The thesis introduces the concept of human resources, human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy on the basis of absorbing the thoughts of C. Mark of labor and previous research works. With the approach of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy as above, the thesis clearly states: firstly, suitable for human resources access specialized for the Political Economy; secondly, fully reflects the basic content of human resources; thirdly, in accordance with the requirements of the industrialization and modernization process associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy and international economic integration. 2. The thesis has drawn the characteristics of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy: 1) Much higher rate of mental work than physical labor; 2) Employees must have certain knowledge which means highly technical expertise and professional; 3) Employees must be able to create new things; 4) The role and status of the intellectual labor in the human resources structure is highly appreciated. 3. From the characteristics of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy and requirements of human resource for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy, the thesis has drawn such conclusions as: different development levels pose different requirements for human resources. Dislike industrialization models that previous countries have made ahead, human resources 176 in the model of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in our country is not random but the human resources meeting certain requirements on both the quantity and quality. 4. The thesis shows regularity in human resource structural shift towards industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy, in which emphasizing the rule: the proportion of unskilled labor declines and growing density of complex labor accounting for the extreme advantage in the total social labor force; the proportion of agricultural labor decreases while the one of industrial labor and services increases. 5. On the basis of research experience to develop the human resources in some East Asian countries and localities in Vietnam, the thesis has drawn four lessons that can be applied to human resource development practices for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien-Hue: 1) Fully understand the crucial role of human resources in the process of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy; 2) Development of human resources must be associated with the socio-economic development strategy of the country and the local through certain stages; 3) Education and training is crucial to improve the quality of human resources; 4) Policies to attract and use talents basically. 6. Through primary and secondary data, especially primary data the thesis has described a comprehensive situation of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien Hue. On the basis of analyzing the current status of human resources, the thesis has confirmed, Thua Thien Hue Province has abundant labor and is in the "golden population structure " period, therefore, it has the ability to provide enough resources for economy. However, the current human resources hasn’t been able to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy yet: the quality 177 of human resources is low both in terms of education, capacity development skills, qualifications, expertise and skills to turn knowledge into products of labor; human resource structure is moving slowly, imbalanced, especially the structure of trained human resources; irrational distribution and use of human resources. 7. The thesis has found out that the cause of the limitations in human resources development to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy is derived from: 1) Hue is still one of the Provinces with low development levels; 2) Training and retraining plans for human resources has not been properly valued, synchronous and scientific; 3) Education - training system faces many weaknesses in both management, teachers, content, methods and training programs, facilities, etc.; 4) Policies of use, appreciate, attract and remunerate labor, especially labor with high level of technical expertise are not satisfactory. 8. The thesis has included six (06) points in the human resources development for industrialization and modernization associated with the knowledge-based economy in Thua Thien Hue Province in the coming time. They are: 1) Comprehensive development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the knowledge-based economy in Thua Thien-Hue; 2) Positive and active integration into the regional and world economy to attract FDI and teams of experts; 3) Development of human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the knowledge-based economy in many ways, including consider education and training, attracting human resources the most important; 4) Focus on training in physical, moral, intellectual, consider creative and dynamic intellectual training the spearhead, thus forming new socialist human being; 5) Socialization of human resources development for industrialization and modernization associated with the knowledge-based economy; 6) Intellectual human resource development should focus on economic sectors that the Province has potential, advantages and decisive for the development of industrialization and modernization process of the Province 178 9. The thesis has proposed the synchronous implementation of the three major solution groups to develop human resources to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy in the Province of Thua Thien-Hue from now to 2020: 1) The solution group creating the foundation for human resource development to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy; 2) The solution group directly improve the quality of human resources to meet requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy; 3) The solution group applied to effectively exploit and use the human resources to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy. LIST OF PUBLISHED WORKS OF THE POSTGRADUATE RELATING TO THE THESIS 1. 2. Ha Thi Hang (2005), “President Ho Chi Minh City’s talks about the human growing career”, Hue Ancient & Modern, Vol 72. Ha Thi Hang (2007), “Settlement and resolution to the problem of sampan after settling in the city of Hue", Reasoning Activities, Vol 6. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ha Thi Hang (2008), “Employment for sampan after settling in the city of Hue”, Political Science, Vol 1. Ha Thi Hang (2010), “Developing high-quality human resources to meet the requirements of the knowledge economy”, Reasoning Activities, Vol 3. Ha Thi Hang (2010), “Jobs for labors after land acquisition in the process of urbanization in Hue city today”, Journal of Science, Hue University, Vol 28. Ha Thi Hang (2011) “Jobs solution for labors after land acquisition in Thua Thien Hue Province”, Approved Ministry-level Scientific topic Ha Thi Hang (2012), “Solutions to improve the quality of human resources 7. to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization in the province of Thua Thien-Hue ", Journal of Science, Hue University, Vol. 3 Ha Thi Hang (2012), “Vocational Training - Innovative solutions to 8. improve the quality of human resources in Thua Thien Hue ", Journal of Communist, Vol 69 9. Ha Thi Hang (2012), “Management of migrating labor in Thua Thien-Hue ", Journal of Governance, Vol 201. Ha Thi Hang (2012), “Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology on education and human 10. resource development issues for modernization in our country today”, Political Argument and Communications, Vol 11 Ha Thi Hang (2012), “High-quality human resources development in Thua 11. Thien Hue Province - Current status and solutions”, Economy and Management, Vol 4 LIST OF REFERENCES I REFERENCES IN VIETNAMESE 1 Than Ngoc Anh (2007), “Development of knowledge-based economy in the process of industrialization and modernization of the country in the spirit of the X Congress Resolution of the Party", Social Science Journal 09 + 10 2 Nguyen Khanh Bat (2011), "The position and role of intellectuals in the process of industrialization and modernization in the spirit of the XI Congress of the Party," Communist Review No. 828 3 “Personnel Board of Hue University "Scientific-technological staff of Hue University in 2001 – 2011” 4 Hoang Chi Bao (1993), "The impact of culture on promoting human resource", Journal of Philosophy 1 5 6 7 8 Hue Central Hospital (2012), Statistics of officials and civil servants. 9 Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs (1999), Labor term of Invalids and Social Affairs, Labour and Society Publishing House, Ha Noi 10 Tran Xuan Cau, Mai Quoc Chanh (Co-Editor) (2012), Human Resources Economics Curriculum, Publisher of the National Economics University, Hanoi. 11 Thua Thien Hue Department of Statistics (2001), Results of population census and housing in 1999 of Thua Thien Hue Province, Hue. 12 Thua Thien Hue Department of Statistics (2002), Statistical Yearbook, 2001, Hue 13 Thua Thien Hue Department of Statistics (2004), Statistical Yearbook, 2003, Hue. 14 Thua Thien Hue Department of Statistics (2005), Statistical Yearbook, 2004, Hue 15 Thua Thien Hue Department of Statistics (2006), Statistical Yearbook, 2005, Hue 16 Thua Thien Hue Department of Statistics (2007), Statistical Yearbook, 2006, Hue 17 Thua Thien Hue Department of Statistics (2008), Statistical Yearbook, 2007, Hue 18 Thua Thien Hue Department of Statistics (2009), Statistical Yearbook, 2008, Hue 19 Thua Thien Hue Department of Statistics (2010), Statistical Yearbook, 2009, Hue 20 Thua Thien Hue Department of Statistics (2010) Census of population and housing in 2009 of Thua Thien Hue, Hue 21 Thua Thien Hue Department of Statistics (2010) Census of population and housing in 2009 of Thua Thien Hue (soft copy) 22 Thua Thien Hue Department of Statistics (2011), Statistical Yearbook 2010, Hue 23 Thua Thien Hue Department of Statistics (2012), Statistical Yearbook 2011, Hue. 24 Employment Department - Ministry of Labour - Invalids and Social Affairs (2012), General Table of Database of labor supply in 2011 of Thua Thien Hue, Hanoi. 25 Vu Dinh Cu (2007), "Promoting industrialization and modernization associated with the development of the knowledge-based economy", Journal of Communist 21. 26 Vu Dinh Cu, Assoc. 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IN THE REGION IN 2009 Unit:% Total Urban Rural Difference The whole province 92 98.2 93.8 4.4 Male 98 99.5 98.4 1.1 Female 94 98.6 95.4 3.2 Hue City 96.1 96.1 95.8 0.3 Phong Dien District 93.5 95.6 93.3 2.3 Quang Dien District 91 94.9 90.5 4.4 Huong Tra District 93 97.1 92.7 4.4 Phu Vang District 86.8 81 87.6 -6.0 Huong Thuy District 93.1 96.7 92.5 4.2 Phu Loc District 88.8 91.2 88 3.2 Nam Dong District 87.3 95.2 85.8 9.4 A Luoi District 82.7 94.8 80.5 14.3 Divided by district. city Source: Census on population and housing in Department of Statistics of Thua Thien Hue 2009 – main results of APPENDIX 2: EMULATION TITLES AND INITIATIVES, CREATION OF PERSONNEL OFFICERS IN THUA THIEN HUE PROVINCE IN THE PERIOD 2003 - 2008 Total initiatives, inventions NUMBER OF PEOPLE ACHIEVING EMULATION TITLES (2003-2007) Grass root Provincial level emulative emulative soldier soldier National emulative soldier REWARDS OF PROVINCIAL LABOR FEDERATION (20032007) Number of people getting high praise Provincial and central ministries certificate of merit Governmental Medals of certificate of all types merit Emulation flag Certificate of merit Team Individual Managed by the Central Government 119 2256 46 0 47 0 25 Administrative unit 69 2100 42 0 0 0 0 Production-Business Sector 50 156 2 0 47 Managed by the local 13124 13859 1812 34 2231 163 195 32 809 1215 Administrative unit 12881 11591 1641 24 1953 136 184 20 582 917 District, city Block 9890 6810 1236 4 879 28 162 10 280 442 Profession Block 2972 4666 389 20 1009 100 19 8 250 420 Directly local dependent units 19 115 16 0 65 8 3 2 52 55 Production-Business Sector 243 2268 171 10 278 27 11 12 217 298 State-owned enterprises 95 1394 94 5 149 12 0 5 102 120 Non-state enterprises 148 760 54 4 113 14 10 4 108 170 Enterprises with foreign investment 0 114 23 1 16 1 1 3 7 8 25 Of which Source: Report of the Labor Union of Thua Thien Hue APPENDIX 3: SOCIAL LABOR PRODUCTIVITY IN ECONOMIC SECTORS IN THUA THIEN HUE PROVINCE Unit: Mil.dongs/person Industry 2001 2005 2010 Total 6.8 13.9 35.3 I. Agriculture, forestry and aquaculture 1.1. Agro-forestry 4.5 3.9 7.1 5.9 14.7 13.2 1.3. Aquaculture 7.4 12.9 20.3 II. Industry and construction 2.1 Mining Industry 10.9 20.3 19.2 43 54.3 57.9 2.2 Processing Industry 2.3 Production and 9.68 159 18.09 118 53.8 333 2.4 Construction 8.7 15.6 34.6 III. Service 3.1 Commerce, repair of motor vehicles, motor, motorcycles, personal and family appliances 13.1 8.6 18.6 10.1 42.4 23.9 3.2 Hotels and restaurants 13.8 18.7 29.5 3.3 Transport, storage and communication 7.0 14.3 52.0 3.4 Credit Finance 94.5 89.9 129.8 3.7 Management of State and National 17.1 30 91.2 11 18.5 42.9 3.9 Health and social relief activities 3.10 Sporting and cultural activities 15.5 12 32.8 30.5 93.9 36.2 3.11 Activities of Party, Unions and 32.2 41.2 32.6 Associations 3.12 Personal and community service 5.4 6.02 20.4 distribution of electricity, gas and water defense, social security and compulsory 3.8 Education and training activities Source: People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue. IT development planning in Hue in 2006 - 2010 APPENDIX 4: LABOR WITH TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS DIVIDED BY FIELDS OF TRAINING IN 1999 Unit: person Field of training Technology Vocational High school Total Junior College, University Postgraduate Common 10.881 11.848 17.903 738 41.369 505 3,266 7,637 14 11,422 121 144 318 9 592 Humanities 59 10 1,352 167 1,588 Behavioral Social Science Press and information 187 307 276 33 803 31 44 63 1 139 Business management Legislation 821 2,618 2,551 23 6,013 57 61 596 5 719 97 132 1,055 267 1,551 1,784 1,062 485 9 3,340 Manufacturing and processing Construction, architecture, mine Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture Animal Health 368 99 48 1 516 145 232 499 4 880 157 430 880 67 1,534 179 98 65 2 344 Health 971 2,053 1,138 132 4,294 Hotels, Travel, Sports 135 120 204 1 460 4,241 229 123 1 4,594 3 11 9 0 23 698 875 466 1 2,040 Science Training Arts Education - and Natural Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Computing, Life Science Technique Transportation Environment National Security Defense and Source: Results of Population and Housing Census in 1999 by Thua Thien Hue Bureau of Statistics APPENDIX 5: INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE BY SPECIALIZED TRAINING MAJORS IN 2006 Unit: person and % Training level Major Junior Univer Master Doctor College sity Total Rate Social Sciences & Humanities 33 1,273 117 34 1,457 7.02 Natural Sciences 21 847 142 74 1,084 5.23 Agriculture, Forestry and 51 1,083 79 18 1,231 5.94 95 401 16 0 152 2.47 Mining industry 1 7 0 1 9 0.04 Construction and Architecture 18 382 6 0 406 1.96 Travel and Sports 98 127 2 1 228 1.10 Transportation 5 39 0 0 44 0.21 Environment 0 48 10 3 61 0.29 5,347 5,010 279 39 10,675 51.47 Health and community work 60 792 369 62 1,283 6.19 Laws 31 611 21 0 663 3.20 Arts 45 223 12 0 280 1.35 Business and management 227 2,116 65 12 2,420 11.67 Informatics 31 268 41 5 345 1.66 National Defense and Security 9 33 1 0 43 0.21 6,072 13,260 1,160 249 Aquaculture Manufacturing and processing industries Education and training Total 20,741 100.00 Source: Population - Labor - Employment Studies Center Survey in 2006 APPENDIX 6: WORKING LABOR FROM 15 YEARS OLD AND OVER DIVIDED BY TECHNICAL EXPERTISE AND OCCUPATION IN THE PERIOD 1999 - 2011 Occupation Total Without T.E Technical expertise Technic Interm Junior al ediate College workers Elemen tary Unive rsity Postgr aduate In1999 Total 442874 401262 10881 11848 4756 13147 738 Leaders 2912 663 190 526 176 1303 50 High technical 11301 - 15 133 10478 673 14819 - 1944 8809 3764 275 6 Officer 6024 5036 598 282 24 79 3 Individuals, 58692 56146 1074 721 253 452 1 7920 7770 80 41 7 18 1 94367 92097 1437 514 98 188 - 10697 6235 4077 264 32 83 - 233491 231664 925 541 85 153 - expertise Average technical expertise Security and Sales Services Careers in Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture Craftsmen and other workers Fitter, machine operators Simple job In 2011 Total 545934 248002 220361 28782 11249 35652 1888 Leaders 14717 2355 1608 2887 661 6585 291 High technical 31062 2869 3478 2628 4684 16068 1335 16787 2703 1841 4836 3062 4195 150 Officer 10867 544 526 4076 974 4668 81 Individuals, 52225 28134 16710 3950 796 2610 25 171807 126196 44479 695 116 319 2 145846 25953 114512 4130 593 654 4 19145 3221 11206 4338 188 192 0 expertise Average technical expertise Security and Sales Services Careers in Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture Craftsmen and other workers Fitter, machine operators Total 83478 56027 26001 912 175 361 2 Source: Population and Housing Census in 1999 by Bureau of Statistics of Thua Thien Hue and synthetic databases of labor supply in 2011 by Thua Thien Hue Department of Employment (Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs) APPENDIX 7: WORKING LABOR FROM 15 YEARS OLD AND OVER DIVIDED BY TECHNICAL EXPERTISE AND ECONOMIC SECTORS IN THE PERIOD 1999 - 2011 Economic sector Level of Total Technical Expertise 1999 2011 Non- state- Foreign owned investment State-Owned 1999 2011 1999 2011 1999 2011 Total 442874 546860 49898 65743 391262 474220 484 6897 Untrained 401262 248288 18257 6825 215 1261 10881 220379 5316 8190 5470 208268 74 3921 Intermediate 11848 29004 9803 13887 1955 14473 34 644 Junior College 4756 11300 4174 8233 557 2942 7 125 University 13147 35995 11603 26868 1338 8215 147 912 Postgraduate 738 1894 22 120 7 34 Unidentified 242 381717 240202 Technical workers without degree/certificate under 3 monthsElementary Long-term certificate, 707 38 1740 203 1 Source: Population and Housing Census in 1999 by Bureau of Statistics of Thua Thien Hue and synthetic databases of labor supply in 2011 by Thua Thien Hue Department of Employment (Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs) APPENDIX 8: THE NUMBER OF HIGH SCHOOLS AND CLASSROOMS IN THE PERIOD 2000 - 2011 Unit: schools, classes and rooms Type School Class School School School School School year Total Primary school Secondar y school High school Room School School School School year year year year year year year year 2000- 2005- 2010- 2000- 2005- 2010- 2000- 2005- 2010- 2001 2006 2011 2001 2006 2011 2001 2006 2011 330 359 393 6631 7240 6886 4131 5130 5388 227 235 229 4180 3724 3500 2630 3019 3219 82 99 124 2484 2320 1021 1525 1424 21 25 40 1032 1066 480 586 745 613 Source: Provided by Thua Thien Hue Department of Education and Training APPENDIX 9: THE NUMBER OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND TEACHERS IN THE PERIOD 2000 - 2011 Unit: person Type Total Primary school Secondary school High school Students Teachers 2000 - 2005- 2010 - 2000 - 2005 - 2010 - 2001 2006 2011 2001 2006 2011 255830 253343 224170 8386 10431 12114 146318 120039 98584 4518 4599 4964 80697 99826 80008 2778 4268 4685 28815 33478 45578 1090 1564 2465 Source: Provided by Thua Thien Hue Department of Education and Training APPENDIX 10: TRAINING SCALES OF UNIVERSITY, JUNIOR COLLEGE, VOCATIONAL SCHOOL AND VOCATIONAL INTERMEDIATE No I II 1 2 1 2 3 4 III 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Name of school Scale of students 2009 2010 56,403 60,811 34,218 37,014 18,492 18,980 8,971 9,279 6,500 6,700 2,471 2,579 Total UNIVERSITY JUNIOR COLLEGE Managed by local Hue Medical Junior College Hue Medical Junior College Managed by the Central 9,521 Authorities Nguyen Tri Phuong Vocational 724 Junior College Industry Junior College 6,549 Junior College of Urban and 372 Construction Vocational Junior College of 1,876 Tourism INTERMEDIATE3,693 VOCATIONAL SCHOOL Thua Thien Hue Vocational 460 School Hue Vocational School Quang Dien Vocational School High school of Arts and 450 Culture High school of Physical 184 Education and Sports High school of Transportation 692 Vocational High school No 10 395 Au Lac Private Vocational 1,512 school Source: Provided by the schools 9,701 603 6,758 340 2,000 4,817 560 110 51 462 284 700 550 2,100 APPENDIX 11: CURRENT STATUS OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN INDUSTRIAL ZONES BY TECHNICAL EXPERTISE IN 2010 Unit: person List of profession Total Economics Of which Professional Junior Vocational Total Postgra Univer College+ School + duate sity Vocational Vocational Junior Intermediate College 4,665 8 459 201 560 210 8 157 25 20 Foreign 40 40 Languages Foreign Trade 70 70 Accounting 176 80 30 60 Construction 42 15 7 20 Chemistry 21 21 Laws 10 10 Environment 10 10 IT 74 27 17 30 Agriculture 18 18 Medical Mechanics 25 302 25 42 250 45 160 Technical Shortworker + term Vocational training Primary 3,377 60 Finance 10 (welding, lathing,..) Electricity Wood carving 205 53 Fiber technology 40 Industrial Sewing Bodyguard 3,306 12 Transportation 51 Aquaculture 0 53 1 1 20 18 3,306 12 3 Source: Thua Thien Hue Industrial Zone Authority 48 APPENDIX 12 : CAPITAL DEMAND FOR HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT IN THE PERIOD 2011 – 2020 Unit: billion dongs Capital source Of which Period 2011 - 2020 2011 - 2015 2015 - 2020 13,866 5,596 8,270 human 5,538 2,341 3,197 training 8,328 3,255 5,073 Budget 10,539 4,243 6,296 Central Budget 8,559 3,383 5,176 Local Budget 1,780 860 1,120 Other mobilized sources 3,327 1,353 1,964 Total 1. Capital for resource training 2. Capital for material facilities Of which: Source: Draft of Planning forHuman resource development in Thua Thien Hue in the period 2011 - 2020 APPENDIX 13: LOW QUALITY OF WORKERS Mr. Phan Trung - Chairman of Thua Thien Hue province Labor Federation said: The number of workers though increases but the quality, educational level, workmanship, class enlightenment consciousness and political bravery, professional passion and sense of organization and discipline, their working styles remain a problem. Source: APPENDIX 14: THUA THIEN HUE WITH NO GOOD REMUNERATION POLICY A leader of Hue Central Hospital said: To keep good people three conditions must be met: The work environment, opportunities for promotion and remuneration policies. Currently Hue Central Hospital is facing the third one. In addition to the salary, if trying best we can only give the staff around 1.5 million VND / person / month more. Such a low income together with responsibilities, the local interest to them is almost null, so their searching for locals offering many times higher income, better remuneration is reasonable. Source: According to Mr Cai Vinh Tuan - Director of the Department of Home Affairs of Thua Thien Hue "Some units, locals haven’t well implemented source training planning, leading to staff both redundant and deficient. Officials Policy have recently been positively reformed but there has still been no breakthrough policy to attract talents and retain good people. That is the reason why so many local people with high learning achievements aren’t coming back to their hometown to work ". Source: GENERALIZED RESULTS OF SURVEY ON LABOR 1. Educational level Educational level Quantity % Illiteracy 0 0 Elementary 2 .4 Secondary school 17 3.4 High school 481 96.2 Total 500 100.0 Quantity % Without technical expertise 4 .8 Technical workers with 91 18.2 20 4.0 Elementary 7 1.4 Vocational high school 23 4.6 Junior college 191 38.2 University 132 26.4 Postgraduate 32 6.4 Total 500 100.0 2. Professional expertise Professional expertise degree/certificate Technical workers without degree/certificate 3. Age Age Quantity Real % Within 15 - 30 181 36.2 Within 30 - 40 144 28.8 Within 40 - 50 131 26.2 Within 50 - 60 44 8.8 Total 500 100.0 4. Health condition Criteria Disease Endurance, resistance Sound mind, cheery Option Quantity % Yes 75 No 425 85.0 Total 500 100.0 Yes 456 91.2 No 44 8.8 Total 500 100.0 Yes 462 92.4 No 38 7.6 Total 500 15.0 100.0 5. Height, weight - Height, weight of female labor Criteria Quantity Lowest Highest Average Height 257 138 168 153.342 Weight 257 38.00 63.00 50.543 Quantity Lowest Highest Average Height 243 157 170 163.533 Weight 243 55 67 61.342 - Height, weight of male labor Criteria 6. Suitability of work Degree Quantity % Suitable 418 83.6 Unsuitable 43 8.6 Difficult to answer 39 7.8 Total 500 100.0 7. Level of work like Degree Quantity % Very much 132 26.4 Like 304 60.8 Dislike 14 2.8 Difficult to answer 50 10.0 Total 500 100.0 8. Assessment of knowledge Criteria General social knowledge Professional knowledge Knowledge about Labor Law and Labor Regulations Capacity in IT and other modern equipment manipulation Foreign languages capacity Option Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Quantity 177 181 28 % 35.4 36.2 5.6 114 22.8 500 159 200 69 100.0 31.8 40.0 13.8 72 14.4 500 145 239 36 100.0 29.0 45.8 7.2 90 18.0 500 180 237 50 100.0 36.0 47.4 10.0 33 6.6 500 289 160 15 100.0 57.8 32.0 3.0 36 7.2 500 100.0 9. Assessment of creativeness Criteria Quantity % Not good 216 43.2 Good 226 45.2 Very good 33 6.6 25 5.0 Total 500 100.0 Frequently have solutions to Not good 116 23.2 improve work efficiency Good 251 50.2 Very good 46 9.2 87 17.4 Total 500 100.0 Frequently have new changes in Not good 293 58.6 viewpoints and thoughts in work Good 66 13.2 Very good 65 13.0 76 15.2 Total 500 100.0 Know to exploit modern media, Not good 196 39.2 machines and apply them to work Good 264 52.8 Very good 4 .8 Difficult to answer 36 7.2 Total 500 100.0 Not good 154 30.8 Good 279 55.8 2 .4 65 13.0 500 100.0 Frequently have initiatives in work Option Difficult to answer Difficult to answer Difficult to answer Frequently give new ideas Very good Difficult to answer Total 10. Assessment of the adaptation and flexibility Criteria Option Quantity Real % Not good 216 43.2 Accept changes, work Good 226 45.2 transformation Very good 33 6.6 25 5.0 Total 500 100.0 Have self-motivation and accept Not good 116 23.2 new jobs Good 251 50.2 Very good 46 9.2 87 17.4 Total 500 100.0 Ability to quickly seize market Not good 293 58.6 information Good 66 13.2 Very good 65 13.0 76 15.2 Total 500 100.0 Availability of movement, change Not good 54 10.8 of work Good 208 41.6 Very good 36 7.2 202 40.4 Total 500 100.0 Ability to cope with shocks, risks in Not good 112 22.4 work Good 208 41. 6 Very good 35 7.0 Difficult to answer 145 29.0 Total 500 100.0 Difficult to answer Difficult to answer Difficult to answer Difficult to answer 11. Assessment of working style and discipline of labor Criteria Option Quantity % Awareness of abidance by Not good 69 25. 6 regulations, disciplines of labor Good 252 50.4 Very good 52 10.4 68 13. 6 Total 500 100.0 Responsibility spirit for work of Not good 124 24.8 labor Good 236 47.2 Very good 77 3. 6 63 31.6 Total 500 100.0 Learning spirit to improve Not good 135 27.0 knowledge and experience in work Good 250 50.0 Very good 42 8.4 73 14. 6 Total 500 100.0 Not good 134 26.8 Good 254 50.8 Very good 98 19.6 14 2.8 500 100.0 Difficult to answer Difficult to answer Difficult to answer Professional level in work Difficult to answer Total Comply with and treasure time at Not good 142 28.4 work Good 258 51. 6 Very good 30 6.0 70 14.0 Total 500 100.0 Not good 147 29.4 Good 249 49.8 Very good 28 5.6 76 15.2 500 100.0 Quantity % Not good 138 27.6 Good 255 51.0 Very good 45 9.0 62 17.8 Total 500 100.0 Effort, exertion to overcome Not good 128 25. 6 difficulties in work Good 283 56. 6 Very good 23 4.6 66 13.2 Total 500 100.0 Not good 127 25.4 Good 257 51.4 Difficult to answer Dynamic and flexible Difficult to answer Total 12. Assessment the dedication level of labor in work Criteria Diligence at work Option Difficult to answer Difficult to answer Enthusiasm in work Very good 51 10.2 65 13.0 Total 500 100.0 Not good 135 27.0 Good 250 50.0 Very good 42 8.4 73 14. 6 500 100.0 134 26.8 Good 254 50.8 Very good 98 19.6 14 2.8 500 100.0 Quantity % Very proficient 86 17.2 Proficient 245 49.0 Not proficient 150 30.0 19 3.8 Total 500 100.0 High 216 43.2 Not high 226 45.2 Low 33 6.6 Difficult to answer Passion in work Difficult to answer Total Loyalty and attachment to the agency Not good Difficult to answer Total 13. Assessment of skills in work Criteria Proficiency in expertise Option Difficult to answer Creativeness in work Difficult to 25 5.0 Total 500 100.0 Adaptation to changes and Not good 116 23.2 flexibility Good 251 50.2 Very good 46 9.2 87 17.4 Total 500 100.0 High 293 58.6 Not high 66 13.2 Low 65 13.0 76 15.2 500 100.0 answer Difficult to answer Industrial working style, discipline Difficult to answer Total 14. Initiatives within the last 05 years Initiatives Quantity % Within 1 - 2 167 33.4 Within 2 - 4 102 20.4 Within 4 - 6 91 18.2 Within 6 - 8 33 6.6 Within 8 - 10 16 3.2 Over 10 23 4.6 None 68 13.6 Total 500 100.0 15. Names of initiatives, inventions Initiatives, inventions Building models Designing new products Improving production process Renovating working methods Doing scientific research, writing articles Others Option Quantity % Yes 59 11.8 No 441 88.2 Total 500 100.0 Yes 101 20.2 No 399 79.8 Total 500 100.0 Yes 83 16.6 No 417 83.4 Total 500 100.0 Yes 291 58.2 No 209 41.8 Total 500 100.0 Yes 143 28.6 No 357 71.4 Total 500 100.0 Yes 28 5.6 No 472 94.4 Total 500 100.0 16. Obstacles for work quality, especially the creativeness Criteria Educational and professional qualification Unsound working environment Option Quantity % Yes 100 20.0 No 400 80.0 Total 500 100.0 Yes 123 24.6 No 377 75.4 Total 500 100.0 Lack of material facilities, equipment Yes 157 31.4 No 343 68.6 Total 500 100.0 Unsatisfactory incentive, remuneration Yes 155 31.0 policies of the local No 345 69.0 Total 500 100.0 Yes 211 42.2 No 289 57.8 Total 500 100.0 All the above options 17. Solutions to promote creativeness and efficiency in work Criteria Quantity % Yes 52 10.4 No 448 89.6 Total 500 100.0 Yes 89 17.8 411 82.2 Total 500 100.0 Yes 68 13.6 No 432 86.4 Total 500 100.0 Pay attention to the work of professional Yes 66 13.2 level improvement and enhancement No 434 86.8 Total 500 100.0 Yes 369 73.8 No 131 26.2 Total 500 100.0 Building an ideal working environment Material remuneration policies in Option proportion to qualifications and contribution No Policies to appreciate and attract talents All the above options 18. Does Thua Thien Hue have remuneration policies for appealing talents from other localities? Option Quantity % Yes 77 15.4 No 260 52.0 Don’t know 163 32.6 Total 500 100.0 19. Remuneration policies for appealing talents from other localities Criteria Quantity % Yes 13 2.6 No 487 97.4 Total 500 100.0 Yes 24 4.8 No 476 95.2 Total 500 100.0 Yes 15 3.0 No 485 97.0 Total 500 100.0 Assinging position suitable with Yes 57 11.4 qualifications and capacity No 443 88.6 Total 500 100.0 Yes 20 4.0 No 480 96.0 Total 500 100.0 Yes 26 5.2 No 474 94.8 Total 500 100.0 Yes 13 2.6 No 487 97.4 Total 500 100.0 Issuing land and house Lending house at low price Offering initial financial assistance Getting promoted Being paid high salary Others Option 20. Does Thua Thien Hue have remuneration policies for appreciating and well treating talents managed by the province? Option Quantity % Yes 195 39.0 No 122 24.4 Don’t know 183 36.6 Total 500 100.0 21. Remuneration policies for appreciating and well treating talents managed by the province Criteria Being supported after completing courses (For PhD, Master degrees) Being appointed to study abroad in the Project 02 and 03 of the Province Being assigned better position after training Getting promoted Option Quantity % Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No 146 354 500 118 382 500 54 446 500 113 387 29.2 70.8 100.0 23.6 76.4 100.0 10.8 89.2 100.0 22.6 77.4 Total 500 100.0 22. Does Thua Thien Hue have remuneration policies for appreciating and well treating talents managed by the Central authorities? Option Quantity % Yes 51 10.2 No 243 48.6 Don’t know 206 41.2 Total 500 100.0 23. Remuneration policies for appreciating and well treating talents managed by the Central authorities Criteria Being supported after completing courses Being appointed to study abroad in the Project 02 and 03 of the Province Being assigned better position after training Getting promoted Option Quantity % Yes 22 4.4 No 478 95.6 Total 500 100.0 Yes 18 3.6 No 482 96.4 Total 500 100.0 Yes 28 5.6 No 472 94.4 Total 500 100.0 Yes 24 4.8 No 476 95.2 Total 500 100.0 24. Reasons for difficulty in appealing and appreciating talents Criteria Unsound working environment Few opportunities for promotion Lack of rational remuneration policies Option Quantity % Yes 216 43.2 No 284 56.8 Total 500 100.0 Yes 235 47.0 No 265 53 Total 500 100.0 Yes 371 74.2 No 129 25.8 Total 500 100.0 Discrimination between staff managed Yes 302 60.4 by the Central authorities and the local No 198 39. 6 staff Total 500 100.0 All the above options Yes 341 65.2 No 267 53.4 Total 500 100.0 Yes 21 4.2 No 479 95.8 Total 500 100.0 Others 25. Assessment of remuneration policies for appreciating and well treating talents in Hue. Option Quantity 13 % 2.6 Basically rational 50 10.0 Irrational 294 58.8 Difficult to answer 143 28.6 Total 500 100.0 Quantity 104 % 41.0 294 55 100.0 17.8 294 40 100.0 10.0 294 30 100.0 9.0 294 100.0 65 294 22.2 100.0 Rational Suggestions Solution Satisfactory material remuneration policies Timely commendation and rewards Being assigned position suitable with qualifications and capacity Building sound working environment, chance to get promotion and higher positions All the above options FINDINGS OF SURVEYING LABOR USERS AND MANAGERS 1. Labor recruitment based on the following criteria: Option Quantity % Qualifications 72 90.0 Interview 43 53.8 Age 35 43.8 Gender 14 17.5 Local people preferentially 15 18.8 2. Difficulties in recruitment process Option Quantity % Yes 32 40.0 No 39 48.8 Difficult to say 9 11.2 Total 80 100.0 3. Usual difficulties Criteria Low –quality labor (no technical expertise) Trained labor unsuitable for requirements of the agencies There are no policies, remuneration for highly-qualified labor Limited norm All above options Others Option Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Quantity 13 67 80 31 49 80 32 48 80 40 40 80 13 67 80 2 78 80 % 16.2 83.8 100.0 38.8 61.2 100.0 40.0 60.0 100.0 50.0 50.0 100.0 16.2 83.8 100.0 2.5 97.5 100.0 4. After recruitment, does the agency continue training? Option Quantity % Yes 60 75.0 No 20 25.0 Total 80 100.0 5. Subjects and types of training for labor after recruitment a.Trained subjects Subject Labor without technical expertise Technical workers Quantity 8 % 10.0 2 2.5 Elementary 1 1.2 Vocational high school 13 16.2 Junior College, 56 70.0 80 100.0 University and over Total b.Type of training applied by the agency Type Training in agency, enterprise Training at centers abroad Training at centers in the nation Others Option Quantity % Yes 28 35.0 No 52 65.0 Total 80 100.0 Yes 17 21.2 No 63 78.8 Total 80 100.0 Yes 59 73.8 No 21 26.2 Total 80 100.0 Yes 5 6.2 No 75 93.8 Total 80 100.0 c.Objectives of training courses Objectives Quantity % Yes 70 87.5 No 10 12.5 Total 80 100.0 Yes 40 50.0 No 40 50.0 Total 80 100.0 Yes 17 21.2 No 63 78.8 Total 80 100.0 Yes 19 23.8 No 61 76.2 Total 80 100.0 Practice of industrial working style, Yes 13 16.2 discipline No 67 83.8 Total 80 100.0 Yes 2 2.5 No 78 97.5 Total 80 100.0 Enhance professional knowledge Practice of soft skills Practice of group work skill Practice of creativeness All the above options Option 6. Labor’s knowledge assessment Criteria General social knowledge Professional knowledge Option Quantity % Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Unsatisfied Satisfied 35 35 43.8 43.8 4 5.0 6 7.5 80 26 44 100.0 32.5 55.0 Knowledge about Labor Law and Labor Regulations Capacity in IT and other modern equipment manipulation Foreign languages capacity Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total 5 6.2 5 6.2 80 32 41 100.0 40.0 51.2 5 6.2 2 2.5 80 32 41 100.0 40.0 51.2 4 5.0 3 3.8 80 56 19 100.0 70.0 23.8 2 2.5 3 3.8 80 100.0 7. Assessment of creativeness Frequently have initiatives in work Option Quantity % Unsatisfied 44 55.0 Satisfied 31 38.8 4 5.0 1 1.2 Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total 80 100.0 Frequently have solutions to improve Unsatisfied 40 50.0 work efficiency Satisfied 35 43.8 3 3.8 2 2.5 Total 80 100.0 Frequently have new changes in Unsatisfied 42 52.5 viewpoints and thoughts in work Satisfied 32 40.0 4 5.0 2 2.5 Total 80 100.0 Know to exploit modern media, Unsatisfied 25 31.2 machines and apply them to work Satisfied 48 60.0 6 7.5 1 1.2 Total 80 100.0 Unsatisfied 51 63.8 Satisfied 23 28.8 3 3.8 3 3.8 80 100.0 Much satisfied Difficult to answer Much satisfied Difficult to answer Much satisfied Difficult to answer Frequently give new ideas Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total 8. Assessment of the adaptation and flexibility of labor Criteria Option Unsatisfied Accept changes, work transformation Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Have self-motivation and accept new Unsatisfied jobs Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Ability to quickly seize market Unsatisfied information Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Availability of movement, change of Unsatisfied work Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Ability to cope with shocks, risks in work Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Quantity 32 42 % 40.0 52.5 3 3.8 3 3.8 80 28 46 100.0 35.0 57.5 4 5.0 2 2.5 80 38 35 100.0 47.5 43.8 3 3.8 4 5.0 80 37 34 100.0 46.2 42.5 5 6.2 4 5.0 80 41 29 100.0 51.2 36.2 4 5.0 6 7.5 80 100.0 9. Assessment of working style and discipline of labor Criteria Awareness of abidance by regulations, disciplines of labor Responsibility spirit for work of labor Learning spirit to improve knowledge and experience in work Professional level in work Comply with and treasure time at work Option Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Quantity 31 43 % 38.8 53.8 9 11.2 17 21.2 80 16 45 100.0 20.0 56.2 9 11.2 10 12.5 80 30 44 100.0 42.5 50.0 5 6.2 1 1.2 80 27 39 100.0 33.8 48.8 4 5.0 10 12.5 80 25 44 100.0 31.2 55.0 5 6.2 6 7.5 80 100.0 10. Assessment the dedication level of labor in work Criteria Effort, exertion to overcome difficulties in Option Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Unsatisfied work Satisfied Diligence at work Enthusiasm in work 4 5.0 0 0 80 18 100.0 22.5 55 68.8 6 7.5 1 1.2 80 100.0 Unsatisfied 16 20.0 Satisfied 51 63.8 10 12.5 3 3.8 80 100.0 Unsatisfied 25 31.2 Satisfied 41 51.2 9 11.2 5 6.2 80 100.0 12 57 15.0 71.2 8 10.0 3 3.8 80 100.0 Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Loyalty and attachment to the agency % 22.5 72.5 Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Passion in work Quantity 18 58 Unsatisfied Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total 11. Assessment of work completion of labor Criteria Option Quantity % Implementation progress or time allocated Unsatisfied 20 25.0 for completion of work assigned Satisfied 45 51.2 3 3.8 12 15.0 80 100.0 Unsatisfied 26 32.5 Satisfied 45 56.2 4 5.0 Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total Work quality Completion of norm, work volume Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total 5 6.2 80 100.0 Unsatisfied 26 32.5 Satisfied 47 58.8 5 6.2 Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total 2 2.5 80 100.0 Efficiency of common work of the agency, Unsatisfied 19 23.8 enterprise 40 50.0 5 6.2 16 20.0 80 100.0 Satisfied Much satisfied Difficult to answer Total 12. Obstacles for work quality, especially the creativeness of labor Criteria Option Quantity % Educational and professional qualification Unsound working environment Lack of material facilities, equipment Unsatisfactory incentive, remuneration policies of the local Others Yes 47 58.8 No 33 41.2 Total 80 100.0 Yes 24 30.0 No 56 70.0 Total 80 100.0 Yes 55 68.8 No 25 31.2 Total 80 100.0 Yes 39 48.8 No 41 51.2 Total 80 100.0 Yes 8 10.0 No 72 90.0 Total 80 100.0 13. Solutions to promote creativeness and efficiency in work Criteria Building an ideal working environment Option Yes No Total Material remuneration policies in proportion Yes to qualifications and contribution No Total Policies to appreciate and attract talents Yes No Total Pay attention to the work of professional Yes level improvement and enhancement No Total All the above options Yes No Total Quantity % 39 41 80 47 33 80 45 35 80 12 68 80 22 58 80 48.8 51.2 100.0 58.8 41.2 100.0 56.2 43.8 100.0 15.0 85.0 100.0 27.5 72.5 100.0 14. Does Thua Thien Hue have remuneration policies for appealing talents from other localities? Option Quantity % Yes 10 12.5 No 26 32.5 Don’t know 44 55.0 Total 80 100.0 15. Does Thua Thien Hue have remuneration policies for appreciating and well treating talents working in the province? Option Quantity % Yes 14 17.5 No 19 23.8 Don’t know 47 58.8 Total 80 100.0 16. Assessment of policies for appreciating talents in Thua Thien Hue Province nowadays Option Quantity % Rational 3 3.8 Basically rational 16 20.0 Irrational 43 53.8 Difficult to answer 18 22.5 Total 80 100.0 17. Reasons for difficulty in appealing and appreciating talents in Thua Thien Hue Province Option Quantity % Yes 12 15.0 No 68 85.0 Total 80 100.0 Yes 21 26.2 No 59 73.8 Total 80 100.0 46 57.5 No 34 42.5 Total 80 100.0 Discrimination between staff managed Yes 15 18.8 by the Central authorities and the No 65 81.2 local staff Total 80 100.0 All the above options Yes 27 33.8 No 53 66.2 Total 80 100.0 Yes 2 2.5 No 78 97.5 Total 80 100.0 Unsound working environment Few opportunities for promotion Lack of rational remuneration policies Yes Others QUESIONNAIRE FOR LABOR IN THUA THIEN HUE PROVINCE ******** Currently, we are working on the topic “Human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in Thua Thien Hue Province”. Please choose your options with a (x). Thank you very much. Question 1: Please provide some personal information a. Full name: b. Work place: c. Educational level: Illiterate Primary school Secondary school High school d. Technical expertise: - No technical expertise - Technical worker (with degree/certificate - Elementary - Vocational high school - Junior college, university and over (Junior College University Postgraduate Without degree/certificate ) ) e. Age 15- 30 Within 30 - 40 Within 40 - 50 Within 50 - 60 f. Heath condition ( Male ; Female ) (fill in and mark x) - Height - Weight - Diseases............... - No diseases............... - Endurance, resistance - No endurance, resistance.......... - Sound mind, cheery.......... Question 2: Is your current job suitable with your capacity and trained major? a. Suitable b. Unsuitable c. Difficult to answer Question 3: Do you love your current job? a. Very much b. Yes No c. Difficult to answer Question 4: How do you assess your knowledge level? Not Knowledge Good good Very Difficult good to answer No Difficult to 1. General social knowledge 2. Professional knowledge 3. Knowledge about Labor Law and Labor Regulations 4. Capacity in IT and other modern equipment manipulation 5. Foreign languages capacity Question 5: How do you assess your creativeness? Creativeness in work Yes answer 1. Frequently have initiatives in work (forming models, designing products or deploying Scientific research topics, improving teaching methods…) 2. Frequently have solutions to improve work efficiency 3. Frequently have new changes in viewpoints and thoughts in work 4. Know to exploit modern media, machines and apply them to work 5 Frequently give new ideas Question 6: How do you assess your adaptation and flexibility Adaptation and flexibility in work Not good Good Very good Difficult to answer 1. Accept changes, work transformation 2. Have self-motivation and accept new jobs 3. Ability to quickly seize market information 4. Availability of movement, change of work 5. Ability to cope with shocks, risks in work Question 7: How do you assess your working style and discipline? Working style and discipline in work Not good Good Very good Difficult to answer 1. Awareness of abidance by regulations, disciplines of labor 2. Responsibility spirit for work of labor 3. Learning spirit to improve knowledge and experience in work 4. Professional level in work 5. Comply with and treasure time at work 6. Dynamic, active and flexible Question 8: How do you assess your dedication in work? Dedication in work 1. Diligence at work 2. Effort, exertion to overcome difficulties in work 3. Enthusiasm in work 4. Passion in work 5 Loyalty and attachment to the agency Not good Good Very good Difficult to answer Question 9: What is your general assessment of your capacity in work? a. Professional expertise Very skillful Skillful Unskillful Difficult to answer b. Creativeness in work High Not high Low Difficult to answer c. Adaptation and flexibility to changes Not good Good Very good Difficult to answer d. Working style and discipline High Not high Low Difficult to answer Question 10: How many initiatives, inventions have you had since the last 05 years in work? 1-2 b. 2-4 c. 4-6 d. 6-8 e.8-10 f. Over 10 What are they? a. Building models b. Designing new products c. Improving production process d. Renovating working methods e. Doing scientific research, writing articles f. Others..................................................................................................................... Question 11: In your opinion, What are the obstacles for work quality, especially the creativeness ? (Can take several options) a. Personal educational and professional qualification b. Unsound working environment c. Lack of material facilities, equipment d. Unsatisfactory incentive, remuneration policies of the local Others................................................................................................. Question 12: What do you need to promote creativeness and efficiency in work? (Can take several options) a. Building an ideal working environment b. Material remuneration policies in proportion to qualifications and contribution c. Policies to appreciate and attract talents d. Pay attention to the work of professional level improvement and enhancement e. All the above options Question 13: Does Thua Thien Hue have remuneration policies for appealing talents from other localities? a. Yes b. No c. Don’t know What are they? a. Issuing land and house b. Lending house at low price c. Offering initial financial assistance d. Assigning position suitable with qualifications and capacity e. Getting promoted f. Being paid high salary g. Others................................................................................................................... Question 14: Does Thua Thien Hue have remuneration policies for appreciating and well treating talents managed by the province? a. Yes What are they? b. No c. Don’t know a. Being supported after completing courses (For PhD, Master degrees) - For Master degree, how much is the assistance? dongs - For PhD degree, how much is the assistance? dongs b. Being appointed to study abroad in the Project 02 and 03 of the Province c. Being assigned better position after training d. Getting promoted Question 15: Does Thua Thien Hue have remuneration policies for appreciating and well treating talents managed by the Central authorities? (are now working in the province) a. Yes b. No c. Don’t know What are they? a. Being supported after completing courses (For PhD, Master degrees) b. Being appointed to study abroad in the Project 02 and 03 of the Province c. Being assigned better position after training d. Getting promoted Question 16: What do you think the reasons for difficulty in appealing and appreciating talents in Thua Thien Hue Province ? (Can take several options) a. Unsound working environment b. Few opportunities for promotion c. Lack of rational remuneration policies d. Discrimination between staff managed by the Central authorities and the local staff e. All the above options f. Others................................................................................................................ Question 17. What do you think about the policies for appreciating talents in Thua Thien Hue Province nowadays? a. Rational b. Basically rational c. Irrational d. Difficult to answer If irrational, what are your suggestions? (Can take several options) a. Satisfactory material remuneration policies b. Timely commendation and rewards c. Being assigned position suitable with qualifications and capacity d. Building sound working environment, chance to get promotion and higher positions e. All the above options QUESTIONNAIRE APPLIED TO LABOR USERS (For labor managers) Currently, we are working on the topic “Human resources for industrialization and modernization associated with the development of knowledge-based economy in Thua Thien Hue Province”. Please choose your options with a (x). Thank you very much. Question 1. Labor recruitment in Your agency is based on the following criteria: a. Qualifications b. Competence (through Interview) c. Age d. Gender e. Local people preferentially Question 2: Does Your agency face Difficulties in recruitment process? a. Yes b. No c. Difficult to answer Question 3: What are the usual difficulties? (Can take several options) a. Low –quality labor (no technical expertise) b. Trained labor unsuitable for requirements of the agencies c. There are no policies, remuneration for highly-qualified labor d. Limited norm e. All the above options f. Others........................................................................................... Question 4: After recruitment, does the agency continue training? a. Yes b. No c. Don’t know Question 5: If there is training after recruitment, please specify a. Main subjects for training: - Labor without technical expertise - Technical workers - Elementary - Vocational high school - Junior College, University and over b. Main type of training applied by the agency: - Training in agency, enterprise - Training at centers abroad - Training at centers in the nation - Others ................................... c. What are the objectives of training courses? (Can take several options) - Enhance professional knowledge - Practice of soft skills - Practice of group work skill - Practice of creativeness - Practice of industrial working style, discipline - All the above options Question 6: Please show your satisfaction for labor in your agency, enterprise a. Knowledge of labor Criteria 1. General social knowledge 2. Professional knowledge 3. Knowledge about Labor Law and Labor Regulations 4. Capacity in IT and other modern equipment manipulation 5. Foreign languages capacity Unsatisfied Satisfied Much Satisfied Difficult to answer b.Creativeness of labor in work Criteria Unsatisfied Satisfied Much Satisfied Difficult to answer 1. Frequently have initiatives in work (forming models, designing products or deploying Scientific research topics, improving teaching methods…) 2. Frequently have solutions to improve work efficiency 3. Frequently have new changes in viewpoints and thoughts in work 4. Know to exploit modern media, machines and apply them to work 5. Frequently give new ideas c. Adaptation and flexibility of labor Criteria 1. Accept changes, work transformation 2. Have self-motivation and accept new jobs 3. Ability to quickly seize market information 4. Availability of movement, change of work 5. Ability to cope with shocks, risks in work Unsatisfied Satisfied Much Satisfied Difficult to answer d. Working style and discipline of labor Criteria Unsatisfied Satisfied Much Satisfied Difficult to answer Unsatisfied Satisfied Much Satisfied Difficult to answer Unsatisfied Satisfied Much Satisfied Difficult to answer 1. Awareness of abidance by regulations, disciplines of labor 2. Responsibility spirit for work of labor 3. Learning spirit to improve knowledge and experience in work 4. Professional level in work (dynamic, active and flexible) 5. Comply with and treasure time at work e. Dedication level of labor in work Criteria 1. Diligence at work 2. Effort, exertion to overcome difficulties in work 3. Enthusiasm in work 4. Passion in work 5. Loyalty and attachment to the agency f. Work completion of labor Criteria 1. Implementation progress or time allocated for completion of work assigned 2. Work quality 3. Completion of norm, work volume 4. Efficiency of common work of the agency, enterprise Question 7: What are the obstacles for work quality, especially the creativeness of labor? e. Educational and professional qualification does not meet the requirements f. Unsound working environment g. Lack of material facilities, equipment h. Unsatisfactory incentive, remuneration policies of the local i. Others................................................................................................. Question 8: In your opinion, what is necessary to promote creativeness and efficiency in work? f. Building an ideal working environment g. Material remuneration policies in proportion to qualifications and contribution h. Policies to appreciate and attract talents i. Pay attention to the work of professional level improvement and enhancement j. All the above options Question 9: Does Thua Thien Hue have remuneration policies for appealing talents from other localities? a. Yes b. No c. Don’t know If yes, please specify............................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................................... Question 10: Does Thua Thien Hue have remuneration policies for appreciating and well treating talents working in the province? a. Yes b. No c. Don’t know If yes, please specify............................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................................... Question 11: As we know, the talents remuneration policies remain discrimination between staff managed by the Central authorities and the local staff. What is your opinion about this issue? ........................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................... Question 12. What do you think about the policies for appreciating talents in Thua Thien Hue Province nowadays? a. Rational b. Basically rational c. Irrational d. Difficult to answer If irrational, what are your suggestions?........................................................... .................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................ Question 13: What do you think the reasons for difficulty in appealing and appreciating talents in Thua Thien Hue Province ? g. Unsound working environment h. Few opportunities for promotion i. Lack of rational remuneration policies j. Discrimination between staff managed by the Central authorities and the local staff k. All the above options l. Others.............................................................................................................. Question 14: In your opinion, what does the province need to do to develop the human resources, especially high quality one for Industrialization and Modernization?........................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................