Building the Future - Forschungsinitiative Zukunft Bau
Building the Future - Forschungsinitiative Zukunft Bau
Building the Future The Magazine of the 2013 Building Research Initiative Inspiring Efficiency and Change With the landmark social policy decision to meet our future energy needs as far as possible from renewable energy sources and significant increases in energy efficiency, Germany is taking a leadership role in Europe and in the world. With its current energy plan, the German federal government is showing the way to securing a future energy supply at a reasonable cost. The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2020 and by at least 80% by 2050. The share of renewable energies in our gross energy consumption is expected to rise to 18% by 2020 and 60% by 2050. And it is the construction and transportation industries which can and, indeed, must make a significant contribution to this effort. The energy revolution which has found broad consensus across our society cannot be accomplished solely with regulations or financial aid. We need new technologies and concepts to make it happen. For this reason, the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) has strengthened its Zukunft Bau Research Initiative. Zukunft Bau, German for „the future of construction,“ now consists of three different areas: • research on behalf of the Ministry; • applied research; and • the „Efficiency House Plus“ prototypes. Applied research, in particular, thrives on a spirit of innovation and realignment of the construction industry. This is where the best ideas are put into practice together with business, science and government. The Zukunft Bau Research Initiative has been highly successful. Since its launch in 2006, some 500 research projects worth approximately €53 million have been commissioned. At the same time, an entirely new building standard was established in the current legislative period: „Efficiency House Plus“. The efficient houses already built with KfW grants to restore the country‘s infrastructure, with ratings of 70, 55 or 40, are now being combined with systems that collect more energy than is needed in the house—thus creating energy surpluses. We defined the standard in „Paths to the Efficiency House Plus“ and currently 31 model projects are in research. This program is not just about the construction of new single family homes, but also multi-family homes and the complete 2 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative modernization of older structures. The Ministry has also constructed its own building for research purposes. This allows us to demonstrate how innovative building and electric mobility can be coupled together. But another theme is shown in our pilot project in Berlin: the BMVBS Efficiency House Plus is 100% recyclable. This is a first for such a modern building and sets a new direction for the industry. Apart from energy efficiency, the pressing issues of our time include resource conservation, recycling and preparing for demographic shifts. This magazine gives a cross-section of the current issues being researched as part of Zukunft Bau, with which my Ministry is doing its part to address the issues facing our society‘s future. The results of the research are impressive and will shortly be turned into practical, everyday solutions. I wish you an informative and pleasurable read. Dr. Peter Ramsauer, MP Federal Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Development Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 3 Contents The Brave New World of Energy Plus Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Glass hybrid elements with translucent intermediate layers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Innovative Techniques for Building-Integrated Photovoltaics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The New Connector:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Photobioreactor Facade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Joining Technologies for Fiber Composite Profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Exempla docent.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 ULTRASLIM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 „Masonry Has a Future.“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Permanently stuck? Separability of hybrid building elements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 User Satisfaction as Indicator to Describe and Assess the Social Dimension of Sustainability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Vacuum-insulated façade elements made from textile concrete. . . . . . . . . . . . 68 „Proven sustainability will convince investors.“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Absorption of low-frequency impact sound through Helmholtz resonators integrted into wood-beamed ceilings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Guideline for Sustainable Building 2011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Ready – prepared for living at any age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 WECOBIS and Ökobau.dat:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Standards and Guidelines - an International Comparison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Knowing what‘s in building materials.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Senior Living - Market Processes and Need for Housing Policy Action. . . . . . 78 „Sustainability and building philosophy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Efficiency House Plus Pilot Projects:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 must always go hand-in-hand.“. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 the New World of Energy Plus Combines Buildings and Cars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Energy-Optimized 19th Century Houses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 EnerWert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 4 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 5 The Brave New World of Energy Plus Construction In its energy plan released on September 28, 2010, the German government formulated guidelines for an environmentally friendly, reliable and affordable energy supply and described for the first time the way forward into the age of renewable energies. Compared to 2008, primary energy consumption should drop by 20% by 2020 and 50% by 2050, when the share of renewable energies should have risen to 60%. This means that, by 2050, Germany‘s greenhouse gas emissions will have been reduced by at least 80% compared to 1990. State Secretary Rainer Bomba, MBA, MS Engineering Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development 6 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 7 These ambitious targets for energy consumption and environmental policy will be unattainable without effective increases in energy efficiency and the increased use of renewable energies in construction and transportation, because, between them, the two sectors are responsible for 70% of the total energy consumption in Germany. For this reason it was important that the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (the BMVBS, an acronym for its German name) has begun developing its own detailed energy and climate protection strategies. This strategic plan, which includes both the transportation and construction industries, is based on 5 pillars which address: • e fficient decentralized energy supply in buildings and increased efficiency in building construction; • t he energy efficient renovation of buildings and neighborhoods, particularly through the program of the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW); • t he innovative combination of electric mobility and high-performance standards in construction; • a broad application of electric-powered vehicles; and • t he national fuel strategy. In all respects, the federal government has not only forged concepts but has also begun to put them into place. The energy concept of the German government calls for an „ambitious increase in efficiency standards for buildings, wherever it is economically feasible.“ Economic feasibility has always been a cornerstone of the Energy Conservation Law and was a cornerstone of the BMVBS energy strategy. The most recent amendment to the Energy Saving Regulations (EnEV) took effect on 10/01/2009. The markets have adjusted accordingly. The new EnEV regulations for 2013 will therefore be moderate, reasonable, and attainable. An important aspect of this development is the implementation of the directive on energy performance of buildings. This has made changes to the EnEV regulations and the Energy Savings in Buildings Act (EnEG). A particular focus on the future will be the long-term implementation of the zero-energy building standards for new buildings which will come into effect in 2021 (and in 2019 for public buildings). Starting in 2013, the energy rating of a building must be included in real estate and rental advertising. In addition, the require- 8 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative ments to display energy certificates will be extended to smaller government buildings as well as private facilities with heavy public traffic (such as department stores, banks, restaurants). It is an independent control system for energy performance certificates and air conditioning inspection reports. These regulations will be implemented by the German states. The working drafts of the new law and regulations (EnEG and EnEV) are currently being fine-tined among the ministries and then will be sent to the Bundestag for its approval. It has become clear that administrative regulations are not sufficient to lead to a breakthrough. In order to achieve the required efficiency standards, targeted support and a proper policy for innovations is needed. The KfW programs for energy-efficient construction and renovation launched as part of the energy strategy are environmental and economic success stories. More than 50% of new residential buildings are already receiving funding from the KfW and are being built to a significantly better standard built than required by the 2009 EnEV regulations. The KfW grants will continued to funded at a high level of about €1.5 billion by 2014. The Zukunft Bau Research Initiative In addition to financial support, there is a need for development and research of new technologies and concepts. These innovations are being used in many fields. It is for this reason that the BMVBS established its Zukunft Bau Research Initiative. Zukunft Bau is German for „the future of construction.“ The initiative for research in construction practices covers ministry-level and contracted research projects with numbers that speak for themselves: In the first five years since the start of the program in 2006, some 500 research projects with a contract or funding level of a total of €52 million have been funded. Since August 2011, the initiative has received additional research funding for Efficiency Plus Homes with a budget of €1.2 million a year. The Ministry is thus supporting the introduction of buildings that produce significantly more energy per year than is necessary for their operation. The projects will be evaluated as part of a scientific support program. The results should result in improved energy management in modern buildings and lead to the devel- Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 9 opment of the necessary components for energy-efficient building envelopes and the use of renewable energies. With this new program, the BMVBS is building on outstanding projects which had been previously funded by the Zukunft Bau Research Initiative. In addition to the many components which have been developed, one of the star projects were the model buildings of the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences which twice won the Solar Decathlon competition in Washington, DC. The Darmstadt buildings were models designed to demonstrate the feasibility of the plus-energy standards in attractive architecture. The BMVBS Efficiency House Plus with Electric Mobility in Berlin The Ministry decided in 2010 to make its own contribution to research with a project to create a permanent showcase of the plus energy house standard for the public and tradespeople. The project aims to promote closer interdisciplinary collaboration in the architecture, automotive, energy supply and building technology industries. The goal was not only to feed the excess electricity produced by the house back into the grid, but also to use it to power up electric vehicles. With this target in mind, the Ministry set up an interdisciplinary competition in the summer of 2010 for the building of such a house in combination with electric mobility. The contest was designed as an open, interdisciplinary planning competition for universities in collaboration with consultants. Building on the existing BMVBS/KfW „Efficiency House“ brand, the new standard is called „Efficiency House Plus,“ or „Efficiency House Plus with Electric Mobility“. The competition was designed to demonstrate that the house has achieved this standard and also allows multiple vehicles with an average annual mileage of about 18,000 miles to be fueled solely from environmental energy. The competition came to a close in the fall of 2010. The first prize went to the University of Stuttgart in collaboration with Werner Sobek Stuttgart GmbH and Werner Sobek Green Technology GmbH Stuttgart. The Ministry signed a planning agreement with the winning team early in 2011. By early June 2011, the planning phase was complete and a general contractor for the construction 10 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative was hired. In July 2011, the construction began and the building was finished in September 2011 in a central location in Berlin, at Fasanenstraße 87a, 10623 Berlin City West. A house for a family of four with approx. 1500 sq. ft. of living space. In front of the house is a carport for parking electric cars and their charging infrastructure. To illustrate the electric mobility possibilities, two electric cars and an electric motorbike were included. On December 7, 2011, Chancellor Angela Merkel and Federal Minister for Transport, Building and Urban Development Ramsauer officially opened the building. In the nine weeks that it was open to the public, nearly 10,000 visitors experienced the house. The building is equipped with a highly insulated envelope as required for KfW-40 houses or passive houses. Other Energy Plus projects show that this standard requires a shell of at least KfW-55. The thermal transmittance coefficients (U-values) of the wood panel construction insulated with cellulose fibers was in the opaque area 0.11 W/m2K. It was a two-story wooden building in timber panel construction and ventilated cladding. The facade surfaces on the southwest side consisted of thin film solar modules. The facade surfaces on the northeast side consisted of glass panels coated with black on the back side. The glass facades on the northwest and southeast sides were constructed with triple glazing. The U-value here was 0.7 W/m2K. The glazing was held on four sides. Floor to ceiling openings such as revolving doors partially opened up the facade. Rooftop monocrystalline solar modules provided an efficiency of about 15% for electricity production. Both the roof (98 m2 of monocrystalline modules) and the facade (73 m2 thin film modules with 12% efficiency) can be expected to generate a current yield of about 17 MWh per year. It was predicted that the house needs about 10 MWh top operate and the vehicles 6 MWh. The house has central heating with an air-water heat pump. The heat is distributed via an underfloor heating system. In addition, an air supply and exhaust system is installed. Each room is individually controlled. A building automation system centrally prepares all of the data measurements and an open, programmable system provides targeted energy management. Users can communicate with the system via touchpads and smartphones. Particularly important in the overall concept was the installation of a backup battery. This battery ensures that the house can use the electricity it generates. The backup battery used for the BMVBS model house had a storage capacity of 40 kWh. It was assembled from used battery cells from the electric vehicles. Electric vehicles require a battery to be replaced once its storage capacity drops below 80%. These battery cells then get a „second life“ when used in stationary applications. The battery is therefore a prototype and was assembled from 7250 used cells. Through an intelligent charging management, the charging time for a vehicle to travel 60 miles can be reduced to 30 minutes through conductive charging. In addition, inductive charging was tested in the building. With inductive charging, the charging current is transmitted electromagnetically from one reel to another reel. Advances in power electronics are making high transmission frequencies of 50 kHz and above possible, which will result in expected efficiencies in excess of 90 degrees. In addition to the energy problem, the project was also to tackle issues of sustainability. One of the goals was, for example, for the house to be completely recyclable. But being recyclable and flexible should not mean compromises in the highest standard of comfort. This was clearly achieved in this project. When the house is dismantled in 2015, all of its components will be returned for reuse or recycled in their entirety, thus going back into the economic cycle. When a real family of four moved in on March 4, 2012, the new technologies were now put to a real test. All of the technical details, the current energy status, the experiences of the family, and much more can be read on the Ministry‘s website ( There‘s no doubt that the house is only a prototype. Certainly not everything on display is ready for the market and available at acceptable prices. But that will change rapidly with time. Good ideas always have a future and sometimes take on a life of their own. Grant Program for Efficiency Plus Homes – initial projects in prefab housing in Cologne The aim of the BMVBS is not only to create unique projects, but to give them trial runs in a network of different solutions and different technologies to improve them even more. It is for this reason that BMVBS is funding research in „Efficiency Plus Homes“. The program currently only funds residential buildings (one-, two- and multi-family homes) being built in Germany. The buildings should be able to operate all the functions of the house, such as heating, hot water, lighting, household electricity and the electricity needs of external users, such as electric vehicles. They need to be tested and evaluated under real, i.e. living conditions. This is why a working group is set up to support each of the Ministry‘s funding recipients to help with the evaluation of the project. The research results will be subsequently released. This research funding can be coupled with the KfW funding. The hope is that promising ideas, technologies and materials will more quickly find their way into practice. For this they must be tested and evaluated. These buildings will help gather experiences and address issues of economic feasibility. In the medium term it is envisioned to build zero-energy and Efficiency Plus homes at affordable prices. The object of this funding is to collect evidence for the plans for the Energy Plus standard, • the design and installation of the necessary sensors, including a weather station, based on the guidelines for monitoring, • the implementation, documentation and analysis of the measurements, • cost-benefit analysis of the technical concept and • t he risk balance from using expensive new technologies vs. continuing to use technology that is no longer state of the art. These techniques include, for example, thin-film solar modules for the facade, built-in roof solar panels, small wind turbines, electric batteries, battery technology and components for smart grids. Further details will be posted on the BMVBS website and its construction research portal at Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 11 Grants for 100% of the costs to implement these scientific and monitoring area available for a maximum of €70,000. The bases for measurement are the cost and financing budgets of the planners and research institutions that been hired. A grant of 20% of investment costs from equity financing, to a maximum of €300 per m2 of living space, is also available. Under the coordination of the Federal Association of German Prefabricated Housing (BDF), a new model home village has been built in Cologne-Frechen: „The World of Prefab“ Six of the 20 houses will be entirely Efficiency Plus houses and outfitted with monitoring equipment. A total of five projects received funding in 2011. The following companies have begun operating their Efficiency Plus homes: Huf-Haus, Fingerhaus, Schwörer-Haus, Weberhaus and the Bien Zenker building. The Lux-Haus project is still being built. These houses are single-family homes already on the market. They are for sale at €340,000 - €560,000 and have living space ranging between 1,900–3,000 sq. ft. At present, they represent only a pilot project for an upscale segment. Nevertheless, it is encouraging that the industry is willing to experiment, collect experiences and evaluate the way forward. Appling Energy-Plus standards to existing buildings from top: Weberhaus, BienZenker right: HUF I am convinced that the activities of the BMVBS are the right step to prepare us for future developments. This is only way that we will be take the technological lead for the next decade. „My House – My Car Charger“ is no longer a vision, but is gradually becoming a reality. 12 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 13 Innovative Techniques for Building-Integrated Photovoltaics For building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) to take off, architects and planners will need both specific expertise about how these systems operate and also a sufficient range of product options. The following three research projects have therefore addressed this need by creating the prerequisites for the development of innovative PV technologies and materials for use in facades and roofs. Prof. Bernhard Weller, TU Dresden Photovoltaic Rainscreens: Rainscreen cladding with photovoltaic module 1 cover glass thin-film PV cell glass substrate 2 carrier plate 3 T-Profile 4 insulation 5 exterior wall 14 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 15 Adaptation and development of thin-film photovoltaic technology for composite panels in EIFS Research Center: Project Partners Total cost Federal Grant Duration Technical University of Dresden, Department of Construction Engineering, Prof. Bernhard Weller, Dr. Susanne Rexroth TU Dresden, Department of Construction Management, Prof. Peter Jehle StoVerotec GmbH, Würth Solar GmbH & Co. KG, Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research (ZSW) €383,000 50% share 10/2006-2/2008 Integration of CIS photovoltaics in EIFS PV Rainscreen Cladding Research Plan PV-EIFS Research Plan The pre-hung rear-ventilated rainscreen facade is a multilayer design consisting of rear-ventilated cladding elements, an insulated substructure, and anchoring elements. In this design, the PV element replaces the cladding component of a rainscreen facade. Research has been underway since 2010 in integrating PV elements into integration in exterior insulation and finishing systems (EIFS). EIFS systems have been used for more than 40 years to improve the energy efficiency of exterior walls and, with more than 40 million m2 used annually in Germany, they are the most common cladding systems used in energy-efficient construction and renovation. Rainscreen facades are particularly suited for the application of photovoltaic modules, since the rear ventilation promotes lower module temperatures and therefore improved efficiencies. In windowless facades, the grid dimensions can be adapted to the standard module sizes, thereby optimizing costs. In addition, the PV rainscreen facade makes electrical connections simple in the area out of the line of sight behind the module. An important result of the project completed in 2008 was the development of a prototype with advanced thin-film modules based on CIS solar cells, whose homogeneous, colored surfaces enhance design possibilities. The thin-film modules are bonded to an expanded glass carrier plate over the entire surface. With rear girder sections, they can be adjustably hung in the substructure such that a consistently uniform front side results. Parts of the project included customizing the appearance, ensuring the colors, the electric coupling, and the analysis and determination of the requirements for the adhesive layer to bind the elements. In addition, a lifecycle analysis was conducted to establish the potential applications of thin-film technology. The photovoltaic facade has since been used in several projects. Figures 2 and 3 show two completed examples. Their usability has thus far been demonstrated via zoning variances, but a general approval for construction use is currently under review. 16 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Because EIFS have to be so lightweight, it is important to offer flexible, glass-free modules with CIS thin-film solar cells. Unlike traditional glazed PV elements, these flexible solar elements pose no risk of injury from glass breakage and falling glass in case of fire. In addition, the modules are flexible, come in variable sizes and allow a homogeneous design to be implemented. The possible variations in gap and colors in the plaster surfaces between the modules offer great architectural design possibilities. The solar modules are connected to the insulating plate with adhesives. To ensure a consistent adhesive bond, prefabrication is done in a dust-free and temperature-controlled environment. At the construction site, the element can be installed like a EIFS. It is adhered to the substrate and no additional anchoring is necessary. In existing buildings, an initial, doweled insulation is laid first to provide a sufficiently stable base. The PV EIFS can be used both in new buildings and in uninsulated or poorly insulated existing structures. ETFE PV Research Plan Membrane structures allow very cost-efficient, aesthetic and lightweight building envelopes to be made in any form. The integration of photovoltaics requires light and flexible modules. So far, there are no solutions ready for Research Center Project Partners projected cost Federal Grant projected duration Technical University of Dresden, Department of Construction Engineering, Prof. Bernhard Weller, Ms. Jasmin Fischer CIS Solar GmbH & Co. KG, Sto AG, Central Association of the German Building Industry €574,000 63% share 9/2010-6/2012 Development of light, flexible photovoltaic elements based on ETFE and CIGS thin-film solar cells for architecture Research Center Project partners projected total cost Federal Grant projected duration Technical University of Dresden, Department of Construction Engineering, Prof. Bernhard Weller Nowofol Plastic GmbH and Co. KG, Solarion AG €344,000 70 % share 2/2012-8/2013 market. Starting in 2013, the ETFE PV project will begin research and development of PV laminates made of highly flexible film solar cells and find methods to integrate them into single-layer, mechanically pre-stretched membranes and multilayer air-cushioned ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) pillows. Conclusion Photovolatics (PV) are being used more and more in construction as the population becomes increasingly aware of the need for energy efficiency and sustainability. In order to meet architectural needs, solutions integrated in the roof or facade are preferable. When integrated, the PV element replaces the component in whole or in part and assumes its functions in such a way that building-integrated photovoltaics can meet complex engineering requirements as well. The research projects will help to accelerate the development of appropriate techniques and materials for the building-integrate photovoltaics and promote their wider use. PV EIFS: Photovoltaic Exterior Insulation and Finishing System 1 CIS solar modules 2 Insulation 3 Bonding 4 insulation 5 Exterior wall Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 17 Photobioreactor Facade Building-integrated production and use of energy and heat from algal biomass and sunlight Jan Wurm, Arup Berlin The purpose of this research project is to develop a new facade system made of photobioreactors (PBR). The PBR elements are used to cultivate microalgae and collect solar thermal energy in the building envelope. The biomass of microalgae as well as the solar heat can be made available for distribution to the entire the building. This improves the building‘s energy balance and helps achieve the 2020 climate targets. Rendering of the PBR facade concept 18 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Concept design for a PBR element and substructure Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 19 Specification for the facade system were developed based on energy design, structural engineering, and building physics as well as building technology and architectural integration needs. After conducting and evaluating a solar radiation simulation, the PBR elements were placed on the south, southwest, and southeast facades of both residential and storage buildings. values calculated beforehand. These successful preliminary tests confirmed the suitability of the PBR concept for the first generation prototype. The PBR prototypes have been undergoing testing since mid-November 2011 at the test facility of SSC GmbH in Hamburg-Reitbrook. Data is being collected about various parameters such as tightness, stability and performance in the conversion of solar radiation into heat and biomass, which will form the basis for future development of the PBR elements. The first field trial will initially include four PBR elements which will be connected in parallel pairs and mounted on supports (about 6 m2). The support systems can be pivoted so that the different radiation conditions on south, southeast, and southwest facades can be simulated. Data on the production of biomass and heat in particular radiation scenarios is being collected in different trial runs. Adjusting the PBR elements by rotating them in line with the sun‘s level around a vertical central axis can improve the ability to catch and use the sunshine that is available on a given day. This also helps prevent shadows developing among the PBR elements. Insulation of the facade element to prevent heat loss in winter is part of the overall concept (see fig. to the right). The PBR-element runs in a high format to ensure that there is adequate circulation to produce an optimal algae yield and to reduce the risk of biofouling. Refined flat glass is used for the PBR walls, chosen for its high durability and mechanical strength with high radiolucency and non-flammability and its position as an established facade material. Permanent exposure to a water column of about 3 m, corresponding to a pressure of about 0.3 bar, was considered in the design of the PBR facade element. Additional strains on the system included local transitory loads (wind, ice) and temperature fluctuations. The PBR body is basically designed like double glazing. The edge seal provides a spacer made of aluminum with inserted O-ring lacings for tightness. Additional glass panes as well as heat-resistant coatings on the front and back sides insulate the PBR element to improve its heat efficiency. The light and energy throughput is increased by low-iron glass panes. The supply technology (inflows and outflows) and a safety overflow are invisibly integrated into the frame and are centered by the PBR‘s fulcrum into the substructure. The substructure consists of horizontal beams mounted on brackets on the facade for each floor of the building. The piping is hidden by being integrated into these beams. 20 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Conclusion Beam system with installed plastic PBR panels at the SSC pilot site in Hamburg-Reitbrook To pre-assess the structural adequacy of the PBR components and especially the glass components, a test structure was examined using various load scenarios. The stresses of installation and filling with water filling were the basis of the load-bearing experiments. The test structure we used the body was composed of two glass panes held together on all sides by a metal clamping frame and separated by a spacer along the edge. For ease of handling, only the lower third of the PBR-element, which experiences the largest loads, was modeled in the test structure. The first test was conducted at the nominal load, which occurs when inserted at overall heights of up to 2.5 m (about 0.25 bar). A creep test with about 0.30 bar, and a maximum load (about 0.37 bar) test were also conducted. The test piece consistently withstood all of the loads placed on it and the deformations corresponded with the The concept of a ventilated facade made of PBR elements was verified with the detailed design of the first generation PBR prototype. The detailed design and the construction and preliminary tests confirm the proposed PBR concept. The test of the prototypes from mid-November 2011 will provide important insights for optimizing the design with regard to the proposed model facade. The design, construction and operation of the model facade will test and optimize the fundamentals of the manufacturing process, process control and the software-based control system. Illustration of thermal simulation PBR element, cross-section with glass and frame Photobioreactor construction - Building-integrated energy production from algae Researcher Project Head: Total costs: Federal grant share: Duration: Dr. Martin Kerner (SSC GmbH), Manfred Starlinger (COLT GmbH) Dr. Jan Wurm (Arup GmbH) Cornelius Schneider (Arup GmbH) Dr. Jan Wurm (Arup GmbH), €497,588.48 €249,923.30 through 12/2012 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 21 Exempla docent. Examples teach. (Marcus Lucius Annaeus Seneca 4 BCE–65 CE) Petra Alten, Dipl.-Ing. Architect, Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS) targets national energy and climate goals with its Zukunft Bau („The Future of Construction“) Research Initiative. Pilot projects funded since 2007 have included successful national and international research projects in the latest energy concepts such as the Passive House, the Zero-Energy House and the Energy Plus House (since August 2011 also called Efficiency House Plus). These projects advocate publicly for sustainable, energy-efficient construction and are promoting dialog within the society. The first pilot projects to receive BMVBS funding were conducted by the TU Darmstadt under the leadership of Prof. Hegger. They were crowned world solar power champions at both the 2007 and 2009 biennial Solar Decathlon in Washington, DC. To promote this new generation of buildings that produce in one year more energy than necessary for the operation of the building, the Ministry had a replica model built and put the prototype design on tour as a traveling exhibition in six major cities throughout Germany (Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf and Hannover) from 2009 to 2011. The pilot project was designed to give information, demonstrate the possibilities, and serve as exhibition and event space. The entire public was invited to take a free tour of the prototype. At the end of its touring exhibition where proposals for its future use were collected, the building was handed over to its new owner, municipal power company Dortmunder Energie- und Wasserversorgung GmbH (DEW21). The House of the Future is now open at its permanent home daily except Mondays from 11 am to 6 pm at Am Remberg 84, Dortmund-Hörde. It continues to be a hands-on example of innovative building open to anyone who is interested. DEW, in collaboration with the North Rhine Westphalia state ecology center offers a regional network and an extensive program on energy-efficient, sustainable building. This includes an exhibit, daily tours as well as qualified advice and events such as lectures. Contact DEW at: Energieeffizienz/Energiehaus.htm In numbers: 90% of a total of an approx. 90,000 visitors of the pilot project were inspired by this hands-on way of sharing information. Current construction policies were presented at more than 1,000 events in the House in the form of tours, lectures, discussions, workshops and exhibitions. Directly showing the future requirements for construction industry in a form free of legal jargon convinced visitors that sustainable construction is necessary and consistent with aesthetics, quality of life and functionality. The model also helped to reduce fears of innovative technologies and the use of renewable energies in buildings The public developed an awareness of the issues and also interest in future-oriented solutions. Current technical possibilities and their promotion was made tangible and understandable. In addition, a network of professional experts was developed to spread the word further. The Energy Plus Pilot Project 22 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative The interior of the building uses modern video and presentation technology and cutaway models of the building components to provide multi-sensory information to the visitors. An integrated exhibition is aimed primarily at consumers, builders and owners of single-family homes. Other topics covered in this exhibit included energysaving construction (energy saving regulations, energy performance certificates, the Renewable Energy Sources Act), current grants and other government support options (CO2 building renovation program, KfW aid for rebuilding infrastructure), the latest technical solutions in energy-saving construction (the Zukunft Bau Research Initiative) as well as various concepts in energy efficient construction and renovation. The barrier-free model building consists primarily of renewable, natural and recyclable materials. The design of the house is based on the winning entry of the Technical University of Darmstadt, prepared and implemented by students under the direction of Professor Manfred Hegger. A House on Tour The BMVBS Roadshow achieved its goals. The house with its clear architecture and the use of innovative technologies was a tangible advertisement for energy efficient and sustainable construction according to the Efficiency Plus standard. The six stops on the house‘s tour offered a platform for dialog in the media and the public in general about key issues in the building policy debate. The tour helped to break down prejudices and uncertainties, converted many with their positive experiences in the house and promoted imitation. More than 100,000 people in 6 The house sensibly combines modern architecture and energy efficiency. The focus is in particular on the technical innovations of the power-producing solar house. All of its exterior walls, the roof and the windows are highly insulating. Heat storage in the form of phase change materials (PCM) in the walls and roof provide for a balanced room climate. They absorb the heat from the sun and that generated internally and release it over time. Modern building technology minimizes the energy requirement and electricity is supplied via photovoltaic panels on the roof and in the facade. The excess electricity not used by the building is fed into the grid. A flat plate solar collector is also integrated into the roof to heat hot water. This intelligent composition of the latest technologies makes an astounding energy balance possible. Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 23 locations across the country visited the house: half were professionals, the other half interested members of the public. More than 1,000 events addressed numerous visitors and helped build positive awareness of the issues. solely from environmental energy collected by the building‘s PV system and can still be „more than just a house“ with quality of life: The house has various key features which help it meet the national energy and climate goals: a protective envelope, an aesthetic oasis of wellbeing, autonomous small power plant, smart energy manager, 24-hour car charging station and reliable usefulness through all stages of life. The house illustrates the importance of application-oriented, broad-based construction research to promote the continuous development of modern construction policy in Germany. In the end, the BMVBS Energy Plus House Roadshow had a clearly positive result: • T he exhibition has stoked great interest in futureoriented solutions for energy efficient architecture by integrating and presenting various technologies in a real, complete and attractive building. • It makes the current possibilities of technology directly tangible experiences for the general public, laypeople and professionals alike. • T he tangible experience combined with information and explanation counters skepticism about passive energy buildings and the technology used in persons planning or who are currently building or remodeling. • Coordinated events and networking opportunities, lectures, industry meetings, collaborations with schools and energy consultants helped to inform and create networks of professionals who will then spread their enthusiasm to others. • T he pilot project allowed future regulations to speak for themselves without being bogged down in legal jargon. It made it clear that the Energy Plus House represents a necessary, new generation of buildings which could replace the current generation of passive energy and zero-energy houses. After opening on December 7, 2011, the public was offered a comprehensive program of events until the end of February 2012. In March 2012, a family of four selected from a public application process moved into the house for the next 15 months. The house is under constant scientific monitoring, including a social-psychological study of the test family. Experiences are being collected to prepare for the market launch of this new generation of buildings and vehicles, which is targeted for the near future. This goal also supports the new BMVBS funding guidelines which promote public-private partnerships in piloting the Efficiency House Plus standard, the use of innovative technology and their scientific study. The goals is to set up a nationwide network to promote the constant exchange of information and experiences among policymakers, scientists and the general public. This will then, in turn, promote the expansion of long-term sustainable development in the building sector. The next stage... Efficiency House Plus with Electric Mobility (EP+EM) The Energy Plus House‘s successor, the „Efficiency House Plus with Electric Mobility“ (EP+EM) in Berlin explored future synergies between buildings and transportation from 2011-2013. Publicly supported, it provides clear information about the opportunities and limits of this model for the future with respect to practicality and marketability. The prototype was designed to show that a house built according to the Efficiency House Plus standard can provide power for itself, its four residents and their vehicles (for a total of about 18,000 miles/year) 24 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Evaluation of the BMVBS Energy Plus House Roadtour Stops on the Germany Roadtrip: including Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, Hanover Bottom right: Efficiency House Plus Electric Mobility in Berlin Researcher Total cost Duration: Thomas Quast (Com.X, Bochum) €29,500 (general departmental research) 2010-2011 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 25 „Masonry Has a Future.“ Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Jäger is Professor of Structural Engineering at the Technical University Dresden. His research is focused on masonry in both historic and new buildings Professor Jäger, compared to other countries, the construction industry in Germany uses very heterogeneous methods in wall construction. Wood construction, masonry construction, poured systems filled with fresh concrete, etc. New homes being built as part of Efficiency House Plus are currently being built primarily of wood. How do you see the chances for masonry? First, I would remind you that in the past and currently, solid wall construction have a share of about 85% of the housing market in the Federal Republic of Germany. But you are correct that the Efficiency House Plus systems have to date been primarily lightweight, highly insulated and non-solid wall constructions and there were concerns that masonry could no longer meet the new requirements for energy efficiency. In recent years, however, there have been enormous strides made in the field of masonry construction to develop competitive, innovative solutions. Hollow chamber blocks which are then filled with insulating material have been developed to combine the insulating and heat storage properties missing in lightweight construction. Being comfortable is playing an increasingly important role at both home and work. 26 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Another development are multilayer blocks which have separated the structural and insulating functions into layers, which are nonetheless fully integrated. They are laid as a homogeneous block and meet the standards for Efficiency Plus houses. Sure, the masonry pilot projects currently underway have not received as much media coverage and scientific attention as the Efficiency Plus House built by BMVBS with Werner Sobek in Berlin. I’m thinking of a project for an energy self-sufficient house” by HELMA Eigenheimbau AG in Lehrte which used brick construction or the Efficiency Plus house by XELLA. In masonry construction, particularly for brick manufacturers, has there been a trend to reduce the vertical and horizontal joints? How will this play out? Joints are a necessary evil in masonry to compensate the tolerances of the blocks and to ensure a non-positive, full connection in vertical and horizontal directions. However, they also create thermal bridges that can be rather unpleasant, so the aim is to reduce the joint thick- Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 27 Being tested: a fully recyclable, modular, solid construction system ness as far as the tolerances allow. Unfortunately, if one reduces the thickness of the mortar, the compensation provided by the joint against peak stresses is lost. Because of the amount of work required, in the past people didn’t bother to fill the vertical joints with mortar. If one doesn’t mortar the horizontal joints, then we’re talking about dry masonry which is, however, associated with a decrease in strength. This is why mortaring the joints will still be needed in the future, at least for light-weight concrete, porous concrete and brick masonry. One possibility is using PURSchaum as mortar, for example, but this leads to an insoluble compound that causes difficulties at the end of the building’s useful life. We need a mortar in the future that can be applied thinly and efficiently, will keep out as much moisture as possible, will have the required mechanical properties, in particular the bond shear strength, and can still be easily dissolved when the bond is no longer needed. I’m still hoping to inspire someone with this vision, which I don’t think is all that unrealistic. 28 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative One of your current projects in the research initiative focuses on improving the thermal storage capacity of masonry with latent heat storage. Are we on the verge of a construction industry revolution? Previously, it was always the goal to reduce the heat losses caused by transmission through the walls and the adjacent structural members. With the increasing interest in year-round heat protection and comfort, the heat-retaining properties of solid masonry construction are once again becoming the focus of our considerations. The main question about heat and energy storage in the energy self-sufficient house remains as the rates paid for energy fed back to the grid continue to drop. In my opinion, therefore, we’re not on the verge of a revolution not just in building materials, but also in construction design. The integration of decentralized thermal and energy storage into one’s own building will be the solution of the future to which masonry can and will make a significant contribution. My team wants to start the project by combining the structural, insulating and storage functions in the wall and then come to the design aspects later on. Research and teaching closely connected. What priorities do you see as a university teacher when it comes to training the next generation? We urgently need to place more stress on the new trends in construction without forgetting the foundations or neglecting the artistic aspect. The results from the research initiatives should be more widely integrated. My team and I have definitely had positive experiences in this regard. The students are also highly interested in sustainable building and they love experimenting. If one wants to work with the students on issues of sustainability and energy efficiency with an understanding of the contexts surrounding the issues, they must have some knowledge of construction, from design and planning processes. While construction physics is now very strongly oriented to issues of energy loss and its reduction and has reached a high level, it still needs to address issues about the life cycles of building materials, building design and the individual types of construction. It is our responsibility as a professor not to promote what we’re already doing, but to help our future graduates to rethink. Who else, if not our graduates, are going to achieve the changes required in what is a very traditional industry from client to contractor? Final questions: Can you describe your living space? Have you fulfilled your dreams? It’s very nice to be able to live in an old vineyard house in the Elbe Valley in Radebeul. My family restored the house before the Wall fell. The house was built after the Thirty Years’ War around 1654 as a two-story timber-framed structure with a steep hipped roof. It is among the first in the area. And you can imagine that it is as difficult to make changes in and around the house to help reduce its current energy consumption. So, I still have things to work on. Technically, we want to do something about it, maybe reinforce the internal insulation of the exterior walls and use the summer heat in the roof space. Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 29 Energy efficient office buildings need to be highly functional and offer the best temperature and air conditions for a conducive working environment. There has previously not been an adequate method to collect and evaluate data about user satisfaction in office buildings which can then be integrated into the Sustainable Building Rating System (BNB) for office and administrative buildings. User Satisfaction as Indicator to Describe and Assess the Social Dimension of Sustainability Evaluating socio-cultural aspects of sustainable building operations with user surveys German Chancellery 30 30 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Karin Schakib-Ekbatan, KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – Department of Building Physics and Technical Development Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 31 With a focus on energy-optimized construction, the Department of Building Physics and Technical Development at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology has surveyed users of 45 buildings constructed according to different energy standards about their level of comfort in the workplace. A key finding is that there is often a significant gap between the predicted social aspect of a building and users’ experiences in the building as actually used. In addition, the need became clear for a cost- and timesaving survey instrument that would be compatible with the “socio-cultural quality” sections of the Sustainable Building Rating System (BNB) for office and administrative buildings. We have developed a practical method for assessing building performance from the users’ perspective that provides reliable information about everyday experiences with comfort conditions in the users’ immediate workplace and the building as a whole. In addition, an overall index was developed which can be used to derive the benchmarks for the building assessment. The index is being made available to orient the public and help them set decision criteria to analyze their real estate portfolios, manage their inventory, and make evaluations when leasing. The project resulted in a user survey instrument on workplace comfort (Instrument für Nutzerbefragungen zum Komfort am Arbeitsplatz–INKA for short). The materials include a questionnaire in both paper and online versions, a report sheet (see fig. 1) as well as a guide with information on conducting and analyzing the survey. The materials are available for download and have been updated as part of the project presented here. The project, entitled “Evaluating socio-cultural aspects of sustainable building operations with user surveys,” focused on reviewing the comfort levels forecast as part of the planning stage. The central question is: How has the building lived up to its potential from a user perspective? With the help of user satisfaction surveys, subjective evaluations are collected and compared to the results obtained from the new building certification process. Training of auditors Comparison of the survey content with the criteria for “sociocultural and functional quality” We recommend training building auditors in the basics of conducting building surveys as part of the certification process. The aspects of comfort such as temperature, light, air quality and acoustic comfort included in the survey are largely compatible with the socio-cultural characteristics in the BNB for office and administrative buildings. This includes the ability of users to influence their environment, a factor shown in many studies to be extremely important for the satisfaction rating. Moreover, the furniture and design of offices and the spatial conditions were highly relevant factors in the satisfaction rating (see fig. 2 and 3). Identifying potential modifications based on the certification criteria (such as range of individual criteria, weighting factors) Overall conditions (workplace) Large office > 15 persons (n = 158) Daylight in the space Small group office 5–15 persons (n = 341) Temperature Small office 2-4 persons (n = 161) Breaking the survey instrument into several modules (process quality) Acoustics/noise levels Space Integration user survey results in the rating system for existing buildings (property standards) Single office (n = 2,055) -2 -1 very dissatisfied 32 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 1 2 very satisfied The ongoing operation of buildings has helped build up pressure to meet the objectives for sustainable workplace comfort. The involvement of users in building monitoring is an important source of information to instigate improvement of processes. As a systematic procedure, the INKA instrument represents an essential step towards a comprehensive rating of building sustainability from the user perspective. It should be considered an important component of the certification process, a practical evaluation method for the real estate industry, and will help build a comprehensive database for comparative building analysis A key finding is that a simple weighting of the acoustic aspect in the certification process significantly underestimates its true significance for the user experience. This indicates a need for an adjustment in the certification process. After conducting the initial comprehensive survey as recommended, the data shows reduced surveys partially indexed to ambient conditions (temperature, air quality, lighting and acoustics/noise) could be performed every three years or as needed, say, after an air quality improvement project. Air quality conversion (see Schakib-Ekbatan, Wagner & Lützkendorf, 2011) takes into consideration previous field studies, makes arguments for the content and sees itself as a tentative process. We recommend collecting more building data and modifying the reference values as required. Surveys were conducted at six certified buildings in summer 2010 and winter 2011 and integrated into the evaluation system. For meaningful analyses, the departmental database from field studies of energy-optimized and conventional existing buildings done from 2004 to 2011 were added. The project objectives, results and recommendations are presented in detail below. Determining reference values for subjective user experience is, of course, not without problems. Because of the small building sample, it is difficult to determine the maximum attainable in user surveys. The proposed Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 33 Architect Hans Otto Kraus is Technical Director of GWG, Munich’s municipal building society. Mr. Kraus is the moderator of the Sustainable Housing working group, which has developed a rating system for sustainable housing with scientific support from a Project 1 Short Title: Z 6 – 2 – F20-08-09 Researchers Assistance Project Head Total cost Federal grant Industry partner Project duration KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – Department of Building Physics and Technical Development Karin Schakib-Ekbatan, Cédrine Lussac, Thomas Gropp KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – Chair of Residential Construction Economics and Ecology of housing) Prof. T. Lützkendorf, Jan Zak KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – Department of Building Physics and Technical Development Prof. A. Wagner €108,600 €76,020 bauperfomance GmbH through 2010 Project 2 Short Title: NuBeFra Az SF – Researchers Assistance Project Head Total cost Federal grant Project duration KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – Department of Building Physics and Technical Development Karin Schakib-Ekbatan, Cédrine Lussac, Thomas Gropp KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – Chair of Residential Construction Economics and Ecology of housing) Prof. T. Lützkendorf, Matthias KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – Department of Building Physics and Technical Development Prof. A. Wagner €116,623.00 €80,533.00 through 2011 project of the Zukunft Bau Research Initiative. “Proven sustainability will convince investors.” What were the reasons for the housing industry to begin working on assessing sustainable residential construction? What opportunities and challenges were revealed? The organized housing industry was faced with the fact that the German Society for Sustainable Building (DGNB) had developed a certification system for residential buildings without the involvement of the housing industry.Because the housing industry has been engaged in sustainable practices for decades, it saw itself as a key player who needed to bring its experience and expertise to this area. In collaboration with the BMVBS, we developed a method to assess the sustainability of new residential construction. The challenges in such an endeavor are numerous: developing consistent criteria, not initiating any additional costly standards, and having the indicators correctly reflect the values of society. The opportunities include increasing transparency and comparability in the products, generating guidelines for builders and the building industry, improving the sustainable design, construction and use of buildings, and finally starting the discussion on sustainable building. Who were the members of the working group and how did that affect the tasks you undertook? Besides the representatives of the BMVBS and the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR), the housing industry associations, including the National Construction Industry Association (GdW) and the National Association of Independent Builders and Estate Agents (BFW) as well as other representatives from the housing, real estate and construction industries. Consumer representatives included the German Tenants’ Association (Deutsche Mieterverbund) and the Consumer Center (Verbraucherzentrale). The task, therefore, was to develop the broadest and most detailed view of sustainability possible and to weigh individual interests thoroughly. What became important for us was to consider the needs of the portfolio manager committed to social housing. 34 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 35 Guideline for Sustainable Building 2011 Sustainable federal buildings – on the road to success Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Rietz, architect BDB The Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) What issues were at the forefront of system development? What qualities play a particular role from the perspective of the housing industry? Special attention was devoted to questions of how we should measure various criteria. Due partly to a lack of objective data and indicators, we decided to evaluate measurable and non-measurable properties only in a descriptive way. The housing industry was particularly interested in analyzing housing quality, long-term performance, and profitability. In addition, we were working to create a system to document that sustainability is worth the effort and the cost for smaller construction projects. The ratings system differs markedly from the BNB rating system for office and administrative buildings. What sets the sustainable housing rating system apart? The biggest difference probably lies in the assessment of long-term economic viability and the assessment of the stability of value. In addition, the criteria allow one to create a strength/weakness profile of the buildings which can model the over-achievement of individual criteria. Who will take over the future ownership of the sustainable housing rating system and how will it be put into practice in the future? The various organizations that were involved in the project have formed a new organization called “Nawoh” which will have the necessary structures in place to manage the necessary procedures, approvals, regulations, and costs. The GdW will be taking a lead role in that project. The certification will take the form of the “Sustainable Housing Quality Seal.” Now that the pilot phase has ended, we expect that private builders or housing companies will apply to have their projects certified and tested for the seal. Once sustainability is tested and proved, investors will be convinced that the property has been properly developed and users will be able to affirm that the property they have rented or purchased is actually sustainable. Can you describe your living space? Have you fulfilled your dreams? I currently rent a space in the city and am very satisfied. The balcony offers views and a space for outdoor living and it’s a short walk to the city center and the river Isar. Environmental and climate protection, efficient use of energy and resources, climate-adapted construction, and demographic changes require innovative design concepts for the buildings of tomorrow. With the updated Guideline for Sustainable Building, holistic consideration and evaluation of federal buildings has taken on a particular importance. Since its launch in March 2011, important steps for implementing the guideline in federal building have been under way. The Federal Government has long been committed to its exemplary role in sustainable and energy-efficient construction. The Guideline for Sustainable Building was extensively revised and made mandatory for federal construction projects with a March 2011 order from the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS). Thus the Federal Government is putting sustainable construction into concrete administrative action. The guideline provides introductory general principles for sustainable construction (Part A) and serves as guidelines for the highest levels of building management in the Federal Government. The guidelines defines the mandatory minimum requirements and targets and regulates the implementation of sustainable design from the initial planning phase to the sustainability assessment after completion of the building (Part B). The basis for this is the Federal Sustainable Building Rating System (BNB). As of May 14, 2012, the Guideline for Sustainable Building must now be adhered to in all major new construction projects of office and administrative buildings. The rating system has been evaluated in an initial application. How have the results been considered as you plan further practical application? The initial use of the system has shown that properties that have been planned and built without the currently established criteria may well be certifiable as sustainable. The pilot projects were consistently carefully and responsibly developed, both with private financing and public funding, which were within the general cost framework. It was also clear that advance application of the criteria list can save significant effort in data collection and documentation. Furthermore, all of the users have confirmed that working through the criteria lists enabled a high-quality project development and execution. This has provided a meaningful and useful guide for everyone involved. 36 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 37 The BMVBS was able to inspire industry professionals to begin significant work on sustainable construction with its first Guideline for Sustainable Building released in 2001. The new guideline has evolved into an instrument of quality management and control in conjunction with the BNB ratings system. The methods and procedures formulated in the guidelines are chronologically organized according to the standard stages for planning new construction in the Guidelines for Federal Construction Projects (RBBau) and the Fee Schedule for Architects and Engineers (HOAI). With the addition of parts C “Recommendations for the Sustainable Use and Operation of Buildings” and D “Existing Buildings” at the beginning of 2013, a complex set of guidelines for sustainable building have come into force. At the same time ensures, the corresponding assessment modules and detailed criteria have become available. Successful implementation can only be achieved with a high level of professional competence among the federal building authorities. With the development of a curriculum in 2011, a training process in the current federal project guidelines has been initiated. Training as a BNB sustainability coordinator consists of four two-day consecutive learning modules, a base module and three specialist modules on the use of sustainable building rating system. The trainees must demonstrate that they have learned the information presented with practical homework and an oral and written examination. More than 140 employees of the federal building departments have already successfully completed the training program and are now putting their knowledge into practice in various federal projects. Left: Hamburg Central Customs Office above: Paul Wunderlich Haus, Eberswalde middle: University of Regensburg below: Rosenheim Central Customs Office 38 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative With a “Network for Sustainable Federal Building,” an internal platform for collaboration among sustainability coordinators is being set up as part of the sustainable building information portal. The goal is to make practical project experiences available and to encourage interdepartmental discussion of substantive issues arising from the implementation of the ratings system. The Federal Government must do more than just develop a theoretical basis for sustainable buildings and offer corresponding training. In order to fulfill the Federal Government’s exemplary role, the Guideline for Sustainable Building and its mandatory requirements must be realized in concrete construction projects that will reach a minimum rating of silver in new construction. The following projects for administrative buildings currently in planning and construction are receiving intensive support: • Federal Ministry for Education and Research in Berlin, • Federal Environment Agency, replacement building, Berlin, • Federal Environment Agency, expansion and renovation of existing properties, Berlin, • United Nations campus, expansion, Bonn, • Federal Ministry of Justice, expansion, Bonn, • Federal Environment Agency, expansion, Dessau, • Federal Radiation Protection Agency, expansion, Salzgitter • Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, expansion, Berlin, In addition, the BNB ratings system has been voluntarily applied to construction projects for which the BMVBS has not yet developed any regulations: • German Center for Aerospace , new building construction grant, Cologne, • Federal Environment Agency, replacement monitoring station “Schauinsland” • Federal Environment Agency, new monitoring station “Zingst”; and • the German Embassy in Washington, full renovation. Questions about environmental, economic, socio-cultural and functional aspects, the technical quality and process quality have already begun to be included in the competitive bidding processes, in addition to the usual questions about urban planning and design qualities. Similarly, estimates for environmental life cycle assessment and costing as well as socio-cultural issues are now being addressed as mandatory requirements in the planning competitions. The Guideline sets core criteria to be included in the competitive bidding process, the inclusion of which allows the requirements for sustainability to be reviewed at an early stage in the planning process. Subsequent monitoring of how the requirements set forth in the competition are being implemented documents the comparison of what was promised in the bid and what is actually delivered. Important aspects are the weight given Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 39 to individual competitive criteria and the ensuring that the jury of experts has the necessary prior knowledge about the sustainability qualities listed in the tender. As part of Bautec 2012, the main customs office in Hamburg was issued a certificate with a rating of 1.9, which corresponds to “silver” in the 2011 BNB ratings system. The call for competitive bids in December 2006 already included reference to selected building criteria in the 2001 Guideline. The building received very high marks in life cycle assessment and building-related life cycle costs. The latter is mainly due to the very low production costs. But other individual aspects document the good standard. For example, the entire building including the garage is barrierfree. Marks for process quality in terms of planning integration, complexity and optimization were very positive. The Federal Government as role model. Individual states are increasing their activities in terms of sustainability assessment of selected state construction projects. An intensive exchange among the states is ensured with the office of Sustainable Construction in the project group “Building for the Future - Sustainable Building” in the Committee on Government Building (ASH) of the federal conference of state building ministers. Among the issues discussed, questions on unified regulations are discussed. Rating System for Sustainable Building Trial of “Sustainable Educational Buildings” Researchers Project Management Total costs Project duration Life Cycle Engineering Experts GmbH (LCEE) Dr. Carmen Schneider Torsten Mielecke €68,955 08/2011 to 11/2012 Development and testing of a rating system “BNB for Research and Laboratory Buildings” Researchers Project Management Assistance Total cost Project duration ee concept GmbH Andrea Georgi-Tomas Laura Rechert €59,464 08/2011 to 04/2013 Development of “BNB for Extra-Company Training Centers “ Researchers Project Management Assistance Total cost Project duration Steinbeis-Hochschule-Berlin GmbH, Steinbeis-Transfer-Institut Bauund Immobilienwirtschaft Bernd Landgraf Gerd Priebe Architects and Consultants (GPAC) €54,978 08/2012 to 12/2012 As part of the Zukunft Bau Research Initiative, the BMVBS has helped to continue developing the existing instruments and tools. Currently being developed and tested are ratings systems variants for: • “New Educational Buildings” and • “Research and laboratory buildings.” A system proposal for “extra-company training centers” is expected later this year which will subsequently undergo a trial period and, if found ready for implementation, be released by the end of 2013. In addition to introducing and offering training in completed system variants, focus will now turn to improving the user experience and networking existing instruments. The Sustainable Building information portal will be expanded as will the Network for Sustainable Federal Building with the development of a computer-based assessment and documentation tool that will ensure efficient implementation of the Guideline for Sustainable Building requirements in every project phase. 40 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 41 WECOBIS and Ökobau.dat: Knowing what’s in building With WECOBIS, the web-based ecological building materials information system and Ökobau.dat, a building materials database used to determine global ecological environmental effects, the Federal Government has provided two tools which make available important environmental and health-related data and information relevant to finding the right building materials. Both information platforms are used in the Sustainable Building Ratings System for Federal Buildings (BNB) of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS). Both WECOBIS and Ökobau.dat were initiated as part of the Zukunft Bau Research Initiative and are constantly supplemented with new or updated data and adapted to current developments, such as European standardization processes. Tanja Brock, Claus Asam, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Planning at the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBSR) WECOBIS Taking ecological and health-related concerns into consideration is playing an increasingly important role in the planning process. Given the abundance of available information, such as environmental labels, certifications, product data sheets, supplier information and rules and regulations, it is difficult to zero in on the best source of information. The WECOBIS internet platform, operated in cooperation with the BMVBS and the Bavarian Chamber of Architects (ByAK), has been offering important assistance since 2013 with its newly revised version by providing vendor-neutral information on environmental and health aspects of major building product groups in a structured and consistent presentation. Users will find the latest updates on new product groups (such as aerogels) in WECOBIS. They will also finds answers to typical questions: Is there an eco-label for the product in question? How much energy is in a brick? Which paints are safe? are discussed, including the types of raw materials, the manufacturing, processing and utilization of building materials to their reuse/recycling/disposal. In addition to standard information such as product and concept definitions, information is given for vendor-neutral ecological product selection, environmental product declarations and values from Ökobau.dat. Practical processing recommendations and occupational hygiene risks are added as part of long-standing cooperation with the professional trade association of the construction industry. The life cycle information finish with notes on reuse or recycling of materials, and the environmental and health risks associated with use and reuse. If requested information is not available, the WECOBIS office is ready to fill the knowledge gap. In addition to consultation, the WECOBIS office set up by the BBSR has assumed joint responsibility with the Bavarian Chamber of Architects for editing the official building product group information. The extensive posts are drafted by specialist editors. In addition, a scientific advisory board ensures transparency and provides additional technical input for the development of WECOBIS. With information organized according to building product groups and raw materials (Table 1), it is now possible to describe a building in terms of its materials almost completely. Ökobau.dat WECOBIS describes all material records organized according to their life cycle phases. This means that environmental and health-related information will be provided for each life cycle phase of all building product groups and types of raw materials. A number of individual issues The BMVBS has made the evaluation of the environmental quality of a building, an essential part of the Sustainable Building Ratings System for Federal Buildings (BNB). The ecological quality is divided here into global and local environmental impacts determined by appropriate quantification methods. The following global environmental 42 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 43 WECOBIS – Building product groups and raw materials Building product groups (133 records) • Structural panels (Based on plaster, cement, wood, plastic) • Flooring (Textile, resilient, mineral, wood base) • Insulation (Mineral, synthetic, renewable) • Seals • (Paints, flooring, sealants) • Wood and wood products (Fasteners, planed goods, clamping materials, fiber impacts provide a basis for the calculations: potentials for greenhouse gas, ozone depletion, ozone formation, acidification and eutrophication. By calculating the environmental impact of building materials identified by LCA methodology, the respective material units are assigned corresponding environmental impacts, expressed in equivalents. Ökobau.dat currently lists the environmental impacts of around 1,000 building materials / construction and transport processes in the following categories: • Mineral construction materials • Insulation • Wood • Metals • Coatings • Plastics • Components of windows and curtain walls • Building technology • Other ological foundations, etc. is centrally provided. Currently, Ökobau.dat is being adjusted to European standard DIN EN 15804, which requires among other things an adaptation of environmental indicators and recalculating the data. In addition, the records are being restructured and arranged according to the life cycle modules as formulated in DIN EN 15804. Each record contains background information on the source data, the reference unit, validity period, and data quality. A distinctive feature is the adequate sampling, comparability and consistency of the records that were generated and calculated using a uniform and standardcompliant methodology. The records were created in a format (XML file format) that enables integration into the existing life cycle calculation tools on the building level. The use of the data provided in Ökobau.dat is intended for LCA under the Sustainable Building Rating System for Federal Buildings (BNB) if specific environmental product certificates or other verified data are not available. Conclusion In addition to the GaBi database which currently provides the background to Ökobau.dat, DIN EN 15804 allows the addition of other background data sets. This will help determine whether the required pre-verification of background information will highlight possible differences in life cycle assessments. This will be lead to new requirements and criteria for the data quality of Ökobau.dat that will require future adjustment, materials, laminates) • Adhesives (such as dispersed, epoxy resin adhesives) • Solid materials (such as concrete, limestone, brick, clay) • Mortar and screeds (Mortar, plaster, screed) • Surface treatments (Paints, varnishes, lacquers) • Glazing (Basic glasses, functional glass) Basic Materials (30 records) • Binders (Cement, gypsum, lime, magnesia, bitumen) • Aggregates (such as natural aggregates, recycled glass) • Plastics (such as elastomers, epoxy resins, polyesters) • Metals (such as steel, aluminum, copper, zinc, lead) 44 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Ökobau.dat was published as part of the Zukunft Bau Research Initiative by PE International GmbH with support from the German construction industry in 2009. An updated version of Ökobau.dat was released in January 2011. The 2011 updated was extended with 288 EPD data sets and made more user-friendly. The technical information and data from WECOBIS and Ökobau.dat are available to the public via the Sustainable Building information portal. They make the knowledge available for sustainable federal buildings as well as for private builders, architects and engineers which will allow environmental impacts to be considered at an early stage in planning while still selected building materials and products. Deploying LCA data Researchers Project Head Total cost Project duration PE INTERNATIONAL AG, Johannes Kreißig, Steffen Schulz PE International AG, Johannes Kreißig €14,999.95 through 2011 WECOBIS Update: CMS conversion from Jahia to TYPO 3 / New design, layout and programming of Internet application / table and graphics design / development of comparison module Researchers Assistance The data can be easily accessed via the online version of the 2011 Ökobau.dat is available at Project Head Total cost In addition to search and sort functions, explanatory information on environmental indicators and method- Federal grant Project duration ByAK researchers for the comparison module Bavarian Chamber of Architects (content-related development); OnlineNow (technical realization); fine design (structural and graphic design) Claus Asam €48,992.00 euros plus ByAK share (as part of a cooperation agreement 2012/2013, ByAK will contribute €10,000 per year) €48,992.00 09/2011 to 08/2012 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 45 “Sustainability and building philosophy must always go hand-in-hand.” Building certification systems are popping up everywhere like daffodils on a hillside. There are certification models such as DGNB, LEED, BREEAM and the Sustainable Building Rating System for Federal Buildings (BNB). Efforts to harmonize standards across Europe and internationally are underway. What are the sticking points? How do the systems differ? Worldwide, there are hundreds of evaluation and certification methods. The best-known systems are the American Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) in the UK, and the German seals of approval from the German Association for Sustainable Building (DGNB) and the BNB. But there are other methods such as the Swiss Minergie or the French Haute Qualité Environnementale (HQE) criteria have been determining the sustainable construction market for years. While a successful marketing campaign has made LEED better known around the world that the other instruments, if one considers, however, the number of buildings certified so far, BREEAM is leading with more than 250,000 rated buildings. This is because the UK requires all new housing and government construction projects to undergo BREEAM assessments. Even if the methods listed share a common goal of improving the sustainability performance of buildings, the grading systems differ enormously in terms of their design, structure, and content. Generally, one can distinguish between first generation ratings systems, such as LEED or BREEAM, and second generation systems. The BNB and the DGNB certificate are second generation systems. Unlike BREEAM and LEED, where the ecology and energy efficiency are in the forefront, the two German systems take a holistic sustainable building approach, which considers the entire life cycle of a building, including its construction, its operation and the end-of-life phase. Each label has been developed specifically for the climate, political, social and historical aspects of the construction industry in its respective country of origin. This also explains why the rating systems, despite similar structures and approaches, still mostly focus on different content areas and draw on different laws, standards and databases. This is why the BNB and DGNB systems rate energy effi- 46 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative ciency based on German DIN V 18599 while LEED is based on the American ASHRAE standards. In addition, aspects such as life cycle costs (LCC) and life cycle assessment (LCA), i.e. the evaluation of environmental impacts over the entire life cycle of a building (construction, operation and end-of-life), are currently only assessed in the German DGNB and BNB certification systems. For this reason, what constitutes a certified building is hardly comparable. There is currently a push for a harmonization of the systems at the European level. Both the European Commission (EU), European standardization authorities and private initiatives, such as the SB Alliance, have made numerous efforts in recent years in this regard and are beginning to see their first successes. Uniform core criteria for Europe are beginning to emerge within the context of European research initiatives, such as the EU OPEN HOUSE or SuPerBuildings projects. The OPEN HOUSE research project, under the technical coordination of the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics, is currently conducting 67 case studies throughout Europe and evaluating them with a European criteria catalog. The results will be available early next year and we can expect initial statements on the status of sustainable construction in Europe at that time. Also, the European Commission is planning to publish core indicators for rating the sustainability of buildings, either as separate directive or as a road map to be released in mid-2013. Each rating system is based on accumulated knowledge about the mechanisms and consequences of effects. Are the effects of sustainability adequately known from a scientific perspective? The German certifications are the first to include not only ecological but also economic, socio-cultural as well as process-and site-specific aspects in the ratings process. Because the system is still relatively young, building-specific statements about the interactions and consequences of the individual criteria have not yet been demonstrated. Initial approaches have been developed in recent years; however, they have not yet received adequate empirical verification due to a lack of collected experiences. In addition, the sustainable building topics are often not assessed as a single criterion in the rating system shown, but are measured by many different indicators, which in turn are Dr.-Ing. Natalie Essig, architect and DGNB auditor studied architecture at the TU Darmstadt and the Politecnicco di Torino and earned a joint doctorate from there and the University of Technology, Sydney in 2010 on the subject of sustainable building. She works as a sustainability consultant and certifier for federal and private sector construction projects. Her specialty is assessing athletic facilities. She currently works at the Department of Building Physics at Technical University of Munich (Prof. Hauser) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (IBP) and will join the Architecture Faculty of the University of Munich at the beginning of 2013. Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 47 interact with each other. For example, the issue of energy efficiency is reflected in the LCA criteria (ecological quality) and the life cycle cost analysis (economic quality), as well as in the socio-cultural and functional qualities, and in some aspects of the planning process (process quality). In addition, the different weighting factors assigned to the criteria in the ratings matrix interact with one another. If a change is made to the planning process, this will affect not only the net result of a single criterion, but will also have a strong impact on the overall rating due to the linkages among the different criteria in the system. In addition, we have to note that the actual operation of a building does not always perfectly reflect the result of the ratings process. Studies and experience in recent years with the American certification have shown that the majority of the rated buildings in the U.S. have not always maintained the LEED rated values when in actual use; indeed, some have performed significantly worse in actual operation. User behavior plays a significant role in this regard. We are not yet able to draw conclusions about the BNB system due to a lack of empirical data. In summary, however, we can make the following statement: The sooner the criteria of rating systems are used in the planning process, the easier and affordable it will be to include sustainability concerns in the planning, construction and operation of a building. Moreover, it is clear that the use of ratings criteria can better structure the planning process and make it significantly more transparent. Defining planning goals early on and subjecting them to continuous review as part of the rating process has, in my experience, already led to considerable success in improving the energy efficiency. Because who wants a “silver” rating, when you can get a “gold?” Your specialty is assessing athletic facilities. Do you have a policy recommendation for the construction of sustainable sports facilities? The current sporting facility construction market is driven by the substantial needs for rehabilitation and the high maintenance costs of many legacy sports facilities. There’s also a lack of expertise, lack of opportunities for consultation, and a large number of regulations and requirements for sports facility construction, which are both difficult to track down and do not reflect the current state of the art. 48 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Added to this are new challenges to sports buildings made by new types of sport, focus on multi-functional playing, sports, and movement facilities, the transfer of numerous sports facilities from government management to clubs, new models for funding and support, as well as new demands for energy-efficient and sustainable design. While sports center consultancy positions were common in the 70s and 80s, the financing for such positions has been cut back drastically in the past 20 years. The universities were indeed researching the topics of sports development planning and exercise science, but the field of sports facility construction has been ignored in favor of residential, office and industrial construction. As far as sustainable building and planning of sports facilities is concerned, one of the main approaches would have to begin including sports facility development in our education programs and developing new, contemporary criteria for sustainable new and existing sports facilities for amateur and professional sports. With a list of rating criteria specially adapted to sports facility assessment, ecological, economic, and socio-cultural processes could be integrated into sporting-specific functional criteria in sports facility planning. We will have to make a distinction here between buildings for amateur sports and competition venues. In addition, the development of a variant of the BNB system for sports facilities, perhaps in combination with that for school buildings, would represent an important milestone. The DGNB has already set up a working group which will start its work next year. The National Standards Committee for Sustainable Construction is currently discussing the establishment of a working group for sustainable large venue construction. The amount of space dedicated to recreation, including sports facilities, increased by more than 10 million sq. ft. a year from 2006 to 2010, according to the Federal Statistical Office. How does this increased use of space viewed from a sustainable sports architecture perspective? This question is difficult to answer, because the topic is rarely discussed in sport facility construction circles. Currently other problems are being discussed, such as refurbishing and maintaining gyms when the coffers are running empty and still keep up the offerings necessary for people’s physical well-being. Unfortunately, the use of space has barely played any role in this discussion. But let’s take a closer look at the numbers: Sports facilities statistics can be divided into two groups, namely, buildings and outdoor spaces. “Recreational areas” includes undeveloped assets such as sports fields, ice rinks, and golf courses. Sports buildings, such as gyms, swimming pools and stadiums, are included in the figures for recreation buildings and spaces. Overall, these “recreational area” (the sum of recreation areas and buildings) were 6.5% of area with residential and commercial zoning in 2004. Currently, recreational areas are at a level of 8.4% and were a major contributor to the significant increase (over 75 acres/day) in areas zoned residential and commercial between 2007 and 2010. While the daily rates of growth in buildings and open space has steadily declined in recent years, and commercial space has fluctuated considerably, recreational areas are permanently increasing. In fact, currently there is a tendency to feel that more and more cities are building new multi-purpose gyms, swimming pools, stadiums and sports fields as part of their green space projects. Whether this makes sense, if they will always receive sufficient use and whether the location is well chosen, are other questions that need to be solved. To counteract this development, assessing sports facilities in terms of sustainability will surely have to deal in detail with land use issues. As part of the BNB rating system, land use when it has involved the rehabilitation of brownfield sites or pre-used land has been evaluated positively. In sports facilities, other aspects should be fed into the assessment, such as the implementation of a sports facility development planning. This is a kind of master plan, which on the one hand should consider the sports needs of each region and draw some conclusions about the quantity and type of construction needed. It must also be questioned if a three-span gymnasium or multi-purpose arena is always what’s needed, since so much amateur sport can be done anywhere, even outside. renovate listed buildings, you really do come up against the limits of improving energy efficiency and sustainability. Sustainability and our building philosophy must always be seen hand-in-hand. With existing buildings, we have to be very careful in dealing with this issue and developing new individual concepts. Holistic approaches to improve energy efficiency, which include not only a building, but entire neighborhoods are therefore urgently needed. We’re already far ahead when it comes to sustainable new construction–the next topic will be the buildings we already have! Final questions: Can you describe your living space? Have you fulfilled your dreams? I live in a Franconian half-timbered house. From my own experience as an architect, I can say that when trying to Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 49 Energy-Optimized 19th Century Houses Practical, detailed construction solutions for interior insulation in light of the Energy Conservation Ordinance of April 2009 Prof. Rainer Oswald, Géraldine Liebert, Silke Sous, Matthias Zöller, Aachen Date of Modernization 1. The Issue Large potentials for energy savings are hidden in older buildings facing modernization. Many residential buildings in the centers of our cities and towns are protected historical monuments and are a key part of the cityscape. If one wants to save on heating costs and cut loss of heat through building envelopes, this can often only be done with interior insulation. The Energy Saving Ordinance of April 2009 (EnEV 2009) limits the installation interior insulation layers in existing buildings to a heat transfer coefficient U of 0.35 W/(m2K). To achieve this goal, however, would require, given the state of insulation technology, thicker insulation layers than are currently allowed. 2. The Research Project and Conclusion Calcium silicate board 2 Fiberboard 2 2009-later 2002-2008 Cork insulation 1986-2001 Mineral insulation 5 6 lation 4 Cellulose 2 4 Polystyrene insulation 2 PUR insulation panel Ten houses were visited. The results showed that none of the buildings in our survey had any observable damage which could be attributed to the installation of the interior insulation. Twelve of the 28 buildings meet the requirements of EnEV 2009 (U-value ≤ 0.35 W/(m2K)). Five With professional planning and careful execution, it is possible to achieve high levels of interior heat within the requirements of EnEV 2009 without damaging these historic structures, especially if pays special attention to window joints and the fasteners used. The influence Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Permeable Moisture adaptive vapor barrier 6 4 5 3 2 7 Mineral wool insu- VIP 6 1 The Aachen Institute for Building Damage Research and Applied Physics (AIBau gGmbH), which has been active in its field for 30 years, has presented practical, detailed construction solutions for interior insulation, funded by a grant from the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR) under the Zukunft Bau Research Initiative. The aim of the study was to investigate currently installed interior insulation projects to determine the conditions that would ensure the functional reliability of interior insulation measure that meet EnEV 2009 requirements. This study focused on late 19th century houses which represent a large portion of the existing building inventory and face the typical problems associated with internal insulation when attempting to make them more energy efficient. Thirty-six properties were identified for this research project as a result of a survey of 1,135 architects and experts. Detailed information was available about twenty-eight of the buildings, including their age and date of their most recent modernization, essential design features, and the type of materials used for interior insulation and installed insulation systems (see Fig. 1). 50 1 1 1 12 (36 %) 5 (15 %) 6 (49 %) Diffusion resistance Figure 1: Type and frequency of interior insulation materials used (above) and the type and frequency of installed insulation systems (below) of these buildings were modernized before EnEV 2002 went into effect, providing long-term evidence of the construction practices used. Ten other buildings are within the marginal values given in EnEV 2002 - 2007 of ≤ 0.45 W/(m2K) (see Fig. 2). U-Value < 0.35 W/m2K (EnEV 2009) < 0.36–0.45 W/m2K (EnEV 2002-2007) > 0.46 W/m2K of thermal bridge losses increases substantially, however, with increasing level of insulation. The results of the AIBau surveys show that permeable systems have only been occasionally installed. In almost all buildings inspected, the heating system and the windows were replaced as part of the modernization measures. A material with low thermal conductivity was most often used in the building’s soffits. The heavy components of the exterior walls were almost always treated with flanking insulation. In the most interior insulation applications in 19th century buildings, vapor barrier systems are not absolutely required. Their upper limit at about 10 cm thickness of insulation (λ = 0.035 W/(mK)) is under conventional thermal bridge losses. With a markedly increased structural complexity in terms of thermal bridges and an extensive reduction of thermal loss, insulation thicknesses of up to 15 cm can be recommended. Window frames should be included in the insulation. The mold levels set in DIN 4108 can be achieved with the conditions formulated there without additional design measures. The outer joint of windows between the window frame and window fittings needs to be tight against driving rain. The air tightness level is determined by the window’s structure. The window recess including its connection to the frame must be insulated to meet at least the minimum requirements of the thermal insulation. Installing new windows as part of an interior insulation project helps the physics of the structure because the sur- Fig. 2. Number of properties, modernization date and U-values in actual exterior walls rounding surface temperatures will drop less. Integrated masonry walls can be added to achieve sufficient surface temperatures without requiring flanking insulation and without causing damage to the structure. Flanking insulation is, however, a sensible solution if one hopes to achieve high levels of heat insulation. Insulation of the embedding point is usually required even in reinforced concrete structures. In buildings with wooden beams connecting to exterior walls with interior insulation, the exterior wall needs to be adequately protected against driving rain to avoid damage to ends of the timbers. In addition, convective currents must be used to prevent ambient moisture in the room from penetrating. Before installing any internal insulation, the ends of the beams need to checked that their load-bearing capacity has not been compromised. To reduce heat losses, the insulation needs to be continued in the ceiling structure. The conditions nonetheless vary in each individual case. Interior insulation must be planned carefully and with expert advice. Practical, detailed construction solutions for interior insulation Project Head Editors/Authors Total cost Federal grant share Project duration Prof. Rainer Oswald, Matthias Zöller Géraldine Liebert, Silke Sous €22,650 €44,000 through November 2010 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 51 EnerWert The influence of energy characteristics on real estate market values Tim Wameling, Hannover The energy efficiency rating parameter is coming increasingly to the attention of the real estate sector. Even though energetic properties can exert an enormous influence on running costs and building evaluation, they are not adequately considered in property appraisals. This is due, amongst other factors, to the appraisal process itself. The Real Estate Valuation Ordinance (ImmoWertV) and local property market reports do provide blanket starting points, but lack concrete energy value adjustments. Research was carried out into the influence of energy efficiency on the market value of property via statistical and energy studies on 375 residential building transactions in two field studies. In addition to correlating market prices and energy efficiency data, the determining economic and normative factors were examined. The fact that, in future, energetic features will have to be increasingly incorporated into valuations is demonstrated by the following example: For two almost identical semidetached houses built in 1977 with 150 m2 living space in the same area of Hannover, the 2011 property market report shows a comparison value of €260,000. Following energy efficiency modernization, item A had an annual energy consumption rating of 70 kWh/m2a. Item B was well maintained, but only modernized internally. It has a rating of 190 kWh/m2a. In 2011, the 120 kWh/m2a difference translates into a yearly heating cost difference of approximately €1,600. This figure is well above the full financing monthly rate for €260,000 at 4 % per annum with a 10-year fixed interest rate. Assuming that the price for gas heating will increase to the current household electricity price of €0.24/kWh, the annual difference in cost of heating will be €4,320. The performance of existing and new buildings across Germany was studied by the Federal Statistical Office. Whereas new structures reported an increase of 6% between 2004 and 2007, prices for older structures fell linearly by 5% in the same time period. At the same time, fuel and energy prices increased disproportionately. This 52 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative general development suggests that the trend towards the depreciation of unmodernized housing with the simultaneous increase in value of new structures is also due to energy efficiency considerations. Analyzing the selling prices of 197 one and two-family homes in the city of Nienburg and 178 apartment buildings in Hannover, which exchanged hands on the market between 2003 and 2008, should yield answers to the question whether the influence on pricing of the “energy efficiency” parameter is detectable in the market, and how it may be quantified. In examining the Nienburg sample, an iterative multiple regression analysis was used, whose parameters have a significant influence on the selling price/m2 living space command variable. The results show that there is a relationship between the annual energy requirement [QE [kWh/m2a]) and the selling price. However, it must be noted that there is a very high correlation between the annual energy requirement and the year of construction. The price impact of energy demand is easily measured using the rate of change in value w’. This is the rate of change in value according to energy conservation (or expressed in units) €/m2/kWh/m2a or €a/kWh. Of interest is the increased influence on selling price exerted by the energy efficiency attribute in years of sale from 2005 onwards compared to the earlier years of 2003–2005. While a value increase based on living space of, on average, €1.10/m2 per kWh/m2a can be identified for the “2003 – 2007 Purchases” sample, the average value increase in the “2005-2007” subsample is €1.26/m2 per kWh/m2a. This suggests that property buyers are attaching increased importance to energy efficiency. In the regression analysis of apartment buildings in Hannover, the influence of the heating energy requirement parameter (QH[kWh/m2a]) per building usable area. The Hannover Apartment Building Sample shows heating energy results of a w’ value of €1.22/m2 per saved kWh/ m2a if the reduction in energy requirement is based on the living space. The average QE/QH ratio of 1.5 gives a final energy values of w`= €0.81/m2 per kWh/m2a. As expected, the final energy value for w’ in the apartment Correlation between energy need/living space and purchase price of one- and two-family homes Purchase price (€/m2) 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 Sample 2003–2008 f(x) = -1.10*x 900 800 700 Sample 2005–2008 f(x) = -1.26*x 600 100 200 300 400 500 600 Heating energy required (kWh/m2 a) buildings is below the level for owner-occupied one and two-family homes from the Nienburg sample. Conclusion With regard to detached and semi-detached houses, investigations demonstrated a final energy value change rate w’ of, on average, €1.20 per saved kWh p. a. The tendency to increase is striking, however the statistically demonstrable changes in value did not attain to the average required cost of construction (€1.38 /saved kWh p. a.) or the, dynamic in terms of investment, achievable change in value (€1.59/kWh p. a). In rented apartment buildings, results are less pronounced. Statistical investigation show average final energy values w’ which are clearly lower than €0.81 per saved kWh p. a.. Due to the favorable A/Ve ratios, the construction cost of energy efficient building skins in this sector is lower. In the final practical section part, methods are explained in a tabular manner to account for the results regarding property valuation procedures. Short Title: EnerWert Researcher/Project Head: Researcher: Staff Total cost: Federal share: Project duration: Dr. Tim Wameling, Lower Saxony Architects Association Gerd Ruzyzka-Schwob, GAG Sulingen, Dirk Rose, GAG Hannover Mario Horn, Lower Saxony Architects Association, Katja Wulf, GAG Sulingen, Rene Seemann, GAG Sulingen €35,897.00 €16,600.00 2006 through 2008 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 53 Glass hybrid elements with translucent intermediate layers to improve the energy efficiency of building envelopes Prof. Andrea Dimmig-Osburg, Bauhaus University Weimar Currently transparent facade elements exist only in the form of single, double or multiple-layer glazing. The structure of these elements limits their heat transfer coefficient. These components are extremely transparent, but also have an extremely high component weight. In many applications, a high level of transparency is not the goal, but only that a certain percentage of the available natural light is able to penetrate the building envelope. The effect of light scattering is even explicitly desired in many cases, in which case, additional sun protection can be omitted, if desired. One approach to the development of glass hybrid elements is setting up a translucent intermediate layer with high thermal resistance between two glass panes. The research was focused on different technically producible and durable insulation, insulating materials, and their possible combinations. Scope of the Project 1 5 2 6 To select suitable insulating structures, advance tests of different variants were conducted. These showed the variant with tubular insulation (version 6) to be particularly favorable from both thermal and economic aspects. 54 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 3 7 Mechanical and building physical data were measured from different configurations of test elements to expand what we know about the effect of insulation materials and potential evacuation techniques for facade elements designed in this way. A second focus of the project was to conduct precise numerical simulations of heat transfers. The results of the experiments were incorporated into a materials database and used to validate the simulation. 4 To select suitable insulating structures, advance tests of different variants were conducted. These showed the variant with tubular insulation (version 6) to be particularly favorable from both thermal and economic aspects. 8 glass plastic foam insulation plastic foam glass To determine the experimental results, corresponding test elements were prepared in which the outer layers on both sides were made of floating glass panes. The insulating materials in the test elements were separated from the surface layers with a layer of plastic foam. This plastic foam layer provides advantages in terms of heat transfer and reduces mechanical stress peaks. The individual components of the elements were then connected together with an adhesive. To determine the thermal conductivity, a test bed was developed with a heat flow measuring device. The tests investigated the insulation of the gaps and tubes as well as the insulation material and the ratio of wall thickness to tube diameter. The different combinations of insulation for the cavities were needed to be able to use numerical simulations to determine the differentials for components relevant to heat conduction, convection, and radiation. The starting point for the investigations was a design with open glass tubes and air in all of its cavities. By completely filling these cavities with aerogel, the thermal conductivity could be reduced by about 40%. The second design had plastic tubes instead of glass ones. This represented an improvement over the original design of around 10%. A variant of this plastic-tube element was also investigated where all the cavities were filled with aerogel. This element assembly gave the lowest thermal conductivity of all the different variants, which represents an improvement of about 60% to the starting variant. For the planned application of hybrid elements, the flexural strength was of particular interest. The uniaxial orientation of the glass tubes resulted in anisotropic material behavior. In the flex tests, a 1:4 ratio of breaking strength of SBrk transverse to SBrk long was determined. Numerical simulations and targeted tests of parameters helped to optimize time-and cost-intensive experiments. For precise calculations, however, the validation of the calculation results based on selected data was required. The results of practical tests were used for this purpose. The targeted modification of individual input parameters allowed a realistic depiction of the specimens in the finite element model. Overall, the calculated differences between the calculated values of the numerical simulation and the results of experiments were, with few exceptions, in the range of up to 10 percent. This represents a very good simulation with numerical modeling of the behavior of the test elements covered in the experiment. With the combination of the most favorable parameters with numerical simulations for the hybrid elements with tubular insulation, U-values under U=0.36 W/(m2•K) could be calculated. Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 55 Conclusion The aim of the project was to create a basis for the development of translucent insulating facade elements which would have both the necessary load-bearing capacity for use as wall panels and also heat-insulating properties that allow effective use even in large-scale applications. These elements should not be the primary replacement for transparent window and facade components, but as a new kind of translucent surface to improve the use of natural light, thus making the building easier and more comfortable to use. Given the current debate on climate change, these components must have a high thermal resistance to be a building material for the future. To achieve this goal, different material combinations were tested for their suitability. The basic principle of the glass hybrid element consists in the arrangement of suitable insulating layers and filling between two outer layers of soda-lime floating glass. The individual parts of this design are joined by glue. A particularly advantageous insulation came in the form of glass and plastic tubes. To decouple the insulation layers from the outer layers, a foam layer was inserted. The experimental determination of the thermal conductivity was carried out on different variations in a specially designed test rig. The results of these experiments validated and refined the numerical simulations conducted in parallel. We were able to develop a glass-hybrid element which was one of the objectives of the research project which basically meets the heat insulating and mechanical requirements for use as a facade element in buildings. To apply the findings of the numerical simulation and experiments into everyday practice, the use of less thick insulating layers and surfaces that reflect infrared radiation will be necessary. Currently, such tubes are not available on the market. A continuation of the research project is planned to integrate the experimental building X.STAHL in Weimar with large-format prototypes of the glass-plastic hybrid tube elements with the necessary instrumentation. This will lay the groundwork to collect data about these building components under real conditions and thus expand and clarify the models for numerical simulations. Only under these conditions will it be possible to collect the data required for all relevant parameters. Glass hybrid elements with translucent intermediate layers Applicant/Researcher Project Management: Editor Total cost: Federal grant: Duration: Bauhaus University Weimar FA Finger-Institute for Building Materials Science Chair of Polymer Materials Prof. Andrea Dimmig-Osburg Institute of Structural Engineering, Chair in Steel Construction Prof. Frank Werner Prof. Andrea Dimmig-Osburg, Prof. Frank Werner Prof. Jörg Hildebrand Alexander Gypser Björn Wittor, Martina Wolf €396,905.00 €219,100.00 07/01/2009 – 03/31/2011 Numerical simulation: heat flow density of a variant element with a temperature differential of 40 K X.STAHL experimental building in Weimar 56 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 57 The New Connector: Joining Technologies for Fiber Composite Profiles Development of material-specific joining technologies for fiber composite profiles by transferring matrix material from polymer resins to metals at the load transfer point Jürgen Denonville, University of Stuttgart Schematic representation of the upper and lower part of the cavity developed 58 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 59 The joining of fiber-plastic composite components on the construction site represents one of the major barriers to their use in construction As part of the proposed research project, the participating institutes are developing a new compound technology. The polymeric matrix is substituted with a metallic matrix at the load transfer point of the fiber composite component. Existing design rules and dimensioning requirements may be applied with minor modifications. In essence, the research project is divided into lines of inquiry. The first is to develop a method that generally allows a metallic matrix to be partially inserted in the bundles of glass and carbon fibers without impairing the intrinsic material properties of the fibers. The second is to investigate on the basis of this material and its properties the structural design and viability of such joints. Shaping in a semi-solid state was identified and used as the method for producing this metallic composite material. A significant advantage of this method is that a low viscosity of the material to be formed is reached at relatively low process temperatures. The low process temperature allows the mechanical properties of the fibers to be maintained because these are highly temperature-dependent, especially fiberglass fibers. A low viscosity allows a good infiltration of the fiber bundle. As part of this project, the standard method for shaping in the semi-solid state was changed so that the cavity is open on two sides (Fig. 1). This makes it possible to pass the fibers through the cavity and partially insert the metal matrix. So that the partially molten material is not allowed to emerge freely on the open sides under the high pressure process, the underside of the cavity is heated and cooled so that a defined, gradual longitudinal temperature profile is set which leads to the targeted material solidification. Additionally the component dimensions are set for structural reasons such that the shape of the open sides tapers. This tapering causes a compression of the semi-solid material. The combination of material solidification and material compression leads to the self-sealing of the cavity during the shaping process. A focus was on minimizing the stress concentrations in the joint area given the structural formation of such a joint. This objective led to the formation of as uniform a transition as possible from the fibers to the matrix. A continuous variation of the quantitative fiber volume changed the rigidity differentials of the joining partners and thus to the desired homogeneous distribution of stress. The variation of the fiber volume content can be effected by a graduation of the fibers in the anchoring region, as well as through the continuous variation of the geometric dimensions of the matrix at a constant amount of fiber. 60 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative With regard to the technical advantages of varying the component dimensions mentioned in relation to the cavity’s self-closure, this variant was used in the course of this research project. However, in a first stage, the transition was gradual. Due to the usually thin-walled component cross sections of fiber-plastic profiles, the method for panel-shaped components with unidirectional fiber arrangement was tested as a basis for general joints. To preserve the position of the fibers during the shaping process, it is necessary to bias the fibers. The degree of bias and the gaps it provides between the fibers has a significant impact on the quality of infiltration. This is shown by how the outer fiber bundles are not as well infiltrated and the bias is less due to the winding process than at the adjacent fiber bundles. In Figure 2, the lower infiltration of peripheral fibers is clearly shown with the darker gray color. Visual checks of the fiber cuts with a microscope shows the light gray fiber bundles had very good infiltration. As part of the metallurgical studies, the mechanical properties were determined for the composite and the unreinforced aluminum alloy. In addition, the analysis of the composite is based on pullout tests. These parameters were used as input variables in the numerical simulation of the structural behavior of the joint. It has been possible to verify the feasibility of the method with regard to infiltration of glass and carbon fibers and determine the process-relevant parameters relevant here. With this method, the metal matrix composites with different fiber volume contents are up to 22% replicable. Visual checks of the samples by means of the microscope (1000× magnification) shows a very good infiltration of the fibers with good location fidelity. For the evaluation of the joint, the mechanical characteristics of the composite material need to be analyzed and simulations conducted to verify the structural behavior. From the perspective of the authors, the current state of the research indicates very promising joining technology which will facilitate the use of fiber composite profiles in building construction. Cross section of a building component Microscopic photos of a fiber bundle at different magnifications Material-appropriate joints of fiber composite profiles Researcher/Project Management: University of Stuttgart, Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design (Project Management) Prof. Werner Sobek (Director), Walter Haase (Researcher), Jürgen Denonville (Project Staff) Institute of Forming Technology - University of Stuttgart Prof. Mathias Liewald (Director), Kim Riedmüller (Researcher) Total cost: €403,690.00 Federal grant share: €265,579.00 Project duration: through August 2013 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 61 ULTRASLIM Development of an ultra-thin energy-efficient window system made of fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) and vacuum-insulated glass (VIG) Christian Lüken, FH Dortmund Advanced thermal protection windows with triple glazing (passive house windows) offer low U-values, but come with a lot of their own dead weight. This can make them difficult to install in existing buildings. Wide profiles for plastic frames are necessary to supporting the three layers of glazing which affects the appearance of the facade. ULTRASLIM remedies this situation by combining slender frames made of FRP with novel thin VIG glazing. The ULTRASLIM project draws on the of the previous PROFAKU project which focused on developing FRP frames for textile building envelopes. PROFAKU resulted in the design of a new window profile further improved in ULTRASLIM. The Fiber Institute of Bremen (FIBRE) brought its experience in the field of fiber-reinforced composites, while the team of Prof. Rogall at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences worked on the requirements for window systems from a structural engineering design perspective. The ULTRASLIM window system should not only be slim and aesthetically pleasing, but also meet the high demands of modern window technology as detailed below. The materials used play a key role. FRP offers high 62 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative mechanical strength combined with low density and thermal conductivity. A window made of FRP therefore combines advantages of today’s metal and plastic windows. FRP also has thermal expansion very similar to that of glass, so that thermal stresses in the material can be kept low. Window systems currently available on the market are often the result of a decades-long process of development. As building requirements change, the existing design is modified, for example, by adding additional air chambers to reduce the U-value of a plastic frame. The frame has, after so many changes, grown so much that additional structural reinforcement is needed before installing. The aim of ULTRASLIM however is a complete redesign and development of a window system. The high demands on the windows can only be met if the design, dimensioning and joints of the components match the materials used. First, of course, the mechanical safety of the window must be guaranteed. Static and dynamic loads, as well as operating forces, are simulated in FEM calculations. The profile is optimized based on these FEM data. A large gain in structural rigidity is obtained by a frictional adhesion of the frame and glazing on all sides. Currently, stability reserves are available for installations in up to 20 m (67 feet) height. A central requirement of modern windows is heat protection. The newly developed vacuum-insulated glass (VIG) is used to glaze the ULTRASLIM windows. VIG is an alternative to the classic three-pane insulating glass filled with inert gas: There is a vacuum in the very narrow space between the two panes of glass separated by grid spacers, which greatly reduces the heat transfer. Eliminating the third pane saves almost half of the window’s weight. VIG glazing will be produced in the future with U-values of up to 0.4 W/m2K, but these are currently still in the development phase. The Pilkington Company is the first to bring VIG onto the German market with its SpaciaTM window. With 1.4 W/m2K, its U-value is in the range of double insulated glazing units, with a total thickness of only 6.5 mm. This glazing will initially be used in ULTRASLIM, but the system can be adapted without modification to future VIG glazings with improved U-values. At the wafer edge composite, the thermal vulnerability spot in glazing units, the frame and glazing overlap in ULTRASLIM and mutually reinforce the insulating effect. Structural fire protection makes no special demands on the window frame (see sample building regulations). A higher fire rating can be achieved later by adding flame retardants to the matrix or corresponding coatings. A high-grade UV protection of the frame is also provided with UV additives to the matrix, a film coating on the frame or, easiest of all, by finishing with UV-resistant paint. Special attention is being paid to how the window is attached to the building and different ways of opening. The installation of the window should be easy and quick. The ULTRASLIM profile is designed so that no modifications are needed as different hardware and mechanisms are included and different opening modes can be realized. structures. A working prototype of the ULTRASLIM window will be presented at the BAU 2013 trade fair, which also marks the middle of the research project and should be considered an interim study. In the further course of the project, fire protection will be improved, others types of openings and glazing will be tested, and a new seal developed by 3M will be given a trial run. Also a further optimization of the FRP material used is planned. ULTRASLIM Applicant / researcher: Conclusion Many partial demands on the ULTRASLIM windows have already been solved. The mechanical stability is already sufficient for most standard installations in residential Total cost: Federal grant: Project duration: Faserinstitut Bremen (FIBRE) Prof. Axel S. Hermann Ralf Bäumer Dortmund University of Applied Science, Department of Architecture Prof. Armin D. Rogall Prof. Luis Ocanto Dr. Christian Lüken €421,220.00 €268,220.00 1/1/2012–12/31/2013 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 63 System Limit Building Part Requiring Renovation The approach for this research project is to examine energy and material consumption in the context of repairs and modernization during the life cycle of a building. To this end, energy and material consumption will be considered using various combinations of materials from the building element being rehabilitated including deconstruction and the production of the finished substrate for the application of the new siding. Removal of Covering Preparing the Support Layer Wall structures and coverings Support Layer Previous Tile Covering Wallpaper Paint Wood average average average New Covering Permanently stuck? Separability of hybrid building elements Plasterboard light walls Brick masonry with cement plaster Analysis of the separability of the material layers of hybrid internal building elements during repairs and modernization – creating a practical database Brick masonry with plasterboard Frank Ritter , TU Darmstadt As part of the research project, 28 representative wall structures and 16 floor structures were examined along with the accompanying repairs. It was necessary to establish which wall and floor structures to examine as well as defining the determining parameters and system boundaries for each trial. The corresponding wall and floor systems were set up as a building element experiment and deconstructed in controlled conditions. The ensuing energy and material consumption was recorded and documented. To achieve an ecological evaluation of the detected material flows, the recorded material constants were pulled from the Federal Environmental Life Cycle Assessment database, “Ökobau.dat”. To achieve the best practical evaluation of the repairs and modernization, it was necessary to compare and account for all identified values. Such an assessment was conducted using a methodology based on the System of Determining Factors from the DGNB Steckbriefen für Büro– und Verwaltungsbauten Version 2009 [DGNB e. V. (Hrsg.)]. These determining factors allow for a weight- 64 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative ing of the individual environmental effects working on each other, which was added to the working hours of the professional staff in the context of this project in terms of cost shares. It is clear from Table 1 that removing tiles produces significantly greater effects than for the various other wall coverings. It should be noted that in the context of the experiments the cement plaster had to be totally removed when removing the tiles, something which has significant effects for all relevant areas. This is similar for the necessary replacement of plasterboard after the tiles are removed, though the effort required is somewhat less. Paint and wallpaper as wall cladding behave relatively similarly and only have low environmental impact in contrast to tiles and wooden cladding. Removing wooden cladding from a wall can have a negative effect regarding resource consumption due to the burning of the cladding and substructure, having a positive effect on the life cycle analysis. In addition, a carefully removed wooden cladding can also be reused, depending on age and look, Lime-sand concrete masonry with lime cement plaster Lime-sand concrete masonry with plasterboard Reinforced-steel concrete wall with lime cement plaster Reinforced-steel concrete wall with plasterboard Tile average Wallpaper very good very good very good very good Paint very good very good very good very good Wood very good very good very good very good Tile very poor very poor very poor very poor Wallpaper very good very good very good very good Paint very good very good very good very good Wood very good very good very good very good Tile very good good good very good Wallpaper very good very good very good very good Paint very good very good very good very good Wood very good very good very good very good Tile very poor very poor very poor very poor Wallpaper very good very good very good very good Paint very good very good very good very good Wood very good very good very good very good Tile very good very good very good very good Wallpaper very good very good very good very good Paint very good very good very good very good Wood very good very good very good very good Tile poor very poor very poor very poor Wallpaper very good very good very good very good Paint very good very good very good very good Wood very good very good very good very good Tile very good very good very good very good Wallpaper very good very good very good very good Paint very good very good very good very good Wood very good very good very good very good Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 65 which leads to a lengthening of life cycle and to an additionally positive effect on the life cycle analysis. Verifying the results on various real objects demonstrated when removing tiles that the complete removal of cement plaster is not completely necessary, something which must be examined further at this point, which may be carried out in the near future. The floors in the study were completely adhered with the relative substrate and nearly all of them had to be worked on with an electric stripper. Laminate and textile floor coverings are only rarely used as glue-down, however in repair and modernizing work, such well-adhered coverings can be met with. The evaluation of the floors yields a somewhat different result from the walls (see floor tables), with the relevant total replacement of dry lining after the removal of tiles, laminate and natural stone influencing the result. In this project, the initial trials on the separability of various material layers in composite components clearly indicate that the current approach, where it is assumed that there is complete detachability for individual layers, does not correspond to the present state of technology for all wall and floor coverings. All adhered and wet-laid bonds require closer examination, with this research being a first step. Further investigation by the researcher which looked at the specific component life cycles led to ecological and economic results regarding the complete life cycles of individual surfaces and coverings. Conclusion Using the research results, an evaluation method was established, using which objective principles can be determined, permitting sustainable repairs and modernization of wall and floor structures by reducing energy and material consumption. The methodology can be implemented from the planning stage of a building and contributes to a reduction in environmental impact over the life cycle. In addition, a supplement to the existing building parts catalog regarding the environmental impact of repairs and modernization is being prepared, something which may contribute to reducing the cost of building certification. Floor structure and coverings Support Layer Previous Tile Covering Laminate Textile Natural stone New Covering Cement screed Brick masonry with cement plaster Brick masonry with plasterboard Lime-sand concrete masonry with lime cement plaster Tile average average average average Laminate* average average average average Textile very good very good very good very good Stone good good good good Tile average average average average Laminate* good good good good Textile very good very good very good very good Stone good good good good Tile average average average average Laminate* good good good good Textile good good good good Stone good good good good Tile poor average average poor Laminate* poor average average poor Textile very good very good very good very good Stone poor average average poor * attached completely 66 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative LCA of Maintenance and Modernization Measures Researcher/Project Head: Project Head: Total cost: Federal share: Project duration: Prof. Carl-Alexander Graubner TU Darmstadt Dr. Frank Ritter €130,230.00 €82,730.00 through 09/30/2010 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 67 vakutex Vacuum-insulated façade elements made from textile concrete S. Kirmse, A. Kahnt, S. Huth, M. Tietze, F. Hülsmeier, HTWK Leipzig Reduced view angle Heavy look Loss of ground surface area, less marketable space 90° window opening angle The world population is constantly growing and with it the amounts of energy and non-energy raw materials extracted is rising significantly. The active usage phase of buildings alone is responsible for 40% of the world’s primary energy consumption. Thus the search for savings and optimization potentials represents the central role for the construction industry The research was incited by the increasing urbanization that is affecting nearly every region in the world. The consequent densification is driving up the base area prices in urban areas. As a result, the demand for slim, spacesaving exterior wall constructions is growing. Moreover, the demands on the building envelope increase with every new energy saving ordinance. Using conventional materials, this means a continuous reinforcement of the exterior wall structures. In the solid house construction sector this is resulting in total exterior wall thicknesses of up to 50 cm. To avoid such massive external wall constructions, we need new materials that enable slim and energy-efficient structures. Based on the use of highly efficient composite materials (textile concrete, vacuum insulation panels, fiberglass, etc.) recently developed in Germany, the interdisciplinary energy design research group of the University for Technology, Economy and Culture of Leipzig (HTWK) worked on an extremely lightweight, energy efficient building envelope adapted to the local climate and that looks like exposed concrete. This was done as part of the research project “vacuum-insulated facade elements made from textile concrete, or simply, ‘vakutex’”. Design aspects From a design perspective, conventional façades in the passive house standard appear extremely clunky. By using the new combinations of the highly efficient textile concrete composites and vacuum insulation panels under study as facade elements, it was possible on the other hand to achieve minimal wall thicknesses of only 9 – 11 cm, creating a feeling of lightness and openness. Since wall and frameless window run in a plane, the vantage 68 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative angle and the entry of daylight are considerably enlarged. This thereby increases the natural solar gains and so less artificial light is needed. The formation of the outer element layers in exposed concrete provides a high degree of design options for the surfaces. In addition, thanks to the lightness of the facade element, much larger plate dimensions are possible. Through its slimness and light weight the elements are particularly suitable for urban-planning densifications. Smaller daylight entry, smaller solar gains, more need for artificial lighting Magnified view angle Lighter look Technical aspects The prototype of the vakutex facade was realized as nonstructural curtain facade with a minimal thickness of 11 cm. The textile concrete panels with textile support bases made of alkali-resistant glass (AR glass) cannot corrode, as is the case when reinforcing steel with insufficient concrete cover. Thus panel thickness of only 1.5 cm (outside) and 3 cm (inside) are needed. This savings in materials significantly simplifies transport and installation. Fiberglass-reinforced plastic was used for the substructure, in order to reduce the thermal bridges resulting from the currently used aluminum or steel profiles. GFK I profiles were selected for the frame and the inner brace profile. This revealed, however, a problem from a fire safety viewpoint, since fiberglass-reinforced plastic can only be classified to the B2 (flammable) class. However, in the fire protection test and classification as a composite element, the vakutex facade element was able to attain an A2 building material class (non-flammable). In order to achieve a passive house-compliant heat transfer coefficient (U-value) of 0.15 W/(m2K), conventional insulation thickness of ca. 25 cm have to be used. By contrast, by using vacuum insulation panels, this thickness is reduced to 5 cm (without thermal bridges). Due to the extreme sensitivity of the vacuum insulation panels to the slightest damage, attachment points were placed on the edge of the element construction. Thus the inner area remains free of the intersection points, so that the panels can be laid freely. It is also possible to lay the built-in double-layer panels in a staggered way, to optimize the thermal bridges. The complete production at the plant ensures that the vacuum insulation is damage-free. To accommodate manufac- Increased ground surface area, more marketable space 180° window opening angle Greater daylight entry, larger solar gains, less need for artificial lighting Through acidification, varnishing, staining or the use of structural matrices, a very individual look and feel can be achieved, and photographic concretes are an added option Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 69 1 3 2 vakutex OKFF Applicant Leipzig University of Applied Sciences Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Building, Energy Concepts and Building Physics. Project managers and staff Prof. Frank Hülsmeier (Subject Managers) Alexander Kahnt (project manager) Stefan Huth, Susanne Kirmse, Matthias Tietze Total cost €258,716 German Federal Grant share €178,400 Project duration 03/2010 through 05/2012 1 2 3 0 0 5 0 cm 5 cm turing deviations, changes in length and facade element deformations, a customized coupling system was developed and provided for a three-dimensionally adjustable element suspension. The problem of low sound insulation inherent to lightweight construction was solved by applying additional absorbent layers and decoupled fasteners. Exploratory soundproofing measurements revealed Rw,P sound reduction measurements of 47 dB for the variant “glued outer plate” and 56 dB for the variant “decoupled outer plate”. Thus it even satisfies the sound insulation requirements for high ambient noise level areas. 5 cm Detailschnitte horizontal und vertikal installation energy connected to the construction component) has thus far been inadequately considered. Ecological aspects The new materials combination of vakutex leads to a reduction of raw materials extraction by a factor of 5 compared to comparable reinforced concrete facades. This means that the greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by a sixth, halving the acidification potential. The primary energy necessary for the manufacture, repair and disposal of the vakutex elements is, only one-third of that for reinforced concrete elements. Savings are thus mainly achieved through reduced raw material extraction and recyclable building materials. In addition to the legal requirements for useful energy (heating, hot water, lighting etc.), the so-called grey energy (from raw materials, manufacturing, transport and A comparative analysis of the grey energy and the useful energy of the facade elements revealed an ecologically 504 Textile concrete façade element Reinforced steel façade element 0.48 0,33 202 1976 0.14 0.11 95 724 35 Weight [kg] 70 Soil sealing [m2] Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Primary energy [MJ] Greenhouse gas potential [kg CO2-Eq.] Acidification potential [kg SO2-Eq.] significant vacuum insulation thickness of 5.5 cm. Thus the entire façade, including the constructive thermal bridges, achieves a U-value of 0.17 W/(m2K). The slightly below passive house standard of 0.15 W/(m2K) is therefore not achieved. Depending on the window surface areas, the orientation, the heating concept, etc., a U-value of 0.15 W/(m2K) is not always required and environmentally meaningful. However using the vakutex facades, the currently required U-value for exterior walls of 0.28 W/(m2K) as per EnEV 2009 and the values of the future EnEV can be safely maintained. At the moment, the rather short life of the vacuum insulation panels (still estimated at 30 years) unfavorable impacts the ecology of the building components. Conventional insulating materials, by contrast, have a statistical lifecycle of 40 years. Economic aspects From an economic perspective, the expenses for the manufacture of vakutex-finished parts is much higher than for reinforced concrete elements. This cost drawback is currently due to the as yet limited degree of automation in the manufacturing and the high cost of the materials. In the life cycle perspective, the slender prefabricated parts represent however a lowered cost through savings in transport, installation and de-installation and recycling. Furthermore, up to 15% more usable surface area can be generated by the minimalized wall thickness for the same gross floor area. One dynamic investment analysis based on this fundamental area gain and the additional costs of the vakutex facade showed that from a cold rent of €9/m2 for the latest 13 years, the vakutex facade proved an advantage over to the comparative construction, although the initial investment of about €490 /m2 facade surface is initially higher by 40%. Consequently its use mainly makes economic sense in dense urban development areas. A high quality of workmanship can be ensured due to the complete manufacturing plant and the elements delivered and installed at the ideal time. This ensures an optimized construction flow and shortens the construction time. Conclusion The result of the two-year research project was the development of a vakutex prototype with dimensions 1.50 m x 3.20 m. Despite the minimal thickness of only 11 cm, vakutex can satisfy all requirements concerning current and future facades and through minimal use of raw materials make a significant contribution to sustainable construction. The façade element is durable, easy to clean and of uniform high quality, also numerous formats and finishes are possible. There is a need for research for a wide field of application, especially for a more robust and more cost-efficient vacuum insulation and the thermal optimization of the element joints.. Through partial automation in manufacturing and the expansion of the application to existing buildings as well, in future new ecological and economic potentials will become available. After successful development and testing in the regional climate, the next step should be a transfer to other climates around the world and also open up potential markets with this innovation. Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 71 Absorption of low-frequency impact sound through Helmholtz resonators integrated into woodbeamed ceilings Low-frequency impact sound absorption Researcher/Project Management: University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and the Humanities Laboratory for Sound Measurement Project Head: Prof. Ulrich Schanda Project Staff: Markus Schramm Total cost: €134,401.00 Federal grant share: €98,048.00 Project duration: 03/01/2009 to 01/31/2011 Prof. Ulrich Schanda, Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences Compared with the flat ceilings of solid construction, wooden ceilings are deficient in providing insulation against low-frequency impact sound. From the ear’s perspective, steps from above are often perceived as crashing or rumbling sounds. Walking on floor decks typically sets off low-frequency noise. The aim of the research project was to improve the sound insulation in wood-beamed ceilings with integrated Helmholtz absorbers. Wooden ceilings are known for their high levels of impact noise at low frequencies, especially below 100 Hz Spectrum adaptation terms (CI,50-2500) extended to frequency range from 50 Hz sometimes reach values of up to 20 dB and demonstrate the poor sound insulation at low frequencies. Design measures to improve the situation are difficult and often linked to a significant increase in mass per unit area. An alternative measure could be using Helmholtz resonators tuned to the frequency range between 50–100 Hz as a structural component designed to absorb the low-frequency impact noise from the floor decking above. The Helmholtz resonators were made of plasterboard with a built-in volume of approximately 60 l. This research project was designed to develop such resonators and to investigate their effectiveness in insulating against impact noise. In a first step, the Helmholtz resonators were measured for their vibroacoustic properties. The 72 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Helmholtz resonators were designed as rectangular boxes made of plasterboard, typically with a slotted opening (resonator neck). It was found that the standard dimensions given in the literature were usable, but required modification for material and technical reasons as well as application-specific constraints such as installation location and size. A detailed study was made of the influence played by the density and positioning of the resonator box, dampening the resonator cavity, and the dampening, geometry and the positioning of the resonator neck. The sound absorbing effect was detectable through different tests to measure the absorption properties, both in free-field and in a pressure chamber representing a ceiling cavity. quency sound insulation of the entire wood-beamed ceiling. It was found that coupling the Helmholtz resonator to the ceiling cavity yielded significantly better results. To this end, many varieties of Helmholtz resonators with respect to their installation position, positioning, location of the resonator neck, etc. were used. Airborne and impact sound measurements were performed according to the standards DIN EN ISO 140 and were measured with footfalls generated by persons walking on the floor deck above. Significant improvements in overall sound reduction and in standard impact noise levels at low frequencies were achieved. Specifically in the frequency range to which the resonators were tuned (50 to 100 Hz), improvements in overhead walking sound levels improved 5–10 dB in the different octave bands. Conclusion The research project developed physically relevant planning parameters and structural design principles for compact, integrable ceiling cavity components. The Helmholtz resonators were made of plasterboard with a built-in volume of approximately 60 l and are a building component that is easily manufactured. A comparison between measurements with active and inactive resonators in individual octave bands showed improvements of almost 10 dB. The total value Ln,w +CI,50-2500 improved by 3 dB. A similar effect was also had in airborne sound insulation. In particular, the impact noise generated by actual persons walking which is limited primarily to the low frequencies, can be reduced by up to 6 dB over all octave bands from 50 Hz to 100 Hz. In a second step, the sound-absorbing properties of the Helmholtz resonators was studied to improve the low fre- Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 73 Ready – prepared for living at any age Dr. Thomas Jocher is Professor at the University of Stuttgart, Chair of the Department of Housing and Design, an advisory professor at Tongji University in Shanghai and a visiting professor at UC Berkeley. His design firm Fink+Jocher, established in 1991, has earned a national and international reputation. Prof. Jocher was an expert on the Advisory Board of the Research Initiative. In your current project at the Research Initiative “’Ready’ – Preparing for Age-Appropriate Housing,” you suggested that we do not need to build housing specifically for old age, but actually only need to observe certain points. What are they? Our idea is to make new housing construction ready for the very diverse needs of an increasingly older population. This is far less expensive than retrofitting older buildings. We are trying to establish minimum standards for construction that meets our needs as we age. Moreover, we are developing a phased approach to make any requirements for residential structures not only “ready,” but also up to the level of comfort we have become used to. Our concept is that a “normal” home can be turned into a home suitable for senior citizens and their needs within just a few days. Without major moves, without a lot of dirt, after just a brief vacation for the resident. Because older people prefer to stay in their usual surroundings. You mentioned as part of this research project an interesting example from Switzerland. Can you tell us more? Switzerland has, in fact, come up with a great planning strategy for age-appropriate construction. The concept is to set the requirements slightly lower than we have here in Germany while bringing almost the entire building industry on board. They’re going for a more broad-based approach across the housing market rather than focusing solely on the particular, growing niche market of senior housing. An especially interesting requirement in Switzerland is making it possible for a person in a wheelchair to visit any home. This isn’t about setting up an entirely 74 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative wheelchair-accessible apartment in accordance with DIN, but a “light” version in every household. The Swiss have been very successful in implementing this affordable, but also traceable key component for senior-appropriate housing across the broad housing market. Residential construction is currently undergoing dynamic changes. What forms of housing are ready for the future? The focus on urban, denser structures will continue to grow strongly. This is the only way that the inevitable needs to save energy can be realized to the extent required. Modern housing typologies are best represented in urban multi-story apartment buildings. Using rural space that is sparsely populated and removed from public transport is becoming more and more obsolete. There’s even a risk that socially marginalized groups who can no longer afford to live in supposedly (and really) expensive inner cities will be pushed out to these marginal areas. The precarious conditions in some American suburbs with their one-sided social structures should be a warning to us. To what human needs will building in the future have to be more responsive? (Mobile homes, less expensive housing, vacant housing and as much as living space we want, regulation and control of all house system functions) in Germany by international standards? Are the others more clever than us? If you look at the overall international rankings of universities, we’re really just in the weak midfield. As far as architecture goes, however, I see it a little differently. Our training in Germany is much more thorough and knowledge-based than in many other countries. The large influx of students from non-European countries can’t be explained only in terms of the low tuition fees. Our degrees enjoy worldwide recognition. I currently on my way to Tongji University in Shanghai to observe how the top Chinese universities are make enormous strides to achieve world-class excellence. Can you describe your living space? Have you fulfilled your dreams? I don’t really have much of a living space. I’d prefer to say that I overnight in various locations. You might find me more often in the village and on the slopes. By village, I mean the Olympic Village, now a large housing estate in Munich, in deep need of restoration. As far as slopes go, I hang out on Stuttgart’s Kriegsberg and am happy spending peaceful evenings in charming Stuttgart. Even if costs have not been in the foreground for a long time, they will become increasingly important as the population ages. We will have a lot of work to do on poverty in old age. We like to avoid talking about it because it makes us uncomfortable, but the population is becoming smaller, more diverse and poorer. No one’s currently paying attention to cultural diversity when it comes to planning housing, even though the proportion of the population that are migrants or are descended from recent migrants is well over 30% in many cities. This development could be reflected in our construction industry, at least a little, and the housing market. Your academic activities span the globe, so to speak. How would you rate university education Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 75 Standards and Guidelines an International Comparison Public toilets – comparison ADA and DIN 18040-1. The approach to the toilet areas are significantly reduced in comparison with ADA. Turning within this space is not possible for wheelchair users. The DIN generally prefers sliding onto the toilet from either the right or left side. Gerhard Loeschcke, Karlsruhe When this research looked into regulations and guidelines from Europe and overseas, it was noted just how divergent and differently structured they are in terms of objectives and scope. A direct comparison of the requirements as formulated was possible for specific areas, but not always. We focused on the norms for public and residential buildings. Building for accessibility, implementing the new standards While DIN 18040-1 stands up well is in comparison to the other standards looked at, the situation for DIN 18040-2 (residential construction) is far more complicated because it distinguishes between “generally accessible” and “wheelchair-accessible” housing. It is still open to debate whether it is justifiable from a social perspective to distinguish between more or less “handicapped” individuals and whether we need to take an integrative or inclusive approach to these issues. In some documents (both from Europe and from overseas), adapting of existing buildings is included and relevant requirements are formulated. The need to consider additional non-European standards and guidelines demonstrated sometimes very divergent representations of ergonomic data material. This serves as the basis for planning recommendations independent of specific planning issues. free apartments in Germany as well. More serious are the different views on door handles. One finds mounting heights ranging between 80 and 120 cm (31.5 – 47 in). DIN 18040 gives a fixed and inflexible mounting height of 85 cm (33.5 in), which also proves to be problematic in many cases. It is interesting that in some countries there are two types of barrier-free toilets specified. The wheelchair-accessible toilet stall is usually less spacious than specified in DIN 18040. In addition, a toilet for ambulatory, but physically disabled people is often also required. These toilet stalls generally correspond to customary toilet stalls, but are equipped with support bars. The doors must generally open outwards. Requirements for barrier-free urinals, taken for granted in many countries, in contrast to Germany, are limited in principle to providing support bars and mounting at different heights. There is general agreement about the design of washing areas. Being able to roll a chair under the sink is mandatory. For residential and personal rooms in housing, typically little information is provided. In Switzerland, planning guidelines for spatial proportions and dimensions directly provide for user-neutral conditions. Minimum room widths of 300 cm (10 ft) and a minimum area of 14 m2 (150 sq. ft.) are required, enabling flexible furnishings for different needs and ensuring enough space to move. This is a very pragmatic approach that allows flexible furnishings and avoids the discussion of space to move around furniture. The European take on the issue is very different from that taken overseas. Within Europe, the German-speaking countries are relatively homogeneous, but differ in the fact that German standards do cover existing buildings. The major distinction in residential construction, and here Germany stands alone, is between wheelchair-accessible and generally accessible apartments. There is more flexibility when it comes to the renovation of public buildings outside of Germany. This makes more economical, more universal and pragmatic solutions possible. The step towards European standardization seems to be a good and proper way forward. The SIA 500 is the only relevant work to address the issue of permissible tolerances. This clarifies this important issue key to guaranteeing accessibility. This issue is not addressed in the German standards. DIN 18202 (Tolerances in high-rise construction) does not provide suitable advice on this topic. A uniform standard is set for elevator dimensions in new construction (110/140 cm). Requirements for existing buildings (adaptation) are found only in part. For example, SIA 500 contains exemptions allowing elevator cars at 100/125 cm. For Austria and Spain, there are statements about adaptation for stair lifts. Passage widths and door clearances are very divergent across the globe. As a rule, clearances of approx. 80 cm (31.5 in) are considered sufficient. Germany’s required clearance of 90 cm (35.5 in) represents a higher requirement. This generally applies to publicly accessible buildings and for the entrance areas of barrier-free apartments and homes for wheelchair users. 80 cm is sufficient in generally barrier76 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Standards and Guidelines - an International Comparison Researcher/Project Management: Prof. Gerhard Loeschcke, Karlsruhe Daniela Pourat Project Head: Prof. Gerhard Loeschcke Total cost: €49,994.04 (general departmental research) Project duration: 2008 - 2009 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 77 Senior Living Market Processes and Need for Housing Policy Action Caption: 22.6% of respondents have physical movement restrictions Verena Lihs, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Planning at the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBSR) A changing demographic change means landlords and housing policy are facing the need to develop new concepts for age-appropriate housing. The number of Germans over the age of 65 will increase to approximately 22.3 million by 2030. The number over the age of 80 will have increased to approximately 6.4 million. The KDA, a senior citizens’ advocacy group, was commissioned by BMVBS and BBSR to determines the existing inventory and needs for age-appropriate housing. They also determined factors that are promoting and limiting the creation of an adequate age-appropriate housing supply and made housing policy recommendations. Living at home – the preferred form of housing in old 93% „normal“ apartment 4% nursing home 2% assisted living < 1% small group homes < 1% communal living < 1% traditional senior housing Many people combine housing for the elderly with special types of residences, but the most common form of housing in old age is the “normal” home. 93 percent of people aged 65 and older live in “normal” homes. Even two-thirds of those in their nineties live in “normal” housing stock, even if they require care. Numerous studies show that most seniors want to live independently as long as possible in their homes and in familiar neighborhoods. Many of these buildings are, however, not age-appropriate. Around three quarters of senior households have to negotiate steps and stairs to get into their apartment buildings and about half must also cope with indoor stairs to their apartment door, but only one out of ten households has access to technical aids. Many seniors even have to overcome barriers within the living space. About half of senior households have no threshold-free access to a balcony, terrace or garden. Bathroom fittings are another key criterion. About a quarter of respondents have too little freedom of movement in the bathroom. Only 15 percent of bathrooms are equipped with a floor-level shower. Minimal number of age-appropriate apartments Just 5 percent of the households surveyed lived in barrierfree homes. With currently 11 million senior households, this corresponds to only about 570,000 barrier-free units. 83 percent have significant barriers and a considerable need for adaptation. The concept of age-appropriate living includes not only construction requirements but also requirements for barrier-free or reduced-barrier designs for living space, infrastructural and social services on site, and the option to access support services, if necessary. The investigation confirmed that walkways to bus and train stations, doctors, pharmacies and grocery stores are not considered easily accessible by up to a quarter of seniors. In the future, it will be even more important not to see housing construction as an isolated task but rather in connection with the development of the infrastructure to support independent living in manageable neighborhoods. conditions that promote and inhibit the provision of ageappropriate dwellings was investigated and recommendations to increase the available age-appropriate housing were developed. We have primarily made recommendations for changes to statutory regulations and funding policies as well as better informing the stakeholders about the issues that have to be addressed. 10.2 % Walker 17.8 % Walking stick Conclusion Ensuring a future housing supply that will meet our needs will require significant investment. Homeowners, private landlords, and institutional housing companies as well as local authorities, charities, tradespeople, and designers are all challenged to initiate age-appropriate transformations of the housing stock and the environment of residential neighborhoods. The rapid aging of society and regional pressure to act are making this a widespread need across Germany. The creation of age-appropriate housing and support services is thus a challenge for our entire society. Adapting the housing stock to have fewer barriers not only represents added value to seniors, but also increased comfort for families. 4.4 % Wheelchair The need for age-appropriate housing and recommendations no separation between building and apartment door no steps up to 3 steps 11.4 % 40.3 % 12.5 % more than to 3 steps 78 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 35.6 % The need for age-appropriate housing is great and will continue to grow. Even if only accounts for elderly with movement restrictions, the current housing stock on offer would already have to increase by four to five times to fulfill a need for about 2.5 million barrier-free / reducedbarrier apartments. The need is expected to increase to approximately 3 million by 2020. The age-appropriate adaptation of the required 2.5 million homes will require a specific additional expenditure of €18 billion to bring the total investment to nearly €39 billion. Finally, the Senior Living Researchers: Project Director: Total cost: Project duration: Ursula Kremer-Preiss, KDA Consulting and Research Association for the Elderly mbH, Cologne Verena Lihs, BBSR €147,793.00 (general departmental research) November 2008 - May 2011 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 79 Efficiency House Plus Pilot Projects: the New World of Energy Plus Combines Buildings and Cars Hans-Dieter Hegner, Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development 80 80 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 81 1. Previous Research The Zukunft Bau Research Initiative is not limited to the exploration of new building products and technologies, but is also dedicated to the intensive interaction between construction and systems engineering including the integration of renewable energy. The first decisive factor is reduce the building’s energy demand with a highly efficient building envelope. Efficient provision of space heating, hot water, auxiliary and household electricity are then adapted accordingly. This then leads to the already widely available passive-energy houses and efficient houses currently receiving public support in Germany, both of which have very low energy demand (supporting KfW Efficient Houses with ratings of 70, 55 or 40 efficiency or passive-energy houses). If one combines low energy needs with systems that produce energy, buildings can also achieve energy surpluses. As part of the Zukunft Bau Research Initiative, the Technical University of Darmstadt developed Energy Plus Houses in both 2007 and 2009 for the prestigious “Solar Decathlon” in Washington, D.C. The most important objectives of these pilot projects, the performance of which was tested in 10 disciplines, is to generate more energy than the house would consume under full use. TU Darmstadt won this competition in 2007 and 2009. Based on the designs of the TU Darmstadt, BMVBS set up its own lecture and exhibition pavilion which went on a roadshow across Germany from 2009 to 2011 to introduced the concept of Energy Plus Houses to six metropolitan areas. The TU Darmstadt building from 2009 with 19 kw in photovoltaic cells can produce almost 14,000 kWh/ year. A Daimler “smart-ed” electric car consumes just 0.14 kWh/km. This means a theoretical mileage of almost 80,000 km (50,000 mi) per year would be possible. This set the stage to create a practical combination of real estate and modern electric mobility. 2. The BMVBS Competition and the New Brand The first projects showed that individual components were at advanced stages of development. What was still missing was an integrated implementation of residential and transportation into an equally durable pilot. With this objective, BMVBS launched an interdisciplinary competition to build an Energy Plus House with Electric 82 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Mobility. The model building needed to demonstrate that it met the modern residential needs for a 4-person household, its role as an energy supplier and integrate covered parking spaces for electric vehicles. The project was also intended to give a clear answer to issues around sustainability. One of the goals was, for example, for the house to be completely recyclable. But being recyclable and flexible should not mean compromises in the highest standard of comfort. A full sustainability assessment was carried out as part of the planning and construction processes in this pilot project. The introduction of a new standard was closely linked to the debate on a clear definition of “Efficiency House Plus.” There were several interpretations what was meant by “plus-houses.” As part of research conducted by the Fraunhofer Institute, the BMBVS construction advisory board proposed a solution after extensive discussion in a BMVBS brochure entitled “Paths to Efficiency House Plus,” released in August 2011. The following requirements were laid out in this brochure: the Efficiency House Plus standard is reached when both a negative annual primary energy demand (ΣQp < 0 kWh/m2a) and a negative year-end energy demand (ΣQe < 0 kWh/m2a) are achieved. All other conditions of the Energy Savings Ordinance of (EnEV 2009), such as the requirements for protection against summer heat, are followed. Compared to EnEV 2009, the primary energy factors for the non-renewable share are to be used according to the new DIN 18599 (issued December 2011 and will be included in EnEV 2012). The total electricity fed to the grid is to be evaluated analogously to the mix of displaced electricity. As with EnEV, evidence was to be based on German averages. However, in addition to EnEV, Efficiency Plus Houses must take into account the primary energy requirements for residential lighting, household appliances and systems. Assumed were a standard value of 20 kWh/m2a (including lighting: 3 kWh/m2a; appliances: 10 kWh/m2a; cooking: 3 kWh/m2a; other: 4 kWh/m2a), but no more than 2,500 kWh/yr per housing unit. Including household electricity and lighting in the balance sheet was only for research and development purposes, but it is completely The Efficiency House Plus of Nassau Building Association, Frankfurt appropriate. The simulation and the practical implementation of such buildings shows that the proportion of energy for lighting and electrical power is about the same as the amount used for heating. If one wants to achieve a real plus for consumers and users, these components of energy consumption not included in the EnEV balance sheet ought to be included. Once you take them into account, the “plus” in the “Efficiency House Plus” clearly produces a positive annual balance. This is not to say the Efficiency House Plus is self-sufficient and can be disconnected from the grid. It is quite clear that energy surpluses and requirements arise at different times, so compensations from the grid or from stored electricity have to be made. Everyone involved in the research of this new generation of building is keen to maximize the amount of self-produced renewable energy actually used by the house. This is why the ratio of internally-used, self-generated renewable energy needs to be shown on the balance sheet in addition to the annual primary energy consumption and year-end energy consumption figures. The calculations are to be based on monthly balances akin to the EnEV method. The should also help to promote the use of power storage technologies. 3. The BMVBS Project in Berlin The competition winner was announced on October 27, 2010. The first prize went to the University of Stuttgart, Institute for Lightweight Construction and Design in collaboration with Werner Sobek Stuttgart GmbH, Stuttgart. The Ministry signed a planning agreement with the winning team in January, 2011. By early June 2011, the planning phase was complete and a general contractor for the construction was hired. The construction was finished by the end of November 2011. Scientific monitoring of the entire project was assigned to the Fraunhofer Institute. The client is the Federal Republic of Germany. A “test family” moved into the house for a period of 15 months on March 4, 2013. The building as constructed was a single-family residence for a family of four with about 130 m2 (1400 sq. ft.) of living space on two levels. There was a carport placed in front of the house to park the electric cars and house their charging infrastructure. To demonstrate a family’s mobility requirements, the project included two electric cars, supplemented with an electric scooter. A conductive rapid charging system and an inductive charging system were both installed. This demonstrates the current state of charging technology which could then be included in the study. The quick-charge system allows for the rapid charging of vehicle batteries with high power using the back-up batteries in the system. The inductive charging system operates automatically and without contact-plugs and cables, when the vehicle is in its parking spot. As a result, the vehicle is more closely integrated in the house’s energy system and managed charging made easier without user action required. This carport also serves as a “shop window” to provide information to the interested public. Between the two-story living area and the “shop window” is the energy core of the building, which contains all the building services and the wet rooms that require extensive services. The building will produce the energy needed for air conditioning, hot water supply, lighting, appliances, other electrical devices (small appliances, multimedia equipment, etc.) and the vehicles, but will also be connected to the national grid (no stand-alone operation). Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 83 The inner-city Efficiency House Plus , ABG Building Association, Frankfurt 4. The Network The aim of the BMVBS is not only to create unique showcase projects, but to give them trial runs in a network of different solutions and different technologies to improve them even further. It is for this reason that BMVBS is funding research in “Efficiency Plus Homes”. The program currently only funds residential buildings (one-, two- and multi-family homes) being built in Germany. The buildings should be able to operate all the functions of the house, such as heating, hot water, lighting, household electricity and the electricity needs of external users, such as electric vehicles. They need to be tested and evaluated under real, i.e. living conditions. This is why a working group is set up to support each of the Ministry’s funding recipients to help with the evaluation of the project. The research results will be subsequently released. This research funding can be coupled with the KfW funding. The hope is that promising ideas, technologies and materials will more quickly find their way into practice. These buildings will help gather experiences and address issues of economic feasibility. In the medium term it is envisioned to build zero-energy and efficient-plus homes at affordable prices. Grants for 100% of the costs to implement these scientific and monitoring area available for a maximum of €70,000. The bases for measurement are the cost and financing budgets of the planners and research institutions that been hired. A grant of 20% of investment costs from equity financing, to a maximum of €300 per m2 of living space, is also available. Thirty-one buildings are already participating in this new network as of the date this article was written. These include residential buildings built as a private initiative, such as the Efficiency House Plus by Prof. Fisch Kleinberg near Stuttgart or the VELUX “Light-Active House” in Hamburg. Particularly active in the introduction of the new standards was 84 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative the Federal Association of German Prefabricated Housing (BDF). Six of the 20 houses in the new prefab housing development in Cologne-Frechen will be Efficiency Plus houses and outfitted with monitoring equipment. These houses are single-family homes already on the market. They are for sale at €340,000 - €560,000 and have living space ranging between 180 and 280 m2 (1,900–3,000 sq. ft.). At present, they represent only a pilot project for an upscale segment. Nevertheless, it is encouraging that the industry is willing to experiment, collect experiences and evaluate the way forward. The Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics has been commissioned by the BMVBS to conduct research on these developments and communicate their results online. The technical characteristics and data of all the buildings currently in use can be found on the website of the BMVBS. The first masonry structures are now joining the field of pilot projects. The M1 Project was launched by the Elbehaus Company at the end of 2012 near Berlin. It originated with the help of innovative porous concrete elements from the Xella company. There are many projects currently underway, including the first Efficiency Plus multi-family homes, currently under construction in Frankfurt. The Nassausche Heimstätte is currently building a multi-family Efficiency Plus House in Riedberg and the ABG Builder’s Association is building a large innercity apartment building as an Efficiency House Plus. In both cases, electric mobility and car sharing options are being made available to tenants. The goal of establishing the Efficiency House Plus across Germany is on the right path. Now it’s time to turn atten- tion to transferring these technologies to modernizing existing housing stock. In February 2012, BMVBS held a design contest for a modernization of an existing structure to the Efficiency House Plus standard. The Neu-Ulm Builder’s Association (NUWOG) made small apartment buildings available for this project. The focus was on using the latest technologies for the Energy Plus standard in the renovation. The contest winners were also expected to provide electricity to the neighborhood or for charging electric vehicles from the power generated in excess of the energy needed. So the city of New Ulm will soon have another attraction. First, the apartment buildings will be modernized so that they produce more energy than they need for their operation. The contest was juried at July 6, 2012 under the chair of Prof. Lydia Haack, University of Constance. The two winning teams are: • University of West Ruhr in Mülheim an der Ruhr, Institute of Energy Systems and Energy Economics, Prof. Viktor Grinewitschus together with Werner Sobek Stuttgart GmbH and with Oehler Archkom – Solar Architecture • Technical University of Darmstadt, College of Architecture, Department of Design and Energy Efficient Construction, Prof. Manfred Hegger with o5 architekten bda – raab hafke lang und der ina Planungsgesellschaft mbH. Both teams succeeded with innovative Energy Plus designs for the multi-family homes in need of rehabilitation, which are currently using an enormous 507 kWh/m2a end energy. The surplus energy will be produced using building-integrated photovoltaics. A special feature of the University of West Ruhr entry is the integration of all building services in the outer shell. This will help create a prefabricated facade system with high levels of thermal insulation fitted with all the necessary components to the current exterior wall. This removes supply lines from the main floor space and avoids adding additional shafts and openings in the interior. Photovoltaics will be mounted on the south-facing roof surfaces. A new electrical management system will control the electricity produced in the building and make it available to the neighborhood. TU Darmstadt was also successful as it turned a technologically backward house into a small power plant. The main system components of the house technology will be integrated into the roof space. A striking feature of this design is its decided careful treatment of the existing structure and making sure that enough daylight is available to the building. The planned use of materials is strictly in accordance with the specifications of a model life cycle assessment: the good environmental performance and the ease of maintenance, separability and disposal of materials used in the structure are without question. A total of four buildings will be renovated: both winning designs will be implemented in two existing buildings in a row of houses. Completion is scheduled for 2013. The restored buildings will then be monitored for two years as part of the competition. The network aims to expand its scope and volume as well in 2013. The plan is to include educational buildings. More attention will also begin to be paid to networking neighborhoods. Studies on the Garching campus of the Technical University of Munich will provide initial groundwork for an entire Energy Plus neighborhood. The paths to an efficient future and combining buildings and modern mobility are set. Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 85 Photo/illustration credits 1 WOODCUBE® Team 05 3 BMVBS, Frank Ossenbrink 6 BMVBS, Ulrich Schwarz 9 above left BMVBS, EVV Essen 9 above right BMVBS, König 9 below BMVBS, Ulrich Schwarz 12 above Weberhaus 12 below BienZenker 13 HUF 15 Institut für Baukonstruktion, TU Dresden 14 Hank und Hirth Freie Architekten; Foto: Oliver Starke 16 SchwörerHaus KG, Foto: Heiner Orth 17 Institut für Baukonstruktion, TU Dresden 18 left Arup Deutschland GmbH 18 right Arup Deutschland GmbH 19 Arup Deutschland GmbH 20 Arup Deutschland GmbH 21 right Arup Deutschland GmbH 24 BMVBS, Leon Schmidt 25 right BMVBS, Leon Schmidt 25 above Klimaschutzagentur Region Hannover GmbH 25 middle BMVBS 25 below BMVBS 25 below BMVBS, Oliver Tjaden 27–29 (2) Prof. Wolfram Jäger, Dresden 30 Bundeskanzleramt 32 Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT 35–36 (2) GWG München 37 Christoph Gebler 38 above Martin Duckek, Ulm 38 middle Stefan Hanke,Sinzing 38 below BBSR 40 BMVBS 43 Thomas Lenzen, München 46 Fox/Völkner 50–51 (2) achener Institut für Bauschadensforschung und angewandte Bauphysik gGmbH 53 Tim Wameling, Hannover 54–57 (5) Bauhaus-Universität Weimar/B. Rudolf 58–61 (3) 62–63 (4) 64 69 above 69 middle 69 below 70-71 (3) 72-73 (5) 74 76 77 80 83-84 (2) Institut für Leichtbau, Entwerfen und Konstruiere, Stuttgart / Institut für Umformtechnik, Stuttgart FH Dortmund Ritter, Darmstadt HTWK Leipzig HTWK Leipzig T. Krettek, HTWK Leipzig FH Rosenheim Thomas Jocher, Stuttgart Keuco Loeschcke/DIN 18040 Werner Sobek, Stuttgart Büro HHS Forschungsinitiative Zukunft Bau Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Contact Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt-, und Raumforschung Im Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung Referat II 3 - Forschung im Bauwesen, Gebäudemanagement Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Regional Planning Research The Federal Agency for Building and Regional Planning Office II 3 – Research in Construction and Building Management Kurt Speelmanns Deichmanns Aue 31-37 53179 Bonn Telefon +49 228 99401-2730 [email protected] Publisher: Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Development Office B13 Construction Engineering, Research and Sustainable Building Krausenstraße 17-20 10117 Berlin Represented by: Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Regional Planning Research The Federal Agency for Building and Regional Planning Deichmanns Aue 31-37 53179 Bonn Project Management: Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Development Office, Mr Hans-Dieter Hegner Editing: Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Regional Planning Research The Federal Agency for Building and Regional Planning Office II 3, Guido Hagel Design: BBGK Berliner Botschaft Printing: DCM Druck Center Meckenheim GmbH Current as of: December 2012 Publication, in whole or in part, is only permitted with the prior consent on the publisher. Cover Photo : The WOODCUBE is a 4- or 5-story residential building with a flexible number of units in solid wood construction. All of the units can be adapted to the needs of the future users. 86 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative Zukunft Bau Research Initiative 87 88 Zukunft Bau Research Initiative
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