Whitney Aschim Scott Bye Kelsey Burley Titia
Whitney Aschim Scott Bye Kelsey Burley Titia
Congratulations graduates of 2012 The Refiner North Toole County High School Sunburst. MT 59482 Whitney Aschim Plans: MSU Northern to major in Graphic Design Sr. Best: Voice Sr. Will: Give Vanessa my love for music and song: may you never stop singing and to Satyn my everlasting love and friendship, may we laugh for years to come Saying: If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything Enjoyments: Drama, speech and drama, MCT Nick Name: Whit, Volume 50 Issue 10 Titia Bloch Whitters, Hobbit, Whitstar Inspirational Teacher: Mrs. Brandon, Mrs. Felt, my mom Remembrances: Ritual cheer chats, talks at Kix, and all the MCT experiences jured to Steph Gliko and my annoying abilities to Courtney Lindskog Saying: Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me! Enjoyments: Volleyball and softball Nick Name: Titia Rae, Aunty Sissy Inspirational TeachPlans: U of M -- West- er: None ern to major in Natural Remembrances: Patrick Buckley attacking Horsemanship Sr. Best: Most Outgo- Scotty in P.E. ing Sr. Will: My ability to not get seriously in- Kelsey Burley Plans: University of Montana to major in Business Sr. Best: Style Sr. Will: My height to Vanessa Saying: They say it all breaks down to keeping your feet on the ground; my sole intention is to keep my head in the clouds. Enjoyments: Being around my nieces, drawing and Photoshop May 2012 Scott Bye Nick Name: None Inspirational Teacher: Mrs. Ross Remembrances: Bus ride from North Star when Angie started to tell a story but couldn’t get past the first few words Plans: Farm and possibly attend college later Sr. Best: Most Likely to Be Late for Graduation Page 1 Sr. Will: My #4 jersey to Paul Ehlers Saying: Show me a guy who’s afraid to look bad, and I’ll show you a guy I can beat Enjoyments: Basketball, football, baseball, science, having fun with friends Nick Name: None Inspirational Teacher: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Remembrances: Playing sports and just having a good time with everyone www.sunburstschools.net/domain/128 NORTH TOOLE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL THE REFINER May Special Edition 2012 NTCHS Class of 2012 Kolter Cook Plans: My pickup to Goober Sr. Best: Most Changed in High School Sr. Will: Give Vanessa my love for mu- sic and song, may you never stop singing. To Satyn, I give my everlasting love and friendship, may we laugh for years to come Saying: Keep on keepin’ on Enjoyments: Hunting and fishing Nick Name: KTC, Thomas Inspirational Teacher: Mrs. Ross Remembrances: P. Buck and me messing around with the backhoes at the Techno. Expo. Cassius Ehlers Plans: My intelligence to my sister Rachel Sr. Best: Athlete Sr. Will: Give Vanessa my love for music and song, may you never stop singing. To Satyn, I give my everlasting love and friendship, may we laugh for years to Rebecca Flesch Plans: Montana S t a t e --Northern to major in Dental Hygiene Sr. Best: Smile Sr. Will: My #8 volleyball and my #13 basketball uniforms to my sister, Nicole Potak, who will be a freshman next year. Saying: Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are and the things you never want to lose. Enjoyments: Basketball, volleyball, soft- come Saying: Snakes! Why’d it have to be snakes? Enjoyments: Hunting, playing guitar, sports Nick Name: None Inspirational Teacher: Mrs. Ehlers Remembrances: Recess in grade school Josh Friesen ball, FCCLA, student council, choir, HOBY Nick Name: Reba Jean Machine, Reba, Rabeba Inspirational Teacher: Mrs. Johannsen Remembrances: When Angie “de-pantsed” Jacoba in front of L.J. Saying: There is nothing to fear but fear itself E n j o y ments: Football, basketball, science, track, golf, student council Nick Name: Icemaker, Freeze Inspiration- Plans: Enlisted in the al Teacher: Mrs. Ross Remembrances: Marine Corps Football senior year Sr. Best: Nickname Sr. Will: My knack for finding explosive “Wow Day” projects to a person who likes explosives Page 2 www.sunburstschools.net/domain/128 NORTH TOOLE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL THE REFINER May Special Edition 2012 NTCHS Class of 2012 Justin Hauschulz Plans: Enter the Job Corps in Anaconda to major in We l d i n g and Carpentry Sr. Best: Best Teammate Sr. Will: My good looks to Braydon Dunk, my post moves to Andy Ryan and Jarret Bloch, my smarts to Hannah Hauschulz, and my neat, groomed, natural hair to Tyler Tharp. Saying: That which does not kill you Aurora Hurlburt makes you stronger Enjoyments: Basketball Nick Name: Haus, Hausy, Justine, Justina Inspirational Teacher: Mrs. Hauschulz Remembrances: Watching game film at football practices Saying: People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care about them. Enjoyments: Swimming, spending time with family, watching Plans: Enter the U.S. Navy Sr. Best: Most Likely to be a Millionaire Sr. Will: My locker to Vanessa. I also will everyone my sense of adventure and my funseeking abilities. Kress Lamey Plans: Enter the work force Sr. Best: Car Sr. Will: All my money to Hunter and all my partying skills to Amanda Saying: If you don’t have time to do something right the first Hunter Leichliter Plans: University of Montana to major in Music Sr. Best: Hair Sr. Will: My wisdom to the lower classmen who most need it Saying: Be who you are and say what you feel because those that mind Remembrances: Judon’t matter and those nior year Science who matter don’t Olympiad with Josh mind. and Hunter Enjoyments: football, track, science, pep band, drama Nick Name: Crash, Hunt, Jesus Inspirational Teachtime, when will you have time to do it right? E n j o y m e n t s : Hanging with friends Nick Name: Toothpaste, Kresstation I n s p i rational Te a c h e r : Mr. Hough Page 3 football Nick Name: Aurora Borealis, Rora, Ror Inspirational Teacher: Mr. Thomas, Mrs. Schilling, Mrs. Felt Remembrances: Too many to count er: Mrs. Ross Remembrances: Eight grade trip to Lethbridge when Scott and I got stuck in the dark water slide at the Ramada www.sunburstschools.net/domain/128 NORTH TOOLE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL THE REFINER May Special Edition 2012 NTCHS Class of 2012 Jayleen McAlpine Hali Miller things: a wishbone, a backbone, and a funnybone. Enjoyments: Plans: MSU College of Technology in Great Falls to major as a Physical Therapy Assistant Sr. Best: Eyes Sr. Will: My leadership in basketball to Brooke Saying: To succeed in life you need three Shooting gophers, riding horses, prom, homecoming Nick Name: J., Auntie Weanie, Jayleno Inspirational Teacher: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Remembrances: Holding my niece Kacey for the first time and junior prom. Plans: University of Montana to major in Nursing or Education Sr. Best: Dressed Sr. Will: My Kix Captain skills to Chimane S a y i n g : Love, peace, happiness Enjoyments: Vo l l e y b a l l , dance Nick Name: Hali girl, Bugs Inspirational Teacher: Mr. and Mrs. Ross Andrew Stevens Remembrances: State volleyball and all the times spent with good friends. Amanda Tharp Plans: Rocky Mountain College to major in Music Education and minor in Political Science Sr. Best: Most Likely to Succeed Sr. Will: My leadership and motivation to my littler brother, Tyler. May they help you Plans: Enter the workforce with plans to enlist in the Air Force Sr. Best: Class Clown Sr. Will: My personality to the Finster Saying: Get ‘R done Enjoyments: Football and Explorers Nick Name: Drew, Drewcifer, Drewbie Inspirational Teacher: Mrs. Ross Remembrances: Nap time in kindergarten and in Mrs. Ehler’s class. the next three years. I will my outgoingness and excitement for trying new things to Chimane -- good luck in Kix! Saying: Be the change you wish to see in the world Enjoyments: Dance, cheer, jazz band, FC- Page 4 CLA, student council, speech & drama Nick Name: Coconut, Manda, Mandy, Shorty Inspirational Teacher: Mr. John Faust Remembrances: Any activities shared with friends and classmates at NTC www.sunburstschools.net/domain/128 NORTH TOOLE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL THE REFINER May Special Edition 2012 NTCHS Class of 2012 Jesse Tomsheck Plans: Enter the workforce Sr. Best: Most Memorable Sr. Will: Mrs. Kimmet wills to Jesse “time for crafting.” Saying: If I cannot win, let me brave the attempt Enjoyments: Vo l l e y b a l l , senior trip, managing basketball, special olympics Nick Name: J.T. Inspirational Teach- Alex Watterud Plans: Montana Tech in Butte to major in Biology Sr. Best: Laugh Sr. Will: My ability to er: Mrs. Kimmet finish math homework Remembrances: Se- in class to Zack and nior night in basket- my mad point guard ball skillz to Rachel; I’m passing on the torch; better be ready, Lady! Saying: Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than you. Enjoyments: All the sports, Kix, homecoming Nick Name: Lex, Lexi Inspirational Teacher: Mrs. Ross Remembrances: The volleyball trip to North Star junior year -- classic. Senior Class Prom Picture Courtesy of Lana Ahrens “The future is before us, the past is behind us, but our memories are forever with us.” Page 5 www.sunburstschools.net/domain/128 NORTH TOOLE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL THE REFINER May Special Edition 2012 NTCHS 2012 Awards Academic All-State Students who qualify must be athletes who can earn at least a 3.5 GPA during the term while playing the specified sport and must also earn a varsity letter in the MHSA sanctioned sport. Kamron Ratzburg: Football and basketball Jacob Alborano: Football Andy Ryan: Football and basketball Amanda Tharp: Cheer, speech & drama, and volleyball Whitney Aschim: Cheer and speech & drama Alex Watterud: Volleyball and basketball Rachel Ehlers: Volleyball and basketball Hali Miller: Volleyball Becky Flesch: Volleyball and basketball Hannah Hauschulz: Volleyball and basketball All Conference Alex Watterud: Volleyball and basketball first team Hali Miller: Volleyball Rachel Ehlers: Volleyball Scotty Bye: Basketball first team, honorable mention for football and Bob Cleverly Treasure State 8-Man All Star Game Kamron Ratzburg: Honorable mention for football Army Rserve National Scholar/Athlete Selection Alex Watterud Cash Ehlers Attendance Students who missed 3 days or less throughout the year. Brett Simons Hali Miller Forrest McEwen Boys and Girls State Kamron Ratzburg Brett Simons Cole Brown Rachel Ehlers Stephanie Gliko Class Competition Senior Class Culinary Shelby Wallace: Top Culinary Student Brooke Lindskog: Most Thorough Ben McAlpine: Best Laminated Dough Aurora Hurlburt: Most Dedicated Student Kylie Pattison: Best Pies Daughters of the American Revolution Amanda Tharp: Good Citizenship Award Drama/ School Play Tyler Tharp: Rookie Award Amanda Tharp: Outstanding Actress Josh Friesen: Outstanding Actor Whitney Aschim: Audience Choice Award Alex Watterud: Director’s Choice Award Satyn Tomsheck: Director’s Choice Award Brooke Lindskog: Backstage Award Chimane Hastings: Backstage Award 4-Year Awards Becky Flesch, Alex Watterud, Amanda Tharp, Whitney Aschim, Justin Hauschulz and Andrew Stevens 3-Year Awards Scotty Bye, Kylie Pattison and Brooke Lindskog 2-Year Awards Hunter Leichliter, Josh Friesen and Chimane Hastings 1-Year Awards Satyn Tomsheck, Kaitlin Williams, Noemi Schaerer, Hannah Hauschulz, Courtney Lindskog, Tyler Tharp, Jennifer Samsal, Nicole Friesen, Hayley Dunk, Jarret Bloch, Vanessa Legler, Andy Ryan, Stephanie Gliko, Emily Griffin, Braydon Dunk and Kaitlin Barnes Driver’s Education Emergency Driver Award granted to the students who, if Teri Iverson were stranded somewhere, she would most trust to get her back safely. Tyler Tharp Andy Ryan Courtney Lindskog Sam Miller Expressions Literary Magazine Cole Brown: Best graphic art/manipulated photo for “Windmill Sunset” Emily Griffin: Best artwork for “Looking Back” Austin Robbins: Best photograph for “The Forgotten” Brett Simons: Best short story for “If They Came to Hear Me Beg . . .” Satyn Tomsheck: Best poem for “A Beautiful Creation” FCCLA/FCS Chimane Hastings: Top Life Skills Student Alex Watterud: FCCLA Member of the Year Kylie Pattison: National FCCLA Conference Justin Hauschulz: National FCCLA Conference Cash Ehlers: National FCCLA Conference Football Ben McAlpine: Outstanding Lineman Kamron Ratzburg: Most Valuable Defensive Player Scotty Bye: Most Valuable Offensive Player and team MVP Tyler Tharp: Most Improved Player George Wilson Amanda Tharp Golf Cameron Richmond: State competitor Braydon Dunk: State competitor Rachel Ehlers: State competitor Page 6 Andy Ryan: State competitor Courtney Lindskog: State competitor Heisey Foundation Titia Bloch Justin Hauschulz HOBY Chimane Hastings Industrial Technology Hunter Leichliter Journalism Whitney Aschim Cole Brown Kelsey Burley Becky Flesch Aurora Hurlburt Vanessa Legler Brett Simons Satyn Tomsheck Jake Woodward Ladies Auxilliary VFW Amanda Tharp Marias Medical Center Auxilliary Scholarship Alex Watterud Marias River Electric Scholarship Whitney Aschim Titia Bloch Scott Bye Cash Ehlers Becky Flesch Justin Hauschulz Hunter Leichliter Jayleen McAlpine Hali Miller Alex Watterud Marketing Scotty Bye Austin Luckenbill Math State-level award winners for the Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Exam awarded to those who tested in the top 15%. Rachel Ehlers: Superior in Intermediate Test Zack Dichtel: Superior in Intermediate Test Montana Writing Assessment Top scores for the Mon- www.sunburstschools.net/domain/128 NORTH TOOLE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL THE REFINER May Special Edition 2012 NTCHS 2012 Awards tana University System Writing Assessment. The highest possible score is a 6. The school average was 4.3 -- placing NTCHS in the top 25% of the state. Alex Watterud: 5.5 Shelby Wallace: 5.5 Music Awards voted on my members of the band and choir Becky Flesch: Outstanding Choir Member Connor Overcast: Outstanding Band Member Vanessa Legler: Choir Rookie Courtney Lindskog: Band Rookie Andy Ryan: Band Rookie Tyler Tharp: Band Rookie Awards selected by Mrs. Hauschulz for students who were involved in many areas of the music program and made many contributions to the department. Justin Hauschulz: Outstanding Musician Amanda Tharp: Outstanding Musician Award given for an outstanding instrumentalist. Alex Watterud: John Phillip Sousa Award Justin Hauschulz: John Phillip Sousa Award General departmental awards Jesse Tomsheck: Choir Award Jarret Bloch: Step-it-up Award Titia Bloch: Step-it-up Award Rachel Ehlers: Step-it-up Award Vanessa Legler: Step-itup Award Awards given for number of years participating in the music programs. Whitney Aschim: Fouryear Choir Award Titia Bloch: Four-year Choir Award Becky Flesch: Four-year Choir Award Justin Hauschulz: Fouryear Choir and Band Award Andrew Stevens: Fouryear Choir Award Amanda Tharp: Fouryear Choir and Band Award First Year Music Award Winners: Braydon Dunk, Hayley Dunk, Hannah Hauschulz, Sam Miller, Ethan Paulson, Andy Ryan, Noemi Schaerer, Tyler Tharp, Jarret Bloch, Nicole Friesen, Kress Lamey, Vanessa Legler, Courtney Lindskog, Jennifer Samsal, and Tylor Tomsheck State Music Team Luke Becker, Rachel Ehlers, Alex Watterud, Amanda Tharp, Whitney Aschim, Titia Bloch, Hayley Dunk, Becky Flesch, Nicole Friesen, Heather Froslie, Chimane Hastings, Hannah Hauschulz, Justin Hauschulz, Kress Lamey, Courtney Lindskog, Erika Postma, Jennifer Samsal, Noemi Schaerer, Satyn Tomsheck, and Shelby Wallace Jazz Band Members Brett Simons, Mason Kearns, Connor Overcast, Andy Ryan, Hannah Hauschulz, Justin Hauschulz, Tyler Tharp, Alex Watterud, Luke Becker, Chimane Hastings, Amanda Tharp, and Haley Dunk National Guard Cash Ehlers Alex Watterud NHS Whitney Aschim, Cash Ehlers, Amanda Tharp, Alex Watterud, Hali Miller, Brett Simons, Kamron Ratzburg, Luke Becker, and Mason Kearns Photography Finley Jarvis Whitney Aschim Austin Robbins Science Scotty Bye: Most Dedicated to Science -- graduating with eight science credits (only two were required) Hali Miller: Top Science Student Haley Denison: Top Science Student Shane Horgus Scholarship Jayleen McAlpine Titia Bloch Social Studies Alex Watterud: Top Senior Government Student Amanda Tharp: Top Senior Government Student Rachel Ehlers: Top Junior Government Student Andy Ryan: Top Freshman Government Student Hannah Hauschulz: Top Freshman Government Student Hali Miller: Most Improved History Student Brett Simons: Most Improved History Student Sophistikix Hali Miller: Second-year caption, fourth-year dancer Amanda Tharp: Firstyear captain, second-year dancer Alex Watterud: Firstyear captain, fourth-year dancer Chimane Hastings: Firstyear caption, second-year dancer Whitney Aschim: Fourthyear dancer Jennifer Samsal: Firstyear dancer Nicole Friesen: First-year dancer Vanessa Legler: Firstyear dancer Student Council Jesse Tomsheck: Helping Hand Award Amanda Tharp: Most Outstanding Student Council Member (voted by peers), Student Body President Josh Friesen: Student Page 7 Body Vice President Becky Flesch: Student Body Secretary/Treasurer Hali Miller: Senior Class President Scotty Bye: Senior Class Representative Brooke Lindskog: Junior Class President Brett Simons: Junior Class Representative Mason Kearns: Sophomore Class President Austin Robbins: Sophomore Class Representative Hannah Hauschulz: Freshman Class President Forrest McEwen: Freshman Class Representative Toole County Education Foundation Cash Ehlers Becky Flesch Justin Hauschulz Hali Miller Amanda Tharp Alex Watterud Top 2 GPA Awarded to top two students in each of the top three classes Alex Watterud Amanda TharpRachel Ehlers Kamron Ratzburg Chimane Hastings Luke Becker Track Cash Ehlers: State competitor, 3 school records Hunter Leichliter: State competitor Josh Friesen: State competitor Matt Becker: State competitor Mason Kearns: Alternate state competitor Kamron Ratzburg: Alternate state competitor Tri-Angler’s Sportsman Club Scholarship Cash Ehlers Victor Taule Kamron Ratzburg Vocational Ed. Outstanding Student Kamron Ratzburg www.sunburstschools.net/domain/128
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