Docustore sample record - Northern Ponca Housing Authority


Docustore sample record - Northern Ponca Housing Authority
Northern Ponca Housing Authority
Board of Commissioners Annual Meeting
June 13, 2015 - Lincoln
Minutes of the Northern Ponca Housing Authority (NP11A) Board of Commissioners (BOC) annual meeting held June 13, 2015
at the Ponca Tribe of Nebraska in Lincoln, NE. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Vice-Chairman Mark Pcniska.
Roll Call: Mark Peniska, JoAn Elilers, Coneeta Zephier, Bill Wright and Pam Noycs. Absent: None. Also present: Joey Nathan,
Executive Director, Tara Remsing, Executive Administrative Assistant. Peggy Harvey, Finance Coordinator, Don Magnuson,
Mousing Compliance Officer, Maureen Leathers, ROSS Service Coordinator, Alex Villalpando, Maintenance Project Coordinator
and Brand! Liberty, Human Resources & Housing Development Officer. Public Attendees: None.
The invocation was given by Brandi Liberty.
Motion by JoAn Ehlers to approve the agenda for the June 13, 2015 annual meeting with the correction of #6 to read Election of
Officers instead of Re-election of Officers, additions under New Business # 10 Mutual Help Policy Discussion, # 11 Pow Wow
Table Discussion and under Executive Session the additions of #2 Personnel Issues and #3 Support Request from Robin Bair
moved from #7 under New Business. Seconded by Pam Noyes. On roll call vote: Ayes - Bill Wright, Conceta Zephier, Pam
Noyes and JoAn Ehlers. Nays - None. Abstain - None. Absent - None. Vice-Chair not voting. Motion carried.
Motion by Conceta Zephier to approve the minutes from the May 9, 2015 regular meeting. Seconded by Bill Wright. On roll call
vote: Ayes - JoAn Ehlers, Pam Noyes, Bill Wright and Concela Zephier. Nays - None. Abstain - None. Absent - None. V iceChair not voting. Motion carried.
Board of Commissioner Bill Wright nominated Mark Peniska for Chair. Board of Commissioner Mark Peniska nominated Pam
Noycs for Vice-Chair. Board of Commissioner Conceta Zephier nominated JoAn Ehlers for Secretary. Board, of Commissioner
Bill Wright nominated Concela Zephier for Treasurer. Motion by Conceta Zephier to elect all officers as nominated. Seconded by
JoAn Ehlers. On roll call vote: Ayes - Bill Wright, Conceta Zephier, JoAn Ehlers and Pam Noyes. Vice-Chair not voting.
Motion carried.
The Finance report was presented by Peggy Harvey, Finance Coordinator and discussed by the BOC.
a) Presented and discussed the revenues & expenditures.
b) Presented operational & departmental budgets.
c) The Enterprise Omaha Tax Credit Audit Financials are finished and will be sent to the Federal Clearinghouse after
final review. NPHA is currently preparing for Enterprise's inspections.
The Admissions & Occupancy report was presented by Don Magnuson, Housing Compliance Officer and discussed by the BOC.
a) Discussed the cost estimates between leaving items in the units for the extra 60 days compared to storing them in a
storage facility. If items would be left in the house, estimated cost would be around $210.00, but can't count liability and
production lost on other work orders. If NPHA were to use a storage facility, estimated cost would be around $420.00.
b) The last Law & Justice Committee meeting was canceled, but the Law & Order Committee stated that they will be
meeting to discuss NPHA's possible change to the Law & Order Code and the first readings are expected in July
c) An update was given on collections. As of May 31, 2015, 65.8% of current client's accounts had a zero balance (an
increase of 3.1%). TAR's was decreased from $27,133.16 in April 2015 to $27,124.45 in May 2015 (a decrease of .03%).
The meeting with tenants (ROSS) report was presented by Maureen Leathers, ROSS Service Coordinator and discussed by the
By: Tara Remsing 6/16/15
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Discussed the NPHA I lome Maintenance Crash Course. During the annual inspections, tenants are given a check list
of items that they can choose from to learn more about the maintenance of their home. The NPHA technician that is
doing the Prcvcntativc Maintenance on the unit will show the tenant how to do each task as requested.
An update was given on the two tenants that are in the NPHA Tenant Home Ownership Program.
An update was give on the War on Debt Financial Study. Some individual financial classes have been set up with a
couple of tenants and a class will be scheduled for NPHA staff.
Received a letter from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development regarding the closeout of Resident
Opportunities and Self-Sufficiency Service Coordinators Program Grant Number NE183RIS019AOH).
The meeting recessed for break at 10:23 a.m. and reconvened at 10:36 a.m.
The Maintenance report was presented by Alex Villalpando, Maintenance Project Coordinator and discussed by the BOC.
a) An update was given on the 20)3 & 2014 ICDBG, vacant units and the hail damage project.
bj An update was given on the audience request from May regarding issues in unit. Environmental Services of Norfolk
has checked for mold and none has been found. A replacement of two windows is required and maintenance will be
removing dry wall to check for installation and will be adding spray foam to help reduce the cold spots.
c) An update was given regarding the well in Niobrara. By a consensus of the BOC, Joey Nathan, Executive Director is to
present the issue to Tribal Council at NPI lA's July quarterly meeting.
The meeting recessed for lunch at 11:33 a.m. and reconvened at 12:35 p.m.
The Human Resource and Development reports were presented by Brandi Liberty, Human Resources & Housing Development
Officer and discussed by the BOC.
a) Discussed the Construction & Maintenance Supervisor job vacancy. It has been narrowed down to two candidates and
references have been completed. Second interviews have been scheduled and completed the first week of June.
b) Discussed technical assistance on policies. It has been decided that NPHA will not need the assistance at this time as
HUD will being doing a nationwide training on 2 CFR Part 200.
c) NPHA has begun brainstorming projects for the 2015 ICDBG.
d) NPHA has decided not to apply for the 2015 ICDBG Mold funding at this time until we provide a health and housing
assessment to tenants during the next year to document mold issues.
e) NPHA is looking into the USDA's 2015 Housing Preservation Grant program. This program provides grants to
sponsoring organizations for the repair or rehabilitation of housing occupied by low income people. Currently waiting on
USDA to clarify some key information.
t) Presented the Professional Development Training/Conference Request and discussed training evaluations.
The May directives were presented and discussed with the department reports.
Discussed the Transportation Safety Plan. The City of Norfolk is currently working with BIA and are waiting for a response.
An update was given on the Enforcement Cooperation Agreement.
The meeting recessed for break at 1:54 p.m. and reconvened at 2:04 p.m.
Motion by JoAn Ehlers to approve the job description for the Maintenance Project Coordinator title change only. Seconded by
Bill Wright. On roll call vote: Ayes - Conccta Zephier, Pam Noyes, Bill Wright and JoAn Ehlers. Nays - None. Abstain - None.
Absent - None. Chair not voting. Motion carried.
Motion by Conceta Zephier to approve the job description for the Construction & Maintenance Supervisor title change only.
Seconded by Pam Noyes. On roll call vote: Ayes - Bill Wright, JoAn Ehlers, Pam Noyes and Conccta Zephier. Nays - None.
Abstain - None. Absent - None. Chair not voting. Motion carried.
Motion by Conceta Zephier to approve the job description for the Painter/Drywall Specialist. Seconded by Pam Noyes. On roll
call vote: Ayes - JoAn Ehlers, Bill Wright, Conceta Zephier and Pam Noyes. Nays - None. Abstain - None. Absent - None.
Chair not voting. Motion carried.
Motion by Conceta Zephier to approve Resolution 2015-05 AUTHORIZING THE ADOPTION OF THE NORTHERN
AUDIENCE REQUEST FORM REVISION (adding Request number to form). Seconded by JoAn Ehlers. On roll call vote:
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Ayes- Pam Noyes, Bill Wright, Conceta Zephier and JoAn Ehlers. Nays-None. Abstain - None. Absent-None. Chair not
voting. Motion carried.
Motion by Conceta Zephier to not renew the Parking Lot Agreement with Knowledge Universe KinderCare. Seconded by JoAn
Khlers. On roll call vote: Ayes - Bill Wright, JoAn Ehlers, Pam Noyes, Conceta Zephier and Mark Peniska. Nays - None.
Abstain - None. Absent - None. Motion carried.
Discussed the UNAHA Summer meeting to be held in Riverton, Wyoming August 18 - 20, 2015.
Discussed the Mutual Help Policy.
Discussed setting up a schedule for NPHA staff and the ROC for the Pow Wow table in August.
Motion by Conceta Zephier to go into Executive Session at 2:56 p.m. Seconded by Pam Noyes. On roll call vote: Ayes - Bill
Wright, JoAn Ehlers, Parn Noyes and Conceta Zephier. Nays - None. Abstain - None. Absent - None. Chair not voting. Motion
Discussed audience request regarding tenant complaints and personnel issues.
Discussed a support request for the Ponca Chiefs Walk 2015
Motion by Conceta Zephier to come out of Executive Session at 4:28 p.m. Seconded by Bill Wright. On roll call vote: Ayes JoAn Ehlers, Conceta Zephier, Pam Noyes and Bill Wright. Nays-None. Abstain-None. Absent-None. Chair not voting.
Motion carried.
The Board of Commissioners came to a consensus regarding the request for donation that due to policy and the 24 CFR Code of
Federal Regulations Section 200.434 (a), the request for support has been denied. A letter will be sent to the requestor.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:28 p.m. by Chairman Mark Peniska.
The next meeting will be held on July 10, 2015 at5:00,»H«. at the Warrrptoff-fefl in Council Bluffs, IA.
Mark Peniska, Chairman
JoAn Olers, Secretary
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