City of Lakeside Park Minutes of 2/9/15 Regular Council Meeting
City of Lakeside Park Minutes of 2/9/15 Regular Council Meeting
City of Lakeside Park Minutes of 2/9/15 Regular Council Meeting CALLED TO ORDER: Mayor David Jansing opened the regular meeting of Lakeside Park City Council at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 9, 2015 in the City Building located at 9 Buttermilk Pike. Boy Scout Troop #820 presented the colors and pledge to the flag. Mr. Disken followed with a prayer. Those in attendance were Mayor Jansing, Council Members, Mr. Leonard, Mrs. Pelletier, Mr. Wolfer, Mr. Markgraf, Mr. Landwehr and Mr. Disken. Also present City Attorney Mr. Voss and Deputy City Clerk Mrs. Laws. AGENDA: Council had received a copy of the agenda. Mr. Disken made the motion to accept the agenda as submitted. Mrs. Pelletier seconded the motion. Voice vote taken - 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, Motion carried. MINUTES: Council having received copies of the 1/12/15 Council Meeting minutes was asked for any additions or corrections. Mr. Wolfer made the motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Mr. Landwehr seconded the motion. Voice vote taken - 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, Motion carried. SPECIALPLANNING MEETING MINUTES: Council having received copies of the 1/31/15 Special Planning Meeting minutes was asked for any additions or corrections. Mr. Markgraf made the motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Mr. Disken seconded the motion. Voice vote taken - 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, Motion carried. AUDIENCE ADDRESSING COUNCIL: Mrs. Terrell, Mrs. Schuler and Mrs. Baker presented a James Dietz signed and numbered print of "Strike into the Heart of the Taliban" presented to Americans Supporting th the Military Ball from the 1-320 Americans, City of Lakeside Park at Artillery Regiment, HHB Battery, by Captain Andrew Holler. PROCLAMATION: Mr. Voss read a Proclamation and Mayor Jansing presented the Proclamation to Wiley Nelson Carr III for achieving the Eagle Scout Award. Mr. Carr said, "It is an honor to be recognized and thanked Mayor Jansing and the City of Lakeside Park for the Proclamation." MAYOR'S REPORT: The Mayor reported there will be a blurb in the next newsletter Service Line Warranties. regarding the spring campaign for This letter will go out in April. There will be a Lou Noll Symposium on Sat. Feb. The Mayors will meet on February 14th zo" at Dixie Heights at Crestview High School at 8 a.m. Hills at 9 a.m. to discuss a street design for subdivision regulations. LEGAL: Mr. Voss updated us on the Deck property at 64 Colony South. Mr. Voss conducted the reading of Resolution #1-2015 Occupational License Fee - Inter-local Agreement adding Ryland Heights. Mr. Wolfer made the motion to accept Resolution #1-2015 as read. Mr. Landwehr seconded the motion. Voice vote taken - 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, Motion carried. 1 CITY CLERK/TREASURER'S REPORT: The Mayor reported there are 9 unpaid tax bills. PUBLIC WORKS: The next Public Works meeting will be on Thursday, February 19th at 4:30. The Road Projects are for new asphalt and the bidding will be in the spring with the work performed the summer. in The sidewalk on Turkeyfoot has been approved by the state and we are waiting for the letter of confirmation. A letter will go out to the affected residents inviting them to attend the March Public Works meeting. POLICE AUTHORITY: Monthly report is in the record book. The Police Authority met on Monday, January 19th. Mr. Markgraf was elected Chairman and Mr. Kramer as Vice-Chairman. The second Police Academy will be held from March 2nd thru April 13th from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. on Monday evenings. Chief Schutte is chairing a committee coordinating with the Diocese of Covington a critical incident response plan. The next meeting will be Monday, February 16th. FIRE/EMS: The monthly reports are in the record book. PDS: There will be a meeting on March 5th with the Kenton County Planning Commission to discuss waiving the right of way from 50' to 40' to make the street 25' wide on Milford lane. MGLOF NK: No report. TBNK: No report. FINANCE: Mr. Wolfer reported we are at 58% of our budget. The income is more than this due to property and insurance premium taxes. We have $2,088,000 in available funds. RECREATION: Mr. Wolfer reported Totter's Otterville and snow tubing were well attended. Upcoming events are "les Miserable" a NKU play on February th Bailey Circus on March 8 , zs". chocolate candy making class on March so". 2 and Ringling Bros. and Barnum & za" and annual garage sale on May WEBSITE: No report. PUBLIC RELATIONS: Articles for the newsletter are due tomorrow. We received thank you notes from Sisters of Notre Dame for the $50 memorial for Chief Schutte's mother-in-law, Bob Wilson from the Children's Home for the food dropped off after the Mayor's breakfast, and Blessed Sacrament with a box of cookies for Catholic Schools Week. OLD BUSINESS: The Mayor reported that 175 households have signed up with Service Line Warranties. COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL: Mr. Markgraf reminded everyone this Saturday is Valentine's Day. ADJOURNMENT: Mrs. Pelletier made the motion to adjourn the Council meeting at 7:37 p.m. the motion. Voice vote taken - 6 Ayes, 0 Nays, Motion carried. ~S·4~ Susan S. Laws, Deputy City Clerk 3 Mr. Markgraf seconded