The Corporation of the Town of Plympton


The Corporation of the Town of Plympton
The Corporation of the Town of Plympton-Wyoming
Regular Planning Meeting Minutes
Monday, March 23rd 2015
4:00 p.m.
Plympton-Wyoming Council Chambers
546 Niagara Street, Wyoming, ON
Council Members Present:
Lonny Napper, Mayor
Ben Dekker
Netty McEwen
Don Nelson
Ron Schenk
Bob Woolvett
Muriel Wright
Staff Members Present:
Kyle Pratt, Chief Administrative Officer (C.A.O.)
Brianna Coughlin, Clerk
Rob Nesbitt, Senior Planner, County of Lambton
Call to Order
At 4:00 p.m., Mayor Lonny Napper called the meeting to order.
Declaration of Pecuniary Interest/Conflict of Interest
Mayor Napper declared a conflict related to item 2.3 of the Closed session agenda.
Mayor Napper requested Council members to make the appropriate declaration if
necessary throughout the business of the meeting.
Closed Meeting Session – 4:02 p.m.
Motion #1 – Moved by Ben Dekker, Seconded by Muriel Wright that Council move into
an In-Camera Meeting of Council pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as
amended, for the following reasons:
Item A – Personal Matters
Section 239(2)(b) – Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including
municipal or local board employees.
Motion Carried.
Mayor Napper left the Council Chambers at 4:43 p.m. and returned at 5:08 p.m.
Mayor Napper left the Council Chambers at 5:27 p.m.
Motion #2 (5:27 p.m.)– Moved by Don Nelson, Seconded by Ron Schenk that the
Closed Session be adjourned.
Motion Carried.
Motion #3 - Moved by Bob Woolvett, Seconded by Ben Dekker that staff be directed to
proceeds regarding the personal matters as directed during the Closed Session.
Motion Carried.
There were no delegations at this time.
Mayor Napper returned to the Council Chambers at 5:28 p.m. Council took a break at
5:28 p.m. and reconvened at 5:39 p.m.
Business arising from Previous Meetings
There were no items at this time.
Motion #4 – Moved by Netty McEwen, Seconded by Ron Schenk that the Accounts as
listed be approved by the Plympton-Wyoming Council for payment:
 County of Lambton, Building Services Department Invoices
o Invoice # 25099
o Invoice #25100
Motion Carried.
Staff Reports
Council discussed the staff report by Rob Nesbitt regarding an Application for Draft Plan
of Subdivision Approval, Phase 5 Kongas Subdivision. In particular, Council discussed
sidewalks and right-of-ways, including the requirement for a one-foot reserve along
Fleming Road. It was also directed that Mr. Nesbitt confirm the completion of several
requirements from the previous subdivision agreement, including the payment of
parkland, the additional paving up to Queen Street and the paved shoulder up to Rear
Motion #5 - Moved by Ben Dekker, Seconded by Muriel Wright that the report by Rob
Nesbitt, Senior Planner, dated March 18th 2015 regarding an Application for Draft Plan
of Subdivision Approval, Phase 5 Kongas Subdivision be received and that Council
recommend that the Draft Plan of Subdivision 38T-15001 be given draft approval
subject to the conditions outlined in the report.
Motion Carried.
Councillors’ Reports
There were no items at this time.
There were no items at this time.
Regular Planning Meeting March 23rd 2015
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Correspondence – Action Required
There were no items at this time.
Correspondence – Recommended Reading
Council discussed the correspondence, in particular the correspondence related to
development charges. Mr. Nesbitt advised that staff had attended a webinar the
previous week and learned that most of the proposed changes are focused on large
cities and those with transit services.
Motion #6 – Moved by Don Nelson, Seconded by Netty McEwen that the
Correspondence relating to Recommended Reading not otherwise addressed by
resolution be noted as received by the Plympton-Wyoming Council, and filed
 AMO – Changes to Land Use Planning and Development Charges Legislation
 Watson & Associates – Changes to the Development Charges Act Update
 St. Clair Region Conservation Authority – Annual Sydenham River Canoe and
Kayak Race
Motion Carried.
New Business
Ms. Coughlin advised that she had received correspondence relating to two pending
Official Plan Amendment applications, as well as a request that the correspondence be
heard during the Regular Council Meeting of April 8th rather than waiting until the
Regular Planning Meeting of April 27th. Council directed staff to keep the item on the
Planning agenda for April 27th.
Meeting Adjournment
Motion #7 – Moved by Bob Woolvett, Seconded by Ben Dekker that the Regular
Planning Meeting be adjourned until the next Regular Planning Meeting, to be held
Monday, April 27th 2015 commencing at 5:00 p.m.
Motion Carried.
The Planning Meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m.
Mayor – Lonny Napper
Clerk – Brianna Coughlin
Regular Planning Meeting March 23rd 2015
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