BERKELEYCOUNTYEMERGENCYAMBULA}{CEAUTHORITY MINUTES WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2014 paid by warrants on their Bills against the Ambulance Authority were audited, and ordered ;;d;r. order. funds, of an even date herewith, which is part of this Members Present Employees Present Visitors Present Dennis McCormick Ross Curtis Tim Feltner Todd Doub Doug CoPenhaver Brian Costello Carla Robinson Robyn Fowler Karen Scheuch Amanda Scheuch Deb Nichols Chris Fincham Kristie Parrill Jack Gladden Ed Fowler Brad Roberts Bonnie Trinchera Mary Lou Largent Gary Collis Mike McGinnis Members Not Present David Irvin Ryan Frye (Co. a0) Opening prayer was given by Dennis McCormick' McCormick' Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dennis to order at 6:00 p'm' Dennis McCormick called the meeting Approval of the Agenda Action Taken RossCurtismovedtoaccepttheagendaaswritten.TimFeltnersecondedthe motion. Vote: AYes, Unanimous' Motion Canied. Approval of the Minutes Action Taken of Septernber 25,2014 meeting' Doug Ross Curtis moved to approve the minutes Copenhaver seconded the motion' Vote: Ayes, Unanimous. Motion Carried. October 23'2014 meeting' Doug Copenhaver moved to approve the rninutes of the Ross Curtis seconded the motion' Vote: Ayes, Unanimous. Motion Carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS advised that their company is Ryan Frye from Bedington Volunteer Fire Department to them to be uses as a brush truck' The interested in a donatioiof orre of our ambulances Board would take it under consideration' REPORTS - President (Award Presentation) Trinchera with a plaque for her upcoming Dennis McCormick presented Bonnie retirement on December 31, 2014' - EMS Director (Emptoyee Recognition) Bonnie Trinchera for their service to the costello thanked Amanda Scheuch and pr"r"rt.o scheuch and Trinchera a challenge coin organization. At this time costetto andexplainedthesignifican:e.ofthecoinandwhatitrepresents.Costelloreportedthathe grant for County Grant writer' to try to get a is presently workingwith Chris or"rrotllit radios. - Field Chief - RobYn Fowler the yearly January 1$ they will be reinstating Robyn Fowler reported that as of be assigned will p"iro*"t. tn" autv officers performanc. had specificgroupsto.,ut,,ut..Fowleraauiseathattherewillbeahiringprocesson Scheuch' Training Coordinator reported,f,"i4-*da paramedic Decernber 6,Zql,'.Fowler that there *ut u ful1time llrr.rr. iu*}y u to due resigned chigf' Fowler added that Daniel was she when up 1' position opened be i"gitni"g fuIl time on January will ,og;d"Rou"n, position, pea,ell moved t.'tt ui from thit time Coste'llo presented Ed Fowler Company at vacancy the Z0l5 tofrll coin from the BCEAA' Jefferson ao*', uiHutt"ttgt .rul#,i]rr'f";ilr;fi ro*iJ'*""*""a d;;il;ri"ta il'; COMMITTEES Equipment Committee- Tim Feltner - heart monitors' costello Tim Feltner advised that costello would be speakinq 49"1the ior (a) ZolLheattmonitors' Costello added reported that last month there was a request or'$t21,086'48' but he would like to break that the request was for (4) monitors fora total (2)later with a trade in of (3) E Series for a up the purchase to o.J.r'(Z)now and * go to Back Creek and the other would be a $15,000.00 credit. The firsi monitor added go'lng tlo oY voJuntryr t'Ttolt:-C:ste11o training monitor, ,fr. otf,.' two would Ue f,tfott this takes place to re-energize their there is ,on,. t orrr"l".ping irr.r., to disciss volunteer Process- Facilities Acquisition Committee - - Ross Curtis Heat Map met Decemb et 2'2014 and looked at the Ross Curtis advised that the committee map the of curtis explained what each sheet from Nove n$er 2llito Novemb er 2014. to a place needs help for an expansion or move represented. curtis aarirea that co. 60 atwo to b.e will needs to be replaced' but with more room. Curtis added that Station 97 station for at least (2) *o,rnd so we would rr."a to keep Newbraugh's three year years. tr* - (No report) Ad Hoc Committee on lluman Resources - Grant Writing Committee (No report) RESCUE CHIEFS - Company 30 - Chief Hanis was not present' - Company 50 - Rescue Captain Brad Roberts had no report' .Company60.ChiefMaryLouLargentread-a.lettertgtheboardrequestingpaidstaff their response rate' weekdays to improve to be used in their ambul#ce to the BCEAA *ootd O-O Co. Copenhave, urr..Jii the other could be put into rotation with ,a"i*a.r1r,iit. service. paid the *t" fieta Cnief would look at this and *A t'" it'ut uOa"a Costello BCEAA ambulancesl Company 60 during the day' they may put the 97 crew in assistance during the daylight ;g; hoy, oiirr" *,n;;t; *it -CountyFireDepartment-Capt.Gochenour.CaptainGochenourwasnotpresent. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Discussion/ Q & A) -Regular Part time hire of Personnel BrianCostellowentoverthespreadsheethehadpreparedfortheBoardforthe part time' trre t'[ time and regular ;;iltt"" of NEW BUSINESS - Exonerations* for approval' There were a total of 63 requests submitted Action Taken RossCurtismovedtoauthorizethePresidenttorecommendtotheCountyCouncil of $:,eso'00' Tim Feltner seconded the motion' approval of 63 exonerations in the uluo*i t'o*, (5) Ayes, (1) Abstained- Doug Copenhaver Motion Carried. Ave* -Lease Extension 150011504 Winchester Costelloadvisedthattheboardrecommendedaskingforaleaseextensionforl500/1504 winchesterAvenue(StationgT).CostellowasabletosecurefromNewbraugh's'atwo them if we per year' costello added that he asked year extension with a3o/o inctease and they agreed trr.v J"*ia", trt increase to 2o/o extended it to three years, would on this ProPosal. Action Taken RossCurtismovedtoapprovetheaddendumtotheNewbraugh,sleaseforthree the motion' lease amount. Todd Doub seconded with uzrlrp"i iear Vote: AYes, Unanimous' Motion Carried. vears -Purchase of Zoll Monitors * Action Taken TimFeltnermovedtoapprovethepurchaseof(4)ZollMonitorsandtopurchase dut" *d"t the discretion of the (2) now in the ,*or*t-or seo,i+z.z+ EMS Director. Vote: AYes, Unanimous' Motion Carried' *i tzi "a later 2006 Medic Unit)* -Offer for consideration (Sale of of $7'000 for the purchase had submitted him an offer Hadavand Ali that costell0 advised four months payment' orr"., o, si,!00.00 financed over ambulalJ u, u of a 2006 "*rr elion-faken TimFeltnermovedtoputthethreeambulancesoutforbid.RossCurtisseconded the motion. Vote: Ayes, Unanimous. Motion Carried. -Competitive Market Analysis for Sue Ct' Property him to receive a market analysis for the costello advised that the board wished for with trryo analyses' one from ERA of $125'000'00 Wheatland frop.rty. Costello responded and one from Hensell Realty of $140'000'00' EXECUTIYE SESSION Action Tuken session' Todd Doub seconded the motion' Ross curtis moved to go into executive AYes, Unanimous' Vote: Motion Carried. executive session' There were no decisions made during -Personnel* Action Taken as the cut-off date for the EMT-I',s Mike McGinnis moved to set January 31,2015 prr*.ai. or r"r"rt to Etrlf-fiasic and to maintain their current pay' Doug to advance to Copenhaver seconded the motion' Vote: AYes, Unanimous' Motion Carried. Action Taken RossCurtismovedtoestablishtheEMSDirectorssalaryat$65,000.00effective Copenhaver seconded the motion' January l,zlls'noog Vote: AYes, Unanimous' Motion Carried. OPEN COMMENTS - BCEAA Board of Directors MikeMcGinniswouldliketomove.theopencommentforemployeestothefrontofthe 2015 meeting' ,g."a, U.ginnint with the January DougCopenhaverwouldliketosendflowerspaidbytheSunshineFundtothefuneralfor t" p"utti"g of David Irvin's father' -Employees -sunshine Fund Fund' There was $0 collected for the Sunshine ADJOURNMENT Action Taken seconded the meetin grt7:30p.m. Todd Doub the adjourn to moved curtis Ross motion. Vote: AYes, Unanimous' Motion Carried. Authority is County^Emerflency Ambulance Berkeley the of Meeting The next Monthly p',,t'1tre meetings will be held at 400 January Thursday, for scheduled -ZZ,.ii{itO'tiO WV 25401' W. S;"ph-" St., Suite 2b5, Martinsburg' RespectfullY Submitted, I"Yt'-i' Dffi Mtcormick, President Date