March 1, 2016
March 1, 2016
MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TI-lE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE I-lELD March 1,2016 _ Council was CALLED TO ORDER in Regular Session by Council President Greg CALL TO Skaljac at 8:05 P.M. in Ralph W. Biggs Council Chambers. ORDER Following the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, members of Council answered to PLEDGE OF ROLL CALL as follows: ALLEGIANCE Members Present: G. Broski, L. Carouse, Jr., M. Harwood, N. Murphy, ROLLCALL L. Redinger, G. Skaljac, K. Veras. None. Members Absent: Law Director D. Matty, Asst. Law Director S. DiGeronimo, Others Present: Engineer G. Wise, Finance Director V. Price, Building Inspector S. Synek, Service Director R. Weidig, Purchasing Director R. Riser, Fire ChiefE. Egut, Police ChiefW. Goodrich, Recreation Director T. Tupa, Council Clerk M. Scullin. MINUTE~ 9F FEBRUARY 16, 2016 REGULAR MEETING: Motion by Carouse, seconded by Redinger, to dispense with reading of the February 16, 2016 regular meeting minutes and to accept same as presented. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. MINUTES OF 2-16-2016 REGULAR MEETING APPROVED MOTION TO AMEND THE AGENDA: Motion by Skaljac, seconded by MOTION TO Broski, to withdraw agenda item No.5. AMEND Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. AGENDA Nays: None MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. RESOLUTION 4627 re: appointing Ryan R. Szymanski to the position of Patrolman in the Police Department of the City of Brecksville effective March 8, 2016, and declaring an emergency, was read. Motion by Broski, seconded by Harwood, to suspend the rules and place Resolution 4627 on third and final reading . Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras . Nays: None . MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. Motion by Veras, seconded by Harwood, to pass Resolution 4627. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. RES. 4627 APPOINTING RYAN R. SZYMANSKI TO THE POSITION OF PATROLMAN IN THE BRECKSVILLE POLICE DEPT. OATH OF OFFICE: Mayor Hruby said that Ryan Szymanski served as a OATH OF Brecksville Police Department Jailer for a period of time. He wanted to further his career OFFICE in law enforcement but the City of Brecksville was not giving a Civil Service test at the time, so he went through the Ohio State Highway Patrol Academy and became a Trooper. The Brecksville ' Civil Service Commission recently conducted a test for the position of Patrolman and Ryan scored in the top five. He was offered the position and accepted. Mayor Hruby said that a State Trooper moves from post to post and, therefore, the State Highway Patrol understands completely that Ryan wants to come back home with his family. MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE HELD March 1, 2016 _ Paze 2 Mayor. Hruby administered the oath of office and Ryan's wife, Paige, pinned his Police Department badge. The Mayor said that Ryan will go right into the Field Training Officer program because he has already completed the Ohio State Highway Patrol Academy and could be patrolling on his own within 14-15 weeks. Ryan introduced his son, Leo, who was born on December 21, 2015; his father, Bob, and mother, Karen; and his in-laws, Rocco and Diane Trivisonno. RESOLUTION 4728 re: appointing Christopher C. Varga to the position of . Patrolman in the Police Department of the City of Brecksville effective March 9,2016, and declaring an emergency, was read. Motion by Broski, seconded by Harwood, to suspend the rules and place Resolution 4628 on third and final reading. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to pass Resolution 4628. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. RES. 4728 APPOINTING CHRISTOPHER C. VARGA TO THE POSITION OF PATROLMAN IN THE BRECKSVILLE POLICE DEPT. OATH OF OFFICE: Mayor Hruby said that this is another "coming home" story OATH OF as Chris Varga grew up in Brecksville. His father, Greg Varga, had a distinguished career OFFICE as a Brecksville police officer for thirty years. Mayor Hruby told his mother, Sue, that the City is pleased to be appointing her son and it is an honor and a privilege for him to swear him in. He then administered the oath of office. Chris scored in the top three on the Civil Service test. The Mayor said that Chris Varga's degree in Intelligence Analysis and his technical skills and training with the Coast Guard will be a great asset to the City. RESOLUTION 4629 re: authorizing the Mayor to apply for an Ohio Capital Budget Community Project Grant through the Ohio Senate Finance Committee's State of Ohio Capital Budget Community Project Program for funding of a Municipal Ball Field Improvement Project, and declaring an emergency, was read by title. Motion by Harwood, . seconded by Broski, to suspend the rules and place Resolution 4629 on third and final reading. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to pass Resolution 4629. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. RES. 4629 OHIO CAPITAL BUDGET COMMUNITY PROJECT PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION FOR MUNI BALL FIELD IMPROVEMENTS RESOLUTION 4630 re: authorizing the Mayor to apply for a Senior Center Innovation Grant through the Cuyahoga County Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Senior and Adult Services, and declaring an emergency, was read by title. Motion by Veras, seconded by Broski, to suspend the rules and place Resolution 4630 on third and final reading. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. . Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to pass Resolution 4630. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. RES. 4630 APPLICATION FOR SENIOR CENTER INNOVATION GRANT THROUGH CUYAHOGA COUNTY DEPT. OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TI-IE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE I-IELD March 1,2016 _ RESOLUTION 4631 re: accepting the proposal of Karpinski Engineering to provide professional engineering and design services for the Community Center Variable Air Volume (V AV) Terminal Unit Replacement Project, and declaring an emergency, was read by title. Motion by Broski, seconded by Harwood, to suspend the rules and place Resolution 4631 on third and final reading. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to pass Resolution 4631. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. RES. 4631 ACCEPTING KARPINSKI ENGINEERING PROPOSAL FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTER VAV TERMINAL UNIT REPLACEMENT PROJECT ORDINANCE 4981 re: amending Section 505.17 of the General Offenses Code to update the definition of vicious dog, and declaring an emergency, was read by title. Motion by Broski, seconded by Harwood, to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 49810n third and final reading. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to pass Ordinance 4981. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. ORD.4981 AMENDING SEC. 505.17 OF THE GENERAL OFFENSES CODE TO UPDATE DEFINITION OF VICIOUS DOG ORDINANCE 4982 re: amending Section 333.03 of the Traffic Code to set speed limits on controlled-access highways and expressways, and declaring an emergency, was read by title. Motion by Harwood, seconded by Broski, to suspend the rules and place Ordinance 49820n third and final reading. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to pass Ordinance 4982. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. O,RD.4982 AMENDING 333.03 OF THE TRAFFIC CODE TO SET SPEED LIMITS ON CONTROLLED ACCESS HIGHWAYS & EXPRESSWAYS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS: Council Representative Veras announced that BOARD OF the Board of Zoning Appeals will be meeting next Monday, March 7th, at 7:30 P.M. ZONING PLANNING COMMISSION: Council Representative Harwood announced that PLANNING the next Planning Commission meeting is scheduled this Thursday, March 3rd, at 7:00 P.M. COMMISSION For public information, there will be a hearing on March 24th for Petros Homes subdivision and rezoning at 8203 and 7811 Snowville Road. RECREATION COMMISSION: No report. RECREATION COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES: Council Representative Murphy DEPT. OF thanked Council for passage of the resolution authorizing the Mayor to apply for a Senior HUMAN Center Innovation Grant. The Advisory Board will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, SERVICES March 9th• MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TI-IE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE I-IELD March 1,2016 _ TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION: Council Representative Broski TELEC. reported that the Telecommunications Commission met on February 29th and three citizen COMMISSION members were sworn in to a three-year term of office. Officers were appointed for the year 2016. No complaints were submitted to the commission since the last meeting. SAFETY-SERVICE COMMITTEE: Councilmember Veras reported that the SAFETYcommittee met earlier this evening and has one item for Council consideration. She also SERVICE thanked Council on behalf of the committee for the appointment of the two new Police COMMITTEE Patrolmen. Motion by Veras, seconded by Broski, to approve a purchase requisition to Warren Fire Equipment, Inc. in the amount of $7,816.00 for replacement fire hose for the Fire Department. Account #C450260 3300 Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION 'CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. STREETS & SIDEWALKS COMMITTEE: No report. REPLACEMENT FIRE HOSE FOR THE FIRE DEPT. STREETS & SIDEWALKS UTILITIES COMMITTEE: Councilmember Carouse reported that the committee UTILITIES met earlier this evening and received an update from Engineer Wise on a number of COMMITTEE projects that will start soon. BIDLDINGS & GROUNDS COMMITTEE: Councilmember Harwood reported BUILDINGS & that the committee met earlier this evening. He thanked Council for the passage of the GROUNDS Resolution authorizing the Mayor to apply for an Ohio Capital Budget Community Project Grant for the funding for the ball field improvement plan. He also thanked Council for the passage of the Resolution accepting the proposal of Karpinski Engineering to provide professional services required to complete the Community Center VAV Unit Replacement Project. The following additional items were presented for Council consideration. Motion by Harwood, seconded by Broski, to approve a purchase requisition to Borchert Fence Co. in the amount of $3,850.00 for installation of netting on the south end of the Tony Niccoli Field at Blossom Hill. Account #2407482501. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. NETTING FOR THE SOUTH END OF TONY NICCOLI FIELD Motion by Harwood, seconded by Broski, to authorize the Purchasing Director to advertise for bids for the Community Center Variable Air Volume (VAV) Terminal Unit Replacement, Project #BI160001, Account #C490240 3202. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. AUTH. TO BID COMM. CTR. (V AV) TERMINAL UNIT REPLACEMENT LEGISLATION COMMITTEE~ No report. LEGIS. COM. FINANCE COMMITTEE: Councilmember Redinger reported that the FINANCE committee met earlier this evening and recommends the payment of monthly bills for COMMITTEE professional services. MINUTES OF A MEETING OF TI-4E COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BRECKSVILLE I-lELD March 1,2016 _ Motion by Redinger, seconded by Carouse, to approve the payment of monthly bills PAYMENT for professional services, as follows: Matty, Henrikson & Greve - $12,766.09; Sergio I OF MONTHLY DiGeronimo - $7,390.00; Roger Wadsworth - $700.00; Kulchytsky Architects, LLC - BILLS $393.75; Opatrny & Associates - $624,00; James A. Neusser - $2,000.00; Donald G. Bohning & Associates - $13,491.25. Total of all invoices: $37,365.09. A complete breakdown ofthe invoices is on file in the Finance Department. Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. REPORT OF LAW DIRECTOR: No report. LAW DEPT. REPORT OF ENGINEER: No report. ENGINEER REPORT OF FINANCE DIRECTOR: No report. FINANCE REPORT 'OF BUILDING DEPARTMENT: No report. BUILDING REPORT OF SERVICE DIRECTOR: No report. SERVICE REPORT OF PURCHASING DIRECTOR: No report. PURCHASING REPORT OF POLICE DEPARTMENT: Police Chief Goodrich thanked City POLICE Council for the appointment of the two new officers this evening DEPARTMENT REPORT OF FIRE DEPARTMENT: No report. FIRE DEPT. REPORT OF RECREATION DEPARTMENT: No report. RECREATION ~PORT REPORT OF THE MAYOR OF THE MAYOR: No report. COMMENTS: There were no further comments from members of Council or the COMMENTS audience. Council President Skaljac acknowledged the BBHHS students in the audience and BBHHS said that there is a sign-in sheet so that their names can be included in the minutes and to STUDENTS confirm for their teacher, Mr. Brennan, that they attended the meeting. The following BBHHS students were in attendance: Victoria Bryjak, Daniela Ortenzi, Katie Nguyen, Jacqueline Labas, Markelle Kallibjian, Eddie Malaska, Ben Good, Matt Rebish, Andre' Steinmetz. Motion by Skaljac, seconded by Broski, to adjourn the regular meeting at REGULAR MEETING Ayes: Broski, Carouse, Harwood, Murphy, Redinger, Skaljac, Veras. ADJOURNED Nays: None. MOTION CARRIED 7- AYES, 0- NAYS. 8:28 P.M. ~F~~ ~L· OLERK -OFCfjUNCIL Acting
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