trrdl isthe.$li.o \ Io" { I to have vour wisdom'| may be questioning whether you really need teeth removed, especially when rhey arent hurting ! When tftey dont they increase the risk for both decay and gum disease. 'Wisdom teeth that dont "co-c in" properly are referred to You can be sure that when we advise rhe removal of yours, it\ because we believe that at somc point, they'll do you more harm than good. So ruhat good are tbey as being tmP4ctea. Impacted teeth can decay, cause infection or the formation of a cyst' and can force adiacent teeth to move out of position. ? Removing impacted teeth can prevent potential problems. Each Vell, wisdom teerh can be just as useful as any other tooth when they erupt properly and are surrounded by healthy gum tissue. sltuatlon rs unlque. Schedule your oral exam today! '! wtha :ntist who was never on time r spending hours in their find a new dentist and made an one right down the street from me. ed to is very timely. I never have to wait inutes past my appointed time. t rry of work done, including a bridge aving problems with and a night .y teeth since I grind them at night. nd and polite and the waiting room d pleasant. y with my dental experience and rurn to my dentistt office for general nembers who are also patients and h their experiences as well. {' roots, so they fall out easilY wNle eating. Sharks gpically lose at leart oDe tooth DGr reok Shark teeth arc arrangd in conv€yol blt rcws and can be replaced within a day. Most sh.rts battc 5 rows of teeth; the bull:harL lns 50 rorrg of teeth. . Baby *arks (pups) are born wlth a conplete 3et of t€etlr" . flre coating of sbarl tG€th ls acid r€sistant and contalns fluorlde. Sharks don't gret cavities. . Tbe insid€ of both sharl and hunan teeth contains a soft mlneral Lnown ar denfn" SharL teeth ald hunan teeth are equdly as hard. $one shart :peciec hetre flattened teeth du€ to tbeir dl,at of herd.shelled crab and nollusks. (Source Ann Mc!-lhatton, Marinc Ilnnoeis/Bcach Cb:n Scidtist) Since WE dou't have in*alft* replaceabls teeth-Jot us help you-E Fotect tbe one set you hat e! Gall us IIODAY!! I)t05ll PRSRT STt) l)r- Thornls llezorrske u.s. PosTA(;l: V:rshington Denrirl Excellencc .i9.10 \v.shingror) Srreet Grrrnee, ll.6(X).i I PA II) lx l\l Dr. Thomas Bezouska and I:amilr' Dr. Thomas Bezouska tsacftto-Scfioo[special Get I Sealant ..FREErt When You Schedule 3 or More! Onc corrpon per child. liansferablc. Plcnsc sh,uc ruitb \our fdtrily n d l;icrtds. olfe' exfifts 9l.tolt4. New Patient Special! 379 ,r",,,,^, . Healthy Mouth Cleaning . Exam (some restrictions mov . qryly) Necessary X-rays \hlid for neto pd,ients otly. {)ffer god fur 30 days. Irl:\ l.\l- l:\( t|.1.\cl Dear Friend, Specialize In Quality, Affordable And Comfortable Dental Care Right In Your Neighborhood. You Won't Find A Friendlier Staff Arlphere ETEe ! Each member of our dental team believes providing in our patients with the same quality of care and personal services we would vrant for ourselves and our families. We have flexible hours for your convenience in scheduLing. We are open Monday through Friday, and Saturdaya, too. We are dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain your opE.imum dental health. Please CAIJIT TODAY to schedule an We -ihh^i hf mahf Sincerely Youre, FREE tn.g.srgsr Teeth Whitening *Free with a paid exam, x-rays and cleaning at regular fees. With MANY insurance plans, your entire visit may be FREE. Tiansferable, Please 3harc uith yorr fa'nily, flie"is, anl .o-unrken offer good fot 30 lays. ! Call Now ! (84t) 6r3-44s3 <t"*"* thd* CareCredit@ @Ff,ffi2 Interest FREE Financing and Options Available! 100o/o Financing + '-d_ _tr_".". lL 6003 | . (847\ 6134453 Websitc: www.fami\ 3930 Washineron Sneet. Gumee,