2013-01 January - Citadel of the Southern Pass
2013-01 January - Citadel of the Southern Pass
Medieval Tymes January 2013, Volume 8 Issue 1 Twelfth Night Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass Artwork: “Magi” J.C. Leyendecker, 1900 Their Excellencies Of the Citadel Sir Conrade Baron Mistress Leah Baroness Baronial Retinue Court Herald Lord Carlos Head of House: Mistress Maimuna al-Bukhariyya Guardsmen Lord Wolf von der Muhle-Eckart Champion Protector of the Sands Sir Roger de Gilbert Sir Roger de Gilbert Defender of the Pass Protector of the Flaming Heart Lord Dante Lord Leonardo Legal Stuff Medieval Tymes is available from the office of the Chronicler. If you wish to receive an electronic copy every month please send an email to [email protected]. It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Incorporated, and does not delineate SCA policy. Medieval Tymes is available from: John Lawson 6240 London Bridge Dr El Paso, TX 79934 Corrections and Submissions If you would like to submit an article or artwork to the Medieval Tymes, please contact the office of the Chronicler via [email protected]. Deadline is the 20th of the month for the next issue. Please update your personal information as needed. The Chronicler reserves the right to make minor modifications to submitted work. In the case of major problems, you will be notified so that a solution can be found. Copyright © 2010 Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. For information on reprinting articles and artwork from this publication, please contact the editor who will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors. Officers Of the Citadel Seneschal Exchequer (Acting) Sir Roger de Gilbert (Dan Kitka) (915)821-9585 Baroness Muirenn Glas ingen Fháeláin Knight Marshal Chronicler Baron Nikolaus von Stahlburg (Gregory Hearn) [email protected] Lord Giovanni Prete (John Lawson) [email protected] Arts & Sciences Chiurgeon Lady Sasha (Virginia Ochoa-Hobbs) [email protected] THL Rois inghean Domhnaill (Danette Hobbs ) (915) 821-4005 [email protected] Rook Pursuivant Rapier Marshal Senor Carlos Nieto de Andrade (Carlos Andrade) Senor Carlos Nieto de Andrade (Carlos Andrade) Historian Scribe Vicomte Berold de Gilbert (Barry Boetto) Lord Edmundus Peregrinator (Victor Singleton) Webminister Minister of the List Lord Giovanni Prete (John Lawson) [email protected] Lady Inara (Jessica French) Hospitaler Lord Edmundus Peregrinator (Victor Singleton) [email protected] Website www.scaelpaso.org From Their Excellences Happy New Year Citadel!!! It is so hard to believe that another year has come. This year will be an exciting time in our Barony. We have several events planned for the coming year. Starting the year off in a festive way, Sir Berold will be autocrating Candlemas on February 2. It has been several years since the Citadel held a winter event and it will be nice to lift the cold veil of winter with friends. On April 6, we will see a day of silliness with the Fools of April event. We will celebrate the coming of spring with a day of games, dancing and food. More information is available in this issue, on the Baronial website or the Kingdom website. There are other events on the horizon- A Day of A&S and Citadel XXX Birthday. Please speak with us or our seneschal if you would like to work on these events. Our neighbors in the Shire of Nahrun Kabirun will be hosting Clann Wars this year on August 2-4. We are tremendously excited that the shire has taken back this event and we ask that everyone put this event on your calendar. If you have an event idea or would like to autocrat, cook or just help out with an event, you are always welcome to speak with us or the seneschal about what is needed. We are always looking for new event ideas and help. Many of you know that we intend on stepping down from the Baronial seat this year. After speaking with the Crown of the Outlands, the polling and investiture will be scheduled for later in the year. We will make more announcements when plans have been finalized. We wish you all a spectacular new year. Conrade and Leah Business Meeting Minutes Seneschal: Populace/Business meetings will be the last Saturday of each month, at Album Park before Fighter Practices. Knight Marshal: Weekend Fighter Practice is on Saturday at 10:30 at Album Park, 3001 Parkwood Street, El Paso, TX 799255539, http://maps.google.com/maps?q=album+park+el+paso&client=opera&oe =utf8&channel=suggest&fb=1&cid=0,0,7430875193181173898&z=16&vpsrc=0&i wloc=A Exchequer: The Citadel is in sound financial condition. Chiurgeon: No injuries to report. Arts and Sciences: Greetings! I'm the new A&S officer for the Citadel! I'd like to have informal meetings every month or two. These can be classes, or just get together where everyone can work on their projects and visit. You can let me know what you're working on through Yahoo Groups, Facebook, [email protected], or in person at the park. Please send me your info by the 5th of each month. Thanks! Scribe: I am working on three projects for KOAS, a Gotlandish Viking necklace, Natural pigments, and a troubadour song Art from Citadel Website Officer’s Page and created by the Chronicler Area Calendar Business Meetings The Business Meetings have been combined with Populace meetings and fighter practice. Please see the Baronial website Event Calendar for a listing of all Business Meetings for the remainder of the year. The Business Meeting/Populace Meeting and Fighter Practice, for November, will be held on the 17th, starting at 10:30 at Album Park, 3001 Parkwood. Fighter & Archery Practices http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Citadel-Southern-Pass Please contact Baron Nikolaus von Stahlburg at [email protected] Citadel of the Southern Pass Weekend Fighter practice is held every Saturday starting at 10:30 at the Album Park, 3001 Parkwood Street, El Paso, TX 79925-5539, http://maps.google.com/maps?q=album+park+el+paso&client=opera&oe=utf8&channel=suggest&fb=1&cid=0,0,7430875193181173898&z=16&vpsrc=0&iwloc=A Nahrun Kabirun http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Nahrun_Populace See http://nahrun.outlands.org/ for more information, or contact Lord Ambro-sius van Beck, Knight Marshal for Nahrun, at [email protected]. Sun-day Archery Practice is on hold. Contact Lord Einar on the Nahrun Yahoo! Group list for information on practices. For up-to-date archery info, join the Citadel Archers yahoo group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Citadel_Archers Dance Practices TIME: Monday nights at Chapin High School dance room at 5:30. The dance room is toward the north end of the school, near the athletic fields and gyms. If you get lost or anticipate coming a little later, just let us know! Call or text 471..20 21 Bi-Monthly Arts and Science meeting POC: Lady Sasha [email protected],. Upcoming Events January: Date: 19th Barony of Fontaine dans Sable: Twelfth Night and War Practice Time: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Location: McGee Park Fair Grounds, 41 Country Road 5568, Farmington, NM 87401 Estevan and Emily, Baron and Baroness of Fontaine dans Sable, invite one and all to our Twelfth Night celebration! Come early and participate in the War practice and donation lunch...stay late and enjoy an evening of period games, raffle auction as well as a delectable feast! Event Stewards: * Lady Alamanda de La Roca (Jennifer Lewis) * Baroness Elizabeth Anne Grene (Lydia Anderson) [email protected] [email protected] http://www.fontainesca.org/twelfthnight/index.htm February: Dates: Barony of Time: Location: 2nd the Citadel of the Southern Pass: Candlemas 10:30 A.M. to 2 P.M. Bradan Aboud Park (Westside) – 4325 Riverbend , El Paso, Texas Event Steward: Vicomte Berold de Gilbert (915)585-3155 March: Date: 23rd Tri-Baronial A&S Competition Time: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Location: First Universalist Church, 4101 E. Hampden Avenue, Denver CO 80222 Come join us for a fun day of arts and sciences in the venerable Barony of Caerthe. There are several things planned for the day including a competition for all that will decide the A&S champions for the Baronies of Caerthe, Unser Hafen, and Caer Galen. Event Stewards: Lord Alasdair MacDubhghaill (mka Brant Anderson) [email protected] cell: 303-650-1251 Mistress Dianna Doria (mka Dianne Doria) [email protected] cell: 303-881-1810 Lady Katrein Adler (mka Debbie Strauser) [email protected] cell: 303-902-1165 https://sites.google.com/site/2013tribaronialas/home Upcoming Events Cont. April: Dates: Barony of Time: Location: 6th the Citadel of the Southern Pass: Fools of April Noon to 2 P.M. El Paso Art Association, 500 West Paisano Drive, El Paso, Texas Come one and all to delight in the coming of spring. The day will be filled with games, food and entertainment. Site will open at noon and the fun will begin immediately. Tables will be set for games of all kinds and you are encouraged to bring your favorite game to share. Once you have mastered the games, put on your dancing shoes and learn a few new moves, or teach others your skills on the dance floor. Listening to the tales from the bardic corner will be a perfect place to catch your breath or spin a tale of your own. Delectable snacks will be available throughout the day. We look forward to celebrating with you. Take exit 19B toward Downtown Convention Center/Tourist Information Museums Merge onto E Missouri Ave Slight left onto Durango St Turn right onto W Overland Ave Turn left onto W Paisano Dr Destination will be on the right El Paso Art Association 500 West Paisano Drive El Paso, TX 79901 Site is discreetly wet Event Steward: Baroness Leah de Montgomerie- Amy Conrad 915-549-3884 Interview with the Founding Baroness As part of our preparation to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Barony, I am reprinting an interview that was conducted by Senor Carlos Nieto de Andrade for the March 2007 Medieval Tymes. This article was chosen because the Interviewee is the Founding Baroness of the Citadel, Mistress Monika von Zell, and her story is as poignant today as it was in 2007. Get to know your local ____ An interview by Carlos Nieto de Andrade The origins of these articles were conversations I had with a number of our knights at Clann Wars; it was very enjoyable to sit and talk with them, picking their brains on various subjects. My goal is to interview a number of people including our Knights, Pelicans and Laurels to learn about them and to talk to them about their philosophy on life and their awards. Today’s interviewee is Mistress Monika von Zell, here is her story and what being a double peer means to her. Background/Bio I have been in our Society for almost 27 years, and it has become a major part of my life in that time. Sir Jochen and I joined the SCA in 1980 when he was retired from the Army and was attending UTEP on the GI bill. I was then teaching history at Austin High School. I had not heard of the SCA at that time, but loved medieval history. The Citadel was a shire and was on a big membership push at the time. There had been a big city demo which brought in a bunch of new members that summer, and we were invited to the newcomers' revel held that October by members who my lord had met in classes at the university. I tend to get really involved in anything I join, and within three weeks we were officers, he the Cornet, and me the Chronicler and Deputy Seneschal. I became Seneschal of the shire the following year, when our Seneschal, Lady Suzanne, moved up to be Principality of the Outlands A&S officer. We had about 25 members at the time and some members of the shire had already started thinking barony, but the application previously filed by Lady Suzanne wasn't going anywhere. We enjoyed traveling, having been in the military, and started going to more events and meeting people in the SCA who had a lot more experience but were in our age group (Mistress AElflaed, Duchess Kathryn, and Mistress Keridwyn come to mind).They were all Society and Kingdom officers. We found ourselves on somewhat of a fast track in the SCA and began having larger events, including a Principality tournament in 1982, which brought more people to the Citadel. In 1983 we were asked by the Crown (Christopher and Constance) and the Kingdom Seneschal, Duchess Leah Kasmira, to host Crown Tournament. Atenveldt Kingdom Law at the time required that kingdom events be hosted by or sponsored by a barony. While several groups offered to sponsor our shire, the Kingdom Seneschal felt that our activity level had increased to a satisfactory level and wanted to us to renew our baronial application and that having a baronial investiture on the day of Crown Tournament would fulfill the requirements of kingdom law. So, as Seneschal, and with the help and consent of our populace, I added to and re-filed the Baronial Packet. One of the requirements was, that it include the Shire's choice for Baron and Baroness. At that time, it was the custom in Atenveldt, that the first Baron and Baroness be the choice of the populace. Sir Jochen and I had no intentions of being that choice; however our populace was mostly college students and active duty military. There are several people in the barony's populace who were members before us, if only by a few months. THL Warmin joined the summer before us, but had been transferred to Europe the year before. Others, like Lord Rahlahn and Lady Reanna, were college students. The year before the investiture Master Balldrich the Ballbarian, and the now, Mistress Jessica the Steadfast, a major in the army, had also been transferred overseas. Lady Suzanne had moved to Las Cruces. So, because we presented an older, but not necessarily wiser, permanent couple with jobs, it fell to us. We had been in the Society for about 3 years and had AoAs. We served as Citadel's Baron and Baroness for almost 5 years, and during that time I was also Principality and Kingdom Seneschal. I am trying to make a very long story short, but I'm also leaving a lot out. If anybody has questions, don't hesitate to grab me at an event and we can talk:-) Anyway, on the day after our baronial investiture and Crown Tournament, I also became the Principality of the Outlands Seneschal and held that office concurrently with being Baroness for about three years. When Kingdom Seneschal, Master Frea, won the Crown of Atenveldt, he turned over his Seneschal key to me, and I served as Kingdom of Atenveldt Seneschal for about two years. During this time, the Outlands submitted their application for Kingdom status. After processing the application, I resigned my office, and later became Master Giovanni's drop dead kingdom deputy. As Outlands Principality Seneschal, he was entitled to be the first Outlands Kingdom Seneschal. Other offices held: After being baroness, I also held the office of Chronicler again, A&S officer, and Baronial Scribe. I served as the Outlands Kingdom Scribe twice and once as Queen. I recently finished a two year term as Baronial Scribe for my new home, al-Barran, and am currently serving the Outlands as Kingdom Seneschal Deputy for Baronies. Awards and Peerages: The full listing of my awards for any who wish to know is on the Outlands website in Wimble's Order of Precedence. I have never sought recognition, but frequently was just in the right place at the right time. I have always been an active participant in this game/lifestyle we have. Most of my awards bring very pleasant memories to mind, and I do have my favorites. One of them being the Premier of the Order of St. Stephan, the Citadel's award for longtime service to the barony. I felt deeply honored by then Baron and Baroness, Conrad and Leah. After teaching for 28 years, we are retired and now live in al-Barran, close to our children and grandchildren. But the Citadel is where our SCA journey started and will always be special to us. Pelican: I was recognized with a Pelican in 1985 while serving as Citadel's Baroness and as Atenveldt Kingdom Seneschal. I had been in the Society for 3 1/2 years, but please remember, this was a different kingdom, and we had no grant level awards at that time. The Kingdom of Atenveldt was a huge kingdom with over 40 groups. It included what is now the Kingdom of Artemesia and the Kingdom of the Outlands. I had gone to the Barony of Loch Salann(Salt Lake City) to help administer Crown Tournament and was helping out in the kitchen when I was called into court. No vigils then, no procession, no special ceremony and sadly, no husband, family, or fellow Citadellians in attendance. I flew home Sunday morning, and went to the park for fighter practice. Everybody wanted to know how Crown Tournament went and if anything special happened. I said “Well…” I've had wonderful, but unofficial mentors who were more friends than mistresses. They helped me learn how the society worked at a very early stage of my participation. In addition to those named above, others that come to mind include: Mistress Kaitlyn of Loch Salann ,who was Outlands Principality Seneschal, when I was a very new shire seneschal, and Sir Stephan and Mistress Beau who were Baron and Baroness of al-Barran when we joined. To me, the most important thing and the most fun is the service. I consider being Baroness and Queen a service as well as an honor. I've often said, let me cook the feast, and then go home--I'm not a party kind of person. And I also count, and write great reports. I'm often laughed at because I can tell you how many people were at each meeting and at every event. Because I was the only Pelican south of alBarran for many years, I did not feel right about taking students, which wasn't a big thing in the early days anyway. I felt it was more important to travel and support the neighboring groups, especially in the South. Because of my offices I was able to help bring big events to the Citadel and give others "opportunities"(laugh) to serve. The only formal service relationship I've ever had was with Duchess Morgana. She was the Citadel's 2nd baroness and had been our baronial seneschal and we did feasts together. But that was terminated when she became Queen of the Outlands. I served as Chatelaine for TRMs Cyredd and Morgana's first reign and knew that she learned as much from that as I could give her. There are many that I have considered to be my partners and protégés and of whom I am very proud. Mistress Signy, who also went on to be Outlands Seneschal and Baroness of the Citadel. Mistress Leah, who also went on to be Outlands Seneschal and Baroness of the Citadel. Mistress Joella, who has served in most of the Citadel's offices, as Kingdom Scribe, and on the War Council and has often been my partner in the kitchen. Mistress Bennet, a Laurel and Pelican, who has served as Kingdom Scribe and Deputy Kingdom Seneschal. Countess Claudia, who recently served as our Queen and took over for me doing the kingdom's meal plan at Lilies when I was unable to attend. ( She always tells me she appreciated the "opportunity"). Laurel: I was recognized with a Laurel in 1988 when I was Baroness and Kingdom Scribe. Even though I do scrolls, cook, make liqueurs, practice herbalism, embroider and spin, I have always felt that what I do is more of a service than an art. I still feel the need to earn this award. There are so many others who are better at these things than I! I feel I was recognized for supporting and promoting the arts in the barony and the south. I also have always done a lot of teaching and will be doing a research and documentation class for al-Barran next month. I feel it is important to teach, but more important to share your skills. And that can be done in a number of ways, such as making largesse and judging at competitions. The thing I'm probably proudest of is the quantity and quality of the scrolls produced by the scribes of the Outlands. When I became Kingdom Scribe in the early days of our Kingdom, I was determined that we would not have a scroll backlog like the one we had left, and that every award would receive a scroll. It is a different time now, and it pleases me greatly that we have more Laurels in the Citadel now and also in the South. Since living in al-Barran, a different place and at a different time in our Society, I have now entered into a teacher/student/apprentice relationship with Lady Brighid og Inghean Oneill, who is a talented spinner and an accomplished scribe. This is a new thing for me, but we enjoy working together. There are many philosophies about having squires, students, apprentices. I do not believe in soliciting students, but am happy to share what skills I have with all, and enjoy learning by working together. Countess: I was very proud to serve as Queen of the Outlands at the Society's 25th Year celebration. I believe it was the first time that a son had won the crown for his mother in our Society. I believe it was also the first time the Crown has come from the Citadel, which I was most proud to represent as well. What has changed since you have started? The Outlands, and indeed the Society, has changed greatly since I became a member in 1980. I am fascinated by its evolution, especially in the growth of our kingdom and it the variety of activities we now offer. I remember announcing at a Kingdom meeting that the Principality of the Outlands now had 407 members and was now eligible for Kingdom status. We now have close to 2000 members in the kingdom. I remember that fencers and archers were outright despised in the early days of the kingdom, now we have fencing, archery, equestrian events and awards. Another interesting change is that as we've grown up, we've had children and their activities have evolved as well. I was asked what were the processes, requirements, and mechanics for getting awards. I truly believe that there are many who are eligible for every award we have, but just haven't been recognized. It is the journey that is important, and not the award. The recognition is often a matter of time, place, politics, as well as skill. There are many who will not, as in the real world, be recognized for what they do. But surely the journey, the participation, the learning, the friendship and the fellowship is of great value too. I know it has been for me. Countess Monika von Zell, OL, OP Blazon as granted by the College of Arms - Per chevron vert and Or, in base a grape cluster slipped and doubly leaved, and a chief dovetailed counter changed Citadel of the Southern Pass Medieval Tymes 10445 Cronus St. El Paso, TX 79924
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