2015 Q1
2015 Q1
ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS MARKET IN TURKEY MARKET DATA (2015 Q1)* * In the event of any discrepancy, the original report in Turkish shall prevail. AGENDA Executive Summary Market Overview Market Data Fixed Broadband Internet Mobile Other Services 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (MARKET OVERVIEW) There are 632 operators providing service within a total of 1,031 authorizations as of May 11th, 2015. Total net sales of Türk Telekom and mobile network operators approximately worth 7.3 billion TL, while other operators’ total net sales approximately worth 2 billion TL. Total investments of Türk Telekom and mobile network operators is around 0.8 billion TL’s. Total investment of other operators has been realized as 163 million TL’s in the first quarter of 2015. Mobile traffic volume is 52.2 billion minutes and fixed traffic volume is 2.9 billion minutes in the first quarter of 2015. 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (FIXED MARKET) There are approximately 12.2 million fixed telephony subscribers and penetration rate is 15.9%. However, considering the fact that average household size is around 3.69 in Turkey, we may assume fixed telephony services reach to a significant proportion of population. Number of Carrier Pre-Selection (CPS) users is 150,903, while the number of users having call-by-call carrier selection services is 79,204. Percentage of PSTN revenues on total revenues of Türk Telekom is 38.4%, while the proportion of access revenues is around 47%. “On-net traffic/total traffic” ratio for Türk Telekom is 69.8%. On the other hand; proportion of traffic to mobile networks is 23.7% of total traffic. 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (FIXED MARKET) Market share of alternative operators for local calls is 14.5%, while Türk Telekom has a market share of 85.5%. Market share of alternative operators for national calls is 42.3%, while Türk Telekom has a market share of 57.7%. Market share of alternative operators for calls to mobile networks is 45.5%, while Türk Telekom has a market share of 54.5%. Market share of alternative operators for international call origination is 38.4%, while Türk Telekom has a market share of 61.6%. Market share of alternative operators for international calls terminated on fixed network is 58.5%, while Türk Telekom has a market share of 41.5%. 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (FIXED MARKET) Market share of alternative operators for international calls terminated on mobile networks is 58.5%, while Türk Telekom has a market share of 41.5%. Market share of alternative operators for call origination from fixed network is 30% (share in total traffic), while Türk Telekom has a market share of 70%. Germany is the most frequently communicated country via fixed network (outgoing and incoming). Fixed Minutes of Usage (MoU) is 137. Türk Telekom’s ARPU is 23.2 TL. 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (BROADBAND INTERNET) The number of broadband subscribers, which was 6 million in 2008, is around 42.9 million(*) Number of internet subscribers in Turkey increased by 4% as compared to the previous quarter thanks to the increase in number of mobile, cable and especially fibre internet subscribers. Annual growth rate of total number of internet subscribers has reached to 22.6%. Number of xDSL subscribers in the first quarter is over 6.8 million. Number of mobile broadband subscribers (computer and mobile handset) is around 33.9 million. (*) Mobile broadband ratio given here is updated. Currently, it includes the subscribers who have used packages less than one month period, who have used packages longer than one month period and who have accessed internet without any packages. Previously, it was just consisted of the subscribers who had packages longer than one month period. 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (BROADBAND INTERNET) Number of cable internet subscribers reached to 575,461. Nearly 52.8% of fixed broadband subscribers in Turkey prefer offers providing 10-30 Mbps download speeds. 81% of users connecting to mobile internet via computer have a data usage of 100 Mb and above. Almost 15.9% of subscribers are within the 0-50 Mb interval. 8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (MOBILE MARKET) There are around 72 million mobile subscribers corresponding to 92.7% penetration rate. Mobile penetration rate exceeds 100% when 0-9 year’s old population are excluded. Number of 3G subscribers has reached to 59.4 million. Turkcell has 47.6%, Vodafone has 29.3% and Avea has 23.1% market share according to the number of subscribers. Nearly 54.5% of total mobile subscribers are pre-paid users. Almost 9.7% of total mobile subscribers are corporate subscribers while the rest are individuals. Churn rates are 2.9% for Turkcell, 3.2% for Vodafone and 3% for Avea. 9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (MOBILE MARKET) As of May 14th, 2014 total number of ported numbers are over 82 million(cumulative). M2M subscribers reached almost 2.6 million in the first quarter of 2015. Germany is the most frequently communicated country via mobile networks (outgoing and incoming). Total number of SMS is around 25.3 billion and number of MMS is 23.9 million. With respect to revenues, market share of Turkcell is 44.3% while market shares of Vodafone and Avea are 35.2% and 21.5%, respectively. 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (MOBILE MARKET) Voice revenues make up 60.2% of Turkcell’s total revenues, 56.6% of Vodafone’s and 48.6% of Avea’s. SMS+MMS revenues make up 6.3% of Turkcell’s revenue and corresponding figures are 10.3% for Avea and 10.3% for Vodafone. Data revenues make up 30.5% for Vodafone, 36.9% for Avea and 28%for Turkcell. ARPU is 22.5 TL for Turkcell, 22.4 TL for Vodafone and 21.8 TL for Avea. As of March 2015, Turkcell’s MoU is 313, Vodafone’s MoU is 450 and Avea’s MoU is 484. Overall MoU rate for Turkey is 367 minutes for 2015 Q1. 11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (OTHER OPERATORS) Alternative operators have fiber length of 53,352 km, while Türk Telekom has 197,262 km of fiber infrastructure. Nearly 123,957 km of this infrastructure is used for backbone and the remaining is used for access. Infrastructure operators’ total revenue is around 177.8 million TL. TURKSAT, as an operator of cable broadcasting services, has 1,170,459 cable TV subscribers and has 725,386 digital cable TV subscribers. Number of subscribers having GMPCS mobile telephony services is 6,230 and corresponding revenue is approximately 2.2 million TL. 12 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (OTHER OPERATORS) Satellite communication operators provide services such as international internet connections, video conference and point-topoint international satellite data circuits, to 11,048 subscribers. Total revenue generated from these services is approximately 85.6 million TL. Total number of calls for directory services is 8,312,524 and the corresponding call time is 13,213,921 minutes. Total revenue of DQ operators is approximately 18 million TL. Number of subscribers having PMR/PAMR services is 2,653; number of users is 85,582 and the total revenue is around 5,4 million TL. 13 MARKET OVERVIEW Number of Authorizations Based on Authorization Type (As of May 11th, 2015) Authorization Type Services Number of Authorizations Authorization Agreement Satellite and Cable TV Services 1 GSM Services 3 IMT-2000/UMTS Services 3 Several Telecommunication Services 1 Satellite Telecommunication Services 41 Satellite Platform Services 19 Infrastructure Operation Services 157 Internet Service Providers 381 Fixed Telephony Services 7 Cable TV Services 26 GMPCS Mobile Telephony Services 10 GSM 1800 Services on Air Vehicles 4 Mobile Virtual Network Operator Services 61 GMPCS Mobile Telephony Services 3 PMR/PAMR Services 82 Infrastructure Operation Services 9 Fixed Telephony Services 180 Directory Enquiry Services 11 Mobile Virtual Network Operator Services 32 Concession Agreement Authorized by Notification Authorized by Right of Use TOTAL 1.031 14 MARKET OVERVIEW Net Sales of Türk Telekom and Mobile Operators* , ¨ 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Türk Telekom 7.340.362.030 7.374.599.666 7.698.705.632 Turkcell 7.991.150.227 8.332.040.983 8.828.290.710 9.371.204.954 Vodafone 3.349.822.000 3.741.607.933 4.380.371.258 5.734.390.000 6.747.411.285 Avea 2.497.421.759 2.906.743.653 3.354.467.547 3.808.180.931 4.312.489.175 TOTAL 21.178.756.016 22.354.992.235 23.816.356.090 25.902.953.673 28.129.811.044 *2010-2014 data Based on the income statements of operators notified to ICTA. Vodafone updated its 2013 net sales data in 2014 Q4. Net Profit of Türk Telekom and Mobile Operators* , ¨ 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Türk Telekom 2.956.000.797 2.468.971.871 2.995.771.673 1.277.576.133 2.483.731.826 Turkcell 2.154.605.000 2.421.010.843 2.365.193.056 2.300.631.352 Vodafone Avea -239.277.770 -696.907.047 -91.669.117 40.981.479 53.634.967 -962.938.607 -1.054.556.808 -752.521.475 -726.954.492 -793.497.469 * Based on the income statements of operators notified to ICTA. 15 MARKET OVERVIEW Net Sales of Türk Telekom and Mobile Operators*, ¨ 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 Türk Telekom 1.841.304.824 1.864.910.968 1.968.569.071 2.023.920.769 1.862.988.411 Turkcell 2.204.904.252 2.295.798.874 2.477.025.035 2.393.476.792 2.350.445.902 Vodafone 1.584.537.273 1.617.740.772 1.726.949.041 1.818.184.199 1.911.129.199 Avea 957.083.201 1.055.891.809 1.143.942.329 1.155.571.836 1.166.441.198 TOTAL 6.587.829.551 6.834.342.423 7.391.153.596 7.316.485.475 * Based on the quarterly notifications of operators to ICTA. Net Sales of Other Operators, ¨ Operator Type 2014-1 Internet Service Providers Fixed Telephony 269.898.385 292.080.183 297.090.202 280.764.744 290.659.607 Infrastructure 156.914.030 167.370.274 170.349.056 181.528.123 177.774.738 Satellite Telecommunication 64.058.866 67.719.903 60.220.838 89.046.099 85.567.472 Directory Information 15.459.780 16.803.773 22.892.570 18.126.410 17.982.552 Cable TV 110.534.588 105.148.267 109.019.212 117.392.317 125.188.262 GMPCS 2.143.905 3.755.230 2.227.269 5.002.309 2.163.121 PMR/PMAR 4.400.977 5.099.146 4.227.162 3.960.873 5.398.125 TOTAL 1.774.684.947 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 1.184.990.337 1.316.095.972 1.836.081.019 1.851.016.646 1.908.914.200 2.020.829.849 •Based on the quarterly notifications of operators to ICTA. 16 MARKET OVERVIEW Annual Investment of Türk Telekom and Mobile Operators*, ¨ 2010 Türk Telekom 2013 2014 1.430.588.567 1.372.029.459 1.012.532.009 779.323.342 894.292.037 947.118.055 1.057.753.655 1.360.000.236 1.043.320.000 799.790.150 588.602.244 621.412.373 942.973.136 838.780.574 799.871.481 756.699.109 705.706.896 782.085.603 Avea TOTAL 2012 1.099.376.770 1.371.661.333 Turkcell Vodafone 2011 3.760.800.686 3.865.615.001 3.723.007.975 3.756.902.383 4.097.590.985 *Based on the income statements of operators notified to ICTA. Quarterly Investment of Türk Telekom and Mobile Operators, ¨ 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 Türk Telekom 77.722.674 140.024.451 209.905.142 584.879.742 75.557.021 Turkcell 230.186.595 173.944.324 363.784.872 592.084.444 221.053.493 Vodafone 235.363.218 242.557.663 231.594.801 233.457.454 368.452.571 Avea 124.684.946 92.361.855 184.452.413 380.586.389 158.318.364 TOTAL 667.957.434 648.888.294 989.737.228 1.791.008.029 823.381.449 Quarterly Investment of Other Operators, ¨ Other Operators 17 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 367.433.755 361.365.315 303.771.660 540.072.409 163.014.182 MARKET OVERVIEW Annual Voice Traffic Volume, Billion Minutes 250 202,6 16,7 189,2 200 168,9 150 149,5 132,2 19,4 219,1 14,0 21,8 23,6 23,9 100 50 147,1 125,8 108,2 169,8 185,9 2012 2013 205,2 0 2009 2010 2011 Mobile Fixed 2014 Total Quarterly Voice Traffic Volume, Billion Minutes 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 47,2 4,3 42,9 52,2 4,4 52,0 4,0 51,1 4,0 51,0 3,8 47,8 48,0 47,2 47,2 55,8 3,7 56,4 3,3 55,9 3,2 55,1 2,9 52,1 53,1 52,7 52,2 18 2013-1 2013-2 2013-3 2013-4 Mobile 2014-1 Fixed 2014-2 Total 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 MARKET OVERVIEW Total Traffic Distribution, Million Minutes 2015-1 49.449 2.119 2014-4 49.927 2.173 1.046 2.802 2014-3 50.277 2.1861.105 2.829 2014-2 49.493 2.503 1.198 2.610 2014-1 44.652 2.633 1.128 2.587 2013-4 44.559 2.800 1.171 2.610 2013-3 45.392 2.735 1.247 2.636 2013-2 45.199 2.7271.347 2013-1 40.484 0% 10% 20% Mobile to Mobile 30% 40% 2.565 3.303 1.025 2.428 50% Fixed to Fixed 820 2.748 60% 70% Fixed to Other 80% 90% 100% Mobile to Other Total Traffic Distribution, % 2015-1 89,7 2014-4 89,2 2014-3 89,1 2014-2 88,7 5,0 5,0 5,0 4,7 3,8 1,5 3,9 1,9 3,9 2,0 4,5 2,1 2014-1 87,6 5,1 5,2 2,2 2013-4 87,1 5,1 5,5 2,3 2013-3 87,3 5,1 5,3 2,4 2013-2 87,2 4,9 5,3 2,6 2013-1 85,7 0% 10% 20% Mobile to Mobile 30% 40% Mobile to Other 5,1 50% 60% Fixed to Fixed 70% 80% Fixed to Other 90% 7,0 2,2 100% 19 FIXED MARKET Fixed-Line Subscribers and Penetration Rate 28 18 22,81 16 22,30 24 20,63 18,33 14 17,68 16,34 15,94 % 12,22 12 12,53 13,55 13,86 6 15,21 8 16 16,20 10 16,53 Millions 12 20 8 4 4 2 0 0 2009 2010 2011 # of Subscribers 2012 2013 2014 2015-1 Penetration 20 FIXED MARKET Number of Users of FTS Providers, 2015 Q1 Method 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 Carrier Pre-selection 202.056 206.535 162.620 178.737 150.903 Call-by-call Carrier Selection 88.135 81.650 78.028 77.018 79.204 Market Shares of FTS Providers Based on # of Users, 2015 Q1 Alternative Operators Market Share (%) TTNet 53,7 Superonline 16,2 Turknet 9,9 İş Net 5,9 Vodafone Net 5,3 Millenicom 4,0 TTM Telekom 1,8 Others 3,2 21 FIXED MARKET Breakdown of Annual Fixed Revenues of Türk Telekom, % 2014 39,56 2013 42,08 47,67 2012 3,76 4,76 4,29 4,78 4,73 38,52 56,60 9,85 31,60 5,26 3,86 2,68 2011 60,62 27,03 6,44 3,68 2,23 2010 60,50 27,14 6,90 3,40 2,07 2009 61,37 24,29 7,57 3,31 3,45 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% PSTN Access 50% 60% Leased Lines 70% Interconnection 80% 90% 100% Other Breakdown of Quarterly Fixed Revenues of Türk Telekom, % 2015-1 38,36 2014-4 46,95 36,74 2014-3 3,81 4,26 42,33 38,49 3,58 4,10 41,25 6,62 13,25 3,69 4,83 11,75 2014-2 41,08 43,20 3,84 5,27 6,61 2014-1 42,25 41,56 3,97 4,88 7,35 90% 100% 0% 10% PSTN 20% 30% Access 40% 50% Leased Lines 60% 70% Interconnection 80% Other 22 FIXED MARKET Breakdown of Türk Telekom’s Traffic, % 2015-1 69,8 2014-4 2,2 71,4 2014-3 2,0 70,0 2014-2 2,1 72,4 2014-1 20% Onnet 3,9 24,5 3,4 1,8 40% 60% International 22,6 3,0 20,7 2,9 80% Mobile 4,3 22,7 1,9 74,6 0% 23,7 100% FTS Breakdown of Türk Telekom’s Traffic, Million Minutes 2014 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2015 Q1 On-net 2.094 1.982 1.695 1.645 1.501 International 49 52 51 46 47 Mobile 582 620 595 523 509 FTS 81 83 83 89 92 Total 2.806 2.736 2.423 2.303 2.150 23 FIXED MARKET Market Shares Based on Voice Revenues*, % 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 12 14 15 15 14 88 86 85 85 86 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 TT FTS (*) Calculated from minute-based voice revenues of TT and net sales of FTS providers. Call Origination Market Shares from Fixed Networks, % 100% 80% 32 42 41 45 44 58 59 55 56 60% 40% 68 20% 24 0% 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 TT 2014-4 FTS 2015-1 FIXED MARKET FTS and TT Comparison for Local Calls, % 100 80 86,4 85,6 13,6 14,4 85,6 84,8 85,5 15,2 14,5 % 60 40 20 14,4 0 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 TT 2014-4 2015-1 FTS FTS and TT Comparison for National Calls, % 80 60 70,0 71,3 67,2 63,7 % 57,7 42,3 40 30,0 32,8 28,7 * Market Shares are based on traffic volume. 36,3 20 25 0 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 TT FTS 2014-4 2015-1 FIXED MARKET FTS and TT Comparison for F2M Calls, % 80 60 % * Market Shares are based on traffic volume. 56,7 40 43,3 58,7 56,7 43,3 54,6 54,5 41,3 45,4 45,5 2013-3 2013-4 2014-1 20 0 2013-1 2013-2 TT FTS and TT Comparison for International Calls, % FTS Most Frequently Communicated Countries via Fixed Networks 80 % 60 40 52,1 47,9 61,6 59,3 55,2 44,8 56,1 40,7 43,9 38,4 20 0 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 TT FTS 2014-4 2015-1 Highest Rate of Traffic Sent to Germany Highest Rate of Traffic Received From Germany UK Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Iraq France Belgium Georgia Greece UK 26 FIXED MARKET FTS and TT Comparison for International Incoming Calls Terminated on Fixed Networks*, % 80 70 (*)Due to an update by alternative operators, 2014 data has been recalculated and differs from the data published in previous quarters. 66,5 64,0 62,3 56,2 60 58,5 % 50 40 30 43,8 36,0 33,5 2014-1 2014-2 37,7 41,5 20 10 0 2014-3 TT 2014-4 2015-1 FTS FTS and TT Comparison for International Incoming Calls Terminated on Mobile Networks, % 80 73,1 62,6 67,1 66,7 67,7 Market Shares are based on traffic volume. % 60 40 37,4 33,3 32,9 20 32,3 26,9 0 2014-1 2014-2 TT 2014-3 FTS 2014-4 2015-1 27 FIXED MARKET Fixed MoU, Minutes 250 200 153 150 150 147 146 2014-3 2014-4 137 100 50 0 2014-1 2014-2 2015-1 ARPU, ¨ 25 20 23,2 23,1 23,1 22,7 10 22,6 15 5 28 0 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 BROADBAND INTERNET Number of Broadband Internet Subscribers* 50 45 41,2 40 32,6 35 27,6 Millions 30 22,3 25 20 14,3 5 0 8,8 6,0 6,0 6,4 2,5 Fixed 8,9 8,4 7,9 7,6 32,4 15 10 8,9 42,9 7,1 19,7 14,7 33,9 24,2 7,2 Mobile Total •(*) Fixed, mobile, cable modem, fiber etc. all means of broadband access are included. •(*)Mobile broadband ratio between 2009-2013 is updated. Currently, it includes the subscribers who have used packages less than one month period, who have used packages longer than one month period and who have accessed internet without any packages. Previously, it was just consisted of the subscribers who had packages longer than one month period. 29 BROADBAND INTERNET Breakdown Number of Internet Subscriptions 2014-1 2014-4 2015-1 xDSL 6.671.447 6.799.100 6.802.510 Mobile Internet from Computer 1.541.425 1.354.746 1.543.816 Mobile Internet from Mobile Handset 24.902.577 31.005.915 32.391.046 Cable Internet 492.288 558.456 FTTH 345.882 FTTB Quarterly Growth Rate Annual Growth Rate (2014 Q4 – 2015 Q1) (2014 Q1 – 2015 Q1) 0,1% 2,0% 14,0% 0,2% 4,5% 30,1% 575.461 3,0% 16,9% 472.424 512.126 8,4% 48,1% 931.829 984.973 1.002.024 1,7% 7,5% 1.277.711 1.457.397 1.514.150 3,9% 18,5% Other 112.808 97.326 94.798 -2,6% -16,0% TOTAL 34.998.256 41.272.940 42.921.781 4,0% 22,6% Fiber (Total) 30 BROADBAND INTERNET Data on 3G Subscribers 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 # of 3G Subscribers 51.023.960 53.385.734 56.780.787 58.329.492 59.422.663 Mobile Internet from Computer 1.541.425 1.379.300 1.277.070 1.354.746 1.543.816 Mobile Internet from Mobile Handset 24.902.577 27.066.363 29.826.976 31.005.915 32.391.046 84.940 96.544 107.970 Mobil Internet Usage, TByte 52.359 61.913 Post-Paid and Pre-Paid Mobile Broadband Internet Subscriptions, 2015 Q1, Thousands 18.000 17.782 16.153 15.000 12.000 9.000 6.000 31 3.000 0 Pre-Paid Post-Paid BROADBAND INTERNET ISP Market Shares Based on # of Subscribers, 2015 Q1* Operator Breakdown of Other Means of Internet 2014-1 2014-4 2015-1 % TTNet 75,3 Superonline 15,8 Doğan TV Digital 4,4 Turknet 1,9 Vodafone Net 1,1 Dial Up 47.177 45.918 45.734 Millenicom 1,0 ISDN BA/PA 15.994 15.381 15.291 Others 0,5 Satellite Communications 10.506 10.870 10.418 Metro Ethernet 11.403 12.227 12.319 PLC, BPL 18.495 3.309 3.959 Frame Relay 80 49 43 ATM 25 17 15 Other 9.128 9.555 7.019 TOTAL 112.808 97.326 94.798 (*) xDSL, Fiber, Metro, FR, PLC, ATM, etc. included cable and mobile connections are excluded. 32 BROADBAND INTERNET Distribution of Fixed Broadband Subscribers according to Technology and Operator, % 2015-1 62,7 2014-4 63,8 2014-3 65,0 2014-2 66,1 2014-1 66,9 2013-4 68,1 13,4 12,8 2013-2 71,5 2013-1 72,7 20 xDSL TTNet 30 0,5 6,3 16,4 0,6 5,9 16,0 0,7 5,8 15,6 0,7 5,8 15,0 0,8 14,2 0,8 11,8 70,5 10 16,9 12,4 2013-3 0 6,4 11,5 11,1 5,8 10,9 5,9 10,8 10,8 40 50 xDSL Other ISPs 60 Cable 70 Fiber 11,8 0,9 6,1 10,7 1,0 6,3 9,3 1,0 80 Others 90 100 33 BROADBAND INTERNET Mobile Internet Usage Speeds from Computer, 2015 Q1, % 5,2 15,8 16,4 3,2 6,1 18,2 Connection Speeds for Fixed Broadband, 2015 Q1 35,1 0-50 MB 250 MB-1 GB >8 GB 50-100 MB 1-4 GB 100-250 MB 4-8 GB Mobile Internet Usage Speeds from Mobile Handsets, 2015 Q1, % 1,0 %4,7 4,5 %36,2 23,5 29,8 %0,4 %4,0 %1,5 %0,1 1,4 2,4 %52,8 2,5 %0,2 7,5 3,8 23,6 x≤1 Mbps 2 Mbps < x ≤4 Mbps 8 Mbps < x ≤10 Mbps 1 Mbps < x ≤2 Mbps 4 Mbps < x ≤8 Mbps 10 Mbps < x ≤30 Mbps 0-5 MB 50-100 MB 4-8 GB 5-10 MB 100-250 MB >8 GB 34 10-25 MB 250 MB-1 GB 25-50 MB 1-4 GB MOBILE MARKET Number of Mobile Subscribers and Penetration Rate 80 92,1% 86,5% 70 87,4% 83,8% Millions 60 89,5% 25,9 50 90,9% 20,4 92,7% 100% 13,6 12,6 80% 33,9 40 65,8 30 60% 42,4 55,7 20 31,4 10 41,8 58,3 49,3 59,4 40% Penetration, % 72.040.764 92,5% 20% 19,4 7,1 0 2008 2009 0% 2010 2011 2G Subscribers 2012 2013 3G Subscribers 2014 2015-1 Mobile Penetration Total Number of Mobile Subscriptions, Million 80 70,12 70,79 71,91 71,89 72,04 40 34,79 34,64 34,73 34,63 34,26 30 20,03 20,37 20,95 20,92 21,14 15,29 15,78 16,23 16,33 16,64 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 70 60 50 20 10 0 Avea Vodafone Turkcell Total 35 MOBILE MARKET Monthly Churn Rates of Mobile Operators, % 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Avea 2,9% 2,7% 3,0% 2,7% 2,9% 3,1% 3,3% 2,9% 3,1% 3,1% 2,7% 2,9% 2,6% 2,6% 3,0% Vodafone 3,1% 3,0% 3,4% 3,0% 3,1% 3,2% 3,1% 2,9% 3,0% 2,9% 2,6% 4,8% 3,0% 2,8% 3,2% Turkcell 2,6% 2,5% 2,9% 2,7% 2,9% 2,8% 2,8% 2,6% 3,0% 2,8% 2,5% 2,7% 2,6% 2,5% 2,9% Distribution of Individual and Corporate Mobile Subscribers, % Pre-Paid and Post-Paid Mobile Subscriptions, % 100% 80% 9,7 58,8 57,7 57,1 55,7 54,5 41,2 42,3 42,9 44,3 45,5 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 60% Individual 40% Corporate 20% 36 0% 90,3 Pre-Paid Post-Paid MOBILE MARKET Mobile Number Portability, Quarterly 3.700.000 3.600.000 3.500.000 3.100.000 3.000.000 3.131.101 3.355.104 3.200.000 3.476.395 3.300.000 2.900.000 3.268.086 3.655.772 3.400.000 2.800.000 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 2014 Q4 Net Gaining Subscriber Numbers, Thousands 800 698 Net Transfered Numbers 600 384 400 200 0 -200 31 2014-1 184 91 21 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 -119 -231 -400 -600 2014-2 210 224 103 -327 -415 -579 -800 Avea Vodafone Turkcell -275 37 MOBILE MARKET Market Shares according to Number of Subscribers, % 100% 21,8 22,3 22,6 22,7 23,1 28,6 28,8 29,1 29,1 29,3 49,6 48,9 48,3 48,2 47,6 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Avea Vodafone Market Shares according to Traffic Volume, % Turkcell Market Shares according to Revenue, % 100% 100% 25,1 26,7 26,5 27,0 80% 60% 27,5 34,5 33,9 34,2 35,3 35,3 40% 20% 20,2 21,3 21,4 21,5 21,5 33,4 32,6 32,3 33,9 35,2 46,5 46,2 46,3 44,6 43,3 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 80% 60% 40% 40,5 39,4 39,3 37,7 37,2 20% 38 0% 0% 2014-1 2014-2 Avea 2014-3 Vodafone 2014-4 Turkcell 2015-1 Turkcell Vodafone Avea MOBILE MARKET Breakdown of Mobile Traffic, Million Minutes 2015-1 28.587 20.862 2014-4 29.211 20.716 2014-3 30.258 2.564 184 2.602 200 20.018 2.605 225 2014-2 30.708 18.785 2.390 220 2014-1 28.092 16.560 2.388 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% On-Net Other Mobile Network Operators Fixed Networks International+DQ Services+Satelite+Others 199 100% Breakdown of Mobile Traffic, % 2015-1 54,8 40,0 4,9 0,4 2014-4 55,4 39,3 4,9 0,4 4,9 0,4 2014-3 57,0 37,7 2014-2 58,9 36,1 4,6 0,4 2014-1 59,5 35,1 5,1 0,4 0% 20% On-Net 40% Other Mobile Network Operators 60% Fixed Networks 80% 100% International+DQ Services+Satelite+Others 39 MOBILE MARKET Most Frequently Communicated Countries via Mobile Networks, 2015 Q1 100% Highest Rate of Traffic Sent to Germany Highest Rate of Traffic Received From Germany Turkmenistan Saudi Arabia UK Iraq Netherlands Austria Iraq France Breakdown of Mobile Revenue, % 5,4% 2,6% 28,0% 30,5% 6,3% 10,3% 4,2% 4,3% 36,9% 30,6% 90% 80% 70% 60% 8,3% 10,3% 50% 40% 30% 60,2% 56,6% 48,6% 20% 56,7% 40 10% 0% Turkcell Voice Vodafone SMS+MMS Avea Data Toplam Value Added Services MOBILE MARKET Mobile SMS and Mobile MMS, Million (*) 40.000 34.452 31.979 30.738 27.153 30.000 25.279 20.000 10.000 30,9 33,5 31,1 25,7 23,9 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 0 SMS MMS Number of SMS & MMS, Million 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 Service Avea Turkcell Vodafone SMS 8.940 12.580 12.920 MMS 9,1 15,3 6,5 SMS 9.680 10.310 11.980 MMS 10,9 14,9 7,7 SMS 9.890 9.360 11.490 MMS 10,2 13,2 7,7 SMS 9.280 7.390 10.480 MMS 9,0 11,0 5,7 SMS 8.825 6.730 9.724 2015-1 (*) The dramatic difference in SMS numbers before 2014 is due method. SMS’s MMS with respect to quarters 9,1 9,1 to calculation 5,7 with Turkish characters might count more than one SMS at interconnection systems, however they are billed as one. Therefore the calculation source has shifted from interconnection system to billing system starting 2014 Q1 in order to present the most accurate data. 41 MOBILE MARKET Mobile ARPU, ¨ 25 20 15 21,8 22,4 22,5 22,5 22,1 22,8 22,9 22,2 23,3 21,7 21,7 21,7 20,8 20,7 20,8 10 Avea Vodafone Turkcell 5 0 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 MoU values of Mobile Operators, Minutes (*) 600 500 400 399 366 461 441 407 391 401 437 412 433 415 440 448 422 426 417 410 309 306 299 288 440 428 456 435 450 425 355 300 200 425 428 275 250 287 284 307 299 301 303 295 484 412 450 390 270 313 100 (*)Data dedicated mobile subscriptions are deducted from total # and recalculated back to a full year. 42 0 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14 Aug-14 Sep-14 Oct-14 Nov-14 Dec-14 Jan-15 Feb-15 Mar-15 Avea Vodafone Turkcell MOBILE MARKET Pre-Paid Mobile ARPU, ¨ 15 11,0 Avea 12,7 14,0 13,0 11,6 14,3 12,4 14,7 13,2 12,6 11,8 13,8 11,9 5 10,8 12,8 10 Vodafone Turkcell 0 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 Post-Paid Mobile ARPU, ¨ 45 40 35 30 36,7 35,3 30,1 38,0 35,1 30,9 39,4 35,6 30,8 36,8 35,4 15 30,1 Vodafone 36,3 20 34,8 Avea 29,5 25 10 5 0 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 Turkcell 43 OTHER SERVICES Market Shares of Alternative Network Operators, 2015 Q1 Revenue of Alternative Network Operators Period Revenue, ¨ 2014 Q1 156.914.030 2014 Q2 167.370.274 2014 Q3 170.349.056 2014 Q4 181.528.123 2015 Q1 177.774.738 Fiber Optic Networks of Alternative Operators Total Total Access Total Backbone Length Length (km) Length Operators Market Share based on Net Sales (%) Superonline 33,7 Kule Hizmetleri 20,7 Vodafone Net 20,0 Mtctr Memorex 8,0 İş Net 4,8 T-Systems 3,4 Turknet 1,9 AT&T Global 1,8 BT Bilişim 1,6 Mednautilus 1,5 Total Length Owned Total Length Leased 2014 Q1 39.823 11.421 41.886 9.358 51.244 2014 Q2 40.475 11.103 41.970 9.609 51.579 2014 Q3 39.464 11.633 42.548 8.549 51.098 Equant İstanbul 1,3 2014 Q4 40.345 11.831 43.108 9.068 52.176 BT Telekom 0,7 2015 Q1 40.960 12.392 43.868 9.484 53.352 Others 0,6 44 OTHER SERVICES Satellite Communications Services Period # of Subscribers Revenue, ¨ 2014 Q1 10.506 64.058.866 2014 Q2 10.629 67.717.903 2014 Q3* 10.799 60.301.508 2014 Q4 10.870 89.046.099 2015 Q1 11.048 85.567.472 (*)2014 Q3 revenue data has been updated due to correction from operators. Cable Platform Services Market Share of Satellite Communication Operators based on # of Subscribers Period # of Cable TV Subscribers # of Cable Telephony Subscribers # of IPTV Subscribers 2014 Q1 1.166.268 43.931 308.315 Operator % 2014 Q2 1.150.403 45.474 303.578 EserTelekom 39,1 2014 Q3 1.152.103 42.882 304.757 İş Net 24,4 2014 Q4 1.176.126 40.346 349.561 Superonline 18,2 2015 Q1 1.170.459 37.737 380.159 Türksat 8,3 Others 10,0 45 OTHER SERVICES Digital Platform Services Number of Domestic Users 2014-1 2014-2 2014-3 2014-4 2015-1 DIGITÜRK 2.956.344 2.957.205 3.019.947 3.032.761 2.931.394 D-SMART 1.649.191 1.669.284 1.708.716 1.730.236 1.737.340 FILBOX - 361 1.110 3.125 4.880 46 Directory Information Services OTHER SERVICES # of Calls Call Duration (Minutes) Total # of Enquiries Revenue,¨ 2014 Q1 9.480.153 14.885.822 26.231.202 15.459.782 2014 Q2 9.938.552 15.742.307 25.904.647 16.803.773 2014 Q3 10.530.948 17.553.246 25.710.188 22.892.570 2014 Q4 8.810.695 14.056.139 22.520.977 18.585.203 2015 Q1 8.312.524 13.213.921 17.065.874 17.982.552 Period Market Share of Directory Information Operators based on Number of Calls, 2015 Q1 % Average Call Duration (Min.) BN Telekom (11880 – 11810 -11844) 81,3 1,5 11818 Rehberlik (11818-11820) 12,1 2,1 Pluss Telekom (11870 – 11890 – 11899) 4,0 2,1 Jan İletişim (11860) 1,1 1,6 Infoline (11824) 0,7 0,9 Callturk (11858) 0,6 1,7 Mega Telekom (11881-11883) 0,2 1,7 Rehberlik Hizmetleri Servisi (11819-11850) 0,1 1,1 Operator 47 OTHER SERVICES Market Share of GMPCS Operators Based on # of subscribers, % Operator 2014 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2015 Q1 Teknomobil 65,4 65,7 65,8 66,4 66,6 Globalstar 33,2 32,9 32,7 32,2 32,0 Mobilkom 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,4 1,4 GMPCS Services PMR/PAMR Services Period # of Subscribers # of Users Revenue, ¨ 2014 Q1 2.350 68.213 4.400.977 2014 Q2 2.295 69.449 5.099.146 2014 Q3 2.548 75.584 4.221.024 2014 Q4 2.555 76.955 3.960.873 2015 Q1 2.653 85.582 5.398.125 Period # of Subscribers Revenue, ¨ 2014 Q1 6. 082 2.143.905 2014 Q2 6. 087 3.755.230 2014 Q3 6. 164 2.227.269 2014 Q4 6.230 5.002.309 2015 Q1 6.230 2.163.121 48 ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS MARKET IN TURKEY MARKET DATA (2015 Q1)* * In the event of any discrepancy, the original report in Turkish shall prevail.
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