Catalogue - Kiwi Auctions
Catalogue - Kiwi Auctions
KIWI AUCTIONS Presents an Absentee Auction of Antique Bottles, Advertising, Collectables, Whisky & Brewery Advertising Memorabilia November 11th 2012 KIWI AUCTIONS LTD 13 Summermist Drive Howick Auckland 2013 New Zealand Telephone (NZ only) 0800 782 584 Telephone: (intl) +64 21 944 759 Fax:+64 9 533 3584 Web Email: [email protected] TERMS & CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. This is a minimum bid Absentee Auction, all bids will be handled as if you were present at the Auction, you can submit your bids by telephone, fax, email or by post using the bidding form enclosed. The Auction will be conducted under the terms and conditions of the New Zealand Auctioneers Association and the also under the terms below. 2. Guarantee, We guarantee the descriptions of all items in this catalogue. Any item found to have damage or faults not described may be returned for a full refund within 45 days of the close of the sale. However any manufacturing ÀDZWKDWGRHVQRWVLJQL¿FDQWO\GHWUDFWPRQHWDULO\IURPWKHYDOXHRIWKHLWHPEHLQJVROGZLOOQRWEHFRQVLGHUHGIRUD refund. 3. Bidding, You may submit your bids using any of the above methods any time after receipt of this catalogue. <RXPD\DOVRFRQWDFWXVDQ\WLPHGXULQJWKHDXFWLRQWRFKHFNRQ\RXUELGRU¿QGRXWZKDWWKHFXUUHQWKLJKELGLV on any item. At this time you may raise your bid if you wish. The following scenario is how our absentee system works: Suppose you wish to bid on lot 123 and advise us your bid of $300 on this lot. At the same time another collector who also desires lot 123 bids $200, then we will post the high bid at $220. This will be your bid, i.e. 10% higher than the other bid of $200. If no other bids are received on lot 123 then you will be the successful bidder at $220 not the $300 you were prepared to pay. The highest bidder shall be determined by Kiwi Auctions, in the case of any disputes Kiwi Auctions shall have the ¿QDOGLVFUHWLRQLQGHWHUPLQLQJWKHVXFFHVVIXOSXUFKDVHU At no time will Kiwi Auctions or it’s agents divulge the amount of the maximum bid we have received that may be higher than the current posted high bid. The following are how each bid will be raised : Simply a 10% increment on the bid received below your bid, or in the case of you being the only bidder on a lot then your bid will be successful at the reserve price. &DOO%DFN6HUYLFH<RXFDQUHTXHVWWKLVVHUYLFHE\¿OOLQJLQWKHDSSURSULDWHER[RQWKHELGGLQJIRUPRUE\YHUEDO agreement by telephone. However this service is only available on lots with an opening bid value of NZ$500 or more. The same bidding conditions as described in clause 3 above will apply. All “Call Back” telephone calls are paid for by Kiwi Auctions Ltd.. Given the diverse time zones of our customers it may take several days for all “Call Back” bids to be completed. Please note that you will never be told what your competitors high bid is during the bidding. Where possible please provide us with home, work or mobile numbers and the best time to contact you. ALL BIDDING IS IN NEW ZEALAND CURRENCY 5. Closing the Auction: all bids must be in our hands by Telephone, post, fax or email by closing time of 9.00pm November 11th 2012 (New Zealand Time). We anticipate many calls on the last day so please place your bids early. ,QWKHFDVHRIDWLHGELGWKHVXFFHVVIXOSXUFKDVHUZLOOEHWKHELGGHUZKRVHELGZDVUHFHLYHG¿UVW 6. Reserves: these are the amount on the left hand side of each lot, no bids will be accepted below these levels. 7. Terms: After the sale we PACK all successful purchases and THEN WE WILL NOTIFY YOU of the total cost including POSTAGE & PACKAGING. Because this sale is totally absentee we ask for your patience for approx. 14 GD\V2QFHQRWL¿HG\RXZLOOKDYHRQO\RQHDFFRXQWWRSD\ 8. Buyers Premium: There is a 12% buyers premium which is added to the purchase price, plus GST on the premium only 9. Prices realised: Will be posted on our Website after the sale 3D\PHQWRQFHQRWL¿HGRI\RXUVXFFHVVIXOSXUFKDVHVSD\PHQWLQ1(:=($/$1''2//$56RULQ\RXU currency (after obtaining an amount from Kiwi Auctions) must be received within 21 days. Late payment will incur additional charges. Payment by Visa or Mastercard will incur a 3% surcharge to cover bank costs. 11. Foreign Exchange: We can now accept your personal cheque in your currency for payment, please enquire after the auction has ended for the amount due in your currency. 1. TAPPIT HEN 6.75ins tall, ‘THE TAPPIT HEN HAWTHORN DEW’ Port Dundas pm, rim repair, unusual smaller version, Good R$50 (75 - 125) 2. RABBIE BURNS 7ins tall, crisp transfer, ‘THE RABBIE BURNS WHISKY JAR’ with detailed picture of a farmer and his plough team VWRSSLQJIRUDGULQN.HQQHG\SP professional lip repair, Good R$200 (300 - 400) 3. CATTO’S 8.25ins tall, ‘CATTO’S HIGHLAND WHISKY ABERDEEN’ Elaborate pictures showing medals awarded at the Paris 1878 & London 1884 Exhibitions, Buchan Portobello pm, Mint R$100 (125 - 175) 5. BUCHANAN’S 9.25ins tall, “BUCHANAN’S WHISKY”, to shoulder, in relief pictures of WW1 scenes, Copeland pm, original Pith Helmet stopper, Mint R$150 (200 - 300) 4. USHER’S 10ins tall, top of Crown stopper, Copeland ÀDVNFRPPHPRUDWLQJWKH&RURQDWLRQRI King George V & Queen Mary 1911 for Andrew Usher Distillers Edinburgh, Mint R$200 (250 - 300) 6. BUCHANAN’S 9.75ins tall, “BUCHANAN’S WHISKY”, pictures of WW1 scenes & HMS New Zealand, Copeland pm, original dome china cap to form a artillery shell (hard to get complete), Mint R$250 (300 - 400) 1 7 13 2 3 8 14 7. JRD 7ins tall, salt glaze, “FINE OLD SCOTCH WHISKY JRD”, Royal Doulton pm, Mint R$100 (200 - 300) 8. CATTO’S 8.25ins tall, ‘CATTO’S HIGHLAND WHISKY ABERDEEN’ Elaborate pictures showing medals awarded at the Paris 1878 & London 1884 Exhibitions, Buchan Portobello pm, scuff to shoulder, Very Good R$100 (125 - 175) 9. TAPPIT HEN 7.75ins tall, ‘THE TAPPIT HEN HAWTHORN DEW’ Port Dundas pm, Mint R$100 (125 - 150) 10. NORDHAUFEN 7.5ins tall, ‘NORDHAUFEN KORNSCHNAPPS’ picture of farm scene, no pm, Mint R$50 (75 - 100) 11. NORDHAUFEN 7.5ins tall, blue print ‘NORDHAUFEN KORNSCHNAPPS’ picture of chap raising his glass, Port Dundas pm, rear rim chip, Good R$50 (75 - 100) 4 5 10 11 6 9 15 15A 12. IRISH SEAL 6.75ins tall, “IRISH SEAL WHISKY”, small size jug, H. Kennedy pm, top of rim JOD]HÀDNHV9HU\*RRG5DUH R$175 (200 - 300) 13. RODERICK DHU 8ins tall, “WRIGHT & GREIG THE JORUM”, to front and to sides “RODERICK DHU GOLD MEDAL ADELAIDE EXHIBITION 1881”, Kennedy pm, Very Rare Version, prof lip repair, Very Good R$150 (200 - 400) 14. WATSON’S 8.5ins tall, sepia print ‘WATSON’S DUNDEE WHISKY’ picture of Scotsman WKURZLQJDODUJHURFN3RUW'XQGDVSP Very Good R$150 (200 - 250) 15. CAMPBELL & McGREGOR 7ins tall, blue print “CAMPBELL & McGREGOR OLD SCOTCH WHISKEY”, Thistle tm, Kennedy pm, Mint R$450 (500 - 700) 1 15B 12 15C 15A GALLEY LORNE Massive 9ins tall, with handle, “GALLEY 2)/251(´ZLWKIXOO9LNLQJ6DLOERDW Port Dundas pm, Very Good, hard to get in this extra large size R$600 15B. GREYBEARD 8.75ins tall, no handle, all over tan colour, “THE GREYBEARD OF THE ISLAY BLEND WHISKY”, to front with Greyhound tm, “MACKIE & CO DISTLLERS GLASGOW & ISLAY”, to rear, Port Dundas pm, Very Good R$600 15C. 1870 10.5ins tall, with handle, 2 tone stoneware, full of characters in moulded relief to HQWLUHÀDVNZLWKZRUGVLPSUHVVHGLQWR shoulder “THOMAS KEITH 1870”, a large and very impressive early piece of VWRQHZDUHNLOQEXUQPDUNWRORZHUULJKW side (mfg), Very Good R$600 16 17 18 19 22 23 20 21 24 25 26 27 26. BONNIE CASTLE 8.75ins tall, sepia print “THE CREAM OF SCOTCH WHISKEY BONNIE CASTLE”, picture of Holyrood Palace, no pm, Mint R$100 (125 - 175) 28 29 16. BL LQVWDOOEODFNUHGSULQW “BULLOCH LADE BL SCOTCH WHISKY”, Royal Doulton, Mint R$200 (300 - 400) 17. GLEN URQUART 8ins tall, 2 tone saltglaze, “GLEN URQUART HIGHLAND WHISKY”, picture of Castle Urquart on Loch Ness, Royal Doulton pm, Mint R$500 (600 - 900) 18. SCOTTIE BURNS LQVWDOOGDUNJUHHQWRSVHFWLRQ “SCOTTIE BURNS OLD SCOTCH WHISKY”, Cameo pictures of Scott & Burns to sides with elaborate pictures of Edinburgh Castle & Holyrood Palace, to rear “MIHALOVITCH FLETCHER IMPORTERS CINCINNATI USA”, Very Good R$500 (600 - 900) 19. BLUE & WHITE 7.5ins tall, all over Blue & White farmland decoration, very elaborate all over, Fenton pm, Very Good R$100 (200 - 300) 20. BURNS MONUMENT Massive 11.5ins tall, 2 tone saltglaze, detailed picture & titled “BURNS MONUMENT”, Doulton Lambeth pm, chip and hairline off rim at rear, Good R$150 (200 - 300) 27. MY QUEEN 7.75ins tall with handle, sepia print, ‘MY QUEEN JUBILEE BLEND’ picture of Queen Victoria to front, Port Dundas pm, Mint R$250 (300 - 400) 30 21. MY QUEEN 7.25ins tall, sepia print, ‘MY QUEEN JUBILEE BLEND’ picture of Queen Victoria to front, Port Dundas pm, Mint R$375 (500 - 700) 22. ROYAL BLEND 7.5ins tall ‘JEROBOAM THE ROYAL BLEND WHISKY’, Kennedy pm, Mint R$70 (75 - 125) 23. GREYBEARD 7.5ins tall with handle, “HEATHER DEW WHISKY” to front with detailed picture of 2 Scotsman toasting, and in large letters to rear “THE GREYBEARD”, Kennedy pm, Very Good R$100 (125 - 150) 24. AULD LANG SYNE 7.75ins tall with handle, “AULD LANG SYNE” around shoulder, with central SLFWXUHRIGULQNLQJVFHQHQRSP0LQW R$100 (125 - 175) 25. ROYAL BLEND 7.75ins tall with handle, “JEROBOAM THE ROYAL BLEND”, potstone to mid section left side, Port Dundas pm, Very Good R$100 (125 - 175) 2 28. GREYBEARD 7.5ins tall with handle, “HEATHER DEW WHISKY” to front with detailed picture of 2 Scotsman toasting, Midland Pottery pm, Very Good R$100 (125 - 150) 29. IVANHOE 7.5ins tall, white body tan bottom, “IVANHOE OLD SCOTCH WHISKY”, thistle decoration, Port Dundas pm, WUDQVIHUDOLWWOHZHDNDUDUHLWHP9HU\ Good R$500 (600 - 900) 30. GILMOUR THOMSON 8ins tall with handle, “GILMOUR THOMSON ROYAL STAG WHISKY”, Stag tm, Kennedy pm, Mint R$100 (150 - 200) 31. BUCHANAN’S 7.25ins tall with handle, “BUCHANAN’S BLACK & WHITE”, Port Dundas pm, Very Good R$400 (500 - 700) 32. BRAEMAR 7ins tall with handle, “BRAEMAR” in red print, “FINEST OLD SCOTCH :+,6.<´LQEODFNSULQW3RUW'XQGDV pm, Mint R$300 (400 - 500) 31 32 33 34 37 38 35 36 39 40 41 42 41. BARREL 7.25ins long x 6.5ins tall, barrel on pottery VWDQG¿[HGWRERG\RULJLQDOVWHUOLQJ VLOYHUWDSEXFNHWVWRSSHUWDYHUQV scenes to sides & ends, Royal Doulton pm, Near Mint R$1000 (1200 - 1500) 43 44 33. JAMIESON 7.5ins tall with handle, “WILLIAM JAMIESON WHISKY DISTILLERS DUBLIN”, highly decorative, crisp print, Kennedy pm, minor hairline to base of KDQGOHUHSDLUHGJRRGÀHDELWHWRULP Good R$300 (400 - 600) 34. GRANTS 8.75ins tall, all over Art Nouveaux decoration, “GRANTS LIQUEUR”, Royal Doulton and distiller’s pm, Mint R$300 (400 - 500) 35. DEWARS LQVWDOOGDUNJUHHQWRSEXIIERG\ multicoloured images all around of Uncle Sam, John Bull and Auld Mac, “THE SPIRIT OF FRIENDSHIP” around base, Dewars White Label and Royal Doulton PDUNVWREDVHSURIOLSUHSDLU9HU\5DUH Very Good R$300 (400 - 600) 36. THE DOCTOR 7.5ins tall, “THE DOCTOR PATTISONS LEITH”, with Red Cross to one side, handle to rear, Buchan pm, Good R$400 (500 - 600) 45 37. KING GEORGE IV 10ins tall with original stopper, applied portrait of King George IV, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good R$50 (75 - 125) 38. WATSON 11ins tall to top of stopper, “WATSON’S WHISKY 1815-1915”, pictures of KG V & Asquith, stopper not original, prof UHSDLUWROLSFKLSGLVWLOOHUVPDUNVWREDVH Good R$175 (200 - 250) 39. TONY WELLER LQVWDOOIXOOPRGHOOHG¿JXUHRI7RQ\ Weller, with his whip (not original), Royal Doulton pm, Mint R$1000 (1500 - 2000) 40. TONY WELLER LQVWDOOIXOOPRGHOOHGPLQLDWXUH¿JXUH of Tony Weller, Royal Doulton pm, prof repair to minor chip on rim of hat, Very Good R$500 (600 - 800) 3 42. BACCHUS LQVWDOOPRGHOOHG¿JXUHRID*HQW straddling barrel with original sterling (1904) stopper, Royal Doulton pm, a Rare .LQJVZDUHÀDVNLQ0LQWFRQGLWLRQ R$2500 (3000 - 3500) 43. MONK IN CELLAR LQVWDOOSLFWXUHRID0RQNLQWKH&HOODU tasting the goods, Royal Doulton pm, prof repair to base edge chip, Very Good R$400 (500 - 700) 44. CAPTAIN PHILLIP 7ins tall, to front picture of Captain Phillip in relief, and to rear, picture of HMS Supply 1788 - 1938, 250th anniversary of The Discovery of Australia, Dewar’s & Royal Doulton pm to base, prof lip repair, Very Good R$250 (300 - 500) 45. 1911 CORONATION 6.5ins tall, picture of the Sporting Squire to front, “DEWAR’S” in large raised lettering to rear, and monogram to shoulder under spout for King George V and words “CORONATON OF THEIR MAJESTIES KING GEORGE V & QUEEN ARY JUNE 22ND 1911”, Mint R$250 (300 - 500) 49 46 47 52 50 48 53 55 54 61 58 59 46. WATCHMAN 10.25ins tall, original silver stopper, transfer picture to front, Royal Doulton pm, minor inside rim chip prof repaired, Very Good R$200 (250 - 300) 47. WATCHMAN 8.25ins tall, original plated silver stopper, transfer picture to front, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good R$300 (350 - 400) 48. WATCHMAN MINI 3.75ins tall, original silver stopper & chain, transfer picture to front, Royal Doulton pm, prof rim repair, Very Good R$400 (500 - 600) 49. WIZARD 9.75ins tall, picture of a Wizard in front of a Cauldron, Royal Doulton pm, prof rim repair, Very Good R$450 (500 - 700) 51 56 62 57 63 60 50. COACHMAN 10.75ins tall to top of stopper, full PRGHOOHG¿JXUHRIWKH&RDFKPDQKHDG becomes the stopper and has a silver collar, Royal Doulton pm, prof repair to FORDNFROODUDQGULPRIKDW9HU\*RRG R$500 (600 - 700) 51. DEWAR’S LQVWDOOWDOOÀDVNIHDWXULQJ7KH Watchman, “DEWAR’S SCOTCH”, in relief, Royal Doulton pm, prof repair to hairline in body, Very Good R$125 (150 - 200) 52. BRITTANIA 7.25ins tall, green version, coloured picture of Britannia to front & the word “Dewar”, to rear, prof repair to rim & base edge, Very Good R$100 (150 - 200) 4 53. MEMORIES 9.25ins tall, Rare Queensware version, characters in relief to front & rear, Royal Doulton pm, Mint R$1750 (2000 - 2500) 54. STIGGINS 8.25ins tall, picture of a Butler setting a table, titled “STIGGINS”, to front and an Alley scene to rear, Royal Doulton pm, prof rim repair, Very Good R$600 (700 - 800) 55. OLD ORKNEY 12.5ins tall to top of original stopper, blue white & red enamel print “OLD ORKNEY SPECIAL SCOTCH WHISKY”, unusual twin handled decanter, minor chip on body where handle joins, does not detract (mfg?), Very Good R$200 (300 - 400) 67 64 70 65 71 56. GLADSTONE 10.25ins tall, original stopper, heavily facetted body “GLADSTONE SPECIAL OLD WHISKY”, some wear to enamelling, small scuff to top corner, Good R$50 (75 - 100) 57. DCL 10.5ins tall, to top of original stopper, square cut decanter, “DCL GOLD MEDAL SCOTCH WHISKY” in white enamel, Very Good R$75 (75 - 100) 68 69 66 72 73 64. AINSLIE’S 5ins tall, blue print, “AINSLIE’S HAS RISEN TO THE TOP”, with picture of large bottle of Ainslie’s on top of WW1 submarine to front & to rear “AINSLIE’S SCOTCH SUPPLIED TO THE ROYAL NAVY”, Royal Doulton pm, light stain to base edge, Rare Jug, Very Good R$1000 (1500 - 2000) 74 75 71. BEGGING DOGS 4.75ins tall, “BUCHANAN’S ASK FOR IT BLACK & WHITE”, Begging Dogs ZLWKSLQNWRQJXHV6KHOOH\SPKDLUOLQHWR base of handle and chip to spout, Good R$75 (100 - 125) 58. KING GEORGE 5.5ins tall, heavy cut glass, blue print “KING GEORGE IV SCOTCH WHISKY”, Very Good R$25 (40 - 60) 65. CHALLENGE LQVWDOOWZRWRQHZLWKEOXHEODFN print, “ASK FOR THE CHALLENGE WHISKY ANDERSON & SHAW GLASGOW”, with picture of Stag to the front, with handle to rear, Port Dundas pm, stunning pictorial, Very Good R$900 (1250 - 1500) 72. RUNNING DOGS 3.75ins tall, “BUCHANAN’S BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY”, running dogs to one side and seated dogs to the other, plastic dogs on handle, JGN pm, Very Good R$75 (100 - 150) 59. HAIGS 5.5ins tall, applied handle, etched “HAIGS WHISKY” with 3 Red Stars tm, light wear, Very Good R$50 (75 – 90) 66. ANTIQUARY 5.75ins tall, “THE ANTIQUARY DE LUXE OLD SCOTCH WHISKY”, Wade Regicor pm, Mint R$60 (75 - 90) 60. ROBERTSON 7.5ins tall, original stopper, green glass with applied handle and waisted body, etched “JOHN ROBERTSON FINE OLD SCOTCH WHISKY”, Very Good R$125 (150 - 175) 67. FACING DOGS 4.75ins tall, “BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY”, picture of two dogs facing each other, Shelley pm, light wear, Very Good R$125 (150 - 200) 73. GOOD SPIRITS 6.75ins tall, ‘BUCHANAN’S BLACK & WHITE’ picture of two dogs playing tug RIZDUWLWOHGµ*22'63,5,76¶)UDQN Beardmore & Co to base, prof rim repair, light wear. Good R$2000 (2500 - 3000) 61. STRONG’S 5ins tall, applied handle, etched print “STRONG’S REAL MOUNTAIN DEW WHISKY DUNDEE”, gold gilt has been added later, Very Good R$50 (75 – 125) 68. DOGS WITH BOTTLE 4.75ins tall, “BLACK & WHITE IT’S THE SCOTCH”, picture of two dogs with bottle, Shelley pm, Very Good R$100 (125 - 150) 62. USHERS LQVWDOODSSOLHGKDQGOHODUJHNLFNXS ZLWKUHGÀDVKHGFRORXUVKRZLQJZRUGV in white enamel “USHERS WHISKY”, impressive, Very Good R$75 (90 – 125) 63. THOM & CAMERON 4.5ins tall, applied handle, red & white enamelled print, “THOM & CAMERON RE-VATTED HIGHLAND WHISKY”, ground pontil, early, Very Good R$50 (75 – 125) 69. HOPSCOTCH 4.75ins tall, “BUCHANAN’S BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY”, forming the letter “H”, Made in England, light wear, Very Good R$125 (150 - 200) 70. FACING DOGS 4.25ins tall, “BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY”, picture of two dogs facing each other, Made in England pm, wear to pictures, inner rim nibbles, Fair R$30 (45 - 60) 5 74. HOUSES PARLIAMENT LQVWDOOJUHHQWRSEODFNSULQW “BUCHANAN’S SPECIAL SCOTCH WHISKIES AS SUPPLIED TO THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT”, %HDUGPRUHSP¿QHFUD]LQJLVDOLWWOHGLUW\ (mostly inside), Very Good R$900 (1000 - 1500) 75. HOUSES PARLIAMENT 4ins tall, green top with blue print, “BUCHANAN’S SPECIAL SCOTCH WHISKIES AS SUPPLIED TO THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT”, +DPPHUVOH\SP¿QHFUD]LQJLVDOLWWOH dirty, light wear, Good R$750 (900 -1200) 79 76 77 80 78 85 82 83 76. TALE OF THE HUNT 8ins tall, “BUCHANAN’S SPECIAL RED SEAL SCOTCH WHISKY”, detailed picture titled “TALE OF THE +817´GLVWLOOHUVPDUNVWREDVH¿QH crazing, Very Good R$3000 (3500 - 4000) 77. LEGAL ADVICE 7.75ins tall, “BUCHANAN’S SPECIAL RED SEAL WHISKY”, scene is titled “LEGAL ADVICE”, signed Victor 9HQQHU-%&WREDVH¿QHFUD]LQJ9HU\ Good R$3000 (3500 - 4000) 78. HUNT SCENE 1 7.5ins tall, ‘BUCHANAN’S SPECIAL RED SEAL SCOTCH WHISKY’ coloured SLFWXUHRI+XQW6FHQH)UDQN%HDUGPRUH & Co to base, Very Good R$1750 (2000 - 2500) 79. HUNT SCENE 2 7.75ins tall, “BUCHANAN’S SPECIAL RED SEAL SCOTCH WHISKY”, detailed picture of a Hunt scene, Distillers PDUNVWREDVHVRPHVWDLQLQJWRWRSULP edge, Good R$1500 (1750 - 2000) 80. BLACK & WHITE 6.5ins tall, square jug with recessed handle, “BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY”, Elischer pm, Mint R$60 (75 - 100) 81 86 87 84 88 82. JOHN BEGG LQVWDOOZKLWHERG\EODFNSULQWµ7$.( A PEGG OF JOHN BEGG’ with Coat of $UPVWRERWKVLGHV6KHOO\SPWLQ\ÀHD bite off spout, Very Good R$175 (200 - 250) 83. BURKE’S LQVWDOOIXOO¿JXUDORIFRORXUIXO JHQWVLWWLQJRQDEDUUHORI%XUNHV :KLVNH\³%85.(¶6*5((1/$%(/ :+,6.(<´&DWWP)LHOGLQJSP¿QH crazing, Very Good, Very Rare R$2500 (3000 - 4000) 84. BURKE’S 6.5ins tall, green bands to top and bottom sections, red print “BURKE’S DUBLIN WHISKEY”, repairs to top section (good), no pm, Good R$75 (90 - 125) 85. BAILIE NICOL 6ins tall, green bands to top and bottom, salt glaze to mid section, “BALIE NICOL JARVIE SPECIAL SCOTCH WHISKY”, 5R\DO'RXOWRQSPKDLUOLQHFUDFNWR handle at top where meets body, Good R$200 (250 - 400) 89 90 86. BASS 7ins tall, ‘BASS & CO’S PALE ALE’ under spout and wording ‘CORONATION DAY JUNE 26TH 1902’ pictures of King Edward VII & Queen Alexandra, Causton pm, light wear to gold trim handle, Very Good R$600 (700 - 900) 87. BARCLAY 5ins tall, glossy blue glaze, embossed “BARCLAY’S LONDON LAGER”, Brannan Pottery, early Rare item, Very Good R$150 (200 - 300) 88. BOWMORE 6.25ins tall, multicoloured jug, “BOWMORE” with picture of distillery to sides, under spout “MARINER AGED 15 YEARS ISLAY SINGLE MALT SCOTCH WHISKY”, Made in England pm, Mint R$75 (100 - 150) 89. BOWMORE 7.75install, stoneware jug, transfer printed “BOWMORE AGED 22 YEARS ISLAY SINGLE MALT WHISKY”, picture of the distillery, Buchan pm, Mint R$125 (150 - 200) 90. BULLOCH LADE 5ins tall, ‘BULLOCH LADE GOLD LABEL PREDIGREE SCOTCH’ with central picture of Highlander, Mintons pm. prof spout repair, Good R$150 (175 - 200) 81. BLACK & WHITE 5.25ins tall, square jug, “BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY”, Elischer pm, Mint R$60 (75 - 100) 6 94 91 97 92 98 100 99 104 91. BULLOCH LADE 4ins tall, brown print ‘BULLOCH LADE SCOTCH WHISKY’ to sides, Shelly pm. Very Good R$200 (250 - 300) 92. BOSUN BILL 5ins tall, yellow body, character jug of “BOSUN BILL BEENLEIGH RUM”, Elischer pm, Mint R$60 (75 - 100) 93. BOSUN BILL 5ins tall, brown body, character jug of “BOSUN BILL BEENLEIGH RUM”, Elischer pm, Mint R$60 (75 - 100) 94. BOSUN BILL 5ins tall, pale blue body, character jug of “BOSUN BILL BEENLEIGH RUM”, Elischer pm, Mint R$60 (75 - 100) 95. CHARRINGTON 4.5ins tall, green print “TOBY ALE CHARRINGTON’S”, with picture of a Toby Jug tm to one side and “CHARRINGTON TOBY STOUT”, to other, chip to inner rim on spout, Very Good R$125 (150 - 200) 96. CANNON 4.75ins tall, “SPECIAL CANNON IMPERIAL STOUT” to sides with foaming glass of beer under spout, highly FRORXUIXO0DGGRFNSP9HU\*RRG R$400 (500 - 700) 96 93 106 103 95 101 102 107 108 105 97. CLAYMORE 5.5ins tall, blue print ‘CLAYMORE RARE OLD SCOTCH WHSKY’ to both sides with crossed swords tm. Made in England pm. Very Good R$200 (250 - 300) 98. CLAYMORE 6.5ins tall, green print, “GREENLEES BROS CLAYMORE SCOTCH WHISKY”, with Crown and crossed swords, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good R$400 (500 - 700) 99. CLAYMORE 5.5ins tall, “CLAYMORE RARE OLD SCOTCH WHISKY”, Wade PDM, Mint R$90 (100 - 130) 100. CHAPMAN’S LQVWDOOWZRWRQHEODFNSULQWµ'5,1. CHAPMAN’S WITH A RIGHT SPIRIT’ under spout, Price Bristol pm, Mint R$100 (125 - 150) 101. CAMERON’S 4.25ins tall, “CAMERON’S V.O.H SCOTCH WHISKY”, to both sides, Fieldings pm to base, crazing all over, some wear & light stain Good R$125 (150 - 200) 102. CLANGRANT LQVWDOOEODFNSULQWWRRQHVLGH “CLANGRANT & TALLOCH FINEST SCOTCH WHISKY”, Govancroft Stoneware to base, transfer a little light, Good R$50 (75 - 100) 7 103. DEWAR’S LQVWDOOEODFNSULQW³'(:$5¶6 WHISKY”, picture of thistle to sides, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good R$100 (125 - 150) 104. DEWAR’S 6.25ins tall, “JOHN DEWAR & SON’S DISTILLERS PERTH”, to shoulder in white relief, “DEWAR’S PERTH WHISKY”, Doulton Lambeth pm, prof UHSDLUWRPLQRUQLFNRIIVSRXW9HU\*RRG R$100 (125 - 150) 105. DEWAR’S 6.5ins tall, in white relief, “DEWAR’S WHISKY”, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good R$100 (125 - 150) 106. DEWAR’S 4.25ins tall, modelled head of Father Christmas, “DEWAR’S”, to front, “DEWAR’S ONLY THE BEST IS GOOD ENOUGH”, to rear, John Humphreys Pottery, Mint, great Christmas present! R$75 (100 - 150) 107. DEWAR’S 6.25ins tall, chocolate, “DEWAR’S FINE SCOTCH WHISKY”, Elischer pm, Mint R$50 (60 - 90) 108. DEWAR’S LQVWDOO\HOORZERG\EODFNSULQW “DEWAR’S WHITE LABEL SCOTCH WHISKY”, Highlander tm under spout, Wade Regicor pm, light wear, Very Good R$60 (75 - 125) 109 110 111 112 118 115 121 116 113 114 119 120 117 122 124 123 109. DEWAR’S 5.25ins tall, powder blue, “DEWAR’S FINE SCOTCH WHISKY”, Elischer pm, Mint R$50 (60 - 90) 116. DREADNOUGHT 6ins tall, “DRINK DREADNOUGHT SCOTCH WHISKY IT’S THE BEST”, Watcombe pm, Very Good R$175 (200 - 300) 110. DEWAR’S LQVWDOOGDUNJUHHQ³'(:$5¶6),1( SCOTCH WHISKY”, Elischer pm, Mint R$50 (60 - 90) 111. DEWAR’S 5.25ins tall, salmon, “DEWAR’S FINE SCOTCH WHISKY”, Elischer pm, Mint R$50 (60 - 90) 117. EXCALIBUR 6.5ins tall, raised letters “FORBES CUNNINGHAM & BOND”, on shoulder, “EXCALIBUR SCOTCH & IRISH WHISKIES” with picture of a hand KROGLQJDVZRUGFRPLQJRXWRIWKHODNH Royal Doulton pm, Near Mint, stunning Jug R$2000 (3000 - 3500) 112. DUNVILLE’S 3.25ins tall, “DUNVILLE’S VR WHISKY”, to both sides, Campbell pm, large stain to one side only, Good R$20 (30 - 50) 118. GREER’S LQVWDOOUHGEODFNSULQW³*5((5¶6 OVH SCOTCH WHISKY”, to sides, Shelley pm, light wear, Very Good R$100 (125 - 150) 113. DUNVILLE’S 5.5ns tall, “DUNVILLE’S V.R. WHISKY”, to one side, “DUNVILLE’S SPECIAL LIQUEUR WHISKY”, J A Campbell pm, wear to gold gilding on rim, rim repair by handle (good), early jug, Good R$75 (90 - 125) 119. FLOWERS 5ins tall, copper lustre glaze, “FLOWER’S 3$/($/(´SLFWXUHRI6KDNHVSHDUH +&:SP¿QHFUD]LQJ9HU\*RRG R$150 (200 - 250) 114. DUNVILLE’S 5.5ns tall, “DUNVILLE’S V.R. WHISKY”, to one side, “DUNVILLE’S SPECIAL LIQUEUR WHISKY”, J A Campbell pm, wear to gilding, colours a little faded, crazing, Very Good R$100 (125 - 175) 115. DEWAR’S 5.5ins tall, “DEWAR’S WHISKY”, harvest ware decoration, Royal Doulton pm, minor inner spout chip, Very Good R$50 (75 - 100) 120. GILLON’S 4.25ins tall, 2 tone stoneware, “GILLON’S SPECIAL OLD SCOTCH” to one side only, Doulton Lambeth pm, PLQRULQQHUULPQLFN9HU\*RRG R$50 (60 - 90) 121. GRANT’S 5.75ins tall three way pourer “ASK FOR GRANT’S INVERGAULD SCOTCH” to sides, picture of Victorian lady to front no pm, prof rim repair, stunning pictorial, Rare, Very Good R$1500 (1750 - 2000) 8 125 126 122A 122. GAELIC LQVWDOOEODFNSULQW³*$(/,& OLDEST WHISKY”, to one side, “OLD SMUGGLER WHISKY”, to other, detailed relief decoration all over with central bust of young Queen Victoria, Port Dundas pm, Very Good R$100 (150 - 200) 122A. GAELIC 6ins tall, all white with 3 wayt pouring action, “GAELIC OLD SMUGGLER WHISKY” to sides with highly detailed picture of the “CRAIGELLACHIE GLENLIVET DISTILLERY”, to front, James Green Nephew pm, prof repair to hairline at base handle and minor rim chip, light stain to base, Rare, Very Good R$700 (1000 - 1200) 123. GRANT’S 5.5ins tall, gold print “GRANT’S /,48(85:+,6.<´WUDGHPDUNWR sides, Empire Ware pm, inner rim chip ¿OOHG*RRG R$40 (60 - 90) 130 127 133 128 134 124. KING’S RANSOM 5ins tall, “KING’S RANSOM” to one side & “HOUSE OF LORDS” to other, Made in England pm, Very Good R$40 (50 - 75) 125. HUNTLEY BLEND 7ins tall, 2 tone stoneware, “HUNTLY BLEND FINE OLD SCOTCH WHISKY”, Kennedy pm, Rare early jug, Mint R$600 (700 - 900) 126. HAIG’S 3.5ins tall, purple crocodile pattern, EODFNZRUGVLQVLGHVKLHOG³%<63(&,$/ APPOINTMENT JOHN HAIG’S GLENLEVEN”, with Coat of Arms, Fielding’s pm, prof repair to spout, Very Good R$250 (300 - 400) 127. JOHN HAIG’S 4.25ins tall mottled orange and yellow, Coat of Arms with “D’YE KEN JOHN HAIG” to sides, distiller pm, Good R$200 (250 - 300) 128. HAIG’S 5ins tall, stoneware jug with mottled effect, words in shield, “DYE KEN JOHN HAIG’S WHISKY”, no pm, Very Good R$125 (150 - 200) 129. HAIG LQVWDOOWZRWRQHVWRQHZDUHEODFNSULQW ‘HAIG’S GLENLEVEN OLD SCOTCH’ to sides, Lovatt pm, Mint R$125 (150 - 250) 130. HAIG 4ins tall, “HAIG WHISKY”, with Coat of Arms to sides, Carlton Ware pm, rare Deco shape, Very Good R$125 (150 - 200) 137 138 135 142 140 132 129 136 139 131 141 131. HAIG 5.25ins tall, Purple, “HAIG SCOTCH WHISKY”, Elischer pm, Mint R$50 (60 - 90) 132. HAIG 5.25ins tall, Red, “HAIG SCOTCH WHISKY”, Elischer pm, Mint R$50 (60 - 90) 133. HIGHLAND QUEEN 5.75ins tall, “HIGHLAND QUEEN SCOTCH WHISKY QUEEN OF SCOTS”, to sides with picture of Queen riding a horse, Macdonald Muir pm, light wear, minor base edge chip, Very Good R$175 (200 - 250) 134. HIGHLAND QUEEN 5ins tall, yellow body, “HIGHLAND QUEEN SCOTCH WHISKY”, Mintons pm, minor paint spots off handle, Very Good R$225 (300 - 400) 135. HAMLET 5.5ins tall, “HAMLET MILD CIGARS”, %HVZLFNSPOLJKWZHDU9HU\*RRG R$30 (40 - 60) 136. JENNER 6.5ins tall, “R & H JENNER & SONS CORONATION 1911 SOUTH LONDON BREWERY”, with elaborate decoration and portraits of King George and Queen Mary, Royal Doulton pm, Very Good R$700 (800 - 1000) 137. JENNER 6.75ins tall, “R & H JENNER LONDON SOUTH LONDON BREWERY 1905”, with verse inside a wreath, Royal Doulton SPSURIUHSDLUWRPLQRUQLFNRIIVSRXW Very Good R$600 (700 - 900) 9 143 144 138. IND COOPE 4.75ins tall, blue band to top and handle, “IND COOPE’S BURTON ALES”, with red building tm, Minton pm, Very Good R$150 (175 - 225) 139. IND COOPE 4. 5ins tall, blue band to top and handle, “IND COOPE’S ALLSOPP”, with red hand tm, Minton pm, Very Good R$125 (150 - 175) 140. KING GEORGE IV 6.25ins tall, ‘KING GEORGE TOP NOTCH SCOTCH WHISKY’ with Crown to centre to sides, Royal Doulton pm, hairline to spout, light fade to orange Crown, Very Good R$125 (150 - 175) 141. KING GEORGE IV 6.25ins tall, blue body with ice catcher, raised shield “KING GEORGE IV WHISKY THE DCL EDINBURGH”, regd no 599921 to base, Very Good R$250 (300 - 400) 142. KING GEORGE IV 4.25ins tall, under spout “KING GEORGE IV OLD SCOTCH WHISKY”, to sides, colourful Lawson Woods pictures, Royal Doulton pm, Mint R$225 (250 - 300) 143. KGIV 4.25ins tall, “KING GEORGE IV OLD SCOTCH WHISKY”, with Crown tm, Shelley pm, Very Good, Plus matching Ashtray, Very Good (2) R$125 (150 - 180) 144. KINGS LIQUEUR 4ins tall, ‘KINGS LIQUEUR FINEST SCOTCH WHISKY’ decorative pictures of castle ruins and country side, Copeland pm, prof spout repair, Very Good R$300 (400 - 600) 145 146 147 148 151 152 149 153 157 154 155 145. MARSTONS 4.25ins tall, “MARSTON THOMPSON EVERSHED”, in diamond, “MARSTONS BURTON ALES”, to sides, Royal Doulton pm, minor chip to spout, Good R$200 (250 - 300) 146. MARSTON’S 5.25ins tall, “MARSTON’S BURTON ALES REGISTERED TRADE MARK”, to sides, entwined rope tm, TG Green pm, Very Good R$400 (500 - 700) 147. MANSFIELD BREWERY 3.5ins tall, deco shaped jug, to one side “MANSFIELD ALES WORTH HUNTING FOR”, with coloured picture of a Huntsman toasting, to other “MANSFIELD BREWERY GOLDEN DROP ALE BITTER BEER & MILD ALE”, minor wear to rim, Very Good R$250 (300 - 400) 148. MAGEE MARSHALL LQVWDOOEODFNSULQWµ0$*(( MARSHALL CROWN BREWERY BOLTON & BURTON ON TRENT’ to sides, Burleigh pm, Very Good R$75 (90 - 125) 149. QUINOL 8.5ins tall, character style jug, “KING OF TONICS QUINOL” under spout, “CAWSEY MENCK MELBOURNE SOLE AUSTRALIAN PROPRIETORS”, Sarreguemines pm, large impressive jug, prof repair to hairline on base of handle, Very Good R$500 (600 – 900) 150 158 159 156 160 150. MITCHELL’S 6ins tall, character jug, “MITCHELL’S OLD IRISH WHISKY MITCHELL & CO BELFAST”, no pm, some paint missing to QRVHFKHHN9HU\*RRG R$150 (200 – 300) 151. MACLACHLANS 5ins tall, “IONA SCOTCH WHISKY MACHLACHLANS GLASGOW” to rear, with picture of a seated gent enjoying a GULQNWRIURQW³0$&/$&+/$167+( SPIRIT OF THE FUTURE”, Associated Potteries HCW pm, crazing, some staining & prof rim repair, Good R$350 (400 – 600) 152. MUNRO 8ins tall, blue bands to top and bottom, salt glaze stoneware, to the front Coat of Arms with the words “JAMES MUNRO & SON LTD INVERNESS”, Royal Doulton pm, light wear, Very Good R$1000 (1200 - 1500) 153. MARTIN’S LQVWDOOVZL]]OHVWLFNKROGHU³/,*+7 MELLOW FRIENDLY”, with pictures of ERWWOHVRI0DUWLQ¶V:KLVN\QRSP0LQW R$30 (50 - 75) 154. McCALLUM’S 5.75ins tall, “McCALLUM’S PERFECTION SCOTS WHISKY”, with picture of Chieftain to sides, Royal Doulton pm, Mint R$50 (60 - 90) 10 161 162 155. McCALLUM’S LQVWDOOSLQNERG\ZRUGV “McCALLUM’S WHISKY IS PERFECTION”, Chieftain, Royal Doulton pm, print a little faded on one side only, Very Good R$125 (150 - 200) 156. McCALLUM 6ins tall, Green version, “McCALLUM’S WHISKY IS PERFECTION”, Chieftain tm, Royal Doulton pm, Mint R$250 (300 - 400) 157. McCALLUM Matching trio of character jugs, 7ins, 4.5ins, 2.75ins, “THE McCALLUM”, impressed to base, Large & Medium PDUNHG:DGH5HJLFRUQRSPIRUPLQL Very Good (3) R$50 (75 - 100) 158. McNISH 3.75ins tall, tartan body with green EDFNJURXQG³0F1,6+'2&7256¶ SPECIAL WHISKY”, Dudson Bros Handley England pm, light wear to bottom section, Good R$125 (150 - 200) 159. McNISH LQVWDOOWDUWDQERG\EODFNZKLWH print, ‘McNISH’ to both sides and to front panels ‘McNISH’S SPECIAL SCOTCH WHISKY’, Dunn Bennett pm, light wear, Very Good R$100 (125 - 150) 163 164 165 166 172 169 170 167 173 168 174 171 171. STRONACHIE 7.25ins tall, “STRONACHIE DISTILLERY PERTHSHIRE SCOTLAND” with a picture of the distillery on one side, “ THE REAL SANDY MACDONALD SCOTCH WHISKY DISTILLERS ” to other, Royal Doulton pm, crazing, Very Good R$1200 (1500 - 1750) 175 160. NICHOLLS 4.5ins tall, copper lustre glaze, “NICHOLLS SCOTCH CREAM WHISKY”, Price Burslem pm, wear to silver gilding, Very Good R$125 (150 - 200) 161. OTARD’S LQVWWDOOGDUNFREDOWEOXHERG\ “OTARD’S FINE OLD BRANDY”, to sides, “OTARD DUPUY & Co COGNAC”, to front with Coat of Arms, early impressive jug, JGN pm, Very Good R$450 (500 - 700) 162. OFFILERS 3.75ins tall, deco shape, under spout “OFFILER’S ALES”, to sides, coloured picture of King George VI & Queen Elizabeth 1937, no pm, Very Good R$200 (250 - 300) 163. PORTER 4.5ins tall, “BULL DOG BASS & GUINNESS ROBERT PORTER LONDON”, picture of a Bulldog tm & bottle of Guinness under spout, Hill Church pm, Mint R$80 (90 - 140) 164. PORTER LQVWDOOEOXHDQGEODFNSULQWµ%8// DOG GUINNESS’ to sides, Royal Doulton pm, prof spout repair, Good R$250 (300 - 400) 165. PLAYERS 4.5ins tall, “PLAYERS WEIGHTS ALWAYS A PLEASURE”, TG Green pm, unusual shaped jug, Mint R$60 (75 - 125) 176 177 166. QUEEN ANNE LQVWDOO3LQNERG\ZLWKZKLWHOHWWHULQJ QUEEN ANNE RARE SCOTCH WHISKY”, no pm, rare version, Very Good R$75 (100 - 150) 167. ROSS’S 4.75ins tall, multicoloured, “ROSS’S SPARKLING GRAPEFRUIT”, to one side and “ROSS’S BELFAST TONIC WATER” to other, Grays Hand Painted pm, Very Good R$300 (400 – 600) 168. ROSS’S 3.25ins tall, copper lustre body, “ROSS’S BELFAST GINGER ALE” to one side and “ROSS’S INDIAN TONIC WATER” to other, Campbell Belfast pm, Very Good R$60 (75 – 125) 169. PATTISONS 7.25ins tall, blue top stoneware, to the front a Coat of Arms with the words “ASK FOR PATTISONS SCOTCH WHISKY”, Buchan pm, a rare early jug, Very Good R$700 (800 - 1000) 170. SLATER RODGER 7.25ins tall, stoneware, “FINEST OLD SCOTCH WHISKY THISTLE BLEND SLATER RODGER & CO GLASCOW”, SLFWXUHRI7KLVWOHWUDGHPDUN.HQQHG\ pm, absolute classic pictorial, Very Good R$1500 (1750 - 2500) 11 172. SHEPHERD NEAME LQVWDOOUHGDQGEODFNOHWWHUVWRVLGHV “SHEPHERD NEAME LTD PURE BEER MALT & HOPS ONLY FAVERSHAM”, Associated Potteries Co pm, Very Good R$125 (150 - 200) 173. JAMIE STUART 5.5ins tall, all over Blue and White Willow pattern, “JAMIE STUART LIQUEUR SCOTCH”, to sides, J & G Stewart Ltd to base, Very Good R$250 (300 - 400) 174. THORNES 5.25ins tall, two tone stoneware, ‘THORNE’S WHISKY’ Royal Doulton pm, Very Good R$250 (300 - 400) 175. ROYAL TOBY 5.5ins tall, raised letters “TOBY MATURED GIN” to one side, “ROYAL TOBY WHISKY” to the other, Lion in shield under spout, Royal Doulton pm, KDQGOHEURNHQRIIDQGUHVWXFN*RRG R$75 (125 - 150) 176. THORNE’S 7.5ins tall, applied hunting ware decoration in relief “THORNE’S SCOTCH WHISKY”, Doulton Lambeth pm, Mint R$600 (700 - 900) 177. THORPE’S 4ins tall, 2 tone stoneware, “ASK FOR THORPE’S RED SEAL WHISKY” to both sides, no pm, Mint, Rare jug R$250 (300 - 400) 178 179 181 180 187 184 190 185 191 193 192 183. WORTHINGTON 4.75ins tall, “ASK FOR WORTHINGTON IN BOTTLE”, highly decorated for the Coronation Queen Mary .LQJ*HRUJH95DSKDHO7XFN Sons pm, Very Good R$100 (150 - 175) 179. THROGMORTON 6ins tall, 3 way pourer with “THROGMORTON SCOTCH WHISKY ASK FOR GOLD CREST”, with Coat of Arms to sides, picture of Butler to front, no pm, light wear, Very Good R$300 (400 - 600) 184. WORTHINGTON 4ins tall, “I ALWAYS HAVE A :257+,1721´)LHOGLQJSP¿QH crazing, Very Good R$40 (50 - 75) 181. WALL’S 3.75ins tall, to one side, “WALLS’ GLENLIVET BLEND”, to other side “WALLS’ RUM”, with picture of two gents under a tree, to front, “E. & T. WALL LTD KEIGHLEY IMPORTER FOR OVER 10 YEARS”, Price Bristol pm, Good R$200 (250 - 300) 182. WHITBREAD’S 6ins tall, ‘WHITBREAD’S BOTTLED BEERS’ to sides, with a picture of a Deer, no pm, 3 way pouring action, light wear, Good R$125 (150 - 200) 188 183 189 186 178. TRUMAN’S 4.5ins tall, street scene of Truman’s Brewery to front, words, “THE SIGN OF A GOOD HOUSE”, to one side, Royal 'RXOWRQSP¿QHFUD]LQJ9HU\*RRG R$100 (150 - 175) 180. USHERS 4ins tall, 2 tone cobalt blue rim stoneware, “USHER’S SCOTCH WHISKY”, to sides under spout “BY ROYAL APPOINTMENT”, with Coat of Arms, KDLUOLQHRIIULPDQGUHSDLURNWRKDQGOH Good R$50 (60 - 90) 182 185. WALKERS 6.25ins tall, triangular shape, “WALKERS KILMARNOCK WHISKY”, to 2 sides and “OLD HIGHLAND WHISKY JOHN WALKER & SONS KILMARNOCK”, showing Gold Medals won at Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Dunedin, Paris, James Green Nephew pm, most of the original gold trim is intact, Near Mint, a very rare early JW item R$600 (700 - 900) 186. JW 6.5ins tall, light blue, “JOHNNIE WALKER DRINK A TOAST OF WELCOME”, Elischer pm, Mint R$75 (80 - 100) 187. JW 6.5ins tall, red on white, “JOHNNIE WALKER DRINK A TOAST OF WELCOME”, Elischer pm, Mint R$75 (80 - 100) 12 194 195 188. JW 6.5ins tall, yellow, “JOHNNIE WALKER DRINK A TOAST OF WELCOME”, Elischer pm, Mint R$75 (80 - 100) 189. WATSON’S LQVWDOODOORYHUÀRUDOGHFRUDWLRQ “WATSON’S”, to front & “No 10 SCOTCH”, to sides, Distillers pm, gold gilding intact, near Mint R$500 (600 - 900) 190. WHITE HORSE 6.25ins tall, “WHITE HORSE WHISKY”, Shelley pm, wear to silver gilding, chip to spout, Good R$75 (100 - 150) 191. WHITE HORSE 5ins tall, hunting scene in blue and white, “WHITE HORSE WHISKY” with scene of horse and carriage to one side, “WHITE HORSE WHISKY ESTAB 1742” to the RWKHU6KHOO\SP¿QHFUD]LQJ9HU\*RRG R$750 (900 - 1200) 192. WATSON’S 5.5ins tall, lustre ware, “WATSON’S NO 10 SCOTCH”, to sides, Shelley pm, prof UHSDLUWRPLQRUQLFNRIIVSRXWOLJKWZHDU Very Good R$100 (150 – 200) 193. BUCHANAN’S 5.25ins dia x 2.5ins tall, matchbox holder, “BUCHANAN’S BLACK & WHITE :+,6.<´%HDUGPRUHSP¿QHFUD]LQJ and some light wear to lettering, Very Good R$100 (150 - 200) 196 197 200 198 201 199 (3) 202 203 (2) 205 (3) 208 206 194. FACING DOGS 4.75ins square, “BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY”, picture of two dogs facing each other, Made in England, Very Good R$40 (50 - 75) 195. HOPSCOTCH 5ins square, “BUCHANAN’S BLACK & WHITE SCOTCH WHISKY”, Made in England, Very Good R$40 (50 - 75) 196. BULLOCH LADE 3.75ins dia x 2.75ins tall, vesta holder, blue print “BULLOCH LADE SCOTCH WHISKY”, Causton pm, chip off rim, internal fractures, some fading to print, Good R$25 (40 – 60) 197. WATSON’S 4.25ins dia, 2 tone lustre blue change tray, “WATSON’S NO 10 SCOTCH”, Distillers PDUNVWREDVH9HU\*RRG R$25 (30 - 50) 198. WATSONS 5ins dia, “WATSON’S OLD SCOTCH WHISKY” to base, “JAMES WATSON & CO DUNDEE NO 10” to tray, no pm, old stress lines (dirty), no damages, Very Good R$125 (150 – 200) 199. 3 ITEMS LQVZLGHE\LQVWDOOQLFNHOSODWHPHQX holder, “DEWAR’S WHITE LABEL WHISKY”, VG, Plus 4.5ins dia, tray, “KING GEORGE IV WHISKY TOP NOTCH”, Distillers pm, light wear, VG, Plus 5.25ins dia, change tray, “OLD BUSHMILLS”, J A Campbell pm, 2 minor XQGHUVLGHQLFNVWRULP R$40 (75 – 100) 204 207 (2) 200. DEWAR’S 2.5ins tall by 5.5ins dia, stoneware Vesta KROGHUPDWFKVWULNHU³'(:$5¶6´WREDVH & “DEWAR’S” to rim, Royal Doulton pm, Mint R$100 (125 - 175) 201. DEWAR’S 6 sided. 6ins at widest point, “DEWAR’S” to 3 base panels and “WHITE LABEL” with Thistles to top section, Royal Doulton pm, minor base edge chip prof repaired, has crazing/stress lines (dirty) to top section, Rare, Good R$150 (200 – 300) 202. WHITBREAD’S 5ins dia by 4ins tall, barrel shaped VWULNHUDQGYHVWDKROGHULQRQHKDV bottles of Bass at each end with labels, “WHITBREAD’S BOTTLED BEERS” to top and “STOUT IN BOTTLE ALE IN BOTTLE” to tray, , no pm, Very Good R$200 (300 – 400) 203. 2 ITEMS 5.25ins dia, “GAELIC OLD SMUGGLER WHISKY”, Royal Doulton pm, crazing, Plus 4ins x 5ins, willow pattern, words LQUHGDQGEODFN³-$0,(678$57 6&27&+:+,6.<´GLVWLOOHUVPDUNVWR base, Very Good (2) R$40 (60 – 90) 204. KINGS LIQUEUR 6ins x 3.25ins oblong change tray, Blue Italian scene with “KINGS LIQUEUR FINEST SCOTCH WHISKY” with a ¿QHO\GUHVVHG*HQWWRDVWLQJ&RSHODQG pm, Mint R$50 (75 – 125) 13 209 205. 3 ITEMS 2 green bottles with labels, one for Bass Pale Ale & Nip Read Bros with Bulldog tm, original cap, the other partial label IRU+HDWKHU5REHUWRQ$XFNODQG,FHEXUJ %UDQG6WRXW3OXV¿JXUDOPDWFKVWULNHUIRU “DOG’S HEAD BASS GUINNESS”, Read Bros London pm, prof repair to base edge chips and ear, Very Good (2) R$150 (200 – 300) 206. MACKENZIES LQVORQJFRUNVFUHZZRRGHQWRS impressed “PETER MACKENZIES SCOTCH WHISKY”, Very Good R$25 (40 – 60) 207. 2 BOOKS [LQVKDUGEDFNSDJHVLQIXOO colour, “WHISKY GALORE” by Alan %ODNHPDQ3DXO%ORRP¿HOGSXEOLVKHG March 2010, Mint unused copy, Plus WKHRULJLQDOERRNIRU-XJVE\/HV0DUWLQ 1987, (2) R$75 (100 - 150) 208. McCALLUM 12.5ins dia, early metal tray, “McCALLUMS PERFECTION SINCE 1807”, with colourful picture of a waiter with large bottle of McCallums, some surface rust and wear, Very Good R$100 (150 – 250) 209. LONG JOHN 16ins x 12.5ins early metal tray, “LONG JOHN SCOTCH WHISKY”, picture of a Pirate, Parrot & Keg of Long John :KLVN\SDWFKHVRIVXUIDFHUXVWDQGSDLQW loss, Good R$75 (100 – 150) 210 211 212 213 216 217 222 223 Matching Water Jugs & Ashtrays 210. OLD TRADITION Jug 6.75ins tall, fracture to ice catcher, $VKWUD\LQVGLDPLQRUQLFNRII cigarette holder, both Japan pm, Good R$30 211. DEWAR’S Jug 4.75ins tall, hairline to handle at top, $VKWUD\LQVVTXDUHERWK0DGGRFN pm,VG R$30 212. KING GEORGE Jug 4.5ins tall, inner rim chip, Ashtray 4.5 x 3.5ins oblong, both Distiller Agency pm, VG R$30 213. OLD SMUGGLER Jug 6.5ins tall, Wade pm, triangular Ashtray 6 x 6ins widest points, Royal 1RUIRONSPERWK9* R$30 214. PASSPORT Jug 8ins tall, Ashtray 5ins square, both Wade pm, both VG R$30 215. CANADIAN CLUB Jug 5.25ins tall, no pm, Ashtray 4ins square Wade pm, both VG R$30 216. SEAGRAMS Jug 6.75ins tall, Wade Regicor pm, Ashtray 8ins dia, Wade pm, both VG R$30 218 219 224 225 217. JAMESON Jug 4ins tall, Ashtray 5ins dia, both $UNORZSPERWK9* R$30 218. TEACHERS Jug 4.75ins tall, Ashtray 6ins dia, both Wade pm, both VG R$30 219. GRANTS Jug 6.5ins tall, triangular Ashtray, 4.5ins, both Wade Regicor pm, both VG R$30 220. GRANTS Jug 6ins tall, triangular Ashtray, 6ins, Wade Regicor pm, both VG R$30 221. ABBOT’S CHOICE Jug 4.5ins tall, Ashtray 5ins dia, both Wade Regicor, both VG R430 222. AINSLIES Jug 4.25ins tall, Ashtray 4 3 3.25ins, both Wade Regicor, both VG R$30 223. OLD SMUGGLER Jug 4ins tall, Wedgwood pm, Change tray 5.5ins square, Empire Ware pm, both VG R$30 224. AMBASSADOR Jug 5.5ins tall, Ashtray 6ins dia, both Wade Regicor, both have crazing, VG R$30 225. YE MONKS Jug 4.5ins tall, Ashtray 7ins dia, both Seton pm, both VG R$30 14 214 220 226 215 221 227 226. CLAYMORE Jug 5ins tall, 2 x Ashtrays one 5.25ins dia the other 5.5ins dia, all Wade Regicor, all VG R$50 227. WHYTE MACKAY Jug 6.75ins tall, Ashtray 5.25ins square, both Seton pm, both VG R$30 228. MARIE BRIZARD Jug 6.75ins tall, Ashtray (massive) 10 x 8insm both Made in France pm, both VG R$30 229. MACLEAY DUFF Jug 4.5ins tall, Ashtray 5 x 3.5ins, both Wade Regicor, both VG R$30 230. BELLS Jug 3.25ins, light wear, some paint loss to handle, Ashtray 4ins dia, stain to rim, light wear, both Carlton pm R$30 231. GLEN GARRY -XJLQVWDOOULPQLFN$VKWUD\[ 5.5ins, both have crazing, both West Highland pm R$30 232. STEWARTS 4.25ins tall, Britannia Designs pm, crazing, Change tray 5ins square, Myott pm, VG R$30 233. MACKENZIE Jug 4.75ins tall, Change Tray 5.5ins square, both Wade pm, both VG R$30 231 228 234 240 246 229 235 241 247 232 233 230 2374 238 243 244 239 236 242 248 249 250 245 251 234. PETER DAWSON Jug 5.25ins tall, Ashtray 4ins dia, both West Highland pm, both VG $30 240. PADDY Jug 4ins tall, Ashtray 5.25ins dia, both $UNORZSPERWK9* R$30 246. McCALLUM’S Jug triangular shaped 6ins tall, Ashtray also triangular, 4.75ins, both Royal Doulton pm, both VG R$50 235. CRAWFORDS Jug 4ins tall, Ashtray 5 x 3.75ins, both Wade Regicor, both VG R$30 241. QUEEN ANNE Jug 5ins tall, Wade pm, Ashtray 6.5ins dia, 5R\DO1RUIRONSPERWK9* R$30 247. PETER DAWSON Jug 5.25ins tall, Argyle pm, Ashtray 4ins dia, West Highland pm, both VG $30 236. LONG JOHN Jug 5.25ins tall, Ashtray 6ins dia, both West Highland pm, both VG R$30 242. BLACK DOUGLAS Jug 6.25ins tall, Ashtray 7 x 4ins oblong, no pm, both VG R$30 248. J&B Jug 6.5ins tall, Wade pm, Ashtray 9 x 4.75ins, Wade Regicor pm, both VG R$30 237. JOHN BEGG Jug 5ins tall, Change Tray 5.5ins square, both Wade Regicor, both VG R$30 243. MACKINLAY Jug 6ins tall, Seton pm, Ashtray 5ins square no pm, both VG R$30 249. CHIVAS REGAL Jug 4.5ins tall, Ashtray 5.5ins dia, both Wade pm, both VG R$30 238. WHITE HORSE Jug 6.25ins tall, Portmerion pm, hoof VKDSHG$VKWUD\[LQV.LUNKDPSP both VG R$30 244. BUSHMILLS Jug 4.5ins tall, Ashtray 5 sided 5ins ZLGHVWERWK$UNORZSPERWK9* R$30 250. SEAGRAMS Jug 4.75ins tall, Ashtray 5in dia, both Arabia pm, both VG R$30 245. QUEEN ANNE Jug 4.5ins tall, Wade Regicor, Ashtray 4.5ins dia, no pm, both VG R$30 251. OLD PARR Jug 5.25ins tall, Wade pm, Ashtray 6ins dia, Wade Regicor pm, both VG R$30 239. FAMOUS GROUSE Jug 4.5ins tall, Ashtray 7ins dia, both Wade pm, both VG R$30 15 252 253 255 263 266 254 257 258 260 261 259 256 264 267 252. LONG JOHN Jug 7ins tall, Ashtray 8.25ins dia, both Wade pm, both VG R$30 253. BLACK & WHITE Jug 4ins tall, Ashtray 5.25ins square, both James Green Nephew pm, both VG R$45 254. HAIG Jug 6.25ins tall, Ashtray 6ins square, both Carlton Ware pm, both VG R$30 255. CLUNY Jug 5.75ins tall, Ashtray 6.25ins square, both Wade Regicor, both VG R$30 256. GLENFIDDICH Jug 5.5ins tall, Ashtray 7.5ins dia, both HCW pm, both VG R$30 257. DOUBLE DIAMOND 7.75ins tall, plastic, “JOIN THE DOUBLE DIAMOND CLUB”, light wear, Very Good R$50 (75 – 125) 265 268 269 258. AULD SHEPP 9ins tall, rubberoid, raised letters “AULD SHEPP SCOTCH WHISKY”, minor wear VKULQNDJH9HU\*RRG R$75 (100 – 150) 259. BREWMASTER 9ins tall, ceramic, “PICK FLOWERS %5(:0$67(5´&DUOWRQ:DUHSP¿QH crazing, Very Good R$75 (100 – 150) 260. LONG JOHN 10.5ins tall, rubberoid, “LONG JOHN 6&27&+:+,6.<´¿JXUDORIDSLUDWH &XUWRQ(QWHUSULVHV/RQGRQPDNHUVDJH VKULQNDJHSDLQWORVV*RRG R$50 (75 – 125) 261. FLOWERS 10ins tall, ceramic, “PICK FLOWERS KEG BITTER”, Carlton Ware pm, Very Good R$75 (100 – 150) 262. WORTHINGTON 9ins tall, ceramic, “WORTHINGTON E”, Figural of a couple leaning on a bar HQMR\LQJDSLQWRIEHHU%HVZLFNSP5DUH version, Mint R$125 (150 – 250) 16 270 262 271 263. BULLOCH LADE LQVWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUHRID+LJKODQGHU in full charge!, “BL GOLD LABEL SCOTCH WHISKY”, light wear, Very Good R$50 (75 – 125) 264. BOOTHS LQVWDOOVROLGSODVWHU¿JXUHRID/LRQ “BOOTHS GIN” impressed into the plinth, minor paint loss, Very Good R$50 (75 – 125) 265. CAPTAIN MORGAN LQVWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUHRI3LUDWHKROGLQJ a bottle of rum, “CAPTAIN MORGAN RUM” in relief to 4 sides of base, Very Good R$30 (40 – 60) 266. TRUMAN’S 7.5ins tall, wooden base with plastic ¿JXUHRIDRQHOHJJHGPDQYHU\KDSS\ “TRUMANS EST 1666” printed to plinth, Very Good R$50 (75 – 125) 267. LAMBS LQVWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUHRID6DLORUVLWWLQJ RQDEDUUHOVPRNLQJGULQNLQJ³/$0%6 NAVY RUM” to plinth, Very Good R$50 (75 – 125) 272 273 278 275 274 279 280 281 274. McCALLUM’S LQVWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUHRIDPHDQORRNLQJ Scotsman, “McCALLUM’S” to plinth, Very Good R$30 (40 – 60) 285 286 287 268. PIPER LQVWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUHRID6FRWVPDQ playing bagpipes, “PIPER BEST SCOTCH”, Very Good R$50 (75 – 125) 269. GRANT’S LQVWDOOUXEEHURLG¿JXUHRID6FRWVPDQ in full regalia “GRANT’S STANDFAST SCOTCH WHISKY”, rare version with “Standfast”, light wear, Very Good R$75 (100 – 150) 270. WILLSHERS LQVWDOOVROLGSODVWHU¿JXUHRI%XOO “WILLSHERS BLACK BULL SPECIAL SCOTCH WHISKY” in relief, has been repainted all over, Good R$50 (75 – 125) 271. CAPTAIN MORGAN LQVWDOOFHUDPLF¿JXUHRI3LUDWHZLWKKLV foot on a barrel of Captain Morgan Rum, no pm, Very Good R$75 (100 – 150) 275. OLD GRAND DAD 12ins tall, rubberoid bust of an elderly gent with spectacles, “OLD GRAND DAD BOTTLED IN BOND”, light wear, Very Good R$50 (75 – 125) 276. REMY MARTIN LQVWDOOFHUDPLF¿JXUHRID&HQWDXU gold plated hooves and words “REMY MARTIN FINE CHAMPAGNE COGNAC”, Very Good, Plus 7.5ins tall plastic version, with full mini bottle, minor chip to base edge, (2) R$50 (75 – 125) 277. MARTELL LQVWDOOFHUDPLF¿JXUHFRPLFDO character with cigarette in mouth, with mini bottle (full) “MARTELL BRANDY”, Carlton Ware pm, rarely seen in this condition, Mint R$100 (125 - 175) 278. HEINEKEN LQVWDOO[LQVORQJSODVWLF¿JXUH “HEINEKEN BEER”, provision for display bottle, colourful Dutch fellow VPRNLQJ9HU\*RRG R$50 (75 – 125) 272. McEWAN’S LQVWDOOUXEEHURLG¿JXUHRID*HQWLQ colourful costume of the day holding a pint of beer, “McEWAN’S EXPORT THE BEST BUY IN BEER” Very Good R$75 (100 – 150) 279. MACKINLAY’S 6.5ins tall, rubberoid, “MACKINLAY’S 6&27&+:+,6.<´¿JXUHRID6FRWWLVK IDUPHUVHDWHGRQDURFNZLWK6KHSKHUGV &URRNPLQRUSDLQWZHDUWRUHDU9HU\ Good R$125 (150 - 250) 273. HIGH & DRY LQVWDOO[LQVORQJSODVWLF¿JXUHRI Lion, words to plinth in gold relief “HIGH DQG'5<*,1´$ODQ,QGXVWULHVPDNHU Very Good R$30 (50 – 75) 280. DEWAR’S LQVWDOOPHWDOFXWRXW¿JXUHRIWKH Highlander, “DEWAR’S SCOTCH WHISKY”, light wear, Very Good $40 (60 – 90) 17 276 282 277 283 284 281. GUINNESS LQVWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUHRIDEHDUGHG Leprechaun seated on a wooden chair, he has a Harp in one hand a large bottle of Guinness in the other, (label to shoulder of bottle is damaged), in Very Good condition R$200 (300 – 500) 282. BEEFEATER LQVWDOOUXEEHURLG¿JXUHRQZRRGHQ base, “BEEFEATER EXTRA DRY GIN”, minor damage to feet where meets base, Very Good R$50 (75 – 125) 283. BEEFEATER LQVWDOOUXEEHURLG¿JXUHRQZRRGHQ base, “EXTRA DRY BEEFEATER GIN”, Very Good R$50 (75 – 125) 284. CAPTAIN MORGAN LQVWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUHRID3LUDWH “CAPTAIN MORGAM RUM” in relief to plinth, light wear, Good R$50 (75 – 125) 285. KING GEORGE LQVWDOOSODVWHU¿JXUHRI³.,1* GEORGE IV SCOTCH WHISKY”, has DQHOHFWULF¿WWLQJLQVLGHEOXHJODVVSDQHO WKDWOLJKWVXSYHU\GHWDLOHG¿JXUHOLJKW wear, Very Good R$150 (200 - 300) 286. KING GEORGE 8ins tall, plastic bust of “KING GEORGE IV OLD SCOTCH WHISKY”, gold lettering is worn to plinth, Good R$25 (40 – 60) 287. KING GEORGE LQVWDOOUXEEHURLG¿JXUHIXOO¿JXUDO “KING GEORGE IV OLD SCOTCH :+,6.<´VKULQNDJHSDLQWORVVWRPLG section, Good R$50 (75 – 125) 288 289 290 291 292 294 293 295 304 296 297 298 299 302 305 300 301 306 303 288. SUNDAY’S FANTASY LQVWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUHRID*HQW VPRNLQJDSLSH³7+20$65$')25' SUNDAY’S FANTASY MILD PREMIUM PIPE TOBACCO”, Made in W. Germany to rear with details of the Radford’s brand, Very Good R$150 (200 - 300) 300. JIM BEAM LQVWDOOFHUDPLF¿JXUHRID&RZER\ “JIM BEAM KENTUCKY STRAIGHT WHISKEY”, Mint R$30 (50 - 75) 307 308 289. DRAMBUIE LQVWDOOFHUDPLF¿JXUHRI3ULQFH Charlie, “DRAMBUIE” in relief to 3 sides of plinth, Mint R$75 (100 - 150) 294. JOHNNIE WALKER LQVWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUH³-2+11,( WALKER”, with monocle & cane, Very Good, Plus 15.5ins tall, rubberoid on wooden base, with monocle & cane, some damage to label on plinth, some minor VKULQNDJHSDLQWZHDU*RRG R$100 (125 - 175) 290. DRAMBUIE LQVWDOO5XEEHURLG¿JXUHRI3ULQFH Charlie, “DRAMBUIE” in relief to 3 sides of plinth, Mint, very high gloss, never seen another so good, Rare R$100 (125 - 175) 295. JOHNNIE WALKER 10ins tall, rubberoid on wooden base, “JOHNNIE WALKER”, near Mint, Plus LQVWDOOFHUDPLF¿JXUH³-2+11,( WALKER”, Very Good (2) R$100 (125 – 175) 291. DEWAR’S 0DVVLYHLQVWDOOUXEEHURLG¿JXUH on wooden base, “WHITE LABEL DEWAR’S SCOTCH WHISKY”, full VWULGLQJ¿JXUHRIWKH'HZDU¶V+LJKODQGHU some staining and damage to paper label and paint to wooden base, minor wear and VKULQNDJHWR¿JXUH*RRG R$200 (300 - 400) 296. JOHNNIE WALKER LQVWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUHV³-2+11,( WALKER SCOTCH WHISKY”, both Very Good (2) R$60 (75 – 125) 292. DEWAR’S 13ins tall, rubberoid, “DEWAR’S WHITE /$%(/6&27&+:+,6.<´FUDFNOH effect to front, minor wear, Very Good R$75 (100 - 125) 293. DEWAR’S 9.25ins tall, rubberoid, “DEWAR’S SCOTCH WHISKY”, Very Good, near mint, Plus similar with differing words to plinth, Very Good (2) R$90 (125 - 175) 297. TEACHER’S 10ins tall, china bust of a Teacher, “TEACHER’S SCOTCH WHISKY”, complete with tassel, Very Good R$75 (100 – 150) 298. WHITE HORSE LQVWDOOVROLGSODVWHU¿JXUH³:+,7( HORSE SCOTCH WHISKY”, provision for bottle on the top, paint loss and wear, some retouched, Fair R$25 (40 – 60) 299. JOHNNIE WALKER 11ins tall, glass decanter with glass hat, PRGHOOHG¿JXUHRI-RKQQLH:DONHU3OXV same with plastic hat (2), both Very Good R$50 (75 - 125) 18 301. BLACK & WHITE 11ins tall, plastic bottle that opens to dispense cigarettes, the cap forma lighter and when opened plays music!, Very Good R$50 (75 – 125) 302. BLACK & WHITE 6ins tall, “BUCHANAN’S BLACK & WHITE WHISKY”, one is plastic the other solid plaster, both Very Good (2) R$50 (75 – 125) 303. BLACK & WHITE LQVWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUHZLWKSURYLVLRQIRU ERWWOHPLVVLQJWKHHOHFWULFIRUÀDVKLQJ H\HV3OXVLQVWDOOSODVWLF¿JXUHERWK Good (2) R$50 (75 – 125) 304. BLACK & WHITE LQVWDOO[LQVORQJSODVWLF¿JXUH with provision for bottle, “BLACK & WHITE”, unusual variation, Very Good R$50 (75 – 125) 305. BLACK & WHITE 8.5ins tall, “BUCHANAN’S BLACK & WHITE WHISKY”, one is plastic the other solid plaster, both Very Good (2) R$50 (75 – 125) 306. WHITE HORSE FHUDPLF:KLWH+RUVH¿JXUHVLQV 8.5ins & 6ins, all good except ear on the VPDOOHURQHLVEURNHQDQGUHVWXFN*RRG (4) R$50 (75 – 125) 311 309 313 318 315 324 312 310 316 325 317 326 319 320 323 319. D J BARRY 2 BB22, “D.J.BARRY MAKER GISBORNE HOME BREWED GINGER BEER”, Doulton Lambeth pm, hairline to blob top and minor rim edge chip, Good R$25 312. SIMMONDS OSBORNE 1 Gal jar, “SIMMONDS & OSBORNE AUCKLAND”, Rampant Lion tm, Fowler pm, base edge hairline & ding/hairline to rim, Rare version?, Good R$30 320. D J BARRY 3 BB27, “D.J.BARRY STONE GINGER BEER GISBORNE”, Price pm, Mint R$25 313. SCOTT 1 Gal jar, “A.C.SCOTT”, single sided version with Lemons as tm, base edge chip to left side, chip off inner rim spigot & hairline/ding to rim edge, Pearson pm, Good R$50 314. GREY MENZIES 1 Gal Jar, “GREY AND MENZIES NEW ZEALAND” with Fern leaf tm, Pearson pm, chip off inner rim spigot & chip off rim, Good R$50 308. BOOTH’S 8.25ins tall, plastic, “BOOTH’S GIN”, LQUDLVHGJROGOHWWHUV5HG/LRQ¿JXUH 7XQQLFOLIIHPDNHU(QJODQG9HU\*RRG R$30 315. LUCAS & SAWYER BB211, “LUCAS & SAWYER GISBORNE 1900”, no pm, Very Good R$50 310. THOMSON LEWIS 1 Gal jar, “THOMSON LEWIS GOLDEN ALE AERATED WATERS & CORDIALS”, four cities 1898 version, Very Good R$50 322 311. FITZGERALD 1 Gal jar, “D.F.FITZGERALD CORDIAL MAKER TE AWAMUTU”, Stour Ware Timaru Potteries pm, rear base edge chip does not detract, Very Good R$75 307. WHITBREAD LQVORQJE\LQVWDOOODUJHSODVWLF¿JXUH of the Whitbread Horse & Dray, very GHWDLOHG7XQQLFOLIIHPDNHU(QJODQG9HU\ Good R$100 309. GREY MENZIES 1 Gal Jar, “GREY AND MENZIES NEW ZEALAND” with Fern leaf tm, Pearson pm, minor base edge chip to rear, Very Good R$50 321 314 316. SIMONS BB298, “SIMONS GINGER BEER WHANGAREI”, Pearson 12 pm, base edge chip to front, Good R$25 317. RIGHTON BB282, “A.RIGHTON WHAKATANE”, Bourne pm, Very Good R$50 318. D J BARRY 1 BB25, “D.J.BARRY GINGER BEER”, Pearson pm, minor chip to rim edge & base edge, Good R$25 19 321. D J BARRY 4 BB26, “D.J.BARRY GISBORNE N.Z”, minor base edge chip, minor rim chip & hairline to right side print, Good R$25 322. D J BARRY 5 BB24, “D.J.BARRY MAKER GISBOBNE HOME BREWED GINGER BEER”, Kennedy pm, minor ding to rim edge, glaze hairline top front, Good R$25 323. SMITH BROS 1 BB305, “SMITH BROS GISBORNE”, Pearson pm, light wear, Good R$20 324. SMITH BROS 2 BB307, “SMITH BROS HOME BREWED GINGER BEER GISBORNE”, Barnett & Foster pm, this is the rare version, Very Good R$100 325. SMITH BROS 3 BB306, “SMITH BROS HOME BREWED GINGER BEER GISBORNE”, Bourne Denby pm, Very Good R$25 326. SMITH BROS 4 BB305, “SMITH BROS GISBORNE MAKERS PURE HOME BREWED '5,1.6´3HDUVRQSPNLOQNLVVWRIURQW Good R$20 327 328 329 330 334 331 333 332 335 327. MARTIN 1 BB231, “H.MARTIN GLADSTONE ROAD GISBORNE”, Pearson pm, crate wear, Good R$25 328. MARTIN 2 BB232, “H.MARTIN GINGER BEER GLADSTONE ROAD GISBORNE”, Kennedy pm, crate wear, Good R$25 329. MARTIN 3 BB233, “H.MARTIN HOME BREWED GINGER BEER GLADSTONE ROAD GISBORNE”, Pearson pm, crate wear & ding to inner rim, Good R$25 330. MARTIN BB230, “H.MARTIN GLADSTONE ROAD GISBORNE”, Bourne pm, shoulder chip, Good R$25 331. MARTIN 5 BB234, “H.MARTIN HOME BREWED GINGER BEER GISBORNE”, no pm, Very Good R$25 332. MARTIN 6 BB236, “H.MARTIN STONE GINGER BEER GISBORNE”, Govancroft pm, Very Good R$25 333. LUCAS 4 Codds, all Acme Reliance patents, 10oz, “J.A.LUCAS GLADSTONE ROAD GISBORNE 1902”, rim chip & ding, DOORYHUVLFNQHVVR]VDPHZRUGVEXW GDWHGGLQJDQGFUDFNWREDVHHGJH crate wear, 6oz same words but dated 1903, light crate wear, 6oz, same words but dated 1904, rim edge nibbles, mild VLFNQHVV R$50 334. D BARRY 2 Codds, both Acme Reliance patents, 10oz “D.BARRY GLADSTONE GISBORNE 1897”, written vertically, 338 339 VLFNQHVVULPFKLSR]9HU\*RRG R$25 336 337 DOORYHUVLFNQHVVR]VDPHZRUGVEXW dated 1900, ding to rim edge and all over VLFNQHVV R$20 335. D J BARRY 2 Codds, both 10oz, “D.J.BARRY GISBORNE”, entwined letters tm, JK&S PDNHUPLQRUVFXIIPDUNV*RRGVDPH words with “ABERDEEN ROAD” added, ³´WREDVHLQWHUQDOVWDLQVFUDFNLQ QHFN R$20 336. SMITH BROS &RGGVR]-RKQVHQ-RUJHQVHQPDNHU & 6oz (trident), “SMITH BROS TE HAPARA GISBORNE”, 10oz needs an internal clean, Very Good, 6oz crate wear VLFNQHVV R$20 337. SMITH BROS 6oz Codd, “SMITH BROS GISBORNE”, ZLWK7KLVWOHWP-.6PDNHUVOLJKW crate wear, Very Good R$30 338. D J BARRY 3 Codds all 6oz “D.J.BARRY GISBORNE” light wear, plus “D.BARRY GISBORNE 1893 GLADSTONE ROAD”, Acme Reliance, Very Good, plus “D.J.BARRY ABERDEEN ROAD GISBORNE” Kilner Bros, Very Good (3) R$50 339. MARTIN R]6NLWWOH&RGG³+0$57,1 GLADSTONE ROAD GISBORNE”, “A” WREDVHPLQRUEDVHHGJHQLFNPLQRUZHDU Good R$50 340. MARTIN 2 Codds, 10oz & 6oz, “H.MARTIN GLADSTONE ROAD GISBORNE”, ERWK$OH[DQGHUPDNHUVR]FUDWHZHDU 20 341. MARTIN 2 6oz Codds, “HENRY MARTIN *,6%251(´5\ODQGVPDNHU9HU\*RRG plus “H.MARTIN GLADSTONE ROAD GISBORNE 1906”, “M” to base, clear glass, aqua marble, minor rim edge dings & ding/bruise to body at rear (2) R$25 342. 2 CODDS 10oz Codd, “REED BROS :+$1*$5(,´.LOQHUPDNHULQWHUQDO stains, Good, plus 6oz “J.GREY & SONS AUCKLAND” with entwined letters tm, Cannington Shaw, Very Good (2) R$25 343 INNES 10oz & 6oz Codds, “C.I.INNES +$0,/721:$,+,´.%PDNHUVR] 9HU\*RRGR]FUDWHZHDUDQGFUDFNWR chamber (2) R$20 344. MOFFETT 6oz Codd, Blue Lip, Reliance Patent 4 Dan Rylands for “MOFFETT & CO INVERCARGILL “, Anchor tm, very light internal stains, light wear to body with a minor scuff to letter “N” in Invercargill, Reliance Patent 4 Dan Rylands, Very Rare, Very Good R$900 345. THOMSON GIFFORD 10oz Codd, “THOMSON GIFFORD & CO NAPIER 1894”, with Lion tm, all RYHUH[WHUQDOLQWHUQDOVLFNQHVV R$20 346. PLOWMAN 10oz always Codd, “W.PLOWMAN & 62161$3,(5´.LOQHU%URVPDNHUOLJKW internal stains, Good R$20 347. BARRY 10oz Lamont, “D.BARRY GLADSTONE ROAD GISBORNE 1894”, John Lamont 340 342 341 343 344 349 347 350 345 351 348 352 353 360 355 346 356 357 358 PDNHU9HU\*RRG R$20 348. CRAWFORD 3 Lamont Patents, 10oz “CRAWFORD GISBORNE 1892”, John Lamont, Very Good, 10oz “CRAWFORD GISBORNE”, -RKQ/DPRQWPDNHU9HU\*RRGR] “CRAWFORD GISBORNE”, John /DPRQWPDNHUDOORYHUVLFNQHVV $50 353. TURNER 10oz Blob top, “JAMES TURNER GERALDINE”, letter “T” in shield tm, QRPDNHUHDUO\ZKLWWOHGJODVVYHU\OLJKW wear to exterior and some light internal stains, Very Good R$50 350. BELL R]6NLWWOHDSSOLHGEOREWRS³%(// CO PALMERSTON N”, B & Co to base, rear base edge chip & light crate wear, Good R$20 351. BARRY R]6NLWWOHDSSOLHGEOREWRS “D.J.BARRY GISBORNE”, Clear glass, GLQJWREOREWRSQRPDNHU*RRG R$20 352. MACE R]%UHI¿WW3DWHQW³+0$&(&2 CHRISTCHURCH”, with Dog in shield 360A 359 WP.%PDNHUOLJKWFUDWHZHDU*RRG R$30 349. 2 LAMONTS 10oz “SMITH BROS TE HAPARA GISBORNE”, 5097 to base, Very Good, 6oz “CRAWFORD GISBORNE”, Bratby +LQFKOLIIHPDNHUULPHGJHFKLS*RRG (2) R$30 354 354. SCOTT 6oz Internal Thread, Aqua “A.C.SCOTT AUCKLAND” A C Scott & Co in script writing, S 1913 to base, Mint R$25 355. 2 GB’S BBI26, “GEORGE DIXON WELLINGTON” with Rampant Lion tm, no pm, wear to glaze on rim edge, Plus BBI14 “G.COOPER WELLINGTON”, VKRXOGHUÀDNH*RRG R$30 356. BARRY R],QWHUQDO7KUHDGROLYHGDUNJUHHQ glass, “D.J.BARRY ABERDEEN ROAD GISBORNE”, entwined letters tm, minor ding to left side base edge, Very Good R$30 357. HATHAWAY R],QWHUQDO7KUHDGGDUNJUHHQ “G.H.HATHAWAY BULLS”, with Bulls KHDGWP:%6PDNHUPLQRUGLQJVZHDU 21 to base edge, Very Good R$30 358. LUCAS 10oz Internal Thread, bright green, “J.A.LUCAS GLADSTONE ROAD *,6%251(´QRPDNHUFUDWHZHDU & surface dullness, Rare, Good R$100 359. BARRY 10oz Internal Thread, Cobalt Blue, “D.BARRY ABERDEEN ROAD GISBORNE”, Kilner Bros 1908 to base, rim edge ding, light surface wear, Good R$100 360. THOMSON 10 sided Maughams, “THOMSON & CO WAIRONGOA NATURAL MINERAL WATER BOTTLED ONLY AT THE SPRINGS” to sides, Thomson Purity 1895 to base, light wear, Very Good R$50 360A, GREY MENZIES Original wooden Ginger beer stamp for “Grey & Menzies New Zealand” found LQ$XVWUDOLDPRVWOLNHO\IRU%%PDGH by Maui Bros, Ultra Rare, never seen another, old split in the top, A must have for serious GB collectors, Very Good R$250 363 361 364 365 367 368 362 372 373 366. REEVES 10oz Hamilton Patent, “REEVES & CO DUNEDIN”, light internal stains, light wear, Very Good R$30 369 366 370 371 361. McKIE 10oz Maughams Patent, Cobalt Blue, “JAS McKIE & SON NEWCASTLE”, outside has been polished, inside needs a FOHDQHPERVVLQJDOLWWOHZHDN*RRG R$100 362. KOUMYS GIANT HAMILTON Bottle, 12 ins ORQJGDUNROLYHJUHHQJODVVHPERVVHG “KOUMYS” with anchor above, plus UDLVHGREORQJDUHDWRUHDUWRWDNHODEHO" an impressive and unusual item, some wear to area beside Anchor, Very Good R$100 367. BUTEMENT 10oz Hamilton Patent, “BUTEMENT BROTHERS PRINCES STREET DUNEDIN”, has letters XG scratched on body, scuff/graze above words Butement, light wear, Good R$30 368. DIXON 10oz Hamilton Patent, “DIXON & CO HOKITIKA SUPERIOR LEMONADE”, light wear, Very Good R$30 369. WHITMORE 10oz Hamilton Patent, “M.A.WHITMORE DOUBLE AERATED WATERS GREYMOUTH”, some all over ¿QHZHDUWRERG\9HU\*RRG R$50 374 375 373. MARTIN 2 x 26oz & 10oz machine made Crown Tops, 26oz one clear the other aqua, “H.MARTIN GLADSTONE ROAD *,6%251(´$*0PDNHUDTXDKDV GLQJFUDFNWRUHDUIURQWVKRXOGHUFOHDU LV9HU\*RRG0DGHLQ1=PDNHUR] ³+0$57,1*,6%251(´QRPDNHU Very Good (3) R$30 374. 3 CROWN TOPS All 10oz, aqua, machine made, “D.J.BARRY GISBORNE”, Illinois 3DFL¿F*ODVVPDNHU9HU\*RRGPDFKLQH made, “SMITH BROS GISBORNE” 7UHHWP,OOLQRLV3DFL¿F*ODVVPDNHU Very Good, spun top “H.MARTIN *,6%251(´QRPDNHUZHDUWRERG\ Good (3) R$40 375. BARRY TH58A but in aqua, 26oz, “D.J.BARRY GISBORNE”, entwined letters tm, NZ to base, light crate wear, Very Good R$25 363. BARRY 10oz Hamilton Patent, “D.J.BARRY GISBORNE”, Very Good R$30 370. DIXON 6oz Blob Top, applied top, “DIXON’S PALMERSTON NORTH”, large Anchor WPPLQRUEDVHHGJHQLFNOLJKWLQWHUQDO stains, Very Good R$30 364. SURMAN 10oz Hamilton Patent, “SURMAN & CO INVERCARGILL”, very light wear, Very Good R$100 371. SMITH BROS 6oz Crown Top, AQUA, machine made, “SMITH BROS GISBORNE”, with Tree tm, “S” to base, light wear, Very Good R$20 365. BECK 10oz Hamilton Patent, “G.P. BECK $/(;$1'5$´%DUQDUGPDNHU9HU\ Good R$30 376. BARRY THRS4, A rated, 12oz, green glass, applied top, “D.J.BARRY GISBORNE”, HQWZLQHGOHWWHUVWP.LOQHU%URVPDNHU light wear to front, some scuffs/wear to rear with ½ inch hairline (rear), Good R$50 372. BARRY 10oz & 6oz Crown Tops, both aqua machine made, 10oz “D J BARRY GISBORNE TOKOMARU BAY”, HQWZLQHGOHWWHUVWP$*0PDNHUVKRXOGHU bruise/ding, Good, Plus 6oz “D J BARRY *,6%251(´,OOLQRLV3DFL¿F*ODVVPDNHU Very Good (2) R$25 377. MARTIN TH210A, ring type applied top with FURZQULQJR]$5DWHGGDUNJUHHQ “H.MARTIN GLADSTONE ROAD *,6%251(´QRPDNHUDOORYHUZHDU dullness, (would polish well), Good R$50 22 376 377 378 379 388 385 386 387 380 389 381 390 381. BARRY TH59A, 26oz, green glass machine made, “D.J.BARRY GISBORNE”, Very Good R$20 382. no lot 383 BARRY 7+$UDWHGR]VSXQWRSGDUNJUHHQ “D.J. Barry Gisborne” written around base edge, some crate wear/scratches, a PDQXIDFWXULQJOLQHORRNLQJOLNHDVFUDWFK above word Barry, Good R$50 386A 386B 378. BARRY TH60A (not listed, no writing to base edge), 12oz, spun top, “D.J.BARRY *,6%251(´QRPDNHUOLJKWFUDWHZHDU Very Good R$100 379. BARRY Not Listed (similar to TH55, but wording higher up), 12oz Ring Seal, machine made, “D.J.BARRY GISBORNE”, no PDNHU9HU\*RRG R$50 380. BARRY 7+56R]GDUNHPHUDOGJUHHQDSSOLHG ring seal, “D.J.BARRY GISBORNE”, ding to inner rim, needs an internal wash, Very Good R$25 384. DJB Not Listed, 26oz, similar to TH57, but has word “GISBORNE” under shield, 8*%PDNHUV$PEHUPDFKLQHPDGH9HU\ Good R$30 382 383 384 391 386B. KIA-ORA TH167, 26oz, Amber, “KIA - ORA MINERAL WATER CO AUCKLAND”, lip chips and burst bubble/scar to base edge, Good R$50 387. WRIGHT TG163, Pyramid shaped, light blue, original chrome top, “WRIGHT & CO CHRISTCHURCH”, classic sailing boat tm, light internal stains, Very Good R$100 388. WRIGHT TG170, 40oz Pyramid shaped, light green, original chrome top, “WRIGHT & CO CHRISTCHURCH”, classic sailing boat tm, minor bruise to base edge at rear, Very Good R$100 385. GWS TH108, amber machine made, 26oz, “G W 6&R*,6%251(´$*0PDNHU9HU\ Good R$20 389. MARTIN TG93, Pyramid shape, light blue, original top, “DE LUXE SODA BOTTLED BY HENRY MARTIN GISBORNE”, A rare A rated syphon, Very Good R$100 386. BARRY TH58, 26oz, Amber, machine made, ³'-%$55<*,6%251(´1=PDNHU Very Good R$25 390. BARRY 7*3DOO0DOOVKDSH3LQNRULJLQDO chrome top, “D.J.BARRY GISBORNE”, entwined letters tm, A rated, Very Good R$100 386A. HANCOCK 26oz Internal Thread “HANCOCK & CO AUCKLAND”, lip chips, Good R$25 391. BARRY 3 clear Syphons, 2 x Pall Mall shape & 1 Regent, all for “D.J.BARRY GISBORNE”, all Very Good (3) R$30 23 392 393 394 396 397 398 399 402 403 392. BARRY 4 clear syphons, all plain and all 4 are different to each other, all for “D.J.BARRY GISBORNE”, internal stains, Very Good (4) R$50 393. MARTIN 3 clear syphons, all plain and all 3 are different to each other, all for “HENRY MARTIN GISBORNE”, internal stains, Very Good (3) R$40 394. GISBORNE 2 clear syphons, Regency, “EASTERN BOTTLING CO GISBORNE”, PLASTIC TOP, Very Good, Plus Albany shape, “HENRY MARTIN GISBORNE”, original top, Very Good (2) R$20 395. HALL Clear plain syphon, “T.H.HALL AERATED WATER MANUFACTURER TAURANGA”, plastic top (Innes), Very Good R$10 The Richard Paul Tea Kettle Collection 5HIHUHQFHVWR,QN%RWWOHV,QNZHOOV William E Colville 1971 396. Teakettle 1 &LQVWDOOOLPHJUHHQPLONJODVV smooth base, 8 panels, two tier, Very Good R$200 397. Teakettle 2 &LQVWDOOOLPHJUHHQPLONJODVV smooth base, 8 sided, Very Good R$150 395 400 401 404 405 398. Teakettle 3 &LQVWDOO:HGJZRRGEOXHPLON JODVVVPRRWKEDVHVLGHGWLQ\ÀHDELWH on spout rim, Very Good R$200 399. Teakettle 4 C -1237, 3ins tall, vertical pear form, light \HOORZJUHHQPLONJODVVVPRRWKEDVH PHWDOFDS¿WWLQJPLVVLQJWKHOLGPLQRU underside base edge chip, Very Good R$150 400. Teakettle 5 C - 1237, 2.5ins tall, vertical rib pear IRUPOLJKWEOXHPLONJODVVVPRRWKEDVH Very Good R$200 401. Teakettle 6 C - 1262, 2.25ins tall, corset waisted GRPHSDQHOVWLHUDSSOLHGÀRUDO decoration with gold gilding trim on white PLONJODVV¿WWHGZLWKPHWDOFDSPLVVLQJ the lid, light wear to gold gilding, Very Good R$300 406 407 404. Teakettle 9 2.75ins tall, salt glazed stoneware impressed to top “SE & CR” (South Eastern and Chatham Railway), Very Good R$50 405. Teakettle 10 C - 1242, 2.5ins tall, salt glazed stoneware, 6 sided pyramid style, embossed to panels, “JOSIAH JONSONS JAPAN WRITING FLUID LONDON”, NO PM, Very Good R$100 406. Teakettle 11 2.5ins tall, glossy white porcelain with 2 SDQHOVZLWKÀRUDOGHFRUDWLRQEOXHWULP pen rests to top, light wear, Very Good R$150 407. Teakettle 12 2.25ins tall, glossy white porcelain with SDQHOVZLWKÀRUDOGHFRUDWLRQJROGJLOW trim, 2 pen rests to top, light wear, Very Good R$100 402. Teakettle 7 2.5ins tall, glazed stoneware, impressed “H.MORRELL LONDON”, to one side and British Registration diamond to other, dates to 28th Feb 1993, Doulton Lambeth pm, pen rest to top, Very Good R$100 408. Teakettle 13 &LQVWDOOZKLWHPLONJODVVZLWK PRXOGHGPXOWLFRORXUHGÀRUDOGHFRUDWLRQ very light wear to colours, 2 small chips off spout edge, Very Good R$300 403. Teakettle 8 2.5ins tall, glazed stoneware, impressed “REGISTERED”, no pm, minor base edge ÀDNH9HU\*RRG R$20 409. Teakettle 14 &LQVWDOOZKLWHPLONJODVVZLWK PRXOGHGÀRUDOGHFRUDWLRQWLQ\ÀHDELWH QLFNVRIIULPHGJH9HU\*RRG R$400 24 408 409 410 411 414 415 416 412 417 418 421 422 427 411. Teakettle 16 C – 1252, 1.75ins tall, aqua with shear lip, 8 panels, Very Good R$50 412. Teakettle 17 C -1272, 3.25ins tall, aqua glass, double IRQWFKDPEHUVIRUGLIIFRORXUVLQN very clever), ground lips, Very Rare, Very Good R$800 413. Teakettle 18 LQVWDOOELPDOGDUNHUDTXDVKHDUWRS sided with chamfered edges top & bottom, sliver chip off spout, Very Good R$20 414. Teakettle 19 C - 1253, 8 sided, cut & polished lovely bright golden amber colour with brass metal cap, ground pontil, Very Good R$200 415. Teakettle 20 2ins tall, clear glass with light amethyst tint, metal cap with lid missing, Very Good R$75 416. Teakettle 21 2ins tall, Igloo shape, clear glass, ground lip, smooth base, Very Good R$40 417. Teakettle 22 C- 1293, 1.5ins tall, snail styled, ground lip, 938 embossed to base, French?, Very Good R$50 419 420 423 424 410. Teakettle 15 LQVWDOOFREDOWEOXHVLGHGZLWK¿OLJUHH gilded decoration all over, metal cap with green emerald style stones, very ornate, Very Good R$300 413 425 426 428 429 418. Teakettle 23 C - 1257, 2.25ins deep puce/purple colour, ZLWKEUDVV¿WWLQJFDSKDVZRUQDQGKDVD hole in it, “R” to base, ground base, Very Good R$300 419. Teakettle 24 C - 1257, 2ins tall, bullseye top, deep UHGGLVKSXUSOHFRORXUZLWKEUDVV¿WWLQJ (showing wear), Very Good R$200 420. Teakettle 25 C - 1257, 2ins deep puce/purple colour, ZLWKEUDVV¿WWLQJVPRRWKEDVH9HU\*RRG R$250 421. Teakettle 26 &LQVWDOOGDUNFREDOWEOXH ground lip (minor chip), 8 sided with concave panels, smooth base, Very Good R$150 422. Teakettle 27 C - 1257, 2ins tall, (same shape as Lot 419) bullseye top, cobalt blue, with brass ¿WWLQJ9HU\*RRG R$150 423. Teakettle 28 C - 1269, 2.5ins tall, cobalt blue domed WRSHWFKHGÀRUDOGHFRUDWLRQZLWKJROG JLOGLQJVRPHZHDUPHWDO¿WWLQJFDS missing, smooth base, Very Good R$300 424. Teakettle 29 &LQVWDOOGDUNEULJKWHPHUDOG JUHHQPHWDO¿WWLQJFDSPLVVLQJVLGHG with concave panels and gold gilding trim, smooth base, tiny sliver chip off rim edge, Very Good R$350 25 430 425. Teakettle 30 C - 1280, 2.25ins tall, bright emerald JUHHQFXWSROLVKHGZLWKEUDVV¿WWLQJ ground pontil, light internal residue, Very Good R$200 426. Teakettle 31 2.5ins tall, bright lime green, smooth base, ground lip, large sliver chip off rim edge, Very Good R$100 427. 5 INKS 5 different colours, olive green, 2 x cobalt EOXHWXUTXRLVHEULJKWJUHHQVPRNH\ grey, R$30 428. 3 RIBBED INKS 2 blue & 1 green, all Very Good R$20 429. 3 INKS Large 8 sided aqua embossed “SHAW’S INKS ARE THE BEST”, VG, plus light blue tipper, ding to shear lip, plus 8 sided shear lip, light olive green, VG (3) R$20 430. 4 INKS All square, 3 shear tops, cobalt blue VG, plus light blue, lip sliver chip, plus green, larger, VG, plus 2 tooled tops, olive green, VG, (4) R$40 431 433 432 436 434 435 437 438 440 441 431. 4 INKS 2 square embossed “HOLLIDGE LONDON”, 1 mid blue VG & 1 mid green, light wear, plus round olive amber, rim nibbles, plus aqua 8 sided shear top, embossed “GGS” to base unusual whittled effect, VG (4) R$30 432. BRACELET 2.25ins tall, shear top, cobalt blue, bracelet LQN9HU\*RRG R$50 433. DERBY C- 709, 2ins tall, shear top, cobalt blue “DERBY ALL BRITISH”, P4384 to base, Very Good R$50 434. UMBRELLA C – 145, 2.5ins tall, tooled lip, old amber brown, pontilled, American Stoddard *ODVV:RUNVFD±1HDU0LQW R$100 435. 3 INKS 2.75ins tall, rolled top, neat yellow amber, RIIVHWQHFNZLWKSHQUHVW9*SOXVELPDO LQVWDOOYHU\GDUNJUHHQWRROHGOLS with pen rest, VG, plus 1.75ins tall, cobalt blue, embossed “POLYGON”, original paper label for “JASCOT INK”, registered number to base, VG (3) 436. 3 INKS 2.75ins tall, “M&CO LTD” in scroll to 4 panels, light turquoise VG, plus oblong LQVWDOOSDQHOV¿QHO\ULEEHGVKHDU lip, VG, plus 2.25ins tall, bimal, apple green, with pen rest, VG (3) R$40 439 442 443 437. BLACKWOOD 2ins tall, shear top (with small chip), light olive green, “BLACKWOOD & CO PATENT LONDON”, VG, Plus light blue version VG, plus light green version VG (3) R$50 438. 3 INKS Barrel style with facetted panels, aqua, shear top, minor rim nibble, plus aqua, VKHDUWRSULEEHGVW\OHSXPSNLQVKDSHG LQN9*SOXVEUDFHOHWVW\OHDTXDVKHDU top, overall dullness, (3) R$50 439. MASTER INK 6.25ins tall, 8 sided tapered with pouring spout, mid blue, smooth base, base edge sliver chip and scuff to one panel, rare and XQXVXDOLQN*RRG R$30 440. REGISTERD INK 8.75ins tall, cobalt blue, with pouring spout, large British registration diamond to one panel, with “128002”, approx 1890, overall dullness, would polish well, small chip to front base corner, Good R$30 441. 2 INKS 8ins tall, bright green, “STAFFORDS INK”, nice whittling to glass, light wear, plus 5.5ins tall cobalt blue with pouring spout, “HYDE LONDON”, Very Good (2) R$40 26 444 445 442. TODDS LQVWDOOGDUNROLYHJUHHQDSSOLHGWRS “TODD’S PERTH INK”, minor chip to base of collar & some light surface wear, Good R$45 443. TAYLOR LQVWDOOVDOWJOD]HGPDVWHULQN “BRISTOL BURNISHING INK”, Bourne Denby pm, Very Good R$25 444. SNAIL &DVWLURQVWDQGZLWKFOHDUJODVVLQNZHOO engraved decoration, a nice example of a VHOIFORVLQJLQNZHOO9HU\*RRG R$50 445. FURNESS LQVWDOOZKLWHERG\EODFNSULQW “R.FURNESS FRUIT PRESERVES AUCKLAND NEW ZEALAND”, a nice FOHDQZKLWHH[DPSOHKDUGWR¿QGLQWKLV condition, Very Good R$75 446. 2 JAMS Both 2lb, applied top, aqua, “MENNIE & DAY SOUTHERN CROSS JAM FACTORY AUCKLAND”, BGW to base, light wear and potstone to side, plus Bimal, amethyst “K BRAND”, Very Good (2) R$20 447. PARSONSON 2lb clear glass, Bimal, “PARSONSON & 446 447 448 450 449 451 452 457 458 454 453 459 460 “CORBETT MATAMATA”, (6) R$30 451. SHARLAND 3ins dia, blue print pot lid “SHARLAND & CO AUCKLAND” Dragon tm, minor FKLSVWRÀDQJHZDOOOLJKWFUD]LQJ9HU\ Good R$300 462 SONS PIONEER CHRISTCHURCH”, “500” to base, A rare ChCh jam, Very Good R$75 448. CREASE 8ins tall, honey amber, applied top, “E.H.CREASE WELLINGTON ESSENCE COFFEE & CHICORY”, light wear, Very Good R$20 449. 3 MILKS 1 Quart, “SAY BALM DULUX TO YOUR DECORATOR”, light wear, plus, ½ Pint “AMBURYS MILK VENDORS AUCKLAND”, Very Good, plus 600ml, “CHESDALE” (3) R$25 450. 6 NZ CHEMISTS 6.5ins tall, “GARRETTS GISBORNE”, 6.25ins “ARMSTRONG GISBORNE”, 4.75ins tall “REDSTONES GRIPE DRENCH GISBORNE” (dull), 6.25ins “ERNEST CLARK WAIHI”, 5.25ins “GEO BARRON WAIHI”, 5ins 452. COOK & ROSS 2.5ins dia, “COOK & ROSS OTTO OF ROSE COLD CREAM CHEMISTS CHRISTCHURCH”, this is the smaller YHUVLRQPLQRUQLFNWRÀDQJHHGJH9HU\ Good R$400 453. AICKENS 2.75ins dia, Green print pot lid for “AICKIN’S EUCALYPTENE OINTMENT AUCKLAND”, Very Good R$800 454. MELBOURNE LQVVTXDUHZLWKJUHHQEDFNJURXQG “AUGUSTE HORTON CRUNDALL TOOTH POWDER” gold gilding WRERUGHUFKLSWRÀDQJHHGJH5DUH Melbourne lid, Very Good R$600 455. HASLETTS 3.5 x 2.5ins oblong lid, “HASLETTS’ CHERRY TOOTH PASTE $8&./$1'´OLJKWZHDUPLQRUQLFNRII bottom lid face corner, Very Good R$200 456. CROSSE BLACKWELL 3.5ins dia, Royal Coat of Arms “ANCHOVY PASTE CROSSE & %/$&.:(///21'21´PLQRUÀDQJH edge chip, Very Good R$30 27 455 456 461 457. HAUNTED HOUSE 3ins dia, “CHERRY TOOTH PASTE”, with Cherries around outside with 2 story house in the centre, dirty age crazing, gold gilt border has some wear, Good R$50 458. PRICE 2.5ins dia, “RUSSIAN BEARS GREASE PRICE & COS FROM THE BEARS IN THEIR NATIVE CLIMATE”, rim edge FKLSÀDQJHHGJHFKLSV*RRG R$50 459. TROUCHET’S 2ins dia, red print “TROUCHET’S CORN CURE SAFE RELIABLE”, with Lighthouse tm, Very Good, has base R$45 460. ALMA 3.75ins tall, multicoloured Pratt pot depicting “THE BATTLE OF THE ALMA”, minor lip chip professionally restored, Very Good R$200 461. 3 POTS 4.5ins tall, “DUNRAGITS PURE CREAM”, plus 4ins tall “MOBERLEY CREAMERY”, plus 3.5ins “HALFORDS INDIAN CURRY PASTE”, all VG (3) R$25 462. 3 ITEMS 6.75ins tall, mid blue “ABERCROMBIE’S SOLVENT PROCESS”, light wear, plus 8ins tall, aqua, “McDOUGALLS NON POISONOUS FLY & MAGGOT OIL”, VG, plus red amber “DR WILSON’S +$,55(6725(5´D1=ERWWOH-XNHV NZ Hair Restorers & Renewers 1996), VG (3) R$45 464 469 465 470 471 28 466 467 468 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 464. 2 OILS 14ins tall, extra large Herringbone style, VG, plus 14.75ins tall, aqua, embossed around base “EDWARD PINK & SONS LONDON”, VG (2) R$30 470. GF 6 14.75ins tall, Globe to shoulder, 6 reverse arch panels, exterior very good, light stains to inside, classic top, Very Good R$750 476. GF 12 11.5ins tall, aqua with blue tint, wide mouth, 10 panels from shoulder up, Very Good R$50 465. GF 1 13.25ins tall, 10 arch style panels, classic JROG¿HOGVWRSVRPHLQWHUQDOUHVLGXHGLUW" Very Good R$100 471. GF 7 13.25ins tall, “ROBERT THIN LIVERPOOL” embossed to base with 5HJLVWUDWLRQ'LDPRQGPLQRUÀHDELWHV and a small burst bubble to base edge, Very Good R$150 477. GF 13 10.25ins tall, teardrop style, light external wear, some internal stains, Good R$100 466. GF 2 14ins tall, Bateys Crown to shoulder, Registration Diamond to base, light RYHUDOOZHDUSRWVWRQHLQQHUQHFN*RRG Rare R$500 472. GF 8 13.25ins tall, aqua, Anthony Thatcher, JRWKLFVW\OHSDQHOVIDFHWWHGQHFNOLJKW overall wear, Very Good R$250 467. GF 3 12.5ins tall, 3 Scotch Thistles around PLGVHFWLRQPLQRUEDVHHGJHÀDNHOLJKW overall wear, Very Good R$250 473. GF 9 13ins tall, ice blue, Anthony Thatcher, JRWKLFVW\OHSDQHOVIDFHWWHGQHFNRYHUDOO wear, (needs a polish), Very Good R$300 468. GF 4 13ins tall, “R.WATERS LONDON”, light internal staining, burst bubble to base edge, Very Good R$200 474. GF 10 12ins tall, aqua, 6 Gothic arch panels, 2 SRWVWRQHVWRQHFNOLJKWRYHUDOOZHDUVRPH internal stains, Very Good R$150 469. GF 5 12.25ins tall, light blue/green, 16 panels tapering to narrow top, pontil scar to base, near Mint R$750 475. GF 11 LQVWDOOÀDUHGZLWKXQGHUVLGHFKLS ¿OOHGSDQHOVÀDULQJRXW5HJLVWUDWLRQ Diamond to base, Good R$150 29 478. GF 14 8.5ins tall, Club Oil, overall wear, no damages, Good R$50 479. GF 15 8.75ins tall, ice blue, Anthony Thatcher, lip small bruise/chip, Good R$100 480. GF 16 8.5ins tall, aqua, Robert Thin (no words or Rego), Near Mint, stunning condition R$300 481 487 482 488 481. GF 17 10ins tall, Globe to shoulder, 6 reverse arch panels, some wear to exterior, light stains to inside, Good R$100 482. GF 18 8.25ins tall, Christmas Tree, with pontil, Very Good R$100 483 484 489 490 483. GF 19 9.5ins tall, Clover Leaf oil, 6 arch panels with Clover Leaf design to half the body, Registration Diamond to base (May 3rd 1853), internal stains, light exterior wear, Good R$200 484. GF 20 8.5ins tall, aqua, 2 arched panels to front, 30 485 491 486 492 plain to rear, internal stains, light exterior wear, Good R$100 485. GF 21 9.25ins tall, aqua, 8 panels, Registration Diamond to base, light wear, Good R$100 496 493 500 494 501 486. GF 22 8.5ins tall, aqua, unusual whirly style with DUFKSDQHOVPLQRUEDVHHGJHÀDNHOLJKW wear, Good R$50 487. GF 23 10.75ins tall, mid size Bell shape, light wear/stains, Very Good R$150 488. GF 24 8ins tall, aqua, small Teardrop style, small FKLSLQQHFNXQGHUFROODU*RRG R$50 489. GF 25 9ins tall, panelled oil, overall dullness, no damage, Good R$50 490. GF 26 9.75ins tall, aqua, Teardrop style, Registration Diamond to base, Near Mint R$100 491. GF 27 8ins tall, aqua, “C&B” embossed to ERWWRPVHFWLRQPLQRUEDVHHGJHÀDNHWR side, Very Good R$50 492. GF 28 8.75ins tall, Pagoda style, Very Good R$50 497 498 499 495 502 503 493. GF 29 7.5ins tall x 4ins dia, aqua, Whybrow Gothic Arch style, Very Good, large & impressive R$200 494. GF 30 8.5ins tall, aqua, 6 arched panels, with shoulder section in Pagoda style with 6 panels, Mint R$300 495. GF 31 8.5ins tall, aqua, 22 ribs around, 12 full length, Registration Diamond to base, wear to exterior/stains to interior, Good R$50 496. GF 32 5.5ins tall, blue/aqua tint, Pagoda style, 4 oval indentations around base, panelled mid section, Mint R$150 497. GF 33 5.5ins tall, Jelly Bean style, 6 vertical rings, pontil scar, Mint R$50 498. GF 34 6.75ins tall, aqua, hobnail effect all over, provision for label, overall wear, Good R$50 31 504 505 499. GF 35 5ins tall, Genie Oil style, shear lip, 8 tear drop style panels, all over wear, Good R$100 500. GF 36 9.75ins tall, Crown to shoulder, extra wide mouth (2.25ins), Very Good R$50 501. GF 37 9.75ins tall, Crown to shoulder, Very Good R$50 502. GF 38 LQVWDOODTXDGRXEOHULQJWRQHFN9HU\ Good R$50 503. GF 39 9.25ins tall, 3 recessed arch panels, VWDLQLQJWRLQVLGHRIQHFN*RRG R$50 504. GF 40 8.5ins tall, 3 rectangular recessed panels, 8 SDQHOV3DJRGDVW\OHWRQHFNZLGHPRXWK light internal stains, Very Good R$75 505. GF 41 8.75ins tall, 3 recessed arch panels, all over wear, Good R$50 506 507 508 512 509 510 513 514 511 518A 514. ZARA 6 8.5ins tall, green, applied seal, “F.DRIOLA ZARA” to rear, square, Very Good, plus 10.5ins tall, green, “F.DRIOLA ZARA”, no seal, VG (2) R$25 518 515 516 515. ZARA Mini 1 6.25ins tall, light green, miniature version, applied seal, round, Very Good R$50 517 506. GF 42 9ins tall, Robert Thin ?, square dotted panel section, light wear/internal stains, plus 7.5ins tall, aqua, diamond shaped, Very Good (2) R$125 516. ZARA Mini 2 6.25ins tall, light green, miniature version, applied seal, square, Very Good R$50 507. GF 43 LQVWDOOVPDOOVL]HVTXDUHSLFNOH overall wear, Good R$25 517. ZARA Mini 3 6.25ins tall, green, miniature version, applied seal, “F.DRIOLA ZARA” to rear, square, Very Good R$50 508. GF 44 6.5ins tall, blue/aqua tint, thatched panels WRVLGHV3DJRGDVW\OHQHFNRSHQFUXGH pontil, Very Good R$50 518. BLACK HORSE This is the rare small size version, 9.5ins WDOODSSOLHGWRSGDUNROLYHJUHHQJODVV large Registration Diamond with Rearing Horse with word “REGISTERED” under the horse, this bottle is in MINT condition. 7KLVLVDUDUHDQGLPSRUWDQWRIIHULQJ¿UVW to be auctioned publicly for some time. Super Rare & Desirable R$6000 509. ZARA 1 13ins tall, green, applied seal, square base, smooth top section, Very Good R$25 510. ZARA 2 11.25ins tall, turquoise, applied seal, round with lots of bubbles, Very Good R$25 518A. SPLIT SODA 5ins aqua, mini Hamilton, “SPLIT SODA PERFUME”, Mint R$50 511. ZARA 3 10.25ins tall, olive green, applied seal, round, minor lip chip Very Good R$25 519. WINE 8ins tall, free blown English Wine, circa PLQRULQWHUQDOULPQLFN9HU\*RRG R$75 512. ZARA 4 10.5ins tall, green, applied seal, “F.DRIOLA ZARA” to rear, square, Very Good R$25 520. ONION 7.25ins tall, Dutch Onion, Circa 1730, ODUJHNLFNXSZLWKSRQWLOURGVFDUJRRG body sheen, very light wear, some internal residue, Very Good R$125 513. ZARA 5 8.75ins tall, green, applied seal, square, pontil, Very Good R$25 32 519 521 520 522 527 524 525 526 523 528 529 530 528. VAN DER BERGHS LQVWDOOIUHHEORZQÀDUHGOLSJLQ with applied shoulder seal “VAN DER BERGHS CO”, with Bell tm, light wear, Good R$40 529. PETERS 8.5ins tall, light green, tapered bottle, “J J PETERS” to one panel and “TRADE MARK” with dog with prey to reverse, light wear, Good R$25 531 521. ONION 7.25ins tall, Dutch Onion, Circa 1730, ODUJHNLFNXSZLWKSRQWLOURGVFDUJRRG body sheen, very light wear, minor lip chip, Very Good R$125 522. JUDICA LQVWDOOGDUNJUHHQJODVVDSSOLHGVHDO to shoulder of the Star of David, with the OHWWHUV,:/DQGD¿VKWPVPRRWKEDVH Mint R$150 523. TIPPECANOE 9ins tall, lovely red amber, “TIPPECANOE H.H.WARNER” vertically embossed to body with a Canoe tm, “Pat Nov 20 83 Rochester NY” to base, Mint R$100 532 533 524. WARNERS 2 One Pint “WARNERS MELBOURNE”, with Safe tm, one red amber the other amber, both Very Good (2) R$40 530. PETERS LQVWDOOGDUNJUHHQWDSHUHGERWWOH³- J PETERS” to one panel and “TRADE MARK” with dog with prey to reverse, Very Good R$25 525. CLARKE’S 11.25ins tall, mid blue, “CLARKE’S WORLD BLOOD MIXTURE LINCOLN ENGLAND”, light surface wear/scuffs, Good R$40 531. O C STEPHENS 6.75ins tall x 6.5ins dia at widest point, celadon green, fully glazed, “O.C.STEPHENS DUNEDIN NZ” printed to base, Mint R$50 526. PRICE’S 7.25ins tall, mid blue, “PRICE’S PATENT CANDLE COMPANY LIMITED”, with Registration Diamond to front, Pontil scar to base, Very Good R$150 532. LAMPSHADE 4.5ins tall and 5ins wide, Vaseline style free blown lampshade, lovely cranberry with cream swirls, Mint R$50 527. GIN LQVWDOOGDUNROLYHJUHHQIUHHEORZQ ÀDUHGOLS*LQ9HU\*RRG R$25 533. SIMONS BB301. Green Top “SIMONS GINGER BEER”, Price Bristol pm, lip chip, light crate wear, Good R$100 33