Instituto Anglo Britanico Middle Years Program


Instituto Anglo Britanico Middle Years Program
Instituto Anglo Britanico
Middle Years Program
Design Cycle Report
Protecting my memories
Student: José Antonio Paulin De La O
Num. List: 15
Group: MYP III D
Subject: Design
Teacher: Aida Hernandez
Due Date: December 2015
Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Table of content
Table of figure ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Criteria A .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Explain and justify the need .................................................................................................................... 4
Criteria A .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Identify and prioritize research ............................................................................................................... 9
Criteria A ..................................................................................................................................................12
How to use movie maker.......................................................................................................................12
Criteria B...................................................................................................................................................19
Developing,Planning,Drawing or Diagram .........................................................................................19
Criteria B...................................................................................................................................................20
Present & Justify Final chosen Design ..................................................................................................20
Criteria C ..................................................................................................................................................23
ScreenShots .............................................................................................................................................23
Criteria C ..................................................................................................................................................25
Justify Changes Made to the design ...................................................................................................25
Criteria D ..................................................................................................................................................27
Design testing methods .........................................................................................................................27
Criteria D ..................................................................................................................................................30
Explain the success of the solution .......................................................................................................30
Criteria D ..................................................................................................................................................31
How the solution could be improve ....................................................................................................31
Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Table of figure
Image 1 In this image is showing how the people of now a days is only texting all the time. ................................ 8
Image 2 the people when they go to some meeting they are always in the cellphone. .......................................... 8
Image 3 the non-ionizing radiation is damaging your body while you use he cellphone......................................... 8
Image 4 The technology has improve with the pass of the time and make a huge change in our life because it
help us a lot with the transportation, communication, health sector etc.............................................................. 11
Image 5 in this scene of my video Bart want a new iPhone for Christmas............................................................. 23
Image 6 Here Bart receive the new ipgone 6 c that he want. ................................................................................ 23
Image 7 Bart is using the cellphone while eating. .................................................................................................. 23
Image 8 Milhouse is tryind to talk with Bart but Bart is in the cellphone. ............................................................ 24
Image 9 Milhouse make a plan to try to quit the cellphone................................................................................... 24
Image 10 Here Bart say that he never is going to be a lot in the cellphone. .......................................................... 24
Graphic 1 the graphic 1 is about the people that use the cellphone, is asking how many hours are using them. .. 6
Graphic 2 this chart is the percentage of the people that think if the social networks are good, or not and well
won. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Graphic 3 some of my friends are texting in the cellphone, the others pass the time in there cellphone playing
and the other part seeing videos. ............................................................................................................................. 7
Graphic 4 The persons that don’t use there cellphone are almost die others are crying and the other part
nothing. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Criteria A
Explain and justify the need
Excessive use of cell phone
The nature of the problem is from the cell phone, because the people use a lot the cell phone
and the computer during the day and during the night, and they change their sleeping time
because they are in the chat with the friends or with the boyfriend, and in the morning they don’t
want to get up. This is a big problem in almost all the world this is a problem that affect the
people that use excessively the computer or the cellphone, they begin, with headache, sore
fingers, in the eyes, they sleep during the day and be on the chats during the night. (Yelwande,
This problem occur most of the time at home they begin to use, a lot the cellphone, during eating,
at night, and then it begin less communication in the family, the person become an antisocial
and if the parent say that they need to give the cell phone they, cry because someone said
something to he or she, and they also become angry because they are in the cell phone and
then the internet go off and they cry, because they are very pasted to the internet, is like they
heart. (Cale, 2016)
The person that use excessively the social network in cellphone or in the computer they can’t
live without the cellphone. And also this persons don’t talk with anyone or sometimes they talk
with the persons next to them by using the chats they don’t make eye contact. The ionizing
radiation of the cellphone, affect the electrical brain activity during sleeping and can cause risk
of having cancer.
All the persons now a days use the cellphone the little kids, kids of 8 years old have a cell phone,
is incredible, how the parents gave cell phones to his sons. But the cellphones can be positive,
the people make bad use of the cell phones. The positive things is that is easier to communicate,
also you can see routes that you can use to go to one place, city, or country. Only some parents
take all the cellphones to her sons and the parent help them to don’t make them addicts.
Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
How many time do you use the cellphone?
Protecting My Memories
Do you think the social network are good?
Why do you use the cell phone?
See videos
What happened if you don’t have your cell phone?
Almost dying
How many social media accounts you have?
2 II
Do you know all your followers
What kind of information do you share?
Special events IIIIIII
Daily life 0 Food I Location I News and videos IIIIIIIIIIII
Have you block your parents on your social networking profile?
Have you helped a bullied person?
Do your parents know the password of your social networks?
Do you consider yourself a bullier?
Have you ever talked with an unknown person through internet?
How you ever been on a situation where you are a victim of bullying?
Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Question 1
How many time do you use the cell phone
Graphic 1 the graphic 1 is about the people that use the
cellphone, is asking how many hours are using them.
question 2
Do you think the social network are good?
Graphic 2 this chart is the percentage of the people that think
if the social networks are good, or not and well won.
Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Question 3
What do you do in the cellphone
See videos
Graphic 3 some of my friends are texting in the cellphone, the
others pass the time in there cellphone playing and the other
part seeing videos.
Question 4
What happened do you don’t use the cell phone
Almost die
Graphic 4 The persons that don’t use there cellphone are
almost die others are crying and the other part nothing.
Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Image 1 In this image is showing how the people of now a days is only texting all the time.
Image 2 the people when they go to some meeting they are always in the
Image 3 the non-ionizing radiation is
damaging your body while you use he
Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Criteria A
Identify and prioritize research
Positive aspects of the technology
Now I am working in the second step of the Criteria A, in the first one I talk you about the negative
impact of the technology, now I am going to talk you about the positive impact of the technology
in now a days. The technology had make a big impact in the social media, communication,
health, art, transportation, and in our life, is a new era and we are part of it.
The technology make the persons change the form of see the things and make it easier for the
people like for example:
Use it for research
Globalization- learn from different areas around the world
Educational games- make learning fun
Distance education- still learn even while away
Web seminars- learn in the comfort of your own home
The Internet gives people the opportunity to educate themselves, and all from the comfort of
their own home if they wish. It allows us to be able to learn as much as we want about what we
want. For example, if you were interested in a subject or course that your school or college does
not cover, you could take it upon yourself to teach yourself through your own online research or
by signing up to an online course, either for free or for a set fee.
Technology in ….
Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
The communication has change a lot with the time it has been develop a lot like for example in
the past do not exist the cell-phone, the IPad, smartphone etc. These new things had change
the life of the people, the form of how they see the world, the technology had open a new entire
world. Now we communicate by the social networks, the social networks the message go very
fast and we can be in communication with someone.
In the health sector the technology had make a big change because in the past the quality of
the hospitals were not very good but now with the new technology, with this advanced
technology, we can have better quality of life, we can solve more sickness that in the past were
very impossible to do. Also there is a program that is about using robots to help people, with
problems like coma, stroke, etc.
In the transportation the technology had make a huge impact in the past the cars don’t exist but
now we have a lot of cars also, we have motorcycles, and also there are buses, for the people
to, to one place to another, this new technology help us a lot, now we can travel to a huge
distance to another, in the past they were walking to the parts of the city, this new cars help the
persons to go fast to one place to another, and it not take a lot of time.
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Protecting My Memories
Image 4 The technology has improve with the pass of the time and make a huge change in our life because it help us a lot with the
transportation, communication, health sector etc.
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Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Criteria A
How to use movie maker
Hi my name is Jose Antonio Paulín De la O, I am student of the Instituto Anglo Britanico, in the
design class, and I am going to explain you how to use movie maker. With my knowledge, I am
going to teach you.
First: The teacher say that we are going to use movie maker so, we search the program and
then we click on the program.
Second: Then when you click in the program it’s appear all in blank because is a new document
so to make a movie you need to save images in a folder then when you have, so when you have
the folder with the images you click on add videos or images. And then it’s appear the folder
with all the images or videos that you have saved.
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Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Third: Then you select all the images and then it’s appear like this so you can put a lot of things
like the animations the pixels, moving up, appearing etc. You can use a lot of animations like in
Power Point.
Fourth: You can a tittle in your movie, you click in home then it appear many options then you search
for the one that says tittle, when you click on tittle it appear the text were you can write the tittle also to
the tittle you can put animation like an image. And in the tittles you can change the background color.
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Protecting My Memories
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Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Fifth: You can put text to the images that you put or also to the videos. And also duration to the
videos or the time of during of the images and the text.
And also at what time do you want
the image or video start.
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Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Sixth: Also the duration, the effect, start time, you can make it with all the videos, tittles and
images. Is the same process that you need to do, to obtain the duration of the images and the
start time. You can decide in what part do you cant the text appear , and how many time do you
want the text stay there.
Seventh: And you can put credits to your movie different types of credits directed by, location
and the soundtrack.
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Protecting My Memories
Eigth: The project that you make you can save it like a project or like a movie. The difference is
that in save as project you can continue modifying the project that you are making, but when
you save it like a movie is that you are ready to publish or to make it a movie.
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Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
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Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Criteria B
Developing,Planning,Drawing or Diagram
There was a family, in Mexico the son has 14 years old he is a teenager, all the day he is in the
computer or in the cellphone, his told to his parent that he want the new IPhone 6c but his parent
told him that, he don’t need a new phone he already has one, so he began to cry and his parent
buy him the cellphone. He spent all the day in the cellphone, if his parent told him something to
do he get angry.
One week later his son stop talking with him, they saw that he was very tired and he sleep during
the day, but in the night he is wake up and being in the cellphone chatting with his friends. Then
when Kevin, his friend come to play with Juan he don’t want to go out because he was in the
chat, that was weird to Kevin but do not give importance.
Then Juan began to be antisocial and separate from every one that was close to he, then the
parents go with a doctor and they told him all the weird things that are happening with Juan and
the doctor said that the cause of this things is the excessive use of the cellphone and the parent,
don’t believe it, then his parent of Juan took him the cellphone and Juan was very angry and he
try to suicide, because his parent took his cellphone. Months later Juan and his parent begin to
go to physiologist and they go out of the problem in family.
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Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Criteria B
Present & Justify Final chosen Design
My partner is Alejandro Quintana, and Edgar Quintero we are going to make a movie maker
video, we are going to talk the negative impact of the technology in the daily life, my partner
Alex make a story that is about a kid that in Christmas his parent gave to him a new IPhone 6c
and that he was very excited, with the pass of the month the kid it was always in the cellphone
and do not get out from the cellphone. One day his parent began to see that his son spent a lot
of time in that cellphone, and they took him the cellphone and the kid was crying and angry,
then one day he said that if they don’t gave him the cellphone he is going to kill himself his
parent do not gave him the cellphone and the kid suicide.
My proposal is similar to Alex’s story, my story is about a family, in Mexico the son has 14 years
old he is a teenager, all the day he is in the computer or in the cellphone, his told to his parent
that he want the new IPhone 6c but his parent told him that, he don’t need a new phone he
already has one, so he began to cry and his parent buy him the cellphone. He spent all the day
in the cellphone, if his parent told him something to do he get angry.
One week later his son stop talking with him, they saw that he was very tired and he sleep
during the day, but in the night he is wake up and being in the cellphone chatting with his friends.
Then when Kevin, his friend come to play with Juan he don’t want to go out because he was in
the chat, that was weird to Kevin but do not give importance. Then Juan began to be antisocial
and separate from every one that was close to he, then the parents go with a doctor and they
told him all the weird things that are happening with Juan and the doctor said that the cause of
this things is the excessive use of the cellphone and the parent, don’t believe it, then his parent
of Juan took him the cellphone and Juan was very angry and he try to suicide, because his
parent took his cellphone. Months later Juan and his parent begin to go to physiologist and they
go out of the problem in family.
The final idea is about a guy that his name is Pablo he and his family are very joined they,
celebrate Christmas all the years, he want the new IPhone 6c, his parent buy him the cellphone
and Pablo was very excited that in that moment he began to download apps and games he
thanks his parent for the gift. With the pass of the weeks Pablo was so addicted to his cellphone,
his always was with the cellphone in the hands and never get off of the cellphone, then his
parent saw that he spent all the time in the cellphone so they sent him to a summer camp, he
was so angry because they took him the cellphone, when he has 1 week in the camp, he was
so desperate that he go out of the summer camp and return to his house, when he come back
to his house, he was searching the cellphone and he don’t find it so he was so angry and then
he talk to his parent and asking where was the cellphone and they told to him that they sold it.
His parent gave him a smartphone but not the IPhone, he try to suicide but in that moment an
unknown girl send him a message, then he began talking with her and in four months he still
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Protecting My Memories
talking to the girl her name is Maria then Maria told to Pablo that they need to see, in that
moment Maria say that in the park tomorrow, Pablo was so excited. When Pablo arrived to the
park he don’t see Maria then some guys take Pablo, and no one knows nothing about Pablo,
but then in 5 years Pablo find the way to go out of that horrible place and he come back with his
parent and the thing that he learn is that, he need to be less time in the cellphone and more with
the persons that surround you.
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Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
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Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Criteria C
Image 5 in this scene of my video Bart want a new iPhone for Christmas.
Image 6 Here Bart receive the new ipgone 6 c that he want.
Image 7 Bart is using the cellphone while eating.
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Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Image 8 Milhouse is tryind to talk with Bart but Bart is
in the cellphone.
Image 9 Milhouse make a plan to try to quit the
Image 10 Here Bart say that he never is going to be a lot
in the cellphone.
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Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Criteria C
Justify Changes Made to the design
First my story it was going to be about a family, in Mexico the son has 14 years old he is a
teenager, all the day he is in the computer or in the cellphone, his told to his parent that he want
the new IPhone 6c but his parent told him that, he don’t need a new phone he already has one,
so he began to cry and his parent buy him the cellphone. He spent all the day in the cellphone,
if his parent told him something to do he get angry.
One week later his son stop talking with him, they saw that he was very tired and he sleep during
the day, but in the night he is wake up and being in the cellphone chatting with his friends. Then
when Kevin, his friend come to play with Juan he don’t want to go out because he was in the
chat, that was weird to Kevin but do not give importance.
Then Juan began to be antisocial and separate from every one that was close to he, then the
parents go with a doctor and they told him all the weird things that are happening with Juan and
the doctor said that the cause of this things is the excessive use of the cellphone and the parent,
don’t believe it, then his parent of Juan took him the cellphone and Juan was very angry and he
try to suicide, because his parent took his cellphone. Months later Juan and his parent begin to
go to physiologist and they go out of the problem in family.
But then I decide that my story it was going to be about a guy that want a new cellphone, but he
has one, when his father buy the cellphone, he was so excited and begin to use all the day the
cellphone and he don’t get out of it, when he was with his friend, his friend try to talk with him
but the guy was only in the cellphone, then his friend make a plan to help him and he got it
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Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Criteria D
Design testing methods
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Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Criteria D
Explain the success of the solution
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Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Criteria D
How the solution could be improve
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Jose Antonio Paulin De La O
Protecting My Memories
Cale, E. (2016, 1 7). The Advantages of Technology. Retrieved from Advantages and Disadvantages of the
Technology Advances:
Yelwande, G. (2016, 1 7). Technology now a days. Retrieved from Now a days technologies have became a very
important aspect of everybodys lives:
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