Los Padres Times - Backcountry Horsemen of California Los Padres


Los Padres Times - Backcountry Horsemen of California Los Padres
Volume 21, Issue 4
July/August 2012
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Page 1
- http://bchc-lpunit.org
Los Padres Times
Los Padres Unit
2012 Backcountry Horsemen
Officers and Committees
President – Bill Chaides
(805) 238-6393
(805) 471-1197 cell
[email protected]
Vice President –
Jack Garretson
(805) 717-2998
Secretary - Joni Lewis
(805) 296-2371
[email protected]
Treasurer – Cheryl McGray
[email protected]
Public Lands – Dave Rigoli
(805) 440-4404
Education– Nancy Kimmell
[email protected]
Newsletter - Susan Tuttle
(805) 720-2418
[email protected]
Work Details - Richard Waller
(805) 489-8885
[email protected]
Steve Freeman
(805) 937-8090
Programs - Terrie Garretson
(805)717-2998 cell
(805) 934-8422
[email protected]
Historian – Mindy VoigtRigoli
(805) 720-4665
[email protected]
Forest Service Liaison Melody Fountain
[email protected]
Member at Large John McGray
Membership Patty Pembroke
[email protected]
Media & Special Events Russ Rantz
[email protected]
WOW!, WOW!,WOW! What a wonderful gathering
at the 4th Annual Boat & Ride Youth Campout at San
Antonio Lake. Forty-six in attendance which included
15 youths, and 6 adults were non-members. All enjoyed the full amenities of the Monterey County Park
Camp. Many took part in trail riding, lake side relaxing
and water sports. The youths and adults enjoyed the
floating flotilla and the pontoon boat provided by Jerry
and Lisa Morrison, skippered by Mark Martella. Saturday morning, Bill Chaides and Rich Waller, who had
just returned from the Inyo National Forest academy
packing clinic held at the Mammoth FS pack station,
provided a short packing clinic with the aid of “Rocky”
the steel mule, exampling some varied packing techniques, the box hitch and its purpose, the “bank robbers” slip knot and a vertical knot to prevent
your tie from slipping down a vertical post or tree. Ellie Livingston gave instruction of horse care
and horse safety, along with some in-arena riding lessons. Bill and Sandy Obermeyer provided
the in-arena obstacle course for all to use and expose their horse to a number of varied challenges. A written examination of horse questions was provided with an exemplary outcome by
the youths. Nancy provided an award for the participating youths of a specially engraved 2”
round leather patch stamped with BCHC LOS PADRES UNIT, the State logo and conches for
tying onto the saddle or as an ID-tag. Both Friday and Saturday evening BBQ were chefed by
Mark Martella and assisted by many others who provided our units’ specialty of assorted potluck dishes. Nancy provided instruction on curing and starting your new Dutch Oven. Cindy
Heaton, with her new Dutch Oven put together a different sort of cobbler using chocolate
brownie mix. This different addition turned out to be quite delicious. Another member, Brenda
Mills, offered her Dutch Oven cobbler, which was gone before I even knew it was there. Must
have been good. Needless to say, we were overwhelmed with fantastic Dutch Oven presentations. Check out the photos of the weekend
on our Facebook page and come to the
General Meeting to view a DVD presentation of that weekend.
President Message
Inside this issue:
Be sure and attend your NEXT GENERAL/BOARD MEETING which will be
held at Me & Z’s in Grover Beach on July
18. Arrive early to order off the menu.
The Board meeting will start at 6:30 p.m.
We will be showing DVD photos of the
Boat N Ride weekend.
Program Chair’s Messages
Education Chair’s Message
Bits and Pieces
We will not be participating this year at the
4th. of July parade in Templeton.
Member opinion
Continued on page 3
Important Message from your Editor
Philosophy & Purpose
Membership and Application
Thoughts and Prayers
Page 2
July/August 2012
Volume 21, Issue 4
I had only four (4) responses for last newsletter’s question – they were – Monday, May 14th, at 12:01 a.m., Mark Orlick; Tuesday,
May 15th, at 9:05 a.m., Paxton Pembroke; 7:03 p.m., Sandi Waldron; and Wednesday, May 16 th, at 11:15 a.m., Michelle Allen.
MARK ORLICK’s name was drawn at the General meeting – congratulations MARK. I, personally, was glad that Mark won – he
has submitted an answer on EVERY question since I started the Incentive Question. He had not won previously and was truly
starting to whine. – Mark used his certificate on the Boat N Ride and enjoyed $10 off the price of the outing, which was HALF
The answer to the Question: What horse was listed as extinct in the wild until 2008? The answer was located in the Rendezvous
article on page 4.
Przewalski Horse is a rare and endangered subspecies of wild horse native to the steppes of central Asia, specifically Mongolia.
The horse is named after the Russian geographer and explorer Nikolai Przhevalsky. Most “wild” horses today, such as the American Mustang or the Australian Brumby, are actually feral horses descended from domesticated animals that escaped and adapted to
life in the wild. In contrast, Przewalski’s horse has never been successfully domesticated and remains a truly wild animal today.
The Przeqalski’s horse is considered the only remaining truly wild “horse” in the world and may be the closest living wild relative
of the domesticated horse.
Your next Question is: Who was responsible for the stars in the U.S. flag? The answer is located within a section of text throughout your newsletter. READ YOUR NEWSLETTER!!
Again, a $10.00 certificate will be given to the person with the correct answer from the newsletter and must be
presented with your pre-registration form to any of our unit’s camping activity requiring a registration fee.
This certificate is not transferable and not applied toward merchandise purchase.
receiving their newsletter by snail mail to participate also. After that date, contact VIA EMAIL
([email protected]) OR PHONE CALL TO ME (805) 471-1198. The first “15” correct responses will be
placed in a drawing container and the winner selected at the following general meeting. You must give me your name in your
email. The Francis Hopkinson winner drawn will be mailed the $10.00 certificate for remittance at any unit camping activity requiring a pre-registration fee. You may win more than once.
Any questions, please contact me. Also Susan Tuttle and I are not eligible to win.
Nancy Kimmell – Education Chair
PLEASE NOTE-You will receive your newsletter through the mail for 2 more Newsletters. I will be sending it via email if you have given it to me also. The Board would like to
take the opportunity to see how you-as members prefer to get the Newsletter.
We started emailing to save the unit money however if this causes our Members NOT to read the newsletter
or even worse, not renew membership we would like to know and improve on this. The Newsletter offers a
lot of important information and we hope you find it interesting.
Please let us know what you think and if you would like it mailed or
This Los Padres unit newsletter is published
emailed to you in the future.
six (6) times per year, in January, March,
We value your membership and participation. Thank you!
[email protected]
The deadline for articles to the State (BCHC) is August 10, 2012 for
Fall issue – BCHA Fall deadline is September 1, 2012 issue.
May, July, September and November. Deadline
for submissions is the 20th of the previous
month. Email word files and pictures to:
[email protected]
Volume 21, Issue 4
July/August 2012
Page 3
Continued from page 1
If anyone is interested in participating in the “Los Alamos Parade” or
the “Paso Robles Pioneer Parade” please let me know, ASAP, so we
can schedule it. Dutch Oven Demos are also coming up. Anyone interested in helping, please contact me.
Lisa Deas, Pres. Steinbeck Country Unit is offering her unit’s help in
coordinating and looking for assistance in packing and logistics in putting together a Multi day Mission to Mission Ride. The team, consisting of seven riders, will begin in Sonoma, traveling through Monterey
County, leaving Mission San Juan Baustista, to Mission San Carlos in
Carmel, to Mission Nuestra Senora de la Soledad, to Mission San Antonio de Padua, and ending at Mission San Miguel in time for the Mission’s Fiesta on Sunday Sept. 16, 2012. This will end the North Ride and the halfway point on the California Mission
Ride. The team will return to Mission San Miguel in summer of 2013 to continue on to San Diego.
If interested, contact Lisa Deas [[email protected]] 831-402-7482 or Traveling from Mission to Mission by Horseback, http://www.thecaliforniamissionride.org. Check out the web for more information. There is an interview of our
very own Lisa Deas. This will include some trail camping and amenity (motel) camping traveling thru the Ventana Wilderness, camping at the Indians and or other private properties.
FS Up-DATE, re. employees or Volunteers on FS projects. OSHA’s pushing for more regulations RE: Mandatory training, mandatory safety equipment, mandatory certification for all work being done under the Forest Service umbrella,
looking toward all riders to use helmets, and all participants to be certified in all aspects of volunteer work. The Forest
Service has an “Equine Safety Management Strategy Framework; National Recommendations for Implementation, i.e.,
Required Regional Horsemanship Training Certification and Mentoring Program; Equestrian Safety Riding Equipment,
Horsemanship Skills, Personal Stock Approval and more. If interested, come to your next general meeting for follow up
I know many have been out enjoying the wide outdoors (while you can) camping, packing and exploring new areas.
Please come and share your experiences with us.
Happy trails, Ride Ride Ride.
Bill Chaides, President
Sitting at the lake shore
Getting Awards
Just hanging out under an Oak
Boat N Ride 2012
Page 4
July/August 2012
Volume 21, Issue 4
Education Message:
As the President said, the Boat N Ride was so
much fun. Everyone enjoyed the riding and the
water. The weather was perfect. The food, as
always, was superb. I was a little disappointed
in the turn-out for the education classes on Saturday morning. I understand that some of the children feel they have heard this stuff before, but I
always learn something new no matter how
many times I have attended the classes. The instructors try and make it educational and special
for the children. They are doing this voluntarily. It is frustrating for the instructors if there are
no attendees. In the future, I would ask that the children
make an attempt to be at the classes, even if it is early
(9:00 a.m.) on Saturday morning. We start at that time
so you can have more riding availability and water sports
in the afternoon. If you have any suggestions regarding
the classes, please let me know and I will attempt to
modify and/or make changes if possible.
Nancy Kimmell, Education Chair
Bald Eagle spotted at
Boat N Ride-Lake
San Antonio by Darin
Topham, Patricia Tuttle
and Nickie Brayton.
Photo taken by Susan Tuttle
Volume 21, Issue 4
July/August 2012
PLEASE VISIT OUR FACEBOOK PAGEhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Backcountry-Horsemen-ofCalifornia-Los-Padres-Unit/244083928973036
Like us
Share us
Page 5
We are looking for someone to chair
the BCHC-LP unit
Parades – if anyone is
please contact Bill Chaides at
471-1197 or [email protected]
Page 6
July/August 2012
Volume 21, Issue 4
Membership News
Welcome new members, Nora Buck, Kathryn Anderson, Leona & Steve Michaud, Deah Rudd, Pamela Stableford.
Welcome back – Robin Cederlof, Allen & Genevieve Gardener, Charlie Gassett, Rick & Lou Jacobsen, Kathy Johnson, Gail Kemble, Sandy Kramp, Devin & Nathan Langley, Theresa & David Leader, Paul & Maureen Lemos, Deidre
Leonard & Suzanne Meathrell, Donna Linneman, Vicki Moore, Gerald & Elisa Morrison, Alice & Joe Olla, Ann O’Neil
-Freauf, Janet & Stan Porhola, Linda, Elizabeth, Phillip Trott, Michael Vaughan, Maureen Wallace.
Memberships Coming Due: July & August 2012
Lisa & Carl Abeloe
Joe Gomez
If you refer a new member
Jessica Bewley & Steven Freeman
David & Sherri Hanto
remember to let me know.
Richard Cabrera
David & Kimberly Heuer
Damon & Mary Devine
Susie Thielmann
Alexis Forgnone
Michael Vaughan
Fred & Kathy Forgnone
Kerry Marcu
Bonnie, Durk & Denise Howell
Deborah Lasala
Robin & Dave McDonald
Five referrals equal one T Shirt;
Eight referrals equal one Sweatshirt;
Ten referrals equal one Jacket.
This is an annual JanuaryDecember contest.
Helen Merenda
Cheryl Metz
Joel Miller & Nicole Wiggin
Chris Sean Moriarty
Kris Pimentel
Denny & Bob Thomas
Linda & Bill Tucker
Membership Chair Responsibilities: Work closely with State Membership Chair, updating
membership records. Keep Unit Board members informed of membership status. Promote
new memberships for Unit. Provide article in the News Letter for our General Membership
regarding membership status. Mail reminders when memberships have expired or are about to
expire. Keep open communication with all members as to questions and/or concerns regarding membership. Send new members information/calendars and welcome letter.
Thanks, Patty
Volume 21, Issue 4
July/August 2012
Page 7
Monthly Rides – by Terrie Garretson
MAY – We went to Cerro Cabillo area in the Morro Bay State Park. The
weather was perfect for the ride. There were 5 of us, Myself, Larry W.,
Connie C, Fred O. and Julie S. It was a very comfortable ride, not really
hard and not overly easy. There are just enough hills and great views to
keep it interesting. The whole trail only takes about 1 ½ hours, so for a
quick ride it’s well located. If you missed the ride and want to find out
where this is located, call me, I will be happy to tell you how to get there.
Continued on page 11
Making Happy Faces
Splashing in the Lake
Boat N Ride 2012
Page 8
July/August 2012
Volume 21, Issue 4
Philosophy and Purpose of Backcountry Horsemen of California
To perpetuate the common sense use and enjoyment of horses and mules in America’s back
country and wilderness.
To work to ensure that public lands remain open to recreational stock use.
To assist the various government and private agencies in their maintenance and management of
these public lands.
To educate, encourage, and solicit active participation in the wise use of the back country resource by horsemen and the general public commensurate with our heritage.
To foster and encourage the formation of new units of the organization.
Concerned Men and Women Dedicated to Gentle Use of California Trails and Back Country
“Gentle Use and Leave No Trace”
LP unit thoughts and prayers go to:
Cheryl McGray, Terrie Garretson, Paxton Pembroke, Rhea Benko , Jeff Nisbet, Dave, Mindy and
Clayton Rigoli
I have a new supply of merchandise for sale –
SWEATSHIRTS – colors are: black, forest green, sport gray, Carolina blue, black
w/orange, a few maroon
Youth sizes – black w/orange, light pink, sport gray
NEW-LADIES SCOOP NECK – short sleeve - in pastels, mountain rose and frost sky
T-SHIRTS – short sleeve – smoke gray and light steel
long sleeve – deep forest, navy and light steel
HENLEYS (Short sleeve ONLY) – blue and gray
HATS – visors, regular, and lighted hats
VESTS – we still have a few vests left – forest green and maroon
Contact Nancy at [email protected] or (805) 471-1198 if you are interested in purchasing.
Volume 21, Issue 4
July/August 2012
Page 9
Tacky Teri
Cleaning and Repair of Saddles , Tack and More
Call Teri for pick-up
805 934-2752 or 868-5592
Email:[email protected]
[email protected]
Rick Brayton (805) 331-7335 Independent Distributor
Los Padres Merchandise Sweat Shirts, Henleys and Caps are embroidered
Contact Nancy Kimmell 805/471-1198 or [email protected]
Merchandise is a non-profit status and provides for our unit members to purchase and display our unit’s logo and promote membership for BCHC-Los Padres Unit. Please help and support your unit.. Call or email for other colors!
NEW! Vests! Maroon Or
Green $30.00
Our Unit logo can be put
on the state shirts upon
In natural or Denim
Maroon ,Green or Black with White Lettering ZipUp Hooded Sweatshirt $30.00
Green or Maroon Bill
w/embroidery $20.00
NEW! Long
Sleeve T-Shirt
Oatmeal with Green Lettering $20.00
Page 10
July/August 2012
Volume 21, Issue 4
Bits and Pieces
Horse Boarding Facility
Do you have a problem with your horse
Access to 2000 acres of trails. 2
large arenas one with lights.
Large turn outs. Premium hay
twice a day. Large paddocks.
or does your horse have a problem with you?
“Maybe I can HELP”
Call DAVE 805 440-4404
Located in the Santa Maria/Orcutt area
Call today for more information and availability:
805 937-5751
Central Coast Hoof Rehab
"natural style hoof care"
805 474 4770
Authorized dealer for:
CA Trace Plus, Easy Boots & Kombat Boots
[email protected]
rhea benko
Volume 21, Issue 4
July/August 2012
Page 11
Continued MONTHLY RIDES from page 7
JUNE – We switched the location of the June ride to Montano De Oro – East Boundary trail. This was due to being
lucky enough to nab a campsite on a weekend in the summertime. Jack and I pulled in on Thursday afternoon, with
Steve F and Jess B coming in that evening around 9:00. Friday Steve had to go back to work, so Jack, Jess and I
went for a discovery ride to find out where a trail went, it went up a very sandy hill with lots of jump steps to a fence
with not a good way down , so we turned around and jumped back down the steps and back to camp, that ride was
about 2 hours, so Jack took a nap and Jess and I grabbed fresh horses and went on a dune ride, it was great and the
horses loved it, it took us about another 2 hours, by the time we got back, Jack had the fire going and we started preparing dinner. Joni L showed up about 7:30 pm, right behind Steve, coming back from work. We sat up for a while
and slowly meandered to our beds. Saturday morning, Steve and Jess made breakfast , we cleaned up and went for
a 3-31/2 hour ride up hazard peak and back through Canapé Trail. We came back to camp, cleaned up the horses,
got the fire going for dinner and relaxed. Sunday morning was the monthly ride, Mike and Connie C. showed up
with plenty of time to allow the horses to look around and relax. Steve and Jess went home, Jack cleaned up camp
and headed home while we were on the ride. Joni and I rode with Mike and Connie. We took the short route
through the dunes to Islay Road, up to East Boundary and back to camp. It took us about 3 1/2 hours, Joni’s horse
Zapa is a really fast walker, and when he was in front, the rest of us were trotting to keep up. Mike and Connie’s’
horses were in great shape, but not use to the hill climbing, so they had to take a few extra rest stops. My young guy
was pretty worn out from the day before, He was a little slow, but I had no trouble with him. All in all we had a
good ride and Mike and Connie were able to go on a trail they hadn’t been on. We hope to see more of you in July
at the river trails off Paradise Rd. There is actual water in the river, so if you need to get your horse use to water,
this is the trail ride to take.
Stunning, Rustic and Unique Custom Made FurnitureCall for pictures or appointment to view!
Page 12
July/August 2012
Who referred you?
Volume 21, Issue 4
Volume 21, Issue 4
July/August 2012
Page 13
MARIA-The only multi- use trail open space in Santa Maria! Visit the Facebook page
Buckley Stables, San Luis Obispo
9:30 am thru 12:30pm
Entry fee includes BBQ
$25 non-members
$10 CCCAHA members
All breeds and all stages of training welcome
E-mail Ellie at [email protected]
and / or call Bill at 805-835-5999
Members please take a look at page 6
in the BCHA newsletter – Double
Diamond Award – a couple of our
members were nominated; unfortunately our members did not win.
However, it is always a Honor to be
Looking for a “Jack” to make your own
Check out Indian Valley
Large Standard Jack
To get discounts on Travel,
Hotels, Shopping and More,
go to
Contact :
Barbara Riley 805-6100686
or Bob Stone 805 438-5384
A percentage of sales help
If you use ZamZuu shopping site;
BCHC earns
“easy money”
Page 14
July/August 2012
Volume 21, Issue 4
By S.T.
My Opinion - I don’t normally voice my opinion in the newsletter, but there are a few items that concern us all, as a group, I would
like to address. I joined BCHC so I could learn new trails and help teach people about the trails and trail riding in groups. My husband joined so he could learn to pack for a weekend trip into the backcountry, I am not sure why YOU joined, but there was a reason. We are a group that is very versatile, some of us like the politics, some the trail riding, some the packing, some the trail work
and others the camping and camaraderie. I have been a member for 3 years now and started the monthly rides to accomplish my
goals. After a rocky start on my side, we now have 2 years into them, I will be happy to continue them, but they will all be held on
Saturdays, as that seems to be when most people make it. My husband has yet to learn how to pack for a weekend into the back
country. There are demonstrations held at the campouts, but that does NOT prepare you for a weekend trip. I know there are regular
packers in our group: could one of you offer to take a group for a weekend pack trip? I know others would be interested in learning
how to pack their animals, ride in, camp overnight, learn to highline/picket the stock, the best way to set up camp, relax, enjoy the
company and ride out the next day, whether to the same start point or a different one. This would strictly be an educational trip, not
a working trip. I would be willing to help on the coordinating and trailering, I know it is a lot of work to get something set up. If
you’re interested in leading or going, let me know – 934-8422 / 717-2998.
My other concern is the attendance at the meetings, parades, and demonstrations. I know we are all busy, and some of the events
are short notice, so we don’t know about them, but we should all try to be a PART of the club we joined. There are not many members at the meetings, and decisions are being made without the majority of the club. We will be in need of new blood on the board
at the end of the year – it is not a death sentence, it is a chance to learn just what it takes to keep things running. Don’t be afraid to
run, it is not a lot of work, and you might find you enjoy it. You don’t have to live in the area to be a board member, you can live
towards Santa Barbara and still participate. We have over 3 hundred members, but only see and hear from about 25 of them. All of
the board members have phone numbers and email addresses on the front of the newsletter – we will talk with you if you have questions or concerns. We also need to update your information when it changes, so please contact a board member to do that. We need
to know if you are receiving the information we send out – let us know – PLEASE.
Thank you for reading my concerns. I hope to see more faces (new and old) at the meetings, events and rides.
Volume 21, Issue 4
July/August 2012
Thank you - Terrie Garretson
Page 15
Page 16
July/August 2012
Volume 21, Issue 4
Backcountry Horsemen of California
Los Padres Times
P O Box 6773
Santa Maria, CA 93456
Return Service Requested
Los Padres Calendar 2012
July 18 - Lp Unit General Board Meeting at “Me & Zs” in Grover Beach
General Board Meeting
July 18th at “Me & Z’s” 295 W. Grand Ave., in Grover Beach (showing Boat N Ride Pictures)
6:30 Board Meeting
7:00 General Meeting
No host dinner/drinks