Newsletters_files/November 2011


Newsletters_files/November 2011
Goldwing Road Riders
Region H, Oklahoma District
Chapter “N” Norman OK
November 2011 Newsletter
Get 'N' Together
Monthly Chapter Gathering Third Tuesday of the Month
► 6:00 Dinner ◄ ► 7:00 Meeting◄
Libby’s Café  Goldsby, OK
Chapter “N” Newsletter – November 2011
We sure had a nice convention recently in McAlester. Those who didn’t go missed a fun weekend.
Congratulations to Maria for being named Educator of the Year!
Hope everyone has had some time to enjoy the great riding weather of
late—cool crisp mornings with warm sunny afternoons make for great
rides. It is surprising how much pretty foliage we have considering the
horrific summer. If you haven’t been out and about, try to before old
man winter comes roaring down the road.
Our Christmas party is scheduled for Dec 3, however Maria noticed
that also is bedlam weekend sooooooo we may change the day for our
party. Please watch your emails for updates.
With the end of the year just around the corner, we also need to be
thinking of activities for the upcoming year.
With the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday is a good time to say a great
big THANK YOU to each and all who have worked so tirelessly
throughout this year for our Chapter.
• November 19 and 20 , Jack Wagner will be holding the Horizon program in Stroud. This is a
really fun training session and while all of the Leadership Training Program seminars are
excellent, Horizon is one you don’t want to miss. Sign up, go, and learn and laugh a lot!
• Anyone who has been taking pictures this year and wants them included in the Chapter CD,
please get them to Bob Bledsoe as soon as you can so he won’t be inundated at the end of the
Be sure to check out photos from the convention and many other
events this year at
Did you notice the new District H logo on the cover? Congratulations to
David and Cindi Hudgins who designed it.
Chapter “N” Newsletter – November 2011
District Educator
Jerry and Becky Hodges [email protected]
(from the November 2011 District Newsletter)
Team Riding
Hello again fellow safe riders. This week I had the chance to ride with a group of bikes from another
gender. I have been repeatedly asked to ride with them and always found an excuse not to. Not that they are
bad or mean or have to go thru any initiation or wear anything that might be socially unacceptable. I just
had GWRRA events that I had also been asked to attend and this is my family. Anyway, I decided to be bold
and see what another group is like and maybe, just maybe, I would learn something that could make me/us
better riders.
I got the official invitation to ride in their annual GCIBR. Green Country Iron Butt Ride. When I told him I
accepted his invitation I thought he was going to do a back flip. He was pretty excited that somebody new
was going to join the ride. They would meet at a central location, get to know one another (show off
anything new they had done to their bikes,) enjoy a donut and hit the road. The group was expecting riders
from all over Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas.
The flyer read that they would leave promptly at 11:00. Travel back roads staying off the much dreaded
highways and arrive for lunch and anyone that didn ‟t want to complete the IRON BUTT (sissy ‟s) could
find their way back to the start point. So off we went, did I mention that I brought along some friends.
Another Goldwingers and a Super Hero, Spyder Woman. I thought the extra radio contact might come in
helpful and the Super Hero….. well, I didn ‟t know what to expect. I was in another gangs turf.
The IRON BUTT was to leave the lunch area and
travel over one hundred miles in scenic Green
Country Oklahoma at a rate of just about 45 miles per
hour. They were planning on 5 stopping points for
rest and gas. Did I fail to mention the gang I was
riding with was the Green Country Chapter of the
Cushman riders. One rider brought his Grandson or I
would have been the youngest one there.
Now, being the Director of Rider Education in
GWRRA Oklahoma I was very proud of our
organization and the principles we stand for. Safety,
Knowledge and Fun. These guys and girls had the
fun part down, but I sure am ready to share in some
of our safety training and knowledge about GWRRA
Chapter “N” Newsletter – November 2011
Team Riding. They did wear fluorescent vests and most had helmets. Only one was wearing shorts. I know
why we ride in staggered formation and space ourselves safely and the duties of a Road Captain. I sure
wished they did. Spyder Woman knew my tongue was bleeding and I was getting an ear full from my corider as well , but I was proud that we displayed full gear, long sleeves and jackets, gloves eye protection
and over the ankle boots.
I am very pleased to have been through many of our Safety Seminars and rider Instruction classes. We have
just promoted several new seminar presenters and Range Instructors this year. A big thanks to Jack Wagner
and Harry Dollarhide! I encourage every-one to attend and share what you have learned with others. I know
I will. Ride Safe and Live to ride again.
More from the District Convention
Chapter Baskets
All the chapters did an outstanding job on their baskets this year. I believe we had record sales of
close to $1,500.00. At the District meeting last January, it was again decided that all proceeds
would be returned to the chapters based on the number of tickets collected for their baskets.
Chapter E got 1st Place with 1044 tickets collected
Chapter N got 2nd place with 1022 tickets collected.
Second place open class Dale Hines
Chapter “N” Newsletter – November 2011
Thanksgiving and District Rally
This month is Thanksgiving and Don and I would like to wish you and your family a safe and wonderful
day and if you are traveling over the holiday, to have a safe trip. I hope that we all take a minute on
that busy day to thank God for all our blessings. There is so much going on in this world today and we
need to remember just how thankful we are. We need to also remember our soldiers that are overseas
and away from their families to protect us.
We are so thankful for our family and for our “N” family. We love you all.
Well, another month has gone by and we did get to ride a little more. We really enjoyed it. We did go
down to McAlester for the District Rally on Thursday night with Jerry, Sheryl, Angie and Dale. We had
a very rainy ride but it wasn’t a hard rain but it was cold. Other than that, it was good to be on the bike.
I feel we haven’t gotten to ride much. We got there, checked in went to eat and then headed over to
the expo center for the dance. I love to see all the costumes that people come up with. It was a lot of
fun. Also, big thanks for Linda, she went in her SUV and there was enough room for us all and we
didn’t have to ride the bikes in the rain.
Then we went back over to the expo center Friday morning. Don and I passed out participation tickets
to all that went to seminars. I even was able to sit in on one. But then we had to hurry downstairs to
watch the COY selections. Dale and Angie did a really good job. We were so proud of them but the
couple from Chapter E won but that was okay, they were just glad it was over. Since Don and I have
gone through that ourselves, we can certainly appreciate what they went though. That is so hard to get
up in front of all those people and talk about something that you don’t even know what is going to be
asked of you.
We then tried to look at some of the vendors and I did look but didn’t buy. Went to Pete’s for dinner
that night and enjoyed it and then went back to the expo center on our bikes to do the light show and
parade. We enjoyed the parade and then when it was over, we had homemade ice cream back at the
expo center. Now that was some good homemade ice cream. They had vanilla, chocolate, strawberry
and banana.
Saturday, everyone that was coming for the day came and we had fun together, checked out the
vendors and of course by then I had to buy some stuff. Also, I won our basket back and I was excited
about that. Now I don’t have to purchase stuff because I have gift certificates and they will be useful
for Christmas presents also.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Love you all
Don and Vera
Chapter “N” Newsletter – November 2011
2011 Events
Chapter N
Dec 3
Chapter N Christmas Party
GWRRA District Events
January 20-22, 2012 - Mid Winter Rendezvous: 2700 W 18th Ave, Emporia KS
May 3-6, 2012 - Chapter B, Anniversary Celebration and camp-out.
March 29-31, 2012 - Region H Convention will be in Marshall Texas. The theme is "Fabulous 50's"
May 17-19, 2012 - Texas District Convention & Rally will be in New Braunfels Texas. The theme is
"Texas Derby Days."
May 24-26, 2012 - Arkansas District Convention will be in Harrison Arkansas. Our theme is
Ride N Arkansas
July 4-7, 2012 – Fun in the Fort WingDing in Fort Wayne, Indiana
August 25-26, 2012 - Kansas District Convention, Manhattan, Kansas. The Little Apple.
Ozark Rides
Courtesy of John Hobbs
Moonshine Run
The Ozark Moonshine Run is without a doubt the most picturesque route in the Ozarks. The route encompasses
parts of Scenic Highway 7 and winds through the deepest parts of the Ozarks.
Peel's Ferry Route
If you haven't experienced the Peel's Ferry Route, you haven't experienced the most unique route in the Ozarks.
The Peel's Ferry was developed when the White River was dammed to make Bull Shoals Lake. Bull Shoals Lake
now covers the Highway AR 25 leading into Missouri.
Jasper Disaster
The Jasper Disaster has the name for good reason. Mile for mile, this route is the curviest riding route. The route
encompasses the most scenic section of Highway 7, follows Highway 74 over the mountains and joins Highway
43 in Boxley Valley.
Chapter “N” Newsletter – November 2011
Warning from the November 2011 District H Newsletter
A full-grown buck can weigh from 250 to 400 pounds — and that makes it a formidable object if
your car comes upon it in the middle of the road. Fall is one of the peak times for animal/vehicle
collisions, particularly during the dusk to dawn hours when visibility is low and animals are moving
about. Deer, moose and other tall mammals with hooves— called ―ungulates—can be
particularly dangerous in a collision because they can land on your hood, windshield or roof after
impact. Help yourself and your four-legged friends stay safe this season with these tips:
 Stay alert on unfamiliar roads, particularly if rural areas and they’re lined with trees.
 Scan the sides of the roads as you drive.
 If there is no oncoming traffic, use your high beams to increase visibility.
 Don’t rely on deer whistles or other gadgetry to prevent accidents; their effectiveness
has not been proven.
 Remember that if you see one animal on or near the road, there may be more. Slow
down until you are safely past.
 Sound your horn to frighten off the animal. Use short bursts of sound to get the animal’s
 If you encounter an animal on the road, brake but don’t swerve into oncoming traffic. To
the extent that it’s possible, stay on the road and in your lane.
 Should you hit an animal, do not approach it or try to move it. A wounded animal may
flail about and injure you with its hooves.
 If you or someone in your party has been hurt after an accident, contact the police or
emergency personnel as soon as possible. Also notify your insurance agent about the
Happy Thanksgiving to All!
Chapter “N” Newsletter – November 2011
Chapter N Sponsors
Papa’s Leather Barn
Tyson Smith
NORTH — 6629 NW 23rd St.
Bethany, OK 73008
SOUTH — 717 S.W. 59th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73109
Johnie Fredman,
Owner and Operator
Wing Enterprises
Chapter “N” Newsletter – November 2011