Inside... Colletti Motorsports Dyno Days My First Evolution School
May 2007 - Volume 48 - Number 4 REV RECORD Improved Touring Camaro (above) and D Sport Racer (below) undergo tech inspection at Colletti Motorsports. Inside... Colletti Motorsports Dyno Days My First Evolution School LEC Seminar Sports Car Club of America * Western Ohio Region * Rev Record - May 2007 2 WOR BOARD Regional Executive Steve Demeter [email protected] 937.427.4187 Membership Chair Steve Colletti [email protected] 937.294.1533 Publicity Chair Mike Edgerton [email protected] 937.866.5729 Assistant RE Everett McCauley [email protected] 937.866.3419 Road Race Chair Dave Howard [email protected] 937.554.2875 WOR Games Chair Starla McCauley [email protected] 937.866.3419 Secretary Pam Poppe [email protected] 937.236.2619 Solo Chair Christian Moist [email protected] 937.238.2686 Webmaster Christian Moist [email protected] 937.238.2686 Treasurer Bob Jennings [email protected] 937.454.1060 Rally Chair Dave Rudy [email protected] 937.254.9480 Historian Nancy Edgerton [email protected] 937.866.5729 Activities Chair Debby Rudy [email protected] 937.254.9480 Rev Record Editor Mike Wright [email protected] 937.257.7915 Area 4 Director Larry Dent [email protected] WOR Membership Meeting: second Tuesday of every month (except December) 7:30 pm Christopher Club 3150 South Dixie Dr. (in the Hills & Dales Shopping Center) Dayton, Ohio Please direct all Rev Record correspondence to: [email protected] or P.O. Box 181, Enon, Ohio 45323-0181 Copies of this and past issues of the Rev Record can be viewed at Rev Record is a publication of the Western Ohio Region (WOR) of the Sports Car Club of America, Inc (SCCA). All views and/or opinions are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the Western Ohio Region, SCCA., Inc. Layout and Design of the Rev Record by Joy Wright If you’d like to see your advertisement in the Rev Record, please contact the editor for rates and availability. WRIGHT WRITES by Mike Wright Rev Record Editor We’re experimenting with a photo hosting By the time you read this we ought to have photos from Solo PE1 and Rallyx PE2. Videos from Dyno Days are posted on, keyword worscca. You can watch Steve Colletti flog Christian’s new B20B all the way to 7500 rpm. We’re planning on adding more race videos as the season progresses. Anyone who takes pictures or videos and wants to post them, let me know. Speed has a new show called Setup. It looks pretty good to me, much better than Forza. The tagline read “Ten drivers set up and race their own Pontiac Soltice GXP for $100,000 and the opportunity of a lifetime.” It premieres on 18 April, which is after you’re reading this, but Speed will replay it starting May 6th and May 11th, according to the website. Looks like a show geared towards club racing. Here are the descriptions for the first four episodes: Introduction: 25 amateur racers vie for ten slots to compete for $100,000 and a ride in the Grand Am racing series. Sponsor Run: The unsponsored racers scramble for a sponsor in time for the first race. One racer is eliminated. Getting Adjustments: Teams make adjustments for the next race. One Membership Report Omitted Anniversary for April (sorry): Ildiko Marcus 30 yrs Anniversaries for May: Fred Drobner 25 yrs Janet Drobner 25 yrs Michael Sonderman 25 yrs Eric Jensen 20 yrs David Schardt 20 yrs Dale Dillhoff 10 yrs racer is eliminated. An Unexpected Move: The teams are surprised by a move to a new track. One racer is eliminated. over a week to arrive. If we need better service we may have to go to something more expensive than the bulk rate. Have you seen the new graphic that Speed Channel shows on F1 racing, the g-meter? This is a facinating thing. I’m watching the Bahrain race and this thing is showing 4.5 g’s of stopping force at the end of the long straights, and 3-4 g’s in the high speed turns. These F1 cars and drivers are really incredible. And how about that Lewis Hamilton? Is he the next Michael Schumacher? It’s always toughest to write stories when the racing hasn’t even started. Some of our regular writers struggled to find something to say, while others succumbed to writer’s block. Most people touched on the problem of the weather in Dayton Ohio in early April. We had a guest speaker at the April meeting at the Christopher Club. Local entrepreneur Jeff Grieco showed us a trick looking carbon fiber license plate frame. Very nice looking for those of you with higher-end street cars. He even donated one to give away at the next meeting. Look at the website for details of the activity planned for the May meeting. Some kind of automotive scavenger hunt in a box. And a big thanks to Linda Smiley for teaching five new students the Solo Safety Steward lessons. Hopefully we can now spread the burden among more than the usual one or two overburdened SSS’s (Dave and Everett.) Now let’s go racing and have some fun. We continue to be baffled by the inconsistent service from the U.S. Postal Service. According to employees Joy has spoken with, each drop point that touches our Bulk Rate items is allowed three business days to handle the items. To get to Springboro, for example, the Rev goes to Dayton post office for 3 days, then on to Cincinnati for 3 days, then gets to Springboro for 3 days. That’s 11 days total including the weekend. And while we got our February and March issues here in Enon just a day or two after we mailed them, the April issue took Send an email to [email protected] - state your zipcode and the date you received your Rev. Rev Record - May 2007 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 3 EXECUTIVE ORDERS 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 by Steve Demeter WOR Regional Executive Out of the Horse’s... Well, we are off to a perfectly crappy start to our local season. The first Rallycross was mudded out but everyone had a great time, especially with the mule getting stuck.. That is what we are all about. Having fun in spite of circumstances. Unfortunately, due to crappy weather two weekends in a row, Christian had to cancel the Solo Test and Tune. I support his decisions 100%. Unlike Rallycross, solo requires reasonable temperatures and DRY pavement. We will open the season next weekend at our new site at ADESA. I am sure that Christian will have a bang up event. I have asked all the chairpersons, in addition to their normal report at the region meetings to give a brief financial summary of their area for the previous month. This will be as simple as ”Rallycross took in this much money and spent that much money.” I feel that this will help to take some of the mystery out of the club finances. Detailed information can still be gotten from our erstwhile treasurer, Bob Jennings, at the meetings. His job is rather taxing at times. Speaking of taxes, the region will have to file with the IRS next month and I am sure that Bob has it under control. As expected, Dave Howard did an excellent job of setting up the Annual Tech and Dyno Day. Big thanks to Dave, Denny Powell for coming down and doing the annual tech for those that took advantage of it and to Steve Colletti for the use of his shop. I am told that he was doing dyno runs into the evening. And a big continued thanks to Mike and Joy Wright for the bang up job on the Rev. Can you say potential national award winner? It is April already. My gosh, the season is upon us... No Assistant RE Report submitted this month. 6 May 8 May 12 May Mark Your Calendars Rev Record - May 2007 4 19-20 20 22 28 9 10 12 15-17 16 17 5 6-7 May May May May June June June June June June Oct Oct WOR Solo PE2 at Adesa WOR Membership Meeting Pot Luck Dinner / Auto Scavenger Hunt WOR RallyX PE3 - WOR/OVR Challenge at Dwire’s Farm LEC F&C School at Mid-Ohio Corvette Troy at Kil-Kare WOR Games meeting at Donato’s Speedfest AutoX at Nutter Center WOR RallyX PE4 at Dwire’s Farm Corvette Troy at Kil-Kare WOR Membership Meeting US Grand Prix - Indianapolis Evo School at OSU WOR Solo PE3 at Nutter Center Lot 8 WOR PDX at Mid-Ohio 42nd Annual WOR Games at Mid-Ohio MEETING MINUTIA WOR Board Meeting Minutes for April 3, 2007: Board meeting was held at Marion’s Pizza in Beavercreek. All board members were present and club members Bill and Linda Smiley attended. Linda presented the commercial package policy which is up for renewal this May. A copy was passed out to all board members for review and discussion, we voted on dropping the Terrorism charges. This is the beginning of by Pam Poppe the final year of a 3 year guaranteed rate policy written with the Cincinnati Secretary Insurance Company. Motion made to accept, vote taken, and passed. Assistant RE: no report at this time. Treasurer Report: We received a refund check from Mid-Ohio paid out of WOR Games. The money was returned to the WOR Games account. Taxes are due May 15th. Rev Record: Budget review, discussion of ways to help offset the cost of the monthly Rev Record, please keep deadlines for reports and articles. Motion made to accept Rev Record budget, votes taken 7 yes, 3 abstained, budget accepted. Activity Chair: Budget presented and motion made to accept and vote taken, budget accepted. Membership Report: will have a budget for next meeting. Solo and Web Report: Test-n-Tune April 8th at Kil-Kare. Jerry Cabe will be the Safety for us that day. We have 24 pre-register. Course map on web site. Linda Smiley will be holding a safety training class for solo at the next membership meeting. We have 5 people signed up for the class. The google ads are showing a small profit. Check site for updates regarding solo changes due to weather. Rally Chair: First event held had 18 cars, 3 runs each, new field to run in. Allen Dwire spent 3 days preparing the field and water crossing. A few cars got stuck in the mud and had to be pulled out. Good time was had by all. May hold an event at Hara in Nov. Chris Watson will allow 1-2 rally events this fall at his place. Rally event at National Trails Raceway May 12th. WOR/OVR with OVR staging the event, if all goes well, run another in the fall. Road Race: Dyno Day and Annual Tech 9:00 April 7th at Colletti Motor Sports. WOR Games Chair: WOR games and PDX meetings will be held the 4th Tuesday of each month at Donatos Pizzeria in Centerville. Publicity Chair: no report. RE Report: no report. Secretary report: Working on membership/business directory. No further business, meeting adjourned. Membership Meeting Minutes for April 10, 2007: Meeting was called to order at 7:35pm. Secretary was called upon to read the minutes from the recent board meeting. Road Race Chair: Tech and Dyno at Colletti’s had a good turn out. National Race at Gingerman April 28-29. Larry Dent has covered the cost for the Great Lakes Region’s Drivers School to be held at Gingerman, June 9th and 10th. Spent none, made none. Play Safe. Membership: Received membership items from the past membership chair. Gave an estimated budget which included money needed for a membership drive. Spent none, made none. Treasurer: Spent $3.90 for stamps. accounts doing okay. Activity Chair: Next membership meeting will be a pot luck dinner. Please bring a covered dish to share. For the activity you are asked to bring 30 items that you might find in a car. Debbie will have a list, and the one who has the most items from her list will win. Rally Chair: 18 cars at first event. As the day went on the course got muddier and cars had to be pulled out. Next RallyX is April 28th at Dwires. Let’s hope for good weather. Dave reported how much money was taken in and how much was spent on the event. Solo and Web Chair: Website going well, google ads making small profit. Postponed the Test-n-Tune for April 8th due to weather and was re-scheduled for April 15th at Kil-Kare. Will set up Saturday at 4:00pm. All help welcome. Money spent on new timing program per budget. Rev Record Chair: Printed 250 copies of the Rev this month. Postage paid to mail out 230 rev’s. Labels and ink purchased. Mailing issues- Taking longer for delivery. Has copies of past Rev’s available. Looking for business ads to help offset the cost for the Rev. Assistant RE: Some like, some don’t like what he writes. Membership dues used to help sponser 2 non-SCCA groups to run SCCA events. Entry form says SCCA and decal says SCCA. If it looks like a duck, smells like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, it is a duck. It’s a two edge sword. WOR Games Chair: no report. Dan Coughnour was asked to talk about a 4 wheel off road rally he and Ildiko attended in Indiana. 50 cars, 16 water crossings, questions and signs to follow and lots of things to find, next time you see him ask him about the skate key. Dan and Ildiko won and it sounds like they had a good time. Publicity Chair: Budget for stamps $7.80. motion made to increase budget by .40 raising it up to $8.20. second and approved. (cont. on pg 6) Rev Record - May 2007 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 5 Rev Record - May 2007 6 CHAIR CHAT & WOR GAMES 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 by Christian Moist Solo Chair Solo Report While recent weather has forced solo to postpone and ultimately cancel our test and tune for the year, we are still very optimistic and excited for the remainder of the season. The first and second rounds of the Western Ohio Regional Solo Championship will take place at Adesa Cincinnati/Dayton April 22nd and May 6th. Registration for both events are filling up quickly. Be sure to secure your registration by logging on to and pre-registering. In other news, a big thanks to Linda Smiley for putting on the Solo Safety Steward training seminar after our April membership meeting. Several “students” took the class and are on their way to becoming Solo Safety Stewards. Also, in regards to safety, myself and a few other WOR soloists have offered to be corner captains at this years TAJ Kreuzers Mini Grand Prix, which will be held on May 26th. Learn more at For those in the Dayton area wanting to add more seat time to their solo schedule this year, be sure to check out Corvette Troy’s website, They offer solos almost every month at Kil-Kare where the price is a bit more, but runs are plentiful. All makes and models are welcome! Due to a family emergency no Rally Cross Report submitted this month. No Road Racing Report submitted this month. WOR Games Report Time is racing away and the racing season has started. The monthly WOR Games and PDX meetings have been scheduled for the 4th Tuesday of each month at Donatos in Centerville on Paragon Rd. (off 725) at 7:30 pm. I now would like to announce that this will be my last year as WOR Games Chair. The club needs a volunteer to step up and agree to take over for the 2008 season. Now would be a great time to assist with this year’s race. This way, you would see all that goes into planning this race. This is a year long effort and I will be happy to help you in learning the things that must be done. If you are interested, please contact me. Yours for the race, Starla by Starla McCauley WOR Games Chair Member Meeting Minutes (continued from page 5): New Business: Linda Smiley stated that no members dues were ever used for the Cendiv series. Steve talked solo events by SCCA regions and about the name change to Great American Solo Series. This series does not qualify you for nationals. Series is not endorsed by SCCA. National SCCA logo is not copyrighted and is not a registered trademark per Mr. Dickerson. Contact Steve Colletti, Mike Wright, and Pam Poppe with ideas for promoting our club such as cruise-ins, car shows, and radio stations to promote our events. We need to get the word out there about who we are and what we do. With no futher bussines the meeting was adjourned. We had a guest speaker , Jeff Grieco from 0-60 Design group which is a carbon fiber company. They make carbon fiber license plate frames. Takes 6 hrs to make one. Push button-front comes off. Comes with the tool to open frame. Cost $49.95. Special SCCA promotion $39.95 and free shipping. Use promotional code: nsx. Website: You can contact Jeff at 937-432-6010 or at [email protected] THE EDGERTON REPORT 7 Rev Record - May 2007 * Many thanks to Steve Colletti for providing the Colletti Motorsports ( facility for the “Annual Tech” and to Denny Powell for his usual, professional & thorough tech inspections. It was cold outside but inside, there was Starbucks & Krispy Kremes to ward off the chill and race cars on the Dyno to provide plenty of noise. See photos in this issue. * The Dayton Concours d’Elegance at Carillon Park is looking for race cars for their event on Sept. 16. There will be a class for open-wheel and a class for closed-wheel cars. The featured marques are Chevrolet and The Cars of Germany. Check-out or see me for details. * If I win the lottery, I would order a new Audi R8. It comes standard with a V8 that generates 414 h.p. and is all-wheel-drive. Liberal use of hi-tech materials such as carbonfiber keep the weight down which results in a power-to-weight ratio of 8.2 lb/hp. For comparison, the new Ford Shelby GT has a 11.08 ratio & a Dodge Viper registers at 5.67. I would also order a Mini Cooper S Traveler AWD, if they make one. I just heard that I can dramatically increase my chances of winning the lottery if I buy a lottery ticket. * As a “car person,” you probably already have your favorite automotive web sites bookmarked but let me recommend a few more. Try,,,, and Drop an e-mail to this publication if you want to add to this list. * There have been many articles on the proper pairing of food with wine. Lately, there have even been recommendations on the proper beer to accompany various foods. It is a thankless job but I have agreed to expand the research in this field. Next month, I hope to have a preliminary report suggesting the proper pairing of adult beverage with the cars you own. Rev Record - May 2007 8 SCHOOL DAZE My First Evolution School by Christian Moist Speedius Maximus As a Christmas present last year, my dad entered both of us in Phase 1 of the very popular Evolution School. The Evo School is a traveling school put on by Pat Salerno, Mike Jr. Johnson, and Tim Aro and has one purpose; to make you faster through the cones. This round was put on by the Cincinnati Region SCCA and was held at River Downs. We arrived at the event early to ensure we got everything ready in time. After the tires were changed and the cars ready to go, we went over to the trailer to get signed in and help with setting up. The Evo School instructors, clad in blue Evo gear and the occasional national championship jacket, were setting up two similar courses on each end of the lot. The courses were short, but had interesting and necessary obstacles in them, such as a slalom and Chicago box. After everyone had arrived and signed in, the first order of business was for everyone to go around and introduce themselves. The six instructors went first, where we found that all of them were past national champions in solo or pro-solo. The rest of the group ranged from first timers who had never soloed before, to people who had been racing for quite some time. After the intros, the drivers and instructors were split into two groups of about 20 and we were asked to stage our cars. At that point, the drivers were given a chance to walk the course alone, then with an instructor. After walking the course a run/work order was assigned. Drivers would run in one group, and work during two groups. (That’s right; everyone has to work, just like a real event.) The groups only consisted of three drivers, so that an instructor would be available for each driver, one on one. When my group was up, myself and two Corvettes pulled up to the start. We took three runs each to establish a base time; this way we could measure our improvements on the day. After the first round of runs was finished, an instructor jumped in our cars through two runs and simply observed. The instructor then traded places with the driver and took our cars through the course at about 85%. It was neat to see what the differences are between yourself and a national champion. Throughout the rest of the day, we took a series of runs with various instructors as well as without instructors; each time working on a different aspect of our driving. Steadily, our times decreased. While the instructors focused on key topics such as line selection, driving position and eye position, they were more than willing to discuss anything else you had concern about, from car setup to pre-race strategy. Despite a few showers throughout the day, everyone had a good time and everyone’s times decreased. The first timers shaved upwards of five seconds off runs, while I picked up a few key points and shaved a bit over a second off my times for the day. The small but crucial things I learned will surely benefit me throughout the remainder of my solo career. While phase 1 is geared more towards racers who are just starting to solo, I believe there is something to be gained by everyone who attends. Phase 2 and Extreme classes are also available and build on what is learned in Phase 1. More info can be had by visiting the Evo School’s website at SCHOOL DAZE I had the pleasure of attending the LEC Seminar held March 24 at the Comfort Inn North in Mansfield. I decided to work F&C at last year’s WOR Games, and that’s where I got to know the LEC people. I liked it so much I decided to join and this was the first meeting I had with the group. Normally I’m a night person and I like to sleep late on the weekends, but it was surprisingly easy getting up at 0530 on a Saturday to make the two-hour drive from Enon to Mansfield. I guess I was just excited to be part of the fun. Ronda Knapp and Erik Avendutti are the directors of LEC, and I’ve got to say they did a great job of organizing this event. Most appreciated (by me at least) was the spiral bound copy of the presentation that everyone was provided with. It made it real easy to take notes during the presentations and honestly, without those notes I would not be writing down this story now. I’m a terrible note taker. Everyone also got a nice bag of swag from Jeg’s High Performance shop in Delaware, OH. Guest speakers from Mid-Ohio were on hand (I believe the track manager and the owner, but I take lousy notes so I don’t have the names.) There was some discussion about how to interact with the professional crews that accompany the Professional Races when they come to Mid-Ohio. As a novice, much of this discussion was lost on me. One thing that wasn’t lost was the mention of concrete pads and shelters for the corner workers. Even a novice like me knows that is some great news, and the resulting applause showed everyone else thought so as well. We had a guest speaker from SCCA NEOhio region give us the lowdown on the 24 Hour’s At Nelson Ledges. Last year it was a 12 hour race, but this year it gets bumped up to full blown 24 hour status. How many other tracks put on 24 hour races? I can think of only two: the 24 Hours of Daytona, and the 24 Hours of Le Mans. (Well, you might also throw in the 24 Hours of Lemons at Altamount Raceway, but that’s another story.) That moves the Nelson event into the fairly rare atmosphere of 24 hour endurance racing. And that’s not all. There was also mention of this being part of an Endurance Racing Series, with 24 Hour events at Homestead, Summit Point, and VIR to go along with Nelson. So look for this type of racing to become more popular soon. Another very interesting aspect of this race is the addition of two “Earth-friendly” classes: ITH for hybrids, and SPD for super production diesels. We know the diesel Audi’s are great in the ALMS, but the diesel VW Jetta wasn’t so hot at Sebring. We’ll see how they do at Nelson. Probably nothing that day got the crowd going more than the discussion about the procedures for “callthrus” for black flags. You really had to be there, but suffice to say, these folks take their work seriously. Communications etiquette is all important, and remembering back to my WOR Games experience, on the one or two times I was on the headphones, I think I may have committed a few lapses in etiquette. by Mike Wright Flags R Us One of the most somber discussions centered on something few people want to think of, and that is when drivers get seriously injured or killed on track. F&C officials are frequently the first on the scene, and can sometimes see things that are unpleasant or even gruesome. These incidents can have a significant detrimental effect on a person that can linger for quite a long time. In order to help work out those feelings, LEC will be training people to administer Critical Incident Stress Debriefings (CISD) to affected workers. This program is similar to those used by police and firefighters. While I was there I had lunch with Erik and Ronda and a few others and I want to thank them for making me feel welcome. Erik said some nice things about my previous article in the Rev Record. I’m looking forward to my first official F&C school at Mid-Ohio in May for a PCA event. If anyone is interested in joining me, give me a holler. Holding the flag over your head. (An actual hi-tech illustration from the LEC Training Manual) Rev Record - May 2007 My First LEC Seminar 9 DYNAMITE DYNO DAY AT Rev Record - May 2007 10 by Mike Wright Itinerant WOR Editor into the garage and wow, what a crowd. This is a popular event. After a too long winter I was looking forward to the Dyno Days event that Colletti Motorsports was graciously hosting for WOR members. It’s a pretty short ride down route 4 and I-75 to get from Enon to Colletti’s Moraine location. When I turned off 741 I saw the parking lot jammed with several cool cars and trailers. Luckily someone was pulling out as I pulled in and I got a spot right in front. As I walked in the front door I was bummed out to see that they apparently had a pizza party and I missed it! Through the lobby and The first car I saw go on the dyno was the 92 Civic of our Solo Chairman, Christian Moist. After Christian pulled it onto the dyno, the Colletti crew took over. They strapped the car in front and back, placed an inductive spark sensor on a plug wire and Steve got in the car. He shifted lazily up through top gear and brought the rpm’s up to about 3000. Then he engaged the dyno and punched the throttle. When it was over Christian’s car showed 135 horsepower at the wheels at 7500 rpm. Not bad for a completely stock B20B engine. Next up was the Black 1998 WS-6 TransAm of Greg Wellinghoff. Greg and I chatted a bit as Mark Frost and others swarmed under his hood attaching the sensors. I found that he actually reads and likes the Rev Record, and Joy will be happy to hear that. Once the car is hooked up and all the sensors are reading correctly, the actual dyno runs only take 30-45 seconds to complete. When it was done the TransAm pulled 303 rwhp@5300 and 360 ftlbs of torque. Bob Gordon brought out his mint condition 92 Miata. Bob has been a COLLETTI MOTORSPORTS The last car I stuck around for was apparently the car most of the crowd was waiting for as well. Bill Wheeler had a bright red 02 Mustang GT with a nitrous system. Rather than just a simple baseline run, Wheeler brought his car out to do some serious tuning of the nitrous system. The car was a product of Mike Bell and his Dayton 5.0 Performance shop, which specializes in 5 liter Mustangs. Bill and Mike were hoping for 350 horsepower at the rear wheels. In order to get the nitrous adjusted they had to connect the dyno to the oxygen sensor under the car, so setting up the Mustang took extra time. Unfortunately, I left before I got to see the final results. I have to say a few words about the crew at Colletti’s place because they impressed me a bunch. Two of them, Adam Williams and Zach Mitchell, attend college at the University of Northwestern Ohio up in Lima. They go to school 4 days a week studying Automotive High Performance Technology, and they also manage to work 48 hour weeks at Steve’s. They had been there since 0730 that morning and claimed they weren’t tired of it. Also working there was Kris Blazer, who will be going to the University of Dayton to study Mechanical Engineering, which I think is great because twenty years ago, that’s where I went and that’s what I studied. I wish I’d had a cool job like Kris when I was in school. I think WOR owes a big thank you to Steve and his crew for putting together this very cool event. Rev Record - May 2007 member of WOR for all of about two months now. I think this one run on the dyno has already paid for his membership in SCCA. With a somewhat homemade cone filter induction system, his Miata pulled numbers of 106 rwhp@6200 rpm and 104 ft-lbs. 11 Rev Record - May 2007 12 GL DIV CLUB RACING GREAT LAKES DIVISION 2007 RACE SCHEDULE AS OF12/21/06 DATE DRIVER'S SCHOOLS REGIONALS NATIONALS NEO @ NL - D-C INR @ GM SCCA PRO EVENTS or OTHER EVENTS April 7-8 April 14-15 April 21-22 April 28-29 INDY @ ORP - D-C May 5-6 VSCDA @ GM FWR/DET @ GRA May 12-13 May 19-20 May 26-27 Memorial Day WMR @ GRA - D-C OVR @ M-O June 1-2-3 OVR @ M-O Great Lakes Div @ GM D - INR Lead all racing regions involved June 9-10 FORMULA ONE @ INDY June 16-17 Cleveland Grand Prix GrandAm @ M-O NEO @ Cleveland GP - R - T June 23-24 Vintage Grand Prix @ M-O June 30-July 1 INDY @ ORP July 7-8 July 14-15 JA Mini GP @ Fort Wayne July 21-22 ALMS & IndyCar @ M-O July 28-29 FWR @ GM - D-C NEO @ NL CIN @ M-O - D - R (IT,SM,SRF) WMR @ GRA AMA Vintage @ M-O Honda Super Cycle @ M-O Aug. 4-5 Aug. 10-12 VSCDA @ GRA Aug. 18-19 Aug. 24-26 24 Hour Enduro @ NL - R Sept. 1-2 Labor Day WMR @ GRA - D-C Sept. 8-9 OVR @ M-O - D-C SBR @ GM IRL/ALMS @ Belle Isle Sept. 14-16 AMA @ M-O Sept. 22-23 Sept. 29-30 INDY @ ORP - D-C Oct. 6-7 WOR @ M-O - D-C Oct. 12-14 AMA Super Bike @ M-O PDX @ M-O 10/5 SCCA RUNOFFS VSCDA @ M-O T= Tentative C=Champ Series Oct. 20-21 Oct. 27-28 Nov. 3-4 Nov. 10-11 D=Double GM-GingerMan NL-Nelson Ledges R=Restricted GRA-Grattan ORP - O'Reilly's Raceway Park M-O-Mid Ohio WAT-Waterford Hills ADVERTISERS Well here’s your chance to see what all the fun is about. At this year’s WOR Rallycross events a Rallycross rental car will be available. The rental car is a ’93 Nissan Altima with an automatic transmission and snow tires. Last fall it got hit by a falling tree that put a dent in the roof and removed the back window. It sat outside with no window for several months slowly filling with water. Now the interior has been gutted, the gallons of water sucked out and it has some stylish cardboard and plastic covering the missing back window. In other words, it’s the perfect Rallycross car. The car will run in it’s own RC class with trophies awarded. The fee for the Rallycross rental car is $30 in addition to the event entry fee. For more information about the Rallycross rental car contact Jim Hardesty- [email protected] or 937-426-0778. The next WOR Rallycross is scheduled for Saturday April 28th. For more information about Rallycross or to see the WOR Rallycross schedule go to real carbon fiber the ultimate license plate frame 100% Real Carbon Fiber Frame Patented “Quick Release” Frame Removal & Installation Unique 2-Piece Patented Design Unsightly Screws & Screw Holes Are Hidden Theft Resistent Design UV Resistant, Clear Acrylic Protective Window Each Frame Handmade & Hand Polished to a High Gloss zero 260 design group 901 congress park dr. centerville, oh 45459 937-432-6010 msrp $49.95 scca promotion $39.95 free shipping use promotional code: nsx Rev Record - May 2007 Have you always wanted to try Rallycross but you don’t want to get your own car dirty? 13 Rev Record - May 2007 14 ADVERTISERS SCCA 15 Rev Record - May 2007 $15 $ 5 $20 Western Ohio / 086 Rev Record - May 2007 16 ADVERTISERS 3150 South Dixie Drive Kettering, Ohio 45439 937-299-6351 [email protected] Perfect for: Wedding Receptions Social Events Group Meetings Business Events Banquets Dances Wedding Ceremonies Club Ameninities: Banquet Seating up to 250 Spacious Parking Dance Floor Full Bar Service Event Planning Assistance Private Bath for your Group Coat Check Available “South Dayton’s Favorite Private Party Club” Rev Record - May 2007 The Christopher Club 17 18 ADVERTISERS ADVERTISERS 19 Rev Record P.O. Box 181 Enon, OH 45323-0181 BULK RATE U.S. Postage PAID Dayton, OH Permit #623
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