AirLogixV312Complete Manual


AirLogixV312Complete Manual
This Manual is the intellectual property of Case Engineering inc. and is
protected by U.S Copyright laws. You may not reproduce or alter this
manual in any way.
For inquiries please contact:
Case Engineering inc.
P.O. Box 6884 Evansville IN 47719
Tel (812) 422 2422
Fax (812) 425 3138
Chapter 1—Specifications .............................................................. 1
This Manual ...................................................................................................... 3
What is AirLogix?.............................................................................................. 3
Base System Definition..................................................................................... 4
Enclosure Specifications 1............................................................................. 4
Front Panel Devices...................................................................................... 4
Allen Bradley CompactLogix Components.................................................... 4
Other System Components........................................................................... 4
Electrical Requirements 1 .............................................................................. 4
I/O ................................................................................................................. 5
Pre-lube/Auxiliary Oil Pump Circuitry................................................................ 7
Main Oil Pump Operation ................................................................................. 7
Auxiliary Air Oil Pump Circuitry......................................................................... 7
Main Motor Circuitry ......................................................................................... 7
Control Power Circuitry..................................................................................... 8
Emergency Stop Circuitry ................................................................................. 8
Common Options.............................................................................................. 9
Control Component Upgrades ...................................................................... 9
Modem Connection .......................................................................................... 9
Security........................................................................................................... 10
Electrical Schematics...................................................................................... 10
Factory Testing............................................................................................... 10
Point to Point Test....................................................................................... 10
Lab Test ...................................................................................................... 10
Retrofit Options............................................................................................... 11
MP3 Retrofit Installation.................................................................................. 11
Chapter 2—Set-Up Procedures .................................................... 13
Verification of Main Power Connections ......................................................... 15
Verification of Main Power Connections for the MP3-RetroFit Option ............ 16
Operation Parameters .................................................................................... 17
Control System Configuration......................................................................... 18
Discrete Input Configuration ........................................................................... 19
Analog Input Configuration ............................................................................. 20
Oil Pump and Heater Configuration................................................................ 23
Motor Start and Stop Configuration ................................................................ 24
Cooling Water Valve/Condensate Purge Configuration.................................. 26
Condensate Purge Configuration ................................................................... 27
AirWatch Setup............................................................................................... 27
Startup-Load/Unload Configuration ................................................................ 28
Manual Valve Control ..................................................................................... 30
Stroking the Analog Valves............................................................................. 30
Stroking the DCAV Valves.............................................................................. 32
Stroking Discrete Bypass Valve...................................................................... 33
Alternate Manual Valve Control Screen.......................................................... 33
Testing the Pre-lube/Auxiliary Circuit.............................................................. 34
PanelView Configuration ................................................................................ 34
Starting the Machine....................................................................................... 35
Chapter 3—Throttle Surge Procedure ......................................... 37
Inlet Starting Position...................................................................................... 39
Manual Valve Control ..................................................................................... 39
Determining the Surge Line ............................................................................ 41
Throttle Surging .............................................................................................. 42
Dynamic Throttle Limit (DTL).......................................................................... 44
Manual Valve Control Trend Buttons.............................................................. 45
Alternate Manual Valve Control Method ......................................................... 45
Chapter 4 —Valve Tuning ............................................................. 49
What is a PID Loop?....................................................................................... 51
PID Screen ..................................................................................................... 52
Tuning Strategies: ....................................................................................... 53
PID Tuning Methods....................................................................................... 54
Dynamic Throttle Limit PID ......................................................................... 54
Bypass Pressure PID .................................................................................. 54
Inlet Pressure PID....................................................................................... 55
DCAV Valve Tuning........................................................................................ 57
DCAV Valve Tuning Using Position Feedback ............................................... 58
Chapter 5—Operation ................................................................... 61
Power On........................................................................................................ 63
Common Start Permissives......................................................................... 64
Starting the Compressor................................................................................. 64
Stopping the Compressor ............................................................................... 65
Loading the Compressor ................................................................................ 65
Load and Throttle Sequence .......................................................................... 66
Step 1:......................................................................................................... 66
Step 2:......................................................................................................... 66
Step 3:......................................................................................................... 66
Step 4:......................................................................................................... 67
Step 5:......................................................................................................... 67
Step 6:......................................................................................................... 67
Unloading the Compressor ............................................................................. 67
Modifying the Pressure Set Point ................................................................... 68
Status Screens ............................................................................................... 68
Numeric Status Indicators............................................................................... 69
Air End Status Screen .................................................................................... 69
Oil and Water Status Screen .......................................................................... 70
Motor Status Screen....................................................................................... 70
Discrete Status Screen ................................................................................... 71
Motor Status Screen ................................................................................. 1
Trend Screens ................................................................................................ 73
User Defined Status Screen ........................................................................... 74
Misc Status Data Screen ................................................................................ 74
Resetting Hour Meters and Power Accumulators ....................................... 75
Peak Vibration Data Screen ........................................................................... 75
Peak Vibration During Startup..................................................................... 76
Peak Vibration Running .............................................................................. 76
Peak Vibration During Coast Down............................................................. 76
Automatic Functions ....................................................................................... 77
Auto Start .................................................................................................... 77
Auto Load.................................................................................................... 77
Auto Unload ................................................................................................ 77
Auto Stop .................................................................................................... 78
Chapter 6—Troubleshooting: ....................................................... 79
Modem Service Policy .................................................................................... 81
Warranty Service ............................................................................................ 81
Non-Warranty Service .................................................................................... 81
Warning/Trip Descriptions .............................................................................. 82
Low/High Temperature Warnings/Trips....................................................... 82
Vibration Warnings/Trips............................................................................. 82
TD01- Low Seal Air Pressure Trip .............................................................. 83
TL05- Motor Current Low Trip..................................................................... 83
TH05- Motor Current High Trip ................................................................... 83
WH01 – Machine Pressure High Warning................................................... 83
TH01 - Machine Pressure High Trip............................................................ 83
WD16 – Surge Warning .............................................................................. 83
WD17 – Surge Line Indexed ....................................................................... 83
WD18 – Non-Recoverable Surge Unload ................................................... 84
WD19 – Auxiliary Oil Pump Running, Possible Mechanical Oil Pump Failure
.................................................................................................................... 84
WD20- Processor Battery Low.................................................................... 84
WD21- Motor Power Loss ........................................................................... 84
WD22 – Performance Throttle Mode........................................................... 84
WD23 through 25 – Slot # Analog Input Module Not Present ..................... 84
WR00 through WR37 – Signal Out Of Range ............................................. 85
Surging or Other Erratic Behavior................................................................... 85
Inlet air obstruction...................................................................................... 85
Discharge obstruction ................................................................................. 85
Valve Linkage ............................................................................................. 85
Voltage Fluctuation ..................................................................................... 85
Machine Wear............................................................................................. 85
Sensor Malfunction ..................................................................................... 86
Abnormal PSI Setting.................................................................................. 86
Unable to Make Pressure Set-Point ............................................................... 86
Max Motor Amp Limit .................................................................................. 86
Unable to Start the Machine ........................................................................... 86
Chapter 7 –-AirMaster Operation ................................................. 89
Overview......................................................................................................... 89
AirMaster Compressor Overview.................................................................... 91
Enabling and Disabling AirMaster ............................................................... 93
AirMaster Setup Parameters .......................................................................... 93
Auto Priority Rotation Setup ........................................................................... 96
Chapter 1—Specifications
This Manual
What is AirLogix?
Base System Definition
Pre-lube/Auxiliary Oil Pump Circuitry
Main Oil Pump Operation
Air Auxiliary Oil Pump Circuitry
Main Motor Circuitry
Control Power Circuitry
Emergency Stop Circuitry
Common Options
Modem Connection
Electrical Schematics
Factory Testing
Retrofit Options
MP3 Retrofit Installation
This Manual
This manual is written as a guide to install, commission, and operate a “Base
System.” Warning: Only qualified personnel should attempt to install and
commission this product. Catastrophic failure can result from improper set up. If
you need assistance, please call Case Engineering at (800)294-7856.
In the case of special logic for custom applications, an addendum to this manual
is provided. Any information contained in the addendum supersedes anything
stated in this manual.
What is AirLogix?
AirLogix is a PLC based control system for centrifugal compressors of all makes
and models. It has been installed on Joy, Worthington, Elliott, Ingersoll-Rand,
Clark ISOPAC, and other compressors.
The PLC brings obvious advantages of flexibility, availability and serviceability by
a number of resources. The copyrighted software or “source code” (part of which
is known as ladder logic) is the property of Case Engineering Inc. It is licensed to
users for installation and use on one centrifugal compressor per license.
Case Engineering, Inc. also owns the copyright for this document. With the
license for AirLogix, you have the right to copy this manual for use in the
installation, operation and maintenance of a licensed AirLogix System.
The AirLogix system is an evolving product with many features planned for future
release. For this reason, each system manufactured ships with a version
number. This number helps identify the features available in your system when
contacting technical support. The AirLogix version number is found on the Case
Controls screen. From the Main screen, press [F10], then select Case Controls
from the navigation menu. The AirLogix version appears just below the AirLogix
Because of the unlimited variety of compressor applications and configurations, a
Base System is defined as that which covers factors common to nearly all
systems. The AirLogix software is developed and maintained for this Base
System. It is important to understand that the Base System may not be
appropriate for your application. This is where the flexibility of a PLC becomes
invaluable. If your specific application requires instrumentation or procedures not
common to the base system, custom software may be added to meet your
specific needs. Some software units are modular and some are written
specifically to your specifications.
Base System Definition
AirLogix Base Systems with version numbers 3.1.1 are shipped by default with
the following hardware:
Enclosure Specifications 1
NEMA 12, 36” high, 24” wide, 12” deep
color: rough texture light gray
weight: 166 lbs.
Front Panel Devices
color PanelView Plus 700 backlit LCD operator interface with sealed membrane keypad,
Ethernet communications protocol and a flash memory card
emergency stop push button (maintained position)
control power selector switch with indicator lamp
Allen Bradley CompactLogix Components
(1) 1769-L32E Ethernet processor (750K)
(1) 1769-ECR, Right End Cap
(1) 1769-PA2, power supply
(2) 1769sc-IF8U, eight analog inputs per module (1-5v or 4-20 mA current loop)
(1) 1769-OF2, two analog outputs (4-20 mA current loop)
(1) 1769-IA16, sixteen discrete inputs (120vac)
(1) 1769-OW16, sixteen discrete relay outputs (120vac)
Other System Components
120vac 10 amp circuit breaker
120vac surge protector
AC fusing and terminals
DC fusing and terminals
120vac 6 amp isolation relays for all discrete ouputs
120vac/24vdc Power Supply
Allen Bradley Industrial Modem
Hirschmann 5 port industrial ethernet switch
Electrical Requirements 1
one 120vac, 10 amp circuit
Not part of the MP3-RetroFit option
The AirLogix “Base System” includes logic to address the following common
system variables:
Analog Outputs
Inlet valve
Bypass valve
Analog Inputs
System Air Pressure
Machine Discharge Air Pressure
Oil Temperature
Discharge Air Temperature
Oil Pressure
Motor Current
Bearing Oil Pressure
Pre-filter Oil Pressure
Vibration (up to four stages)
Stage 1 Inlet Air Temperature
Stage 2 Inlet/Stage 1 Discharge Air Temperature
Stage 3 Inlet/Stage 2 Discharge Air Temperature
Stage 4 Inlet/Stage 3 Discharge Air Temperature
If 3 Analog Input Module is added:
Stage 2 Inlet/Stage 1 Discharge Air Pressure
Stage 3 Inlet/Stage 2 Discharge Air Pressure
Stage 4 Inlet/Stage 3 Discharge Air Pressure
Winding Temperature A
Winding Temperature B
Winding Temperature C
Inlet Water Temperature
Bull gear Vibration
If the 4 analog input module is added:
Stage 5 Vibration
Stage 5 Inlet/Stage 4 Discharge Air Temperature
Stage 5 Inlet/Stage 4 Discharge Air Pressure
Inboard Bearing Temperature
Outboard Bearing Temperature
Machine Air Flow
For best control the system air pressure instrument should be installed between eight and twenty feet from the machine
discharge and between the check valve and the block valve.
The motor current CT is installed in the motor lead box on one leg of the motor leads.
Transmitters are required to convert the vibration probe outputs to 4-20ma analog current loop inputs.
Discrete Inputs
Low Water Flow
Low Seal Air
High Inlet Filter D/P
High Oil Filter D/P
Low Oil Level
High Condensate Level
High Motor Temperature
Emergency Stop
Remote Stop
Remote Start
Remote Load/Unload
Spares (5)
Discrete Outputs
Main Motor Start/Run Relay
Main Motor Momentary Start/Wye-Delta Run Contact
Main Motor Momentary Stop/Wye-Delta Shorting Relay
Pre-lube/Auxiliary Oil Pump
Alarm or Fault
Discrete Inlet Valve Close
Discrete Inlet Valve Open
Discrete Bypass Valve Open
Discrete Bypass Valve Close
Condensation Trap Purge
Auxiliary Air Driven Oil Pump
Water Control Valve
Oil Heater
Automatic Block Valve
Pre-lube/Auxiliary Oil Pump Circuitry
By default, the AirLogix is designed to operate the pre-lube/auxiliary pump
anytime seal air is present and the machine is off. Once the machine is running
for X seconds as defined (see Chapter 2 Set up, Topic 3 Operation Parameters)
the pre-lube/auxiliary pump is turned off.
There is one 120vac, 6 amp, dry contact for a pre-lube pump motor starter. Motor
starting equipment is not included with the base AirLogix system. However, this
equipment can be provided upon request.
Main Oil Pump Operation
The main oil pump is common on Joy/Cooper and Clark ISOPAC compressors.
The electric main oil pump starter coil may be wired to 120VAC or to a set of dry
contacts designated for the main oil pump. The pump is designed to run anytime
control power is on. However, if connected to the dry contacts, when the
emergency stop is pressed the main oil pump will stop. Pressing the emergency
stop to stop the compressor would allow the compressor to coast down without
oil pressure. If a backup Air Auxiliary oil pump exists, connecting the main oil
pump to the dry contacts prevents coast down without oil pressure.
Auxiliary Air Oil Pump Circuitry
The auxiliary air oil pump output is for air driven back up pumps. The output is
energized to stop the pump and de-energized to run the pump. The pump is
designed to run on loss of control power, or if the emergency stop is pressed, or
if a “low oil pressure” trip occurs. If the compressor is running and a low oil
pressure trip occurs, the output is de-energized causing the auxiliary oil pump to
run. It will continue to run until the coast down timer is complete and the trip is
acknowledged at the PanelView. The auxiliary oil pump solenoid should be wired
to a normally open contact of the isolation relay.
Main Motor Circuitry
The AirLogix “Base System” main motor circuit consists of a single PLC output
with a 120vac, 6 amp dry contact for starting the main motor. (This is not part of
the MP3-RetroFit option.) The output is energized to run the motor and deenergized to stop it.
Motor starting equipment is not included with the base AirLogix system.
Control Power Circuitry
The “Control Power” switch on the enclosure door is not intended as a
disconnect device. With the Control Power switch turned off, there may still be
voltage points present in the enclosure.
Emergency Stop Circuitry
The “Emergency Stop” button disconnects all power to outputs thus disabling the
main motor. Warning (systems with Pre-lube/Auxiliary Oil Pump) Because
the pre-lube/auxiliary oil pump is wired in a fail-safe mode, the pre-lube may run
even when the emergency stop is pressed.
NOTE: The standard AirLogix installation reuses your existing motor starters,
overloads and contactors.
Common Options
Although the options for special logic for custom applications and additional
variables are limitless, a few options are requested more often than others.
Following are some examples:
Mass Flow
Bypass Flow
Inter-stage Cooling Water Temperatures
Cooling Water Flow
Cooling Water Pressure
Motor Winding Temperatures
Motor Bearing Temperatures
Additional Vibration Points
Cooling water valve control
De-mister control
Control Component Upgrades
Upgrade to ControlLogix platform
Upgrade to larger PanelView
Addition of redundant PanelView
AirMaster (Load sharing of networked compressors)
Remote monitoring of system
Remote control of system
Pre-programmed spare processors
Spare parts kits
Modem Connection
Each location an AirLogix system is installed will have an Allen Bradley industrial
56K modem installed and tested. Typically, if a location has 1-2 AirLogix
systems, a modem will be mounted with each system. If a location contains 3 or
more AirLogix systems, one Allen Bradley Ethernet modem will be installed.
Connection of a standard analog phone line allows for immediate technical
support in the event of problems. Connection to a digital phone sytem can cause
irrepairable damage to the modem.
The modem provides the communication link for AirWatch, an invaluable tool for
remote troubleshooting. The modem can be powered off and even unplugged for
security .
In the case of multiple machines, individual phone lines, or one shared phone
line can be installed.
The AirLogix system has several tiers of security passwords.
The CompactLogix program is password protected to prevent unauthorized access via modem.
Access to the initial machine set-up and commissioning screens is password protected.
Electrical Schematics
Each AirLogix system is shipped with electrical schematics. These drawings
include all panel wiring and field devices specified (whether Base System or
beyond) at the time of order. Auxiliary systems not connected to the control panel
such as cooling water control, oil de-mister control, etc. are not included in the
Piping and installation drawings may be provided by your installer but are not
provided as part of the AirLogix system.
Factory Testing
Each AirLogix System is thoroughly tested prior to shipment. The checkout
procedure used is documented and kept on file at Case Engineering.
Point to Point Test
After panel assembly is complete, each of the interconnected points is checked
for continuity relative to the electrical schematics provided by the engineering
Lab Test
The point-to-point tested panel is delivered to our test lab where:
a 48 hour hardware burn in is complete
a simulator is connected
power is applied to the system
all programs are downloaded
all screens are reviewed and each input and output is exercised by the simulator with
“run-like conditions”
visual inspection of workmanship is conducted
Retrofit Options
Case Engineering offers multiple retrofits to replace existing OEM controls and
utilize the existing enclosure/control panel, instruments and associated wiring.
Installation and commissioning is reduced dramatically. This solution is ideal for
replacing obsolete OEM controllers with a limited amount of compressor
downtime. The following retrofits are offered:
IR MP3 Retrofit
IR CMC Retrofit
Joy/Cooper QUAD III Retrofit
Joy/Cooper QUAD 2000 Retrofit
MP3 Retrofit Installation
The MP3-RetroFit option is designed to provide a plug and play replacement for
the obsolete Ingersol-Rand MP3 controller. Following are five steps for replacing
the hardware. This typically requires less than 8 hours of downtime.
It may be necessary to get set points from the old unit before powering it down.
Installation of a machine discharge pressure sensor is required. Installation of
the inlet temperature RTD/transmitter is optional, however, it is highly
recommended to maximize compressor efficiency and protection from surge.
Located just inside the enclosure door is the
proprietary MP3 motherboard. There are five
multiple conductor connections made to field wiring
on the machine and to other devices within the
enclosure. The cover is removed, the I/O
connectors pulled off and the MP3 board removed
from the enclosure.
In its place is installed the AirLogix MP3 Interface
Board with mating connectors that are mapped to
the AirLogix system I/O. The interface board hosts
certain transmitters for conversion to standard 420mA current loop inputs.
Some retrofits allow the PLC to be mounted on the interface board, however,
there may be space inside the enclosure identified
for installation of the Allen Bradley PLC, I/O
hardware and pre-made cables to connect to I/O
modules. Typical installation time is 30 minutes.
If room is not available, Case can provide a
“satellite” enclosure to be mounted near the
machine. Please be sure to provide a cable length
from the original panel to where the satellite will be
The PanelView Plus 700
operator interface is then
installed in place of the MP3
front panel leaving the MP3
push button interfaces to the
new system. Typical
installation time is one hour.
Chapter 2—Set-Up Procedures
Verification of Main Power Connections
Verification of Main Power Connections (MP3)
Operation Parameters
Control System Configuration
Discrete Input Configuration
Analog Input Configuration
Oil Pump/Heater Configuration
Motor Start/Stop Configuration
Cooling Water Valve Configuration
Condensate Purge Configuration
Startup-Load/Unload Configuration
Manual Valve Control
Stroking the Analog Valves
Stroking the DCAV
Stroking the Discrete Bypass
Alternate Manual Valve Control Screen
Testing the Modem Connection
AirWatch Operation
Testing the Pre-lube/Auxiliary Oil Pump
PanelView Setup
Starting the Machine
This chapter is intended to thoroughly assist an installation technician with the
AirLogix setup.
Verification of Main Power Connections
WARNING: The Control Power switch on the enclosure door is not a
disconnect device. Turning off the Control Power switch does not remove
all power from the system. Use caution, remove power from an external
disconnecting device and always check for voltages before performing any
work inside the enclosure.
Open all fuses and push red button on circuit breaker.
Verify the E-stop push button is pressed before proceeding
Located on the enclosure door, switch the Control Power switch to the “ON”
Apply 120 volts AC to the panel. Verify voltage at ACCOM and the bottom side
of the circuit breaker. If the voltage measures 120 volts AC, switch the circuit
breaker on and close fuses FUCPU and FUPS located to the left of the circuit
Verify that there is 24 volts DC between +24VDCF and DCCOM at the 24-volt
power supply. Close fuses labeled FUPV, FUM, FUS, and FUIO located on the
DC terminal strip.
Check the PanelView to see that it is powered up and communicating to the
Check to see that there is a green light on the CompactLogix power supply and
that the processor has a green “RUN” light.
Verify that the processor key switch is in the “REM” mode. The processor should
always remain in “REM” mode.
Verification of Main Power Connections for the MP3RetroFit Option
WARNING: Use caution, remove power from an external disconnecting device
and always check for voltages before performing any work inside the
When installing the MP3-RetroFit option, the new replacement panel will receive
its AC and DC power from the original terminal plugs and original DC power
supply. Do not remove the original power supply or line filter. Be sure that the
main motor is locked out before installing this unit.
Before energizing the control power, verify seal air is present and check
continuity at TS2-5 and TS2-6. This indicates the seal air pressure switch is
Turn the Control Power switch to the on position.
Verify that there is 120VAC between terminals TS1-8 and TS1-10.
Verify that there is 24VDC between terminals TS5-20 and TS5-19.
Verify the prelube is running.
Check the PanelView to see that it is powered up and communicating with the
processor. If it is not, a blue diagnostic window will appear.
Check to see that there is a green light on the CompactLogix power supply and
that the processor has a green "RUN" light.
Verify that the processor key switch is in the “REM” mode. The processor should
always remain in “REM” mode.
Operation Parameters
This screen contains the software
version number and information to
contact Case Engineering. The control
panel temperature is also displayed on
this screen. The temperature indication is
taken from the first analog input module
and may read slightly high due to module
heat disipation. Press [F2] to navigate to
the Main Screen.
To begin the setup process from the
Main screen, press [F10] to display the
navigation menu. From the Navigation
menu, use the up/down arrow keys to
select General Setup and press [Enter].
The General Setup screen is designed to step the installation process along in a
logical order.
NOTE: All setup screens can be viewed by
anyone. However, to modify a setup
parameter an authorized user must log in.
To log in, press [F10], and then press
[F2]. If you do not know the correct user
ID and password, contact Case
Control System Configuration
NOTE: To modify set points throughout the setup process, use the TAB keys. Use
the TAB left [] and TAB right [] keys to place the green highlight on the
desired entry point. The TAB keys are located just left of the shift key. The
highlights may not be seen if the operator is not logged in as a setup technician.
Also several entry points throughout the setup may require pressing a designated
function key to change the field. Multiple presses of the function key will display
all possible selections.
Press [K1] to move to the “Control System Configuration” screen.
Press [F1] to select the control system (AirLogix, MP3 Retrofit, QUAD 2000
Retrofit, or QUAD III Retrofit).
Press [F2] to select the inlet valve control method (Analog or DCAV). DCAV
inlet control refers to a Discretely Controlled Analog Valve with a motorized
Press [F3] to select the bypass valve control method
(Analog, DCAV, or Discrete). Discrete refers to a
solenoid actuated valve that has no analogous
Press [F4] to select the bypass valve position
reference. The bypass valve may be displayed as
percent open or as percent closed.
Press [F5] to select the compressor manufacturer (IR,
Joy, Cooper, Worthington, Atlas Copco, FS-Elliott, Clark
ISOPac, or Elliott).
Enter the compressor “ID/Name” (15 character maximum).
Enter the “Number of Stages” on the compressor.
Enter the “Design Capacity” and “Design Pressure”.
Enter the motor name plate full load amp (FLA) rating.
Enter the “Motor Voltage”.
Enter the motor name plate horse power (HP).
Press [F7] to modify the Units of Measure.
Pressure selections are: psig, kPa, and bar
Temperature selections include degrees Fahrenheit and
degrees Celsius.
Vibration selections include mils or microns.
Note: Changing the units of measure does NOT automatically change the scaling
and set points for monitored analog variables. The analog variables should be
setup to the appropriate unit of measure during the commissioning process.
Press [F10] to exit.
Discrete Input Configuration
From the “General Setup” screen, press [K2] to configure the discrete and
analog inputs.
For the discrete inputs, press the
function key that corresponds to the
discrete input which should be
Note: For each input there may be a
green check mark or red X next to the
Function Key assignment.
indicates the input is enabled.
indicates the input is disabled.
Press [F1] to enable/disable the input.
The indicator in the upper right-hand
corner indicates if the condition is true
or false.
If necessary, modify the input ID.
If the input is exercised and the
indicator is incorrect, pressing [F2] will
toggle between N/O (normally open)
and N/C (normally closed). This should
correct the indicator. It is important that the input is exercised to determine the
accuracy of the input. For example, to exercise the “Low Water Flow” switch, the
water valve should be closed and opened to force the switch to change states.
If the input should be a “Start Permissive”, press [F3]. The indicator determines
whether the start permissive function is enabled or disabled.
If the input should be a “Warning”, press [F4]. The indicator determines whether
the warning function is enabled or disabled. There is also a “Warning Time Dly”
associated with the discrete warning. To modify the delay timer, use the TAB
left/right keys to highlight the timer and enter the new value. The unit for this
quantity is seconds.
If the input should be a “Trip”, press [F5]. The indicator determines whether the
trip function is enabled or disabled. There is also a delay timer associated with
the discrete trip. To modify the delay timer, use the TAB left/right keys to
highlight the timer and enter the new value.
After the input is configured, press [F9] to return to the discrete input module
setup screen.
Repeat the above process for all applicable discrete inputs.
Analog Input Configuration
From the “Discrete Input Module
Setup” screen, press [F9] to navigate to
the next screen to configure the analog
For the analog inputs, press the
function key that corresponds to the
analog input to be configured.
Note: For each input there may be a
green check mark or red X next to the
Function Key assignment.
indicates the input is enabled.
indicates the input is disabled.
Press [F1] to enable/disable the input. The indicator in the upper right-hand
corner indicates actual value after the input is enabled.
The input identification can be modified if necessary.
Using the TAB left/right, highlight “Input
Scale” “High”, and enter the appropriate
range of the transmitter. Repeat for the
“Low” value
Enter the “Start Permissive” high and
low set points if applicable. To utilize the
high and/or low start permissive
function, press the corresponding
function key until the indicator states the
function is “Enabled”.
Enter the “Warning Set Point” high and
low set points if applicable. To utilize the high and/or low warning function, press
the corresponding function key until the indicator states the function is Enabled.
The “Warning Time Dly” is a delay associated with the high and low warning
functions. The input must cross the “Warning Set Point” for this length of time
before a warning is issued. The unit for this quantity is seconds.
Enter the “Trip Set Point” high and low set points if applicable. To utilize the high
and/or low trip function, press the corresponding function key until the indicator
states the function is “Enabled”. There is also a delay timer associated with the
high and low trip functions. The unit for this quantity is also in seconds.
The input signal type can be changed by pressing [K1]. There are two choices,
4-20mA and 1-5V input signals. If the input signal is set to 1-5V, the input jumper
on the analog input module should also be changed for the corresponding input.
By default, all inputs are set to 4-20mA. The input module must be removed to
change the jumper.
The illustration above references module Cat#:1769sc-IF8u,
P/N: 9060084-01, Series A.
Contact Case Engineering for questions regarding other modules.
The Pos. # determines the location the
analog input is displayed on the
structured screens: Air End Status, Oil
and Water Status, and Motor Status.
The position should be set correctly
from the factory, however, if it should be
changed press [K3] to display the IO
Each position on the screen contains a
number. This number should be entered
by pressing [F10] to close the IO Map
screen, highlighting the Pos # entry and
entering the new position number.
Note: It is possible to enter the same position number for multiple inputs. This
will cause the position on the structured status screen to flicker. If this occurs,
the input with a duplicate assignment should be located. Enter a position 40 to
not display an input or correct a flickering numeric display.
Note: It is possible to change the row labels on the Oil and Water Status screen.
Press [F9] to return to the “Analog Input Module” screen.
Repeat the above steps for each analog input the AirLogix control system will be
Upon completion of the analog input configuration, press [F10] to display the
navigation menu. Using the up/down arrow keys, select “General Setup” and
press the enter key.
Oil Pump and Heater Configuration
From the “General Setup” screen, press [K3] to
open the “Oil Pump Configuration” screen.
Press [F1], [F2], and [F3] depending on the oil
pump(s) applicable to the compressor. “YES”
indicates the pump exists and “NO” indicates the
pump does not exist. Refer to page 6 for the
various oil pump operations.
Enter a value for the “Prelube Off Timer”. The
“Prelube Pump Off Timer" refers to the length of
time that the auxiliary/prelube pump runs after the
main motor is started. Adjust this timer value here.
Enter the “Prelube Recovery Pressure”. The “Prelube Recovery Pressure” is the
oil pressure set point that the prelube will resume operation. This set point
should be set equal to or greater than the low oil pressure warning. This feature
becomes active once the compressor is started and the “Prelube Off Timer” has
expired. If the oil pressure falls equal to or less than the “Prelube Recovery
Pressure” set point, the prelube will resume operation and the following alarm
message is generated: “Auxiliary Oil Pump Running, Possible Mechanical Oil
Pump Failure”. This condition will remain active until the compressor is stopped.
It is designed to allow temporary operation of the compressor in the event of a
mechanical oil pump failure. “Zero” may be entered to disable this function.
Press [F4] to enable the oil heater output.
Enter the “Oil Heater On Temperature” and “Oil Heater Off Temperature” set
points. A minimum difference of 5 degrees F is required between the Off and On
set points.
The Oil Change Hour Meter may be used to create an oil change reminder or
maintenance schedule. To enable the Warning, press [F6]. Once enabled, the
ability to enter the warning set point will appear. Press [F5] to reset the hour
meter. The hour meter accumulates anytime the compressor is running.
Note: If the Oil Change Warning occurs and it is acknowledged, the warning will
reoccur every week (168 hours) until the oil change hour meter is reset.
Press [F10] to return to the “General Setup” screen.
Motor Start and Stop
From the “General Setup” screen, press [K4] to
open the “Motor Configuration” screen.
Press [F1] to configure the start/stop input
By default, PanelView start/stop will be enabled.
The ability to enable communication, discrete
input or automatic start/stop is available.
Examples of each of the other options are listed
Communication: remote start/stop from the customer’s DCS or a remote
operator interface.
Discrete input: remote start/stop from motor switch-gear pushbuttons, control
room pushbuttons, or pressure switches.
Automatic: automatically starts/stops the compressor based on system pressure
and time. If the system pressure falls below the auto start pressure set point for
the duration of the auto start timer, the compressor will auto start. If the
compressor runs unloaded for the duration of the auto stop timer, the compressor
will stop.
Press [F5] to configure a “Start Sequence”. The start sequence is designed to
start the pre-lube/auxiliary oil pump prior to starting the compressor, and allow for
oil pressure/temperature inputs to stabilize prior to starting the main motor. It will
also stop the oil pump after the compressor has been stopped for a predetermined period of time.
The “Oil Pressure Timer” is the amount of time allowed for oil pressure to reach
the low start permissive set point. When this timer is done, if oil pressure is not
above the low start permissive set point, the start sequence will abort.
The “Oil Temperature Timer” is the amount of time allowed for oil temperature to
reach the low start permissive set point. When this timer is done, if oil
temperature is not above the low start permissive set point, the start sequence
will abort.
The “Oil Pump Run After Stop Time” indicates the amount of time the oil pump
will run after the compressor has been stopped. This will also allow the oil pump
to run after a start sequence has been initialized and aborted due to one or more
start permissives not satisfied.
Press [F10] to return to the “Motor
Configuration” screen.
Press [F2] to enable/disable the “Momentary
Start” output and enter the momentary start time.
When a start is initialized, the momentary start
output is energized for the period of the
momentary start time preset.
Press [F3] to enable/disable the “Momentary
Stop” output and enter the momentary stop time.
When a stop is initialized, the momentary stop
output is de-energized for the duration of the
momentary stop time preset. This circuit should be wired fail-safe to a normally
closed contact on the momentary stop relay.
Press [F4] to enable/disable the “Wye-Delta” start outputs and enter the shorting
relay time duration.
Note: The maximum motor current scale may have to be multiplied by 1.73 on
an MP3-RetroFit with a "panel installed" wye-delta starter. This is because
the CT is installed on the motor lead instead of the panel lead.
The “Main Motor Coastdown” time preset will need to be modified after a motor
coast down time is determined.
Enter the number of starts allowed per time frame. Please refer to the motor
manufacturer for this information.
Enter the “Run Hours”, if desired. This may apply if the customer maintains a
strict compressor maintenance schedule.
Press [F10] to return to the “General Setup” screen.
Cooling Water Valve/Condensate Purge Configuration
From the “General Setup” screen, press [K5] to go to the “Cooling Water Valve
Configuration” screen.
Close Fuse ORF12 to allow operation of the Cooling Water Valve output.
Press [F1] to enable/disable the “Cooling Water
Valve” output.
Press [F2] to determine whether to “Energize
Output To” OPEN the water valve or “Energize
Output To” Close the water valve.
Enter the “Post Shutdown Timer” duration. This
time determines the length of time the cooling
water valve will remain open after the
compressor is stopped.
The water valve can be placed in “Manual
Mode” by pressing [F3]. When in manual mode,
the valve can be opened or closed by pressing [F4]. To protect the compressor,
the cooling water valve cannot be closed when the compressor is running. By
default, the cooling water valve will open when the compressor is started. An
indicator exists below the Auto/Manual mode indicate indicating the current state
of the valve.
Press [F10] to exit and return to the “General Setup” screen.
Condensate Purge Configuration
Close Fuse ORF10 to allow operation of the condensate purge output.
Press [F1] to enable/disable the “Condensate Purge [F1]” output.
Enter the “Purge Interval”. This is the amount of time between purges.
Enter the “Purge Duration”. This is the length of time the output is energized.
Pressing [F2], manually forces a purge cycle for the length of the purge duration
Press [F10], to exit and return to the “General Setup” screen
AirWatch Setup
From the “General Setup” screen,
Press [K7] to display the “AirWatch
Configuration” screen.
AirWatch provides email notification
indicating the compressor has surged,
is operating in a warning condition, or
has shutdown to protect the
The AirLogix controller is an email
client that uses a mail relay server to
send email. The CompactLogix
controller can execute a message that sends an email message to a SMTP mail
relay server using the standard SMTP protocol. Some mail relay servers require
a domain name be provided during the initial handshake of the SMTP session.
For these mail relay servers, make sure you specify a domain name when you
configure the network settings in the Ethernet module configuration.
Press [F1] to Enabled/Disabled AirWatch.
Press [F2] to Enter the Company Name. This text will be used in the subject and
body of the email.
Press [F3] to Enter the location. This text will be used in the subject and body of
the email.
Press [F4] to enter the SMTP server.
Press [F5] to enter the email destination. Only one email address may be
entered. Rules with the mail client may be used to automatically forward the
emails to other email addresses.
Press [F6] to enter a text string for testing purposes.
Press [F7] to test the email functionality.
Press [K1], [K2], or [K3] to select the events to send emails.
Startup-Load/Unload Configuration
From the “General Setup” screen, Press [K8] to
display the “Startup-Load/Unload Configuration”
Press [F1] to configure the load/unload input
By default, PanelView load/unload will be
enabled. The ability to enable communication,
discrete input or automatic load/unload is
available. A description of each of the other
options are listed below.
Communication: remote load/unload from
customer’s DCS or a remote operator interface.
Discrete input: remote load/unload from control room pushbuttons, or pressure
Automatic: automatically load/unload the compressor based on system
pressure, discharge pressure and time. If the system pressure falls below the
auto load pressure set point for the duration of the auto load timer, the
compressor will auto load. The compressor will auto unload if the machine
pressure falls below the system pressure for the
duration of the auto unload timer OR if the
system pressure is greater than the unload
pressure set point for the duration of the unload
Pressing [F10] will return to the “StartupLoad/Unload Configuration” screen.
The “General Start Override” refers to a timer
that starts timing when the main motor starts.
This timer does not allow the variables other
than vibration to issue a warning or trip until it is
done. Adjust this timer value here.
The “Motor Current Start Override” refers to a timer that starts timing when the
main motor starts and does not allow the motor current to trigger a high warning
or high trip until the timer is done. This time should be greater than the motor
current inrush time. Adjust this timer value here.
The “Vibration Start Override” refers to a timer
that starts timing when the main motor starts.
While the vibration start override timer is timing,
or the coast down timer is timing, vibration
warnings and trips are triggered using the
warning and trip set points multiplied by the
“Vibration Multiplier” (see below). After the
vibration start override timer is complete, the
original warning and trip set points are utilized.
Adjust this timer value here.
The “Vibration Multiplier” is used to create
elevated vibration warning and trip set points
during compressor spin up and coast down.
Press [F2] to enable/disable the function. When the multiplier is disabled,
vibration warnings and trips cannot trigger while the vibration start override timer
or coast down timer is timing.
For example, if the stage 1 vibration warning set point is .80 and the vibration
multiplier is enabled and set to 2.0, then stage 1 vibration must exceed 1.60
during spin up or coast down to trigger a high stage 1 vibration warning.
The “Ready to Load” timer refers to the length of time that must pass between
starting the motor and allowing the compressor to be loaded. This time should be
greater than the amount of time it takes the main motor to come up to speed.
Adjust this timer value here.
The “Set Point Ramp Up Rate” refers to the amount the PID set point is
incremented each time the time cycle is completed. When the compressor is
loaded, this "steps" the PID set point up to the pressure set point entered on the
main screen at a metered rate. The timer is shared with the ramp down function
which is used when unloading the machine. Adjust these settings here.
The “Set Point Ramp Down Rate” refers to amount the PID set point is
decremented each time the time cycle is completed. When the compressor is
unloaded, this "steps" the PID set point down to a pre-determined percentage of
the pressure set point at a metered rate. The timer is shared with the ramp up
function, which is used when loading the machine. Adjust these settings here.
The “Set Point Ramp Time” sets the cycle time for the set point ramp up and set
point ramp down rates.
Press [F10] to exit and return to the “General Setup” screen.
Manual Valve Control
There are six different valve combinations possible with the AirLogix control
system. They are:
Analog Inlet/Analog Bypass
Analog Inlet/Discrete Bypass
Analog Inlet/DCAV Bypass
DCAV Inlet/Analog Bypass
DCAV Inlet/Discrete Bypass
DCAV Inlet/DCAV Bypass
The manual valve control screen may appear different for each combination of
valves. The following sections demonstrate an example of each type of valve.
The valve combination configured during the control system configuration step
may require that the operator follow a portion of both of the following procedures
for the particular valve set.
If the compressor is not running, the manual valve control screens are not
protected by security. If the compressor is running, login is required to operate
the valves in manual mode. Also, each valve must be in Auto mode to start the
Stroking the Analog Valves
From the General Setup screen, press [K9] to display the Manual Valve control
Check the inlet & bypass valves for proper calibration.
The actual calibration of the valves or the current to pressure (I/P) transducers is
not part of the scope of this document. Complete the procedure for the inlet
valve before proceeding to the bypass valve
Press [F6] to toggle the inlet valve between Auto/Manual Mode. The valve must
be in manual mode to complete this procedure.
Press [F8], to toggle the
bypass valve between
Auto/Manual Mode. The valve
must be in manual mode to
complete this procedure.
Using the TAB left/right keys,
move the cursor to the numeric
data entry object, located
directly above the [F2]: OPEN
button ([F4]: CLOSE button for
the bypass valve), and enter a
value of "0". Verify that the
actual inlet valve position is
fully closed.
Enter a value of "5.0". Verify
that the actual valve position is approximately 5% open. The valve should show
movement between the "0" and "5.0" setting.
NOTE: The actual valve position is referencing the physical valve position, not the
indicators on the PanelView screen.
Enter a value of "25.0". Verify that the actual valve position is approximately 25%
Enter a value of "50.0". Verify that the actual valve position is approximately 50%
Enter a value of "75.0". Verify that the actual valve position is approximately 75%
Enter a value of "100.0". Verify that the actual valve position is 100% open.
Enter a value of "95.0". Verify that the actual valve position is 95% open. The
valve should show movement between the "100.0" and "95.0" setting.
Set the valve back to the "Auto" position with the [F6] button for the inlet valve or
[F8] button for the bypass valve.
Repeat the above steps for the bypass valve. The bypass valve position will be
inversely proportional to the inlet valve position (where the inlet valve is 25%
open the bypass valve will be 25% closed).
The trend display can be modified to enhance the data displayed in the trend.
Pressing [K1] and [K2], modifies the trend Maximum and Minimum scale
Pressing [K3] and [K4] allow the trend viewer to move back and forth in time to
analyze data. Pressing [K5] will display the data logged currently. Approximately
3 hours of data is stored. This data is continually logged at one second intervals
and can be viewed at anytime.
Stroking the DCAV Valves
From the General Setup screen, press [K9] to display the Manual Valve control
Close Fuses ORF06, ORF07, ORF08, and ORF09 for inlet and bypass discrete
Press [F6] to toggle the inlet valve between Auto/Manual Mode.
Or Press [F8], to toggle the bypass valve between Auto/Manual Mode. The valve
must be in manual mode to complete this procedure.
Press [K12] to display the DCAV valve configuration.
Set the Inlet Speed to 100. Do not adjust the speed
cycle time at this point.
Press [F10] to return to the Manual Valve Control
Make sure that the valve that you are calibrating is
fully retracted (not the valve position indicator on the
screen). If it is not, press and hold the appropriate button on the manual valve
control screen until both the valve and the position indicator are indicating 0%.
While watching the appropriate valve position indicator, press and hold the open
button just until the valve reaches the fully open position. The valve and indicator
should both reach the same position at approximately the same time. If this is not
the case adjust the “Extend Position Constant” value located on the DCAV setup
screen. Increase the value if you want the PanelView indicator to reach position
sooner and decrease the value to if you want the indicator to reach the value
Repeat the previous two steps to adjust for indicator error in the retract direction,
making necessary adjustments to the “Retract Position Constant” and “Extend
Position Constant”. These steps may need to be repeated several times to
achieve the desired results.
Repeat the procedure above for a DCAV bypass if necessary.
The inlet and/or bypass indicated positions are set using the steps above.
However, it is important to note, over time, accumulated error may allow
the actual and indicated position to be erroneous. The indicated positions
are not used in any control algorithm. They are for operator reference only.
Accumulated error is reset each time the compressor is unloaded, or the
inlet reaches 100% open, or the inlet reaches, 0%.
Stroking Discrete Bypass Valve
If the discrete bypass control was selected during the control system
configuration, then Press [F4] to close the discrete bypass valve and press [F9]
to open the discrete bypass.
Verify the bypass valve is closing completely. Adjusting the flow control on the
solenoid can increase or decrease the speed the valve opens or closes.
Alternate Manual Valve Control Screen
An additional Manual Valve control
popup screen exists. It may be useful for
viewing the vibrations while opening the
inlet valve. From the Navigation Menu,
select Manual Valve Control. Each valve
control screens has obvious advantages.
Testing the Pre-lube/Auxiliary Circuit
Pull the Emergency Stop out and close Fuse ORF03 to test the Prelube/Auxiliary oil pump. Depending on the compressor type, seal air may be a
permissive to run the pump. Refer to drawings ES01 and ES03 for wiring details.
The pump should now be running. If not, trouble-shoot the wiring. After the pump
is running, verify the oil pressure.
PanelView Configuration
There are set up parameters exclusively for the PanelView that may be
accessed. To access the PanelView configuration screen, from the Main screen,
press [F10]. Using the Up/Down arrow keys, select Case Controls and press
enter. Pressing [F5] will close the PanelView program and open the
configuration screen. Pressing [F4] from the configuration screen will permit
terminal setting modifications.
The most common adjustments to these settings are:
Date and Time
Back lighting
Screen Saver ON/OFF
Reference the PanelView Plus 700 manual (not provided) or contact Case
Engineering for specific details regarding the PanelView Plus 700 configuration
Many of the settings could result in making the PanelView unresponsive to the
system. For this reason it is suggested that anyone unfamiliar with the operation
of a PanelView Plus 700 exercise great care while navigating the PanelView
Configuration screens.
Starting the Machine
If you have followed the steps above
thoroughly and each start permissive is
satisfied, you should now be ready to
start the machine. You may need to
remove the lockout from the main motor
before continuing. Verify all auto
functions are disabled.
Close all remaining fuses.
Push the [F6] button to start.
The motor should start and the inlet valve move to its start position while the
bypass valve remains fully open.
Once you have determined the machine is stable, press [F10] to begin stepping
through each status screen and verify that all instrumentation is reading properly.
Once you have determined that all instrumentation is operating properly, you are
ready to move on to the next chapter, THROTTLE SURGE PROCEDURE, to
determine the surge data.
Chapter 3—Throttle Surge Procedure
Inlet Starting Position
Manual Valve Control
Determining the Surge Line
Throttle Surging
Dynamic Throttle Limit(DTL)
Manual Valve Control Trend Buttons
Alternate Manual Valve Control Method
This chapter is intended for use by set-up personnel and provides a procedure
for surging the machine under normal conditions.
Note: This chapter assumes the machine is running.
Inlet Starting Position
From the General Setup screen, press
[K9] to navigate to the Manual Valve
Control screen.
You must log in to take manual control of
the valves when the compressor is
If the inlet valve type is analog, adjust
the "Start Pos." value so that stage 1
discharge/stage 2 inlet air pressure is
approximately 3 psi.
If this point is monitored by the AirLogix
system, it can be viewed by pressing [F10] and selecting Air End Status from the
Navigation menu. If this point is not monitored by the AirLogix system, use a
gauge to determine this pressure.
NOTE: For a DCAV inlet valve, this entry point will not be displayed. Finite
position control cannot be achieved with a DCAV type valve actuator.
Manual Valve Control
CAUTION: Manually controlling a centrifugal compressor safely, requires a
thorough understanding of compressor operation and should only be performed
by trained personnel. For safety reasons, the compressor must be in the
unloaded state as indicated on the Main screen, before the valves can be placed
in manual.
The valve control indicator must indicate "Manual Mode" to have manual control
of the valve. The indicators and controls for each valve are grouped together with
the inlet valve on the left and bypass valve on the right. These valve controls are
as follows:
F6: INLET MODE - Press this button to toggle the inlet valve between
Auto/Manual modes.
Note: Actual valve control state is reflected in the indicator immediately above
the button indicator.
F2: OPEN .1% - Each time [F2] is pressed, the valve will open .1%. Holding the
button does not provide continuous action. The button must be released and
repressed in order to repeat the action.
F7: CLOSE .1% - Each time [F7] is pressed, the valve will close .1%. Holding the
button does not provide continuous action. The button must be released and
repressed in order to repeat the action.
NOTE: For a DCAV inlet valve, the valve will continue to move as long as the
button is pressed at a rate set by the valve speed entered on the DCAV Setup
The cursor point numeric data
entry object located above the Open
button is used to move the valve to a
percent open position for an analog
inlet valve. Data entered has one
decimal place for tenths of percent. If
the inlet valve control type is DCAV,
this will be a valve position display
F8: BYPASS MODE - Press this button to toggle the bypass valve between
Auto/Manual modes.
Note: Actual valve control state is reflected in the indicator immediately above
the button indicator.
F4: CLOSE .1% - Each time F4 is pressed, the valve will close .1%. Holding the
button does not provide continuous action. The button must be released and
repressed in order to repeat the action.
NOTE: For a DCAV bypass valve, the valve will continue to move as long as
the button is pressed at a rate set by the valve speed set on the DCAV Setup
F9: OPEN .1% - Each time F9 is pressed, the valve will open .1%. Holding the
button does not provide continuous action. The button must be released and
repressed in order to repeat the action.
NOTE: For a DCAV bypass valve, the valve will continue to move as long as
the button is pressed at a rate set by the valve speed set on the DCAV Setup
The cursor point numeric data entry object located above the F4 Close Button
is used to move the valve to a percent closed position. If the bypass valve control
type is DCAV or Discrete, this will be a valve position display only.
F5: E-OPEN: Anytime a surge occurs the bypass should be immediately
opened to prevent machine damage. Press this button to open the bypass
valve at the fastest possible rate.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Before attempting to
throttle surge the compressor, it is important to
understand the proper use of the data
collection tools provided by AirLogix. Data is
continually collected by two methods. The first
is the trend on the Manual Valve Control
screen. The second is by the processor, which
collects the data at a much faster rate than the
trend. The data collected by the processor is
discharge pressure, motor current, inlet
temperature, peak motor current change, and
peak discharge pressure change. Pressing
the F5: E-OPEN button, stops the data collection. This allows you to maintain the
peak changes caused by the surge without recording subsequent peaks that may
occur during unloading. The surge data for the two most recent surges, or EOpen presses, is kept on file. This data can be viewed by returning to the
General Setup screen, pressing [K9] to go to Surge Parameters, then [F9] to
View the Surge Data.
Determining the Surge Line
The objective is to establish the surge line
for the compressor. This requires a high
and low surge point. First, determine the
pressure set point the compressor will be
operating. Add 10% to the expected
operating pressure set point to determine
the high pressure surge point. Subtract
10% to determine the low pressure surge
point. For example, if the compressor is
intended to run at 100 psi, the high
pressure surge point is 110 psi and the
low pressure surge point is 90 psi.
Warning: Never exceed the design pressure of the piping.
Close the block valve so that the compressor can build pressure without
affecting the system.
Slowly open the inlet valve until you reach the full load motor current or 100%
open. The bypass valve should be completely open during this adjustment.
Warning: Operating the motor above motor nameplate FLA may decrease
the life expectancy of the motor.
After reaching FLA or 100% open, begin closing the bypass valve until the
desired discharge pressure is made or the machine surges.
If the machine surges during this process, press [F5] immediately to open
the bypass and alleviate the surge condition. This suggests that
mechanical problems may exist. Contact your service technician.
Let the machine run at this point until the air temperatures and pressures
Throttle Surging
The objective is to cause a surge at the desired discharge pressure by adjusting
both valves as needed in small increments until a throttle surge is
accomplished. Determine the high pressure throttle surge point first. If DCAV
valve control was selected, set the DCAV speed to 5 to move the valve(s) in the
smallest increments.
Desired pressure is 110 psi.
Close the bypass to reach 112 psi
Then close the inlet to reach 110 psi
Repeat these steps until the machine surges.
Warning: When a surge occurs, immediately press [F5] to open the bypass.
Repeat the throttle surge process again for the low pressure surge. As
long as the high pressure surge was done first, the inlet should be in safe
position to start the low pressure surge.
Navigate to the Surge Parameters screen by pressing
[K10] on the General Setup screen. Press [F9] to view the
surge data collected from the two prior throttle surges.
Record this data in the table below.
Throttle Surge Data
Discharge Pressure
Motor Current
Inlet Temp
Current Change
Pressure Change
Press [F10] to close the Surge Data
Using the TAB Left/Right keys, enter the
data recorded for the High Pressure
Surge in the Surge Pressure and Surge
Amps entry fields.
Enter the data recorded for the Low
Pressure Surge in the Surge Pressure
and Surge Amps entry fields.
If you wish to extend the surge line to a
lower or higher pressure, the values can
be calculated by pressure [F8] Calculator. Enter the throttle surge results in the
upper section, and then enter the high and low pressure points needed to provide
adequate throttle range for the compressor. Note the new pressure and amp set
points and enter them on the surge parameters
Enter the surge line offset. This offset determines
the minimum throttle point for the compressor
when loaded. This offset is typically set to 7%
when Inlet Air Temperature is utilized. If inlet air
temperature is not utilized, use 10% for the Surge
Line Offset.
Press [F6] to reset the DTL to the new set points.
Enter the lowest inlet temperature captured in the
surge data recorded above. This establishes a base line for the Dynamic
Throttle Point (DTL). As the inlet temperature changes, the surge line for the
compressor will change. In cooler temperatures, additional turn down and
reduced energy consumption is achieved. During warmer temperatures, the
compressor is better protected while still providing the maximum turndown. If
inlet air temperature is not monitored, enter 999 in this field.
Enter the Motor Amp Index Per Surge. This value should be set approximately
1% of FLA. Each time a surge is detected, the surge line is shifted by the
amount entered. The indexed surge parameters are displayed in the Amps
Indexed column. If indexing is not desired, enter zero in this field. Accumulated
indexes may be removed by pressing [F6] Reset DTL.
Enter the Maximum Motor Amps (FLA). The motor nameplate FLA rating is
recommended. Any set point higher than nameplate FLA may result in reduced
motor life due to increased heat buildup.
Enter the Surge Detect Time. This determines the time span that both radical
motor current and radical pressure must occur in order to detect surge. This is
typically set to 2 seconds. A larger time entry will increase surge detection
sensitivity, while a smaller value will decrease sensitivity.
Enter the Radical Motor Current and Radical Discharge Pressure. The values
entered should be 70% of the lowest pressure and current data recorded in the
table above.
Enter the number of surges allowed per given time frame. When this number is
exceeded, the compressor unloads and remains unloaded until an operator
acknowledges the alarm at the PanelView and presses the load button. The
default values are 3 surges in 1 hour.
Dynamic Throttle Limit (DTL)
DTL is used to protect the compressor from surge and maintain the maximum
inlet turndown to reduce energy consumption during low air demand periods.
DTL is determined by the discharge pressure and inlet air density. The surge line
is continously calculated based on these variables. The previous procedures
determine the parameters for this algorithm.
The surge point, or minimum throttle point, vary depending on machine discharge
pressure and inlet conditions. A fixed "throttle limit" (illustrated by the vertical MIN
AMPS line) leaves much of the throttle range available at lower pressures and/or
lower temperatures unused.
The DTL (Dynamic Throttle Limit) feature takes advantage of that additional
throttle range by continuously calculating the surge line from two separate surge
points performed during the throttle surge procedure.
Manual Valve Control Trend Buttons
The data displayed on the trend can be
modified to view the data in a way
preferred by the technician.
The data line colors correspond to the
text color in the legend located above
the trend. For example, the system
pressure is the yellow line.
Press [K1] to modify the Y-axis
maximum scale.
Press [K2] to modify the Y-axis minimum scale.
Using [K1] and [K2] allows the technician to zoom in or out on the data available
for display on the trend.
Press [K3] to scroll the trend back and view data prior to the data currently
shown on the screen.
Press [K4] to scroll the trend forward in time to show data that is more current.
Press [K5] to resume viewing live data collection.
Alternate Manual Valve Control Method
Another method of manually controlling the valves exists. The data is collected
regardless which screen is displayed and can be viewed at any time.
This method is a popup screen and may be most useful
on the Main screen to allow the technician to view
vibrations while the valves are in manual mode.
From the Main screen, press [F10] to view the screen
selection. Using the Up/Down arrow keys, select Manual
Valve Control and press Enter.
CAUTION: Manually controlling a centrifugal compressor safely, requires a
thorough understanding of compressor operation and should only be performed
by trained personnel. For safety reasons, the compressor must be in the
unloaded state as indicated on the Main screen, before the valves can be placed
in manual.
The valve control indicator must indicate "MANUAL MODE" to have manual
control of the valve. The indicators and controls for each valve are grouped
together with the inlet valve on the left and bypass valve on the right. These
valve controls are as follows:
F1: INLET MODE - Press this button to toggle the inlet valve between Auto/Manual
Note: Actual valve control state is reflected in the indicator immediately above
the button indicator.
F2: OPEN .1% - Each time [F2] is pressed, the valve will open .1%. Holding the
button does not provide continuous or repetitive action. The button must be
released and repressed in order to repeat the action.
F7: CLOSE .1% - Each time [F7] is pressed, the valve will close .1%. Holding the
button does not provide continuous or repetitive action. The button must be
released and repressed in order to repeat the action.
NOTE: For a DCAV inlet valve, the valve will continue to move as long as the
button is pressed at a rate set by the valve speed entered on the DCAV Setup
The cursor point numeric data entry object located above the Open button is
used to move the valve to a percent open position for an analog inlet valve. Data
entered has one decimal place for tenths of percent. If the inlet valve control
type is DCAV, this will be a valve position display only.
F3: BYPASS MODE - Press this button to toggle the bypass valve between
Auto/Manual modes.
Note: Actual valve control state is reflected in the indicator immediately above
the button indicator.
F4: CLOSE .1% - Each time F4 is pressed, the valve will close .1%. Holding the
button does not provide continuous or repetitive action. The button must be
released and repressed in order to repeat the action.
NOTE: For a DCAV bypass valve, the valve will continue to move as long as the
button is pressed at a rate set by the valve speed set on the DCAV Setup screen.
F9: OPEN .1% - Each time F9 is pressed, the valve will open .1%. Holding the
button does not provide continuous or repetitive action. The button must be
released and repressed in order to repeat the action.
NOTE: For a DCAV bypass valve, the valve will continue to move as long as the
button is pressed at a rate set by the valve speed set on the DCAV Setup screen.
The cursor point numeric data entry object located above the F4 Close Button
is used to move the valve to a percent closed position. If the bypass valve control
type is DCAV or Discrete, this will be a valve position display only.
F8: E-OPEN - Anytime a surge occurs the bypass should be immediately
opened to prevent machine damage. Press this button to open the bypass
valve at the fastest possible rate. Data capture is halted as defined in previously
in this chapter.
Chapter 4 —Valve Tuning
What is a PID Loop?
PID Screen Parameters
PID Tuning Strategies
DCAV Tuning Parameters
What is a PID Loop?
The term PID is short for Proportional, Integral, and Derivative. The AirLogix
uses a total of four PID loops to optimize the performance of a Centrifugal Air
compressor. A PID loop is a complex method of controlling a process (in this
case air pressure) using feedback. Simply put, the PID is constantly looking at a
process variable (air pressure, motor current, etc.) and comparing the process
variable (PV) to the process set point (SP). If the PID sees a mathematical
difference between the two (%error), it will adjust the control variable (CV) or the
Inlet or Bypass valve, to try and meet the process set point. Each element of the
PID controller refers to a particular action taken on the error.
Proportional: With the Allen-Bradley CompactLogix and many other
controllers, this term is referred to as Gain. This element is the amplifier of
the control loop and increases rise time. It takes the %error multiplied by the
gain constant and directly applies it to the CV. Gain effects the amount of
valve movement each time the PID updates. A gain too large will cause
overshoot and PV oscillation, and a gain too small will cause a slow sluggish
response possibly not allowing the controller to ever stabilize.
Integral: This element is referred to as reset. It takes the responsibility of
reducing overshoot and attempts to allow the gain to effect the PV before any
other action is taken. Reset is a time constant measured in seconds. Simply
put, when %error is calculated and the CV is adjusted accordingly, the reset
determines the time span before another CV change is made (time elapsed
per repeat). With the AirLogix the lower the integral value, the more
frequently the CV will be updated. A value too low will result in overshoot
because the controller did not allow for the CV to affect the PV. A value too
high will make the process sluggish because too much time was allowed to
pass before making another change.
Derivative: This element is referred to as rate and attempts to reduce any
lag that occurs in the process variable. Like integral, it is a time constant but
looks to predict what is going to happen next by looking at the rate at which
the PV is changing in time due to a change in the CV. It sounds very useful
but can cause much grief and is commonly referred to as the VILLAIN of PID
loop control. You can think of it as a weather forecaster with respect that they
aren’t always correct. Rate works fairly well when the fluctuations in demand
amount are always the same (very rare), and when process variable lag times
are relatively long. Good candidates might be temperature and level control.
With compressed air, demand amounts are usually changing with short lag
times, which reduce the need for any derivative action. In most situations, if
not all, a properly set gain and reset will produce adequate results.
There are four PID control loops in the AirLogix. Following is a list of each PID
and what dynamic elements are used for each.
1. Inlet DTL PID:
PV = motor current
CV = Inlet Valve
%Error = (SP- PV)/SP
%Error = MMA set point minus the actual
motor current, divided by the MMA set point.
2. Bypass Pressure PID: PV = system air pressure
CV = Bypass valve
%Error = (SP - PV)/SP
%Error = System pressure set point minus the
actual system pressure divided by the System
pressure set point.
3. Inlet Pressure PID:
PV = system air pressure
CV = Inlet valve
%Error = (SP – PV)/SP
%Error = System pressure set point minus the
actual system pressure divided by the System
pressure set point.
4. Inlet Max Amp PID:
PV = motor current
CV = Inlet valve
%Error = (SP – PV)/SP
%Error = Max. motor amp set point minus
actual motor current divided by the Max. motor
set point.
PID Screen
PID parameters may be adjusted from the PID
screen. From the Main screen, press [F10] to
display the navigation screen.
Use the Up/Down Arrow keys to select PID
Parameters and press Enter.
You must be logged in to modify these parameters.
Contact Case Engineering if the login name and password are not known.
NOTE: If DCAV Inlet valve control is selected, the inlet PID parameters will not
be visible. If DCAV or Discrete bypass valve control is selected, the PID
parameters for the bypass will not be visible. For tuning DCAV valves, see
“Tuning DCAV Valves” later in this chapter.
The "Machine PSI PID Offset" is defined as follows. When the system pressure
exceeds the set point, the compressor will attempt to reduce pressure. When the
compressor throttles back and the bypass opens to the point that the machine
discharge pressure is less than the pressure set point by the entered value, the
bypass valve PID is placed in manual mode. This difference indicates that the
check valve is shut and the machine is no longer contributing to the system. By
stopping the throttling action at this point, the machine is kept at a closer standby
pressure so that when the system requires more pressure, the machine may
respond much faster to that demand. Increasing this value, results in letting the
machine pressure fall further below the pressure set point, trading response time
for extra efficiency. Adjust this pressure here.
The "Motor Current PID Offset" is the motor current offset (in amps), that is
added to the "DTL set point," which defines the point where the "DTL PID" is
turned on. The offset is also subtracted from the "maximum motor amps set
point" to define the point where the "maximum motor amp PID" is turned on. This
provides a smooth transition to the DTL or Max Amp PID and is designed to
eliminate overshoot. This value is typically set 5% of FLA.
Tuning Strategies:
Under most circumstances, there will be preset values entered in the “Gain”,
“Reset”, and “Rate” fields for all the PIDs. These values will be a relatively good
starting point in most cases. Normally, you can make set point changes in order
to cause upsets in the process. These set point changes should allow you to fine
tune the PIDs. It is to your advantage to record all the data for the PIDs before
you make any changes and to consistently record your changes as you proceed.
If you keep a good record, you can always go back and start over. Slight
changes may need to be made in order to optimize the controller.
When tuning the PID, carefully consider the plant process. You may need to talk
to an operator to find what demand fluctuations to expect. It is very important
that you understand and anticipate the process reaction when making a change
to the PID control loop. For example, if the gain is increased by 50%, the CV
(valve output) will make larger increments proportional to the PV (pressure or
motor current) toward the set point. This chapter is intended to give the operator
a general idea of what to expect. Another thing to keep in mind is that only one
PID can be tuned at a time.
At this point, the assumption is being made that the machine is running,
unloaded, and that all setup procedures have been completed
PID Tuning Methods
Dynamic Throttle Limit PID
When tuning this PID, the goal is to force the inlet valve to modulate to the
dynamic throttle limit set point. In order to achieve this, the compressor set
points will have to be manipulated. The actions taken may vary depending on
the compressor size and application.
1. Place a 1.00 in the Gain field, .02 in the Reset field, and 0 in the Rate
field for the Inlet DTL PID parameters.
2. Navigate to Main screen and load the compressor. Pay attention to
the Inlet valve attempting to approach Dynamic Throttle Limit set point.
Before making a change to the PID parameters, decide whether the
AMOUNT (Gain) or the TIME (Reset) needs adjustment. Typically,
Gain adjustments alone will satisfy the intended response.
3. Change only one parameter at a time. Once you have changed the
parameter needed, do NOT change it again until enough time is
allowed to see the effects. Keep in mind that small changes (1.00 to
1.05, for example) will not be visible. Any changes made, need to be
at least a multiple of .5 (1.00 to 1.50).
4. Entering a set point less then the current system pressure reading and
loading/unloading the compressor can test the change. Entering a low
pressure set point prevents the bypass valve from closing and
changing the DTL set point due to a rise in discharge pressure.
5. When satisfied with the Inlet DTL PID performance, the same values
can be placed in the Max Motor Amp PID parameters.
Bypass Pressure PID
When tuning this PID, the goal is to force the bypass valve to modulate to the
pressure set point, preferably in the 50-70% range of the valve. In order to
achieve this, the compressor pressure set point will need to be manipulated. The
actions taken may vary depending on the compressor size and application.
1. From the Main screen, enter a pressure set point equal to the current
system pressure reading.
2. Place 1.00 in the Gain field, .02 in the Reset field, and 0 in the Rate
3. Load the compressor. The inlet valve will open until DTL set point is
reached. The bypass valve should move very little due to the pressure
set point being equal to the system pressure.
4. Increase the pressure set point by small increments to force the
bypass to close to approximately 50% (.5 PSI increments should be
sufficient). Be certain to wait until the valve stabilizes before
incrementing the set point again.
5. When the bypass valve reaches the desired position, make a pressure
set point change of approximately 5% (100 PSI to 105 PSI) or (100 PSI
to 95 PSI). Observe the bypass close or open trying to meet the
pressure set point. Before making a change to the PID parameters,
decide whether the AMOUNT (Gain) or the TIME (Reset) needs
adjustment. Typically, Gain adjustments alone will satisfy the intended
6. Change only one parameter at a time. Once you have changed the
parameter needed, do NOT change it again until enough time is
allowed to see the effects. Keep in mind that small changes (1.00 to
1.05) will not be visible. Any changes made need to be at least a
multiple of .5 (1.00 to 1.50).
7. When satisfied with the Bypass Pressure PID performance, unload the
8. Change the pressure set point back to the desired system pressure.
Inlet Pressure PID
When tuning this PID, the goal is to force the inlet valve to modulate to the
pressure set point, preferably in the 50-70% range of the valve. In order to
achieve this, the compressor pressure set point will need to be manipulated. The
actions taken may vary depending on the compressor size and application.
1. The DTL, Max Motor Amp, and Bypass Pressure PIDs should be
2. Place 1.00 in the Gain field, .02 in the Reset field, and 0 in the Rate
field for inlet Pressure PID.
3. Go to the Main screen and press the load button. The inlet valve will
open until the DTL set point is reached. The bypass valve will start
closing to meet the system pressure set point. The goal is to close the
bypass 100%, and start opening the inlet to achieve the pressure set
point. The pressure set point may have to be increased in order to
achieve this action. Caution will need to be taken. Do not exceed the
system piping design pressure or the compressor natural surge
pressure. Changing the pressure set point of an adjacent compressor
may help accomplish this.
4. When the Inlet valve reaches the desired position, make a pressure set
point change of approximately 5% (100 PSI to 105 PSI) or (100 PSI to
95 PSI). Observe the Inlet valve open or close, trying to meet the
pressure set point. Before making a change to the PID parameters,
decide whether the AMOUNT (Gain) or the TIME (Reset) needs
5. Change only one parameter at a time. Once you have changed the
parameter needed, do NOT change it again until enough time is
allowed to see the effects. Keep in mind that small changes (1.00 to
1.05) will not be visible. Any changes made need to be at least a
multiple of .5 (1.00 to 1.50).
6. When satisfied with the Inlet Pressure PID performance, unload the
Bypass Pressure
Gain Reset
Gain Reset
Inlet Pressure
Gain Reset
Inlet Max Amp
Gain Reset
DCAV Valve Tuning
If DCAV inlet or bypass control is used, the tuning
methods will vary. The following explains the tuning
constants for a DCAV valve. From the Manual Valve
Control screen, press [K12] to enter the DCAV setup
screen. From the pop up Manual Valve control screen,
press [F6] to enter the DCAV setup screen.
When the valve is in manual mode, “Manual Control
Speed” determines the duty cycle of the discrete
output signal. The 0-100 entry indicates the percent
of the Speed Cycle Time the output is ON to move
the valve in the intended direction. When throttle
surging the compressor, it is necessary to lower this
entry to 5 to move the valve the least amount each
time the button is pressed.
“Unload Speed Control” determines the duty cycle of the inlet valve’s discrete
output signal when the valve is unloading. The 0-100 entry indicates the
percent of the Speed Cycle Time the output is ON to move the valve in the
unload direction.
“Speed Cycle Time” works much like the reset in a PID Loop. This is typically
set to 1 second, but may be modified to allow more or less time before
making another valve adjustment.
Extend Position Constant-for position indication only.
Retract Position Constant- for position indication only.
“Pressure Dead-band” – establishes set points above and below the
compressor operating pressure set point. If the system pressure is within the
pressure dead-band, the valve will not make an adjustment open/close. This
is to prevent the continuous pulsing of the DCAV motor. For example, if the
pressure dead-band is 2.0 and pressure set point is 100, then the valve will
not move as long as the system pressure is between 102 psi and 98 psi when
controlling to pressure. This should be set to 1% of the pressure set point.
“Pressure Error @ Max Speed” – This set point determines the pressure error
that the output will operate at 100% duty cycle or be on for the full duration of
the Speed Cycle Time. The pressure error is the pressure set point minus the
actual system pressure. Any error less than this set point results in a duty
cycle less than 100%. This may have to be set relatively high (50-100) to get
the intended response.
“Motor Current Dead-band”- establishes set points above the compressor
DTL set point and below the Maximum Motor Amp set point. If the motor
current is within the motor current dead-band, the valve will not make an
adjustment open/close. This is to prevent the continuous pulsing of the
DCAV motor. For example, if the motor current dead-band is 5.0 and the DTL
set point is 100, then the valve will not move as long as the motor current is
between 100 amps and 105 amps when controlling to DTL. This should be
set to 5% of FLA.
“Motor Current Error @ Max Speed” – This set point determines the motor
current error that the output will operate at 100% duty cycle or be on for the
full duration of the Speed Cycle Time. The motor current error is the DTL set
point minus the actual motor current or the Max Amp set point minus the
actual motor current. Any error less than this set point results in a duty cycle
less than 100%. This may have to be set relatively high (2-5 times FLA) to
get the intended response.
The above entry points apply to both the inlet and bypass except Motor
Current Dead-band and Motor Current Error @ Max Speed. These only apply
to the inlet valve.
DCAV Valve Tuning Using Position Feedback
If DCAV inlet or bypass control is used, the tuning
methods will vary. The following explains the tuning
constants for a DCAV valve using position feedback.
From the Manual Valve Control screen, press [K12] to
enter the DCAV setup screen. From the pop up Manual
Valve control screen, press [F6] to enter the DCAV
setup screen.
When the valve is in manual mode, “Manual Control
Speed” determines the duty cycle of the discrete
output signal. The 0-100 entry indicates the percent
of the Speed Cycle Time the output is ON to move
the valve in the intended direction. When throttle
surging the compressor, it is necessary to lower this
entry to 5 to move the valve the least amount each
time the button is pressed.
“Unload Speed Control” determines the duty cycle of the inlet valve’s discrete
output signal when the valve is unloading. The 0-100 entry indicates the
percent of the Speed Cycle Time the output is ON to move the valve to the
closed position. If the compressor sounds as if it is surging when unloading,
enter a lower value in 25% decrements until the compressor unloads as
“Speed Cycle Time” works much like the reset in a PID Loop. This is typically
set to 1 second, but may be modified to allow more or less time before
making another valve adjustment.
“Pressure Dead-band” – establishes set points above and below the
compressor operating pressure set point. If the system pressure is within the
pressure dead-band, the valve will not make an adjustment open/close. This
is to prevent the continuous pulsing of the DCAV motor. For example, if the
pressure dead-band is 2.0 and pressure set point is 100, then the valve will
not move as long as the system pressure is between 102 psi and 98 psi when
controlling to pressure. This should be set to 1% of the pressure set point.
“Pressure Error @ Max Speed” – This set point determines the pressure error
that the output will operate at 100% duty cycle or be on for the full duration of
the Speed Cycle Time. The pressure error is the pressure set point minus the
actual system pressure. Any error less than this set point results in a duty
cycle less than 100%. This may have to be set relatively high (50-100) to get
the intended response.
“Motor Current Dead-band”- establishes set points above the compressor
DTL set point and below the Maximum Motor Amp set point. If the motor
current is within the motor current dead-band, the valve will not make an
adjustment open/close. This is to prevent the continuous pulsing of the
DCAV motor. For example, if the motor current dead-band is 5.0 and the DTL
set point is 100, then the valve will not move as long as the motor current is
between 100 amps and 105 amps when controlling to DTL. This should be
set to 5% of FLA.
“Motor Current Error @ Max Speed” – This set point determines the motor
current error that the output will operate at 100% duty cycle or be on for the
full duration of the Speed Cycle Time. The motor current error is the DTL set
point minus the actual motor current or the Max Amp set point minus the
actual motor current. Any error less than this set point results in a duty cycle
less than 100%. This may have to be set relatively high (2-5 times FLA) to
get the intended response.
Press [F1] to enable “Position Feedback”. This function allows setup of an
input to accurately display the position of the DCAV valve. Once enabled, the
setup parameters will appear on the screen.
Navigate to the Manual Valve control screen and command the valve closed
until it is fully closed. The valve is fully closed when the actuator shaft stops
moving while holding down the closed button.
Return to the DCAV Setup screen. The “Valve Position” number is the raw
input value from the position feedback instrument. The value can read
between 0-16383, where 0 indicates fully closed and 16383 indicates fully
open. At this time the valve should be fully closed. If the “Valve Position”
indicates that the valve is fully open by displaying a number close to 16383,
press [F2] to invert the signal.
With the valve in the fully closed position, press [F3] to set the “Zero Travel
Navigate to the Manual Valve control screen and command the valve open
until it is fully open. The valve is fully open when the actuator shaft stops
moving while holding down the open button.
Return to the DCAV Setup screen. The “Valve Position” should indicate the
valve is fully open. Press [F4] to set the “Span Travel Position”.
Chapter 5—Operation
Power On
Starting the Compressor
Stopping the Compressor
Loading the Compressor
Load and Throttle Sequence
Unloading the Compressor
Modifying the Pressure Set Point
Status screens
Numeric Status Indicators
Air End Status Screen
Oil and Water Status Screen
Motor Status Screen
Discrete Status Screen
Warning Banner/Event History Screen
Trend Screens
User Defined Status Screens
Misc. Data Status Screen
Peak Vibration Data Screens
Automatic Functions
This chapter is intended for use by the operator to provide a basic understanding
of how to operate the machine under normal conditions.
Power On
Turn on the main power source to the panel.. This will energize the processor
and the PanelView Plus 700 operator interface. The PanelView will initialize and
display the “Case Controls startup screen”.
Press [F2] to move to the main screen.
The Main screen provides an overview
of the compressor. This screen is
where the compressor is manually
started, loaded, unloaded, and stopped.
The pressure set point is also modified
from this screen.
If the compressor is not ready to start, the Start
Permissive Display on the main screen will indicate the
reason. If more than one permissive is preventing a
start, the messages will scroll every three seconds.
Common Start Permissives
Coast Down Timer
E-Stop pressed
Oil Temperature
Oil Pressure
Inlet and/or bypass valves in manual mode
Unacknowledged Trips
Low Seal Air Pressure
Low Water Flow
The [F6] button will indicate “Not Ready To
Start” if a start permissive is preventing a
If the compressor is ready to start, the Start
Permissive Display will indicate “Ready to
Start” and the [F6] button will indicate
Starting the Compressor
Press [F6] to start the compressor. The
bar graph indicators and gauges on the
main operator screen will be displaying
real-time, system variable data. If a Trip
occurs after the compressor has been
started, it will stop the compressor and
display the reason for the Trip. If a
warning occurs, the compressor will
continue to run, but will display the
warning message. Upon starting the
compressor, the inlet should immediately
open to the inlet start position. This is also
referred to as the “unload position.”
Stopping the Compressor
To stop the compressor, press the [F9]
button located on main screen. This will
display a stop confirmation in the center
of the screen.
Press [F4] to stop the compressor.
Press [F5] to continue running.
After the compressor has been stopped
for any reason, the coast down timer will
initiate therefore inhibiting restarting for
the preset number of seconds. When
the coast down timer is done the inlet
goes to 0%. The coast down timer is
adjustable and should be set to prevent a start while the motor is rotating.
Loading the Compressor
After starting the motor, there is a “Ready
to Load” delay time. This timer allows the
compressor to stabilize before loading.
While this timer is active, “Not Ready to Load” is displayed in the [F7] LOAD
button. When the timer has completed, “LOAD” will display on the button.
To initiate the load sequence, press the
[F7] button. As the compressor loads the
[F7] button indicator will read, "Loading".
Once the compressor is Loaded, the [F7]
button will indicate “Loaded” and the [F8]
button will change from “Unloaded” to
NOTE: There are several interpretations of “LOADED”. For the AirLogix system,
when the compressor is loading, the AirLogix processor is ramping the PID set
point to the pressure set point indicated on the Main screen. This ramp time will
vary depending on the relationship between the system pressure and the
pressure set point. The PID pressure set point is first set equal to the current
system pressure reading. Then it is ramped to the operating pressure set point
at a rate determined by the set point ramp up rate entered during the
commissioning process. When the PID pressure set point is equal to the
pressure set point on the Main screen, the compressor is “LOADED”.
Load and Throttle Sequence
The following explanations assume worst-case situations in order to explain
everything that can happen during the automatic throttling of the valves.
The valve throttling process occurs in steps. Steps 1-4 describe how the
compressor loads into the system to achieve maximum output. Steps 5-8
describe how the compressor would reduce flow into the system due to a rise in
system pressure. Ultimately, system air demand determines which step the
compressor will operate. It is likely the compressor could stop at any step.
Step 1:
When the load button is pressed, the first
step is to open the inlet valve until motor
current reaches the “Dynamic Throttle
Limit” (DTL) for the pressure set point.
This step is designed to prevent the
compressor from surging, assuming the
surge parameters have been set properly.
An indicator below the inlet valve position
indicates which PID is currently active. During this step, the indicator should
display “Controlling to DTL”.
Step 2:
Once the inlet reaches the DTL set point,
the bypass will begin to close if system
pressure is below the set point. An
indicator below the bypass valve position
indicates if the bypass PID is currently
active. During this step, the indicator
should display “Controlling to Pressure”.
During this time, the bypass will modulate
to system pressure and the inlet will continue throttling to DTL.
Step 3:
If system pressure remains below the
pressure set point and the bypass valve
closes to 100%, the inlet will switch to the
pressure PID. Switching to the pressure
PID will allow the inlet to open to create
additional machine flow to increase
pressure. An indicator below the inlet
valve position indicates which PID is
currently active. During this step, the indicator should display “Controlling to
Pressure”. At this point, the inlet will modulate to system pressure and the
bypass will remain 100% closed.
Step 4:
If system pressure continues to remain
below the pressure set point, the inlet will
reach 100% open or the Maximum Motor
Amp set point (FLA). If opening the inlet
reaches the switching point for Maximum
Motor Amp PID, the indicator will display
“Controlling to FLA”. When the inlet
valve is throttling to FLA or at 100% open,
the compressor is fully loaded.
Step 5:
If the compressor is fully loaded, controlling to FLA and the system pressure
begins to rise above the pressure set point, inlet control will switch back to
pressure. Therefore, the indicator will be displaying “Controlling to Pressure”. As
long as system pressure remains above the pressure set point and motor current
above the DTL set point, the inlet will continue to throttle back/closed.
Step 6:
If the inlet is controlling to pressure and
throttles back to the point motor current
approaches the DTL set point, control will
switch to the DTL PID. Therefore, the
inlet valve indicator will be displaying
“Controlling to DTL”. At this time, the
bypass will begin throttling to the system
Unloading the Compressor
To initiate the unload sequence, press the [F8] UNLOAD button. When the
unload sequence is initiated, the [F8] UNLOAD button indicator will read
"Unloading" and the bypass valve will begin to open in a controlled manner.
After the bypass valve reaches 0% closed, the inlet valve will move to the start
position. When the bypass reaches 0% closed and the inlet reaches the inlet
start position, the compressor is completely unloaded. The [F8] UNLOAD button
indicator will change from "Unloading" to "Unloaded."
The Main screen is the only screen where the compressor may be started,
loaded, unloaded, and stopped.
The Retrofit options may use the original start/stop and load switches for the
machine. However, for the original pushbuttons and switches to function, the
proper Start/Stop and Load/Unload signal configuration must exist.
Modifying the Pressure Set Point
The pressure set point is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of
the Main screen. To modify the pressure set point, simply enter the
pressure set point using the numeric keypad. When the first number is
pressed, the numeric pop-up keypad will be displayed. Enter the
pressure set point and pressure the Enter key. Any mistakes may be
corrected using the ESC or Back Space key.
If the system is operating in AirMaster, the set point cannot be
modified. AirMaster is the load management software to coordinate multiple
All screens, including setup screens, in the PanelView may be viewed by the
operator. However, to change any set point other than the pressure set point, an
authorized user must login.
Status Screens
The status and informational screens
for the compressor are divided into
groups. These groups are:
Air End Status
Oil and Water Status
Motor Status
Discrete Status
Event History
User Defined Status screens
Misc Status Data
Each of these screens can be
accessed by pressing [F10] on the
Main screen. Pressing [F10] brings up the Navigation menu. Use the Up/Down
arrow keys to navigate the list and press Enter.
A description of each of these screens is found below. The screens for each
compressor may be slightly different depending on the IO monitored by AirLogix.
Numeric Status Indicators
Each numeric display on the following status screens will change color if the
variable crosses the start permissive or warning threshold.
If the variable does not meet the start permissive
criteria, the background color will blink green. It will
continue to display this way until the variable returns
to the safe starting condition.
If the compressor is running and crosses the warning
threshold, the background color will blink yellow. It
will continue to display this way until the variable
returns to the safe running condition.
Air End Status Screen
Selecting Air End Status from the
Navigation menu displays one of the
two following screens. The only
difference is the reference for innerstage temperatures and pressures.
Typically, IR refers to the inner-stage
pressures and temperature by
discharge while most other
manufactures refer to these inputs by
This Air End Status screen references
inlet pressures and temperatures.
This Air End Status screen reference
discharge pressures and temperatures.
Oil and Water Status Screen
The Oil and Water status displays all
monitored analog oil and water
pressures and temperatures.
NOTE: Oil Filter DP is calculated. The
Main Oil Pressure is subtracted from the
Pre-filter Oil Pressure.
Pressing [F6] or [F7] allow starting and
stopping of the Pre-lube/Auxiliary oil
pump. The AirLogix system prevents
stopping the oil pump when the
compressor is starting up or coasting
If the compressor is running, pressing [F6] will start the oil pump. The oil pump
will run for 10 seconds and automatically stop.
Motor Status Screen
This screen displays all monitored
analog inputs regarding the main motor.
NOTE: The kilowatt reading is
calculated based on motor voltage,
current, and 90% efficiency rating. A
KW transmitter may be provided to
improve the accuracy of this number.
Discrete Status Screen
The Discrete Status screen shows the
On/Off status of the compressor and any
auxiliary systems.
Yellow means the device should be
On, Open, or Running.
Black indicates the device is Off,
Closed, or Not Running.
For example, if the cooling water valve
open indicator is yellow, the valve is
open. If the indicator is black, the valve is closed.
Discrete input status is also displayed. If the discrete input is setup as a warning
or trip, then the color will be green (OK) or red (Not OK). If the discrete input is
monitor only, then the color will be Yellow (On) or Black (Off).
For discrete inputs, if the indicator is Green, the condition is good.
If the indicator is blinking red, it indicates the condition is bad. For example,
if low water flow is green, then it indicates water flow is present. Red indicates
water flow does not exist.
Warning Banner/Event History
If the compressor is running and a warning or trip condition occurs, the warning
banner will be displayed.
Press F5, to acknowledge the
warning/trip condition and clear the
banner from the screen. If more than
one condition exists, the oldest will
appear first, followed by the newest or
most recent.
NOTE: Once a warning condition is acknowledged from the PanelView, the
banner will not appear again until the variable resumes normal, safe operating
state and rises above/below the warning threshold again.
The Event History contains each acknowledged warning/trip and events as they
occur on the compressor.
Press [F8] or the up arrow key on the
key pad to move up through the event
Press [F9] or the down arrow key on the
key pad to move down through the
event history.
There are two sets of date/time
registers. The first column indicates the
date/time of the event occurrence. The
second displays the date/time of the
event acknowledgement. If a date/time
does not appear in the acknowledge
time column, the condition is not acknowledged.
Press [F7] to acknowledge all unacknowledged conditions. If a date/time does
not appear in the acknowledge time column, the condition is not acknowledged.
Press [F6] to retrieve additional
information for specific warnings/trips
and troubleshooting assistance.
Press [F2] and [F7] to scroll up/down
through the list of alarms.
Normal causes of each condition will be
listed in the middle of the screen.
Each message is prefixed by an alphanumeric code specific to each event.
When contacting Case Engineering for support, the code may be much easier to
remember than the message. Refer the Troubleshooting chapter for
descriptions of various warnings and trips.
EL## - Event Log for starts, stops, loads, unloads, etc.
TH## - High analog input trips
TL## - Low analog input trips
TD## - Discrete trips
WH## - High analog input warnings
WL## - Low analog inputs warnings
WD## - Discrete warnings
WR## - Analog Input Signal Range warnings
Trend Screens
The AirLogix system provides several trend screens that allow the operator or
service technician to view historical
data. Selecting “Trend Selection” from
the Navigation menu displays a screen
to select which data to view. Among
these screens are:
• [F1] Vibrations
• [F2] Air Temperatures
• [F3] Air Pressures
• [F4] Motor Data
• [F5] Compressor Overview
• [F6]Oil and Water
This screen illustrates the Compressor
Overview. The following explanation of trend functionality and operation applies
to all trend screens.
The text color in the legend above the
trend corresponds to the trend line
colors. For example, System pressure
is the yellow line.
The data displayed in the trend is over a
15 minute time span. However, 2-3
hours of data is continuously logged at
1 second intervals. This data is kept on
file in the PanelView and can be viewed
using the trend function buttons.
Press [F2] to view data prior the data
currently viewed.
Press [F4] to move forward in time.
Press [F3] to resume to current live data.
The Y-axis scale may also be adjusted. This provides the ability to set the
minimum and maximum scale to best view the data collected.
Press [F1] to change the Y-axis maximum scale.
Press [F6] to change the Y-axis minimum scale.
Pressing [F10] will return to the Trend Selection screen.
User Defined Status Screen
The AirLogix system provides two
screens that allow the user/operator to
select the variables to view. This may
be useful if there are inputs that do not
appear on a structured status screen.
Use the TAB left [] and TAB right []
keys to place the green highlight on the
desired entry point.
Use the UP/DN arrow keys to select the
input to view and press Enter. The
value for the selected analog input will
not update until the Enter key is
Misc Status Data Screen
This screen provides miscellaneous status data on the compressor to assist in
monitoring overall compressor performance and efficiency.
There are five hour meters:
1. Run – active anytime the
compressor is running.
2. Loaded – Active when
compressor is running loaded.
3. Fully Loaded – Active when the
compressor is running fully
loaded (inlet 100% open or
throttling the FLA).
4. Performance Throttle Mode –
Active when operating in
Performance Throttle Mode.
Refer to the Troubleshooting
chapter for additional
information on this mode of operation.
5. Oil Change – Active when the compressor is running. A warning may
be enabled to assist in setting up a regular oil change interval. When
the accumulated time reaches the warning set point, an alarm banner
is displayed. The warning will retrigger every 7 days until the hour
meter is reset. The warning set point and the reset button for the hour
meter are located on the Oil System Configuration screen.
Power information is displayed on this screen. The kilowatt numeric display is
estimated and calculated using the formula below.
kW = (Motor Current x Motor Voltage x 1.732 x 0.90)/1000
Motor Current is typically the only analog variable monitored by the AirLogix
system. The motor voltage is entered on the control system configuration screen.
The MegaWatt hour (MWh) "This Month" is reset to zero on the first day of each
The MWh "This Year" is reset to zero on the first day of the year.
Resetting Hour Meters and Power Accumulators
Press [F6] to access the Screen
Information. This screen provides the
ability to reset each individual
hour/power meter. However, you must
be logged in to reset individual hour
meters. The Oil Change Hour Meter
does not require login.
Peak Vibration Data Screen
Press [F7] from the Misc Data screen to access the peak vibration data. This
data may be useful for detecting vibration issues before a major problem arises.
Peak Vibration Detection
The AirLogix PLC is collecting peak vibration data throughout three different
operational periods for the compressor. The data collected may be viewed in Bar
Graph or numerical form. The selection is toggled by pressing [F6]. The most
recent twenty events (1-20) are displayed. Event number 1 is the most recent
and event 20 is the oldest.
The scale of the bar graph may be modified by
pressing [F5] Screen Info and entering the
desired maximum scale.
Peak Vibration During Startup
Press [F7] to view Peak Vibration During Startup. This is the peak vibration point
detected after a start is initialized and the vibration inhibit timer is timing.
Peak Vibration Running
Press [F8] to view Peak Vibration while Running. This is the peak vibration point
detected after the vibration inhibit timer is done and the compressor is running.
Also, a new peak value is created every day at 12:00 AM. For example, if a
compressor runs continuously 10 days, you will have at least 10 separate peak
data points, one for each day.
Peak Vibration During Coast Down
Press [F9] to view Peak Vibration During Coast Down. This is the peak vibration
point detected after a compressor stop is initialized and during the coast down
Additional data is available not shown on the screen. This data includes oil
temperature, oil pressure, and inlet valve position during each of the peak
detected data points. Also, the AirLogix system contains 100 events, while the
PanelView only displays the 20 most recent events. Please contact Case
Engineering for additional information.
Automatic Functions
Each AirLogix system has the ability to utilize automatic start/load/unload/stop
functionality. To utilize these functions, select “Auto Functions” from the navigate
menu. Each function may be enabled and disabled independently.
NOTE: If AirMaster is utilized, see Chapter 7-AirMaster. The set points will be
determined by AirMaster and cannot be modified on this screen. However, the
ability to enable/disable each function still exists.
Auto Start
Enter the Pressure and Time delay to
automatically start the compressor.
If the system air pressure falls below the
pressure set point for the length of time
specified, the compressor will automatically
Press [F1] to Enable/Disable the Auto Start Function.
Auto Load
Enter the Pressure and Time delay to automatically load the compressor.
If the compressor is running unloaded and the system air pressure falls below the
auto load pressure set point for the length of time specified, the compressor will
auto load.
Press [F2] to Enable/Disable the Auto Load Function.
Auto Unload
Enter the Time delay to automatically unload the compressor.
If the compressor has a modulating bypass valve, the timer will start when the
machine discharge pressure is less than the System air pressure by the machine
pressure PID offset (typically 10 psi). This indicates the check valve is closed
and the compressor is not contributing to the system.
If the compressor has a discrete solenoid operated bypass valve, there will be a
pressure set point entry point available.
Press [F2] to Enable/Disable the Auto Unload Function.
Auto Stop
Enter the Time delay to automatically stop the compressor.
The auto stop timer will start when the compressor is unloaded. If the
compressor runs unloaded continuously for the length entered, the compressor
will automatically stop.
Press [F2] to Enable/Disable the Auto Stop Function.
Chapter 6—Troubleshooting:
Modem Service Policy
Warranty Service
Non-Warranty Service
Warning/Trip Descriptions
Surging or Other Erratic Behavior
Unable to Make Pressure Set-Point
Unable to Start the Machine
Request for Remote Modem Service Fax
Modem Service Policy
Because of the critical nature of compressed air systems to the operation of a
manufacturing plant or process, each AirLogix installation is shipped with at least
one configured and pre-tested modem per location. A standard analog phone line
connected to the modem will allow Case Engineering to connect to your machine
and provide numerous diagnostic services.
Qualified personnel are available 24 hours a day with software tools that make
remote diagnostics safe, efficient and effective. Case Engineering is anxious to
resolve your problem via modem or on-site if necessary. The average modem
service call is 2-hours from initial contact. The average on-site time is 36 hours
from initial contact depending on your location.
Warranty Service
In some cases, the diagnostic services may reveal an issue that is covered under
our standard warranty, which expires 12 months from the date the system is
shipped from our facility. Service calls considered warranty will not be billed to
the customer.
Non-Warranty Service
The majority of the modem service calls result in diagnosis of a problem that is
unrelated to any defect or error in the AirLogix system.
For this reason, we provide the following basic troubleshooting guide for your
convenience and efficiency. Please check each item. This may resolve the
problem quickly without any service charges. If you are unable to resolve the
problem in this manner, please contact Case Engineering at (812) 422-2422 day
or night for modem service.
Warning/Trip Descriptions
A wide variety of warnings and trips may occur on the AirLogix system. For each
warning/trip, the compressor must be running or attempting to start. The follow is
a compiled list of warnings and general descriptions of each.
Each message is prefixed by an alphanumeric code specific to each event.
When contacting Case Engineering for support, the code may be much easier to
remember than the message.
EL## - Event Log for starts, stops, loads, unloads, etc.
TH## - High analog input trips
TL## - Low analog input trips
TD## - Discrete trips
WH## - High analog input warnings
WL## - Low analog inputs warnings
WD## - Discrete warnings
WR## - Analog Input Signal Range warnings
Warnings or trips with code TH, TL, WH, or WL are associated with the analog
inputs monitored on the compressor. Any associated Warning/Trip indicates the
analog variable has exceeded the warning/trip threshold.
However, there are warnings/trips that may not be obvious. The following may
assist in troubleshooting the operation of the compressor.
Low/High Temperature Warnings/Trips
Most instances of temperature warnings/trips lead to air or oil cooler problems.
However, it is possible the problem may lie in the instrumentation. The most
common instrumentation problem is a loose wire where the RTD transmitter
connects to the RTD element. An open RTD will read full scale resulting in a
compressor warning/trip.
Vibration Warnings/Trips
Causes of vibration warnings/trips are numerous. The most common nuisance
warnings/trips involve loose instrumentation wiring or cabling. Probe cables
should be tightened 1/8 to ¼ turn past finger tight. Compressor Surge may also
cause vibration warning/trips. Also, unlike other warnings/trips, vibration
warnings/trips may occur during motor spin-up and coast down. The warning
and trip thresholds are higher due to the vibration multiplier, but may indicate a
possible problem.
TD01- Low Seal Air Pressure Trip
Seal air isolates the lube oil side from the air compression side of the compressor
on some machines. If the seal is not present, the machine will shut down and/or
will not start until it is returned. If seal air is present, and the machine cannot be
started or is shut down due to this trip then the switch should be checked for
proper operation.
TL05- Motor Current Low Trip
This trip only occurs if a compressor start is attempted and motor current is not
sensed. In most instances, motor switch-gear is the cause. It may also be an
incorrectly wired or faulty current transmitter.
TH05- Motor Current High Trip
This trip should never occur if the compressor was initially set up correctly. A few
causes may be the trip set point is set below the Max Amp PID (FLA) set point,
an inlet valve stuck in the open position, or voltage drop to the main motor.
WH01 – Machine Pressure High Warning
The most common cause is failure of the check valve stuck in the closed
position. Another cause could be if the bypass valve failed in the closed position.
It may also occur if the block valve is closed and the system pressure transmitter
is located down stream of the block valve.
TH01 - Machine Pressure High Trip
The most common cause is failure of the check valve stuck in the closed
position. Another cause could be if the bypass valve failed in the closed position.
It may also occur if the block valve is closed and the system pressure transmitter
is located down stream of the block valve.
WD16 – Surge Warning
Indicates the air flow through the compressor has become unstable. When this
condition occurs, the compressor unloads and reloads as long as the number of
surges allowed over a specific time period has not been exceeded. If the
recommended checks found on page 85 have been verified, contact Case
Engineering for assistance.
WD17 – Surge Line Indexed
After a surge warning is triggered, if surge line indexing is enabled, the surge line
is indexed. The amount the surge line is indexed can be found on the Surge
Parameters screen. The surge line will not index if the inlet valve is 100% open
when the surge occurs. This is an indication of “Natural Surge” and the pressure
set point may be lowered to prevent this from occurring.
WD18 – Non-Recoverable Surge Unload
This warning indicates the number of compressor surges has exceeded the
number allowed over a preset given period of time. When this warning occurs,
the compressor unloads and remains unloaded. When the warning is
acknowledged, the compressor may be loaded by pressing [F7].
WD19 – Auxiliary Oil Pump Running, Possible Mechanical Oil Pump Failure
This warning indicates the oil pressure fell below the recovery pressure set point
found on the Oil Pump/Configuration screen. It is only utilized when an auxiliary
oil pump exists on the compressor. When this warning occurs, the auxiliary (prelube) pump is started to allow the compressor to continue to run until a standby
can be started. The condition should be attended to immediately.
WD20- Processor Battery Low
Indicates the processor battery needs to be replaced. Turning control power off
the panel for any extended period of time will result in program loss. Replace the
battery as soon as possible. Case Engineering may provide this upon request.
WD21- Motor Power Loss
This warning indicates the motor lost power, thus shutting down. Although the
compressor is not running after this alarm is issued, it was not shut down by the
control system. The most common cause is power loss to the main motor,
however, a remote Emergency stop circuit or motor starter safety circuit could
result in the same condition.
WD22 – Performance Throttle Mode
This condition occurs if the compressor is loaded, the inlet valve is 100% open,
and unable to achieve the DTL set point for the operating pressure. When this
condition is triggered, the AirLogix system calculates the safe operating pressure
set point based on the amount of motor current draw when the inlet is 100%
open. In some instances, the cause of this warning is an inlet valve problem. If
the inlet valve is not calibrated correctly or is physically stopped due to
mechanical wear or a lack of instrument air supply, the valve may not open to
100%. The valve position indicators on the PanelView screen indicate the
intended position based on the output signal the AirLogix system is sending the
valve. If the inlet valve appears to operating correctly, this alarm indicates the
compressor is not capable of operating at the intended pressure and should be
evaluated by a service technician.
WD23 through 25 – Slot # Analog Input Module Not Present
Indicates an analog input was enabled on an analog module that does not exist.
Case Engineering may provide additional analog input modules upon request.
WR00 through WR37 – Signal Out Of Range
Indicates the input signal for an analog variable monitored on the compressor is
not normal. The electrical input signal should typically be between 4-20mA for
current devices or 1-5volts for voltage devices. Anytime the signal is outside this
range and the compressor is running, the associated warning is triggered. The
instrument should be bench calibrated or replaced.
Surging or Other Erratic Behavior
Following is a list of problems that are commonly blamed on controls when in
reality they are mechanical in nature and are actually maintenance issues.
Inlet air obstruction
Dirty or frozen inlet air filters can cause many problems including surging due to
the inability to get air flow through the machine.
Discharge obstruction
If a block valve is closed or even partially closed, the machine may not be able to
achieve proper airflow to prevent a surge. A check valve which fails to open may
force the compressor to surge.
Valve Linkage
Often, loose inlet or bypass valve linkage will cause unexplainable behavior or
surging. The controls will command the valves to be in certain positions and then
assume they made it there. If loose or broken valve linkage prevents the valve
from actually moving the controls cannot correct that.
Voltage Fluctuation
If your plant voltage is significantly higher or lower than normal due to a plant
shutdown or new process start-up, the current at which the compressor surges
may have changed. In this case, the machine will need to be re-tuned to the new
surge line.
Machine Wear
As a compressor ages, it wears, and its surge characteristics may change. The
same applies to rebuilding a worn machine. In either case, the machine may
need to be re-tuned to its new surge point.
Sensor Malfunction
The AirLogix relies heavily upon its sensors for proper control of the machine,
particularly the discharge air pressure, system air pressure and motor current
transmitters. If any of these sensors are malfunctioning, they should be
replaced. If they have recently been replaced, they may need to be scaled
Abnormal PSI Setting
When the AirLogix is initially set-up, it’s surge point is determined at certain
operating pressure range. If you are operating outside of the normal pressure
range for any reason, the system may need to be tuned to accommodate that.
Unable to Make Pressure Set-Point
Max Motor Amp Limit
Each machine is configured with a maximum motor amp limit that is usually equal
to the motors nameplate Full Load Amp (FLA) value. In some cases, you have
requested that your machine be configured to run into the motor’s service factor,
which may be 10% to 15% more than FLA. In either case, if the motor current (as
displayed on the AirLogix Main Screen) is running equal to the max motor amp
setting, your machine may not be capable of making set-point pressure.
This can happen when a motor is undersized, when the ambient air temperature
is extremely high or when any of a host of mechanical issues exist such as a high
inner stage air temperature possibly caused by a cooling water problem.
Unable to Start the Machine
Control Power - The control power switch on the front door must be in the on
E-Stop Depressed - The Emergency stop button on the front door must be in a
non-depressed position.
Start Permissives - Each machine has numerous possible start permissive
combinations. The following are a few of the most common:
Seal air pressure switch must be made.
Oil temperature must be within permissive range.
Oil pressure must be within permissive range.
Existing Fault Condition - Any unacknowledged fault will prevent the machine
from starting. Cycling power to the control panel should allow the operator to
correct this condition.
Chapter 7 –AirMaster Operation
AirMaster is an optional software solution that resides in the AirLogix System for
managing multiple compressors with the intent of meeting changing plant air
demands while reducing overall energy consumption. Because each compressed
air system has unique characteristics, some customization may be required.
The load sharing process is achieved by “sharing” the load among two or more
compressors, as they are needed. AirMaster utilizes the inlet throttle capacity of
each compressor in order to minimize or eliminate bypass modulation and
maintain a constant header pressure.
AirMaster makes dynamic decisions about starting/stopping, loading/unloading
and throttling machines based upon predetermined set-up parameters relative to
current plant air demand as represented by system header pressure.
It is important to understand the electronic hierarchy in AirMaster, which does not
utilize or depend on a dedicated Master Controller. Redundant logic resides in
each AirLogix Controller. This means that the loss of any networked machine
leaves the entire AirMaster system functioning properly to maintain a constant
header pressure with the greatest efficiency.
AirMaster allows set-up personnel to select the lead-lag order and all system
operating parameters for all machines from the front panel of any networked
AirLogix and transmit these parameters to all machines on the network. Each
controller then operates with the same logic to create a redundancy that is not
dependent on a “Master Controller.”
The following pages describe in detail how to configure AirMaster.
AirMaster Compressor Overview
AirMaster will be setup, enabled, and disabled from any networked PanelView
with the following procedure.
From the Main screen, press [F1] to display the AirMaster compressor overview
screen. The AirMaster compressor overview may also be accessed from the
Navigate menu. Press [F10]to display the navigation screen. Select AirMaster
and press Enter or press .
The first AirMaster screen contains
status information for the first four
units on the AirMaster network. If
there are more than 4 units,
pressing [F7] will display the status
of the remaining compressors in the
AirMaster network.
For each unit listed, the following information is
communicated across the AirMaster network.
-Unit Identification
-Operational Status
-AirMaster Enabled/Disabled
-Auto Rotation Enabled/Disabled
-Unit Priority
-Pressure Set Point
-Inlet Position
-Bypass Position
-Motor Current
-DTL Set Point
There are 11 possible operational states for each compressor. Each state will be
preceded by the compressor ID (i.e. Unit 1 Not Ready).
“Not Ready” - Either the unit doesn’t have AirMaster enabled
locally, or the start permissives for that compressor are not met.
“Ready to Start” - AirMaster is enabled locally and the unit is ready
to start.
“May Start In ### Seconds” – Indicates the unit may auto start.
The timer must complete without interruption in order to auto start
the compressor. In any auto start sequence, the software prevents
simultaneous starts of two or more units. However, network
communication must be active to accomplish this.
“Running” – Indicates the compressor is running Unloaded.
“May Load In ### Seconds” – Indicates the compressor auto load
timer is timing. The timer must complete without interruption in
order to auto load the compressor.
“Loaded” – Indicates the compressor is going through or completed
the load sequence.
“Fully Loaded” – Indicates the compressor is operating at the
maximum output. Maximum output is determined when the inlet
valve is 100% open or the inlet valve is controlling to the FLA set
“May Unload In ### Seconds” - Indicates the compressor has
throttled back to the point to start the unload timer. When an
analog bypass valve is used, the unload timer is started when the
discharge pressure is less than the system pressure and the
system pressure is greater than the pressure set point. This
indicates the check valve is closed and the compressor is not
contributing to the system. When a discrete bypass valve is used,
the timer is started when the system pressure exceeds the unload
pressure set point. The timer must complete without interruption in
order to auto unload the compressor.
“May Stop In ### Minutes” – Indicates the compressor Auto stop
timer is timing. The timer starts when the compressor is running
unloaded. The timer must complete without interruption in order to
auto stop the compressor.
“Tripped” – Indicates the compressor has shutdown due to a safety
interlock (i.e. E-stop pressed).
“Not Found” – Indicates a communication loss to that controller.
“New AirMaster Parameters Received” – Indicates that the
compressor received the parameters. Anytime new parameters are
sent, this message will display for approximately 20 seconds. This
allows the operator to return to the AirMaster overview screen and
confirm each unit received the new parameters.
Enabling and Disabling AirMaster
Enabling and Disabling AirMaster can be accomplished from this screen by
pressing [F6]. This enables AirMaster only for the local compressor. If power is
cycled on the control panel, AirMaster is automatically disabled. Therefore, when
power is applied to the panel, AirMaster must be Enabled.
Note: AirMaster must be enabled locally at each unit.
The AirMaster status is also displayed on the main screen below the unit ID. In
addition, the yellow pressure indicator will read “System Pressure” when
AirMaster is disabled and “AM System Pressure” when AirMaster is enabled. AM
System Pressure is the priority 1 or lead unit’s system pressure transmitter.
AirMaster Setup Parameters
From the AirMaster compressor
Overview screen, press [F6] to navigate
to the AirMaster Setup screen.
The priority is defined as the order or
sequence in which the units will start,
load, unload, and stop. Priority
designation of 1 is the highest priority
and also considered the Lead unit. The
highest priority will be the first to start,
followed by priority 2, priority 3, and so
There are two columns for unit priority.
The first column, labeled New, is used to make any necessary changes to the
priority. The second column, labeled Current, displays the current priority
designation for each compressor.
The priority is entered by scrolling to the desired compressor, using the left and
right TAB keys, entering a value, and pressing enter. Each unit must have a
different priority. If duplicate priorities are detected, the original values will be
retained and the parameters are not sent. In order for any change to take place
among the AirMaster network, [F6]-Send AirMaster Parameters must be pressed.
When this key is pressed, the new priority will take effect. Pressing [F6]–Send
AirMaster Parameters transmits all
AirMaster parameters to the other units
on the network.
When a parameter is modified, an
indicator in the upper left hand corner of
the screen will flash “New AirMaster Set
Point Detected”. If the parameters are
not sent within 5 minutes, the newly
modified parameters will return to the
current parameters.
When new parameters are sent, the communication status of each compressor
on the AirMaster network will indicate one of three states.
The AirMaster Pressure Set Point is the pressure set point for the Priority 1
The Pressure Offset is the pressure difference between each compressor’s set
point. For example, if there are three compressors and the AirMaster pressure
set point is 120 PSI and the pressure offset entered is 1.0 PSI, the first priority
unit will have a pressure set point at 120 PSI. The second will have a 119 PSI
set point and the third a 118 PSI set point. This set point is process specific and
may have to be adjusted to maintain desired performance. The pressure set
points are staggered to provide a sequential throttling action for each
The Emergency Pressure set point is the minimum operating system pressure
determined by the operator. This pressure establishes a pressure set point that
immediately starts the next unit in priority when the system pressure drops below
the emergency pressure. Not more than one unit can start at a time. If the
system pressure remains below the emergency pressure set point, additional
units will start once the previous priority compressor is “loaded”.
The Low Pressure Timer is expressed in seconds. Once the system pressure
has dropped below the unit’s AirMaster pressure set point the timer is initialized.
If the timer completes its timing sequence, the compressor will start and load into
the system. If the system pressure rises above the unit’s pressure set point after
the timer has started timing, the timer will reset.
The Unload Timer is expressed in minutes and defines when to unload the
compressor. When an analog bypass valve is used, the unload timer is started
when the discharge pressure is less than the system pressure and the system
pressure is greater than the pressure set point. This indicates the check valve is
closed and the compressor is not contributing to the system. When a discrete
bypass valve is used, the timer is started when the system pressure exceeds the
unload pressure set point. The timer must complete without interruption in order
to auto unload the compressor.
The Shutdown Timer is expressed in minutes and defines the amount of time
the compressor must be unloaded before the compressor shuts down.
From the AirMaster Setup screen, Press [F8] to view the AirMaster auto function
The AirMaster Auto Function screen
allows the operator to customize each
compressor individually.
Note: These functions are not sent to
each unit on the AirMaster network
when the AirMaster parameters are
sent. These functions must be set at
each compressor.
Each function may be turned ON and OFF
by pressing the corresponding function key.
Emergency Auto Start is initiated by a system pressure below the emergency
pressure set point.
Auto Start is initiated by the low pressure timer.
Auto Load
Auto Unload
Auto Stop
The Bypass Pressure Offset is used to minimize bypass blow-off by utilizing the
inlet turn down on other compressors running loaded in the system. This set
point defines a pressure set point above the normal operating set point creating
an increased pressure set point for the bypass valve. This is designed to allow
for maximum air efficiency upon a decrease in plant air demand. If all prior
priority compressors are fully loaded and the bypass is less than 100% closed,
the bypass pressure set point is incremented until equal to the pressure set point
plus the bypass offset. This will cause other compressors on the AirMaster
network to throttle back the inlet valve due to a rise in system pressure. For this
function to work effectively, the bypass pressure set point (pressure set point
plus the bypass offset) of the throttle compressor should be greater than the
operating pressure set point of the Priority 1 unit. If it is not, then the lead unit
will not be forced to throttle back due to a decrease in demand.
This data entry is unit specific and is not transmitted when a SEND command is
executed. However, by default, the bypass pressure is automatically calculated.
The calculation is based on the AirMaster pressure offset and the number of
compressor running loaded in the system.
When AirMaster is disabled, the local system pressure at the unit is used. When
AirMaster is enabled, the lead unit (Priority 1) system pressure signal is used.
The only situations preventing this transmission are a faulted processor, loss of
power or network failure. If this condition exists, the unit designated as priority 2
will take the lead. If communication is lost to the priority 1, 2, and 3 units,
AirMaster is automatically disabled. AirMaster is also automatically disabled if
the lead unit system pressure and the local system pressure difference is greater
than 15%.
Auto Priority Rotation Setup
Auto Priority Rotation is designed to establish an automatic rotation of
compressors based on unit priority in the AirMaster sequence and an elapsed
time interval. Rotation of compressor priorities will take place in the event the
rotation timer expires.
The number one priority unit determines
when an auto rotation cycle is executed.
The auto rotation timer is enabled (timing)
as long as AirMaster is enabled. Auto
Rotation does not have to be enabled on the
lead unit for the rotation to occur.
If the number one unit has a faulted
processor or loss of power, the number two
unit will assume this responsibility. The
rotation only affects the compressors with
the Auto Rotation Function enabled. If auto
rotation is disabled, no priority change will take place for that unit. When a
rotation cycle occurs, the compressor with auto rotation enabled and the highest
priority designation, will take the lowest priority unit with auto rotation enabled. If
three compressors designated as priorities 1 through 3 have auto rotation
enabled and a rotation is triggered, the number one in priority will shift to the third
priority. The compressor currently number two in priority will shift to the number
one position and the compressor currently number three will assume priority two.
When the rotation is executed, any Load Sharing timers such as Auto Start, Auto
Unload, and Auto Stop are reset.
Auto Rotation is toggled ON and OFF by pressing [F1].
Time Interval is entered by the operator and expressed in hours. Once this time
has elapsed, the rotation process will execute. If the Time interval is changed, it
must be sent to all units by pressing [F2] Send APR Parameters.
Time Remaining indicates hours left before an auto rotation cycle is executed.
Press [F3] Manual Rotation to initiate a manual rotation. The new priority
parameters are immediately sent to all compressors on the network.
Press [F4] Reset Time to reset the time accumulated.