2016 The Cross and the Flame by Faith Hawkins THE CROSS, symbol of Our Lord’s sacrifice for all souls. The Truth; the Word like an eternal flame living, burning FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH To Grow in our understanding of God To Grow in our Love for God To Grow in our commitment and service To Witness to others about our faith journey ever in our hearts. A torch high-held to spread the news unto all lands to all people. Inside this issue: Parson to Person, Announcements, February Schedules, Monthly Calendar *** STAFF Rev. Gene Bacon, Pastor [email protected] Loretta Beyer, Organist Wellington Dean, Heating Maintenance Jim Hart, Choir Director Mary Louise Hart, Organist Sandy Jarmuzewski, Adm. Assistant [email protected] David Reeves, Custodian OFFICE HOURS Monday 8:30 am until 4:00 pm Tuesday thru Thursday 8:30 am until 3:00 pm Friday 9:00 am until 12:00 noon Office: 354-2490 Parsonage: 356-1846 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Website: www.alpenafumc.org WZTK 105.7 FM airs service on Sundays at 11:30 AM WORSHIP SCHEDULE 10:00 a.m. at the Church Holy Communion served on the First Sunday of the month (See Lent Services Schedule Inside) FEBRUARY EVENTS Janet Anderson Bible Class - After Worship Tai Chi - Saturdays @ 9-10:30 a.m. Yoga - Noon to 1:15 p.m. Every Tuesday Ecumenical Class -Tuesdays 7:15 p.m. in lounge for 14 weeks (ends April) Hearts to Home - Every Wednesday at noon Yoga - 8:30am-9:45 am. Every Thursday Bell Choir - Every Thursday @ 5:30 p.m. Choir - Every Thursday @ 7:30 p.m. Alpena Bridge Club Monday 12:45-4 pm 2/1, 2/8 Revision Body Class - 2/3 @6:30 p.m. Lounge Communion Sunday- 2/7 Shut-In Communion - 2/9 Red Cross Blood Drive - All Day 2/10 Parkinson Support Group - 2/15 @ 1 p.m. Basket Guild - 2/9 & 2/25 from 6pm to 9 pm Church Growth Potluck - 2/21 after service FEBRUARY SPECIAL OFFERINGS Tin Can -Sunrise Mission 2/14 Hearts to Home Collection 2/28 FEBRUARY MEETINGS Church Growth - 2/1 @ 6:30 p.m. JOY Group - 2/3 @ 10 a.m. SPRC - 2/4 @ 6:30 p.m. Finance Committee 2/9 @ 3:00 p.m. UMM 2/9 @ 6:00 p.m. Worship Committee - 2/11 @6:30 p.m. Trustees 2/16 @ 6:00 p.m. Ad Board - 2/16 @ 7:00 p.m. Staff Mtg. 2/17 @ 9:30 a.m. 150th Anniv. Cmte- 2/9@11 a.m. First United Methodist Church 167 South Ripley Blvd., Alpena, MI 49707 FEBRUARY 2016 CROSS & flame PARSON TO PERSON Lent and Repentance Lent, the forty day period preceding Easter (excluding Sundays), is almost upon us. The forty days mirrors the forty days Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness prior to beginning his ministry. Lent comes early this year. The timing of Lent is based upon Easter which the Church sets as the first Sunday after the first full moon which takes place after the first day of spring. Since that first full moon comes almost right after the first day of spring this year, both Easter and Lent come early. Lent is a penitential period, involving the dual disciplines of abstinence and fasting. During Lent many Christians commit to fasting or giving up certain foods, habits or luxuries for example meat, cakes and sweets, alcohol, smoking - for its duration (the money saved is often then donated to charity). This is done both as a form of penitence and as a spiritual tool to tame the body and 'sharpen the spirit' for prayer, reflection and contemplation in preparation for the celebration of Easter. The theme of Lent is often related to repentance. Since the New Testament was written in Greek and then translated into other languages the Greek words behind our English words are often quite significant. The Greek word for repentance is metanoia. Literally this refers to going beyond the mind or a current way of thinking to embrace a new way of thinking or seeing. The apostle Paul writes that we now have “the mind of Christ” (1Cor. 2:16). If we are truly repentant, then, we will no longer see or understand the world in the way we did in the past. We will see things through the eyes of Christ. Once, for example, we would have judged harshly; now we see persons as children of God, fellow heirs of the Kingdom with us. We will do everything in our power to reach out in love with the good news of the Gospel. First United Methodist Church 167 South Ripley Blvd., Alpena, MI 49707 FEBRUARY 2016 CROSS & flame PARSON TO PERSON Lent and Repentance (continued) Many people think repentance means “feeling sorry about something wrong we’ve done, and intending not to do it again.” Even my granddaughter Aspen understands this. She will say, “I’m sorry, Grandpa. I won’t do it again.” She often does do it again, but momentarily her intentions are good. Though repentance means more than contrition and intending to change, contrition is a good place to start. Unless we see the error of our ways, understand the harm we do to ourselves and others, and truly intend to change, there is little hope that we will be able to put on the mind of Christ. To have the mind of Christ means, first and foremost, to humble ourselves before God. Once we have done this and made the inner shift from seeing in the old way to seeing with the eyes of Christ, we will begin to see everything from this new perspective. A secular person might see a remarkable healing as simply a happy coincidence; with our new way of understanding, we see the hand of God at work. I am planning a service on the first Sunday of Lent (Feb. 14) in which I hope to feature testimonies - testimonies in which persons will share how God has been a source of strength, healing or comfort. I am looking here for a spiritual perspective that reflects metanoia – the changed heart and way of looking at the world I’ve been speaking about. If you have a short testimony you would like to share, please call the Church office. Lenten blessings, First United Methodist Church 167 South Ripley Blvd., Alpena, MI 49707 february 2016 Pat and Shirley Brandt - February 27 will be 62 years. Wes and Helen Smith - February 21 will be 42 years. Sunday, February 7, 2016 is Souper Bowl Sunday You may bring cans of soup for this on that day or well in advance. Please put your cans of soup on or under the missions table in the hallway. Thank you!! HAPPY NEWS!!!! The Finance Team wishes to inform everyone with some happy news. Due to the $14,000 reduction in apportionments by the District, the $8,800 revenue from the sale of pasties, and all those who put Christ on your Christmas list, we are happy to report all bills are paid and apportionments are paid in full for the year 2015. Thanks to all who have made this possible. A special thanks to all who put Christ on their Christmas list. We appreciate the wonderful response! A special thanks to Stan and Lois Brockenbrough for spearheading the making of the pasties. They are instrumental in making sure everything is ready when the pasty crew comes in to work. Also a special thanks to those who prepare the pasties and, of course, a special thank you to all of you who purchase and sell pasties. Thanks be to God for our wonderful church family! God Bless All -- The Finance Team JOY FELLOWSHIP will holds its February meeting on Wednesday, February 3rd at 10 a.m. in the church lounge. This meeting will be a planning meeting. Bring ideas for programs and ideas as to what is of interest to you. Everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy an hour of fellowship. First United Methodist Church 167 South Ripley Blvd., Alpena, MI 49707 FEBRUARY, 2016 Our Faith Response General Fund 1/24/2016 Needed each week 3730 Received for Current Expenses last week 3729 Needed Income Y-T-D 14920 Income Received Y-T-D 12739 Expenses Y-T-D 10978 Difference 1761 *Apportionments Due Y-T-D 0 Apportionments Paid Y-T-D 17160 Due - Not Paid Y-T-D 0 Apportionments Remaining 17160 Apportionments are our fair share of the United Methodist Church's world-wide Ministry and mission, and is included in our annual budget. Also Received: Maintenance Fund $13, Bell Choir $5, Hearts to Home $55 WZTK BEHIND $30 THANK YOU!! C R O S S & FL A ME HEARTS TO HOME Hearts to Home income is always appreciated! Month Money Collected # of Families # of Individuals # of Items Distributed October $149.00 3 9 115 November $138.00 4 5 70 December $5.00 8 12 147 January $170.00 2 2 41 The deadline for submitting items for the March 2016 issue is Monday, February 22, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. BELL CHOIR NEWS The Bell Choir will be playing three times in March. March 5th we will be playing at Living Hope Church. Palm Sunday we will play at First United Methodist. We are arranging a visit to Turningbrook as well for the 12th, 19th or 26th. Pete Rasmussen has agreed to pull the trailer. Thank you so much!! We still need help loading the trailer with 4 tables, 3 cases of bells and boxes of accessories to go “on the road” and loading up to bring those items back to the church. If this is something you could help with, please contact Sandy in the office before March. 3rd - Michele Kirby 5th - Warren Roznowski Mary Jane Thomson 8th - Cathy Nevins 9th - Scott Wade 10th - Robert Jones 11th - Lori Tucker 13th - Peter Rasmussen 15th - Lillian Haynes Autumn Pilarski 16th - Christine Milstein 17th - Laura Coleman 18th - Robert Nevins-Brown 19th - Sid Hausding 24th - Mike Major 25th - Linda Kelley Tom Leavesley If you are not on the above list and wish to be, please let the office know. Year-end statements have been mailed to all who did not pick them up in their mailboxes by January 26. Thank you! FEBRUARY 2016 SCHEDULE 7th 14th 21st 28th - Greeters Ray and Gerry Beamish Pete and Linda Rasmussen Koproski Family Marie and Don Witt 7th 14th 21st 28th - Liturgists Mickey Strong Linda Suneson Don Witt Patty Kucharek 7th 14th 21st 28th - Sound Russ Anderson Welly Dean Russ Anderson Welly Dean 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th - Counters Mike Barnett and Jill Lutes Pauline Buchner and Don Witt Bob Strong and Carol Boyer Connie Ratz and Norma Smith Norma Smith and Cathy Moore 7th 14th 21st 28th - Couriers Bill McConnell Mike Barnett Larry Thomson Gene Smith CROSS & FLAME Visitation Team 7th - Welly and Barb Dean 14th - Scott and Amy Koproski 21st - Carl and Carolyn Anderson 28th - Ken and Mary Cook 7th 14th 21st 28th - Ushers Dick & Don/Carol Boyer & Family Member Bev F./Jackie @./Rickie M./Patty K. Sandy/Gary J/John and Jackie Oliver Mary, Ken, Zack Cook/Gary J. 3rd 10th 17th 24th - Hearts to Home Jill Lutes Sandy Witkowski Mary McConnell Carolyn Anderson Acolytes 7th - Cassie Anderson 14th - Madison Tolan 21st - Zach Cook 28th - Natalie Koproski 7th 14th 21st 28th - Nursery Marc and Jan Simons Amy and Natalie Koproski Karen Bacon Sandy Jarmuzewski 7th 2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 “ R emoving the Masks ” We often put on a front for others. Do we ever feel safe enough to remove the masks? 14th Luke 4:1-13 Joshua 4:1-7 “ S tone Testaments ” The ancient Israelites often set up stones as a way of testifying to divine aid or comfort. How often do we share with others our stories of sacred encounters? 21st Luke 13:31-35 “ H ouses of Desolation ” Unless we tend our relationship with God, our spiritual houses can become places of desolation. POT LUCK - Starting February 21 Church Growth will be hosting a potluck luncheon every third Sunday of the month right after the 10 AM service. We are asking everyone to attend and bring a dish to pass if you want, but not mandatory. Help with set-up and clean-up is appreciated. We will pass around a clipboard at the 10 AM service. You will also able to sign up on the bulletin board outside the sanctuary. PLEASE CONSIDER SENDING A SHUT-INS OR ALL OF THEM. THEY VALENTINE CARD TO SOME OF OUR WILL SO MUCH APPRECIATE THAT! A NEW PICTORIAL CHURCH DIRECTORY IS IN THE PLANNING STAGES FOR OUR 150TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR. MORE DETAILS TO COME….. We are now refreshing the Prayer List in the bulletin on a quarterly basis. If you want someone on the list you must keep the church office updated so your loved one is not removed. Please give the office the reason for a person remaining on the list as is done during the Joy and Concerns part of our church service so the reason can be kept on a list for those on there long-term. Thank you in advance for the information. STARTING IN FEBRUARY, CHURCH GROWTH MEETINGS WILL BE HELD THE 1ST TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 6:30 P.M. EVERYONE IS WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND AND GET INVOLVED. 2016 Ecumenical Lenten Series Restored in Christ Date Host Church Theme Preacher Ash Wednesday St. Paul Lutheran Broken Hearts Sr. Mary Hughes February 17 Grace Lutheran Broken Vessel Rev. Gene Bacon February 24 First Congregational Broken Trust The Very Rev. February 10 UCC March 2 Bill McClure First Presbyterian Broken Bread Pastor Shirley Ross-Jones March 9 St. Bernard Broken Promise Rev. Dr. Bob Case March 16 First United Methodist Broken Justice Pastor Tom Orth Church Maundy Thursday Trinity Episcopal Rev. Paul Lance March 24 The offering from the series will be split between Call Us For Help, Friendship Room at St. Bernard’s and Sunday Supper at Trinity Episcopal. 6:00 p.m. Soup Supper 7:00 p.m. Service
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First United Methodist Church, Alpena
The Truth; the Word
like an eternal flame living, burning
ever in our hearts.
A torch high-held to spread the
news unto all lands to all people.