First United Methodist Church, Alpena
First United Methodist Church, Alpena
2013 The Cross and the Flame by Faith Hawkins THE CROSS, symbol of Our Lord’s sacrifice for all souls. The Truth; the Word like an eternal flame living, burning ever in our hearts. A torch high-held to spread the news unto all lands to all people. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH To Grow in our understanding of God To Grow in our Love for God To Grow in our commitment and service To Witness to others about our faith journey First United Methodist Church STAFF Rev. Gene Bacon, Pastor [email protected] Sandy Jarmuzewski, Adm. Assistant [email protected] David Reeves, Custodian Loretta Beyer, Organist Mary Louise Hart, Organist Jim Hart, Choir Director Wellington Dean, Heating Maintenance OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday 8:30 am until 3:00 pm Friday 9:00 am until 12:00 noon Answering machine for after-hour calls Office: 354-2490 Parsonage: 356-1846 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web: WATZ 1450 am airs service on Sundays at 11:30 AM Inside this issue: Parson to Person Announcements September Schedules Monthly Calendar Worship Schedule 10:00 am—Worship Holy Communion served on the first Sunday of each month First United Methodist Church 167 South Ripley Blvd., Alpena, MI 49707 September, 2013 CROSS & flame PARSON TO PERSON THEOLOGICAL REFLECTIONS ON SUFFERING In last month’s newsletter I wrote about death and its effect upon us, especially upon the church community. In the weeks since, I have continued to reflect upon Kirby’s death (particularly wrenching because of his youthfulness) and now find myself thinking about Toni Wright, one of our most faithful members who died just recently. The great theological dilemma is simply this. Why? Why do the good suffer and die? If God is both good and all powerful (we believe that God is both) then why does God allow the suffering and death of good people? If God were good, God would want to stop it. If God were all powerful, God would have the power to stop it. So why doesn’t God stop these things from happening? So the argument goes, especially when people are praying fervently for a different outcome. Theologians have come up with two main perspectives on these questions. One idea, most prevalent through the Middle Ages, was this. When Adam and Eve broke covenant with God, all of the earth was corrupted. Before the Fall, the Garden of Eden was indeed a Paradise. There was no pain, no discomfort, no disease, no old age, no death. Suffering and death were the natural consequences of Adam and Eve’s disobedience. If we think of Sin as that which separates, then the break with God that occurred at the Fall, separated us from ourselves (Adam and Eve were suddenly ashamed of their nakedness); from each other (Adam blames Eve); from the natural world (Eve blames the serpent); and, of course, from God (Adam and Eve both hide from God). Jesus would be sent, in part, to conquer sin, suffering and death. He, himself, was sinless, and faced and conquered both suffering and death in his own life. Ultimately, all who embrace Christ, will also be freed from both suffering and death at the end of time, as we read in Revelations 21:4. The second perspective, sees the story of Adam and Eve less literally, and suggests that God created the universe as a vale of soul making. From this perspective, God wants us to seek an always deepening relationship with Him, freely, without coercion. This means that we must be free to welcome or reject God and God’s grace. God deliberately created a world with suffering as a component as a means of guiding us toward deeper relationships on earth and divine/human relationships both now and in the life to come. Think about it. If there was no pain, ever, not even discomfort, what would motivate us to move beyond pure selfishness? There would be no need to help anybody else, because nobody would ever need help. They, too, would be perfectly comfortable. Also, if we were perfectly comfortable physically, mentally, and emotionally, why would we feel a need to deepen our relationship with God? We would already be perfectly comfortable all of the time. (That’s the definition of a world without pain). So God created a world in which pain was at least a possibility to encourage us to help others in pain and to seek Him when we, ourselves, faced life’s difficulties. And since, “into each life some rain must fall,” we all have many opportunities to help each other and seek Divine assistance. This explains, too, why intercessory prayer for others or for ourselves cannot “work” every time. If it did, we would soon figure it out. Thus whenever we experienced the slightest pain of any kind we would simply pray it away, and there we are back to an absolutely pain free world. This does not mean that God deliberately sends pain our way. The world may well work by natural laws. If we are exposed to carcinogens then we will more likely come down with cancer. If we fall we will be hurt. It’s simply the way hard objects affect soft bodies upon impact. It does mean that we will probably face pain at one time or another, and most likely many times. When we do, we can either choose to turn to God and offer aid to others, or we can reject divine and human assistance and suffer alone. Ultimately, it’s our response to pain and suffering that is the most important thing. I hope this helps. Blessings, Gene CR OSS & F L AME Hearts to Home income is always appreciated! Hearts to Home Month Money Collected # Of Families # Of Individuals # Items Distributed May $208.28 2 3 40 June $106.58 12 28 243 July $146.99 5 8 96 August $52.00 8 18 178 The deadline for submitting articles for the October issue of the Cross & Flame Newsletter is Thursday, September 19, 2013 @ 4 PM CANNOT ACCEPT AFTER THIS TIME Limit—2 full pages per submission. . SEPTEMBER MEETINGS Trustees: 6pm on Sep. 17th Ad Council: 7pm on Sept. 17th GOOD NEWS—NOT SO GOOD NEWS The Finance team is happy to report as of the end of August all bills are paid. That’s the GOOD NEWS. NOT SO GOOD NEWS; The apportionments are not paid and the total amount due at the end of December will be $23,060. Apportionments are our fair share of the United Methodist Church’s world-wide Ministry and mission. This is our opportunity to do God’s work throughout the world where help is needed. The Finance team is offering a challenge to the congregation beginning with the first Sunday in September to have apportionments paid in full on December 31 HOW????? According to our calculations our balance due as of the end of August is $23,060. There are 18 Sundays left this year, and if each family contributed an extra $6.39 a week or a total of $115, our apportionments would be paid in full. Will you take the challenge? If you cannot do the complete amount perhaps some of it??? There also may be some of you who are passionate about paying the apportionments in full and will contribute a little more. We will keep you updated on the progress made. September BIRTHDAYS 2nd— Clarann Boylan Todd Smith 3rd— Lillian Broad 4th— Elaine Reeves 5th— Andrew Ponce De Leon 6th— Richard Scott 10th— Edwin Smolinski 12th— Cindy Markowski 13th— Russell Anderson Phyllis VanWormer 14th— Gerald Broad Mary Pilarski 15th— Stan Brockenbrough 17th— Jim Anderson 18th— Ryder Kolnowski 19th— Candi Houchin Nicole Ponce De Leon 20th— Lois Damoth 21st— Darwin Badder Matt Gies William Ritze 22nd— Eulah Benson 25th— Kenneth Cook Jackie Witter 26th Rebecca Bey 28th— Sam Boyer 29th— Phillip Alexander Kajtia Couitcher If you do not see your birthday listed, please call the church office. CR OSS & F L AME EVENTS Joy Fellowship Salad Luncheon Wednesday, September 3 at 11:00 am After the business meeting, we will enjoy a salad luncheon. Each lady is asked to bring an ingredient to add to the salad such as cukes, tomatoes, onion, cheese, radish, etc. If you have a special dressing you wish to share, please bring it. The officers will furnish the greens, rolls, desserts, and beverages. This has always been a fun way to begin our fall meetings and a good meeting to attend for all who are thinking of joining us. All women are welcome. This September meeting is also the time to bring our THANK OFFERINGS. Church Grounds Work Bee Friday September 6 at 9:30 am We are overgrown. So bring your trimmers, cutters, rakes, clippers and we will clean up our greenery. Everyone is welcome for an hour or the day!!! Fall Church Picnic September 8 after Worship Service There is a sign-up sheet for desserts and salads on the small bulletin board by the sanctuary door. The Men’s Club is providing the meat and cooking. Hope to see everyone there! Sunday School starts on September 15 Charge Conference September 22 at 3:00 pm ALPENA COTTAGE PRAISE GOD As of August 16th we have reached the goal of giving $3700. for the renovations at the Alpena Cottage in the Bishop Judith Craig Children’s Village, Monrovia, Liberia. Thanks you for your generous gifts to make this ministry to the children possible. Hopefully the Cottage can adequately provide for the needs of kids for another 16 years and beyond. ********************************************************* UPCOMING PROGRAM WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW, BUT NOT REALLY READY TO ASK JOY Fellowship is sponsoring an informative meeting on pre-planning a funeral, a funeral service, and even information on the funeral luncheon. Wednesday, October 2 at 10:00 am JOY is extending an invitation to everyone, both male and female who are interested in becoming better informed regarding the funeral process. Chad Esch from Bannan Funeral Home will present information to be considered when preplanning a funeral. Rev. Bacon will share ideas and thoughts to help in planning the service, and Pauline Buchner will provide suggestions and ideas for luncheons. What an opportunity to become informed in all aspects of pre-planning a funeral. What a deal! If you plan to attend or think you might, please let Gerry Beamish know (595-3385) so we have adequate materials for everyone. *********************** Our Faith Response General Fund Year-To-Date thru 8/25/13 Needed each week Received for Current Expenses last week 4182 3010 Needed Income Y-T-D Income Received Y-T-D Expenses Y-T-D Difference 141950 130224 131209 -985 - *Apportionments Due Y-T-D Apportionments Paid Y-T-D Due - Not Paid Y-T-D Apportionments Remaining 20884 12014 8870 19916 Apportionments are our fair share of the United Methodist Church's world-wide Ministry and mission, and is included in our annual budget. Also Received: WATZ $20, Church in the Park $28, Hearts to Homes $13, Maintenance Fund $85, Memorials $40, Kennedy Fund $100 WATZ Behind $94 CR OSS & F L AME SEPTEMBER SCHEDULE 1st – 8th– 15th – 22th -29th— Greeters Jeannette Marusak & June McDonald Ray & Gerry Beamish Bill & Mary McConnell Pat & Shirley Brandt Welly & Barb Dean Liturgists 1st 8th 15th 22th 29th - Don Witt Jackie Witter Lillian Broad Pauline Buchner Peggy Stanton Sound 1st— Welly Dean 8th— Russ Anderson 15th— Welly Dean 22nd _ Russ Anderson 29th— Welly Dean Counters 2nd- Norma Smith and Donna Smith 9th- Pauline Buchner and Don Witt 16th- Bob Strong and Cathy Moore 23rd - Mike Barnett and Carol Boyer 30th— Connie Ratz and Burt Wright Couriers 1st– Ron Smith 8th– Gene Smith 15th- Mike Barnett 22nd—Bill McConnell 29th- Al Ratz Visitation Team 4th— Ken and Mary Cook 11th—Carl and Carolyn Anderson 18th—Ken and Loretta Reynolds 25th—Welly and Barb Dean Ushers Craig Klemens, Dick Scott, Don Kurtz, and Darwin Badder Nursery 1st— Jackie Witter 8th— Norma Smith 15th— Nichole Kolnowski 22nd— Marie Witt 29th— Nichole Kolnowski Acolytes 1st— Zach Cook 8th - Cassie Anderson 15th—Spencer Kraft 22nd—Natalie Koproski 29th— Lillian Broad Sermon Titles and Text 1st – Luke 14:1, 7-14 “Beggars” Though we sometimes judge beggars, the radical dependency they experience may be good for the soul. Besides we are all beggars at one time or another. 8th - Philemon 1-21 “Oops!” Though we sometimes judge beggars How should we deal with our mistakes? 15th - Jerry Broad 22th - Luke 16: 1-13 “A Difficult Parable” Jesus uses this parable of a dishonest steward to teach his followers about total commitment to a singular goal, faithfulness in serving God. 29th—Luke 16: 19-31 “Clear vision” Learning to see and understand important spiritual l realities with clarity. CR OSS & F L AME SEPTEMBER ANNIVERSARIES — — If you wish to have your anniversary included, please contact the office with your month and day. Patriot’s Day September 11th We will never forget! Thank you to all who contributed to the outdoor sign. We have raised in full the funds needed and look for construction to begin shortly!!! A sincere THANK YOU to all who worked so hard to make the Rummage Sale a success. United Methodist Women LOST The large tomato soup can from the mission table is missing. Please help us find it. CR OSS & F L AME Our Faith Response General Fund Year-To-Date thru 8/25/13 4182 3010 Needed each week Received for Current Expenses last week 141950 130224 131209 -985 Needed Income Y-T-D Income Received Y-T-D Expenses Y-T-D Difference *Apportionments Due Y-T-D Apportionments Paid Y-T-D Due - Not Paid Y-T-D Apportionments Remaining 20884 12014 8870 19916 *Apportionments are our fair share of the United Methodist Church's world-wide Ministry and mission, and is included in our annual budget. Also Received: WATZ Church in the Park Hearts to Homes Maintenance Fund Memorials Kennedy Fund WATZ Behind 20 28 13 85 40 100 94
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