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Click Here To - Little House on the Valley
Natural Home Makeover
Denise L. Thompson
Copyright ©2014 by Denise L. Thompson. All rights reserved.
Photos licensed to Denise L. Thompson,, or doTERRA.
©2014 by Denise L Thompson / Natural Home Makeover
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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 5
Our Family Story… .............................................................................................................................. 5
What about you? ................................................................................................................................. 6
Where do we start? ............................................................................................................................ 6
THE FIRST STEPS ............................................................................................................................ 8
The Master Makeover List ............................................................................................................... 9
About Essential Oils ........................................................................................................................ 11
What Is An Essential Oil?............................................................................................................... 13
ALL PURPOSE CLEANING MAKEOVER.......................................................................................... 15
Mirror and Glass Cleaner .............................................................................................................. 15
Sparkle Citrus Window Cleaner ................................................................................................. 16
Natural Hard Floor Surface Cleaner .......................................................................................... 16
Liquid Natural Carpet Cleaner .................................................................................................... 16
Eco-Friendly “Carpet Fresh” Powder ........................................................................................ 17
All-Purpose Cleaner #1.................................................................................................................. 17
All-Purpose Cleaner #2.................................................................................................................. 17
Natural “Soft Scrub” ........................................................................................................................ 17
Simple Vacuum Air Freshener .................................................................................................... 18
Furniture Polish ............................................................................................................................... 18
Mold Remover ................................................................................................................................... 18
Citrus Scented Homemade Cleaning Wipes ........................................................................... 18
THE KITCHEN MAKEOVER ........................................................................................................... 20
Microwave Oven Cleaner .............................................................................................................. 20
Refrigerator Cleaner....................................................................................................................... 21
Garbage Disposal Cleanser / Drain Cleaner / Drain Deodorizer ................................... 21
Vent Hood Filter Cleaner............................................................................................................... 21
Fruit & Vegetable Cleaner............................................................................................................. 21
Organic Berry Wash ........................................................................................................................ 22
Natural Dishwasher Tablets ........................................................................................................ 22
Dishwasher Rinse Aid .................................................................................................................... 22
Oven Cleaner Recipe ....................................................................................................................... 22
THE LAUNDRY ROOM MAKEOVER............................................................................................... 24
Laundry Liquid Soap Recipe ........................................................................................................ 24
Laundry Powder Soap Recipe ..................................................................................................... 25
Front Load Washing Machine Rubber Ring Freshener ...................................................... 25
Liquid Fabric Softener ................................................................................................................... 25
Natural Lavender Dryer Wool Balls .......................................................................................... 25
Oxygen Cleaner & Stain Remover .............................................................................................. 26
Lavender Linen Spray .................................................................................................................... 26
Ironing Spritzer ................................................................................................................................ 26
THE BATHROOM MAKEOVER ...................................................................................................... 27
Natural Tile Grout Cleaner ........................................................................................................... 27
Homemade Poo-Pourri Spray ..................................................................................................... 28
All Natural Fizzing Toilet Cleaner .............................................................................................. 28
Toilet Paper Natural Deodorizer ............................................................................................... 29
Easy Disinfectant Spray ................................................................................................................. 29
THE SCENTED ROOM MAKEOVER................................................................................................ 30
Simple Citrus Peels.......................................................................................................................... 30
Spices and Herbs .............................................................................................................................. 30
Dried Aromatic Herbs .................................................................................................................... 31
Diffusing Essential Oils .................................................................................................................. 31
Stove Top Natural Scent Recipes ................................................................................................ 32
Cleaning The Air With Houseplants .......................................................................................... 33
Essentially Scented House Paint ................................................................................................ 33
THE FARM & GARDEN MAKEOVER ............................................................................................. 34
Eco Ant Killer..................................................................................................................................... 34
Spider Ridder .................................................................................................................................... 34
Gnat No More ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Flea Spray ........................................................................................................................................... 35
Mice Be Gone ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Bug Off Spray ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Gardener’s Hand Scrub Recipe ................................................................................................... 35
Natural Weed Killer ........................................................................................................................ 36
SKIN & BODY CARE MAKEOVER .................................................................................................. 37
DIY Makeup Remover Recipe ...................................................................................................... 37
Clay Face Wash ................................................................................................................................. 38
Honey Face Wash ............................................................................................................................. 38
Natural Skin Toner .......................................................................................................................... 38
Simple Skin Moisturizer ................................................................................................................ 38
Baby Bottom Spray.......................................................................................................................... 39
Simple Detox Foot Bath ................................................................................................................. 39
Pregnancy Moisturizing Butter .................................................................................................. 40
Hand Sanitizer Recipe .................................................................................................................... 40
THE MEDICINE CABINET MAKEOVER .......................................................................................... 41
Our Personal Health Makeover .................................................................................................. 41
GETTING STARTED WITH ESSENTIAL OILS ................................................................................ 44
Safety Precautions With Essential Oils .................................................................................... 44
How To Apply Essential Oils ........................................................................................................ 44
The Top 10 Oils To Get You Started .......................................................................................... 46
RESOURCE LIST ............................................................................................................................ 48
HOW TO PURCHASE ESSENTIAL OILS ......................................................................................... 48
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................ 50
ABOUT DENISE ............................................................................................................................. 51
©2014 by Denise L Thompson / Natural Home Makeover
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Before you start reading this little book, I wanted to take the
time to thank you for visiting my blog and for subscribing to
Little House On The Valley. I am so grateful for kind people
like you, who frequent my online home-away-from-home. I
appreciate your emails, comments, and messages that lift me up
and cheer me on. You are a blessing!
I know you have many choices of blogs to read online, so I am honored that you are
here right now, and that you have found me in the big world wide web. This book is
my gift to you, and a token of my appreciation. I pray you will be blessed and find
some fresh ideas to create your own natural home makeover.
Our Family Story…
In 2012, our family began a journey of health from the inside out. I personally was
having a lot of physical issues at the time, and wanted to feel better and get
healthier. I was tired of feeling physically run-down with depression, anxiety,
hormonal problems, and digestive issues. I was also growing weary of the headaches
and nausea I would experience when using commercial cleaners in my home, and
the side effects of over-the-counter drugs I would take for my common every day
ailments and allergies.
My husband was also suffering from some of his own physical issues and taking
medications for acid reflux, digestive problems, low energy, and overall stamina.
Our two youngest twin boys had some physical issues that concerned us more and
more. With our growing worries, we began a series of many doctor appointments to
hear the all-too-common labels such as ADHD and ADD, Motor Tics, and Anxiety,
with no real answers or solutions that we could grasp on to—they were just labels.
At that point in our life, we were desperate for help. We took a long hard look at how
we were doing life, how we were eating as a family, and filling our home with toxic
products that weren’t very good for us.
Our “Extreme Home Makeover”
After much prayer, trial and error and persistence, I can tell you that our household
is not the same today. Over the last couple years we have been able to change the
quality of our life, and take charge of our health, and we are feeling better than ever
by switching over to natural alternatives.
We now save so much money each month because we aren’t heading to the doctor
as often, and buying expensive cleaners and commercial products. We have
converted to a whole foods and gluten free diet, and are seeing significant changes
in all of our health problems that existed before. By using all homemade cleaning
products, and essential oils for our home and health related needs, we feel as if we
have been given a new lease on life! You can read my recent blog post on how we
are overcoming ADHD naturally.
What about you?
Maybe you are like our family, and want some natural solutions for your home and
health? Maybe it’s time that you want to take a look around your house and see
what needs to be changed over? I created this little book for people just like you and
me because it is my passion to help others and share what I have learned. I believe
God has led our family through this process so that we can help others from our lifechanging experience.
Where do we start?
No matter where you are on your path to changing out the products in your home
from toxic to non-toxic, it can seem like a big overwhelming task to create a more
green and healthy environment for you and your family. Don’t get overwhelmed.
Just take one day at a time and I assure you it can be done.
My suggestion to you is to start with baby steps, just one room or area of your life at
a time. Start with the simplest thing for you to change or the greatest need. This will
keep you from getting overwhelmed. Slowly over time, you can switch one cleaning
product at a time and one health remedy at a time. Before you know it you will be
living a healthy lifestyle and the money you save will be icing on the cake!
In this book I have broken down the different areas of your home to get you started
in a quick and simple way. My desire was to give you enough to get started and not
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overwhelm you with too many choices. Be sure to keep checking back at my blog as I
add posts every week that will be useful for you in continuing your toxic-free
natural home makeover.
A quick tip about the book: if you want to refer back to the natural home tips and
recipes in this book, you can look at the table of contents and click on any chapter or
recipe to go straight to that text for fast reference. Feel free to print off the recipes
for personal use and put in a binder.
The first step to your natural home makeover I want to talk about is the cleaning
supplies and products that you can switch out right away.
All the tips and recipes you will read about in this book include natural ingredients
and common household items. With the exception of the therapeutic grade essential
oils I recommend, everything on the following list is compiled of items found at your
local grocery or convenience store. You won’t believe how easy this is going to be!
If you can keep your home stocked with these cleaning cupboard staples, you will be
set to clean, deodorize, and maintain your home in a natural way. Feel free to add to
this list as you see fit, but these are the items I recommend to start with and keep on
©2014 by Denise L Thompson / Natural Home Makeover
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The Master Makeover List
Baking Soda
White Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hydrogen Peroxide
Castile Soap (Bars & Liquid)
Liquid Detergent
Washing Soda
Wool Dryer Balls
Rubbing Alcohol
Old tee-shirts, flannel sheets, & towels (cut these up for rags)
Used glass jars, mason jars, & bottles for holding cleaning solutions
Empty Spray Bottles; plastic & glass.
Table Salt
Fresh lemons
Fresh citrus fruit peels
Epsom Salts
Raw Sugar
Redmond Clay
Witch Hazel
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Carrier Oils: fractionated coconut oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil.
Essential Oils
As you can see, it’s a simple list that will take care of hundreds of things in your
home and for your health. Let’s get started learning more about how to use these
ingredients to makeover the home naturally!
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About Essential Oils
Before we move on to all the recipes and tips in this book, I wanted to address the
subject of essential oils. If you read my blog then you know I have lots of posts and
information about essential oils. The reason I talk about essential oils so much is
that they truly have changed our family life in so many ways, and become an integral
part of our wellness and toxic free mission for living. I couldn’t write this book or
share the cleaning tips, beauty recipes, and health information without essential oils
being mentioned. They are one of those staple items no home should be without
when tackling a natural home makeover.
Aren’t They Just Hippie Oils?
You may think I am crazy when I talk about essential oils, and not understand what
all the fuss is about. I didn’t always think essential oils were that awesome. In fact I
thought they were hippie oils, and something that other kinds of people used. I was
rather naïve and judgmental. My limited knowledge was that essential oils were for
making the air smell good, and for putting in your bath as aromatherapy. I really had
no clue of the healing properties of essential oils for our bodies and how they could
be used throughout my whole day for multiple uses. The two oils I knew about were
Lavender and Melaleuca (Tea Tree Oil).
Learning the Truth
I was introduced to essential oils from some fellow bloggers who kept talking about
how they were using them to treat various ailments with their families. They were
detoxing their bodies and homes, giving amazing testimonials, and cleaning with all
these fabulous homemade products and using essential oils in them. I wanted some
of what they had. I was enticed, intrigued, and ready to give these oils a try.
My Big Mistake- You Get What You Pay For!
Next, I did what most intelligent people would do. I immediately ran to my local
drug store and bought some cheap essential oils to make up home cleaners. I wasn’t
overly impressed with the results or the smell. I honestly didn’t really get what all
the hype was about. When I made up my first cleaners they didn’t have the
wonderful aroma that I had been hearing all about, and they certainly weren’t for
treating health issues.
I did more research and eventually learned those oils I purchased were very
different from the ones my blogger friends had been talking about, and that cheap
doesn’t mean best. As with most things in life, you get what you pay for.
Learning The Truth
I found out that many of the cheap essential oils are full of fillers and chemicals, not
pure, organic, or free of GMOs. In my research I also learned that the cheaper oils
stated right on their bottles “not for internal use” which was unlike the certified
pure therapeutic grade essential oils. That was enough for me to be convinced to
take the plunge and get some better quality oils. I knew that I wanted only the best
oils when it came to putting them on my skin, in cleaning supplies and for health
issues and ailments.
I soon ordered my first kit of doTERRA certified pure therapeutic grade essential
oils, and then I understood what all the raves were about. When I opened my kit, I
immediately could experience the contrast. It was a night and day difference.
First, the aroma of the oils was amazing, the cleaning supplies I made up were ten
times better, and we as a family began to see results in treating our health issues
right away.
To top it off, when I started making my cleaning recipes with the new oils I was
actually using a lot less drops of oil to get the great results because of their high
quality, and therefore saving money. It didn’t take long before I threw out the cheap
oils and never looked back.
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What Is An Essential Oil?
Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots,
flowers, and other parts of plants. They can be both beautifully and powerfully
fragrant. If you have ever enjoyed the gift of a rose, a walk by a field of lavender, or
the smell of fresh cut mint, you have experienced the aromatic qualities of essential
oils. In addition to giving plants their distinctive smells, essential oils provide plants
with protection against predators and disease and play a role in plant pollination.
Essential oils are used for a very wide range of emotional and physical wellness
applications. They can be used a single oil at a time or in complex blends depending
on user experience and desired benefit.
God’s Gift To Us
I believe essential oils are God’s gift from His creation of natural plants to us.
Essential oils are not a cure-all, but enable our bodies to heal naturally as God
created them to do.
If you look in the Bible you will see how essential oils were used in many
ceremonies, as gifts, healing balms, anointing, and holy incense and were very
precious and highly sought after. Remember how the three kings came bearing gifts
to baby Jesus of frankincense and myrrh? There was a reason those essential oils
were given to a king because of their amazing healing properties and their value.
Today frankincense and myrrh are used in daily application for a long list of
ailments. We even read in Mark 15:23 of the Bible where Jesus was offered a cup of
wine drugged with myrrh for pain as he hung on the cross to die.
They were using essential oils back in the Bible times and already knew of their
healing effects. Now all these years later we have the amazing opportunity to use
essential oils for health, wellness, and for creating non-toxic environments in our
home. You can read more in the book Healing Oils Of The Bible by David Stewart.
You Can Learn More
The subject of essential oils is vast and there is much to be learned. I know it can be
overwhelming. If you would like to know more about essential oils for yourself and
why I am so passionate about using the purest and highest quality of therapeutic
grade oils you can read the following articles to get started.
What Is An Essential Oil?
History Of Essential Oils
How Essential Oils Are Extracted
Why doTERRA?
I love and use doTERRA essential oils. I trust the quality of oils that doTERRA
produces and I can feel completely confident in recommending this brand. I have
done a lot of research in deciding on this company over others. Discussing brands of
essential oils is like many other products we use, and we all have our favorites for
different reasons. You will read all kinds of information out there on the web about
brands of oils, and I hope you will do your own research to find the answers you
What If I Don’t Use doTERRA?
If you are loyal to a certain brand of essential oils, then be assured that the recipes
and tips in this book are generic enough that you can use the brand you prefer. You
are free to use any essential oils you desire, but I can’t vouch for essential oil brands
that I haven’t used. My suggestion is to research the purity of the oil you purchase,
and make an educated decision for yourself.
Why I Trust doTERRA Essential Oils
• doTERRA oils are 100% pure with no fillers.
• They are therapeutic-grade, which means they are safe to use for health and
medicinal uses.
• They are free of solvents, contaminates, and synthetic compounds.
• Every oil undergoes both mass spectrometry and gas chromatography
testing by a third-party lab.
• The oils are grown and sourced from their native environments around the
world using practices that are beyond organic standards, and are GMO free.
• Because of this commitment to quality, many of doTERRA’s oils are safe for
ingestion, while oils of lesser quality may not be.
For more information about doTERRA and purity of oils read: Essential Oils Grades
Before using any essential oil be sure to read this essential oil Safety Guide.
I will be covering more about essential oils for health toward the end of the book,
but for now let’s get started on our cleaning home makeover recipes and tips.
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I thought I would start our room-by-room makeover by first giving you this starter
collection of all-purpose cleaning recipes that you can use through your entire
home. These recipes are a great place to begin when launching into making your
own non-toxic cleaners.
Mirror and Glass Cleaner
3/4 cups of white vinegar
2 1/4 cups of warm distilled water
3 teaspoons of Castile liquid soap
4 drops of lemon essential oil
Add all of the ingredients to a new spray bottle that is free from any chemical
residue. Shake the bottle to mix the ingredients together thoroughly. Spray the
mixture all over the windows, glass tabletop, or mirrors and wipe clean with a soft
cloth, paper towels, or some find that newspapers even work great.
Sparkle Citrus Window Cleaner
1 cup white vinegar
1 cup water
15 drops of orange or lemon essential oil
Add all ingredients to a spray bottle and shake well with each use.
Natural Hard Floor Surface Cleaner
Some of the traditional floor cleaners can even strip the wax off the floors. This is
too strong for most floors. Cleaners like these leave floors looking dull and lifeless.
Your floor will shine it will be so clean.
1 gallon of hot tap water
1 tablespoon of liquid soap (I use Castile)
1/4 cup of white vinegar
5 drops of lemon or melaleuca essential oil
Just combine all the ingredients together in a mop bucket and stir together. Mop the
floor with your favorite mop and let dry. No rinsing is necessary. This gently
cleanses any floor except for hardwood floors, which take special care. Check with
the manufacturer of your hardwood floor before using this solution on it.
Liquid Natural Carpet Cleaner
Carpet cleaners come in various forms to remove dirt and stains from carpets. I
prefer using a carpet-cleaning machine to get my carpet clean. However, I do not
like the strong detergents that are made for these machines. I came up with my own
1/4 cup of white vinegar
1/4 cup of liquid Castile soap
1/4 cup of borax
1/4 cup of table salt
Stir together all the ingredients until the borax is dissolved. Add the appropriate
amount into your carpet-cleaning machine according to the manufacturer's
directions. Then add water like the directions state. Shampoo your carpet and see
how effective this cleaner is. You can also use it for spot cleaning with a clean rag.
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Eco-Friendly “Carpet Fresh” Powder
I love the effects of the commercial carpet fresh powder for freshening my carpets,
but not the sweet floral scent that comes with them. Here is a super simple
alternative that won’t leave you with a headache.
20 drops of your favorite essential oil
3 cups of baking soda
Stir essential oil into baking soda and place in a glass jar with lid. Let mixture sit
overnight. Sprinkle on carpets and upholstery to deodorize and freshen. Let powder
sit on surfaces for several hours or overnight, then vacuum.
All-Purpose Cleaner #1
Spray cleaners cost a small fortune in the stores. Many have strong chemicals in
them too that can even burn your eyes (the fumes) and hurt your skin using them.
However, check out this recipe for a natural, spray cleaner that is gentle on your
skin, no fumes for your eyes and cleans effectively.
1 cup of water
1 cup of apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon of liquid Castile soap
15 drops of lemon essential oil
Mix these ingredients together and stir thoroughly. Place the mixture into a spray
bottle. This mixture is ideal for your kitchen and bathroom countertops, stovetop
and kitchen table. It is an ideal gentle cleaner.
All-Purpose Cleaner #2
1/2 tsp. washing soda
1-2 Drops of liquid soap
2 cups hot tap water
15 drops of melaleuca essential oil
Mix the ingredients in a spray bottle and shake until the washing soda has dissolved.
Apply and wipe off with a sponge or rag.
Natural “Soft Scrub”
1 cup baking soda
¼ cup castile soap
1 tbsp white vinegar
10 drops of lemon essential oil
Stir ingredients together and store in an airtight glass jar. If mixture gets thick, add a
few drops of water to refresh it.
Simple Vacuum Air Freshener
Put a few drops of citrus essential oil on 2-3 cotton balls and put the cotton balls
into your vacuum cleaner bag. You'll create a bright, uplifting mood in your home
while vacuuming!
Furniture Polish
1/2 cup olive oil
12 drops of lemon essential oil
Mix the ingredients in a glass jar. Dab a soft rag into the solution and wipe onto
wood surfaces or leather. Cover the glass jar and store indefinitely.
Mold Remover
1 cup of water
1 teaspoon of melaleuca essential oil
5 drops of lemon essential oil
Add the 1 cup of water, 1 teaspoon of melaleuca essential oil, and the 5 drops of
lemon essential oil to a spray bottle and shake to combine. Spray on the mildew or
mold. Allow to dry and the mildew or mold should fade.
Citrus Scented Homemade Cleaning Wipes
These homemade cleaning wipes work really well all over the house for wiping
down surfaces and sticky residue that is left behind through my busy house of boys.
I especially like them for doing a quick freshening up in the bathroom and the
kitchen surfaces. Here is how to make your own citrus wipes.
1 container (a shallow dish-plastic or glass) with a lid works well (large enough to
hold a dozen cloths)
12 thin cloths (utility cloths work great- or cut up recycled old t-shirts)
15 drops of lemon essential oil
15 drops of orange essential oil
1 1/2 cups of vinegar (white distilled)
1 1/2 cups of water
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2 tablespoons of baking soda
2 tablespoons of fragrance and dye free liquid soap (hand or dish soap)
Add the vinegar, water, baking soda, and liquid soap in a bowl and gently mix.
Add the lemon and orange essential oil and mix.
Let the mixture sit until it quits fizzing.
Add the cloths into the bowl and with hands squish the cloths until all are wet.
Gently squeeze the water (not completely) and neatly place the cloths in the plastic
container, making sure the cloths are good and damp.
Close with the sealable lid.
Store at room temperature, pulling out a cloth whenever you need to clean.
If you prefer to use one essential oil, just use 30 drops of one scent, and if you don't
like citrus smells, use your favorite essential oil fragrance to freshen your home.
Next, we will move to the kitchen for our next natural room makeover. These are my
favorite cleaning recipes for my kitchen. They are all simple to make, gentle to smell,
and will keep your most used room of the house fresh and sparkling.
Microwave Oven Cleaner
1 cup of water
2 drops of lemon essential oil
2 drops of orange essential oil
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Mix the 2 drops of lemon essential oil and the 2 drops of orange essential oil into the
cup of water (make sure the cup is microwave safe). Place the cup in the center of
the microwave oven and turn on 5 minutes. Allow the cup to sit without opening the
door for 10 minutes after it stops. Open the door, carefully remove the hot cup,
discard the liquid, and wipe down the interior of the microwave oven.
Refrigerator Cleaner
6 2/3 cups of water
1 cup of vinegar (white distilled)
5 drops of lemon essential oil or juice from a 1/2 lemon
Mix the 6 2/3 cups of water, 1 cup of vinegar (white distilled), and the 5 drops of
lemon essential oil or fresh lemon juice and pour into a spray bottle. Saturate the
area and wipe with a clean cloth.
Garbage Disposal Cleanser / Drain Cleaner / Drain Deodorizer
1/2 cup of vinegar (white distilled)
1/4 cup of baking soda
Turn off the water. Sprinkle the baking soda in the drain. Allow it to sit for 10 to 15
minutes. Pour the vinegar on top of the baking soda. Mixture will fix and bubble.
Give it about 5 minutes to work, then follow with warm water in drains or warm
water and run the garbage disposal for a minute to rinse out the cleanser.
Vent Hood Filter Cleaner
1 to 2 cups of hot water
1/2 cup of baking soda
5 drops of lemon essential oil
Mix the hot water, baking soda, and lemon essential oil in a bowl. Place the vent
hood filters on a large baking sheet (make sure it has lips to hold the water). Pour
the hot cleaner over the filters, and using a toothbrush, clean the filters. Rinse under
the tap when the grease is removed. Dry with paper towels and replace the filters.
Fruit & Vegetable Cleaner
1 cup of water
2 tablespoons of baking soda
5 drops of lemon essential oil
Mix the water, baking soda, and lemon essential oil and pour into a spray bottle.
Wash vegetables (and fruit) with water, then spray and coat with the vegetable
cleaner. Let sit for 5 minutes. Rinse produce with water.
Organic Berry Wash
Fill kitchen sink with cold water, add ½ cup to 1 cup of vinegar to the water.
Add your organic berries to the sink of vinegar water and let soak for 10-15
minutes. This works amazingly well to keep organic berries from molding before
you have a chance to eat them! I just recently discovered this gem, and I was so
thrilled. There is nothing more disappointing then buying those berries and having
them mold before you can even use them. ( You can also use this as a vegetable
Natural Dishwasher Tablets
1 cup of Epsom salts
2 cups of washing soda
2 cups of Borax
1 1/2 cups of fresh lemon juice
Add all the powdered ingredients to a large bowl and stir to combine. Slowly add the
lemon juice until you have a moldable paste. Place the paste into ice cube trays. You
do not want to put the paste any thicker than the depth of the detergent tray in the
automatic dishwasher. The paste will quickly dry to where you can pop out the
tablets out of the ice cube trays. Let them air-dry completely before you store them
in an airtight container. Use one per load of dishes.
Dishwasher Rinse Aid
1 quart white vinegar
8-10 drops lemon essential oil
Combine vinegar and essential oil in a quart glass canning jar with lid and shake to
mix. Add to dishwasher’s rinse aide container.
Oven Cleaner Recipe
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1 Cup Baking Soda
2-5 drops of liquid detergent
Sprinkle water generously over the bottom of the oven, then cover the grime with
enough baking soda so the surface it totally white. Sprinkle some more water over
the top. Let the mixture set overnight. You can easily wipe up the grease the next
morning because the grime will have loosened. When you have cleaned up the worst
of the mess, dab a bit of liquid detergent or soap on a sponge, and wash the
remaining residue from the oven. If this recipe doesn't work for you it is probably
because you didn't use enough baking soda and/or water.
Let’s face it, laundry rooms and the work of keeping up with our ever-growing
mound of clothes can be overwhelming and not so pleasant. I have thoroughly
enjoyed finding alternatives to the commercial soaps and fabric solutions that leave
a lot of fragrance without a lot of results.
These recipes I have included for making over your laundry room will bring you
great results; you will save a lot of money, and have fresh smelling laundry that is
truly clean. I hope you enjoy these favorite go-to recipes for your laundry room
needs and that they bring you some pleasure in the midst of your pile of laundry.
Laundry Liquid Soap Recipe
3 1/2 cups of boiling water
1 1/2 cups of washing soda
1 1/2 cups of borax
1 1/2 cups of grated Castile soap (you can also use the liquid version of this soap)
Add the grated soap (add liquid last if using that version) into your boiling water
over low heat. Melt the soap thoroughly and then add the washing soda and borax.
Stir until these are dissolved completely. Place this mixture into 2 gallons of cool
water and stir until mixed thoroughly. This mixture should be placed into a bucket
that comes with a lid. It only takes 1/4 of this liquid to was a whole tub of clothes.
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Make sure to stir this laundry soap in between uses. Add more water if it becomes
Laundry Powder Soap Recipe
10 cups of borax powder
6 cups of washing soda
6 cups of fine grated Castile bar soap
6 cups of baking soda
Stir all the ingredients together in a bucket. Make sure the bucket has a lid that fits
on it. Use about 1/8 to 1/4 cup of this powder for each load of laundry depending on
the size of your washing machine.
Front Load Washing Machine Rubber Ring Freshener
As you know the front loading washing machines can get stinky. I love this simple
spray to spritz my washing machine rubber ring and give it a fresh smell.
5-10 drops of Melaleuca essential oil
Fill a small spray bottle with water and essential oil.
Shake up the mixture in your spray bottle. (and before each use)
Between washes you can spray this mixture on your rubber ring of your frontloading washing machine. Leave the door open and allow the mixture to air dry, or
wipe clean.
Liquid Fabric Softener
1 gallon of white vinegar
15-30 drops of essential oil
Add essential oil to gallon jug of vinegar and shake up. Add vinegar fabric softener to
the fabric softener or rinse cycle vessel in washing machine.
Natural Lavender Dryer Wool Balls
You can save money and use this simple solution for replacing your dryer sheets.
Once you purchase wool balls, you can use them for a long time, keeping cost down
and giving you chemical-free laundry.
Wool dryer balls.(available here)
Lavender essential oil (or your favorite scent)
Add 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil to each of your dryer wool balls right before
placing in the dryer. (you will use 2 balls per load)
Oxygen Cleaner & Stain Remover
1 cup of water (hot)
1/2 cup of baking soda
1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide
5 drops of lemon essential oil
Mix the 1 cup of water (hot) and 1/2 cup of baking soda with a spoon. Stir together
to dissolve baking soda. Let cool down for a few minutes. Once cooled down, add
the 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide, and 5 drops of lemon essential oil in a spray
bottle. Shake well to combine. This oxygen cleaner and stain remover is great for
surface cleaning in your laundry room and home and spot removing on fabrics.
Lavender Linen Spray
1 Tbsp rubbing alcohol
Lavender essential oil
Fill a small spray bottle with distilled water
Add rubbing alcohol (this keeps the spray from clogging the nozzle and mixed well)
Add 5-10 drops of lavender essential oil
Shake linen spray mixture and use this for freshening sheets, pillowcases
Lavender has a natural relaxing sleepy time effect that is sure to please the whole
family. This linen spray can be used all over the home on curtains, and other
blankets and linens. Just give a light mist, and you'll have an instantly fresh home.
Ironing Spritzer
Fill a spray bottle with a simple solution of water and a 3-5 drops of lavender
essential oil. Shake to mix. When ironing linens, spritz a bit of the lavender water on
before ironing it will not only help get out the wrinkles but also give a fresh clean
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There is nothing really more unpleasant then cleaning bathrooms with harsh
chemicals. I was thrilled when I could find ways to clean my bathroom with natural
methods that left it sparkling and pleasant smelling. Here are my favorite bathroom
cleaners. In addition to these recipes, you will find many cleaners that will work for
your bathroom mirror, tile, and floor in the previous all-purpose cleaning recipe
Natural Tile Grout Cleaner
Most commercial grout cleaners have strong caustic ingredients in them. These are
hard on the hands, eyes and even nasal passages not to mention harmful to the tile
finish. Instead of using these cleaners, try the recipe below.
1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup of lemon juice
2 cups of washing soda (more if needed)
Mix these ingredients into a paste. Add more washing soda if needed to form the
paste. Use a small brush or sponge to work the paste into to the grout between the
tiles. Scrub with the paste until the dirt and stains are removed. Rinse with warm
water and towel dry or let air-dry. You will see how easily this mixture cleans your
grout without harming you or the finish on the tiles.
Homemade Poo-Pourri Spray
Have you discovered the ingenious Poo-Pourri spray that can make your big
business in the toilet smell better? if you have not used this amazing product. well it
is just that–amazing. Poo-Pourri comes in really cute packaging, and is called the
“before you go” spray.
The way Poo-Pourri works is it creates a oily surface (barrier) on the top of your
toilet bowl water. This oily barrier keeps all poo smells from wafting into the
bathroom when you go. And I am telling you it does work, thus given the
appropriate name of Poo-Pourri! In my house of boys I was so happy to discover
this great product. However, this little gem of a product cost around $9.00 a bottle.
(for a small bottle)
So why not make my own homemade Poo-Pourri Spray and save a lot of
money? I thought I would try my hand at making a Poo-Pourri spray using
my essential oils. I figured that if the oily film on the water was the key to the
success of the no-poo smell, then this should work.
I am happy to report that this homemade version is mom-approved, kid-approved,
family-approved and works just as well as the store-bought version. Here is what
you need to make homemade Poo-Pourri spray.
3.5 oz. water
30 drops wild orange
30 drops lavender
30 drops lemongrass
4 oz. dark glass spray bottle
Put all the ingredients in your bottle and shake up. That's it. It couldn't be easier.
Have fun making different combos of essential oils, and play around with the
amounts of drops for different scents. I just found that you need to have the 60
drops total to make it good and effective! (Be sure to shake your bottle each time
you use it, to incorporate the oils with the water.)
*This spray also works for scenting your hand towel or freshening the air as well.
All Natural Fizzing Toilet Cleaner
This is my all-time favorite toilet cleaner, and the bonus is that my boys love to clean
toilets, so they can watch the fizzing action! I love using toxic-free bathroom
cleaners, and I can feel good about my kids using them as well. I hope you give this
super easy toilet cleaner recipe a try.
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1/4 cup of baking soda
4 drops of melaleuca oil
1/4 cup of white vinegar
Add all the ingredients into the toilet bowl in the order they are listed. Let the
fizzing action happen, then swish and scrub with a toilet brush making sure to get
under the rim. Flush to rinse. You will be amazed at the results and the nice pleasant
Toilet Paper Natural Deodorizer
This is the simplest bathroom deodorizer ever. Add a few drops of your favorite
scent of essential oil to the inside of your toilet paper rolls. This will add some
instant fresh scent to your bathroom and you can get a whiff of it every time you
spin that roll! Simple, easy and smells so nice.
Easy Disinfectant Spray
10-20 drops of lemon or melaleuca essential oil
Add essential oils to a spray bottle of water. Shake and spray on all surfaces to
disinfect. This is great for cleaning down surfaces in the bathroom, but also for kid's
toys and any surfaces throughout the home.
There are many things in your house that you can use for natural air deodorizers.
You will avoid any harsh chemicals when you make your own air fresheners from
things you happen to have in your cabinets. With some natural herbs, spices, and
citrus peels you can create a fresh smelling home. You will be surprised how you can
grab kitchen cupboard items combined with essential oils to fill your home with
pleasant smells.
Simple Citrus Peels
The outside peel of oranges and lemons is called the zest. This zest is used to add
flavor to many food dishes. However, did you know that you could freshen and
deodorize your home with this zest? Place the zest of your choice into boiling water
and then turn the water to simmer. The fragrance from the zest will fill the air and
deodorize it.
Spices and Herbs
Similar to the citrus peels you can simmer a mix of spices and herbs in water.
Cinnamon, cloves, rosemary, peppermint, and lavender are just some of the spices
and herbs that you can use to refresh the air. Just make sure not to let the water
totally evaporate from the spices and herbs.
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Dried Aromatic Herbs
Dried aromatic herbs can be place into small containers and placed throughout the
house. This will subtly refresh the air. You will not have to worry about stalesmelling air.
Diffusing Essential Oils
Placing some essential oils into a diffuser is an awesome way to clean and freshen
the air in your home. Many essential oils have antiviral, antifungal, or antibacterial
qualities that will clean the air as well as freshen it. Lemon, eucalyptus, basil,
cinnamon or peppermint essential oils are just some of the choices. Use these and
you will be sold on their effectiveness.
I personally don’t use many candles for home fragrance items anymore. After using
the natural stovetop recipes, a cool air diffuser and essential oils, I have all the home
fragrance I need.
Why Should We Diffuse?
Essential oils are widely used in aromatherapy applications. Certain essential oils,
when diffused in the air, can be very stimulating while others can be calming and
soothing. Beyond emotional benefits, diffusing essential oils can purify air of
unwanted odors and some airborne pathogens. Also, when diffusing therapeutic
grade essential oils they can have healing properties to the body for wellness.
Diffused essential oils have been found to reduce the amount of airborne chemicals
and to help create a soothing and pleasant home environment.
Types Of Diffusers
There are different kinds of diffusers, so be sure to only use low or no-heat essential
oil diffusers are recommended, as heat can change the chemical structure of the oil
being diffused. You will not want to use a heat humidifier or vaporizer with essential
Cool Air Nebulizing Diffuser – Uses room-temperature air to break the oils into a
micro-fine mist that is then dispersed into the air, covering hundreds of sq ft in
seconds. The easiest and simplest way of putting a fine mist of the whole oil into the
air for inhalation is to use a nebulizing diffuser.
Ultrasonic Diffuser – Uses ultrasonic vibrations to convert oil mixed with water
into a fine water vapor. When diffused in this manner, the oils, with their
oxygenating molecules, will then remain suspended several hours to freshen and
improve the quality of air.
* A quick fact about diffusing lemon essential oil
Did you know that diffusing lemon essential oil can rid your home of airborne
germs? Diffusing lemon can kill Meningococcus in 15 minutes. Typhus in under an
hour. Staph A in two hours, and Pneumococcus bacteria within three. It is even
known that a 2 percent solution of lemon essential oil can stop tuberculosis
bacteria. (See Jean Valnet, M.D. The practice of Aromatherapy, 1980)
Stove Top Natural Scent Recipes
Here are some simple stovetop recipes you can throw together in minutes and give
your home a natural scent just using ingredients from your kitchen. Add these
ingredients to a simmering pot of water. You can also put them in a small slow
cooker and let it add a homey fresh scent to the air. Have fun trying different
combinations of fruits and spices to find your personal favorites.
Cinnamon Apple Spice
2 Cinnamon sticks
Apple peel
Orange peel
1 tbsp whole cloves
Savory Lemon
4 slices of lemon
3 sprigs of rosemary
1 tsp of vanilla
Spicy Citrus
lemon peel orange peel
2 bay leaves
2 cinnamon sticks
1 tbsp whole cloves
Minty Lime
4 lime slices
3 sprigs of thyme
3 springs of mint
1 tsp vanilla
Sweet Orange Ginger
orange peels or slices
1 cinnamon stick
fresh grated or powdered ginger
2-3 drops of almond extract
Cinnamon Vanilla Orange
2 cinnamon sticks
3-4 drops of vanilla
orange peels
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Orange Cranberry Spice
Orange peelings
¼ cup cranberries
1 tablespoon of whole cloves
1-2 cinnamon sticks
Cleaning The Air With Houseplants
Adding green houseplants to your home help to clean the air naturally. Not only do
they clean the air, they provide natural beauty, and a calming effect while making
our homes look pretty. The best part is houseplants are easy to care for and are a
cheap decorating element. You can read all about how I like decorating with plants
for beauty and the health benefits in my home.
Essentially Scented House Paint
Did you know you can add some drops of essential oil to your interior toxic-free
paint? This will give a fresh scent to your paint and provide some aromatherapy as
you roll on the paint! Add some drops of lavender, orange, lemon, or peppermint to
freshen up your room as you makeover your walls. You can pick your favorite scent
and have fun freshening up your home in more ways than one.
Getting rid of all the critters, weeds, and pesky things in our home and garden can
be a real chore. I always hated filling my home with the scent of Raid or spraying my
weeds with Round Up knowing they were full of harsh toxic chemicals. I went on a
mission to find natural solutions for our bug and pest problems. Here is a great
collection of natural solutions for your home and garden.
Eco Ant Killer
A combination of peppermint oil, apple cider vinegar, and water is a great natural
ant deterrent for inside the house. Mix one cup of apple cider vinegar, one cup of
water, and 5 drops of pure peppermint oil in a spray bottle. Spray down your
countertops and other surfaces where you have noticed ants. Do this as often as
needed to scare off ants. Planting tansy in your garden will deter ants from coming
around. Ants also do not like peppermint, but plant this in a contained area as it can
grow out of control at times.
Spider Ridder
Mix 4 cups of water with 6 drops each of Castile soap and peppermint or lemon
essential oil. Stir well to combine and pour into a clean spray bottle. You can spray
on and around your plants, windows, and overhangs to deter spiders from setting
up house. Be careful with this mixture inside the house only because it could stain
the walls or fabrics. You can place this mixture in dishes or on cotton balls to
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prevent spiders from crawling through the house. Peppermint and lemon essential
oil by itself will repel spiders and this is easy to sprinkle on cotton balls without
mixing soap with it. The soap does allow the mixture to stay on surfaces outside the
house though, so use the whole recipe for the garden.
Gnat No More
Essential oils are great natural gnat deterrents. My favorite is peppermint essential
oil. Inside the house, place the peppermint oil in dishes or on cottons balls. You can
place the cotton balls on plastic trays to keep the oil from staining fabrics or the
walls. You can plant peppermint in your garden to keep gnats from being attracted
to your garden. You can even add 4 drops of peppermint oil to one teaspoon of
jojoba oil and apply it to your skin to keep the gnats away from you as you work in
the garden.
Flea Spray
Mix together 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, 4 cups of water, and 3 drops of cedar oil.
Stir well to combine and place the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray your dog with
this spray as needed to keep the fleas away. Be careful not to get the mixture into
your pet's eyes. (use caution with essential oils around cats as they can be rather
toxic to them)
Mice Be Gone
Mice hate peppermint! Place drops of peppermint essential oil on cotton balls and
tuck in corners and crevices where mice want to creep. They will run the other way!
The peppermint is toxic to them, and this is a really easy way to get them out for
Bug Off Spray
This is a multi-use natural bug spray that you can use inside and outside the house
to keep all sorts of bugs away. Mix together 1 cup of distilled water, 1 cup of witch
hazel, 5 drops of lavender essential oil, 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil, 5 drops of
clove essential oil, and 1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin. (You can create any
combination of essential oils you prefer.)
*I also like to use doTERRA’s essential oil blend Terra Shield, which was created as a
natural bug repellant. You can apply the oil blend directly to the skin, or add 20
drops of it to a spray bottle with water. Just shake and spritz on yourself, kids, and
even your farm animals.
Gardener’s Hand Scrub Recipe
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup olive oil
4 drops of rosemary essential oil
4 drops of lemon essential oil
Stir together oil and sugar in a glass bowl until well incorporated. Then add drops of
essential oils. You can adjust the drops of oil for the amount of scent you want. Stir
together well, and place in a jar with a lid. This makes a great scrub to put by the
sink when you come in from working outside in the garden.
Natural Weed Killer
This is my favorite weed spray to replace Round-Up, and it works really well.
One gallon of white vinegar
1/2 c table salt,
2 Tbsp of liquid detergent
Shake and mix ingredients together and pour into a spray bottle or weed spray
dispenser. Spray vinegar mixture on weeds making sure to avoid your grass. For
best results spray when there is no rain coming within 12 hours of applying.
You can use essential oils for treating your animals. You can make natural flea
sprays and ointments. For tips on using essential oils with your pets and farm
animals, I recommend Holistic Aromatherapy For Animals.
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Converting to chemical-free skin and body care is an important place to do some
makeover work. Our skin is considered the largest organ of the body, it can be a
place where a lot of toxins are absorbed. I have felt so much better since I have
changed over many of my body care products to natural homemade alternatives
that are free of harmful chemicals.
You will see very fast how you can save a lot of money making your own simple
home recipes, while pampering and taking care of your body at the same time.
DIY Makeup Remover Recipe
2 oz. Jojoba oil
1 vitamin E capsule
3 drops of soothing essential oil such as, geranium is very good for the skin, or
lavender would be wonderful too.
Combine ingredients and store in a dark glass bottle, preferably with a dropper for
application. Gently apply the makeup remover to your face. Rub around gently and
rinse off.
Clay Face Wash
1/2 cup Redmond clay powder
5 drops of lavender, geranium or roman chamomile essential oil
Combine clay powder and essential oils together and place in a small airtight glass
jar. When ready to use, combine a small portion of clay powder with some water to
make a paste type consistency. Rub all over face gently, let sit for several minutes for
a cleansing mask. Rinse with warm water and pat dry.
Honey Face Wash
1/2 cup raw honey
10 drops of geranium or lavender essential oil
Combine honey and essential oil and place in a small jar or bottle with a lid for
storage. Apply a thin layer of the honey mixture to your face, avoiding the eyes. Rub
gently all around the face. Let sit for a few minutes on your face. Rinse off with warm
Natural Skin Toner
2 tbsp organic apple cider vinegar
4 tbsp water
8 drops lavender or roman chamomile essential oil
Combine vinegar, water and essential oils and place in a small glass spray bottle.
Shake mixture well before each use. After cleansing skin, spray your skin with a
misting of the toner to freshen you skin.
Simple Skin Moisturizer
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1/4 cup olive oil
4 drops of lavender essential oil
Add ingredients to a dark glass bottle. Apply to clean damp skin
(This moisturizer is wonderful for using on a baby or small child’s skin as well)
Baby Bottom Spray
2 tbsp fractionated coconut oil
2 drops each of melaleuca, roman chamomile, lavender
1 tsp of unscented liquid soap (such as Castile)
Distilled water
Add first three ingredients to an 8-12 oz spray bottle then fill the bottle with
distilled water. Shake to mix. This spray can be used to wash baby’s bottom, then
wipe with a soft cotton washcloth.
Simple Detox Foot Bath
There are so many benefits to taking detoxification baths. You can take a full bath,
and I highly recommend that if you are fighting off flus, colds and infections in the
body. If a full bath is not what you are up for you can do a simple detox foot bath.
Your feet have the largest pours in the body, so soaking the feet is a great way to go.
By soaking the feet you can remove impurities and toxins out of the body, in a
soothing natural way. I love to do these at least once a week. You will love the way
you feel when you are finished. So relaxed and invigorated at the same time.
1/4 cup Epsom salt
1/4 cup of baking soda
3-6 drops of essential oils. I like to use lavender for a calming effect. I also love using
Frankincense for its healing properties. You can use different combinations of oils
that you like.
Stir your essential oils into the baking soda and salts first so that they get
incorporated and don’t just float on the top of the water.
Fill a store-bought foot spa tub or any plastic tub with the warmest water you can
stand, as it cools off quickly. Add your salt/baking soda mixture as the water is
running and make sure it gets dissolved.
Sit back watch a movie, read a book, and relax as your feet get pampered and you
get rejuvenated. Drink some water after taking any detoxification bath to replenish
your fluids.
Pregnancy Moisturizing Butter
This is a great butter for that itchy belly, stretch marks, and for general moisturizing.
1/2 cup unrefined coconut oil
1/4 cup cocoa butter
1/4 cup shea butter
20 drops of sandalwood essential oil
15 drops of lavender essential oil
15 drops of geranium essential oil
Melt the coconut oil, cocoa butter, and shea butter over low heat. Stir and allow to
cool down slightly. When mixture is still warm add essential oils. Pour mixture into
a jar with lid. Apply liberally to belly, legs, and breasts as needed.
Hand Sanitizer Recipe
2 tbsp of water
6 drops of melaleuca essential oil
1/2 tsp witch hazel
Place ingredients in small spray bottle. Shake before each use.
You might also enjoy these recipes and tips
Homemade Lavender Sugar Scrub
Homemade Citrus Bath Salts
Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub
Simple Pedicures At Home
9 Natural Skin Solutions Using Witch Hazel
Benefits of Oil Pulling for Oral Health
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I didn’t want to write this book without addressing our physical bodies as part of
the home makeover. You and your family’s health are the most important part
of any toxic-free transformation. This is actually one of the first places to start,
and you won’t believe the difference in how you feel.
I can’t tell you what a thrill it is for us to be able to use natural alternatives as much
as possible in our home. We save so much money on trips to urgent care and doctor
appointments, not to mention all the over-the-counter products we have replaced.
You can do the same.
Our Personal Health Makeover
When our family started our medicine cabinet makeover, our cabinet looked like
any average bathroom cupboard. It was chock full of over-the-counter medications.
We knew nothing different.
Once we were introduced to the doTERRA essential oils, a rapid change began. My
kids were coming to me asking for oils for their cut or bee sting. My husband was
finding oil remedies for his digestive issues, and I was getting immediate relief for
my seasonal allergies; all without nasty side effects. It was so liberating.
We were able to stop buying Prilosec, Claritin D, Pepto-Bismol, Tums, and
loads of cold and cough medications. Talk about saving money!
Here is a before and after image that is very similar to the medicine cabinet
makeover that took place in our home. You can see the money saved is significant by
switching from over-the-counter medications to essential oils and natural remedies.
It’s truly worth the time and effort.
The list of ways we use essential oils is very significant. Here are ways we have
used doTERRA essential oils for our family.
Cuts Bruises, Bee Stings, and Skin Conditions
Seasonal Allergy Relief
Tummy Aches
Digestive health
Attention issues
Hormone Control
Feelings of Depression
Mood control
Homemade Cleaning Recipes
Homemade Beauty Recipes
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Nail Fungus
Breathing Issues
Sleeping Aid
Flus, Coughs & Colds
Fever Reducing
Animal Care
Home Maintenance
Flavoring Foods
In the essential oil world you will hear people say, “There’s an oil for that!” I hope
you can see after reading my list above, why we make this statement. In most
circumstances there is an oil that we can use to treat any ailment that we have.
Please understand that we use common sense and go to the doctor when we feel it is
We don’t know what life was like before doTERRA essential oils in our family. It’s
now a natural habit to grab for an essential oil and to look up a remedy in our
Modern Essentials Book for the particular ailment in which we are struggling with.
It’s truly a blessing.
I do want to say that we don’t only rely on essential oils for all our health needs. We
look at health from a holistic approach. As a family we also take nutritional
supplements, try to get the rest we need, exercise, and eat a whole foods diet. We
believe in all good things coming into balance to have optimum wellness.
If you are interested in using essential oils as a viable health remedy, as I mentioned
earlier, it is very important to only use high-quality oils on your skin or inside your
Safety Precautions With Essential Oils
Please use common sense when using the oils for your body. Do not put them in
your eyes or inner ears, and use a carrier oil if you are using them on children or on
someone with sensitive skin. There are certain oils that are considered to be “hot”
oils and should always be applied with a carrier oil for proper dilution.
It is of upmost importance that you use caution with essential oils and use them
safely. Read here about Essential Oil Safety. You can also read this excellent guide
to proper care in using essential oils.
How To Apply Essential Oils
This is a simple way to get the health benefits of essential oils. By diffusing oils into
the air you can reap the benefits and create a wonderful toxic-free environment.
There are a variety of diffusers on the market. Be sure to read more about diffusing
oils in The Scented Room Makeover chapter.
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Essential oils are easily absorbed by the skin and can be safely applied topically.
Application of essential oils can have immediate, localized benefit to the target area
of application. They have restorative and calming properties and can be used
effectively with massage and beauty therapy. They are also natural disinfectants and
can be anti-viral. The chemical structure of essential oils also allows them to be
absorbed into the bloodstream via the skin for internal benefit throughout the body.
How do I apply topically?
1. Rub the oil onto the souls of the feet – The feet are the second fastest area of the
body to absorb oils because of the large pores. This is a great way to apply oils to
2. Quick-absorbing areas include behind the ears, the wrists, and at the base of the
back of the neck.
3. Rub onto specific area of concern. (Example, bug bites, chest, temples, etc.)
*Before applying essential oil topically, you must read the directions that come with
the essential oils. Some oils need a carrier oil to be applied topically. To get optimum
health benefits you can also refer to reflexology charts to apply oils in targeted areas
for specific ailments.
You can take some essential oils internally as a dietary supplement (by placing in a
capsule) This is why I chose doTERRA. It is important to never ingest an oil unless it
is specifically labeled as being therapeutic-grade AND safe for ingestion.
What Is A Carrier Oil?
Carrier oil, also known as base oil or vegetable oil, is used to dilute essential
oils and absolutes before they are applied to the skin in massage and aromatherapy.
They are so named because they carry the essential oil onto the skin. Carrier oils do
not contain a concentrated aroma. They are used because most essential oils are too
concentrated to apply directly to the skin. The carrier oils used should be as natural
and unadulterated as possible.
Types of Carrier Oils
Coconut Oil (Fractionated)
Grapeseed Oil
Jojoba Oil
Sweet Almond Oil
*To learn more about carrier oils, visit here. Always use a carrier oil with small
children, babies, and those with sensitive skin.
The Top 10 Oils To Get You Started
So where to get started? If you are interested in starting to explore the essential oil
world, I thought I would go over 10 most popular essential oils and blends that
doTERRA offers and are a great place to begin.
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These 10 oils and blends are just a small sampling of all the essential oils available,
and are what our family started with. Be sure to refer to my resource list in the next
chapter to further your knowledge about essential oils, and as always be sure to
visit my blog for on-going essential oil posts.
Here is a list of some essential oil posts you might enjoy as well.
25 Ways To Use Lavender Essential Oil
25 Ways To Use Peppermint Essential Oil
25 Ways To Use Lemon Essential Oil
25 Ways To Use Melaleuca
25 Ways To Use Orange Essential Oil
25 Ways To Use Frankincense Essential Oil
25 Ways To Uses Oregano Essential Oil
Ways To Use Lemongrass Essential Oil
Ways To Use On Guard Essential Oil Blend
Ways To Use DigestZen Essential Oil Blend
Ways To Use Breathe Essential Oil Blend
How To Treat Seasonal Allergies Naturally
I know this makeover book has a lot of information and a big variety of things for
you to read through and process. Here is a resource list of helpful books and links to
explore as you embark on your own natural home makeover.
Modern Essentials : A Contemporary Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils
(The NEW 5th Edition) by Aroma Tools
This is what we like to call the essential oil bible. You won’t want to be without it
when you use doTERRA oils. You can look up any condition or ailment and it will
give you specific instructions on what oil to use and how to apply it. (I give this book
free to anyone who orders an oil kit through my blog) - A comprehensive go-to website to look up all
uses for doTERRA essential oils for specific health issues.
The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy – by Valerie Ann Worwood
Over 600 Natural, Non-Toxic and Fragrant Recipes to Create Health — Beauty — a
Safe Home Environment
The Naturally Clean Home: 150 Super-Easy Herbal Formulas for Green Cleaning
by Karyn Siegel-Maier
Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth, and Babies– by Stephanie Fritz
Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth & Babies is a reference guide written for
pregnant women or anyone assisting them, including midwives and doulas.
Holistic Aromatherapy For Animals – by Kristen Leigh Bell
A Comprehensive Guide to the Use of Essential Oils & Hydrosols with Animals
More Natural Cleaning Tips and Recipes You Might Enjoy
60 Ways To use Baking Soda
Uses For Vinegar
24 Ways To Use Hydrogen Peroxide
10 Household Uses For Salt
Ways To Clean With Lemons
Ways To Use Castile Soap
©2014 by Denise L Thompson / Natural Home Makeover
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If you are interested in purchasing essential oils through me, there are several ways
to do so.
1. Retail: You can purchase them directly from my online store for full retail price.
2. Preferred Member: You can sign up as a Preferred Member. Preferred Members
pay only $10 for a lifetime membership, which enables them to receive a 20%
discount on everything they purchase.
3. Wellness Advocate: You can sign up as a Wellness Advocate (WA).
WA’s pay $35/year which enables them to:
 Get all products at wholesale cost (25% off retail)
 Have their own online store and back office
 Sign up others and earn commissions (optional, with no obligation to sell)
As a Wellness Advocate you are under no obligations to sell to others. There are no
quotas or minimums that you must meet. When I first signed up, I had no desire to
sell oils to others; I simply wanted the wholesale pricing. However I’ve found that as
I use the oils, I can’t help but want to share them with others. Now I am happy to say
I get to share something I am passionate about and make a good income for my
There is also a Loyalty Rewards Program that gives you credit for purchasing oils
on a monthly basis, and also allows you to be eligible to receive free products. I find
that this program has been a great way to build my collection and earn free stuff in
the process.
There are a variety of enrollment kits available. Purchasing a kit is the best way to
get started and I highly recommend starting out with one, as it is a wonderful,
money-saving way to start your oil journey.
Be sure to head over to my blog for the step-by-step process of signing up and
ordering oils one of the three ways I mentioned above.
How To Purchase Essential Oils
When you click over to my purchase page
you can view the special kit incentives with amazing freebies that are available
exclusively through me and my blog.
I hope this Natural Home Makeover book has inspired you. My goal in writing this
book was to share a bit about our family journey, and to pass on what we have
learned along the way. I hope you feel equipped with some new recipes, tips, and
newfound desire to expand your knowledge and understanding into living toxic free.
Remember to take one day at a time, and you will be well on your way to a natural
home in no time at all. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may
have, and frequent my blog for continuing weekly posts.
Can You Do Me A Favor?
If you enjoyed this book or like to read my blog, would you tell a friend? If you know
someone who would like to receive my free blog updates or would benefit from this
complimentary book, please send them over to subscribe so they can receive their
free copy as well.
Please Be Kind
An Ebook is meant to be the sole property of the purchaser. You may share portions
of it with a friend, but forwarding the entire book or copying portions of it to a blog
or website without permission is a violation of copyright.
Happy Home Makeover!
©2014 by Denise L Thompson / Natural Home Makeover
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I am thrilled to “meet” you, even if only across the pages of this little book and
through my blog. I am honored that you taken the time to read what I have to share,
and hope you will feel at home within the pages of my online space.
My blog posts and books are a reflection of my own desire to create a home that
nourishes my family’s souls and feeds their spirits with love.
I am a wife and mom of three boys. Together with my family, we reside in the
beautiful Pacific Northwest where we intentionally live a simple natural lifestyle.
We homeschool our twin boys which fills most of our daily time with delight
directed learning. Our oldest son has graduated from homeschooling and is now
attending Bible college in Australia.
We have the blessing of living on 10 quiet acres in a 110 year old farmhouse you see
pictured above, which is always an on-going remodeling project but brings us a lot
of enjoyment as well.
I am the first to admit that I am not perfect and neither is my home. I get messy
drawers just like everyone else, and dislike cleaning bathrooms in a house of boys!
I am definitely a product of God’s grace and my life has been redeemed in more
ways than one. I don’t have it all together, but I love to serve the Lord, who is the
only reason I even exist.
If you are new to my blog, here is what you will find:
 Yummy Nutritious Recipes (including gluten free & dairy free)
 Decorating & Natural DIY Tips
 Faith & Family Inspiration
 Health & Natural Beauty Tips
 Essential Oil Recipes, Tips & Uses
Don’t be shy and introduce yourself to me through a comment on the blog, Facebook
or via email. I love to hear from my readers.
Blessings to you,
By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through
knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.
Proverbs 23:3-4 NIV
Where To Find Me:
Contact Me: By Email
Medical Disclaimer:
The products and statements in this book have not been evaluated by the United
States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure or prevent disease. All information provided in this book is for informational
purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or
other health care professional. You should not use the information in this book for
diagnosis or treatment of any health problem.
Some of the links contained in this book are affiliate links. That means if you click on
the link and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission that goes to
supporting this free book and the work I do on Little House on the Valley blog.
©2014 by Denise L Thompson / Natural Home Makeover
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