F.B.A.S CHAMPIONSHIP CLASSES .3 HA.. r.Mr( AS LISTED IN F.B.A.S.LIST BEST IN SHOW BEST EXHIBIT BEST COLDWATER JUDGESINVITED Mr K. GOCKER Mr A. STEVENS Mr L. Pearce Mr p. CORBETT Mr G. STEPTOWE Mr D. NICE Mr G. CHESSWRTGHT All fishes must be to F.B.A.S.standardsand will be judged to F.B.A.S.standards DearFriends, well to the MSAS open show. I hope all your fish have survivedwhat seemsto me to have beena colderthan usualwinter. we are again sponsoredby JBL & a numbershopswhose supportis greatlyappreciated. I am lookingforwardto seeingyou all again this year,sadly one person won't be with us this year,we will all miss lvan's presenceat showsand conventions Clive CliveWalker(Chairman)MSAS EmergencyPhoneNumbers. Cfive: 07780996557 Joh n : 0 7 8 8 20 6 3 9 3 9 Therewill be Glub TableSalesof surplus stock IVANDIBBLE From Gleveland,Somerset It was sad news to recieveover xmas that lvan had passed away, I had known lvan for many years and many of us admired his devotion to Fishkeeping& to the ..Ark,'project in Mexico R.l.P.lvan Jo h n THANKYOU TO OUR SPONSORS F.B.A.S. JBL.INTERPET . TETRA MAIDENHEAD AQUATICS. LACEYSPRINTERSLTD CLASSESFORMID.SUSSEX OPENSHOW AK Ag AQUASCAPE MlNlFURNISHED AQUARIA 10x I x 6 (250MM X 200MMX 150MM) B BARBSOTHERTHAN Ba Ba BARBSAS F.B.A.S. SIZECHART C CHARACIN AS LISTEDIN F.B.A.S. SIZECHART Ca CHARACIN AS LISTEDIN F.B.A.S. SIZECHART Cb CHARACIN AS LISTED]N F.B.A.S. SIZECHART D CICHLIDS OTHER THANDa.Db.Dc. Da ANGLEFISH Db CICHLIDS AS LISTED IN F.B.A.S. SIZECHART Dc MAMAWICICHLIDS AS LISTEDlN F.B.A.S. SIZECHART E LABYRINTHS OTHERTHANEa Ea BETTASPLENDENS F EGGLAYINGTOOTHCARPS G CATF]SHOTHERTHANGbAS FBASSIZEChart, Gb CATFISH AS FBASSIZEChart. H CORYDORAS Ha-b BROCHIS,ASPIDORAS J RASBORAS K DANIOWC.M.MOTHERS AS LISTED IN F.B.A.S. SIZESHEET L LOACHES AS F.B.A.S. SIZESHEETOTHERTHANLa La BOTIA M A.O.V.TROPICAL EGGLAYERS OTHERTHANMaAND Mc Ma LABEOSAS LISTEDlN F.B.A.S. SIZESHEET Mc RAINBOWS Oa-q GUPPY(MALE) Os-y GUPPY(FEMALE) P FTSHES AS CURRENT F.B.A.S. S|ZESHEETl(CULTIVATED) XIPHOPHORUS SWORDTAILS A R FISHES AS CURRENT F.B.A.S. SIZESHEETXIPHOPHORUS PLATIES s FrsHEsAS CURRENT F.B.A.S. S|ZESHEETOTHERTHAN(O&p) T A.O.V.LIVEBEARERS OTHERTHANTa Ta GOODEA U SINGLETAILGOLDFISH V TWIN.TAILED GOLDFISH W A.O.V.COLDWATER z PLANTS(FLOATED, ROOTED, CUTTING) TANKNOTSUPPLIED NB.M PAIRSOF TROPICAL EGGLAYERS No.T PAIRSOF TROPICAL LIVEBEARERS XBM BREEDERS OFTROPICAL EGGLAYERS UNDER14 MONTHS XOT BREEDERS OFTROPICAL LIVEBEARERS UNDER14 MONTHS OLD JUNloRscLASsEsEgglayers BY- MY Livebearersoy - ry UNDERTHEAGEoF 16 SHOWENTRIES POSTALAND PHONEENTRIESTO: JOHNSMITH 21, CARNFORTHROAD SOMPTING WESTSUSSEX B N 1 5g T G t I I JoHN 01903755940oR STEPHEN SMIrH01903539214 efrffnVFEES 35p Eachpostator phone Junior entriesfree Bookings: All entries in excess of 10 will be free. Late Entries: 50p each,space permitting. ClassAg: Mini FurnishedAquaria, Free Entry GlassAk: AquascapeWill ChapmanMemorial, Free Entry JUNIORCLASSES B - MY EGGLAYERSO - TY LIVEBEARERS Entries Free Benching: Sunday 11thAPRIL2010 9am - 12noon A full entry fee must accompany postal entries. Telephoneentries will be accepted until 1Opmon Friday9th Aprit 2010 ""' 1 ';,';;;;,")"'"0'*;J:::::: 2. A copy of the rules will be on displayin the show hall. 3. Complaintswill be dealt with in accordancewith Rule2g of the F.B.A.S.ShowRules 4. submitting an entry canfirmsyour acceptanceof the ShouzRules 5. Gravelis not allowedexceptrn c/assesAg - Ak - Z. 6. BreedersC/ass.Four fish under 14 monthsold on Show Date. Birth date must be statedon entry form. 7. water. use of local water is entirelyat the riskof the exhibitor. It is stronglyadvised that exhibitorsbring sufficientmature water with them 8. Debenchingwill take place at approximatety17:00 hrs with permissionfrom the ShowManager.John Smith. M.S.A.S.will not accept respnsibility for lass, damage or injury to exhibitsor petsons,burtwillensurcthatall pssible carewittfu kken. P/ease attach the name of the fish on the tank, if you wish. This is not compulsory, but is helpful for the public and aquarist to identify exhibits. ThankYou