Annual Winter Newsletter


Annual Winter Newsletter
The Danse Lumière Newsletter
6334 Kensington Avenue, Richmond, California 94805, U.S.A. (510) 233-5550
WINTER 2015/2016
[email protected]
Women Ballet Choreographers Residency at Djerassi in 2016:
“Where are all the women choreographers?” asks Dance Magazine, as well as
numerous other news and arts publications, dance companies and schools. Among
choreographers in the ballet world, women are a minority group.
Now Kathryn Roszak’s Danse Lumière presents the first step in developing the
inaugural Women Ballet Choreographers Residency, to be held at the Djerassi
Resident Artists Program on May 15, 2016. Women choreographers will screen their
works and present ballets in open rehearsal. Invited participants include Amy Seiwert
of Smuin Ballet; Dalia Rawson, director of Silicon Valley Ballet School; and Dana
Genshaft, formerly of S.F. Ballet. Collaborating artists, composers and designers will
join the choreographers for a panel discussion. Dance companies and directors who
program women will be honored, including Celia Fushille-Burke of Smuin Ballet.
Kathryn Roszak says, “This residency program highlights contemporary ballets by
women. We plan to help women artists to further develop their choreography while
giving them greater opportunity and visibility.”
A residency preview took place at Djerassi in September 2015, with choreographer
Lissa Resnick joining Ms. Rawson and Ms. Roszak. Following class with Ms. Rawson,
dances were created in a beautiful dance studio and in the surrounding landscape. After
a wonderful lunch, Djerassi Director Margot Knight took everyone on a sculpture walk.
Danse Lumière Highlights in 2015:
Our Dance on Center series continued in April 2015 at the Osher Studio in downtown
Berkeley, with a well-attended celebration of women ballet choreographers, featuring
new works by Dalia Rawson, Lissa Resnick, and Kathryn Roszak, plus special guest
Shahrzad Khorsandi.
Danse Lumière’s production of Secrets on the Way, a Dance Noir inspired by the
poetry of Swedish Nobel laureate Tomas Tranströmer, was screened in May 2015 at
the 92nd Street Y in New York City. Sadly, Tomas Tranströmer passed away in March
2015. Choreographer Kathryn Roszak has received a grant from the Barbro Osher Pro
Suecia Foundation to produce a new dance film in tribute to Tranströmer. We are
currently seeking additional funds, and plan to complete the film in 2016.
Also in May 2015, Danse Lumière was invited to perform in the East Bay DANCES
festival, as part of the 50th Anniversary celebration of Oakland Ballet.
In September 2015, Danse Lumière performed at the Art in Nature festival, held at
Redwood Regional Park in Oakland; the festival was attended by over 4,000 people.
Ms. Roszak continues her association with U.C. Berkeley:
Kathryn Roszak enters her eighth year as an instructor at the Osher Lifelong Learning
Institute (OLLI) at U.C. Berkeley. Her dance-oriented courses include the popular
Moving Images: Dance and Film. The Fall 2015 session featured the S.F. Dance Film
Festival; guests included Smuin Ballet's Amy Seiwert, and former Royal Swedish
Ballet ballerina Katja Björner, star of the film The Dancer.
Ms. Roszak also taught Feminism in the Bay Area Arts, a
groundbreaking course focusing on artistic explorations of
women's issues. Guests included author Sandra Gilbert, and
conductors Joana Carneiro of the Berkeley Symphony and
Mary Chun of Earplay.
As an enrichment lecturer for Cal Discoveries travel, Ms.
Roszak lectures on arts and culture, and the influence and
inspiration of the tour destination. In April 2016 she will lead
a Paris Immersion tour, with an Arts Emphasis that includes
select performances at historic venues of La Ville Lumière.
Roszak (L) and Björner
Hannah Varga at Djerassi preview (Photo by Bari Lee)
Education and Outreach:
Kathryn Roszak directs the “Dance on
Center” program for Children and Teens,
offering classes in Creative Movement and
Ballet to girls and boys. Located in Berkeley,
and now in its 15th year, the program was
listed in 2012 as one of the “Best Dance
Studios” in the Bay Area by CBS5 “Eye on
the Bay”.
Our popular Summer Dance Camp took
place in June 2015 at the beautiful Studio
Haba Na Haba in the Berkeley hills; this
was our seventh annual camp.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In January 2015, in downtown Berkeley,
Kathryn Roszak launched her new program,
The Next Step: Movement to Music, an
ongoing series of fun and accessible dance
workshops specially designed and taught by
Ms. Roszak for Adults and Seniors to move
at their own pace.
Danse Lumière is very grateful to the
following for their support:
Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation,
Oakland/Berkeley Association of Realtors,
Kirsten Falke-Boyd, Berkeley Arts Connect,
Djerassi Resident Artists Program, and
Friends of Danse Lumière.
Friends of Danse Lumière
This is a time of limited resources for the
arts. A small non-profit like ours counts on
individual donors more than ever to
support our cutting-edge work. Please be
as generous as you can and know that you
join with us in making important
contributions of peace, visionary art, and
culture to our world. In dark times let the
light of DANSE LUMIÈRE illuminate.
$40 Friend:
Receives Newsletter. Listed as Friend in
$60 Supporter:
Receives Newsletter, priority seating at
regular DANSE LUMIÈRE performances.
Hannah Varga, Keryn Breiterman-Loader and Shanise Dews at Djerassi preview, September 2015
(Photo by Bari Lee; “Ouroborus” sculpture by Sebastian Mendes)
$125 Patron:
All of the above, special recognition in
programs plus you are invited to attend
a special patrons’ performance. *
$250 Sponsor:
All of the above plus two guests are invited
to attend a special patrons’ performance. *
$500-$999 Co-Producer’s Circle:
All of the above plus four guests are
invited to attend a special patrons’
performance. *
$1,000-$5,000 Producer’s Circle:
All of the above plus eight guests, or a
party to be arranged, are invited to attend
a special patrons’ performance. *
* Special patrons’ performance to be announced
Contributions of $40 and over are tax
deductible through our fiscal sponsor,
Poetry Flash.
Please make your checks payable to
“Poetry Flash/Danse Lumière”
and send contributions to:
6334 Kensington Avenue
Richmond, CA 94805 U.S.A.
You may also make a contribution by
credit card by calling us at
(510) 233-5550.
Our thanks to Foundation and Institutional supporters, past & present:
Berkeley Chamber Performances; California Institute of Integral Studies;
C.O.A.T./Taliesin West; Djerassi Resident Artists Program; Fleishhacker
Foundation; Foundation for Deep Ecology; Flow Fund; Ann and Gordon Getty
Foundation; Goethe-Institut; Guzik Foundation; Humanities West; Roy A. Hunt
Foundation; Friends of San Francisco Public Library; Institute for the Environment
at George Washington University; La MaMa E.T.C.; Lawrence Hall of Science;
Barbro Osher Pro Suecia Foundation; Puffin Foundation; Laurance S. Rockefeller;
LEF Foundation; LEK Consulting; Royal Norwegian Consulate; The San Francisco
Foundation/Koshland Grant; Santa Sabina Center; The University of San Francisco;
Phyllis C. Wattis Foundation; Zellerbach Family Fund.
Individual Friends and Supporters:
Jean Shinoda Bolen, Pamella Cavonna, Arlene Elster, Susan Felix, John Felstiner,
Laura Harris, Sue Li Jue, Krissy Keefer, Paul Kleyman, Linda Lazzeretti, Christine
Leefeldt, Ingrid Kepler May, Malcolm Margolin, Luce Sandoval, David Shaddock,
Eleanor Wong Telemaque, Carol Thompson, Joan Wager, Marilyn and Irv Yalom.
Patrons/Sponsors/Producer’s Circle:
Janine Canan, Joy Carlin, Vera Carpeneti, Helena Foster, Evelyn Greenwald, John
Gustavson, James and Donna Hale, Lana Husser, Ingeborg Hutzel, Linda Kolsky,
John and Joan Lavorgna, Drew Lenthe, Lois Lorentzen, Steven and Nikko Meyer,
Jill Norgaard, Amy Resner, Pamela Riggs, Betty Roszak, Helen Schulak, Ilene
Serlin, Carole Shattil, Roxanne Sherif, Russell Sherif, Dan Sullivan.
Business Donors:
The Asian Art Museum, Aveda/4th Street Berkeley, Berkeley Association of
Realtors, Eureka Restaurant, Ruth Frassetto/Grubb Company, Salle Pianos, San
Francisco Dancewear, Star Grocery, Turtle Island Fine Books and Prints, The
Wooden Duck, Yoshi’s.
Special thanks to the following individuals and organizations for their recent
help and/or in-kind support:
Yoshi & Gengo Akiba, Anna Avellar, Margaret Barbee, Blythe Berg, Robert Bly,
Sue Brand, Louise Burton, Ted Burton, Lucy Castle, Danse Lumière volunteers,
Lisa Delan/Rork Music, Sabine Erlenwein, Kirsten Falke-Boyd, Matt Fillingim,
Jim Fisher, G. Chris Griffin, Lizbeth Hasse, Heather Hensley, Carol Hurwitz, Lorri
Holt, Joyce Jenkins/Poetry Flash, Earll Kingston, Maxine Hong Kingston, Margot
Knight/Djerassi RAP, Vesna Ljunggren, Tom Luddy & Monique Montgomery,
Bob Morris, Stephen Motika/Poets House, Jinny Pearce, Shirley Poy, Lingjie Qiao,
Virginia Reed, Ulla Reilly, Kyle Reinhart and Lynn Carter/Scandinavia House,
Lissa & Eric Resnick, Linda Rugg/UC Berkeley Scandinavian Dept., Eileen Savel,
Francine Sosa-Lewis, Margaret Swarthout, May Swenson, Catherine
Tharin/92Y/FAN, Tomas and Monica Tranströmer, Jale Yoldas/Goethe-Institut.