Sandyston Township 2011 Fall


Sandyston Township 2011 Fall
Sandyston Sentinel
Hurricane Irene vs. Sandyston Township
Meyers Road Culvert
Meyers Road
DeGroat Road
Meyers Road P31 Bridge
The P31 Bridge on Meyers Road collapsed
and is currently barricaded. This bridge is
owned by the County of Sussex who will be
responsible for the repair. In this photo,
Stan Dutkus, OEM, surveys the damage.
Ridge Road
Many roads in Sandyston Township experienced fallen trees and power outages.
Hurricane Irene moved into Sandyston Township on Saturday, August 27, 2011 and unleashed approximately ten to
twelve inches of rain on Sandyston Township. Many residents experienced lengthy power outages (from five to ten
days), flooding and damages to their homes (septic problems,
water damage, tree and debris damage, etc). While the damages to our local roads in Sandyston are significant for our
small township, several surrounding townships suffered
much greater damage. As you can see from the pictures, we
had road wash outs, erosion, undermining and partial collapses of roadways of DeGroat, Meyers, Bierskill and Flatbrook Road. The Sandyston Township Road Department
worked very hard to repair and stabilize these areas to get
these roads passable and continues to survey these roads for
additional damage. The Sandyston Township Volunteer Fire
Department responded to over 40 calls for the pump out of
homes, as well as responding to calls for downed and/or
burning electrical wires. On Sunday, August 31, 2011, Sussex County was declared a disaster area, which enables the
municipalities located within the County to apply for FEMA
funds for reimbursement of expended funds to repair these
roads. We have estimated the damages to exceed $100,000.
Not included in this estimation is the collapse of the P-31
Bridge on Meyers Road, as this is a County-owned bridge
and is under their control. Once we have completed the reimbursement process through FEMA, we can begin the process of applying for grants to mitigate the problems on these
roads. We would like to thank the residents of Sandyston
Township for their patience during this event.
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Friendly Reminders and News
NJ Register Ready
Do you, your spouse
or dependents have
special medical
needs? Would
emergency responders be able to adequately help you in a
disaster? This Special Needs Registry
offered through the Office of Emergency Management through the State of New Jersey allows residents with special needs and their families, friends
and associates an opportunity to provide information
to emergency response agencies, so emergency responders can better serve them in a disaster or other
emergency. The information collected here is confidential and will not be available to the public. The
information will be held securely and only used for
emergency response and planning. You will be contacted occasionally to ensure the information is up-to
-date and make any necessary changes to the information. Why should you register? You will be notified by local officials when an evacuation has been
ordered, and IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE! If you
have access to the internet, you my register at the
following website: or receive registry assistance by dialing 211 (toll free) and
an operator will assist you in registering.
Certificate of Continued
Occupancy Required
Anytime a house is sold or the tenants in your
rental unit change you are required to have a
Certificate of Continued Occupancy inspection.
This inspection is $35. The inspector will verify
the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are properly installed and in working
condition, fire extinguisher is properly mounted
in the kitchen and reviews the overall safety of
the premises. To obtain the proper paperwork
and schedule an inspection, please call:
973-948-3520, x 201.
During the fall and winter, we
experience higher incidents of
deer being hit or injured by
automobiles. If you live on a
Township, County or State
Road and notice a deer that has
suffered the effects of an automobile accident, please
contact the Sandyston Township Municipal Building,
973-948-3520, extension 200. We will do our best to
expedite the removal of the deer.
As Easy As 1, 2, 3!
1. Call the Sussex County Clerk’s Office to make an appointment, 973-5790900. This allows time to have your
DD214 recorded and have your photo
2. Be sure to bring your ORIGINAL
DD214 Discharge Paper (copies cannot be accepted). If you cannot locate your original DD214,
they will accept a CERTIFIED COPY with a
RAISED SEAL. To obtain a Certified Copy, contact the National Personnel Records Center in St.
Louis, MO (314-801-0800) and request that a CERTIFIED copy with a raised seal be mailed to you.
3. Bring identification with you (drivers license or other
form of identification to prove your identity and your
residence in the county. You must be a Sussex
County Resident to obtain courtesy Veteran Card
from the Sussex County Clerk.
Keeping Roads Safe for Travel
With the winter months around the corner, please be courteous when plowing and/or maintaining your driveway. As
per the Sandyston Township Ordinance “no owner, tenant
or occupant of any premises abutting on any street, nor any
other persons, shall throw, place or deposit snow or ice into
or upon any street, it being the intent and purpose of this
provision to prohibit all person from throwing, casting, placing or depositing snow and ice which accumulates on private
property upon the streets of the township.” Thank you for
your help in keeping the roads safe for travel.
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Friendly Reminders and News
Tax Payment Information
Jessica M. Caruso, Tax Collector, is in the office on Tuesday between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm and Thursday 8:30 am to 11:30
You may reach Jessica by calling 973-948-3520, extension 202. Please call during Jessica’s regular office hours or leave a message and she will be sure to call you back promptly.
Tax payments should be sent to: Sandyston Township, c/o Jessica Caruso, CTC, 133 Route 645, Sandyston, NJ 07826, or you
may drop off your tax payments at the Sandyston Township Municipal Building during the tax collectors hours. Checks
should be made payable to “Sandyston Township”. Please include all tax stubs for taxes you are paying and a return envelope
for any papers you wish returned.
If you wish to pay for your taxes in cash, you must see Jessica directly during her office hours.
Taxes are due February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1 of each year. Taxes not paid by November 11 are subject to tax
Sandyston Township does permit a 10 day grace period.
Please be advised that the State of New Jersey does not allow the Tax Collector to acknowledge postmarks when you mail your
tax payment, therefore, taxes must be received in the office on or before the 10th of the month taxes are due.
Failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt you from paying your taxes or the interest due on delinquent taxes.
Tax Collector is not responsible for any tax payment that is lost through the mailing process. If by chance your taxes get lost in
the mail, you are still responsible for the tax payment and any interest incurred. You may check the status of your taxes online
or call the tax collector to check to make sure your tax payment has been received.
If you wish to drop off your taxes, the best practice is to bring your tax payment during the tax collector’s office hours. The
only person who can give you a receipt for your paid taxes is the Tax Collector.
2nd Annual
New Playground at SandystonWalpack School
A new playground has
been inEach holiday season, we are asked for donations to stalled on
help families or organizations in need. Many
the grounds
times, we have thought “wouldn’t it be nice to make of the
a donation for someone in our own town?” With SandystonWalpack
the cooperation of Sandyston-Walpack School,
Sandyston Township Committee, and the Sandyston Township School.
This new
Historical Society this project was an overwhelming success in
2010. Through the generosity and kindness of local residents
and businesses, the “Sandyston Has Heart” program raised over is in place of the of the old “truck tire” play area
$1,000 for local families in need in Sandyston Township. Once which had been in place for many years. In June, the
again, beginning November 1, 2011, we will be collecting dona- Board of Education approved the $50,000 expenditions at the Sandyston Township Municipal Building from local ture for a new playground, with contributions of a
$2,000 donation from the Sandyston-Walpack PTO
residents and businesses in the form of gift cards from stores
and $750 donation from the Student Council which
like Shop-Rite, Wal-Mart, Weiss, K-Mart, etc. Upon donating,
was raised through car washes and bake sales. This
a paper heart with the family name will be created and hung on new playground is a wonderful addition to the comthe door at the municipal building. These donations will then
munity and will be enjoyed by children of many ages
turned over the nurse at the Sandyston-Walpack School for dis- for years to come.
tribution to families in need in Sandyston Township.
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Friendly Reminders and News
Each year, Sandyston Township, along with other municipalities,
is invited by the County of Sussex, Division of Facilities Management to participate in the municipal display in the blue “County
Building” at the New Jersey State Fair/Sussex County Farm &
Horse Show. The display is prepared by Patte H. Frato, President of the Sandyston Township Historical Society and changes
every year. This year the display had a theme of “School Days”
giving a glimpse into the history of the schools, students and
teachers of Sandyston Township through pictures and stories.
This year, the display received third place! Please be sure to
stop by the municipal building and view this beautiful display.
Getting Married & Certified Copies
Sussex County Clerk Warns
Residents of Deed Scam
The following information has been
provided to Sandyston Township
through the Sussex County Clerk’s
Thinking about getting married? Please find some helpful information about applying for your marriage license, filing the license
and requesting certified copies.
If you receive a direct mail solicitation from a company offering to provide you with a certified copy of your deed -do NOT
fall for it. This is a scam. The solicitation letter leads
the reader to believe that the County Clerk’s office
only records deeds and that in order to get a certified
copy you must pay a fee $75 to $100 for this service.
They also lead readers to believe they need a certified copy of their deed to sell their property. This is
absolutely untrue. Once the resident falls for this
scam, their name is added to a database of those who
agreed to this deception and sells this database to
other companies to keep the scam going.
Sussex County land owners may obtain a certified
copy of their recorded deed, at anytime, at their convenience, directly from the Sussex County Clerk’s
Office for a fee of $10 for the first page and $2.00
for each additional page.
The State of New Jersey’s Division of Consumer
Affairs is looking into this matter, and the County
Clerks of New Jersey are urging legislation on a
united front to avoid this problem in the future. The
Sussex County Clerk’s Office/Hall of Records is located at 83 Spring Street, Newton, NJ. Questions or
concerns may be addressed by calling 973-579-0900.
The application for the marriage license must be filled out
within 30 days of the marriage date.
Apply for the marriage license where either the groom or
bride reside when you are a resident of New Jersey.
If you are not a resident of New Jersey, you apply for your
marriage license in the municipality where the marriage ceremony will be performed and the marriage license is only valid
in that municipality.
When applying for your marriage license, you must show
proof of identity and proof of residency.
A witness is needed to sign the application for marriage.
All signatures must be in the presence of the Registrar.
The Registrar must hold your application for 72 hours before
the marriage license can be issued.
The marriage license is only valid for 30 days.
The marriage license, once fully completed, is filed in the municipality in which the marriage took place. The blue copy is
retained by the person performing the ceremony. The pink
copy is retained by the recently married couple. This pink
copy is not an official document.
Certified copies are the official document of the marriage and
must be obtained from the municipality where your marriage
license is filed. The certified copy of your marriage is printed
on paper specific to the township in which the marriage license
is filed and has the raised seal of the township. Fees for certified copies are different in each municipality.
To request a certified copy, obtain a copy of the REG-27 form
from the municipality and produce the necessary identification
and fee at the time of your request.
If you were married in Sandyston Township and seek a Certified Copy of your marriage license, please contact Sandyston
Township, 973-948-3520 x 200, for the REG-27 form. Certified Copies are $5.00 each.
Page 5
Construction Department
Open Permits and Final
If you have an open permit with the
Sandyston Township Construction Department, and all the work has been completed,
you are required to call for the final inspection. We are required to perform all necessary inspections to ensure the work was
done correctly and according to all current
building, electric, plumbing and fire codes.
PLEASE BE ADVISED: If you are in the
process of selling your home, these open
permits could delay your closing. John
deJager, Construction Official, is in the office Monday evening 5:30 pm—7:00 pm,
Tuesday afternoon 12:30 pm— 2 pm and
Friday afternoon 12:30 pm—2:00 pm.
Please call 973-948-3520 x 204 to assist you
with the permit process and answer questions. Betsy Pinzone, Construction Secretary, is available at extension 201, Monday
through Friday from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm.
New Rules
Concerning Storage
Tank Abandonment
The Construction Department would like you to be
aware of new rules concerning the abandonment or removal of underground storage tanks have changed.
Homeowners are no longer
permitted to abandon or remove these underground
storage tanks. All work
must be performed by a licensed contractor.
Important Information
Regarding Sheds
Sheds under 100 square feet do
not require a building permit.
Sheds under 600 square feet (10
feet or less in height) and of
light construction (frame) do
require a building permit. Footings are optional, but shed must
sit on bed of four inches of
crushed stone.
Sheds over 600 square feet do
require a building permit and
must be anchored to the ground
with footings that extend below
the frost line.
Zoning permits are always required, no matter the size of the
shed, as you are changing the
footprint of your property.
With Safety In Mind . . . . . . .
Smoke Detectors Save
Working smoke detectors can alert you to a
fire in your home in
time for you to escape,
even if you are sleeping.
Install smoke detectors on every level of
your home, including the basement, and in
every sleeping area. Test smoke detectors
every month, following the manufacturer's
directions, and replace batteries once a year,
or whenever a detector "chirps" to signal
low battery power. Never "borrow" a
smoke detector's battery for another use - a
disabled detector can't save your life! Most
importantly, be sure to replace detectors
that are more than 10 years old. Daylight
Saving Time ends on November 6,
2011. This is a good time to put fresh
batteries in your smoke detectors!
Vehicles Prohibited
on Municipal
In recent months there have been reports of recreational vehicles traveling on municipal property. As the result of these
reports, the township has notified the authorities and the area
is being patrolled by township employees. We would like to
take this opportunity to remind residents recreational vehicles are prohibited on municipal property.
Please take the time to remind those living in your household
of our request.
Your anticipated cooperation is appreciated.
Page 6
Recreation News
William Farr, Sandyston Senior
of the Year 2011
At Sandyston Day held Saturday, June 11, 2011, William “Buzz”
Farr was awarded the Sandyston Township Senior Citizen of the
Year 2011 award. Mr. Farr, a World War II veteran, has lived in
Sandyston Township for over 60 years. Through the years, Mr.
Farr has helped local families in need and donated his time to the
local church building a handicapped ramp. During the Flood of
1955, Mr. Farr helped the rescue efforts of the State Police and
the Sandyston Township Volunteer Fire Department. Mr. Farr has
also been a mentor to many residents of Sandyston Township.
Sadly, Mr. Farr passed away in September 2011. We offer our
sincere condolences to his loved ones and cherish the memories of
a wonderful man. Pictured: Deputy Mayor William Leppert, William Farr and Mayor George B. Harper, Jr.
Sandyston Township Recreation is looking
for volunteers to help with events! Do you
have new ideas to share? Can you help coach
or organize an event?
Contact Shane White, President, 973-9488579. Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of every
month at 6:30 pm at the Municipal Building.
We appreciate any time you have to donate
to Sandyston Township Recreation!
Recreation Contacts
Shane White
Ann Voss
Kammy Hull
Soccer Coordinator
John Hickey
Basketball Coordinator
Glenn Conklin 973-362-0150
Softball Coordinator/Ski Info.
Neil Trimper
Miss Sandyston Coordinator
Kelly Sullivan
What is Municipal Alliance?
Each year, New Jersey Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug
Abuse awards a grant to the County of Sussex and this money is allocated to participating townships in Sussex County. The Sandyston
Municipal Alliance Coalition consists of volunteers from Sandyston,
Walpack and Montague Township. In 2011, the Board of Chosen
Freeholders allocated $7,564 to the Sandyston/Walpack/Montague
for the provision of substance abuse prevention services. Pamela Ryerson, Alliance Coordinator, takes this grant and works with
Sandyston-Walpack School and Montague Township School providing assemblies geared toward alcohol and drug prevention, sponsors
programs for “Red Ribbon Week”, provides funding for Cross Age
Training with Kittatinny Regional High School and provides seminars
for Seniors. In June, the Sandyston/Walpack/Montague Alliance
provided a seminar on prescription drug care for the Sandyston and
Montague Senior Citizens given by Center of Prevention and Counseling followed by a luncheon. Students from Montague Township
School Bell Choir visited and provided a short concert. The students
from Sandyston-Walpack School served lunch to the seniors. Thank
you, Pam, for all your hard work on this program!
Sandyston Seniors:
Members Always Welcome
Would you like to get out of the house and make
new friends? Looking for something different to
do? Sandyston Seniors meet the first Tuesday of
every month at the Sandyston Township Municipal
Building. You do not need to be a resident of
Sandyston to be involved. Monthly meetings vary
to include lectures on health, safety and finances
and visits from Sussex County Public Health Nursing, etc. Every other meeting is a social meeting
(pot luck, pizza lunches, barbeque lunch, luau, etc.)
At the conclusion of each meeting, you are invited
to stay for a few games of Bingo!
If you are interested and have questions, please
contact Carol LaFrada, President, 973-948-9200.
Bring a friend!
Congratulations, Sarah Brook
Page 7
Miss Sandyston & Queen of the Fair
At Sandyston Day held Saturday, June 11, 2011, Sarah Brook was
crowned Miss Sandyston 2011. Ms. Brook is 18 years old and is the
daughter of Diana Seville and George Brook and a sister to Jacob, Calvin and Ava Brook. Ms. Brook recently graduated from Kittatinny Regional High School where she maintained a 4.3 grade point average
and was ranked 5th in her graduating class. While at Kittatinny, Ms.
Brook was a member of the National Honors Society, Future Business
Leaders of America, Student Council, Varsity Soccer, Varsity Basketball and Varsity Softball Teams., peer leadership – mentoring incoming
7th and 8th graders, Science and Math League, volunteered for Kittatinny Day for the Disabled, a member of Kittatinny’s Athletic Association and a tutor for Spanish. Ms. Brook donates her time to her community by volunteering to help coach elementary level soccer, basketball
and softball teams as well as Kittatinny Sports Clinics, volunteering at
SCARC Picnic, babysits regularly for a family with a child with Down’s
Syndrome and Bridges Outreach. Ms. Brook is currently working at A
& G Pizza in Newton. In her spare time, Ms. Brook enjoys sports and
athletic activities, hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, kayaking and
reading. Starting this fall, Ms. Brook now attends the University of
Pittsburgh where she desires to study physical therapy. On Saturday,
August 6, Ms. Brook competed with 20 other contestants for the Queen
of the Fair title. For the second time in three years, the title was
brought home to Sandyston as Ms. Brook was crowned Queen of the
Fair! Our sincere congratulations to Ms. Brook and our best wishes
on what we are sure will be an exciting year!
Sandyston Township Royalty
On Sandyston Day, our Little Miss and Mr. Sandyston Contest took place. Left: Miss Sandyston, Sarah Brook, with
Little Mr. Sandyston, Al Davids. Middle: Little Miss
Sandyston 2010, Katie Sikora, with 2011 Little Miss
Sandyston, Mary Diaz. Congratulations!
Miss Sandyston 2011, Sarah Brook, with
Little Miss Sandyston, Mary Diaz.
Page 8
Fire Department News
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
The Sandyston Township
Volunteer Fire Department
has made special arrangements with Santa to ride in
the fire truck through our
town. Save the date: Saturday, December 3, 2011!
Please keep your eye out for
information on the township
website and in the Sandyston
-Walpack School newsletter
for word on this event as we
get closer to Santa’s arrival!
We look forward to seeing
you for photos and refreshments as Santa returns to the fire house. It is a pleasure
year after year to see our friends and neighbors and celebrate the holiday season with the community & Santa!
A Heartfelt Thank You!
The Sandyston Township Volunteer Fire Department has a program designed for the younger generation of our community to participate in volunteer fire fighting.
Any young adult between the ages
of 16-18 is able to join the fire department as a junior member. Under a department appointed advisor, junior fire fighters are
provided with slightly used gear and are able to
learn the ins and outs of firefighting. The junior member will also be asked to help with fire
department events when available. If interested
please see Chief Scott House any Tuesday night
at the Sandyston Township Fire Department for
an application or call 973-306-2285. Parental
consent is required. Upon submission of application, there will be an interview and background check of potential volunteer. Youth is
the future of our fire department!
The Sandyston Township Volunteer Fire
Department would like to thank the residents
and local businesses for their continued support throughout the year. Through your donations, we are able to maintain our current equipment,
purchase new equipment and continue to educate our
members. We also continue to apply for available
grants at every opportunity. It is a pleasure to serve
Sandyston Township and be apart of such a caring and
generous community. We look forward to seeing you
at an upcoming event !
In July 2011, the
STVFD purchased a
2000 Ford Ambulance from Lafayette
Rescue Squad for
$5,000. The fire department volunteers
converted this ambulance into a rescue
truck. This rescue truck holds tools and extrication
equipment (jaws of life) to aid the fire department
while responding to motor vehicle accidents in
Sandyston and Montague Township.
On Saturday, October 1, 2011, the Sandyston Township Volunteer Fire Department participated with many other fire departments in the Sussex County Firemen’s Association Inspection
Day and Parade held in Franklin, NJ. Franklin Fire Department hosted the event in celebration of their 100th anniversary.
The members of the department worked very hard preparing
their equipment for the parade and were rewarded with two
trophies for their efforts: 1st Place Best Appearing Engine 17
years & Older and 1st Place Best Appearing Small Department.
Page 9
Fall Fund-Raiser - Clothing Drive
Sponsored by the SWPTO
The Sandyston-Walpack School Parent Teacher Organization (SWPTO) will be sponsoring a clothing drive at
Sandyston-Walpack School during the week of Wednesday, November 16 though Friday, November 18, 2011.
Acceptable items are: Wearable clothing, shoes, belts, handbags, usable linens (towels, bedding, curtains,
etc), hard toys (no larger than 24”x24”) and clean stuffed animals. Unfortunately, DVD’s, video’s or books
cannot be accepted.
The items collected will be sent to countries in Eastern Europe, as well as Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, Ecuador, Guinea and Chile, where they will be distributed to those in need. No usable items will be shredded or
Please place your donated items in garbage bags and drop them off at the school between Wednesday, November 16th through Friday, November 18, 2011. Any items brought Friday, November 18th, 2011 should
be there by 3:00 pm.
Clean out your closets and help the SWPTO! Your support is greatly appreciated!
Make Sure Help Can Find YOU!
City, State, Zip:
Mail to:
Blue Ridge Rescue Squad, Inc.
PO Box 232
Branchville, NJ 07826
(973) 948-4828
If you pick up your mail at a PO Box, you can place a post in your yard or by your driveway and put an address sign on it. Signs are
pre-drilled and easy to install.
Please fill in the boxes above with your address numbers. * Notes, if your address has three or four numbers, just fill in the appropriate number of spaces.
· Sign Only—Post Mount $15 each
· Signs are Blue with White Numbers—Vertical Only
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Sandyston Township Municipal Building
133 Route 645
Sandyston, NJ 07826
973-948-0783 Fax
Sandyston Township Directory
Office Hours
Extension/Contact Number
George Harper
By Appointment
Deputy Mayor
William Leppert
By Appointment
Fred MacDonald
By Appointment
Municipal Clerk
Amanda “Amy” Lobban, RMC
Deputy Clerk/Construction &
Board of Health Secretary
Elizabeth “Betsy” Pinzone
Tax Assessor
Robert Pastor
Tax Collector/CFO
Jessica M. Caruso, CTC/CFO
Thurs/8:30 am-11:30am
Land Use Administrator
Sharon Yarosz
Mon/12 pm-7 pm
Construction Official
John deJager
Mon/5:30 pm-7 pm
Tues/12:30 pm-2 pm
Fri/12:30 pm-2 pm
Code Enforcement
William Paterson
Shane White
Meet 3rd Monday of Month
Animal Control Officer
William Kaufman
Licensing/Lost Dogs
Department of Public Works
Alan Delea
Contact Municipal Building
Township Historian
Patte Haggerty Frato
By Appointment
973-948-7443 or [email protected]