August 2003 - Jewish Jewels


August 2003 - Jewish Jewels
August 2003
(Please be patient, this page contains over 30 photos.)
Jewish Jewels 25th Anniversary
Five years after receiving Yeshua as our Messiah, and two years after beginning a
Messianic synagogue in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, the Lord began to give Jamie
Messianic Jewish songs. A nonprofit ministry "Love Song to the Messiah" was
incorporated in 1978 to disseminate the music and share the Good News of Messiah
with the Jewish people.
From the very beginning, His banner over us was love!
A "seashell ministry" began on Jamie’s 6th bornagain birthday(1979).Seashells have traveled
around the world in English, Spanish and Hebrew.
Many many souls have been saved and touched
in a supernatural way through this unusual
On the set of "Love Song to the Messiah," a Messianic
On the set of "Love Song to the Messiah," a Messianic
Jewish weekly television program which began in
December, 1980. Program #1 was "God Loves You," #2
"What is God’s Name?," #3 "Where is God?"
We took a group to Israel to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles in 1982 and marched
with our banners through the streets of Jerusalem.
Righteous Rhymes Vol. I was published in 1983
during the "Year of the Bible." Fruit continues to
come forth from the anointing that God graciously
placed on the book and tape. Hundreds of children
have prayed with Jamie to receive Yeshua as their
Messiah and Lord.
On the set in Tampa, FL. We traveled back and forth
during 1984 as Love Song to the Messiah became
"Jewish Jewels." Our vision had to be clarified: The
treasure chest is the Holy Bible, the jewels its teachings.
The birth of Jonathan Isaac Lash (1985)brought us a
new appreciation of the love of God as Father.
Jamie Ellen Schwartz and Jeremy Storch have been blessing Jewish Jewels with their
musical gifts since 1986. We thank the Lord for them both and pray His richest
blessings upon them and their families.
Lesly, Dick and Eleanor joined our staff as the ministry began to grow. Lesly
eventually moved to Jerusalem,; Dick and Eleanor went back to Texas. Our lives are
richer for having been with them.
Our home became the set of our TV program when we moved to 888 Azalea Ct. in
1988. We rearranged the living room before each production. We enjoyed preaching to
our non-Messianic Jewish crew as we taped the programs.
1989 was a year of "new beginnings" as Neil was ordained as a Messianic Rabbi at
Temple Aron HaKodesh and Jesse Allan Lash was born.
We went up to Zion to tape for Jewish Jewels for the first time in 1990. That was the
year we filmed the close at the Western Wall which we have been asked to never
change until Messiah returns!
The Jewish Jewels television program was awarded its
first "Angel Award" in 1991. Since then, we have
received an Angel every year.
Our 1992 "Happy Birthday Israel" tour with the Brotmans was special. Neil and Jamie
were lifted up into a date palm while videotaping in Ein Gedi.
The Lash family enjoyed the black mud by the Dead Sea.
During a Shavuot conference in Jerusalem in 1993 Neil and Jamie prayed for people
under a chuppah for over three hours.
Neil ministered about the Torah at Christian Retreat in 1994. His teaching gift has
blessed many over the years.
Lots of moving in 1995–Jewish Jewels moved to our
own location with a Messianic Gift Shop and
Offices. Pickets at our opening only served to make
the Jewish community more aware of us.
We flew to Canada to tape 12 TV programs at the studio of 100 Huntley Street.
1996: Our 25th wedding anniversary, and
1996: Our 25th wedding anniversary, and
the Jewish Jewels Bridal Tour to Israel.
Jonathan Settel blessed us with his
anointed voice as he has for many years
on Jewish Jewels TV. A Kiss A Day was
Tante Rose (Rose Price Cregar) joins Jamie in
the kitchen to cook tasty Jewish treats. In 1997
we visited the Messianic Forest near Jerusalem
where the trees purchased by you, through
Jewish Jewels, are planted.
Jamie ministered in Spanish to ladies at a
Messianic Festival in Rosario, Argentina in
1998. She translated during the street
preaching and loved praying for people who
were hungry to know about the Lord.
The Lord led us to Cuba for Father’s Day in
1999. The government gave evangelicals one
month of freedom to proclaim the Gospel. We
preached by candlelight for the first time.
Another novel experience: Neil
taught Mennonite believers in a
barn in Pennsylvania. We have
found a great welcome for
Jewish people and Jewish
"roots" in Lancaster County,
PA over the years.
Our Jewish Jewels office family in 2000.Gary, Marilyn, Stephanie, Mark, Arlene,
Sheryl, Jim, Rona & Kayla, Ted, and Neil. A wonderful mishpochah (family)!
Neil blows the shofar at a Passover seder, and explains water immersion (mikveh) to a
group of candidates at the Lash home in 2001.
The Lash living room becomes a TV set as three new Jewish Jewels programs are
In 2002 our partners sent us to Israel with over $50,000 in food coupons for needy
Israelis. A very fruitful Mercy Mission!
2002 was also a year of reaching out to Spanish-speaking Jews. A Jewish Jewels
program was translated into Spanish. Neil & Jamie videotaped in Spain and
fellowshipped with Messianic Jews in Toledo, Spain.
"Bibles and Bagels," our monthly Bible study for "seekers," is bearing much fruit.
Jewish men and women in their 70’s and 80’s, even 90’s are receiving Yeshua as their
Messiah–with great joy!
2003: We have completed 5 new television programs so far, with six more planned for
the fall and winter. These are all made possible by you, our faithful partners!
This has also been a year of TRANSLATIONS: our Ancient Jewish
Wedding booklet has been translated into German, Spanish, and
Portuguese. A Kiss A Day has been translated into German and
Spanish, and Messianic Judaism, Life from the Dead has been
translated into Spanish (both booklet and television program).
On August 21-23, five of us will be participating in a historic
RECONCILIATION service between Jews and Christians in Lima,
Peru, which was the center of the Spanish Inquisition in South
America. We expect to break the spiritual stronghold which has hindered the sharing of
the Messiah throughout South and Central America.
You Have Sown and Watered,
The fruit of 25 years of ministry would not have been possible without
the support of you, our Jewish Jewels family. Millions of people
throughout the world have heard the Good News of Messiah in a
Jewish way because YOU have sent the message over the airwaves
(Romans 10:14-15)!
Please pray and ask our Father what He would have you do to bless
Jewish Jewels on our 25th Anniversary. Before praying, please
consider the following: Has the Holy Spirit ministered His truth to your
heart through our television programs? Have our monthly teaching
newsletters fed your spirit? Have you reconnected with your Jewish
roots through Jewish Jewels? Have you, a family member or friend
come to Yeshua through the ministry of Jewish Jewels? Were the lives
of your children or grandchildren impacted by Righteous Rhymes? Has
Jewish Jewels made the Love of God more real to you? We hope you
can say Yes! to some of these questions. Our heart’s desire is to
minister the love of God to all people, to see Israel saved, and the Bride
of Messiah adorned with Jewish jewels.
For 25 years, we have not asked for money on TV in obedience to
the Lord. He has supplied the ministry’s needs through His
May God bless you for obeying His voice.
We Love you,
Neil and Jamie
Neil and Jamie