SUPERCHARGER PULLEYREPLACEMENT PROCEDURE NOTE:. Removing-the originalATl.installedpulleywill voidyoursupercharger warranty!Reviewthe warrantyinformationin your ownerrsmanualfor furtherdetailsor contactATI'sTechnical ServiceDepartment. It is exceedthe maximumimpellerrpm of yoursupercharger. Forinformationregarding maximumimpellerrpm'sreferto yourowner'smanualor coitactAil's Technical ServiceDepartment. pulleywith a hammeror otherobjectwhen removingor installing Neverstrikethe supercharger the pulley.Suchimpact candamagethe supercharger bearings. Neverpryon damageto the inputshaftsealcanoccur.Usingheatresistant gloves(or similar)removethe pulleyandsetasideto cool.Caution: supercharger Inputshaftof supercharger will be hotl ON CARPROCEDURE l. Wth the beltstillinstalled,loosenthe pulleybolt usingthe appropriate sizedsocket(g/IG. for P series,SfB"for SC,D,& F lf unableto loosenthe bolt,it maybe necessary series). to uid an impacwrench,Remove boltandwasher. 2. Notethe installation orientation of the pulley.Someapplications useoffsetpulleysor shimsbehindthe putley.Correct orientation is importantto maintainproperbeltalignment. 5. pulleydoesnot-easily slideoff of inputshaft,usinga propanetorch,applyheatto the frontof the pulleyin a glrcularpatternaroundthe hub of the us_ually takes_ I to 5 hinutes of heatingih'orderto loosenthe pulley.' Warning:,Do not PIY on pulley as damage!o,the input shaft seal can occur.Using heat rcsistant glwei (or irimilarf lemwe the supeldraryer pulley and set aside to cool. Caution: Input shalt of supeldraryer will E trotl 5. Afterinputshafthascooled,removeold key(s),cleanshaftand installnew key(s)into kepruay(s). continuedon bock ea;iJ1,!j(eon the shaft, in pulleywith key(s)on the shaft. lf ney pu.lle1d-oes.noj 6. - lnstallnew pulley,liningup the keyruay(s) usingheatresistant.gloves minutes. ( 2-3 at.30o.deg.) gyen ir.iurJii(u i;;;tld;;"ililii"y;,3;ridit'" .tor rttevel wiming: shaft. p.ulley on with.key(s) in tey*av(t p"lley, ,p lining i- iitiiir"O i^Jt.rr _str]!9,t!: llt_"t^.,F.1q:1R:ll".I -^^, AllowPulleyto cool. bearlngs. otherobji:Cwhenlnstillingthe pulley.Suchimpactcandamagethe supercharger ivitfra harirmeror"L* drivebelt. 7. Re-install boltandwasher.Torquebolt (40 lb-ftfor P series,60 262or similar)to pulleybolt and re-install 8. Applythreadlocker(Loctiteo/oo lb-ftfor SC,D, & F series). OFFCARPROCEDURE sizedsocket(9/16"for P series,5/8" for Sc,D,& F series). l. Usingan impactwrench,loosenthe pulleybolt usingthe appropriate Removebolt andwasher. useoffsetpulleysor shimsbehindthe pulley'Correct of the pulley.Someapplications orientation 2. Notethe installation is importantto maintainProPerbeltalignment. orientation the pulleyin a torch,applylt"+ t? t" !9Il slideoff of inputshaft,using -miriute's i.- pulleydoesnot easily 'pulley. ! Propane "f heati18i1 of l to s takeslt us-ually of the hy-b ciicularp'uttetfiurounJ'tti" _"191!91"_T^"11-"^?yl_"yjr_!,-a w"-inir Do not pry on pulley as dimage !"- q" inputshafi seal can oGcur.UsingheatlesistantSloves(or simila4 remoe-ilre supetcttLrge'rpulley and set-asideto cobl caution: Input shaft of supercharyerwill be hot! on inputshaft' 4. Afterinputshafthascooled,removeold key(s)and installnew key(s)into keyruay(s) slideon inputshaft, in pulleywith key(s)on the shaft. lf newpulley9o":,!,oJ_":sily -5. Installnew pulley,liningup the kepruay(s) resistant heat minutes..Using for.2-3 ('an .1 599-) oven ql.".y,:..: 1,!uin"* pirll"y;r;;3 tli-"f.tuu*iin i'p'ropdn"t6rch l9l" puley,liningup k"v*uvG) in.pulleywithkey$) on shaft.warning:Neverstrikethe superch3tq:lqYll^"y-yllh ;i;ilu;ildt;ii;.* pulley to cool. Allow bearings. itie puliey.suchimpactcandamagethe supercharger u triritr"t or otherbUj"ciwhei iristalling bolt andwasher.Torquebolt (40 lb-ftfor P series,60 262or similar)to pulleybolt and re-install 6. Applythreadlocker(Loctiteo/oo lb-ftfor SC,D, & F series).