Fall 2011 - American Lowline Registry
Fall 2011 - American Lowline Registry
M1 American Lowline Registry 19590 East Mainstreet, #202 Parker, CO 80138 PRESORTED First Class U.S. POSTAGE PAID COLORFX.NET Fall 2011 The Lowline Ledger BULL POWER by Double J Nobody’s bulls produce like Double J the proof is in the results! DOUBLE J’S Dr Who 2 U DOUBLE J’S Who Called Me Shorty 85U 2008 & 2009 reserve national champion Percentage Bull 2009 Houston stock show Grand champion Percentage Bull DOUBLE J’S DaBull 12U recent sale results 2011 National Lowline Sale #1 People choice’s & high seller 1/2 blood “Dr Who 2u” heifer $5900 #2 People choice’s & 2nd high seller 3/4 blood “the Brick 281t” heifer $5700 #3 People’s choice & 3rd high seller 1/2 blood “Dr Who 2u” heifer $4500 2011 Iowa Spring Expo Sale #1 People’s choice “the Brick 281t” 3/4 blood heifer $2000 2011 Austin Star of Texas Sale #1 high seller “the Brick 281t” Fullblood heifer $9500 Semen $25/straw 2009 national Grand champion Percentage Bull & 2009 national supreme champion It “pays” to breed with Double J Genetics ! You don’t need a judge to tell you to breed to Double J bulls Smart breeders have already figured it out ! Diamond J Ranch George Jenkins North Platte, NE 308-534-0363 2 m www.diamondjranch.net Fall 2011 M3 The Lowline Ledger The Lowline Ledger Official publication of the American Lowline Registry is published quarterly and mailed to ALR members and interested parties. President’s Column Dear fellow lowline breeders, I hope that all of you have had a great summer and are now ready to dive into the activities that fall brings from weaning calves to attending the various sales and shows we have coming up. Speaking of weaning calves, it is not too early to begin thinking of the weaning process and the herd health program that is best for you and your Lowline herd. This is a good time to consult with your veterinarian about pre-weaning and weaning vaccinations. I have found if an IBR, BVD Types I and II, PI3 and BRSV shot is given along with a pasturella shot 2 - 4 weeks before the calves are weaned, and still nursing the cow, is a great help in the overall health of the calves. Then giving a booster of the IBR, BVD, PI3 and BRSV and a 7-way shot, along with a pour-on wormer at weaning works well for me. While this is the protocol I follow, again, your area veterinarian can assist you best. But with the high value of Lowline calves, keeping them healthy and in a low stress environment is worth the extra work and investment. I hope that you take notice of a few changes we have made to the Ledger in this issue. Larry Watkins and the ledger committee have been working to make this a publication that will have more information for and about our members. Our National Show will be held in Denver, Colorado in conjunction with the National Western Stock Show in January 2012. We look forward to the new opportunities the National Western Stock Show has made available to us including the creation of a class for smaller framed cattle in the Commercial Heifer show, special divisions in the Fed Beef Contest for smaller framed cattle and grass fed beef, exhibit space in the Herd Sire exhibit and exhibit space on “The Hill”. Check for more details about this in this issue. I am excited that we are trying to get more member involvement through our committees and look forward to the results of their work. I hope that we can all move forward in a positive direction with the mutual goal of helping our breed grow. ALR Board of Directors President Janis Black 2J Livestock PO Box 50693 Casper, WY 82605-0693 (307) 234-0331 (307) 262-1279 [email protected] Vice President Neil Effertz Effertz EZ Ranch 17350 Hwy 1804N Bismarck, ND 58503 701-223-5202 [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Rick Dodd Topline Lowlines 11821 Wagner Rd. Monroe, WA 98272 (206) 459-3778 [email protected] www.ToplineLowlines.com Director Trevor Smith Big Valley Cattle Co. PO Box 882 Kiowa, CO 80117 (303) 621-2061 FAX (303) 621-2075 [email protected] www.cattlesmith.com Director Larry Watkins Flying J&L Ranch 444 CR632 Groesbeck, TX 76642 (979) 481-0951 [email protected] Have a wonderful fall!! Janis 4 m ALR Office 19590 East Mainstreet #202, Parker, CO 80138 303-840-4343 [email protected] • usa-lowline.org Fall 2011 Copyright 2011 The American Lowline Registry is a not-for-profit corporation of North Dakota dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Lowline cattle. C O NTENTS F e at u r e s 2012 NWSS National Lowline Sale and Schedule of Events...........................8 National Western Lowline Sale Entry Form..................................................9 2011 Wyoming State Fair Lowline Show Results...................................... 14 ALR Member Round-Up........................................................................... 15 Photo Provided by Leann Gatewood 2011 Lowline Junior National.................................................................. 16 Junior Nationals in Laramie, Wyoming: Junior members divide into teams to fit a calf. SLABA Junior Members ROCK.................................................................. 19 2011 Iowa State Fair Lowline Show........................................................ 24 Lowlines: A Commercial Perspective......................................................... 28 Peas Produce Positive Beef Performance.................................................. 30 Departments President’s Column..................................................................... 4 Lowline Logistics....................................................................... 6 Lowline Logic......................................................................... 10 Advertisers Index.................................................................... 11 Calendar of Events................................................................... 12 Regional News....................................................................... 34 Junior Corral.......................................................................... 36 The International Year Code for 2011 is: Y Published by: Register Lakota Printing & Media, PO Box 28 • Chamberlain SD, 57325 • 1-800-284-3348 [email protected] D eadlines Issue:Deadline: Spring February 5 SummerApril 15 FallAugust 20 Winter November 20 M5 The Lowline Ledger Lowline Logistics by Neil Effertz To avoid the logistical nightmares and take your slice out of one of the fastest growing segments in American agriculture... the simpler, the better. “A Logistical Nightmare!” This catch phrase is widely used in all business but most appropriately used in the emerging grass fed beef business. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid! Another widely used catch phrase that is the key to your success in the grass fed beef business. To avoid the logistical nightmares and take your slice out of one of the fastest growing segments in American agriculture... the simpler, the better. According to Wayne Rasmussen of The Grassfed Exchange, the market for grass fed beef is expanding at a 30%+ annual growth rate. In 2010, retail sales of grass fed beef in the United States totaled more than $1.5 billion. To put that in prospective, in 1998 grass fed beef sales were under $5 million annually. This a clear message that consumers want more choices in their beef products, desire healthier alternatives and are willing to pay for it. They also want to know where their beef came from, opening up a world of opportunity for ranch to retail sales. This is where the logistical nightmare part comes into play. There are a multitude of beef products that can be sold in the grass fed beef industry. If you are doing your own marketing work, this is where you need to keep it simple to keep it profitable. As my wife says “you just can’t be all things to all people”. My advice is to develop your product line in accordance with your production, processing and delivery resources. Leave it at that. One successful producer sells one product...Steakburger... the whole carcass in a very high quality lean ground product - steaks and all are all in the same package. With this product he provides three choices: 1 pound packages, 1.5 pound packages or, for the restaurants, a 5 pound package. The price is all the same per pound. Selling halves at so much per pound hanging weight is another way to keep it simple. Here is where you can let your customers help you do the selling. You will no doubt have a request from someone to buy a smaller portion, not a whole half. We tell them that we don’t sell smaller 6 m portions but would be happy to have our processors split a half of beef into separate boxes for them if they can find a partner to go in with them in purchasing a half of beef. This has led us to many more happy customers and the word of mouth advertising with Lowline grass fed beef is an incredibly powerful marketing tool. A good high yielding Lowline or Lowline cross grass fed beef carcass can easily be worth from $1400 to $2200 per head if marketed this way. You will have the very rewarding experience of developing extremely satisfied customers because of the taste, tenderness and fine texture of the Lowline influence grass fed beef. Be sure to recommend that they don’t overcook it. Because of the naturally lean nature of the grass fed beef, caution needs to be taken not to dry it out by overcooking. The grass fed Lowline steaks we had last night were cooked to a perfect medium rare - warm but still pinkish-red on the inside - they were so lean, yet sooo... great tasting and so tender, they were incredible! Yet on a USDA quality grading scale, which doesn’t really fit the job of measuring grass fed beef quality, they would not have even made the Select quality grade for marbling. The flavor was so intense and robust and no waxy after taste that can remain from over fat beef. There is probably no beef breed that stands to gain more market share in the dynamic changing world of beef production than Lowlines. When you can couple cutting production costs, cow herd maintenance costs, lowering labor especially when calving heifers, drought tolerance, increased hoof action to stimulate good soil health with the incredible market for Lowline influence grass fed beef, the future has nowhere to go but up for the fastest growing little beef breed in America. Neil Effertz Effertz EZ Ranch 701-471-0153 www.loala.com Fall 2011 M7 The Lowline Ledger Twelfth Annual National Lowline Sale 2012 National Sale Entries Due By November 5, 2011 The 2012 National Lowline Sale will mark the 12th anniversary of this prestigious event. This sale has been the cornerstone of marketing of the Lowline breed and has annually established market values for registered Lowline Cattle. The sale will be held at the National Western Stock Show, Denver, CO on January 19, 2012. We hope that you as breeders will continue to make this the highest quality sale in the nation. Despite all the negative talk about this event being moved in 2011 to a late date in the show, we still had and outstanding sale. Bred fullblood females averaged $7119 with open fullblood females at $5155 and percentage heifers at $2872. This sale is the showcase of our breed and should represent your very best cattle. Only a few, very select bulls will be accepted for this sale. All sale cattle must be entered in the National Western Lowline show. If you do not receive a premium book, you can call 800/336-6977 to request a copy. The book is also on line at www.nationalwestern.com . Please honor all entry deadlines and health regulations. Females must be calfhood vaccinated for Brucellosis to sell in the sale. An entry form is included in this issue of the Lowline Ledger. It is also available on line at www.usa-lowline.org. This is the only entry information you will receive, so mark your calendar for the entry deadline of November 5, 2011. For more information or questions contact John Reed, sale manager at 320/346-2750 or email [email protected] 2012 National Lowline Tentative Schedule of Events National Western Stock Show Monday, January 16, 2012 Cattle Can Move In Wednesday, January 18, 2012 8:00 a.m. – Cattle in Place 9:00 a. m. – Commercial Heifer Show – Range Master Division will include Lowline Type Females 10:00 a.m. – Process Cattle- Check Tattoos - NWSS Thursday, January 19, 2012 10:00 a.m. – National Lowline People’s Choice Show of Sale Cattle – NWSS – SYA Building 1:00 p.m. – National Lowline Sale – NWSS – LCAA Building 7:00 p.m. – Annual Banquet followed by the American Lowline Junior Association Auction. The banquet will be a buffet style meal. Tickets are $40 each and should be bought in advance. ALR has again planned for dancing after the events. Held at the Embassy Suites Hotel. Friday, January 20, 2012 8:00 a.m. – Lowline Junior Heifer Show/Showmanship – NWSS – SYA Building 9:00 a.m. – National Lowline Female Show (Fullblood and Percentage) – NWSS – SYA Building 6:00 p.m. – Breeders Reception – Embassy Suites Hotel 7:00 p.m. – Kris Ringwall – BeefTalk Author to speak followed by ALR Annual Meeting – Embassy Suites Hotel Saturday, January 21, 2012 8:00 a.m. - National Lowline Pen Bull Show – NWSS – SYA Building 10:00 a.m. - National Lowline Bull Show (Fullblood and Percentage) – NWSS – SYA Building All Cattle Released following the Show Headquarters information the same except the rate at the Embassy is $115 8 m 2012 National Western Lowline Sale Entry Form Fall 2011 (Please complete one form for each entry. Duplicate this form if needed) Consignor______________________________ ALR membership number__________ Farm or Ranch name_______________________ Address_________________________________ City/State/Zip__________________________ Phone________________________________ email___________________ Check one Bull_____ Cow/calf______ Open heifer_______ Bred Heifer_____ Show steer ____ Check one Fullblood___ Purebred____ ¾ blood______ ½ blood_____ Animals name___________________________________ Reg #___________ Birth date:_________ Tattoo_______ Optional information BW ________ Birth ht.____ WW ____ AWW ___ YW _____ AYW____ SC_____ Calf at side: Sire______________________ Sire reg #______ Sex ___ Birth date____________ Tattoo______ Reg #______ Service Information for bred females AI date________ Service sire_________________________ Reg #___________ Pasture exposed from _______ to _______ Service sire________________ Reg #______ Pregnancy checked date________ Footnotes (Any information you have that will help merchandise your cattle—show record, measurements, flush records, family history, disposition, etc. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Please fill out completely or attach pedigree __________________ _____________________ _________________ Sire:__________________ Reg #_______ __________________ ______________________ __________________ __________________ ______________________ ____________________ Dam___________________ Reg # ____________________ ______________________ _____________________ Include $100 per head for fullblood, purebred and percentage cattle. Send before Nov 5, 2011 to John Reed, 30217 110th Ave, Brooten, MN 56316 or email to [email protected]. Call 320/346-2750 with any questions. M9 The Lowline Ledger Lowline Logic by John Reed legged cow. When the two front and two back legs are I sometimes wonder what folks are thinking when directly behind the other from the camera’s prospecthey post pictures of Lowline cattle for sale on-line. In tive you will get the image of a two or three legged many cases, the cattle would sell better if no picture animal. The front leg closest to the camera should be were available. With a little patience and some knowlenough forward of the other leg to distinctly show both edge, you can create a decent photo that will ad value legs. The rear leg closest to the camera should be far to your cattle. In the last issue we started to talk liveenough back so that both rear legs are clearly visible stock photos. Please review that article. from the hock down. Both Hopefully, you now have a basic knowledge “We want cattle to appear deep, thick rear legs need to be in a poof what it takes to get a and long. In addition they need to be sition that keeps the top line straight and level. decent livestock picture. Now, let’s look at the finer structurally sound and eye appealing. Getting the head and ears to cooperate along with points. As I said, the idea How can we project that image?” the perfect let set is a big orof a picture is to convey a der. This is where a helper really comes in handy. A positive image of your animal. As we are picturing beef second party can get the attention of the subject bringcattle, we want to convey the image of beef! We want ing up the head and cocking the ears forward, often by cattle to appear deep, thick and long. In addition they rattling a paddle, whistling, shaking, jumping or whatneed to be structurally sound and eye appealing. How ever it takes. can we project that image? To really visualize this, take a look at the picture on First, try to take your picture at an angle where the page 11 of the Summer 2011 Lowline Ledger. All four camera is shooting from the back half (on a side view) legs are clearly visible, top is straight and true, head is of the animal. That is, stand slightly to the rear of cenup with the ears cocked forward and the face slightly ter of your subject. This accentuates the meat end of facing the camera. the critter while diminishing the head. I see many pic Please, don’t be discouraged if your pictures aren’t tures on the internet that are taken from the front of perfect. They seldom are, even those taken by profesthe animal. While this may be desirable for Victoria sionals. Hopefully you can use this information to take Secret models, it usually makes for truly mundane beef better pictures and to differentiate between what is acanimals. ceptable and what is not. Good luck. Many livestock photographers will kneel down to project an animal to be larger than it really is. This may not always be desirable with Lowline cattle and I will leave that up to your preference and the market you If you have topics that you would like to have addressed in are shooting at. In the 1950’s when baby beef was the rage, photographers bedded that cattle deep in straw and actually stood on ladders to make the cattle appear as small as possible. Feet and leg placement is most important. Nothing looks worst than a three legged cow, or worse yet, a two contact John Reed at 320-346-2750 or email: [email protected] Lowline Logic 10 m The Association A dEastern v e r tLowline i s e rAngus s In dex 10 XXXRanch....................................20, Presents 41 Kirtley Family Farms...............................43 The North American Lowline Lakeview Lowline....................................42 Fall 2011 The Eastern Lowline Angus Association Presents The North American Lowline 3B Farms................................................39 All Star Sale American Royal.......................................40 Lakeville Lowline Breeders......................13 B & B Lowlines........................................39 Lamb’s Lowlines......................................38 November 16, 2011 Bar J Ranch............................................11 G Lowline.......................................31 North AmericanLazy International Livestock Exposition Miller Lowline Angus Ranch.....................13 Louisville, KY Bard Farms.............................................39 Big Island Lowlines....................................3 Mona Ranch............................................38 Blue Sky Ag Marketing, LLC.....................39 Muddy Creek Ranch..........................22, 23 California Lowlines..................................33 OHF-The Next Generation........................21 CharStan Farms......................................38 Quiet Valley Farms..................................13 Cloverdale Farms....................................38 Rainy Knob Ranch...................................35 Double J Cattle Co.........................2, 20, 41 Schmit Farms..........................................39 Effertz EZ Ranch.......................................7 Shady Oaks Lowline Ranch, LLC...............14 ELAA................................................11, 32 Sharidon Farms.......................................40 Fanning Cattle Co..............................12, 37 Sigel Sunset Ranch..................................13 To learn more about Lowlines go to: Farm Fair...............................................29 Springs Cattle Farm.................................14 www.usa-lowline.org or Gatewood Genetics..................................38 Sunflower Ranch...............................12, 37 www.easternlowline.com Get-Back-To-Grass. ..................................20 Topline Lowlines. .....................................27 For entry information or sale catalog contact: Hah Cotton Farm.....................................38 UniversalManager Semen Sales, Inc......................38 John Reed, Sale All Star Sale November 16, 2011 North American International Livestock Exposition Louisville, KY Expecting 50 Lots of Fullblood and percentage Lowline cattle. Lowlines for calving ease, production efficiency, youth show prospects, direct beef marketing, grass feeding and profitability. To learn more about Lowlines go to: www.usa-lowline.org or www.easternlowline.com For entry information or sale catalog contact: High Hopes Farms...................................38 Wyndham Farm......................................39 320.346.2750 www.barjranch.com K Bar W Ranches,LLC...............................44 John Reed, Sale Manager 320.346.2750 www.barjranch.com BAR J RANCH ~Dedicated to the Improvement of the Lowline Breed ~ ELITE FULLBLOOD GENETICS AVAILABLE FOR SALE • Full Blood and Percentage Bulls, Heifer Calves, and Bred Females • Semen • Embryos BAR J LIV 0x11 Watch for Bar J Genetics at the American Royal and the North American International Livestock Exposition this fall. X22 TY 4P56-0AM PION BAR J FROIRSRE S GRAND CH IOWA STATE FAing product of our program. Another winn Jamison Reed (6 yrs old) at his first show with his Res Grand Champion Jr. Show Heifer. Congratulations to J.J. for winning the 6-8 year old showmanship contest. Check out our Web Site at www.barjranch.com Phone: (320) 346-2750 John and Joanne Reed 30217 110th Ave Brooten, MN 56316 Email: [email protected] M 11 The Lowline Ledger 2011 Lowline Events September 9-11, 2011 Sixth Annual Northwest Lowline Classic, Spokane Interstate Fair - Spokane, WA September 17, 2011 Eastern Pacesetter Sale, Riverwood Farms - Powell, OH September 23-24, 2011 1st Annual 10XXX Ranch & Double J Cattle Co. Breeders Seminar & Production Sale - Glen Rose, TX October 1, 2011 Lazy G Lowlines and Guests Red October Sale, Lazy G Ranch - Yelm, WA October 8, 2011 Get Back To Grass Lowline Sale and Field Day, Pitchford Cattle Company - Athens, TX October 19-22, 2011 NILE Lowline Sale - Billings, MT October 22-23, 2011 American Royal Lowline Sale, Kansas City, MO. 5:00 PM Saturday, 8:00 AM Sunday. November 15-18, 2011 North American International Livestock Expo (NAILE) Louisville, KY 12 m Lowline Ledger Advertising Rates The Lowline Ledger is mailed to all ALR members, plus those who have inquired about the breed. If you want to reach the greatest number of interested potential buyers, consider placing an ad in the next edition. The deadline for the Winter issue of The Lowline Ledger is tentatively set for November 20, 2011. Lowline advertising rates are for disk ready ads. To receive these rates you must submit ad copy in either a .pdf, .tiff or a .jpg file. Ads must be the proper size and resolution (300 dpi) to receive standard rates. The ad sizes are: full page (bleeds) 8 ¾ x 11 ¼, (information area not to exceed 7 ½ x 10 ½); full page 7 ½ x10 ½ page 7 ½ x 4 7/8; ¼ page 3 5/8 x 4 7/8 and business card ad 3 ½ x 2. If you need an ad designed, this service is available for an additional charge. Please call 1-800-284-3348 or email: prepress@ register-lakota.com for more information. Thanks to all of our Lowline Ledger advertisers! You help spread the exciting Lowline news! Business Card 1/4 page b/w 1/4 page color 1/2 page b/w 1/2 page color Full page b/w Full page color Member $41 $81 $156 $135 $235 $203 $453 Pre-paid Member $37 $73 $140 $122 $203 $183 $433 Non-Member $54 $102 $196 $169 $315 $270 $583 Fall 2011 Champion Cow/Calf Pair LLB T77 and Y33 Bull Calf Reserve Grand Champion Bull LLB Urey Y33, Owners: Dennis & Denise Boldt, Lakeville Lowline Breeders Dennis Boldt 12295 205th Street W Lakeville, MN 55044 Sigel Sunset Ranch Phone/Fax: (952) 469-1684 Cell: (612) 270-0873 Email: [email protected] AI Sired Lowline Cattle Congratulations to the Fanning Cattle Company for winning Grand Champion Percentage Heifer with MRG Carmen. For Sale We have several female calves, bred heifers and young cows for sale this fall. For Sale: embryos, breeding stock Great gifts from the Lowline Shop Looking forward to seeing all of you at upcoming events. Mark Gilles Cadott, Wisconsin www.sigelsunsetranch.com 715-215-9864 The animal pictured is a purebred Tequila Daughter (reg # PF 12334) born 12-2-2009 and bred to Jackeroo for a late March calf. Verne Montana 10787 Slayton Rd. Weedsport, N.Y. 13166 315-626-6893 e-mail: [email protected] M 13 The Lowline Ledger 2011 WYOMING STATE FAIR LOWLINE SHOW Judge: Bert L. Moore, Elkhorn, Nebraska Females Animal Owner City & State Class 24 Females Calved on or before March 1, 2011 1 (full blood) Ben Campbell Casper, WY Class 33 Cow/Calf Pair-cow born on or before December 31, 2009, calf born Jan. 1, 2011 or after 1 RL Telluwhat (full blood) Ben Campbell Casper, WY Class 25 Females Calved on or before Jan. 1 to Feb. 28, 2011 1 Bar NL Ruby 03Y (percentage) Bar NL Livestock Douglas, WY 2 Bar NL Liberty Belle 04Y (Percentage Bar NL Livestock Douglas, WY BULLS CHAMPION HEIFER CALF: Bar NL Ruby 03Y RESERVE CHAMPION HEIFER CALF-Bar NL Liberty Belle 04Y Class 28 Females Calved on or before May 1 to August 31, 2010 1 14X DLC Touchdown Mascot (percentage) Deeney Lowline Cattle Hawk Springs, WY 2 RL Miss August (percentage) Reed Lowlines Casper, WY 3 15X DLC Touchdown (full blood) Deeney Lowlines Cattle Hawk Springs, WY Class 29 1 Bar NL Tess 02X (percentage) Bar NL Livestock Douglas, WY 2 RL Miss February (full blood) Reed Lowlines Casper, WY 3 Bar NL Fancy Face 01X (percentage) Bar NL Livestock Douglas, WY CHAMPION SENIOR FEMALE: Bar NL Tess 02X RESERVE CHAMPION SENIOR FEMALE: RL Miss February GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE: Bar NL Tess 02X RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE: Bar NL Ruby 03Y Percentage Redline Starter Package A Rare Find! 3/4 Red Bull and 3/4 Heifer. “Bluey’s Carolina Red” (Sire: Bluey) the first red lowline born in S.C. born 11-6-2010 and “Doc’s Summer” (Sire: Doc Holliday Jr.) born 8-7-2010 only $3500 for package. Jason Bagwell Springs Cattle Farm 315 Elder Rd Chesnee, SC 29323 (864) 497-2407 http://www.springscattlefarm.com 14 m CHAMPION COW/CALF PAIR: RL Telluwhat Class 38 Bulls Calved May 1 to August 31, 2010 1 12X DLC Red Zone (percentage Deeney Lowline Cattle Hawk Springs, WY Class 39 Bulls Calved Jan. 1 to Aug. 31, 2010 1 RL Telluride Image 9 (full blood) Reed Lowlines Casper, WY CHAMPION SENIOR BULL: RL Telluride Image 9 RESERVE CHAMPION SENIOR BULL: 12X DLC Red Zone GRAND CHAMPION BULL: RL Telluride Image 9 RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL : 12X DLC Red Zone GROUP CLASSES Class 43 Produce of Dam 1 GNS Felicity 02L (percentage) 2 GNS Felicity 1S (percentage) Bar NL Livestock Douglas, WY Bar NL Livestock Douglas, WY Class 44 Get of Sire 1 Telluride Reed Lowlines Casper, WY 2 RML Touchdown Deeney Lowline Cattle Hawk Springs, WY Fall 2011 Member Round-up Thank you for your interest in the ALR Member Round-Up Program. Each year you will be rewarded for recruiting new members to the ALR! The Member Round-Up Program is designed to reward ALR members for recruiting new members. We need your help to communicate the important message of member benefits by recruiting new members and bringing former members back to the ALR. We appreciate all of you who are already actively recruiting members, but we want to remind everyone how important it is for ALR members to interact with and recruit new members. More than 60 percent of new members are a result of face-to-face contact, meaning the majority of current members were recruited by existing members. The Member Round-Up will run from year to year and all ALR members are eligible to participate in the program. For tracking purposes, membership applications are available on the website that has a referred by line. Your name and ALR number must appear on this line to receive credit for the new member. It’s the same for online applications. Keep a few of these applications with you. Be ready. Member Round-Up Rewards 1. Two new members: ALR CAP 2. Four New Members: ALR CAP & ALR MUG 3. Six New Members: ALR BELT BUCKLE 4. For ten: You will be awarded tickets to the National Convention complete with three nights motel lodging at the National Show and Convention. 5. For the most new members over 15: Percentage Lowline Heifer (one heifer awarded) Prizes will be awarded at the National Convention (Prize categories are not cumulative) SPONSORSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE FOR THE MEMBER ROUND-UP PROGRAM All sponsors will be listed in the Lowline Ledger next to the Round Up Leader Board for all four of the 2012 issues. Payment of your $100 sponsorship must be received by November 20, 2011 to be included in the four issues. Payment after this date will allow for your name to be eligible in remaining issues depending on when received. M 15 The Lowline Ledger Champion % Heifer: TCS Erica 13W – Shown by Zack Langley, Denison, KS Champion Fullbllood Heifer – Hot Summer Night – Shown by Zack Langley, Denison, KS Bull Show Champion: LM Malabar – Shown by Lauren’s Lowlines, Peyton, CO 16 m Reserve Champion % Heifer: HSR Moose – Shown by Ashley Pike, Mitchell, NE Reserve Champion Fullblood Heifer: DDR Lisa Lee – Shown by Ashley Pike, Mitchell, NE Bull Show Reserve Champion: Mini Me – Shown by Cole Pennington, Kiowa, CO % Female Show Champion % Heifer Calf: DOLL HOUSE MAGGIE 92X – Shown by Zack Langley, Denison, KS Reserve % Heifer Calf: ICU CRAZY SAGE – Shown by Ashley Mugnier, Wilsall, MT Champion % Intermediate Heifer – HSR Moose – Shown by Ashley Pike, Mitchell, NE Reserve % Intermediate Heifer – TCS She’s a Honey 15X – Shown by Zack Langley, Denison, KS Champion % Junior Heifer – HF Miss Jet Lag – Shown by Brice Hanlon, Strasburg, CO Reserve % Junior Heifer – HF Miss Lady Jet – Shown by Brooke Hanlon, Strasburg, CO Champion % Senior Yearling Heifer – TCS Erica 13W – Shown by Zack Langley, Denison, KS *No Reserve % Senior Yearling Heifer* Champion % Heifer – TCS Erica 13W – Shown by Zack Langley, Denison, KS Reserve % Heifer -HSR Moose – Shown by Ashley Pike, Mitchell, NE Fullblood Female Show Champion FB Heifer Calf – Hot Summer Night – Shown by Zack Langley, Denison, KS Reserve FB Heifer Calf – CUP Valentine – Shown by Cauy Pennington, Kiowa, CO Champion FB Intermediate Heifer – DDR Lisa Lee – Shown by Ashley Pike, Mitchell, NE Reserve FB Intermediate Heifer – MRG Black Berry – Shown by Jordan Gilles, Cadott, WI Champion FB Junior Heifer – TL Chiclet – Shown by Jalyn Dodd, Monroe, WA Reserve FB Junior Heifer – TOPLINE Sylvie – Shown by Haleigh Pike, Mitchell, NE Champion FB Senior Yearling Heifer – RDM Yes Ima Jewel – Shown by Gage Newby, Calumet, OK *No Reserve FB Senior Yearling Heifer* Champion FB Heifer – Hot Summer Night – Shown by Zack Langley, Denison, KS Reserve FB Heifer – DDR Lisa Lee – Shown by Ashley Pike, Mitchell, NE Bull Show Champion Fall 2011 Jr Bull Calf – LM Malabar – Shown by Lauren’s Lowlines, Peyton, CO Reserve Jr Bull Calf – Mini Me – Shown by Cole Pennington, Kiowa, CO Steer Show Champion % Steer – Shown by Mallory Link, Kiowa, CO Reserve % Steer – Shown by Cauy Pennington, Kiowa, CO Champion FB Steer – Shown by Emma Rademacher, Kiowa, CO Reserve FB Steer – Shown by Shea Esser, Bloomington, WI Champion Steer – Shown by Mallory Link, Kiowa, CO Reserve Steer – Shown by Cauy Pennington, Kiowa, CO % Bred & Owned Female Show Champion % Bred & Owned Female – HF Miss Jet Lag – Shown by Brice Hanlon, Strasburg, CO Reserve % Bred & Owned Female – HF Miss Lady Jet – Shown by Brooke Hanlon, Strasburg, CO FB Bred & Owned Female Show Champion FB Bred & Owned Female – CUP Valentine – Shown by Cauy Pennington, Kiowa, CO Reserve FB Bred & Owned Female – ICU Bear Naked – Shown by Ashley Mugnier, Wilsall, MT Cow/Calf Pairs Show Champion % Cow/Calf Pair – MCR Sage – Shown by Ashley Mugnier, Wilsall, MT Reserve % Cow/Calf Pair – JBG Jannie – Shown by Lauren’s Lowlines, Peyton, CO Champion FB Cow/Calf Pair – EZ Miss Perfection 36N – Shown by Cauy Pennington, Kiowa, CO Reserve FB Cow/Calf Pair – MCR Sexy Pants – Shown by Ashley Mugnier, Wilsall, MT M 17 The Lowline Ledger Junior members practicing livestock judging at Junior Nationals in Laramie, Wyoming. Showing Lowlines at the Junior Nationals. Workshop on how to properly fit a calf. Snapshots during the show. Midwest junior members who showed lowlines at the junior national show at Laramie, WY. Mountain States junior members who showed lowlines at the junior national show at Laramie, WY. Northwest and Southwest junior members who showed lowlines at the junior national show at Laramie, WY. National junior members who showed lowlines at the junior national show at Laramie, WY. 18 m SLABA Junior Members k c o R Fall 2011 at Texas Junior Livestock Association 2011 Belt Buckle Bonanza Pictured from left to right: Carissa Jackson, Ashley Collins, Maddie Taplin, Hayley Roesler, Hannah Roesler, Nathan Lewman, Olivia LeVoy, Colby Hajda, Caige Hajda, Chase Taplin, Andrew Teague, Rowdy Taplin, and Madison Dies July 2 & 3, 2011 - In the sweltering central Texas heat junior members of the Southwest Lowline Angus Breeder’s Association exhibited their heifers at the 2011 Texas Junior Livestock Association’s Belt Buckle Bonanza. This show is considered the event of the year for hundreds of youth livestock exhibitors and the Lowlines made an exemplary showing. SLABA junior members enjoyed not only showing their animals but also a pizza party, learning about various breeds and creating a regional junior association under SLABA. Congratulations to all those that participated! 2011 TJLA Belt Buckle Bonanza Lowline Angus Champions Olivia LeVoy: Arena A & Arena B Breed Champion Colby Hajda: Arena B Reserve Breed Champion Ashley Collins: Arena A Reserve Breed Champion M 19 The Lowline Ledger 2011 Fancy Prospect Steer, Heifer & Bred Cow Sale Production Sale to be held Silent auction to be held with all benefits going to SLABA youth program. Donations welcome. Sept. 24 at 10xXx Ranch, Glen Rose, Texas Featuring the genetics of: • • • • • Double Double Double Double Double J’s J’s J’s J’s J’s The Brick 281 Who Called Me Shorty 85U Da Bull 12U Handy Dandy Doctor Who 2U Guest Consigners: • K Bar W Ranches, LLC • Bill Cabaniss online catalog only 45 - Lots including • Fancy Proscpect Steers • Fancy Show Heifers • Full Blood Bred Cows • 1/2 Blood Steers & Heifers Al & Jeanne Conover - (515) 491-8078 20 m 1/2 blood “Brick” steers, they sell Ronnie Bowles 254-396-2124 George Jenkins 308-530-0193 S is The Next Generation I TH Fall 2011 TNG Bailey—Halfblood Lowline daughter out of BCC Doc Holliday 04P and Maine Anjou/ Hereford cow. Bred to Murrumbong LGL Bluey for a May 2012 calf. Supreme Overall Champion at the Pennsylvania Lowline Show, July 2011. Bailey is turning heads everywhere she goes! She is being consigned in the ELAA Lowline Sale in Louisville this November. Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase genetics that will work for you, both in the pasture and the show ring. TNG Magpie— Sassy purebred BCC Doc Holliday 04P daughter out of EZ Maggie 329S. Grand Champion Lowline at Northeast Beef Expo, Ossipee Valley Fair, and Skowhegan State Fair, and her career has just begun. Keep an eye out for this one! TNG Win Dixie— Stylish, thick and correct, this daughter of EZ Lisbon 29L and GFL Dixie Mae of BBL is ready to rock and roll. Look out world, here she comes! OHF—The Next Generation Hiram, ME 207-625-4063 www.oldhomesteadfarmme.com * [email protected] Our herd consists of Fullblood, Purebred and Percentage Lowline Angus. Visitors are always welcome. Please stop by and say hello! M **Heifers, Cow/Calf Pairs, Bulls, Steers and Semen Available *** 21 The Lowline Ledger 22 m Fall 2011 M 23 The Lowline Ledger Lowline PB% Junior heifer calf Class 001 After April 1, 2011 Exhibitor 1 ESR Lowlines, Bloomington, WI 2 Litchfield Family Lowlines, Boone, IA 3 Moo Co, Fruitland, IA 4 Alumbaugh Farms, Trenton, MO 5 Alumbaugh Farms, Trenton, MO Name SRE Diesel Hannah LFL Megan Da Dola Bell Da My Name’s Sue Class 012 Sept 1 – Oct 31, 2010 1 Zack Langley Doll House Genetics, Denison, KS GRAND CHAMPION HEIFER Fanning Cattle Company, Cordova, IL RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION HEIFER Doll House Genetics, Denison, KS Lowline PB% Cow/Calf Class 013 Cow born after Sept 1, 2008 1 Sierra & Hannah Bruse, Princeton, MO Lil Miss Calamity Jane (w/calf 5/20/11) Class 002 March 1-31, 2011 1 Zack Langley Doll House Genetics, Denison, KS 34y 2 Zack Langley Doll House Genetics, Denison, KS 3 Bar J Ranch, Brooten, MN Doll House Rock Star 32Y Bar J Wanda 194 U-Y3 Class 003 Jan 1 – Feb 28, 2011 1 Alumbaugh Farms, Trenton, MO Class 014 Cow born before Sept 1, 2008 1 ESR Lowlines, Bloomington, WI 2 Moo Co, Fruitland, IA SSC Cenaly CHAMPION PB% COW/CALF ESR Lowlines, Bloomington, WI RESERVE PB% COW/CALF Sierra & Hannah Bruse, Princeton, MO CHAMPION JUNIOR HEIFER CALF Zack Langley Doll House Genetics, Denison, KS RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR HEIFER CALF Zack Langley Doll House Genetics, Denison, KS Doll House Pointin’ Atcha Doll House Rock Star 32Y Lowline PB% Senior heifer calf Class 004 Nov 1 – Dec 31, 2010 1 Sierra & Hannah Bruse, Princeton, MO 2 Sierra & Hannah Bruse, Princeton, MO Calamity Jane HSB1 Calamitys Show Me Class 005 Sept 1 – Oct 31, 2010 1 Zack Langley Doll House Genetics, Denison, KS 2 Double K Adventures, Stewartsville, MO 3 ESR Lowlines, Bloomington, WI Doll House Magie 92x Rockin Angel EZ Winnie 136x CHAMPION SENIOR HEIFER CALF Zack Langley Doll House Genetics, Denison, KS RESERVE CHAMPION SENIOR HEIFER CALF Double K Adventures, Stewartsville, MO MRG Carmen 10X Sierras Lighting Bolt Class 007 May 1 – June 30, 2010 1 Fanning Cattle Company, Cordova, IL 2 Steel Brock Lowline, Whitewater, WI 3 Steel Brock Lowline, Whitewater, WI AHF Diamonds n Pearls Steel Brook Xanadu Steel Brook Xula CHAMPION SUMMER YEARLING HEIFER Fanning Cattle Company, Cordova, IL RESERVE SUMMER YEARLING HEIFER Fanning Cattle Company, Cordova, IL Dreamboat Annie DJR’s Sheza Tank Box DD Bricks Lass 040x LFL Amber EZ Prissy Ez red Baroness Ii122x Class 009 March 1-31-, 2010 1 Doll House Genetics, Denison, KS 2 Noelck Farms, Hampton, IA 3 Steel Brock Lowline, Whitewater, WI 4 Gatewood Genetics, Eagle Grove, IA 5 Alumbaugh Farms, Trenton, MO 6 Pine Hurst Farm, Holland, IA 7 Pine Hurst Farm, Holland, IA 8 Danilson Farms, Jefferson, SD TCS She’s A Honey 15x Noelck Farms Lady A BV Legally Bald Miss Trina SSC Cora 1x Roa X11 Roa X10 ROA X1 Lowline PB% Senior yearling heifer 24 m Intimidator PB% Senior bull calf Class 019 Sept 1 – Oct 31, 2010 1 Diamond J Ranch, North Platte, NE 2 Fanning Cattle Company, Cordova, IL Double J’s Legend 95x R2 Harvester CHAMPION SENIOR BULL CALF Diamond J Ranch, North Platte, NE RESERVE SENIOR BULL CALF Fanning Cattle Company, Cordova, IL Bar J Redman x75 I Am Angus CHAMPION SUMMER YEARLING BULL Double K Adventures Doll House Genetics, Denison, KS RESERVE SUMMER YEARLING BULL Sierra & Hannah Bruse, Princeton, MO Lowline PB% Junior yearling bull Class 022 April 1-30, 2010 1 Zack Langley Doll House Genetics, Denison, KS Bar J Cowboy Up x52 CHAMPION JUNIOR YEARLING BULL Zack Langley Doll House Genetics, Denison, KS Lowline PB% Junior yearling heifer Class 008 April 1-30, 2010 1 Doll House Genetics, Denison, KS 2 Diamond J Ranch, North Platte, NE 3 Danilson Farms, Jefferson, SD 4 Litchfield Family Lowlines, Boone, IA 5 Moo Co, Fruitland, IA 6 Gatewood Genetics, Eagle Grove, IA CHAMPION JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER Doll House Genetics, Denison, KS RESERVE JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER Diamond J Ranch, North Platte, NE ESR Penny (w/calf 5/12/11) EZ Helga Lowline PB% Junior Bull Calf Class 016 March 1-31, 2011 1 Sharidon Farms, Richmond, MO Lowline PB% Summer yearling bull Class 021 May 1 – June 30, 2010 1 Double K Adventures Doll House Genetics, Denison, KS 2 Sierra & Hannah Bruse, Princeton, MO Lowline PB% Summer yearling heifer Class 006 July 1 – Aug 31, 2010 1 Fanning Cattle Company, Cordova, IL 2 Sierra & Hannah Bruse, Princeton, MO TCS Erica 13W GRAND CHAMPION BULL Diamond J Ranch, North Platte, NE RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BULL Fanning Cattle Company, Cordova, IL % Spring Yearling Steers Class 032 Jan 1 – April 30, 2010 1 Double K Adventures, Stewartsville, MO Pascel CHAMPION YEARLING STEER Double K Adventures, Stewartsville, MO Lowline FB Junior heifer calf Class 034 March 1-31, 2011 1 Sheridan Farms, Richmond, MO Sharidon’s Ivana CHAMPION JUNIOR HEIFER CALF Sheridan Farms, Richmond, MO Lowline FB Senior heifer calf Class 037 Sept 1 – Oct 31, 2010 1 Sharidon Farms, Richmond, MO 2 Dennis Boldt, Lakeville, MN CHAMPION SENIOR HEIFER CALF Sharidon’s Hurricane B&d Nellie X20 Fall 2011 August 16-18, 2011 Superintendent: Tim Heindel, Columbus Junction, IA Assistant Superintendent: John Driscoll, Williamsburg, IA Supervisor: Mike Standley, Lenox, IA Judge: Wesley Hudson, Harrison, AR Sheridon Farms, Richmond, MO GRAND SENIOR HEIFER CALF Dennis Boldt, Lakeville, MN Lowline FB Summer yearling heifer Class 038 July 1 – Aug 31, 2010 1 Zack Langley Doll House Genetics, Denison KS 2 Sharidon Farms, Richmond, MO 3 Danilson Farms, Jefferson, SD Class 039 May 1 – June 30, 2010 1 JWJ Lowlines, Isanti, MN 2 Gatewood Genetics, Eagle Grove, IA 3 Litchfield Family, Boone, IA DDR Bar J Nell 0x47 4 Sigel Sunset Ranch, Cadott, WI CHAMPION SENIOR BULL CALF Danilson Farms, Jefferson, SD Hot Summer Night Sharidon’s Heidi DDR Sweet Pod E Z Palti Jane 23x Bar J Nell 0x39 MRG Black berry CHAMPION SUMMER YEARLING HEIFER Zack Langley Doll House Genetics, Denison KS RESERVE SUMMER YEARLING HEIFER Sharidon Farms, Richmond, MO Lowline FB Junior yearling heifer Class 040 April 1 – 30, 2010 1 Bar J Ranch, Brooten, MN 2 Jamison Ranch, Brooten MN Bar J Live 0x11 3 Gatewood Genetics, Eagle Grove, IA 4 Spring Creek Farm, Hampton, IA Bar J Tina 0x33 Spring Creek Xaria Class 041 March 1 – 31, 2010 1 Fanning Cattle Company, Cordova, IL 2 Bar J Ranch, Brooten, MN 3 Sharidon Farms, Richmond, MO 4 Dennis Boldt, Lakeview, MN 5 ESR Lowlines, Bloomington, WI 6 Gatewood Genetics, Eagle Grove, IA 7 Dawsun Farm, Altoona, IA Bar J Frosty 4P 56-ox 21 Ben Nellie 1L17-ox1 Sharidon’s Haley LIb Instigator SS Xia Bar J Addy 0x5 April’s Sunny Class 042 Jan 1 – Feb 28, 2010 1 Spring Creek Farm, Hampton IA Spring Creek Xena Bar J Frosty 4P 56-ox 21 CHAMPION JUNIOR HEIFER Fanning Cattle Company, Cordova, IL RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR HEIFER Bar J Ranch, Brooten, MN GRAND CHAMPION Fanning Cattle Company, Cordova, IL GRAND RESERVE CHAMPION Bar J Ranch, Brooten, MN IOWA CHAMPION Spring Creek Farm, Hampton, IA Sunset’s X-Factor CHAMPION SUMMER YEARLING BULL Sigel Sunset Ranch, Cadotti, WI Lowline FB Junior yearling bull Class 054 April 1-30, 2010 1 Zack Langley Doll House Genetics, Denison KS Class 055 March 1-31,2010 1 Spring Creek Farm, Hampton, IA 2 Bar J Ranch, Brooten, MN Spring Creek Xavier Bar J Cueivoll ox2 Class 056 Jan 1 – Feb 28,2010 1 Spring Creek Farm, Hampton, IA Spring Creek Xeus CHAMPION JUNIOR BULL Zack Langley Doll House Genetics, Denison KS RESERVE JUNIOR BULL Spring Creek Farm, Hampton, IA Lowline FB two yearling bull Class 059 Jan 1 – April 30, 2009 1 Spring Creek Farm, Hampton, IA CHAMPION SENIOR BULL Spring Creek Farm, Hampton, IA GRAND CHAMPION Zack Langley Doll House Genetics, Denison KS RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION Dennis Boldt, Lakeville, MN IOWA CHAMPION Spring Creek Farm, Hampton, IA Lowline Pair of Heifers Class 060 1 Zack Langley Doll House Gentics, Denison KS 2 Sharidon Farms, Richmond, MO 3 Bar J Ranch, Brooten, MN 4 Sharidon Farms, Richmond, MO Lowline Pair of Bulls Class 061 1 Zack Langley Doll House Gentics, Denison KS Lowine, Get of Sire Class 062 1 Zack Langley Doll House Gentics, Denison KS Lowline FB Cow/ Class 046 Cow born before Sept 1, 2008 1 Dennis Boldt, Lakeville, MN Lib T (with calf) CHAMPION COW/CALF Dennis Boldt, Lakeville, MN Lib T Lowline FB Junior bull calf Class 047 after April 1, 2011 1 Litchfield Family Lowlines, Boone, IA LFL Blue Class 048 March 1-31, 2011 1 Dennis Boldt, Lakeville, MN Lib U-r-b Y33 CHAMPION JUNIOR BULL CALF Dennis Boldt, Lakeville, MN RESERVE JUNIOR BULL CALF Litchfield Family Lowlines, Boone, IA Lowline FB Senior bull calf Class 051 Sept 1 – Oct 31,2010 1 Danilson Farms, Jefferson, SD Lowline FB Summer yearling bull Class 053 May 1- June 20, 2010 1 Sigel Sunset Ranch, Cadotti, WI Lowline Produce of Dam Class 063 3 Bar J Ranch, Brooten, MN Lowline Best Five Head Class 064 1 Zack Langley Doll House Gentics, Denison KS 2 Sharidon Farms, Richmond, MO 3 Bar J Ranch, Brooten, MN Lowline Iowa Champion Female Class 921 1 Spring Creek Farm, Hampton, IA Lowline Iowa Champion Bull 1 Bar J Ranch, Brooten, MN DD Billie 024x M 25 The Lowline Ledger Junior Lowline Show Iowa State Fair 2011 August 18, 2011 Judge: Shawn Varner, Marysville, MO Fullblood Heifers Name Birthdate Class #1 2 Esser, Shea 3 Gatewood, Marcus 1 Reed, Jamison 3/12/2010 3/27/2010 4/9/2010 Class #2 1 Gatewood, Marcus 4 Gatewood, Alexis 2 Wilking, Clay 3 Gilles, Jordan 4/26/2010 5/2/2010 5/3/2010 5/4/2010 Class #3 2 Litchfield, Logan 1 Langley, Zach 6/10/2010 8/3/2010 Division V Class #10 1 Langley, Zach Champion Percentage: Zach Langley, 9/15/2009 Sponsored by: Sharidon Farms, Richmond, MO Reserve Champion Percentage: Noah Noleck, 3/25/2010 Sponsored by: Sharidon Farms, Richmond, MO Cow/Calf 1 Esser, Shea 2 Bruse, Seirra Champion Fullblood Heifer: Zach Langley, 8/3/2010 Sponsored by: JWJ Lowlines, Isanti, MN Showmanship Age Name Reserve Champion Fullblood Heifer: Jamison Reed, 4/9/2010 Sponsored by: JWJ Lowlines, Isanti, MN Class #1 1 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 Wilking, Reese Reed, Jamison Kruger, Brianna Hansen, Braden Noelck, Isabella Bruse, Hannah Gilles, Jordan McIntosh, Holden Wilking, Clay Hoffmann, Hannah Kruger, Taylor Class #2 1 9 10 11 11 11 11 Reed, Tori Bruse, Seirra McIntosh, Hogan Noelck, Noah Litchfield, Logan Walters, Tanner Class #3 1 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 Hoffmann, Lauren Noelck, Isaiah Brockert, Jenna Danilson, Paul Gatewood, Alexis Fellhauer, Jessica Hoffmann, Bridgett Class #4 1 18 18 19 20 21 Esser, Shea Langley, Zach Lownes, Sarah Rose Gatewood, Marcus Drain, Ben Percentage Heifers Division I Class #1 1 Esser, Shea 5/12/2011 Class #2 2 Brockert, Jenna 1 Litchfield, Logan 4/18/2011 4/8/2011 Class #3 1 Langley, Zach 2 Langley, Zach 3/4/2011 3/4/2011 Division II Class #4 2 Bruse, Hannah 1 Bruse, Seirra 11/22/2010 11/15/2010 Class #5 1 Langley, Zach 2 Esser, Shea 9/2/2010 9/1/2010 Division III Class #6 scratch Bruse, Seirra 8/10/2010 Class #7 2 Hoffmann, Bridgett 1 Hoffmann, Bridgett 6/5/2010 5/26/2010 Division IV Class #8 3 Gatewood, Alexis 2 Litchfield, Logan 1 Langley, Zach4 4/13/2010 4/4/2010 /1/2010 Class #9 3 Hoffmann, Lauren 2 Langley, Zach 1 Noleck, Noah 4 Gatewood, Marcus 3/27/2010 3/27/2010 3/25/2010 3/22/2010 26 m 9/15/2009 Showmanship Gatewood Genetics, Eagle Grove, IA Class #1 Sponsored by: Steel Brook Lowlines, Whitewater, WI Class #2 ESR Lowlines, Bloomington, WI Class #3 Sigel Sunset Farms, Cadott, WI Class #4 Cow Birthdate 5/18/2006 11/2/2008 Calf Birthdate 5/12/2011 5/20/2011 Fall 2011 M 27 The Lowline Ledger Lowlines A Commercial Perspective You don’t have to visit with commercial producer Jerry Adamson, Cody, Nebraska, very long to find out he is sold on using Lowline and Lowline influence cattle in his commercial cattle operation. He first heard about the cattle back in January of 1998 at the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado. Now, 13 years later, after incorporating them into his commercial cow herd, he just wouldn’t be without them. Always one to do his research before jumping in to something, he began studying and researching the attributes of the cattle immediately after attending the Stock Show. He was intrigued by the efficiency the cattle offered and thought it would be worth taking a deeper look. A deeper look he did take! He found a contact in Keith Wright who was at that time the Australian Lowline Association president. “Keith proved to be a great asset and friend as Delores and I flew over to Australia in February just a short time after the National Western Stock Show,” recalls Jerry. “We spent 10 days in Australia, 7 ½ of which we looked at cattle. The Lowline cattle were all located along the eastern coast, so it was pretty easy to see lots of good Lowline cattle in a pretty condensed period of time.” “We looked at lots of cattle and I found a bull that really sparked my interest. He was one of the larger fullblood bulls we saw. He had lots of performance. We knew that we still had to maintain a certain level of performance when we were going to introduce the genetics into our herd,” Jerry continues. “The bull’s name was Eliza Park Brenton. He was an impressive individual. We left that farm after ordering 750 units of semen on the bull and we found 5 fullblood cows that we really liked that we decided to flush to him. The wheels were in motion. Soon, Jerry would receive the 750 units of semen and the embryos from the fullblood cows that were flushed to this outstanding bull. “That year, we bred all of our replacement heifers to Eliza Park Brenton and I contracted with a neighbor to breed about 200 head of his heifers with the agreement to buy the resulting ½ blood Lowline calves from him. We had about 300 halfblood calves born in the spring of 1999.” “We kept a big chunk of those for cows in our commercial herd and we weren’t disappointed.” Meanwhile, the first set of embryo calves they put in resulted in some tremendous individuals. First and foremost was an outstanding son of Eliza Park Brenton out of a really good fullblood cow. “We called the bull calf Brenton’s Image. He was just as impressive as his sire. We decided we should take the bull and a heifer out of Eliza Park Brenton to the National Western Stock Show in the year 2000”. Meeting and exceeding the expectation, Brenton’s Image was named Grand Champion bull and the heifer calf was named Reserve Grand Champion. That was the beginning of something special as they have continued to have great success at the National Western Stock show over the years, having only missed out on winning the best 6 head honors only 1 time when they had enough to compete for this honor. “We keep our fullblood herd around 20 cows and flush the very top cows – some of those cows are 12 years old and they are still flushing embryos for us,” adds Jerry. They have saved quite a few ½ blood bulls. Selling some of these to other cattlemen anxious to eliminate their calving problems, and using quite a few of the remaining ½ bloods. Why have the Adamson’s stuck with the cattle you might ask? Jerry is quick to point out, “We used the Lowline bulls on our first calf heifers and had absolutely no calving problems in the heifers. The low stress 28 m by Jim Doubet calving allows those heifers to breed back right on time and the calves have lots of vigor.” He now has several neighbors using fullblood Lowline bulls on heifers and reports – “Once they try it, they are sold!” The ½ blood Lowline heifers that are kept back in the herd are bred back to Lowline bulls for their first calf. Then they go back into the cow herd for their 2nd calf and get bred the same way as all the other cows are bred. They calve remarkably well,” states Jerry, “it is stress free. The cattle have good pelvic area and calve good regardless of how you breed them. Jerry finds the ½ blood Lowline cow to be the most efficient cow on the ranch. They weigh right around 1100-1150 pounds and consistently wean off 50% of their body weight in the weight of their calf. They stay in about 1 body condition score better shape than their counterparts. “They have made really, really, nice mother cows. We are finding the ¼ blood and ½ bloods are pretty close to the same mature size.” “In this country, success is measured at the coffee shop in the form of weaning weight. It has very little to do with profitability. It’s a shame more producers don’t look at the pounds of beef per acre of grass as the determining factor of success. We run more cows per section of grass and produce more pounds per section of grass with Lowline influence cattle than most people raise with other breeds. It takes a while for people to come around and realize this,” confirms Jerry. Jerry says the big benefit of buying Lowline bulls may well be their added longevity when compared to other heifer bulls. “Lowline bulls will still be able to breed heifers when they are mature compared to other breeds that become too big to continue to service yearling heifers. You can probably get 5 years out of the bull using him on your heifers. Consider the bull’s purchase price and you are getting a tremendous value for your operation.” The carcass data and feedlot performance has been really good. For several years they have fed groups of cattle at the Olson Feedyard near North Platte, Nebraska. “The steers usually finish at 1100-1150 pounds. One year we took some to the National Western Fed Beef Contest and wound up being Reserve Grand Champion Pen. This was really an honor to have competed and done so well in the Fed Beef Contest,” Jerry says proudly. The quality of the meat is something that has really been of interest to Jerry. “This past year, we fed out 25 head over the winter and sold the beef ourselves. They finished out at just over 1150 pounds. We have a lot of beef customers that say it is ‘the finest eating beef money can buy’. It is a finer textured beef. That is what really, really distinguished it from other beef is the fine texture. All of the cuts are good – from steaks to the roasts to the hamburger. We had a neighbor that bought 5 head of ½ blood heifers and kept back a calf to feed out. His wife immediately picked up on the quality difference and the fine texture of the beef that makes it an eating experience second to none.” “We will continue to feed some out and provide beef to our repeat customers. We raise some bulls to sell – mostly to neighbors.” Which speaks to the quality of the individuals at the Rocking J Ranch and the quality of the cattle – “it really is the best thing we could have done in our crossbreeding program.” With this much success, you’ll continue to see Lowline cattle around the ranch for some time to come. -ALR Fall 2011 Build your beef business at Farmfair, Canada’s premier agricultural showcase where the global beef industry comes to see, show, and sell Alberta beef excellence. Farmfair is host to the 2011 National Gelbvieh, Lowline, Simmental and National Western Hereford shows. Entries open September 1st. Entry Deadline: Oct. 8, 2011 Enter online at farmfair.ca M 29 The Lowline Ledger Peas Produce Positive Beef Performance New pea forage study repeats pattern of improved gains For more information go to: www.northernpulse.com July 25, 2011, Bismarck, ND--If you mind your P’s and Q’s, you’ll make sure the first... that is, peas, are part of your cattle rations. Another just-completed study on field peas confirms that peas are an excellent way to boost animal performance. This trial looked at field pea forages in steer finishing rations, while recent previous work zeroed on the positive response to field pea concentrates. Regardless the form, it appears that the superior palatability and digestion of this safe, nutrient-dense legume typically results in improved gain and feed efficiency over other ration ingredients. The pea-forage study fed tubground forages at 14% of dry matter in a corn-based finishing ration for 112 days after a growing phase with 30% pea forage in the ration. The 7-weight steers were fed to a market weight of about 1,350 lb. to compare forage from prairie hay, pea residue, pea hay and pea-barley hay. All the rations were balanced to provide 13.4% to 13.9% protein with similar net energy, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and dry matter levels. At 4.00 lb. per head ADG, cattle on the pea hay gained the most overall, followed by 3.83 ADG for those fed peabarley hay, 3.74 ADG for those fed pea residue forage and 3.69 ADG for the steers on the prairie hay ration. First period gain advantages were even more pronounced for pea forages with pea barley hay fed steers gaining 4.70 lb. per day; pea hay fed steers gaining 4.64 lb. per day and pea residue fed steers gaining 4.40 lb. per day compared with 3.83 lb. per day for prairie hay fed steers. “This, as well as our other trials, indicates that younger animals can really benefit from the palatability and nutrient density of field pea grains and forages,” says North Dakota State University (NDSU) Animal Scientist Dr. Vern Anderson, who spearheaded this research trial. These gain differences are relevant to all cattlemen who can grow peas, Anderson says, and repeat the positive pattern of improved gains found in previous field pea studies. Statistical significance, intake, feed efficiency, carcass traits and steak tenderness evaluations are still underway. “We’ll have final results in a few weeks,” says Vern Anderson. “Based on the raw data, this study shows another positive outcome for peas in livestock diets.” Indeed, the growing body of evidence for putting field pea grain or forages in beef cattle rations includes previous work by NDSU that found that steaks from pea-fed beef were significantly more tender than those from non peafed cattle. This sizable tenderness advantage was “vetted” when researchers at the University of Nebraska also looked at the phenomenon and produced similar results. But producers needn’t sell direct to consumers or be in a branded beef program to benefit from using peas in their beef cattle 30 m diets. With energy equal to corn on a weight basis, and nearly three times its crude protein (24.5%) , field peas are a nutrient-dense grain (60 lb. per bushel) and a leafy, palatable forage. With their excellent binding properties, peas are a natural ingredient for pelleted creep feeds and range cakes, but should be dry rolled in home-mixes. Using 20% to 40% field peas in creep formulations have repeatedly produced faster gains because of improved palatability, digestibility and nutrient density. Peas can also help beef cows digest low quality forage more thoroughly providing a highly rumen degradable protein source that supports healthy microbial populations. Seedstock producers also indicate a strong preference for field peas in developing bull rations, citing satiety and positive effects on muscle development and feet and leg soundness. In both backgrounding and finishing phases, feedlot cattle benefit from the complimentary relationship between corn and peas. Both have slow and thorough fermentation and provide a balanced digestion pattern that includes both rumen degradable and undegradable protein. Peas are particularly well suited for getting stressed, just weaned calves off to a healthy start. Feeding calves a diet that includes a minimum of 15% dry rolled field peas has repeatedly produced significantly better gains during the weaning phase as well as for several weeks after peas were removed from the diet. Cover crop Plus: Use peas to rescue drought or drowned cropland If your alfalfa winterkilled, droughted or drowned, peas are an excellent replacement and offer the flexibility to fit rotations better than a perennial. Field peas and cereal grains like forage barley or oats can be grown together to make a high quality, high-yielding, easy-to-harvest forage. These pea-cereal crop blends often produce close to the same level of cattle performance as peas alone. With decent moisture after grain harvest, a second crop of peas may be possible using light tillage after combining. Graze it, cut it for hay or plough it under as a green manure crop. Fall 2011 M 31 The Lowline Ledger 32 m ALR Board Candidate John Kaeshoefer My name is John Kaeshoefer, and it would be an honor to serve the members on the ALR Board of Directors. My wife and I started our Lowline herd on our 20 acre farm in 2004, in Beaufort, Missouri. Since then, along with our three children, we have built a solid herd of 22 percentage and purebred Lowline cattle. We have successfully participated in the show ring, and we have also established a partnership with Quiet Oaks Farm using Lowline bulls on Angus and Belted Galloway cows to produce grass finished beef. Like many members, I am a professional outside of the cattle industry, but long to get home to the farm where I find tremendous satisfaction from managing the herd, maintaining the forage and harvesting hay for winter. By profession, I serve my community as a police officer for the city of Crestwood, Missouri. Leadership skills are paramount as I direct meetings, chair committees, teach professional training classes and deal with day to day inter-personal interactions and relationships including conflict resolution. I believe this experience will be helpful as a national board member. I am proud to be a founding member of the Eastern Lowline Angus Association. In 2004, we started the organization to represent Lowline breeders in the Eastern portion of the country. I served the board as a Director for three years and have served as President since January 2010. Under my direction, and with the help of great people, we have launched a fantastic website, monthly newsletters, e-mail blasts with current information, and provided financial support and exposure to regional Lowline shows. In 2008, the ELAA also initiated a premier Lowline Show at the NAILE in Louisville, Kentucky, and I have been Co-Superintendent of the show since 2009. As the largest livestock exposition in the world, the NAILE provides a terrific setting to spotlight Lowline Angus cattle in front of thousands of people each year. My platform as a candidate for the ALR Board is to see that all the members are represented fairly all across the country and let their voices are heard. I know that we’ve come a long way; however, we have room for improvement on administrative and professional levels, which will give us Fall 2011 more practical appeal to cattlemen from other breeds. I have a vision of Lowline Angus cattle being an integral part of the US commercial cattle business in the viewable future. With economic times as they are, we have unlimited opportunity to bring this great breed of cattle into the hands of producers far and wide where they can continue to prove their merits. Please consider me as your choice to serve on the ALR Board of Directors. Respectfully, John Kaeshoefer M 33 The Lowline Ledger Regional Association News Midwest Lowline Association Naoma Morrison/secretary The dog days of summer are almost over and the feel of fall is in the air. It’s time for kids to go back to school and Lowline breeders to prepare for fall shows. Last week the Iowa State Fair was held in Des Moines, Iowa. It was a good show with around 80 head of Lowlines. It was a good Junior show with around 20 head of cattle. Great to see that kind of participation in the Junior show! The World Beef Expo in Milwaukee, Wisconsin will be September 22 – 25th. The entry deadline was August 16th but you can still enter until September 1st. The MLA wants to invite you to come to this show. Last year was the first year for a Lowline show here. It was a good show last year and should be an even better one this year. The Lowline show at American Royal in Kansas City, Missouri will be held October 19 – 23rd. Sale entry deadline is September 1st and the show entry deadline is September 10. The MLA is putting together prize bags for the show with lots of goodies. We need at least 10 head of percentage bulls to go through the ring at the show or we risk losing the percentage bull show at the Royal. It would be a shame to lose this show, so if you have percentage bulls you would like to show off, please participate in this event. Keep checking the MLA website for events and news. We are always striving to make our website better for you. Mountain States Lowline Association Betty Deeney, President A special thanks to Melanie Schroeder of Bar NL livestock in Douglas, Wyoming for taking the reins of the Wyoming State Fair Lowline Show. The facilities were very nice and there was a lot of interest in the cattle. Next year the Wyoming State Fair will celebrate their 100th year, please mark your calendars for the dates and try to bring your cattle, if there are 20 head or more the Lowlines can have their own show. It is now time to think about the NILE in Billings, Mon- 34 m tana October 19-22. This year all the breeds will be on the grounds at the same time. The host hotel is the Billings Hotel and Convention Center the code is ALR, the block of rooms will be available until October 1, this year the teachers convention is also in Billings on the same weekend so get your reservations early. The NILE premium book is online so check it out and get your entries in. See you all there. Southwest Lowline Association Bill Cabaniss, Sec. This has truly been the “long hot summer”. Temperatures in the eastern portion of the region have been record setters almost every day. For some of us a rain shower is as scarce as a white crow. But, none-the less, I am confident that God is in control and it will rain again. Our Recruiting Rewards Program will be over by the time this comes out and I’m excited to see who will win those percentage heifers that Kim and Larry Watkins have so graciously donated. The excitement about our SLABA Junior Program has not diminished. Olivia Levoy has been appointed the chairman of the Junior Program with Robert Teague and Shauna Taplin as adult advisors. The first SLABA points show was held in conjunction with the TJLA Belt Buckle Bonanza on July 3rd in Waco, Texas. Ten (10) juniors showed twelve (12) heifers. Olivia Levoy won the Grand Champion Lowline award in both the A & B ring with her heifer. Ashley Collins won Reserve Champion in the A ring and Colby Hajda won Reserve Champion in the B ring. There will be a junior points show at the Get-BackTo-Grass sale in Athens, Texas on October 8th and another at the TJLA Fall Classic on Thanksgiving weekend in Waco. We are pleased that George Jenkins and Ronnie Bowles of 10XXX Ranch are donating a percentage heifer to the junior point winner this year. Additionally, there will be a silent auction at the 10XXX Lowline Sale on September 24th. The proceeds will be donated to the SLABA Junior Program to promote their Rise ‘N Shine Tour for the fall and spring. Our membership is working diligently toward getting 20 kids to be participating by the end of the show year in March of 2012. Another silent auction will be held at the Get-Back-To-Grass sale in October with the proceeds also going to the juniors. Speaking of Get-Back-To Grass, the next SLABA sponsored sale is scheduled for October 8, 2011. It will be the annual Get-Back-To-Grass Lowline Sale at the Pitchford Cattle Company in Athens, TX. As usual we are anticipating a great turnout. In addition to the sale there will be an educational schedule (three speakers talking about artificial insemination, beef cattle nutrition and Lowline marketing), a complimentary lunch, the silent auction and the SLABA Junior Show. Last year we had over 100 people to come for the event. If you are planning to come in early, the Best Western in Athens is a good place to stay. Mark you calendar for this great sale. Some big changes are in store for the Lowline show at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo next spring--2012. Grass-fed classes for heifers and steers have been added. This will be one of the first such competitions for a major livestock show. Special rules are in place for animals to be judged in the grass-fed category. Also, the date for the show has been moved up a week, which means that we will be showing with many of the major breeds---putting ourselves before a lot more cattle people. In 2012 we will also be having a sale at the Houston Show. This will be on Sunday evening before the show on Monday. We are expecting a good turnout not only from Lowline people, but from commercial cattle people raising other breeds. A bit of a disappointment is that we will not be participating in the Star of Texas Fair and Rodeo in 2012 because of the schedule conflict with Houston. These changes to the Houston show should make the event bigger and better than past years. Plan to attend. I would encourage everyone who reads this to vote in the upcoming election for ALR directors later this year. Our own SLABA President, Mark Roesler will be running for a position on the board. I wish you success, Mark. Fall 2011 showing clinic with Beverly Shirts on Friday August 26th at 6pm.. The show is Saturday August 27th at 3pm. Also in our region over Labor Day weekend members will be putting on the Eastern Idaho State Fair Lowline Show in Blackfoot, ID. Be sure to find us on Facebook by searching “Northwest Lowline Association” connect with our group! Members are posting animals for sale as well as what they are looking for. It’s looking to be a great summer and fall at the NWLA. We hope that you have a great summer? Guidelines for Published pictures in Regional shows: Regional shows will be limited to the 8 Grands and Reserves: •Fullblood Champion and Reserve female •Percentage Champion and Reserve female •Fullblood Champion and Reserve Bull •Percentage Champion and Reserve Bull *Cow/calf pairs will not be pictured, although there was discussion and disagreement on this point * If applicable, a Supreme Champion will be pictured •The 8 photos will be limited to one page, if a Supreme Champion is pictured, 1 and ½ page will be offered For More Information: http://www.usa-lowline.org/ The board minutes are viewable at: http://www.usa-lowline.org/boardmeetingminutes.html – April 26, 2011 Northwest Lowline Association Ben Fairfield, Marketing and Promotions. NWLA Things are busy at the Northwest Lowline Association! We have multiple events coming up! Our 6th Annual Northwest Lowline Classic Show at the Spokane Interstate Fair September 8-13th. Show day is Saturday Sept. 19 at beginning at 10am. This is a “Blow and Go” show. This means no adhesives and no paint or anything else that has to be washed out. Exciting news for this show is the addition of a new class, finished steers 1424 months old! During this show David Shockey of Muddy Creek Ranch, certified ultrasound technician, will be offering ultrasounds during the fair. The ultrasound scan will measure Rib Eye Area, Tenderness and Inter-Muscular Fat. These are very helpful measures for the Beef Producer as well as the Seedstock Producer.. $15 per head. The North Idaho Fair Lowline Show is sure to be a huge success and we are pleased to welcome Ron Richard, Animal Science Instructor at the University of Idaho, as our judge for this show August 24-28th. This too is a “Blow and Go” show. During this show there will be a free fitting and M 35 The Lowline Ledger Junior Corral Overall Junior Participants Left to right – Cauy Pennington, Overall Junior Winner; Haleigh Pike, Overall Intermediate Winner and Zack Langley, Overall Senior Winner Left to right - Emma Rademacher; Reporter , Bailey Skinner; Treasurer, Ashley Mugnier; Historian, Marcus Gatewood; vice president, Bridgett Hoffman; director, Haleigh Pike; Secretary (not Pictured) Shea Esser; President 36 m Fall 2011 M 37 The Lowline Ledger High Hopes Farms Hah Cotton Farm Sarah, Jon, & Witt Bates High Hopes Farm 9096 Country Road 14 Honeoye Falls, NY 14472 (585) 624-7637 www.highhopesfarms.com Gary & Debbie Hickman Flippin, Arkansas Fullblood Registered Lowlines hahcottonfarm.com 870-453-3954 • [email protected] ATEWOOD ENETICS Iowa State Fair 2010 Grand Champion Lowline Bull 38 m Phone: Marcus Gatewood 515-571-6166 319-551-3957 Email: [email protected] Address: 1001 SW 9th Street Eagle Grove, IA 50533 Fall 2011 Blue Sky Ag Marketing, LLC Half-Fork Ranch - Lowline Cattle Thomas D. Maurier American Lowline Division 175 Hammond Road, SE 877-625-3612 Office Calhoun, Georgia 30701 404-310-2727 Mobile [email protected] 706-625-7250 Fax Member of the American Lowline Registry Your Ad Here 1-800-284-3348 M 39 The Lowline Ledger 40 m Fall 2011 Sept. 24 Lowline Angus 2011 Production Sale Offering Fancy Prospect Steers, Heifers & Bred Cows To be held at xXx Ranch in Glen Rose, Texas Double J’s Handy Dandy Featuring the genetics of: • Double J’s The Brick 281 - Lowline Breeds “Only 2X National Champion Fullblood Bull” • Double J’s Who Called Me Shorty 85U - 2X Reserve National Champion Percentage Bull • Double J’s Da Bull 12U - National Champion Percentage Bull & Lowline Breeds “1st” Supreme Champion Percentage • Double J’s Handy Dandy - 2X Grand Champion Fullblood Bull, “Houston Livestock Show” • Double J’s Doctor Who 2U - Grand Champion Percentage Bull, “Houston Livestock Show” Offering Includes: • 6 Fancy 2011 Prospect Steers • 10 Fancy 2011 Show Heifers • 6 1/2 blood Heifers bred to “Handy Dandy” • Heifers bred to “Shorty & The Brick” • 2- 1/2 Blood coming 2yr. old bulls, out of the 2011 NWSS Champion Pen of 3 Percentage Bulls 1/2 blood blue roan Heifer by “The Brick” in calf to Handy Dandy Guest Consigners: • K Bar W Ranches, LLC - 4 Fullblood Cows bred to Double J’s The Brick 281 • Bill Cabaniss - 1 Fullblood Cow carrying Female pregnancy online catalog only • Silent auction to be held with all benefits going to SLABA youth program. Donations welcome. 1/2 blood fancy show heifer • Special Guest Speaker - Gary Cross, Cattle Consultant. Al & Jeanne Conover - (515) 491-8078 M 41 The Lowline Ledger LAKEVIEW LOWLINES SEE LAKEVIEW LOWLINES GENETICS COMING TO A SALE NEAR YOU! Your Choice for Herd Fortifying Genetics Located in the wine country of Northwestern Pennsylvania overlooking scenic Lake Erie TMF Ruben...Need We Say More? His 2010 show record speaks for itself with a win in Denver. Only a limited amount of semen will be sold in 2011 get yours today! LVL Jammin Chardonnay This Jamberoo Daughter has it all; thickness, depth, and impressive lineage LVL Hardy Jack A bull calf out of the famed Jackaroo and our very own proven show winner LVL Royale Catawba This fancy heifer has great length and will certainly add value to your herd Ardrossan Jamberoo X Ardrossan Jennavieve Yarra Ranges Jackaroo X RZ Neron’s Echo GTL Royale Wynter X TMF Ruby Tuesday CONTACT US TODAY! We would love to help you any way possible Brandon Cook: 814.873.6233 Gary Hess: 814.490.9907 42 m www.LakeviewLowlines.com EMBRYO’S AVAILABLE GTL Unique X Ardrossan Jennavieve 5.62 IMF and 14.7” REA @ 3 years X True Australian import perfect in udder Bar J Beauford X RZ Neron’s Echo 2011 NWSS Supreme Fullblood X 2011 NWSS Reserve Champion yearling heifer Fall 2011 M 43 The Lowline Ledger K BAR W RANCHES, LLC 335742 E. Hwy. 62 McLoud, OK 74851 405-255-8267 44 [email protected] m More information and additional cattle online at www.kbarw.com
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