Pordenone Town guide. is relived through its historical centre. The elegance of the buildings, the richness of the frescoes, the suggestiveness of the ancient walls, and the gentle flowing of the river all have a story to tell about a city that for many centuries has been a crossroad of different peoples and cultures. Connected to the Adriatic Sea by the Noncello, Meduna and Livenza Rivers, Pordenone has been the most southern river port in Italy since Roman Times, as it was a strategic point of communication and commerce with Central Eastern Europe. The ancient centre of the city, surrounded by modern buildings, has remained substantially intact and, through careful protection, today offers an important example of how it is possible to unite efficiency and functionality whilst respecting the environment. Pordenone’s identity 3 Monuments and places of interest Piazzetta San Marco, formerly Piazza di Sotto, is the area where the first settlement was founded as a gateway on the Noncello river. It gave direct access to the two towers of the 4 majestic Porta Furlana, demolished in 1837, with its drawbridge over the ditch and the closing system on the stone bridge over the river. The torre maggiore used to hinge the city walls, which today still ascend eastwards to the cathedral and used to run alongside the ditch and the adjoining houses as far as the Codafora tower. Flanking the entrance is the historic residence of Giovanni Antonio De Sacchis, commonly called Il Pordenone (1483-1539), a leading Friulian Renaissance painter. Some edifices in the square show remnants of frescoes, and one façade on the town hall building bears the shield of Austria, once the familiar mark of state property. Il palazzo comunale, or town hall, was built in red brick between 1291 and 1395, with a threearched loggia and two Gothic triple lancet windows. The forepart jutting out in the middle was built in the latter half of the 16th century. It was erected in four distinct parts: the entrance arch surmounted by the stone civic coat of arms; the balcony accessible from the hall; the clock showing the months and the zodiac, and the coping with the lunar phase peephole. Two statues of white Moors strike the hour on the town bell, which stands between two curious spires erected on either side. CORSO VITTORIO EMANUELE Palazzo Ricchieri (14th century) is the seat of the Museo Civico d’Arte, located alongside the town hall and the Concattedrale. On both the first and the second noble floors, the southeast side halls have restored rather vast fragments of Gothic-period mural paintings, mostly representations of secular allegories and scenes of battles and duels; these paintings make up part of various decorative cycles. It is believed that the edifice was originally made up of the right-hand portion alone, which formed a squat square tower. From here, the construction was extended both in length and in height, with two noble floors rising up above the ground floor, as well as the loft which still sweeps across the whole building. Palazzo Montereale Mantica (18th century), today houses the Chamber of Commerce. It is well worth a visit: following a refined restoration, it reveals the aristocratic grace of a great hall decorated in the second half of the 18th century with stuccoes by Francesco Antonio Re. Palazzo Mantica Cattaneo (16th century). The palazzo was formed by joining two buildings erected between the 14th and 15th centuries; the left-hand building features blind windows, which may have been the original ones, and remnants of plaster and frescos; it bears traces of geometric and stylized floral decorations. Allegorical figures can be recognized in the monochrome episodes between the spaces of the undereaves. Palazzo Gregoris - Bassani (18th century) The three-storeyed façade has two window axes, an added attic and sills and cornices in moulded stone. 5 The Gothic portico presents two arches, a central column and capital and lateral pillars. The decorations of brightlycoloured mock damask tapestry are double-levelled. On the column panels to the sides, three friezes act as a string-course with masks, dolphins, sirens, tritons and hippogriffs. Fastened to the nail is the Gregoris arm bearing Francesco’s initials. Palazzo Gregoris (17th century) Remnants of frescoes and of a window testify to the 13th century origins of this ancient edifice. The present-day palazzo is a splendid example of mainland Venetian architecture. The façade features balconies, spacious windows, arches and mascarons and is surmounted by the large stone family coat of arms and underlying dedicatory cartouche. City wall alley The narrow lane leading below the palazzo on the right takes you from the Corso to what remains of the ancient city walls, reduced to stumps by the French authorities under Napoleon. In 1499, these walls helped save the city from Turkish invasions. The lane leads to the present-day public gardens, near the site of the former Porta dei Cappuccini. 15th century Palazzo (dei Capitani) The palazzo rises up three storeys, plus the attic, and features a threearched portico. The left-hand arch is wider than the other 6 two, hence the edifice is believed to be the unification of two dwellings. The composed architectural layout of the current façade was levelled off and treated with Marmorino, a special Italian wall plaster, during the 18th century; this concealed underlying fresco decorations ascribable to the 15th century. It is hard to explain the presence of so many coats of arms on the façade of which there were at least seven originally, judging by the remnants and sizes. CORSO GARIBALDI CHURCHES Palazzo Pera Restoration completed in 2004 has verified that the building gradually incorporated a series of pre-existing constructions from the end of the 15th century. The restoration of the façade brought to light some decorative fresco fragments, some in mock brick, coeval to the oldest wall in the building which rose up two storeys. The Duomo-cattedrale di S.Marco, whose construction began in the 13th century is well worth visiting. In the 15th century it was extended to include the great polygonal apse with windows between the two minor apses and, in 1593 with six side chapels. The façade features an elegant portal, carved in 1511 by Antonio Pilacorte, and four semicolumns built to a design by Francesco Lazzari, which was interrupted in 1840. Inside there are valuable handmade articles from its secular history, stone and wood sculptures, frescoes from the 14th century onwards and 16th century paintings by Pordenone, Amalteo, Calderai and Fagolino. The bell tower rises up almost 80 metres, and is in a decorative GothicRomanesque style, with elegant triple lancet windows and terracotta pensile arches. Palazzo Sbrojavacca and Palazzo Pera house the Pordenone Provincial Administration offices. Here, too, restoration has brought to light remnants of ancient frescoes, by Gianfranco da Tolmezzo: cornices and floral decorations with faces and vestitures in the lower Renaissance edifice, dating back to the end of the 15th century. The building’s present-day appearance is due to 18th century remodelling, inside and out, following the changing tastes. Casa Simoni This small building was formerly state property, as can be seen from the large civic coat of arms between the two Gothic windows on the small but well-proportioned façade. The original 13th century structure was formed by two storeys, the first storey featuring two single lancet trilobal-arched windows. The façade has conserved its simple mockbrick decorations, bordered in the undereaves by two bands of flower and fruit motifs. 7 Chiesa di S. Maria degli Angeli o del Cristo It was erected in 1309 as the hospital chapel and underwent Gaspare Nervesa in 1611. The entrance portal retains three notches, carved to mark three devastating floods. Major museums in Pordenone Chiesa del Beato Odorico Recent architecture by Mario Botta, inaugurated in 1992. a fair amount of remodelling, most notably in the 18th century and after the Second World War. The main portal is by the Pilacorte school (1510). Inside it contains interesting fragments of 14th century frescoes and a large wooden crucifix. Chiesa della SS. Trinità (16th century) Located beyond the Adam and Eve bridge, on the far side of the Noncello river, the church is octagonal-shaped externally and round inside. The apse is entirely covered in frescoes by Calderari (1540-45 ca) and the altarpiece at the high altar was painted by 8 Chiesa di S. Giorgio Enlarged in 1625 and totally remodelled to a design by G. B. Bassi between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the church features an unusual bell-tower in the shape of a fluted Doric column in white stone, surmounted by a huge statue of Saint George. It contains a painting attributed to Gasparo Narvesa depicting Saint George killing the dragon (17th century). Museo Civico d’Arte, housed in Palazzo Ricchieri. Besides a conspicuous collection of 13th century wooden sculptures and items of Gothic jewellery, the museum also hosts various paintings by Giovanni Antonio de’ Sacchis, known as il Pordenone, who is deemed to be the most important Friulian painter ever. In addition to a 15th century crucifix by a Tuscan sculptor and a 16th century wooden altar by Valeriano (Pinzano al Tagliamento), the museum also presents works by Nicola Grassi, Odorico Politi, Giuseppe Bernardino Bison, Giuseppe Tominz and various other Venetian and Friulian artists from the 18th and 19th centuries. Museo Civico delle Scienze, founded in 1970, this science museum is housed in the 16th century Palazzo Amalteo, in Piazza della Motta. 9 Museo archeologico del Friuli Occidentale The archaeological museum is in the castello di Torre, about 3 km north of the town centre. It currently includes: the new prehistory halls (from middle Palaeolithic and Neolithic times to the early Bronze age); some halls dedicated to Count Giuseppe di Ragogna, the castle’s last landlord; and some areas reserved for the valuable archaeological materials from the nearby Roman villa di Torre, can be used for concerts, plays, conferences, meetings and the screening of arthouse films, and, lastly, a rehearsal room, seating 99 people, fitted out for audience participation shows. discovered in the fifties on the left bank of the Noncello river by Giuseppe di Ragogna. A stroll along the banks of the Noncello river is a must from a naturalistic point of view. Besides the vegetation, you can also see various species of aquatic animals. Several cotton mills were placed at different points along the Noncello in the 19th century; these had a great influence on the history of Pordenone’s economy and are important examples of “industrial archaeology” today. Museo Diocesano di Arte Sacra Situated up on a small hill not far from the Noncello river, the museum of sacred art designed by Othmar Barth was inaugurated in 1989. It houses works from a vast area, between the Livenza river and the Tagliamento river, which was under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Concordia. Teatro Comunale Giuseppe Verdi The town theatre has been erected on the former site of the Cinema Teatro Verdi, which was closed down on June 30th 1999 and later demolished. The building contains a main hall seating a total of 998 people in the stalls and three galleries. There is also a “ridotto”, a smaller hall seating 146 people, which 10 In the surroundings of Pordenone PIANCAVALLO Piancavallo, a pleasant town nestled in a spacious and sunny valley, is not only an important skiing resort. The wide choice of activities on offer and the suggestiveness of its open spaces make it a pleasant and unexpected surprise to the visitor. The view is straight out of a postcard: from the highest peak, on a sunny day, you can see as far as the Adriatic Sea, while all around the landscape that stretches before you is that so typical of the Dolomites. This is an ideal destination for any type of skier, from professional to beginner, from freerider to cross-country skier and for families in search of safe places for their children, Piancavallo offers comfortable ski lifts and safe slopes with a 100% availability of programmable modern snow cannons. During the summer it is possible to take part in theoretical and practical lessons of dog trekking, mountain bike, horse trekking, archery and Nordic walking, as well as taking part in a wide variety of activities from mini-golf to roller-skating, from tennis to football or to go on the numerous excursions to discover the highest peaks of the Pordenone Foothills. 11 THE FRIULIAN DOLOMITES The characteristic landscape of the Eastern Prealps is defined by the outline of the Dolomites and their long narrow valleys. This area is rather like a wilderness, and its harsh, rugged environment and lack of tourist facilities at altitude attract mountain climbers, hikers and nature lovers alike. IL PARCO DELLE DOLOMITI FRIULANE The Natural Park of the Friulian Dolomites stretches from the province of Pordenone to the province of Udine, embracing Valcellina valley, the upper Tagliamento Valley and the territories converging in Val Tramontina. The Tourist Office is located near Cimolais, a town offering 12 the most typical dolomite landscape, with peaks of over 2000m. The greatest attraction is the bell tower in Val Montanaia, a 200m tall spire with a 60m base. There are plenty of wellmarked nature trails in the area. Andreis, known as the eagle village, has a rescue centre for wounded birds and a Ethnographic museum of art and rural culture. In Claut you can visit the Museo della Casa Clautana. It portrays the life of the women from Valcellina, devoted to housework, working in the fields, in the stables, and on the road selling wooden utensils. The aim of the Museum is also to recover old structures built for using water, stone and wood. In addition to the skating and curling rink, the ice stadium of Claut also has an ice park, a tall tower made of ice where you can try your hand at climbing, with the help of an ice axe and crampons. This region has plenty of nature paths, of varying levels of difficulty, for walking or cycling, which take you to very interesting spots. Erto and Casso, which are unfortunately famous for the 1963 tragedy of Vajont, are characterized by long, narrow stone houses, national monuments recognized by the Monuments and Fine Arts office. The Palestra della Moliesa is a famous climbing practice wall used by beginners and expert free climbers alike. Leaving the park, we come across another spot in Valcellina called Barcis, which is famous for its artificial lake where you can go sailing, canoeing, rowing, windsurfing, kajaking and scuba diving. The lake is also used for Italian and international motorboat races. VAL D’ARZINO - VAL COSA VAL TRAMONTINA Green valleys enriched by hamlets of ancient origin are an ideal destination for walks, excursions, bicycle rides, horse-riding or just for pure relaxation. Furthermore, the historical-artistic values allow us to take a look at the area’s rich and diverse past, which can still be seen in its traditions, handicrafts and food and drink products, as well as in its buildings which have been restored and well preserved (churches, buildings, manor houses, villas, castles). In Clauzetto, the Pradis Caves offer a more suggestive destination. By descending the 207 steps of the Grotta Verde one reaches the bottom of the spectacular ravine named after Don Bianchini. The turbulent Cosa torrent flows through the deep gorge and there is a beautiful bronze crucifix made by Prof. Gatto ideally to calm the rush of the waters. The artistic heritage in the numerous churches is also of great interest. The parish church of San Giacomo, the first place to be kissed by the morning sun, is at the top of a wide flight of 89 steps. VAL COLVERA Poffabro is listed in the Club of the 30 most beautiful villages in Italy. Its “magical power” lies in the enchanting effect of the sharply cut stones and the wooden balconies: simple, austere architectural elements, which nevertheless give a sense of intimacy and meditation in the internal courtyards which you reach through a narrow arch, or in the long rows of 16th and 17th century houses. MANIAGO Known as the “Città dei Coltelli” or Town of Knives, it hosts the Museo dell’Arte Febbrile that recalls various moments of the centuries’ old tradition of wrought iron working and in particular, of knife-making. Above all, the museum includes instruments and products that tell the important history of the Maniago blacksmiths. The Duomo di San Mauro, of Gothic character, is the town’s principal monument, and hosts the altar-piece with the glorification of Christ and the Saints of Amalteo wing. Forming three large arches, the Palazzo d’Attimis Maniago 13 and the Public Loggia look out onto Piazza Italia, and should certainly be admired. POLCENIGO The small and suggestive village set against the green of the mountains and the blue of the waters that cross it, behold true marvels of nature. The Gorgazzo Springs, that gush from a Karstic hollow form a small lake, that is emerald in colour and whose depths remain unexplored to date. The Livenza River Springs, that host the Santuario della Santissima, instead have another special feature: the peculiarity of these springs lies in the fact that although the water wells up at only a few dozen metres above sea level, it suddenly gives life to a remarkably large stream which can be navigated starting right from the springs themselves. Documents and traditions testify to the place as a site for fertility rites and a destination for pilgrimages heading for a nearby votive chapel built, according to a legend, in memory of the Holy Trinity appearing before a local denizen. The area is dominated by the Renaissance Chiesa della Santissima, erected between the 14th and 16th centuries. The church features a wide portico in front of the façade and inside it houses a majestic 17th century wooden altar with an aedicule by Domenico 14 da Tolmezzo, dated 1496, a valuable wooden chancel, a variety of altarpieces and numerous frescoes. The Polcenigo area abounds in springs and streams and it was already a favourable place for human settlements in ancient times. The inhabitants built their huts and palafittes between Polcenigo and Caneva on the banks of the Livenza river in a place called “Palù”, the most ancient settlement built on piles in Friuli Venezia Giulia and one of the most important in Italy. It is a Neolithic village with finds dating back to the 4th century BC. The archaeological material collected in the area includes ceramic potsherds, stone artefacts and wooden finds preserved thanks to the exceptional environmental conditions in Palù. Bronze articles, lances, earthenware and buckles were found in the locality belonging to groups of Paleovenetians who probably inhabited the area about 3000 years ago. SACILE One of the most beautiful towns in the region, Sacile is linked to a river, the Livenza, which has defined its history, culture, and important decisions, as well as its name: Sacile derives from the Latin word saccus, meaning a creek, a river recess or a meander. The settlement originated on two small islands formed by the Livenza river. The castle and the church were on the first, which was enclosed by walls, whereas the second island housed Piazza Maggiore and was called the Port, as the landing for merchant boats travelling up the Livenza was located near the bridge of the port tower, called the ponte dei Mori. In 1411, the town asked the Republic of St Mark for protection and became one of its most loyal subjects, both in terms of its politics, economy, town planning and architecture. There is a real Venetian atmosphere in several corners of the town (earning it its title of “Giardino della Serenissima”), with its wellbalanced relationship between land and water and graceful noble and bourgeois lagoon buildings. The town became the starting point for the timber destined for the Venice dockyard, where it was used to build ships and other craft. Its function as a transit port, connected to the exploitation of lowland and mountain woods, enabled it to keep the river navigable even in the shallows. It has been established that it the Chiesetta della Madonna della Pietà; the Chiesa di S. Gregorio; Piazza Popolo and all the spots along the Livenza river. Sacile is a Renaissance town due to its host of 16th century palazzos: the Loggia Comunale, Palazzo Carli, Palazzo Ettoreo and in particular Palazzo Ragazzoni Flangini Billia, built in the 16th century for Giacomo Ragazzoni, an extremely powerful Venetian merchant who entertained Popes, Kings and Emperors in his residence in the city of Livenza. His success is celebrated in the emperors’ hall with a cycle of frescoes by Montemezzano (from the Veronese school). was indeed possible to travel in small crafts from Sacile up to Polcenigo (Fonti del Gorgazzo) and as far as Portobuffolè in the other direction, and subsequently on as far as the open sea. After its architectural restoration, the town boasts careful renovation in the historic centre. The main landmarks are the ancient Duomo dedicated to Nicholas, the patron saint of river navigation, which houses the masterpieces of Pino Canarini, 1946; the rectory; There are many houses featuring Renaissance or Baroque ornamental motives, some of which have elegant porticoes of great architectural interest. SPILIMBERGO The town grew up around the ancient castle, and is one of the most important cities for art and history in Friuli Venezia Giulia. It underwent a period of great glory between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period, 15 testified by its fortifications, its churches abounding in works of art and by its numerous noble palazzos, many of which still preserve their frescoed façades. The 12th century castle was formerly called “girone” meaning round, due to its circular shape. There is a series of buildings constructed in a ring around the internal courtyard: the most striking is the 14th century palazzo depinto (painted palazzo) with frescoes by Bellunello and stone balconies by Pilacorte. It boasts beautiful Gothic and Renaissance triple lancet windows, refined stone details and frescoes covering the entire surface of the wall, representing cardinal and theological virtues, as well as decorative motifs. The Duomo di S. Maria Maggiore is one of the most important Gothic edifices in Friuli. Inside there is a 14th century fresco cycle with stories of the Old and New Testament and a very valuable 16th century organ. The Scuola del mosaico was officially founded in 1922, but its tradition dates back to the 18th century, a period when there was a heavy flow of seasonal emigration to Venice, the artistic crossroads between the East and the West. The school is very famous today, and uses advanced working techniques and avant-garde 16 materials. It houses a museum of mosaic art, where you can see masters and students at work. SESTO AL REGHENA Of Roman origins, it was founded as a military site and supply station for travellers heading north. Its name derives not only from the Reghena river but also from its position near the sixth milestone along that route (starting from Aquileia). The 7th century abbazia benedettina di S. Maria in Sylvis gained prestige from the beginning thanks to Carlo Magno’s donations. An early Christian community had built a triapsidal church there, and the sons of the Lombard Duke Pietro founded a Benedictine monastery on the same site a century later. The monastery had exceptional privileges throughout the Lombard and Carolingian rule, and obtained immunity from them. Today only the sturdy entrance tower remains, the only survivor out of the seven defence towers erected in the second half of the 10th century; the bell tower, formerly a lookout tower; the chancellery with its wide Romanesque-style façade; the abbey residence and the rectory. Inside, there are materials and works from the Roman, early Medieval and Gothic periods. In the crypt, there is the ossuary of S. Anastasio (8th century) featuring deeply engraved geometric patterns worked with the sophisticated chiaroscuro technique by the skilled workers of Cividale. SAN VITO AL TAGLIAMENTO The municipality boasts noble traditions both in history, culture and art. The ancient finds cover a period of thousands of years from Palaeolithic and Neolithic times to the Roman period: the Medieval structure in the centre, the features of the city walls, the moat and the two towers testify to the epoca comunale in the 12th century. The palazzos are interesting to visit: Palazzo Altan Rota, a parish residence, has a wide garden of naturalistic interest; the cleverly restored northern barchessa (service building) of the palazzo now houses the offices of the Museo Provinciale della Vita Contadina; Palazzo Fancello features frescoes by Brunello and the Chiesa di S. Maria dei Battuti is a gem of Friuli Renaissance. CORDOVADO The oldest complex is the striking Borgo Castello, whose medieval style intertwines today with the 18th-century style of two noble mansions: Villa Attimis and Palazzo Ridolfi also known as Palazzo del Capitano. VALVASONE The town’s main tourist asset is the excellent conservation of its historic centre lined with elegant residences dating back to between the 14th and 17th centuries. Of Roman origin, it became important during the Middle Ages thanks to its ford crossing the Tagliamento river. Its most important monument is the castle, which, surrounded by the moat and ancient walls, still conserves two stuccoed halls, an 18th century puppet theatre and a picture gallery. There is an interesting piazza in front of the castle and an old mill nearby, with its wheel still in place. The whole of the town centre, however, is of great historical and architectural interest with its medieval houses and large palazzos. The parish boasts Italy’s only Venetian 16th century organ. Where it borders Sesto al Reghena, there is the famous Fontana di Venchiaredo, surrounded by trees in a small but lovely wood. A theme park is under construction nearby which will recall the places depicted in “Le confessioni di un italiano” by Ippolito Nievo. CASARSA In what was once the house of his birth, today is the Centro Studi Pier Paolo Pasolini which has a permanent theme exhibition of unpublished family photographs, Friulian paintings, political posters of 1949, a valuable and substantial collection of manuscripts of the Friulian period, a rich inheritance in papers and the frequent correspondence between Pier Paolo and his friends and family. 17 Numeri utili/Nützliche Telefonnummern/Useful Telephone Numbers/ Numéros utiles/Koristne klicne πtevilke Stazione Ferroviaria Viale Mazzini, 82 Numero Verde 892021 Bahnhof/Railway station/Gare ferroviaire/ ∂elezniπka postaja Azienda Trasporti Automobilistici Provinciali P. Risorgimento, 8 Numero Verde 800-101040 Autobusbahnhof/Bus Station/Gare routière/ Avtobusna postaja Taxi: P.zza XX Settembre Tel 0434 520240; Zona Fiera/Piscina Comunale/ Autostrada Venezia-Trieste Viale Mazzini (stazione ferroviaria) Tel. 0434 521460 Polizia Municipale Via Oderzo, 9 Tel. 0434 392811 Städtische Polizei/ Municipal Police/ Police Municipale/ Mestna policija Carabinieri - Pronto intervento Tel.112 Via del Carabiniere, 2 Tel. 0434 360131 Bereitschaftsdienst/Public emergency service/ Urgences/Center za obveπ≥anje Questura Piazza del Popolo, 1 Tel. 0434 238111 Polizeipräsidium/Police Headquarters/ Commissariat/Kvestura Pronto Soccorso Tel. 118 Notdienst/First Aid/ Urgences/Nujna pomo≥ Azienda Ospedaliera Santa Maria degli Angeli Via Montereale 24 Tel. 0434 399111 Krankenhaus/Hospital/ Hôpital/Bolniπnica Comune Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 64 Tel. 0434 392111 Stadtgemeinde/Town Hall/Mairie/Ob≥ina Provincia L.go S. Giorgio, 12 Tel 0434 2311 Provinz/Provincial Authory/Province/Pokrajina Posta Centrale Via S. Caterina, 6 Tel 0434 222252 Hauptpostamt/Central Post Office/Poste Centrale/Centralna poπta Palazzetto dello Sport Via Fratelli Rosselli Tel 0434 361332 Sporthalle/Indoor stadium/ Palais des Sports/∏portna dvorana Polizia Municipale/Autostrada Ve-Ts Piscina Comunale V.le Treviso, 12 Tel 0434 572384 Städtisches Schwimmbad/ Municipal swimming pool/Piscine Communale/ Ob≥inski bazen Biblioteca Civica P.zza della Motta, 4 Tel 0434 522867 Stadtbibliothek/Town Library/Bibliothèque Communale/Mestna knji∑nica Teatro Comunale Giuseppe Verdi Viale Martelli, 2 Tel 0434 247624 Stadttheater/Town Theatre/Théâtre Communal/Ob≥insko gledaliπ≥e (informazione voli) Tel. 0481 773224 Flughafen (Auskünfte über Flüge)/International Airport (Flight Information)/ Aéroport (Informations vols)/ Letaliπ≥e - Ronke (Informacije o letih) Informagiovani Piazzetta S. Marco e Piazza XX Settembre Tel 0434 392535/247168 Terminal Aeroporto P. Risorgimento, 8 Numero Verde 800-101040 Flughafen Terminal/Airport Terminal/Terminal Aéroport/Letaliπki terminal Aeroporto Ronchi dei Legionari, Gorizia Pordenone Photographs courtesy of: Valdemarin, Luca d’Agostino, Pordenone Press Office, Aldo Martinuzzi, Assunta Rumor, FVG tourism photography archive Torre Cartografia L.A.C. Firenze. Autorizzazione n.7 dell’08/05/2007 Piancavallo/Aviano/Ospedale/Pronto Soccorso Informazioni Turistiche/ Touristische Auskünfte/Tourist Information/Informations Touristiques/Turisti≥ne informacije Turismo FVG Via Damiani 2/c, 33170 PORDENONE T. +39 0434 520381/520974 F. +39 0434 241608 [email protected] DSF design / Print: la Tipografica Srl
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