THE BEAT - Camp Odayin


THE BEAT - Camp Odayin
Community of the Heart
When we first received the news that our newborn son had a heart defect, we went into overdrive thinking of all
the ways he would still be “normal.” We didn’t want his diagnosis, and then later, pacemaker, to define him. And
in this day in age with medical advances and unbelievable technology that is almost possible. But then you find
that something is missing. What is missing is that acknowledgement that your child is different, and special in his
or her own way.
In October, we spent our first weekend at Camp Odayin’s Family Camp. To say we were
affected would be an understatement. Here was a place kids and parents could come
together and celebrate what they have in common – special hearts! Together we all
have a common bond of watching our exceptional children navigate their world trying to
be as normal as possible. But in reality they aren’t. Their diagnosis and even their
scars set them apart. And in some situations that setting apart isn’t always
positive. At Family Camp these kids with special hearts could come together and share
their uniqueness with others like them. We participated in activities and games that
fostered family time and friendship building. We met and played with so many amazing individuals, each of whom
are heroes in their own rights. Never once were there feelings of not belonging. On the contrary, we all felt like
one big community of the heart.
Camp Odayin does a phenomenal job of creating these safe spaces for heart children and families to go and be
normal. But we also know that it is because of the generous support of donors and grants that truly allow this to
happen. Camp Odayin helps our children to feel more confident, more normal, and more accepting of their special
hearts. Thanks so much to all who support Camp Odayin for giving us this experience!
- Betsy, mother of Will – 3 year old with an ASD repair, dual chamber pacemaker, and heterotaxy
Out of this Universe
In November, Miss Minnesota, Siri Freeh, threw Camp
Odayin campers an amazing party at the Mall of America.
Siri, who volunteered as a counselor in 2011, hosted 200
members of our Camp Odayin family for a thrill-filled day
at Nickelodeon Universe. Thanks to the Waterpark of
America, Boston Scientific and the Mall of America,
families enjoyed unlimited ride wristbands, a pizza dinner,
and generous goodie bags. Adults and kids alike braved
adventures on the ‘Splat-O-Sphere’, the ‘Avatar
Airbender’, and the ‘Orange Streak’, (with the approval of
their cardiologists, of course)! Siri shared of Camp
Odayin campers, “These kids have touched my heart in a
significant the energy and light they shine with
their special hearts.” The smiles on campers’ faces made
it clear that admiration is mutual. Miss Minnesota has a
pretty special heart as well.
Off to the Races
To Charity, Gene, Dillon, and Micah we say thank you
Congratulations to nine year old
After the Dr. Seuss themed weekend was through,
for sharing how Family Camp affected their crew.
camper, Emma! She put a whole
we had a hard time quitting the rhyming too!
lot of heart into her Girl Scout
pinewood derby contest. Thanks
to Emma’s hard work, her Camp
Odayin decorated derby car won
first place!
Heart & Sole Fun Run / Walk
On September 29th, walkers and runners woke up early
to sweat for a good cause at the Heart & Sole. There
were so many things to be grateful for at the tenth
annual event...the beautiful sunny morning, our
friendship with emcee Dez of KS95, and especially the
760 participants who raised nearly $29,00! Save the
date to get your heart pumping on September 21, 2013.
Anytime Fitness
Granite City Food & Brewery
New Horizon Academy
KS95 ♥ Minnesota Monthly
Great Minnesota Give Together
Camp Odayin supporters responded to the call to Give
to the Max with overwhelming generosity on November
15th. On the annual day of charitable giving, a $10,000
challenge match provided by an anonymous donor was
rapidly met and surpassed. The day’s proceeds were
nearly double the amount raised on Give to the Max
Day in 2011. Over 115 supporters donated $18,138; add
the $10,000 match and the total was a staggering
$28,138! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
While at Family Camp you shared with us some rhyme.
So we decided to try it too, to tell you about our time.
At Camp Wapo we stayed in a cabin, our family of four,
and each day we anticipated walking through the door.
Every time, we were met with volunteers galore,
as we planted ourselves on the Cross Fire floor.
There we were entertained, we laughed ‘til we cried.
At the end of the long day we happily sighed
and said to ourselves, that was so great!
We better now get to bed, it is getting late.
The next morning we rose to green eggs and ham,
just like the Dr. Seuss book with Sam I am.
Then off to our activity rotations we did head,
until lunch time when we were thoroughly fed.
With tummies full and hearts filled too,
the children went off to see what they would do.
My hubby and I went to meet with the doc
and we enjoyed listening to heart families talk.
Again the tears flowed as we heard others share,
but that’s what we do, because heart families care.
More fun and games followed that night
and seeing the Whoville outfits was quite a sight!
The movie was funny, the s’mores a great treat,
and then we headed to bed; I was feeling beat!
In the morning at the talent show, I laughed so hard.
I needed a tissue as I was totally caught off guard.
Then it was time to sing that special camp song.
We made a big circle and everyone sang along.
Hugs and goodbyes and of course more tears.
We will be back, Odayin, for many more years!
Lizzie Rogaskie
Heavy hearted, we share the passing of former
camper, Lizzie. Lizzie attended the very first
session of Camp Odayin at age eight and never
missed a summer until she ’graduated’ in 2011.
Nurse Lynn shared, “Lizzie was such an amazingly
courageous young woman with an unlimited amount
of love for others and a lust for life. One year I
was encouraging her to wait longer than the first
day of camp to ask a boy to the camp dance. She
said, ‘I don't know how long I will live and so I don't
have time to wait for what I want.’ I was trying to
teach her patience and instead she taught me an
important lesson about not waiting to reach for the
moon. I can imagine her dancing in peace now.”
Lizzie was vibrant, kind, gentle, and a loyal friend.
We will always hold her in our hearts.
Thank You!
Heartfelt thanks to the following
companies, foundations, and fundraisers
for generously providing support
this past quarter...
CentraCare Health Foundation
Fred Hoiboar
Did you know?
Six of the campers who attended Camp Odayin last summer were
recipients of live-saving heart transplants. LifeSource is the
federally-designated organization that manages organ and tissue
donation in the Upper Midwest. Below are three of their top ten
facts about organ and tissue donation. Please visit to see the complete list and learn more!
Hardenbergh Foundation
One Life Can Save Up to 60
Kyle Rymiszewski Foundation
One person can save and heal up to 60 lives through organ and tissue
Margaret Rivers Fund
Medtronic Foundation
Mend a Heart Foundation
Robert S. Starr Foundation
Soup It Up for Kids
Speedy and Honey Altman Memorial Foundation
St. Jude Medical Foundation
Tapestry neighborhood bake sale
Team Strong Heart / Silent Sports Foundation
Wal-Mart Foundation
Everyone Has the Potential to be an Organ and Tissue Donor
Your age or health should not prevent you from registering to be an
organ or tissue donor. Most health conditions do not prevent
donation and age is not a factor – the oldest organ donor was 92!
Registering is Easy
Registering to become an organ and tissue donor is simple!
Visit the LifeSource website to learn how to register online.
“Everyone shares the gift of life.” - LifeSource
Staff Scholarship
Thanks to the generous donors who fund our camper scholarships, Camp Odayin awards
a staff scholarship each year. The honor goes to a summer staff volunteer who is
pursuing a degree as a nurse, doctor, or pharmacist. Congratulations to future doctor,
Jake Wessels (the birthday boy in the photo), our 2012 recipient. Before joining the
Odayin staff, Jake was part of the Camp Knutson crew, so he’s known and cared for
our campers since 2010. Jake is a super counselor, adored by Odayin kids and staff!
[email protected]
Camp Odayin
PO Box 2068
Stillwater, MN 55082
The Have a Heart Benefit
It’s nothing new for the Have a Heart Benefit to
change venues annually. This year, the big, newsworthy
move is the date! Traditionally in February, the
benefit, presented by Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of
Minnesota, will be hosted on April 20th. The
“glamping” (a.k.a. glamorous camping) themed event, will
be held at the elegantly modern Graves 601 in
Minneapolis. Save the date for an enchanted evening of
fantastic food, creative cocktails, and magical music.
2013 Odayin Happenings
February 16-18: Winter Camp (ages 8-17)
March 1: Camper & Staff Applications Available
March 17: Family Bowling Party / Camp Kick Off
April 20: Have a Heart Benefit
May 1: Camp Application Deadline
June 17: Whole Heart Golf Tournament
July 15-19: Flambeau Resident Camp (ages 14-15)
July 22-26: Namekagon Resident Camp (ages 16-17)
July 29-August 2: Gitche Gumee Day Camp (ages 6-7)
August 5-9: Nokasippi Resident Camp (ages 12-13)
August 12-16: Chippewa Resident Camp (ages 8-11)
September 21: Heart & Sole Fun Run
October 18-20: Family Camp (all ages)
November 14: Give to the Max Day
Camp Odayin, P.O. Box 2068, Stillwater, MN 55082
Phone: 651.351.9185 Fax: 651.351.9187
If you would prefer to receive the newsletter electronically or to add or remove names from our mailing list,
please contact us at [email protected].