The Catholic Spirit 2016 Graduation Supplement
The Catholic Spirit 2016 Graduation Supplement
17 A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT • JUNE 16, 2016 GRADUATION JUNE 16, 2016 — Ed Koskey Jr. photo THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT Bishop James F. Checchio gives the homily at the Immaculata High School Baccalaureate Mass, which was celebrated at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Somerville, June 3. Commencement exercises for the parochial school were held June 4. 18 GRADUATION Congratulations Catholic School Graduates Class of 2016 Go in peace to love and serve the world Office of Schools Diocese of Metuchen 732.562.2446 JUNE 16, 2016 THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT (',621²7KHPRRGZDVERWKUHÀHFWLYH DQGKRSHIXODVWKHVWXGHQWVZKRFRPSULVHGWKH&ODVVRIRI%LVKRS*HRUJH $KU +LJK 6FKRRO UHFHLYHG WKHLU GLSORPDV -XQHDWWKHLQVWLWXWLRQ¶VWKDQQXDOFRPPHQFHPHQWFHUHPRQ\ )HOLFLDQ 6LVWHU 'RQQD 0DULH 7UXNRZVNL SULQFLSDO DFNQRZOHGJHG WKDW WKH ODVW IRXU \HDUV KDYH JRQH E\ TXLFNO\ DQG VKHDVVXUHGWKHVWXGHQWVWKH\DUHUHDG\IRU WKHQH[WSKDVHRIWKHLUOLYHV ³:KHQ\RXJUDGXDWHIURPFROOHJHLQ IRXU\HDUV\RX¶OOEHPHPEHUVRIWKH&ODVV RIDQGDQH\HGRFWRUZRXOGGHVFULEH WKDWQXPEHUDVSHUIHFWYLVLRQ´6LVWHU'RQQDVDLG³,FKDOOHQJH\RXWRVWULYHIRUWKDW SHUIHFWYLVLRQDV\RXPRYHIRUZDUGLQOLIH´ 6WXGHQWVUHFHLYHGWKHLUGLSORPDVIURP %LVKRS-DPHV)&KHFFKLRZKRQRWHGKHLV LQDVLPLODUVLWXDWLRQDVWKHJUDGXDWHVVLQFH WKH\DUHDOOEHJLQQLQJVRPHWKLQJQHZ ³'RQ¶WIRUJHWZKDW\RXKDYHOHDUQHG KHUHDQGWKDW*RGLVZLWK\RXDOZD\V(YHQ LI\RXZDONDZD\IURP*RGKHLVVWLOOWKHUH ZLWK \RX´ VDLG %LVKRS &KHFFKLR ³.HHS FORVHWRKLPLQSUD\HU*RGLVDOZD\VZLWK XVDQGDOZD\VIRUXV´ %LVKRS &KHFFKLR DOVR WKDQNHG WKH SDUHQWV ZKR PDNH VDFUL¿FHV WR SURYLGH WKHLU FKLOGUHQ ZLWK D &DWKROLF HGXFDWLRQ 7KH VWXGHQWV ZKR WUDQVIHUUHG WR %LVKRS $KU IURP WKH QRZFORVHG &DUGLQDO 0F&DUULFN+LJK6FKRRO6RXWK$PER\ZHUH DVNHG WR VWDQG LQ UHFRJQLWLRQ IRU PDNLQJ WKHWUDQVLWLRQ 7KH &ODVV RI HQMR\HG PDQ\ PRPHQWV RI SXEOLF WULXPSK DV VFKRODUV DWKOHWHV DFWRUV DQG PXVLFLDQV DFFRUGLQJ WR +DUU\ =LHJOHU DVVRFLDWH SULQFLSDO %XW =LHJOHUXUJHGWKHVWXGHQWVWRDOVRUHPHPEHU WKH ³TXLHWHU PRPHQWV´ RI FRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFH ZKHQ WKH VWXGHQWV UHDFKHG RXW WR RWKHUVHVSHFLDOO\WKHORQHO\ZKRQHHGHGD GRVHRIKXPDQFRQWDFW ³'RQ¶W XQGHUHVWLPDWH WKH LQFUHGLEOH SRZHURIDOOWKRVHPRPHQWV´=LHJOHUVDLG ³7KH\UHSUHVHQWRQHRIWKHPRVWFULWLFDOO\ LPSRUWDQWTXDOLWLHV\RXGHYHORSHGDW%LVKRS$KU²WKHGHVLUHWRVHUYH*RGDQG\RXU IHOORZPDQ ³:HOLYHLQDQDJHZKHQZH¶UHTXLFN WR EURDGFDVW RXU DGYHQWXUHV DQG DFKLHYHPHQWV RQ )DFHERRN 7ZLWWHU ,QVWDJUDP DQG 6QDSFKDW %XW LW¶V WKH XQDQQRXQFHG WLPHV ZKHQ ZH¶UH FRQQHFWLQJ ZLWK RWKHU KXPDQEHLQJVWKDWUHDOO\FRXQW´ =LHJOHU DOVR UHPLQGHG WKH VWXGHQWV WKDW3RSH)UDQFLVKDVFDOOHGRQWKHIDLWKIXO WR³EXLOGEULGJHVQRWZDOOV´DQGWKDWWKH\ VKRXOGVWULYHWRPDNHWKRVHEULGJHVVWURQJHUDQGELJJHU³7KHWUXHPHDVXUHRIDPDQ RU ZRPDQ , WKLQN LV KRZ WKH\ FRQGXFW WKHPVHOYHV ZKHQ QR RQH LV WKHUH WR FRQJUDWXODWHRUDSSODXGKLPRUKHU´KHVDLG $IWHU WKH FHUHPRQ\ VWXGHQWV DQG IDPLOLHVJDWKHUHGRQWKHJUDVV\DUHDVRXWVLGHWKHVFKRRO7DHMD&KLQZKRZLOOVWXG\ IRUHQVLF VFLHQFH DW 3HQQ 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ 8QLYHUVLW\ 3DUN 3D LQ WKH IDOO VDLG VKH ZLOO DOZD\V UHPHPEHU WKH PDQ\ FRPPXQLW\VHUYLFHSURMHFWVVKHSDUWLFLSDWHGLQDW KHU KLJK VFKRRO ³%*$ UHDOO\ SURPRWHV FRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFH DQG , WKLQN LW EULQJV HYHU\RQH WRJHWKHU NQRZLQJ WKDW ZH DUH KHOSLQJRWKHUSHRSOH´VKHVDLG GRADUATION By Tracy Liston Correspondent 19 Bishop Ahr graduates encouraged to continue serving God, others Bishop James F. Checchio hands diplomas to members of the Class of 2016 at commencement exercises at Bishop George Ahr High School June 4. — Mike Ehrmann photo 1LD2[OH\ZKRZLOOEHVWXG\LQJEXVLQHVVDW3DFH8QLYHUVLW\LQ0DQKDWWDQ1< VDLGVKHZLOOUHPHPEHUDOOWKHIULHQGVKLSV VKH KDV IRUPHG ³7KLV VFKRRO LV D JRRG SODFH WR KDUERU LQGLYLGXDOLW\ DQG FUHDWLYLW\´VKHVDLG ³,W¶VPRUHWKDQDVFKRROLWLVDFORVH IDPLO\´ VDLG -HIIUH\7RWK ZKR LV KHDGHG WR 5DPDSR &ROOHJH DV D FRPPXQLFDWLRQ PDMRU+HDGGHGWKDWDFWLYLWLHVVXFKDV6HQLRU/RFN,QDQGWKH6HQLRU5HWUHDWKHOSWR IRVWHUWKDWIHHOLQJRIFRPPXQLW\DPRQJWKH VWXGHQWV :LWK WKLV JUDGXDWLQJ FODVV WKH KLJK VFKRRO RULJLQDOO\ QDPHG 6W 7KRPDV RI $TXLQDV QRZ FODLPV PRUH WKDQ DOXPQLDFFRUGLQJWR'HEELH&KLSSHQGDOH GLUHFWRURIDGYDQFHPHQW 2QH RI WKRVH DOXPQL LV /LVD 0LHOH 7LUULZKRJUDGXDWHGZLWKWKHODVWFODVVRI 6W7KRPDVLQ³7KLVVFKRROKDVPDGH PHWKHPRPDQGSHUVRQ,DPDQGLWUHÀHFWV EDFNWRP\FKLOGUHQ´7LUULVDLG³:HUHDOO\ DUHDIDPLO\´ 7LUULZKRDOVRZRUNVDW%LVKRS$KU VDLGVKHKDVZDWFKHGKHUWZRVRQVVHQLRU $QWKRQ\ DQG VRSKRPRUH 1LFR GHYHORS LQWR\RXQJPHQZKRDUH³FRQVLGHUDWHDQG KHOSIXOWRRWKHUV´DVDUHVXOWRIWKHLUH[SHULHQFHVDWWKHKLJKVFKRRO³7KLVLVVXFKD KDSS\SODFH´VKHVDLG³,ORYHFRPLQJWR ZRUNKHUH´ 'XULQJWKHFHUHPRQ\VHYHUDOVWXGHQWV LQFOXGLQJ9DOHGLFWRULDQ&KULVWLQD<DQJDQG 6DOXWDWRULDQ 6WHSKDQLH 3DO\KD UHFDOOHG WKHLUPHPRULHVRIWLPHVSHQWDW%LVKRS$KU ³:HEHJDQDVVWUDQJHUVZHHQGWRGD\ DVIULHQGV´VDLG3DO\KD Speaker tells classmates to shoot for stars, chase dreams Christina Yang 9DOHGLFWRULDQ ³)ROORZ\RXUSDVVLRQVWD\WUXHWR\RXUVHOI QHYHU IROORZ VRPHRQH HOVH¶V SDWK² XQOHVV²\RX¶UHLQWKHZRRGVDQG\RX¶UHORVW DQG\RXVHHDSDWKWKHQE\DOOPHDQV\RX VKRXOGIROORZWKDW´:KLFKLVSUHWW\VRXQG DQGSUDFWLFDOOLIHDGYLFH $VIRUWRGD\ZHOOZHOLYHLQWKHSUHVHQW7RGD\LVRXUSUHVHQW,WLVRXUJUDGXDWLRQGD\DVSHFLDOGD\IRUHDFKRIXV%XW HYHU\GD\RIHYHU\\HDULVWKHSUHVHQWGD\ VSHFLDO IRU HDFK RI XV ² LI ZH KDYH WKH FRXUDJHWRVWDQGRXWDQGGRRXUEHVW,WKDV EHHQVDLG³:ULWHLWRQ\RXUKHDUWWKDWHYHU\ GD\LVWKHEHVWGD\RIWKH\HDU´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¶WQHFHVVDULO\PHDQZH PRYHIRUZDUGLQOLIHZLWKQRWKLQJWRJXLGH XV:HKDYHRXUH[SHULHQFHVDVZHOODVWKH H[SHULHQFHVRIDOOWKRVHZKRKDYHFDUHGIRU XV RXU SDUHQWV DQG RXU WHDFKHUV DOO WKRVH ZKRKDYHFRPHEHIRUHXVWRJXLGHXV $QDQFLHQWZULWHURQFHVDLG³)ROORZ \RXUFRQVWHOODWLRQDQG\RX¶OODUULYHDW\RXU SRUWRIJORU\´$FRQWHPSRUDU\ZULWHUSXW LWWKLVZD\³+LWFK\RXUZDJRQWRDVWDU´ 6RJRRXWWKHUHDQGGRQ¶WEHDIUDLGWRVKRRW IRUWKHVWDUVDQGFKDVH\RXUGUHDPV3RSH )UDQFLVWHOOVXVQRWWREHDIUDLGWRVWDQGRXW ²DQGZDUQVXVRIEHLQJWRRFDXJKWXSLQ WKHYLFHVRIPRGHUQFXOWXUH+HKDVVDLGD YHU\ZLVHWKLQJ³+DYHWKHFRXUDJHWREH GLIIHUHQW 'RQ¶W OHW \RXUVHOYHV JHW VZDOORZHGXSE\DVRFLHW\RIFRQVXPSWLRQDQG HPSW\ DSSHDUDQFHV´ 7KH IXWXUH UHTXLUHV FRXUDJHDQGWKHHPEUDFHRI\RXURZQLQGLYLGXDOLW\ )ROORZ \RXU GUHDPV DQG QRW VRPHRQHHOVH¶V(OOHQ'H*HQHUHVWHOOVXV THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT *RRGPRUQLQJ%LVKRS-DPHV&KHFFKLR6LVWHU'RQQD0DULH0U=LHJOHU0U%URJQR FOHUJ\ IDFXOW\ IDPLO\ IULHQGV JXHVWV DQG PRVWLPSRUWDQWO\IHOORZJUDGXDWHV« 7LPRWK\VD\V³,KDYHIRXJKWWKH JRRG¿JKW,KDYH¿QLVKHGWKHUDFH,KDYH NHSW WKH IDLWK´ 7RGD\ ZH PXVW SDXVH WR UHPHPEHUWKHUDFHWKDWZHUDQDQGWKH¿JKW WKDWZHMXVWIRXJKW:HPXVWORRNDURXQG DQG FRQJUDWXODWH RXU IHOORZ UXQQHUV DV ZHOODVWKDQNDOOWKRVHZKRKDGIDLWKLQXV DQGVWRRGRQWKHVLGHOLQHVDQGFKHHUHGXV 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¿QDOO\VHQLRU\HDUFDPHDURXQG,WVWDUWHG RXW LQWHQVH ZLWK WKH VFUDPEOH WR ¿OO RXW FROOHJHDSSVDQGPHHWGHDGOLQHVEXWLWZDV ZRUWKLW7RVHHDOORXUKDUGZRUNSD\RII PDGHXVSURXG7KHQZHDOOJRWFKURQLFVHQLRULWLVDQGVOXJJLVKO\WUXGJHGWKURXJKWKH UHPDLQLQJGD\VZDLWLQJIRUVFKRROWRHQG %XWZHPDGHLWDQGKHUHZHDUHDVPDWXUH JUDGXDWHVRIWKHFODVVRI Now that our past has been estabOLVKHGZKDWKDYHZHOHDUQHGIURPLW":HOO ZHKDYHOHDUQHGWKDW%LVKRS$KULVDSODFH RI H[SORUDWLRQ DQG VHOIGLVFRYHU\ ZKHUH ZH¿QGZKDWZHDUHJRRGDWZKDWZHDUH EDGDWZKDWZHOLNHDQGZKDWZHGLVOLNH :H QRW RQO\ OHDUQHG IDFWXDO LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXWWKHZRUOGDURXQGXVZHGLVFRYHUHG 20 GRADUATION Bishop George Ahr High School CLASS OF 2016 HOME of the T R O J A N S The Class of 2016 has been awarded $28 million in scholarships Class Valedictorian: Christina Yang Class Salutatorian: Stephanie Palyha JUNE 16, 2016 THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT Art Award: Robert O’Neil English Award: Catherine Fernando Chinese Award: Shariya Simpson Spanish Award: Christina Yang Latin Award: Catherine Fernando Italian Award: Lauren Borowick Math Award: Devon Bhavsar Biological Science Award: Julia Sese Social Studies Award: Erica Healy Excellence in Writing Award: Anthony Cabahug Physical Science Award: Gian Reyes Excellence in Technology Award: Alessandra Mauro Health and Physical Education Award: Robert Golden, Jenna Harsh Jason Abeleda Justin Abeleda Jonathan B. Abouhayla Mikayla Ann Albanese Christiana Marie Columna Alicante Hayley Marie Allen Chantal Tereza Almanzar Nkechi Patience Amadiegwu Saumil S. Amin Aba Amon-Kwafo Emily Deanna Antonisin Alexandra Marie Antonucci Alexa Jean Arzano Oscar Lino Ayllon Erica Lauren Balsamo Andre C. Banks Robert F. Baril Lauren Marie Barlow Collin Maxwell Markus Belk Devon Bhavsar Jasmine Alexis Blades Lauren Elizabeth Borowick Serina Bou Mansour Amanda Marie Burgeson Anthony Ruben Cabahug Katrina Mae Cabrera Yifei Cao Casey Morgan Caprio Alexander Cardoza Dejah Monet Carman Brandi Leigh Carrion Deanna Rose Casazza Catherine Therese Cavico Isabelle Angelina Cerami Catrina Rose Cerasani Taeja Sequoy Chin Sarah Nina Ciccarelli Melanie Anna Circelli Corey Joseph Ciszek Emily Marie Colagrande Megan Frances Colagrande Alyssa Marie Corea Adrianne Hayle Cruz Dylan Austin Cruz Emily Olivia Cubelo Jessica Dallagnese Shay Marie Decker Connor Francis DeVoe Julia Anne DiGiovanni Desire M. Dortrait Kaitlin Mary Dower Mary Kate Doyle Courtney Karyn Duffy Michelle Marie Egnasko Karen J. Elenjickal Chioma Ugochi Enweremadu Kyra Melek Erel Donald A. Fackina Jessica Marie Fajardo Elizabeth Mary Farawell Sophia Remi Farriella Gabriel Trinidad Fernandez Catherine Anne Fernando Fitzgerald A Flores Noah James Fontaine Spencer Isaiah Fontaine Thomas Vito Galante Diego L. Gambotto Christopher Alan Garr Robert Daniel Gee Allison George Brittany Faith Georges Jamie Lynn Gibson Robert Joseph Golden Monika R. Gonzalez Rodriguez Brooke Morgan Grzeszczak Jenna Michelle Harsh Patrick John Hartman Ruth Alan Hartnett Muhua (Oliver) He Qiyang He Erica Marie Healy Brinn Cecilia Hemingway Miguel Jose Hernandez Kieara Leola Hill Nathalie Marie Hyppolite Justin Edward Inigo Karishma Krutarth Jagad Dylan Thomas Jensen Samantha Nicole Juarez Lauren Nicole Jurcsek Katarzyna Anna Kasztelan Brooke Lynn Kazawic Kaitlyn Knurek Aabharan Suresh Koppal Brianna Nicole Kovach Meredith Ashley Kushpa Brendan Matthew Laird Emily Katherine Lancia Ji Woo Lee Katharine Faith Lee Madison Jill Lee Cara Joelle Lescott Allyson Mary Lombardo Amanda A. Loubnan Yongki Lu Shelby Anne Lubowicki Dane Barry Lupton Robert S. Mac Arthur Lauren Elise Machalany Celine R. Maligranda Alexandra Julia Mandalakis Amirthavarsini Manikandan National Hispanic Scholar (sponsored by College Board): Alexander Cardoza National Merit Scholarship Program – Letter of Commendation: Devon Bhavsar, Allison George, Stephanie Palyha, Gian Reyes Bishop Bootkoski Religion Award: Lauren Machalany Perfect Attendance Award: Erica Healy, Miguel Hernandez 2016 Benjamin Banneker Award for Excellence in Science: Cara Lescott Stanley Briski Memorial Scholarship: Brianna Kovach, Dylan Jensen Robin Cone Memorial Award: Philip Yang Kathleen Duffy Memorial Award: Katarzyna Kasztelan Kelley McCaffrey Scholarship: Reilly Mullin Alfonso Munoz Memorial Award: Luke Roche The Karen Trautvetter Award: Christiana Alicante, Alessandra Mauro Jessica Lynn Maran Dylan Joseph Marek Abigail Markey Alessandra Christine Mauro Michael Vincent Mazzei Katrina Anastasia McCarthy Rishi Raj Mehta Robert Edward Meier Brianna Michelle Melodick Chiara X. Mercado Matilda Jean Rose Mercer Michael Mesaros Patrick Michael Molloy Samaria Lizabeth Mosley Marissa Anne Mulligan Reilly Rose Mullin Alex Josue Munoz Joo Eun Myung Angelo Vincent Napoli Elizabeth Rose Nelsen Vy Thi Tuong Nguyen Ziwen Michael Niu Eric Ian O'Keefe Kate Marie O'Leary Robert Lee O'Neil Victoria Joan Olexsa Tiffany Mesoma Onyeze Nia Olivia Oxley Stephanie Julianne Palyha Miten Romin Patel Zhiwei Peng Shannon Rose Pepe Melissa Pokorny Kristian Gaspard Polycarpe Gillian Anne Popino Sydne Monet Powers Kaitlyn Marie Prendergast Nicole Michele Pychewicz Caroline Mary Rankin Jenna Michelle Reckfort Alexandria Isbel Reguinga Daniel Manuel Reguinga Joshua Caleb Reilly Zachary A. Repsher Gian Sealtiel L. Reyes Brianna Taylor Rhodes Joseph John Risoli Luke Francis Roche Angela Marie Ruhnke Andrew Dale Ruzicki Dina Saba Anthony James Schinella III Nicholas D. Scotto Jesus A. Serna Julia Catherine Sese Pooja Shah John Patrick Sheedy Jr. One Tingley Lane, Edison, NJ • (732) 549-1108 • Shariya Shaniece Simpson Alexis Nicole Sofo Stephanie Julia Spada Justin Luis Stancavich Joseph Tejedor Anthony Vincent Tirri Jeffrey Robert Toth BaoDung Jade Tran Nadia Mai Tran Danielle Victoria Lusung Tria Dante Anthony Trigo Daniel Joseph Trimboli Andrew J. Tuzzo Doraliza Urena Jillian Nicole Vassallo Kyle Adam Veltre Martin Phillip Verendia Angelina Rose Viggiano Jiaying Wei David James White Destiny Castel Williams-Blake Christopher Ryan Wilton Alexander Stephen Woodrow Brittany Iman Woodson Zeming Xu Christina Yang Philip Li-Kuen Yang Madison Eastright Zieger Bishop George Ahr High School pa, Alexandra Mauro, Alexandria Reguinga, Joseph Risoli, Alexis Sofo, Christina Yang, Philip Yang Most Improved in Band: Nkechi Amadiegwu, Alexandra Antonucci, Katharine Lee Most Improved in Chorus: Andrew Ruzicki, Jeffrey Toth Meritorious Contribution to Music: Kieara Hill. Meredith Kushpa, Alexandra Mandalakis, Alexandra Mauro Outstanding Dedication to Music: Catherine Cavico, Christina Yang Woody Herman Jazz Award: Philip Yang Louis Armstrong Award: Miten Patel Fred Waring Award for Chorus: Alexandra Antonucci, Emily Lancia, Mitel Patel National School Color Guard Award: Alexandria Reguinga National School Marching Award: Ruth Hartnett National Choral Award: Christina Alicante, Alexis Sofo Patrick S. Gilmore Award: Catherine Fernando John Phillip Sousa Award: Allison George National Hispanic Scholar (Sponsored by College Board): Alexander Cardoza National Merit Scholarship Program Letter of Commendation: Devon Bhavsar, Allison George, Stephanie Palyha, Gian Reyes Perfect Attendance Award: Erica Healy, Miguel Hernandez Academic All-Star Award (Sponsored by My Central, Home News Tribune & Courier News): Kyle Veltre Catholic Daughters Queen Courtship of Mary #1743 Award: Chiara Mercado, Anthony Tirri Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition (6th District of New Jersey): Alexa Arzano Devine’s Pharmacy Scholarship: Kaitlyn Knurek Diocese of Metuchen Respect for Life Video Finalist: Elizabeth Nelson Diocese of Metuchen “Respect Life” First Place Winner: Elizabeth Nelson Delta Sigma Beta Sorority, Inc. – Central New Jersey Chapter Award: Jasmine Blades Herff Jones “Believe in You” Award: Rishi Mehta Herff Jones Award for Journalism: Jamie Gibson Middlesex County Guidance Council Caring Award: Katrina McCarthy Middlesex County Principal and Supervisors As- sociation Outstanding Student Award: Christina Yang Middlesex County Scholar Athlete Award: Brittany Georges, John Sheedy Jr. Middlesex County School Counselors Association Award: Daniel Trimboli New Jersey Army National Guard Community Service Award: Robert Baril New Jersey Blood Services Award: Alexandria Reguinga, Luke Roche, Dina Saba NJSIAA Scholar Athlete: Lauren Barlow President’s Volunteer Service Award: Ruth Hartnett Prudential Spirit of Community Award – Certificate of Merit: Brooke Kazawic, Katrina McCarthy Prudential Spirit of Community Award – Certificate of Achievement: Ruth Hartnett Ronald G. Rios Charity Trust Award: Brianna Kovach St. Vincent de Paul: Lauren Machalany Society of Women Engineers: Stephanie Palyha U.S. Air Force Math & Science Award: Devon Bhavsar, Stephanie Palyha U.S. Army Scholar Athletes: Devon Bhavsar, Jenna Harsh U.S. Marine Corp Scholastic Excellence: Catherine Fernando THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT Stephanie Palyha Salutatorian GRADUATION Christina Yang Valedictorian U.S. Marine Corp Athletic Award: Donald Fackina U.S. Marine Corp Semper Fi: Allison George Zolnier Student Leadership and Service Award: Isabelle Cerami Wegman’s Service Award: Catrina Cerasani Woodbridge Township- 2016 Mayor’s Youth Volunteer Award: Mikayla Albanese, Brooke Kazawic 2016 Benjamin Banneker Award for Excellence in Science: Cara Lescott Stanley Briski Memorial Award: Brianna Kovach, Dylan Jensen Robin Cone Memorial Scholarship: Philip Yang Kathleen Duffy Memorial Award: Katarzyna Kasztelan Kelley K. McCaffrey Memorial Award: Reilly Mullin Alfonso Munoz Memorial Award: Luke Roche Karen Trautvetter Award: Christiana Alicante, Alessandra Mauro Satoma Awards (Editor): Luke Roche Satoma Awards (Staff): Anthony Cabahug, Alessandra Mauro, Rishi Mehta, Caroline Rankin, Julia Sese, Stephanie Spada, Nadia Tran Insight 2016 (Editors): Nkechi Amadiegwu, Jamie Gibson, Alessandra Mauro Insight 2016 (Staff): Michelle Egnasko, Elizabeth Farawell. Erica Healy, Stephanie Spada Student Council (President): Isabelle Cerami Student Council (Vice Presidents): Catrina Cerasani, Shelby Lubowicki Student Council (Secretary): Chiara Mercado Student Council (Treasurer): Reilly Mullin Athletic Chairperson: Catherine Cavico Ahr Star Chairperson: Nicole Pychewicz, Anthony Tirri Publicity Chairperson: Robert Baril, Jeffrey Toth Social Chairperson: Allyson Lombardo Alumni Relations: Brinn Hemingway 21 At top members of the Class of 2016 at Bishop Ahr High School process into the school’s gym for commencement exercises. Above new graduates pause after turning their tassels. — Mike Ehrmann photos JUNE 16, 2016 Class Valedictorian: Christina Yang Class Salutatorian: Stephanie Palyha Distinguished Honors: Lauren Barlow, Devon Bhavsar, Lauren Borowick, Anthony Cabahug, Isabelle Cerami, Sarah Ciccarelli, Megan Colagrande, Shay Decker, Jessica Fajardo, Catherine Fernando, Brooke Grzeszcak, Karishma Jagad, Cara Lescott, Alexandra Mandalakis, Jessica Maran, Victoria Olexsa, Tiffany Onyeze, Stephanie Palyha, Gillian Popino, Julia Sese, Stephanie Spada Academic Awards Four Years Principal List: Devon Bhavsar, Tiffany Onyeze, Stephanie Palyha, Julia Sese Four Years Honors Program: Christiana Alicante, Saumil Amin, Devon Bhavsar, Isabelle Cerami, Connor DeVoe, Julia DiGiovanni, Gabriel Fernandez, Catherine Fernando, Christopher Garr, Allison George, Erica Healy, Katharine Lee, Allyson Lombardo, Amanda Loubnan, Dylan Marek, Katrina McCarthy, Rishi Mehta, Kate O’Leary, Robert O’Neil, Stephanie Palyha, Alexandria Reguinga, Gian Reyes, Luke Roche, Alexis Sofo, Danielle Tria, Kyle Veltre, Alexander Woodrow, Christina Yang Distinguished Seniors Class of 2016: Devon Bhavsar, Deanna Casazza, Isabelle Cerami, Jessica Dallagnese, Catherine Fernando, Christopher Garr, Erica Healy, Katarzyna Kasztelan, Katharine Lee, Cara Lescott, Amanda Loubnan, Alexandra Mandalakis, Katrina McCarthy, Stephanie Palyha, Gian Reyes, Dina Saba, Julia Sese, Danielle Tria, Doraliza Urena, Kyle Veltre, Alexander Woodrow, Christina Yang Art Award: Robert O’Neil Biological Science Award: Julia Sese Chinese Award: Shariya Simpson English Award: Catherine Fernando Health & Physical Education Award: Robert Golden, Jenna Harsh Italian Award: Lauren Borowick Latin Award: Catherine Fernando Math Award: Devon Bhavsar Bishop Checchio Religion Award: Lauren Machalany Physical Science Award: Gian Reyes Social Studies Award: Erica Healy Spanish Award: Christina Yang Excellence in Technology: Alessandra Mauro Excellence in Writing: Anthony Cabahug Director’s Award for Outstanding Dedication to the BGA Drama Department 2015-2016: Christiana Alicante, Alexandra Antonucci, Kyra Erel, Alexandra Mandalakis, Alessandra Mauro, Katrina, McCarthy, Alexis Sofo, Jeffrey Toth Director’s Award for Participatory Excellence in the BGA Drama Department (two or more years): Catherine Cavico, Elizabeth Farawell, Christopher Garr, Emily Lancia, Robert O’Neil, Stephanie Palyha, Miten Patel, Alexandria Reguinga, Luke Roche, Julia Sese, Philip Yang Director’s Award for Distinguished Contribution to the BGA Drama Department (One year): Robert Baril, Lauren Jurcsek, Chiara Mercado, Marissa Mulligan, Anthony Tirri, Alexander Woodrow Director’s Award for Most Improved Performer over Four Years: Alexandra Antonucci, Miten Patel, Jeffrey Toth Director’s Award for Excellence in Dance: Katrina McCarthy Director’s Award for Technical Excellence: Christopher Garr, Alessandra Mauro Director’s Award for Excellence in Acting: Christina Alicante, Catherine Cavico, Kyra Erel, Emily Lancia, , Alexandra Mandalakis, Katrina McCarthy, Alexis Sofo Four-Year Involvement in Music: Christiana Alicante, Nkechi Amadiegwu, Alexandra Antonucci, Catherine Cavico, Elizabeth Farawell, Catherine Fernando, Allison George, Ruth Hartnett, Meredith Kush- 22 GRADUATION THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT JUNE 16, 2016 Somerville parochial high school awards diplomas to 121 graduates By Anthony Salamone Correspondent ³,OHDUQHGDOHVVRQ*HWWKHGHWDLOV´ said Slomka, who used her speech to publicly wish a “belated 15th birthday” to her SOMERVILLE — On a day marking fellow graduate. Mixing in quotations from authors the graduates’ success, Immaculata High School’s top academic achievers spoke at and other notable people, Slomka, who will attend Carnegie Mellon University in times about failure. But valedictorian Erica L. Bower and Pittsburgh this fall, told the audience that Jamie M. Slomka, the salutatorian, also if they are not failing, they are not learntold fellow students to turn around life’s ing. And failure to learn leads to a lack of disappointments through encouragement, growing. ³:HPXVWDOO¿QGDEDODQFHEHWZHHQ self-belief and prayer. ³+DYH FRQ¿GHQFH LQ \RXUVHOI KDYH healthy risks and wise decisions,” she faith in yourself,” Bower said. “Keep go- said. Bower delivered her “Rules for Life” LQJDQG\RXZLOO¿QG*RG “Immaculata has made us strong while, using a portable mic, she stood, enough to go on to the next chapter of our sat and moved in front of the altar facing the graduates. She started her rules with: lives.” Before embarking on that next “Sometimes you are wrong.” But it’s OK, phase, the Class of 2016 gathered with Bower added, as long as you learn from faculty, families and friends June 4 at the mistakes. Slomka and Bower, a Hillsborough, Church of the Immaculate Conception for the Somerset County school’s 51st Somerset County, resident who this fall commencement. Last year’s graduation will attend Western Connecticut State ceremony took place at St. James Parish University in Danbury, Conn., tied for the LQ%DVNLQJ5LGJHEHFDXVHRID¿UHDW,P- highest general academic average, PrinFLSDO -HDQ * .OLQH VDLG LQ DQQRXQFLQJ maculate Conception. Among Slomka’s messages in her dozens of awards and scholarships for the salutatory address was: “Fail really bad at graduates. Kline and Msgr. Seamus F. Brennan, something.” Slomka, of Lebanon, Hunterdon the school’s director, awarded diplomas to &RXQW\ UHFDOOHG WKH ¿UVW SDUW\ VKH DW- 121 graduates, 11 of whom were recogtended her freshman year. She realized – QL]HG DV ³6HFRQG *HQHUDWLRQ 6SDUWDQV´ after arriving – that it was a classmate’s For the second year in a row, the school’s birthday being celebrated, and she failed legacy graduates marched with their parents. to bring a gift. Highest General Average (Gift of Immaculata Spartan Club): Erica Lynne Bower, Jamie M. Slomka Excellence in Theology (Gift of Bishop James F. Checchio and Martinsville Knights of Columbus Council 5959): Jamie M. Slomka Excellence in English (Gift of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 2137): Jamie M. Slomka Excellence in Social Studies (Gift of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 2137): Ethan Quinn Derikito Excellence in Mathematics (Gift of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 2137): Eric Nathaniel Zielonka Excellence in Science (Gift of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 2137): F. Joseph Germino Excellence in Chemistry (Gift of the Science Department): Eric Nathaniel Zielonka Excellence in Physics (Gift of the Science Department): Ethan Quinn Derikito Excellence in Biology (Gift of the Science Department): Fiona Gaile Lambino Bawagan Excellence in Spanish (Gift of the Somerville Knights of Columbus Council 1432): Erica Lynne Bower Excellence in French (Gift of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 2137): Fiona Gaile Lambino Bawagan Excellence in Accounting (In memory of John L. Vossen, Jr): Courtney Michelle Enyedy Excellence in Business Education (In memory of John L. Vossen, Jr): Jonathan Patrick Roberts Excellence in Journalism (Gift of the Journalism Program): Christopher Edward Hastings Golankiewicz, Taylor Madison Muzinic 7KH\ LQFOXGHG *HUU\ DQG 0DXUHHQ Cleary Montague of Bridgewater, whose son, Kevin, followed his sister Mairead, a 2014 graduate. For the Montagues – *HUU\JUDGXDWHGLQKLVZLIH¶VJUDGXation was a year later – Immaculata has remained true to its core mission of providing quality, Catholic-based education. “It embraces every kid regardless of what they do or what their interests are,” *HUU\ 0RQWDJXH VDLG ³, WKLQN LW¶V JRW D better sense of community.” 0DULD *DUDIROD )DEEULFDWRUH &ODVV RI VHQW WKUHH FKLOGUHQ WR ,PPDFXlata, including Samantha. Though the Hunterdon County teenager considered public high school – Samantha studied in Readington Township grade schools before Immaculata – the personal attention Immaculata offers made an impression on her. “You’re never going to get that in a public school,” Maria Fabbricatore added. “And the religious education, there’s nothing like that.” Both Kevin Montague and Samantha Fabbricatore called their graduation bittersweet. ³, UHPHPEHU WKH ¿UVW GD\ RI VFKRRO dreaming about this day four years ago,” Samantha Fabbricatore said before commencement. “It’s crazy that it’s here. I can’t believe how fast the years have gone by.” In her remarks, Ellen F. Ayoub, suSHULQWHQGHQWGLRFHVDQ2I¿FHRI6FKRROV Immaculata High School Erica Bower Valedictorian Jamie Slomka Salutatorian Service to the Magnificat Yearbook (Gift of the Journalism Program): Amanda Pauline Colangelo, Kevin Conor Montague Service to the Spartan Spirit Newspaper (Gift of the Journalism Program): Jennifer Lee Bercaw Service to Images Literary Magazine: Julia Catherine Brawley, Erica Lynne Bower Sister Dolores Margaret Scholarship for Excellence: Vincent Michael Giampino Connie Tarantino Memorial Award (Gift the Tarantino Family): Allison Michelle Eckels Music Department Award (In memory of Mrs. Genevieve Muirhead): Erica Lynne Bower The Marie E. Laggini Vocal Excellence Award (Gift of the family and friends of Marie Lag- noted the graduates’ mixed emotions of anticipation and uncertainty. But she also recalled their shining examples of service — from campus ministry to pro-life work to other outreach efforts in school and community. “As our beloved St. John Paul II said, ‘Be not afraid,’” Ayoub said. “The education, both academic and spiritual that you received … will serve you well for the future.” She also encouraged graduates to continue following their faith, to be “young men and women of the Beatitudes.” As commencement concluded, students processed out the front doors of the FKXUFKWRZDUGDÀDJSROH “I believe that we will graduate,” they shouted, before hoisting their caps into the air as one group. Families hugged, snapped photos, carried bouquets of balORRQVRUÀRZHUV “The one thing, the one common thread is that we are all Spartans,” Slomka said during her address. Kline told the audience the graduates have earned more than $13.5 million in scholarships from a host of colleges and universities. Joseph Conry, assistant principal for academic affairs, read the graduates’ names during the awarding of diplomas. Bishop James F. Checchio served as principal celebrant at Immaculata’s Baccalaureate Mass June 3 at the church. gini): Vida B. Manalang Excellence in Music: Service to the School, Church and Community: Jamie M. Slomka ‘Semper Fidelis” Award (Gift of the Marine Corps Recruiting Station): Jairo Enrique Campo Excellence in Dramatics (Gift the Drama Department): Melissa Emily Pennett The Edward “Ted” Gaughan Memorial Scholarship: Eric Nathaniel Zielonka The Louis Armstrong Jazz Award: Matthew Anthony Patino-Marsh The John Philp Sousa Award: Eric Nathaniel Zielonka The Susan Bruns Award: Jocelyn Ouellette Kerekes President of Tri-M Music Honor Society: Julia Catherine Brawley Award for Excellence in the Visual Arts (Sister, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary): Allison Michelle Eckels Award for Excellence in the Art Club (Gift of the Art Club): Sarah Kathryn Burns Marine Corps Academic Award: Ethan Quinn Derikito Marine Corps Athletic Award (Gift of Marine Corps Recruiting Station): Michael Joseph Lonsdorf, Kathleen Patricia Mulkerin President of the Student Council (Gift of Rev. Msgr. Seamus F. Brennan): Daniel Moises Reyes President of the Senior Class: Nicholas G. Fari President of the National Honor Society and Tutorial Service to the School: Fiona Gaile Lambino Bawagan, Kristen Elizabeth Reilly President of the Spanish National Honor Continued on next page But back to my point. We will be wrong sometimes. We’ve all been wrong, but, as I was once told, don’t be afraid to I know you all are expecting to hear an ex- fail epically. Throw your heart into everytensive, bittersweet speech about the memo- thing that you do. If we live our lives being ries of high school and the new adventure afraid to be wrong, we will only end up in that is our future. Traditionally, the vale- the shadows, and we’ll STILL be wrong dictorian is expected to ramble on through sometimes. I know I was always afraid to a discursive speech using all the desired make mistakes when I was younger. It took erudite and sophisticated language imagin- VRPHRQHWRSXVKPHEXW,¿QDOO\JRWWLUHG able. But that’s not me. And Mrs. Bonham of standing around watching people learn, told me to be myself, so I’m just going to put excel, and achieve while I was hiding in my own little spin on this. I’m not any older the background. It takes a leap of faith, but or wiser than any of you sitting here in front it’s worth the risk. It’s OKAY to be wrong of me. That’s the truth. But I’ll take this op- sometimes. It’s okay to be wrong a lot of the portunity to do what I’ve been doing every time as long as we learn from these mistakes. day for the past four years and say what I Even when you make mistakes bigger than think. My thoughts are captured primarily in leaving your research paper on the printer at my rules for life, so I’ll share a few of those home the day it’s due, just remember that you leave it in the past, where it belongs. with you today. When I was younger, I saw so many You pick yourself up, admit that you made a things that I felt were strange and illogical. mistake, and learn from what you’ve done. And I decided to make a set of rules for Keep your head up and your heart strong. So apparently, my profound advice myself to live by so that I could try to avoid becoming a manifestation of all of those is to watch Veggie Tales and fail epically. things. I mean, I was a pretty weird kid, but Okay then, next rule. This is a good rule. these guidelines really helped me. So I hope I once read this quote, and I think it really \RX IHHO WKH VDPH ZD\ DIWHU ,¶P ¿QLVKHG speaks the truth, even if part of it is a bit telling you about some of these rules on my bizarre: “There is no problem we cannot ignore, confront, plot against, or run over Yellow Brick Road through Life. with the car.” Okay. Here we go. This one’s great. If someone walks up First rule: “Sometimes, you’re wrong.” to you today and asserts an opinion that is That can mean absolutely anything. It’s wrong to be dishonest, but it’s also wrong different from your own, what do you do? to call a tomato a vegetable, despite what You shrug and accept their opinions. You Veggie Tales told us. Well, Veggie Tales was consider their thoughts and value their input, wrong, and we still watched it, right? We EXW\RXGRQ¶WVWDUWD¿JKWRYHULW7KHUHDUH still listened to a cucumber sing songs about so many small problems we will all inevitawater buffaloes and a hairbrush despite the bly face in college and beyond. We need to Continued on next page fact that it was utterly absurd. Continued from previous page JUNE 16, 2016 The John H. Van Cleef, Sr. Scholarship: Kyle Francis Majkowski, Kelsey Elise Seber Francis M. Comune Award (Gift of Martinsville Knights of Columbus Council 5959): Cara Anne Griffin The John Collins Memorial Scholarship (Gift of Ancient Order of Hibernians and Knights of Columbus, Somerville Council 1432): Adam David Baurkot Kelly Elizabeth Gibson Memorial Scholarship: Joanna Marie Bragg The Kristne A. Culley Memorial Scholarship (Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Culley): Darah Waskin The Susan Kelly Memorial Scholarship (Gift from her classmates Class of 1980): Ashley Elizabeth Dalessio The Richard D. Tyler Memorial Award (Gift of Mrs. Richard D. Tyler): Derek Joseph Walker An Award for Merit (Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ribbans): Ryan Paige Markowski The Robert Briski Citizenship Award (Gift of Carol Briski): Jairo Enrique Campo IHS Alumni Scholarship (Gift of the Office of Advancement and Alumni Relations): Kevin Conor Montague, Samantha Marie Fabbricatore The Monsignor Eugene B. Kelly Memorial Award (Gift of Paul Kemper): Anthony Robert Zannella THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT Society (Gift of the Spanish National Honor Society): Cara Anne Griffin President of the French National Honor Society (Gift of the French National Honor Society): Jamie M. Slomka Christian Spirit Award (Gift of the Immaculata High School Spartan Club): Genevieve Anne Wietecha, Vincent Michael Giampino Campus Ministry Award: Tomas Xavier Minsavage, Kristen Marie Cummins U.S. Army Green Beret - Staff Sergeant Andrew T. Lobosco Scholarship Award (Gift of Felix Ciattarelli of Value Towing): Peter Francis DeSantis Law Enforcement (Gift of Somerville Police Benevolent Association Local 147): Daniel Moises Reyes The Esther and Joseph Cusick Memorial Award (Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cusick): Catherine Marie Yorkgitis Branchburg Rotary Club Scholarship: Julia Catherine Brawley, Genevieve Anne Wietecha The Rotary Club of Somerville and Bridgewater Music Scholarship: Vincent Michael Giampino The Rotary Club of Somerville and Bridgewater Scholarship: Michael Diana Somerville Business Professional Association Scholarship for Service to the Borough of Somerville: Athletic Award: Kristen Elizabeth Reilly, Music Award: Erica Lynne Bower GRADUATION By Erica Bower Valedictorian 23 Valedictorian offers rules for life 24 Bower tells IHS graduates, 'Stand up for yourself and your values' GRADUATION Continued from previous page choose our battles; the small ones, a lot of WLPHVDUHMXVWQRWZRUWK¿JKWLQJ7KH\FDQ EHLJQRUHGEHFDXVHWKH\ZRQ¶WFDXVHDQ\RQH DQ\ KDUP ,W¶V VR KDUG WR GHWDFK RXUVHOYHV IURPWKHZRUOGDQGIURPZKDWERWKHUVXV EXWVRPHWLPHVWKDWLVWKHEHVWZD\WRGHDO ZLWKWKHVHOLWWOHSUREOHPVWKDWZLOOMXVWIDGH DZD\<RXWKLQNDERXWZKDWUHDOO\PDWWHUV DQGGHFLGHZKHWKHURUQRWWKLVLVZRUWKWKH WLPHWKHHQHUJ\WKH¿JKW6RPHWLPHVWKH DQVZHUZLOOEH³<HV´%XWLIWKHDQVZHULV QRWKHQVHSDUDWH\RXUVHOIIURPLWDQGPRYH RQ 1RZLI\RXUOLWWOHEURWKHULVDQ\WKLQJ OLNHPLQHZKHQZHZHUHJURZLQJXSDQGKH VWHDOV\RXUVLVWHU¶VIDYRULWH%DUELHGROOWKHQ \RXWDNHKLV5HVFXH+HURWUXFNDQGUXQLW RYHUZLWKWKHFDU,¶PWRWDOO\NLGGLQJ,QHYHU GLGWKDWQRUGR,FRQGRQHVXFKEHKDYLRU 7KDWEHLQJVDLGWKHUHLVDWLPHWRVWDQG XSIRU\RXUVHOIDQGIRU\RXUYDOXHV&ROOHJH FDPSXVHVWKHVHGD\VFDQEHYHU\GLIIHUHQW IURP WKH IDPLO\ DWPRVSKHUH KHUH DW ,PPDFXODWD ,W¶V QRW HDV\ 7KHUH DUH D ORW RI WKLQJVWKDWFDQJRDJDLQVWZKDWZHEHOLHYH 1RWHYHU\RQHVWDQGVIRUWKHIRXUSLOODUVWKDW DUH WKH IRXQGDWLRQ RI RXU VFKRRO 7KDW¶V ZKHQZHQHHGWRVWDQGXSDQGEHDVVHUWLYH DQGIDFHWKHSUREOHPKHDGRQ7KDW¶VZKHQ ZH UHIXVH WR EDFN GRZQ 7KDW¶V ZKHQ ZH UHPHPEHU ZKR ZH DUH :KHQ \RX VD\ WR \RXUVHOI ³<HV WKLV LV ZRUWK ¿JKWLQJ IRU´ GRQ¶WEDWWOHKDOIKHDUWHGO\,NQRZKRZKDUG LWLVWREHVWURQJVRPHWLPHV%XW\RXQHHGWR GLJGHHSKDYHIDLWKLQ*RGDQGLQ\RXUVHOI DQG¿QG\RXUFRQ¿GHQFH,KDYHVHHQHYHU\ SHUVRQLQWKLVFODVVGRDPD]LQJWKLQJVIURP VSRUWVJDPHVWRVHUYLFHSURMHFWVWRFRQFHUWV DQGSHUIRUPDQFHV'RQ¶WOHWREVWDFOHVJHWLQ \RXUZD\EHFUHDWLYHDQG¿QGDZD\DURXQG WKH WKLQJV DQG WKH SHRSOH ZKR WU\ WR OLPLW \RX .HHS JRLQJ DQG ¿QG \RXU RZQ KDSSLQHVV<RX:,//¿QGLWUHJDUGOHVVRIWKH SUREOHPVWKDW\RX¿QGDORQJWKHZD\ /DVWO\ WKLV UXOH LV GH¿QLWHO\ WKH PRVW LPSRUWDQW RQH WR PH ³&RXUDJH LV EHLQJ DIUDLGEXWQHYHUKROGLQJEDFN´ 7KHUHDUHVRPDQ\WLPHVZKHQ\RXZLOO EHVFDUHGRXWRI\RXUPLQG,GRQ¶WFDUHZKR \RXDUHRUZKR\RXWKLQN\RXDUH\RXZLOO EHWHUUL¿HGDWVRPHSRLQWHVSHFLDOO\LQWKH QH[WIHZ\HDUV,NQRZWKDW,KDYHIDFHGVR PXFKHYHQLQWKHSDVWIRXU\HDUVWKDWWKHUH ZHUHWLPHVZKHQ,ZDQWHGWRVLWGRZQDQG JLYHXS7KHUHDUHWKLQJVWKDWDUHRXWRIRXU FRQWURO DQG ZH ZRXOG UDWKHU QRW FRQIURQW WKHXJO\VLGHRIWKLVZRUOG:HZLOOIDFHVLWXDWLRQVWKDWIRUFHXVWRGLVFRYHUQHZVWUHQJWK DQG WR OHDYH EHKLQG VHFRQG WKRXJKWV DQG VHOIGRXEW (DUOLHUWKLV\HDU,ZDVDW&RIIHH+RXVH DQG,ZDVOXFN\HQRXJKWRKHDUDVRQJFDOOHG ³*OLWWHU LQ WKH$LU´ 2QH OLQH VD\V ³+DYH \RXHYHUORRNHG)HDULQWKHIDFHDQGVDLGµ, MXVWGRQ¶WFDUH¶´" ,NQRZ,KDYH ,¶YH VHHQ LW LQ \RX WRR :KHQ WKH IRRWEDOOSOD\HUVWDNHDKLWLQDWRXJKJDPH EXWWKH\JHWXSDQ\ZD\:KHQDPXVLFLDQ GHFLGHV WR SHUIRUP LQ IURQW RI D FURZG RI SHRSOH(DFKWLPHD&DPSXV0LQLVWU\YROXQWHHU UHDFKHV RXW D KDQG WR VRPHRQH LQ QHHG$QGLWZLOOEHMXVWDVKDUGWRZDONRQWR DFROOHJHFDPSXVZKHUH\RXGRQ¶WNQRZD VLQJOHSHUVRQ,W¶VQRWHDV\WRVWDQGXSDQG WDNH RQ ZKDWHYHU OLIH WKURZV DW \RX ,W¶V KDUGWRDFFHSWFKDQJHVWKDW\RXQHYHUDQWLFLSDWHG%XW7+$7LVFRXUDJH:KHQ\RXJHW NQRFNHGGRZQRYHUDQGRYHUEXW\RXJHWXS HYHU\VLQJOHWLPH7+$7LVFRXUDJH:KHQ \RX ZDWFK \RXU SODQV GHWHULRUDWH EXW \RX GHFLGHWR¿QGDQHZZD\7+$7LVFRXUDJH :KHQ\RXFDUU\RQUHJDUGOHVVRIKRZ\RX IHHORUKRZ\RXZDQWWRJLYHLQDQGVHWWOHIRU PHGLRFULW\DQGREVFXULW\7+$7LVFRXUDJH +DYH IDLWK LQ \RXUVHOI WKDW \RX FDQ KDQGOHZKDWHYHUFRPHV\RXUZD\%HOLHYH WKDW\RXKDYHWKHZLOODQGWKHSRZHULQ\RXU KDQGV WR FUHDWH ZKDWHYHU NLQG RI OLIH \RX ZDQW (PLO\ 'LFNLQVRQ VDLG LW EHVW ³+RZ PDQ\ÀRZHUVIDLOLQ:RRG 2USHULVKIURPWKH+LOO :LWKRXWWKHSULYLOHJHWRNQRZ 7KDWWKH\DUH%HDXWLIXO´ .12: WKDW \RX DUH EHDXWLIXO DQG VWURQJZKHQ\RXVWDQGXSZKHQ\RXUHIXVH WROHWRWKHUSHRSOHDQGFLUFXPVWDQFHVGH¿QH \RX)LQGUHDVVXUDQFHLQ\RXUDELOLW\WREH \RXUVHOI ZKHQ RWKHU SHRSOH WU\ WR WHOO \RX WKDW¶V ZURQJ %H FRQ¿GHQW LQ WKH IDFW WKDW \RXZLOOZLQ\RXUEDWWOHVZKHQ\RX¿JKWIRU DOOWKHULJKWUHDVRQV (DFK WLPH \RX WHOO )HDU ³, MXVW GRQ¶W Michael Lonsdorf towers above Msgr. Seamus F. Brennan, director of Immaculata, as he receives his diploma during graduation ceremony on June 4. — Ed Koskey Jr. photo FDUH´ \RX FRQTXHU DQRWKHU OLWWOH SLHFH RI WKLVFUD]\ZRUOG<RX¿QGDQRWKHUSLHFHRI \RXUVHOI ,PPDFXODWD KDV PDGH XV DOO VWURQJ HQRXJKWRFRQWLQXHLQWRWKHQH[WFKDSWHURI RXUOLYHVDQGZHDUHUHDG\QRZ:HFDQJR RQDQGNQRZWKDWZHKDYHHYHU\WKLQJWKDW ZHQHHG$QG,NQRZWKDWDOORI\RXZLOOEH MXVW¿QHQRPDWWHUZKDW\RXGHFLGHWRGR 6R JR &RQTXHU WKLV ZRUOG 3LHFH E\ SLHFH CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR GRADUATES! ST FRANCIS CATHEDRAL SCHOOL, METUCHEN JUNE 16, 2016 THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT rr'%+2+'0651(PLKXNNN+0+)*%*11.%*1.#45*+25rr 2 0 1 6 Graduated June 21, 2016 Bentley University, Waltham, Ma. She is the eldest daughter of Benito and Febe Demaclid-Chua of Edison, New Jersey. Awarded a General Excellence Awards in her Class of 2008 at St. Matthew School in Edison, a 2012 Valedictorian graduate of Mother Seton Regional High School in Clark. She received a bachelor's degree in Actuarial Science, with a minor in Business Studies, English and Literature. Awarded Summa Cum Laude and the Weafer Award for Academic Excellence (Valedictorian) of 2016 Class. While at Bentley University, she was the Vice President of Administration and Editor in Chief of Newsletter of Alpha Kappa PSI, was named to the President's List eight times and worked in the Writing Center as a tutor. She will pursue a career as an Actuarial Consultant in Aon Hewitt. GRADUATION ƿ"ƳV%ƿ"&Ƴ%"eV!.Ƴ 25 V('Dž Ƴ-.%ƳƸ(', G R A D UAT E IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SCHOOL SOMERVILLE PROUDLY CONGRATULATES OUR 8TH GRADE CLASS OF 2016 “...All through the years may Mary watch, and keep you ‘neath her care.” IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SCHOOL where faith meets academic excellence 41 Mountain Ave.● Somerville, NJ 08876 ● 908-725-6516 ● PERTH AMBOY CATHOLIC SCHOOL Class of Bb JUNE 16, 2016 2016 THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT with pride congratulates our 26 GRADUATION St. Bartholomew School and Parish Family Congratulates our Class of 2016 JUNE 16, 2016 THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT Through the years we shared together we watched you grow and mature becoming amazing gentlemen and ladies. You have taken on challenges without hesitation and inspired everyone around you with your selfless volunteer and community service work. May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand. We are very proud of you. Congratulations on a job well done! Father Thomas Walsh, Mrs. Ann Wierzbicki, St. Bartholomew School Faculty, Staff, and Students and the entire Parish Community St. Bartholomew School, 470 Ryders Lane East Brunswick, NJ • 732-254-7105 • Congratulations Class of 2016! Sara Barpi Justin Braine Claire Froehlich Ryan Gluchowski Ryan Gonzalez Faith Gregory Parker McCall Rachelle Menguito Nicole Pellegrino Briana Pimenta Joseph Porcaro Taylor Salmon Kiera Scales Anthony Seraji Zandrea Urbano Christian Verlingo May Our Lord bless and keep you in His loving care. Congratulates our Class of 2016! DANIEL GONZALEZ CHIBUIKE AMADI GEORGE GONZALEZ GINA ARMENTO ISABELLA GONZALEZ BERNADETTE AVILA ALYSSA JANOWSKI ASHLEY BAUSCH COURTNEY KENDERES BROOKE BELMONTE FRANK KRANICK THERESA BILLINGS BRANDON MARTINEZ PETER BRITT AZIA MELENDEZ NICOLE BUDKA RAFI NACHED BENJAMIN CAMPOS SARAH OHNMEISS ANDREW CASTELLO ABIGALE ORTIZ ALICIA CASTRO TRINITY QUIATCHON MICHAEL CERAMI CHRISTIAN RHODES BETHANY CICCARELLI ANDREW ROARTY CHARLES CUTIGNOLA THOMAS ROARTY SKYLAR DEGEORGE NICOLE STADTMILLER VINAY DODIA BRIAN TANCULSKI DANIEL DOMINGUEZ CASSIDY VELTRE WILLIAM DOYLE COLIN ZELMAN TAYLOR ECCLES NICOLAS GALETTE GRADUATION Sayreville St. John Vianney School 27 Our Lady of Victories School 420 Inman Avenue, Colonia, NJ 07067 732-388-1662 ∙ THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT JUNE 16, 2016 GRADUATION COngratulations GRADUATION 28 29 — Mike Ehrmann photo — Marlo Williamson photo — Marlo Williamson photo — Marlo Williamson photo — Marlo Williamson photo — Ed Koskey Jr. photo — Marlo Williamson photo The Diocese of metuchen catholic high schools — Ed Koskey Jr. photo Bishop george ahr immaculata • st. joseph Mount saint mary — Mike Ehrmann photo JUNE 16, 2016 JUNE 16, 2016 — Mike Ehrmann photo THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT — Ed Koskey Jr. photo 30 GRADUATION Mount Saint Mary Academy bestows diplomas on 100 graduates By Stacey Daly Correspondent :$7&+81* ² 8SRQ WKH ¿IWK FKLPH RI WKH FKDSHO EHOO WKH ³VRRQ WR EH´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³7KURXJKZKDWZHKDYHOHDUQHGKHUH DW7KH0RXQWDQGIURPRXUVWUXJJOHVDQG WKHLGHDOVRIFRPSDVVLRQMXVWLFHUHVSHFW VHUYLFH DQG LQWHJULW\ ZH ZLOO QHYHU IDLO WR VXFFHHG LQ DQ\ RI RXU HQGHDYRUV´ VDLG 6DOXWDWRULDQ -XJGLS .KRNKHU LQ KHU VSHHFK 6KHQRWHGWKDW7KH0RXQWSURYLGHG DVWURQJHGXFDWLRQDOIRXQGDWLRQWKDWWKH\ ZLOODQGVKRXOGFRQWLQXHWREXLOGXSRQLQ FROOHJH DQG LQ WKHLU FDUHHUV DGGLQJ WKDW NQRZOHGJH LV WKH RQH WKLQJ QR RQH FDQ WDNHDZD\ 9DOHGLFWRULDQ -XOLD 0DF'RQDOG RIIHUHG DGYLFH WKURXJK WZR OHVVRQV VKH EHOLHYHV VXPPDUL]H KHU KLJK VFKRRO HGXFDWLRQ³)LUVWO\ZHKDYHVRPXFKIRU ZKLFK WR EH JUDWHIXO« <HW JUDWLWXGH RIWHQ VHHPV UDWKHU VFDUFH LQ RXU ZRUOG WRGD\ DQG LV VRPHWKLQJ RXU JHQHUDWLRQ XQIRUWXQDWHO\LVDFFXVHGRIODFNLQJ´VKH VDLG ³,V WKLV D QHZ FRPSODLQW" 3HUKDSV QRWEXWDVZRPHQVWHHSHGLQPHUF\LWLV RXU GXW\ WR QHYHU OHW WKDW EH WKH FDVH LQ RXURZQOLYHV´ 7KH VHFRQG OHVVRQ VKH VDLG LV WKDW WKHUHLVVWLOOVRPXFKWRDFFRPSOLVK³)RU DOO RXU ZHOO SODFHG JUDWLWXGH ZH VKRXOG QRW IHHO FRPSOHWHO\ VDWLV¿HG 2XU MRXUQH\LVQRWFRPSOHWH6RRQWKHZRUOGZLOO EH HQWUXVWHG WR RXU JHQHUDWLRQ DQG WKH SUREOHPV RI WKH ZRUOG SROLWLFDO HFRQRPLFVRFLDODQGHQYLURQPHQWDOZLOOEH RXU SUREOHPV WR WDFNOH %HFDXVH ZH DUH ZRPHQ RI 7KH 0RXQW ZH KDYH D FRPPLWPHQWWRRXUFRPPXQLW\DQGWKHZLGHU ZRUOGWRIDFHWKRVHSUREOHPVDQGEHSDUW RIWKHVROXWLRQ´ ³7KLV LV D YHU\ LQWHUHVWLQJ JURXS RI JLUOVZKRMXVWJHOOHGDVDFODVVIURP WKHWLPHWKH\ZHUHIUHVKPHQ´VDLG0HUF\ 6LVWHU /LVD ' *DPEDFRUWR GLUHFWUHVV ³7KH\ UHDOO\ KDYH ZDONHG WKHLU WDON LQ WHUPVRIWKHLUFRPPLWPHQWWRWKHFRUHDQG WRWKHGLVHQIUDQFKLVHG´ 6LVWHU/LVDVDLGWKHFODVVKDVGRQHDQ HQRUPRXV DPRXQW RI VHUYLFH WKURXJKRXW WKHZRUOGLQ$SSDODFKLDLQWKHHDVWHUQWKH 8QLWHG6WDWHVLQ&KLQDDQGDW0HUF\LQVWLWXWLRQVLQ3HUX*XDWHPDODDQG+RQGXUDV³7KH\KDYHHPEUDFHGDQGHQÀHVKHG WKH FRUH YDOXHV RI WKH 6LVWHUV RI 0HUF\ ZKLFK LV WKH UHDVRQ ZH KDYH WKLV VFKRRO DQG WKH UHDVRQ ZH FRQWLQXH WR UXQ WKLV PLVVLRQDQG,WKLQNLWKDVEHHQµPLVVLRQ DFFRPSOLVKHG¶´6LVWHU/LVDVDLG ,Q WKH EHQHGLFWLRQ 0VJU :LOOLDP %HQZHOO GLRFHVDQ YLFDU JHQHUDO DQG PRGHUDWRU RI WKH FXULD VDLG ³0RXQW 6DLQW0DU\$FDGHP\KDVEHHQDFHQWHURI HGXFDWLRQH[FHOOHQFHIRUVRORQJ:HDUH YHU\SURXGWKDWLWLVKHUHLQWKH'LRFHVHRI 0HWXFKHQ Seniors at Mount Saint Mary Academy "ham it up" before processing into the school's chapel to begin commencement exercises. The class had a 100 percent acceptance rate to college and a combined $17 million in scholarships and grants. — Marlo Williamson photo ³,KDYHEHHQDWDQXPEHURI0RXQW HYHQWV DQG , KDYH QHYHU PHW D VWXGHQW ZKRLVQ¶WKDSS\WREHKHUH,NQRZDQXPEHURISDUHQWVDQGJUDQGSDUHQWVZKRKDYH KDGFKLOGUHQDQGJUDQGFKLOGUHQKHUHDQG WKH\KDYHQRWKLQJEXWJRRGWKLQJVWRVD\ ,W LV D ZRQGHUIXO SODFH WR EH DQG ZLWK D FHUHPRQ\OLNHWKLV\RXMXVWIHHOWKHVSLULW RIWKHNLGV²JRRGWKLQJVPXVWEHKDSSHQLQJKHUH´ 0DFNHQ]LH /DZORU ZLQQHU RI WKH 6LVWHU 0 (ORLVH &ODLUH .D\V 0HPRULDO $ZDUGH[SUHVVHGSULGHLQEHLQJDPHPEHU RI7KH &ODVV RI $ PHPEHU RI 2XU/DG\RI3HUSHWXDO+HOS3DULVK%HUQDUGVYLOOH VKH SODQV WR DWWHQG /DID\HWWH &ROOHJH(DVWRQ3DWRVWXG\KLVWRU\ ³,IHHO,¶YHKDGDUHDOO\JUHDWHGXFDWLRQKHUH´VKHVDLG³,W¶VDUHDOO\UHZDUGLQJH[SHULHQFHWRJRWRDVFKRROOLNHWKLV 7KHUH LV VXFK D IHHOLQJ RI FRPDUDGHULH DQG,IHHO,¶YHPDGHODVWLQJIULHQGV´ 6KHDGGHGWKDWWKHDFDGHP\JDYHKHU H[WUDRUGLQDU\ RSSRUWXQLWLHV WR GR WKLQJV VXFK DV WUDYHO WR ,WDO\ ODVW VXPPHU ZLWK VWXGHQWVDQGIDFXOW\FRPSOHWHZLWKDYLVLW WRWKH9DWLFDQ ³7KH 0RXQW SURYLGHV D ZRQGHUIXO RSSRUWXQLW\ WR OHDUQ PRUH DERXW \RXU IDLWK SOXV WKH DFDGHPLFV DUH DPD]LQJ´ VDLG%U\Q:HJU\QZKRZLOOEHDEXVLQHVV PDMRU DW ,QGLDQD 8QLYHUVLW\ WKLV IDOO ³, KDGDJUHDWH[SHULHQFHZLWKP\WHDFKHUV ²,ORYHGWKHPDOO7KH\DUHYHU\LQWXLWLYHDQGKHOSIXODQGLW¶VUHDOO\HDV\WRJR WRWKHPDIWHUFODVVHV´ $W WKH VFKRRO VKH DGGHG ³<RXU FODVVPDWHVEHFRPHOLNH\RXUVLVWHUVZKHQ \RX DUH KHUH 7KLV LV WUXO\ DQ DPD]LQJ H[SHULHQFH´ Valedictorian reflects on lessons learned in, out of class JUNE 16, 2016 THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT Julia MacDonald Valedictorian *RRG PRUQLQJ 6LVWHU /LVD 0RQVLJQRU %HQZHOO%RDUGRI7UXVWHHVDGPLQLVWUDWLRQIDFXOW\VWDIIIDPLO\IULHQGVDQGWKH GLVWLQJXLVKHG&ODVVRI :KHQ , OHDUQHG WKDW , ZRXOG KDYH WKH KRQRU RI EHLQJ YDOHGLFWRULDQ , ZDV ERWK JUDWHIXO DQG VRPHZKDW GDXQWHG , NQHZSUHSDULQJIRUWKLVVSHHFKZRXOGEH DUHDOFKDOOHQJHIRUPH:KHUHWRVWDUW" :KDWWRVD\"+RZGR,PDNHSHUKDSVWKH ¿QDO ODVWLQJ LPSUHVVLRQ RQ WKH JURXS RI RXWVWDQGLQJ \RXQJ ZRPHQ FXUUHQWO\ VLWWLQJLQWKHSHZVRIRXU&KDSHO" :HOOVRPHRIWKHEHVWDGYLFH,KDYH UHFHLYHG RQ PDNLQJ VSHHFKHV LV WR WDON DERXW ZKDW \RX NQRZ VR DV , UHÀ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embers of the Class of 2016 at Mount Saint Mary Academy process into the ZHUH IRUWXQDWH WR KDYH EHHQ LPPHUVHG school's chapel. In her comments, Mercy Sister Lisa D. Gambacorto, directress, LQ D ZHOOHVWDEOLVKHG KLJKO\DFDGHPLF spoke about the class' "enormous amount of service throughout the world." &DWKROLF HQYLURQPHQW EXLOW DQG IRVWHUHG — Marlo Williamson photo E\ LPPHQVHO\ FDULQJ LQGLYLGXDOV 2XU 7R ERUURZ IURP &LFHUR ³*UDWLWXGH HQWDQGORRNWRRXUIXWXUHZLWKKXPEOH IDFXOW\DQGDGPLQLVWUDWLRQLVWDOHQWHGDQG LV QRW RQO\ WKH JUHDWHVW RI YLUWXHV EXW KHDUWV <HW JUDWLWXGH RIWHQ VHHPV UDWKHU NQRZOHGJHDEOH DQG WKH\ KDYH QRW RQO\ WKHSDUHQWRIDOORWKHUV´*UDWLWXGHKHOSV VFDUFH LQ RXU ZRUOG WRGD\ DQG LV VRPH- VKDUHGWKHLUJLIWVEXWWUXO\LQYHVWHGLQ XV UHVSHFW RXU SDVW HPEUDFH RXU SUHV- WKLQJ XQIRUWXQDWHO\ RXU JHQHUDWLRQ LV Continued on page 32 31 GRADUATION THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT JUNE 16, 2016 32 Speaker advises classmates to live each day with gratitude, purpose GRADUATION Continued from page 30 us. The opportunities they have afforded us, the responsibilities they have granted us, and the times they have stretched us have all contributed much to our academic and personal growth since freshman year. I think Carl Jung described well the kind of education we have received at Mount when he said: “One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.” We have not only been taught many different subjects to prepare us for college and our future careers, but have been nurtured as individuals to face the new set of challenges and opportunities in the years ahead. Which brings me to the second lesson I have taken from our high school experience: We still have so much to accomplish. For all of our well-placed gratitude, we should not feel completely VDWLV¿HG 2XU MRXUQH\ LV QRW FRPSOHWH Soon the world will be entrusted to our generation. And the problems of the world — political, economic, social, and environmental — will be our problems to tackle. Because we are women of the Mount, we have a commitment to our communities and the wider world to face those problems and be part of the solution. As graduates of Mount St. Mary Academy, we are called, each and every one of us, to leave a special positive mark, no matter how large or small, for humanity and the future. On the onset of our quest, I think it prudent to remember the words of Catherine McAuley: “The simplest and most practical lesson I know…is to resolve to be good today, but better tomorrow. Let us take one day only in hands, at a time, merely making a resolve for tomorrow, thus we may hope to get on taking short, careful steps, not great strides.” And as I look before me, I am FRPSOHWHO\ FRQ¿GHQW WKDW WKH &ODVV RI 2016 will take the necessary steps to leave its mark on our world. It is true that sitting here today we don’t have answers to many of society’s pressing issues. In some cases we don’t even really know the questions. But if there is one thing I do know, having learned this by spending time with you, is that you are intelligent, resourceful, resilient, and unstoppable women. Looking back at the experiences Mount gave us over JUNE 16, 2016 THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT Mount Saint Mary Academy Julia MacDonald Valedictorian Valedictorian: Julia MacDonald Salutatorian: Jugdip Khokher High Honors-Four Years – 4.0 GPA or higher: Kristen Belger, Mary Day, Jugdip Khoker, Julia MacDonald, Christine Rosato, Madelynn Wellons, Caleigh Wozniak National Merit Commended Scholars: Sabrina Guiao, Julia MacDonald National Hispanic Achievement Scholar: Joanna Lucas 2016 Central Jersey Academic All-Star: Julia MacDonald Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski Award for Religion: Christine Rosato these last four years, I realize that this was the best preparation possible for the challenges to come. I take heart, and am grateful, that such promising hands are preparing to accept those challenges and such determined feet are taking the next steps. Congratulations, Class of 2016. It has been a great privilege to stand among you these past four years. May you live each day with gratitude and purpose. I salute you and God bless you. Above, members of the Class of 2016 at Mount Saint Mary Academy, Watchung, leave the school's chapel carrying their diplomas. Right, Msgr. William Benwell, diocesan vicar general and moderator of the curia, gives the benediction at commencement exercises for the allgirls, college preparatory school. — Marlo Williamson photos Jugdip Khokher Salutatorian School Leadership Award: Hannah Ciullo, Udochi Esomonu, Allyson Toolan, Brianna Tucciarone School Spirit Award: Claire Alessi Catherine McAuley Award (Gift of the Sisters of Mercy): Udochi Esomonu, Emma Maloney Sister M. Eloise Claire Kays Memorial Award (former directress of MSMA): Mackenzie Lawlor, Allyson Toolan Sisters Mary Kerwin ’45 Award (former directress of MSMA): Katherine Ellis, Bridget Loeffler Sister Diane Szubrowski, RSM Humanitarian Service Award (former NJ Regional Community President of the Sisters of Mercy): Alanna Berger Outstanding Leadership Award: Brianna Tucciarone Seniors at Mount Saint Mary Academy, Watchung, process into the chapel June 4. In the benediction, Msgr. William Benwell, diocesan vicar general and moderator of the curia, said, “Mount Saint Mary Academy has been a center of education excellence for so long. We are very proud that it is here in the Diocese of Metuchen. I have been at a number of Mount events and I have never met a student who isn’t happy to be here. I know a number of parents and grandparents who have had children and grandchildren here and they have nothing but good things to say." 33 A Legacy of Faith, Caring, and Excellence 33 Catholic High School Scholarships offered! Joshua Aguillon Krista Caasi Andrew Chan Connor Cohen Joseph DiGiovanni Gabriella Dudajek Katherine Enad Dominick Fiorello Carolyn Foley Alexia Fraser Angela Gallagher Dashely Gomez Ryan Hanna James Harding Christian Haynes Vanessa Hunter Kiana Jimenez Julia Kebuladze Justin King Nicole Kubiak Allison LaRochelle Andrew Lauan Dominic Lawas Daniel Lucash Jake Marcin McKenzie Marshall Zachary Miller Matthew Nonaillada Trish Olib Jason Pinga Dylan Polycarpe Jason Ralph Christina Raspa Gavin Rau Nina Reilly Teresa Saber Austin Schuhrer Sarah Shanahan Julianna Shea Maxwell Shubert Brett Subers Brian Toczek Angelina Trinidad Francesca Valdez-Tan Jacques-Dean Ventura Bianca Villadolid Jack Walsh Frank Wilhelm IV Arien Yeddanapally William Zafian GRADUATION Congratulations and God Bless St. Matthias School Class of 2016 We welcome new students to our PreK-4 through 8th grade school. 170 John F. Kennedy Blvd. Somerset, NJ 732-828-1402 THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT JUNE 16, 2016 34 GRADUATION CLASS OF 2016 ACCOMPLISHMENTS & ACCEPTANCES Where you’ll find our graduates in September... Middlesex County Academy for Allied Health and Biomedical Sciences, Monmouth County Academy for Allied Health and Science, Marine Academy and Science & Technology (M.A.S.T.), St. John Vianney Early College Academy, Red Bank Catholic and Mother Seton with over $150,000 in Scholarships, Colts Neck and Marlboro H.S. Learning Center Programs 333 HIGHWAY 18, OLD BRIDGE, NJ ∙ 732-251-4000 ∙ SAINTTHOMASOB.COM JUNE 16, 2016 THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT &RQJUDWXODWLRQVWRRXU*UDGXDWLQJ&ODVVRI Catherine Alfonzo Turner Ashby Elizabeth Caso Madeline Coe Remi Cortina Gage Crater Giovanni De Sapio Anthony DeFalco Jessica DeFort Joseph Donaher Mackenzie Donovan Lauryn Eisenhart Emma Finnegan Michael Fischer Meghan Galaini Michael Galaini Ciara Garahan Ryan Godown Jillian Grantham April Gregory Jack Hannon John Hart Andrew Herms Jackson Hudack Joseph Hudicka Eric Kafarski Evan Klimas Jared Klimas Michelle Kodua Luke Kravetsky Cameron Kreder Ethan Laible Emma Lamberti Emma Landis Marion Mathew Sean Mazzei Gabriel Murjani Gerard Murjani Abigail Niebling Kaitlin O’Malley Jill Paciga Andrew Pecoraro Alexander Portner Jake Rae Hannah Sargent Peter Scarperi Bernard Senger Joseph Skapinetz Carli Van Haute Nicoletta Viscione Abigail Wall Michael Walton Casey Zemanek ,PPDFXODWH&RQFHSWLRQ6FKRROÂ2OG$OOHUWRQ5RDG$QQDQGDOH1-ÂÂLFVFOLQWRQRUJ night, 16 years before with him in tow. “They left all they knew to pursue a better life for themselves and their twoSOUTH PLAINFIELD — With the year-old son. That son was me,” he said. strains of “Pomp and Circumstance” “I am mindful my story is part of a larger resounding throughout the Church of American story.” The young man urged his fellow the Sacred Heart, a grand procession of clergy, faculty and graduates made its graduates to continually question their way down the long center aisle May 26 to educational and career choices throughout begin commencement exercises for the St. their lives. “Make progress, not meaningless Joseph High School class of 2016. 7KHSHZVZHUH¿OOHGZLWKPRUHWKDQ motion,” Holovko said. “Progress is mo1,000 joyous family members and friends, tion with purpose, it propels us forward. video cameras and smartphones held All choices come with more questions.” Stephen described an arduous hike he aloft, eager to memorialize the image of and 11 other Scouts took in New Mexico’s the 176 young men who had successfully completed their studies at the Metuchen- Sangre de Cristo mountain range, where based secondary school founded by the “deep in the middle of nowhere, 9,000 feet above sea level, half the guys ran out Brothers of the Sacred Heart in 1961. Bishop James F. Checchio and Fa- of water,” he said. Despite the danger to ther John Alvarado, Sacred Heart’s pastor, themselves, the boys shared the contents joined Lawrence N. Walsh, president of of their water bottles and all safely deSt. Joseph High School; Justin J. Fleet- scended. “We were brothers, we always had wood, principal, and other administrators in encouraging the green-and-white robed each other’s backs,” he said, and advised graduates to embrace change as they tran- the graduates to use that sense of brotherhood from their high school years to grow sitioned into adulthood. “You have experienced changes in all and question their academic journeys. “Why does the journey matter? Why aspects of your lives, and your lives have changed,” noted Fleetwood. “Without have we made it this far?” Stephen mused. change, there is no growth. Be aware of “Don’t be on ‘default’ settings in college, your own gifts, challenge your limitations where your purpose comes from is what and be committed to compassion, justice goes on around you.” In his last graduation speech before and service.” St. Joseph graduates Taras Holovko stepping down as St. Joseph High School and Kevin Stephen were selected to de- president, Walsh told the young men asliver co-valedictory speeches at the cere- sembled before him, “You are an excepmony. Both young men had been awarded tional group,” and noted they had amassed National Merit Scholarships, founded the more than $31 million in scholarships. He school’s Olympian test prep tutoring char- noted that 83 percent of them had received ity, were members of the Model U.N. and college scholarships, while 60 percent of the youth and government club, and ran them had been offered college scholarships in excess of the $50,000 “your parcross country track at the high school. In their addresses, each urged his ents spent to send you to St. Joe’s.” “You were taught to serve others classmates to “embrace the why,” relating with joy. I’ve always thought the mission personal vignettes as examples. Holovko described how his parents statement of St. Joe’s should be, ‘We prohad left the Ukraine, in the middle of the duce young men with resilient minds that GRADUATION By Christina Leslie Correspondent 35 St. Joseph High School graduates 176 at commencement exercises Bishop James F. Checchio processes into the Church of the Sacred Heart, South Plainfield, at commencement exercises for St. Joseph High School. In his comments, Bishop Checchio said he hoped the school is “a sign of God’s kingdom for a world so desperately in need of miracles.” — Marlo Williamson photo are unafraid to pray,’” he said. “I hope you leave us as men resilient in mind, spirit, and prayer. I hope you never lose the ability or inclination to have conversations with God.” Bishop Checchio noted that, in his three weeks as the shepherd of the diocese, he had become accustomed to taking morning walks from his home to the campus of St. Joseph High School and had been impressed by the politeness and welcoming attitude of those he encountered. “The school was built by the Brothers of the Sacred Heart on the site of their farm. Actually, it was built over the vineyard, which is pretty cool,” Bishop Checchio said. Reminding them that a vineyard was WKHVLWHRI-HVXV¶¿UVWPLUDFOHWKHZHGGLQJ feast at Cana where he changed water into wine at his mother’s bequest, the bishop said, “That’s where Jesus began his ministry, and became a real sign of God in the world. Hopefully St. Joseph School is a sign of God’s kingdom for a world so desperately in need of miracles.” Following the ceremony, families stood atop the steps of the church, clutchLQJEDOORRQVÀRZHUVDQGRWKHUWRNHQVDV they awaited their graduates. Two generations of the Bakhos family beamed as they SKRWRJUDSKHG RQH DQRWKHU DQG UHÀHFWHG upon the Catholic education their son, Andre Junior, had just concluded. “The environment [at St. Joseph High School] is much better,” said the graduate who is planning to continue his education at Seton Hall University, South Orange, in the fall. He continued, “In public schools, I would get in trouble if I wanted to practice my faith in public. It is very important to me that I can have God at my school.” His father, Andre, said, “In today’s day and age, you’d have to consider Catholic education a ‘no-brainer.’ The students get a solid foundation, morals, ethics and a good education the world can never take away from them.” St. Joseph High School graduates urged to ask ‘why’ Taras Holovko Co-Valedictorian that sitting here – that this graduation – is our own achievement, we owe our sense of comfort to those who came before us, to those who had the courage to ask a simple question intrinsic to human nature: “Why?” Going to high school, for us as stuGHQWVZDVDSUHGH¿QHGSDWKDVWUXFWXUHG path we had to follow, but it took place at Saint Joe’s only because of our predecessors who made it possible. It took place at Saint Joe’s only because in 1901 Brothers Stanislaus Florent and Louis Fabian asked “Why Metuchen?”, and only because of the other Brothers of the Sacred Heart who made our journey here possible, to whom we say: “Thank you for this incredible opportunity. Thank you for everything.” Continued on page 37 JUNE 16, 2016 two-year-old son was me. Sixteen years later, I stand here – conscious that my parents’ decision to have questioned their circumstances is what makes my life today even possible, mindful that my story is part of the larger American story, and aware that many of your parents, grandparents, and ancestors also had the courage to question where, and why, they were in life. It is because of their simple courage that we sit in these pews today. During the past four years, classes may have been challenging and homework might have been long, but here at Saint Joe’s, we were blessed with a sense of certainty, a feeling of knowledge that our future – on a day to day basis, no matter what happened – was secure. And despite how much we are inclined to say THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate this special occasion: family, friends, and graduates of the Class of 2016. I would also like to welcome: Bishop James Francis Checchio; Father John Alvarado, pastor of Sacred Heart Church; the Brothers of the Sacred Heart; Mr. Lawrence Walsh, President of Saint Joseph High School; Mr. Justin Fleetwood, Principal of Saint Joseph High School; and the Saint Joseph faculty and staff. I speak on behalf of all my fellow classmates when I say that your presence truly means a great deal to all of us. Everyone here in this church tonight has played a key role in making possible this long journey to success. Sixteen years ago, in the year 2000, in the middle of the night, a young man and woman crossed the Ukrainian border into Poland. In the early morning, they arrived at Warsaw airport, signed in at registration, and boarded a plane to a faroff city, a distant place they had only ever heard of ... New York. They left behind everything that they called home. They left because they were brave enough to embrace the uncertainty of starting over, brave enough to embrace the “why” of a new life. They left because this willingness to ask “why” gave them a sense of purpose – the pursuit of opportunity, the pursuit of progress, the pursuit of a better life for themselves and for their two year old son – in a magical place known as America, a beacon of hope and possibility for so many before them. Their 36 GRADUATION Saint Joseph High School A Brothers of the Sacred Heart School in Metuchen, New Jersey Since 1901 Class of 2016 Become a Saint Joseph Man... 100% College Acceptance 83% of seniors received a College Scholarship $31+ Million in College Scholarships (to date) 1 attendee US Coast Guard Academy 9 Commended Students National Merit Scholarship Competition 3 National Merit Finalists Robotics Seneca District Competition Award * Falcon Newspaper National Honors Evergreen Yearbook National Honors * Vignette Literary Magazine National Honors 4 Medal Winners National Latin Exam * Catholic Math League Regional Championship 5 Athletic Divisional Championships * 4 Athletic County Championships JUNE 16, 2016 THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT …Live the Saint Joseph Dream GRADUATES Deladem Adadevoh* Travis Adams* Massimo Agresti* Andrew Aitken* Daniel Alfonzo-Jenner* Aadam Anwar * Jerry Armstrong* Rajat Arora* Joseph Arriola* Matthew Avila* Andre Bakhos, Jr.* Adekunle Balogun* Jonathan Baron* Tyus Battle* Thomas Bauer* Derrek Beeck* Zachary Bell* Thomas Bender* Emman-Raphael Bibiano* Matthew Blumensteel* Reginald Bonsol* August Bratti* Nicholas Brautigan* Ryan Broderick* Colin Burnett* Nicolas Carchio* Jason Cariaga* Bryan Carley* Arman Choudrie* Anthony Colucci* Christopher Connett* Peter Coronato* Thomas Costello* Carson Coudriet* Gregory Cruz* Nicholas Cunningham* William Davenport* Kale de Wet* Joshua deCastro* Luis DeJesus* Parampreet Deol* Thomas Dietzel* Jason DiStefano* Conner Dolan* Jed Domingo* Michael Drabich, Jr.* Kyle Duggan* Michael Echeverria* Colin Egan* Kyle Eidson* George Favetta, III* Anthony Fernandes* Liam Finnegan* Matthew Fowler* Connor Gallagher* Honghui Gao* Christian Generosa* Robert Ghiano* Dave Goncalves* Tyler Guensch* Frank Gumina, IV* John Habib* Ryan Hille* Augustine Hoban* Sean Holland* Taras Holovko* James Howlett* Michael Hultberg* Jason Hutnick* Timothy Iannuzzo* George Ibuna* Charles Internicola* Luis Jaimez* Michael Jarusiewicz* Adrian Javier* Samuel Javier* Dylan Jensen* Paul Johnson* Timothy Kenney* Mark Kim* Brett Krause* Nicholas Krimin* Gabriel Lai* Bryce Layne* Nicolas Leal* Adrian Lee* Philip Leuszkiewicz* Ruoyu Li* Kevin Licciardi* Peter Lima* Ni Travis Literate* Zetong Liu* Jacob Lunn* Connor Mahony* Bharath Mannam* Alvin Marmol* Brian Mathew* Joseph Mayers* Mark McGuire* Cyril Medabalimi* Jose Medina, Jr.* Vilton John Mellijor* Raymond Mercer* Anthony Micale* William Milligan* Sean Mills* Henry Mills-Lutterodt* Ryan Monahan* Brendan Moreau* Thomas Morrison* Joseph Mortillaro* Peter Mullen* Michael Nisky* Olufemi Oladipo* Nicholas Osowski* Elrod Owusu-Asumeng* Christopher Ozbalik* Eric Ozga* Joseph Papa* Nimit Patel* Roderick Perez* John Phillips* Lucas Pick * Derek Quiambao* Christopher Quigley* John Henry Riccardi* Connor Rivera* Xavier Rivera* Robert Rizzi* Frank Roberts, III* Jack Roberts* Justin Rodriguez* Nathaniel Rodriguez* Michael Rojek* Gary Rojewski, III* Abhimanyu Roperia* Donald Ross* Kyle Russell* Michael Sabella* Justin Thomas Santiago* Matthew Scull* Karun Sekhar* Janton Shorter, II* Dilpreet Singh* Nickolas Sondej* Luke Spallone* Jack Stamm* Kevin Stephen* Douglas Stepien* Colm Sullivan* Thomas Summers* Tanner Sutton* Kevin Sweeney* Quentin Taormina* Christopher Taraska* Millard Thomas* Paul Tomaszewski* Justin Torres* Jacob Torrisi* James Tovey* Breein Tyree* Dylan Tyrrell* Daniel Vajtay* Thomas Valenti* Christian Vargas* Mohit Varma* Malcolm Virgil* Branislav Vujadinovic* Ian Walls* Joseph Weaver* Julian West* Leandro Wong* Reece Young* Michael Zarnowski* Evan Zelesnick* Minjian Zhang Continued from page 35 because everyone else is doing the same thing. When we ask ourselves questions, we move a small step closer to the things WKDWPDNHXVKDSS\DQGIXO¿OOHG By asking all these questions and E\ ¿QGLQJ DQVZHUV LQ UHVSRQVH ZH discover — little by little, over the years — a niche in life, and it is our collective niches that have formed us into the community that we are today. By asking these questions, we realize WKDW ZH ¿W LQWR D XQLTXH EURWKHUKRRG We discover a feeling of camaraderie that makes Saint Joe’s feel like a second home, a belief that we are all connected as one body: “I am my brother’s keeper.” By asking these questions, we discover the most important and yet the most overlooked aspect of the human spirit — a feeling of purpose in our lives, which gives us that sense of progress in what we do. At the start of high school, that progress may have been the assign- ments we were given, the things that we had to do. Second period was at 8:45, lunch at 11:21. We had to take this standardized test, go to that practice, and attend that game. As the years went on, as we became sophomores and then juniors, we had more freedom to ask “why” — in the academic path we took, in the activities that we did, and in the way that we connected with those around us. The beautiful thing about life is that all of these choices come with more questions; with every decision we make, we might become more uncertain about the path we hoped WR¿QGLQRXUOLYHVLQWKH¿UVWSODFH Before we know it, we sit at graduation, waiting to hear our names called, waiting to receive our diplomas — realizing that for all the time that we’ve VSHQW¿QGLQJDQVZHUVIRUHDFKWLPHZH asked “why” at Saint Joe’s, we leave high school with ten times as many questions as we ever found answers... about our concentrations in college, our future career paths, and our relationships with the people we leave behind as we move on to a new phase of our lives. And that is entirely okay, because only by asking these questions at all — “Why this major? Why this job?” — do we come to realize that progress means something entirely different for every single one of us. Just as my parents asked “why” they shouldn’t stay behind in Ukraine, just as the Brothers asked “why” they should branch out to America, just as your parents asked “why” Saint Joe’s, so we must embrace the “why” of our lives and never forget to continue asking questions, no matter how many anVZHUVZHDUHDEOHWR¿QGRUKRZPDQ\ more questions they lead us to. The past four years have been an absolute pleasure and privilege. I wish you all the best of luck in all that you do. Thank you for everything. GRADUATION Over the course of the last four years, we have had the chance to do as all of these forbearers did — to change our paths through high school with every decision, to make progress in our lives by asking “why?” It is only by asking “why” that we allow ourselves to make progress rather than create meaningless motion in our lives. Motion is activity for the sake of movement: splashing the paddles of a canoe on a lake, rocking from side to side, but not moving in any direction. Progress is motion with purpose, motion that adds value to our lives. It means stroking the paddles in a way that propels us forward. By asking ourselves, “Why am I taking AP classes?” “Why am I a 3-season varsity athlete?” “Why am I a member of this club?” we ensure that our time — our one life — is spent VHDUFKLQJ IRU UHDO VHOI IXO¿OOPHQW DQG not simply making ripples in the water 37 Questions can ensure life is spent searching for real self-fulfillment Co-Valedictorian likens hike to what class has experienced Kevin Stephen Co-Valedictorian tions we ask ourselves — not because we demand an answer to them, but because from the questions themselves, we derive meaning. We construct our identity. We create our character. Because the moment we stop questioning our limitations, the moment we stop questioning our fears, questioning the expectations that others have for us? That’s the moment we accept mediocrity. That’s the moment we decide that we weren’t worthy to climb those mountains. That we weren’t “all that special.” I assure you today: we are. Today we look outward from this summit to the next one, and the next one after that, to construct our own legacy for the next generation — one that challenges what most consider to be success. A legacy driven by the question why. As you commence your journey, always cherish our brotherhood. We entered Saint Joe’s as Panthers, or Patriots, or Lions; we leave as Falcons. We entered Saint Joe’s as two hundred; we leave as one. Our bond is what has made us who we are. But at the same time, never be content with default settings in life. There is bravery — there is courage — in the emptiness we each feel, for it is the moments when we’re weighed down by expectations, limitations, frustrations — it is in in the moments when we’re alone on our own mountains without water — that VROLWXGHDQGVROLGDULW\¿QGXVRQFHDJDLQ both as individuals and as brothers in this community. So go forth, and be not afraid to ask the questions that matter, regardless of cost, opposition, or circumstance. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Congratulations, Class of 2016. I love you all. JUNE 16, 2016 water bottles on top of that mountain: it challenges us to ask new questions, to face our fears after we leave our home. Moreover, it demands us to seek what makes us whole. In life, we’ll encounter two kinds of people. There are those who will live four years in complacency — on the default settings of life. Their sense of purpose comes from the reality of their experience in college and beyond, from what goes on around them. For them, it’s inconvenient to ask why. Why ask why, when IXO¿OPHQW FDQ EH IRXQG LQ D PDMRU RU D job resume, or even a career? Yet these answers create a false sense of meaning. They leave questions unasked. Yet there are those who aren’t satis¿HG ZLWK WKLV VRFLDO FRQVWUXFW RI NQRZOHGJH RU IXO¿OPHQW )RU WKHP SXUSRVH LV in here. These are individuals who aren’t afraid to challenge the things they hold dear, even the things they grew up believing were true. They refuse to live on default settings — not because it is easy, but because it is hard. In these next four years, our greatest enemy is complacency, indifference — the feeling that we know all the answers. 1R 7R ¿OO RXU HPSWLQHVV WR ¿QG ZKDW makes us whole, we must turn off our default settings and embrace the questions no one else will demand of us, but that we must demand of ourselves. Why is not an easy question. It’ll break us down, but we’ll come back stronger every time. Why do I lead? Why am I who I am? Why do I trust? Why do I believe? Or why not? These are the questions that create our identity. No one else can. In the storm of uncertainty we now feel about the four years ahead, there is a peace in the emptiness we feel. We are at once limited and empowered by the sum total of the ques- THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT %HIRUH,EHJLQ,ZRXOG¿UVWOLNHWRWKDQN God our Heavenly Father, our loving parents who gave us this opportunity, Bishop Checchio and Brother Mark Hilton for being with us today, our teachers, the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, and you, my friends and classmates, for providing the academic, spiritual, and moral foundation that has prepared all of us for this moment. A little less than two years ago, I was one of twelve young men on a trek to explore the Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range, deep in the valleys of New Mexico. It was Day 11 of our two-week, 84-mile backpacking expedition — our longest day. We’d climbed for the better part of eleven miles. There are a lot of emotions that come with standing on the summit of a mountain in the middle of noZKHUH7KHUH¶VWULXPSKIXO¿OPHQWSULGH Yet beyond that, that day I felt strangely at home in the wilderness in spite of our VLJQL¿FDQWFKDOOHQJHV><RXVHH@RQWKDW mid-July afternoon, miles away from the nearest camp, half of our guys had run out of water. We were 9,000 feet above sea level, a seven-hour trek to the next water source, with six empty canteens. We’d deemed ourselves doomed. However, that day, I saw why our group of twelve men deserved to be on top of that mountain, why we could call ourselves a real team of backpackers. Our youngest, smallest backpacker was the ¿UVWRQHWRPDNHWKHRYHUWXUHRIVDFUL¿FH He and then each of us who had water took our own water bottles and, drop by drop, rationed out our limited supply amongst our team so that we each had enough to drink as we returned to base camp the next day. In many ways, our hiking expedition is an allegory of what our community at St. Joe’s has been. We are brothers who have always been there for each other. Together, we’ve made it through seemingly insurmountable circumstances. We have laughed and cried, worked and procrastinated, fallen and persevered, and here we are – still together. Beyond brotherhood, those twelve Scouts on top of Mount Phillips and all of us graduates share something else – we dared to ask why in our darkest hour. It doesn’t matter if you’re that solitary hiker without water on a mountain peak or if you’re someone who’s never hiked before, sitting in these seats at the peak of your high school career. Ask it — go ahead. Why did we make it this far? Why are we together? Why does our journey matter? These last four years of high school KDYHEHHQGH¿QHGE\RXUFRPPXQLW\DQG our questions have been likewise constrained to what we’ve encountered the last four years. After trekking the paths of high school, here we are today, thinking that we know all the answers to our questions. I hate to break it to you, Class of 2016 — we don’t. We will leave this FKXUFK WRGD\ IHHOLQJ IXO¿OOHG \HV EXW also with a small and growing sensation of … emptiness. There’s the sadness of knowing we can no longer sit in front of the mural for lunch, or wear our obnoxious Hawaiian shirts to school dances. Never again will we come to school exhausted after pulling an all-nighter to write a paper. Never again will we come to Saint Joe’s feeling purely alive, covered in green and white paint for a pep rally. In fact, this may be the last time all of us are ever in a room together. But there is beauty to this emptiness. That void in each of us is like those empty 38 GRADUATION THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT JUNE 16, 2016 Co-Valedictorian Award (In Memory of Thomas Platko): Taras Holovko, Kevin Stephen Summa Cum Laude – 4-year cumulative GPA >4.40: Jerry Armstrong, Joseph Arriola, Adekunle Balogun, Jonathan Baron, Thomas Bender, August Bratti, Jason Cariaga, Anthony Colucci, Christopher Connett, Carson Coudriet, Luis DeJesus, Parampreet Deol, Jason DiStefano, Robert Ghiano, Taras Holovko, George Ibuna, Adrian Lee, Jacob Lunn, Brian Mathew, Cyril Medabalimi, Elrod Owusu-Asumeng, Lucas Pick, Matthew Scull, Karun Sekhar, Kevin Stephen, Thomas Valenti, Mohit Varma Magna Cum Laude – 4-year cumulative GPA >4.0: Andrew Aitken, Reginald Bonsol, Colin Burnett, Nicolas Carchio, Arman Choudrie, Liam Finnegan, Christian Generosa, Tyler Guensch, Sean Holland, James Howlett, Michael Jarusiewicz, Mark Kim, Philip Leuszkiewicz, Mark McGuire, Brendan Moreau, Thomas Morrison, Olufemi Oladipo, Nicholas Osowski, Nimit Patel, Connor Rivera, Robert Rizzi, Jack Roberts, Nathaniel Rodriguez, Justin Thomas Santiago, Colm Sullivan, Christopher Taraska, James Tovey, Leandro Wong, Minjian Zhang Cum Laude – 4-year cumulative GPA >3.8: Travis Adams, Massimo Agresti, Derrek Beeck, Emman-Raphael Bibiano, Thomas Dietzel, Jed Domingo, Connor Gallagher, Frank Gumina IV, Ryan Hille, Timothy Iannuzzo, Charles Internicola, Nicolas Leal, Zetong Liu, Michael Nisky, Roderick Perez, John Phillips, Derek Quiambao, John Henry Riccardi, Xavier Rivera, Justin Rodriguez, Gary Rojewski III, Kyle Russell, Janton Shorter II, Thomas Summers, Tanner Sutton, Millard Thomas Edison Rotary Seniors of the Month: Joseph Arriola, Zachary Bell, August Bratti, Anthony Colucci, Peter Coronato, Robert Ghiano, Timothy Iannuzzo, Adrian Lee, Jacob Lunn, Brian Mathew, Thomas Morrison, Olufemi Oladipo, Lucas Pick, Jack Roberts, St. Joseph High School Taras Holovko Co-Valedictorian Kevin Stephen Co-Valedictorian Michael Rojek, Michael Sabella, Matthew Scull, Luke Spallone, Daniel Vajtay, Michael Zarnowski Edison Rotary Senior of the Year: Zachary Bell Coco-Cola Scholar: Kevin Stephen Alumni Award (In remembrance of Eric August, Thornton Campbell, Michael Partipillo and Carl Zeskand): Jerry Armstrong, Geirge Ibuna, Mohit Varma Scholar Athlete Award: Taras Holovko Anthony S. Spezio Memorial Award: Peter Coronato Kevin Reinhard Memorial Scholarship: Robert Ghiano The Lorraine Noble Memorial LTA Scholarship: Christopher Quigley, Colin Burnett U.S. Coast Guard Academy Appointment: Connor Rivera The Gavin Macdonald Memorial Awards for Excellence in English: Lucas Pick English Department Award: Anthony Colucci Excellence in Art: Thomas Valenti The Curtis Nurnberger Memorial Award for Excellence in Music: Luis DeJesus Excellence in Technology: Nathaniel Rodriguez Excellence in Mathematics: Cyril Medabalimi Mathematics Department Award: Parampreet Deol William Perdue Memorial Award for Math: August Bratti The Bishop James F. Checchio Religion Award: Jacob A. Lunn Brothers of the Sacred Heart (In Memory of Dominic Codella): Colm J. Sullivan Brothers of the Sacred Heart (In Memory of Brother George): Sean M. Holland Excellence in Science: August Bratti Mark Tropeano Memorial Award Scholarship: Thomas Bender George F. Smith Memorial Award: Arman Choudrie Excellence in Social Studies: August Bratti Social Studies Department Award: Robert Ghiano Excellence in French: Luis DeJesus World Languages Department Award - French: Elrod Owusu-Asumeng Excellence in German: Jacob Lunn World Languages Department Award - German: Mark McGuire Excellence in Spanish: Leandro Wong World Languages Department Award - Spanish: Thomas Valenti Excellence in Latin: Lucas Pick World Languages Department Award – Latin: Karun Sekhar The National Latin Exam Maxima Cum Laude: Lucas Pick (Latin IV) The National Latin Exam Magna Cum Laude: Nathaniel Rodriguez (Latin IV) The National Latin Exam Maxima Cum Laude: Karun Sekhar (Latin IV), Nicholas Osowski (Latin III) National Merit Finalists: Taras Holovko, Cyril Medabalimi, Kevin Stephen Noni Tinglin-Jarrett and salutatorian Julia Dunn. The Saint Elizabeth Anne Seton Award for exemplary witness to Christian values during the past four years was awarded to Lizelle Policarpio. In her speech, Tinglin-Jarrett, who plans to study chemical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, said, “Looking back at my time at Mother Seton, I realized that we have experienced so much. Mother Seton will always be a reminder of the friends we have met and the journey we experienced. “Together, we laughed, we cried, and we laughed again. Being at MSR helped to strengthen the spiritual aspect of my life and increase my knowledge of God. “My fellow classmates, let us not look back at the past four years for now they will only be a dream. Let us look forward to the next four years. They will be reality. Remember to succeed. We must never be content with mediocrity.” In her remarks, Dunn, who plans to major in biological science at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, said: “I would like to dedicate this speech to all the speeches that were never written. Because every single one of my classmates has accomplished extraordinary things in these four years. I would like to say that each and every one of them deserves to be up here with me. Not of us has gotten to this point on our own, though. We have all had the caring faculty, staff, and administration of Mother Seton. Just as importantly, we have had the kindness and support of each other. “Commencement is not only about the excitement of starting a new adventure with the priceless confidence of a Mother Seton education. This ceremony is also about looking back at how we changed and learning how we can continue to change, ourselves and our world for the better. “MSR has provided me with a caring environment in which to grow and discover myself… I credit Mother Seton Regional with helping me get as far as I have.” Chandler Sledge, senior class president, invited the members of the class to join her in turning their tassels as a symbol of their graduation from Mother Seton regional High School. Chandler plans to attend the University of Scranton (Pa.) GRADUATION CLARK — Diplomas were presented to graduates of Mother Seton Regional High School at commencement exercises June 2 by Charity Sister Jacquelyn Balasia and Joan Barron, co-principals. The class of 2016 had achieved in excess of $16 million dollars in academic scholarships and awards as of May 25. Charity Sister Mary Anne Katlack, campus minister, delivered the invocation and the closing benediction. In her remarks, Barron said: “Today, we celebrate the members of the Class of 2016 and congratulate them on achieving this milestone on their educational journey. Never tire of doing what is good and right. Congratulations to each of your family members gathered here today, who have helped you to achieve this goal. …You are legendary… My challenge to you is to strive to be better at something than anyone else ever was. That is what a legend is all about. A legend is remarkable and celebrated. So today, we celebrate you. ..God Bless you as you go forth from these halls of truth and knowledge.” The Co-Principal’s Award for academic excellence during the past four years was awarded to valedictorian 39 All-girls school celebrates seniors at commencement exercises ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC SCHOOL Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Assumption Meredith & Jacques Streets, Perth Amboy • 732.826.8721 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR CLASS OF 2016 Cristian A. Daliana B. Ja’Sae B. Jonathan B. James C. Luis C. Donald C. Paula C. Joseph C. Victor F. Vanessa G. Gabriella M. Justin O. Megan O. Jasmine P. Kishan P. Jillian P. Michelle R. Aidialys R. Elvin R. Cassandra S. Amir S. Andrea V. Yahnie W. ´%XLOGLQJFRQÀGHQWKDSS\DQGVXFFHVVIXOFKLOGUHQµ CONGRATULATIONS Class of 2016 Best wishes to the graduates of JUNE 16, 2016 Visit us this summer! THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT Bishop George Ahr High School Mount Saint Mary Academy St. Joseph High School Immaculata High School 40 GRADUATION Union Catholic High School Congratulates the Class of 2016 on obtaining a remarkable $27,114,092 in college scholarships. To celebrate 100 Days to Graduation, seniors and preschoolers at Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart in Princeton walk hand-in-hand through a hooting, hollering and high-fiving gauntlet of the entire Stuart community. The young women pictured above have attended Stuart since kindergarten or preschool. These Stuart “lifers” will be attending The University of Edinburgh, Harvard, Parsons School of Design, Princeton (4), and Rhode Island School of Design. THE STUART CLASS OF 2016 WILL ATTEND: American University Harvard University (2) University of Edinburgh Bard College Loyola University MD Boston College (2) Mount Holyoke College University of Massachusetts Lowell Carnegie Mellon University New York University Colby College Parsons School of Design Colorado College Princeton University (5) Dickinson College Rhode Island School of Design Elon University JUNE 16, 2016 THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT Emory University Flagler College Trinity College University of Rochester University of WisconsinMadison Vassar College Villanova University 1600 Martine Avenue • Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 908-889-1600, Ext. 302 • God Bless the Notre Dame Class of 2016 Congratulations to our Valedictorian, Julia Anne Panko and Salutatorian, Ryan Kreutzberg College of William & Mary University of California, Los Angeles ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR FALL 2016 WHERE SPACE IS AVAILABLE. Stuart admits students of any race, color, religion and national or ethnic origin. Independent Girls’ Day School I PS–12 609.921.2330 x274 1200 Stuart Road Princeton, NJ 08540 Come to know Notre Dame High School 601 Lawrence Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 609.882.7900 41 GRADUATION Summit, NJ CONGRATULATIONS, CLASS OF 2016! Built on Faith. Wisdom. Service. MOTHER SETON REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL CONGRATULATES THE GRADUATES OF THE CLASS OF 2016 Our graduates earned more than $16 million in academic scholarships. SETON DISTINGUISHED SCHOLARS • NATIONAL HISPANIC RECOGNITION PROGRAM SCHOLAR 1 Valley Road, Clark, New Jersey 07066 • 732-382-1952 • JUNE 16, 2016 A Tradition of Academic Excellence and Seton Spirit Mother Seton Regional High School is a Catholic, regional high school of the Archdiocese of Newark. We are a college prep school for young women in grades 9 through 12. The school is served by the Sisters of Charity of Convent Station NJ and lay faculty members. THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT MOTHER SETON REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL