Vol 23 No 3
Vol 23 No 3
The Open Feed Line A Publication of the Michigan Amateur Radio Alliance (MARA) Volume 23, Issue 3 - Friendship, Community Service & Advancement of the Hobby – July-Sept -2014 “Field Day 2014!” Here comes fall! (Above, putting the Yagi together) It was that time of the year, when “Field-Day” season came upon us. You know, when we talk, plan and check out wire and ropes in the hopes that all will go together great. “It did!” the top photo is of putting together the Yagi, and the bottom one,the Yagi mounted. We held the FD at the Madison Square Sportmans club . 5321 7 Mile Rd NE Belmont, MI 49306 (More photo on page 5) Wow, wasn’t it just yesterday when we were all so tired of shoveling snow and wondering where to put it? And then, the hot, humid summer with storms bringing branches down and power lines too. Our repeater site was without power for about 4 hours or so. We’re working on an emergency power source in case that ever happens again. We must remember that S.A.T.E.R.N. uses our repeater to facilitate their canteen wagon and to maintain communications between their respective units. But we were saved from lightning strikes. So now we anticipate the Last of the large Ham Radio Swaps, and of course, “Build Your Burger” fund raising event. It is never a dull moment in an active Radio club! Just because the sun goes down a little earlier than before, doesn’t mean we stop working. We have several repeater projects to complete. Our members have expressed a desire to learn the RIGHT way to solder, using both the lead and non-lead solder. We may offer a General-Extra class sometime this coming winter. Morse code lessons are still being investigated. And let’s not forget the “Mara after Christmas dinner party”. Starting in the very next Newsletter, we’ll be introducing our newest members and share some information about the older members. Yup, you can tell fall is upon us. Visit our web page www.w8usa.org See you there! 1 The Open Feed Line The Open Feed Line is published quarterly. It is the official journal of the Michigan Amateur Radio Alliance, or MARA for short. MARA, an American Radio Relay League affiliated club, was created to provide opportunities for friendship, community service, increasing technical knowledge, and upgrading our skills in the hobby of Amateur Radio. You may freely reprint any material in the Open Feed Line, but please credit the Open Feed Line, the original author, and the original publication, if given. Everybody is encouraged to submit original articles on topics relevant to the hobby of Amateur Radio to the editor. The deadline for submission is the end of January, April, July, and October, and the newsletter will be published within the following month. Publisher Michigan Amateur Radio Alliance Post Office Box 670 Comstock Park MI 49321-0670 Visit our website- http://www.w8usa.org E-mail us at- [email protected] Editor Richard M. Ranta K8JX 812 Graceland NE Grand Rapids, MI 49505 E- mail- [email protected] Membership Information Annual dues to MARA are $20. Family memberships are an additional $5. Persons aged 70 and over - $20.00. Membership is free to students under 21. Memberships expire on December 31st, and club dues are due on January 1st. MARA membership is open to all interested persons. Please send change of address information and membership applications to the club secretary. MARA Club Officers President Barton Bechtel N8XQH 6155 Horstmeyer RD Lansing, MI 48911 Vice President Larry Dells KC8KVR 2778 Northville Dr. NE Grand Rapids MI 49525 616-363-8235 [email protected] Secretary Mike Eilers K8OOK 2531 Westwinde St NW Grand Rapids MI 49504 616-363-4998 Treasurer Jerry Wittkoski W8MSK 1025 Kendalwood St. NE Grand Rapids MI 49505 616-363-6146 [email protected] [email protected] Appointed Positions Awards Manager Larry Dells KC8KVR 2778 Northville Dr. NE Grand Rapids MI 49525 616-363-8235 Club Trustee Richard M. Ranta K8JX 812 Graceland NE Grand Rapids Mi 49505 616-361-5975 [email protected] [email protected] Membership Director Mike Eilers K8OOK 2531 Westwinde St NW Grand Rapids MI 49504 616-363-4998 [email protected] Education Director Larry Dells KC8KVR 2778 Northville Dr. NE Grand Rapids MI 49525 616-363-8235 [email protected] Bereavement Director Jerry Wittkoski W8MSK 1025 Kendalwood St. NE Grand Rapids MI 49505 616-363-6146 Field Day Chairperson Barton Bechtel N8XQH 6155 Horstmeyer RD Lansing, MI 48911 [email protected] Net Director Richard M. Ranta K8JX 812 Graceland NE Grand Rapids, MI 49505 [email protected] Webmaster -- ERIN AMMONS KD8NSU Great Lakes Award Send inquiries regarding the Great Lakes Award to the Awards Manager Larry Dells KC8KVR c/o MARA P.O.Box 670 Comstock Park MI 49321-0670 E-mail- [email protected] 6155 Horstmeyer RD Lansing, MI 48911 [email protected] Club activities MARA holds their weekly 2-meter Net, every Thursday, at 8 PM on the MARA W8USA repeater, 145.230 MHz -600Khz PL. 94.8. MARA holds their monthly meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:30PM, at the Plainfield Township Fire Dept. Training Building, located on the SW corner of 5 Mile RD and Plainfield Ave NE, in Grand Rapids. This site is handicap accessible. All are welcome to attend our meetings. Visit our web page www.w8usa.org 2 Build Your Burgers April 2014 When a club keeps putting on an event, year after year, there must be a reason for it. Besides raising funds for our clubs' operation expense for the year, we do it because it’s FUN! Some of our returning guests are focused on one main dish: Here, Jack, AB8ND, sits as close as he can get to the desert table. Above, Left to right Tom N8DGD, Jim KI8JD and Steve K8VOL. It’s good to visit and chat about what’s been going on. And who can blame him. Yum. Here Jerry, W8MSk is helping out with the chips while Dan N8NIJ, is serving up burgers. YUM We try and offer the same variety at each event. I think we’ve been successful! Field Day 2014 Below are some of the photographs from the Field Day we held at the at the Madison Square Sportsman’s club. The crew get in line for the grub. If you look really careful, you’ll notice that the crew is looking UP, in the sky. Gale N8GS brought his Quad-Copter and took videos of our Field Day. You can view them on our web site. There’s nothing like stringing up dipoles. It’s fun for all! Right? One of the greatest pleasures of attending Field Day: relaxing and having something to eat. YUM. A blazing good fire to cook our meal on. But it wasn’t all eating and making contacts. Mike Hood KD8JB thought it would be nice if we were all on the same page when it came to tying knots. On the next 2 pages is everything you want/need to know about knots! Ham Equipment Estate sale Revised On August 31, 2013, our friend and fellow Ham and Mara member, Bill Zaidel N8VWI passed away. Below is a listing of his rigs and some miscellaneous items. These will all be available at the GRHAMFEST this coming Saturday. Kenwood TH 781 2/440 handi Yaesu YS-500 SWR Meter 2mhz to 520 Mhz Coax Switche AMERITRON AL 811 H 800 watt linear amplifier YAESU G500A elevation rotator. Control box only-no rotator. FLEX Radio 5000A With dedicated computer and 2 (TWO) flat screen monitors. ASTRON 50 AMP Power Supply YAESU FT- 857D remote able MFJ 993B AUTO Tuner Transceiver Control head mounts on radio or dash. Daiwa SWR Meter Kenwood TS-60All mode 6 meter radio Yaesu FT-2400 2-Meter radio D-104 Mike Electronic keyer, without the paddle. There are a few antennas still installed. Fluke meter 7500 Fluke77 multi-meter Build Your Own Burger Friday October 17th 2014 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM $6.00 For All Burger , Chips, Coleslaw, Coffee and Dessert At 5th St. Hall Located on the Northwest Corner of 5th and Davis Sts.Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Visit our web page www.w8usa.org GRAHamfest 2014 Grand Rapids Area Hamfest Saturday, September 13 an ARRL Approved Hamfest The Home School Building 5625 Burlingame, SW Wyoming, MI 49509-9702 Annual Electronics, Ham Radio, Shortwave CB and Computer Equipment, Trains, Airplanes or just about anything with an electron in it ! Swap Meet / Flea Market Opens at 8 AM Ends at 1:00 PM Seller Setup: Friday 7- 9PM, & Saturday 7AM (Vendors only prior to 8AM) Indoor and Outdoor Sales ARRL VE Session - 10AM QSL card Field checking Concessions available on-site Admission: $6 at the door K-12 students free admission See: www.w8dc.org for updates, maps, directions and additional information. General questions: KC8NKA 616-531-6218 Table reservations: W8QZ 616-791-9411 (evenings) or [email protected] Deadline for guaranteed reservations (paid in advance): Sept. 4 Make checks payable to: G.R.A.R.A. Paid table requests rec’d after August 26 will be held at the door. Tables unclaimed after 8 AM are available first-come, first served! Reservation form and payment to: John Streyle W8QZ 1487 Maderia Ave. SW Grand Rapids, MI 49534 Talk-In: W8DC on 147.26+ (94.8HZ PL) Table Reservation Form Description Qty. Ext. amount 6’ table along wall / WITH access to electricity (check for availability—limited quantity) @ $10 ea. 6’ table no electricity @ $5 ea. Total — Table rental does not include admission to the swap. No charge for tailgate space(s), except: a hamfest admission ticket is required for each person Name / Callsign Phone (optional) Email * (req’d for table confirmation) Address City, State, Zip See other side for map & directions GRAHamfest directions From the West: Take M6 East / Lansing to exit 5 / Byron Center Ave. Turn left onto Byron Center Ave., drive 0.8 mi. Turn right onto Gezon Parkway, Drive 1.0 mi. Turn left onto Burlingame Ave. Turn left into the Home School Building. From the North: Take 131 South, to exit 78 / 54th St. Turn right onto 54th St. (turns into Gezon Pkwy) Drive 1.1 mi. Turn right onto Burlingame Ave. Turn left into the Home Burlingame Ave. Byron Center Ave. N 131 Exit 78 Home School Bldg. 5625 Burlingame 54th St. 56th St. Gezon Pky M6 (no exit) M6 Exit 5 Exit 8 131 From the East: Take M6 West / Holland to exit 8, 131 North. Drive 1.3 mi. to exit 78 / 54th St. Turn left onto 54th St. (turns into Gezon Pkwy) Drive 1.1 mi. Turn right onto Burlingame Ave. Turn left into the Home School Building. From the South: Take 131 North to exit 78 / 54th St. Turn left onto 54th St. (turns into Gezon Pkwy) Drive 1.1 mi. Turn right onto Burlingame Ave. Turn left into the Home School 32nd Annual KALAMAZOO HAMFEST Featuring the Kalamazoo Makers’ Guild Sunday, October 19, 2014 Kalamazoo County Expo Center & Fairgrounds 2900 Lake Street, Kalamazoo MI Hamfest 8 AM to Noon Vendor Setup 6am Sunday with Saturday setup available Sponsored by: Kalamazoo Amateur Radio Club Southwest Michigan Amateur Radio Team TALK-IN 147.040 (PL 94.8) K8KZO REPEATER • Tickets $5 • Over 20,000 square feet of selling area • Free Trunk Sales Spaces Available • Door Prizes • Forums • Amateur Radio License Testing at 10 AM • DXCC and WAS QSL checking • Test Bench • Campsites available w/ electric & water • see http://www.kalcounty.com/parks/activities.htm Visit the Michigan Antique Radio Club Swap Meet here Saturday! http://michiganantiqueradio.org For more information see our web-site at: www.KalamazooHamFest.com OR email us at: [email protected] OR call us at (269) 205-3560 and leave a message. Name/Company _____________________________________________________ Call Sign _____________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________ State____ ZIP ___________ Phone ( ) ____________________ Email Address _____________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ Hamfest tickets @$5 ea. ________ Tables (8 ft.) @ $12 ea. ________ Tables (8 ft.) with Electric @ $22 ea. ________ Send information on Saturday setup Total Amount enclosed $ ________ To order send check with this order form and SASE to: Kalamazoo Hamfest PO Box 33 Richland, MI 49083-0033 Orders received after September 30, 2014 will be held for pickup at the door. ** An ARRL Sanctioned Hamfest ** Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Net will be having a Special Event Sept 13/14. Details in the Sept issue of QST. Site will be @ SA Bostrick Lake Camp. Operators invited, contact me @ 616-460-4744 Sent from my iPhone 73, David, KC8DJ=