B114 Archangel Raguel-seen from the perspective of the Law of


B114 Archangel Raguel-seen from the perspective of the Law of
B114 Archangel Raguel-seen from the perspective of the Law of Time
B114 Archangel Raguel- Mid Tone Coral/Deep Magenta- is coded as kin 114, White
Planetary Wizard, the energy of the current year.
The Wizard manifests through the power of Atemporality, the purpose of the wavespell,
the Red Magnetic Serpent, the vital force of the Kundalini energy that relates to
Archangel Azreal, B 105, Iridescent Coral/Coral.
It is from a point of No-Time that Raguel can be receptive and rescue the issues of the
coral energy after they have been magnetized and attracted by Azreal, healing the time
line, the genetic code of all our ancestors, and the Galactic Karma connected to the
destruction of Maldek, the first experiment in our galaxy and the planet in our solar
system that relates to the Asteroid Belt and the glyphs of the Serpent and the Wizard.
Maldek is the symbol of the Life Force or Kundalini energy. In the sexual energy we
find all the codes and programs of the unconscious mind. When the vital force is
suppressed or misused a distortion happens that creates aggression, wars and the need to
dominate and control.
Working on the RNA-DNA we can let go all abuses in relation to sexuality, to women of
all races and cultures, and rediscover the first cell of Love, that unified field of
consciousness that exists before separation, and the power of the Goddess within.
"Our body is a vehicle for Time Travelling, it is a Time Ship and is going through a
process of mutation, and upgrade of our DNA, in the contest of an energetic upgrade of
the whole cosmos"
Azreal and Raguel, the Serpent and the Wizard, call back in time that first experiment in
the galaxy, to manifest a possibility of rescuing it, bringing harmony, the reconciling
energy of the Christ Consciousness, a new level of Wisdom, Love and Cooperation.
B 114 was born on the time window of 11/11 2015 at 11:11am, Magnetic Wind, kin 222,
3 times the High Priestess, and attracts the power of the Communication of the Spirit. It
was a gate of clarity and love, as the only solution to the suffering and rage that was the
response to the inevitable event of the Twin Towers in 2001 and the massacre that took
place in Paris a few days later the birth of Raguel
We must hold that light and love also in the most difficult circumstances and be clear
that it is only Love that can defeat Fear and avoid that trap of terror set forth by the
people that rule the world.
This is the kind of awareness, the light of cosmic consciousness, we need to manifest
and is the challenge of the year, the difficulty to reclaim our divine innocence (the seed
is the antipode of the Wizard) if we want to give shape to the healing energy of the
Hand, the power of the occult, and be guided and inspired by the essence of the Spirit
First thoughts by Avani
Kin 62
Kin 244
Kin 114
Kin 147
kin 205
Oracle of the 5th Force with Archetypes
Kin 105
Kin 106
Kin 117
Kin 116
Kin 107
Kin 115
Kin 108
Kin 114
Kin 113
B 16