Scientific Programme
Scientific Programme
Eurobiofilms 2015 Fourth European Congress on Microbial Biofilms – Basic and Clinical Aspects (PHOTOS) Brno, Czech Republic, 23-26 June, 2015 Final Programme Table of Contents Welcome Message ..................................................................................................... 3 Organisation.............................................................................................................. 3 Programme Overview...........................................................................................4 – 7 Scientific Programme ..................................................................................... 13 – 20 Information to Presenters ..........................................................................................8 Sponsors and Support ............................................................................................... 8 Registration ............................................................................................................ 10 Welcome Message On behalf of the ESCMID Study Group on Biofilms (ESGB) and the Organising Committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to the EUROBIOFILMS 2015 meeting in Brno. This meeting follows the tradition started with the EUROBIOFILMS meetings organised in 2009 (Rome, Italy) and 2011 (Copenhagen, Denmark) and 2013 (Ghent, Belgium). It is clear from the number of submitted abstracts and registered participants that microbial biofilms continue to be a hot topic among microbiologists. This conference provides a platform for all scientists studying basic, clinical and environmental aspects of microbial biofilms to present novel data and to exchange new information on bacterial and fungal biofilms. The multidisciplinary program covers many topics, and is balanced between basic and clinical aspects of microbial biofilms. Despite the busy program, we hope that you will find some time to catch up with old friends and/or make some new friends and also to visit Brno, the city, where Johan Gregor Mendel took up his genetic research. Let the city of Johan Gregor Mendel inspire you and your research and enjoy your stay on EUROBIOFILMS 2015 in Brno! Finally, we would like to thank the Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology (CSSM) and the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University for their support and help with the congress organisation. In addition, support from ESCMID has allowed us to provide attendance grants to 10 participants. Without these partners the organisation of this meeting would not have been possible. Veronika Holá (President) Filip Růžička (Vice-president) Organisation Martin Rulík (Vice-president) Congress Secretariat Organising Committee: Veronika Holá (president), Filip Růžička (vice-president, medical biofilms), Martin Rulík (vice-president, natural biofilms), Monika DvořákováHeroldová, Martina Mahelová, Tereza Peroutková, Petra Šišková, Ondřej Zahradníček and the ESGB Executive Committee Scientific Committee: Thomas Bjarnsholt (DK), Helena Bujdakova (SK), Mette Burmølle (DK), Henk Busscher (NL), Tom Coenye (BE), Steve Diggle (UK), Gianfranco Donelli (IT), Luanne Hall-Stoodley (USA), Niels Høiby (DK), Veronika Holá (CZ), Christine Imbert (FR), Bastiaan Krom (NL), Andrew McBain (UK), Thomas Neu (DE), Alex O’Neill (UK), Antonio Oliver (ES), Martin Rulík (CZ), Kendra Rumbaugh (USA), Filip Růžička (CZ), Mark Shirtliff (USA), Phil Stewart (USA), Paul Stoodley (USA), David Stopar (SLO), Claudia Vuotto (IT), Craig Williams (UK) International Conference Services P.O. Box 41 Strandvejen 169-171 DK-2900 Hellerup, Copenhagen Denmark ESGB (ESCMID Study Group for Biofilms) Executive Committee: Thomas Bjarnsholt (DK, chairperson), Tom Coenye (BE, vice chairperson), Christine Imbert (FR, secretary), Craig Williams (UK, treasurer), Veronika Hola (CZ), Antonio Oliver (ES) Tel: +45 7023 5056 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Web: -3- Programme Overview TUESDAY, 23 JUNE 2015 Time 09:00 – 16:00 MEETING ROOM A11/311 MEETING ROOM A11/327 W01 – Educational Workshop Growth and imaging techniques for laboratory and clinical biofilm research Directors: Paul Stoodley, (USA) & Claus Sternberg, (Denmark) Biofilm laboratory growth systems – an overview Paul Stoodley, (The Ohio State University, Department of Microbial Infection and Immunity, Columbus, OH, USA) Working with clinical and animal specimen Thomas Bjarnsholt, (University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of International Health, Immunology & Microbiology, Copenhagen, Denmark) Biofilm flow cells – principles and assembly (lecture and hands on) Paul Stoodley, (USA) Staining biofilms for imaging – live/dead, PNA FISH (lecture and hands on mock demo) Kasper Nørskov Kragh, (University of Copenhagen, Department of Systems Biology, Copenhagen, Denmark) Rendering confocal biofilm images (Imaris – lecture and hands on) Claus Sternberg, (Technical University of Denmark, Department of Systems Biology Lyngby, Denmark) Techniques for quantifying biofilm for confocal images (COMSTAT – lecture and hands on) Claus Sternberg, (Denmark) Panel Discussion Participants will learn the principles behind the use of various experimental systems to grow and image biofilms as well as techniques to image biofilms on clinical and ex vivo animal samples. There will be hands on demonstrations of how to assemble a basic flow cell system, perform PNA FISH and live / dead viability staining and how to best present and quantify your confocal images using Imaris and COMSTAT imaging software. There will be plenty of opportunity for interactive discussion between participants and workshop faculty during the workshop. Time 16:00 – 17:15 W02 – Educational Workshop Experimental biofilm infection in animals Directors: Thomas Bjarnsholt, (Denmark) From in vitro to in vivo – what to consider Thomas Bjarnsholt, (University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of International Health, Immunology & Microbiology, Copenhagen, Denmark) Animal experiments in general – legislation and experimental designs Claus Moser, (Rigshospitalet, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Copenhagen, Denmark) Evaluation of tolerance and resistance to antibiotics in animal experiments Oana Ciofu, (ISIM, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark) Evaluation of inflammation and immune response in animal experiments Peter Østrup Jensen, (Rigshospitalet, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Copenhagen, Denmark) Anti-biofilm vaccine studies in animals Mark Shirtliff, (University of Maryland, Department of Microbial Pathogenesis, Baltimore, MD, USA) Transcriptomics and Tn-Seq in animal models Kendra Rumbaugh, (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center – TTUHSC, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery – The Rumbaugh Lab, Lubbock, TX, USA) and Marvin Whiteley, (The University of Texas, Department of Molecular Biosciences, Austin, TX, USA) Lung and chronic wound models Claus Moser, (Denmark) Peritoneal implant and filler models Thomas Bjarnsholt, (Denmark) Osteomyelitis and dual infection models Mark Shirtliff, (USA) AULA AUDITORIUM “Hall A22/116” Opening Ceremony Chairs: Veronika Holá, (Czech Republic) & Filip Růžička, (Czech Republic) Welcome Veronika Holá, (EUROBIOFILMS 2015 Congress President, Czech Republic) Welcome Thomas Bjarnsholt, (Chairman of ESGB, Denmark) Thematic issues of P&D Tom Coenye, (Ghent University, Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Ghent, Belgium) Opening Lecture The Pel polysaccharide is a positively charged exopolysaccharide that cross-links extracellular DNA in the Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm matrix Matthew R Parsek, (University of Washington, Department of Microbiology, Seattle, WA, USA) 17:15 – Opening Reception -4- WEDNESDAY, 24 JUNE 2015 Time 09:00 – 10:00 MEETING ROOM A11/114 KL01 – Keynote Lectures Chairs: Thomas Bjarnsholt, (Denmark) & Veronika Holá, (Czech Republic) Insights into the function of microbial dark matters in environmental biofilms Per Halkjær Nielsen, (Aalborg University, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience - Section for Biotech, Aalborg, Denmark) The importance of biofims in orthopedic implant-associated infections Andrej Trampuz (Charité – University Medicine Berlin, Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery, Berlin, Germany) 10:00 – 10:30 Time 10:30 – 12:30 Coffee Break MEETING ROOM A11/205 MEETING ROOM A11/114 S01 – Methods of detection & diagnosis of biofilm infections Chairs: Luanne Hall-Stoodley, (USA) & Thomas Thomas Bjarnsholt, (Denmark) S02 – Mixed species fungal & bacterial biofilm communities Chairs: Bastiaan Krom, (The Netherlands) & Thomas Neu, (Germany) Methods of detection and diagnosis of biofilm infections Luanne Hall-Stoodley, (The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Department of Microbial Infection and Immunity, Columbus, OH, USA) Fungus-bacterium interactions in the healthy oral cavity Bastiaan Krom, (Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), Department of Preventive Dentistry, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of biofilm infections Craig Williams, (University of West Scotland & University Hospital Crosshouse, Institute of Healthcare Associated Infection, Paisley, UK) Lectin-barcoding of complex biofilms Thomas Neu, (Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research – UFZ, Department River Ecology, Magdeburg, Germany) 12:30 – 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 – 15:00 Poster Session I 15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break 15:30 – 17:30 S03 – Treatment of biofilm infections Chairs: Antonio Oliver, (Spain) & Craig Williams, (UK) S04 – Social interactions in biofilms Chairs: Tom Coenye, (Belgium) & Steve Diggle, (UK) Diagnosis and treatment of fungal biofilm infection Craig Williams, (University of West Scotland & University Hospital Crosshouse, Institute of Healthcare Associated Infection, Paisley, UK) Social interactions in staphylococcal biofilms: metabolic changes in mixed S. aureus - S. epidermidis biofilms and the role of QS in antibiotic tolerance Tom Coenye, (Ghent University, Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Ghent, Belgium) The biofilm polysaccharide PSL is a social but non-cheatable trait in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Steve Diggle, (University of Nottingham, School of Life Sciences, Nottingham, UK) 19:30 – Organ and Children Choir Concert at the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul (Petrov) A guided tour through the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul (Petrov) will follow just after the concert -5- THURSDAY, 25 JUNE 2015 Time 09:00 – 10:00 MEETING ROOM A11/114 KL02 – Keynote Lectures Chairs: Veronika Holá, (Czech Republic) & Thomas Bjarnsholt, (Denmark) Biofilm slime by design: viscoelastic yielding as a virulence factor for survival in chronic infections Paul Stoodley, (The Ohio State University, Department of Microbial Infection and Immunity, Columbus, OH, USA) Looking for new perspectives to fight bacterial biofilm infections – identification and use of biofilmspecific functions Jean-Marc Ghigo, (Pasteur Institute, Department of Genetics of Biofilms, Paris, France) 10:00 – 10:30 Time 10:30 – 12:30 Coffee Break MEETING ROOM A11/132 MEETING ROOM A11/114 S05 – Host responses to biofilms Chairs: Mark Shirtliff, (USA) & Niels Høiby, (Denmark) S06 – Biomechanics in biofilm and infections Chairs: Phil Stewart, (USA) & Henk Busscher, (The Netherlands) The host response as an accomplice to monoand multi-species biofilm infections Mark Shirtliff, (University of Maryland, Department of Microbial Pathogenesis, Baltimore, MD, USA) Mechanics of biofilm detachment in flowing fluids Phil Stewart, (Montana State University, Center for Biofilm Engineering, Bozeman, MT, USA) A taste for biofilms: how phagocytic cells recognise biofilms Gertrud M Hänsch, (University of Heidelberg, Department of Immunology, Heidelberg, Germany) From bacterial vibration spectroscopy on adhering bacteria to visco-elasticity of biofilms Henk Busscher, (The Kolff Institute at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), Department of Biomedical Engineering, Groningen, The Netherlands) 12:30 – 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 – 15:00 Poster Session II 15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break 15:30 – 17:30 S07 – Resistance in biofilms & novel approaches to treatment Chairs: Gianfranco Donelli, (Italy) & Helena Bujdáková, (Slovak Republic) S08 – Modelling of biofilms & regulation of biofilm development Chairs: David Stopar, (Slovenia) & Kendra Rumbaugh, (USA) Rationally designing nanomedicines for the eradication of pulmonary biofilm infections Katrien Forier, (Ghent University, Department of Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Ghent, Belgium) Gradual transition into a floating biofilm David Stopar, (University of Ljubljana, Department of Food Science and Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia) Photodynamic inactivation – a possible alternative in eradication of resistant microbial biofilms Helena Bujdákova, (Comenius University In Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences Department of Microbiology and Virology, Bratislava, Slovak Republic) Modeling polymicrobial wound infections Kendra Rumbaugh, (Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center – TTUHSC, School of Medicine, Department of Surgery – The Rumbaugh Lab, Lubbock, TX, USA) -6- FRIDAY, 26 JUNE 2015 Time 09:00 – 11:00 MEETING ROOM A11/132 MEETING ROOM A11/114 S09 – Probiotics and new natural & synthetic anti-biofilm compounds Chairs: Christine Imbert, (France) & Claudia Vuotto, (Italy) S10 – Horizontal gene transfer, evolution & heterogeneity in microbial biofilms Chairs: Alex O’Neill, (UK) & Mette Burmølle, (Denmark) Probiotics and new natural and synthetic antibiofilm compounds Elizabeth Presterl, (Medical University of Vienna, Department of Internal Medicine I, Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, Vienna, Austria) Accelerated evolution of antibiotic resistance in staphylococcal biofilms Alex O’Neill, (University of Leeds, School of Molecular and Cellular Biology (SMCB), Leeds, UK) Probiotics: a potential tool to counteract biofilm-based infections Claudia Vuotto, (IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, Microbial Biofilm Laboratory, Rome, Italy) 11:00 – 11:30 Time 11:30 – 13:30 Do plasmids drive their host into the biofilm lifestyle and why would they? Mette Burmølle, (University of Copenhagen, Department of Biology, Copenhagen, Denmark) Coffee Break MEETING ROOM A11/132 S11 – Environmental biofilms and human health Chairs: Andrew McBain, (UK) & Martin Rulík, (Czech Republic) Microbicide-exposure and antimicrobial resistance in biofilms in the domestic environment Andrew McBain, (University of Manchester, Manchester Pharmacy School, Manchester, UK) Bacterial–Trojan Horse interactions: the breakthrough of the new approaches to their study Katarina Trnková, (University of Matej Bel, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of The Environment, Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic) Microfluidic high-throughput platform for biofilm analysis Tereza Hájková, (BioTech Europe, Prague, Czech Republic) 13:30 – Closing Ceremony Poster Awards -7- Information to Presenters Oral Presentations Poster Presentations Audio-visual equipment All posters should be mounted on Wednesday, 24 June 2015 by 09:00 and will remain mounted for the duration of the Congress. The auditoria at the Congress Venue will be equipped with PCs with Power Point software and data projectors. All presentations need to be prepared with Microsoft PowerPoint. All recent versions of Microsoft PowerPoint are accepted. Please bring your presentation on a USB stick (make sure to have a backup somewhere!). All presenters are strongly recommended to use the PCs provided by the organisation and should upload their presentation in the break before their session the latest, and preferably earlier. If you are bringing your own laptop, please check that you are able to hook up your laptop to the video projector at least in the break before your session. We recommend you to bring your own electrical adapter as well. There will be no Preview Room available. Posters sessions will take place in two groups. Poster Sessions PS01 – PS04 will be presented by the presenting author during the first Poster Session (Wednesday, 24 June 2015, from 13.00 to 15.00). Poster Sessions PS05 – PS11 will be presented by the presenting author during the second poster session (Thursday, 25 June 2015, from 13.00 to 15.00). You have been assigned a poster board number, date and time. You are expected to be at your assigned space on the day that your poster presentation is scheduled. Presentation Material to mount your poster will be provided. Speakers are requested to present themselves to the chair in the lecture room 10 minutes prior to the beginning of their session Please respect the time limits. Each presentation is scheduled to last for 15 minutes, which means approx. 10 minutes for the actual presentation leaving 5 minutes for questions. The moderator is responsible for the time table and will interrupt if a presentation extends beyond the allocated time. All posters must be removed no later than the last break on Friday, 26 June 2015. Remaining posters will be removed by the organisers, who cannot be held responsible for any damages. Sponsors and Support Organised and supported by ESCMID The goal of ESGB is to promote and disseminate studies and knowledge about methods and results of biofilm studies with relevance for infections in humans. The ultimate goal is to improve diagnostics and the results of prophylaxis and therapy of biofilm infections in humans. Please join us at: study_groups/biofilms/ With additional support from -8- BIOFLUX™ System $XWRPDWHGLQVWUXPHQWDWLRQRHULQJ FRPSUHKHQVLYHVROXWLRQIRUELRȴOPDQDO\VLV Representative applications: ȏ%LRȴOPJURZWK ȏ0XWDQWVFUHHQV ȏ$QWLEDFWHULDORU$QWLIXQJDOVFUHHQLQJ ȏ+RVWSDWKRJHQLQWHUDFWLRQV ȏ$GKHVLRQVWUHQJWK How we do it Principles of Operation of a standard well plate. %LR7HFKDV6OX]HE3UDJXH&]HFK5HSXEOLF 7HO)D[(PDLOELRWHFK#ELRWHFKHXURSHHX Registration Registration Fees Onsite: Registration & Information Desk Regular participants € 700 Pre-graduates € 475 Opening hours: Tuesday, 23 June Wednesday, 24 June Thursday, 25 June Friday, 26 June Entitlements Delegates’ registration includes: Participation in the Scientific Programme Final Programme Coffee and Lunch Breaks Opening Reception Organ and Children Choir Concert at the Petrov Cathedral 8:30 – 10.00/14:00-18:30 8:15-17:30 8:30-17:30 8:30-12:30 Cancellation & Refund Policy Credit can not be given for unattended events, late arrivals or early departure. All refunds will be processed after the Congress. Social Programme Opening Reception 23 June 2015, 17:15 – Come join your colleagues for an informal Opening Reception the evening before the first day of the official congress programme. The event will take place at the congress venue. Participation is included in the registration fee. Evening concert in the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul (Petrov Cathedral) The programme includes organ and choir compositions. Organ: Petr Kolař Choir: Children´s Choir of the National Theatre Brno directed by Mrs. Klára Roztočilová 24 June 2015 at 19:30 – The concert will be followed by a tour of the cathedral including the bishops treasury and the cathedral towers. Participation is included in the registration fee. General Information Congress Venue Address: Masaryk University Campus Conference Centre Kamenice 5 Brno Czech Republic Masaryk University, the second oldest University in former Czechoslovak Republic, was established in January 1919, shortly after the creation of an independent Czechoslovak state. Masaryk University was established with four faculties – faculty of law, medicine, natural sciences and arts. From the beginning it took the name of the man who had done more than anyone else to bring it into existence: Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk. The mission of the new university, as set out in the founding document of 1919, was for it to “live, grow strong and flourish in noble competition with its older sister in Prague”. From the very beginning, the university played an important role in the scientific, scholarly, cultural and social life of the country. Its first honorary doctorate was awarded in 1925 to the composer Leoš Janáček, a man with very close ties to Masaryk University. At the end of the 1930s, like all other Czech universities, Masaryk University was closed down on 17 November 1939 by the Nazi occupiers. According to an internal order issued by Protectorate command, the Brno university was to be treated as though it had never existed. During the six wartime years, the -10- university suffered incalculable losses. Worse than any material damage, however, was the loss of professors and other university employees as a direct result of Nazi persecution. The number of Masaryk University professors who were executed or tortured is exceptionally high; for instance, as a consequence of Nazi terror, the Faculty of Science lost an entire quarter of its teaching staff. The successful post-war renewal of university life was brought to a halt by the Communist coup of 1948. The ensuing purges were particularly difficult for the student population: the number of students expelled ranged from 5 % at the Faculty of Education to 46 % at the Faculty of Law. The purge among employees was less drastic. In 1953 the Faculty of Education (founded in 1946) was separated from the university and in 1960 Masaryk University reached the low point of its existence, being reduced to only three faculties following the closure of the Pharmaceutical Faculty, the only institution of its kind in all of Bohemia and Moravia. At the same time, the university lost its original name and was renamed to the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Brno. It was only after the Velvet Revolution that the university awakened from a long period of stagnation. It was renamed to Masaryk University in 1990. Now, the Masaryk University possesses eight faculties, in 2006 the Johann Gregor Mendel Antarctic Station was established, in 2007 Mendeleum, the Mendel Museum, became a component part of MU and in 2010 the University Campus Bohunice was opened. Wireless internet connection will be available at the conference venue. A2, A3, A6 Integrated Laboratories for Biomedical Technologies (ILBIT) A4 CEITEC MU and FSci laboratories A5 Department of Biochemistry (FSci) A7 Department of Biology (FMed) A8 Department of Organic Chemistry (FSci) A9 University Campus Library (UCL) A10 Joint Educational Laboratories (FSci) A11 Joint Educational Centre A12 Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (FSci) A13 Department of Theoretical and Physical Chemistry (FSci) A14 Department of Analytical Chemistry (FSci) A15 Biochemistry (FSci), MU Language Centre A16 Department of Biochemistry (FMed) A17 Dean’s Office (FMed), Administrative Offices (FSci) A18 Department of Pathological Physiology (FMed) A19 Department of Pharmacology (FMed), Department of Medical Ethics (FMed) UNIVERSITY CAMPUS BOHUNICE 2014 NETROUFALKY STREET TREET EET AC PD CRA Bus Station Univerzitní kampus - sever S NETROUFALKY STREET STUDENTSKÁ STREET A34 A26 G A35 A25 A34 Bus Station A32 A31 A36 A29 S INBIT EC C KAMENICE STREET kampus Bus Station K Kamenice i KAMENICE STREET EC 8 A15 13 A14 A13 A12 A10 A5 4 AR MAIN ENTRANCE F1 A22 1 2 12 3 A17 A11 A9 ETROUFALKY STREET A19 Bus Station Nemocnice Bohunice (Bohunice Hospital) A16 MC A2 A7 A6 10 7 H Z 6 A18 A3 9 A9 UCL 1 11 A20 A4 5 BCS A21 AC CRA PD Z MC EC C AR SH G INBIT BCS H SH A33 1 A20 Department of Physiology (FMed) A21 Department of Preventive Medicine (FMed) A22 Entrance hall, Assembly hall A25, A31, A32, A36 CESEB – Biology buildings (FSci) A26, A35 CEITEC A29 CETOCOEN A33 Dean’s Office (FSpS) A34 Sports halls (FSpS) A8 F2 H -11- Academic canteen Campus Residential Area Projected residential development Bio-model building Morphology Centre (FMed) Energy Centre Footbridge with café Academic restaurant MU Sports hall Gymnasiums Incubator for Biomedical Technologies Brno Campus Square (accessed via footbridge F1) University Hospital Brno (accessed via footbridge F2) Stadium (projected) STATUE 1 Blades of Grass – Pavel Tasovský 2 T. G. Masaryk – Vincenc Makovský 3 Reliefplastik – Otto Herbert Hajek 4 Contacts and Distances – Aleš Veselý 5 The Flowering of Learning – Vladimír Preclík 6 Enlightenment and Heavy Paint – Lukáš Rittstein 7 Edward Babák – Vincenc Makovský 8 Balance – Jozef Jankovič 9 The Nest – Dalibor Chatrný 10 On Mary, On Eve – Olbram Zoubek 11 Three Figures – Michal Gabriel 12 Red is coming – Krištof Kintera 13 Inclined Circles – V. K. Novák Transportation in Brno Public Transporation Using public transport in Brno is easy and convenient. Majority of trams, trolleybuses and buses are in service approx. 4:00-23:00 h, but some have shorter service. The interval between individual trams/buses on the same line is 3–10 min in the peak time, 15–30 min in the evening. During the night (23:00-4:00 h), special night buses circulate through the city (for more information, see www.dpmb. cz or Fare: the traffic system designed for the whole South-Moravian region is based on the zones, but inside the city it is not necessary to take care about them. Only time validity of your ticket is significant. Tickets should be bought in advance in vending machines situated at many stops, in newsagents, at Brno Tourist Information Centre, at Brno Public Transport Company information centres, in some hotels and via sms - Sejf application (app can be downloaded at Price of a ticket for 15 minutes is 20 CZK, for 60 minutes 25 CZK, for 90 minutes 27 CZK. It is also possible to buy one day ticket for 90 CZK or five days ticket for 250 CZK. Some types of tickets are also sold by the driver, but they are something more expensive and buyers are supposed to have exact sum to pay. If unable to show a valid ticket, you can be charged a fine of up to CZK 1500 (ca. EUR 60)! The ticket can be used for all means of transport: trams, buses, and trolleybuses. When entering the vehicle the ticket must be marked in the punching box. About how to get to/from your hotels, Congress venue, Mendel Museum and Petrov Cathedral see detailed information online at Information on the Internet about: Insurance The Congress: The weather in Czech Republic: Masaryk University: Guide to Brno: Transportation in Brno: You are requested to arrange your own health and travel insurance. The congress organiser is not able to take responsibility for any injuries or damages that may occur during the congress. Language The official language of EUROBIOFILMS 2015 is English. No translations will be provided. Name Badge Entrance to the sessions will be limited to badge holders only. If the badge is lost, please contact the Registration Desk. A fee of € 7 will be charged for each new badge. Currency & Credit Cards The currency in Czech Republic is Czech Crown (CZK). Major credit cards are accepted in hotels, restaurants and shops. The current exchange rate is approx. 1 EUR = 27 CZK. Using the credit card to pay a taxi is not available in all taxis. Please check, if the driver accepts the credit card payment before boarding. -12- Scientific Programme TUESDAY, 23 JUNE 2015 08:30 – Registration MEETING ROOM A11/311 Time 09:00 – 16:00 W01 GROWTH AND IMAGING TECHNIQUES FOR LABORATORY AND CLINICAL BIOFILM RESEARCH Chairs: Paul Stoodley, (USA) & Claus Sternberg, (Denmark) 09:00 – 09:45 W01.1 Biofilm laboratory growth systems – an overview Paul Stoodley, (USA) 09:45 – 10:30 W01.2 Working with clinical and animal specimens Thomas Bjarnsholt, (Denmark) 10:30 – 10:45 Coffee Break 10:45 – 11:45 W01.3 Biofilm flow cells – principles and assembly (Lecture and hands on) Paul Stoodley, (USA) 11:45 – 12:45 W01.4 Staining biofilms for imaging – live/dead, PNA FISH (Lecture and hands on mock demo) Kasper Nørskov Kragh, (Denmark) 12:45 – 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 – 14:30 W01.5 Rendering confocal biofilm images (Imaris – lecture and hands on) Claus Sterberg, (Denmark) 14:30 – 15:30 W01.6 Techniques for quantifying biofilm for confocal images (COMSTAT – lecture and hands on) Claus Sternberg, (Denmark) 15:30 – 16:30 Panel Discussion MEETING ROOM A11/327 Time 09:00 - 16:00 W02 09:00 – 09:10 EXPERIMENTAL BIOFILM INFECTION IN ANIMALS Chair: Thomas Bjarnsholt, (Denmark) Welcome 09:10 – 09:45 W02.1 From in vitro to In vivo - what to consider Thomas Bjarnsholt, (Denmark) 09:45 – 10:20 W02.2 Animal experiments in general – legislation and experimental designs Claus Moser, (Denmark) 10:20 – 10:45 10:45 – 11:20 Coffee Break W02.3 Evaluation of tolerance and resistance to antibiotics in animal experiments Oana Ciofu, (Denmark) -13- TUESDAY, 23 JUNE 2015 MEETING ROOM A11/327 Time 09:00 – 16:00 W02 EXPERIMENTAL BIOFILM INFECTION IN ANIMALS (CONT.) 11:20 – 11:55 W02.4 Evaluation of inflammation and immune response in animal experiments Peter Østrup Jensen, (Denmark) 11:55 – 12:30 W02.5 Anti-biofilm vaccine studies in animals Mark Shirtliff, (USA) 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break 13:30 – 14:05 W02.6 Transcriptomics and Tn-Seq in animal models Kendra Rumbbaugh, (USA) & Marvin Whiteley, (USA) 14:05 – 14:40 W02.7 Lung and chronic wound models Claus Moser, (Denmark) 14:40 – 15:15 W02.8 Peritoneal implant and filler models Thomas Bjansholt, (Denmark) 15:15 – 15:30 15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break W02.9 Osteomyelitis and dual infection models Mark Shirtliff, (USA) AULA AUDITORIUM Time 16:00 – 17:15 OPENING CEREMONY Chairs: Veronika Holá, (Czech Republic) & Filip Růžička, (Czech Republic) 16:00 – 16:15 Welcome to EUROBIOFILMS 2015 by Veronika Holá, (Congress President) 16:15 – 16:30 Welcome by Thomas Bjarnsholt, (Chairman of ESGB) 16:30 – 16:45 Thematic issues of P&D Tom Coenye, (Belgium) 16:45 – 17:15 17:15 – OL The Pel polysaccharide is a positively charged exopolysaccharide that cross-links extracellular DNA in the Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm matrix Matthew R Parsek, (USA) OPENING RECEPTION -14- WEDNESDAY, 24 JUNE 2015 08:30 – Registration MEETING ROOM A11/114 Time 09:00 – 10:00 KL01 KEYNOTE LECTURE Chairs: Thomas Bjarnsholt, (Denmark) & Veronika Holá, (Czech Republic) 09:00 – 09:30 KL01.1 Insights into the function of microbial dark matters in environmental biofilms Per Halkjær Nielsen, (Denmark) 09:30 – 10:00 KL01.2 The importance of biofims in orthopedic implant-associated infections Andrej Trampuz, (Germany) 10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break MEETING ROOM A11/205 Time 10:30 – 12:30 S01 METHODS OF DETECTION & DIAGNOSIS OF BIOFILM INFECTIONS Chairs: Luanne Hall-Stoodley, (USA) & Thomas Bjarnsholt, (Denmark) 10:30 – 11:00 S01.1 Methods of detection and diagnosis of biofilm infections Luanne Hall-Stoodley, (USA) 11:00 – 11:30 S01.2 Clinical and laboratory diagnosis of biofilm infections Craig Williams, (UK) 11:30 – 11:45 S01.3 Real-time biofilm monitoring in a multichannel online platform Julia Bruchmann, (Germany) 11:45 – 12:00 S01.4 Rifampicin kills Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm in hours Rune Skjåstad, (Norway) 12:00 – 12:15 S01.5 The Italian Association of Clinical Microbiologists, (AMCLI) protocol for the microbiological diagnosis of prosthetic joint and fracture-fixation device infection Iole Caola, (Italy) 12:15 – 12:30 S01.6 Human skin flora is heterogeneously distributed in biofilm aggregates Lene Bay, (Denmark) MEETING ROOM A11/114 Time 10:30 – 12:30 S02 MIXED SPECIES FUNGAL & BACTERIAL BIOFILM COMMUNITIES Chairs: Bastiaan Krom, (The Netherlands) & Thomas Neu, (Germany) 10:30 – 11:00 S02.1 Fungus-bacterium interactions in the healthy oral cavity Bastiaan Krom, (The Netherlands) 11:00 – 11:30 S02.2 Lectin-barcoding of complex biofilms Thomas R Neu, (Germany) 11:30 – 11:45 S02.3 Fungal β-1,3-glucan increases ofloxacin-tolerance of Escherichia coli in a polymicrobial E. coli-Candida albicans biofilm Katrijn De Brucker, (Belgium) -15- WEDNESDAY, 24 JUNE 2015 10:30 – 12:30 S02 MIXED SPECIES FUNGAL & BACTERIAL BIOFILM COMMUNITIES (CONT.) 11:45 – 12:00 S02.4 Specific quantification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a multispecies biofilm with PMA-qPCR Sarah Tavernier, (Belgium) 12:00 – 12:15 S02.5 Extracellular matrix-mediated interspecies interactions mediate co-aggregation and resistance during dual-species biofilm formation Liang Yang, (Singapore) 12:15 – 12:30 S02.6 The cariogenic potential of Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans in an in vitro dual-species biofilm model Hubertine ME Willems, (The Netherlands) 12:30 – 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 – 15:00 POSTER SESSION I MEETING ROOM A11/205 Time 15:30 – 17:30 S03 TREATMENT OF BIOFILM INFECTIONS Chairs: Antonio Oliver, (Spain) & Craig Williams, (UK) 15:30 – 16:00 S03.1 Anti-biofilm properties of acetic acid Thomas Bjarnsholt, (Denmark) 16:00 – 16:30 S03.2 Diagnosis and treatment of fungal biofilm infection Craig Williams, (UK) 16:30 – 16:45 S03.3 Increased bactericidal activity of colistin on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms in anaerobic conditions Mette Kolpen, (Denmark) 16:45 – 17:00 S03.4 Biofilm of endotracheal tubes from patients with MRSA pneumonia treated with linezolid: preliminary results Laia Fernandez-Barat, (Spain) 17:00 – 17:15 S03.5 Polydopamine-mediated immobilization of PALM and DNAse to create an anti-adhesive and antimicrobial bi-functional coating Diana Alves, (Portugal) 17:15 – 17:30 S03.6 Low dose nitric oxide as targeted anti-biofilm adjunctive therapy to treat chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in cystic fibrosis Jeremy S Webb, (UK) MEETING ROOM A11/114 Time 15:30 – 17:30 S04 SOCIAL INTERACTIONS IN BIOFILMS Chairs: Tom Coenye, (Belgium) & Steve Diggle, (UK) 15:30 – 16:00 S04.1 Social interactions in staphylococcal biofilms: metabolic changes in mixed S. aureus - S. epidermidis biofilms and the role of QS in antibiotic tolerance Tom Coenye, (Belgium) 16:00 – 16:30 S04.2 The biofilm polysaccharide PSL is a social but non-cheatable trait in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Steve Diggle, (UK) 16:30 – 16:45 S04.3 Cooperative interactions in a four species biofilm community Mette Burmølle, (Denmark) 16:45 – 17:00 S04.4 Selective signaling inhibition by extracellular polysaccharide alginate Jiayue Yang, (Japan) 17:00 – 17:15 S04.5 Staphylocoagulase, an exploitable intra- and inter-specific public good Urvish Trivedi, (Denmark) 17:15 – 17:30 S04.6 P. aeruginosa PAO1 provides grazing resistance to sensitive strains in a multispecies biofilm Henriette Lyng Røder, (Denmark) 19:30 – ORGAN AND CHILDREN CHOIR CONCERT AT THE PETROV CATHEDRAL A GUIDED TOUR THROUGH THE PETROV CATHEDRAL WILL FOLLOW JUST AFTER THE CONCERT -16- THURSDAY, 25 JUNE 2015 08:30 – Registration MEETING ROOM A11/114 Time 09:00 – 10:00 KL02 KEYNOTE LECTURE Chairs: Veronika Holá, (Czech Republic) & Thomas Bjarnsholt, (Denmark) 09:00 – 09:30 KL02.1 Biofilm slime by design: viscoelastic yielding as a virulence factor for survival in chronic infections Paul Stoodley, (USA) 09:30 – 10:00 KL02.2 Looking for new perspectives to fight bacterial biofilm infections – identification and use of biofilm-specific functions Jean-Marc Ghigo, (France) 10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break MEETING ROOM A11/132 Time 10:30 – 12:30 S05 HOST RESPONSES TO BIOFILMS Chairs: Mark Shirtliff, (USA) & Niels Høiby, (Denmark) 10:30 – 11:00 S05.1 The host response as an accomplice to mono- and multi-species biofilm infections Mark Shirtliff, (USA) 11:00 – 11:30 S05.2 A taste for biofilms: how phagocytic cells recognise biofilms Gertrud Maria Hänsch, (Germany) 11:30 – 11:45 S05.3 S. epidermidis response to human blood and its cellular and soluble components Nuno Cerca, (Portugal) 11:45 – 12:00 S05.4 Dormancy with Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms: an immunoproteomic characterization Virginia Carvalhais, (Portugal) 12:00 – 12:15 S05.5 Host defence against bacterial biofilms: activation of defence-relevant functions by bacterial heat shock proteins Ulrike Dapunt, (Germany) 12:15 – 12:30 S05.6 Extracellular dATP/ATP induces eDNA release and biofilm formation in Candida albicans Suma Pemmaraju, (India) MEETING ROOM A11/114 Time 10:30 – 12:30 S06 BIOMECHANICS IN BIOFILM AND INFECTIONS Chairs: Phil Stewart, (USA) & Henk Busscher, (The Netherlands) 10:30 – 11:00 S06.1 Mechanics of biofilm detachment in flowing fluids Philip Stewart, (USA) 11:00 – 11:30 S06.2 From bacterial vibration spectroscopy on adhering bacteria to visco-elasticity of biofilms Henk J Busscher, (The Netherlands) 11:30 – 11:45 S06.3 Application of AFM for morphological, mechanical and adhesive characterisation of microbial biofilms Dimitar Stamov, (Germany) -17- THURSDAY, 25 JUNE 2015 10:30 – 12:30 S06 BIOMECHANICS IN BIOFILM AND INFECTIONS (CONT.) 11:45 – 12:00 S06.4 Developing a materials-based understanding of Bacillus subtilis biofilm mechanics James Wilking, (USA) 12:00 – 12:15 S06.5 An internal pushing force within a biofilm Eric Raspaud, (France), C Douarche, J-M Allain 12:15 – 12:30 S06.6 Fluid forces to disrupt oral biofilms Amir Rmaile, (The Netherlands), B Gottenbos, M de Jager, D Carugo, L Capretto, M Aspiras, M Ward, P Stoodley 12:30 – 13:00 Lunch Break 13:00 – 15:00 POSTER SESSION II MEETING ROOM A11/132 Time 15:30 – 17:30 S07 RESISTANCE IN BIOFILMS & NOVEL APPROACHES TO TREATMENT Chairs: Gianfranco Donelli, (Italy) & Helena Bujdákova, (Slovak Republic) 15:30 – 16:00 S07.1 Rationally designing nanomedicines for the eradication of pulmonary biofilm infections Katrien Forier, (Belgium) 16:00 – 16:30 S07.2 Photodynamic inactivation - a possible alternative in eradication of resistant microbial biofilms Helena Bujdakova, (Slovak Republic) 16:30 – 16:45 S07.3 Biological evaluation of an in vivo-potent dual target PQS-Quorum Sensing inhibitor that hinders biofilm formation Antonio Gurdjieff Gomes de Mello Martins, (Germany) 16:45 – 17:00 S07.4 Interplay between NO and H2S gasotransmitters in the bacterial biofilm production and dispersion Daria Streltsova, (Russian Federation) 17:00 – 17:15 S07.5 Type 1 fimbriae of multidrug resistant E. coli ST131: regulation, function and inhibition using novel antivirulence therapeutics Makrina Totsika, (Australia) 17:15 – 17:30 S07.6 Ability of Candida albicans to induce Staphylococcus aureus biofilm tolerance to vancomycin Sona Kucharikova, (Belgium) MEETING ROOM A11/114 Time 15:30 – 17:30 S08 MODELLING OF BIOFILMS & REGULATION OF BIOFILM DEVELOPMENT Chairs: David Stopar, (Slovenia) & Kendra Rumbaugh, (USA) 15:30 – 16:00 S08.1 Gradual transition into a floating biofilm David Stopar, (Slovenia) 16:00 – 16:30 S08.2 Modeling polymicrobial wound infections Kendra Rumbaugh, (USA) 16:30 – 16:45 S08.3 Dangers of sticking together – biofilm aggregation in liquid batch cultures Kasper Nørskov Kragh, (Denmark) 16:45 – 17:00 S08.4 New insights in Legionella pneumophila biofilm regulation by c-di-GMP signaling Sophie Pecastaings, (France) 17:00 – 17:15 S08.5 Hydrophobic segments in exopolysaccharides of Burkholderia biofilms Paola Cescutti, (Italy) 17:15 – 17:30 S08.6 Mineral scaffolds enable the morphogenesis of bacterial biofilms Yaara Oppenheimer-Shaanan, (Israel) -18- FRIDAY, 26 JUNE 2015 08:30 – Registration MEETING ROOM A11/132 Time 09:00 – 11:00 S09 PROBIOTICS AND NEW NATURAL & SYNTHETIC ANTI-BIOFILM COMPOUNDS Chairs: Christine Imbert, (France) & Claudia Vuotto, (Italy) 09:00 – 09:30 S09.1 Probiotics and new natural and synthetic anti-biofilm compounds Elisabeth Presterl, (Austria) 09:30 – 10:00 S09.2 Probiotics: a potential tool to counteract biofilm-based infections Claudia Vuotto, (Italy) 10:00 – 10:15 S09.3 Inhibitory effect of flavonolignans on microbial biofilm formation Vladimir Vimberg, (Czech Republic) 10:15 – 10:30 S09.4 Modulation of Staphylococcus aureus biofilm by metabolites from Lactobacillus mucosae Dobroslava Bujnakova, (Slovak Republic) 10:30 – 10:45 S09.5 Inhibitory effect of novel 1,2,4-triazole-cirofloxacin hybrids on Haemophilus parainfluenzae biofilm in vitro Anna Malm, (Poland) 10:45 – 11:00 S09.6 Lichens: promising source of inhibitors of Candida biofilms Marion Girardot, (France) MEETING ROOM A11/114 Time 09:00 – 11:00 S10 HORIZONTAL GENE TRANSFER, EVOLUTION & HETEROGENEITY IN MICROBIAL BIOFILMS Chairs: Alex O’Neill, (UK) & Mette Burmølle, (Denmark) 09:00 – 09:30 S10.1 Accelerated evolution of antibiotic resistance in staphylococcal biofilms Alex O’Neill, (UK) 09:30 – 10:00 S10.2 Do plasmids drive their host into the biofilm lifestyle and why would they? Mette Burmølle, (Denmark) 10:00 – 10:15 S10.3 Plasmid stability in biofilm vs. planktonic environments Ida Thalsø-Madsen, (Denmark) 10:15 – 10:30 S10.4 c-di-GMP related genes are common on plasmids – a comparative analysis Jonas Stenløkke Madsen, (Denmark) 10:30 – 10:45 S10.5 Helicobacter pylori outer membrane Vesicles, (OMVs) as DNA “shuttles” and structural components of biofilm EPS Rossella Grande, (Italy) 10:45 – 11:00 S10.6 Bacterial fortresses: secreted matrix structure determines invasion resistance in bacterial biofilms Knut Drecher, (Germany), C Nadell, N Wingreen, B Bassler 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break -19- FRIDAY, 26 JUNE 2015 MEETING ROOM A11/132 Time 11:30 – 13:30 S11 ENVIRONMENTAL BIOFILMS AND HUMAN HEALTH Chairs: Andrew McBain, (UK) & Martin Rulík, (Czech Republic) 11:30 – 12:00 S11.1 Microbicide-exposure and antimicrobial resistance in biofilms in the domestic environment Andrew McBain, (UK) 12:00 – 12:30 S11.2 Bacterial-Trojan Horse interactions: the breakthrough of the new approaches to their study Katarína Trnková, (Slovak Republic) 12:30 – 12:45 S11.3 Microfluidic high-throughput platform for biofilm analysis Tereza Hájková, (Czech Republic) 12:45 – 13:00 S11.4 Microbiome changing inside dental pipes: a case study Damien Costa, (France) 13:00 – 13:15 S11.5 Activity and diversity of biofilm bacteria involved in enhanced bioremediation of contaminated sediment Birthe V Kjellerup, (USA) 13:15 – 13:30 S11.6 Effect of sodium hypochlorite on bacteria isolated from drinking water Inês B Gomes, (Portugal) 13:30 – CLOSING CEREMONY & POSTER AWARDS -20- Poster Line Up WEDNESDAY, 24 JUNE 2015 POSTER SESSION I Time 13:00 – 15:00 13:00 – 15:00 PS01 METHODS OF DETECTION & DIAGNOSIS OF BIOFILM INFECTIONS PS01.01 Real-time biofilm monitoring in a multichannel online platform Julia Bruchmann, (Germany), K Sachsenheimer, BE Rapp, T Schwartz PS01.02 Rifampicin kills Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm in hours Rune Skjåstad, (Norway), H Wiker, V Bakken PS01.03 The Italian Association of Clinical Microbiologists (AMCLI) protocol for the microbiological diagnosis of prosthetic joint and fracture-fixation device infection Iole Caola, (Italy), L Drago, F Tessarolo, M Sarti, M Conte, E Zamparini, P Viale, CL Romanò, P Clerici PS01.04 Human skin flora is heterogeneously distributed in biofilm aggregates Lene Bay, (Denmark), MS Ågren, SS Poulsen, T Bjarnsholt PS01.05 Visualization of microbial biofilm in contaminated polymer tubes by X-ray micro-computed tomography and contrast agents Sascha Senck, (Austria), A Jäger, JM Grabmair, M Aigner, J Kastner PS01.06 Investigation of different biofilm quantification methods in 96-well plates – applied for the development of an enzymatic cleaner Philipp Stiefel, (Switzerland), V Altenried, K Maniura-Weber, Q Ren PS01.07 Critical aspects of using bacterial cell viability assays with the fluorophores SYTO9 and propidium iodide Qun Ren, (Switzerland), P Stiefel, S Schmidt-Emrich, K Maniura-Weber PS01.08 The dynamics of bacterial biofilm composition in patients with chronic periodontitis Jiří Janata, (Czech Republic), L Šabová, L Najmanová, T Janatová, J Myšák, J Dušková PS01.09 A comparison of three eluting methods for dislodging biofilm and culturing microorganisms from central venous catheters Francesco Tessarolo, (Italy), F Piccoli, E Bonomi, P Lanzafame, G Nollo, P Caciagli, I Caola PS01.10 Alginate phenotypes of P. aeruginosa from Brazil and Scandinavia Natália Candido Caçador, (Brazil), ALC Darini, LAGMM Torres, O Ciofu, N Høiby PS01.11 Progressive biofilm production several days post extubation: an experimental study with MRSA isolates from oro-tracheally intubated pigs with pneumonia Laia Fernandez-Barat, (Spain), S Benaicha, A Motos, A Mons, J Vila, A Torres PS01.12 Fluorescent amphiphilic carbon dots as a new tool for visualization of Erwinia amylovora exopolysaccharide matrix structure Margarita Ritenberg, (Israel), S Kolusheva, R Jelinek PS01.13 A rapid biofilm antimicrobial susceptibility assay and early antibiotic treatment in biofilms Hengzhuang Wang, (Denmark), O Ciofu, N Høiby PS01 METHODS OF DETECTION & DIAGNOSIS OF BIOFILM INFECTIONS (CONT.) PS01.14 In vivo formation of Candida biofilms on catheters surfaces: causes and infectivities Sidi Mohammed Lahbib Seddiki, (Algeria), Z Boucherit-Otmani, K Boucherit, AR Bettioui, M Taleb, D Kunkel -21- POSTER SESSION I WEDNESDAY, 24 JUNE 2015 13:00 – 15:00 PS01.15 Biofilm detection by Raman spectrometry Katarína Mlynáriková, (Czech Republic), O Samek, S Bernátová, J Ježek, V Krzyžánek, M Šiler, P Zemánek, F Růžička, V Holá, M Mahelová PS01.16 Biofilm formation on urinary catheters and other virulence factors of the genus Proteus Tereza Peroutková, (Czech Republic), V Holá, F Růžička PS01.17 Flagellin (FliC) phosphorylation affects Type 2 protease secretion and biofilm dispersal in Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 Tanujaa Suriyanarayanan, (Singapore), S Periasamy, S Swarup PS01.18 Presentation of an experimental system allowing exploring the first steps of the biofilm formation at molecular level Sebastien Vilain, (France), M Crouzet, P Costaglioli, C Barthe, M Bonneu, B Garbay PS01.19 Production of biofilm by Candida spp. isolated from bloodstream infections Martina Mahelova, (Czech Republic), F Ruzicka PS01.20 The effect of saccharide addition on biofilm production among Escherichia coli Petra Siskova, (Czech Republic), V Woznicova, L Cernohorska, F Růžička PS01.21 Educational experimental kit for visualizing biofilm formation Anne Kirstine Nielsen, (Denmark), PK Fridorff-Jens, T Bjarnsholt PS01.22 Fungal b-1,3-glucan increases ofloxacin-tolerance of Escherichia coli in a polymicrobial E. coli – Candida albicans biofilm Katrijn De Brucker, (Belgium), Y Tan, K Vints, K De Cremer, A Braem, N Verstraeten, J Michiels, J Vleugels, B Cammue, K Thevissen PS01.23 Specific quantification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a multispecies biofilm with PMA-qPCR Sarah Tavernier, (Belgium), T Coenye PS01.24 Extracellular matrix-mediated interspecies interactions mediate co-aggregation and resistance during dual-species biofilm formation Liang Yang, (Singapore), SC Chew, JKH Yam PS01.25 The cariogenic potential of Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans in an in vitro dual-species biofilm model Hubertine ME Willems, (The Netherlands), K Kos, BP Krom PS01.26 A mouse model for chronic fungal and poly-microbial osteomyelitis Cecilie Christiansen, (Denmark), T Bjarnsholt, M Shirtliff, N Høiby, S Eickhardt PS02 MIXED SPECIES FUNGAL & BACTERIAL BIOFILM COMMUNITIES (CONT.) PS01.27 Assessing synergistic interaction between Gardnerella vaginalis and other urogenital pathogens Joana Castro, (Portugal), D Machado, N Cerca PS01.28 Hemin stimulates growth, aggregation and formation of dual species Bifidobacterium dentium – Streptococcus mutans biofilm Michel Hoogenkamp, (The Netherlands), M Willems, H de Soet, W Crielaard PS01.29 Poly-microbial biofilms – prevalence and importance in infections Trine Rolighed Thomsen, (Denmark), Y Xu, L Larsen, J Lorenzen PS01.30 Effect of bacteria on the behavior of biofilms of ligninolytic fungi Hana Válková, (Czech Republic), C Novotný -22- PS01.32 Optimization of Candida parapsilosis biofilm preparation protocols for scanning electron microscopy Filip Růžička, (Czech Republic), K Hrubanova, J Nebesarova, V Krzyzanek PS03 TREATMENT OF BIOFILM INFECTIONS PS01.33 Increased bactericidal activity of colistin on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms in anaerobic conditions Mette Kolpen, (Denmark), CF Appeldorff, S Brandt, N Mousavi, KN Kragh, T Bjarnsholt, O Ciofu, N Høiby, PØ Jensen PS01.34 Biofilm of endotracheal tubes from patients with MRSA pneumonia treated with linezolid: preliminary results Laia Fernandez-Barat, (Spain), A Motos, M Ferrer, L Guerrero, F Álvarez-Lerma, L Viña, C Chiurazzi, D Soy, G Li Bassi, J Vila, A Torres PS01.35 Polydopamine-mediated immobilization of PALM and DNAse to create an anti-adhesive and antimicrobial bi-functional coating Diana Alves, (Portugal), P Jorge, MO Pereira PS01.36 Low dose nitric oxide as targeted anti-biofilm adjunctive therapy to treat chronic Pseudo monas aeruginosa infection in cystic fibrosis Jeremy S Webb, (UK), K Cathie, RP Howlin, L Hall-Stoodley, V Cornelius, C Duignan, R Allan, BO Fernandez, N Barraud, K Bruce, J Jefferies, M Kelso, S Kjelleberg, S Rice, G Rogers, S Pink, C Smith, P Sukhtankar, R Salib, J Legg, M Carroll, T Daniels, M Feelisch, P Stoodley, SC Clarke, G Connett, SN Faust PS03 TREATMENT OF BIOFILM INFECTIONS (CONT.) PS01.37 Identifying compounds that increase antibiotic activity on biofilms Tom Coenye, (Belgium), F Van den Driessche, G Brackman, P Rigole PS01.38 Nonmevalonate pathway for isoprenoid biosynthesis as novel target for antibacterial therapy against the Burkholderia cepacia complex Tom Coenye, (Belgium), A Everaert, R Chofor, S Van Calenbergh PS01.39 Influence of intervallic shear stress application on oral biofilms Pune Nina Tawakoli, (Switzerland), Bl Sauer, K Becker, T Attin PS01.40 The potential of novel gentamicin-black seed oil (GBSO) fusion emulsion in treating biofilm infection Mohd Affendi Mohd Shafri, (Malaysia), KI Yaakob, FA Yusof, IA Shahdan, N Mohd Yusof, F Mohamed PS01.41 Short-term effect of the maintenance therapy on the phenotypic characteristics of P. aeruginosa populations from chronically infected CF patients Laia Fernandez-Barat, (Spain), O Ciofu, U Johansen, T Wassermann, T Pressler, A Motos, A Torres, N Hoiby PS01.42 Extracellular DNA in biofilms associated with chronic otitis media with effusion Ali Mostafa Wayes, (UK), NS Jakubovics, MR ElBadawey, JG Burgess PS01.43 Anti-biofilm peptide combinations in the eradication of pre-established biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus Paula Jorge, (Portugal), D Grzywacz, W Kamysz, A Lourenço, MO Pereira -23- POSTER SESSION I 13:00 – 15:00 Determination of gelatinase (gelE) expression levels, a virulence gene of Enterococcus faecalis, in planktonic form, monomicrobial and dual species biofilms Meral Sagiroglu, (Turkey), D Kart, A Kalkanci, S Kustimur WEDNESDAY, 24 JUNE 2015 13:00 – 15:00 PS01.31 POSTER SESSION I WEDNESDAY, 24 JUNE 2015 13:00 – 15:00 13:00 – 15:00 PS01.44 A novel antioxidant polymer active against Staphylococcus epidermidis Iolanda Francolini, (Italy), F Crisante, V Taresco, G Donelli, C Vuotto, A Martinelli, L D’Ilario, L Pietrelli, A Piozzi PS01.45 Anti-Candida biofilm activities of two Cameroonian plant extracts Elisabeth Zeuko´o Menkem, (Cameroon), V Cepas Lopez, S Soto, F Fekam Boyom PS01.46 Efficacy of sequential use of inhaled antibiotics in the treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in an in vitro biofilm model Estrella Rojo-Molinero, (Spain), R Rubio, MD Macià, B Moyà, JL Pérez, R Cantón, A Oliver PS01.47 Comparison of random amplified polymorphic DNA typing and phenotypic characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from patients hospitalized on Intensive Care Units Martina Vaněrková, (Czech Republic), V Holá, E Němcová, B Mališová, T Freiberger PS01.48 Effectiveness of antimicrobial agents used for an elimination of the oral biofilm vs. PDI with methylene blue on Streptococcus mutans biofilm Kornelia Legenová, (Slovakia), M Kovalčíková, H Bujdáková PS03 TREATMENT OF BIOFILM INFECTIONS (CONT.) PS01.49 Role of TanReQing injection in disrupting Staphylococcus aureus biofilm through inhibiting cell division Yi Wang, (China), C Liu, W Yang, S Liu PS01.50 Antibiotic release from absorbable calcium sulfate beads for the prevention and treatment of biofilm formation in orthopaedic prosthetic infection Paul Stoodley, (USA), C Knecht, S Diamond, N Farrar, C Peters, M Swearingen, JJ Cooper, SS Aiken, J Granger, RP Howlin PS04 SOCIAL INTERACTIONS IN BIOFILMS PS01.51 Cooperative interactions in a four species biofilm community Mette Burmølle, (Denmark), D Ren, JS Madsen, J Herschend, L Madsen, SJ Sørensen PS01.52 Selective signaling inhibition by extracellular polysaccharide alginate Jiayue Yang, (Japan), M Toyofuku, R Sakai, K Tateda, N Nomura PS01.53 Staphylocoagulase, an exploitable intra- and inter-specific public good Urvish Trivedi, (Denmark), JS Madsen, M Burmølle, SJ Sørensen PS01.54 P. aeruginosa PAO1 provides grazing resistance to sensitive strains in a multispecies biofilm Henriette Lyng Røder, (Denmark), SH Chan, KWKn Lee, D McDougald, M Burmølle, SJ Sørensen, SA Rice PS01.55 Small RNAs expressed in Burkholderia cenocepacia biofilms Sanne Kiekens, (Belgium), A Sass, T Coenye PS01.56 Differential effects of biofilm supernatant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serratia marcescens on biofilm formation of clinical Staphylococcus epidermidis isolates An Hotterbeekx, (Belgium), S De Backer, P Moons, C Lammens, M Ieven, E Vandenbroeck, P Jorens, S Kumar-Singh, H Goossens, S Malhotra-Kumar PS01.57 Effect of farnesol on the ERG gene expression in Candida biofilm Stanislava Dižová, (Slovak Republic), H Bujdáková PS01.58 Structural characterization of a synergistic multi-species biofilm consortium Wenzheng Liu, (Denmark), J Herschend, SJ Sørensen, M Burmølle -24- THURSDAY, 25 JUNE 2015 POSTER SESSION II Time 10:30 – 12:30 13:00 – 15:00 13:00 – 15:00 13:00 – 15:00 S05.3 HOST RESPONSES TO BIOFILMS PS02.01 Staphylococcus epidermidis response to human blood and its cellular and soluble components Nuno Cerca, (Portugal), A França, M Vilanova, G Pier PS02.02 Dormancy within Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms: an immunoproteomic characterization Virginia Carvalhais, (Portugal), N Cerca, M Vilanova, R Vitorino PS02.03 Host defence against bacterial biofilms: activation of defence-relevant functions by bacterial heat shock proteins Ulrike Dapunt, (Germany), S Maurer, P Fouchard, E Meyle, GM Hänsch PS02.04 Extracellular dATP/ATP induces eDNA release and biofilm formation in Candida albicans Suma Pemmaraju, (India), P Pruthi, R Prasad, V Pruthi PS06 BIOMECHANICS IN BIOFILM AND INFECTIONS PS02.05 Application of AFM for morphological, mechanical and adhesive characterisation of microbial biofilms Dimitar Stamov, (Germany), T Müller, H Haschke, T Jähnke PS02.06 Developing a materials-based understanding of Bacillus subtilis biofilm mechanics James Wilking, (USA) PS02.07 An internal pushing force within a biofilm Eric Raspaud, (France), C Douarche, J-M Allain PS02.08 Fluid forces to disrupt oral biofilms Amir Rmaile, (The Netherlands), B Gottenbos, M de Jager, D Carugo, L Capretto, M Aspiras, M Ward, P Stoodley PS02.09 Bridge bacteria induced aggregation of Listeria monocytogenes Xiangwu Nou, (USA), G Ailing, J Mowery, A Nagy, G Bauchan PS07 RESISTANCE IN BIOFILMS & NOVEL APPROACHES TO TREATMENT PS02.09 Biological evaluation of an in vivo-potent dual target PQS-Quorum Sensing inhibitor that hinders biofilm formation Antonio Gurdjieff Gomes de Mello Martins, (Germany), A Thomann, C Brengel, E Weidel, A Plaza, C Börger, M Empting, RW Hartmann PS02.10 Interplay between NO and H2S gasotransmitters in the bacterial biofilm production and dispersion Daria Streltsova, (Russian Federation), S Vasilieva, M Petrishcheva PS02.11 Type 1 fimbriae of multidrug resistant E. coli ST131: regulation, function and inhibition using novel antivirulence therapeutics Makrina Totsika, (Australia), S Sarkar, M Schembri PS02.12 Ability of Candida albicans to induce Staphylococcus aureus biofilm tolerance to vancomycin Sona Kucharikova, (Belgium), E Kong, P Van Dijck, MA Jabra-Rizk PS07 RESISTANCE IN BIOFILMS & NOVEL APPROACHES TO TREATMENT (CONT.) PS02.13 Antibiotic-Nigella Sativa Fusion (ANF) as a novel approach intended for the treatment against bacteria forming biofilm in osteomyelitis Farahidah Mohamed, (Malaysia), MA Mohd Shafri, N Mohd Yusof, AF Harun, KI Yaakob, FA Yusof, IA Shahdan -25- POSTER SESSION II THURSDAY, 25 JUNE 2015 13:00 – 15:00 PS02.14 Identification of new anti-infective molecules from marine bacteria active against the biofilm of S. Aureus and P. aeruginosa Ermenegilda Parrilli, (Italy), R Papa, M Tilotta, F Sannino, ML Tutino, M Artini, L Selan PS02.15 Inhibiting effects of fructanase on the competence-stimulating peptide-dependent genetic transformation and biofilm formation by Streptococcus mutans Yusuke Suzuki, (Japan), T Arai, N Ogura, T Kondoh, H Senpuku PS02.16 The anti-biofilm activity secreted by the Antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAB23 Ermenegilda Parrilli, (Italy), F Sannino, A Ricciardelli, R Papa, M Tilotta, M Artini, L Selan, ML Tutino PS02.17 The antifungal caspofungin (CAS) increases moxifloxacin (MXF) activity against Staphylococcus aureus biofilms in vitro or in a mice subcutaneous model Wafi Siala, (Belgium), S Kucharíková, PM Tulkens, P Van Dijck, F Van Bambeke PS02.18 Anti-biofilm activity of Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis against Staphylococcus epidermidis: evidences of a signal molecule involvement Maria Michela Corsaro, (Italy), E Parrilli, R Papa, M Tilotta, A Casillo, F Sannino, M Artini, L Selan, ML Tutino PS02.19 Antimicrobial and antibiofilm activities of Cellobiose Dehydrogenase functionalized urinary catheters Gibson Stephen Nyanhongo, (Austria), B Thallinger, M Brandauer, A Schlick, P Burger, R Ludwig, C Sygmund PS02.20 TBBQ: mechanism of biofilm eradication and potential for clinical use Nicola Ooi, (UK), A O’Neill PS02.21 Search for potentiators of miconazole resulting in increased activity against Candida albicans biofilms Kaat De Cremer, (Belgium), TL Cools, I Staes, K De Brucker, E Lanckacker, F Van Den Driessche, T Coenye, P Cos, BPA Cammue, K Thevissen PS02.22 Relationship between the biofilm formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, antimicrobial resistance and its efflux pumps overexpression Gertrudis Horna Quintana, (Spain), J Ruiz Blazquez PS07 RESISTANCE IN BIOFILMS & NOVEL APPROACHES TO TREATMENT (CONT.) PS02.23 Cystic fibrosis bacteria under variable oxygen tensions: biofilm formation ability and resilience to acute antibiotherapy Susana Lopes, (Portugal), A Magalhães, M Pereira PS02.24 Disruption of Escherichia coli biofilms by rhamnolipids: effect of the medium, temperature and concentration Marcia Nitschke, (Brazil), SS Silva PS02.25 Synthetic chalcone derivatives as agents to control P. aeruginosa biofilms Marcia Nitschke, (Brazil), MD Bocelli, IL Matos, ALM Porto PS02.26 Impact of superhydrophobic coating on microbial adhesion and biofilm growth Eva Travnickova, (Czech Republic), L Blaha, M Klima, M Gasic, S Ivanova PS02.27 The role of biocide adaptation on biofilm formation and susceptibility Joana Malheiro, (Portugal), IB Gomes, F Mergulhão, L Melo, M Simões -26- PS02.29 Fast development of ciprofloxacin resistance in P. aeruginosa and S. epidermidis biofilms exposed to biofilm sub-inhibitory concentrations of ciprofloxacin in an evolution experiment Oana Ciofu, (Denmark), K Ivanyshyn, T Wassermann, N Høiby PS02.30 Physiological glucose concentrations trigger LPS production and virulence in a Acinetobacter baumannii Francesca Longo, (Italy), E Rossi, C Peano, L Barbagallo, S Jaillon, A Petrelli, C Garlanda, P Landini PS02.31 Effects of tobramycin and colistin antibiotic treatment against planktonic P. aeruginosa during various growth phases Blaine Fritz, (Denmark), K Kragh, T Bjarnsholt PS02.32 Photodynamic therapy of bacterial biofilms with the new cationic photosensitizer Irina Tiganova, (Russia), T Stepanova, E Tolordava, G Meerovich, Y Koloskova, S Brusov, M Grin, A Mironov, Y Romanova PS02.33 Fungal infectivities of implanted catheters dues to Candida sp. biofilms formation and resistance Sidi Mohammed Lahbib Seddiki, (Algeria), Z Boucherit-Otmani, K Boucherit, D Kunkel PS07 RESISTANCE IN BIOFILMS & NOVEL APPROACHES TO TREATMENT (CONT.) PS02.34 A novel ultra-dense polyethylene glycol coating for medical implants challenge Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms in vitro Sandra Maria Skovdal, (Denmark), N Jørgensen, R Ogaki, G Zeng, RL Meyer, E Petersen PS02.35 Vancomycin conjugated magnetic nanoparticles against biofilms on prosthetic joint infection Yen-Chun Chen, (Taiwan), C-N Chang, M-R Jhang, M-C Lin, M-D Yang, S-I Huang, W-Y Hsieh, M-J Tung, S-J Wang, H-W Tseng PS08 MODELLING OF BIOFILMS & REGULATION OF BIOFILM DEVELOPMENT PS02.36 Dangers of sticking together - biofilm aggregation in liquid batch cultures Kasper Nørskov Kragh, (Denmark), M Alhede, M Alhede, PØ Jensen, T Bjarnsholt PS02.37 New insights in Legionella pneumophila biofilm regulation by c-di-GMP signaling Sophie Pecastaings, (France), J Allombert, P Doublet, C Roques, A Vianney PS02.38 Hydrophobic segments in exopolysaccharides of Burkholderia biofilms Paola Cescutti, (Italy), C Buriola, A Sveronis, A Delneri, M Fazli, T Tolker-Nielsen, R Rizzo PS02.39 Mineral scaffolds enable the morphogenesis of bacterial biofilms Yaara Oppenheimer-Shaanan, (Israel), O Sibony-Nevo, Z Bloom-Ackermann, R Suissa, N Steinberg, V Brumfeld, E Kartvelishvily, I Kolodkin-Gal PS02.40 Mapping of transcription start sites in Burkholderia cenocepacia Tom Coenye, (Belgium), A Sass, S Kiekens PS02.41 Development of in-vitro test system for nebulized antimicrobial treatment efficacy using Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms Laura Boge, (Germany), J Pankalla, M Müller, A Braun, G Pohlmann, S Wronski -27- POSTER SESSION II 13:00 – 15:00 Cinnamic acid modifies bacterial surface and induces biofilm removal Joana Malheiro, (Portugal), IB Gomes, AP Borges, M Simões THURSDAY, 25 JUNE 2015 13:00 – 15:00 PS02.28 POSTER SESSION II THURSDAY, 25 JUNE 2015 13:00 – 15:00 13:00 – 15:00 PS02.42 Stage-dependent changes in matrix composition of biofilms formed by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) USA300 Sarah De Backer, (Belgium), C Vanmarsenille, J-P Hernalsteens, BB Xavier, H De Greve, H Goossens, M-K Surbhi PS02.43 Optimization of in vitro model for growth of Gardnerella vaginalis biofilm Daniela Machado, (Portugal), A Palmeira-de-Oliveira, N Cerca PS02.44 Low-dose amoxicillin stimulates MRSA intercellular adhesion and surface attachment Jeffrey Kaplan, (USA), K Mlynek, A Shimkevitch, J Farmer, J Endres, K Bayles PS02.45 Gene expression during biofilm formation in clinical strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis associated with neonatal infections Monika Grzebyk, (Poland), M Brzychczy-Woch, A Piotrowska, PB Heczko PS02.46 Biofilm formation in vitro by Staphylococcus aureus isolated from nasopharynx and adenoids in children after adenoidectomy - phenotypic and genotypic analysis Anna Malm, (Poland), A Grzegorczyk, I Korona-Glowniak, A Niedzielski PS02.47 Effect of EPS in Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm mediated infections using the nematode model Caenorhabditis elegans Birthe V Kjellerup, (USA), C Adams, A Houston, S Edwards PS08 MODELLING OF BIOFILMS & REGULATION OF BIOFILM DEVELOPMENT (CONT.) PS02.48 Fluoride effect on genotypic diversity and acidogenicity of Streptococcus mutans isolated from in situ oral biofilms Glauber Vale, (Brazil), R Arthur, A Del Bel Cury, J Cury, C Tabchoury PS02.49 Development of an in vitro wound infection model to study interactions between dermal cells and biofilm bacteria and new treatment strategies Maria Werthen, (Sweden), E Gerner, A Parseus PS02.50 Detailed analysis of c-di-GMP mediated regulation of csgD expression in Salmonella typhimurium Irfan Ahmad, (Sweden), T Beske, A Cimdins, U Romling PS09 PROBIOTICS AND NEW NATURAL & SYNTHETIC ANTI-BIOFILM COMPOUNDS PS02.51 Inhibitory effect of flavonolignans on microbial biofilm formation Vladimir Vimberg, (Czech Republic), M Kuzma, E Stodùlková, P Novák, L Bednárová, M Šulc, G Balikova Novotna, R Gažák PS02.52 Modulation of Staphylococcus aureus biofilm by metabolites from Lactobacillus mucosae Dobroslava Bujnakova, (Slovak Republic), E Strakova, V Kmet PS02.53 Inhibitory effect of novel 1,2,4-triazole-cirofloxacin hybrids on Haemophilus parainfluenzae biofilm in vitro Anna Malm, (Poland), U Kosikowska, S Andrzejczuk, T Plech PS02.54 Lichens: promising source of inhibitors of Candida biofilms Marion Girardot, (France), L Teulière, M Millot, L Mambu, C Imbert PS02.55 Synergistic activity of biosurfactant AC7 and farnesol on Candida albicans biofilm formation on medical silicone elastomer Francesco Tessarolo, (Italy), C Ceresa, I Caola, D Maniglio, F Piccoli, G Nollo, L Fracchia PS02.56 Search of strain pool compositions of interacting microorganisms stabilizing human biotope when known panels of antibiotics will be used in therapy Vladimir Lakhtin, (Russian Federation), M Lakhtin, S Afanasiev, A Bajrakova, V Aleshkin -28- 13:00 – 15:00 PS10 HORIZONTAL GENE TRANSFER, EVOLUTION & HETEROGENEITY IN MICROBIAL BIOFILMS PS02.58 Plasmid stability in biofilm vs. planktonic environments Ida Thalsø-Madsen, (Denmark), JS Madsen, H Røder, U Trivedi, L Riber, M Burmølle, SJ Sørensen PS02.59 c-di-GMP related genes are common on plasmids - a comparative analysis Jonas Stenløkke Madsen, (Denmark), O Hylling, S Jacquiod, G Vestergaard, M Burmølle, L Riber, LH Hansen, SJ Sørensen PS02.60 Helicobacter pylori Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs) as DNA “shuttles” and structural components of biofilm EPS Rossella Grande, (Italy), MC Di Marcantonio, I Robuffo, A Pompilio, R Primavera, M Di Francesco, E Di Bartolomeo, G Di Bonaventura, P Stoodley, L Hall-Stoodley, G Mincione PS02.61 Bacterial fortresses: secreted matrix structure determines invasion resistance in bacterial biofilms Carey Nadell, (Germany), K Drecher, N Wingreen, B Bassler PS02.62 Promoted flocculation of Escherichia coli cells in association with outer membrane vesicle production Yoshihiro Ojima, (Japan), MH Nguyen, R Yajima, M Taya PS11 ENVIRONMENTAL BIOFILMS AND HUMAN HEALTH PS02.63 Microbiome changing inside dental pipes: a case study Damien Costa, (France), A Mercier, J Lesobre, V Delafont, C Imbert PS02.64 Activity and diversity of biofilm bacteria involved in enhanced bioremediation of contaminated sediment Birthe V Kjellerup, (USA), S Edwards, F Akbari PS02.65 Effect of sodium hypochlorite on bacteria isolated from drinking water Inês B Gomes, (Portugal), M Lemos, J Malheiro, L Simões, M Simões PS02.66 Contaminating bacteria and pathogens on three minimally processed herbs: CFUs, biofilm formation capacity, and antibiotic resistances Maria-Theresia Gekenidis, (Switzerland), D Gossin, MNP Remus-Emsermann, D Drissner PS02.67 Biofilm formation potential of S. aureus dairy isolates representing different genotypes Elowine Thiran, (Switzerland), HU Graber, J Hummerjohann PS02.68 Biocides on the disinfection of silicone and stainless steel surfaces Inês B Gomes, (Portugal), J Malheiro, AP Borges, F Mergulhão, M Simões PS11 ENVIRONMENTAL BIOFILMS AND HUMAN HEALTH (CONT.) PS02.69 Surface protein profiles of Staphylococcus aureus biofilm cells Zoran Jaglic, (Czech Republic), L Cincarova, D Cervinkova PS02.70 Utilization of mixed biofimls in degradation of synthetic dye Pavlina Slosarcikova, (Czech Republic), C Novotný -29- POSTER SESSION II 13:00 – 15:00 The effect of selected antifungals on the biofilm formation by C. albicans strains isolated from the oral cavity of adults Jolanta Szymanska, (Poland), A Malm, A Wójtowicz THURSDAY, 25 JUNE 2015 13:00 – 15:00 PS02.57 ) & )!**+ ,- &! !-. ,- !* / !" # !" !!$! % # !$ !&&' %&' ($ ! % !!(0/123045 #!67 !!(0230458 7 The goal of ESGB is to promote and disseminate studies and knowledge about methods and results of biofilm studies with relevance for infections in humans. The ultimate goal is to improve diagnostics and the results of prophylaxis and therapy of biofilm infections in humans. Please join us at: -30- Notes Organised and supported by European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID)