“Educating and empowering people in the largest urban slum in
“Educating and empowering people in the largest urban slum in
“Educating and empowering people in the largest urban slum in Central America” LETTER FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BILL CUMMINGS Dear Friends and Partners, As Leah, Donnie, Cherie and I set out to establish Lemonade International in the early part of 2008, we could have never imagined the outpouring of love and support so many of you would so generously provide. And now DVZHORRNEDFNRQ²RXUÀUVWIXOO\HDURIH[LVWHQFHDVDQRUJDQL]DWLRQ²ZHDUHQROHVVDPD]HGE\WKHSHUVRQDOVDFULÀFHDQGLQYHVWPHQW\RXKDYHPDGHLQWKHFKLOGUHQDQGIDPLOLHVRI/D/LPRQDGD $ERXWWHQ\HDUVDJRZLWKRXWWKHKHOSRIDQ\RUJDQL]DWLRQIURPWKH867LWDDQGDVPDOOJURXSRIIULHQGVHVWDElished a program for small children to help prevent the possibility that they would turn to drugs, gangs, violence, and prostitution and to provide hope through God’s unconditional love in the midst of horrible abuse, neglect, hunger, poverty and despair. What is now known as “Escuelita Limon” was born, where currently more than 200 children are fed, clothed, educated, provided with vitamins and medical care, and loved by a group of about 18 teachers and other staff members. In just one year, throughout 2009, a dilapidated building was purchased, renovated, and furnished and now houses “Escuelita Mandarina”, where a new group of over 150 children are provided with the same care and love as the students at Escuelita Limon. In one year you helped establish a second school that serves as a beacon of hope for a barrio in La Limonada WKDWKDGSUHYLRXVO\EHHQRIIOLPLWVWR7LWDDQGKHUWHDP:KHUHJDQJPHPEHUVRQFHVWRRGRQWKHVWUHHWVZLWK guns, children now run, play and kick soccer balls. You have helped to bring transformation to this section of La Limonada! Not only that... but by the close of 2009, you provided sponsorship to over 275 children. You were part of 16 groups who invested a week of their lives to serve in La Limonada. You helped to raise funds that will establish a carpentry workshop for gang members. You helped to establish a new church community. You provided shoes DQGEDFNSDFNVÀOOHGZLWKVFKRROVXSSOLHVIRUPRUHWKDQFKLOGUHQ<RXSURYLGHGKLJKVFKRROVWXGHQWVZLWK VFKRODUVKLSVWRZDUGDTXDOLW\HGXFDWLRQ<RXSURYLGHGWHDFKHUVZLWKERQXVHVDQGHQFRXUDJHGWKHPEH\RQG measure with a fair wage for the month of December. A value cannot be placed on all you have done to invest in the lives of the children and families of La Limonada. 2QO\WKHVPLOHVRQWKHIDFHVRIWKHFKLOGUHQWKHJUDWLWXGHH[SUHVVHGE\WKHLUIDPLOLHVWKHGHFLVLRQVPDGHE\VR PDQ\WRIROORZ-HVXVDQGWKHH[SDQVLRQRIVSDFHWRUHDFKPRUHFKLOGUHQFDQSURYLGHDJOLPSVHLQWRWKHVLJQLÀFDQFHRIWKHVDFULÀFHV\RXKDYHPDGHIRUWKLVRQHSODFHLQWKHZRUOG May this report provide you with an overview of the impact you have made in 2009. May you be reassured with FRQÀGHQFHWKDW\RXUJHQHURVLW\LVPDNLQJDGLIIHUHQFHLQSHRSOH·VOLYHV0D\\RXEHPRYHGLQ\RXUKHDUWWRJLYH HYHQPRUHWRVXSSRUWWKHYLVLRQIRUWKH/D/LPRQDGDFRPPXQLW\LQ$QGPD\HDFKRIXVUHDOL]HDVZHORRN WKURXJKWKHVHSDJHVWKDWZHDUHDOODSDUWRIVRPHWKLQJVRPXFKPRUHVLJQLÀFDQWWKDQZKDWDQ\RQHRIXVFRXOG do alone. 7KDQN\RXIRUZKDWHDFKRI\RXKDVGRQHDVDSDUWRIZKDWZHDUHDOOGRLQJWRJHWKHU´HGXFDWLQJDQGHPSRZHUing people in the largest urban slum in Central America”. Grace and peace, Bill Cummings Lemonade International ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU _$118$/5(3257www.lemondadeinternational.org /HWWHU)URP*XDWHPDOD'LUHFWRU I had an encounter with God a little more than 22 years ago…Wow, He is the responsible one, the one responVLEOHIRUWKHFUD]\DQGSDVVLRQDWHORYH,IHHOIRU+LP7RGD\,FDQKDYHDQHQFRXQWHUZLWK+LPHDFKGD\LQWKH people that surround me…He is in them, and in them I can love Him and feel Him. He loves me and teaches me through them. But His Word has injected in me a passion for the souls in need, and I know that He alone is the only answer. In the book of Hosea, we read that the people perish because of lack of knowledge… any type of ignorance causes disasters and we cannot just sit back while people die in ignorance. 7KDQN\RXIRUZKDWHDFKRQHRI\RXKDVGRQHGXULQJWKLVWLPH0DQ\SHRSOHFDQWDQJLEO\NQRZOLVWHQIHHODQG enjoy that God is with them, that He’s not a myth or legend, that He is a reality and that He is with them and for them (they can’t ignore anymore that they aren’t alone). When one does his part, and everyone is together and in harmony, we are complete in Him. I only ask that in prayer you keep seeking God and ask Him how you can continue to help. 7KHPRUHZHXQLWHIRUWKLVFDXVHWKHPRUHOLYHVZHFDQDIIHFW7KHUHDUHPRUHWKDQ people, and each one is important to God…and for that, important to us as well. 7KDQN\RXIRUEHLQJRSHQWR keeping the Body of Christ alive and active, to pay the price of service, to take time to listen to Him and to obey Him. Tita Evertsz Guatemala Director www.lemondadeinternational.org$118$/5(3257_ “2009: BY THE NUMBERS” 76 MEMBERS OF TEN2END 298 1 CHILDREN TEACHER SPONSORED SPONSORED 2,211 FACEBOOK CAUSE MEMBERS RECRUITED 16 SHORT-TERM GROUPS HOSTED 2 FULL-TIME INT’L WORKERS SENT 4,600 VOLUNTEER HOURS VALUED AT $93,150 2009 YEAR IN REVIEW 6HQWÀUVWWZRLQWHUQDWLRQDOZRUNHUVWRZRUNIXOO time in La Limonada - Leah Craver & Kate Dundon Created Facebook Cause 2,000 members - now with over %HJDQ DQG FRPSOHWHG H[WHQVLYH UHQRYDWLRQ project on Escuelita Mandarina where now over 150 children attend “Painting Lemonade” project in partnership with high school art students in Wake County, NC /DXQFKHG ´7(1(1'µ &DPSDLJQ SURYLGLQJ donors with an opportunity to give $10 a month to help end poverty, injustice, hunger, hopelessness and despair in La Limonada Established partnerships with Lifepointe Church 5DOHLJK 1& /LIH 2I +RSH -RSOLQ 02 %ULGJHSRLQW%LEOH&KXUFK+RXVWRQ7;9LQH\DUG FHQWUDO1RUZRRG2+)LUVW&RYHQDQW&KXUFK 6DFUDPHQWR &$ &LQFLQQDWL 2FFXSDWLRQDO 7KHUDS\,QVWLWXWH&LQFLQQDWL2+7UHH2I/LIH &KXUFK +DUULVEXUJ 3$ DQG 5LYHUV &URVVLQJ Kings Mills, OH _$118$/5(3257www.lemondadeinternational.org Held inaugural Fundraising Gala at Caffe Luna in GRZQWRZQ5DOHLJK1& :RUNHG ZLWK VWXGHQWV DW 1RUWK &DUROLQD 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ 5DOHLJK 1& WR HVWDEOLVK D /HPRQDGH International student group to raise awareness and support for the children of La Limonada Established fund and plans for a Carpentry Workshop WRWHDFKZRRGZRUNLQJVNLOOVWRH[JDQJPHPEHUVDQG to provide them with a viable means of making a living Began the research phase of establishing a faith community in partnership with the schools Friends and partners at Cincinnati Occupational 7KHUDS\ ,QVWLWXWH SURYLGHG D ZHHN LQWHUQVKLS program and continuing education opportunity to school psychologist, Priscilla Yool. 0RXUQHG WKH ORVV RI WZR VWXGHQWV IURP RXU VFKRROV 6RÀD%DOiQDQG'XOFH5LYHUD Provided bonuses for teachers, scholarships for high school students and shoes, backpacks and school VXSSOLHV WR RYHU VWXGHQWV WKURXJK RXU ´*LIWV 2I Hope” Christmas campaign LIFE IN LA LIMONADA - 2009: able e were w , y r a g and u to dru e In Jan l e u ig d M at sam to sen ab. Th h e r l o were alcoh o boys w t here is week h d by families ime t re sponso . During his sinUS ade a in the iguel m a folM , b a o be in reh ision t c e d e r ce us. of Jes lower From A b a h e R T o T o Ho Violent t Atta pe Miguel Sen ck Rona l - T each ing M ath l Schoo g n i t n Pare While the were ren in fu ll sw ovations cueli ing at ta Ma teach Esers h ndarina creat the ad to iv space e with the be very ir us e ods. and teach ing m of One of th ethsista e new nt te a creat a ively chers, R sonal, used board a ” in his c “blackto te ach m lassr oom ath. One o two f the m o o atten f the ch thers of il d attac our sch dren who ked b o with y her ols was a hus ma ting her s chete - band evera the h cutl e and c ad, on b times on o u ßQJH t off o th hands UV D ne o W f She now WKH NQX her empl FNOH serve o scho yee at o s as an ne o o f th hope ls and e is b t o ringin othe ashe g rs s of her p out of ain. Amarilis’ Chemotherapy & Surgery ents, th par s, n o m aunt Each rents, a p d n a se gr s (tho sending r o b h g nei or sible f hool) respon sc ts to n e d u t s enting d “Par e y d n e t at re the ” whe d and l o o h Sc age ncour rain up were e “t ed to p p he i u q e en in t ”. r d l i h their c y should go e way th Church Exploring A y Communit With the help of partners here in the US, we were able to pay for chemotherapy and emergency su rgery for Amarilis who was diagnosed with Endometrial C ancer. tion process The explora ing a church of establish da in La Limona community swing late began in full hat is now last year. W ommunidad de known as “C ) nity of Faith Fe” (Commu y” rwin “Short began with E time in Luna spending ty with the the communi ls d the schoo teenagers an e g to know th and by gettin . La Limonada families of www.lemondadeinternational.org$118$/5(3257_ 2010: A Look Ahead CARPENTRY WORKSHOP FOR GANG MEMBERS: Plans are in place and startup funds have been raised to launch a carpentry workshop for gang members to learn a trade that will provide them with a viable means of supporting themselves and their families. Our hope is that this program will serve as a model for other vocational programs that will be added in the future. in La Limonada. Our team member, Donnie Long, will serve as the House Director, and will also host short-term teams who will be guests in La Limonada for a week at a time throughout the year. GH9LGDµ/LIH*URXSVZLOOEHWKH focus of the church in La Limonada. EXPAND BASE OF MONTHLY PARTNERS NATIONALLY: Our “50 6WDWHV,Q'D\VµFDPSDLJQLV RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT OF IRFXVHGRQH[SDQGLQJRXUEDVH RESCUE HOUSE/FOSTER HOME of partners who provide monthly FOR CHILDREN IN CRISIS:7LWDDQG VXSSRUWWKURXJK&KLOG6SRQVRU- her team have been taking children into their homes for the past IHZ\HDUV7KLVKDVEHFRPHXQVXVLAUNCH MICROFINANCE PILOT tainable and has placed a limit on the number of children in crisis PROGRAM: We are working in situations they are able to take in. partnership with Fundacion Micros We are very passionate about this D0LFURÀQQDFHLQVWLWXWLRQLQ*XDWHPDODDQG&DUROLQD0LFURÀQDQFH and have begun with a research and development phase of estab,QLWLDWLYHDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI1RUWK lishing a “rescue house”/”foster Carolina at Chapel Hill to establish home” that will serve to provide a pilot program for ten borrowers a loving home environment in the in La Limonada to start or grow a short-term and long-term for chilsmall business. A group of four studren who have been abandoned, dents majoring in Economics and WUDLQHGLQPLFURÀQDQFHZLOOEHLQ/D abused, neglected or who’s parents are unable to care for them. /LPRQDGDIRUDVL[ZHHNLQWHUQVKLS program this summer to help move this initiative forward. CHURCH COMMUNITY - “COMMUNIDAD DE FE”:7KHFKXUFK MISSION HOUSE FOR INTERNS community is moving forward in La Limonada with a full-time pastor & GROUPS: We have secured a along with a part-time assistant. home in Guatemala City that will Pastoral care through home visits KRXVHXSWRVL[LQWHUQVZKRZLOOEH and home gatherings, or “Grupos working full-time with the schools _$118$/5(3257www.lemondadeinternational.org VKLS7HDFKHU6SRQVRUVKLSDQG 7(1(1'2XUQH[WVWHSZLOOEHWR empower others to raise awareness and support for the people of La Limonada - by encouraging key partners to lead regional fundraising and awareness-raising events in their local areas. EXPAND ORGANIZATION & CHURCH PARTNERSHIPS: We cur- rently have partnerships at varying OHYHOVZLWKVL[RUJDQL]DWLRQVDQG FKXUFKHVLQWKH86:HZDQWWR H[SDQGWKDWJURXSWRLQFOXGH VROLGRQJRLQJSDUWQHUVKLSV7KH transformation we seek for the La Limonada community will require WKHFROODERUDWLRQDQGH[SHUWLVH RIPDQ\TXDOLÀHGDQGSDVVLRQDWH SHRSOHQRWVLPSO\RQHRUJDQL]Dtion or group of people working on its own. FINANCIALS: ZDVRXUÀUVWIXOO\HDUDVDUHJLVWHUHGF1RQ3URÀW2UJDQL]DWLRQ2YHUWKHFRXUVHRIWKH\HDU ZHKDGRIUHYHQXHDQGRIH[SHQVHV$ODUJHPDMRULW\RIWKHVXUSOXVZDV carried over to January of 2010 and transferred to Guatemala for our “Gifts Of Hope” campaign. Here LVDEUHDNGRZQRIRXUH[SHQVHVIRUDQGRXUSURMHFWHGH[SHQVHVIRU EXPENSES BY CATEGORY Program Expenses 2009 Actual 2010 Projected /D/LPRQDGD3URJUDPV +XPDQLWDULDQ5HOLHI &RPPXQLGDGGH)H *URXSV0LVVLRQ+RXVH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO:RUNHUV Total Program Expenses $229,424.69 $417,050 Administrative Expenses $32,694.51 $38,500 Fundraising Expenses $25,825.42 $27,500 Total Expenses $287,944.62 $483,050 2009 EXPENSE BREAKDOWN BY PERCENTAGE: www.lemondadeinternational.org$118$/5(3257_ /HWWHU)URP%RDUG0HPEHU :KDWDJUHDW\HDUWKLVKDVEHHQ,WLVH[FLWLQJWRVHHVRPDQ\LQGLYLGXDOVFKXUFKHVDQGRWKHURUJDQL]DWLRQVMRLQ WRJHWKHUWRVXSSRUWWKHZRUNEHLQJGRQHE\7LWDDQGKHUWHDPLQ/D/LPRQDGD/HPRQDGH,QWHUQDWLRQDOLVVWLOOD \RXQJRUJDQL]DWLRQ:HKDYHDORWWROHDUQ%XW%LOO&KHULHDQGWKH/,WHDPKDYHGRQHDPDUYHORXVMREDQGKDYH come so far in a very short period of time. It is a privilege for me to be able to play a small role in supporting and encouraging their work. 7KDQN\RXWRHYHU\RQHZKRKDVFRQWULEXWHGLQVRPHZD\:KHWKHULWLVWKURXJKUHJXODUJLYLQJRQHWLPHJLIWV VHQGLQJVXSSOLHVRUWDNLQJDVKRUWWHUPWULS\RXUVDFULÀFHLVDEOHVVLQJWRDSODFHDQGDSHRSOHZKRGHVSHUDWHO\ need it. :HKDYHPXFKZRUN\HWWRGRWKLVQH[W\HDUDQGLQWKH\HDUVWRFRPHDQG,DPPRUHKRSHIXOWKDQHYHU*RGLV so good, and there is no stopping His children when they embrace His plan and join Him in His work. 6XKHUPDQRHQ&ULVWR Ray Strecker Lemonade International Board Member Pastor of Compassion Ministries 9LQH\DUG&KXUFK1RUWKZHVW Cincinnati, OH _$118$/5(3257www.lemondadeinternational.org “ ´,ZHQWWR/D/LPRQDGDP\ÀUVWPLVVLRQWULSHYHUWKLQNLQJWKDWRXUWHDP was going to be able to shower the people there with so many blessings DQGWHDFKWKHPDERXWWKHORYHRI&KULVW$OWKRXJK,·PVXUHZHGLGVRPH JRRG WKHUH ZH ZHUH WKH RQHV WKDW ZHUH VKRZHUHG ZLWK EOHVVLQJV )RU PHSHUVRQDOO\LWFKDQJHGWKHYHU\HVVHQFHRIZKR,DPDQGZKDW,QRZ YDOXHLQP\OLIHµ- D. Perry ´:H ZHUH RQ D KRPH YLVLW WR D KRUULEOH KRXVH ZKHQ 7LWD WRRN D GDUN SLHFH RI SDSHU DQG FRYHUHG WKH WRS RI D ERZO ZLWK LW DQG VDLG WKH ERZOZDV/D/LPRQDGDDQG WKHSDSHU ZDV OLNH WKHGDUNQHVV RYHU/D /LPRQDGD 6KH WKHQ WRRN D SHQ DQG VWDUWHG WR SRNH KROHV LQ WKH SDSHU DQG VDLG HYHU\ WLPH ZH SUD\ ZH SRNH D KROH LQ WKH GDUNQHVV RYHU /D /LPRQDGD , KDYH QHYHU SUD\HG WKH VDPH VLQFH WKHQµ - J. Langston ´(YHU\WLPH , KDYH JRQH WR /D /LPRQDGD , KDYH KDG P\ KHDUW RSHQHG XS PRUH DQG PRUH WR WKH UHDO PRYHPHQW RI *RG·V KDQG LQ WKH OLYHV RI WKRVHSHRSOHDQGZLWKLQP\RZQOLIH,WLWDZKLUOZLQGRIKHDUWDFKHSDVVLRQODXJKWHUWHDUVVPLOHVDQGKXJVDOOZUDSSHGXSLQXQEHOLHYDEOHORYH 7KHUHLVQ·WDGD\WKDWJRHVE\WKDW,GRQ·WFORVHP\H\HVWRÁDVKEDFNWR ZDONLQJ LQWR WKH FRPPXQLW\ EHLQJ ZHOFRPHG E\ WLQ\ DUPV RI KXJV DQG NLVVHVDFFRPSDQLHGE\DVHQVHRIZKROHQHVVWKDW,KDYHQHYHUIHOWDQ\where else.” - S. Wisher ´7KHIDFHRI&KULVWLVSUHVHQWLQWKHZRUNWKDW7LWD·VWHDPLVGRLQJLQVHUYLQJ WKHSHRSOHRI/D/LPRQDGD,KDGDQRSSRUWXQLW\WRZLWQHVVWKHUHPDUNDEOH RSSRUWXQLWLHV WKDW /HPRQDGH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO LV SURYLGLQJ WR WKH FKLOdren in the largest urban slum in Central America. I am a better person EHFDXVHRIP\H[SHULHQFHDQGFKDQFHWRVHUYHµ- A. Marshall ´7KHSHRSOHLQ/D/LPRQDGDUHPLQGPHWKDWKDYLQJ¶WKLQJV·LVQRWZKDW PDNHVXVKDSS\LWRQO\OHDYHVXVZDQWLQJPRUH¶WKLQJV·6RZKHQ,WKLQN RI/D/LPRQDGD,WKLQNRIYHU\SRRUSHRSOHWKDWGRQ·WKDYHPDQ\¶WKLQJV· EXWKDYHVRPXFKWRWHDFKXVDOODERXWZKDWWUXHKDSSLQHVVDQGORYHUHally is.” - E. Langston ´%HLQJLQ/D/LPRQDGDZDVWUXO\DOLIHFKDQJLQJH[SHULHQFH,WSURYLGHG WKH DELOLW\ WR JHW DZD\ IURP P\ FUD]\ DQG GHPDQGLQJ HYHU\GD\ OLIH DQGWROLYHIRUHYHU\PRPHQW/D/LPRQDGDLVDYHU\GDUNSODFHEXW*RG LVWUXO\ZRUNLQJWKHUH(YHU\GD\,NQHZ*RGZDVJRLQJWRGRVRPHWKLQJ LQFUHGLEOHDQGDOO,KDGWRGRZDVEHSDWLHQWDQGZDLWIRUWKHPRPHQWWR witness.” - J. Perry “If you spend yourself on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday” - Isaiah 58:10 www.lemondadeinternational.org$118$/5(3257_ 2009 Team, Volunteers, Interns Boards & Special Thanks STATESIDE TEAM: Bill Cummings Cherie Cummings Leah Craver GUATEMALA TEAM: 7LWD(YHUWV] Donnie Long Kate Dundon Monica Yool Damaris Yool Priscilla Yool ,QJULG$ORQ]R Kimberly Aroche Dulce Cicaja Güichita Flores Naty Fuertes Marcos Fuentes 0DULHOD*RPH] <ROL,[WDEDODQ Celica Juracan (UZLQ´6KRUW\µ/XQD 6RÀ0DMXV Gloria Menchu Yoli Prado 9HURQLFD4XLHM 0DLULWD5DPRV -DQLQD5RGULJXH] 5RQDO5RGULJXH] +LOGD6DQFKH] /HRQRU6DQGLJR 0DULD´&KLQDµ6D\ 6RÀ6FRÀHOG 0DUFRV6RVD 9HURQLFD6RVD 1RUPD9HOL] Katy Yool $QLWD;LORM Dan Hoffman April Butler ,QQD6LQNHY\FK VOLUNTEERS: Maria Elena Angel Williams Elysia Langston %HWKDQ\6WUHQJ -XVWLQ6WHZDUW (YD6DUULD0L[WHU INTERNS: .HUU\6PLWK 5HEHFFD*DQW BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Bob Buse Darian Colbert 5D\6WUHFNHU BOARD OF ADVISORS: 'DPRQ5HLVV Jay Johnson Jeremiah Griswold Joe Walenciak 5LFN*URYH SPECIAL THANKS: $PLVWDG)RXQGDWLRQ5RJHUV$5 %DFN7R7KH%LEOH&KXUFK2DNZRRG7; %ULGJHSRLQW%LEOH&KXUFK+RXVWRQ7; BuildaBridge - Philadelphia, PA Carterville Christian Church - Joplin, MO &KULV:DOXN:DNH&RXQW\6FKRROV5DOHLJK1& &DUROLQD0LFURÀQDQFH,QLWLDWLYH81&&KDSHO+LOO&KDSHO Hill, NC &LQFLQQDWL2FFXSDWLRQDO7KHUDS\,QVWLWXWH&LQFLQQDWL2+ 'DQ6NHUELW]&3$6WDQÀHOG2·'HOO7XOVD2. (VWUDWHJLDGH7UDQVIRUPDFLyQ*XDWHPDOD&LW\*XDWHPDOD H7DSHVWU\*UHHQÀHOG,1 (YHUJUHHQ&KXUFK5DOHLJK1& Fairview Christian Church - Carthage, MO )LUVW&RYHQDQW&KXUFK6DFUDPHQWR&$ )RXQGHUV%DSWLVW&KXUFK+RXVWRQ7; )ULHQGVKLS%DSWLVW&KXUFK0RQWDOED7; *UDFH&HQWHU)UDQNOLQ71 Iglesia Bautista Camino Al Cielo - Los Angeles, CA -HVVLH.UXVH1RUWK&DUROLQD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\5DOHLJK1& -XDQ&DUORV8UUHD*XDWHPDOD&LW\*XDWHPDOD Life Of Hope - Joplin, MO /LIHSRLQWH&KXUFK5DOHLJK1& 5LYHU2I/LIH&KULVWLDQ&HQWHU%DOWLPRUH0' 5LYHUV&URVVLQJ&RPPXQLW\&KXUFK.LQJV0LOOV2+ 8QLYHUVLW\%DSWLVW&KXUFK+RXVWRQ7; 9LQH\DUG&HQWUDO1RUZRRG2+ :RUOG0LFUR0DUNHW81&&KDSHO+LOO&KDSHO+LOO1& 'HVLJQE\'HQLVH:HDYHU www.deniseweaver.com